#nyd forever
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iwanthermidnightz · 2 years ago
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you and me forevermore✨
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butididntpourthewhiskeys · 2 years ago
we all looked the other way at joe's behavior because we all wanted to believe that taylor was getting what she deserved but not gonna lie i always thought it was weird but i kept it to myself because she looked happy and didn't want to bring up negativity it was clear the effort she was doing the cwf thing where she spent 6 months in another country and made the housewife and the first opportunity she had he left her alone and went to another country, gotta go to him again all birthdays missed like taylor is a woman who loves to celebrate imagine having all your friends there but the person you love is never there what makes me most upset is if it hadn't happened what I think it occurred she would be willing to go on with it longer, it is also obvious the change in behavior regarding the promotion of her work after lover and for midnights, which totally contradicts the story of him not wanting attention and fame because for cwf in which he was not the protagonist he did more promo than alison
It genuinely comes down to what Priyanka said: you want your partner to cheer on you and thrive off seeing you succeed. I think Joe was able to do that in the beginning of the relationship but as you said anon, he changed his priorities. That’s why I’m so proud she had it in her to go
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coward2coward · 6 months ago
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hello. we've got a wincest server for people over 16+ which includes but is not limited to:
NSFW channels (18+)
roles to give you access to different kink channels (18+)
a Minecraft server
if you're interested, we'd be happy to have you :)
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taylortruther · 1 year ago
I don't know who to ask this to without it turning into a fandom war and you always have the best, nuanced, touched-grass takes, so can we please briefly talk about the Olivia credits thing 😭
Does Olivia's music really sound a lot like others or is this a case of discrediting young women in music? Asking literally sincerely; I'm not enough of a music person to know when inspiration turns to copying, I just usually can't hear it. I remember, for example, when 1989 came out, a lot of people felt that Wildest Dreams was very lana inspired, but nobody I think was accusing her of copying. Is the Olivia situation the same and it just got blown out of proportion, or are the ways her music are similar/referential to others larger musically? Or is it that the album as a whole felt referential? I just sincerely don't know LMAO And every time I try to ask I think people think I'm trying to be shady
tbh i don't really know how one decides, but lawsuits about this kind of thing are becoming more common (think robin thicke, which was a huge upset to some musicians--or the shake it off lawsuit.) and musicians is historically inspired by one another, which makes it tricky. when is it ok, when is it not? it's kind of a philosophical question in some instances, whereas in others it's cut and dry if you're being blatant (like vanilla ice and david bowie.)
some factors about this situation in particular:
olivia properly credited/sampled nyd for a different song (1 step forward or whatever)
olivia said cruel summer inspired the shouting part of deja vu
the internet compared misery business to good 4 u, and cruel summer to deja vu, A LOT upon the album release
jack said that his team did not ask for credit and was surprised to receive it
iirc hayley's team knew about the good 4 u situation before the song was released, but credits were added retroactively anyway (not sure why these steps were taken in this order tbh)
people also acused olivia of using a riff from an elvis costello song, and he basically said it might be true but he didn't care
evils costello has NOT received any credits
so there are some options i can think of. one is that the public pressure was mounting, so olivia's team just gave them credit voluntarily.
some people also think taylor asked behind the scenes, unbeknownst to jack, which i guess is possible but seems... unlikely?
i am inclined to think olivia's team did not want to face a lawsuit down the line (because it could hang over their heads forever, i guess, with the way the music business and copyright suits are going now), and offered the credits, and maybe, MAYBE??? there was an opportunity for paramore, taylor/jack/st vincent, decline but it was not taken. which is notable because they got like 50% of the rights (at least for deja vu) which is a lot of money, forever.
personally, good 4 u is blatant and it is not surprising they knew about the song before it came out.
deja vu is not as blatant but it is, imo, clearly inspired and it's undeniable because olivia admitted it. i don't know yet if i personally think "inspiration" deserves royalties and songwriting credits - speaking for the future of music. however, if taylor asked for it, i wouldn't be mad because this specific situation is so clear cut in a way other "inspiration" cases would not be.
none of this helps! sorry!!!
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surprisesongsbracket · 1 year ago
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ivyindreamland · 6 months ago
13 fave suprise song pairings so far from The Eras Tour?
in no particular order...
cowboy like me & white horse
speak now & treacherous
seven & the story of us
wcs & mine
foolish one/tell me why & this love/ciwyw
mr perfectly fine/red & getaway car/ootw
should've said no & nyd/peace
hits different & the moment i knew
come back be here/twily/tosotd & fresh out the slammer/high infidelity
rwylm/ayhtdws & last kiss/sbt
starlight & back to december
this is what you came for/gold rush & tgw/ylm
forever & always & this love
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bisluthq · 10 months ago
I remember someone once saying that Taylor wrote KOMH that fast, because they had been friends for a while they were connected emotionally and interests wise and she obviously was smitten with his looks. So the whole thing was long overdue. So when she actually met him and they had sex it was like the final piece. As in her proof that not only he could be the king of her heart and soul, but the only thing left was seeing how the sex would be. Luckily for her, he lived up to the standards and ofc girlie was hooked up and in a let's be together forever. Let's not forget, her writing NYD shortly after three months officially together. That song is one of my fave love songs from her, it's just 🥺 worthy. And she was out there saying "you and me forevermore", then years later she actually writes a song called evermore WITH him adding a callback to that song. Peak romance to me
He’ll always be a grand muse for her ngl and I hope they’re able to get on civil terms (I mean I think they’re fine rn but beyond logistics which become less and less relevant, I can’t see them interacting beyond a cursory “happy birthday”) and like be friends again because it really was a great love story.
as Taylor said the greatest loves of all time are over now and theirs wasn’t when she wrote it but is now so she was Cassandra once again.
also I love NYD but I also always noted the “when it’s hard and it’s wrong and you’re pulling away” and like idk again I feel that in my current life like I’ll be picking up bottles with him but I don’t like that it’s hard and it’s wrong and he pulls away.
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new-york-no-shoes · 2 years ago
Decided to rank my top five songs on every Taylor album bc I’m a glutton for punishment (plus honorable mentions that sometimes switch in or are close behind). Feel free to reblog and tell me yours (if you dare) bc I’m nosey!!
As of right this second:
Cold as you
The outside
Tim McGraw
Our song
(Invisible and Mary’s song tho!)
You’re not sorry
Forever and always
Speak now:
Last kiss
Dear John
The story of us
State of Grace
Holy ground
Begin again
(But also I almost do, SBT, TMIK,starlight! Red! IKYWT! CBBH! Ugh red my beloved you’re PERFECT)
You are in love
Wildest dreams
(But also so it goes MY BELOVED. And obvs getaway car. And NYD)
Cornelia street
Cruel summer
False god
(The archer sometimes switches in for ITHK or FG)
Gold rush
Long story short
Tolerate it
(Champagne problems and TTDS Ugh!!)
Hits different
(Dear reader and high infidelity tho!!!! My top 3 on this album is pretty consistent but 4 and 5 switch between those 4 songs)
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what do you *hope* TTPD sounds like? I’m hoping for vocals like Need, her breathy verse in Gasoline, and I Don’t Wanna Live Forever, sonically I’m hoping for Maroon, Hits Different, and a NYD track
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bisexualshauna · 2 years ago
Curious anon: what is your ideal setlist?
this is kind of old but there’s no better time to answer it than now
assuming we keep approximately the same number of songs and keep personal events in taylor’s life out of it, i’d want it to go something like this..
miss americana and the heartbreak prince (i actually do like this as the opener if only for the “it’s been a long time coming” portion)
cruel summer for obvious reasons
paper rings
cornelia street
death by a thousand cuts
you belong with me
love story (the fearless set was perfect, 10/10 no notes — i didn’t expect her to play fearless the song but I’m beyond thrilled that she did)
tis the damn season
right where you left me
champagne problems (i think it deserved to be the final song from evermore)
don’t blame me
look what you made me do
long live/NYD mashup from the rep tour
sparks fly (this is the part where i cheat and give speak now more songs bc it deserves it 💜)
back to december
last kiss
i knew you were trouble
red (the song)
the very first night/message in a bottle mashup
forever winter (this is where i cheat again and scrap ATW10 in favor of three songs that add up to about the same time as that one song)
better man
begin again
the 1
seven (like, actually sung)
the last great american dynasty
this is me trying (i do like the songs she chose for the folklore set but i would’ve loved this as a permanent song even more)
illicit affairs
my tears ricochet
blank space
shake it off (so glad she included this bc if u don’t get to scream the lyrics to this song w 50,000 other swifties then what’s the point of going to this concert?)
how you get the girl
wildest dreams
new romantics
bad blood/should’ve said no, also from the rep tour
tim mcgraw
mary’s song
vigilante shit (let it be known that i am Only keeping this for the choreography 🙏🏼)
you’re on your own kid
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yuneu · 3 months ago
Hey cutieee don't worry AT ALL! I did write a hell of a message there LOL kinda too long. Just know you don't have to reply right away. Take your time!! 🫶
Oh WOW I would definitely annoy my bestie all the time to the point she wouldn't wanna be my bestie anymore, if she were to be that into linguistics, it always fascinates me too!!
Uh uh we have lettres modernes in my country too!!! But the syllabus is still a little bit different and I'm not quite sure it has any teaching focus. Like, for sure, once you get that degree, you can either become an editor, a journalist, or any other writer, and of course, in most cases, a literature teacher, but specific teaching-oriented subjects are not included. There's teaching school for that. Which is a little bit odd in my opinion, because this way schools are full of untrained teaching staff. But that's another subject for another time (never, otherwise I'll keep shit-talking my country and its school system LOL)
Oh wow it must've been great to have snowy Christmases as a kid!!! Also, Normandy WOW. I've been meaning to visit it for sooooo long. I get snow in the city where I live/study; I don't get any of it when I'm back in my hometown for the holidays, though (*coughs* like now *coughs*)
Aww I'm so glad you took my first impression of you well. I was scared you'd be like "WTF?! This is like the anti-me" LOL of course, I can't wait to get to know you better during these weeks!! Exciting!!! Which brings me to ask you, do you have any holiday traditions? Or do your family/friends have any?
Oh please, Ennio Morricone is one of the reasons why I'm not FULLY disappointed in my country LOL his music always makes a sobbing shivering existential mess out of me. Fucking majestic!!!!
OMG you did NOT mention the little prince!!!!!! It's my favorite book of ALL TIME. It's been my favorite book since I first read it when I was 7. Actually, I've had this little tradition that consists of me rereading it every year and adding notes to the notes I've been taking on that one and only copy I have and will never get rid of. It changes every year. Every time I reread it, I notice something new, I learn something new, I feel something new, and I understand things I didn't understand before. I absolutely love children's literature. But the little prince itself has its special place in my heart.
Brand new questions of the day: what's your fav color? What are your fav musicians or music genres / what are your musical interests beside Taylor? Do you like ice skating / figure skating? (Yeah, I kind of went through your blog oopsie) Are you into any particular sport?
Have a good evening yourself!
— Your Deer Santa 🦌🎅☃️
hi love!!
are you italian? omg, that’s so cool. i’ve been hanging in to my 14% of italian blood forever, though i think i deserve to claim at least 50% because i’ve been a ferrari fan with my dad forever LMAOO. i’m working towards b2 in italian currently, and planning to apply to be a language assistant within the next few years if possible!! i wanted to try and be a french teacher there for a while but the system for getting a teaching job there is so confusing 😭 anyway can you tell i love italy
holiday traditions… asides from seeing family i don’t think i have any haha! for the longest time we’d watch e.t on nyd for some unknown reason but we haven’t done that in years 🥲
i DO love the little prince so much. i tend to reread it every few years too! it’s such a sweet sweet book and i love everything to do with it! my main mug that i drink tea from all the time is the little prince themed haha!! speaking of children’s lit, i soooo get you. my university also offers a focus on children’s literature! i obviously have already picked teaching but i think this one must be so interesting. one of the lecturers there works for the biggest publishing house in france (hachette) and specializes in kid’s books! i’ve attended a few lectures when i had free time and it was so fascinating
as for colors: it’s always changing lmaoo, but lately it’s orange! i love orange juice type of orange, where it’s oscillating between yellow and full orange lmao! i love bright saturated colors in general tbh
my favorite musicians beyond taylor are ariana, olivia rodrigo and camille saint-saëns! i will literally listen to anything from metal to folk. my favorite genres are bubblegum pop and classical though!
and yes i’m a figure skating fan!! it’s always been such a fascinating sport to me. figure skating & f1 are the only sports i follow religiously lol. my dad used to make me watch races with him as a kid on automoto (a french automotive channel)!
what about you? 👀👀👀 i love learning people’s favorite things
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What would be your dream surprise songs, including like mashups since they are now existent?
You Are In Love.
That would be the dream come true, I feel as though I need to hear it live in this life. My show is London June 23rd just fyi #taylurking @taylornation. Realistically though there are so many that I would absolutely die to hear. New Years Day would be incredible because its a fave but that's v unlikely, exile cause of the vibes obvi. And really randomly peace and happiness because they make me balllllll.
Upon reflection I missed some pretty big ones, Back To December or Dear John and my friends would die. Maroon, and I would die. Also: Is It Over Now, False God and I don't wanna live forever, they would make me not wanna live forever.
edit 2/03/24: DREAM MASHUP:
I would say New Years Day x Peace or I don't wanna live forever x dress but she went and did them. So instead, NYD X Maroon or YAIL x literally anything.
p.s. note blondie (@taylorswift), all the songs in bold have literally been sung since this original post a week ago!!!!!!! she really out here killing us rn
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thirteeneras · 2 years ago
MY FAVORITE ALBUM LETS GO, the day this is a surprise is the day you'll never hear from me again. NYD is my FAVORITE TS SONG
Forevermore - adverb, forever, New Year’s Day
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taylortruther · 1 year ago
The run of Red, 1989, Reputation, Lover, Folklore imo have just the BEST opening/closing track pairings in terms of the overall story the album tells. Like, I can never really pick which pairing is my favorite because they all just work so well both in contrast to each other and also within the narrative of the album as a whole. Do you have a favorite (or disagree and like one I didn't list?) I wonder if TTPD will have a similar feeling.
red (state of grace, begin again) hands down, but reputation (ready for it?, nyd) is a close second. and that's because, imo, they reflect the same sentiments - they're both reflecting on the fragile, thrilling beginnings of love.
state of grace takes place before a huge loss, but she expresses already knowing she's changed for good ("i'll never be the same"); ready for it, similarly, expresses a permanent change ("never be the same now.")
begin again sees love sprouting again after a devastating loss, and welcomes the small, mundane signs of healing ("i watched it begin again...you start to talk about the movies, that your family watches every single christmas and i want to talk about that, and for the first time, what's past is past.") we're left with a feeling of warmth and hope.
nyd expresses the freedom she feels, knowing this new love could last forever, and she describes it in these mundane moments as well ("candle wax and polaroids on the hardwood floor, you and me, forevermore, don't read the last page but i stay.") it feels secure.
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osaemu · 1 year ago
WAIT I JUST REALIZED ITS FRIDAY WHAAT. i was going to go to a haunted house with my friends but i got lazy n canceled lol, going shopping instead </3 also im bad with scary stuff but mostly its bc im lazy LMFAO— ++ BYE UR SO SWEET THANKS SM ?! i havent thought about the ex husband fic in a hot minute but that was actually my first gojo smut work so UR THE BEST <3 btw i saw that ur a taylor swift fan....... me too tehe :33 rep + haunted/wonderland/nyd girl forever wbu wbu 🎤
HANNAHHHHH HIIIII. OMG WE MOOTS NOWWW!! im gooood goood just had to wake up super early for a daylong plan - im excited for that but it’s also my last day of weekend so I m wanted to stay home and sleep JFNBHWHW
how’s life going for youuu baby? I’m so happy we mooties. I love your fics - that ex husband gojo one? That’s my regular bedtime story HAJJAJAAJA
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iwanthermidnightz · 3 years ago
My mind as soon as my eyes open this morning:
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✨There's glitter on the floor after the party
Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby
Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor
You and me from the night before, but
Don't read the last page
But I stay when you're lost, and I'm scared, and you're turning away
I want your midnights
But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day✨
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