#nvm might just be tumblr quality
plushee-cant-draw · 1 year
Hai. want a creature
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yaz-the-spaz · 5 years
ahem. ziam fam may i have your attention please!
so this is apparently the shop where liam’s gotten his most recent rings from (the mickey mouse skull ring and winged gem ring)
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and i’m currently laughing my gay ass off y’all cause not only does basically everything on their website LOOK like exactly zayn’s style...it LITERALLY IS ZAYN’S STYLE (reference pics below) and that’s ON TOP of the fact that they also sell the anatomical heart necklace that liam was wearing recently and the eye rings (which they point out are each made unique and which is why i need an hq pic of liam’s asap so i can compare it to zayn’s properly to see if it really is the same one lol, not that it really matters anyway cause it’s still similar enough and a big enough coincidence, that they’ve both worn them, to leave everyone 👀)
anyway onto the pics!
liam in the mickey mouse skull ring and winged gem ring:
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mouse skull ring
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winged gem ring (which is also available in onyx like liam’s and can be seen in a closer up/better quality pic here)
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some of their eye rings
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both liam and zayn wearing brown eye rings (update: partial credit to @81sziam on twitter whose post i got the pics from, they also have a tumblr which that link is to, so go check them out and give ‘em a follow if you don’t already! however all original credit goes to @ziamminds who those pics originally came from, and who you should def go give a follow too if you don’t already!)
(eta: forgot to point all the similarities/coincidences in the fact that not only are they both horizontal - as opposed to vertical like is also an option - and appear to be the exact same shade of brown, but if those lines going through liam’s are in fact just a glare/shadow/result of weird lighting like i suspect they might be then i think it’s pretty safe to say it’s probably the same exact ring which he also just so happens to be wearing on his ring finger aka the same finger that has the 4 tattoo on it while he was supposed to be stunting with maya lol if that ain’t a giant bat signal idk what is 😏)
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[putting the rest under a read more cause this got wayyyy long as usual]
anatomical heart necklace
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liam in said necklace (second one’s a bit closer up for better viewing)
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(update: i’ve since learned the pic of zayn that was formerly included here where he was wearing their indian chief ring is actually a manip and it wasn’t his hands nor his rings...sorry for the misinformation but just wanted to be forthcoming)
zayn with a ring that looks very similar to their stone signet ring 
(although keep in mind that since most of these pics of him are older it’s possible that there’s even more he’s worn from them that they don’t sell anymore or that what’s in their store right now might be a slightly different style than what he’s wearing in pics but still looks pretty similar enough that i felt it deserved to be included)
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it’s hard to tell for certain from the quality of the pics for these next couple but one of the bracelets (third one down) in this pic looked a lot like their small skull bracelet
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i know people have also always speculated that that chainlink bracelet was a cartier one but after looking around this website i wondered if it’s also possible it’s their shackle bracelet...might not be since the shape/style of the chainlinks/shackles looks a little different on zayn’s but just throwing it out there as a possibility
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and the middle one here definitely looks like their black woven bracelet (which is possibly also in that first pic of zayn above but it’s easier to see in these pics since they’re more hq and not in black and white) 
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and this looks a helluva a lot like their thick link bracelet
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there’s also these plain bands that we’ve seen zayn in a lot over the years
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(he’s wearing one in that first black and white pic above too but here’s another one)
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and last but not least this plain gold ring that i feel like i vaguely remembered liam wearing (or at least something similar/resembling it?) sometime back in like 2017 or so but for the life of me i can’t seem to find a pic of him in it even though i’m sure i reblogged it and tagged it
(edit: nvm i was remembering wrong, it was a similar-looking but different ring, the face had a design on it instead of being plain like this one)
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but anyway here’s a (quite old now) pic of zayn in one that looks a lot like it, funnily enough from the night changes video lol
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(also side note but the guy on their pendants page has some tattoos that look very similar to harry’s lol and harry’s rose ring looks to be from there too so #ot5 for the win)
(another update: just found out louis also follows the shop on IG and is believed to have bought the rose ring from them for harry years ago so yeah...definitely ot5 for the win, man do i love coincidences lol)
anyway feel free to browse around their website and see for yourselves and if anyone else notices any other good similarities/comparisons let me know and i will update this post!
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janiedean · 6 years
Ok I need to know your thoughts about this Green Book mess
... pray for me anon XD
anyway, never mind that my general thought is that I’m really sad the mule didn’t compete this round because then it’d have deserved all the awards hands down........
tldr: the fact that people are outraged is the proof that tumblr at large can’t recognize classism when it hits you in the face.
in longer words: 95% of the hot takes I’m reading are Patently False And It Shoes People Haven’t Seen That Movie.
in much longer words: counting that I haven’t seen all the nominees but I did see both blakkk/lansman (which from now will be BKKK) and blackpanther and green book (and borap but that one wasn’t gonna win best movie anyway so) and I guess that is where the crux is, so, in order.
bkkk was obviously the best movie of the lot quality speaking. in an ideal world, it would have one. except that bkkk is a movie that’s heavily political and if y’all think that the oscars would give a prize to the heavily political movie that directly criticizes the administration in power then y’all missed the part where that’s not what happens at the oscars. last time it happened it was 1978 and the deer hunter won and I still don’t know wtf was the jury’s state of grace at that point, but in 1980 they had apocalypse now in the list and kramer vs kramer won. like. guys. if you have APOCALYPSE NOW on the list and anything else wins in the major categories then you’re a joke. and tbh it surprises me that spike l/ee is still hoping he might snag a major win that’s not for screenplay with these parameters - they’re not gonna go there. hasn’t happened since ‘78. come on;
bp was not a best movie flick. like, guys: it’s not even the best mcu film around as far as I’m concerned and while it most likely deserved the technical awards..... seriously? like. if neither GB nor bkkk won then any other movie on the list had better shots than bp. I can’t even think people seriously assume it was best movie material or ON PAR WITH BKKK as in, ‘if bkkk doesn’t win then THAT ONE should have won’. like, no;
now: green book was a *safe* pick in the sense that it wasn’t as heavy-handed as bkkk when it came to be political so it was the perfect choice if they wanted to go like ‘oh hey see we gave the award to the movie about racism without giving it to the one raising the middle finger to donald trump’, but differently from moon/light (which according to me was the most political political win of the last ten years like guys sorry that movie was nowhere near as good as people said back then and I found it incredibly overrated, and before you tell me that it’s because I didn’t understand it: exactly the point. the wire is one of my fave shows ever and it tacked all the things moon/light tried to except that it did it vastly better and I actually got it for how well it was written, moon/light completely failed in that sense and I’m glad if it was a good movie for the people it was directed to but it didn’t engage beyond that target imvho but never mind that) it actually tackled very well a series of issues I never see discussed in US cinema when it comes to *racism-themed* movies and I thought it was a really well-made movie that nailed a lot of things especially when it came to how classism and racism interject themselves in the discourse and how you don’t get out of discarding one of them so easily.
specifically, with SPOILERS FROM THE MOVIE under the cut SO GO AHEAD AT WILL OR NOT:
now: all the posts ‘this is the usual movie about the white guy who gets the black friend’ already are obviously from people who haven’t seen it because they missed the basic point, as in: that the white guy is poor and uneducated and isn’t *racist* because he’s a terrible person, he is out of ignorance and not knowing any better BUT at the same time he’s not so narrow-minded that he doesn’t have fairly forward opinions on other -isms (see THAT REVEAL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MOVIE after which he goes like ‘I’ve been a bouncer in most of new york’s night clubs do you think I mind that thing’ which is a thing the audience wouldn’t have thought since italian-american men from the 50s/60s notoriously came from a fairly -PHOBIC culture in that specific sense), and that the guy being italian-american ie a *white* category that back then did not have *white privilege* put him in a lower class position than the black guy;
on the other side, it was spelled that the black guy’s issue was the contrary in the sense that he’s rich, he’s cultured, he speaks five languages, he’s not a stereotype and since people want stereotypes or expect them, he can’t seem to please either side and feels alienated from both, which I think is a discourse that should be way more relevant in a website where people talk all the time about people of color not being stereotypes and so on;
like the entire fucking point of that movie is that white guy overcomes his racism unlearning his ignorance and black guy has a few realizations about how classism works and reconnects with his heritage throughout the entire thing;
and the fact that it was the black guy explaining the white guy how to write the poetic love letters without grammar mistakes and got him to appreciate finer things in life while the white guy helped him get down to earth (which he plot-wise definitely needed - he was unhappy af before XD) *and* at the same time the movie never fucking forgot that skin color > money when it comes to systematical racism in the south (ie the scene where they get stopped by the southern policeman and white guy punches him bc he basically told him that being italian-american was being half-the-n-word and black guy tells him ‘yeah well I handled that my entire life you could deal with it once’ was FAIRLY DAMNED OBVIOUS even if it also showed that it’s Not How Things Should Go) was imvo a very good narrative choice/balancing;
also, I was really appreciating that scene where don asks tony (a guy who has no idea who orpheus is and thinks orpheus and eurydice is about orphans) to shorten his name because vallelunga is too difficult to pronounce and tony’s like ‘if the people you play for are so cultured they can learn to pronounce my name properly’ because like guys that’s a thing that happens with all non-anglophone names and seeing it come from someone who hasn’t had an education but doesn’t want to be *made better* because that doesn’t make them unworthy and then only accepts help when he wants it and doesn’t come from a position of ‘you need to look more presentable’ but from ‘I want to make your life better’ was really fucking nice excuse me, because it *did* make a point about how not being formally educated means that people are considered lesser when they shouldn’t have to fight for it, and I thought that the class-switch in there was a really great idea;
anyway nvm my specific opinions about specific scenes, the point is: green book is not heavy-handed and admittedly is a lot more sugary than BKKK and has the feel-good ending that makes it palatable for easy wins, but the content is fucking everything but sugary or devoid of discussing Serious Issues that I almost never see tackled in this kind of US movie and if people actually wanted to watch a movie that sees the subject counting that class relations exist, that some -isms are culturally learned and can be overcome, that money counts when we’re discussing how people are treated in the US, the *earned whiteness* concept (because tony is *white* but hasn’t *earned whiteness* and it’s plenty damned obvious) and that class relations are not automatically clear-cut *especially in the US* then green book is an absolutely valid choice. and like...... it wasn’t white saviorism in the sense that WHITE GUY GETS REDEEMED AND BECOMES UN-RACIST, it’s about two people growing and learning from each other and the fact that tony’s racism is tied to a) upbringing while being poor b) not literally knowing any better but that it doesn’t really take that much for him to see that his opinions are wrong when usually it’s poor black person vs rich white person, and actually that’s why I thought calling it reverse driving miss daisy was reaaaally not getting the point, so if people actually saw the damned movie before deciding it’s terrible that’d be nice;
I also think sp/ike lee was beyond rude in his, er, reactions to GB’s win, but then again... listen guys I love the man’s movies but since that time he went like ‘clint eastwood can’t make movies about charlie parker’ (??) and dismissed the italian partisans’s associations complains about what he did in miracle in st. anna (a movie I did actually really like but they were right about him villainizing the resistence when he could have not) with basically I DON’T CARE THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE ISSUES WITH HOW I, AN AMERICAN, DEPICTED A FAIRLY IMPORTANT PIECE OF ITALIAN HISTORY... like he needs to chill and to realize that there’s a thing called losing with grace and he’s not doing it.
tldr: bkkk imvo deserved to win way more and tbqh if I was spike I’d complain about bp having gotten more awards than his movie when bp really is the safest choice ever if we wanna talk about politics win, and I can agree that GB was a political choice, but it was not a bad political choice nor a racist one and actually it raised a lot of issues that I’d like to see explored more in movies because they usually aren’t. on top of that I thought mahershala ali’s performance in gb was fucking stellar and definitely was miles better than his part in moonlight (but like... bc he was in moonlight for TWENTY MINUTES, he was co-lead here) and I’m honestly baffled that when he won for moonlight there were gifsets everywhere and here there aren’t when this role was WAY better and more nuanced and with more to chew, never mind that again, he deserved it just for the speech under the rain I was discussing before. but like..... of course we’re all ignoring it??
also: I’m really laughing that tumblr as a whole is crying about GB winning when until two days ago bkkk was the worst thing ever because adam dr/iver starred in it and OMG OF COURSE HE WAS CHOSEN TO PLAY THE KKK MEMBER BECAUSE HE REALLY IS RACIST [lmao as if spike l/ee would work with a really racist person] and no one on this website gave a single fuck about it when it came out except for adam dr/iver fan blogs but now everyone is like OMG WHY DIDN’T BKKK WIN???!!!!! like guys you didn’t care about BKKK until a day ago and now I’m supposed to think you were rooting for it all along? when you all hated it because omg how dare they cast ky/lo ren in something where he’s not a bad guy? like we serious? come the fuck on, no one on here cared. and the fact that if blackpanther had won no one would say BKKK not winning = UTTERMOST CRIME just says all about how a film’s quality is judged around here. bye, I said my piece.
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themartianpill · 7 years
Tagged by @kathwolfie <3<3<3
Tagging: Anyone who sees this and wanst to do it!!!!
1. favorite anime?
There’s way to many  Berserk (I mean just the whole franchise really Berserk is amazing), Baccano!, Mob Psycho 100 is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen apart from Senyuu., Your lie in April (dayum that was amazing), Haikyuu!!, Pandora Hearts will always hold a special place in my heart and is, as far as I’m concerned the best manga of all time - same for D. Gray-Man to be honest. Oh man did I mention Steins;Gate, what about Steins;Gate or how about STEEEINS;GATE!!!!! Oh yeah! Also Laputa: Castle in the sky.
Well there’s less than I expected at least lmao. Oh wait nvm My Hero Academia is also my favourite....and Fullmetal Alchemist......and Assassination Classroom...oh dear
2. your worst anime?
Diabolik Lovers. Enough said. Whatever you do - don’t waste your time watching this its awful.
3. do you read the manga that goes along with the anime you watch?
Hell yeah! I love seeing the different art styles and also how they differ from the anime. Besides what else can you do when an anime gets cancelled or has an original ending! (looking at you Blue Exorcist)
4. most favorite genres?
Normally I watch seinen or anything psychological because who doesn’t love in depth story lines and tragic backstories. Adventure is also a main one and shounen of course is much appreciated. Also I seem to have a thing for time travel too so might as well put that in there. (Basically I love just about everything as long as the story line is interesting)
5. least favorite genres?
Harem. (although I can find myself to forgive it in Steins;Gate because the story line makes up for everything). And ecchi is just no...dear lord no. But yeah that’s basically it.
6. favorite character?
Here we go again. The very first love of my life was Kyoya Ootori from OHSHC, anyone that knew me a few years back will know how obsessed I used to be lmao (sorry jemyma). Then it was Uryu Ishida from Bleach because who doesn’t love a cold hearted quincy amarite. Then it was Yukio Okumura from Blue Ex I think there’s a pettern appearing help. After that I think it was Roy Mustang from FMA then Ryoma Terasaka from AssClass. Also Kageyama Tobio from Haikyuu!! (beautiful boy) and last but not least Reigen Arataka from MP100 and Bakugou Katsyuki from BnHA! Why can’t I just choose one I have a problem lmao  (Also why are they all guys!?)
7. least favorite character?
I mean I’m not sure I even have a least favourite character. I’ve just got too much love in me sigghhh. Oh wait. I change my mind. Every character in Diabolik Lovers is awful.
8. qualities you like in a character?
I definitely have a thing for the dark and brooding type but are good poeple at heart. But also characters that are full of energy and very one track minded - the think later let me beat up everyone right now kind of character. And always the comic relief character with hints of sarcasm, they’re always the best.
9. short or long anime?
I always normally go with short but I’ll watch long too I don’t really care just as long as it doesn’t get boring.
10. anime or manga?
11. how do you choose the anime you watch?
There’s always that one tumblr follower that’s seen something I haven’t but I don’t want to unfollow them so I end up watching everything they post usually. Every now and then my brother might recommend something.
12. skip or listen to intros/outros?
Okay. So I have this tradition: Always watch the opening and the ending on the first episode, I don’t watch them again, until the last episode where I watch absolutely everything - credits included. Of course there are some exceptions *cough cough* History Maker *cough cough* where I’ll scream and pretend to ice skate whilst watching the intro ITS JUST SOOO GOOD!!! FIGHT ME!!!!!
13. how do you cope if your friends or family don’t like you watching anime?
I don’t tell anyone, although my family do know. Normally I just don’t care but if I’m confronted with it I get embarrassed easily lmao.
14. do you stop an anime midway if you don’t like it?
No! I have to know what happens even if its super bad or I’ll just feel unsatisfied!!
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janiedean · 6 years
(1) Can I just say I hate all this Freddie Mercury biopic wank with a passion? Like, this hellsite went from "Queen is one of those boring 'classic' bands all whites are obsessed with bc they won't even consider new music by diverse artists u.u" to "WWRY is clearly a song about rebellious queer youth, cishets don't touch Queen u.u" after someone pointed out Freddie's ethnicity and sexuality, to "why aren't they making Freddie gay in the biopic!!!11" and... whatever they're whining about now.
(2) And I HATE looking at all this bs and thinking "fake fans", bc I'm pretty damn sure that by most standards, *I* count as a "fake fan", too. I mean, most stuff I know about the band's history is actually stuff about Freddie, thanks to a few documentaries centered around him and my mom, the long-time fan with a big crush on Freddie who introduced me to Queen when I was a kid. Hell, I couldn't even name all their albums or anything needed to be considered a "true fan". But ppl on here... ugh. (3) It's like they're really embarrassed bc they were called out on mistaking "woke" stuff for "unwoke" stuff, and now they have this desperate need to prove their ability to discern wokeness by getting offended about something they don't even care all that much about, as loudly and dramatically as they can.
okay so, tldr: I hate this discourse and I honestly hope that it dies within two weeks out of the biopic for a whole lot of reasons amongst which the ones you said, but like, this discourse actually highlights a shitload of issues with the usual tumblr discourse which I will gladly go into now because I’m fucking tired and this movie isn’t out yet.
now, premise: while I don’t think that true fans are a thing - at most there’s casual fans or in-depth fans but I mean, a fan is a fan so I don’t believe in the *fake* fans thing..... the problem here isn’t that they’re fakes. it’s that they aren’t fans. period.
other premise: from what you’ve said you’re a casual fan which is normal and you DON’T count as fake I mean if you like them and listen to them and know something it’s basically being a casual fan same as I am with idk the rolling stones, I like the famous stuff, I have the fundamental records and I like them when they’re on but that’s it.
but, yours truly is a Not Casual Queen Fan in the sense that a) I got into them when I was seventeen and I’m thirty now so thanks it’s been a while, b) I own all the records, c) I own a decent portion of roger taylor’s/brian may’s solo records (and I have listened to all of them that I couldn’t buy), d) I went to see them live once (k it was with paul rodgers but nvm guys not my fault if I wasn’t born in time for freddie) and I love queen’s music and I’m also fucking cishet and you know what? these people Are Not Fans and they should stop pretending they are and just stop making themselves look like assholes.
the movie’s not out yet and I’ve had to see FIFTEEN ‘FRIENDLY REMINDER TO ALL CISHETS THAT FREDDIE MERCURY WAS GAY (at least a couple said he was bi and they were less asshole-ish) AND POC AND IF YOU DON’T KNOW YOU’D BETTER LEARN NOW HAHAHAHA YOU THOUGHT HE WASN’T. spoilers: every fucking casual queen fan who has bothered to buy three records knows that. yes, also the cishets. like, as someone who went from VERY CASUAL (ie: I know three songs) to NOT CASUAL in the span of two months I can 100% assure you that before getting into queen the usual preconceptions are that freddie was gay and that queen = freddie + three other people. the first three things you learn when getting into queen are (more or less in order but it can change) that a) the band was actually brian may + roger taylor first, b) that roger brought freddie in because they knew each other already, c) that mary austin was a fundamental person in freddie’s life and that she was also brian may’s ex and knew him first before they got together, d) the members’s backstories including where freddie was born, so like...... this idea that CASUAL CISHET FANS wouldn’t know that freddie was a) not heterosexual, b) poc is just something a NON-FAN would say because guess what, most queen fans even at a casual level are 100% aware that freddie was a) not heterosexual, b) not ethnical british. and saying that OMG CISHETS DON’T KNOW it’s ridiculous because guess what, everyone knows and if they have no idea they do, though luck, we did;
(spoilers: I also am 99% sure that those ppl have no idea that roger and brian actually sing on the records and composed a shitload of the music and queen =/= ONLY FREDDIE but okay)
they have no idea that rock music in the 70s/80s was not so heteronormative and was not the cishetmalething they think it is. like, please look at led zeppelin (ie THE PEOPLE WITHOUT WHOM YOU WOULDN’T HAVE HEAVY METAL) and tell me they were heteronormative. like, you saw robert plant? yeah, me too. and the thing was that queen were revolutionary in the sense that they brought an operatic/theatrical approach to the music that no one tried before but guess what, the point is that they made it sell. the thing that I would like tumblr Woke People to grasp is that what made queen groundbreaking as far as Wokeness goes is that they managed to sell and become the monster-moneymaking group they were (while keeping things quality) with a frontman who was Not Heterosexual, Did Not Try To Pass For Heterosexual One Day In His Life and Never Shied Away From It. like, idk if people are aware that while the scene was way less heteronormative than they think it still wasn’t the most openly talked about topic around (I mean guys elton john did marry a woman at some point X°DDD), but going around in the seventies flaunting your non-heterosexualness around and selling millions of copies making your stage persona a selling point of your music wasn’t exactly common. like ffs one of the most famous queen songs has a video where for 3/4 of the time they’re in drag and the other part has freddie performing with the royal ballet (and guess what the song was actually written by john deacon and the idea of doing the video in drag was roger taylor’s and none of them as far as we know is Not Heterosexual, but never mind giving the rest of the band some credit when it came to Not Caring About Heteronormativity) and fine, that video was banned/controversial, but it still was a huge british hit and it’s in the top five queen songs Everyone Knows. and tbh I’m terrified of that video being shown in the biopic (which it should since the works was from ‘84 and they stop at ‘85) because I’m 100% sure that those people have no idea it exists and when they find out how long is it gonna take them to decide that IT’S PROBLEMATIC? I mean, Woke Kids on here think the rhps is problematic, I’m shuddering at the thought of what they’d think of the i want to break free video;
actually a lot of us cishet queen fans might have had a wake up call including, er, finding out certain preferences, thanks to either their music or their shows or their videos (*cough* I 100% assure you that watching roger taylor in drag was what made me realize crossdressing was my thing for good like I knew before but I didn’t actually put two and two together until I saw that video and went like ‘............. AH WELL SHIT THEN THAT’S IT FAIR ENOUGH’), and a lot of us cishet queen fans who weren’t, like, strictly playing to heteronormative rules back in the day found a lot to relate to in their music even without being queer ourselves and guess what I’ve never met a single queen *fan* who could give less of a damn about freddie’s ethnicity or orientation (as in: everyone was a-okay with it) regardless of their background. that was what made them groundbreaking and extremely important as well, because they managed to be that kind of record-selling records-breaking band while not shying away from having a Not Heterosexual frontman AND Not Heteronormative Heterosexual Band Members Who Also Didn’t Give Two Fucks About Their Lead Singer’s Sexuality so going like OMG NOW WE’RE GONNA TEACH YOU THAT FREDDIE WASN’T HETEROSEXUAL BECAUSE WE’RE WOKE is ridiculous because dearest susan, we already knew and we already were woke about that and to us he was the frontman of a band we liked for a bunch of reasons;
also I don’t think people realize that freddie was a role model/example for the entire next generation of rock bands frontmen even in genres that had zilch to do with him - I mean guys AXL ROSE had a hero-worship for freddie and sang bohemian rhapsody at the freddie memorial concert WITH ELTON JOHN and grn really aren’t the same exact sphere as queen jsyk, but if you look at axl on stage esp. when he was younger? guys. it’s obvious. like you can see the influence. but lmao, now ALL the very cishet(-ish) singers who OPENLY SAID FREDDIE INFLUENCED THEM DIDN’T KNOW ACCORDING TO TUMBLR DOT COM?
LIKE, fuck’s sake, one of freddie’s major accomplishments in that sense was to ending up being a role model for younger singers in a genre where heteronormativity is way less common than everyone thinks BUT where not many people esp. back in the day would be open about their sexuality because it still was a taboo-ish thing -- like, gender roles were a lot more blurred but you wouldn’t hear many of those people admitting openly they were bi or gay or Not Heterosexual and the entirety of the rock scene especially mainstream but also not was entirely fucking aware of it, do these people think THE FANS wouldn’t?
also, we will rock you was WRITTEN BY BRIAN MAY AND IT WAS ABOUT A FUCKING ENCORE WHERE THE FANS SURPRISED THEM AT ONE SHOW IN LIKE MID-SEVENTIES which already shows that They Know Nothing because if they think freddie wrote all the queen songs then it’s already obvious they have no fucking clue about how queen worked as a band because all the members contributed something (guys john deacon wrote at least two of their major hits, roger taylor sang on all the records along with brian may and if you hear the back harmonies on ‘39 he goes way higher than freddie and a part in seaside rendezvous has both him and freddie mimicking other instruments with their voice and you wouldn’t know if no one told you first, brian may wrote a SHITLOAD of music for queen and it was an all-four effort, not just freddie + three other generic british dudes for fuck’s sake) so like, anyone saying that is already giving ample proof that they have no idea;
now of course you can interpret it as whatever the hell you want, but assuming that all of queen’s music that might relate to queer issues was written by freddie ABOUT QUEER ISSUES (this when freddie’s main topic of interest was... not really discussing his sexuality especially in the seventies like again, I want to break free is one of the queen to-go songs everyone brings up when it comes to that topic and IT WAS WRITTEN BY SOMEONE ELSE and the video concept was THANKS TO SOMEONE ELSE) just shows that a) you don’t know shit about the band’s history, b) you’re not a fan because you didn’t even bother to look it up on wiki, c) you’re trying to look woke at all costs;
they have NO FUCKING CLUE that most people in the 70s/80s/90s in the business were NOT politically correct according to their standards LIKE LITERALLY NO ONE WAS;
goes unsaid they probably haven’t listened to one full queen album from beginning to end not even the greatest hits.
tldr: I hate that they don’t seem to realize that things existed before 2005 and that music in the 70s/80s COULD and WAS diverse and *woke* already before they were even born, I hate that they decided that ALL CISHETS DIDN’T KNOW when thank you I think even my damned parents know and they don’t listen to rock music, I hate that they decided that queen APPARENTLY DIDN’T HAVE A FANBASE BEFORE THEM (lol) or that that fanbase didn’t understand them (triple-lol), I hate that they’re reducing freddie to his sexuality when he didn’t want that in the first place, I hate that they’re falling into THE MAIN MISCONCEPTION AROUND ABOUT THIS BAND as in THAT IT WAS FREDDIE + THREE OTHER PEOPLE and not an all-around group effort of people who were friends and deeply loved/respected each other and put the same share of work into it, I hate that they moment they see the movie and are introduced to the actual music/the actual story they’ll MOST LIKELY find problematic things to wank about because like hell they wouldn’t and I hate that they’re basically pretending to give a fuck about a band that I love and have loved dearly in a very non-casual way when they actually fucking don’t.
fucking hell please never let anyone make a biopic about either springsteen or led zeppelin or other people I actually like because this is bad enough, I don’t even want to think of what tumblr ppl would say if they knew anything about any rock artist of medium-large fame back in the day. peace.
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