#nyn my beloved
HI DOLL FACE 💞💞💞💞 how are you, how have you been!?!!💌🤲🏼 I've come once again to share my thoughts and oof... BUCKLE UP
I came across this picture of model Janice Alida on Annie Leibovitz's Instagram of her and her daughter and omg
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here's a reference for scientifical purposes:
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Is it just me, am I going crazy?? I knew I HAD to share this with the right person so pls tell me you see it too KSMSKSNDKSKDKDK
Bc this sparkled some really interesting thots in my mind......🚶‍♀️
if not then well.... I guess I've reached peak delusional girlboss mastery I'll just leave okay I'M LEAVINGKSKSKSJDKDJD 🚪🚶‍♀️
i have been good lovie! what about you <3 i am honored to have been the person you shared your thoughts to
i gotta say i looked at the baby and felt nothing HAHAHH my thoughts were of mostly its unfair to compare an adult's face to that of a child's because their features aren't that pronounced yet (although you can still see resemblances if theyre there) another thought i had was lol im not very good at faces, at least not as good as my mom, so i consulted her for this HAAHHAHAH
her verdict: not really ? maybe only at the chin part HAHAHAH i mean now that ive looked at it long enough i think i kind of see a bit of resemblance AHAHHAHHA
lets walk hand in hand together as peak delusional girlbosses
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riddleredcoats · 10 months
Wheelie Time thoughts
Spoilers for S2 episodes 1-3, including the preview for next episode, and spoilers for all the books.
Queen of Cairhien you said. So at first, I thought that Moiraine's sister was going to be the Queen, but when she spoke to Rand my head turned again because she seemed disgusted with the Queen and how she is just out to get her city back and thought that it must be another person. That said, her being all depressed about what i means to be a queen is coherent with Damodred Drama, so... yeah I think she's probably the queen and was talking to Rand in the third person. Especially funny because Lanfear was clearly about to say something about her, but never got to it.
Speaking of Lanfear... Beloved, i love her so much. She's so messy. My best worstie, love how much fun she was having. And she has a power-dynamic kink...... yeah, that doesn't surprise me, lmao.
Rand is baby in this whole thing and so kind to the Aiel War veteran. I love that scene of them walking, especially because I think that the Sword Forms he described are going to be the way that Rand defeats Turuk.
Lan and Moiraine broke my heart, especially that last scene in episode 2 where the Myrelle/Alanna merger was basically confirmed. Can't wait from them to take it all back and be besties again.
In the last of Nyn's accepted test - which was fucking brutal, this woman now has years of memories with a child that isn't real anymore, fuck - Mat loses an eye at the end. I love this show and this foreshadowing so much.
Verin is perfect exactly as she is. She said that she and Adealas are sisters, but like Sisters of the White Tower or Sisters-Sisters? Who knows. Interesting implications if its the later.
Alanna and her warders are killing me. That Maksim "I am a third wheel" is making me feel things, knowing that he is probably the one who is going to die.
Perrin is already Going Through It and Ishamael going "The more wolf you become, the more you are mine" is a great way to kickstart his "I don't want to be a wolf brother arc." --- Please let it end fast tho.
Elayne is perfect and I have no notes.
Egg is also perfect.
Interesting Liandrin backstory. Part of me wonders if it isn't all made up to get Nyn's sympathy, but maybe I am just building plots out of nothing. That said, great way to show that the way Aes Sedai live longer.
Next week we have the Lanfear episode with a focus on Moiraine. Do I need to tell you how that combo is making me go insane?
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waklman · 1 year
going absolutely insane over the Olympic swimmer au idea?????? So excited to read more!! Your mind is just 🤌🏼 lemme kiss your brain
also! happy pride month my beloved💞
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nyn baby!!! i hope your show went well <3
no bc i am so excited to write for this au 😵‍💫 i drove myself a little crazy watching a bunch of medley racing videos…and the thought of having an olympic bf is very pleasing to me
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vigilvntes · 1 year
Hi lovely!! I thought I'd drop by just to say that your dick grayson fic has me on a chokehold from now on and I'll never emotionally recover from it. That's it. Send tweet.
KWSKKSKSKSKDKDK but seriously, I think it goes to my top 5 favorite dick grayson fics I've ever read and I would love if you wrote more about him! Or Jason 😁 your writing is just so good!!! *chef's kiss*
— Love, Nyn 💌
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i think i almost threw up whilst writing it because of how SICKLY SWEET it is asksjsjshj. i had so much fun writing for dickie though and i'll DEFINITELY write something else for him in the future and jason too because!!! they are my loves!!!
i'm so glad you liked it, and thank you so much for reading my silly little fic :') i'm :')
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far-dareis-me · 3 years
The lanaeve moment i am most dreading/looking forward to is nynaeve's accepted test. Getting to see them married, and then nynaeve leaving is going to kill me.
((hi so I totally missed this in all the episode chatter im so sorry))
but LIGHT that is going to kill me dead. I mean every aspect of the accepted tests are practically designed to make me hurt, but that in particular is going to take my heart and fucking balefire it. Watching my beloved Nyn go through all that pain and loss, and then to finally get a taste of true happiness... just to have to rip herself away? It's gonna be.. i mean its gonna be beautiful. but its gonna be a lot.
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IT'S ME AGAIN ♡ I just saw your recent ask response and you said you were going to bed so I'm curious???
Are you okay if I ask what's your time zone?? Bc when I started liking all your posts and sending asks it was like.. almost 1 am for me, and now it's almost 2pm where I live so this is just me being absolutely concerned that I may have sent asks in a weird time KSNSKSNDKSKDKSK
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lol don't worry about sending requests at a weird time, i am not a slave to tumblr and i follow the sun when she rises and falls. period that's on having a healthy sleep schedule (i type knowing i stayed up till 12 am last night to finish a req HAHAHAHAH)
nah so like according to google my timezone is UTC/GMT +8 hours but im just gonna tell you i'm from the philippines because ///: i dont understand what she means /: apparently we don't have daylight saving times (which is true) and now our time is wonky time is weird ??? /:
im touched you're concerned enough to ask this though 🥺🥺🥺 my kokoro go doki-doki
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