stupidsheepdog · 11 months
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they kissed after this BELIEVE ME
I forgot to post this
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desperate-daydream · 2 years
little Peter and the Ravagers
I recently discovered Ravagers-family and now you’ll see some brainrot I’m having through this. Here are a few headcanons that I have, especially featuring baby Peter (yes, I’m calling an eight year-old a baby).
Peter - after some time when he starts to trust the crew more and more - starts to be his clingy self and is usually seen either grabbing someones hand/ jacket/pants or being carried around on their backs/shoulders. They argue doing so because it’s practical to not loose the little Terran that can get in trouble and hurt either him or others easily, even when it’s often Peter who initates the rides by just climbing up his newest victim. After some time it becomes routine for them and - even though they would never admit it - they grow fond of the wild and clingy Terran who seems so mesmerized by everything he sees and is allowed to try out. 
addition: Peter was just a child when they got him from earth. The emotional effect of losing his mom - the person he loved the most -, the easily overcoming exhaustion that kids can get after a day and his body as well as mind needing to get used to his new suroundings lead to him being tired quickly and eventually falling asleep. When that happens one of them - usually Yondu, Kraglin, Yullk or Oblo - picks him up rather carefully to carry him around until he wakes up or they can put him into bed. 
Peter is a wild and loud boy. When he gets a tiny bit older and more comfortable he starts running, jumping and dancing around the ship setting everyone else into a state of terror that the little Terran could dash around a corner at any moment with no care about them, crazy moves and a high singing voice. And it’s even worse for them - or that’s what they say at least - when he tries to get them to join his dancing and singing. He got almost everyone he asked to do it except Yondu who just gave him the usual look of don’t you even dare everytime he tried. But when he was sure no one was looking he sometimes allowed himself to move his leg, hand or head to the rythm (Kraglin actually saw it from time to time but swore for his own safety to never mention it). 
speaking of Kraglin, he somehow becomes something like a brother to Peter. Some think it’s because he looks a bit like a Terran too or because he’s one of the seemingly youngest crew members or because he is in the closer circle of their captain and therefore also Peter who hovers around Yondu a lot - but they never know. So for whatever reason, Peter elected him as one of his most trusted people on the ship and much to the other’s dismay he also becomes Peter’s partner in crime. They pull a lot of pranks that more often than not also happen to be dangerous for themself too - especially considering the not very happy reactions of the other members on the ship. Yondu sometimes scolds them a bit but usually he views it as not his problem but rather something that his men have to work out themself (he also can’t get himself to properly punish the little Terran so he decides to not even try it and get suspicion). 
here comes a headcanon of mine (actually it’s confirmed and canon in the comics) that Peter’s bisexual. He didn’t have the full impact of earth’s shitty society regarding that topic but there was still much he had already experienced which had made clear to him that liking other boys was something he wasn’t allowed to do - like his classmates laughing at the two boys who held hands or his uncle scoffing at the young couple in the grocery store. So when he is a teenager and first grasps the reality of what he’s feeling (and what he’d basically known for much longer when he thinks about it) he tries to ignore it, surpress it and never ever mention it because if it’s seen that bad at earth how bad is it in space. He doesn’t know how this group of aggresive out-laws that became his fairly chaotic family react to something like this. He’s scared at first, stops dancing and singing so much because it might be suspicious when he thinks about it, but that’s when he also starts paying more attention to the others. And he sees Kraglin flirting with literally everyone in that club they are crashing at and those two Ravagers that are clearly more than he’d thought when he hadn’t looked at them that observanlty before. He calms down when he gets more and more clues that they in fact don’t give a shit about that topic. He still isn’t sure if it’s just at the Ravagers like that or if actually most of space is more open than earth. However he eventually starts letting lose again, dances and sings, makes comments and also flirts with who he wants. 
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m3n0ss · 2 years
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olddraw of my orblos avatar
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seekspatharc · 1 year
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having been living on earth for at least 10+ years, corvus has felt that his schedule has settled down enough to the point that he could have some animal companionship. after doing his proper research and what, corvus purchased two husky puppies from reputable breeders; a black and white husky with blue eyes and a sable-colored husky with brown eyes.
he named the black and white husky after tullk and the sable-colored husky after oblo, both of them were close friends of his during his ravager days.
both of them are house-trained and corvus makes sure that the both of them get plenty of exercise and playtime, even occasionally taking them out of the city to explore more of the countryside or go somewhere with more cooler weather.
considering they’re huskies, their shedding is considered legendary and corvus always tries to maintain their upkeep ( and he knows a spell or two to keep his clothes dog-hair free )
tullk and oblo are trained to obey certain commands, mostly so they can walk around without the need of a leash in areas that allow dogs to walk around without them.
when he sleeps, sometimes they tend to sleep on him, so people have stumbled upon two full-grown huskies just laying on him. corvus doesn’t mind for the most part.
they’re huskies, they can be loud and when they sing the song of their husky kind, corvus always makes sure to soundproof the room and he offers ear plugs if out in public.
both tullk and oblo are always up for pets and cuddles, they rarely distrust people, but when they do, corvus knows something is up.
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designmiss · 9 years
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Casa nascosta nel verde: un sogno che diventa realtà https://www.design-miss.com/casa-nascosta-nel-verde-un-sogno-che-diventa-realta/ Vivere in una #casa nascosta nel verde, dove trovare riparo dallo stress…
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seekspath-arc · 6 months
listen, even if you are not injured or sick, if you're just feeling down and need some comfort, tullk and oblo are up to the task fmdsgdlsmfklds
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pulsarwrites · 1 year
having been living on earth for at least 10+ years, corvus has felt that his schedule has settled down enough to the point that he could have some animal companionship. after doing his proper research and what, corvus purchased two husky puppies from reputable breeders; a black and white husky with blue eyes and a sable-colored husky with brown eyes.
he named the black and white husky after tullk and the sable-colored husky after oblo, both of them were close friends of his during his ravager days.
both of them are house-trained and corvus makes sure that the both of them get plenty of exercise and playtime, even occasionally taking them out of the city to explore more of the countryside or go somewhere with more cooler weather.
considering they’re huskies, their shedding is considered legendary and corvus always tries to maintain their upkeep ( and he knows a spell or two to keep his clothes dog-hair free )
tullk and oblo are trained to obey certain commands, mostly so they can walk around without the need of a leash in areas that allow dogs to walk around without them.
when he sleeps, sometimes they tend to sleep on him, so people have stumbled upon two full-grown huskies just laying on him. corvus doesn’t mind for the most part.
they’re huskies, they can be loud and when they sing the song of their husky kind, corvus always makes sure to soundproof the room.
both tullk and oblo are always up for pets and cuddles, they rarely distrust people, but when they do, corvus knows something is up.
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ladytalon1 · 2 years
Trying desperately to finish what I’d originally thought would be a short Guardians fic about Yondu and Nehlann accidentally getting married… I’m on page 15 and it has gone so far off the rails, I can’t even see the track anymore.
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I just randomly felt like drawing and posting a comic about Oblo and Kyle. Nobody has hair on Oblo's home planet, so seeing Kyle's hair is a very interesting experience. Then Oblo thinks it can eat the hair.
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starlxghtss · 4 months
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Even more doodles about Peter's interactions with the Ravagers during his time growing up on the Eclector.
Not everyone there has crossed the young boy's way with kindness but those who did were definitely 'Yondu's inner circle', say Oblo, Kraglin, Tullk, Gef and the captain himself. (we all know those guys liked Peter more than they'd admit... :D)
And in this I emphasized their height difference to the boy by different hand movements AND got to practice drawing hands in various positions, for example Yondu proudly ruffling Peter's hair, Oblo playing and fooling around with the kid and nice Ravagers putting their arm on his shoulder. (it all just comes down to nice little details like this :3)
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Comfort Food (Young Peter Quill & Yondu Udonta)
A/N: This is one of several completed Yondu fics I wrote a few years ago and found sitting forgotten in a folder on my laptop a couple of weeks back, and I'm slowly making my way through them to get them all posted eventually. I'm not going to do much editing (just a glance-through to find glaring typos), and I feel like my writing has improved since then, but hopefully they'll be enjoyed. :)
Summary: A young Peter Quill has recently been abducted by the Ravagers and is struggling to come to terms with the meal options.
Warnings: I don't think there are any, but if I've missed one, just let me know.
Yondu didn’t see much of Peter at first after he brought him to the Eclector. As soon as Kraglin let go of him, Peter took off running and no one saw him for hours. Tullk eventually heard him crying in one of the storage rooms and immediately reported it to Yondu, who ordered food to be set outside the room occasionally, though it was never touched.
After a few days, Yondu was making one of his many trips past the storage room when he realized the boy was standing just inside the door instead of hiding behind the boxes in the back of the room.
Yondu stopped walking and stared at the Terran. Peter quailed a bit at the formidable sight and started to back into the room again, but stopped when Yondu spoke, though he flinched at the tone.
“Why ain’t’cha eatin’, boy?”
Peter took another step back and shook his head.
“What’s wrong? Can’t ya talk? I ain’t believin’ I got a Terran that can’t talk. Guess it’s a good thing I ain’t keepin’ ya fer yer talkin’.”
Peter’s brows constricted. “I can so talk!”
Yondu raised a brow. “What else can ya do?”
“I can do lots of things!”
“That right? Well, how ‘bout answerin’ my question.”
Peter looked down at the tray and made a face.
“My food ain’t good enough fer ya?”
“What is it?”
“It’s food. That’s all ya need ta know.”
“It doesn’t look like any food I’ve ever seen.”
“Well, ya ain’t seen much.”
Something in the bowl chose that moment to splash around and Peter yelled as he backed up a little more. “It… it moved!”
“Course it did. It’s better when it’s fresh.”
“I’m not eating that.”
“Then I guess yer gonna starve.”
Peter’s eyes filled with tears.
Yondu wasn’t used to tears and didn’t know how to deal with them, so he decided to handle it the same way he handled his crew. “Yer gonna eat it or yer gonna starve. Ain’t no other options.”
“Can’t we go to the grocery store?”
“Tha grocery store?”
“Yeah, that’s what… what my mom did when we needed food...” He trailed off quietly and looked at the floor as his hand moved to his Walkman on his hip. Yondu didn’t think Peter even realized he’d done it.
Yondu was decidedly uncomfortable at this turn of the conversation. “Ain’t no grocery stores ‘round here.”
A tear slid down Peter’s cheek. “Where… where are we?”
“We’re on our way to Morag.”
“Where’s that?”
“Near Xandar.”
“Where’s that?”
“Listen, boy, I ain’t got time fer no geography lessons.”
Peter looked at the floor again, and Yondu sighed. “We’ll go ta Xandar. They got some shops that sell Terran stuff. Maybe we can find some Terran food fer ya.”
“What’s… what’s Terran food?”
“Food from Terra… where yer from.”
“I’m… I’m from Earth.”
“Earth, Terra, whatever.”
Yondu’s wrist communicator beeped. “What is it, Oblo?”
“About to land on Morag, Cap’n.”
“Change of plans. We’re goin’ to Xandar.”
“But Cap’n, I thought we’s goin-”
“I said change of plans! Get us to Xandar.” He disconnected the call and turned back to Peter. “Come on.”
Peter hesitated, then followed Yondu down the hall, giving the bowl with the still-splashing creature in it a wide berth.
As they walked to the store that sold Terran food, Yondu realized he had no idea what kind of food to feed a Terran.
He cleared his throat, then asked, “So whad’dy’all Terrans eat?”
Peter opened his mouth to answer, then stopped, his thoughts swirling. He realized he had a unique opportunity to never have to eat his least favorite foods ever again.
“Well, boy?”
“Oh, well, candy is the biggest food group. We eat it for most meals.”
“Candy, huh? What’s that?”
“It’s… it’s got lots of vitamins in it. Helps us kids grow.”
“Huh. What else?”
“Pizza is also good for us. And ice cream and chips.”
“Well, surely this shop’ll have some of that stuff.”
As they entered the shop, Peter made a beeline to the Terran candy. “This is the best stuff for us. Chocolate. Oh! And these, too.”
Yondu narrowed his eyes and Peter was afraid Yondu had figured it out, but Yondu only said, “I ain’t payin’ an arm an’ a leg fer all this, so ya better jus’ pick out what ya need. I ain’t stockin’ up fer a year.”
Peter released a breath. “Okay.”
Yondu turned to look behind him. “What’re these?”
“Oh, those are… um… vegetables. They’re… they’re only for special occasions. Kids only get them if they do everything their parents ask them to do. We… we don’t get them often.”
He tried to look longingly at the broccoli to sell his story, but found it hard to do.
“That right?”
Peter nodded.
“Well, we ain’t buyin’ no veg’tables today. Ya gotta earn ‘em!”
Peter tried to look disappointed. “Okay.”
“Here, get some more a these candy bars. An’ ya better eat ‘em all or I’m gonna… gonna eat’cha.”
Peter’s eyes went wide. He had no problem with eating the candy, but he was taken aback by Yondu’s threat. Surely he wouldn’t eat him… Little did he know that it would soon become Yondu’s favorite threat, along with “Ya better do what I say or there ain’t gonna be no vegetables fer ya!”
Peter filled his basket with candy, frozen pizzas (which would have to do until he figured out how to have pizza delivered to the ship), and several tubs of ice cream. Yondu picked up a few more candy bars, not wanting the Terran to starve.
“Oh! I need to get something to drink. Like, um, soft drinks and chocolate milk. Water is… bad for us.”
Yondu quit walking and stared at Peter. “Water’s bad fer y’all? That don’t sound right.”
“Umm… maybe not bad. But… uh… we shouldn’t have it too often. We’ll… um… get… water sickness.”
“Water sickness?”
“Yeah, it’s bad.”
“Well, jus’ don’t drink too much of it. I ain’t gonna be worryin’ ‘bout takin’ ya ta no doctor.”
“I won’t.”
“’Cause if I catch ya drinkin’ too much, I’ll eat’cha!”
Peter’s eyes went wide and he nodded.
Back on the ship, Peter was trying to distract himself from his current situation by sorting his new stash of junk food. The fact that he’d lost his mother and been taken from his grandparents and his planet hadn’t yet sunk in completely. He turned up the volume on his Walkman and opened a candy bar, his mother’s favorite, as he laid down on his jacket to listen to the music.
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:0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 loblolbbaolbobaololoalbalblao ab lboblo lboal ao albll lo lbl alb a l alboblbl a lol bo oblo ab l albobl ol ob bl l baoaoa lalbaalabaabla bloaol oo oo oo o o o o
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hjjhjhjgjhkghjkgjkhgkhj gkgjgkjhkgjhkghkgkjhk jgjh kjhgkjhkgjkhjgkjh gk hjkg j kh kg jhkjgkjhkgk jkjkgjkjhkgjhkgkjhkjh kghjgkhgjkgjkhjkgj hkgkghkhjkjgk
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notadelisii · 2 years
Oblo komsoyo vormocom. Sanki puru pak tertemiz
Temizlik onunla mi oluyo komiksin
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designmiss · 9 years
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Casa nascosta nel verde: un sogno che diventa realtà https://www.design-miss.com/casa-nascosta-nel-verde-un-sogno-che-diventa-realta/ Vivere in una #casa nascosta nel verde, dove trovare riparo dallo stress…
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seekspath-arc · 6 months
huskies are probably more quiet compared to the chaos of living in a ravager flagship
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spaceychaos · 8 months
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𝐦𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐤𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫 / 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝟒. one of the antagonists from game, krauser is a former soldier that once worked for the HCF and los illuminados. infected with the plaga, krauser now leads a private para-military group known as the spectre unit, which often deals with bioweapons
𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐦 / 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝟒. daughter of the former president of the united states, ashley was involved in a plot by the los illuminados, intended to be used as a tool in order to take over the united states and eventually the world. saved by leon, ashley decided to help others and worked for terrasave before deciding to apply to the BSAA and is now in-training to become a full-fledged agent.
𝐚𝐡𝐤𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐚𝐡 / 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐦. an ancient pharaoh, ahk resides at the museum of natural history and is the owner of the tablet of khonsu, also known as the tablet of ahkmenrah. as a result of the tablet's power, ahk and the other displays within the museum comes to life at sundown and 'dies' at sunrise. after the events of the first film, ahk now helps larry keep tabs on the museum's occupants and makes sure that everything runs smoothly.
𝐝𝐫. 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐯𝐮𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐜 / 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥. a former space pirate, corvus is a medical doctor ( self-titled and self-taught ) who once resided primarily in space. after a tragedy that deeply affected who he was at the time, corvus travelled around before finally settling on earth. he owns several clinics and is the happy owner of two huskies named tullk and oblo. if you need a patch up and don't have the funds, no worries, he got you.
𝐡𝐚𝐥 '𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧' 𝐞𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡 / 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬. creator of the metal gear rex, otacon got caught up in the events of shadow moses and now works with snake, also known as david, to track down and destroy metal gears. after the events of mgs4, otacon and snake enjoy some peace together while raising their adoptive daughter, sunny.
𝐫𝐚𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞 / 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥. rae is the physical personification of the reality stone, one of the six infinity stones that were created not long after the birth of the universe. billions of years old, rae has seen and experienced many things throughout the universe and rarely intervenes. she just recently woke up after napping for roughly 800 million years and is eager to see what has happened since her last bout of travelling across the universe.
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just to give the deets since the carrd is forever a work in progress fdklsglkdsmfds.
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