#oah well.
skeletalheartattack · 8 months
Who do you like in smash brothers :)
i always liked playing heavyweights in smash bros, honestly. with the few times i played ultimate, i really enjoyed playing Dedede and K. Rool. it honestly kinda makes me wish they added more heavyweights with the dlcs.
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cak31ssuperi04 · 6 months
Ask game! If it's not too many: Willa, Carlos, Mariposa, Catania pairs against each other :D
Not too many. Would never turn down an opportunity to talk about them <3
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Stating the obvious but I hold in my heart that Fairy Princess is the Barbie spin on Romeo and Juliet. Confession when I first watched the movie I was wholeheartedly expecting them to dance together at the end(though obviously mattel wouldn't have painted it in a romantic light) as a callback to the earlier ball scene? With the whole ball setting it just felt like that was what they were building up to Imsorry. I was genuinely surprised at the time when it didn't happen but in hindsight that's probably more on me that the movie itself.
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Chewing on drywall eating gravel letting the earth consume me. They're a fun pair. They're opposites in a number of ways, they bicker and drive each other up a wall at times but they do like and care about each other and work well as a duo when it comes down to it. They complement each other. Goofs.
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Okay look I know I'm the only one who ships them but someone has to. Imo I think it gets overstated sometimes exactly how shy Catania is. She's introverted, she struggles with being away from immediate safety and (re. the crystal ball dance scene which I feel like is the biggest point towards her being shy)worries about standing out too much but she's also shown to be very outwardly friendly and enjoy parties and handle social situations well. I think what I'm getting at is that Willa has more immediately in common with her personality-wise than she does with the other two but they're still different enough that it would be interesting to me. They'd be a little silly. They'd get into shenannigins
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Not my favorite pair for either character but they're sweet, I like them, I don't mind them being endgame. As a sidenote it annoys me when people talk about how their relationship was forced but Specifically reference the first movie when their interactions are actually very easy to interpret as platonic in that one(like as in no more romantic than other Barbie/Male-Lead pairs that are commonly seen as friends i.e. Linden/Elina or Barbie/Leo), it's Fairy Princess that actually leans into the idea of a romance. If you're going to be a hater at least get it right
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I should clarify that I'm graphing these all as Romantic pairs. I really love their friendship! lots! I think it's sweet how Willa looks out for Mariposa and tries to be supportive of her even if she doesn't always understand. Their interactions are cute! I just don't realllyyy care that much about the idea of them as a couple? Which feels hypocritical since they hit a few similar beats as other ships I do like but you know, much love to anyone who does ship them xoxo
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Despite not once directly interacting with each other I think they'd get along well! They have a lot in common. Love the idea of them as friends more than as a couple.
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pouchedmilk · 5 days
I'm gonna have a full on migrane by noon and I've got a 10 hour drive today 😃
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mediumgayitalian · 6 months
Nico really fucking hates capture the flag.
Well, not always. Last week was fun. Last week was the annual Everyone Against The Stolls (to atone for their crimes), and Nico got to chase Connor around at top speeds, cackling, committing his shrieking and begs for mercy to memory. That was nice. That almost made him forgive the fucker for digging a trench under Nico’s unwelcome mat for him to fall into at seven thirty in the godsdamn morning.
But tonight’s game is boring.
He’s been standing, alone, at the base of the flag for the past forty bajillion hours. He’d raised a few dozens skeletons to spar with at first, since animating them to fight himself isn’t technically against the rules, but that got dull fast. (It isn’t much fun sparring with a partner who doesn’t have a brain. He already has to do that enough with Percy when he comes to visit camp.) He’d climbed the various trees around the clearing, or at least he tried until he got reamed by the dryads for climbing on a manner that was too annoying (?), and tried his hands at a few summoning spells. Nothing held his interest long.
And now he’s just standing, doing nothing, and he’s not allowed to leave. He has to stay in this stupid spot on the off chance that someone comes stumbling over to fight him for the flag.
“You’re our best swordsman, she said,” he says mockingly, beaming the nastiest vibes he can manage in Piper’s vague direction. “We need you on our defensive line, she said. Nyeh nyeh nyeh.”
His checks his watch. He groans. He looks critically over the grass, looking for a softer patch, and when he locates it he throws himself dramatically upon it, groaning louder.
“This sucks!” he yells, to no one.
“Will you shut up!” shouts back the dryad he pissed off earlier. “For the love of photosynthesis! Fuck!”
He bites his tongue hard to hold back laughter. (If he can avoid getting his entire cabin overgrown with prickle bushes again, that’d be great.) “Sorry,” he calls, trying with everything he has to sound contrite. Convincing his father to fight the Titan War was easier, actually. Acting is not his calling.
At least listening to see if she’ll come out and yell at him again provides something to ease his boredom. Yes, he’s going to regret bothering her, but in his defense, solo guarding is cruel and unusual punishment. He’d rather sit by an outlet with a fork and see if he can poke and let go fast enough to avoid dying. That at least would be interesting.
A rustling of leaves recaptures his attention, and he pauses.
When no one answers, which is odd because she’s taken every opportunity in the last hour to either insult him or pelt him with stones, he lifts his head.
“You’re not going to scare me, dude. I had my fear glands surgically removed to become a better soldier.”
Not true. Obviously. But a fun bonus of being the camp weirdo is that no one doubts anything he says. He’s working on convincing everyone younger than him that he needs weekly tributes of chocolate delivered to his door every Friday or the dead are going to take over the world. So far, it’s working.
“Look, Holly, I’m sorry about the zombie, okay, I promise it didn’t mean to sneeze part of its brain on you —”
The rustling sounds again, only this time Nico can see that it’s not Holly’s tree, and in fact she is nowhere to be found. Alarmed, he jumps to his feet, shifting so he’s balanced on the balls of his feet, poised to attack. Is Piper’s plan failing? Has someone actually managed to make it all the way over here without getting (gently, probably, although they lost the last game and Piper gets cranky without dessert) maimed?
The rustling sounds for a third time. This time, an armoured someone stumbles out of the underbrush, tripping over their own foot and nearly landing flat on their face.
Nico has his sword at their throat in a millisecond.
“Wo-oah, Morbius. That’s probably my least favourite sword you could stab in me.”
Nico goes bright red. “I have never wanted to stab you more than right this second.”
Will, chest plate skewed to the right, quiver completely empty, and black paint smeared under his eyes, snickers. He puts a finger on the tip of Nico’s sword and pushes it away from his neck.
“The opportunity was right there, babe. I couldn’t not.”
“You really, really could. In fact at all times, you should remember these words of wisdom: shut up.”
“…Damn. Inspiring.”
Nico rolls his eyes, but the effect is somewhat lessened by the smile on his face and the obvious pleasure in his expression. He’s even feeling merciful enough to accept Will’s kiss, although his sword keeps a good amount of distance between them. (Will’s on the blue team, after all. It would be unprofessional to be fraternizing with the enemy.
…Well, too much, anyway.)
“What’re you doing here? You’re supposed to be with the other archers, sitting in trees and causing havoc.”
Will shrugs, grinning lazily. “I quit. This game is senselessly violent and I’m Against It On Principle. I’m a pacifist, you know.”
“Uh huh.” Nico raises an eyebrow. “I assume this doesn’t count you choking Cecil out in a headlock, this morning.”
Will opens his mouth. Nothing comes out. He closes it again.
“Cecil is my mortal enemy,” he grudges after a moment. “He doesn’t count.”
“‘Course not. Not like you cried for two hours when he went to visit his mom last weekend or anything.”
“Will you — stop saying I cried. I barely teared up, okay. Barely.”
Nico can’t quite force down the stupid grin that pulls across his face, matching Will’s, nor can he resist grabbing the leather straps of his boyfriend’s armour and hauling him close.
“You better not be here to distract me,” he mumbles, leaning close and pressing a kiss to the underside of his jaw, the corner of his mouth. Will hums, settling his hands on Nico’s hips.
“Nope. Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“Drama queen.”
“Excuse — I am the least dramatic, I’ll have you know. I’m a pinnacle of solemnity. I am a shining beacon of stoicism. I am — mmfh,” He trails off. “Okay, doing this now, mhm.”
Nico smiles triumphantly into the kiss. Will, he has found, is very easy to shut up, despite his long-running nickname of Motormouth. It’s almost like he has an off button that can be accessed only by Nico sticking his tongue in his mouth. Nico is doing his civic duty, honestly. He should be compensated for his service.
(‘Course, doesn’t hurt that Will smells, like, really good, all the time, and his lips are soft as hell and he is actually quite the kisser, in fact. That is definitely a fun bonus.)
He smooths his hands over Will’s shoulders, travelling up the sides of his neck and settling in his hair. Will keens, slightly, when he wraps a finger around a frizzy golden curl and tugs, slightly, when he scratches his nails along his scalp. The rush of power at the feeling makes Nico dizzy, and his sword clatters to the ground as he busies himself with more interesting — and important — things.
Like pulling more of those sounds from his boyfriend’s throat. Or making his knees buckle, again, like he did the other night — gods, that was good, it made Will flush scarlet and Nico feel like he was fuckin’ floating, to have Will so needy and touchy and totally at his mercy —
“Free line to the flag! Go go go go!”
Nico startles, whirling towards the sudden cacophony of noises. To his horror, what looks like half the camp, helmets shining with plumes of blue, comes pouring into the clearing, weapons raised, voices mixing in one long, victorious shout. He lunges for his sword, but before he can grab it, two strong arms tighten around his torso, pinning his hands to his side.
Immediately, he knows he’s been set up.
“Oh, you — fucker!”
He feels the curve of Will’s grin against his neck. “First shower privileges for a whole month, baby.” He noses along his jaw, pressing an apologetic kiss to his cheek. “Couldn’t resist.”
Nico struggles, aghast, watching the once-red flag shimmer in Lou Ellen's hold to a bright, shining blue. “I am breaking up with you, you traitor, you Iago, you vixen — ”
Will snorts. He ducks down and pecks Nico on the lips, again, and again, and then shifts to his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, his temples, his forehead, and all over his face, making louder and louder mwah sounds until Nico is laughing, punching his shoulder and shoving him away.
“Okay! Okay. Let me go, you villainous toad. We will discuss how much you’ll have to grovel for my forgiveness after Piper finishes yelling at me for getting distracted.”
Will presses one last kiss to his nose, smiling cheekily before stepping away, heading towards his boasting team. “Enjoy that lecture! Love you!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Nico rolls his eyes, resting his aching cheek in his hand. “Love you too, asshole.”
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I really like your Bill Regressor headcanons! Have you thought about a scenario where you describe the circumstances under which Ford was able to positively make him regress? I'd be curious to hear more about that!
Aaaaa thank you!! I’m glad people enjoyed them!
I have thought of that scenario, actually! And I will now give it to you in story form! It’s long so I’m putting it under the cut.
(The story takes place during The Book of Bill’s “drunk karaoke session” (spoilers by the way), meaning that there will be alcohol use and also regression while drunk (Bill has problems). As stated before, Bill’s regression is not typical. His regression is very subtle. I’m hoping I wrote it adequately. :) )
(I also got WAY too into the pre-regression part so apologies regarding that-)
(A quick note: I am aware the Bill and Ford are not great relationship-wise. This story isn’t saying that they are, only that they had good moments together. I’m writing this as a what-if scenario based on headcanons - do with that what you will.)
Title: What a Night
Another knight hops across the board to tear into a bishop with its newly acquired sharp teeth.
“Bill-!” The laugh in Ford’s voice couldn’t be clearer as the horse-shaped piece happily chews its opponent. “That’s not valid!”
“That’s a regular move in inter-dimensional chess! I think you’re just a sore loser.”
Bill swirls his glass and takes a sip himself before offering it to Ford, who takes it gratefully to drink a larger portion. The glass never empties.
“God, you mix a good drink.” He praises with a content sigh, slumping further into the comfortable velvet seat.
“They don’t call me the “universe’s best bartender” for nothin’, you know!” Bill blinks once and leans across the chessboard, knocking over a few pieces, “Wink!”
Stanford grins. He moves to grab a rook and jerks back when it snaps at his finger. He laughs joyously and retries.
“Well, I was Jersey’s best chess player for nearly a decade straight,” to the kids that would play against him, which weren’t many. Still, Ford boasts, “and I can’t assess your bartender thing - I don’t get out into the inter-dimensional bars too often, but you…your drink was…oh, boy,” he giggles, already feeling tipsy. Bill laughs loudly at that; it echoes through the Mindscape.
After many, many, chess rounds that ended in ties, the two companions are more wasted than ever.
“No, Bill, we’ve played We’ll Meet Again five times already.”
Bill pokes an accusatory finger at Ford, hogging their one microphone.
“Shhhut it, IQ. You - you just have terrible taste. ‘K?”
Ford huffs but lets the karaoke happen. He crosses his arms and waits on their couch while Bill slurs the lyrics, completely unaware of his  own volume level. Still, he seems to be enjoying himself. The music in the Mindscape stops. Bill droops in place as soon as it does, microphone dangling in his loose fingers. Singing his heart out to Vera Lynn each and every time probably wasn’t a great idea.
“…OK, I’m bored. Your turn.”
Ford catches the microphone tossed his way and grins widely. Bill replaces his spot on the couch, wiped out. He sighs deeply and adjusts his hat as Ford decides. All Bill needs is a little more pep, he’s sure of it. Hell, he’ll offer some to Fordsy, too. With a clunky wave of his hand, Bill’s “Myoclonic Jerk” appears in his hand. It wobbles in his lax grip before he grips it with both hands and chugs what would be the whole glass if the drink wasn’t infinite. A fuzzy feeling wraps around Bill instantly, and he’s too distracted to realize it’s more than the buzz of alcohol.
“Hey, Sixer!” He leans forward and holds up the glass double-handed like a trophy. Ford whips around from the handy little song selection screen. His eyes fall on the drink. He stumbles closer to the couch to take it.
“Hey, wo-oah, smaller sips.” Bill advises without much actual danger attached to it, clearly amused. He snaps his fingers, popping the drink out of existence after Ford’s share. Ford blinks at his empty hand in confusion, making Bill laugh again. It’s closer to a giggle this time. Ford gathers himself in time to glance at the selection screen.
“Oh, I picked som-something. C’mere.”
Bill floats up, finds himself unsteady, and conjures his cane to “help” him keep his balance despite the fact that the cane is no help at all. He stumbles some and giggles. Bill twirls the cane poorly, squinting at the screen.
“Disco Girl?”
Ford’s drunkenness doesn’t stop him from being self-conscious, it seems. He chuckles with a hesitant smile.
“It’s admittedly catchy.”
Bill crinkles his eye into a grin, bouncing a little.
“Hey, I’m stellar at keeping secrets, Fordsy!”
The song plays.
Saturday night is a night alright Time to groove till the morning light..
Bill knew of Ford’s guilty pleasure for the pop group, but the way he sang with such carefreeness for the entire three minutes had even the triangle surprised. Ford was similarly surprised and overjoyed when his companion also knew the lyrics.
At some point, Ford gets into the groove of the song and starts dancing along. Bill, also plenty giddy, follows suit.
Ford laughs between lyrics, a grin lighting up his features - the laugh booms around the Mindscape. It’s bright, hearty, and from the belly. Bill takes a moment to address the warm pit that laugh leaves in his body. He grins again and gets closer.
Their dancing stays separate for the most part, until Bill slings a hand around Ford’s shoulder and Ford grazes his hand long enough for Bill to feel it.
Bill freezes at the touch. Ford doesn’t, perfectly content. Slowly, Bill takes his hand away to stare at it with a wide eye. The part where Ford’s warm hand had touched his buzzes softly.
The fuzzy feeling from the alcohol and other factors increases. Bill blinks. An odd feeling wells up the longer he keeps thinking of the touch. He’s thinking so much that he doesn’t notice the song end.
“-Bill?” The voice calls.
The addressed demon blinks again - must’ve spaced out. He keeps his touched hand suspended and looks to Ford. The human stopped dancing a while ago and realized his companion had looked off.
Ford must have gotten concerned, Bill realizes. It makes Bill feel…nice.
He finds he wants something from Stanford. It’s not the portal or eternal servitude; Bill knows that’s not it. It ties to the fuzziness he’s been feeling. He decides to figure it out.
He grins and laughs, not fake in the slightest.
“Hah! Do that again!” Bill thrusts his hand to Stanford, the implication being clear as day in his mind, which is starting to feel even happier.
“…Do what?” Ford asks with an owlish blink. He looks down at Bill’s hand and looks to his own six-fingered one, gears turning. It finally clicks, “Hold your hand?”
Seeing nothing wrong with it and susceptible to suggestions, Ford fulfills the request and bring his hand to clasp it around Bill’s smaller one.
The warmth from Ford travels up Bill’s arm and only adds to the warmth in the rest of his body. Bill blinks silently again. Oh. Wow, that felt…comfortable?
Bill slips.
Without registering what he’s really doing, he leans into Ford and grips one of his fingers with his hand, moving to sit on his shoulder. Ford makes a little noise of confusion, to which Bill only giggles at. In a second, all the alcohol is figuratively flushed out of Bill’s system as his earlier excitement dies. Ford frowns.
“Bill? Are you alright?”
Bill gathers himself with a chuckle, “Pfft. Of course I am, Fordsy.” He lies.
Bill’s getting oddly sleepy. He was used to this tiredness, however; it went hand-in-hand with the fuzzy feeling. He squeezes Ford’s finger tighter, which doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Y’know what? It’s been a long night,” Bill starts, temping down the slight fog in his mind.
“…Has it?” Ford asks confusedly. Even intoxicated, he notices the behavior switch in his muse.
“O-oh, sure!” Bill finds that he’s unusually tired. It must’ve been the alcohol’s effect. He hopes his stammer isn’t noticeable, “I mean, this stuff’ll give ya a heck of a hangover.” He laughs falsely again, snapping his fingers.
Their couch immediately turns into a simple, cozy-looking, bed. Ford stares at it oddly.
Bill leaves Stanford’s shoulder but doesn’t let go of his hand. It gives him too much comfort.
“C’mon, kid. Let’s get you to bed.”
Without waiting for an answer, Bill physically pulls Ford toward the bed with impatience. Stanford stumbles at the sudden movement but follows anyway out of curiosity. He falls on the sheets, Bill falls after him.
It’s unsurprisingly comfortable. Ford had been low on energy, but hadn’t realized how tired he had truly been until now. Not bothering to take anything off, he sprawls out over the blanket.
Bill, meanwhile, lightly kicks his feet off the edge of the bed, sitting near Ford’s stomach. His feet don’t even reach the bottom. Bill stares at them swinging with attention and an oddly childish look in his eye. He giggles quietly before noticing that Stanford has already lain down.
Bill moves to hold Ford’s hand again and crawls closer to quietly lay next to him. Ford’s coat is made of fabric that Bill just found out is really comfortable. He snuggles closer to his side, making sure that the human’s sleep in the Mindscape won’t take him back to the waking world before Bill wants him to. He’ll let Fordsy wake up when he’s sober again. That sounded much better.
Ford doesn’t let go of Bill’s tiny hand - maybe he’s too tired to notice. Bill sighs quietly and flutters his eye closed.
In one movement, the karaoke in the Mindscape starts playing a slow lullaby on low volume and the blankets suddenly cover both Ford and Bill comfortably.
Bill turns his eye into a mouth and shoves his thumb inside, sucking on it soothingly. He squeezes a sleeping Ford’s finger tighter as he himself dozes off.
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snekthedemonnoodle · 24 days
guys slowtown is hands down the best song on regional at best. like i cant stress this enough. the lyrics are so nostalgic, starting with 'i remember' then going on to sing about bike wheels and pokemon cards and traffic and socks. even the music sounds childish, not in the way that its not as good quality i just find the little jingles to be comforting somehow. i may have not had a childhood like the one described in the song, but it does bring me memories of being carefree. later in the bridge though it turns into like growing up, like 'were going to fast fast save us' bring us back to our innocence. the screams when hes falling through the floor. 'wo-oah, wo-oah' i just find this song to be beautiful. so well put together. 'wake up in slowtown' wake up to your childhood bedroom, your old posters and toys and a whole day of possibility ahead of you.
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milkbreadtoast · 3 months
I didn't see anyone else translating it so I went ahead and translated ep 46(s2 ep 1) of the TWSB webtoon! Enjoy... huff huff... (the ep can be read for free on WEBTOON KR)
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TWSB webtoon ep 46
(rough eng tl by milkbreadtoast)
y: woww...
y: So this is Yvelines!
g: It really is beautiful, your highness!
g: I think I just heard a seagull!
It seems the sea is close by.
y: I feel like I can live now...
y: Summer vacation really was a good idea!
a: Little prince, is your body okay now?
y: I've never felt better, Your Eminence. Thank you so much for graciously allowing me to accompany you both to Yvelines.
a: There's nothing to thank us for~ We were also planning on coming after all.
[Cardinal Aurelie Boutier: The empress's "religious partner." the one who saved Jesse(Yeseo) from the empire's heat.]
a: Isn't that right, Frédérique?
f: Well, I suppose.
Marquis Duhem agreed to vouch for your identity, and...
we couldn't just abandon someone who fainted despite it not even being that strong of heat wave.
[Frédérique Riester: The Riester Empire's Empress, and Cédric's Mother]
y: I, I thank you for your Imperial Benevolence...
(f: well, as long as you know.
a: so cheeky...)
a: Oh?
come to think of it, I don't see Duke Yvelines.
(step step)
attendant: I greet Her Majesty, the Sun that has descended to earth, and Her Eminence, the Cardinal. His Royal Highness, the Duke has gone to the outskirts of the territory to clear out pirates.
(y: ah, Benjamin! Can I talk to you for a second...
b: ?)
(whisper whisper)
y: By any chance, would you know what type of person Duke Yvelines might be?
f: (loudly) So you don't know who Duke Yvelines is?
y: UWAH-!
y: (y...you heard that;;) I apologize. It's true I don't know anything about the Duke, but I have read a fairy tale book written by the Duke's father, Grand Duke Yvelines.
(A book called "Kaboom! Yves' Grand Adventure"!)
f: Never mind the book. There's nothing to apologize for. That name is only used within the territory, so it'd be strange for the prince of the Holy Kingdom to know.
y: Ah... I see.
f: (Hmm~) But seeing your flustered expression right now...
It should be worth seeing a few days from now after we meet the Duke.
y: (Wh, what'd be worth seeing...?!)
(that smile is making me uneasy for some reason...)
a: Frédérique, don't tease the pure little prince so.
f: I never teased him. REAL teasing would be something like this:
f: From this moment forward, no one is allowed to tell Prince Jesse anything about Duke Yvelines.
That is an Imperial Decree.
y: (you're going that far just to tease one person?! I-isn't that a little too childish?!) (huff puff)
[the North Sea, Moutet County]
(splash splash)
soldier: Young Countess! The pirate ship is fast approaching!!!
(clack clack/big strides)
e: Order the civilians to evacuate the beach immediately, pack only their valuables and take shelter at the Count's estate!
[Élisabeth Moutet: vice captain of the imperial guard, heir to Moutet County]
(c) wo~oah~!
c: A pirate ship really did appear, huh!!
[Christelle de Sarnez]
e: Yes, that's right. They don't show up every year, but they really are a troublesome bunch.
c: (hop) I see.
c: Ah, right! Would you mind if I lent a hand as well? (pat)
e: I'd be grateful for your help, Young Lady Sarnez.
c: Ah, could you call Teacher Johann and the priest as well? Just in case we might need their help.
e: Sure, let's do that. Marcian(?), you go on and deliver the Young Lady's message as well.
soldier: Yes, understood, Young Countess.
(soldiers): DEFEND!
e: Then I shall head to the frontline. I entrust the rear to you!
c: Please leave it to me!
c: hoo...
(PAAA...(water rushing)
Jesse: There's no need to get me a birthday present.
I'm fine with just a small souvenir.
(SHOOO (water rushing)
c: I wonder if a pirate ship can also count as a souvenir~~
y: (I'm not curious.)
(I'm really not curious at all.)
(I've got my hands full with my own problems, so why should I bother caring about who Duke Yvelines is?)
(But back at the estate palace, didn't the chief chamberlain call the duke "His Royal Highness"..?)
chamberlain: How about some light refreshments while you get some air?
There is a grass lawn with a nice view that His Royal Highness the Duke likes to use when he reads.
y: ("His Royal Highness" the Duke..?)
y: (well, he is the son of a Grand Duke, and part of the Imperial Family, so "His Royal Highness" would be accurate.) (Anyway, I'm totally not curious at all, so let's not worry about it anymore...!)
b: Your Highness, do you need help?
y: I'm Definitely Definitely not curious or anything, but is there perhaps a particular reason why outsiders are not normally allowed entry into Yvelines?
(I just thought it might be disrespectful to know TOO little, so...) (Ahaha)
b: Yvelines was originally private land belonging to the Imperial Family.
This land was specially bestowed upon the Grand Duke, so only close family and guests are allowed to enter.
y: Ah, I see.
g: Your Highness, there's no need to think too impatiently about it. If you look around your surroundings, I'm sure you'll be able to find a clue before long.
y: Thanks for the consideration, both of you.
y: (now that I've learned some amount of info about Yvelines,
It's time to think about what's Really important now...)
Sadie and the suspicious letter...
- Is Losna my middle name?
- Who is Usil?
- : a friend i don't know, Queen Christanne, Crown Princess Elise
- What did that Sadie punk do with the letter? (circled) ]
(First of all, his middle name... is something only Prince Jesse's family or very close friends could possibly know,
and just who could "Usil" be?) (Hmmm...)
(Usil, Usil...)
("I have faith that you are healthy and doing well. I hope that we can see each other again.")
y: (From the contents of the letter alone, it seems that Prince Jesse has someone out there worrying about him... The tone makes it seem like a friend or family member, but who could it be...?)
(what's more, all the letters and gifts that enter Juliette Palace are subject to inspection, so I wonder how they got past it.)
(If it was the Queen of the Holy Kingdom, she wouldn't have to go to such lengths as a secretive note, but since it wasn't sent through official means...)
(Wait, is it that they "couldn't" send it?!)
y: (Ah!) (Now that I think of it, during my interview with Sara Belliard I'm sure she said...)
sb: They say that the military collision at the border was the Crown Princess acting on her own.
In other words, the Prince Consort and Crown Princess's wills are not aligned. (/The Crown Princess does not agree with what the Prince is trying to do.)
y: (If the owner of the letter really was Crown Princess Elise...
Does that mean there's someone on my side in the Holy Kingdom?!)
y: (No, let's not jump to conclusions.)
(Dame Belliard did say it was just a rumor,
and it could still be a third party.)
g: (Haha...) Wow, your highness! I guess the refreshments must not have been enough?
b: It's a bit early, but I will tell them to prepare dinner.
y: Th, thank you. ;
(step step)
y: (My stomach is nice and full now but...
I still feel way too unsatisfied.) (Hmmm....)
y: (Who is Usil,
and does Sadie still have Usil's letter..?)
(It doesn't seem like he would've handed something this important off to someone else, but...)
y: (hmm..) (Just what is he thinking..?
...Can I trust the Imperial Prince?)
y: Huh.
y: The door to one of the rooms is open?
They did tell me that I can enter any room if the door is open, so I guess I'll take a small look around.
(step step) ?!
y: Why is Prince Consort Alexandre's portrait here?
...Don't tell me.
Ah, I get it now.
THAT PERSON must be Duke Yvelines!
soldier: Your Royal Highness, It seems that the pirate sweep will finish even sooner than usual.
c: I'm sure it is thanks to Margrave Moutet's hard work.
soldier: It seems Your Royal Highness will be able to return tomorrow morning. Shall I arrange for you to head to the bell tower when the sun rises?
c: No, I will visit Her Majesty and Her Eminence first.
soldier: I have received word that the two esteemed individuals will also be heading to the bell tower...
...and Prince Jesse will be accompanying them.
c: (Pause)
c: In that case, --
soldier: Your Royal Highness, shall I send word to Yvelines?
c: There's no need. (step step)
c: We will finish them off before Her Majesty finds out.
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my-deer-friend · 27 days
I have a stupid question. How do you find out about current history scholarship and research? I am sick of reading books I've read a hundred times and were published decades ago. Is there like a forum or something where historians share research or lectures or things?
Not stupid at all!
The key is 1) knowing which sources provide the most up-to-date information, and then 2) using the appropriate strategy to access them.
Conference and lectures
Conferences are where you find the most cutting-edge research – usually work that has not been published yet, or is still in progress. Accessing conferences can be both expensive and difficult (if they're limited to people with certain affiliations, for example), but there are also conferences that are free for the public, and ones run by groups like the Organization of American Historians that are reasonably priced for the digital attendance option. You can browse conference programmes (here is the OAH's 2024 version) to at least find the names of academics relevant to your field of interest, which will help with the kinds of searches you will want to conduct below.
Finding these is a mix of luck and effort. You can set a search alerts on various platforms, literally just do a search for "[topic] academic conference", find relevant organisations and subscribe to their newsletters for updates, or do some browsing on social media. I found History Symposium (free, current, deep-dive history lectures and a virtual conference) because of something shared here on Tumblr. Following the Instagram account of the Powder House in Charleston keeps me updated on their history lecture programming (which host virtual talks including showcasing new research on the US colonial era). Then there are institutions like the Royal Museums Greenwich who publish a range of high-quality historical content on their YouTube account (they have a good series on black history and the Transatlantic slave trade, as well as a fascinating recent lecture by a historian on the queer history of the British navy, which I also found here on Tumblr).
Academic journals
Journals are where you get the most recent published academic scholarship. A journal article generally is a fairly narrow/focused exploration of a topic that adds something new to the ongoing academic conversation (e.g., a new discovery, a new analysis of existing material, a new theoretical perspective, a challenge to a previous author's work).
Other useful kinds of journal content are book reviews, as well as "review" articles, which summarise and synthesise recent research in a field – as well as newly arising questions and research directions.
Getting your hands on articles requires two steps: 1) finding the research, and 2) accessing the research.
Finding articles
For better or worse, the best generalist search tool for journal articles is Google Scholar – it allows you to search across hundreds of databases and independent publishers for relevant content.
If you're a member of a university library (not necessarily staff or student – check if your library allows external membership), it will have its own search tool which allows you to find material in the databases and journals that the university is subscribed to. Individual databases, archives or publishers (think JSTOR) will also have their own internal search.
My advice is to start your search as narrowly as possible, and then expand out slowly if you don't find anything relevant. So, for example, I might start my search with "same-sex relationships london 1780s", and if nothing comes up, I might broaden it out to "england" or "late eighteenth century", and so on.
The other thing to do is follow citations (i.e., who referenced what?). You can travel "backwards" through the literature by looking at the reference lists of books or articles you already have (in other words, which works the author used to base their research on).
But you can also travel forwards – the "cited by x" link below a reference on Google Scholar is your friend, because it shows you who used that particular source in their (by default, more recent) work.
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Accessing articles
Unfortunately, a lot of academic research is gatekept by the academic publishing industrial complex – not by academics themselves, to be clear. This results in those ludicrous charges for single papers:
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(And $30 is hardly the upper limit...)
But hope is not lost! You still have some options if you're willing to do a bit of work.
1) Sometimes, if you're lucky, the article will be freely available online. In Google Scholar, for example, check for the "PDF" or "HTML" link to the right of the title:
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Some entire journals are freely available (usually called "open access") – one example is the Journal of the American Revolution. You can also search on DOAJ for open-access-only articles and journals.
2) I've also occasionally found the article just by googling "[article name] pdf". Some scholars will make these available for free on their personal websites, for example.
3) You can also try contacting the scholar directly through a platform like Academia.edu. Find the article there, and check if there is a "request full-text" option on its page (or, even, if the full text version has already been posted).
4) For slightly older articles, try searching on JSTOR, which gives anyone with an account free access to 100 articles a month. (I say "older", but there's even scholarship from 2024 on there these days.)
5) If all else fails, definitely do not type "sci hub" into your search engine and check there. That would be bad and naughty and very, very sexy of you. I repeat, do not do this. 🤫
Academic books
Books are not usually a great source of super-current research, both because the format doesn't lend itself to it and the publishing cycle can be very long, but they can be an excellent source for a decently recent and detailed overview of the topic. Note that you specifically want academic books here (not the ones in the "history" section of your local chain bookstore).
If you've done some digging in journal databases, you should have a good sense of which authors are writing about the topics you're interested in. Find their websites or social media feeds and subscribe to get updates on their latest work. For example, historian and Tumblr darling Joanne Freeman has a website with links to her books, lectures and podcast, as well as other media. The Museum of the American Revolution has a "Read the Revolution" speaker series featuring newly published books on relevant topics (and they're certainly not the only museum or public institution to do this). Their newsletter will keep you updated on the upcoming sessions, and the website often has a free recording of the talk available.
The prices can be quite extortionate, so again, see if you can find a free version online using the methods above. You might also have some luck finding the book on Archive.org (which might allow you to loan it out for free for an hour at a time) or Google Books (which sometimes shows you a decently large preview). Definitely do not type "libgen" into your search engine and try to download the book form there.
In summary...
There's a lot out there. A bit of persistence and a lot of searching (on databases, social media and the internet in general) will open up a huge spectrum of intereting and relevant resources!
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prismaticpichu · 8 months
Zack gets hold of Seph's phone and changes his ringtone + records a morning alarm message! What are they??
Green eyes groggily slide open, holding their own weight for about three seconds before fluttering shut again. There’s a tired groan, a lazy shuffle in the crumpled mass of sheets and linen. Sephiroth rolls aside on his pillow, away from the thin tresses of sunlight that are beckoning him to awaken.
Five more minutes… he mumbles in his head. He had been up since 3am…
Just five more…—
Gooood morning, sunshine! It’s your bud here wishing you a fannnnntastic return to the conscious realm! (It’s Zack, by the way—some people say I sound like a girl over the phone.) Anywho I recorded this message here to make sure you’re maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm! So c’mon now, pal, it’s time to get up! Get up, be active! Get up, be active! Get up, be active! Get up, be active! Get up, be active! Get up, be active! GET UP BE ACTIVE! GET UP BE ACTIVE! GET UP BE ACTIVE! GET UP BE ACTIVE! GET UP BE ACTIVE! GET UP BE ACTIVE! GET UP BE ACTIVE! GET UP BE ACTIVE! GET UP BE ACTIV—
“ALRIGHT I’M UP!” Sephiroth yanks the blankets off, swiping his phone off his nightstand to silence the alarm he absolutely did not set. He runs his hand through his hair, brushing aside the tumble of silver locks from his eyes—too tired to really question how or when on Gaia his best friend hijacked his PHS. And it wasn’t as if it wasn’t unpredictable, either; of course Zack would find a way to make sure he was sleeping well. That was just the way his friend was, kind and caring and overprotective.
Of him…
A vague smile crosses Sephiroth’s lips as Zack’s intentions really sink in, shaking his head in amusement. What was he going to do with him?
He sets down his PHS, letting out a yaw—
Sephiroth stumbles backwards and onto the floor—completely and utterly startled by the EXPLOSION of music that abruptly erupted around him. He looks around in confusion for several seconds before realizing the source of the radio is his own PHS.
Still on the floor, Sephiroth reaches to answer his phone.
And Zack’s voice cheerily greets him.
“Did you get my alarm?!” :D
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eqt-95 · 10 months
a new kind of romance, pt 5
part 4 | frosting
🍄 | could we? wood we?
“Oh look, a mushr-ooph!”
And then what was a breathless morning became a breathless morning smeared in mud and leaf-tangled hair and a pout the size of Metropolis sitting on Kara’s lower lip.
“Aren’t you supposed to be the outdoorsy one?” Lena laughed, and sure, her rosy cheeks and amber scarf hung around her neck and loose curls tumbling over her shoulders helped temper Kara’s flare of frustration at another thing gone wrong. And sure, maybe Lena was extra glowy because of the warm fall colors and that fought Kara’s own annoyance of slipping and tripping and falling - again.
But only barely.
Because while Lena was being her perfect, soft, perfect, kind, perfect self, Kara was powerless and awkward and now inelegantly in those same fall colors and pouting.
It had been a great idea a week earlier; maybe even the best idea Kara Danvers had ever had: a Saturday-morning hike with her very best friend to an outlook of the city painted in an autumnal palette followed by a stop at an apple orchard for some cider and cinnamon sugar donuts with that same very best friend, all ending with a viewing party of David Attenbourough’s soothing narration back at Kara’s tucked in close to - you guessed it - Kara’s very - very - best friend. It was flawless. It was perfect. It was exactly how Kara wanted to spend every Saturday for the rest of her life. Heck, every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and… well, every day.
Except when she planned it a week ago, Kara hadn’t expected it to drizzle or that a National City crisis would burn out her powers.
So pout she did while Lena cautiously toed down the steep hill, dressed in warm flannels and a deep green jacket and gosh, she looked so pretty. How did she always look so pretty?
“Come on, there’s still a whole hill to climb,” a pair of pretty, unpainted lips said and Kara blinked out of her dazed stupor.
“Or maybe we can just call it quits and get cocoa and a couple sticky buns at noonans?” Kara asked hopefully, tucking her pout away.
“I can’t believe my ears,” Lena huffed, offering an outstretched hand. “Is Kara Zor El quitting on me?”
“No,” Kara huffed like a petulant child, climbing to her feet. The lower lip threatened to perch again. “It’d just be nice if, you know-oah!”
Words were ripped out from under Kara with the same slipperiness that sent her sprawling moments earlier. Only this time, she was met with a very different set of tangled limbs and breathless huffs because this time there was a flannel-clad Lena to negotiate.
And that negotiation might have felt exactly like the Princess Bride tumble if the Princess Bride tumble had been Buttercup (Lena) and Westley (Kara) tumbling together down a smaller hill covered in damp leaves with Buttercup (Lena) landing on top of Westley (Kara). 
Except there were some key differences. The biggest, Kara would argue, was that Lena was way prettier than Robin Wright. The next biggest was that their tumble was objectively far more romantic because Lena was laughing and tucking her face into the crook of Kara’s neck and holding tight at her waist even after they’d rolled to a stop and maybe Kara wanted to stay like this forever and ever, wet ground be damned.
Not that Kara romanticized things about her friend - her best friend. The word had never crossed her Pulitzer-prize-winning mind. This was simple platonic adoration. 
Because how could she not adore the dimples blossoming across Lena’s cheeks, or admire her laughter reverberating through their entwined form, or cherish the freckle peeking out from her disheveled scarf, or revere the way her lips looked so soft and pink, or delight in the lock of hair that her own hand reached up and tucked behind Lena’s ear.
And yea, maybe since her hand was already there, Kara let the pad of her thumb brush the smudge of dirt that sat along Lena’s creamy cheekbone because how could she not? And sure, maybe that gesture - that platonic gesture made time slow and Lena quiet with a sudden eye-locking focus before letting out a quiet, breathy sigh that made Kara feel things in ways that were certainly not platonic but definitely not not good feeling. 
And maybe it wasn’t fair that Kara was friends with the most perfect person in the whole world because maybe, just maybe, she wanted to romanticize the idea of tumbling down a hill together and landing tangled and breathless and watching with slow, agonizing curiosity as Lena’s lips drew closer (or was it Kara’s that leaned nearer?) because then if she did that - if she romanticized that, it might mean that maybe, just maybe they could, maybe they would-
“My hero,” Lena grinned, her cheeks rosy and breath warm against the chilly air.
And then there was the crinkle of leaves.
And then there was a ghost of Lena’s warmth.
And then there was a hand extended toward her.
“Come on Supergirl, we’ve still got a mountain to climb.”
And maybe Kara didn’t know how to say what she wanted, because of course it would be silly to ask Lena to stay and to sit in the damp leaves and to feel the cold creep up while the sun rose and climbed and set on them. 
So she didn’t say any of that. Instead she accepted Lena’s offered hand and swallowed hard against the uncertainty in her throat and carefully climbed the thirty-seven steps back to the safety of the trail.
Kara’s feet wavered once there, her whole self unmoving except for the way her eyes glanced between where they came from and where they were meant to go. And then she glanced back down the hill to where they’d unexpectedly tumbled and wondered why they couldn’t just keep down that path.
“You ok?” came Lena’s voice, having closed the distance with her brow furrowed in concern. “Did you hurt anything?”
Kara shook her head and pressed her mouth into a smile. “No, just thinking.”
Lena eyed her, a silent ‘about?’ lobbed, and if Kara looked hard enough she might have seen the cautious hope in the way Lena watched her. And if Kara had looked hard enough, she might have seen that cautious hope flicker and dim when Kara patted her own stomach.
“Do you think there are snacks at the top?”
And, already well-practiced, Lena broke into a smile, a small eye-roll of affection bringing a smirk to Kara’s own face.
“It’s amazing that even without powers you’re still this hungry,” Lena replied, taking the lead along the battered, well-worn path.
“It’s a gift?”
“Or curse,” Lena said with a quick backwards wink that made Kara want to tumble all over again. 
Instead she followed.
“We’re still stopping for donuts though, right?” Kara called, hurrying to catch up. Always trying to catch up.
- - - - - - - - - part 6 | cuddles
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virune · 3 months
i could totally imagine segments in the puppet au’s show where mighty helps people out but unintentionally ends up breaking things, only to immediately get on trying to fixing them because he’s just a good guy like that
oah... SO REAL 🥺 he's just a well-meanin' guy!!
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awholelotofladybug · 2 months
Lulu: A Stammering Adrien AU Moment
Based on this AU.
After taking her cat, Enzo, to the vet, Marinette and her mother return home to find Tom waiting with a surprise.
Tom: So, how did it go?
Sabine: A clean bill of health. Not a worm to be found.
Marinette: *snuggles her kitty* Who's my healthy kitty? Is it you? I think so.
Tom: *phew* That's a relief. *gives Enzo a little chin scratch, making him purr.* Good to know our little guy is in good shape.
Sabine: Oh, and that's not all. Marinette, honey, tell him.
Marinette: Oh yeah. *sets Enzo down* You know Chloe and Sabrina's dogs? They're gonna have puppies!!
Tom: Rex and Sophie?! Puppies?! You're kidding!
Sabine: No, it's true! Isn't that exciting?!
Tom: *smirks* Well, speaking of dogs and puppies, wait here. *goes into the other room*
Marinette: *curious* Papa?
Sabine: *suspicious* Thomas Dupain, what are you up to?
Tom: *calling from the other room* Bare with me! *comes back with his hands behind his back* Okay, Sabine, Marinette… *pulls out a fawn-pied French Bulldog* Meet Lulu.
Sabine: *HAPPY GASP* Tommy! Mon Cher, you didn't!
Marinette: *HAPPY GASP* Oh, how precious! *approaches her father and Lulu* Bonjour, Lulu. How nice to meet you.
Sabine: *gently pats the pooch's head* Oh, aren't you just the sweetest little doggy?
Lulu: *pants happily*
Marinette: Papa, she's beautiful. Where did you get her?
Tom: I thought it would be nice to have a dog, so I went to the shelter and found this beautiful girl. *sets her down* She's 13 months old.
*Lulu walks over to Marinette and jumps up on her*
Marinette: WO-OAH! *falls backward onto the sofa*
Lulu: *climbs up onto her and licks her*
Marinette: *giggles and pets her new dog* Welcome to the family, Lulu.
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dustylogicalityrat · 2 months
today, something wonderful happened. Will Wood released the I/Me/Myself 2018 Live Demo. i've replayed it too many times to count. i thought i'd share with you its lyrics because i have audio processing issues, the actual lyrics aren't up, and i thought maybe someone out there would appreciate it. <3
(ahh-a-a-a-a-a-ahh sha-la-la-la-la-la-la-la)
(lahh-a-a-a-a-a-ahh sha-la-la-la-la-la-la-la)
(lahh-a-a-a-a-a-ahh sha-la-la-la-la-la-la-la)
(lahh-a-a-a-a-a-ahh sha-la-la-la-)
I been feeling lightheaded 
since I lost enough weight to fit back in my skin
Flower petals and feathers tether me to the ground
(Pound for pound)
Take my tea with formaldehyde for my feminine side since the day that I died
While I whittle my bones until I’m brittle
Am I pretty now?
For some reason, I find myself
caring what you think of me
(and bared for any man who’d care to see)
And now you’ve got me thinking,
I wish I could be a girl, 
and that way, you’d wish I could be your 
girlfriend, boyfriend
Am I pretty enough to lie to?
(oh-ah oh)
I wish I could be a girl, 
and that way, you’d wish I could
be your girlfriend, boyfriend
Just-a little old me in a big, big world
(oh-ah oh)
Little old me in a big world
I wish
[Instrumental continued]
I’ve been feeling lighthearted
since I gained enough weight back 
to c-c-c-c-cover my bones
I get dressed up in shadows one leg at a time
(We’re so alike)
'Cause if the shoe fits,
then I won’t try it on
You’ll be walking out early,
but the show must go on
No, I know that I’m wrong,
but I love how your on my side
For some reason, I find myself
caring what you do to me-e-e-eee
(my bad [?])
and too confused to choose who I should be
And now you got me thinking,
I wish I could be a girl,
and that way, you'd wish I could be your girlfriend, boyfriend
Am I pretty enough to lie to?
(oh-ah oh)
I wish I could be a girl,
and that way, you'd wish I could be your girlfriend, boyfriend
Just-a little old me, in a big, big world
(oh-ah oh)
Little old me in a big, big (world)
I wish I were a- 
Lately, I been wishing I were FIVE FOOT FIVE
weighing nine-nine wearing thigh highs
I'll be your prosthetic
Meet your anesthetic criteria
Would you please objectify me?
I’m-a just a hunk-a hunk-a burnin' self-loathing
My evidence, my witness,
when I’m caught breaking the laws of physics
I wish I could be a girl,
and that way, you’d wish I could be your girlfriend, boyfriend
Am I pretty enough 
to love back?
No, not yet
I wish I could be a girl, 
and that way, you’d wish you could kick my fucking teeth in
Just-a little old me- 
Am I pretty enough
to fucking die?
Little old me in a big world
Well, I would give you my whole wo-o-o-o-orld
(woah woah woah woah wo-o-o-oah)
Little old me in a big-
I wish
Don't you fucking cry
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shunin-gumis · 17 days
Mistery on the Moonlit Passage - Track 07
Seasonal Event Story
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The next 3 chapters are handled by Jelly!
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Location: Cruise Liner - Party Venue
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Nanaki: Here’s what happened before Kamina-san and I met up with Ryui-san and arrived at the party venue―
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Nanaki: …That’s strange.
Ryui: The fuck you mean by that?
Nanaki: Oh, sorry, I wasn’t talking about you, Ryui-san.
Nanaki: I was thinking that it’s too quiet in here. There was music playing until just a while ago… Did they forget to set it on loop?
~~~(end flashback)
Location: Cruise Liner - Party Venue
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Yukikaze: Now that I think of it, that did happen.
Nanaki: The music playing onboard should be determined by the hospitality robots. The fact that it stopped means that whatever put everyone to sleep affected the robots, too…
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Kinari: …...
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Muneuji: (Indeed… The fact that even Azekawa-san, who is an android, is asleep is quite mysterious.)
Nanaki: It might seem kinda trivial, but I wanted to focus our investigations on that.
Muneuji: I see. In that case, is it correct to assume that our next course of action is to investigate said robots within the vicinity?
Yukikaze: Sounds like a plan. I’ll help as well.
Nanaki: Yowa-san, what do you think?
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Netaro: I think this paella looks scrumptilicious!
Nanaki: I-I see. Then, let us know if you figure anything out.
Netaro: Aye-aye, Captain.
Muneuji: Now, the robots in question…
Yukikaze: …Are over there! 
*Yukikaze dashes away*
Muneuji: What a magnificent crouch start…!
*Yukikaze makes his way through the bodies*
Nanaki: …Into some intense, high-precision zigzagging through the bodies…!
Yukikaze: *lands*
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Muneuji: He made it all the way to the corner of the venue, picked up the four robots that were lying there, and carried them back like it was nothing. An active athlete is truly remarkable.
Yukikaze: Would this be enough?
Nanaki: Yeah, thank you. If we just connect it to Andy in offline mode, like so…
Muneuji: Oh my… It’s displaying a screen similar to the one you have whenever you compose.
Nanaki: Yeah. With this, we can see exactly when the BGM was cut and the robot went into sleep mode―
Nanaki: …Hm?
Yukikaze: What’s wrong?
Nanaki: Well, it looks like it was streaming a famous Lo-Fi radio…
Nanaki: But the audio waveform it’s displaying at 5 minutes before entering sleep mode is kinda sus…?
Netaro: Hmm? Euh auyoia mmnghh oah.
Muneuji: Yowa-san, it is a bit hard to understand you while you have food in your mouth. Please speak after you finish chewing.
Netaro: *chews*...
Muneuji: It is recommended to chew your food 30 times before digestion.
Netaro: *CHEWING INTENSIFIES* …*swallows*.
Netaro: The audio waveforms suspicious? You can tell just from a glance, Nana!?
Nanaki: Well, I don’t know, it just feels a bit weird for a relaxing song to look like this.
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Netaro: What’s weird?
Nanaki: For example, the “V”-like shape over here—
Yukikaze: I don’t get it.
Muneuji: Why don’t we enjoy some paella while we wait for the two of them to finish their analysis?
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Netaro: You’re able to figure out this much in such a short time~! Amazing! Amazing!
Nanaki: But I don’t know if this is even related to the mass-sleeping incident or not…
Netaro: This has no relation to relations. My comment was about how amazing your talent is!
Netaro: But why didn’t you mention anything before? I fail to comprehend.
Nanaki: Umm… well…
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Ryui: YOWAAAA!!!!!
Netaro: *jumps in shock* Uoh?
Ryui: You bitch, you’re hiding somethin’, aren’t you.
Muneuji: Ryui-san, did you happen to catch a lead?
Ryui: (Not like I can just go around blurting out stuff like “The spirits said this fucker was suspicious!” ‘That case, I’ll just have to do things the hard way…! If it’s this shitprick, I can go all out!)
Ryui: I know it was you, bastard. The quicker you give, the easier it’ll be for you!
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Netaro: Okay, got it!
Ryui: Don’t think you can fuck around with me by makin’ a bunch of excus—... What?
Netaro: Just as Ryui said, ‘twas I that transformed this venue into a sleeping forest!
Nanaki: Huh…!?
Netaro: Speaking of which, it’s almost time.
Muneuji: Time for?
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Toi: Mmg… *yawns*...
Ryui: Toi!?
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marmolady · 6 months
Grandchildren: Aurora
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Summary: Endless Ending timeline. Middle-aged Taylor and Estela are entering a new phase of their life together, welcoming their grandchildren into the family. In four parts; this is PART FOUR.
Word Count: 4421
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, ​@mauvecatfic @rhemenway888
Thanks for reading!
Rosa smoothed out the gown with a hand. Her Mama Estela’s beautiful wedding gown, a gift from an old friend, Seraxa. Georgie’s wife, Taamina, had made the necessary alterations to accommodate seven months’ worth of baby bump-- something that Estela had insisted they try out rather than have Rosa write off her dream dress. Guilt remained over doing anything to change it at all when there were such precious memories attached….
“You look nervous. Are you nervous?” Luz, Rosa’s other best friend, had been by her side since early that morning.
Most of the Catalyst kids had gotten permission to bring their significant others in on the secrets of La Huerta… but Rosa hadn’t the need, Vaanti fiance and all. With her looking to spend as much time on the island as possible, Varyyn had suggested he consult with the elders to gain approval for her to share her world with Luz, who’d been close to both Rosa and Georgiana since their early school days. This was the result; Niala’rei was here, and Rosa would be wed with her two closest friends by her side.
“...I….” Of course, Rosa was nervous. The dress was, admittedly, a factor. A part of her felt it was too beautiful, the kind of gown a goddess would show up to a wedding in. Did she really have the confidence to pull off a dress like that? Her Mama ‘Stel had, twice. But that made Rosa feel like a mouse stepping into a warrior costume.
Somehow, though, Rosa didn’t look like the mouse she saw herself as; she looked proud and confident. Perhaps she held herself differently just with the knowledge that this was her heritage, that she belonged. Perhaps she held herself differently because of the baby… she’d always been more courageous for Leo’s presence, maybe this little one had helped her grow further.
This dress was both Vaanti and Montoya. There was no way she’d wear anything else as she made her vows to Homori.
She had to be the warrior queen. And her fight was with herself, because the greatest fear that lingered, the shadow that loomed menacingly over her, was her inability to speak the words she so needed to speak.
“Wo--oa--oah! I’m having some serious deja-vu right now-- talk about a blast from the past, doodlejumps!”
The appearance of Raj, all wide arms coming in for a bear hug made the skittish Rosa jump, but she recovered enough to take the embrace.
Rosa had hit it off with her larger-than-life Catalyst ‘uncle’ pretty much from the get-go-- even timid and fragile as she’d been back then. He had this magic quality… you couldn’t help but be at ease around him, and the young Rosa had gotten so much comfort from that warm and jovial presence. He’d made sure he had time in his busy schedule for her wedding, saying he wouldn’t miss it for the world.
She smiled shyly. “I had hoped it could fit,” she admitted. “After Livi wore Mama Taylor’s, I thought it would be nice to…. It’s like a family tradition now, isn’t it?”  
“Seems like it,” Raj said. “Gotta pull out the old Niala’rei gowns for a Montoya wedding. You know, when your moms made it official in San Trobida-- you know I basically ran that whole gig, right?-- Estela was pregnant too. We didn’t know it, though, early days. But still, maybe that’s a tradition too!”
“It might be now.”
“Well, it suits you.”
He joined the crowd bustling into the throne room, and Rosa was left alone with Luz. All those people who’d be watching… there was surely no way she could do this….
“You can do this,” Luz said warmly, supportive as ever. “Just… talk to Mori. Look at him, look at the big smile on his dorky face, and speak to him.”
Rosa had never not been able to talk to Homori. Her body trusted him, never felt the need to freeze up. Her childhood challenges with selective mutism had been more or less overcome, but every now and then, usually when she least wanted it to happen, all her words would get… stuck. She preferred writing. Her hand never failed her like her voice did.
She couldn’t screw up her wedding vows, though. There was much that needed to be said; how much it meant to her that she could pour her heart and soul out to Homori and know she was being heard, how he made her laugh more in just a day by his side than she would in weeks without him. How he was exactly the parent to Leo that she, growing up in care, would have longed for as a young child-- sweet, and tender, and encouraging, and loving without bounds. Rosa had to promise him a lifetime of love, given honestly and openly. She’d promise that she’d have his back as they took on the challenges of parenthood, of finding personal fulfilment side-by-side, and navigating the divide between their cultures. She’d share his dreams, cheer his successes as her own, knowing that her joys would be his in the very same way. She had to say all that, aloud, get the words in the right order, and… and….
Luz squeezed Rosa’s hand. “It sounds like they’re ready for you, babe.”
Placing a hand on her belly, Rosa took a deep breath. Breathing techniques had gotten her through some real panics in her time…. She could feel the movement of the baby, and it weirdly made her feel more capable. Yes, she was definitely holding herself stronger and prouder since this little kid came along. For her baby, and for Leo, and for her lovely Homori, she could do this. She could damn well say what she needed to say.
The hall was full. Couples getting married, friends and family there in love and support. Rosa had attended Niala’rei before; when Georgie had taken Faiyara’s hand. She’d imagined it then… having the guts to choose a life far removed from the one she’d grown up with. Stepping into that hall, she was proud. Her and Homori, they were going to make it.
Her breath rattling with nervous excitement, Rosa saw through the crowd that was her family, and her eyes met with Homori’s. Oh, Mori…. His eyes welled immediately, and his face was in his hands.
Rosa giggled as she reached him, and wrapped her fingers around his. They laughed together, tearfully jubilant to be there hand in hand, so close to ever after.
Maybe they’d both have trouble getting the words out after all. It didn’t even matter. They had one another, and they could take all the time they needed.
The front door was ajar, so Liv pushed it open and tentatively stuck her head in. “Hello, Rosa?”
“Auntie Liv!” came the bellow of the small child who charged smack into her legs. Leonel barely even blinked, but wrapped his arm around Liv’s-- probably soon to be bruised-- thighs.
“Oh, hey Leo,” Liv said, recovering quickly. She was used to being almost being bowled over by small children by this point. “I take it your mommy’s in?”
“I’m here!” Rosa said, bustling over. “Thanks for grabbing him-- Mo just went out to the workshop to grab the crib, and I’ve been trying to convince Leo to wait here with me.”
“No worries.” Liv placed down her bags, and scooped her nephew up in her arms. He was a cuddly kid, and she was enough of a novelty that her attention would distract him from getting under his dad’s feet. “I just wanted to drop by the few things I said about. I’ll send more as Bea grows out of things, obviously, but just little little clothes and sleep bags for now.”
She sat her younger sister down and brought her a cold refreshment-- and Leonel a pineapple juice in a sippy cup.
“You really didn’t have to,” Rosa said as she sipped gratefully. The heat was admittedly hard to handle this late in pregnancy, even with all the fans going.
“Yeah, well, I didn’t want to go back home to San Trobida without being totally sure you’re all right,” Liv admitted. “I know first-hand how hard it can be with a newborn, and you’re fresh off the back of a massive life change. I want… I want you to know that I’m here for you. Me and Jeimy. I know we’re swamped with our own kids, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have your back as well.”
Rosa nodded quietly, looking down into her glass. She didn’t want to put anyone out, she’d always struggled with that. Her early life she’d gotten through by making as few demands as possible, well, until she simply cracked. Asking for help was still something she had only found herself able to do with Homori, her moms, and very rarely, Luz or Georgie.
“Rosita, I want to be there for you,” Liv urged.
Rosa exhaled shakily, her breath making the surface of her colourful drink tremble. She placed it down, and looked to the side shyly.
“I am scared,” she said finally. “Not of being a mom again, because I love being a mom, it… feels like it’s what I’m meant to be doing. I’m scared of labour and the birth… you know my pain tolerance is laughable. I’m not… I’m not like you. I’m not tough.”
Liv scooched closer and took her sister’s hand. “I’d think you were batshit crazy if you weren’t crazy. Labour is off-the-charts intense. You’ll cry, and scream, and swear, and probably crap yourself. And it’ll be worth it.” She paused. “They do… have everything on hand to give you an epidural if you need one, right?”
Rosa nodded, wiping her eyes. It was a relief to share her fears with someone other than Homori. What had Mama Taylor always told her?-- ‘you’re allowed to take up space’. The space she took up with her anxiety did not need to be apologised for. Or so she knew in theory.
“Y-yeah. I wanted to try without, it’s not really a thing women here use much.”
“Well, good on you. Just… don’t let other people’s expectations sway you one way or another. You know your body and what you need, and you don’t have to prove anything to anyone.”
Rosa could feel herself blushing.
“Mommy!” Leonel said, “Can I show Auntie Liv my room? I have dinosaurs on my bed, she’ll pro’lly like the dinosaurs.”
“Sure, I like dinosaurs,” Liv said. “Shall we go for this tour?”
Grateful to have the glare of attention off herself, Rosa happily let Leo do his thing. He had his auntie by the hand, and enthusiastically showed her round. So, Rosa took the opportunity to put her head through the door and check in on Homori with the new crib.
“There!” he said, “we’re ready as we’ll ever be!”
Rosa could’ve danced at the sight of that crib, the ornamental fox designs at the head hand-carved by the daddy-to-be. It was just gorgeous, and its placement by the bed signalled that it would not be long until the new family member would be there with them. God, the wait was feeling like an eternity. Naturally, she ran to Homori and kissed him.
A little while later, Rosa and Liv were back in the bedroom, sorting tiny baby clothes into neat piles.
 “I’m so glad you’ve got Georgie with you on this when the time comes,” Liv was saying. “She knows her stuff.”
“She really does,” Rosa said, and she smiled. How lucky was she that her best friend happened to be a midwife? She couldn’t be in safer hands. “Sometimes I think she’s almost as excited about baby coming as we are.
Liv had to laugh. “It’s a good thing she’s going to have her own to keep her busy soon enough, or I reckon you’d have to prise her off the baby with a winch or something.”
Rosa chuckled, but then turned away. She had the best people in her corner, a far cry from what she’d come from. She couldn’t forget that feeling though, the aloneness, and it made letting go difficult. Liv would understand.
The words caught.
“No rush, Rosi. You can take your time.”
“I have… Georgie. Helping. But she’ll have… she’ll have her own baby. I have Homori, and he’s everything.”
“Mo is an absolute freaking superstar,” Liv concurred. “Tio Diego would do anything for you as well, you know that, right? Varyyn too.”
Rosa looked at her hands, at the teeny, tiny babygro in them. Teeny and tiny, and representative of oh-so-much. “I… know that. Asking for help is… hard.” She laughed bitterly. “When I need help the most, I can hardly even string a sentence together.”
Liv frowned. “Maybe you could have a codeword to text or something? They want to be there for you-- they love you.”
It was hard to accept, even if logic told her it was true. Old insecurities were not Rosa’s friends.
“And I… I miss Moms.”
“Yeah. It’s a big change.”
“I know they’d drop everything if I needed help, but it still… scares me. I shouldn’t be scared of not living with my moms at twenty-six but I definitely am.” Rosa swallowed hard. “They said… they can stay on La Huerta as long as I need, but….”
“You’re not a burden, Rosita. Not at all.” Liv put an arm around her younger sister and hugged her close. “Worst case scenario? Moms get a month or two longer hanging out on paradise island. Mama Taylor will hang out with Tio Diego watching old episodes of Cinema Therapy and go on their little emotional journeys together. Mama Estela will teach Leony how to put the other kids in a headlock.”
Rosa snorted. “I guess they wouldn’t mind. Worst case scenario.”
“And you probably won’t even need that. You got this.”
There was a slight breeze. A welcome slight breeze, for it had been a muggy day even by La Huerta standards. Estela let her foot dangle.
Try and relax. It’s gonna be a long one.
She and Taylor sat on their porch swing-- it had been built and embellished with carvings by Homori who’d gifted it to them a year prior-- taking in the night, and resigning themselves to the anxious wait.
Rosa had been very afraid. Fair enough, Estela had thought, for childbirth was almost unimaginably painful. Rosi had never had a high pain tolerance. Estela did, and she’d found herself going to pieces in the agony that had preceded Liv’s entrance to the world. Her own instinct was to want to be near to Rosa, to help, but a plenty capable support team was doing that job. In all honesty, Estela had anticipated that Rosa would want her mothers there; she’d always needed their reassurance far more than Liv ever had, even into adulthood. Maybe it was a good thing that Rosa had other supports in place… her independence had certainly grown since Leo came along. Hell, she’d freaking blossomed.
Estela glanced down as her phone screen lit up.
‘6cm, looks like going into active labor. Starting to get a bit scary!’
“Oh, sweetheart…,” Taylor breathed. “That’s good. Good progress. Quicker than I was expecting, to be honest.” She sucked her cheek as she let Estela tap out an encouraging reply. “I’m selfish, but I miss her needing me so much.”
“You’re not selfish,” Estela said with a shrug. “You’d be selfish if you barged in, demanding she hold your hand. You can’t help your feelings, but you’re aware of them, so….”
“...so I guess I’m not making them anyone’s problem but my own. True. Well, apart from you.”
Estela looked her wife in the eyes and smiled gently. “It’s always comforting to know I’m not the only one having an internal freak-out.”
Taylor grinned. “We do our freak-outs as a team like the loved-up wives we are.”
She looked lovely out there in the moonlight, Estela thought. All full of hope and excitement, of tenderness for the frightened little girl who now existed only as a memory-- for Rosa had found her wings and soared.  Taylor was what she’d always been, a carer and protector, an inspirer and a confidant. She’d still be all of those things, but her role would change now as their children brought forth another generation. Time to be ‘grandma’.
Estela kissed her softly, heartbeat quickening at the tender caress of Taylor’s lips upon her own.
“You are never gonna not be needed,” she said in a hushed laugh. “Hermosa idiota.”
That made Taylor giggle. “I guess not.”
Leonel jumped up and down on the springy old couch, punctuating his bounces with chanting. “We’ve… got… a… baby! We’ve… got… a… baby!”
In Homori’s arms, a golden-haired infant slumbered, oblivious to the excitement.
“Mind you don’t wake your sister.”
With an extra big bounce, Leo landed on his bottom, and grinned from ear to ear. “My baby sister! I can’t believe she’s gonna live with us now!”
“I know,” Rosa said, and she groaned as she sat down. “No more jumping, okay, sweetheart? I can barely believe she’s out in the world either.”
“She’ll get a name, right?” Leo asked. “We can’t call her ‘baby’ when she gets bigger….”
“I’m sure we’ll think of something, mijo.”
It was even slower than usual to get Leo into his pyjamas, and clean his teeth, and brush his hair. A new baby sister was a significant distraction. The baby joined the three of them in Leo’s room, sleeping through the two requisite bedtime stories, and still not stirring when her big brother gave her a very gentle kiss on the top of her head.
Eventually, though, Leo was settled, and his parents could spend some quiet time with the newest member of their happy unit.
“I guess the next challenge,” Rosa said sleepily, “what’s her name? I think it would be really nice to have ‘Luz’ as the middle after all she’s helped me out… but I’m pretty stumped on a first name. D’you think you can come up with a short-list?”
Homori’s eyes were shining with love for the small infant snuggled against his bare chest. “She should have a human name-- English or Spanish-- like her brother. It’ll be easier for her to keep her secrets if her name does not attract attention.”
Rosa frowned. He was right, but it didn’t sit well. Their little girl was to be raised by a Vaanti father, she had a right to the cultural heritage that came with that. They could maybe even get away with some Vaanti names-- it wasn’t as if humans didn’t get creative when naming their kids, no one would necessarily suspect anything….
“Or,” Homori said, picking up the vibe his wife was giving off, “she could have a Vaanti name and a human name. Maybe we could give Leo a Vaanti name too. Even if they don’t always use them, it would be kinda nice for them to have.”
“Maybe,” Rosa said, thoughtful, “you could come up with some Vaanti names, and we’ll look up human names with an equivalent meaning.”
They sat together on the bed, poring over baby name websites, and a book of names they’d gotten out from the library in The New Celestial weeks ago. Rosa and Homori were on a mission; their baby girl was going to have a name before the night was out.
“Something bright and optimistic,” Homori pondered. “I quite like ‘Tahiyya’, which represents a hopeful future. ‘Hiyya’ is ‘future’, and ‘Tah’or ‘Taa’ is something you add on the front of a word or name… like a positive thing.”
“What does Taamina’s name mean?”
Taamina was the child of a close friend, who frequently played with Leo.
“‘Mina’ is like… ‘to dance’. So, I guess like a dance of happiness.”
“That’s cute! Pity that one’s taken by a close friend.”
Homori chuckled. “We’ll find her name.”
Rosa clicked her tongue. “Okay, names meaning ‘future’….”
She searched for five minutes, then ten. “Nothing really jumping out, to be honest.”
“‘Laniira’ is the name of the first Elyyshar, who brought our people together from across the island at a time of trouble. I’m not sure of the full meaning, but ‘niir’ is ‘sunrise’ and the ‘a’ sound is feminine. Something beautiful beginning… that’s pretty nice as meanings go.”
That was pretty nice. “Like ‘dawn’ or something….” Rosa pondered. Or how about…. “What about ‘Aurora’? Our new day. Her Vaanti name could be Niira.”
Homori beamed. “That’s it! That’s her name!”
The baby began to stir and whine, woken by his excited cry.
“Oops-- I’m gonna… I’m gonna have to get the hang of being enthusiastic quietly….”
Rosa couldn’t help but laugh. “And this is the kid who slept through ‘Hurricane Leo’.”
“Hurricane Leo is no match for over-excited Daddy Mo!”
Having picked up the freshly named Aurora and begun gently bouncing her upon her arm, Rosa looked up at Homori and grinned from ear to ear. To think she once couldn’t see herself ever so much as having a family… now her family, and the love they shared, just kept growing.
Somewhere along the line, she’d gotten so lucky. And Aurora, and her whirlwind Leony, would never know fears like the ones she’d had.
“Abuela, Abuela!” Sol cried as he ran, feet pounding on the sand.
Taylor grinned, looking up from her drink to meet her wife’s eye. “You’re wanted.”
Estela got to her feet and began limbering up. “Ready to lose, mijo?”
“’Stel! He’s only six! You’re gonna go easy, right?”
“And I’m sixty-five. Pretty damn fair if you ask me.”
Sol grasped his grandmother’s hand and led her to the firmer sand. He pointed up the beach. “To that banana tree that’s sticking out down there-- you see it?”
“I’m racing too!” Andi hollered, dropping her arepa con queso in her hurry to be included. She rarely beat her brother in a running race, but she didn’t tire of trying. Then, tagging along behind her was Leonel-- just another one of the ‘big kids’ as far as he was concerned.
“On my signal….” Raj announced, and he picked up a napkin to hold in the air. “Aaaand… let her rip!”
He dropped his arm, and the four were off… with Estela perhaps going a little easy on her grandkids.
Taylor watched with a smile on her face and in her heart. A more perfect way to spend a day she couldn’t think of; Aurora’s first birthday, and a lively picnic surrounded by loved ones. Joining the Montoya clan, Raj had flown in; he’d taken up the role of ‘cool great-uncle’ with Leo and Aurora as if he was born for no other purpose, though he had Diego as stiff competition. Michael and Conor had joined him; Michael never missed a birthday of one of his donor kids. Rosa’s close friends Georgiana and Faiyara had joined the celebration with children Niraea and Rauan in tow, and Homori’s father had trekked down from Colonnade Cove to be there to commemorate the birth of his granddaughter.
Diego, naturally, was right by Taylor’s side.
“How’s it even been a year?” he asked incredulously. “Look at her-- she’s walking. Walking, Taylor!”
“That’s all of them,” Taylor laughed. “All of the grandkids walking, all walking straight into mischief.”
“You reckon Rosa’s done?”
“Yeah, she seemed pretty certain.”
“I’m not surprised,” Diego commented. “She and Mori seem really content. Rosi always talks about all these things she’s excited to do... easier once all the baby-having’s out the way.”
“You’re not wrong. She’s happy, and she’s just growing into herself more and more.”
“Five grandkids… not a bad effort.”
“Not bad at all.”
Having sat herself in the middle of the largest picnic blanket, Aurora seemed to know she was the centre of attention. All these people around, all the hubbub that came with a party, and she took it all in her diminutive stride.
“She looks like you,” Diego noted with a laugh. “Everyone else revolving around her.”
“Hey! I know I’m not the centre of the universe!”
How could Taylor not smile? So much of the people she loved in those five children, and each of the five was something unique and precious all on their own. Little pieces of stardust, brightening their family’s world.
Sol had joined Aurora on the blanket, and was cuddling Beatriz in his lap-- even as the toddler made a bid for freedom and for the oh-so-tempting cupcakes set out on the camp table. Still out on the sand, Andi was giving Leonel ‘whizzies’, holding him under his armpits and swinging him wildly around in circles until she collapsed dizzily. And Aurora was just taking it all in; chewing on her teething ring, and watching the antics of her friends and family with quiet curiosity. Every now and then, someone-- her mom and dad, of course, had a particular knack for this-- would catch her eye and smile or pull a face, and she’d come alight with a giggle.
“You know what you’ve gotta do?” Diego prodded. “Grannies and grandkids selfie!”
It wasn’t always going to happen that they’d all be together, Liv’s and Rosa’s lives being in different places. Yeah… they should take a picture.
Estela needed little convincing, and she swiftly herded up Leo-- who rushed over to snuggle with Grandma Tay-- and Andi --who was grabbled and dangled upside down as she laughed hysterically.
“You,” Taylor gushed as she squeezed her little Leo, cuddled up on her lap. “Are. So. Huggy!”
“Hugs are good!” he declared.
Hugs are good, Taylor concurred, as birthday girl Aurora came over with wide arms to join in.
Liv held up her phone to take a picture. “Mom, you’ve got Andi-Pants the wrong way up! Didn’t they ever tell you how to correctly assemble a kid?”
The giggling, squirming Andi was eventually tamed, leaning up on one side of Estela’s lap, while Sol took the other. Perched between them, of course, was baby Bea-- a little bewildered by the bustling around, but taking it in her stride.
Over the top of Aurora’s head, Taylor caught Estela’s eye and they shared a smile. Sometimes, it was necessary to take a moment and really marvel in the beautiful thing they’d made together. The odds faced, the fight for their lives… somehow it was a million miles away now. And ‘happy ever after’ just seemed to keep on coming.
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bubbledtee · 2 years
OMG imagine Outlaw!Jamie "wrangling" you with a lasso, tying you up with it before having his way with you...
OH MY GOD DO NOT PUT THIS IN MY BRAIN RIGHT NOW I NEEEEEED HIM SO BAD. (I'm sorry this doesn't have him lassoing you, but lassos hurt trust me LOL)
when your relationship started when you were both young and stupid, it was a thing for him to sneak away from camp with you for an hour or two and gallop across the terrain of the west with you behind him in his saddle. you'd be clung to him, giggling as he pushed his filly's speed through a straight and flat plain, a vast watering hole being your stopping point. as you clung to him, your hair would be flowing through the wind, its breath whistling past your ears as james's voice occasionally broke through with a gruff "Git!" or "Get on, mare!", to which you'd giggle out "Slow down, James! I feel like I'm gonna fall!". in response you'd get, "You're not gonna fall, woman! You've got a damn death grip on me!" with a hearty chuckle.
as you near the watering hole, james's voice would ring through your ears once again, "Wo-oah, girl." he'd pull up on the reins, bringing the filly down to an easy lope before a walk near the bank of the watering hole.
he'd dismount before reaching up and lifting you from the horse, his strength making it seem effortless. "You think they're gonna come lookin' for us again this time?" james would ask, his hands lingering on your waist as he towered over you. "I doubt it, I think they learned from last time. Plus, I finished all my chores before we left." you'd tell him, to which you'd get a smirk and a clear "Atta girl."
as you made your way to the bank of the body of water and sat, james would hold you close, his large frame keeping your small one warm and safe. eventually, his lips would find their way to yours and soon enough, he'd be moving over top of you, your back starting to press to the ground as he kisses you affectionately and fervently. it wouldn't be until you grabbed his hat from his head that he broke away, a smirk painted on his face as he held himself up with a hand beside your head.
"You tryin' to take my hat?" he'd ask, somewhat breathless as he watched you grin up at him bashfully.
"Hmm," you'd hum before looking at his hat in your hands. Suddenly, you'd quickly wiggle from beneath him and struggle to your feet before putting his hat on your head and running, giggling.
You watch as the blonde scrambles to his feet, a wide grin under his mustache as he began to chase you. "Get back here, girl!" he'd laugh, chasing after you quickly and gaining on you quickly. You'd shriek as his hands got dangerously close to your blouse before he suddenly tripped over the unlevel terrain, leaving him flat on the ground behind you.
You'd stop abruptly, eyeing him with growing worry. "James? Are you okay?" you'd ask uneasily, slowly inching toward him and searching his face for any gashes or bruises as he looked up at you.
"I'm not sure," he'd groan, pushing your guard completely down as you began to move to examine his body for any new bruises or scrapes. As you knelt to the ground to get a closer look, the blonde brute suddenly lunged to tackle you to the ground and wrangle you.
You'd gasp with pure shock, the action so quick you could hardly register it. It wasn't until the man snatched his hat from your hands and chucked it somewhere in the grass that you finally could articulate your words. "You jackass!" you'd practically yell, only eliciting a chuckle from James.
"You are just so gullible, ain't you, woman?" he'd say as he caressed your waist in his large, calloused hands.
You'd attempt to hold back your smile and red blush as you responded, "I am not gullible, James! I was just worried..."
The blonde would continue his previous attack of kisses before responding, his face just inches from your own. "Well, maybe it'll teach you not to steal my hat next time." he'd wink before pressing his lips against your own, his hands moving to unbutton your blouse as you did the same with his own shirt...
sorry this was a fade to black ending but writing smut is a big commitment and I'm not quite ready to make that commitment right now 😭😭 also this was so much for no reason
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