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ballad-of-elgado · 9 months ago
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Thinking of how I could put my mans in the worst outfits imaginable from monhun. If women are allowed revealing clothing then the men should have more of them too imo.
Hunted for a while and decided the Shell-Studded armor is actually really good looking 😅. I’ll be hunting for other armors as I play through the switch version of risebreak (again) and going broke because of it.
The full image is on my ko-fi for members because I wasn’t sure how much I wanted to share here. Kinda suggestive?? Ig??? Not sure?? Maybe I’ll draw more of this outfit??
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the-nymine · 11 months ago
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boroughshq · 1 year ago
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Due to not meeting activity or reaching out to the main for an extension, please unfollow:
The following faceclaims are now reopened: Riley Keough, Samara Weaving, Cemre Baysel, Aubrey Plaza, Lizze Broadway, Broderick Hunter, Madelyn Cline, Lily Collins, Johnny Beauchamp.
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8maian8 · 7 years ago
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今ニューヨークで上映中の新しい映画「Ocean”s 8」には、ニューヨークの街並みやメトロポリタン美術館、有名デパート、レストランなどが沢山出てきますので、ニューヨーク好きの皆さんにお勧めの映画です💫💫主演女優も凄い顔ぶれ‼️ NYの素敵なカスタムメイドでユニークなプランを探されてる方はこちらからどうぞ💁‍♀️ http://ny-mine.com/ #ny #nyc #ブルックリン #manahattan #ニューヨーク #ニューヨーク旅行 #ニューヨークライフ #ニューヨーク留学 #ニューヨークシティ #ニューヨークスタイル #ニューヨーク観光 #ニューヨーク行きたい #ニューヨークで子育て #ニューヨーク不動産 #ニューヨークマイン #オーダーツアー #カスタムツアー #nymine #smsrichie #smsrichie富ヶ谷 #東京不動産 #不動産をお探しの方はsmsrichieへ#渋谷区 #代々木八幡 #代々木公園 #フォトウェディング #ウェディング #海外ウェディング #同性婚 #映画 #ニューヨークで子育て (New York, New York)
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askthehubcast-blog · 7 years ago
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Blank chart here: https://twitter.com/Nyx_Intuneric/status/978031179403268096
Found this alignment chart on Twitter and decided I had to plot out my OCs on it. 
The results are in. Most of them are heavily depressed. So that’s.... good....
For clarification’s sake, here’s how it reads: (i’m trying to read this top to bottom, essentially) Nymin: Wants to get food but kinda wants to fight Chi’ahu: Neutral, but kind of wants to fight/get food Tequo: Def wants to die, but sort of wants to get food (he’s a good cook) M3LWR: Wants to die, but leans towards neutrality Brenig: Wants to fight more than he wants to die (also kind of wants to get food) Yllanan: Wants to die but might fight you instead Iyakuum: Would literally punch god in the face if he had the chance.
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cosmicatart · 7 years ago
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Punk!Nymin Punk!Tequo by CosmiCatArt
Here's Nymin and Tequo if they grew up under an oppressive government and decided to join up with the rebellion which just so happens to have a punk aesthetic. Stick it to the man, you weird alien kiddos. Nymin and Tequo belong to me.
Like/RT on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CosmiCatArt/status/954133803680727040
Any love and support is greatly appreciated! patreon.com/CosmiCat ko-fi.com/cosmicat
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ourinnergalaxy-blog · 7 years ago
I’ve been thinking about my characters/alters...
Each one of them represented something about the whole but then evolved to become their own identities.
But when new characters are created, it makes me wonder if they’re just characters or more. I’m sure some if not most of them are just characters, as I’ve only really interacted with/sensed about five of them as real figures. But one thing has been vexing me lately.
Tequo began as the persona I took on to protect myself from bullying (or the persona/role he took on himself). He’s always been grumpy, stand offish, rude, and strong. He quickly grew to have a protective side, and eventually came to realize his softer side and developing some of the body’s mental quirks like dissociating regularly, having vivid nightmares, and being extremely shy and nervous in seemingly uncharacteristic ways.
Iyakuum started off as a companion to Tequo, actually, and began as a collection of emotions surrounding the idea of love (however twisted), sexuality, and self expression. He evolved to also become violent, possessive, and protective. He embodies a desire for freedom, bound by the restrictions society placed on him originally but now he enforces on himself.
Nymin actually began as a depressed, miserable representation of us in our lowest lows. Miraculously, xe transformed into a carefree, childlike, energetic person. A possibility is that many of xyr negative traits fell to Tequo. Xe preserves the childhood we remember it being, not the one it actually was. Xe is a me without the burdens of the effects of bullying, trauma, etc.
Brenig began a bit more rowdy and expressive than he is now. He calmed down significantly, but has remnants of being highly emotional and stubbornly brash that he himself keeps hidden away. He embodies a desire to know and remember everything. Not wanting to be surprised or afraid. Yet, he’s actually very afraid and so takes very few risks and over analyzes everything. It stops him from making decisions, but in company with Iyakuum he’s able to be more aggressive and direct. However on his own, he’s incredibly indecisive as he constantly weighs his options. He’s loyal to the point that he’ll do things against his nature for Iyakuum’s sake.
But then there’s an extra piece of this puzzle that I’ve been trying to see if it fits. The alternate Brenig. Alt Bren is rooted in the same history as standard Bren, but Alt Bren developed differently. His rash and emotional nature is at the forefront of his personality and instead of keeping it supporessed, he has a difficult time controlling his impulsiveness. He still wants to know and remember everything, but he focuses a lot on emotional intelligence, creative pursuits, and personal growth. He still carries a lot of fear, but he is actually somewhat more afraid of himself, especially his tendency to take risks. Contrary to that, Iyakuum is a more stabilizing presence in his life, making him slow down somewhat and look after himself more. On his own, he’ll keep going going going until he burns himself out or worse. He is still extremely loyal, but he is more willing to banter, assert his opinion, and occasionally disobey orders if he believes his idea to be better. Alternate Brenig is very contrary. He is doggedly loyal, yet he also wants to be worshipped and cared for. He wants to be cared for, yet he has difficulty letting go of control and will often refuse aid to do things on his own. He knows he’s talented and handsome, yet he cannot believe that anyone else sees him that way. He’s very bold and forward with what he wants, but he feels guilt and shame for every action he takes for personal gain. He’s a mess tbh.
And I know who he is.
He’s me. He’s Dion. He’s all the weird pieces that don’t fit together but somehow have to. I don’t know if he’s a 1-to-1 exact... but he’s extremely close at least. He’s also an outsider trying to fit in with the group who has known each other for years. He KNOWS them in part, but he’s constantly learning more and more about their nuances and trying desperately to gain their approval and love. He just wants to be part of it all. He doesn’t want to be alone anymore...
It makes too much sense to me... And it maybe explains why I wanted so BADLY to name myself Brenig or Bren before I settled on Dion. Idk I’ve been thinking about this a lot and it’s important to me.
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the-nymine · 9 months ago
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Crayon test.
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cyleki · 8 years ago
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Nymins, Tannin, and Socket for Quinn on Gaia Online.
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boroughshq · 1 year ago
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The following characters have 48 hours to meet activity, or be unfollowed:
@astrophvlcs Alina Ayutthaya-Harper (3 interactions)
@fvlmincre Auden Monroe (2 interactions)
@lcser Dylan Morrow (1 interaction)
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@caddel Ryan Caddel (2 interactions)
@isabelleane Isabelle Annesley (1 interaction) (extension)
@nirvanaxrhodes Nirvana Rhodes (3 interactions)
@nadiaxaydin Nadia Aydin (3 interactions)
@vanessasancheznavarro Vanessa Sanchez Navarro (3 interactions)
@delinqucntdaydreams Skyler Cameron & Juliana Torres (2 interactions each) (extension)
@mcdnights Charlotte Wright (3 interactions)
@mokingsebandteal Moses King (3 interactions)
@antihcrces Skylar Kennedy & Maxwell Collins (2 interactions each)
@glamcrous Esme Valentine (3 interactions)
@nymin Angel Velazquez (2 interactions) & Tiffany Tipton (3 interactions)
@godsforlorn Merryn Hurley & Riaz Mian (2 interactions each)
@rhinestonehearts Claire Xiao (2 interactions) & Athena Asheton (intro or 1 interaction)
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8maian8 · 5 years ago
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🇺🇸ライターCarroll GardenによるNYの現状をアップ。コロナに負けるな‼️NY,東京,世界‼️ 今回はphase4について、秋に移り変わるニューヨークを書いてます。 世界中が、早く元の活気ある姿に戻って欲しいです。 詳細は→→→→→ http://ny-mine.com/newposts ※インスタのTopにバナー貼ってます★♡★♡ NY在住ライターCarroll GardenによるNYオシャレ記事👌🎁NY を熟知しているからこそのオススメ情報発信中‼️ ※プロフィール欄にあるバナーをクリックして頂ければ、最新の記事へ飛びます。 🗽🚕🗽🚕🗽🚕🗽🚕🗽🚕🗽🚕🗽🚕🗽🚕 公式@LINE出来ました‼️ ID検索より、お友達登録してくださいね‼️→→公式LINE@nymine 🗽🚕🍕🗽🚕🍕🗽🚕🍕🗽🚕🍕🗽🚕🍕🗽 1日観光、半日観光、カスタマイズツアー承っています‼️ こんな事をNYで出来ないかな!?と思ったら…メールorメッセージよりお問い合わせくださいませ‼️ 📧[email protected] 📲 LINE@nymine お待ちしておりますっ‼️ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 東京の不動産を探されてる方はこちらからどうぞ💁‍♀️ http://sms-richie.com/ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ NYの素敵なプランを探されてる方はこちらからどうぞ💁‍♀️ http://ny-mine.com/ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ #ny #nyc #ブルックリン #manahatta #ニューヨーク #ニューヨーク旅行 #ニューヨークライフ #ニューヨーク留学 #ニューヨークシティ #ニューヨークスタイル #ニューヨーク観光 #ニューヨーク行きたい #ニューヨークで子育て #ニューヨーク不動産 #ニューヨークマイン #nymine #smsrichie #不動産をお探しの方はsmsrichieへ#渋谷区 #代々木八幡 #代々木公園 #海外フォトウェディング #陽気なnyの人々 #ニューヨーク土産 #陽気なニューヨーカー #コロナに負けるな #暮らす様に旅をする #最新記事 #くら旅ニューヨークマイン (New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CElKVWHDCNf/?igshid=e9a76zlw3n99
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askthehubcast-blog · 8 years ago
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link to blank sheet here: http://merimutt.deviantart.com/art/OC-Spectrum-Sheet-516052485
No idea what size this will show up as on Tumblr, but I thought a good way to get myself into the mindset of my characters was to do a spectrum sheet to chart out their personalities in a way I can see.
Thoughts: Damn, I really put all the bad stuff into Yllanan, didn’t I? Look at the poor thing. Xe’s broken. Tequo was hard to chart because he’s very different around the few people he gets close to, so I just went with his “I don’t know you” reactions for most things unless the category was more about intimate relationships. Nymin was also difficult to chart, partially because xe acts a lot more brainless than xe truly is, so for most of this, I went with what xe would usually appear to be/act like.
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cosmicatart · 7 years ago
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Tequo, you should know better than to come over uninvited. 
 Who knows when your BFF is gonna be walking around half-naked in the shirt you thought you lost. 
hasami is Tequo’s nickname for Nymin (it means something in his native tongue). 
Nymin thinks Tequo is really cool and sometimes likes to channel that coolness through xemself by wearing his stolen clothing and wearing xyr hair like his.
Just a cute, sorta shippy scenario I wanted to doodle.
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ourinnergalaxy-blog · 7 years ago
Huh. Was that a dream or was it something I was able to grasp just outside sleep’s curtain?
I was having difficulty resting so I turned on the music to try to reach everyone. Concentrating was hard and my head sounded loud. I could hardly keep a visual of the headspace going. I might need to turn down the complexity of it, frankly. But I rememberrrrrr
I remember hearing something that sounded louder than usual and I asked “Is someone there?” And I got a loud and enthusiastic “YES!” in response. And I knew it was Nymin and xe continued, not to me, “I’m glad I heard you before, Brenig.” Or something like that.
I don’t know if it was a dream or not but I feel like it wasn’t only because I can recall the way the “YES!” felt. It felt cheerful and different and it felt like it cut through the rest of the clutter. Like a shout. It was so loud it felt like it lingered in the middle of my brain somehow. I also have no recollection of visual stimuli, and my dreams are always very visually stimulating, so that kinda leans me towards the “not dream” realm. But if it wasn’t a dream, it must have been somewhat close to when I did lose lucidity because I don’t remember being able to hear more or say more in response, though I do recall turning this news over in my mind a few times...
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cyleki · 7 years ago
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Nymins for Quinn on Gaia Online.
Nymins belongs to Quinn.
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boroughshq · 1 year ago
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please follow:
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