#nymella toland
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elia-nymmeros · 1 year ago
i’ve got a bit of a speculative ask for you but how many friends/companions & ladies in waiting, etc do you think elia had as she was growing up (other than her brothers and ashara) and if so which houses would they probably be from?
Yay, I love Elia asks! Personally, I think Elia had more companions once she grew up a little and people were assured she wasn't going to keel over and die suddenly. Oberyn tells Tyrion that she was of delicate health which had never permitted her to travel much; Doran admitted he didn't think she'd live as a baby:
"Even when Lord Gargalen told me that I had a sister, I assured him that she must shortly die."
So I think the other Dornish noble houses probably felt the same hesitancy about Elia as she grew up sickly (my headcanon is that she had a wheelchair as a young girl which Oberyn liked to push too hard until he almost broke her neck once or twice); I imagine Elia played with both noble and lowborn children in the Water Gardens, but everyone knew she was delicate and probably was not allowed to do many strenuous exercises/activities. Once she came of age, I think some canonical lady-in-waiting or companions apart from Ashara could've been Delonne Allyrion (born before 252, some 5 or more years older than Elia), Larra Blackmont (no known age), and Nymella Toland (no known age). I don't have any other female, Dornish canon character of her age :(
It's almost criminal how little info we have of the current and past members of Dornish houses. Going a little more into speculative mode, I think Dorne in general may have thought Elia's marriage could bring a new era of prosperity in a similar vein of Myriah. Just like Myriah's marriage brought opportunities in King's Landing for Dornishmen ("[...] for Daeron II brought many Dornishmen to his court, some of whom were granted offices of note"), I imagine many noble Dornish houses thought they could send relatives with Elia to King's Landing so they could have important positions/gain influence/support their princess. It's remarked that some of Rhaegar's companions and supporters were the Dornishmen who had come with Elia after their marriage ("the Dornishmen who had come to court with the Princess Elia were in the prince's confidence as well, particularly Prince Lewyn Martell, Elia's uncle"); I don't think it's that much of a stretch to claim that Elia brought with her a circle of Dornish allies, including the ladies-in-waiting, and plotted to put them in important positions in court so they could be her confidants once she became Queen.
I would really like to know about more female Dornish characters of Elia's generation, especially of House Yronwood who were clearly offended after Edgar' and Oberyn's duel; maybe a Yronwood daughter was sent with Elia too as lady-in-waiting, as another effort to appease their most powerful bannermen? And if you send a Yronwood daughter then you probably have to send an available Fowler daughter too, you don't want to show that much favor to a House unnecessarily, but this is most of the speculation I have; I don't know how many ladies-in-waiting does a noble woman have on average, so I hope Elia had lots of Dornish women with her who consoled her and were her friends at Dragonstone and KL. At this point I would beg GRRM for more info about Dorne, but I'm afraid of what's waiting for us in Winds of Winter...
Sorry for the long answer! I love rambling about Elia and Dorne ^^
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isefyres-archive · 1 year ago
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Prince Oberyn Martell. Brother of Prince Doran and Princess Elia. Known as the Red Vyper, Oberyn is obsessed with bringing justice to what happened to his sister during the Rebellion.
Princess Elia Martell. Married to Rhaegar Targaryen, Elia died during the Rebellion after being put aside by her husband. Elia and her children perished in the last days of the Rebellion.
Prince Trystane Martell. The youngest son of Prince Doran, and the bethroded to Princess Myrcella Baratheon. Trystane is kind and generous, only showing fighting spirit when he must.
Princess Arianne Martell. The eldest daughter of Doran and his heir. Arianne is a guidance to Princess Myrcella. Seductive and scheming, Arianne wants her father to see her value as heir and wants Myrcella to be seen as the same.
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Lord Gwayne Dayne. Lord of Starfall and father of Edric Dayne. Gwayne is currently in the Water Gardens and is part of Princess Arianne's protection as she travels to meet the supposed Aegon who survived.
Ser Arthur Dayne. The Sword of the Morning, a kingsguard of King Aerys II and protector of Prince Rhaegar. Ser Arthur helps the prince take Lyanna Stark and eventually dies at the Tower of Joy protecting the newborn son of his lost friend.
Lady Ashara Dayne. The Lady with the Laughing Eyes. Ashara is regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the realm. A lady for Princess Elia, she falls for Ned Stark during the Harrenhal tournament and thinking they will wed, the two sleep together. Ashara eventually dies after the Rebellion, after seeing Ned one last time.
Lady Regent Allyria Dayne. Youngest sister of Arthur and Ashara and Gwayne. Allyria is Regent of Starfall and tutor to her young nephew and heir to Starfall, Edric Dayne. Allyria is fiercely loyal and adamant that her sister Ashara and Lord Ned Stark were in love, even suggesting the name Ned as nickname for her nephew.
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Arron Qorgyle. is a knight of House Qorgyle, the second son of Lord Quentyn Qorgyle of Sandstone. Arron is one of Prince Oberyn's Squires that accompanies him to King's Landing when he is to take a seat at the council.
Quira Qorgyle. Third daughter of Lord Quentyn. Quira is known for having heterchromia, two eyes of different colors, some say it's a sign of goodwill or witchcraft. Either way, Quira was a lady for Princess Arianne, however, often resenting how close she was with Ser Damon Sand. She grows close to Princess Myrcella.
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Lady Valena Toland. Valena Toland is the eldest daughter of the Lady Nymella Toland of Ghost Hill. Valena greets Princess Arianne Martell and her companions when they arrive at Ghost Hill. She is the heir of Ghost Hill.
Lady Jynessa Blackmont. She is the eldest child and heir of Larra Blackmont, the Lady of Blackmont. Jynessa, accompanied by her mother and brother, are a part of the escort that accompanies Prince Oberyn Martell to King's Landing when he comes to claim his seat on the small council.
Lady Jayne Ladybright. is Dornish noblewoman from House Ladybright. She is the niece of Alyse Ladybright. Jayne accompanies Princess Arianne Martell on her mission to meet Jon Connington in the Stormlands.
Lady Elenor Tyrell. Elenor's mother is a woman from House Dalt of Lemonwood. With her mother deceased and Deziel Dalt's brother and heir away in exile, there is rumors she is to be send to Dorne to become the new lady of Lemonwood.
Lady Myria Jordayne. is a member of House Jordayne and the daughter and heir of Lord Trebor Jordayne of the Tor. She is the current heir. Myria is part of the escort that accompanies Prince Oberyn Martell to King's Landing.
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natividadmoon · 2 years ago
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asongoficeandfiresource · 4 years ago
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"Was she a fair maid?" "She was," said Meera, hopping over a stone, "but there were others fairer still. One was the wife of the dragon prince, who'd brought a dozen lady companions to attend her. The knights all begged them for favors to tie about their lances."
Elia Martell Appreciation Week ~ Day Four: Relationships
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mockinglygraceful · 4 years ago
no shade meant to GRRM at all ( it's hard to develop a whole new world from scratch ) but i think he sort of neglected our dornish ladies. larra blackmont? myria jordayne? nymella toland? all we know is that larra has two children, myria is heir to her house's keep and these two accompany oberyn martell to king's landing for joff's wedding. nothing else. i am not entirely sure but i think nymella is barely even mentioned and that does not sit well with me. i and i belive quite some others out there would LOVE and DIE to know more about them, about our dornish beauties.
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House Toland
"House Toland has a dragon on its banners."        "A dragon eating its own tail, aye," Valena said.  "From the days of Aegon's Conquest.  He did not conquer here.  Elsewhere he burned his foes, him and his sisters, but here we melted away before them, leaving only stone and sand for them to burn.  And round and round the dragons went, snapping at their tails for want of any other food, till they were tied in knots."      "Our forebears played their part in that," Lady Nymella said proudly. "Bold deeds were done, and brave men died.  All of it was written down by the maesters who served us."
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agameofclothes · 8 years ago
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What Nymella of House Toland would wear, Gucci
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aliadayne · 8 years ago
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ASOIAF: The Book of the City of Ladies
Ruling ladies in the time of the War of the Five Kings 3/18
Nymella Toland, Lady of Ghost Hill.
Mother of Valena, tall and beautiful, and Teora, who seems to have prophetic dreams. She hosts Arianne Martell and her companions when they arrive at Ghost Hill, on their way to the Stormlands.
"Our forebears played their part in that," Lady Nymella said proudly. "Bold deeds were done, and brave men died. All of it was written down by the maesters who served us. We have books, if my princess would like to know more."
The Winds of Winter. Arianne I.
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dwellordream · 4 years ago
Elia/Stannis wildcard if you’re still doing prompts
Elia’s mother had meant for them to have a tour up the west coast first, in her ceaseless hunt for suitable spouses for her two youngest children, but then Lady Joanna died in the childbed and the Lannisters suddenly seemed far less inclined to welcome visitors, and there was an outbreak of a pox in Oldtown. Mother did not wish to risk it, so instead they visit Ghost Hill, to see about fiery redheaded Nymella Toland for Oberyn, then the Tor to visit plump and shy Trebor Jordayne for Elia. After that Yronwood, for fair-haired and demure Ynys, who could not be more ill-suited to Elia’s wild brother, then Wyl, Stonehelm, Crow’s Nest…
By the time they reach Storm’s End Elia is exhausted from all the travel and endless parade of new faces and scenery, and is grateful for the reprieve. Storm’s End could not be more different from Sunspear, and it is racked by high winds and torrential rains during their week’s visit, but Mother seems to get along well with boisterous Lord Steffon and his slightly more reserved wife, Lady Cassana, and Oberyn amuses himself by alternatively goading and flattering the Baratheons’ spoilt eldest son, Robert, a stocky, tall lad of ten.
Elia is more fond of the younger boy, Stannis, who she passes many peaceable hours with in the castle’s library. He gives off the impression of a child who is not often consulted for his opinion or desires, but his speech grows less halting and awkward, she notices, the longer he spends apart from his braggart of a brother, who seems to delight in mocking and embarrassing Stannis in front of company.
“This is where I like to read,” Stannis says, showing her a tucked away nook of the dusty and cluttered library, flanked by stolen cushions from other rooms. “Robert never comes in here.” His tone implies that he doesn’t think Robert ever will. “He says only a craven would spend more time with his nose in the book than in the training yard.” More defensively, “I train just as hard as him.”
“I think it is a mark of maturity to be so well-rounded at such a young age,” Elia tells him, patting his skinny arm. He glances up at her, beet red, and she can’t help but smile at his wide-eyed stare. “All of us have our talents, do we not? I may never be the finest dancer- I run out of breath so quick. But my brothers do declare my poetry to be very entertaining, on rainy nights indoors.”
Stannis’ small smile is gone as quick as it appears, but was present nonetheless. She feels oddly proud to have coaxed one out of the poor solemn child.
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makerkenzie · 5 years ago
A Song of Mischief and Shit-Stirring: She likes the dragon.
In Arianne’s first chapter in TWOW, she gets three signs that her family’s project of hitching their wagon to the new dragon is a bad idea. One by one, she disregards them.
First, she’s dining with the Tolands of Ghost Hill. Whoa there: Ghost Hill? Think that may be foreshadowing something? Anyway, the Toland ladies seem fine. Brilliant? No. Perfect? No. But they seem to have their heads screwed on straight, and a princess needs friends like that. The first sign is this one, from Lady Toland’s younger daughter:
It was then that pasty, pudgy Teora raised her eyes from the creamcakes on her plate.  
"It is dragons."         
"Dragons?"  said her mother.  "Teora, don't be mad."     
"I'm not.  They're coming."     
"How could you possibly know that?" her sister asked, with a note of scorn in her voice.  "One of your little dreams?"     
Teora gave a tiny nod, chin trembling.  "They were dancing.  In my dream.  And everywhere the dragons danced the people died."
We know what dancing dragons portend. The Targaryens are in conflict, and there are fields full of bodies on both sides. 
Second, a little later at the same meal:
"From the days of Aegon's Conquest.  He did not conquer here.  Elsewhere he burned his foes, him and his sisters, but here we melted away before them, leaving only stone and sand for them to burn.  And round and round the dragons went, snapping at their tails for want of any other food, till they were tied in knots."     
"Our forebears played their part in that," Lady Nymella said proudly.  "Bold deeds were done, and brave men died.  All of it was written down by the maesters who served us.  We have books, if my princess would like to know more."     
"Some other time, perhaps," said Arianne.
This is the one that I keep thinking about since reading Fire & Blood Vol. 1. Dorne resisted the Targaryen conquest, and they resisted very effectively, long after all the other kingdoms bent the knee. They kept their independence by refusing to fight on the Targaryens’ terms. 
This, here! This is why I’m so critical of the Martells’ plot to punish the Lannisters by empowering the Targaryens. It’s not that I think so little of the Martells. It’s because they could do so much better than this. Princess Meria would be disgusted if she saw what Doran and Oberyn have been doing since Robert’s Rebellion. This shit is not what “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken” looks like. They’ve forgotten where they came from.
Anyway. The most revealing sign is later that evening:
Arianne played a game of cyvasse with Ser Daemon, and another one with Garibald Shells, and somehow managed to lose both.  Ser Garibald was kind enough to say that she played a gallant game, but Daemon mocked her.  "You have other pieces beside the dragon, princess.  Try moving them sometime." 
    "I like the dragon."  She wanted to slap the smile off his face.  Or kiss it off, perhaps.  The man was as smug as he was comely.  Of all the knights in Dorne, why did my father chose this one to be my shield?  He knows our history.  "It is just a game.  Tell me of Prince Viserys."     
"The Beggar King?"  Ser Daemon seemed surprised.     
"Everyone says that Prince Rhaegar was beautiful.  Was Viserys beautiful as well?"     
"I suppose.  He was Targaryen.  I never saw the man."     
The secret pact that Prince Doran had made all those years called for Arianne to be wed to Prince Viserys, not Quentyn to Daenerys.  It had all come undone on the Dothraki sea, when he was murdered.  Crowned with a pot of molten gold.  "He was killed by a Dothraki khal," said Arianne.  "The dragon queen's own husband."     
"So I've heard.  What of it?"         
"Just... why did Daenerys let it happen?  Viserys was her brother.  All that remained of her own blood."     
"The Dothraki are a savage folk.  Who can know why they kill?  Perhaps Viserys wiped his arse with the wrong hand."     
Perhaps, thought Arianne, or perhaps Daenerys realized that once her brother was crowned and wed to me, she would be doomed to spend the rest of her life sleeping in a tent and smelling like a horse.  "She is the Mad King's daughter," the princess said.  "How do we do know -- "     
"We cannot know," Ser Daemon said.  "We can only hope."
She’s literally losing the game because she’s over-invested in the dragon piece. Then it’s time to talk about Viserys. This is a problem the Martells have had for decades: they vastly overestimate their family’s importance to the Targaryens. Arianne figures Dany let her husband kill her brother because Dany was jealous of Arianne’s betrothal to Viserys. Never once does it cross her mind that Dany let her husband melt her brother’s brains because he was garbage. 
No, Dany was not jealous of any arrangement involving Arianne. Dany knew nothing about the arrangement because Viserys never mentioned it to her. 
Rhaegar deserted Elia and their children. Aerys used them as hostages rather than get them out of harm’s way. Viserys did not care about the offer to wed Arianne. The Targaryens will not go to bat for the Martells. The the last time the Targaryens cared for the Martells was when Doran and Oberyn’s mother was buddies with Princess Rhaella. The rest of the family don’t give a fuck. 
Arianne gets this much in one chapter: 1. The Targaryens bring death and destruction wherever they go. 2. The Martells do not need the Targaryens. 3. The Targaryens do not care about the Martells. 
Then in Arianne’s second chapter, Daemon Sand tells her straight out: don’t go any farther with these people.
“Your brother is not at Storm’s End, we know that now,” Ser Daemon said, as soon as they were behind closed doors.  “If Daenerys Targaryen has dragons, they are half a world away, and of no use to Dorne. There is nothing for us at Storm’s End, princess. If Prince Doran meant to send you into the middle of a battle, he would have given you three hundred knights, not three.”
Do not be so certain of that, ser. He sent my brother off to Slaver’s Bay with five knights and a maester.   “I need to speak with Connington.”   Arianne undid the interlocked sun and spear that clasped her cloak, and let the rain-soaked garment slip from her shoulders to puddle on the floor. “And I want to see this dragon prince of his. If he is truly Elia’s son…”
“Whoever’s son he is, if Connington challenges Mace Tyrell in open battle he may soon be a captive, or a corpse.”
“Tyrell is not a man to fear. My uncle Oberyn– “
” –is dead, princess. And ten thousand men is equal to the whole strength of the Golden Company.”
“Lord Connington knows his own strength, surely. If he means to risk battle, he must believe that he can win it.”
“And how many men have died in battles they believed that they could win?”  Ser Daemon asked her.  “Refuse them, princess. I mistrust these sellswords. Do not go to Storm’s End.”
Arianne’s reason for plowing on is understandable, and sympathetic: she wants her daddy to be proud of her. Quentyn wanted their daddy to be proud of him when he tried to get acquainted with the (literal) dragons. I suspect this one will go about as well for Arianne.
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warsofasoiaf · 5 years ago
Do you think any of Doran's bannermen might try to betray him and his plan for Targaryen restoration?
It’s possible. Could Edric Dayne refuse to go along with another war that damages the smallfolk after his tenure with the Brotherhood? Could Lord Anders Yronwood be driven to fury over the death of Ser Cletus? Could Teora’s prophetic dreams council Lady Nymella Toland to caution? It’s possible. Complicating this is that we don’t know a lot of Doran’s principal vassals. Who is Lady Delonne Allyrion or Lord Trebor Jordayne other than entries in the appendix? We won’t know until we get more info.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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aalyrion · 6 years ago
Chapters: 1/30 Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Baelor Hightower/Elia Martell, Ashara Dayne/Elia Martell, Arthur Dayne/Elia Martell, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, Ashara Dayne/Brandon Stark, Oberyn Martell/Ellaria Sand, Doran Martell/Mellario of Norvos Characters: Elia Martell, Ashara Dayne, Original House Allyrion Character, Original House Velaryon Character(s), Original House Sunglass Character, Nymella Toland, Original House Vaith Character, Arthur Dayne, Rhaegar Targaryen, Rhaenys Targaryen, Aegon VI Targaryen, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell, Doran and Elia and Oberyn Martell’s Mother, Mellario of Norvos, Ellaria Sand, Baelor Hightower Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, very Elia-centric, if you like Rhaegar you will not like this, Slow Build, Angst, Some Fluff, But mostly angst Summary:
The story follows Elia Martell from her first year of marriage through surviving the rebellion and rebuilding the country as the Queen Regent.
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forme-iwrite · 7 years ago
Elia Martell: Ladies in waiting
part 2/2: North
I believe Elia was trying to have at least one companion from each of the regions in Westeros. I also believe that the ladies had to be connected to important and powerful houses if they were planning to take the throne from Aerys. We know two of Queen Rhaella ladies, Joanna Lannister and the Princess Of Dorne, who are both in a sense rulers of their regions. From the ladies Margaery has and the two Rhaella is known to have we can assume that the companions can vary in ages and don’t have to be the same age as Elia. If Elia had lived longer she would have added more prominent ladies or switched some. She might have asked Catelyn Tully who was betrothed to the heir of the North and who was the Lady of Riverrun until she married Ned, so she had a lot of power over the Riverlands because her father Hoster was the Warden of the land. She might have also considered Lysa Tully and Lyanna Stark. Lyanna might have been considered because of her betrothal to Robert Baratheon the lord paramount of the Stormlands and being the daughter of Lord Stark the ruler in the North, though after what happened in Harrenhal I doubt Elia would ask her. She might have also asked Cersei after a while though I doubt her or Tywin would accept, them being too proud and Jamie being a kingsguard. This is just my personal list of ladies for Elia. Which I wanted to give names and backgrounds to. 
Jeyne Darry
Riverlands: The Darry
She is from a prominent house in the riverlands. They were said to be a powerful house before Robert's rebellion. It is also stated they were very loyal to the Targaryens, even now they still have portraits of the Targaryens hanging in their castle. Willem and Jonothor Darry were in service at the Red keep, one being a kingsguard the other master-at-arms, both had a good relationship with Rhaegar. Her sister Mariya is married to Merrett Frey, the ninth son of Lord Walder Frey. She was also either soon betrothed (more likely) or married to Cleos Frey when Elia asked her to be one of her ladies. This is important because it ties her to the Freys and the Lannisters (Cleos being Genna’s son) giving Elia access to two strong houses.
I believe she was born in or around 268A.C. due to Cleos age and her kids age.
Personal headcanon: She came to the Red keep when she was eight because her mother passed away and she was left in the care of her uncle Willem. Mariya being older was already married and did not want to be left in charge, besides I doubt Walder Frey would allow it, he was trying to get rid of kids not bring more in. She was ten/eleven when Elia met her and asked her to be one of her ladies. She liked using a spear and dagger, and she was well skilled, due to the fact that both of her uncles were incredible fighters (How else are they a kingsguard and master-at-arms). Elia grows to think of her as a little sister, something that started because of Jeynes preference in the dornish weapons. Elia had a hand in Cleos being the Frey she is betrothed to, though she makes it seem like it was Mariya's idea.
Leyla Hightower
The Reach: Oldtown
She is from the oldest house in the Reach. The Hightowers are a prominent and powerful house. Her sister Alerie is married to the heir of Highgarden Mace Tyrell. We know Rhaegar and Aerys were at odds and Rhaegar was planning some way to take the crown. She would be useful in sending letters between Rhaegar/Elia and those houses without causing suspicion. The Reach was loyal to the Targaryens during the rebellion. Leyla could be one of the reasons the stayed loyal until the “bitter end” according to Kevan Lannister. Elia met Leyla when she was on her betrothal trip in 273A.C. Oldtown is a major port and has the citadel something that would interest both Elia and Rhaegar. Her great uncle was Gerold Hightower the lord commander of the Kingsguard.
I place her birth in or around 267A.C because she is Lord Leytons sixth child and I personally place Baelor around 256A.C. Also Leyton has had four wives.
Personal headcanon: Leyla is a bookworm like her father and it is something both her and Elia share. She is the only child born from her mother, Leytons second wife. Her mother is not from the seven kingdoms but was born somewhere in Essos. Elia was originally going to ask Alerie to be one of her ladies because of her stronger influence on the Reach but Willas and Garlan were both still too young to be without a mother by their side according to Elia (Elias own mother having been a lady to Rhaella and not spending a lot of time with her children). Elia becomes very fond of Leyla. Ashara Dayne and Leyla do not get along due to their house history.
Shyra Errol
Stormlands: Haystack Hall
Comes from a prominent house in the stormlands. As far as we know she inherited Haystack Hall so either her brothers died or she didn't have any, so she was an heir or lady to an important house (she also kept her name over her husbands). She is one of the few ladies we know in the stormlands with a name and she was alive during Robert's rebellion. After Robert dies she does not choose to remain loyal to his son the new king (nobody knows that he's Jaimes yet) but declares for Renly. Her loyalty does not lay with the Lannisters or Robert and maybe it's because she was one of Elias ladies. Renly was too young to blame for what Robert did during the sack in king's landing.
I do not have a year of birth for her but I believe she was significantly older than Elia. She has a son who is a knight, so he was at least fifteen, and she implied to have passed away during the parley at the walls of Storm’s End in “A Clash of Kings”. I personally believe it might be due to old age. Maybe around 238 A.C.
Personal headcanon: Shyra is a great at needle work and loves making dresses. Her and Elia are not extremely close due to their age gap but she does give her great advice when she thinks she needs it. When Rhaenys is born Shyra makes her a beautiful blanket that has a dragon circling a large sun. She is also really glad that Nymella Toland brought her daughters to court because now her son Sebastian will have playmates. She also makes a blanket for Aegon and gets really mad at Rhaegar when he leaves so soon after Aegon's birth.
Darlessa Marbrand
Westerlands: Ashemark/Casterly Rock
House Marbrand is one of the main noble houses in the West. She is married to Tygett Lannister brother to the Warden of the West. She is also related to the Lannisters because their mother was a Marbrand. Elia probably knew about Tywin’s plan to marry Cersei to the Targaryens and wanted to have leverage against him incase he decided to do something extreme. According to Genna, Tygett had a rivalry with Tywin and probably encouraged his wife to accept Elias offer, seeing it as an upper hand with the royal family that Tywin seemed to be losing. It might also explain why Tywin did not immediately side with the rebels. Though I know he was probably also waiting to see who had a better chance of winning the war. It would also explain why he came into kings landing under a peace banner, so they could safely get to Darlessa and any other highborns without Aerys harming them.
She was probably born at latest in 273 A.C because her son Tyrek was born in 286 A.C and she would at least need to be 13. I personally believe she was born around 251 A.C. I do not like the idea of her having a kid that young and 251 makes her around the same age as her husband who was born in 250 A.C.
Personal headcanon: She is very proud as most of the ladies of the West seem to be but she also has a humorous side. While Tywin is still hand and has Cersei in the Red Keep she divides her time between Elia and her. She loves her husband dearly because he is more kind hearted then his older brothers and doesn’t mind showing affection. She likes watching Tygett practice in the training yard and Elia and the rest of the ladies usually join her and place bets and gossip. She is only five years older than Elia and they don't have the greatest relationship at first, Elia thinks Darlessa has a stick up her butt, but once they move their court to Dragonstone Darlessa becomes more carefree. She refuses to talk to her husband after the sack of king's landing when she finds out what happens to Elia and the children, and it takes even longer before she can even look at Tywin.
Rhonda Rowan
The Reach: Goldengrove
The Rowans are one of the oldest and most prominent houses in the reach. They control the Reach’s north border so they are also very powerful and could have chosen to remain neutral like Tywin. They also chose to go against Joffrey. Though it is stated that the current lord of Goldengrove is very loyal to his liege lord. I believe that Shyra is his sister because the daughter he is said to have seems to young to have been alive during Robert's rebellion or way to young to be one of Elia’s ladies. Again like Shyra she is one of the few ladies in the Reach who is given a name and is alive during that time. Also I am just trying to find possible ladies for Elia, I know some might be a stretch.
I place her birth in 257A.C because she is married to Baelor hightower who I place around 256A.C. This also makes her the same age as Elia.
Personal headcanon: Rhonda likes to garden and had a little one at Goldengrove. When they move to Dragonstone she helps Elia fix Aegon’s garden since the castellan had neglected it. She is also loves books and gets along with Leyla. Elia helps set up her betrothal to Baelor, who she still writes letters to.
The following ladies are not characters that are stated in asoiaf but their is a possibility that they might have existed. The Lords Velaryon and Gafton are stated and might have had daughters or sisters or wives. These characters also give reason as to why one of their relatives might have been a lady to Elia.
“Elaena” Velaryon
Dragonstone: Driftmark
We know that the Lord of Driftmark during Aery’s reign was Lucerys Velaryon. Lucerys was master of ships and was probably in Aery’s court in king’s landing. Since not much is stated about Lucerys and his family or what happened to them after Robert’s Rebellion I gave him a daughter. It is stated that Lucerys was a big supporter of Aerys over Rhaegar. Elia could have asked “Elaena” to be one of her ladies to keep him from doing anything too drastic towards Rhaegar's position as heir. Also Driftmark and house Velaryon are prominent and wealthy. They are also the closest house to Dragonstone and they also come from valyrian descent.
“Elaena” Velaryon is a character of my making so I can make her any age I choose. I choose to place her birth around 269A.C, because she would still be too young to be betrothed or married and it's the age the westerosi start fostering their kids, making it harder for Lucerys to say no to Elia’s invitation. Also what offer is better than being in the company of the future queen.
Personal headcanon: “Elaena” is very close to both Jeyne and Leyla due to them all being around the same age. Being born on an island she is a very good swimmer and loves going to the beach in Dragonstone and collecting shells. When Elia falls pregnant she goes and looks for rare shells and brings them to her as a gift. She claims to have seen a seahorse which neither Jeyne nor Leyla believe. Out of all the northern ladies she is the most excited when Elia takes them to Dorne. She whispers to Elia that she loves her and is glad she choose her as a lady in waiting when Elia gives in and takes her to the pools in the Water Gardens though she is a year or two older than the kids playing in the pools. ( Areo Hotah says the smallest child is 5 and the oldest 10 in one of his chapters). She stays in Dragonstone when Elia is called back to King’s landing and is there for the birth of Daenerys. It is said the Targaryen fleet was in Dragonstone during Danys birth, so Lucerys being master of ships was probably there with his daughter.
“Alys” Grafton
Vale of Arryn: Gulltown
House Gafton is a noble house in the Vale. They rule a main port and big city so they are probably also wealthy. Marq Grafton was Lord of Gulltown during the time of Aerys II. When Jon Arryn called his banners Marq remained loyal to Aerys. This might be because he believed in Rhaegar/Aerys or because he had a wife in service to Elia. He tried to stop Jon from leaving the Vale but was killed by Robert Baratheon. He is the only lord in the Vale who we know of that remained loyal to Aerys. “Alys” would be an option because I believe Elia was trying to have someone from all the regions in Westeros and “Alys” is someone who would have been alive during Robert's Rebellion and belonged to a powerful house in the Vale.
I do not a specific age for her though I imagine she was slightly older than Elia but still considered young because I think Marq was young and impulsive and that is why he decided it would be a good idea to try to stop Jon Arryn without much help. Maybe 252A.C making her only five years older than Elia and around 31 during the rebellion.
Personal headcanon: “Alys” is one of the few ladies who actually prefers King’s landing over Dragonstone because she is used to living in a city. She loves to gossip which gets her in trouble a lot. She prefers cold weather and hates the heat in Dorne. She likes going to the Ships and hearing the stories the sailors tell, and likes retelling them to Rhaenys and the rest of the children at court.
“Melisa” Whent
Riverlands: Harrenhal
We know that during the tourney at Harrenhal Lord Walter Whent and Lady Shaella had a daughter who was considered a fair maid. It is speculated that Rhaegar provided the money for the tourney so it can be assumed that Walter knew about Rhaegar's plan to remove Aerys from the throne and supported Rhaegar. House Whent was a Targaryen ally. Oswell Whent was a Kingsguard to Aerys. “Melisa” was probably made one of Elia’s ladies as a thank you for their support. They could clearly be trusted by Rhaegar/Elia in such a big plan.
“Melisa” is considered a fair maid so she is at least thirteen at the time of the tourney.  I am going to make her fifteen so it would place her birth around 266 A.C
Personal headcanon: “Melisa” wasn't made one of Elia’s companions until after the tourney. She has red hair as most Whents are known to have. She and Elia share the same sense of humor and when “Melisa” finds something hilarious her face turns as red as her hair. She is surprised to find how small all the castles are compared to Harrenhal. It takes her a while to bond with the other ladies because most of them have been with Elia since she came to King’s Landing. She develops a crush on one of the dornish knights in Elia’s service, Myria Jordayne finds it amusing and teases “Melisa” about it.
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justanartsysideblog · 7 years ago
Headcannons about rhaenys’s relationship with teora toland?
Certainly anon!
Teora Toland was Rhaenys’ first crush. They met when Rhaenys went with her her mother on a visit to Ghost Hill, when Lady Nymella Toland suggested that Teora travel back to Sunspear to be a lady-in-waiting for Rhaenys. 
Rhaenys often sneaks Teora extra sweets from the kitchens, or on her trips into the markets with the Sand Snakes. She always tries to find new and exciting things for Teora to try.
Teora has freckles that Rhaenys enjoys kissing. Teora loves braiding Rhaenys’ hair.
While Rhaenys is a very adventurous sort, she enjoys reading as well (though not as much as Aegon) and she and Teora would often spend the evenings looking through old books about faraway lands.
Rhaenys promised Teora that she’d take her sailing on the boat her Uncle Doran gave her, and that they’d sail all the way to the Summer Isles to see the famous butterflies there.
Nymeria caught them kissing in the Water Gardens once and startled them so badly that the two fell into a nearby fishpond. Nymeria has never let Rhaenys live it down. 
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agameofclothes · 8 years ago
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What Nymella Toland, Lady of Ghost Hill, would wear, Hannibal Laguna
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dwellordream · 4 years ago
If Olyvar and Mors survived, with Elia still married to Rhaegar, Doran with Mellario and Oberyn as a bachelor, which brides or houses do you think the princess of Dorne would have considered for her second and third child?
Probably to heiresses, Dornish or not, such as Larra Blackmont and Nymella Toland.
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