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soywhale · 2 months ago
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O-gin for year of the snake
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1bringthesun · 2 years ago
kinda thinking about Gin again… Naomi’s a whole lot like Naomi from Naomi, but we dunno much about Gin at all. they even took away her cross in the anime. is she christian at all? why’s she so important when she’s surrounded by others who are genuine authors? i’ve seen people say she’s from o-gin from the eng+jp fandoms alike, and it’s more likely than not that she is, but why? why include her? why not add another author instead? if they just wanted someone meaningful to Akutagawa, Kikuchi Kan woulda worked, right? why Gin?????
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resineat · 7 months ago
drawing my fav bodacious babes pt 1 (ill do more some day)
by bodacious babe i just mean characters i really like the deisgn of lmao
monochrome art is fun lol
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also my prettiness tierlists
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i mainly judge based off eyes and hair cuz im deep like that
ok for o-gin i could barely remember her name/story lmao i just really like her design i think its really pretty lol
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ogatasguiltyconscience · 1 month ago
o-gin and the lightning bandit guy would have loved swinger bars
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strangersatellites · 1 year ago
thinking about a pumpkin carving night hosted at the harrington house with snacks and music and movies and laughter and love.
one with pumpkin seeds in the oven and hot apple cider in mugs shaped like ghosts.
one with a contest for “scariest pumpkin” and a level of competitiveness rivaling only eddie’s most extreme campaigns.
one where eddie spends hours carving a biblically accurate freddy kreuger, burns and hat included; only to lose to steve, who picked up a permanent marker and wrote “will’s old haircut” on his pumpkin and made everyone laugh so hard they called it a sweep.
one where eddie got so angry he had to go for a walk around the neighborhood before he came back to watch the movie everyone voted on watching at the end of the night.
it was nightmare on elm street.
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chez-cinnamon · 6 months ago
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ANARCHYYY!!! Everyone wants to be me!~
Thank you PASWG OST I spent three days on this and I’m so exhausted lol /pos
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Closeups of the duo!! Honestly excited to work on them more tbh-
Also TikTok process video, idk how to make them feel like I made them but I’m trying-
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tumblingxelian · 3 months ago
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All credit and gratitude to the amazing @galdsy for bringing this commission to life!
Image Description: A Thin panel of the Golden God of Light saying: Did you really think that Desperate Gambit of of fusing your feeble souls could harm me?"
A medium panel showing rose petals beginning to swirl as The God of Light is reaching for Ruby Rose who has reached out her own hand and placed it on his torso. Answering his question with: "No. That 'desperate gambit' was just us planting a seed."
The third and last panel shows a back shot of Ruby and a more distant front shot of the God of Light. His torso is now missing a large chunk, his body is fragmenting into golden petals that turn red as he stares in shock. Ruby raises her left hand and continues, saying, "Now, bloom and, Scatter."
Image description end.
This is basically how I want the Gods to be dealt with, I have a myriad of theories on how it could work, but they are all just theories. So for now, let's just enjoy the amazing art and see what comes!
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pokeberry5 · 2 years ago
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if you look at min 2:15 of the music video d°ja cat's rules 👍
sending progress updates to my friend like:
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butter-pangcake · 9 months ago
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Gin is a wanted man💖
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nitro-box · 7 months ago
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do u care her? mrrp??
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st7arlight · 4 months ago
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maybe i’ve been a little extra stressed lately
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luckylunatix · 1 month ago
🥰Shout out to all my chubby pookies🥰
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Love all my soft thicc babygirls 💕💕💕💕
And shout out to other self shippers who also have cute chubby F/Os, y'all are based as hell
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ginderfluid · 26 days ago
HAPPY GIN DAY TO THOSE WHO CELEBRATE 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣‼️🗣💯🗣💯🗣‼️🗣‼️🗣‼️ I HAVE A QUESTION ☝️ does anyone know why the 4th of february specifically does it have any connection with the author did they pick a random date please it's eating me alive
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zukkaoru · 1 year ago
oh the tachigin dynamic hits harder after reading o-gin.. the idea of "i'd rather go to hell than be holy if that's what it takes to be with you",, o-gin's betrayal of her adoptive parents and her religion for the sake of spending eternity with her biological parents even if that means going to hell. and her adoptive parents following that same path, forsaking their religion to be with their daughter. vs tachihara ultimately choosing the mafia over the hunting dogs, choosing the black lizard, choosing gin, over Goodness. choosing to stay in the dark, choosing to serve and die under mori. just like his brother. and jouno and teruko follow his lead, forsaking their mantel of hunting dog, forsaking fukuchi's trust they will ally with him. gin's namesake character committing the ultimate betrayal, only for gin to be faced with the ultimate betrayal by their closest friend. like atonement for a past life they have no knowledge of. like it was always supposed to happen this way, like gin cannot escape betrayal no matter which universe they find themself in
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f-o-and-selfship-club · 4 months ago
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"Uka Uka unknowingly paved the way for our bright future. Once my Rift Generator is complete, dominion over all of time and space will be within our grasp!" N. Tropy stands by the Rift Generator, speaking about his plan. While Tulip and Cortex are by a device when Tropy is speaking about his plan. Cortex silently mocks him, which made Tulip chuckle at that before they go back to tinkering with the device they're with.
"N. Gin, N. Brio... you had some little projects you wanted to tell me about?" Cortex's henchmen; N. Gin and N. Brio approach behind him to tell their leader on evil plans they each came up with.
"Gin!" The possum spotted her co-worker who she treats him as her friend. "Greetings, Master's... new companion." N. Gin came across to his possum friend, and gave her off a handshake by his mechanical arm. "So– Wanna explain to us about the... projects you and Brio been telling Cortex about?
"Master, my mechanical marvel will hypnotize you an army!" N. Gin said, clawing his mechanical hand. "And my potion will make me — ahem — them unstoppable!" Brio said, holding out his potion, before crossing his arms. "Right, yeah, fine, sure. Have fun with your... ray guns, or whatever." Cortex completely just didn't care about that and just let his loyal allies do what he thinks they do for their entire lives and just carries on with the device. Tulip just does the same, except she didn't mind, and just let them do what they want.
As N. Gin and N. Brio turn to head to their respective rifts, they bump into each other. N. Brio angrily tries to kick N. Gin, only for N. Gin to dodge and bite down on his shin. "Gin! Brio!?" Tulip yelled at the two. "Geez, break it up–"
"Hasten your steps!" Tropy interrupted her words right until she places them both down gently and they scamper off to the rift portals.
"By my calculations, our enemies are already moving against us. And We. Will. Prevail." N Tropy gritted his teeth, before crossing the lines of his mouth, making a sinister smirk.
The possum shivers by that smile Tropy made, that made her nervous. Right by when she came to a platform; that takes her to an escape pod, and back to her home located at N. Sanity Island.
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(dividers owned by @strangergraphics)
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cacklefrendly · 1 year ago
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this shitpost brought to by: every time i yell "keep it TASTEFUL" at myself when drawing Vodka with his shirt slightly undone
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