#mitsuri please kiss this man already
nayrring · 3 months
Obanai after getting scolded by mitsuri for mistreating tanjiro during training :
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reallypleasanttree · 1 month
Hi, I love your fanfics! Obanai and Mitsuri are so cute! You said that you have a graveyard of drabbles… could you share more drabbles? Please? The ones you shared are adorable and I’d love to read more!
Thanks! 😊 They’re my hyperfixation and it might be slightly unhealthy at this point. 😅 Yes, I can share one! The premise was undercover Obamitsu. They would have been out of character, so I put it in the graveyard. :)
Mitsuri stood beside Obanai as they looked over the ballroom. She was dressed in a western style gown. Pink and green to match her hair and a full skirt that made her look like a princess. She already was in his eyes. He was dressed in a black suit. For this mission they were acting as a wealthy husband and wife looking to expand their business ventures across seas. This party was a way for them to mingle. Supposedly Muzan made a demon out of a European diplomat. He was a tall blond man with violet eyes. She smiled as she scanned the crowd looking for their target. 
Beneath her full skirt was her sword strapped to her thigh. He helped her fasten the belts on her thighs and he had a hard time not kissing them. The tender flesh was sensitive by the way her breath hitched. If there was even a chance she wanted him, he would have kissed her. He stashed his own sword by the hallway Mitsuri was supposed to lead the demon to. 
“I think I see our friend,” Mitsuri looked over at her husband before gesturing with right hand to the tall blond man dancing with a brunette. Obanai took Mitsuri’s hand and led her to the dance floor. He placed one hand on her hip and the other in her hand to lead her. They moved across the dance floor with practiced steps. Slowly, they made their way towards the demon. Part of the dance was switching partners. Mitsuri needed to get within range and she would be his next partner. 
The song stalled signaling the need to change dance partners. Mitsuri turned and saw the demon and took him as her partner. She laughed as she introduced herself and the music began again. Obanai took another dance partner, but kept distance and barely touched her. He still had an inherent distrust of women. 
He tried not to look too closely at Mitsuri and the handsome man. If the man wasn’t a demon they would look like quite the couple. He bristled with envy. Despite their cover as husband and wife, she had to pretend to be a loose woman in hopes of sneaking away with the demon during the party. 
The demon leaned forward to whisper in her ear. This fuckwad. He gritted his teeth and decided to separate from his current dance partner. He’d rather stew in anger and keep watch from a distance instead of being so close and unable to punch the demon or slice off its head. Obanai found himself walking to the outer edges of the room.
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blues824 · 2 years
🌞Can I please have the hashiras with a female Kalim Al-Asim s/o .
🌞Then buying the hashiras alot of presents and gifting them a lot of food for Christmas
🌞How whoud they react to seeing there s/o food get tested for poison all the time (meanwhile we have shinobu drinking/eating westria )
🌞How whoud they react to their fashion and their big family (they have atleas 30 siblings if I'm correct )
🌞all of the hashiras getting a meeting room in their Palace.
✨Tengen: getting more jewellery and his wives getting the finest silk they could find.
💨Sanami : o don't know what he whoud like.
🌸Mitsuri : geing food and pretty clothing and hair pins.
🔥kyoujurou :definitely food and something for his family.
🌫️Muichiro : a book about clouds.
👨‍🦯Gyomei:📿 (I forgot the name but its this 📿)
🌊Giyu: love and respect..
🐍Obanai: somthing for Kaburamaru and making sure he gets new bandages.
🦋Shinbu : medicine and the herbs to make them.
This is actually adorable. Also, did you mean prayer beads for Gyomei??
The Hashira had just received an invitation to the annual Al-Asim Christmas Party! All of them were excited, but one in particular was even more so because that would mean they get to see their beloved Y/N.
They are very happy that they get to celebrate with you and your family when they and the others receive the invitation. They go to check if it’s okay with Ubuyashiki only to find out that he was invited as well. They’re super excited now.
Once they arrive at your residence, they are led to the living room by one of the many servants. There, they are met with you and your signature beaming smile. You hugged each of the others before giving your lover a kiss on the cheek and led them to the couches.
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Gyomei Himejima
Then one of the servants announces that dinner is ready and that your siblings will be down to join you. Of course, Gyomei knew that you had a lot of siblings, so he wasn’t surprised when he heard a bunch of footsteps rushing to the dining room.
The food was really good. You fixed his plate for him for obvious reasons. Plus, you knew the kind of things he likes to eat, so it really was not a problem for you. He said a quick prayer before he began to eat and he was not disappointed. Mans probably didn’t know your food was tested because he’s blind.
After dinner, you led everyone back to the living room where a bunch of gifts were waiting for everyone. You put your siblings to work by making them hand out the gifts to the people based on whose name was written on there. You personally handed Gyomei’s gift to him.
When he pulled the tissue paper out of the bag, he felt around until he felt a bag. He tried to open it but eventually handed it to you, asking you to help him. You let out a tiny giggle before opening the bag and putting the necklace into his hands. He knew what it was almost immediately because he had one around his neck.
The waterworks started working the water and he started crying out of happiness and gratitude. He would pull you into his lap and hug the living daylights out of you because he’s just so happy and grateful that he has someone like you in his life.
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Mitsuri Kanroji
Mitsuri greeted each and everyone of your siblings because she probably already knew all of them. They see her as an older sister figure (and she will be if you both get married). They’re all excited when they see her, and it’s so adorable.
She deems the food as exemplary and jumps in head-first into dessert. You even did that cute couple thing where you feed each other and clean off each other’s faces with napkins. Everyone let out a collective awww at the displays of affection. She was a bit concerned when one of the waiters put a silver hairpin in your soup to test it, though.
After dinner, you led everyone back to the living room where a bunch of gifts were waiting for everyone. You put your siblings to work by making them hand out the gifts to the people based on whose name was written on there. You personally handed Mitsuri’s gift to her. 
When she pulled the tissue paper out of the bag, she saw that there was a very cute package. She carefully opened it and saw that it was some new hair clips! She was so excited. It grew even more when one of the servants came out with a pink and green kimono as well as a plate of sakura mochi.
She literally tackled you into a hug and squealed a very excited ‘thank you’ while she littered your face with a bunch of kisses. She rushed out of the room and went to put on the new clothes she got and arrange the hairpins in her hair.
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Giyu Tomioka
He would most likely just hold his inexpressive face as he awkwardly waves to your many many many siblings. Of course, they all go up and hug the ever loving crap out of him because you all are just a bunch of huggers. 
He probably has a good portion of food on his plate. He knows dessert is coming soon, so he eats good sizes so that he won’t get a stomach ache from overeating (wouldn’t be me). Was obviously a little shocked when he saw a waiter sticking a silver chopstick in your food and checking it after.
After dinner, you led everyone back to the living room where a bunch of gifts were waiting for everyone. You put your siblings to work by making them hand out the gifts to the people based on whose name was written on there. You personally handed Giyu’s gift to him.
When he pulled the tissue paper out of the bag, he noticed a book with laminated pages. He pulled it out and saw that it was a photo book composed of photos of the both of you. He quietly flips through the pages, shaking with each page he turns.
He quickly turns to you and pulls you into a hug with silent tears streaming down his face. You quickly grew worried and tried to tell him that if he didn’t like it, then you’d get him something else. He shushed you by pulling you into a kiss. Unfortunately, Tengen saw and pulled out some mistletoe to put over the both of you. That pic went into the book.
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Tengen Uzui
He’s definitely the type to have the kids hang off his arms as he flexes his muscles to impress you. His wives are leading the younger ones to the table as well. You were so happy that your siblings didn’t judge the fact that he was already married to 3 women.
Describes the food as flamboyant. He is a big man, and he needs to support his build by eating a lot. The 5 of you totally do the ‘feeding each other’ thing and joke around with the ‘here comes the choo-choo train!’
After dinner, you led everyone back to the living room where a bunch of gifts were waiting for everyone. You put your siblings to work by making them hand out the gifts to the people based on whose name was written on there. You personally handed Tengen’s gift to him. You also hand out Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma’s gifts.
As each of them take out the tissue paper in their bags, each let out a collective gasp when they see what’s inside. Tengen pulls out a few jeweled headbands, and the girls pull out… nothing? Then 3 servants are in front of them with silk kimonos. They each squeal in excitement… Except for Tengen. He smiles.
The girls rush over to hug you and Tengen comes and scoops you all into his arms. There was a collective feeling of warmth in all of your hearts. You couldn’t ask for a better future family than the one you will have with them.
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Sanemi Shinazugawa 
He himself has a little brother who he secretly still cares for because ✨family✨. He has a soft spot for these little punks. He’s the kind of guy to tell them really cool stories about the many different scars he has. It’s so endearing to watch.
I know this man eats a lot as well. However, he definitely ends up overeating and curses like a sailor when he suffers through indigestion later. You have the time of your life just laughing your butt off when he’s complaining and groaning about the pain.
After dinner, you led everyone back to the living room where a bunch of gifts were waiting for everyone. You put your siblings to work by making them hand out the gifts to the people based on whose name was written on there. You personally handed Sanemi’s gift to him.
He tears off the wrapping paper on the huge box and sees that it’s a new tank that was filled with a bunch of decorations. He realized that you remembered he had kept a rhinoceros beetle as a pet. He had a grin on his face.
Then he noticed that one of the losers Tengen decided that he was gonna get real cocky and hang some mistletoe over the two of you. You were immediately blushing, but he pulled you in by your waist and into a kiss.
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Shinobu Kocho
She has family of her own (RIP to Kanae 🫡😪. Fly high 🕊️), so she understands the whole being-close-with-your-siblings. In fact, the youngest tend to like her the most because she’s so calm and gentle to them.
She’s a medical professional, and that shows on her plate. She’s got a balance between food groups. She's the person who needs to have their food separated at all times. I said it. She, however, totally would take some of her food and smear it on your cheek.
After dinner, you led everyone back to the living room where a bunch of gifts were waiting for everyone. You put your siblings to work by making them hand out the gifts to the people based on whose name was written on there. You personally handed Shinobu’s gift to her.
She pulled the tissue paper out of the bag to see a bunch of different herbs from your homeland as well as the seeds to those herbs so that she could grow some more if she ever ran out. The gift included a manual, and the gardener even offered to help her if she was having any trouble.
She totally pulled you into a hug while thanking you profusely. She would go on a few different tangents about the different properties of each plant as if you weren’t taught it since you were little. Coming from a line of merchants, you kinda had to know this.
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 Rengoku Kyojuro
Like Tengen, would be the type to let the kids dangle off his arms to flex how strong he is. You, along with your siblings, were all laughing so hard. He would tell stories about his recent demon slaying journeys to further impress them and you.
Plate is stacked with proteins because it’s good for the muscles (read: mus-kles) 💪. Is the type to do the whole this turkey is most exquisite. However did you manage to roast it to the perfect golden-brown color thing and it’s the most hilarious thing you’ve seen.
After dinner, you led everyone back to the living room where a bunch of gifts were waiting for everyone. You put your siblings to work by making them hand out the gifts to the people based on whose name was written on there. You personally handed Rengoku’s gift to him.
He pulled out the tissue paper out of the bag and saw a puzzle. You told him that it helps with both hand-eye coordination as well as problem-solving and having to take it slow. Plus, it was something he could do with his family.
He pulled you into a hug and then whispered to you that you are now a part of his family and you should be the one to help him complete the puzzle. Then he pulled away and started talking to the others. He would cheer on the littles as they celebrated what they got as presents. If that isn’t husband material, I don’t know what is.
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Obanai Iguro
Kaburamaru would have a great time with them. He’d gently wrap his tail around the hand of the youngest walking child and would lead them to the dining room. You held his hand as you walked together. You knew that he was probably uncomfortable and you would be eating in a separate room with you.
He doesn’t eat a lot, but the food was just so good. He was more comfortable taking off his bandages around you and his slithery companion. You would talk about whatever came to mind. He found your smile so beautiful whenever he told you about a sarcastic remark he made once.
After dinner, you whip out his present. You figured that he still wouldn’t be comfortable in such a social setting so you decided that a private setting was much more appropriate. He considered himself a super lucky guy because you’re just so considerate.
He starts to take out the tissue paper when he notices 2 small boxes. One was a box of dead mice for Kaburamaru, who was exceedingly happy about this, and a box of bandages. More specifically, bandages with little cartoonish snakes on them.
He nodded his head as a silent thank you. You helped rewrap him in the new bandages while also giving one of the mice to Kaburamaru. Eventually, he was all covered and you both went back out to show off his new look.
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Muichiro Tokito
Staring off into space, no thoughts running through. Just head empty. He does a subconscious wave to your siblings, Other than that, nothing. Not even a verbal greeting of any sort. What’d you expect, really?
He absolutely loves the food. I mean, it was just so good that it snapped him out of the trance he’s always in. He felt his sound ascending to the heavens. He’s paying attention to every word coming out of your mouth as he’s wolfing down food.
After dinner, you led everyone back to the living room where a bunch of gifts were waiting for everyone. You put your siblings to work by making them hand out the gifts to the people based on whose name was written on there. You personally handed Muichiro’s gift to him.
He tore off the wrapping paper to see The Book of Clouds in big letters on the cover. He flipped the book over to read the back and it was basically what the title said. He let out a tiny laugh because it was an inside joke between the two of you.
He pulled you into a hug. He also gave you a peck on the cheek, thanking you for the book. In a few days, you would see him on a grassy hill with binoculars and the book, trying to identify the different types of clouds. 
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capobegone · 2 years
My Thoughts on the Swordsmith Village Movie!
Alright y’all, this goes without saying, but I’ll announce it anyway:
Anyway. Now that that’s said and done, let’s begin! Here are my favorite parts, in no particular order.
-GOTOU. GOTOU THE KAKUSHI. He’s always been my favorite background character; he only shows up a few times but somehow he is around SO MUCH for the key events in Tanjiro’s journey. His abdominal breathing to scream for the butterfly girls was fantastic because a) abdominal breathing really is effective to project, from a vocalist’s standpoint, and b) it goes to show that even if he can’t wield a sword or use a breath technique, he still understands the importance of proper breath support! Good for you, Gotou-san!
-My theater’s audience laughed the most at Inosuke hanging from the ceiling. That was a hit. I already knew it was gonna happen but I was laughing too because I was just so giddy!! They also really enjoyed the scenes of Tengen’s wives arguing while he’s dying of poisoning. A classic.
-But seriously, I enjoyed the scene of Zenitsu with the other slayers and Gotou with his Kakushi friend. It gives us a rare glimpse into daily corps life when one is not fighting extremely important battles against upper moons.
-They recapped bits from the previous episode in the beginning of the swordsmith village arc, so we got to watch poor Kagaya choking and gagging on his own blood TWICE, BACK TO BACK. Which, as much as I love him dearly and felt awful for him, it was kinda funny. Side-note, Amane is a GOAT for sticking with him and taking care of him during all of this. She’s a queen through and through.
-Mitsuri. Oh, Mitsuri, the love of my life. I want to kiss her little face. Her voice actor is so wonderful!! Watching her play with Nezuko and easily pick her up and hold her hand was so heartwarming!! Her little song about dinner made my heart sing too!! The little sparkle edits whenever she got excited!! Mitsuri-chan, please be my wife. Just, uh, don’t tell Obanai.
-Also, the hot spring scene?? Hello?? I had seen the leaks, but they didn’t do it justice. I was not expecting them to fully show her entire butt. With both cheeks. I was gripping the seat for dear life so I didn’t screech out loud. Ufotable really went for it with the Mitsuri fanservice, and as much as my feminist side wants to disagree with this, I am unfortunately too gay to care. I shamelessly enjoyed every second of it.
-Speaking of hot springs, the crow noise that Tanjiro made when he jumped in took me OUT. And baby Nezuko swimming by was SO CUTE I CAN’T TAKE IT. UGH. 
-AND ALSO: GENYA!! I LOVE GENYA!! I’m so so excited to see more of him! The talk Tanjiro and Mitsuri had about his relationship with Sanemi made me sad, but then them worrying about him not eating enough and going to bring him some rice balls made it okay again.
-Speaking of which… why was Genya skipping his meals? Was he just avoiding Tanjiro and Mitsuri? Did he bring his own food like they hypothesized? Was his tummy messed up from eating demon, like Gyoumei always worried it would be? Seeing as he still had fangs, it had probably happened recently, and if demons can’t eat human food…am I over analyzing? I think I’m over analyzing.
-The snapping of Gyutaro breaking Tanjiro’s fingers in surround sound made the woman next to me physically recoil. Girl, same. Shit was nasty.
-The little tease of Muichiro at the end. Come on man, I want MORE!! DON’T DO THIS TO ME!!
-The entire upper moon meeting. Wow. The animation was insane. Good lord, the infinity castle was wonderfully confusing! It was a little overwhelming with all the flashes and transitions, but it helped that Akaza was in just as much of a state of sensory overload as the rest of us. Man did NOT want Douma touching him on top of everything else that was rubbing his temper the wrong way, and Douma could not have given less of a damn. But wow, did they make Douma such a funny little dude!! Crawling all over the floor and flashing peace signs and such. How wonderful. The scene of Nakime immediately shutting him down was glorious.
-Not sure if I’m the hugest fan of the way they just. Blipped out? I guess I always imagined Nakime would make them doors to go in and out of the infinity castle, so it felt a liiiiittle underwhelming. But, of course, that’s just me.
-Akaza falling was sick as hell. I just know he thought he was super cool. Which…yeah, he totally was. What can I say, I love him. Akaza punching off Douma’s face only to immediately get in trouble with Kokushibo? *chef’s kiss*
-But…the credits. They left in all of the credits, which was just a teeny bit awkward. I was just sitting there staring at them (I cannot read Japanese and I saw it subbed) and anxious out of my MIND to see swordsmith village! (Which, the village itself looked gorgeous, by the way!) Still, I think it was absolutely worth the wait. 
Overall, it was just such a fun experience!! I’ve never been to a movie on my own before, and I’m so glad this was the first one. It was so, so epic and I enjoyed myself thoroughly! Planning on going to see it again with my sister when she’s back in town. Easy 10/10 for me, because I just adored every moment with every character!! If you haven’t seen it yet, I encourage you to do so! :D
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bobs-secret-blog · 2 years
Loved by the hashiras- part 2
The first meet-up
Ok so part 2 is finaly here, it took me a while to come up with something, and i cant realy fit all the ideas in here so there will be a part 3 and 4 . Also read part one if you havent already, this was all a request by the lovely @danielle-marie ! Ok lets get to it.
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This is it. You have made it to the headquarters where you will now meet your new colleagues. The infamous Hashiras.
You have always dreamed of meeting them and working alongside them, slaying and fighting demons with them. Looking down to your right you saw Kiriya looking right at you. Waiting for your approval and response. And with one last look into his eyes, you nodded your head for him to open the door.
A bright light shining into your eyes. It was a beautiful place. Filled with the greenest trees and clearest lake that had looked like a little swamp for frogs and little birds. And there they were. 
The 9 Hashiras and their master sitting before them. Oh, now you were nervous. They were looking at you! Oh lord, this is so embarrassing.  
‘Welcome back.’ said a purple haired Hashira. She had a butterfly clip in her hair and the haori she wore resembled a butterfly. 
‘ Now let's not get too excited. Welcome to the headquarters (Y/n). We are delighted to meet you.’ said a man who you had guessed was Ubayashiki. 
You had instantly bowed down onto your knees before him ‘Thank you so much for this opportunity master! I will always try to do my best as a Hashira’ your voice was uneven from the nervousness. 
‘ Its quite alright (Y/n), you were chosen by me after all. I thought about all of this for a while, you know? You are going to be the star Hashira. I have a house located for you just outside the headquarters, all your belongings are in there along with some food and furniture. It should be comfortable.’ 
‘ Oh that’s really lovely of you to do master!’ he chuckled at that before standing up. 
‘ Now if you would like to meet your new colleagues I will give you plenty of time to.’ 
‘Thank you master!’ and with that Kiriya and Kanata escorted him away, leaving you with pure anxiety. 
‘ Well that was one flashy entrance must I say! Quite exquisite!’ slowly turning around you to see who said those words you saw a big, tall man with white hair staring down at you. His big muscles and biceps leaned you to believe you were very tiny. Even though your form was alright.  
‘ I completely agree with you Tengen, she is very beautiful! I can see her helping me out in a mission or maybe even on something else’ said a man with red and yellow hair. Oh wow this made you blush. 
‘Don’t flirt with her dipshits, you're making her feel embarrassed. Introduce yourself first! Besides don’t you have 3 wives already Tengen? ‘the man who said that had scars on his chest and short gray hair.  
‘ A fourth one wouldn’t be much of a trouble; I would spoil her day and night! My name is Tengen Uzui, your future soon-to-be flashy husband!’ he stopped and kissed the back of your hand. Yep now you were feeling very dizzy. 
‘ I'm (Y/n) (L/n) nice too meet you I guess. But im not looking for a lover right now! But thanks for the offer tough I wish we can all just be very good friends!’ 
Everyone's smile twitched a bit at your sentence, poor you just wanted to be friendly, what did you do!? 
‘Well you must be tired aren't you (Y/n) ? I bet all that walking did a number on you!’ said a pretty lady with pink and green hair. ‘ I'm Mitsuri, the love pillar, it's quite nice to meet you. If you'd like I can lead you to your house!’  
‘ Oh that would be very lovely, thank you!’ 
‘ Um may I come with you please, id like to meet our new colleague’ this time it was a heterochromatic- eyed boy with masks on his face and the cutest snake you had ever seen.
You always loved serpents and reptiles like snakes, frogs, worms and lizards, especially lizards. You had begged your parents since you were young for a lizard pet, and finally, they bought one for your birthday.
A small blue tounge skink, you had him for 7 years now. You had sometimes taken him onto missions, hiding him in your haori. You had named him after your late brother Chikako. 
‘ Oh of course you can come, what's your name?’ 
‘ Im Iguro the serpent pillar, nice to meet you (Y/n). And this little guy is Kaburamaru.’ 
‘He's realy cute!’ you went on to pet the snake, it had licked your hand and leaned more into you. 
‘He likes you a lot.’ Iguro said with a slight blush. 
‘ Let's get going before the dark falls, wouldn’t want any troubles on the way.’ 
Right after Mitsuri had said that you began walking to your new home. It was maybe 10 minutes of walking into the woods, the house being very pretty, surrounded by wisteria trees and pretty bushes.
Making it into your house you saw it had a beautiful décor inside, and on the table was the tree where Chikako was sleeping.  
‘Oh my baby, thank God you're okay.’ 
‘You also like serpents?!’ Iguro asked with a big blush. 
‘I love them very much; they all remind me of family and friends.’ 
After some time Mitsuri and Iguro had to go back, but in the last minute, Mitsuri gave something to you. 
‘Have some Sakura mochi (Y/n), they are my favorite!’ Mitsuri said with hearts in her eyes.  
‘Thank you so much Mitsuri, I will be sure to enjoy them!’ and with that you had separated, closing the door with a sleepy sigh, walking to your bed. Not even bothering to shower as you go into your dreams.
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loverofgenya · 1 year
ˢᵠᵘᵉᵃˡⁱⁿᵍ ᵃᵗ ʰᵒʷ ᶜᵘᵗᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃˡˡ ᵃʳᵉ
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Welcome to my world of love! You may call me Mother, as I have no other name that comes to mind! My siblings all call me mother, as well as my few friends so why not just have it as my second name!
If you are to refer to me using pronouns, please use it/he--or they/them, either is fine!
I am 15-17! Just so you all know :)
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Other Accounts;
Disney Twisted Wonderland | @loverofazul | I write for all twst boys and staff members over there! Grim and Ortho are strictly platonic when I write for them!
Jujutsu Kaisen | @loverofnobara | I write for most of the jjk characters! From sorcerers to curses and students!! I might add more characters but that is unlikely, sorry!
Genshin Impact | @loverofdiluc | I write for most of the Genshin Characters over there! All children are strictly platonic! Please don’t think/request otherwise!! I might add other characters but not likely, sorry!
Honkai Star Rail | @loverofmarch7th | I write for some of the HSR characters! I haven't gotten too far into the game but am working on it! Hook and other children characters are strictly platonic!! I will write some romantic stuff for Clara (EX. crush, dates, first kisses, etc.), but no make-out things, NSFW and things like that!! I will be adding other characters soon!
Hunter X Hunter | @loverofgon | I write for most of the HXH characters! This does not include Hisoka cause I loath that man with a passion! No NSFW for the children characters at all!! I do write stuff for Zushi, Gon, and Killua, but those are only romantic things (EX. crush, dates, first kisses, etc.), no NSFW at all!! I might be adding some more characters!.
Tokyo Revengers | @loverofhinaandemma | I write for most if not all of the TR characters! From Bonten to Tokyo Manji Gang! I do write for Future!Naoto but no NSFW at all for him! NSFW requests are iffy for this fandom as most, if not all, of the characters are minors! They will be aged up if NSFW is requested for them! Even then it won't be too specific/explicit/detailed/etc.!! I might be adding more characters sooner or later! But that's unlikely as most of them are already on there lol.
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The characters with more ✧ by them are the ones I prefer to write for! Well, more of an 'I like them more than the other characters' lolz
Tomioka Giyu ✧✧
Kanroji Mitsuri ✧✧
Iguro Obani
Shinazugawa Sanemi ✧✧
Himejima Gyomei ✧
Tokito Muichiro
Kocho Shinobu
Rengoku Kyojuro ✧
Uzui Tengen
Tsuyuri Kanao
Kamado Tanjiro ✧
Agatsuma Zenitsu
Hashibira Inosuke
Shinazugawa Genya ✧✧✧✧✧
Kamado Nezuko ✧✧
Kibutsuji Muzan
Kokushibo ✧✧
Akaza ✧✧✧
Rui ✧✧
Hinatsuru ✧
Makio ✧
Suma ✧
Rengoku Senjuro ✧✧
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These are some of my rules! Please make sure you read them before requesting and follow them!
No MinorxAdult, No Nsfw for any characters beside the Hashira and few demons (No Nezuko, Daki, Gyutaro, Yushiro, etc. the ones that are 'children' if you get what I mean), No sexualizing any of the minors (especially Senjuro and Nezuko!! This also includes Rui, Daki, Gyutaro, etc.), No noncon, nothing thats not consensual
I will do Platonic stuff, Romantic stuff, child reader, male reader, female reader, gn reader, demon reader, immortal reader, heartless reader, character-based reader etc. I love myself a villainous, no mercy or morals reader, as said before I will do Nsfw, but only for the Hashiras and few demons, I will do gore, self h/rm, talks of r/pe but not doing it of course, suic/de, major character death, angst, fluff, etc.
I might add a few ocs here and there, so if you'd like to know about them just ask!
There's a lot I will do but if youre not sure then just ask!
Thats about it, I will add more if something comes up!
Enjoy my Lovelies <3
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Out of curiosity, do you have like an all time favorite lee or a ler? Dont have to be from the same anime etc. just someone you really really love writing for or reading about👀
Ooo, that's a fantastic question! Unfortunately I don't think I can give you a proper answer though? Thing is- my all time faves change up a lot depending on what anime/series/game/etc. I'm really into at the moment. I can give you a more or less current faves list though!
Fave Lees As Of Right Now:
Chigiri Hyoma (Blue Lock) ~Granted this one will probably be a fave forever lols~
Dabi (My Hero Academia) ~This man is moreso a ler but I THRIVE for Lee!Dabi kjrjajrkejkarjekjrakj Something about breaking down such cocky bastards is just *chef's kiss* delightful~
Akaza (Demon Slayer) ~TICKLISH STRIPES!~
Grusha (Pokemon: Scarlet and Violet) ~I'm having terrible brainrot over him right now akjerkajrjejr I'm sorry- he is my BOY (brassie is a close second though!)~
Dazai (Bungo Stray Dogs) ~Need I say more? Cause I will if prompted- no joke. I ADORE him as a lee akjekjrjakrjkajkr~
Fave Lers Of Right Now:
Tengen (Demon Slayer) ~Just: YES. Team Ten-Ren is always a blast to write; throw in Mitsuri and you've got yourself one terrible trio of entertainment~
Sagiri (Hell's Paradise) ~Not to be bi on main but ✨Women✨; I just adore writing her as a Ler. She's got the best of both worlds: the strength of an executioner and the secret playful side you get bits and pieces of when she's interacting with others.~
Sidou (Blue Lock) ~I don't write him enough. God my Ryusai heart is hurting, I need to make more fics of him absolutely destroying Sae (and getting kicked in the face ala retalliation) akjekjajkrjejr But no seriously he DRIPS ler vibes~
Geto Suguru (Jujutsu Kaisen) ~LISTEN...y'all can't tell me this man isn't a ler. Even when he goes all JJK 0 on us, he reads such ler vibes karjkajkrjke I still love him as a lee but something about Ler!Geto is just EVERYTHING~
Douma (Demon Slayer) ~He's just- so fun to write wrecking people akljerkjarjejjk~
Fave Switches Of Right Now:
Hawks (My Hero Academia) ~Literally BIRB. I love writing Hawks so much; while I usually make him a ler, ticklish wings are just *multiple chef kisses*~
Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen) ~Season 2 has made him a proper switch in my eyes. Like- he kinda was already but now we get more SatoGuru moments and I'm pleased :) It's just so FUN to write him getting wrecked akjrekarjkeajkr~
Chuuya Nakahara (Bungo Stray Dogs): Another one I don't write nearly enough of but my god it's so fun all around aakjerjkaejkje Especially when Dazai's in the mix!~
Gabimaru and Yui (Hell's Paradise) ~My soft OTP! I could write them all day everyday! It's a perfect 50/50 split on how I like write them- though I really do wanna write more Lee!Yui cause she's beyond cute.~
Bachira Meguru (Blue Lock) ~Literally a tickle monster- I love him getting tickled and I love him doing the tickling! It's a great time all around when I get to write for him ajrjaejrjkejk~
I'm absolutely missing characters in this little list but these are the ones who immediately come to mind! Of course if you'd ask me in a month or so who my faves of each group were they'd probably be different (except Chigiri- he stays lols) but yeah!
Thanks for asking! :3
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rengokuswif3 · 2 years
Hiii, could you please do hashira reacting to their s/o either having a nightmare or being scared of thunder? (Whatever u vibe with most ^^)
Hashira With a Reader Afraid of Thunderstorms
A/N: Already planning a nightmare one so thunder storms it is! There was just a huge one where I was staying so let’s just say I had ideas. Also sorry I didn’t include Shinobu or Giyu!
Sanemi Shinaguzawa
⁃ He is SUCH an asshole about it, omg
⁃ Like you two are at his estate and it’s been raining outside, but then at night it starts thundering and you shriek at it and he makes fun of you
⁃ “What are you scared of? Some sounds from the sky? Come on, Y/N, you can’t be serious.”
⁃ Once he realizes you’re genuinely afraid, he’ll grumble in annoyance as he pulls you into his lap and rests his chin on your head. Yeah he’s an asshole but he still doesn’t like to see his S/O scared
Muichiro Tokito
⁃ He doesn’t even notice it’s storming outside until you scream and jump at a loud thunder clap
⁃ He’ll ask what’s wrong, and when you meekly tell him that thunder scares you, he’s a bit confused cause personally he likes weather like this
⁃ He’ll have you lay your head in his lap and he’ll pet your hair and rub your shoulder to attempt to relax you. He isn’t super affectionate but he does try
Tengen Uzui
⁃ Like him and Makio are just holding the three of you during the storm, and Makio’s kind of yelling at Suma for crying so much so there’s a lot of bickering and Tengen probably gets smacked in the face unintentionally at one point when you and Hina try to calm the two of them down
⁃ Eventually the bickering drowns out the storm and you all feel a bit better and start having fun rather than arguing and pass the time of the storm just talking instead
Mitsuri Kanroji
⁃ I could see her being a bit afraid of them too, like the flashes of light and loud booms from the sky totally make her nervous too
⁃ So the two of you build a pillow fort for protection (and probably call Obanai for extra protection-) and try to distract each other from the storm
⁃ But when you two scream in unison from a thunder clap, you erupt into giggles and momentarily forget about the storm
Obanai Iguro
⁃ He’ll sigh and shake his head, cause you can deal with demons but not this?
⁃ He will try to be understanding though, like he won’t be a total asshole about it. Might call you a baby once or twice but he’s still holding you and softly covering your ears with his hands
⁃ He much rather a the quiet himself as well, but thunder more annoys him than scares him. So yeah he’ll be all “What, you want me to protect from the sky?” but like, he totally will-
Kyojuro Rengoku
⁃ You’re scared of a loud noise and dating him???
⁃ JKJK, but he is a loud guy so you being scared of thunder might worry him and he’ll speak a LOT softer to help you calm down
⁃ He’ll sit with you in front of the fireplace and have you watch the flames dance as he tells you stories of his accomplishments, and he promises he can protect you from a storm if he can fight off these many demons
Gyomei Himejima
⁃ As soon as it starts storming outside, he knows you’re gonna need him for the night cause he knows huge storms terrify you. So like he’ll lay on top of you (while being careful not to completely squish you) and keep his big hands over your ears to muffle the thunder
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meowzfordayz · 3 years
Author’s Note: oops wrote another food related fanfic. 🤤
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Himejima Gyomei x Reader, Iguro Obanai x Reader, Kanroji Mitsuri x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~1,200
CW: none
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Doesn’t believe in snacks
But totally believes in you!
“I’m hungry.”
“Choose a pocket.”
“Excuse me?” 🤨
“Choose a pocket.”
You point at his right pocket
“Rice ball?” he offers you one
This man
Carries snacks for you 🤯
“What’s in the left pocket?”
“Pastry,” Gyomei reaches into his left pocket. “A bit crumbled, I’m afraid.”
You 😍  pastries
Who the hell cares if it’s crumbled?
This. Man.
Gets 🥐 pastry points 🥐
*wink wink*
*nudge nudge*
Yes I think I’m funny
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Already carries around tidbits for Kaburamaru
And unlike Kaburamaru
You complain when you’re hungry
You’re the only headache he tolerates 🤗
And that’s to say
Barely, tolerates 
So eventually he just stuffs sheets of rice paper in his pocket
Sticks to fkn everything when he forgets to remove them before doing laundry
Also, rice paper is: brittle and flaky
He’s not an idiot
Wraps them in cloth first
But sometimes he forgets why he has a cloth in his pocket ??
See, even though you’re not with him 24/7
Cause missions and stuff
He still keeps all his pants stocked with sheets of rice paper
~Just in case 😌
And then he has to deal with the consequence
Of occasionally crushing them in his pocket
And the futile endeavor to somehow remove
Of the now crushed rice paper bits
From his pants
Not to mention
He ruined your snack 😬
Praying for the sake of his tender brain
That he can replenish his pocket before you’re together again
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Loves when you ask her for snacks
Loves getting to take care of you
Loves feeding you dried seaweed
Pouts when you refuse to kiss her afterwards 😢
“My breath smells like fish,” you grunt
“Your breath smells like yoouuu,” she huffs
“Yeah, me with fish breath.”
She hums curiously
“[y/n]-chan... could you just…” nimbly grabs the seaweed you were about to put in your mouth, “Give me that.”
Munch, munch 😋
Ignores your petulant glare
“There! Are you still too embarrassed to kiss me?” she crosses her arms triumphantly
“First, you get me snack.”
She nods
“Then, you eat snack.”
She nods again
“Now, you want kiss.”
She doesn’t like where this is going… ☹️
Maybe she should’ve somehow acquired fishy breath without eating your snack ??
“Ugh. I guess I owe you one,” you mutter
Her beaming, majestic smile
Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and stupid
You begrudgingly decide to share another piece of seaweed with her
Rip snacks
Welcome to the world of sharing is caring
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“[y/n]-san! You keep eyeing my snacks!”
Mr. Flame Boi
—Why is Tengen flamboyant?
—When Kyojuro is literally: flame-boy…ant?
—Because Kyojuro’s a man Ig ?? And flame-man-ant doesn’t roll off the tongue well
—Don’t mind me lol
Is too observant
For his own good
Least you’re not visibly salivating
“You’ve been chewing with your mouth open,” you snip back
You almost feel badly about how quickly his face falls
“That’s terrible! I’m sorry [y/n]-san, I didn’t mean to force you to endure such unpleasant behavior!”
His face contorts in confusion when you snort
“I’d like to make it up to you!”
“Rengoku-san…” he isn’t listening
“Please, share my snacks with me!”
“The umeboshi is my favorite! You can have it! I also enjoy the agemochi! Which you can also have!”
—umeboshi are extremely sour and typically eaten with rice—
But hear me out: Kyojuro is a special ❄️
He’s aghast 😮
Why are you raising your voice at him? 😭
He reeeally effed up
Makes a mental note [y/n]-chan despises open mouthed chewing
Poor man just wants to erase this entire interaction
If they’d just accept my snacks offering, then I’d feel the slightest bit better!
“You weren’t chewing with your mouth open,” you sigh amusedly
“I was not?” his face goes into full confusion mode
“You caught me. Your snacks look amazing. I just didn’t want you to feel obligated to share or-”
“Of course I am happy to share with you [y/n]-san!” You can have all of my snacks!
He’s totally buying extras from now on
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“[y/n],” Sanemi grunts, “Finish my kempi. It’s too sweet.”
“What a surprise,” you narrow your eyes
“I tried it for you you twat,” he deadpans
“You took one bite.”
“You were the one who was hungry anyway.”
“You’re so picky Nemi,” you poke at his cheek
“It’s not picky to have standards.”
You giggle
He doesn’t know why
But like, he has standards, right?
High. Standards.
And he loves you
So like
You must be pretty incredible (you totally are dearest lovely reader! 💖)
I feel like Sanemi’s love would be so…
Loudly inaudible?
Like, he doesn’t shy away from you
Tells you he loves you all the damn time
But hardly ever actually says “I love you”
If he has to tell you, then he believes he’s doing a shit job
Because how awful of a lover is he
If you can’t glance at him for a split second
And not recognize the pure adoration
He carries for you?
Be still my heart 
Point being
When it comes to you
Sanemi doesn’t miss a beat
“Are you going to finish it for me or what?’
You pause… nibble at your bottom lip… tap your fingertips hesitantly together
“Are you sure Nemi?”
This man lowkey has a sweet tooth
Kempi too sweet?
Pshh what a liar 😤
But you said you were hungry
And he’ll be damned if he eats his share
When you clearly want ~more
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I feel like Tengen’s similar to Gyomei in that he doesn’t believe in snacks
But unintentionally
And for a different reason
I guess
It’s not that he doesn’t believe in snacks
And more so that he just doesn’t do snacks
It’s alllll or nothing baaabyyy !! 🔥
Ask for a snack?
He’ll make you wait half an hour
And return with multiple bento
Because he wasn’t sure which one you’d prefer
He’s considerate like that
Always shushes you when you worry about leftovers
“Tengen-sama, I literally just asked for a skewer or something.”
“Tsk, don’t fret [y/n]. I’m sure Hina, Makio, and Suma will appreciate whatever you can’t finish,” with a confident wink
Man loves flexing his ability to provide 💪
A skewer?
How dull
Jokes, jokes
He doesn��t think you’re boring
You’re great
Thing is
You get all flustered when he shows up with full meals instead of, “Just a small snack I swear Tengen-sama I’m not that hungry!”
And he gets
So. Worked. Up.
Man highkey likes to torture himself 🥵
How your nose scrunches
And the deep, delicious way your pupils dilate
As your fists clench and unclench
Hungry enough to want the bento
But not so hungry to want goddamn four full meals
You could stop asking him for snacks
But then he’d just randomly buy you food anyway
Whenever he wanted to see
Your beautiful, sexy fluster
Smart man has you trapped 😳
Does he feel guilty for overwhelming you?
Yes, yes he does
But does he feel guilty enough?
No, no he does not
He normally ends up eating most of your leftovers
Winner, winner, chicken dinner
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Hello! I would like to make a request. You know feeding the weary traveler? (I can’t spell, sorry) I would love a part 2 of it! Y/N getting to meet the hashiras! If you wanna add the kamaboko squad or smth feel free to do so. And if I read it right maybe y/n getting to meet Shinobus gf? I would like a oneshot of this, thank you! Hope you have a good day/night and stay safe!
Feeding the Weary Traveler Prt. II
Mitsuri Kanroji x She/Her Reader
A/N: Meet and greets are kinda hard to write, but I tried to give everybody equal involvement. I only put in the Hashira and Shinobu’s girlfriend who I alluded to in part one. The fun thing about this OC is that I started writing a story for her and Shinobu around late 2019 early 2020. I hope to finish it one day, so for the sake of my own sanity, the events of this fic are not canon to that story (if I ever finish and post it). Hope you enjoy, sorry for the wait! Read part one Here! Word Count: ~4,030
“Do you think we’ve made enough food for everyone? I should make another dish… maybe three, four? How many hours do I have left?”
“(Y/n), you’ve done more than enough already, I promise! Come on, relax with me a bit.” Mitsuri coaxed, pulling (Y/n) away from the prep counter before she could begin chopping up another mountain of vegetables.
The Hashira were coming over to the Love Estate for an early lunch. It was rare for them to all find themselves with enough free time to meet up for occasions such as these and Mitsuri eagerly offered up her residence for such an ambitious gathering. She would get to see all of her dearest friends and showcase her wonderful girlfriend, she was so excited! She just wished she could ease (Y/n)’s nerves somehow. After spending so much time alone in the mountains, she was still getting used to talking to people regularly again. It was going to be different, but Mitsuri knew that this was going to be good for her.
“Mitsuri, please!” (Y/n) whined, “At least let me check the quality of everything else I’ve made!”
“We did that. Twice.” Mitsuri reminded, easily carrying (Y/n) out of the kitchen. “Everything you make is always amazing. They’ll love all of it, and they will love you too, I promise. Don’t worry, just be yourself.”
“…Okay.” (Y/n) limply sunk into Mitsuri’s hold, a sucker for her warmth and her steadfast strength. Granted, they had only officially been together for a few weeks, but (Y/n) could never imagine herself getting tired of Mitsuri hauling her around simply because she could.
Mitsuri felt the tension leave her partner’s body and hummed happily, finally putting (Y/n) down. She then promptly kissed her on both cheeks before honing in on her lips to plant a lingering and reassuring kiss there as well. Cupping (Y/n)’s face in both her hands she smiled,
“Everything will be just fine. You, will be just fine. Say it with me.”
“I will be just fine.” (Y/n) repeated along with Mitsuri, a small smile working it’s way across her face.
Mitsuri fawned over the cute expression and fussed over (Y/n) for only a moment before a booming voice nearly sent (Y/n) through the ceiling.
“Rengoku-san!” Mitsuri teetered excitedly. She took (Y/n) by the hand and rushed into the direction the powerful voice had come from.
Rengoku, okay, (Y/n) knew that one. Mitsuri had given her a crash course of her fellow Hashira a couple days ago. He was the one who trained her. He was like a big brother to her. Hopefully, they could get along.
When Mitsuri pulled back the door of the main entryway, (Y/n) was blinded not by the sun, but the sheer radiance this man exuded. (Y/n) couldn’t stop herself from holding eye-contact, the color of his eyes was like swirling flames.
“Hello!” He barked abruptly, making (Y/n) flinch again. “Good to see you, Kanroji! Nice to meet you… hmm, Kanroji-to-be!”
Mitsuri and (Y/n) took a moment to process before a proper fluster gripped them both. Mitsuri waved her hands, a thin sheen of sweat already covering her forehead. Sure she hoped to marry (Y/n) one day, but it was still much too soon to start bringing it up now.
“You can just call her by her name, Rengoku-san! (Y/n) doesn’t mind!” She squeaked. (Y/n) felt disconnected from her surname, understandably, so she decided to go by her first name only.
“Ah, very well then! Good to meet you, (Y/n)-san!” Rengoku hummed deeply, nodding approvingly.
“Good to meet you too, Rengoku-san.” (Y/n) felt short of breath, the energy this man exuded was immense.
“Come on in! Baked sweet potatoes inside, fresh and hot!” Mitsuri clapped her hands and Rengoku released a boisterous laugh.
“Excellent! Lead the way!”
(Y/n) watched in awe as the master-pupil duo dug in. They already ate through a fourth of the spread. More impressive yet, was Rengoku’s tendency to exclaim how delicious the food was after every bite. No really. Every. Bite.
While they were busy eating, (Y/n) heard faint knocking. Since Mitsuri was occupied with Rengoku, (Y/n) took a deep breath and steeled herself. This was her home now. She was just as much of a host as Mitsuri was. She could do this. She left the room unnoticed and went to the end of the hall, opening the door for a short woman with vibrant purple eyes and someone covered in a thick traveling cloak, holding a wide umbrella in gloved hands.
“Oh, hello there. You must be (Y/n)-san. Mitsuri has told me a lot about you. All good things I assure you.” She said with a cheeky smile. “I’m Kochou Shinobu.”
“Nice to meet you Kochou-san. Mitsuri told me a lot about you too. Good things.” She stuttered a bit, the figure covered head to toe standing beside Kochou was a little unnerving. Shinobu seemed to notice her wandering gaze and chuckled.
“This bundle here is Sugiura Natsumi. Don’t be frightened. It’s a little impractical, but it’s the best I could do to keep her out of the sun. Isn’t that right, darling?”
“Mmph!” Came the muffled, indignant whine. Whatever she wanted to say, (Y/n) didn’t know for sure, but she sounded like she didn’t quite agree.
“Well, go on then. If you want to take everything off so bad, do it inside so you don’t burn to a crisp before my very eyes.” Shinobu prodded the lump of fabric into the house and (Y/n) closed the door.
“Is her skin really so delicate?” (Y/n) couldn’t help but ask. It sounded like Sugiura-san had the potential to have the worst sunburn imaginable.
“Very much so.” Shinobu answered distractedly as she helped Natsumi untangle from the various sheets and cloaks that covered her body, finally with a dramatic gasp, the young woman was free and fixing Shinobu with a soft glare. (Y/n) stiffened as she noticed the sharp canines in Natsumi’s mouth as she spoke and her white, viper thin pupils. As she removed her gloves and pushed them into Shinobu’s chest, (Y/n)’s eyes were drawn to the sharp, faded blue nails.
“That was too much Kochou-san! I told you I was fine staying at the Butterfly Estate with the girls.” Natsumi attempted to smooth her hair and tightened her ponytail. “It was so hot in there!”
Shinobu reached up to squish Natsumi’s cheeks between the thumb and fingers of a single hand and tutted.
“But then I wouldn’t get to see your lovely face until I could return home.”
Before the couple could delve any further into what lead up to their journey to the Love Estate, their attention was brought back to (Y/n) who had hit her back against the wall a tad too loudly.
“Are you okay?” Natsumi asked, reaching out only to pull back upon noticing the fearful look on (Y/n)’s face.
“(Y/n)-san, no need to be frightened. Natsumi is—“
“A demon!” (Y/n) shouted. What was a demon doing here? Didn’t this woman, a Hashira no less, know a demon when she saw one? (Y/n) thought back to her own brush with death at the hands of one of those monsters and thought she was going to be sick.
“(Y/n)?!” Mitsuri called out before running into view, her tense shoulders dropped upon seeing Shinobu and Natsumi and she jogged the rest of the way to pull her girlfriend into a comforting embrace while simultaneously giving Natsumi an apologetic look. “It’s alright, (Y/n)! Umi-chan is very nice. She would never hurt a fly.”
“Trust me, (Y/n)-san. Natsumi would not be here if I ever thought she was dangerous.” Shinobu said.
“I should go back home… I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. I haven’t exactly been introduced to most of the Hashira either. This is supposed to be a relaxing gathering for you guys.” Natsumi trained her gaze over the pile of cloaks and sheets in the entryway as she fiddled with an edge of her hairband. She was already thinking about what the least amount of coverage she could get away with might be when Mitsuri tried to reassure her.
“You don’t need to leave Natsumi, really! You and Shinobu can head to the first room of the left if you need a quiet place to cool down and talk for a minute. I’m going to take (Y/n) to my room to do the same. Rengoku-san and the food are just down the hall when you are ready to join him.”
“Thank you, Mitsuri, we will do that.” Shinobu nudged Natsumi into the room. She didn’t even look back before closing the door behind her. When her muffled voice began leaking through the door, Mitsuri took (Y/n) by the hand and took her to her room, only stopping long enough to tell Rengoku they would be back in a minute. When they got there, (Y/n) couldn’t wait a second longer for an explanation.
“Why is there a demon here?! It’s a demon slayer’s job to kill them, not date them!” How could Kochou sleep at night knowing she was harboring a demon! Surely that demon had innocent blood on its hands. How could Mitsuri see nothing wrong with it?
“(Y/n), I know it is unusual, but Natsumi isn’t your run-of-the-mill demon. She helps people. She’s never hurt a person while she’s been under Shinobu-chan’s wing.”
“But she has hurt people. Killed people.” (Y/n) frowned deeply, making Mitsuri bite her lip.
“Not since the first night she had turned and that was well over two years ago from what I understand,” Mitsuri took (Y/n)’s hands in hers, eyes almost pleading, “I’m not trying to make excuses for her, but trust me, please. You are safe.”
“I do trust you, it’s just… a lot to take in.”
“I don’t want you to be scared. I’ll be with you the whole time and Natsumi will be glued to Shinobu’s side most likely anyway. No one would let her hurt you, least of all Umi-chan herself. I promise. Will you come back with me, please?”
(Y/n) pursed her lips. If Mitsuri really thought the demon was not dangerous, she would trust her judgment. She sure as hell was going to ask for a full explanation after this gathering though!
“Okay.” She answered simply.
Mitsuri relaxed a bit and kissed (Y/n)’s cheek, thanking her for her trust. She asked her a few more times if she was sure she was ready to go back until (Y/n) laughed a little and assured her she was ready to go back. Before returned to the party, another knock drew their attention and they walked over together, Mitsuri hopped excitedly when a man with a white snake curling around his shoulders was revealed on the other side.
“Iguro-san, thank you for coming! It’s so good to see you!”
“Good to see you too, Kanroji.”
(Y/n) smiled. He seemed nice. Though almost half of his face was covered, she could see the softness his eyes held. That is, until he happened to notice that Mitsuri wasn’t the only one standing there with him. The softness became something sharp and (Y/n) shivered. He was totally sizing her up. Not even the demon had given her a look quite so hostile.
“You must be (Y/n).” He observed.
“Uh, y-yeah. That’s me! Nice to meet you, Iguro-san.” (Y/n) struggled to hold her smile in place as the man scrutinized her before finally giving a small grunt of indifference in return.
“Please be friendly with (Y/n), Iguro-san. It would make me so happy if you two got along.” Mitsuri prodded gently.
The fact that Mitsuri not only noticed, but called him out on his attitude towards her girlfriend made Iguro actually look a little contrite. He apologized and introduced himself in a much more polite manner. Mitsuri gave a satisfactory hum and waved them back in the direction of the food. On the way there, Obanai mumbled quietly at (Y/n) while continuing to look straight ahead.
“Don’t you ever hurt her.” He said.
“I would never!” (Y/n) whispered back, feeling a little frantic. She didn’t dare to imagine what consequences this man would deem appropriate should she somehow fail to love Mitsuri entirely.
When they returned to the party, the room was fuller than they had left it. Rengoku was talking animatedly with another man with flashy make-up and then their was a man covered in scars who looked like he’d rather be anywhere else while he munched on the ohagi (Y/n) had made. Shinobu was eating near him, talking with Natsumi between bites while the demon tried to ignore the hostile air the scarred man exuded. Between Iguro and that guy, (Y/n) was beginning to think Natsumi was the least of her concerns.
More unexpectedly, were the three other women in the room. From what Mitsuri had told (Y/n), herself and Shinobu were the only women within their rank, so she wasn’t sure what to make of them.
“Uzui-san, Shinazugawa-san! I’m glad you found your way in okay. Sorry you had to let yourselves in.” Mitsuri said as she walked over to greet each man.
“Don’t sweat it, Kanroji. Your a busy woman. Can’t be manning the door all the time.” Uzui grinned.
Shinazugawa grumbled under his breath and chewed his ohagi aggressively, only pausing to give Iguro a nod of acknowledgment as he sat between him and Kochou.
“Hope it’s cool that I brought my wives. I caught wind that Kochou was bringing her flame so I thought the more the merrier. Speaking of, that’s your girl, right? She’s gorgeous. Congratulations.”
“She really is!” One of the wives, Suma, piped up before blushing and diving to hide behind Hinatsuru before Makio could slap her upside the head.
“Thanks! My (Y/n) is wonderful! I’m lucky to have her!” Mitsuri smiled proudly, causing (Y/n)’s skin to prickle with heat.
“Not as lucky as I am to have you.” She murmured modestly in reply, making Mitsuri squeak and blush.
“Oi,” Shinazugawa piped up, “knock it off, would you? Some of us are trying to eat.” He picked up another ohagi and ripped his teeth into it after he swallowed, he asked, “Who the hell made these?”
“Oh, (Y/n) did.” Mitsuri beamed.
(Y/n) on the other hand, was starting to sweat as the man’s wild eyes locked in on her. Had she made them wrong? Oh gods, she was going to be beaten to a pulp!
“Nice work.” Came Shinazugawa’s gruff response, then he went back to his meal.
“Thank you…” (Y/n) breathed out a sigh of relief. This day was too much.
She had just barely gotten through being introduced to Uzui’s wives wives when two more people entered the room. And (Y/n) thought Uzui was huge… Himejima was like a damn mountain, especially with Tokito spacing out beside him.
“Himejima-san, thank you for reminding Muichiro-kun to come. I’m glad you both could make it!”
“I’m happy to be together with our comrades like this. I hope we can find an opening like this again in the future.” Himejima pressed his hands together, praying for more good fortune to come their way.
“Who are you again?” Tokito asked once he happened to notice (Y/n).
“I’m (Y/n), Mitsuri’s girlfriend.” She provided helpfully, though the glazed over look in the boy’s eyes gave her little confidence that he was actually listening to her at all.
“I’m happy to meet you, (Y/n)-san,” Himejima spoke up as Tokito walked away to join the others at the table, “I wish you both a long and fulfilling life together. Namu Amida Butsu.”
“Thank you, Himejima-san. We will take good care of each other.” Mitsuri twisted in her spot. Her heart felt full to burst and it was making her feel giddy. When Himejima went to sit across from Kochou to speak with her, (Y/n) tugged on Mitsuri’s sleeve.
“Yes, sweetheart?” Mitsuri asked.
“This is everyone, right?” (Y/n) didn’t want to seem rude, but she was exhausted.
“Well, almost. We’re still waiting on Tomioka-san… I don’t know if he’ll come though.”
“Tomioka-san will come.” Shinobu spoke up, having been eavesdropping on them.
“For his sake, I hope so. Especially after you bullied him like that before we came here.” Natsumi frowned.
“It was a simple light ribbing to get him motivated.” She defended before turning back to Mitsuri. “He will be here.”
And sure enough, just as the get-together was winding down, Tomioka came to stand awkwardly in the doorway like a lost ghost.
“I told you.” Kochou hummed. Natsumi rolled her eyes at her, earning a pinch beneath the table.
“Tomioka-san, you really came!” Mitsuri clapped and ushered the man in. “Come in, come in! There is still plenty to eat.”
“Look who decided to dein us with his presence. Don’t you think you’re too good for us or something?” Shinazugawa grumbled, resting his cheek against his fist. Tomioka, of course, didn’t say a word which made Shinzugawa grind his teeth and Iguro clicked his tongue to voice his own displeasure.
“Now, now, let’s all try to get along.” Kochou teased.
“You can sit by me, Tomioka-san.” Natsumi offered helpfully.
“Let’s try not to get along too well.” The Insect Hashira then amended.
(Y/n) couldn’t find it in her to care that Tomioka totally ignored her presence. In fact, she was thankful. (Y/n) didn’t care that the sun was still out, once they all left she was going to go to bed. If she had ever thought all that time alone hadn’t effected her brain in any way, she knew she was wrong now.
It didn’t take long before the first crow arrived, then another. They alerted Shinazugawa and Tokito about their missions for the night and everyone took that as a sign to get back to their duties as well. It was the most tender moment of the day (Y/n) had witnessed watching these comrades, friends, bidding each other good fortune and hoping to catch up again soon.
“Bye.” Tokito said as he passed her, though he didn’t even look in her direction as he went.
“Bye, Tokito-kun. Be safe.” She called to his back. He did not turn or acknowledge her at all.
“Yes?” (Y/n) jumped to attention when Shinazugawa roughly called for her attention.
“The ohagi, what’s your secret?” He asked.
(Y/n) had a few false starts but finally managed to spit it out despite the intense, yet somehow patient stare Shinazugawa gave her.
“I coat the outside with a sweetened soybean flour.”
“Hm. I’ll have to remember that. Thanks.” And then he was off.
Next came Uzui and his wives.
“Nice work on the food, (Y/n)-san. Maybe you could come by our home sometime and show these two how it’s done.” Uzui said, pointing between Makio and Suma despite their protests.
“Tengen-sama!” Suma wailed.
“What about Hina?” Makio yelled, finding it unfair that she was, yet again, being lumped in with Suma.
“Hinatsuru doesn’t serve uncooked rice.” Uzui smiled slyly.
“That was all Suma’s fault!”
“No it wasn’t! It wasn’t!”
“Let’s not worry about that now,” Hinatsuru cut in, trying to diffuse the ticking time bomb that was Makio while drying Suma’s tears, and simultaneously giving Uzui a look for stirring the pot for no reason. “Thank you for having us (Y/n)-san.”
“Anytime.” (Y/n) smiled as she waved them out the door.
Then Tomioka almost completely passed her by in the next second, but Iguro gripped his shoulder, a venomous look on his face.
“She and Kanroji worked hard on all of this you know. First you have the audacity to show up, and show up obscenely late at that, and now your going to leave without a proper thank you?” Iguro spoke lowly, but (Y/n) heard the hatred loud and clear. She thought Iguro hated her, but this was a whole other level. She felt bad for Tomioka, that was for sure.
“Thank you, Kanroji-san.” He said quietly. (Y/n) was surprised Mitsuri seemed to hear him from across the room.
“You’re welcome!”
“Thank you, (Y/n)-san.” Tomioka then told her when he turned back.
“Thank you for coming, Tomioka-san.” (Y/n) said with as much sincerity as she could muster. “I really hope we can meet again soon.”
Tomioka nodded noncommittally and Iguro let him go, staring daggers into his back until he left the room. Then his mismatched eyes focused back on her and his snake scented the air.
“Break her heart or try to make her into something she’s not and I’ll break something of yours that Kochou won’t be able to fix.” He said, and (Y/n) felt her stomach drop to her feet.
“I hear you loud and clear, Iguro-san.” She swallowed thickly, “I know how blessed I am. I will never take her for granted. If I ever hurt her you would be the first person I would tell.”
He stared her down a few moments more, then nodded, satisfied. He thanked her for the meal and went on his way.
Himejima and Rengoku approached her together and both were very gracious with their compliments. It was almost enough to make (Y/n) forget about being threatened seconds prior, almost. Himejima gave her one last smile before bending to get through the door and Rengoku squeezed her shoulder, expressing his hope that they would all eat together again soon before following suit.
Mitsuri was still discussing something with Shinobu and (Y/n) saw no sign of Sugiura-san which put her on edge. Still, she felt a little bad for how she reacted before and had wanted to apologize. Perhaps she had slipped passed her like Tomioka had attempted to do. She exited the room and sure enough, she found the demon sighing over the tangled bundle of fabrics on the floor as she tried to fix herself up to face the late afternoon sun.
Natsumi seemed to sense her presence and turned, giving (Y/n) a tight smile.
“As soon as Kochou-san finishes chatting we’ll be on our way.” She assured, making sure to proceed with her rifling more slowly to avoid causing any alarm.
“I just wanted to apologize.” (Y/n) approached, but did not get very close. “I still don’t really understand what’s going on here, but you don’t act like a demon and Mitsuri trusts you, so I’m sorry I reacted the way I did.”
“I would have been concerned if you hadn’t acted the way you did.” Natsumi’s smile became more relaxed, but her eyes still held a certain sadness. “Don’t worry about it.”
(Y/n), feeling a little more confident, got closer, “Would you like some help with those?” She asked, gesturing to the ball of clothes Natsumi had yet to put on.
“If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate a hand. Kochou-san teases more than she helps when it comes to things like this.”
(Y/n) was just putting on the finishing touches when Shinobu and Mitsuri walked over, both looking a little relieved.
“Oh? Is that a present you wrapped just for me, (Y/n)-san? Thank you very much.” Shinobu teased, reveling in the embarrassed groan that came from within the cloak cocoon.
“You’re welcome. Sorry we got off on the wrong foot earlier.”
“It’s to be expected. Don’t beat yourself up too badly. We are no worse for ware, honestly.” Shinobu promised. “Hopefully we can all get together again soon. I’ll host next time.”
“Oh! I’d love that!” Mitsuri gushed. “Safe travels you two!”
“Bye-bye!” Shinobu helped guide Natsumi over the threshold and then it was just Mitsuri and (Y/n).
“How are you holding up?” Mitsuri gently asked, though (Y/n) could tell she already knew and was just asking to be considerate.
“I feel like my brain is a smeared painting… does that make any sense?”
“…Not really, but I can tell it’s been a long day for you. Want to cuddle while you nap?”
The way (Y/n)’s eyes lit up was all the confirmation Mitsuri needed and she swept (Y/n) off of her feet, only stopping once she got to her futon and laid her down. Mitsuri swiftly joined her and pulled the covers over their bodies. As (Y/n) drifted off, Mitsuri reminded her how amazing she was today and the sentiments were parroted back at her in a half-asleep tone that made her giggle and snuggle in as close as she could.
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silverynight · 3 years
Can you write a oneshot about the kamboko squad and their mission during the Entertainment District Arc? I could imagine the hashiras just keep on visiting Sumiko. (The poor ladies must be so confused on why Sumiko is so popular 😭.) If you want, you can also write about the boys putting on their make up before the mission. Either way I feel like the chaos would be great >:D (Sorry for my bad english!)
(This is not going to follow the main events of that arc, only Tanjirou posing as a courtesan for another mission)
If he's being honest, Tanjirou doesn't think too much about appearances, not even then as he's trying to pretend to be a girl. He just needs to find the demon who's been terrorizing the whole Red District and then go back to his friends.
"You're really pretty, Sumiko," one of the girls (her name is Kana, if he remembers correctly) comments carefully removing Tanjirou's makeup after he's been helping all of them carry heavy stuff around the house. She had said she wanted to pay her back by helping her with something. "You just don't know how to apply makeup. Don't worry, you have me now."
He thanks her sincerely, feeling grateful for the kindness the girl has showed him, but he doesn't even waste his time finding a mirror to look at the final result; he keeps moving around the house, helping all the girls while trying to get new information.
"You're so nice to us, Sumiko!" One of them almost sobs, wrapping herself around him. Tanjirou immediately feels bad again for hiding his true identity from all of them. They deserve so much better. "I really wish you find a nice, wealthy person so they can get you out of here!"
"But you know most of them wouldn't buy a scarred girl," says another, earning glares from the ones around.
"It's alright, really!" Tanjirou assures them with a huge grin. "It means I'll get to stay with you and help you as much as I can!"
Suddenly, he's surrounded by girls in an embrace that for a moment, makes him feel like he's back at home with his family again. He holds back a sob.
When he's back in his room he gets another letter from Zenitsu; despite him being usually talkative in most of them (he mentions Nezuko a lot, which Tanjirou is very much glad about) this just contains a couple of words, which surprises him.
All the hashira found out about your mission.
Tanjirou frowns, looking around to see if there's another page on the ground, another piece of parchment with more information.
He has no idea why Zenitsu thought that was something he should know.
Kana is aware the House she was sold into is popular, but she's never seen something like that before.
The first swordsman that arrives both scares the girls and attracts them at the same time; he's the most handsome man they have had in a while and of course everyone around wants to be the one to entertain him.
He's tall and even though he's completely covered from his neck to his feet in some sort of uniform, they all can see he's pure muscle underneath.
He's blond, but has red tips that make him look like a torch all the time. All about him screams fire.
Oh, they all like him.
The woman in charge looks at him with such a pleased expression as soon as she sees the money he's carrying.
"Let me show you the girls..."
Right then though, Sumiko walks out, carrying a huge chair over her shoulders; she leaves it near the entrance. Honestly, that girl is unbelievable strong.
Her dark red hair is a mess, her makeup is already falling off, but her cheeks are still pink because she's been doing nothing but heavy chores since she arrived.
The woman in charge is already pushing her away so the customer doesn't see her (because that woman believes the scar on her forehead is too ugly and therefore no one would ever want her).
"I want that one," the client says without hesitation.
"But she's–"
He purposely ignores her and takes Sumiko in his arms.
For a moment, Kana wonders if she's witnessing what some people call "love at first sight" because the man looks so in love already.
When he walks away with her, she thinks that maybe she'll never get to see Sumiko again and feels a little bit lonely because of it. The girls in the house have really grown fond of her rather quickly.
Sumiko returns and the beautiful people keep walking in the place asking about her.
A man with dark hair and deep blue eyes and a permanent neutral expression on his face arrives the next day. He's really handsome, but Kana notices he's less popular among the girls because of his somber demeanor.
"Leave him to me," one of Kana's friends winks. "I love quiet ones."
"I want to see Sumiko," he says, surprising everyone again.
Then, before he takes her, Kana swears she sees a fond smile quirking his lips up as Sumiko beams at him.
"Tomioka-san! Hi! Do you want a report?"
The last sentence doesn't make any sense so Kana convinces herself she just imagined it.
They have lost the ability to get surprised; as the third one walks in (a tall man with huge arms and a flamboyant personality) this time, they all know he has come to see Sumiko.
She's really popular now; Kana and her sisters (as she calls the other girls that work with her) have accepted it a while ago. However, they have never felt jealous of her; they really love her, the girl has charmed her way into their hearts with kindness.
"Look at you," the man grins at her; he's so tall he has to kneel in front of her. He's so clearly flirting with Sumiko, Kana has no idea how she isn't a flustered mess already. "So pretty. You look like my future wife."
Sumiko chuckles, like she's used to hearing things like that.
"You're so funny, Uzui-san."
It's not unusual to get female customers; many girls arrive at the House, looking for a pretty girl to have some fun with.
No, what surprises them is that the girl is really beautiful; she has long, pink hair and an innocent look on her face that tells Kana she doesn't get to visit that sort of places very often...
Perhaps it's her first time.
However, her shyness vanishes as she sees Sumiko, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her closer before kissing her on the cheek.
Kana gives the other girls a knowing look before they all leave Sumiko and the client alone.
Kana counts nine; they're nine loyal customers that only come to see Sumiko. They come really often and sometimes bring her gifts that Sumiko immediately shares with the other girls.
"I think it's more than... physical," Kana mumbles, saying out loud what everyone there has been thinking for a while now. "I think they're in love with you."
"Uh?" Sumiko blinks at her in confusion, after taking a sip of her tea. "What are you talking about?"
"The people that visit you," Kana insists, rolling her eyes. She's never met such an oblivious girl.
"They're just being nice."
Kana decides not to keep bothering her with that and instead asks about something that has been troubling her for a while.
"So... About the one with scars all over his chest," shs mumbles, remembering the first time she saw him; he's handsome, but he always looks like he's about to growl or bite someone. "The one with white messy hair. Is he... Has he been gentle with you?"
Sumiko blushes to the tip of her ears, quickly realizing what she's trying to say.
"It's not like that... Uhh, I m-mean, he's... not usually... He knows how to be kind," Sumiko stammers.
Kana nods, recalling the day; how she begged the master of the House not to let Sumiko go with him, but the woman just huffed that he had the money so they couldn't deny him.
She's glad he's not aggressive with her; part of her knows that he's also in love with Sumiko in his own way.
Shinobu can't help but smile fondly at Tanjirou as the boy puts back his haori. He seems happy to be wearing his uniform again, even though all the Pillars think he looked really pretty as Sumiko.
"I'm glad the demon won't hurt anymore people," Tanjirou grins, looking at Muichiro who swoons with delight at the attention. "Thanks for helping me fight him!"
"Anything for you, Tanjirou!"
Next to them, Tengen is already begging Mitsuri to give Tanjirou one of her skirts and assuring her he'll convince him to wear it in the hashira headquarters for their next meeting.
Shinobu rolls her eyes.
"Kocho-san, can I bring some of the girls to the butterfly estate so they can start working there?" Tanjirou asks, eyes opening wide. He looks adorable and he probably doesn't even know it. "Please, they don't like working in that House!"
Shinobu sighs, knowing that by "some" he means anyone who wants to come with him, which is probably all of them.
She doesn't even bother to ask her fellow hashira what they think, because judging by the ridiculous, fond looks on their faces they're ready to say yes to anything Tanjirou asks them.
"Fine. We'll get them out of there."
"Thank you!" Tanjirou beams and she can't help but smile in return as she ruffles his hair.
Kyojuro takes the opportunity to put him over his lap as Giyuu glares at the flame hashira, however, he takes Tanjirou's hand in his before kissing it gently.
They're hopeless; Shinobu has no idea how they didn't ruin the whole mission because none of them could stop paying visits to Sumiko. How did no one notice there was something weird going on there?
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Behind the Bushes {ObaMitsu}
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A/N: babe this was so direct pls fnjkddj you got me flustereddd LMAO but thank you for requesting,,, ily. ANYWAY uhh this was fun to write bc obamitsu is a big otp for me and i love their dynamic and just,,, man. I changed up one of the prompts wording a lil bit just to make it fit a bit better! I hope you enjoy! :D
Summary: During a trip to the Butterfly Mansion, Obanai says something... interesting.
Word Count: 1.2k (under the cut)
Obanai walked through the Butterfly Mansion, where he had just been treated for a light injury. He hadn’t been very compliant, but after much convincing, he had agreed to go. Shinobu had lightly teased him before helping with his arm, performing an extra examination to make sure he was in good enough shape to go back on the field.
Mitsuri had walked in, already excitedly chatting up Shinobu about something before she noticed Obanai sitting next to her. She had flushed immediately, greeting Obanai. She quickly trotted out, apologizing for intruding, and Shinobu giggled.
“Oh my~ Seems you scared her off,” She teased, making Obanai grumble. She finished her checkup and sent Obanai on his way, welcoming in her next patient. Obanai walked around the corner, nearly bumping into Mitsuri as she yelped.
“Ah, hello again Iguro!” She said quickly. She looked around, then quickly dipped her head down a bit and pressed a quick kiss to Obanai’s cheek. He felt his cheeks warm and he hissed softly.
“Not here, Kanroji-”
“But Igurooo!”
Obanai rolled his eyes. He had recently started… going out with Mitsuri, and while they were both excited, they tried to keep it under wraps. He looked around himself, blushing slightly before wrapping his arms around Mitsuri’s waist, pulling her in for a quick hug. He wasn’t big on affection normally, but something about Mitsuri changed that.
Mitsuri giggled, hugging Obanai back and lightly pinching his sides. He jolted, pulling away to glare at Mitsuri as she chirped.
“I couldn’t help it!” She said, raising her hands innocently. Obanai grumbled.
Ever since getting together, Mitsuri had also discovered a little secret of Obanai’s. She didn’t tell anyone about it, but she couldn’t help messing with him a little bit over it. So every now and then, there was an occasional poke to his side or scribble up his ribs.
He didn’t necessarily mind it, just as long as she didn’t do it in front of others, which she was always careful to do. But something about it still bugged him.
They walked through the hall together, chatting about this and that, occasionally passing another resident of the Butterfly Mansion. Mitsuri made an odd turn at one point, but Obanai followed anyway because he wanted to keep chatting with her. She led him to one of the courtyards, where there were no people, just butterflies.
“I found this really pretty flower when I was walking through here the other day, I wanna show you!” 
Obanai followed as Mitsuri guided him to a small bush of pink camellias, pointing to one that was dotted with magenta. She smiled as Obanai leaned down next to it, allowing Kaburamaru to get a close look at it. Mitsuri reached her hand out for Kaburamaru, who slid into her palms and up her arm to her shoulders, where he rested once more.
She looked at Obanai, who had been watching, quickly turning away when they made eye contact. Mitsuri grinned.
“You’re allowed to look at me, y’know~” She teased lightly, pinching Obanai’s side once more as he jumped. He huffed.
Maybe it was the fact that she had done it so often without fully committing, or maybe it was just Obanai’s own impatience, but he couldn’t stop the next words that came out of his mouth. “Can you just tickle me already?”
Both Obanai and Mitsuri paused for several moments after that. Mitsuri opened her mouth then closed it again, and Obanai felt his face warm. He turned, standing and quickly trying to walk away, but Mitsuri grabbed his wrist, holding him tight.
“Wait, come sit.”
Obanai’s brain was telling him to just get away so he could stew in embarrassment, but his heart made him sit down next to Mitsuri. He looked down at his hands, refusing to make eye contact with her as she chuckled. Obanai felt his face burn just a little more.
“Do you want me to?”
Obanai said nothing, all he was focused on was how hot his face was getting. Mitsuri sighed, setting Kaburamaru down next to her as she placed her hands on Obanai’s hips, making him flinch.
“I’m going to, but if you want me to stop just let me know!”
Obanai couldn’t even come up with let alone get out a response before Mitsuri’s nimble fingers were tracing his hips lightly. He jumped, quickly looking around as he held back giggles, making sure no one was around. Mitsuri noticed this and giggled.
“Don’t worry, no one comes around here. Besides, no one can see us behind the flower bush.”
Obanai squeaked when Mitsuri started to knead his hips, and he quickly grabbed onto her wrists, giggles spilling over despite his best efforts to keep them held back. Mitsuri smiled widely at the sound of Obanai’s gentle laughter and kept up her soft tickles, lightly kneading his hipbone as he jolted, more giggles pouring out.
“Kaha-Kanroji, wahait! Nohoho, please-”
He was cut off with a gasp when Mitsuri squeezed right where his hips and thighs met, his raspy giggles increasing as she chuckled, humming a tune as she worked, making Obanai even more embarrassed.
“Hmm~ You know, you’re pretty cute when you laugh like this!” Mitsuri quipped, and Obanai felt his face warm even more. Mitsuri giggled, pressing a quick kiss to his pink cheeks, cooing at how warm they were.
“HAha! Wahait, Kanroji, not thehehere!” Obanai tittered loudly, slapping a hand over his mouth to try and keep himself quieter. Mitsuri hummed, teasing his upper thighs with light kneads as she leaned forward a bit. She whined.
“Awh, Iguro! Don’t keep your cute laugh away from me!”
She gently pulled Obanai’s hand away, chuckling when he looked back down at the ground in an attempt to hide his pink face. Mitsuri went back to the spot where his hips and thighs met and scribbled her fingers against it, making Obanai gasp and jerk, lurching forward onto Mitsuri’s shoulder.
Now this was more embarrassing than before, but Obanai was too overwhelmed by the ticklish sensations to really care. Mitsuri only laughed as she continued to work gently on Obanai’s thighs, creeping up to his tummy as he hissed through his laughter. He quickly dissolved into more raspy giggles though, and when Mitsuri surprised him again with a gentle squeeze of his thigh, he snorted.
“Did you just snort?” Mitsuri said with a soft laugh, and Obanai immediately shook his head, embarrassed beyond belief. Mitsuri hummed, pressing a light kiss to Obanai’s temple before she giggled.
“You’re so cute, Iguro.”
Obanai couldn’t handle much more teasing and tickling, but he couldn’t manage to ask her to stop. All he could do was laugh softly, taking the tickles that Mitsuri was continuously dishing out. 
“Kahahanroji! Plehehease!” Obanai blurted random pleas, eventually overtaken by laughter as Mitsuri slowed her fingers, still gently dancing against his hips.
“Do you want me to stop?”
Obanai nodded quickly, and Mitsuri pulled her hands away. Before Obanai could pull away from Mitsuri, however, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug, chuckling.
“I love you~” She said quietly, and Obanai felt his face warm for the umpteenth time that day, nodding his head slowly.
“I… love you too.”
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sakusasmolesryn · 3 years
KNY - Demon Slayer  Kyojuro Rengoku x gn!reader fluff one shot
• Welcome Home •
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Summary: Kyojurou comes home from a mission, after being deprived of him, feelings start unfolding and relations go forward
Warnings: none
Word count: 1.4k
Pairing: Kyojurou Rengoku x gn!reader
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It’s been 4 days ever since Kyojuro left for a mission. He mentioned it was quite a bit away, but you didn’t expect him to be gone for this long. You’ve been training under his wing for over a year now and you’ve made a lot of progress since then. You’ve been a demon slayer ever since you were 14, but it wasn’t till recently you started working with a hashira in hopes of becoming one. Rengoku saw a lot of potential in you, even if you two were close in age. “You still have plenty of time to become a hashira,” he tells you over and over. “Stay focused, concentrate on your breathing, and set your heart ablaze.”
You spend a lot of time during the day with Kyo. Whenever you’re not training, you, Kyojuro, and Senjuro will have fun together and hang out. You were very close to the Rengoku family, even Shinjuro somewhat enjoyed having you around. Senjuro likes to spy on your training, he likes to tease you about liking his brother.
Even though it’s only been 4 days, you missed him a lot. You couldn’t wait to see him come back home and spend every minute with him. He wasn’t battling an upper or lower moon demon, but 5 amateur demons in a small village north. Perhaps he got held up with another mission? Or maybe he was in a clinic residence? Surely his crow would’ve come and updated you by now. You started getting anxious about his whereabouts when suddenly Senjuro came running towards you screaming.
“[Reader]!! Kyo is home! He just got here!” upon those words, you jumped to your feet faster than lightning, sprinting to the front of the Rengoku manor. “Kyojuro!” You ran to him at full speed tackling him into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re home, big bro! [reader], and I was so worried!” Senjuro joined the tackle as you both laid on top of Kyojuro on the ground. “Well, you both must be happy to see me considering you tackled me to the ground,” Kyojuro stated.
“I’m so glad you’re safe,” you looked up at him into his eyes. He looked uninjured but he didn’t look as joyful as always. “How was your mission? And how are you feeling?” You helped both Kyo and Senjuro up and walked alongside them both inside. “My mission was successful. Unfortunately the demons I had to slaughter had pretty bad reasoning forever becoming a demon, I may have even been a little touched by their stories. But I assure you they died peacefully and free from the pain that has been thrown to them. As for me, I feel great. Left without any severe injuries.”
“What took you so long?” Senjuro looked up at his brother with concern. “Ah. After my mission, I was called to join Shinazugawa on his task. He ended up getting another slash so I stayed with him for two days while he was recovering at the Butterfly Mansion. I’m sorry I didn’t send a message. You both must’ve been so worried.”
You took his hand in yours, “Don’t worry about it, Kyo. We’re just glad you’re safe. Now come inside, I’m making dinner. And it’s your favorite! Sweet Potato salad.” You’ve never seen that man run faster into the house, him and his sweet potatoes.
“Tasty!” You sat next to him as Kyojuro finished off his 5th plate. You chuckled, “I’m so glad you enjoy it. I’ve missed you so much I made sure to make it extra special.” Senjuro finished his plate quite a bit ago and went out to do some garden work before sunset.
“Tasty! Thank you so much, [reader]. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The best meal I’ve had in a hot minute.” His smile was always so bright, and it never failed to make you smile in return. You stood up adjusting your attire and took your and Kyojuro’s bowls to be washed. “It’s starting to get late. The sun will be down soon. I should probably get going,” you said. “I’m really glad you’re home Kyo. Are we training tomorrow?”
“Actually, do you think you could stay here tonight?” he asked. “I want to stay up and have a conversation with you.” He sounded pretty serious, but who were you to decline. “Oh- alright. That shouldn’t be a problem then. Should I tell Shinjuro?” Kyo shook his head, implying his father probably wouldn’t even notice you spent the night, considering he spends most of his time in his room.
You and Kyojuro sat together in the garden looking up into the stars. “I missed you a lot, [reader] while I was on my mission.” His voice was softer than it normally is, also keeping a low tone since Senjuro and Shinjuro are sleeping. “When I listened to Sanemi talk about how much he missed his girlfriend back home, it made me think about how lucky I am to come home to you, my brother, and my father.” he cleared his throat turning his face towards yours. “Thank you so much, [reader]. For always being there for me and my family.”
You couldn’t help but get a little flush from his words. He always knew what to say to pull your heartstrings. His love and praise always sent butterflies to your stomach, and he cared about you more than anyone else. “I’m hoping that you feel the same,” he breaks the small silence. “I’m hoping that you feel the same way I do about you, [reader]. I realized I want to be with you more than just a friend.” His eyes were filled with love as he stared at you.
“Kyo, where is this coming from? I’m not complaining. But I’m curious.”
“While staying with Sanemi, and hearing about how much he loves his girlfriend, and why. It made me realize that everything he said was the same reason why I love you,” he grabs your hand and places a soft kiss on top of your knuckles. “Please tell me you love me too,”
“I do.”
You spent that night cuddling with Kyojuro and falling asleep in his arms. The next day, you planned to have a day with just him. You wanted to go to the city and visit shops together, and meet up with Tengen and Obanai for lunch. “Two bowls of udon please.” The four of you sat together enjoying the food and time together. You and Obanai have always been close too. When you first started training under Rengoku, he would visit to join the training as well. But after a while, he stopped coming. Kyojuro believes it’s because he spends his time with Mitsuri.
“We should get going,” Tengen said. “My wives are gonna pester me about not spending enough time with them. “Yeah. I should get going too. Mitsuri and I have plans,” Obanai left behind Tengen leaving you and Kyojuro alone. It was hard to believe that this was the first day of being Kyojuro’s significant other. You were both so open to each other, and nothing felt odd. He was even starting to look more handsome than before, but that may just be because you fall in love with him all over again every time you see him.
“What do you say, [reader]? Shall we head back? We can either go to my residence or yours.” It wasn’t often that he came home with you. He did once but you never invited him back over because your family was kind of loud. As if Rengoku wasn’t loud either. “Let’s go back to your place. My family might be home and I don’t want to deal with them right now.” as the two of you headed back, Kyojuro paused and picked up flowers from the ground, handing multiple to you. “They’re radiant, like you.” Again, his words never fail to swoon.
For the next two weeks, you and Rengoku spent every moment together. But of course, you had to include Senjuro here and there. You started growing closer and closer, thinking it was impossible since you were already so close. Being with Rengoku felt like time stopped. And that you two were the only ones alive. He showered you in love and appreciation, and he never once allowed you to feel incompetent. He never wants to let you go, and he couldn’t feel more blessed to be with you. “I love you, [reader].”
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insomnicpickle · 3 years
Maifa!Rengoku x reader pt.2 (SMUT)
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(Y/n)‘s P.O.V.
I hummed softly as I watched the mirror in front of me, trying to put in my earrings. Today me and my friends decided to go out and have dinner. Of course there’s nothing special about it just something that we wanted to do.
After I got my earrings in I looked at my (f/c) dress.’ Damn I look good.’ I thought. My dress was a black dress with straps that hung off my shoulders and stopped above my thighs. It showed a bit of cleavage but not too much. It was a bit short but none the less was cute. I smiled as I moved side to side, watching my dress sway behind me.
I heard my phone go off and I looked down and saw one of my friends, Shinobu, calling.” Hey girl!” I said as I picked it up.” Hey (Y/n)! I’m so excited for our dinner date. We haven’t hung out like this in forever!” I chuckle.” That’s true. I miss our little hang out sessions! We’re gonna have so much fun!” I said with a grin.” You said it. Well I’ll see you at the bar. Oh and one more thing. I heard you got a boyfriend~ Mitsuri’s going to be so excited to hear~” I blushed. That’s right. I’m dating the mafia leader.
Rengoku Kyoujuro. The man who when you meet him seems so nice and sweet that you wouldn’t thing he has a bad bone in his body. The man with a smile always on his face. The man with the flaming hair and personality. The man who’s a gentleman no matter what. I am dating him.
“O-oh right. I’ll have to tell you about him when I see you.” I said snapping out my thoughts.” You better~ see you soon~!” She said before hanging up. I set my phone down and sighed.” It should be illegal for me to be this beautiful.” I said as I dramatically flipped my hair.
“(Y/n)! I’m home dear!” I heard Rengoku said from downstairs.” Did you leave already for dinner with your friends?” He asked. I walked out my bedroom and looked out. He was looking around. When he turned and saw me, his eyes lit up, like a puppy seeing his master.” There you are dear! Glad to see you doing well!” He said. I smiled.” Hey love! How was your day?” I asked as I hugged him. He froze and soon hugged back.” It was fine. What about yours?” He asked. I pulled away and smiled at him.” It was fine. I was getting ready and thinking of what to wear. What do you think?” I asked as I spun around with a smile. I expected him to say how cute I was. However, I was shocked when he said.” You need to change.” He said.” What…? Why…?” I asked.” Is it not cute?” I asked. He coughed, loosening his shirt and tie.” N-no it’s not that. I just don’t want you going out like that.” He said. I pouted.” Ok..” I said. I went to the bedroom but paused. I then smirked.’ Time to make him fired up.’
“Actually I like this look.” I said as I pretended to add some last makeup details on.” What?” He asked, pausing as he set his katana aside, his suit jacket already on the bed.” (Y/n), I don’t want you walking around like that.” He said.” But I think it’s cute. I’m going out like this.” I said.” No you’re not.” He said, sounding a bit more firm. I shivered slightly, feeling somewhat aroused. I pretended not to hear him.” I’ll be back around 10ish-“ I was interrupted by a hand slamming next to my head. I gasped and looked up. Rengoku had a serious face on, leaking over me, his eyes burning into mine. I gulped and unconsciously squeezed my legs together.” I said no. Do I need to punish you, bunny?” He asked as he held onto my chin. I gulped, my face turning red.” I-I..” the words couldn’t come out. Rengoku then picked me up and threw me on the bed.” W-wait K-Kyoujuro!” I said, turning red.” Just sit back and relax kitten~ I’m in charge~”
I whimpered and moaned as I gripped his hair weakly, his head in between my legs. He kept licking like a dog trying to get water. His large hands gripping my thighs apart. The dress was long gone and so was his shirt. My breasts poking out my bra, shaking from the movement his mouth made. I couldn’t form any words at this point. I came so many times that I lost track of time.” K-Kyoji~” I slurred out, my mind fuzz. He pulled away, licking his lips. I looked up at him, my face red and my eyes glazed over. He then pulled me closer to him. I could feel and see his bugle. He then began to rub against me, making me cry out from the sensitivity and the pleasure.” I told you to listen and yet you didn’t~” he said.” This is your punishment~” he then unzipped his pants and threw them aside. I whined when he began to rub his head along my entrance.” J-just fuck me already~” I whined. He then pushed inside and I cried in pleasure. He held onto my thighs and began to pound into me. I couldn’t hold back my moans anymore.” That’s right, Kitten~ Moan for me~” He said as he thrusted in me. I cried and clawed at his back.” Kyouji!” I screamed out.” T-there!” He panted and went harder and faster. My body shook as he pounded into me.” I-I’m gonna-!” He then kissed me and we came together. He then pulled out and picked me up. He turned the bath on and put bubbles in before sitting down. I curled up against him. I felt his chest rumble.” You’re too cute. But please, don’t wear anything like that outside ok?” He asked as he began to play with my hair. I nodded. He then kissed my forehead.” Good. Because you’re mine~”
Thanks for the request @wobblewobble822 !!
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kanonsarchivedblog · 3 years
Might Be Onto Somethin' (Kiss Me More)
Word Count: 2142 Rating: E Character(s): Mitsuri Kanroji Ships: None; Mentions of Rengoku Kyōjurō, Iguro Obanai, Sanemi Shinazugawa Genre: Smut Author's Notes: I... Have no excuse other than the fact that Mitsuri is cute and she deserves so much love. And many partners. Give her all of the partners please. She has so much love to give- This can also be read over on my ao3! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The perks of having your own portion of the compound meant the peace and quiet that came with it. It was nice to be able to just relax, to not have to worry about being walked in on. A nice soak in the hot spring had been well earned! A trim to the ends of her hair to get rid of any split ends and to keep the long layers still looking good, and then a bit of skin care! Mitsuri was even able to paint her nails! And her toe nails!
Evening was falling, the sounds of laughter coming from her siblings filling the air as she closed the shoji. Dinner was already done; they would all be retiring to their own spaces soon enough. Summer was in full swing, the heat of the day melting away, though that didn’t mean it still wasn’t warm- too warm to wear proper clothes. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d stripped out of her dinner kimono so quickly; she took a moment to simply stand in the nude, enjoying the slight cool breeze that drifted through the room from an open window.
Open window. Naked. Oh, no!
A squeak escaped her as she grabbed hold of a light cotton yukata, slipping it on to cover herself, cheeks growing rosy in embarrassment. What if someone had come by? And seen her? That would have been so awkward! What if it had been Tomioka-san? OR Shinobu-san? Oh, she wouldn’t have been able to look them in the eye! Or even Uzui-san!
… Or Rengoku-kun.
Or… Or Iguro-san…
Swallowing roughly, Kanroji turned on her heel and marched herself to her bedroom, chastising herself for even considering those thoughts. That- that wasn’t ladylike! Was it? No- yes? A groan slipped free as she flopped onto her futon, face pressed into the blankets. It wasn’t… Wrong to feel lust. She knew this. It also wasn’t wrong to feel love! And it… Wasn’t a bad thing to be attracted to people- to people she knew well! There wasn’t anything bad with that at all!
Kyōjurō had been her friend for years- they’d known each other long before they became Hashira. He’d been her teacher, even! And she’d watched as he grew- as they both grew! Cheeks tinting with an emotion she couldn’t quite place, she rolled over onto her back, staring up at her ceiling. Her window was open in here, too; from there, she could see down the hill to where the Rengoku compound sat.
Her gaze drifted to the window, watching as clouds began to drift across the night sky, the stars peeking out from behind clouds occasionally. It wasn’t a bad thing to… Want. Everyone wanted something, someone- it was natural. Her thighs clenched, an unconscious movement that drew a soft gasp out. Her eyes slid shut, the battle beginning to wane in her mind. This was okay. It was! Especially with… How good it would feel, oh- oh, it would feel good.
“This is okay,” she decided, speaking softly to the empty bedroom. Pushing herself up, she glanced around- as if making sure she was truly alone. Which was silly- of course she was alone! She would have heard if someone came in. A giddy smile curled her lips as she settled back down against her pillows, nimble fingers quickly undoing the tie that held the yukata together, allowing for the fabric to shift.
Her eyes slid shut as she drew in a slow, nervous breath. It wasn’t as if she never touched herself- she did, more often than she really wanted to admit. The tint in her cheeks darkened as she squeezed her thighs together again, creating a gentle sort of pressure that had a sigh slipping free. A hand raised- not her own, not in her mind, no, this hand was much larger than her own, somehow still so soft despite wielding a wicked blade- and came to peel away the yukata, baring her naked form to the room. She was proud of her physique- she was soft, her tummy softer than her fellow Hashira, but beneath that layer of softness was muscle she’d always had, would always have. She liked it- liked having soft hips, a soft tummy, soft thighs.
Iguro-san liked her thighs. He’d complimented her on them a few days ago- when they’d all been granted time off to have their blades sharpened. It had been an idle comment in a conversation with Shinobu-san, who had brought up the idea of a lighter fabric for their summer uniforms. They’d all agreed- it would be nice not to smother in the heavy, dark fabric. Tengen had mentioned how it was smart to have a uniform like her own- a skirt, which did mean she was able to cool off faster than her companions.
The conversation had drifted, which let Obanai murmur close to her ear that he enjoyed her uniform quite a bit- after all, it allowed him to see her beautiful thighs. It had made her blush, had made her squeeze her thighs together and hide a smile.
“Iguro-san,” she sighed out, hand drifting lower, nails ghosting against the skin of a thigh before digging in in a way that gave both pain and pleasure- something she was certain he would enjoy. Something he would do. “Please…”
He wasn’t the only one who looked- she would never admit it aloud, but she caught Kyōjurō looking at her chest a few times, his gaze soft, lids heavy before he caught himself and looked away, cheeks rosy. She thought it was cute! She was more than aware of her bust- it caused her problems at times, especially if she couldn’t bind the proper way before a mission. But oh…
A hand cupped her left breast, fingers squeezing the soft flesh. She pictured the hand to be larger, much larger and warmer, massaging and squeezing, pinching at her nipples just so, drawing out a soft squeal because oh, that’s sensitive! “Kyo-” she whined, head turning to the side, thighs parting as the hand shifted to the other, giving it the same treatment. “Sensitive,” she whispered, though she didn’t hear her own voice- the rasp of another, of a tongue drifting across her nipple, of silver hair and wild eyes.
The hand on her thigh slipped upward, dragging sharp nails along the inside of her thigh. It sent a shock through her system, her legs jolting with the pleasure it drew forth. “Iguro-san!” She gasped, and for a moment, she swore she heard a chuckle- his chuckle, but it only made her hand settle over herself, adrenaline and lust mingling in her veins. Her toes curled as she slipped her middle finger between her folds, surprised to find herself already wet. Then again-
She had been excited for days now, hadn’t had time to handle this.
Oh, but the finger pressing against a bundle of nerves drew her from her thoughts quickly, a moan drifting into the open air of the bedroom at the relief that brief touch gave. Her eyes opened, blinking in the darkness of her bedroom, the images dispelling for a moment.
Toy. She needed something. She needed to be filled- to feel full. It wasn’t as if she could just… Go get the real thing! No, instead she rolled over, grabbing an ornate box that looked as if it should hold jewelry, and tugged it closer. It was inconspicuous; no one would ever think of what it would hold. The toy itself was a good replica of the real thing, thicker near the base, thinner towards the top with a flared head. The material used was soft so as to not cause discomfort- perfect for her, considering how sensitive she could be sometimes. And tonight was certainly one of those times.
Rolling back onto her bed, she took hold of another pillow and slid it down, settling it beneath her rear. Eyes closing once more, images flooded back to the forefront of her mind. The toy pressed to her lips, and if she thought hard enough, she could imagine it having heat along with the weight it held. Her lips parted, the toy slipping in, her tongue curling around the head before she forced her jaw to relax. She’d never admit it out loud, but she’d trained herself with this toy, her throat relaxing. Fingers of another hand drifted low, gathering the slickness that had formed between her lower lips before slipping inside, drawing out a whine around the toy. Her brows furrowed as she tried to time the thrusts with the toy in her mouth, brushing against that one spot every now and then.
In her mind, it wasn’t her fingers in her, or a toy in her mouth- no, the fingers belonged to a man with golden and ruby hair who pressed kisses to her thighs as he opened her up and tore her apart, as he coaxed her closer and closer to the edge with his delicate touches. In her mouth sat the cock of the Snake Pillar, thrusting slowly, deeply, fucking her face.
Too close, too close- she pulled her fingers free and slipped the toy from her mouth with a whine, head falling back. Not yet, she didn’t want to stop yet. Licking her lips, she readjusted, bringing the toy down to settle between her lips, rocking slowly, the head nudging against her clit with each rock until she couldn’t handle it, slipping the toy inside slowly, a hiss slipping free at the stretch. It wasn’t painful, not in the least- no, it felt good, wonderfully so. She whined, nose scrunching up as it bottomed out. She took a moment to adjust, shifting her hips to get a more comfortable angle.
A hand settled at her breasts once more, groping, teasing as she began to move her hand. “Oh,” she whispered, brows furrowing, “yes- yes, like that! I like that, please, yes,” she began to babble as the toy sped up- no, not a toy. Obanai was between her thighs, Kyōjurō behind her, holding her, his hands on her chest as Obanai used her. “Harder, harder, harder- please, I’ve been a good girl!” She whined, lost to her fantasy. “Obanai- Obanai, please.”
'Only good girls get to cum. Are you sure you've been good?' The phantom image asked, voice gruff- Oh. Oh, that would be Sanemi.
“I have!” She squealed, hips rising as the toy began to hit that one spot dead center. “I have, I’ve been good! ‘Nemi, ‘Nemi!” She whined, body moving with the force she used. “Kyo- Oba- oh, there, there, there, don’t stop!”
'We won't stop,' Kyo’s voice whispered in her ear as his fingers played with her nipple, twisting, pinching, massaging. 'Not until you're sobbing and making a mess for us.'
“Fuck me!” She pleaded, something so vulgar that, had she not been in such a worked up state, would have embarrassed her. “Please! I’m a good girl! I’m your good girl! Fuck me, please, God- Obanai, you feel so good! So good in me, so good, yes, yes, 𝘺𝘦𝘴!”
'Gonna be a good girl and cum for me?' Obanai asked, panting. 'Cum on my cock like a good girl, Mitsuri?'
“Yes, yes- Obanai, Ob-” She clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle her scream as she tumbled over the edge, legs twitching, chest heaving as she kept fucking herself. “Harder, harder, please-” she begged, working herself higher and higher up before her hand stopped, body stilling. Tears spilled free, trailing down her cheeks as she removed her hand from her mouth, panting harshly. Wet- very… Wet? Blinking to clear her vision, Mitsuri shifted her hips.
“Oh, no- that’s- that’s new, oh dear, oh no,” she whispered, pulling the toy free so that she could sit up and gawk at the wet… Puddle. That was a puddle. “OH-” She squeaked, cheeks red as strawberries as she realized what she’d done. She couldn’t stand to clean off her bed- not yet, anyway. She’d clean the blankets and sheets tomorrow, but that poor pillow… “At least you were already ready to be tossed,” she murmured, a giggle bubbling up.
She settled back down on a clean portion of her bed, body relaxing. Sanemi? Kyo? And Obanai? Oh, my! She covered her face with her hands and let out a soft squeal. How would she look them in the eye tomorrow! She shifted, staring at the window- were her eyes playing tricks on her? Brows furrowing, she rose to her feet and stepped closer, poking her head out. No one was there.
She could have sworn she’d seen golden and ruby hair. Strange.
Perhaps it was wishful thinking. Shrugging, she turned back to the mess she now had to clean up. Or…
“Or I could… Have some more fun?”
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brainrot-the-frog · 4 years
Cuddling with the Hashira
Preface that it's only *some* of the Hashira.....
《Giyuu Tomioka》
Firm and unyielding! He will not let go until you've fallen asleep with him. He doesn't talk much but if you ask him anything he will reply with a hum, or a nod.
He prefers to be the big spoon through and through, it'll take some asking if you want to take over. He sleeps better if he's the big spoon because he knows you're safe in his arms.
He'll rest at your side, his arms enveloping you with warmth and protection.
"Can we stay like this? Just a bit longer.."
《Obanai Iguro》
He is very private, but on the off chance you get to cuddle he'll allow his snake, Kaburamaru to wrap around your neck as he snakes his arms around your waist. Pun intended.
He doesn't talk... it just doesn't happen.
Is okay with being a big spoon but prefers if you are. He's fine with both and isn't picky. But just so you know, if you're the big spoon he'll melt.
He likes it when you wrap you arms around him and allow Kaburamaru to lay on top. He'll never admit it though.
"Six more hours..... please?"
《Tengen Uzui》
If you're the one feeling cuddly, he'll have you the closest to him. With his other wives joining in lovingly. If you're not the closest then these girls will smother you so much! 
They'll cuddle you so much and whisper sweet nothings to the point in where you'll end up with cavities.
Sandwiched. You will ALWAYS be sandwiched between them. There's no big spoon for you. You will ALWAYS be a little spoon. (That is- if you're not on top of any of them)
You talk with the others whilst Tengen is already asleep, laughing and talking with each other until you finally fall asleep as well. You feel complete bliss.
He doesn't sleep on his side and keeps his arms out. You usually lie on top of him and also have your arms splayed out so the others can at least feel your embrace.
"Who keeps moving so much? .. Gah!"
《Kyojuro Rengoku》
He has a tight and warm grip on you always! He's always up for cuddling unless he has business to attend to. He'll always hold you as if it's the last time he ever will...
He'll always be the big spoon, no questions or protests, he will always! Only on a rare chance will you be able to be a big spoon!
He always asks you about your day even if you did nothing he will still listen intently. All the stories he has reduces you to a worried mess that one day he won't return to you. But with the same smile you love, he will reassure you he will be by your side until the end.
"I will love you always! So don't worry and simply live in the moment!"
《Shinobu Kocho》
I mean... unless you're shorter than her.... you're going to be the one holding her all the time. She isn't very clingy and will give you space usually. But if you're cuddly, she'll have her haori act as a blanket and dig her face at the crook of your neck.
You'll lay your head on top of hers and the gesture will actually make her melt.
Since you're her lover, her worry will ALWAYS show, she can't get a good nights sleep if she doesn't know how you're doing. She wants to know everything, what you're doing, what you've been eating, if you've been healthy, if you're hurt. If you are hurt, she WILL force you to stay in bed as she tends to you. You'll also get a good 30 minute lecture as well as yucky medicine to top it off.
"I love you so much but if you come to bed with wounds and don't tell me, demons will be the least of your worries!"
《Mitsuri Kanroji》
Tight, protective and clingy! Mitsuri loves being the little spoon and will always ask if you're okay with it. Cuddles are an everyday thing that she always relishes! It actually makes her work much harder and faster knowing that she'll get to cuddle you at the end of the day.
She'll want to know about your day and how you're doing. Haven't been eating? She'll prepare an entire feast the very next day. Injured? She will beg Shinobu to bring you back to top notch health!
She loves lying face to face with you. She'll always be sure to stay awake so she can see you sleep. Occasionally she'll give you the softest kisses and whisper sweet nothings, but also making sure she doesn't wake you.
"I love you so much, you don't understand.."
《Sanemi Shinazugawa》
Sanemi will always hold you protectively. Just saying.. you will NEVER be able to big spoon Sanemi. No matter how tall, no matter how big! He'll hold you always.
He is very prideful, and if you're able to cuddle with this man, cherish it. Keep it. Because you have a 2 out of 10 chance of being able to cuddle with him.
He doesn't talk through it at all. He simply wants to sleep because his body needs it. If you talk all you will get is a groan of annoyance and a shush.
He'll have you resting on his chest as his arms lay at the small of your back. If you kiss his scars at all, you just might get the smallest of smiles out of him.
"I need sleep... stop moving around so much."
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