#obi wan fan fic
palfriendpatine66 · 11 months
I am new, and I don't understand your helloween prompt challenge can you please explain
Absolutely! It’s super simple - or at least that’s the goal. Any one who wants to write a short story for the prompt Obi-Wan finds a window that lets him see the dead on the other side can be a part of the event. Write a fic under 1000 words and post it to the the Obi-Wan Halloween 2023 Prompt Challenge collection on ao3. That’s it! There’s no other restrictions. Have fun with it and take it wherever you want to go!
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Right now the collection is “unrevealed”. Works that have been submitted currently show as "mystery works" available soon. You can submit your fic anytime between now and 10/31. On Halloween the works will all be revealed so that we have a collection of spooky Obi-Wan fics to read. I’m not a Halloween person, so this is my contribution to the day. I’m sure there will be as many cool, different takes as there are contributors, and I’m excited to see what everyone comes up with!
I hope this answers your question! If not, feel free to drop another ask - I’ll do my best to clarify!
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mostthingskenobi · 2 years
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Just wanted to let you all know I’ve been working on some new fics that will be coming out in 2023 :) I can’t wait to share them with you!! I’m particularly excited about this Obi-Wan story. I’m not 100% thrilled with the title A Jedi’s Grief but I can’t come up with anything better. Hit me up if you have any suggestions 😂 
I've been writing this for quite some time. It’s a story about Obi-Wan’s life after the events of Phantom Menace. He’s back in the Jedi temple trying to teach and train Anakin while dealing with his own grief about Qui-Gon’s death. This is an exploration of grief, so…yeah it’s a heavy fic. But I throw Quinlan Vos into the mix to counterbalance Kenobi’s seriousness. I have really enjoyed writing Quinlan. He’s delightful. Also... it will not stay heavy.
My friend @starwarsite​ did the art you see posted here! This is a crop of the larger image, just a little teaser for you. It's so wonderful I can't even begin to tell you how much I love it!! She captured the moment from chapter one so well 💜 Thank you again for doing this for me, my friend!!!
I’ve posted the first two chapters on my Patreon along with the full image. Our Jedi Knight and Jedi Master tiers get access to all my fics before I release them publicly (and they get goodies that come with the fics like this piece of art). If you enjoy my work, please consider becoming a Patron. I would love to be able to write and produce our podcast full-time.
And please don’t worry, I have no intention of gatekeeping my fics. They will always be available for free both here and on AO3. My patrons simply get early access. I’m not trying to be a jerk about writing fics ♥️
Sending everyone love! I hope your 2023 is off to a good start.
- Most Things Kenobi
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prahacat · 7 months
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when the horrors catch up and you take an evening off to batch-process
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nolouvreart · 12 days
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Take me home where I belong I got no other place to go
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4 Times Cody Felt Obi-wan Use the Force, and 1 Time it Was Someone Else
This is the first time I’ve published a fic! But I got very excited for Cody day and quickly finished up this little wip I had going.
Rating: T to be safe, Cody gets pretty injured at one point, but nothing is very graphic.
Light Codywan, about 4,900 words.
I’m very new to this, please let me know if there’s anything I should be tagging!
Rex, Cody decided, was a liar. Rex had fought on Geonosis. He claimed the jedi were astonishing warriors, brilliant strategists, excellent all around. 
Well, maybe the problem wasn’t Rex’s integrity. After all, he hadn’t met his general until after the Battle of Geonosis. And he had never met Cody’s for that matter.
Not that High General Kenobi wasn’t an astonishing warrior, brilliant strategist, or seemingly excellent all around kind of guy. Just…Skywalker had gotten it somewhere, and “somewhere” was starting to sound a lot like “Kenobi.”
The original plan had been solid. Cody honestly couldn't have improved upon it. The problem had come when the charges went off early, cutting off their narrow rock bridge back to the Negotiator and stranding Cody and the general on the other side. 
Technically that wasn’t the general’s fault. But if they had left a few minutes earlier…
“I’ve got an idea.”
Cody’s musing was interrupted by the general, who was staring off the edge of the cliff into the mist. 
“The canyon leads back around to the rendezvous point, it’s just a few kliks further.”
Cody stared at him. He couldn't really mean–
The general looked up serenely. “We’ll have to jump.”
Cody peered down into the mist. The ground was not visible. “Sir, we have no idea how far down it is.”
“It’s perfectly alright Commander. Just a slight detour.”
Sensible, Rex had said. They’re good leaders, they think things through. Cody was never listening to a word his brother said again. 
Blaster fire sounded somewhere behind them. Kenobi smiled. “Now or never, Commander. I’ll go first, wait about 10 seconds and then jump.” 
Before Cody could protest, he was gone. Kriff. His general had just committed suicide rather than be taken by the enemy and expected Cody to follow. This couldn’t be what the Kaminoans meant when they said good soldiers followed orders. What the kriff! 
“Jump, Commander!” The general’s voice floated up from below, almost like it was too far to be heard properly. Had he even heard it at all?
A full platoon of droids appeared behind him. Cody glanced at them, weighed his options, cursed his short existence, his general, and Rex for good measure, then jumped.
He plummeted through the mist, tense, waiting for the crunch of his bones against the rocky floor. But before he could reach the bottom, the air seemed to condense around him. It was as though time slowed down. The mist thickened, and it nearly felt like he fell softly into a net, like he was still in drop training. Something felt familiar about it. Like someone he knew, or–
The mist cleared and there, a few feet below him was General Kenobi, hand outstretched and brow furrowed in concentration. Gently, he lowered Cody until his feet were on the ground, and the strange feeling surrounding him dissipated.
Kenobi grinned. “See? Perfectly fine.”
Cody could only nod vaguely, slightly stunned. “Yes….ah, sir.”
“Now come on, we don’t want to keep our men waiting, do we?”
Cody smiled, and despite his bucket still being on his head, it felt like Kenobi knew. “No, sir.”
Cody jolted awake, his comm blaring. It was his off shift, and they were slow traveling through neutral space. What could have possibly happened in the few short hours he had to sleep? He scrubbed a hand over his face and glanced to his left, where his chest plate was floating next to the lumpy pillow from—
Hang on. 
Suddenly very awake, Cody surveyed the room to discover that something had happened to the artificial gravity on the ship and he was now floating in the middle of his quarters surrounded by his own armor and meager belongings. 
Just great. 
I’m assigning every man in maintenance to latrines for a month if this is someone’s idea of a practical joke. 
Cody located his comm, floating a few meters away near the door. Angling himself that way, he kicked his feet and swam the best he could with his arms. After a few minutes, he managed to grab it and stop the infernal beeping. 
“Go for Cody,” he snapped. 
“Ah! Commander, sorry to wake you. We have a bit of a…situation.”
“You don’t say.”
He could practically hear the smile in Kenobi’s voice. “Yes, well, if you could meet me on the bridge?”
Cody rolled his eyes. “Yes, sir.”
Putting on his armor proved to be quite a challenge when all of it was floating in a different corner of the room. Cody ended up kicking off every wall, and the ceiling several times just to get kitted up. It took far longer than normal. Every time he wasn’t intentionally moving, he was drifting. 
Slapping the control for the door while speeding at it was probably not the best strategy, but luckily it opened before he could slam into it. Then Cody began the arduous task of propelling himself to the bridge. Eventually he settled into a bit of a rhythm: kick off a doorway or wall, attempt to “swim” the right direction, then give up and desperately flap about until the destination was reached. Rinse and repeat. 
The way to the bridge passed the mess hall, as well as several busy corridors. He passed brothers who seemed to be moving with ease through the space, tumbling slowly through the air, gliding from one doorway to the next. He passed Waxer and Boil as he flailed his way past the mess, both of whom took one look at him and burst out laughing. 
KP for a week shut them up quickly enough. 
When the bridge was finally in sight, Cody had just about had enough. The door slid open to admit him, presenting one of the strangest things he had ever seen. 
The bridge was the picture of order. Officers floated near their work stations, calmly anchoring themselves with one hand or foot tucked into a chair or railing. As he watched, an engineer pushed off the central holo table and soared gracefully to the hyperdrive console, inputting numbers from above with ease. 
At the center of it all, floating upside down with his robes billowing around him like a flower, was General Kenobi. When he saw Cody, gripping the doorway for dear life and gaping beneath his helmet, Kenobi smiled and lifted a hand, beginning to slowly turn himself upright to his usual spot on the walkway. 
Cody gave himself a little shove, aimed for his typical spot next to the general, and crossed his fingers. 
“Good to have you, Commander. As you can see, we got into a minor skirmish with a passing neutral envoy. We came to a temporary truce, but I’m still in discussion with them to see if they will continue to attempt to blow us out of the sky. One of their shots knocked out our artificial gravity.”
Cody was struggling to keep himself near the general. His initial push had gotten him nearly where he wanted to be, but he was drifting forward. He tucked in slightly, trying to roll himself back.
“I would like your opinion on a plan of attack should it be necessary. Over half the battalion is on rest right now, and I’d hate to rouse them.”
His roll had failed. Now Cody was drifting upwards to Kenobi’s right, slowly turning away from him. Letting out a frustrated groan, Cody attempted to twist himself back to rights. 
“One option would be to— Cody?”
“Sorry, sir. Give me a minute.” He renewed his twisting efforts with more vigor. How was Kenobi staying in one place when— oh. The kriffing force. “General, uh. Would you mind—?”
“Oh! My apologies Cody. Yes, one moment.”
A light, warm pressure materialized at his right hip, then his left, and he began to turn to face the general and drift down to stand next to him. It was almost as if someone had put their hand– no, not someone. Kenobi. It was most definitely Kenobi’s hands resting comfortably at Cody’s waist, and now anchoring him to the floor. He turned to look at the general, and found his face much closer than expected, eyes seeming to bore right through his visor.
Cody felt his face heat under his bucket. “Uh. Yes. Thank you, sir.”
The general cleared his throat. Was it Cody’s imagination, or was he blushing too? “Of course, commander. Can’t have you floating away, now, can we?”
Force-Kenobi’s hands stayed comfortably at Cody’s sides the rest of the battle, and Cody…found he didn’t really mind. 
His ears were ringing. Cody blinked, trying to clear his vision. What—?
There was a blast somewhere to his right. Instinctively, he tried to curl up to protect his head. Fire erupted across his left side, shoulder to knee, ripping a ragged scream from his throat. He flopped back onto his back, gasping for air. He must have been hit by a blast earlier. No way to tell how long ago.
A med speeder pulled up next to him, and Neat, one of their junior medics hopped off.
“Don’t worry commander, we’ve got you.”
Last I remember Obi– the general was by me. The thought sent adrenaline spiking through his veins, pain forgotten.
“The…the general, he–”
“He’s safe, sir, please don’t move.”
Neat began running a scanner down his side, but Cody needed visual confirmation on Obi-wan. Obi-wan. He had asked him to call him Obi-wan, alone in his quarters, just a week earlier. If something had happened to him before Cody could figure out—
Obi-wan came skidding to a halt next to their little party and dropped to his knees beside Cody. “There you are,” he panted. “Neat?”
Neat scowled. “He won’t lie still,” he griped, as Cody pushed up on his elbows to check if Obi-wan was hurt. “Sir, please—“
Finishing his once-over of Obi-wan (a few scratches and bruises but otherwise unharmed, unfairly he seemed to be glowing slightly in the setting sun), Cody finally let himself relax. “Sorry, Neat. Go ahead.”
As Neat did his scan, Obi-wan sent him a slightly reproachful look. “You took the brunt of the blast, Commander, not me. I’m perfectly fine.” He glanced at Cody’s side, brow furrowing.
The pain was starting to creep back, like several hot pokers lined up against his side. Cody leaned his head back against the ground. “Had to be sure. Couldn’t remember.”
Obi-wan frowned, looking even more worried, and the scanner beeped to indicate a finished report. 
Neat swore. “There’s a lot of shrapnel in his side. He’s loosing a lot of blood. I need to remove what I can to staunch the bleeding now and then get him back to base to get the rest out. Possibly put him in bacta.”
Cody was starting to get worried. He tried to look down at the wound, but Obi-wan stopped him with a gentle hand under his chin. “It’ll be fine, Cody.”
Cody. They’d agreed no first names during battle (though Cody wasn’t counting the sanctity of his own mind, the one thing that was truly his own), if Obi-wan was calling him Cody, it was bad.
“General, I’m going to start operating, I might need you to help hold him down.”
Obi-wan shifted, taking Cody’s right hand in his own and holding tight. “Ready.”
Cody braced himself, but when Neat first started prodding at his knee he couldn’t hold back the grunt, gripping Obi-wan’s hand and twitching away from the pain. Neat waiting half a second, then started back in. Every touch felt like a brand, or like the time he had picked up the wrong end of a smoking blaster as a cadet. There were tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. 
Obi-was rested his arm across Cody’s chest to keep him still.
Neat continued his field surgery. “This one’s in deeper. Take a breath, commander.”
Cody tried to do as he was told, but it was like a lance shot through his thigh. He bucked against Obi-wan’s hold, and Neat swore again as everything was jostled.
“General,” Neat pleaded. 
“One moment.” Obi-wan shifted, moving so Cody’s head was resting on his knees. “I’m going to try something different. Cody?”
Cody nodded, hissing through his teeth, trying to ride out the pain. He watched above him as Obi-wan closed his eyes, letting out a slow breath.
The strange sensation of the air solidifying around him that Cody was beginning to recognize as the force surrounded him. A warm feeling, like a heavy, plush blanket pressed down around him. Experimentally, he tried to shift his right leg, and found that aside from breathing, he couldn’t move at all.
It’s should have alarmed him. But the soft, warm feeling wasn’t suffocating…it was comforting. It felt familiar, like the net had, and the hands when the artificial gravity had been broken. Like he was wrapped in a blanket of Obi-wan, or his presence, or something. He vaguely registered Obi-wan telling Neat to continue. Obi-wan rested one hand on the side of Cody’s head, cradling his face, the other supporting the back of his head, and Cody let himself relax into the touch.
The pain was still there, in his leg, now moving up toward his hip, but it seemed…muted. He blinked up at Obi-wan, the picture of serenity.
If he could have, Cody would have jumped at Obi-wan’s voice in his head. But it just seemed…natural.
Yes, he thought.
Sorry, I should have asked if this was okay. I was worried.
It’s okay. It’s…nice, actually.
Neat had reached his side now, the familiar cool feeling of bacta covering his thigh. One tug made Cody flinch, and the force-blanket pressed down a little tighter, like he was wrapped up in a bedroll.
The warm, safe feeling was still present all over, but it was starting to condense in one spot, right at the base of his skull, under Obi-wan’s finger. A little bright spot, almost like someone had turned on a light in his brain somehow. It felt right though, especially in his slightly woozy state, so Cody didn’t question it.
Obi-wan and Neat were talking above him, but Cody couldn’t quite make out the words. That was alright, he thought. They would take care of him. Obi-wan said something that almost looked like “sleep.”
A nap didn’t really sound bad. Maybe he’d just shut his eyes for a few minutes. Obi-wan smiled down at him.
I’ll be there when you wake up.
And he was. Everything back to normal. The blanket-feeling was gone. But if Cody really concentrated, he could still feel that little spark in the base of his skull. The little spark that felt like Obi-wan.
At this point, Cody wasn’t even surprised when he and Obi-wan were separated from the rest of the men during the battle. This time, it had been a strange feeling in the force that Obi-wan had insisted on following, leading them through a strange cave system in the middle of the gigantic jungle that may have once been a temple of some kind. It had allowed them to sneak behind enemy lines and take out the tactical droid, allowing the 212th to finish the battle with relative ease, however, the feeling had also gone away quickly after, and Cody was beginning to think Obi-wan did not, as he claimed, remember the way back.
“The left tunnel. I’m sure of it.”
“Are you sure we haven’t been this way before, sir?”
“I thought we agreed on first names when we were alone, Cody.” Obi-wan set off down the left tunnel.
Cody snorted, but followed him, helmet clacking against his thigh plate where it was clipped at his hip. “We did. However we are technically on duty, and you’re being a stubborn bantha. Sir.”
Obi-wan turned with an expression of mock outrage. “Me? Stubborn? My dear commander, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Have you no faith in me?”
He gestured in front of them, and sure enough, there was finally light at the end of the tunnel. Cody just shook his head, smiling.
They emerged into the massive, muggy jungle and Cody immediately booted up his comm and nav, which hadn’t been working in the caverns anyway. The map of the surface he had downloaded popped up, with the little orange beacon marking their base. Several kliks away. 
“I thought we entered the caves just a klik from camp?”
Obi-wan frowned. “We did. Where are we now?”
Cody lifted his arm to show him. “You’re sure you didn’t get turned around in there?”
“Of course not, clearly the caves changed,” Obi-wan said primly. “Well, I suppose we could go back in.”
“Absolutely not. We are staying out here and following the route back. It’s the same distance, just with sunlight.”
They walked in companionable silence through the giant trees for a while, stopping every so often to check the map. They must have passed at least a dozen trees with trunks so wide Cody couldn’t see the other side before he broke the silence.
“Obi-wan, can I ask you something?” The other man nodded. “A little while back, when I was injured and you…helped Neat operate, I think something else might have happened.”
“What do you mean?”
“While you were…talking in my head, it started to feel like there was…a spot. A light? A little patch of warmth, right at the base of my skull. And afterwards, when I was out of bacta, it was still there. It is still there. At first I thought maybe it was something medical, but Neat scanned me again and said everything was normal. The more I thought about it, the more I tried to…interact with it, I guess, the more I realized…it feel like you. Like you inside my head somehow.”
Obi-wan looked pensive. “Fascinating.”
“Do you know what it is? It doesn’t feel harmful.”
They waded through a small stream, and Obi-wan offered Cody his hand to pull him up onto the far bank.
“In the Jedi Order, master and padawan pairs typically form a force bond. A link that lets them communicate directly with each other, often feel what the other is feeling, form a deeper relationship with that person. Usually, it’s only possible for someone force sensitive to form bonds.”
Cody pushed a branch out of their way as they climbed over some roots. He could see where this was going. “But clones aren’t force sensitive, so…that’s not what this is.”
Obi-wan hummed. “I’ve heard of a few rare exceptions. The force is in all things, Cody.”
After a few minutes, Cody worked up the courage to ask. “Do you feel anything? In your head?”
“It’s difficult to tell. I do feel quite strongly about you, but I can feel you externally in the force. I also have several other bonds. Anakin and I never fully dissolved our training bond, and I have a small bond with Ashoka as well. I have a different type of bond with Quinlan, and sometimes I can still feel the remains of my bond with Qui-gon. I suspect it would be easier to tell if we communicated through the force but you and I never seem to have the need,” he said, smiling gently at Cody.
Cody smiled back, and some of the anxiety he hadn’t even realized he was feeling melted away. He glanced down at his map. “Should be just over this ridge.”
They came over the top of the hill together, and Cody had to bite back a groan of frustration. In front of them was a downed tree, one of the super massive ones with the unimaginably wide trunks. The sun was going down. They didn’t have time to go around, and the trunk was so high Cody wasn’t sure they could climb over. His mind raced, trying to come up with a solution.
“Ah,” Obi-wan said, surveying the surrounding area. “I suppose we have to guess which was is shorter. We went left before, this time maybe we go—“
“Throw me.”
“I’m sorry?”
Cody grinned. “We go straight over. I run, and jump, and you throw me. Then you leap over after. We use the force.”
Obi-wan grinned back. “I don’t always say I believe in destiny, but surely Cody, you were sent to me straight from the force. Ready?”
Cody backed up, setting his stance. He was going to aim right for the center of the span of trunk in front of them. He nodded to Obi-wan, then took off running. Once he had reached top speed, he leapt into the air, and watched the trunk fly closer to his face until—
A warm, sweet smelling breeze, like freshly brewed tea swept him up, carrying him up, up, and over the trunk. He was so high the LAAT/is at the base below him looked like small animals, surrounded by swarms of tiny ant-troopers packing up to fly back to the Negotiator. Laughing, Cody did a somersault in the air as he flew over the tree, then spread his arms like he was parachuting and let the Obi-wan-wind carry him all the way to the ground, where he tumbled into the grass, still giddy.
A moment later, Obi-wan landed, cat-like, next to him, and helped him to his feet, laughing and pushing wind-swept hair out of his eyes. 
“You’re right commander, that was much more fun than going around.”
+ 1
Cody crept through the hallway, blaster pointed ahead of him. A light flashed on his HUD, Boil checking in. Waxer was due in 5 minutes, then Wooley. They’d set up a rotating check in system as they fanned out to scour the seemingly abandoned ship they’d been sent to investigate. If you asked Cody, splitting up was just asking for trouble, especially since no one was with his trouble magnet of a general. But it was the quickest way to get them out of here, so he’d acquiesced. 
Something rattled behind a door as he passed. He sighed, then pressed himself up against the wall, out of sight, and keyed the door open. Nothing jumped out, so he peeked around the corner.
It was a medium sized storage bay, and he was suddenly very thankful his door was obscured by crates, as he could hear vague voices coming from somewhere else in the room. The door slid silently shut behind him as he slipped in, trying to find a vantage point to see who was there through the crates.
He found a reasonably defendable spot in the corner and considered updating his men, but when he brought up his comm system it was like there was some sort of interference. Strange. No matter, they had his last location and his next check in was in only a few minutes, so someone would come join him eventually.
Through a gap in the crates, he could just make out two figures, one in a cloak and speaking to another cloaked figure who– oh. One figure, one hologram. Strange. They’d found no sign of crew aboard this vessel. He turned up his mic, trying to make out what they were saying.
“...plan has worked perfectly. They’ve already arrived,” the hologram was saying.
“Then they will soon be dead,” the other replied, and Cody’s blood ran cold. He suddenly had a very, very bad feeling about this mission. He knew that voice.
“I will leave you to your work.” The figure standing in the cargo bay removed her hood and knelt, confirming Cody’s suspicion.
Kriff. He had to get out of here, or signal his men, Obi-wan. He checked the time. His check in had passed two minutes ago, they’d be getting worried now. Slightly frantic, he tapped at his comm, willing it to work. What was the point of the kriffing antenna on his shoulder if he couldn’t get through? He remembered what Wolffe had looked like when he visited him in the med center after his encounter with Ventress. He couldn’t face her alone. 
The crates surrounding him suddenly blasted away, leaving him exposed in his little corner. Cody looked up to find Ventress stalking straight towards him.
“Poor little clone, where did your friends go?”
Cody leapt to his feet, blaster already primed to shoot, when a wall of pure something slammed into him, forcing him to drop his blaster and throwing him against the wall behind him. Immediately he scrambled to get up, but Ventress threw one hand out, and a freezing cold vice closed around his throat, lifting him off the ground.
He clawed at the invisible grip, but there was nothing there. He choked, straining to get a breath, but it was pointless. She dragged him through the air, until he was just a few inches from her face. Cody’s bucket floated itself off his head, flying away and clattering to the ground somewhere. The pressure on his neck eased ever so slightly, and Cody sucked in as much air as he could before it tightened again.
“Aren’t you a handsome one?” Ventress crooned, tracing one fingernail down his scar in a grotesque facsimile of how Obi-wan sometimes did when– focus, Cody. “Now. As much as I’d love to just kill you and get on with it, you know what part of the ship our dear Kenobi is on, don’t you?”
Cody tried to jerk away from the clawed fingers tracing his temples, but found the ice cold vice had spread to his entire body. He could breathe now, barely, but he couldn’t move even a single muscle. It was nothing like when Obi-wan had used the force around him before. That was…gentle, personal, it felt safe. This was anything but. Never before had Cody understood the raw power force users had at their disposal. It wanted to rip him limb from limb. Fear gnawed at his stomach. If only his comm had worked–
“Somewhere in that head of yours, we just have to find it.”
In his head. That was it! Desperately, as Ventress bared her teeth, Cody reached for the last warm spot on his being– a force bond, Obi-wan had called it. HELP, he thought, OBI–
Pain like he had never felt erupted from his temples, and he vaguely registered Ventress laughing as twin ice picks drove themselves through his skull, behind his eyes, in his brain, in whatever it was inside him that made him, him. 
Cody screamed, frozen in the air, no way to escape as she tore through his mind, looking for whatever it was she wanted, Cody couldn’t remember any more. There was only the freezing, burning pain.
It could have been hours, could have been minutes, but without warning, the pain stopped, and Cody found himself flying through the air and into the far wall. Pressure like a million duracrete bricks immobilized him a few feet off the ground, limbs splayed out like a pinned bug. Blinking the haze out of his eyes, he was confronted with two blurry forms whirling around the room; red and blue lights flashing. As his vision finally cleared he could make out Ventress, locked in combat with–
Thank the stars, Obi-wan. There was a fierce expression on his face as he met Ventress blow for blow. As Cody watched, Obi-wan glanced his way for a split second, then went back to the fight with renewed vigor. Unable to do anything, Cody found his eyes drifting shut.
He woke a short time later when he tumbled to the ground in a heap, the force holding him to the wall having vanished. Obi-wan was hurrying over to him from across the room, Ventress presumably having run away. Cody groaned.
“Full evac, effective immediately. I’ll meet you back at the ship with the commander,” Obi-was was saying into his comm, several tinny “yessirs” echoing out of it. 
“Cody, are you alright?”
Cody carefully felt along his throat with one hand. “Fine, I think. How–” he grimaced. His body felt like one giant bruise. He was still freezing. “How did you find me?”
Obi-was smiled wanly. “You called. I suppose it is a force bond, and does work both ways, though I can think of several other ways we could have tested it without you being in mortal peril.”
“I’ll try to remember that for next time.”
Obi-wan shook his head, reaching one hand out to the side. Cody’s bucket flew into it like it was magnetized, and Obi-wan carefully fit it back over his head, then gently pulled him to his feet. Cody half-expected Obi-wan to call on the force and simply levitate him back to their ship, but instead he hefted Cody’s over his shoulder and wrapped his own around his waist. His other hand came up to support Cody’s chest.
Cody leaned into him as they trudged back to the ship, letting Obi-wan take a fair amount of his weight.
“For the record,” he said, “I like it much better when you’re the one throwing me around with the force.”
“Careful commander,” Obi-wan teased, raising an eyebrow, “If someone hears you say that they might get the wrong idea.”
Cody glared at him, and concentrated all his effort on lifting one arm to smack him lightly in the chest. Obi-wan laughed, and Cody felt the world slide back into place around him.
“But yes, Cody, I much prefer that also.”
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blackkatmagic · 9 days
If you're the type of fan who demands to know why an author didn't include Obi-Wan in fics where he isn't even a tagged character, you're not a fan. You're just fucking insufferable.
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bellarkeselection · 9 months
Our Little Kenobi
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Request from @starvingbrokestudent Can you do a super sweet pregnancy fic with Obi Wan? Like the reader finds out she’s pregnant after fertility issues and Obi Wan is just so excited?! And how they try to keep it a secret from the council and eventually she has a baby boy?
This will be a mini series like you asked 😁
Rushing to the bathroom I didn't even get the chance to remove my lightsaber and my robe from my body because the sickness was coming on so quickly. Holding onto the toilet I puked what I had ate in my stomach feeling out of breath afterwards. This wasn’t the first time this had happened and it was the third time I had gotten sick. Wiping my hand across my mouth I gagged on the taste leaving the bathroom once I had finished. Finding my communicator out of my robe pocket I thought of the first person I could call who wouldn’t ask too many questions. “Padme, can you come to my room please?”
“Of course. Do you need anything specific?” She asked me appearing as a blue hologram.
Running my fingers through my hair with my freehand I whispered under my breath almost like somebody else was listening on the other side of the door. “Could you uh…could you bring me a pregnancy test. I can’t have the medical droids look I into this. They can’t keep a secret if there is something going on.”
“Sure, I’ll be right over.” She hung up the call making me more nervous just waiting for her to come over.
Pacing back and forth across the floor frantically trying to calm my nerves but it wasn’t working. This couldn't be happening to me. I was a Jedi knight and a leader of one of the clone armies. There was a war going on all on top of it. I heard three knocks on the door before I opened the door quickly. “Come in, Padme.”
“Here it is. Why exactly did you need one?” She asked and I knew that she would after she told me about her and Anakin sneaking around.
Taking it from her hands I went into the bathroom quickly doing the test since the waiting was killing me. Sitting on the toilet I just stared at the test in my hands thinking that my life was now screwed. “Padme, I'm going to be forced out of the order.” I croaked through tears feeling her presence in the doorway of the bathroom just watching me.
“I thought Jedi were encouraged to love. That's what Anakin told me.” She responded.
Lifting my head up I felt tears building up. “But you're sneaking around aren't you. It's exactly what me and Obi-Wan are doing…stars he's going to be upset over this.”
“Maybe he will want the baby.’ She tried being hopeful. “Wait a second I should be asking do you want it first?”
Dropping my gaze to the ground floor silence filled the entire room at that point. I didn't know how to answer her question. Being a member of the Jedi order meant that things like love, marriage, and children were out the window. Gripping my hair in my fingers I screamed dropping the pregnancy test on the floor at my feet. “I don't think I can do this, Padme. I can't…I'm not prepared to be a mother. I barely even remember my own parents after the council found me. And then there's Obi Wan…he…I have no clue what he will feel.”
“Have you ever talked about the possibility of having kids with him if you weren’t Jedi knights?” Padme came into the bathroom and sat down beside me on the floor.
Burying my face into my knees I croaked. “We took an oath, Padme. No marriage, no children, no possibilities of going to the Dark Side.”
“I’m sorry Y/n. But I am here for you and whatever you decide to do.” She placed a hand on my shoulder and we both just sat in silence with me thinking back to that night between Obi wan and I.
Opening the door, he walked towards the bed and dropped me down to the bed. My back hit the soft silk sheets before I rose up from the bed staring at him softly and brought a hand to his cheek stroking it softly. He leaned into my touch and brought my fingers to his lips, kissing them softly for a moment before releasing them. Standing tall, he lifted his shirt over his head and threw it to the ground. My heart began to beat for a second as I stared at him, my eyes directed down to his muscular chest, and blushed at the sight.
I averted my eyes with my hands covering them quickly and tried to contain my blush, he looked up at me and smirked at my reaction. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, Y/n. You can look if you want to.”
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do…have you ever done this before.” I pointed out to him where I peeked through my fingers for a split second.
My hands started to trace his form, I began to run his fingers up and down his muscular chest softly while I began to feel his hand start to crawl underneath my shirt. He yanked my shirt off my head, throwing it to the ground only once breaking the kiss until I was not able to not joke with him at least once. “Woah….you look just wow.”
He glanced down at my clothed beasts staring at them deeply before reaching behind my back and began to unclip the straps off and tear it off me in a split second. I gasped at him instantly reaching a hand to cover my breast, he let out a growl at them pushing my hands away. “ Don’t hide from me, my darling. You are perfect.”
He hovered over me and brought his lips down upon mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and embraced more into the kiss. I felt a hard rock positioned at my lower religion, he placed his member at my center and looked up at me. “My love, this may hurt for a few minutes, I promise I'll go slowly. We can do this together, the both of us. Since….I haven’t done this before either. Are you sure you want this, I'll stop if you're not ready.”
“I want you. I want you, Obi.“ I said, gripping the bed sheets in my fingers, never moving my gaze from his. “ Please just go gently.”
Obi wan nodded his head slowly brushing some hair out of my face just admiring my face in the small light that was provided by the bedside lamp. “I want you just as much as you want me.”
Within moments I felt the pain suddenly vanish and began to feel pleasure. I began to move against him and leaned up pressing my lips down upon his. He embraced me back instantly when my fingers dug into his back. And that was the most enjoyable night of our lives.
I decided after a few days later to finally tell him what was happening. He deserved to know the situation so that we could figure out what to do next together. Standing out of his door I sucked in a shaky breath raising my fist and knocking three times on his door where it opened slowly for him to greet me. “Y/n, what can I do for you?”
“We need to talk…alone. If you have some time before our council meeting.” I almost whispered under my breath before he allowed me to come inside.
He shut the door behind himself, raising a brow. “What is going on, darling?”
“Did you remember the night we shared together? Well something I thought wouldn’t happen ended up actually happening.” Fiddling with my fingers in front of me I lowered my gaze to the ground trying to not show how terrified I was.
Obi wan was a much sharper Jedi then I thought I was though when he takes a few steps towards me. “Y/n, if something is making you nervous you can tell me. You know that right. So what is bothering you?”
“Obi, please don’t be upset. I already don’t know what I am going to do with the result. I can’t handle it if you rat me out and abandon me.” I lifted my head showing him my face was turning red with heavy tears coming down my cheeks.
Obi touched my shoulders, shifting his blue orbs down to my eyes. “Darling, please tell me what is wrong. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”
“I….I’m pregnant.” I croaked out lowering my head into his chest sobbing. “I’m pregnant with your child.”
The Jedi master froze for a moment so unsure of what to say. He was in the same position as yourself. He knew that the council wouldn’t allow you to remain in the temple. Yet he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist holding me gently letting silence fill the room until he finally separated the hug. “I’m not going to leave you, Y/n.”
“Wait what…are you being serious?” I sniffed clinging onto the fabric of his brown cloak for strength and his arms were still around my waist holding me close to his embrace.
He moved one hand to cradle the side of my face feeling me lean into his palm when he replied longingly. “I said I won’t leave you because you're pregnant. I know the risks that it means for us. But I’d be the biggest idiot if I left you over something we both consented too.”
“You have no idea how much of a relief that is to hear you say that, Obi wan.” I chuckled through tears with such relief off my shoulders as I fling my arms around his neck hugging him tightly but gently.
He tightened his grip around my waist, burying his face into my loose hair. His heart skipped a beat at the realization that he would be a father, he was terrified since he didn’t remember his own much. Yet there was more joy in his mind than fear. “I have been considering this for a long time. I guess you finally gave me the courage to do so…”
“What are you talking about…omg.” I gasped covering my mouth watching him lower himself down on one knee directly before me.
He revealed a tiny black box from inside his brown robe, opening it showing me a simple silver ring that had three jewels in the middle of it. His bright blue eyes poured up into mine. “Y/n, I love you. I know that we are told not to get attached to one another but I couldn’t help it. You are everything that I never knew I wanted until we started spending time together. This baby doesn’t want me to run away from all of that. It makes me want to stay by your side even more. So will you marry me?”
“Oh Obi Wan….yes.” I giggled letting him slide the ring on my finger getting to his feet. He cupped my face in his hands kissing me for the first time in a few days. I leaned up on my toes kissing him back.
Comments really appreciated ❤️ Tag list - @iifloweringnightsii
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jedi-starbird · 7 months
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Disaster Lineage Timeline and Ages
Here is a Disaster Lineage timeline that actually makes sense and includes all members, plus their relative ages for each event. For all my fic writers who also get a headache trying to figure them out.
I tried my best to keep the relative ages the same as what Canon or Legends gives us with 2 exceptions (Xanatos and Komari). So while the dates may not be canon accurate for becoming a padawan or Knighting, their ages are. The grey cells mark how old the person was when they died.
I've given permission for this to be on the SW Reference wiki. Here!
Enjoy and hope you have fun with it! Detailed explanations for birth-date changes below the cut!
Buckle in Folks.
OK, so Dooku must be aged up minimum 5 years in order to train Rael before Qui-Gon and so Qui-Gon can train Feemor and Xanatos before Obi-Wan. Rael has to be at least 10 years older than Qui-Gon so that he can be knighted when Qui-Gon is padawan age. Canon has Dooku take on Rael at 22 so I kept that cause it's funny and that means Dooku has to be older than his canon birthday of 102BBY to fit both in.
Neither of Qui-Gon's birthdays work if you want to fit the other lineage members in. This is not at all annoying. 80BBY(canon) has him too young to train both Feemor and Xanatos before Obi-Wan and 92BBY(legends) has him being 17 when he becomes a padawan if Dooku trains Rael before him. 86BBY is my magical average that just barely works. I use fanon that Qui-Gon takes over Feemor's training cause it's the only way to fit him in without making Qui-Gon too old, thus domino-affecting Rael and Dooku.
Does this mean the 4 of them are all knighted between ages 21-23? Yes? Is that insane? Yes, but alas it's the only way I could make the timeline work.
Komari is the only birth-date I've moved for non-math reasons, her actual birthday is 62BBY, same as Nim, but that makes her 18 at Galidraan and I felt that was too young personally. (She kills 20 Mandos singlehandedly there. yeah. wtf)
Xanatos's birthday and death date are the same but I made him older when he fell because Legends has him as 16 and that really feels too young, especially since he was considered for the goddamn Knight Trials when he fell and we know Anakin was considered exceptionally young when he was knighted at 19. It makes for some nice parallels between them. Plus all the shit Xanatos gets up to after he runs off, he should be a little older to pull it off.
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sendpseuds · 8 months
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Thinking about locker room kisses...
[...and trying to manifest the ability to write more Perfect Spiral]
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mabsart · 1 month
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autumnillustration · 2 years
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“I do worry about you.”
“Save yourself the effort, Kenobi. Don’t bother.”
“Sometimes, I wish it were that simple.”
These two have been on my mind as of late. I doubt I’ll ever finish AHS, but here’s some random art for the Team™.
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remy45 · 3 months
So- I was writing my fic, which I wont enter in too much details, but I was thinking, in this Au where Padme lives, and Obi Wan thinks he killed Anakin in mustafar and he doesnt know he is alive as Vader, obviusly Padme thinks the same, that her husband died in mustafar by Obi Wan Kenobi.
So idk how to characterize this, would Padme have resent to Obi Wan for "killing Anakin"? Like I know she knows that he falled to the dark side and that- but in her last words she thinked that there still was good in him, so I dont think she would want him to die- but- Im confused and idk what to do.
Please writers and readers, help this is important for the fic.
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journen · 1 year
CWRB - Team #10
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Hey guys! This was my piece for the @codywanreversebang event. :)
Military au!! Helicopter pilot Obi and door gunner Cody. I was fortunate enough to be paired with the amazingly talented writers @bitwhizzle and @crownprincecody . Check out their fics here, and here, respectively. Really - their stories did my art way more justice than it deserved, and i couldn’t recommend more you give them a read!
Thank you both for working with me!! 🥺 It was a pleasure!
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ndekvart · 3 months
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Commission for @barmadumet for chapter 60 of her fic “Streets of Gold” ✨
Thank you for commissioning me! I was really excited to draw this wholesome scene of Anakin and young Obi-Wan meeting Obi’s beautiful sister, Ophelia🥹
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saradika · 9 months
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this year has been filled with so many beautiful fics, I wanted to make a rec list to share & support everything I read. please check these out and support these creators, they are all incredible! 💖✨
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— Breathe Me In by @moonlight-prose
the jedi fell and darth vader rose to power, but there’s a secret he hides even from his own master.
— When Midnight Calls by @ladyxskywalker
anakin steps into the refresher, noticing how you left the door open for him, the steam filling the room inside from the misty hot water.
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— The Lady and the Merc by @flightlessangelwings
“The pleasure,” the leader took your hand, but instead of shaking it, he brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of it tenderly, “Is all mine,” he gave you a wink as you felt your skin burn under his touch, “And call me Axe Woves.”
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— Steadfast by @uwingdispatch
He pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead before pulling back to look at you in that way only he could, with those bright eyes. “I think we should stay,” he said.
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— Be With Me by @imarvelatthestars
"It's late," he says.
— Boba Fett is in Love With You by @janghoefett
He’s known for some time now.
— Ex Libris by @daimyosprincess
There's much to be learned from the handsome professor Boba Fett, both about yourself and your pleasure.
— Kinktober Day Five: Virginity by @sinfulsalutations
You’ve never felt this small before.
— No Mercy by @daimyosprincess
Fennec Shand is many things, markswoman, assassin, the daimyo’s right hand, but merciful is not one of them. That's why she's the only one Boba Fett trusts to take care of you when he's away.
— Sound Asleep by @moodymisty
You swore you hadn’t had a nightmare since your childhood years; But even then, you couldn’t remember one like this.
— Small Favors by @daimyosprincess
The day Boba Fett called you a hellion, you were pretty certain it altered your brain chemistry.
— The App by @maybege
The App tells you who your perfect match is. But when Josh, your perfect-match-alpha, introduces you to his boss, you start to realise that the numbers are not always right.
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— Dread by @bits-and-babs
a strange creature visits your dreams, promising to satiate a yearning body he heard call to him across the force. |  incubus!maul
— Serenity by @eloquentmoon
lord maul interrupts your nighttime stroll in the woods
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— Eat Your Young by @imarvelatthestars
It's the way she looks at you that does you in, the blatant hunger that glints in Elia's eyes, the knowledge that she always has you just within reach and that you'll always fall for her time and again. 
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— I Didn't Know The Time by @ladyxskywalker
an unseasonable rain causes an unexpected shift in your new year’s plans, but, as it turns out, both of you wouldn’t have it any other way
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— Amuse Bouche by @bits-and-babs
A state dinner leaves the Grand Admiral wanting far more than was offered.
— Show of Good Faith by @bits-and-babs
grand admiral thrawn has a unconventional way of convincing neighbouring planets to pledge allegiance to the empire.
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— I Want You to Show Me Weak by @tarabyte3
You're pretty sure Kino Loy hates you. He screams at you, grabs you, and shoves you against the wall, and it's becoming a problem because, well...it shouldn't fluster you as much as it does.
— Ownership of Mine by @amywritesthings
The Empire has integrated their prison systems, with you as one of the few women now incarcerated at Narkina 5. The unit manager takes you under his wing – but for reasons you didn’t anticipate.
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— Dust to Dust by @avarkriss
A generous gift bestowed upon a very pretty desert hermit
—Kinktober Day 5: Table Sex by @flightlessangelwings
“You wished to see me, Lord Kenobi?” you asked from the doorway to his office where you stood at attention.
— Serve My Worries Away by @friskynotebook
In which Obi-Wan gets in a fight with a printer and the printer wins.
— Sweetend Craving by @moonlight-prose
“he’d want the last thing he ever heard to be the sound of you tipping over the edge, falling into a bliss you both craved.”
— What’s The Harm? by @obixwan
Quinlan set Obi-Wan up with a friend and now, Obi-Wan can’t help himself.
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— Because You Left by @againstacecilia
“What happened? With us?” / “We just… Grew apart. That’s all.” / “No, I don’t think that’s it. Not entirely.”
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— Better Than The Universe by @sinfulsalutations
Rex enjoys the mindlessly affection-filled morning he deserves
— Kinktober Day 15 by @samspenandsword
Overstimulation with Daddy Rebels!Rex
— Keep In The Heat by @sinfulsalutations
Wrecker is cold. His girl knows a solution
— Return To Sender by @keravnos-kori
halla has been alone for the past three years. as it turns out, relocating to coruscant and attending a prestigious university hasn’t been as glamorous as she originally expected - but when a new opportunity comes along for her to prove the republic’s injustices committed against clone troopers, she might get more than she bargained for when the power structure suddenly collapses and is replaced by something far more sinister…
— Strategies in Fliration by @floral-force
When you take a risk and join your friends for a night out, a handsome stranger sets his eyes on you. You boldly approach him and ask him what war tactics he has in his arsenal. | captain rex
— Sweet Thing by @starrylothcat
Wrecker has a crush on you, a local sweet shop owner. Will he find the courage to ask you out? 
— Some Rex and Relaxation by @daimyosprincess
After a hard week, Rex makes it his mission to see that you forget all about it.
— The Coffee Shop by @samspenandsword
You own a coffee house on Coruscant famed for its especially strong and rare brews. One day, you find yourself meeting the Marshal Commander for the Coruscant Guard.
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if you haven’t read these, you need to! and please support these amazing fics & writers by reading, reblogging & commenting! 💕
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gun-roswell · 2 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: AU, Fan Events and Prompts, Established Relationship, codywan - Freeform, CodyWan Week 2024, codywanweek2024, Angst, Imprisonment, mentions of torture, Protective CC-2224 | Cody Series: Part 2 of CodyWan Week 2024, Part 9 of CodyWan Summary:
CodyWan Week - Day 3 (Cody/Obi-Wan)
Day one prompts: Soulmate AU / after the war / take me instead/saving each other
They were captives, held together. Despite the war finally over the two were still being held by a ruthless enemy. While trying quite desperately to survive, they were running out of options, and so, drastic measures coming to mind.
Part of CodyWan Week 2024 / CodyWan series
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