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Torn: Devotion Nyx x OC Nyx’s Ending!
Torn: Devotion
Nyx Ulric x OC
Nyx’s ending to the series! Oh, this took longer than even I expected to finish both of these chapters. I wanted it so they were kind of different, but I thought it was good. Being the first series I have finished, I have other planned, just maybe shorter!!!! XD
This takes us into an AU, a bit and yes it is long.
Please let me know what ending you liked better!!!!! Tell if you liked the series… if you didn’t well sorry? But thanks again.
This chapter is NSFW!!!!! As many of the chapters have been!
Amaya stood at the door before knocking… she felt so spineless? Well more nervous. The door opened she looked at the familiar female before her. Crowe crossed her arms looking at the sheepish revenette, “So, whatcha need help with hun?” she asked. “I need advice,” Amaya muttered looking away, Crowe waved her in. Amaya noticed Crowe had her things arranged to go out… she was probably meeting the guys for drinks.
“Come on, spill it.” Crowe stated sitting on the couch as Amaya sat beside her, “Crowe, I ...” Amaya tried to find her words. “Well… well I know I have feelings…” language at this point was failing her, “Oh come on! It can’t be that hard! it’s not like you are saying you have finally realized you’re in love with Nyx and want to be with him?” Crowe laughed. When Amaya didn’t respond and her face got a little redder Crowe stopped, “oh baby, I didn’t mean it like that.” Crowe smiled with an airy laugh as she patted Amaya’s leg. “I didn’t realize it before. I mean this year had its up and downs. I was able to find myself again, after… well, everything that had happened. Lately, I keep thinking about what we were, Nyx and I… I wish it wasn’t so bad, and I know I hurt him. I.. I don’t know how to put it.” Amaya said waving her hands about. “Hun, you sure about this?” Amaya only nodded, “I miss him, I miss being with him, everything we had. He was my best friend, and then it fell apart.” Crowe wiped the tears that Amaya started shedding as she confessed her feelings. “Come on let's get you ready to go,” she said to the raven-haired girl before her.
Amaya looked up at Crowe as she shook her head. “No, I shouldn’t. I needed to tell someone what was going on in my head. Thank you though.” Amaya squeezed Crowe’s hand and then got up as she went to open the door to let herself out but Crowe slammed it back shut. “I don’t think so! You’re coming out with me, and you’re going to go and get your man. He pretty much thinks his shot with you is gone so he settles! Nyx has settled on teasing the guys you bring along, dancing at arm's length, and watching you leave at night without him. So no, you are not going back home you’re coming.” Crowe demanded, and there’s a thing about Crowe… there wasn’t anything arguing was going to do to change her mind.
Amaya walked with Crowe to her room as she searched her closet for something... that wasn’t leather, or to simple. Crowe ended up search the depths of the closet until she found it! It was a sexy short maroon dress with a peek-a-boo opening with black long sleeves. She knew her and Amaya were close in size, but there was one this Amaya was much more gifted in, and that was her chest. Crowe had thrown the dress at Amaya as she didn’t argue and changed into it. Already have on black heels she didn’t need to search for any of those. Why Crowe even had the dress was unknown, a sale thing perhaps? Crowe teased Amaya’s hair as she secured some waves in it. Crowe may not look it, but she was very good with hair. She loved playing with Amaya’s since it was so incredibly long, dark, and so very soft. The makeup touched up from the tears, and top it off with those matte ruby lips. Crowe stood back as she presented the reflection to Amaya. “I’m getting pretty good at dolling you up. You’ll be turning more than heads tonight.” she winked as Amaya rolled her eyes laughing. “I hope this isn’t the normal spot, I am way overdressed for that,” Amaya stated while Crowe dragged her out of the apartment. “Nope, I got us in a nice place after flirting with the bartender, that I hope to get with tonight… also one more thing.” Crowe stopped and turned to Amaya putting her finger up, “I don’t want this dress back.” she smiled with an eyebrow raise as they got into the cab. “Crowe!” Amaya yelled in a fluster as the brunette laughed, as they sped off.
Nyx and Libertus sat at the booth they grabbed waiting for Crowe to show up, “seriously, women take forever!” Libertus whined. Pelna was grabbing a few drinks before Crowe would arrive… because he’s a gentleman. “Yes, women like to make themselves look nice for these occasions.” Nyx grumbled a little, as Libertus rolled his eyes, “it’s only us, why would she need to get all glammed up for anyway?” Nyx laughed at the oblivious man as he motioned to the pretty bartender, “pretty sure that’s the reason we're here.” Libertus only made an ‘oh’ with his mouth.
As Pelna walked back over he saw Crowe walked over as he handed her a drink. “Sorry it took us so long, someone wasn’t quite ready for a place like this, had to spoof her up a bit,” Crowe explained while taking the drink down full. Wait we? Nyx looked up and time almost stopped around him. Right before him, she stood, that dress hugged every bit of her… crazy as it seemed he wanted to be that dress right now. His night turned into another one of those nights. One where he would go home reminiscing about his memories. Between old photos, he had, then constantly asking himself why the fuck he let her go. Why didn’t he run after her? Why he let her be so distant? Nyx took in a breath as he waited for her to sit. He wasn’t expecting her to come over to his side and sit next to him, rather than in front of him. He looked at her with a slight smile, “need anything?” He questioned. Usually, she would shake her head and that was that, until she wanted to dance and needed a bodyguard pretty much. “If you don’t mind.” what? Did she actually accept the offer this time? Nyx wasn’t one to linger too long in his thoughts. He nodded getting up to get them drinks. Crowe was talking with Pelna and Libertus… well more like egging on something, who knows what, as she winked at Amaya. This helped boost her confidence level a bit. The club was dim and intimate, the people on the floor all blazing with their own ecstasy. Amaya felt so naive that she never picked up on Nyx's attempts to stay at arm's length to be able to see her… well, she did realize it, and she always told herself it was Nyx being nice.
Nyx returned with their drinks. Amaya then reached for the drink before his hand was away, brushing her hand on his, as she thanked him. Amaya looked at him with a smile, “how have you been, haven’t heard from you lately?” she asked him, trying to make conversation, “missions lately,” “Don’t forget gate duty for being a smart ass.” Crowe chimed in. Nyx rolled his eyes at the statement, not that it wasn't untrue. If there wasn’t a mission he was on to gate duty or worse training duty… that was always fun.
Amaya and Nyx sat and talked together as they caught up. Crowe had finally made her way over to the pretty little bartender she came for. Pelna and Libertus, they were making bets on who would leave together first? Nyx and Amaya or Crowe and the Bartender?
Amaya’s eyes lit up as she listened to the music. Having enough alcohol in her system to gain the courage to take the male to the floor. She was coherent to know what she was doing. Amaya stood up grabbing Nyx’s arm as she fully pulled him with her to the floor. “She seems a little more touchy with Nyx again.” Libertus said as Pelna agreed, “maybe it’s a sign, maybe they’ll finally get back together! Maybe this is it!” Libertus looked at him with a cocked brow, “what I really, like happy endings.” Libertus nodded, “so do I, just hope he won't fuck it up this time.”
Dragging him through the midsts of bodies. Amaya turned to Nyx placing her hands around his neck, leaning in closer as she could almost feel his breath. “Been a while since I got to actually dance with you” her hips swayed, her chest pressed against his own. “Yeah, just a little bit," He mused. Nyx hadn’t been this close to her for far too long, and he was starting to hope that maybe, just maybe she wanted him back. Amaya had turned her back to him letting her back rubbed against him, her hips grinding on his member. His hands staying on her waist, as he mimicked her movements. Amaya placed her own hands on his guiding them to her hips, “dance with me properly,” she requested to him. The music made everything fade away, their closeness, and the intimacy was driving Nyx insane. Fuck! He didn’t know what to do at this point, so he went for the gold. Nyx placed his face into the crook of her neck, as he exhaled onto her skin. Amaya's hand went up and laced in his hair pulling him closer, which he fully obliged to. This! This right here made Nyx want her back even more. The way her body moved into his was downright sinful. Amaya then turned to face him her hands around his neck as he stared down to her. Amaya moved closer to him, his hands moved to the small of her back. One of her hands trailed his cheek, she stood on her tiptoes placing her lips onto his. That was it! He broke, his self-control all shattering completely! Nyx leaned into the kiss, his hands holding her closer. Gods he missed this, he missed how she tasted, how soft her lips were. She pulled away from him looking into his eyes, “come on, let’s go.” she whispered as he only nodded as the two grabbed whatever belongings they had and left. Pelna held out his hand as Libertus grumbled. “Seriously though he would have lasted a little longer,” “No way, not when it comes to that woman!" Pelna laughed… as he ended up buying around for him and Libertus, with the money he won.
Nyx and Amaya got into a cab as he gave his address as Amaya turned his face shamelessly kissing him. Fully accepting it Nyx kept himself at bay. Not wanting to give the driver too much of a show, or let him hear her… no that was for him and him alone. When they reached his place he broke away from her as he paid the driver, who looked to be in a heated mess. They made their way up. Inside Amaya kicked off her heels which caused her to shrink to her normal height, causing him to smile a little.
“You probably have many questions,” Amaya stated taking him out of his daydream. “A few,” he replied back. They sat on his couch as he laid down his head resting in her lap. “Before you ask. Can I just tell you?” she took in a breath and looked at him, “I miss you Nyx… I miss being with you. I miss everything we had. I have finally made peace with myself. I have finally gotten over the shit that happened, and I can finally think again. I realized, even though things were messy before, I missed having the ability to come over. You would just hold me, we would sit together watch movies or cook together even cuddle in bed just because. Nyx I miss you so much… you were my Hero.” she confessed, he looked a little shocked, her hero? “Why, after what I did to you?” he asked her his brows furrow, “Nyx, that doesn’t matter anymore. I’m not basing this off of what you did, I am basing this off of what I need now, and right now I need you, with me.” Amaya smiled as her voice cracked a little. She looked away wiping away the tears of her confession. Here it goes… “I love you Nyx Ulric, and I am so sorry it has taken me so long to realize it,” she confessed.
Nyx’s eyes softened as he took her hand in his and kissed it. “I thought I’d never have another chance to hear you say that,” he whispered. Sighing he pulled himself up as he knelt before her, placing his hands in hers. “I love you too,” he almost stuttered, “I never thought I would be able to tell you. I thought my chances were gone.” he admitted as he kissed her lips lightly, over and over again, each getting longer and longer. When he pulled away she smiled as she laughed a little, “I’ve been waiting just as long to hear you say it.” she whispered as she pulled him up as he followed.
Nyx followed Amaya to the bedroom where she went to unzip her dress only feeling his hands accompany her. He unzipped it as he let his other hand trace her back sending shivers down her body. She had let the dress drop as he looked at her, her nude colored set matching her with light lace decorating her skin… enough to play his mind once more. She climbed into bed, as she patted the spot next to her. Nyx took off his shirt as he tossed it to the side as he lifted the blankets climbing in next to her. He pulled her into him as he kissed her, the kiss was soft as he tested the waters out, but the way her hands ran over him made his mind go blank. Pulling away he laid back pulling her into him as he just held her there, taking in the scent of her perfume and shampoo. She laced her fingers with his over and over as she traced the line tattoo on it, like she used to. Amaya pulled his hand to her lips as she kissed his fingers as she placed his hand on her breast. Nyx looked down at her as he moved over onto her more. Placing his hand behind her neck as he kissed her deeply. He moved a little more as he could feel her hands on his chest. Nyx fought for entrance but she was being a bit stubborn. He ground his hips on her as she gasped out letting him slip his tongue in. Now able to taste her once more. Instead of satisfying his craving it only caused his hunger to increase.
Amaya trailed her hands over him, she could feel the heat off of him, his desire. He pulled back, looking at her, his breathing as staggered along with her own. He swallowed, “you want this?” she nodded, her hand lifted to his face touching his tattoo, her thumb tracing his facial hair. “yes,” her whisper fueling him. Nyx then assaulted her neck! His hands touching her, any place he could, desperate to prove she was there and not his head playing games with him. The way her hands gripped his hair and trailed his back drove him into even deeper desperation. Nyx started grinding against her rhythmically, causing the friction to deepen his desire, her soft moans growing louder as he kissed lower and lower, as she arched her back. Taking the opportunity he grabbed hold of the fasteners of her bra undoing them with on hand as his other kept him stable. Once removed the new skin exposed to him, he took no time to indulge himself in the fruits of her body even more. Amaya muttered his name almost breathless. Nyx grazes his teeth over her pearls as she whimpered. He grunted a bit when she pulled on his hair a little tighter, her foot trailing the back of his thigh down his leg. Nyx ground on her more. Harder this time as she moaned out more to him pulling him back up to her lips where he feverishly kissed her again. “I want you,” she breathed out, “I need you, now!” she uttered between the kiss as he swiftly removed not only his own pants and boxers but her panties as well. Though he wanted to take his time with her, with her begging for his touch, he couldn’t control himself any longer. Nyx ran his length over her as he pulled up her thigh as he thrust in her. Halfway at first. He watched her unravel beneath him, her mouth slightly gapped as he fully filled her, which caused him to closed his eyes letting out a low groan as he let his body close the space between them. He began to thrust, not too hard but not soft either.
Nyx kissed her more, this time he wasn’t rough, he was soft and loving. He caressed her in every way, from the way his hands moved from her thighs to her hips slowly tracing her waist trailing to her breasts. He kneaded and caressed them. She moaned into the kiss as he did this. When he released the kiss she put her hand on his chest as she pushed lightly. Fully understanding the motion he placed his arm behind her as he changed positions. Amaya propped herself up to her hands on his chest as she ground on him. Nyx laid his head back into the pillowed his hands gripping her hips as she rode him into oblivious. “Yes, babe don’t stop, FUCK! DON’T STOP!” he yelled out as she increased the pace, he accompanied her with his own thrusts. Her hair flowed out and around as she cried out his name over and over, his own moans feeding her fire as she released onto him, Nyx quickly pushed her to her back as he was dominating over her once more. His thrusts became harder, and faster causing her over stimulated body to cry out in pleasure not only with her sounds but also with another orgasm as she tightened around his length, “I’m gonna! I’m gonna cum babe!” he groaned out as she pulled him close to her as he released inside her his deep moan and her cry of sweet released echoed in the room as he laid over her.
Nyx was almost breathless, but she was even more so. Her face flushed. He pulled her close to him as he kissed her once more. “I love you, so much,” he whispered to her as he stroked her now messy hair. Amaya looked up into his blue eyes, she smiled an ever so beautiful smile, one he would forever etch into his memory.
Days passed into months as their relationship had not wavered, it only grew. Even if Nyx had multiple missions he always came back to her. However, today was the biggest mission of all. He straightened his uniform for the hundredth time. Libertus walked in as he leaned on the door also in his uniform, well they all were, “it’s time, you don’t want to keep them waiting.” he said as Nyx nodded. The duo walked through the halls as they finally came to the doors as Nyx was about to walk through another called his name as he turned. Tredd stood arms crossed, leaning on the wall behind him though he straightened up when Nyx approached him, “take care of her,” Tredd demanded, Nyx tensed a little, “I will,” “Not just with words, I mean fucking mean it. Take care of her, be there for her. Look you’re one of the lucky ones. Leave, go on leave. Go somewhere and get out of here for a while… enjoy what you have.” Tredd said. This hurt, Tredd was his comrade, yeah an asshole comrade who usually didn’t care about shit, but he loved her too. Nyx gave him a smirk as he nodded as he then walked through the double doors before them. “Please, take care of her,” Tredd whispered once more as he then joined into the crowd of people.
Nyx stood straight as he looked around at everyone around him as they chatted with each other. He looked to the side as he saw Amaya’s mother and older brother sitting waiting patiently, friends and family that had all come into the city for this.
This very moment….
He looked up as he heard the double doors open, the small orchestra began to play, and all of a sudden his collar seemed tighter than ever.
Walking down holding her father's arm as she walked down the long aisle. Her long raven hair pulled back halfway, her bangs swung to the side. Her eyes glittered that emerald sheen he loved so much, accented by the sparkle of her makeup, it wasn’t dark just very flattering. Her lips were painted shade of rose. His eyes cast over the dress that she wore, the dress she spent hours and days trying to find, and hide from him and his daring curiosity. It was striking and white, the sweetheart neckline accented with glittering jewels in the middle, the fabric tight in a criss-cross around her bodice and down until it reached just above her hips where it flowed out in a graceful motion. Her long veil flowed behind her, as she refused to put it over her face. When his eyes finally made their way to hers once more his vision went white… thoughts of their future flowed into him, various scenes… all of which increased his smile… until he was standing right in front of her.
“Friends and family, today we join together to share and witness Amaya and Nyx in matrimony commended to be honorable among all, therefore not to be entered lightly. Into this, these two now come to be joined as one, as these two present to us their vows.” The priest announced as the crowd watched on.
Nyx swallowed a bit, yeah he had prepared himself for this… hell at one point he had about 5 vows written down, even more so he usually never at a loss for words so he skipped the notecards, silently scolding himself for doing so.
Amaya looked at the man before her knowing full well she would be starting off, “I promise to stand beside you as your partner and your friend. Loving what we share, anticipating how we grow, and learning more and more about you daily, as I grow to love you even more. I promise you that I will love you for all of the time, and beyond.” she looked into his eyes, as he smiled back at her, her emerald gems glittering as she held back her emotions from flooding through.
“They say love makes the things in the world that are impossible possible. I know now that that statement is true, because it’s impossible to think an angel like you; so sweet, beautiful and kind, just walked into my life. Only love can make that possible. I promise you, I will stand beside you, protect you, hold you. Even when duty calls I will return to you, forever devoted to you.” he vows, each word true. The way she smiled at him made this even harder to keep standing there.
“With all things considered, do you Nyx Ulric take Amaya Lunar to be your wife? To have and hold, in sickness and health, in darkness and light. Promise to do your very best every day to make a happy and devoting marriage?”
“I do” Nyx said as he nodded, as he almost trembled, but stood straight as a soldier does.
“Do you Amaya Lunar, take Nyx Ulric to your husband? To have and hold, in hardship and ease, sickness and health. Promise to do everything thing you can to make a happy and loving marriage?”
“I do,” she vowed her voice cracking
Both turned, Crowe stood behind Amaya as she handed off the ring into Amaya’s hand as she patted it. Libertus was behind Nyx as he handed the ring to his friend, as Libertus hit Nyx’s arm with encouragement. When the couple was face to face once more Nyx grabbed her hand, “to you I give this ring, to pledge my love and devotion to you. With this ring, I now wed thee.” he said as he slipped the ring onto her finger as it combined structurally with the engagement ring he had given her.
Amaya grabbed onto his hands as he could feel the metal on his skin, “with this token I give to you all that I am, all that I have. In pledge of our abiding love. With this ring, I now wed thee.” her voice as soft as an angels sigh.
“In the presence of family and friends, you have pronounced your love, your devotion, and your commitment. With the power vested in me, I now Pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride.”
Nyx did not waste any time as he pulled her in for a kiss of passion, but of course, one held back enough that it wasn’t too passionate. The crowd erupted in applause. When they parted they laughed as he picked her up bridal style as he ran down the aisle with her as the crowd clapped, some even hooted and hollered... Hey, a hero's gotta go out good right!
The two awaited for their friends as they thank guests for coming before the celebration later on that would take place. Libertus abruptly hugged Nyx, as he congratulated his friend as he gave Amaya a light hug. Crowe did similarly. “Wow, married life,” Crowe stated as she smiled. “Here we never thought out little girl would find a man. Especially like you. You know, your mother would love for you two and your friends to come by.” Amaya’s father said as he walked over to the group, “well seems like we might have to take you up on that offer.” she said with a smile as she looked at Crowe and Libertus as they nodded. Nyx looked around a little until he looked at the red-headed glaive, Tredd looked up with a signature smirk, as he nodded to Nyx as Nyx returned one. Tredd then walked away, as Nyx’s attention turned back to his father-in-law
It wasn’t often but due to the circumstances, the trio was put on leave as they went to Altissia. Amara, Amaya’s mother, was learning a Galahdian meal with the help of Libertus, while Nyx was with Amaya’s father, Crowe was with Amaya as they were inside prepping the table. Suddenly Amaya’s brother, Xander, ran in “You guys need to see this!” he yelled as everyone piled into the main living area… reports on the TV, Insomnia had fallen.
Amaya put her hand over her mouth as Nyx held onto her, Crowe and Libertus starred in disbelief, why hadn’t command contacted them? No one said anything. Nyx thought about the words Tredd has spoken to him before they left, “Protect her, take care of her, and be there for her… you’re one of the lucky ones Ulric.” Nyx couldn’t help but think Tredd knew this was going to happen, he also thought he may have had a say in why they were never contacted and even though it hurt to watch what he fought so hard to protect fall, he was thankful… because he was surrounded by his friends and the woman he loved most… forever devoted to her, forever beside him.
Devotion: profound dedication
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A sad Julian ft. My apprentice Nyx (totaly not me) Also, she’s not that tall, she’s actually standing on a chair.
#the arcana#the arcana game#the arcana julian#julian devorak#julian#julian x apprentice#julian x mc#fan apprentice#nyxxart#my art#nyxxoc
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Torn: Nyx Ulric x OC x Tredd Furia Part 7: Recovery
Torn: Nyx Ulric x OC x Tredd Furia
Part 7: Recovery
PART 7! Wow finally getting ready to wrap this one up! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I have writing it. Note this is not the END this is just the I FINALLY MADE IT PAST THE HARD PART! Thank you guys to reading. Keep commenting let me know how you like it! I hope to push out some more stuff for you all! Again thanks a bunch! Also not so NSFW but there is mentions of it so yeah it’d hidden in there somewhere.
A year, an entire year had passed. It was long, and painful, but it got better. Amaya had become her cheerful self once more. She could look in the mirror and smile again, hell she even started dating… on occasions. She spent time with everyone, as she had grown used to seeing both Tredd and Nyx on a regular, without her chest crushing itself. However, when it came to Nyx and Tredd, she was never alone with them, it didn’t matter the reason as both men did respect their boundaries, she just couldn’t.
Days went by as she would look at those frames in her drawer, but yet she still couldn’t pull them out, she tried not to think about them because when she did… the ideas of what could have been start to occur. Often she did texted them, now just because she didn’t hang out with them individually, to be able to talk to them was something she completely different, and texting made it easier. She could write things out and delete them if she didn’t like it, or write out what she wanted to say vs. what she avoided saying.
Tredd had successfully returned to him old habits, a cocky smartass, but that didn’t mean he didn’t think of her. Yeah his life had returned to ‘normal’ as he purposely steps on Nyx’s toes when he felt like it, and the sex had gotten better, a lot better, he was able to finally push the memories into the back of his mind but he definitely stayed away from women with black hair. When he would happen to be at the same bar as everyone else, she occasionally had a date, who could never live up to the chase as he usually left before the she did, probably losing his manhood around the other guys she was with or on the occasions when she would pop by his table and exchange a light chat, those nights usually had him leaving with the best piece of eye-candy he could muster, and he also noticed he was a hell of a lot rougher on these days. Then it came to the days he got to talk//text her, that little fire that he had tried to extinguish over and over again would spark right back up, but he enjoyed the small amount of time he got to communicate with her, from the scolding she would do when he teased her or when he purposely pissed Nyx off… then he thought about her being with Nyx again, and for some reason, some unearthly reason, it was settling for him. Then he would then be pulled into his thoughts deeper remembered those things she used to tell him in the secrets of his apartment… but he pushed them away over and over again, but they kept coming, so he thought how she deserved someone like Nyx… he could love and devote himself to her…
Damn those nights were the absolute worst. Again, he would side swipe those thoughts, no fucking bullshit connections!
No more feelings
No more emotions…
But there was that tiny problem…
That tiny unwanted problem…
He still cared for her.
Nyx handled the year the best he could, he got to see Amaya a lot more than he thought he was going to be able to, since she was so close to Crowe, and everyone else for that matter. He respected her distance but, he couldn’t help but admit when she did bring a date around he would push that boundary, just a small light push, usually this resulted in the guy to leave early. Amaya would them lightly whine at him for being that way but he always played it off as he was teasing the guy and he couldn’t handle it. Nyx would notice she refused to do anything fully alone with him it stung a little but he understood, still didn’t make it easy.
Nyx kept himself busy enough not to care about pleasure, because the only pleasure he needed was the burn of alcohol he consumed on a regular. He wouldn’t consider it a problem, just a few beers after work, and some pretty good nights at the bar or club… and if that place had a dance floor, well that made his night both the single worst and best nights. Mostly Amaya would pull either him or Crowe to the floor, usually being him as Crowe would be school Libertus in something, who knows what, but it was always something. When Amaya danced with him, he noticed he did keep her distance a bit, it was never intimate, much to his disliking, but he would take what he could get. She did, let him put his hands on her hips her hands would sometimes end up on his shoulders, and if the song was slower she would, on occasion, get a little closer lacing her arms around his neck and out of pure instinct lay her head on his shoulder, he often found himself restraining himself not to fully embrace her. Then there were the grinding songs, these really fucked with him, though she never pressed against him hard just that light amount of friction was enough to surface the memories of those tender love sessions he used to have with her. This would cause him to grip her hips a little more and bring her into the crowd more just to have an excuse to be closer to her… these were the simple pleasures he looked forward to. Once he was back home though, the thoughts raced his mind once more. Those thoughts on how he held her. The way he would kiss her, from her lips all of the way down her body. The way he could touch her, the soft touch of her skin on his fingertips, her voice as she would laugh as he tackled her onto the bed… her eyes as they glistened with pure love when she would pull him in for a kiss… These dreaded nights all he had to help himself out was the pull of his hand and the memory of her touch.
Amaya was now getting ready, however she was not going to the bar. Today she was attending an art Gala with a young man her parents knew very well, along with so many others, and since they could not make it to Insonia in time for the gala Amaya would go in their place.
Amaya was a sight to be seen, she was fair and stunning in every way, the long black dress accented every bit of her, the slit up the side gave the dress just the right amount of sass and elegance, her long black hair was tied fully up and done properly, her eyes were lined clearly and accented with some light shimmer, and she added some light innocence with light nude pink lipstick. She walked to her dresser to grab her black shawl, as she looked inside she caught the glimpse of the two secret frame she often looked at, only to dream about, she touched them as though to pull them out but only stopped when she heard a knock on the door. Amaya walked over opening the door seeing her date, stoic and proper. His olive eyes were soft, his brown hair done properly as well.
“You look gorgeous this evening.” he said to her, “Thank you, not that bad yourself.” she said in a courteous tone as he offered his arm. The brunette walked her out of the building and opened her door before going to the driver seat.
Ignis Scientia, his family had known hers for a long time, so they were well acquainted, but never romantically involved. Upon their arrival Ignis lead her in, explaining one of his friends was heading the Gala with most of his photography. He introduced her to not only the Gala Host himself, but also to the Shield of the Prince, and the Prince himself.
“WOAH! You’re THE Amaya Lunar!” The ecstatic blonde gushed and he looked at her with stars in his eyes. “Why are you so excited about this?” The Prince asked as he was clearly not as interested in the woman as his friend. “Dude! This is the Jewel of the Lunar family! She was the Musical Powerhouse! She inspired me to take up my hobby in photography. I watched all of your documentaries! Why did you stop performing?” he asked completely deadpanning at the end. “Don’t be so rude.” Ignis scolded, but stopped his lecture as he heard the woman beside him giggle a little. “I guess I just needed to step back, see the world a little bit more. I was so sick of showcase love that I wanted to experience it first hand,” she explained, and it appeared that Prompto was even more inspired by the woman upon her answer. “Come on then, if you’re so interested in what love looks like I want to show something to you!” he presented as he quickly pulled her along. The prince chuckled as Ignis once again scolded Prompto for pulling a lady.
Prompto showed her a beautiful photo arrangement, all silhouettes but they told a story… the meeting. The First date. The First kiss… intimacy…..” I care” a voice whispered in her head, as she continued to look through the life shared in the photos. She thought to herself... seeing brief images of herself and another... as it continued to a wedding and children, the images of the other became clearer … and clearer… than in her daydream all she heard was his voice “I love you”.... Amaya looked over at the boys, “excuse me, I have to go.” she quickly heads out of the gala, Ignis stopped her, “do you want me to bring you somewhere?” “No, I just need to go, thank you for the invite!” she then smiled, “tell Prompto, he to has inspired me as well,” as she then rushed to the door hailing a cab.
The ride wasn’t to long but as she was ridden with thoughts and memories, images of things she wanted more than anything, she needed to see him. Amaya wanted the car to move faster. Once she arrived home she paid the driver thanking him as she ran up to her apartment, over to her dresser drawer as she pulled out a frame as she traced her finger over it, she didn’t realize she was crying until a few of those small teardrops fell onto the frame… it finally hit her. She loved him.
Amaya put the frame on the top of her dresser than she texted the man she wanted to see, since calling him would potentially but him in a state of worry as she was crying….
“I need to talk to you… can I come over.” is all she typed, as she waited for a reply… as it said… “Yeah,” her heart pounded against her chest as she smiled at the response. Now all she had to do was say it, and hope he too shared those feelings for her.
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