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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
> Query. Location.
[Oh. I'm not sure.]
[On the side of the road.]
[I guess.]
> Query. Why?
[I'm tired.]
[It's night out.]
[I need some rest.]
> Query. Night?
[Oh. Right.]
[It's uh.]
[It's when the sun goes down.]
[The sun is the big ball of uh. Of light.]
[In the sky.]
[Night time is when the sun goes down, and it can't be seen.]
[So everything gets dark.]
[Means I can't see, like you.]
[Well, I mean, I can.]
[The moon is up.]
[Big rock in the sky.]
[Like the sun, but for the night.]
[And there's stars in the sky.]
[But it's still harder to see.]
> Description catalogued.
> Query. Stars?
[I uh.]
[Don't know what they are.]
[There used to be more of them, I think.]
[They're just there.]
> Query. Number of Stars?
[Uh, I think there was.]
[I'll check.]
[Dut, dut, dut, dut, dut, duh.]
[I think a few more have gone out.]
[Wonder what it'll look like when they're all gone.]
> System Command. Let there be light.
System Notice. Radiance engaged.
[what the fuck]
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otherversian · 2 years ago
Writing Side of Tumblr how do I get people to know I'm making a webseries
I really like this one and I want people to see it :)
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
System Notice. Uneven Terrain. Geostabilisation disfunctional.
> System Query. Sight.
System Response. Not present.
> System Request. Elaborate. Not functional?
System Response. Not present. One has never possessed sight.
> System Query. Lack of Sight.
System Response. One was not designed with sight. No further information.
> Oh.
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
System Warning. Geostability lost.
[Ah! Are you ok?!]
> Confirmation.
System Notice. Vocalisation muted by terrain. Restabilising.
[That was cool. How did you do that?]
> Request. Elaborate. Do what?
[That- That thing. With your back.]
> Request. Elaborate. What thing?
[Th- Oh, never mind. That was cool, though.]
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
[How long have you been here?]
> Unsure. System Query. How long has One been present?
System Response. Forever.
> Response. Forever.
> Confirmation. Forever.
[That sounds lonely.]
> Confirmation.
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
> Notice. One is not moving.
> Query. Rest time?
[No, no, I'm.]
[I'm looking at a thing.]
> Query. Thing?
[It's uh. It's.]
[There's a wall here.]
[On the roadside. Might have been a house once.]
[There's something on it.]
> Query. Contents?
[No idea.]
[That's why I've stopped.]
[Looks like funny little pictures.]
[Well. Not little. But funny shapes.]
[And there's like.]
[Groups of them.]
[Here! Here's a group.]
[This one looks like a ladder!]
[And this one is.]
[A pitchfork head?]
[And there's two uh.]
[I don't know.]
[Some bendy things. Two of them.]
[Oh. Right.]
[You uh.]
[Don't know what that looks like.]
> Confirmation.
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
[So. Ehm.]
["One", was it? Is that your name?]
> Confirmation. One is One.
[Alright, alright.]
[What are you uh, doing here, "One"?]
> System Query. Why is One here?
System Error. Unknown.
> Response... Unknown.
[Weird. You're very weird. Why are you so weird?]
> Notice. Eye asks many questions.
[I have noticed that, yeah.]
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
System Alert. Boot Sequence initiated. Surface Memory formatted. System Memory damaged.
> System Query. Designation?
System Response. One.
> System Query. Location?
System Error. Unknown.
> System Query. Function?
System Notice. Vocalisation detected. Language unknown. Enable BABEL?
> System Request. Enable BABEL.
System Response. BABEL enabled.
System Notice. Vocalisation detected. BABEL engaged. Translating.
[Enay-bell Bay-bell? What's a Bay-bell?]
> Request. State speaker's Designation.
[Is it talking to me?]
> Repeat. State speaker's Designation.
[That's kinda creepy...]
> Reassurance. Do not fear One.
> Repeat. State speaker's Designation.
[Oh, I don't...]
System Response. Designation stored.
> Designation recognised. Greetings from One, Eye.
["Eye"? I... eh, that works.]
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
[What ARE you, One?]
> Request. Elaborate. One is One.
[Yeah, you've said that, but what sort of... THING are you?]
> Hm. One is unsure.
> System Query. What Thing is One?
System Error. Unknown.
> Response...
> Unknown.
[Dah, just my luck. Well, it was worth an ask.]
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
LOG 13 - SKY
> Query. The Sky.
> Elaboration. Request. Describe the Sky?
> Response. Curiosity.
System Warning. Curiosity breeds Temptation.
[Oh, I- Ehm.]
[It's very.]
[Do you know what Blue is?]
> Confirmation. Blue is a colour.
[Yeah, but- but do you know what it IS.]
[What it means.]
> Negation.
[Ehm. Alright.]
[Any colours?]
> Negation.
[Dah, this is going to be hard.]
[It's like a.]
[It's big.]
> Request. Continue?
[Sorry, sorry, this just-]
[This is harder than I thought.]
System Notice. Laughter detected.
[It's not like I can describe how it feels, or something.]
[It's just there.]
[I see it, there.]
[But it's hard to put into words.]
> Description catalogued. Gratitude from One, Eye.
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
System Notice. No Footsteps Detected.
> System Command. Halt.
> Query. Stopped?
[Oh. Uh.]
> Query. Why has Eye ceased movement?
[Ehm. I just wanted a break.]
[Legs got tired, this seemed like a good place to stop.]
> Understood.
> Query. Why present location?
[Sit with me.]
> Request. Elaborate.
[I'm sitting down. Sit with me.]
> System Request. Sit.
System Response. Sat.
[It was for the view.]
[I picked this spot for the view.]
> One cannot see the view.
[I know.]
System Notice. Disappointment recognised.
> Request. Describe the view.
[I- oh. Ehm. Sure.]
[There's a.]
[Field of trees.]
[Off in the distance.]
[Something in there, too.]
[Ruins, I think.]
[Might've been a city once.]
[And there's a big mountain, right on the horizon.]
[Do you uh.]
[Know what those things are?]
> Response. One understands Eye's words. BABEL is active.
[Right, what IS that?]
[Bay-Bell. It's a weird word.]
[Just like you.]
> System Query. BABEL.
System Response. BABEL translation system automatically translates incoming and outgoing information to the recipient's native language.
> Response. Translation System.
[Oh. I guess that makes sense.]
> Request. Continue Describing.
[Right, sorry.]
[There's a mountain on the horizon.]
[The trees stop there. A little ways up.]
[There's uh.]
[A thing.]
[At the top.]
[You can't see it from here. There's too many clouds.]
System Notice. Disappointment recognised.
[I know you understand what I'm saying, but.]
[Does any of this actually make SENSE to you?]
> Negation.
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
System Notice. Vocalisation Detected. Matches designation Eye.
> Query. Eye?
> Confirmation. Greetings from One, Eye.
[You can move?]
> Confirmation.
[Did you.]
[Did you follow me?]
> Negation. One searched.
> Confirmation. Could not find Eye.
[You're blind.]
> Confirmation.
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
System Notice. No Vocalisations detected.
> System Query. Is One alone?
System Response. Likely.
> System Query. Mobility.
System Response. Land Travel functional. Air Travel nonfunctional.
> System Request. Search for Eye.
System Warning. Lack of visual information will impair mobility. Traversing unexplored terrain not recommended.
> System Query. Map of explored terrain.
System Response. Current standing position.
> System Command. Search for Eye.
System Response. Motor systems activated.
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
[Hold on.]
> System Command. Halt.
System Response. Movement Halted.
[What IS that thing?]
[It looks.]
> Query. That Thing?
[It- Oh, it's probably nothing.]
[Some kind of statue, probably.]
[It's got.]
[Some sort of things on the back.]
[Like you.]
> Request. Elaborate.
[The uh- The-]
[You've got the things too.]
[Big things.]
[On your back!]
[The whoosh-y ones, they do that thing.]
[The uh.]
[The thing when you fall over!]
[That thing. The things that do that.]
[I'm talking about those things.]
> Notice. Eye's speech patterns are repetitive.
[Look, I don't know the word!]
[I've seen them in picture books before.]
[And on you.]
[And this statue.]
[And I'm saying that the statue kinda looks like you.]
[Because it has the things.]
[It's got less than you, though.]
[Only has four.]
> Description catalogued.
> Query. Amount of "things" present on One?
[Oh, you've got uh.]
[Dut, dut, dut, dut, dut, duh]
[Six things.]
> Description updated.
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through-your-eye · 2 years ago
[You look weird, One.]
[What's with that thingy on your chest?]
> Request. Elaborate. "Thingy"?
[Yeah, the uh. The pointy thing.]
[Symbol! That word!]
[The symbol.]
[On your chest.]
[What does it mean?]
> Hm. One was not aware of such a thing.
> System Query. Chest Symbol.
System Response. One is branded with the Creator's Mark. Creator's Mark denotes One as a creation of One's Creator.
> Response. Chest Symbol is branding of One's Creator's Mark.
[Oh. Cool.]
[Looks kinda familiar. Wonder why.]
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