#obamitsu fluff
six-eyed-samurai · 2 months
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Basically this was based off art by @sm0lb3tch (so credits again to them) and here we're going to make ObaMitsu canon, give the Kamado siblings new parents, give Muzan an aneurysm trying to find Nezuko when her whole family is a bunch of Hashira and as you can probably guess - deep breath - FOUND FAMILY TROPE.
Obviously in order for Obanai and Mitsuri to be the ones saving Tanjiro and Nezuko that fateful day we'd need to have them on the mission instead of Giyuu. For the sake of this theory Kagaya has assigned Mitsuri to accompany Giyuu, causing a very jealous and fuming Obanai to request (demand) to go in Tomioka’s place instead. Whether or not Kagaya is actually a shipper is up to you, but for whatever reason he says yes and Obanai proceeds to leave for the mission with Mitsuri a day or two earlier because he doesn't want Giyuu to argue with the decision when he finds out (he wouldn't) and wants some extra time with a certain pink haired crush. Mitsuri doesn't mind, she's more than happy a dear friend is accompanying her, after all!
When they reach the village Mitsuri’s a little embarrassed that she ordered so many helpings that the ramen store owner had to go out and buy more charcoal for the stove from the seller outside and Obanai's rather put out that the inn is too full for the both of them, not wanting Mitsuri to go camp out in the cold like she had suggested. Even more put out, in fact, with all the attention she's showering the charcoal seller, gushing about how he reminds her of her own brother and how hardworking he was to be doing this for his family - some idiot kid named Tanjiro something. At this point Obanai is having an existential crisis torn between disliking Tanjiro because Mitsuri's so nice to him (even feeding him a bite like in the Hashira Training Arc) and being nice to Tanjiro as well because whatever makes Mitsuri happy, makes him a happy camper. So he just settles for cold indifference.
(Yes, Tanjiro knows he's mad but doesn't realize that Obanai is mad AT HIM).
Anyways when Mitsuri expresses their problem of having nowhere to stay Tanjiro excitedly chirps that his family would be more than happy to have them over. Mitsuri, not wanting to be a bother, tries to refuse but Tanjiro insists so they compromise by letting her pay.
Then Obanai insists on paying but anyways-
We all know what happens from here so I won't go into too many details lest I bore you (small note that Tanjiro does not stay at his neighbour’s house this time and the timing is a little different to fit) but even Obanai felt terrible when they arrived and Tanjiro found his family shredded and dead. Since none of them realized Nezuko was a demon, Mitsuri helped Tanjiro begin carrying her down the mountain in order to seek help.
However the moment the truth was revealed Obanai immediately wanted to kill Nezuko despite Tanjiro’s pleas. Chaos ensues as is canon until an unsure-on-what-to-do Mitsuri finally succeeds in separating them when Nezuko suddenly defends her elder brother.
Mitsuri pleads for Obanai to reconsider, backed up by Tanjiro who says there's another demon's scent in the house so it wasn't Nezuko, at the very least take Nezuko to Oyakata-sama? If it was anyone else Obanai would have probably shoved aside to stab the demon, but since it was Mitsuri asking after all and as much as he hated to admit it he knew what it was like to have your entire family killed in such a bloody manner - so he agreed and we all know how the Hashira meeting went down.
I think I better clear up some points here, so because we have no very convincing letter from Lawyer Urokodaki to back Nezuko up we'll have Mitsuri testify that despite Obanai attacking her Nezuko made no attempt to eat him and only did a little to protect Tanjiro as well as a very grudging witness of a Serpent Pillar and why am I writing this like a court case-
Here's another important factor to how Nezuko gets off. In canon everyone dislikes (some of them at any rate) Giyuu and were very eager to have him punished and Nezuko killed, but here we have Mitsuri and Obanai as the defendants- uh, Hashira involved. Mitsuri is popular, so I feel like this would make everyone else more sympathetic to letting Nezuko live or just consider it. Obanai, not as much, but seeing how as Sanemi was the main aggressor in the canon events, I imagine he’d be pretty reluctant to throw his friend to the wolves as much as he hates demons. Also the journey to the Ubuyashiki House and summoning all Hashira would’ve taken time: time that would prove that Nezuko sleeps instead of consuming humans.
So, Nezuko and Tanjiro get off but Kagaya requests that they both become slayers to prove themselves and yadda yadda yadda. The catch is, he’s assigning Mitsuri and Obanai to do it.
(Once again we know not if Kagaya is secretly a shipper, but he said it was because a Hashira would be able to protect them both better and I don’t think any cultivator would want them.)
Mitsuri is ecstatic! Having the Kamado siblings live with her in the Love Estate is like having her younger siblings around again! You best believe this woman is treating them to six course meals (she eats twelve), shopping trips and really loves it when they come into her room for a sleepover to the point Nezuko and Tanjiro are faking reasons to just go in. A few “nightmares”, nothing much~~
Obanai, on the other hand…he’s definitely pissed off. Extremely so. But he wouldn’t disobey Kagaya and so grudgingly agrees to train Tanjiro. He’s as harsh as he was in canon, but I think at some point Obanai isn’t going to stay petty and jealous forever, and eventually warm up to Tanjiro and Nezuko’s sunny nature, probably after realizing Mitsuri just sees Tanjiro as a brother, Nezuko isn’t stealing ALL her attention, they could still hang out together alone and those precious moments he got to spend with Mitsuri a lot more.
”Aw, Obanai, that’s so sweet of you!” Mitsuri clapped her hands together, beaming at him. “I had no idea you cared about Nezuko so much!”
“…yeah, well, don’t mention it.” Thankfully his bandages covered his reddening face as he put away the wooden swords. What was Mitsuri so excited about? All he had done was to drape his haori on the sleeping demon when she suddenly dozed off in the midst of watching yet another brutal training session between him and her brother - a brother who was now being forced to run twenty laps around the Estate for even mentioning his actions.
“I know, but I can’t help it! You’re really a softie inside no matter what you say to Tanjiro!”
“What? Since when?!”
Mitsuri laughed at Obanai’s shocked expression. “Like yesterday! Tanjiro’s food was cold but he didn’t want to make a fuss at the restaurant but you went and demanded another plate, or when Nezuko shrunk and hid in my house you came over just to help us find her. Then it turned out she got stuck in one of the cupboards and you helped dig her out. Plus you’re always so nice to me too, like when you got me the socks, or offer to pay every time we go out to eat-”
“Okay! Okay! I get it, please stop, Kanroji…” Kaburamaru hissed reassuringly as Obanai quickly turned away from Mitsuri to hide his red face.
“You can call me Mitsuri, you know?” Mitsuri suddenly yanked him into a crushing hug excitedly, oblivious to Obanai’s flustered state. “Kyaaaaaaah! I’m so glad Oyakata-sama assigned us both together to train and take care of Tanjiro and Nezuko! I’ve gotten to spend so much time with my favorite Hashira - uh, wait, that’s Shinobu…so male Hashira! - and you’re actually really good with kids! I think you’ll be an amazing dad if we ever have our own kids one day!”
Well, you can pretty much guess how they got together after that.
Because I’m a human and at the end of the day I’m lazy I will not elaborate and instead let your imagination run wild with how exactly they officially confessed after that night, broke it to the Kamado siblings and the rest of the Hashira and the messy details I can’t think of right now. I will, however, talk a bit more on how it changes the storyline.
Obanai eventually moves into Mitsuri’s Estate, shortly before the Final Selection (they celebrate with pancakes when Tanjiro comes back safely by the way; Obanai had a hell of a day trying to calm Mitsuri after she couldn’t stop crying worried that Tanjiro would be eaten. Now that I think of it, this might cause them both to go lodge a complaint on how the Final Selection is being run, because how exactly sending kids off to certain doom constitute as teaching? They should’ve done some other tests, one where they could monitor and guide where they did wrong and y’know, NOT MAKE ANOTHER GIYUU? (Sorry, I’m getting off track)).
There won’t be much variation for the beginning of the storyline, save for the fact Tanjiro and Nezuko have a home to return to in between for Mitsuri to cheer that they made it back and spoil while Obanai berates them for taking so long and fixes their ruined haori (I have like this idea that Obanai struggles with love language so he mainly sticks to small gestures like gifts revolving around clothes because you’ll use them every day and I dunno, if he was stuck in that cage in a house full of women he might’ve picked up a bit of sewing and figure out how to fix the holes in his loved ones’ haori?) as well as Tanjiro’s relationships with the Hashira change:
Obanai and Mitsuri aside, a major difference would be Giyuu. Tanjiro would not be developing a bond with him in this theory and honestly I feel like he would be the one to heavily advise against allowing Nezuko to live, therefore creating an enemy in Tanjiro. It doesn’t really help that’s he’s a loner whose words really don’t make sense to anyone and Obanai hates his guts, so it’ll take longer for Tanjiro to crack open his backstory and he would probably treat Giyuu like how he behaved to Sanemi in the Training Arc - “It’s okay! I don’t acknowledge you either since you didn’t want Nezuko to live.”
I’ll just skim through the rest of the Hashira before we move on. Shinobu, Rengoku, Sanemi and Muichiro would be a heck lot closer to Tanjiro and Nezuko since the four of them are on good terms with their adoptive parents, hence the Kamados would be seeing Shinobu a lot more often, cry harder at Rengoku’s death, soften Sanemi (perhaps fix his relationship with Genya?) and transform Muichiro into the silly boy we love earlier.
Do note, however, in this theory Tanjiro has mastered not one but TWO Breathing Styles and I’m sure he would then pick up Total Concentration Breathing a lot faster, so he’s definitely even more powerful in this universe. The same would apply for Nezuko, though in the sense that her physical prowess is better having been trained by two Hashira because even Mitsuri and Obanai can’t do anything about Blood Demon Art. Although, at the end of the storyline Tanjiro still learns Sun Breathing/Hinokami Kagura.
Another thing to be noted is that while I said MUCH variation that doesn’t mean there won’t be any subtle ones in Mitsuri and Obanai’s behavior and personality. I can’t really think of much for Mitsuri, other than the fact she’ll be more motherly and stuff, and probably really ecstatic that she’s finally achieved her dream of finding someone who’ll love her unconditionally and a family. I can see Tanjiro and Nezuko being really popular with her siblings as well.
For Obanai there’s a much bigger gap, as he’ll definitely mellow out and be less snarky. You know those gruff, serious dads who don’t show emotions or love easily but if you make a dumb crayon drawing from kindergarten he hasn’t taken it down from the fridge since and if some bully even implied you’re stupid they’re a goner because he’s there? Something like that for Obanai, I guess. Basically he’d be a lot less sarcastic and cutting with others and not as jealous because he knows Mitsuri is his and well…he’s not gonna admit it but he’s actually very touched when Tanjiro said he’s really glad he’s his new dad (Uncle Sanemi and Godbrother Muichiro anyone-).
BUT BUT BUT the big difference arrives on Mount Natagumo: home of Rui.
Instead of Giyuu and Shinobu arriving it’s ObaMitsu because what parent doesn’t worry about their kids, especially when they hear it’s a Lower Moon. So in this case it’s Mitsuri off to go save Zenitsu with Nezuko, whom Tanjiro had ordered to go help their surrogate mom navigate the crazy mountain and find Spider Sister, although Mitsuri is going to kill her with a lot more compassion…and leave Tanjiro to attempt to get Obanai off from stepping on the remains of Rui.
Okay, serious question, do you think Obanai would stomp on them more to be petty-
Back to the storyline, this time round the reason Tanjiro and Nezuko are taken to yet another Hashira meeting is due to being able to celebrate the success of having finally slain one of the Twelve Kizuki. They still will go to the Butterfly Mansion, of course, most probably because their adoptive parents have missions of their own and honestly do you really trust them to be your doctor?
Anyways, aside from the little differences like it’s Mitsuri who brings her adoptive kids to the Swordsmith Village and Obanai going to the Entertainment District to go pick up his kids it’s all yadda yadda yadda, so we can pretty much guess what happens next, therefore I’ll jump straight to the two endings/outcomes that would be changed because of this theory. Depending on your mood today you can read the Bad Ending or jump straight to the Good Ending and don’t say I didn’t warn you <333 (I gotta go hide before you hunt me for the Bad Ending, ta!).
Notice how not once did I say that Obanai and Mitsuri ever got married though?
Bwhahaha. Now I am. And you’re not going to like it.
Obanai had the ring (helped picked out by Nezuko). He had the plans (dinner made by Tanjiro; Shinobu would be babysitting the kids that night). He wanted it to be memorable when he would finally ask Mitsuri to allow him the privilege of becoming a Kanroji and probably officiate the adoption of Tanjiro and Nezuko.
But it all got shoved aside when they had to do the Hashira Training. Obanai slowly regrets waiting that long, but while he’s not an optimistic person in general he hopes that afterwards he’ll get the chance when everything is so perfectly in order. Of course Muzan took one look and thought “absolutely not” - and deposits them all into the Infinity Castle.
So it’s only in their dying moments that Obanai confesses. He can’t even put a ring on her, because she’s lost her arms.
Mitsuri said yes and asks if they’re reborn would he still marry her?
He says yes. At least they die happy. Unable to be pulled apart even in their last moments.
(Tanjiro and Nezuko ensure to carve a love poem into their headstones and bury them in wedding clothes, so at least they can be together in death.)
Now that Obanai and Mitsuri have SOMETHING to live here they’ll live on in this theory. Mitsuri armless and Obanai totally blind, but hey, with diligent kids like Tanjiro and Nezuko they would be well taken care of no matter what, rebuilding their family slowly.
Eventually Obanai and Mitsuri are blessed with their own kids! Five, if I remember what happened in canon, so because I’m self-indulgent let’s simultaneously rebuild the Kamado family and combine the OC children I originally made for them. Nezuko’s delighted to receive two twin younger sisters and a baby one, spending majority of her time with them doing their hair or just playing dolls (Zenitsu steaming mad because they keep stealing her attention and don’t like him). Tanjiro feels like he’s got his own siblings back again with the Kanroji’s two rowdy boys who often beg him to teach them swordsmanship and perform the Hinokami Kagura. Does Obanai gift them all tiny snakelings? Absolutely. Does any of them inherit Mitsuri’s hair? One or two, but Mitsuri’s sakura mochi is a family recipe now (I’d like to think Kotetsu somehow managed to forge a pair of mechanical arms for her).
Oh, imagine Mitsuri and Obanai at Tanjiro/Kanao and Nezuko/Zenitsu’s weddings! Mitsuri would be amazing mother-in-law for anyone and you bet your ass that she helped plan the best wedding possible for them, welcoming Kanao and Zenitsu happily into the family and perhaps being a little embarrassing for the newlyweds because she’s asking when they plan to have children or a honeymoon - sorry, she can’t help it, she’s just so excited! Obanai dislikes Zenitsu INTENSELY (he dislikes all boys near his girls, but Zenitsu the most funny enough) and makes it VERY known with glares and snide remarks; he likes Kanao better though, so he’d probably tell Tanjiro to treat her right or he’ll give him a walloping blind or not.
(exhales, clears throat, reminds myself that other people are watching) So I hope YOU cried, because I did. And I’m not totally cruel, alright! So for funsies here’s an extra snippet in which Mitsuri and Obanai reincarnate as the godparents of Tanjiro and Nezuko’s descendants:
“Are you-” The man ran his hand through his already unruly ponytail again. “Are you actually stupid? You better be. You have to be. You can’t possibly not be.”
“I’M SORRY! I REALLY AM! I DIDN’T MEAN TO POUR IN SALT INSTEAD OF SUGAR! TOKO, HELP ME!” Yoshiteru was a snotty, emotional mess as always, even more highly strung when faced with his godfather Obanai’s cold rage…especially after he made a mess of himself as usual.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’RE STILL ASKING ME FOR HELP AFTER THAT!” Toko smacked her brother upside on the hand. “Don’t even associate with me right now! The cake must be disgusting, and Tojuro can only distract Sumihiko for so long before he comes to the restaurant!”
Obanai pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out another exasperated sigh. “We’re going to have to start all over again; Yoshiteru, get out of the kitchen and if I see you so much as pop your head by the door or so help me-”
“Hey, hey, Obanai, you don’t have to be so harsh! It was a genuine mistake after all!”
The pink-haired woman pulled her husband into a quick hug, pressing a quick peck to his temple that left him tomato red under his face mask. Kanata followed from behind, holding a tray of fresh baked goods and obviously bewildered by what was happening.
“Mitsuri - I told you I could handle this - you need to rest-”
“What, sit back and do nothing for my godson’s birthday?” Mitsuri pouted, rubbing her swollen belly. “I’m sure baby wants to help as well!”
“SEE? IT’S NOT SO BAD!” Yoshiteru hollered, desperately trying to escape his sister’s glowering. “Tojuro’s good, he’ll probably keep Sumihiko occupied for a really long time!”
“Oh my god, just get out of the kitchen and go help Mom and Dad set up the restaurant for his birthday party or something!” Toko gave him a powerful kick out the door.
“HEY! Aren’t the Agatsuma girls supposed to be sweet and gentle? You’re a monster!”
“A monster who can bake a cake without creating disasters!” Obanai barked.
Mitsuri laughed. Obanai could never get enough of that sound. “You’re going to be a great dad…”
“…thank you…you’ll…you’ll be a great mom…too…”
“Sorry to interrupt Iguro-san fainting again but Tojuro just called and said Sumihiko is coming back,” Kanata said matter-of-factly, shutting off his pinging phone.
Yoshiteru seemed to have awakened Obanai from his near faint. “What did I say about coming back into the kitchen?!”
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luvnami · 2 months
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mission critical: baby alert! - kanroji mitsuri and iguro obanai
note - 'tan' is a baby-ish way of pronouncing 'chan'. read the other baby alert fics here! more notes at the end
cw - cute baby mitsuri and obanai :3
banner - gakuen babysitters
word count - 1k+
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“guro-tan! guro-tan!” mitsuri chirps. 
she chases the black-haired hashira around a low coffee table, giggling all the way. you stand a short distance away with a tray of cookies and juice. 
obanai seems nervous. his blush peeks over the top of his cheeks where his bandages stop, and kaburamaru is even more anxious as the snake slithers to hide in the opening of obanai’s black and white kimono. 
not long after being summoned to shinazugawa’s estate, your kasugai crow had once again cried out for you to depart for the love residence as soon as possible. there, you were greeted with the sight of both the love and snake hashira in their teeny tiny forms. 
thankfully, mitsuri had a housekeeper that usually looked over her precious bees, but you had recruited her in your most dire moment of need to assist you in babysitting. she was currently cooking dinner, which would be ready in a few hours. 
“kanroji, you shouldn’t run around like that. you’re going to fall-” before you can even finish chiding her, you hear a dull ‘fwump’. 
obanai stares. his eyes are blown wide as he stares at mitsuri, who had tripped and fallen face-first into the hardwood floor. kaburamaru peeks out of his kimono and flicks his tongue. 
“kanroji! are you alright?” 
you hurry to set the tray of snacks down and rush over to mitsuri’s side. you help her stand back up, noticing her glassy eyes that are full of tears. there’s a large, red bump on her forehead. it’s almost comical at how swollen it is. 
“kanroji? are you okay? does it hurt?” you soothe, rubbing her back gently. 
mitsuri nods firmly. her small hands fist the material of her kimono, desperate to not cry, especially not in front of obanai – who continues staring at her. you help mitsuri to sit on the nearby sofa. you then brush back her bangs, observing the injury.
“i’m going to go get a cold rag. can you wait here for me, kanroji?” you ask. “iguro, can you wait with her please?”
the little ones look at each other. a thousand thoughts run through obanai’s head as he thinks and thinks and thinks, but ultimately he gives you a resolved nod. you smile. 
“good, i’ll be right back.”
you close the door behind you with a soft click. inside, obanai still stares at mitsuri wordlessly. he wants to say something, but comforting words have never been his strongest point – especially not when he has the vocabulary of a one year old. mitsuri sniffles and swipes at her eyes roughly with the back of her hands. then, kaburamaru realises he must do something to urge obanai on. 
the snake prods at obanai’s cheek, trying to get his attention. he then slithers down his owner’s arm and bites the end of obanai’s sleeve, tugging him closer and closer to the snacks you had left on the table. 
obanai’s eyes light up. it takes him a bit of effort, considering how the table is almost as tall as him and his limbs are short and not the best at stealing snacks, but he puffs his cheeks up and narrows his little eyebrows in determination. 
obanai stands on the tip of his toes and reaches out with his stubby fingers, finally managing to flick a little cookie close enough for him to grab. his eyes light up and kaburamaru lets out a hiss of approval.
but now comes the most difficult part – handing the cookie to mitsuri, who had been watching obanai the entire time. she had been distracted enough by him to momentarily forget about the pain and her sniffles had long since fallen quiet. 
obanai turns, clutching the cookie in both hands. he can’t bear to look at mitsuri in her eyes. so he chooses to stick the sweet out and turn his head away from her, heart racing. 
“for me, guro-tan?” mitsuri asks. 
obanai nods, still hiding his face in his shoulder. mitsuri leans forward to grab the cookie and she giggles happily. 
“fank you, guro-tan!” 
she bites into the cookie and giggles even as crumbs fall across her lap. mitsuri kicks her little feet happily. obanai’s face turns red once again and his heart soars, almost too much for him to bear, so he’s relieved when you return to the room with some gauze and medical supplies.
you fuss over mitsuri’s injury and obanai stands close enough to watch you clean and tape a piece of gauze over her forehead, but far enough that he won’t be a bother. kaburamaru flicks the end of his tail satisfactorily. 
the rest of the day goes injury-free, thankfully, and mitsuri eats twice her body weight in omurice that her housekeeper prepared. when you finally settle them down for the night and tuck them into their beds, obanai clings onto the edge of your uniform. 
“hmm? is something the matter?” you crouch down, smoothing back his ruffled hair. 
mitsuri snores away in her own bed. you had decided to put them in separate bedrooms for… well… the impending change that would happen in the morning, but obanai seemed rather reluctant to sleep on his own. perhaps he was scared of the dark? you sit obanai down on his bed and show him the electrical bedside lamp.
“here, i’ll leave this on for you. kaburamaru will be right next to you, so you won’t be alone, alright?” you smile. 
obanai stares at the lamp, mesmerised by its warm light. he gives you a soft “okay”, then lets you tuck him into bed. you can’t help but smile, but that soon fades when you remember how scathing adult obanai could be. with both the babies tucked into bed, you head to your own room and turn in for the night. 
“ahhh! iguro, you were so cute!” mitsuri gushes. “you were so small and tiny, and you gave me snacks to calm me down… ahh! you’re the best!”
obanai turns away, clearly embarrassed. you were glad that the morning after had gone smoothly, sufficiently better than waking up to sanemis screaming, anyways. 
“iguro, i’ll bring you some homemade cookies next time! to thank you for today! okay, iguro? okay?”
you watch the two hashiras amble off into the courtyard for their next mission. hopefully you wouldn’t be seeing any more babies soon, though you have an odd feeling that this encounter won’t be the last…
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note - which hashira do you want to see next?
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nayrring · 4 months
Obanai after getting scolded by mitsuri for mistreating tanjiro during training :
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xxlady-lunaxx · 1 month
Obanai hated the phrase ‘I love you.’ It was never spoken with sincerity. ‘I love you,’ as a blade carved through his jaw. ‘Because I love you,’ as he was thrown in the cell once again, vulnerable and attacked. ‘She loves you,’ as ‘she’ drank his blood. Nothing but white lies. Nothing but a sugar coating over a ball of mud, feeding it to him, smiling as he choked. So it took him a while to accept it when Mitsuri told him she loved him.
He trusted her, truly. With all his life. But he couldn’t believe that it was sincere. No doubt, she’d take it back. It was a joke. She would find someone better than him one day, leave him behind. He wouldn’t be anything more than a vague memory in that beautiful mind of hers. Because she was so much more than him—because he could never be truly loved. Right?
But Mitsuri loved him. She said so. She said it with such sincerity. She said it while holding him in her arms, speaking quietly. As if it were their little secret. How much they loved each other. How much she loved him. As if it were just between them, as if they were the only people in the world—as if all her love, all of it, was… all for him. Only for him.
Because she loved him.
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mitsvriii · 1 year
TW’s: angst throughout half of the fic, self-doubting
Pairings: one sided! Obanai Iguro x reader, Obanai Iguro x Mitsuri Kanroji, Giyu Tomioka x reader
Word count: 1.11k (first 1k+ piece!)
A/N: Sorry if characters are ooc, this is my first time writing for them. All images are from the KnY manga.
Part 2
Tags: @imyourbrokenfridge
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You knew that it was stupid. To have a crush on the Serpent Hashira of all things. He had the personality of a brick, in the kind words of Muichiro, and was only nice to Mitsuri much to your dismay. But that didn't seem to stop you from trying to get close to him.
You tried to give him bentos, tried to see if he wanted to spar with you, tried to see if he'd like to accompany you to go get some ramen...hell, you even tried to see if he wanted to sit next to you in the pillar meetings. Your tries were all in vain however, as the answer was always the same.
"Mitsuri already gave me one."
"Mitsuri and I are going to spar actually."
"Mitsuri and I already went to get ramen this morning."
"Mitsuri and I are sitting next to each other, as always. Of course you'd forget that."
No matter how many times you heard his answers, they always seemed to hurt. You never gave up though, you always ignored the sympathetic look Shinobu gave you when you went to ask her if you could give Obanai his medicine for his wounds. You ignored the look that Sanemi gave you whenever you chased after Iguro after a meeting. And poor Kyojuro having to grab your wrist and reminding you that Iguro was out with Mitsuri whenever you were searching for him.
It was pathetic to put it bluntly. Chasing after Iguro like he was the only man alive. Uzui himself had even told you it was a lost cause, but you didn't care. Because to you he was one of the prettiest people you've ever seen, his heterochromia eyes and his crow-colored hair that you knew had to be soft was just two of the features that you liked about him. If only they carried over to his personality, though.
You sighed as you shifted on the bench, trying to stop thinking about Iguro. God...why did you have to fall for the guy that already had his eyes set on someone else. And it didn't help that it was Mitsuri either. She was the perfect in your eyes, strong, sweet, beautiful, and social. Obanai must've thought so, too, or else he wouldn't act like a puppy around her.
You knew it wasn't worth it to confess, and if you did it for closure you're positive Obanai would only make you feel worse. He might not look like it at first glance, but his tongue is sharper than his katana and it cuts like it, too. If you were Mitsuri you'd confess faster than your heart could beat. But you weren't and that was the entire problem.
You thought of how everyone was telling you to stop throughout looks and actions the entire time, but you were too lovesick to see it. Kyojuro, Uzui, and Shinobu were persistent on telling you to stop. Muichiro, Samemi, and Gyomei could only sigh as they watched and listen to your conversations...even though you couldn't even call them that. They were just basic greetings and questions, nothing special.
Your brows furrowed in thought when one name didn't come to mind. Giyu didn't ever try to stop you, did he? No..he didn't. In fact, you don't think you've even seen him in the past couple of days. Did he really go away because of how you acted? You wouldn't put it past him, he once left the hashira meeting early because he had to sit next to Sanemi during it.
You snapped out of your thoughts and lifted your head. Speak of the devil, it was Giyu.
"Do you mind if I sit?"
"Oh um, no", you watched as he sat down, holding a bento in his hand. Was he here to comfort you or something?
"You weren't at lunch", Giyu spoke, turning to look at you, "So I brought this for you." He held out the bento for you to take, a pair of chopsticks on top on it, turning his head away shyly.
"Oh, thank you Tomioka-sama", you took the bento and chopsticks from his hands. Opening it you saw that it had your favorite dish in it. How did he know that? You don't remember telling him.
Giyu sat in silence as he watched you eat, scanning your face to see if you liked it. The way you sighed and relaxed seemed that you did. He smiled softly, although it was gone as fast as it had appeared.
"Obanai's an idiot", he spoke, still looking at you.
"What?" you turned to look at him, placing the bento down onto your lap.
"He's an idiot, and has the personality of a brick", Giyu answered, a look of what seemed to be disgust on his face.
Oh, so that's where Muichiro got it from.
"Honestly don't know what Mitsuri sees in him, he's rude to everyone but her", Giyu continued, glancing back at you, "I can't believe he didn't pay any mind to you."
"What do you mean?" You were still confused, you didn't think yourself to be interesting in anyone's eyes.
Giyu sighed before looking at you, a slight pink dusting his cheeks, "You're beautiful and kind...I don't know how anyone couldn't be interested in you."
Your mouth parted into an "o" shape as you stared at Giyu. He wasn't kidding, he thought you were worth someone's time. And did he distance himself from you because he thought that you were interested in Obanai? It would be most likely.
"Tomioka-sama...do you like me?" Although your question was simple, it got Giyu red as he looked away. He nodded his head softly, still avoiding your gaze.
You both stayed silent. You couldn't believe that the stone-faced Water Hashira could get so flustered over someone. You broke the silence.
"How long?"
Giyu turned to look at you slightly, "Four months."
Your eyes widened. Four months? You hadn't even been crushing on Obanai for that long.
"Tomio-Giyu. I think I might like you too."
As bad as it sounded your attention was brought to Giyu first. Then as you adjusted to being the Frost Hashira Obanai came to catch your gaze. Maybe it was something about black-headed people that caught your attention.
"Would you...like to go get some ramen?...To see if you'd like to do it more often?" Giyu asked, his blush fading into a pink.
"I would love to Giyu", you replied with earnest.
Giyu gave a small smile as he got up and reached out his hand, inviting you to take it. And you took it as you both walked, both of your walks a little more energetic.
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sapphickocho · 6 months
Obanai who has trouble eating and Mitsuri his wife, who makes the most delicious food for him, never pressures him or anything. She understands what its like. Mitsuri's food is the only food he can eat and he adores it.
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reallypleasanttree · 2 months
Deleted scene from “Wedding Plans” with domestic Obamitsu taking care of Mitsuri’s niece. Mitsuri sat on the floor reading a short story with her niece, Suki. The girl was in her lap.
“Obi,” Suki said in a high voice as he appeared. “Obi!” She called out louder and squirmed in Mitsuri’s lap. Mitsuri let go of her and the girl ran towards Obanai. He felt a chill run down his spine when she came up to his leg and grasped his pant leg before looking up. 
“Up?” She asked and raised her other hand up. He spared Mitsuri a glance and she was watching the scene play out. He knelt down and picked her up, placing her on his left side. Suki pointed at his eyes. 
“Kitty!” She giggled. Mitsuri snorted as Obanai opened his eyes wider to give the girl a better look at his yellow and blue eyes.
“Pretty kitty,” Suki patted his nose lightly. He found himself smiling at the girl’s naivety. 
“I only turn into a cat on Halloween, but if anyone knows I’ll get into trouble with the cat lords,” Obanai told her a tall tale. She put both hands over her mouth and nodded. 
His eyes found Mitsuri. All her teeth were showing as she watched her niece and partner. She set the short story aside and set both elbows on the coffee table, placing her head in her hands. 
He set Suki back down on the ground and the girl grabbed his hand, dragging him to Mitsuri. She returned to her aunt’s lap and pointed at the book they’d been reading. He sat down next to Mitsuri. He bent his left knee and rested his head on it while Mitsuri read the story. By the time she was done, the girl was sleeping, slumped over Mitsuri’s forearm. The pink haired woman put the cardboard book onto the table again before standing up with Suki. 
‘Be right back,’ she mouthed before walking down the hallway to her guest bedroom to put the girl down for a nap.
Mitsuri came back and plopped down next to him on the floor. She laid her head on him. “She’s very cute, but tiring. She likes you a lot.” 
“Yeah, it’s easy for kids to like you when you’re a kitty,” he gestured to his eyes. Obanai felt her smile into his shoulder. 
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silvermarley · 2 months
Someone pls gimme the motivation to write a Obamitsu x reader fic 🙏🏻
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giggly-squiggily · 8 months
obanai and mitsuri with puppy love PLEASE (romantic obviously what r u talking abt they’re married and living tgt happily 😊😊)
Slime! *runs over and hugs* I'm happy to hear from you! And heck yeah CANDY HEARTS!!! :D I love Obamitsu so much kajaekjrjkaerjk I've gotcha covered, friend!
Puppy Love- "Where are those giggles I love so much?"
It was rare for Mitsuri to be quiet.
It was even rarer Obanai being the reason for it.
“Mitsuri, please. I said I was sorry.” He pleaded gently to his silent wife, her arms crossed over her chest and her mouth in a stubborn pout. “I’ll buy you more mochi, I promise.”
The offer was tempting- he could see her start to crack. Then she raised her chin, turning away more and giving him her back with a small ‘hmph!’.
To be honest- it was quite cute. Obanai had to hold back from laughing outloud at her mannerisms. Right- fixing his mistake.
“Mitsuri..” He scooted over to her, pulling her back against his chest. Instinctively she settled into him- a sign she wasn’t truly mad. “Forgive me?”
“...Okay.” She gave in, her pout lessening as he kissed her cheek. “I’m holding you to that mochi. I was waiting for it all day!”
“I know, and I’m sorry. I hadn’t realized Kaburamaru developed an appetite for the sort.” He still couldn’t believe his snake managed to polish off the remaining treats! Before he could reassure her again, he saw her lips twitch. Seems the idea tickled her.
“Mitsuri…where are those giggles I love so much?” He cooed in her ear, wasting no time attacking her sides with tickly fingers. Almost immediately his wife jumped, her laughter like bells in his ear. “There they are.”
“Ohoohohobahahahani! Ahehahahaha, wahahahahhait!” She cried, cheeks turning as pink as her hair as she wriggled in his arms. “Yohoohohhou’re tehehehheherribihiihihihle!”
“You don’t mean that.” He kissed her shoulder as he moved to her stomach, nearly taking a headbutt to the nose.
“Oohohohohhof coohohohohouse I dohohohoohhon’t! Ahehahahahhaha, fihihihine, I fihoohohohohorgiihhihive youohohohu! Pleahhahahhase!” At her squeals for mercy, Obanai ceased his tickles. Little did he realize this would be his demise.
“Gotcha!” She twisted, using her strength to pin him down against their shared futon. “You’re gonna get it now, Obi!”
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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chizukimp4 · 2 months
I got pestered to start editing again and here we are woopsies
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six-eyed-samurai · 5 months
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Sorry this is so trash y'all, I was getting stressed out and had no idea where it was going. If you don't like OC children I suggest you don't read.
“If we ever get reborn, if we're born again as human beings, will you make me your wife?”
*** Some things never changed, no matter the time, distance…number of reincarnations.
The famously red and yellow shock of hair inherited by all the descendants of the Rengoku family, for one. The scarred faces and hot tempers of the Shinazugawas, for another. The whiny cowardice and obsession with girls in the Agatsuma boys.
And the beautiful but tragic love story that was the romance between the former sour Serpent Pillar and sweet Love Pillar.
Sometimes when Mitsuri met up with Shinobu they’d talk about if, hypothetically, one day the Corps were no longer needed and demons no longer existed, what would they like to do?
“I’d really like it if Iguro-san and I got together! He’s so sweet to me, he even gave me these socks! He’s kind of cute too.”
“Would you really like to get married to someone as bitter as him?” Shinobu hid her trademark smile behind her teacup.
“Of course! If - if he’d have me. I’ve always wanted to have a big family with a lot of kids. Three or four? I’m not too sure, but we’d have so much fun together! I’d love to braid my girl’s hair or - ooh, or talk to them about boys, and if I did have any sons I’d love to cook for them! Oooh, do you think we could play sports together? I’m sure I could keep up.”
“...you’d do more than keep up, Mitsuri-chan.”
Parallel in eerily similar ways Obanai too would pour out the same musings to his best friend in the Corps over complaining about Tomioka’s face or simply just training together. The only differences, perhaps, was that Sanemi was getting fed up that Obanai was not making a move and the Serpent Pillar wasn’t so sure he’d make a good father…or that he even wanted children.
“When are you going to stop dreaming and complaining about whatever sunshiney marriage dream you’re having with Kanroji to me and actually tell her? Fxxking coward.” Sanemi deftly swung his sword with a lot more force than necessary, fed up with hearing Obanai make excuse after excuse as to why he hadn’t done anything yet. “Man up, grow some balls and go confess. You both are so obviously lovesick I want to throw up.”
“...soon.” Obanai blocked his hit. “But if you throw up, go do it somewhere else.”
Soon, soon, soon, the both of them repeatedly answered each time. Were they to know their tragic fate, their ‘soon’ never to come? They did plan to confess eventually, some day, one day.
Just never planned on regretting only having to do it while awaiting at death’s door, one to never see his love even in their dying moments, the other unable to hold him and really tell him exactly how much he meant to her - but the universe wasn’t that cruel.
Obanai Iguro, a man renowned for his godly level cooking and sharp tongue capable of rendering even the most rude of customers into tears. Obanai Iguro, a man known to his family as someone who rarely showed affection but could be counted on to always be there for them. Obanai Iguro, a man only known to cry once in his life when his beloved wife gave birth to their first born twin girls and pass out from worry when Mitsuri went into labor early with their happy accident baby Fuyu.
Obanai Iguro, who still wasn’t sure what he had done to earn such an amazing family for he wasn’t the best of saints, but thanked his lucky stars every day to wake up to - 
“DAD! Can we go, please, please, pretty please?” 
“Mama! Mama!”
“Where’s my chocolate bar? Fuyu! Nii-chan!”
-the utter chaos that was their big family of seven on the weekends, the only two days when their famous diner didn’t open.
“WHAT?” Obanai rarely raised his voice - his acidic, disappointed tone was always enough to scold his five children - but for once surprise had taken him by…well, surprise. With a stack of cereal bowls in one hand and their youngest in the other he dashed out faster than a demon of the kitchen and loomed (as well as he could with his lack of height anyway) menacingly at the newcomer standing at the threshold of their cluttered living room. “Baby, you never said you’d be going out today…at least not with this scumbag.”
“Daddy, please, can you not be so weird about it?” Oh, he should’ve known something was up the moment his second oldest and precious princess Junko had come home three days ago giggling like a maniac on her phone. Jeez, why couldn’t she stay a cute little four year old forever? Now all these teenage boys were coming over to taint his golden girl.
Out of the five, Junko was the one that resembled Mitsuri the most, even in looks with her magenta hair that her mother fawned over putting in double pigtail braids and bright green eyes always turned up in half-moons from her smiling. Adorable from the moment she was born. Cheerful no matter what. The most loving and clingy to both her parents. Truly a daddy’s girl; and there was no way Obanai was letting her go off with some ‘just a friend who also happens to be the opposite gender’. 
But it did make a lot of sense guys would chase after her just like they did with Mitsuri…still, what if she got her innocent little heart broken? What if she got dumped halfway? What if that bright sunshine she had eternally been faded after the certain failure this so-called hangout would be?
 He glared daggers irritably at the poor boy in question, and even looking as frazzled as he did from cooking seven breakfasts in a row he managed to make the receiver squirm a little. Okay, a lot. 
But to the boy’s credit he still managed to muster an awkward, shy smile and held out a hand. “Hi, Mr. Iguro! I’m Kaito - if it’s alright with you can Junko come to the park with me? If I’m interrupting your family time I’ll come back another day!” 
Hmph. He seemed nice enough but the bead of sweat dripping down his forehead was obvious to everyone. Clearly not a very brave one. What would he do if they got cornered by those neighborhood bullies the Iguro’s third born was always going head to toe with? Run, probably, no doubt. With spiky, tousled hair and rumpled clothes like that he probably wasn’t too bothered about his appearance. Lack of hygiene: red flag right there, Obanai was sure.
Junko edged closer to her father, playing with the edge of her skirt (oh, so he was why she had been taking so long to dress this morning) nervously. “Daddy, come on, you don’t have to be so threatening. Kaito’s…nice.” 
She colored up pretty fast and Obanai narrowed his eyes. “Absolutely not. You’re not going to go gallivanting the countryside with this…whatever he is.”
Kaito cleared his throat. “I live a few buildings down if that helps?”
Maybe Mitsuri might’ve let Junko go off with a lot of squealing about how cute they were and encouraging this “young love”, but Obanai would rather lose his arms and sight and life then agree to it. “No. Not with a boy, not ever.”
“Dad, come on, please?” 
Oh god, not the puppy eyes. Obanai stared up for a beat wondering what deity had blessed his daughters with such enormous doe eyes he could never say no to and how could he track him down before averting eye contact and muttering “fine”.
“ThankyousomuchIloveyoualotDadthankyousomuch!” Ah well, maybe it couldn’t hurt once in a while to let his little dove leave the nest if he got to see her beam so brightly all the spotlights in the world faded to gray and hug him so tightly.
“Be back by evening or I’ll have his head and put it on a spike outside the restaurant!” He made a “I’m-watching-you-so-you-better-not-do-anything-to-my-baby” gesture at this Kaito when they left. Why did she have to grow up so fast?
“Is he serious?” Obanai heard Kaito asking as they ran off.
“...I mean, he did tie up someone and left them outside for a day because they gave Kyoka a flower on White Day, but don’t worry! Daddy’s really nice!”
“You better not do the same,” Obanai grumbled down at the toddler clinging to him, fast asleep and drooling as he headed back to the kitchen. “You’re going to be the only girl left in this house who hasn’t gone into their teenager phase, Fuyu.”
Fuyu sighed softly and clung on even more, as if she understood what he was saying. Her tiny, puffy pink ponytail tickled his neck, as did the nagging suspicion that today’s adventures and problems hadn’t come to an end yet.
“Dad, can you come up?”
Aaand another problem arose to deal with. Who was he to deny any of Mitsuri’s, his queen, requests, so up he went as fast as he could after dumping the dishes in the sink to be washed another time.
Mitsuri loved her children a lot, and that was obvious to even an outsider. She had never punished them once, always stopped to give them attention individually,  constantly showered them in sugary confections, agreed to even the most ridiculous of games, played good cop every time they got into trouble and never, ever, raised a hand or used her crazily unnatural strength against them.
Until her eldest daughter Kyoka hit her fourteenth birthday apparently - as much as it pained her to do it she was pinning her down to the chair with all her strength to prevent her daughter’s desperate attempts to escape while Torao watched with wide eyes and Kenji excitedly explained the whole thing to Obanai. 
Why oh why couldn’t she be as easy going as her twin Junko or as compliant as Torao or as agreeable as Kenji? Heck, even Fuyu was a little less rebellious than Kyoka when she was in her moods. 
Not that Mitsuri was saying she wanted to change her daughter’s personality, oh no, never. She’d give up all the sakura mochi in the world before that happened. Kyoka was the most responsible girl anyone could ask for and had won so many awards at school the wall was running out of space for framed certificates. But honestly she could be rather…stubborn at times. 
Strangers and customers often commented on the amazing genetic spread between all of her five children, a perfect mix of her and darling Obanai: Kyoka had received her dad’s black hair and blue eyes with her mother’s beauty marks and strength of ten men; her fraternal twin Junko had inherited her pink and green scheme but Obanai’s petite frame; the boys Kenji and Torao had black hair mixed with pink beginnings and fading green ends respectively; Fuyu her mother’s candy floss hair and dad’s captivating golden yellow eyes. Mitsuri delightedly reveled in cutting, combing and styling them ever since they were young…
“Mom, please, for the last time, MY BANGS ARE FINE!”
“Kyoka, they’re too long and it’s slanted, I told you you shouldn’t have cut them yourself -”
“You weren’t free at the time, besides, this is the current trend anyways -”
But how could she have known it was going to be absolute hell now to give Kyoka’s short, unevenly sliced hair a trim?
“I don’t see what’s trendy if it’s getting in your eyes!”
“She’s been rubbing them a lot lately,” Torao piped up, but cringed when Kyoka shot him her signature death stare and hid behind Obanai. 
“Just let me cut them, Kyoka,” Mitsuri repeated, exasperated for the first time in history. Even Fuyu seemed to tense in her sleep. “Why are you being so insistent about having them in your eyes like that?”
“...Ryota said they looked cool.”
Once again the stark contrast between Mitsuri and Obanai’s personalities revealed itself as it did daily when faced with the realization their girls were at that age where boys had a lot of impact in their choices.
At once Mitsuri exploded into sheer joy, glee and anticipation, grabbing her eldest into a crushing hug, crying that her little girl was all grown up and ready to go look for her soulmate; Kyoka awkwardly returned it with a red face. 
Obanai, on the other hand, looked like he was in the middle of a seizure, but that was a story for later. 
“WE SHOULD GO TO SHOPPING TOGETHER, IT’S BEEN TOO LONG SINCE WE BOUGHT YOU NEW DRESSES!” Mitsuri took a deep breath to calm herself, then launched into a barrage of rapid fire interrogation. “Have you made a first move? Is he showing any signs of being interested? What’s he like? Have you both gone on any dates yet?”
“Mom, please, it’s not that big of a deal! He just sits behind me!” Kyoka averted her eyes and shrank further into her untidy fringe. “...I don’t think Dad’s gonna like him much though.”
Mitsuri’s eyes gleamed. Ah, an opportunity for a little mother-daughter bonding time with a lil’ boy talk. Of course she’d wind up telling Obanai one day - she was almost as bad as the Kamado family at lying - but it’d be fun while it lasted. “Don’t worry, it’ll be our secret.” 
Mitsuri had been so enthusiastic about having a backyard when they had bought the house that Obanai had relented from his steadfast argument of not creating a garden even without flowers (bad enough he had to wear a face mask 24/7 to filter pollen) and they had come to the agreement that it would at least have be a mini playground for the kids - a lone, squeaking tire swing, abandoned bikes and littered toys today all ignored in favour of a - 
“Put it back!”
“Come on, I want to show Dad! I won’t hurt it!”
“Ew, don’t hold it to my face! Drop it back in the dirt!”
“Nii-chan, don’t give it to Fuyu! She’ll eat it! NO, DON’T GIVE IT TO ME!”
Kyoka shrieked when Kenji deliberately dangled the worm in front of her, causing her to drop the phone she had been scrolling on with Fuyu on her lap. Torao took the opportunity to run away from his elder brother and hide behind Mitsuri standing at the doorway. Obanai wished he had a camera right then to capture the moment because her cheeks were red and puffed out from a terrible attempt to stop her giggling but unfortunately he was still fuming over losing his daughter to a…ugh, he couldn’t even say it. 
“Eh, Torao?! Don’t you wanna try holding it?! You’re always so freaked out over a little insect!!!”
Kenji had always reminded Mitsuri of someone on the edge of her brain but she couldn’t remember what - or who. As the years went on it began to push deeper and deeper, the way he unnecessarily shouted his words in excitement, his fire-bright personality and how he easily looked out for his younger brother like it was nothing. The feeling was usually accompanied by a wave of sadness (grief?), even more so the day he brought home a friend he introduced as Tojuro, but she couldn’t deny it was such a blessing to have him around. 
“I don’t want to! Just leave it be!”
Torao…on the other hand….where he got his shy, socially anxious genes from Obanai to this day was still wracking his brains over. Of course he was more than happy to indulge in him when he chose to stay home instead of going out to some friend’s party (less chances of getting picked up by some - shudder - girl!) but honestly he was terrified of everything and unbeknownst to him his dad had already plans to braven him up a little which may or may not involve some hostages (god did that Kamado boy irritate him but since he was Torao’s only friend he refrained from making…most of the complaints).
“Neeeeh! Worm!” Fuyu squealed and tried to reach for Kenji, squirming around in Kyoka’s death grip, a feebly cute attempt that had Mitsuri clapping her hands delightedly to catch the worm. Kyoka wrinkled her nose and took another step back. 
“Dad, can you just get Kenji to - OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, DAD, HE’S THROWING THE WORM AT YOU!”
Perhaps he would’ve noticed, picked up the worm and thrown it back into the bushes on a normal day, but he was still staring hard at a blushing Mitsuri and wishing for a camera and half-heartedly reaching for the quivering Torao behind him.
Perhaps on a normal day he would’ve simply just made a sarcastic comment when the worm then landed on the top of his black and white striped shirt and flick it off, but today he was NOT expecting that and proceeded to yelp (the likes of which never have been heard of from OBANAI IGURO) and jump up and shake it off desperately.
“KYAAAAAH!” Mitsuri exploded into laughter, collapsing to her feet while Kyoka and Torao stared in horror. 
That was almost enough for Obanai to forgive Kenji, but not quite.
“Oh you sneaky little snake -” 
None of them knew it but maybe, just maybe, a little bit of their former Pillar selves returned when Obanai tackled Kenji to the ground and in turn Mitsuri had to tackle him off.
Strange. Usually it would be Mitsuri who fell asleep first but judging from her voice she wasn’t the least bit sleepy. Even more strange when Fuyu hadn’t caused any trouble that night; she lay peacefully drooling in between them. 
He blinked the gunk out of his eyes. “Yeah?”
“I’m so happy, you know that? I thought I couldn’t be when we started dating, then I was wrong when we opened the diner together, when we got married - Kyoka, Junko, Kenji, Torao, Fuyu…especially.” Mitsuri rolled over to face him, a sweet smile curving up her emerald eyes. “Thank you so much for all this.”
Obanai, careful not to nudge Fuyu, reached over to take Mitsuri’s hand. “Should be thanking you, stupid. Thanks for…loving me even though I’ve got the personality of  a lemon.”
That got a laugh out of her. “You can be pretty sweet when you want to. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!”
“Why just stop at this one?” Obanai turned his head slightly, perfectly serious.
“True! It’ll be so amazing! Do you think we met in a past life too, Obanai?”
“Maybe. I don’t really care as long as you’re here right now.” 
“See, you can be sweet when you want to,” Mitsuri giggled softly, squeezing his hand. “Although you were pretty salty with Kaito when he came to drop Junko off. That was so mean, honestly. I hope you aren’t going to do that with Ryota.”
“He had it coming, taking her away like that - hold up, who’s Ryota?”
Mitsuri ultimately failed again at holding her laughter and woke up the whole household falling out of bed. 
“Of course. If you say you're fine with someone like me, then I will definitely make you happy.”
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mirukosbitchywife · 2 years
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you're telling me you look at these two and see HETEROSEXUALS??? that is a lesbian couple they are the classic goth x bimbo lesbian pairing and everything
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Mitsuri Kanroji Hcs that no one asked for!
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- Pansexual :D
- Has She/Her pronouns but puts She/They in her bio to look cool & aesthetic
- likes to bake and make friendship bracelets for her friends
- Visits Senjuro in her free time
- Has at least 3 cats
- Compliments others in her head, ALL. THE. TIME.
- Her favorite types of tv shows, movies, or books are romance ones
- Probably can’t say caterpillar or synonym correctly
- Uses the 🤗 and 🌸 unironically
- Likes Doing other’s hair :D
- Probably listens to Clairo
- Flusters at any small, kind gesture made towards her
- Ships people with others in her head when bored (or even herself with others ;-;)
- Freckles <3
- Soft hair like Shinobu as well
- Spends a lot of her free time with Nezuko, Shinobu, Tengen, Rengoku, or Obani.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 2 days
sanemi never thought he could ever want someone so badly. he would kill to press his lips against giyuu’s, he would live every life if he got to see giyuu in each of them. he was on his knees, praying, wishing, hoping that he might just be enough for giyuu, might have a chance. he took back every time he teased obanai for his infatuation with mitsuri. he understood much more than he wished. this adoration — this pure, torturous want to be the one giyuu loved, to be the one in giyuu’s arms, to be anything for him because somehow, in some way, giyuu was everything for sanemi. he desperately needed him. he needed to be someone important in giyuu’s life. he needed to be in giyuu’s life. just giyuu and sanemi and nobody else.
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kakushigotofanclub · 7 months
Me: I should write a cute wholesome Obamitsu happy ending AU!
My brain: Okay hear me out: it starts with Kaburamaru fucking dying
Me: WTF NO!!
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dreamitsuri · 1 month
crush on you | obamitsu
pairing: obanai iguro x mitsuri kanroji
genre: social media au
obanai has had a huge crush on mitsuri for the longest time, and everyone knows it already. they've been begging him to confess his feelings for her already but he's hesitant. he doesn't see himself good enough to be by her side, he's afraid of not being able to make her happy, he believes she deserves someone who's so much better than him.
one night, obanai's feelings for mitsuri were too strong to be kept inside his heart, so he decides to write a post about them on his twitter account and drift to sleep. not knowing he posted them on his main account where he's mutuals with mitsuri instead of his private one.
the next morning, obanai wakes up to his phone blowing up with texts and dms but one particular person catches his attention immediately: mitsuri. he hurriedly opens the chat and a mortified look makes its way onto his face upon reading her messages.
mitsuri: so who's this girl that you have a crush on, iguro-san? she's definitely a lucky one! :D
he gulps, should he tell mitsuri that the girl in question is none other than her? clearly she didn't seem to notice that he included her initials in the post. or should he play dumb and say it was just a prank or something? he's never felt this torn apart in his life.
meanwhile obanai doesn't realize there's an equally anxious mitsuri awaiting for his reply on the other side. seeing her crush (yes she also has a crush on obanai but she was too shy to confess) posting about having a crush on a girl made her mind spiral with worry. she even regrets asking him about it because she's not ready to hear him talk about another girl in a romantic light.
finally after what seems like forever, obanai sends his reply to her and almost drops his phone. he instantly regrets his decision, what if she rejects him and he loses her as a friend forever? but it's too late to turn back.
the moment mitsuri's phone dings she instantly checks the new messages sent to her by obanai.
obanai: she's the cutest girl in the whole world, she has the most beautiful smile i've ever seen. her name is kanroji mitsuri.
obanai: i have always had a crush on you, mitsuri. from the very first moment we met. i know i'm far from perfect, but if you give me a chance, i promise i'll make you happy for as long as i can live.
at that moment mitsuri feels all the worry and stress that burdened her heart earlier immediately leave, replaced by sheer happiness knowing that her feelings for her crush have always been mutual. she grabs her phone and types her reply to obanai before sending it.
mitsuri: i know i'll be the happiest girl with you! i love you, obanai-san.
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