ritterlaurinatis · 1 year
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hetakinkmemeblog · 1 year
Prupol au
Request #40
If you fill this request please submit an anonymous ask or submission with the AO3 link or reblog with your fill
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hws-gods-nyopoland · 4 years
"Ahaha! Traveler, you have came to see me it seems! The sun is almost down but no matter, let's have one last spar by the river Beheme! What do you say? You up for it? Or are you too scared you'll lose, hahaha?"
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→ Grażyna Krasińska (Nyo!Poland) Head General of the Kingdom of Greater Chunska
→ 28, normal human, mostly illiterate, and surprisingly cunning
→ dependent blog of the @hws-gods-au
→ Ask box: Open!!
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xghostthedog · 5 years
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Finally got artwork done for Poland’s entry. It was really fun drawing Fem!Poland with braids :3
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suika-art-l · 7 years
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Kariana and Ivan Nyo Poland and Russian hope you like it~
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"Oho! Nice wings there, might I ask whom they originally belong too?" A raspy and distorted voice asked from the top of a building where śmierć was now perched, looking down at the other holder with curiosity.
Sfinksi’s wings curled around her shoulders when she heard the voice. They were gray, indicating she’s an inbetweener. She looked to the roof of the building to see the other holder there. “If it’s an answer you seek, to Egypt’s past you must peek.” Wait... rhymes? Sfinksi knew she’d be talking in riddles, but now she’s rhyming? Was the rhyming part of the akuma’s affect?
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//I read that Brazil x Paraguay ship ask as Brazil x Sonic bc of your reaction pic and was so confused like,,, what did I miss here??
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Sega was BIG in Brazil in the 90′s, more popular than Nintendo, and I’ve always had the hc that Bra would prefer Sonic over Mario because of that lmao
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aph-ask-england · 6 years
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I got your back mun
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ritterlaurinatis · 4 years
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Suprise Easter Event!
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Felicja is on a quest to discover the rest of the infinity stones Easter eggs so she can delete Tumblr have a fun day celebrating the holiday with friends!
Help her on her quest to find the stones eggs so she can achieve unlimited power have a nice day!
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"Hey birdie? Are you still there? I have birdseed this time!"
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Merle Noire: They can’t speak. All of our communication is “telepathically”.
I can summon two of Дух but it’s hard to remained transformed afterwards.
Though... I think this might be a good time to use the both of them because it seems our curious chick is back~
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"Oh wow! I must admit I'm a little bit jealous of how cool your outfit looks but that miraculous is still mine, and I know what it can do better then you. So how about we swap our miraculouses for now? You can go fine yours later"
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“These powers will be quite valuable to help me find my miraculous and frankly, I won’t be giving anything back til I get my miraculous back~”
Ft: @ask-miraculous-nyopoland
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hey there, thank you to everyone who visited this blog but due to time issues I'll have to archive this blog.
I'm not completely leaving the au (you can still find me @hws-gods-nyopoland ) but for now I don't have the time nor passion to continue this blog and would rather not hog up urls.
Wishing you all the best!
- obfu
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ask-zhongguo · 4 years
Hey guys uhh as you can see by my url I've lost motivation for this blog and au and this will probably be turned into a Aph china ask Account? (I know I said this before on a different blog but this time fr I swear lol, I actually use this account smdhsn)
honestly, thanks to all who have supported me and I'm sorry to all who might miss this blog. All blog posts are backed up on my archive
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hws-gods-au · 4 years
apppp eyyy
Mun Information:
Name: obfu!
Age (You must reveal if you’re under or over 18 years at the very least): -18
Main Blog: @ask-miraculous-nyopoland
Type of AU blog (art, writing, cosplay, greek pottery, let us know): art!
What is Shiv’s favourite colour (Refer to the Rules)? owowange
Muse Information:
Name (For Gods- whatever name they had when they ascended/ a name they are formally referred to as by the other gods): Giedrė Daukšaitė, her name when she ascended would actually be Rūta Laurinaitė, but she doesn't remember that past; thus doesn't refer to herself as Rūta, and calls herself Giedrė instead. (She would however respond to Rūta as she's awkwardly accepted that she's her.) 'Titles' include: The forgotten general, The forgotten soldier, The god of strategy.
Nation/ Place being represented:
God or Human: God
Personality: Doesn't really talk much, she's still gaining her footing in the divine realm and is bassically a baby in god years. She's pretty stern yet flighty around the older/more powerful gods, which includes pretty much all the other gods, so she's anxious all the time. As a new god she's also somewhat uncertain of her powers and tends to nervously do paper work all day rather then expanding her followers.
If a God
How did they attain godhood?: In one of her last plans she purposefully sacrificed herself in battle to lull the enemy into a false sense of security and ensure that the rest of her plan would succeed. She may have died on the battlefield that day, but a few months later the war was swifly won.
What do they offer to worshippers?
Forgetting of pasts, acceptance of reality, and rememberance of the fallen. She helps the unsung heroes and guides the secret protectors. In moments where you're all alone and forgotten she'll make you remembered, or maybe she'll just sit down and have some tea with you. More commonly, however, she is asked for assistance in coming up with a strategy to do things when one can't for the life of them think of an idea by themselves. 'Things' range from an efficient means to remember numbers to world domination (however she is yet to help someone achieve world domination). While technically speaking, she is a martial god, she usually isn't asked for war related strategy as generals would prefer to place the trust of their thousands of men's lives in the hands of someone more well known, with a longer success record. Bassically, outside of martial strategy, she's a guardian diety; More specifically one who's guidance is often not directly seen nor noticed. Her help tends to be carried out in the form of animal mediums on Earth.
Additional background:
Giedrė lived a fulfilling yet unremarkable and average life as a simple farmer maiden, the only thing worthy of note would be the fact that she remained unmarried her whole life.
Under mysterious circumstances Giedrė has transcended to the divine realm. She's afraid there's been some sort of mistake and despite very nervously bringing it up with the hightmer ups she's been reassured multiple times that there's been no mistake and that she is Rūta Laurinaitė; Whoever that was.
Please include examples of your art/ writing/ etc and if possible, a snippet or piece dedicated to the AU character below:
sketches/concept design of Rūta/Giedrė!! (+other example art)
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The night was silent and she was out to cool down after a confusing day and anger that she hadn't experienced since her teen angst years manifested itself again. She was so mad she just wanted to kick someone, punch someone, fight someone. And then she saw someone, a silloute of a holder, complete with wings. She had a strong urge to tear them off so she acted on it. The Phoenix holder lunged out of the shadows at libe with her sword out and unsheathed, sharp metal glistening in the moon light.
Libe didn’t hear the attack and quickly let out a yelp of pain as one of his wings was sliced. Making him quickly turn to his attacker with his staff out and ready to fight back. “What the hell was that for!?” He growled, what is with people wanting to fight him now!? @ask-miraculous-nyopoland
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