#oblivious darling
You now what I think would be kinda funny
It dragona had a Darling that was super oblivious and treated Jodio like a best friend
Jodio wants to come with them to the amusement park? SURE the more the merrier, he is there during a stay at home date, let's order a pizza and watch a movies
Instead of being in the background of the pictures he is right in the front because reader put their arm around his shoulder and forced him to the front
Jodio was trying to be scary and now he had a best friend who drags him to social interactions everyday, he has no choice
(also I think it be kinda cute of oblivious!darling was a childhood friend to the siblings and that's why they are so used to Jodio)
That’s a great alternative too, oblivious darling sounds adorable here. I’m certain Jodio at a certain point shrugs, leans into it and joins in eventually of his own volition. There’s no need to really intimidate if you’re perfectly cool with dating Dragona in the first place (without being pressured). So you got that off your back (even if you never considered it an issue in the first place).
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hotnbloodied · 3 months
Hiiii can I request popular yandere classmate x oblivious reader, oh and can it be smut pleassee?
Thanks for your ask! I started randomly naming all my yanderes even if they are all one shots, I don't know if I want to keep it though. We'll see. This one almost fucking tore me to shreds, I might need a break after this. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Yan!Popular Boy X Oblivious Reader (!!SMUT!!)
!Warning! This post contains yandere themes and topics that may be uncomfortable to people who are sensitive to the topic, read at your own discretion.
CW: not proof read, yous/yours used, gn reader, there is SEX, sloppy lewd writing, yandere tendencies, reader is kind of silly here. (LMK if I'm missing anything.)
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It was the first group project of the year! You and three other people were going to be randomly assigned together to work on a research project about something or another. The first two seemed like nice people but the third was Atticus, your friends have talked about him before. Wasn’t he popular or something? When the group met face to face you finally understood why, he was funny, charismatic and quite the looker. Your group decided to meet up in the library and you thanked your lucky stars that it seemed everyone was working well with each other. The other two in the group knew each other and were friends so when one of them had to leave later on in the day the other one did so as well leaving you and Atticus the only ones in the group still in the library.
Without the other two here, people were more inclined to come by to say hi to Atticus causing him to get distracted, you didn’t care much honestly, you had work to do after all. You overheard a couple of the people who came to talk to Atticus talk about some sort of group karaoke and that he should join them. “Sorry guys, I’m still with my group partner,” he apologized. You looked up, “it’s all good, this is just the first day after all.” Atticus looked at you incredulously. “See? Even your groupmate thinks it’s fine. Join us, Atticus, the girls are asking for you.” Internally he was annoyed, he already said no and the least his groupmate could do was back him up. Were you really that stupid? Eventually though, he was able to convince them to leave him alone. But when he turned expecting to see you still sitting there you were gone. Your stuff was still here so he assumed you went to get more material to research.
Scanning over the library he spots you eventually, struggling to reach for a book on a higher shelf. He sighs and starts walking over to assist but it turns into a run when he notices that you’re about to get toppled by said books. He covers you from getting hurt and curses at himself because having books fall on him fucking hurts. “What are you doing?” He says sternly, “if you can’t reach something ask for help.” He gasps, some of his true self leaked out, his image of a prince type is over. “Dang I’m sorry, you’re right. No sense in getting myself hurt, thanks! By the way, are you okay?” Suddenly, his heart raced, he didn’t know why. It might have been the way you looked under him currently, or it might have been the way you accept his rough tone with you, but either way he was going to explore it, explore you.
The project goes by smoothly, you still hang out with Atticus since the two of you exchanged numbers due to the project. You found it really weird though, each time you hung out with him and his friends, his friends were never able to make it. You hope you’re not scaring them away. Little did you know that if anyone is scaring people away it’s Atticus. The more time he spent with you was like heaven but also hell. He loved spending time and learning new things about you but, fuck, why were you not picking up any of the hints and flirty signs he was giving you?! Like today when it was just the two of you again, you two were at the movies and he tried to get an arm over your shoulder. “Oh my! Are you cold? Here, you can have my jacket.” And wrapped him up in your jacket! Sure, being able to smell your scent was nice but that’s not what he wanted! To rub salt on the wound too, after the movies his friends spotted him and invited you two to join them and you ACCEPTED! “Oh sorry, were you guys on a date?” One of his friends asked. “Oh no, we’re just chilling! We’d love to join you!” You responded. He almost choked up blood.
He went to his last resort and feigned sickness. Worry etched your face and you apologized as you helped carry him away. He convinced you to go to his place since it was nearby and was a bit hurt that you agreed so readily, you were going to be in a private space with him after all. Arriving at his place you helped him inside, all the way to his room. As you wished him better and got up to leave he tugged your arm. “Wait a minute,” he says. “Hm? What’s up, need something?” He hugs you, “I… I need you.” Not sure what he meant, but feeling like he needed this, you hugged him and both of you stayed like that for a while. That was, until his lower half decided to act up. “Do you, uh, need help with that?” You ask, almost too innocently. His face flushed, “help with this…?” “Of course, a boner is a natural part of your body, you know. Though I also heard that boners don’t happen just because someone is horny though…are you horny?” Atticus felt the blood rush to his head, all he could do was meekly nod.
You were sucking on his member, he could tell that you’ve done something like this before but maybe not too often due to the slight hesitation you exhibited. Regardless though he never imagined you would have been so willing to do this for him, should he have asked sooner? The sight of your mouth wrapped so prettily around his cock, he wasn’t the type that was quick to cum but just because it was you doing this act on him he felt close. He couldn’t have that, so he grabbed your shoulder and urged you on to his bed. “Take off your clothes,” he instructs. You did as he told, he gulped, he wanted this for how long now? It felt surreal that this was real. He couldn’t help but use his hands to explore your body, groping, touching, feeling your warmth. Your breathing quickened, you weren’t sure why he was taking so long, his exploration of your body started making you feel needy. You were close to telling him to hurry but let out a yelp when he started to suck and lick on your chest. He worked his way down to your lower area.
“What are you doing? Is all this necessary?” You ask him. “Please,” he begged, “I just need this, won’t you let me?” You whimpered, this is good and all but all this teasing is something you aren’t used to. He sucked and tongue prodded you for a while, you said that you would let him do what he wanted but you wanted to release soon and his tongue wasn’t doing that for you. “Hey, uh– hnn!!” Before you could say anything more he inserted a finger then two into you, rhythmically finger fucking you. Making sure to brush against your g spot each time. You were so close and Atticus knew it, so he stopped making you whine even louder. “Why did you stop?” “Grind on my dick,” he ordered. Sluggishly you got up and did as he was told. “Don’t even try to insert before I allow you to.” So you rubbed your sensitive area against him, slow at first but even you can grow impatient and you’ve been that for a while. Your wetness making a mess and with your bodies grinding against each other a squelching sound reverberated through the room along with the heavy panting and moaning. “Soon please?” You begged. Atticus needed you badly as well so he pushed you down on the bed again and aligned himself before pushing in causing you to scream out from the intrusion. He jackhammered you silly, “fuck, fuck, fuck, please. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,” he chanted like a mantra, “I need you so bad.” What followed was one of the hardest orgasms you ever had. He unsheathed from you and quickly went to your face marking your face all over with his seed.
After a couple of beats you asked, “hey, uh, can I have some napkins?” “S-sorry,” he scrambled to his drawer and took out a box of tissues. After you cleaned yourself up you asked, “I’d like to borrow your bathroom.” He told you that it was down the hall. You took your clothes and left his room, when you came back you thanked him. “Well that was fun! I’m going to head home now. I’ll see you later alright?” And left. He was shocked, how fucking clueless can you be?? He was going to make sure you understood that you were his now and he was going to move heaven and hell to make sure that happens, his darling.
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coffee-and-tea-time · 4 months
Lovesick! Doctor x Reader
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ You need a proper care, Dear ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
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Hi, Coffee speaking! We both got a cold and I wanted to indulge a bit, I also got a little obsession with Lovesick! Wally ngl but I choose to start with the doctor expect me to write for a Lovesick! Patient soon
Hi, Tea speaking! We actually were also saying nonsense about humanized Pepsi (my favorite soda) and 7UP (Coffee's favorite) so yeah (why does my twin drool over a muppet?)
btw, this isn't edited due to Tea still being really sick, so do expect weird sentence structure/words or misspells, sorry in advance, just one twin absorbs all the intelligence in the womb and that was certainly not me/j
tw: this dude shouldn't be a doctor, yandere behavior, drugging, manipulation, kinda paranoia? , reader doesn't know anything is happening, written in you/yours (this is just fiction, I don't really know about medications I just research a bit to write this)
It was only a cold, you just need to go to the doctor to get the certificate and maybe some paracetamol and then leave, easy, isn't it?
As you walk in the hallways of the hospital you turn right, having a hard time trying to find yourself in this big hospital, but it seems like you were right, as you bump into a doctor, your doctor.
"dear? What are you doing here? Here is no place to wander off!"
The panic in his voice is easily noticeable, as if you walk into a horror movie and choose to separate from the group without telling anyone.
“I’m sorry doctor, I just got a little disoriented here and there and ended up here..”
You don’t really get why he reacted like that, it's a hospital anyway, the worst thing that could happen is that you enter into an operating room but there is always a sign on them… I think?
“huh, I see Anyways, don’t worry, it's just that there is no place to wander around, let me guide you towards the other floor again. I will take you in right away, is that cold of yours keep bothering?”
“Yeh, it’s seems like everyday it’s getting worse, I don’t think I could be outside of my house too much without getting a bit dizzy”
You started talking about your recent problems because of your stupid cold that doesn't seem to faze away, the path to his consultory felt shorter than you could remember but well, guess it’s normal that happens when you're focused on talking, isn't it? You choose to just blame your mind and take a seat in the neat room as the doctor talks.
“Seems like the symptoms are getting worse… too much slowly”
“I’m sorry doctor, what did you say? I didn’t really catch the last part”
You say rather chill than you should, the first part was about your cold being worse, isn't it? Well, that’s true, kinda makes you wonder if it really is a cold but not wanting to sound like a hypochondriac, plus, the doctor is peacefully researching something in one of his drawers although you can't really see his face since his back is turned to you.
“Oh, I was just commenting how you are having a really rough time, I was thinking about giving you a different medication before it gets even worse. I would rather if you sit for a little, like 15 to 20 minutes before leaving after taking it, I’m really worried about you, you look lost in thought, it’s doesn't really appear like you are here with me right now…”
Well, what he says is right, your mind seems all over the place these days, good for you to have such an attentive doctor. He hands you a pill and a glass of water.
“This is Benadryl, it's just an allergy medicine, but can give some sleepiness. I ask you to sit and wait because of that, isn’t a real problem feeling sleepy but I want to make sure it doesn’t trigger your dizziness. I change the medication because I think you can have more of an allergy than a cold due to your symptoms that are also not fading away and even getting stronger, you see, it’s normal to find allergies or develop them as you grow..."
As he keeps explaining complex things, you just wonder what to blame if it happens to be the cause of an allergy as you take the pill with the help of the water. You two keep talking peacefully, as you wait for the time to pass, it seems like the doctor was right in seeing it coming that you were gonna get kinda sleepy. Does this doctor not have any other appointment or something?
“Well, and that's about it, any questions?”
You started to feel more tired, your head felt heavy, but well, the doctor warned you about it, so you try to ignore it and wait for it to just pass.
“To be honest, yes, but this is more out of personal curiosity, what was the floor where I was earlier before you found me? It was really empty for a hospital…”
… Are you moving or are things in the room suddenly alive? You get a little surprised and try to stand up to check your own condition without thinking about it though. You feel like you lost your balance, as if all around you is spinning, the doctor is fast to come beside you, ready to grab you if you happen to fall.
“Don’t worry about it, you couldn't see any people because it's a floor for rather special inpatients we deal with. Focus on you now, what’s your name? How many fingers am I holding up?”
You try to fight to keep yourself awake, yet before you could answer his questions, your vision went dark and you finally lost consciousness.
". . ."
He holds you so tenderly, avoiding your unconscious head to get hit and end up with a contusion or something like that.
“Rohypnol is really quick to act, huh? Don’t worry Dear, I will make sure you won’t need to deal with stressful stuff from today on, that would get you here in the end anyways, I’m just avoiding you some pain…”
He gently kisses your forehead before notifying through the phone in the room that someone fainted and will require admission to the hospital.
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
images from pinterest
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clownsuu · 1 year
when you post wallyhowdy content, its like i am the monkey rattling the bars of my cage and you are the kind biologist giving me a little treat
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Totally wasn’t listening to “It’s gunna be me” while drawing smh
cw a singular knife
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You’re honor, I’m obsessed smhh
also you can tell I’m still having a crisis on how I draw Wally MDHHFHDHDH
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screeblees · 1 year
Yandere ! Loser x Bully ! Reader Headcanons
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Yandere ! Loser is Male and Bully ! Reader is Gender Neutral
Omg???? After my last two posts I’ve gained over 40 followers???
Welcome and I hope you enjoy Yandere ! Loser!!
Also thought I’d let people know before they started reading that Reader is gender neutral since I saw a few posts about it :3
Find my Masterlist here !
Please enjoy<33
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❥ Yandere ! Loser who is first noticed by Bully ! Reader.
❥Yandere ! Loser who comes to the conclusion that Bully ! Reader has a thing for the cute quiet type and has developed a crush on him.
❥ Yandere ! Loser who in return for your perceived crush, becomes obsessed tenfold. He must show that your feelings are not unrequited, after all!
❥ Yandere ! Loser who had spent the majority of his life being alienated from his peers and overlooked by everyone despite his hard earned grades and now practically bathes in your attention (in comparison, at least).
❥ Yandere ! Loser who finds it hard to conceal his excitement when you’re rough with him; shoving him back, grabbing the collar of his shirt, kicking him, slapping him! It just feels too good… And don’t get him started on your degrading words, he might just break!
❥ Yandere ! Loser who feels his knees become weak, back shivering and a heat lighting in their lower stomach when you shove, pin or cage him against a wall or locker in an attempt to intimidate him. Your face being so close to his, allowing him to breathe the same air as you, nothing about the position is helping him retain himself. In fact, he suspects he may even drool sometimes when your threats are especially descriptive. He’s just so pathetic and desperate for you!!
❥ Yandere ! Loser who loves spending hours upon hours worshipping every blessing (read: injury or bruise) you generously bestow upon him, taking pictures with his polaroid camera and noting on the back where and when and most importantly how he received each one.
❥ Yandere ! Loser who loves visiting your home at night with his camera in hand, capturing you at your most peaceful - a state they would never see at school - and watching you wind down and relax after a school day. Every photo is plastered upon his bedroom walls, his favourite ones being closest to his bed. Sometimes he’s treated to a show late at night when you think no one else is around and all Yandere ! Loser can do is take pictures and drool into the hand covering his mouth. Those photos go in a special box under his bed.
❥ Yandere ! Loser who loves stalking your social media, making fake accounts to scroll and comment and know all your connections; your family, friends, potential admirers and those you admire. Along with downloading and printing any photos of you for his walls, stalking where you’ve been and where you’re going.
❥ Yandere ! Loser who constantly daydreams all about you, everything about you. Drooling over his fantasies of how life’ll go once the two of you graduate and are together forever without any classmates, teachers or parents to get in the way.
❥ Yandere ! Loser who gets jealous when you touch anyone but him, are mean to anyone but him, talk to anyone but him, look at anyone but him. What right do they have to your attention? No one but him deserves your affections.
❥ Yandere ! Loser who despite his scrawny, weak appearance, is rather cunning and knows how to fight dirty. He catches whoever attempted to steal you away from him by surprise and swiftly cut their throat, ridding the world of them quickly.
❥ Yandere ! Loser who sighs dreamily at the sight of you putting another bully in their place for trying to take your Loser. Right in the middle of him completing one of the many tasks you give him, too. They’ll be dead by midnight but he can gleefully enjoy your violence in peace for now, with a perfect view too. You might as well make your relationship with him official at this point as you’ve made it clear he’s off limits to everyone else!
❥ Yandere ! Loser who believes it to be clear to everyone around that he is yours and you are his. And he’s right, many have noticed the strange interactions between the two of you and have all collectively agreed not to get involved. Even if you aren’t fully aware, he’ll fix that soon enough…
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tiredsugarcube · 3 months
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Scaramouche finds you nothing short of irritating
All your undertakings and daily schedules that he himself personally fashioned to compliment his timetable to keep a watchful eye, the assignments he entrusted you with such as menial paperwork, keeping his staff in check, and personal lessons with beginning trainees, he finds himself irritated. Your manner of speaking, walking, and maybe even breathing irks him—no, the way you do normal tasks near other people is irritating. He cannot stand the fact on how you exude such a charming appeal no matter the work especially when you interact with anyone other than him, It puts him in a sour mood which unfortunately puts you in direct instability.
You can’t find the root of the problem, his bitter attitude has put a blunder on many pitiful subordinates and if you cannot find the root of the issue fast, all workers under him are as good as dead. As a way to find the causal issue of his anger, you decide to focus on his daily routine, unaware of some of the duties you have abandoned in pursuit of finding a solution. He sees your focus change to him, following and inquiring to his affairs, yes..he finds this more than adequate and his mood seems to significantly switch, not caring of the duties you have forgotten.
You see there are no issues on that day of observation, all workers are in a welcome mood and you are glad that the unknown issue resolved itself. You’re ready to go back to the usual schedule tomorrow!
Well good luck, though he finds you irritating, he should be the only person you irritate.
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the fact Darling gay panicked her way through this scene and Apple didn't really bat an eye
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the face of someone who doesn't understand why her "friend" keeps getting awkward around her but doesn't point it out cause its been going on since they were kids
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highlifeboat · 5 months
Stardust being asexual has to be the funniest fucking move they could have pulled with this game actually.
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darlingrini · 2 years
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Some doodles I did of Janie Doe x the LIs from #Crazy4YouVN // @crazy4youvn cause I love them very much and always wanted to doodle oblivious Janie with them heheheh u//w//u
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Wally Darling x Kaiju Reader One-shot
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Just a little scenario from my book;
"Wally's having an issue getting an apple from an apple tree, when much taller Kaiju-reader comes to the rescue"
Someone suggested it on my Wattpad.
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It was a warm, peaceful noon in the colorful neighborhood of Home. The sounds of birdsong and rustling leaves of the surrounding woods filled the air, and the sweet scent of flowers and leaves wafted in the air, which spread from the lukewarm breeze that blew through the town. Such pleasant weather brought out the residents out of their houses; Frank was out in search of butterflies to reasearch, Julie was out playing hopscotch with Sally, Barnaby was exchanging jokes with Howdy, Eddie was delivering his usual routes and Poppy was doing her usual baking.
Overall, like usual, everyone was enjoying themselves in the radiant sunshine.
....well... almost everyone was enjoying themselves.
"Oh dear..."
Normally, on a day like today, local painter, Wally would use a day like today for prime painting time, as the sun's light caught everything just right. He already had his canvas set up, with his art supplies out and ready for use. However, the canvas was not only blank, but the paints and brushes haven't even been touched, save for being set out. Even the stool he sat at was empty, as he stood a few paces away from it, his focus trained on something hanging overhead.
"Gosh darn it..." Wally muttered to himself, staring up at a plump, red delicious apple that hung on a sturdy branch several feet above him. For the past several minutes, he was struggling to get to the darn fruit, at first trying to reach it by standing on his stool, then tried to use a stick to dislodge it, and at some point even tried jumping on his stool to get it for himself.
Nothing worked.
The apple still hung there, swaying gently in the breeze almost tauntingly. He stared back at it, his usual smile strained in frustration, his hand brought up to his chin as he contemplated the high hanging fruit.
A dark shadow suddenly loomed over him, which didn't startle him, per-say, but it was sudden enough to snap him out of his deep thought. He curiously glanced over his shoulder and once he recognized the (color) pants and (color) shoes, he felt his frustration evaporate and replace itself with pure joy.
"(Name). What a pleasant surprise." He drawled in his usual placid voice, instinctively speedwalking up to you and hugging your shin. "Hiya, Neighbor. What brings you out here?" He asked, tilting his head back so he could look up at you.
You shrugged, getting onto one knee so he'd see your face better. "I was on my way to my usual sunning spot. I wanna warm up my wings." You replied, fluttering the (color) webbed wings on your back for emphasis.
"Sounds lovely." Wally's smile broadened slightly at the thought. He always loved how peaceful you looked when you sunned, with those magnificent, shiny wings of yours flared out. Oh, how he'd love to see them in action, but he's yet to see you take flight. He could only wonder how graceful you looked in the air. He had to remember to ask for a ride sometime. "...I wish I had wings."
You chuckled softly and gave him a friendly pat on the head, careful not to mess up his pompadour. "So! What brings you out here today, neighbor?"
Wally smiled peacefully. "Oh, you know me," Wally stepped off your leg, neatly lacing his hands behind his back and subtly rocking back and forth on his heels as he turned his head towards the side, towards his art set-up. "Just out doing some painting on such a vibrant day."
"Ah, I see." You smiled at the display, and turned back to him. "Well, what were you jumping for?"
Wally blinked. "Eh?"
"When I was walking by, I saw you were jumping on your stool here." You explained, matter-of-factly.
"You did?" Wally was a bit surprised, but tried not to show it. He swore that he was alone, with everyone back at the neighborhood doing their own things. He didn't even see you. How far away were you when he was doing that? He felt his face grow warm with modesty at the fact you managed to catch him in such a silly predicament. "I didn't think you could see that far."
You chuckled in response, pointing to your eyes. "I can see pretty far with these eyes."
"Oh I bet..." Wally murmured in response, his cheeks going from a vibrant orange to a vivid red as he locked his eyes with your brilliant slitted (color) eyes. He smiled broadly, tilting his head and smiling lazily.
"...I can see far into yours..."
You snickered softly at the comment, as you broke away from his gaze and idly looked up from the place he was hopping at and caught sight of the apple dangling on a sturdy branch just a few feet above him.
"Oh!" you let out lighthearted chuckle, reaching up and pulling an apple from its branch and held it in front of him. "Is this what you were trying to get?"
Wally stared at the offered apple for a moment, blinking a couple times. "I-I was." He affirmed somewhat awkwardly before silently taking the apple from your hand. "Thank you."
"No problem!" You placed a hand on his head. "If you need a hand with anything, don't hesitate to call me, okay?"
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Wally silently nodded, his smile not wavering.
You nodded back and slowly rose to your feet. "Watch out for my tail." You warned as you turned around, making sure your tail didn't hit the little painter as you sauntered back towards your sunning spot, unaware of Wally watching your tail's snake-like movement in the grass.
Wally stared in your direction for a moment, before looking down at the apple in his hands, his smile wide and dopey at the fact you had held it. He held the apple to his chest, humming at a warm feeling in his cheeks.
He looked back to his art set up.
He found his inspiration for the day.
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Admittedly, had a bit of difficulty trying to capture Wally's personality.
Anyhow, this is a bit slowburn, but if any of yall have more scenarios/one-shots, the asks are open.
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flamccinno18 · 1 year
I fear the day Walton discovers Chai
I don't think he'll find out... yet
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A goon/goonette is a person who is really addicted to naughty videos🟧⬛️
Goons tend to be male and goonettes tend to be female
Horny bastards.
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munacy · 2 years
Sorry this took so long everyone! AND THAT IT’S SO LONG. Here's Part 4!! Written for (I just tagged everyone who expressed interest in the continuation, sorry! I can totally untag you if you would like!): @stars-a-n-d-scars @shirablu @b-u-g-g-y @over-under-through1 @colgatebluemintygel @thebisexualswiftie @willow-paniking
Part 1: Ignorance
Part 2: Duck
Part 3: Anticipation
Prompts: lovesick, cupid, hate, darling, regret, affection, admirer, thirst
Peter loves James dearly, his most fervent admirer, even. But he must admit, he lacks something Sirius has in troves: the ability to be smooth.
In the midst of their plotting, the three of them hear Remus returning to the dorm, and Sirius hisses at James and Peter: "Quick! Laugh as if I've just said something funny!"
Remus opens the door to a laughing group of Marauders, looking charmed and slightly bemused.
"Moony! Come join the fun, we've been wondering as to your whereabouts," Sirius smiles at Remus in a way that Peter can tell Sirius knows looks handsome.
"Ha! Funny that, I was just looking for you in the Hospital Wing. We must have totally blown past each other."
"Yes, well, when you've got one thing on your mind...."
Remus huffs mildly. "And just what were you three giggling about?"
"Oh, y'know. Snogging," cuts in James, according to plan.
"Or rather, our piss poor first attempts at snogs."
"Ah yes, mostly we were laughing about Prongs' attempt at snogging Kashmir Anders in Fourth Year," Sirius smirks.
Remus chuckles. "That did go awry, didn't it? He's still got that little scar on his earlobe if you look close."
"Say Moony—" Sirius sounds decidedly casual, and Peter's hairs stand on end, "—Have you ever snogged anyone?"
This is it. Peter can feel it. This is when they solve the mystery of Remus Lupin's sexual orientation.
He grins slyly. "I've snogged my fair share, I'll have you know."
Peter can't take it anymore. Subtlety be damned; he's never had much patience: "But what was in their pants!?"
One could have heard a pin drop in that dorm, but the fury on Sirius' face spoke for itself. Oops.
Remus looks decidedly shy as he answers, completely misinterpreting the question, "Well, I've not gotten quite that far, Pete."
Peter could jump off of the Astronomy Tower.
"Oh, but that reminds me!" Remus starts animatedly. "Part of the reason I was looking for you, Pads, was about Hogsmeade this weekend?"
"It was?" Sirius replies, looking shocked and hopeful.
"Yeah! Funny coincidence, really, I've actually asked Kashmir Anders to go with me, but get this! She says she'll only come if you agree to go with her mate, Opal Hendricks. Did you know she's got a bit of a thing for you? Ah, but of course, everyone does," he chortles good naturedly.
Sirius looks aghast. James looks aghast. Peter doesn't know for sure what he himself looks like, but he's got a suspicion.
"...Why do you all look like that? Look, I know Opal's a bit—”
"I'd love to."
Sirius is regretting his entire life.
Look, my back was against the wall! he'd argued with James and Peter, who'd lambasted his idiocy. There was no good excuse for me to say no!
He thinks now that any excuse (can't, I'm going to do my own homework for the first time ever and my grandmother's scheduled to die this weekend) would have been better than voluntarily suffering this.
Opal Hendricks is clinging to his arm, and she's truly a vision: dark, curly hair, an even curvier body, and sleepy cornflower-blue eyes, and Sirius feels not a drop of desire for her. There are horrible little cupids, felt hearts, and red crepe paper all around them, even though Valentine's Day is two weeks past, and any sane business owner (which is mutually exclusive to owning Madame Puddifoot's) would have taken the blasted things down.
Far worse is the sight of Remus: he is wearing a fitted crimson turtleneck and a matching beanie with a silly pompom. It brings out the cursed copper tints in his hair and the honey flecks in his eyes. Where have the oversized, patchy jumpers gone? The ones that hide the broadness of Remus' shoulders. Sirius begs for the return of the jumpers. Sirius may faint soon.
And worse yet than all of that is Kashmir Anders. Kashmir, who is blonde and waifish, and soft-spoken, and wears adorable thick-framed glasses, and has legs up to her neck. Kashmir Anders, who is clever, and president of Charms club, and helped Remus master the Banishing Charm.
"Aren't you going to pay any attention to me?" mutters Opal sullenly.
Kashmir, who has absolutely no decency, hanging on to Remus all day, and has kissed his neck no less than two and a half times in this shop alone. Kashmir, who is being called darling by stupid, idiotic, Remus Cunt Lupin.
"Darling, have you figured out what you want yet?" says Remus a little tiredly whilst rubbing his face. The shopkeeper has been by a few times now, with an increasingly impatient "I'll come back later" spoken each trek.
Sirius decides he hates Kashmir, whose greatest sin, if Sirius is being truly honest with himself, is being indecisive at restaurants. But even so, the hate has boiled away all of the rationality in Sirius' brain. He stands before he realizes what he's doing.
"I cannot believe you're calling someone darling, who, who can't pick between a ham sandwich and a, and a fucking tuna melt!" Sirius hisses, pushing his chair away roughly with a great clatter.
As he leaves the suddenly silent tea shop, he recognizes that that was not one of his better slights, but he feels good about it all the same.
The feeling does not last long before the horror sets in.
Remus is having a strange moment.
It's not unlike the moment he often has a few minutes before the moon turns him: intense clarity and perception, like a reprieve, just before he's enveloped in madness.
Sirius' increasingly tense, then outright rude comments to Kashmir this entire trip into Hogsmeade.
Sirius' angry, yet lovesick expression as he left the table.
Sirius fussing over him after the Full. Sirius making sure he eats three meals a day. Sirius' friendly touches, special, and warmer than anyone else's. His overwhelming affection for Remus, bleeding into everything he does.
James' and Peter's knowing looks.
It suddenly clicks, and Remus is left baffled.
"So," says Opal, sounding incredibly bored, "s'pose he fancies you, then, Lupin?"
Remus can feel his expression morph into an incredulous smile.
He feels like he's been crawling by his fingernails through a dry, burning desert, and it took setting a glass of ice cold water in front of him for him to realize that he's been dying of thirst. He feels like an idiot.
"S'pose so," he replies, sounding inappropriately calm. "Ladies, I am truly sorry. You are both devastatingly lovely, and this is the height of rudeness, but I'm afraid I have to go now."
Kashmir sniffles, looking forlorn. "So, d’you—do you fancy boys or girls?"
"Darling, I think that's besides the point," Remus murmurs distractedly, already inching for the door. "Clearly, I fancy Sirius. A discussion about anyone else is moot."
Moments later, Sirius spots Remus tracking his footprints in the snow, and takes off running.
Remus is much faster than him.
He tackles him into the snow, gasping, "You silly sod, look how short you are! Obviously I'm going to outrun you!"
Sirius sputters and scowls, still trying to squirm away like an angry, feral cat. "I am THREE INCHES SHORTER! Look, why don't you piss off? I'm embarrassed enough as it is!"
Remus laughs. Then he kisses Sirius. It's a clumsy thing, with Sirius fidgeting underneath him, and he only gets half of his mouth, but Sirius stills in shock.
"I didn't know," Remus says breathlessly, eyes bright. Then, he kisses Sirius again, hard, like a stamp, like a confirmation. "I didn't know." He laughs again.
"What didn't you know?" asks Sirius wonderingly, like he's been Bludgered.
"I didn't know the way you felt. I didn't know I felt the same way," he answers solemnly.
Sirius sniffles, smiling, cheeks red like apples.
"God, Remus, you're so ignorant."
They spend the rest of the day in Hogsmeade hand-in-hand. Every so often, Sirius becomes insecure and wonders aloud if Remus is just doing this out of pity, like when he pretended to like chess for Peter's sake. Remus responds by kissing him obnoxiously and crowding his space. It happens often enough that he begins to suspect Sirius is doing it on purpose to get snogged. Remus finds that he doesn't mind either way.
Later, they find James and Peter, who are screaming with triumph and delight. Remus grins at them.
"You two are fucking idiots. ABBA? Really?"
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screeblees · 9 months
Hello! I love your work!! Can I please request a really lovesick yandere who starts killing people to try and get their best friend/crush to get scared and rely on them more, but their darling is so stupid they don’t even bother to think it could happen to them and isn’t affected at all by the murder spree their yandere is on?
I feel like that’s be amusing to watch.
Lovesick ! Yandere x Oblivious ! Reader Headcanons
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Hi! Thanks soo much!!
I love this request and I really hope I did it justice!&lt;3
Sorry it took so long to answer, been quite busy over the holidays but wanted to get something out for New Year's Eve!
Lovesick ! Yandere is Gender Neutral and Oblivious ! Reader is also Gender Neutral
Find my Masterlist here !
Please enjoy!!<33
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❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who has been your Best Friend for so long at this point that they think you’re practically in a relationship.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who always thought you were a little clueless and were happy to wait for the day you notice them romantically just as they had done the first time you called them your Best Friend.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who realises they have to take matters into their own hands and be a bit more forceful once you begin dating in high school, whilst they turned down any confession sent their way.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who begins simple, manipulating convincing you to spend more time with them, come with them to that place you wanted to go, do that activity with them, not whoever you were briefly with.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who stalks you on every single date you go on, and snaps whilst watching you on your most recent date as you let whoever you were with kiss you.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who realises whilst watching one of your favourite horror movies together that fear, trauma bonding and such scenarios always bring couples together in movies and so it should work on you, too.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who wants with all their being for you to come running to them after hearing about each murder, terrified of the big bad killer and the only thing able to comfort you is being enveloped in a hug from them, with your head tucked into their neck as their arms wrap around you, their words and touch the only safe space after everyone else you know is dead or missing.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who begins their killing spree with those in your classes who can’t seem to take a hint from your Best Friend’s possessive hand placements every moment they’re with you, and instead lets their words become a little too friendly.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who wants to build the stress and anxiety in you, and have you break in their arms as the string of murders slowly get closer and closer to you, socially.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who has long since had a list of people close to you, containing every touchy classmate, and useless ex, as well as your friends both distant and close to you. All arranged in order from how close they are to you, and crossed off as they all begin disappearing one by one.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who initially plans not to hurt your immediate family… unless they - for some reason - suspect your dear Best Friend and try to force a larger gap between you than the one they were trying to fix in the first place, then your loved ones won’t be so fortunate.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who thinks that you just didn’t see the news or pay much attention to your surroundings, they already knew you could be pretty oblivious at times.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who overhears a conversation between you and their next target, said target bringing up the increasingly violent murders, sharing their fears, whilst all you have to say in reply is a dismissive “Oh yeah, I heard about them,”.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who decides to ask you for themself one night while having a sleepover, “Aren’t you worried you could be next?” the police had officially announced it being a serial killer that day, “Me? Nah,” is all you had to say, too invested in the activity of your choice. Confused, your Best Friend probes further, “But…don’t you know all the victims personally? What if the murderer is someone close to you?” You shake your head dismissively, “No way, it’s definitely a coincidence,” you say without a hint of sarcasm, completely unbothered.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who plays with the idea of having you come across a body, to really shock you and make you realise how real what’s happening is, and how close it is to you.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who can’t quite understand your intense denial of your relation to the murders, are you trying to avoid the topic? Maybe to stop yourself from breaking down? 
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who was surprised one night on a call with you where you brought up the topic first this time, complaining about your most recent group project partner going missing because now you have to do it all by yourself. 
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who took the opportunity to spend time with you and be your replacement project partner despite not taking the class it’s for, remaining confused at your flippancy in bringing up the “tragedy”.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who can’t decide in the end if you’re really this oblivious (stupid), or if you know and just don’t care. Although they do fantasize at the thought of you secretly knowing that your Best Friend is the one behind everything and feeling safety in knowing that this is all for you. Either way, your Lovesick ! Yandere is elated.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who loves you all the more despite your confusing reactions and ruining of their plans. All they want is every smidge of your attention and you to be as obsessed with them and their safety as they are with yours. It all makes you more lovable, though, like a big dumb puppy.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who continues with their killing spree despite it not having a direct effect on you as they quickly found it discouraged those around you - those that are left, at least - to begin avoiding you as people started collecting the dots and spreading rumours. Nobody else approaches you anymore, not that you seem to notice though, too busy rambling to your Best Friend.
❥ Lovesick ! Yandere who is just as pleased with this outcome as the one they had been aiming for when they started their rampage. All they had really wanted was to become the centre of your world once more...
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grubus · 9 days
me: alright I'm going to give "Genius Archer Streamer" a chance, even if I bet it will be the same old same old. Guy down on his luck, becomes rich, cool and confident with a harem or something. But also I'm a sucker for archery stuff, so-
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me, now, holding him in my hands: baby boy. son. my darling.
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bringing a “dead anime mom” vibe to the cat café
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