#objectified fishtank
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airytificer · 4 months ago
i got a new device to draw digitally on yipee!!!! except it almost ran out of battery while i was drawing this lol,,
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SAFETY TUNNEL SURVIVORS!!!!! they were such wasted potential for such interesting designs and characters just saying.. i'm still pissed about episode 62 by the way. i could rant about how much of a piece of overpowered obnoxious shit that razor is and go in absurd depth about these characters who half of you don't even know the proper personality of them buuuut i'll spare tumblr the 10 paragraph post. i am the #1 razor objectified hater
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gardenofeden5457 · 4 months ago
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something is brewing
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stampernoa · 4 months ago
can you do fishtank and sticker sheet stamps please i beg i need them my little goobers,,,,,,,,,,
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scruffedknife · 4 months ago
can you draw the dumbest possible looking fishtank and sticker sheet together from objectified pretty please they're my goobers///////
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oscconfessions · 4 months ago
i cannot STAND razor from the objectified comics, and i don't know how people find her interesting or likeable. probably same with how people won't understand that i hate her with all my being, but whatever.
why is razor half-wolf half-bear? makes literally no sense other than plot convenience, probably.
the safety tunnel survivors are practically disabled people, by the way. i wanted to point this out because if you're born as a person who is extremely prone to damage and harm to yourself to the point that you have a program dedicated to making sure half of your life isn't spent on dying and respawning, then that technically counts as a life-long disability.
razor is killing off disabled people and an annoying, intimidating classmate over the simple thought that her poor best friend is gonna be harmed (who is literally already dead at the time of the main comics, by the way). The safety tunnel survivors shouldn't be immediately killed off almost as soon as they are introduced, they feel like an unnecessary obstruction.
fishtanks are NOT delicate objects. he shouldn't have been killed off first. fishtank glass is dense as fuck and you're telling me that this "eyes turn red and i use my intimidation ability to scare off my enemies" half-wolf half-bear oc can just break it in one hit??
A literal demon, alligator and BLUE RINGED OCTOPUS should be able to actually do some damage to a half-wolf half-bear and not just them immediately being intimidated and poor sticker sheet pissing themselves because razor has so much plot armour that these background character antagonists are going to keel over so fast. not good that doomed world part 2 comes out on my birthday too, and there is little to no art of safety tunnel survivors whatsoever
gum should run away from razor before she goes evil mode on her for whatever reason that relates to her best friend
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swaps55 · 4 years ago
I don't know which of them you did already, so please pick substitutes for those you have already or simply write more OR give us a short scene instead of an answer (there can never be enough of those, right?). :) Sam/Kaidan otp ask 3 (please please please write a scene for Kaidan complimenting Sam in a not work-related way!) 12, 14, 19, 28. Pretty please.
OTP Asks
Ask and ye shall receive! Have some Kaidan complimenting Sam: 
Shepard comes out of the shower still dripping and toweling himself off, unable to stand still long enough to do it in the bathroom in the same way he wanders around the entire cabin while brushing his teeth.
His current state of undress more than makes up for the wet footprints he leaves in his wake. Not often Kaidan gets to just
stare at him this unabashedly. So he puts the datapad he’d been reading in bed on the nightstand and does exactly that.
When Shepard abandons the towel on the railing by the fishtank and looks up, the deep thought lines on his brow soften, replaced by something almost
“What?” he asks, making his way down the stairs.
objectifying you a little,” Kaidan says, lips curving into a smile. He’s not even bothered by the abandoned wet towel that’s slid into a heap on the floor.
Ok, he’s a little bothered.
“Objectifying me?” Shepard says in mock dismay as he digs out a clean pair of briefs and tugs them on. Not many people get to see the Savior of the Galaxy nearly trip and fall putting on his underwear. “But I thought you loved me for my charming personality.”
“That, too,” Kaidan concurs, still staring as Shepard rummages for a shirt.
“Forget the shirt,” Kaidan tells him. “C’mere and let me just
revel in you a little.”
Shepard hums, a little bit of pride mixing with the flush in his cheeks. He slips into bed beside Kaidan, deliberately rumpling the sheet to rest below his waist. Kaidan’s smile deepens as he rolls onto his shoulder, props on an elbow and lets his fingers wander across Shepard’s chest.
“You seem awfully enamored with me tonight.”
“Can you blame me? You’re breathtaking.”
Shepard preens a little under his touch. “Such flattery. You won me over a long time ago. Hardly need to keep trying so hard.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Kaidan murmurs softly, stroking his cheek with a finger. “Look at you. I could tell you every day for the rest of your life how beautiful you are, and it wouldn’t be enough. Also, you wouldn’t believe me.”
“Probably not. But I won’t
discourage you.”
“Okay then, I think I will.” He leans over and kisses him, soft, slow, unbearably tender. “You’re beautiful, Sam.”
Kaidan huffs, tracing Shepard’s eyebrows with a thumb, thrill running through him as Shepard gazes back at him. No shield emitters. No opaque mirror. Right here, right now, all he sees in those eyes is Sam.
“You know,” Kaidan muses, “I used to be intimidated as hell by that stare of yours.”
“Yeah. The way you just
look at someone like you’ve speared them to a wall.”
“I find it helps me get the information I want a lot faster,” he says with a lopsided smile.
Kaidan chuckles. “Well, it works. ‘Cause when you turned it on me I was terrified.”
Shepard sobers. “Kaidan, I never—”
Kaidan cups his cheek with a hand. “Those eyes
you read people in a glance. I swear it’s like you look right into their soul. I was always scared you’d look at me and
His brow creases. “See what?”
“That I never wanted you to look away.”
Shepard traps Kaidan’s hand with his own, expression raw.
“You’d smile at me and I’d see the sunrise. That rush of static I get from your field feels like coming home. I hear your voice and know I’m safe. I
I love you, Sam.”
“I love you, too,” Shepard whispers.
He pulls Kaidan down into another kiss, and it’s a long time before he lets go.  
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airytificer · 4 months ago
here's just. a variety of creations me and my partner (@zickzad1002) made in a whiteboard.
uhh tiny fishtanks are baby fishtanks. wwe were playing skribbl.io and that just got created. for some reason. baby safety tunnel survivors objectified. i can't not share this inside joke with the world (also razor's there buuuuut she's kind of drawn more like a pissed off rabid dog than an oh-so-scary eyes turn red bear-wolf hyrbid creature demon
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gardenofeden5457 · 4 months ago
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airytificer · 4 months ago
baby fishtank objectified
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airytificer · 4 months ago
i just remembered that someone in a reblog of 1 of my posts was curious on my take on razor because of my safety tunnels sruvivor post. the one that is actual art of the STS. so uhhh sofry tumblr i'm not sparing the 10 paragraph post because this singular person was curious. you know who you are
apologies, dear razor fans, she is simply insufferable and i am a hater. proceed with caution there is so much text
firstly, her existence makes no sense, how in the WORLD is she a hybrid bestial if the "child logic" chart from pushpin and fossil exists. how is anyone in her pack a hybrid bestial. like are they going to explain that because if one has a child via either spawning stone OR respawn terminal they. aren't hybrids. or usually even the same animal as their parents?? how does razor's pack even exist??? explanation pls?? please don't tell me that she's a wolf-bear hybrid for plot convenience i beg.
other than that, razor also feels a little unreasonably aggressive for someone who is 23. even her packmates don't seem like the type of people to immediately threaten a random person's life because her silly little best friend is fucking dead and they also have nothing to do with it. Actual Grown Woman i tell you, even if she was raised in the forest. her packmates. are better.
speaking on aggressiveness, she is also violent. unreasonably. she hunts survivors; she is omnivorous. gum points this out. razor mutilates a citizen because they wouldn't give directions to a respawn terminal. she has killed fuzzball's classmate because they were "intimidating" her instead of like, idk, being reasonable and indirectly helping fuzzball's school situation. fuzzball didn't even want her to be killed but razor passes it off as like "oooh but it sounded like sheee wanted to kill youuuu" girl you KILLED HER and LIED to YOUR mother so YOU wouldn't get in TROUBLE AND YOU GOT ANOTHER PERSON KILLED AND EATEN IN THAT PROCESS. and fuzzball just goes "maybe you did a good thing" THEY COULDN'T EVEN GET THE HUSK BACK OH MY GYFOSFSUDGGG.
i need an entire paraggraph dedicated to razor and the safety tunnel survivors im so sory
the safety tunnel survivors' situation is dire, their literal only choice to stay completely safe is camping around in the tunnels and eating people. other food sources? probably all consumed by now and they would risk their lives dearly (they are DELICATE OBJECTS mind you, just adds on to the risk even just with the parasites) by going outside. ("it's our only food source" -lava lamp) "those people can't defend themselves" NEITHER CAN THE FUCKING DELICATE OBJECTS. THEY HAVE TO BE COWARDLY OR THEY WILL DIE. they probably know that it's unethical, but they would also have 0 clue on if this apocalyptic event will ever end so what's even the point of worrying about those people's families from their perspectives? it's hopeless for them. sure, wanda COULD go outside to get food. she is a trained assassin. BUT WANDA IS BLIND. THE RISK IS STILL FAR TOO HIGH IN THIS SITUATION. echolocation probably isn't even good enough to avoid parasites (they're so tiny dude)!!!!!! and especially the lage-stage events where the parasites are doing backflips through ways of infecting people. echolocation makes noise and attracts assimilated objects. also, RAZOR IS UNNECESSARILY POWERFUL WHEN KILLING THE SURVIVORS. razor can break A FUCKING FISHTANK, WHICH HAS REINFORCED GLASS, JUST BY ROARING AT HIM. and then she just fucking one-shots the other guys and figuratively dies. why? because they mentioned chowing down on her already-dead best friend. ooo this was TOTALLY just to show off delirium symptoms oghmyfshgjhj. girl this is what i mean by the delicate objects can't even defend themselves.
dragonscale can breathe fire because she is a demon. why can't sticker sheet paralyse and kill razor using his incredibly toxic venom, he's a blue ring octopus, right? LAVA LAMP IS ALSO A DEMON, WHY CAN'T SHE ALSO BREATHE FIRE? oh sorry forgot that the main characters aren't allowed to die sorry plot armour hahaah i hate everything
warhammer, a lawless king, is her father and it genuinely kind of makes her sound more like a mary sue oc because of that. i find it a litle funny.
most of my hate stems from the safety tunnel survivors stuff. it drove me a biiiiit insane. i hope the person who reblogged my post is happy with this.
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airytificer · 4 months ago
the motivation to draw this fuckn goobers goes crazy
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i made this drawing because i love stickertank and wandalamp seperately but also that one chester tumblr post vvv
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fucking stickertandalamp. remind me to never draw front facing fishtank ever again
i invented stickertank i'm the inventor i can't believe my first invention is a ship of two characters who didn't even get a proper identifiable personality i'm ashamed in myself
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airytificer · 4 months ago
do you guys fw this
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their favourite albums ^^^ this is mostly because of my headcannon that wanda listened to the scary jokes lol
(sort of struggled with lava lamp. i feel like she wouldn't listen to duvet though even if it is in the twilight album)
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airytificer · 4 months ago
I LOVE THESE GOOBERS SO MUCH 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 oh my gourd its still a wip 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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