#nyx no lantern
parcequefandom · 2 years
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Recent manga readings: Nyx no Kakutô by Kan Takahama
An historical manga set in the Meiji era and "Belle époque" period (late XIXth to early XXth century), when Japan has started to open its doors to foreign exchanges.
Miyo is a shy orphan girl who has recently lost her father and started living with her aunt and uncle in Nagasaki. Looking for work, she'll get a job at Momotoshi's shop of imported Western products and will get out of her shell and grow up by interacting with coworkers, clients and her new family, as well as by discovering how big the world can be.
The strange and mysterious Momotoshi, who has gone abroad multiple times, is gathering money with this shop for the purpose of opening another one in Paris, this time for Japanese products. He wants to spread in a significant and durable way the culture and arts of his country which, at this time, is starting to gain popularity. But there is also someone from his past he wishes to help...
It's a very sweet story with endearing characters and interesting tidbits of knowledge about the time period, the lives of the people there, what kind of exchanges were made and what attracted curiosity between countries. A few historical figures show up and I was especially interested to learn about Kei Oura, who was a busineswoman who had a huge impact in the development of Japanese's tea exportation. She's an important character in this story and I really enjoyed this imposing old lady!
Takahama's art style is rather classical but pretty charming and expressive. Some of the background with drawings made over photos of real-life places could get a bit jarring occasionally but I really like the way she uses a lot of grey tones (done on the computer) to show textures, volumes and shadows.
The overall story is optimistic and positive but still deals with some heavy topics, like the situation of prostitutes in France and Japan (a subject which is also present in 2 other works from Takahama that share some characters with this one) and the epilogue chapter of the manga is not the happiest one.
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moonlightflower-queen · 3 months
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Macaria fan design!
She is shy and i imagine the whole family is very protective of her. (Considering what happened the first 2 times lolol)
Apparently there's a daughter of Heracles with the same name and i took some of her sacrifice symbolism, so she's the goddess of blessed death and sacrifice here.
If you want to read me ramble about her design, here's the post where i do that:
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nyxicnymph · 8 months
In Honor of Lantern Rite
Today, I've decided to share a chapter from my Kaeya x Yelan fic, "Twelve months of Consequences", specifically Chapter Five, the Lantern Rite chapter! I will include the link to the AO3 fic at the very bottom <3 Enjoy!
(Side note, I did write this several months before this year's Lantern Rite, so the adeptus of the year is incorrect. However, I'm surprised I was even close, considering I selected the adeptus I did because Yelan is one of the main characters in the fic.)
Kaeya had known that it was getting colder, and he and Yelan had even gone to Mondstadt to celebrate one of the winter holidays there. So, logically, Kaeya knew what to expect. But it was still a surprise when he stepped outside and found the streets beginning to be decked out in red ribbons and lanterns.
Yelan stood beside him. “Lantern Rite is coming. I should prepare the teahouse for tourists. Would you like to assist me?”
Kaeya hummed. “Sure, I don’t think I have any plans for today.”
Yelan also tossed a red envelope over her shoulder. “Additionally, it seems we’ve been invited to spend the new year with your brother and brother-in-law.”
Kaeya caught the envelope, and pulled the letter from the opening, giving it a quick scan. “That would make sense, Zhongli does enjoy his traditions.” Kaeya bit his tongue as to the why, but a small smile lingered, the humor nevertheless finding him.
Kaeya pinned the envelope to his and Yelan’s personal noticeboard, setting it aside until they came back in the evening. He quickly was prepared to leave with Yelan, and when he joined her outside, she gave him an appraising glance.
“I think we need to go shopping when we’re done at the teahouse. You’re going to need some New Year’s garments.”
Kaeya nodded, casting his gaze around the crowd as the two of them walked. “All right, but I’ll have to rely on you to find the right garments.”
Yelan smiled. “Sounds fine to me.”
They made it to Yanshang Teahouse, and to Kaeya’s surprise, there were already people preparing the decorations and notices. He saw many red and yellow lanterns, sorted by what room they would be in, shape, and color. He picked up a small figurine, depicting a large man with wild hair and four arms.
“The Adeptus of the year?” He asked, showing Yelan the figurine.
Yelan looked at it, and her gaze saddened. “Yes. Bosacious. Not just an Adeptus, but one of the Yaksha generals. I was… actually on the expedition that revealed that he has, without doubt, passed now. As such, I recommended to the Qixing that we honor his memory tonight, as for the past couple of centuries, he has only been mourned by a small handful of Adepti.”
Kaeya nodded, setting the figure down gently. “I might ask you more about that expedition in the future. Not today, of course. We have work to do.”
Yelan nodded, and assigned him to decorating one of the front rooms, making sure he had a staff member to ask if he had questions. She also gave him a hasty illustration of what the room should resemble by the time he was done.
So Kaeya hung lanterns, pinned posters, draped streamers, and arranged furniture and statues, directed by the other person in the room and by the sheet of paper he was keeping close to him the whole time.
Yelan returned just as he was pretty sure he was done. He turned to her and raised his arms to show her. She looked around appraisingly.
“Hm, impressive. You did a good job.”
“I always dedicate myself to achieve the best,” he said, only half joking.
Yelan chuckled. “Alright. They don’t need us here anymore, so I think next, I’m going to make sure you get the proper garments.”
Kaeya nodded, following Yelan out of the teahouse, which had already gone under an extensive transformation. And as the two of them stepped outside, Kaeya noted that even the streets had been quickly decorated and made festive. They’d only been inside for a couple of hours at the most, and yet Liyue Harbor already looked like it was ready to launch lanterns into the sky tonight.
Kaeya let out a low whistle at the sight. “Now this is impressive work. I feel like I’ve been teleported elsewhere entirely.”
Yelan smacked his arm. “Don’t be absurd.”
She led him through the harbor, quickly finding a shop that sold the right clothes, and stepping inside. She brought Kaeya in with her, and to the desk in the back.
The lady behind the counter looked at the two of them with a slightly raised eyebrow, then quickly assumed a neutral, ready-to-serve expression.
“Ah, Miss Yelan. What can I help you and your friend with?”
Kaeya moved to correct her, but Yelan casually rested her arm across his chest, stopping him before he spoke. “Ah, you misunderstand. He is my husband, for now. And he’s not from Liyue, so he will need something for Lantern Rite. You can do something casual for him, just like my last set.”
The lady nodded, then stepped out from behind the counter, beckoning for Kaeya to follow. Yelan removed the barrier of her arm, and Kaeya hesitantly followed the lady farther into the shop.
She procured a measuring tape, and as Kaeya stood for the measuring, he noticed Yelan was perusing the store. Probably not to actually purchase anything for herself, he assumed, but to kill the time.
She pulled a top off the rack and looked at it, then put it back, continuing down the lane she was in. At the end was a small tray of jewelry, and Kaeya watched as she perused the shiny, golden baubles.
The lady who was measuring him grabbed his wrist, and he jolted back to awareness as she measured the length of his arm. He muttered an apology, and she just shook her head with a tongue click.
“You’re not the first husband to come in here and watch their spouse with that expression. It’s normal. Just don’t be so stiff!”
Kaeya felt his cheeks warm at her words, and nodded. Still, he found himself unable to look at Yelan anymore. Until she returned and stood right in front of him, holding a shirt up for him to see. 
“What do you think? It’s casual, and it should match my dress decently. Plus, there’s not as much gold on it, and I know gold isn’t really your color.”
Kaeya looked at it, not really knowing what to say, but acutely aware that he couldn’t leave her hanging. So he attempted with a quiet, “It looks nice, I suppose it would work?”
The woman who had been measuring him laughs. “Make sure to grab some looser pants as well, even if you’re going for something casual.”
Yelan nodded, leaving the shirt behind as she went to go look for pants.
Kaeya wasn’t sure how to feel anymore. So he watched quietly as the lady picked up the shirt, and made a few notes on a nearby pad.
Yelan returned and offered a pair of black pants towards the lady, who took them without even looking. 
“Miss Jia, do you have an idea as to when we can pick these up?”
“That depends on your next answer. The two of you seem to enjoy the color blue, yes?”
Yelan looked at Kaeya, somewhat puzzled. “Yes? What does that have to do with anything?”
Miss Jia sighed and looked between the two of them. “Put bluntly, I can make you a matching set in your shared preferred color. It might suit the two of you better, and you won’t have to worry about mismatched dyes.”
Yelan blinked. “I suppose that’s fine, yes. But-”
“I know it’s not terribly traditional, but, Miss Yelan, when have you ever been traditional?”
Yelan looked almost sheepish, but in the end, the two of them paid for the matching blue set, and picked it up the next day, just in time for the Rite to begin.
On the night before the first day of the Lantern Rite, Kaeya and Yelan found themselves at Zhongli and Diluc’s Liyue residence, and Kaeya hesitantly knocked on the door. As the two of them waited, Kaeya found himself wondering if he and Yelan would end up like the other couple, with a residence in each nation, always traveling between the two.
He shook his head. What an absurd thought, they’d be divorcing in just seven months. There wouldn’t be enough time for them to arrange for two permanent residences before they would no longer be needed. A pang struck his heart at the thought, but as the door clicked open, he attributed it to the nervousness of seeing his brother and brother-in-law.
Zhongli opened the door, in full traditional garb, as Kaeya expected. Without a doubt, Diluc was also draped in fine, traditional garments, looking every bit the phoenix he embodied. 
Yelan elbowed Kaeya gently, and Kaeya bowed before Zhongli briefly, extending two oranges towards the older man, as Yelan recited the traditional greeting. Zhongli took the oranges with a smile, and as he repeated the greeting and handed the two of them a pair of envelopes. Yelan took one, and Kaeya hesitantly took the other. Yelan mouthed “Mora” in his direction, and some of Kaeya’s confusion was abated.
Zhongli invited them in finally, and Kaeya let Yelan enter first. Zhongli gave him a hug as he entered.
“You have been well, I trust?”
Kaeya nodded. “I think so. We’re getting along now, mostly.”
There was a twinkle in Zhongli’s eyes as he asked, “I’m sure the remaining months don’t feel too long now.”
Kaeya shrugged, not wanting to admit that he’d been thinking the same thing just a few minutes ago. Instead, he followed Zhongli further into the house, where Kaeya could smell something rather delicious.
As expected, Diluc was dressed very similarly to Zhongli, though with different patterns woven into the red with gold. Yelan was looking between the two of them, having clearly noticed the robes.
“So, Master Diluc is clearly the phoenix of the two of you, then. And that makes Zhongli the dragon, correct?”
Kaeya felt a moment of panic sear through his brain, before Zhongli spoke up. “Yes, that legend is rather special to us, so we thought to pay homage to it today.”
Kaeya looked around, and noticed there were extra dishes out and about. “Are you expecting more guests?”
Diluc nodded. “Hu Tao, and she’s bringing Keqing, as well as some of the Mondstadt kids. The older ones, Bennet, Fischl, and Noelle. Mika is off on an expedition again, and Lisa opted to keep Razor in Mondstadt this year, and if Barbara is celebrating, it will be with Jean.”
Kaeya paused. “Why would Jean be celebrating?”
The three other adults all turned to Kaeya. Yelan was the first to speak.
“Kaeya. How do you not know? You are Jean’s own top intelligence operator.”
Kaeya felt rather offended. “I’m not investigating my boss and friend! Not unless I needed to, and I never did!”
Diluc snorted. “Jean is being courted by the Tianquan, Ningguang, and her wife, Beidou. They exchange letters frequently.”
“I-” Kaeya found himself at a loss for words, and had to sit down for a moment. “At this point we might as well just mark the border off the maps! And, I knew they exchanged letters, but I never snooped, because I thought it was just business!”
Yelan laughed at him. “You’re ridiculous, Kaeya.”
Zhongli set a reassuring hand on Kaeya’s shoulder. “Do not feel bad. Ninggaung is a very private woman, and I hear Jean is as well. It is merely through some accidents that Diluc and I are aware, and as for Yelan…”
Yelan shrugged. “I’m buddies with Beidou, and she is not a private person with her buddies.”
Diluc laughed. “Oh, so I’ve heard.”
A knock was heard at the door again, and this time, Diluc went to go get it. He returned with Hu Tao, and Keqing. When Kaeya made eye contact with Keqing, her face went bright red, clearly remembering how he had been there on one of Hu Tao’s visits before.
He just smiled and waved, and after Hu Tao squished Keqing’s face, all seemed to be right with the world again.
Not long after the arrival of the two young ladies, another knock echoed through the house, and when Zhongli returned, he was followed by Noelle, Fischl, and Bennet.
As everyone gathered around the Table, Zhongli looked at the table and sighed. When Kaeya tilted his head in question, Zhongli just shook his head.
“I already knew Xiao wouldn’t make an appearance, he does not like being in the Harbor, even with Aether by his side. And as for Ganyu and Yanfei, well, they always spend the night with Madame Ping. I simply wish there were more of my family present.”
Kaeya nodded. “Maybe if you’re lucky, Aether can convince this Xiao to at least visit you on another day.”
Yelan had overheard, and she shook her head. “He’s a private person at best, and very prickly.” Yelan looked sharply at Zhongli. “I am surprised that you know Xiao.”
Zhongli laughed. “Ah, yes, I do. But it is an old bond, and we don’t see each other much these days, as we have since grown apart.”
Yelan raised an eyebrow, but did not press the issue.
Zhongli and Diluc were quite careful through the evening, and as it grew dark outside, the front door was suddenly opened. Basically everyone abandoned their food to see who was interrupting their gathering so rudely.
It was Aether, who was panting. “The Lanterns… They’re about to be lit…”
Zhongli’s eyes widened. “I see.”
Diluc immediately turned around to grab everyone’s coats, handing them out as each person passed, as well as handing out lanterns. Soon, everyone was outside, and Keqing and Hu Tao were guiding all the younger guests down to the harbor to get a good view of the big lantern, and a good place to launch lanterns.
Kaeya saw Aether and Zhongli hurriedly chatting off to the side. Yelan stood by Kaeya, also watching the exchange. They watched as Zhongli seemed to express surprise, and then as Aether turned and beckoned towards a shadowy corner.
As a young man slowly approached from the corner, Kaeya heard Yelan grasp, and she grabbed his arm in restrained excitement. “That’s Adeptus Xiao.”
The man briefly looked over their direction, but quickly resumed paying attention to the conversation he was a part of at the moment.
Kaeya tugged Yelan away. “Let’s let them be.”
Diluc joined them as they walked towards the docks. Kaeya didn’t say or indicate anything, but Diluc must have figured he would have questions, or maybe Yelan did something, because Diluc just shrugged.
“It’s not my place to be in that conversation right now.”
Soon, the whole group was together at the docks, Aether and Xiao included. Yelan went to go talk with Xiao, and they were briefly joined by a pink haired young woman with some sort of antlers, who was followed by Ganyu.
Eventually, a hush fell upon the docks, and Yelan quickly handed Kaeya a small lantern, one that she’d already lit for him. As he looked at her, the glimmer of hundreds of lanterns reflected in her eyes, giving her a warm gaze.
And yet, as the largest lantern of all, the memorial lantern to Bosacious, was lit and began to rise, Kaeya saw a different kind of glimmer. A glimmer he saw echoed in the eyes of Xiao, Yanfei, Aether, and even Zhongli. So, out of respect, Kaeya bowed his head, and at the right moment, he let his lantern go, floating free with Yelan’s and everyone else’s.
As he looked up, he fancied that he could see his and Yelan’s lanterns floating together for a good, long while.
The rest of the month passed with plenty of festivities and activities, though both Kaeya and Yelan were careful not to accept any wine, as they were still dealing with the ramifications from their last drunken decision.
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asmrbrainrot · 7 months
Hi, so, I hope I'm asking in the right place, I'm sort of new to tumblr, but could you do 🕷️ for any of the divines? (or all of IF you're ok with it) If you're not ok with all then specifically Bek?
And maybe 🌈 for Zef?
Yes! You nailed it! Welcome to tumblr btw~
I’d be happy to answer for both!
🕷️Bek: Raccoons. Allow me to elaborate, Bek is obviously new to earth living and organic species are not his forte. Despite this, our little ray of starlight is (or was) under the influence that all fluffy forest friends wanted to be petted as much as he wanted to pet them. That combined with his inability to differentiate domestic cats with a wild raccoon that was digging in the trash left him scarred both mentally and physically.
🕷️Vox: Tbh mans is so depresso espresso I don’t think anything phases him anymore. Poor bebe 😞
🕷️Rex: Okay so he’s not afraid of the water per se, he just doesn’t like not being able to see the bottom. Like I feel like he would flip out if some seaweed brushed up against his leg. (And then he’d probably play it off like nothing happened.) So if he was forced to have a “beach episode” as it were, he’d probably just sun bathe.
🕷️Nyx: Parental responsibility. Uhhh I mean spiders. Totally…
🌈Zef: So Im not exactly sure how mermaid biology works in Obsidian’s universe, but in the real world lots of fish are cold-blooded. Now Zef mostly doesn’t need to worry about this because it’s implied that the story takes place in warm waters. (Most likely off the coast of Central or South America considering Zef is Afro-Latino coded.) But still he gets sleepy/lethargic when he gets too chilly.
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mayoiayasep · 6 months
falls out of alkakurei mv covered inblood
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eenochian · 2 years
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venustragedy · 2 years
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Deity: Tergrid, God of Fright
"Terror is the natural state of a child, they know they are small, vunrable, glass fragile. It is only once we grow that we delude ourselves into thinking we are safe, that we are strong, that we have control over the world we live in. Show a grown man how little control he really has, and you will see the child he always was: pissreeking, repentant, and pleading for his mother. " - Gerheart, village executioner
A goddess for those who hold close to the light dreading the unknown or those who wander gleefully into the dark seeking it, Tergrid is a deity of imagined horrors and terrible omens.
Depicted as a young woman always bearing a lantern, myths speak of Tergrid's shadow as a monstrous, murderous thing with a will of its own. Unable to kill the goddess due to the light she carries, it vents it's directionless wrath on those who linger beyond the lantern's glow. This duality, as both as the victim of fear and the source of it defines the brightmaiden's worship; as she is both threat and saviour to those who draw her attention.
Adventure Hooks:
The party arrive at a country roadhouse at dusk, only to find the inhabitants have nailed shut every door and shutter as if preparing for a siege. They say some horrid murderous things are lurking just off the road, and as the light wanes they refuse to let the heroes inside. The roadhouse's residents are terrified and are willing to fight to keep the party out, half convinced the party are themselves the things they should be afraid of... which isn't to say there ISN'T anything else waiting for that door to open. After negoitating their way inside (or forcing the issue) the heroes discover the roadhouse residents were warned of the danger by a mysterious woman who passed through earlier, though none can remember exactly what she looked like.
A knight renowned for his fearless deeds wanders the street in a waking nightmare, seeing threats everywhere and lashing out at phantoms and passersby. Even after being subdued it’s clear he won’t awake, and many suspect interference from jealous rivals in the upcoming tourney. The knight’s meek squire asks the party to help investigate the causes and possible cures of her master’s madness, never suspecting that her suppressed resentment at his recklessness might’ve manifested as a curse.
In desperate need of answers, the party consults an oracle dedicated to Tergrid who has them undergo trials of fear and phantasm so that they might know the truth. Chiefest among these is battling in a dark cave full of shadow monsters, while flickering visions of the future are cast on the wall by the guttering lantern light. The longer they can endure, the more they will know, but that isn't likely to be long unless they fight harder than they ever have before.
Inspiration: Tergrid is a shameless lift from Magic the Gathering's Kaldheim setting, which I've never played but apparently keep returning to as a consistent well of inspiration.
Fear both as a mechanic and motif is something I think is underutilized in D&D which is odd considering it's a game about venturing out into the unknown to face potentially deadly challenges. Fear and risk are what our heroes must endure to experience the wonder and rewards on the other side of their journey. As such it makes sense for a goddess of fear to play a role in the thematic weave of the stories we end up telling.
Speaking in less lofty terms, I also think using the lantern as a symbol for being frightened fucks hard. It's a tiny, fragile, and temporary respite from an ocean of darkness and the threats it contains.
Worshippers: The lost and abandoned, Unseele Fey, Shadowcasters and other denizens of the shadowfell. There is also heavy overlap with the worship of the night goddess Nyx.
Signs: Nightmares, unnatural or living shadows,
Symbols: A Lantern, often surrounded by a circle of darkness.
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elenauaurs · 1 month
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(click on the image for better quality)
I decided to draw my girl, Yorrana as a member of the Lonely Lanterns! Lonely haha what a coincidence
Summon: Is it too late to start regretting participating? I feel this is too much work for me.
Set to home for screen: It's been a while since I've performed or played bass, so forgive me for being a little rusty!
Home Transition 1: I've always loved music, but making it? It never really interested me that much. Still, I'm kinda excited for this competition!
Home Transition 2: In elementary school music lessons were mandatory and everyone had to play the flute. The thing is—I hate flute, so I just pretended to play along... Well, to this day I have no idea how to play one.
Home Transition 3: With all these really skilled people in Lonely Lantern, I'm starting to think that maybe I shouldn't be a part of this....
Home, after login: Do you want to see me practice? U-uhh... Don't worry, It's nothing! I'm just busy right now.
Groovy (???)
"I was practicing when suddenly Yuu appeared, I was quite startled. They told me they heard me playing bass and gave me a snack before leaving... Did they hear everything? How embarrassing... At least I think I have my first fan, hehe. Oh, the snack was good" ( @lumdays )
"Today I just found out that Alce plays guitar. Honestly, I wasn't surprised, she looks like someone who would play guitar. I wonder if she would agree to play with me... No, forget it." ( @althea-and-alcestris )
"Today I had the opportunity to see Yu practicing. If I had to describe what I felt with one word it would be "yikes". He's so good! When I meet him later, I will definitely praise him" ( @distant-velleity )
"I haven't seen Vizzie play or sing yet, but I heard she's really good. If she really is what they say, I think it's a big problem for us, although I really want to see her. But how exactly do I get close to her...?" ( @twisted-wonderland-shenanigans )
Tag list: @cyanide-latte @oya-oya-okay @theleechyskrunkly @thehollowwriter @distant-velleity @boopshoops @br3adtoasty @casp1an-sea @heyhellohihowareyou @rainesol @tixdixl @the-banana-0verlord @u-makemeunpocoloco @cheerleaderman @revolllutionary @nyx-of-night @lumdays @skriblee-ksk (Ask to be put or to be removed!)
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thesummerstorms · 1 month
PJO x DC, Camp Half-Blood has an open betting pool on:
Is Poison Ivy actually a dryad or, like, the dryad+human equivalent of a demigod?
Is Black Canary a daughter of Apollo? (Blond + sonic scream) Or is her boyfriend Green Arrow (blond+ archer) the son of Apollo?
Are the Arrow sidekicks then legacies? Some of them are too old to be Canary or Green Arrow's biokogical kids, but...
No one will entertain the idea of both Green Arrow and Black Canary being Apollo kids or even one of them being a legacy because it's widely known they're together and no one wants to go there, Greek Mythology be damned.
Which gods could still fight in a space battle? (Apollo and Artemis are the sun and moon, but does Poseidon have any dominion once you leave Earth's atmosphere? What about someone whose powers are more rooted in humanity, like Hermes?)
They have this debate under the guise of "which god's kids" to avoid anyone being smites, but everyone understands the subtext.
If they ran away and, like, joined the Green Lanterns though, would they finally get to escape demigod problems? Or would the Gods still follow them?
What the hell is Swamp Thing, and does Pan have anything to do with it? Did some poor Satyr 's nature magic go really, really wrong?
Batman son of Nyx? Nemesis? Athena? Phobos or Deimos?
Annabeth Wayne Chase tends to shut those conversations down when she can, or else leave the room, and people figure she has some weird Gothamite grudge, maybe related to Batman not helping her when she was a seven year old run away. This theory has extra credence because she will throw something sharp or heavy at you if you try and insist Batman must be her older brother through Athena.
Do alien pantheons (Rao, X'Hal) really exist, and, more importantly, do they now have any domains on Earth due to Superman, Starfire, etc.
What exactly is going on with Aquaman, Tempest, etc & Poseidon. (Percy tried to give them the explanation but it was too rational to be fun.)
Are any of their missing or presumed dead siblings actually running around in a mask with the Justice League?
Everyone is pretty sure they know the answer to this, actually, at least in their heart of hearts. It never stops the youngest kids from hoping.
Roy Harper /Arsenal encounters either Will Solace or some other blond Apollo child with both archery ability (at least somewhat) and sound powers (a la Will's sonic whistle) and becomes paranoid that Dinah and Ollie have either a time traveling or dimension traveling secret love child.
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littlest-w01f · 2 months
Chapter Five
Series Masterlist
Cw: None
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With the High Lord and Lady present, it was almost as if the Court of Nightmares was brought back to life. The very floor beneath his feet seemed to tremble at his approach.
Rhysand's gaze swept over the assembled nobles and dignitaries, each one trying their best to avoid catching his piercing eyes. There was a hush that fell upon the court, the whispers and murmurs dying down until all that remained was the echo of the High Lord and Lady’s footsteps. They took their place atop the throne, the symbol of their power and authority. As they sat there, bathed in the eerie glow of the Nightmare Lanterns that hung from the ceiling, they looked every bit the ruler of the Night Court.
Novali, along with every other resident present made the audience to the spectacle that was supposed to be Nyx, the Heir of Night, knelt in their presence, no longer the revolting people they had been moments before the Inner Circle of Night Court entered.
Novali's knees hit the cold marble floor with a soft thud, her head bowed low. She could feel the weight of someone's gaze upon her, but she didn't look up, she didn't care enough to. Beside her, the other residents of the Night Court knelt in unison as well, their faces etched with faux reverence for the High Lord and Lady.
They all rose as the High Lord commanded it, Novali's eyes were on Sailas, waiting for his move, who with Kier was approached by Morrigan, she made her way to move towards them as the rest of the people melted into drinking and dancing.
She banged into someone far larger than her. Before she could find her own footing, large hands grabbed her still. She looked over the male, Nyx, looked like the mirror of his father, but with eyes that were a reflection of his mothers. "Oh, apologies, I didn't know where I was..." He paused looking at her.
"Hello." Nyx said with a smile and Novali simply watched him.
"Hi..." She whispered, steadying herself, a mask of indifference on her face.
"I'm Nyx," He offered a smile, and Novali knew he was just trying to appear friendly.
Novali took a few steps back, "I know who you are, my lord," When she caught his gaze she dipped in a curtsy.
"Oh, none of that please," She could hear the discomfort in Nyx's voice as she shot up straight, "You don't need to do... That."
"It's just a smile courtesy," Novali laughed shortly, a rare sight for her and Chaira was sure to mark it in her notes of how many times Novali had laughed, or even smiled genuine, "I'm no fool to not show respect to the Heir of Night."
"Well, then, would you like a dance?" Nyx asked, Novali tilted her head in slight confusion, looking at him. "Just to one song." He said with a cheeky grin, "To respect me, of course."
Novali looked beside him at his question, to Sailas who was watching her, and catching his gaze, he gave a sharp look, not that she needed his consent to do anything.
"Of course," She rested her hand on his, the corner of her lip tilted up just slightly for show.
Novali let Nyx lead her onto the dance floor, the crowd parting around them like a dark, rippling sea. The music swelled, a haunting melody that seemed to capture the essence of the Night Court itself. She kept her expression neutral, not wanting to give away any hint of her true feelings. But as they danced, she couldn't help but notice the way Nyx's eyes sparkled in the dim light, the way his muscles flexed under his clothes as he moved.
As they moved together, Novali couldn't help but notice the similarities between Nyx and his father Rhysand. The same striking features, the same captivating charm. But there was something else about Nyx, a certain vulnerability that set him apart. It was a quality she found intriguing, it was clear how hard he was trying to not let anything show, even as she maintained her usual aloof demeanour.
Their bodies brushed against each other with each step, sending shivers of discomfort down Novali's spine. She felt the heat of Nyx's skin through the thin fabric of her dress, and it took all her willpower not to lean away from his touch. This was just a dance, she reminded herself.
Novali's body tensed ever so slightly as Nyx's hand came to rest on the small of her back, guiding her through the intricate steps of the dance. His touch was warm, almost comforting, a stark contrast to the coolness of the night air that enveloped them, but she couldn't feel that. She tried to relax, to let her muscles soften, and after a while they did, she had gotten good in the game of pretend in the years she had been living, if she could act like touch didn't affect her, it wouldn't.
"So are you always this cold?" Nyx asked, twirling her, tiling his head curiously.
"I don't know what you seem to be implying here, my lord," As they twirled and spun across the dance floor, Novali couldn't help but think of all the times she'd been forced to perform dances here, when she was nothing more than a plaything for the nobility, not that she still wasn't. The memories made her stomach churn, and for a moment, she feared she might retch right there in front of everyone, but she was quick to calm herself again, not letting her
"Sure," Nyx hummed, If he could feel her inner turmoil, he didn't show it, but he did more his hand to her hips from the small of her back, watching her as he led her twirling and spinning with the beats of the song.
Novali's breath hitched as Nyx's hand slid lower, his fingers digging gently into the slight curves of her hips. "And what if you? Did mummy and daddy tell you try to be cold?" She felt a spark of electricity run through her at the intimate contact, and for a moment, she thought she might lose her composure entirely. But she held fast, her expression remaining stoic and detached, even as her heart raced in her chest. It took her a moment to calm down, and she decided she hated this, she couldn't read him, or what he wanted from the contact, couldn't let herself believe there was something innocent about his touch, that he didn't want anything from her, that this was just a simple dance.
Nyx's gaze never left hers, his eyes burning with an intensity that made her skin prickle with awareness of his eyes, he was the one who had been staring at her, she soon realised. "I don't know what you seem to be implying here, love."
She wondered what he saw when he looked at her, a mere plaything, a pawn in another game of power, a street rat made to be used and thrown away, a toy whoever got to play with if they'd paid her fiance enough, it was all she saw herself as anyway, because this close, there was no denying who she was playing to be, the image of the girl she was pretending to be. "If you insist on copying me, I could give you a few pointers on how to perfect indifference."
As the song reached its climax, Nyx pulled her close, hands gripping both her hips, "I don't need to learn anything from people like you," A smile formed on his face as he lifted her in the air, a little above his height, twirling her for the last few beats of the song.
Novali gasped as Nyx suddenly lifted her off the ground, his strong arms cradling her waist as he whirled her around in a dizzying spin, it wasn't meant to be, but somehow it was. Her feet kicked out instinctively, searching for purchase, but there was none, only the rush of the cool night air and the warmth of Nyx's body beneath her.
For a moment, she felt weightless, untethered from the heavy burdens that usually dragged her down, for a second she swore she felt free, but the feeling lasted for so little that Novali was sure she imagined it, then his words registered to her. "Oh yes, people like me, the horrible Hwen City children. Of course, how could I forget." She almost spat.
As the music faded away, Nyx lowered her back to the dance floor with a gentle thud, his hands lingering on her hips for a fraction of a second longer than necessary.
"I didn't mean-" Nyx's stare broke, he hadn't meant to offend her, but nothing could be taken back
Novali's breath came in short, rapid bursts, her cheeks flushed from exertion and the thrill of being so close to him, and from the need to not explode at what he had implied. She met his gaze, her own dark eyes wide and a little dull, she could sense his guilt. She rushed out from there before she could say something she might regret
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Nyx stood there, watching her disappear into the crowd, a frown creasing his brow. He'd forgotten to ask her name during their dance, too caught up in the moment, in the feeling of her slender form pressed against his. A pang of disappointment stirred within him, followed swiftly by a surge of determination. He would find her again, learn her name, and perhaps delve deeper into the enigmatic female she seemed to be, and apologise.
Turning, Nyx scanned the room, his keen eyes picking out familiar faces amidst the sea of revellers. Nyx made his way over to the diaz where his parents sat, talking to the Hewn City males with his Aunt Mor.
Nix entered the dimly lit space, the sound of raucous laughter and clinking glasses filling the air. His eyes quickly adjusted to the gloom, scanning the room until they landed on the figures of his parents and aunt. They engaged in conversation with the Hewn City delegation, their expressions serious.
Nyx approached the group, his boots clicking against the polished stone floor. As he drew near, Rhysand looked up, his piercing violet eyes locking onto his son's. A hint of a smile played on his lips before he turned back to the discussion at hand.
"Here, gentlemales is Nyx, our Heir," Rhysand motioned to him when he reached the diaz, and the males gave him a bow.
Nyx inclined his head in acknowledgement, returning the gesture with a nod. "A pleasure to meet you both," he said, his voice smooth and measured, not showing his emotions a bit. He took a seat beside his mother, Feyre, who smiled at him warmly but it was still measured.
"So, Nyx," Kier began, moving forward, "We've heard much about you. They say you're quite the male."
Nyx chuckled softly, running a hand through his dark hair. "I do my best," he replied modestly. "But I'm sure father has told you that I have much to learn still."
Rhysand smirked, taking a sip of his wine. "Indeed, but don't sell yourself short, son."
Nyx nodded, his eyes flickering with a hint of mischief. "Perhaps," he conceded, "And it has served me nicely thus far." He glanced towards the door, his thoughts wandering back to the mysterious female from earlier. He wondered if he'd ever see her again, if he'd ever get to know her better.
"I see you were dancing with my fiance," The male he didn't know spoke in a sharp voice.
Nyx froze slightly, but tried not to let it show, "Fiance?"
The male, Sialas, nodded, a smug grin spreading across his face. "Yes, my fiance, my Novali. She's quite skilled at the dance, isn't she?" The male stressed his claim to the female, looking directly at Nyx.
"This is Sailas, Kier's... Friend," Feyre told Nyx, but all the male could think was that the female he had danced with was taken, nothing about her showed that she was.
Nyx's gaze hardened, his jaw tightening as the realization hit him like a punch to the gut. So that was why she'd acted so aloof, so distant even before he had offended her in an effort be be uncaring. She wasn't interested in him, she was betrothed to another. His pride stung, and a bitter taste filled his mouth at how easily she had enchanted him, but he quickly masked his feelings behind a neutral expression.
He wanted to ask his fiance of hers, what she had meant by children, because if she was one, she shouldn't have been engaged to someone. It wasn't right in any sense, but before he could, his father paused from talking to the males, turning to Nyx, only examining his son, "Son... Where are your accessories?"
Nyx's eyes snapped back to himself, noting his clothes, the silver cufflinks he wore were missing, the belt buckle was left without the silver-lined head, and the buckles of his boots were missing as well. Sure enough, the silver trinkets that had adorned his outfit were gone, disappearing as mysteriously as the female who had captured his attention earlier. A sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach, suspicion creeping into his mind.
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There had been no reason for bringing Nyx to Hewn City other than him simply being the Heir, she had been overthinking, Novali had realised as she walked down the streets of Hewn, her hands juggling the silver accessories in her hands, a smirk formed on her face now that she was far away from the party. Azazel perched on her head, catching the silver before dropping it in a rhythm, Azazel had found her the second she had left, almost as if he could feel her.
Novali strolled along the lamp-lit streets, the silver trinkets clinking softly in her grasp. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she replayed the events of the evening in her mind. She had known exactly what she was doing when she'd danced with Nyx, drawing him in with her charm and grace. And when the opportunity presented itself, she'd struck, relieving him of his precious silver adornments.
For a moment she's thought to let him leave with his little trinkets, but his little comment about her people, the way she had heard it, made her want to take something from him. In a second he had lumped her with the very people she herself hated, put her friends with the very people present in the throne room.
It was also a game, one that she played often, and she always emerged victorious. These little thefts were her way of asserting her independence, of proving that she was more than just a pawn in someone else's game.
And besides, the looks on their faces when they realized what had happened were simply priceless, not that she had started long enough to see Nyx's.
Novali quickened her pace, eager to return to the safety of her cottage.
"Well, this is new," Cahira stepped from the shadows, smiling as Novali passed her Nyx's cufflinks, "Hmmm, gorgeous."
"I thought the Heir of Night could do without the silver," Novali simply shrugged.
"This should amount to plenty." Cahira smiled, admiring the silver.
"I know," Novali smirked, she had already checked their quality, and her Azazel liked it too, they would be worth more than the silver coins she had won while gambling, the ones Sailas had taken from her.
Cahira held the cufflinks up to the lamplight, admiring their intricate design. "These are exquisite," she murmured, caringly passing them back to Novali. "So, tell me, did anything interesting happen tonight?" Her tone was playful, and curious, but also laced with a hint of concern, she had heard what Nyx had said, seen Novali rush out.
Novali shrugged nonchalantly, her eyes sparkling with unspoken secrets, not wanting even her friend to know what had happened. "Oh, just a little fun," she replied, tossing the last of the silver into the air and catching it deftly. "Nothing too exciting."
Cahira raised an eyebrow skeptically, but let the matter drop for now. She knew better than to push Novali when she was being evasive. Instead, she changed the subject, gesturing to the silver pile. "Those should fetch some pretty money, don't you think? We could use the extra coin."
Novali considered this momentarily, her fingers idly playing with the silver links. "Maybe," she said finally, her mind already turning to other possibilities. "But I think I might hold onto these for a while longer. Just in case they come in handy someday."
Cahira nodded understandingly, knowing that Novali had her own reasons for keeping things close to her chest. "As you wish," she said with a smile. "Just be careful, okay?"
Cahira studied Novali's face for any sign of deceit, but found none. Still, her instincts told her there was something more going on than her friend was letting on. "Hmmmm…" she hummed thoughtfully when Novali didn't respond. "Just promise me you won't go overboard," she added with a teasing scold. "The last thing we need is for you to end up in trouble because of your impulsive nature."
"No worries," Novali assured her, waving off her concerns with a dismissive flick of her wrist. "I've got everything under control," she declared. But despite her attempt at bravado, the corner of her mouth twitched upward in a secret, satisfied smile, betraying her true delight in the chaos she could cause.
Despite Cahira's warnings, Novali knew that she would never truly change her ways, no matter how much her friend wished otherwise, at least not for a while.
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{General Taglist- @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot @dee-writes-smut @adalia-jaycee @anarchiii @alwayshave}
{Meeting in Grey Taglist- @sleepylunarwolf @sarawritestories @sheblogs}
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thelunarsystemwrites · 7 months
Made a PJO OC.
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Keep in mind that I've only read the first five books, but I do NOT care about spoilers, you can spoil whatever lol.
Anywho, transcript:
Twyla Nycto!
Always has lucid dreams.
Daydreams a lot.
Mischievous, manipulative. But well mannered, gentle, and charming.
Has a thing for writing.
Likes staying up all night.
Scoliosis, uses cane to help walk.
LOVES moths.
Also likes sleepovers.
Afraid of animals that aren't bugs.
Polyamorous, Moon lesbian.
Okay with Fem, neutral + Neo pronouns.
Speaks formally.
Lantern necklace slightly lights up.
Other info I came up with:
Child of Nyx, Goddess of night And darkness.
Likes to gossip about others, tends to keep friends secrets.
Fatal flaw: Untruthfulness.
Hair is cut short, save for the back that's long, put into bubble braid as seen here.
Hates orange.
Favourite food: Dark chocolate.
And I think every OC needs to have that one thing that, they're just super knowledgeable about. For Twyla, it's moths.
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Name: Kyoko Sakura
Arcanas: Hierophant, Chariot
Personas: Hippolyta, Hestia
A brash and stand-offish former member of S.E.E.S. Once a cheerful and loving person, now a selfish and aggressive delinquent. Her father unbeknownst to her, ran a cult for the Fall and spread the word of Nyx’s coming. Her father was hysterically angry at her when he learned about her being in a shadow suppression squad and opposed Nyx’s coming. When she tried to explain herself, he abandoned her and took her mother and youngest sister away.
She withdrew from school and S.E.E.S but still occasionally helps out. She only rejoins and actively helps S.E.E.S is when Yuma gets involved. When the truth of the twelve shadows became apparent, she had a lot of mixed feelings and conflicting desires as she listened to the ravings of Nyx’s followers reminding her of her family. Her dad is revealed to be in custody due to some shady dealings and the location of her mother and sister was unknown. She confronts her dad and steels her resolve to protect the people she cares about and to burn anything that dares hurt them.
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Kyoko’s persona is Hippolyta, of the Hierophant Arcana. Hippolyta is the daughter of the war god Ares and second queen of the amazons. Hippolyta was killed by her sister Penthesilia during a wedding ceremony between her husband Theseus and Phaedra. Hippolyta seems to have some family issues which fits Kyoko well, including her Warrior status. Hippolyta was killed by a javelin and the persona is seen wielding it. This means that the Persona is an amalgamation of the victim Hippolyta and the killer Penthesilia. Kyoko views herself responsible for her family falling apart and this is seen with the centaur like lower body. She is unable to escape her pain, literally fused with it as her last name “Sakura” shares the name of the name of horse meat and it being decorated in black and white, colours associated with grief.
Later in the story, Kyoko gains the persona Hestia, the Greek god of family and the hearth. Again, taking from a Persona 2 game Kyoko’s persona of Hestia is a symbol of becoming more comfortable in her team and dealing with her trauma. A hearth, while easily destructive as any fire, is a symbol of gathering and families. Kyoko will burn away anything that tries to hurt the people she trusts and will keep the, safe. The lantern motif of Hestia is Kyoko guiding the people around her with her more experienced lifetime and trying to giving them advice. There is no longer any mourning to do, so the black and whites of Hippolyta are dropped.
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moonyasnow · 13 days
You know...
If Malleus had gone to Harveston, I think at some point, in-between building enough snowmen to populate an entire village and making lots of snow angels and those little ground lanterns made of multiple snowballs stacked on top of each other, and stuff like that—
I think Irina's guard would have been down enough that if she was close enough to reach, like if he'd picked her up or something, she would've just kissed him
Irina's not gonna get a 'chapter 7 dream' like my other OCs since she'll be trying to stop Malleus, but if she had, I'd honestly imagine it being the two of them living together in a little igloo or something, wearing warm fluffy clothes and having sheep pelts inside, and outside the sky is that crystal clear blue of winter, and there's snow everywhere
And they cook food together inside and have dinner and talk to each other
And at night they sit cuddling by the fire
And maybe their bed is like a big fluffy nest-like thing, and in it they have an egg, their unborn child
And she's just so happy and, and—
Agh, I love them so much! And I love this idea so much!
I love imagining a universe where Irina gets everything she's ever wanted; she's been through so much and I want that for her so bad
Tag list: @another-random-paradise @thehollowwriter @faefum @cactus13-rolloflammesimp @beneathsakurashade
@nyx-of-night @theolivetree123 @babyghoul138 @skibidibabygirl
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silvernyxchariot · 8 months
I'm slowly building my teams.
And it's working.
For context, follow this link to my previous Abyss post.
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It's one more star than the previous Abyss run.
For more context: "Hi. My name is Nyx, and I am a Kavetham shipper. Subsequently, I am determined to make Kavetham WORK. It's mostly because I love them both dearly. . ." Aaaaaaaaand to prove the meta-players¹ wrong, that they CAN be on a team together.
The team is almost perfect. Shinobu is almost perfect, I just need to level up her artifacts. And if I could just r5 all their weapons, that would be greaaaaat.
YES. I KNOW IT'S NOT FLOOR 12, so it's not a "real measure of my teams' strength." (I'm not sure how else to word that sentence. That's just kind of the vibe I get from the "hardcore gamers" and meta-players of the Genshin community.) Tbh, I'm trying to get full stars on floors 9 through 11 first. That's how I'm judging if I'm "ready" for floor 12. You can still get rewards just by surviving a chamber.
On a later note, aside from Thoma for burgeon, I'm building Yao Yao because I was inspired by one user on HoyoLab using a mono Dendro team (Baizhu, YaoYao, Kaveh, and Alhaitham) to create my own mono Dendro team. I don't have Baizhu though, so I'll keep Xingqiu in. Free quicken against Electro enemies./hj Xingqiu is at C4 thanks to Lantern Rite, so his Hydro application is getting better.
¹ Full disclosure, I do not despise the meta. I believe it is a good outline or guide to making easily built and strong team comps. But I do dislike the meta-players who disparage others for choosing characters that they want on a team and claim they're "wrong for doing so." Or telling others it's "spreading misinformation to say X and Y character can be played together." Then tend to disguise their disparaging comments behind "worry" for your team's synergy and damage count.
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valiantstarlights · 21 days
Trinket Poll Game
tagged by the lovely @carnelianmeluha 🥰
tag game: pick stuff from your room and have people vote on which one they want to take home.
No pressure tagging: @teejaystumbles @janimoon @mallory-x @sleepsonfutons @lenreli @gabessquishytum @beauty-of-nyx
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