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mustseegallery · 25 days ago
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lisychai · 2 years ago
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Character design of Nuura my precious girl. I really love her colours.
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berberanews · 5 months ago
"Miiskani waa kii ay kasoo baxday Hibo Nuura" Wasiir Cali
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clarenssadesign · 10 months ago
Lampu Langit-langit Skandinavia - Kombinasi Sempurna antara Fungsi dan Keindahan
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Baik untuk melapisi pencahayaan Anda atau memberikan tampilan baru yang segar pada seluruh ruangan, lampu langit-langit Denmark adalah kombinasi sempurna antara fungsi dan keindahan. Temukan beragam gaya yang sesuai dengan selera dan ruang apa pun.
Tips Menemukan Barang Antik
Anda akan menemukan barang-barang yang langsung dikenali seperti liontin PH 5 Poul Henningsen, serta desain kontemporer seperti lampu gantung Nuura Apiales 9. Lampu ini memadukan antara organik dan minimalis, dengan bentuk ramping yang tetap terasa diperhatikan.
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AJ Wall Sconce oleh Arne Jacobsen menggabungkan pencahayaan bebas silau dan gaya minimal menjadi satu lampu dinding yang ramping. Desainnya menampilkan bentuk jam pasir yang indah dengan siluet ramping campuran logam dan aluminium. Warna hijau bagian luar dengan sentuhan akhir kuningan kontras dengan warna putih bagian dalam — menciptakan perlengkapan pencahayaan yang bergaya namun fungsional.
Tempat lilin ini sangat cocok untuk ruangan mana pun di rumah, termasuk kamar tidur, ruang tamu, atau ruang makan. Ini dapat disambungkan ke dalam kotak sambungan dan tersedia dalam berbagai warna untuk disesuaikan dengan desain interior Anda.
Membuat Interior Terasa Nyaman dan Segar
Dengan lengan terbentang seperti tangkai bunga, lampu gantung Apiales dari Nuura menarik perhatian semua orang yang memasuki ruangan Anda. Didesain oleh Sofie Refer untuk label pencahayaan Denmark, lampu yang dipasang di langit-langit ini menghormati cahaya sensual. Model kuningan bersikat emas menampilkan 9 bola kaca yang ditiupkan ke mulut yang menyebarkan cahayanya dengan anggun, menciptakan bentuk yang lembut dan organik. Gantungkan lampu gantung di atas meja makan atau di lorong, untuk menciptakan suasana mengundang dengan rasa nyaman dan hangat.
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Nuura adalah merek pencahayaan desain pemenang penghargaan yang didirikan pada tahun 2017. Desainer utama label tersebut, Sofie Refer, menghormati kesederhanaan Nordik dan pada saat yang sama bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi kekayaan, kemurahan hati, dan kemewahan alam. Dengan inspirasi inilah merek ini mengembangkan pencahayaan estetika – untuk memperkaya dan melengkapi interior di rumah pribadi serta ruang publik
Ciri Khas Lampu Dinding Jadul
Lampu dinding AJ dirancang pada tahun 1957 sebagai bagian dari konsep desain lengkap Jacobsen untuk SAS Royal Hotel di Kopenhagen. Beberapa karyanya untuk hotel ini telah menjadi ikon desain dan tidak terkecuali lampu dinding AJ. Desain ini adalah contoh bagus bagaimana estetika desain Skandinavia dapat berpadu dengan elemen modern untuk menciptakan karya yang menarik dan tak lekang oleh waktu.
PH Artichoke, atau lebih sering disebut sebagai PH Cone Light, adalah desain klasik dan dianggap sebagai mahakarya. Ini diciptakan oleh Poul Henningsen pada tahun 1958 untuk menciptakan luminer yang benar-benar bebas silau. Henningsen mencapai hal ini dengan menggunakan 72 daun dalam 12 baris unik yang melindungi, mengarahkan, dan memantulkan cahaya.
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Liontin ini tersedia dalam berbagai sentuhan akhir dan ukuran untuk disesuaikan dengan gaya desain interior apa pun. Lapisan akhir tembaga mawar merupakan pelengkap indah untuk interior modern atau transisi, sedangkan baja tahan karat memberikan tampilan yang lebih industrial. Gaya rumah minimalist vintage selalu menjadi idaman oleh banyak orang karena desainnya yang cantik dan tradisional, kamu bisa dapatkan rumah ini hanya melalui situs penjualan properti online rumahdaerah.com.
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justakindreminder · 10 months ago
SEDANG SEDIH? INI DOANYA | Ustadz Muhammad Nuzul Dzikri hafizhahullah
اللَّهُمَّ إنِّيْ عَبْدُكَ اِبْنُ عبدِك ابنُ أمَتِك ناصِيَتِيْ بِيَدِك مَاضٍ فيَّ حُكمُك عَدْلٌ فيَّ قَضَاؤُكَ أَسْأَلُكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَك سَمَّيْتََ بِهِ نَفْسَك أوْ علَّمْتَه أحدًا مِنْ خلقِك أَوْ أَنْزَلْتَهُ فِيْ كِتابِك أَوِ اسْتَأْثَرْتَ بِهِ في عِلْمِ الغَيْبِ عِنْدَكَ أنْ تَجْعَلَ القُرْآنَ رَبِيعَ قَلْبِيْ ونُوْرَ صَدْرِي وجَلاءَ حُزْنِي وذَهَابَ هَمِّي إلاَّ أَذْهَبَ اللهُ هَمَّه وحُزْنَه وأَبْدَلَه مَكَانَه فَرَجًا
Allaahumma innii ‘abduka, wabnu ‘abdika, wabnu amatika, naashiyatii biyadika, maadhin fiyya hukmuka, ‘adlun fiyya qadhaa-uka, as-aluka bikullismin huwa laka, sammaita bihi nafsaka, au ‘allamtahu ahadan min khalqika, au anzaltahu fii kitaabika, awista’tsarta bihi fii ‘ilmil ghoibi ‘indaka, an taj’alal qur-aana rabii’a qalbii, wa nuura shadrii, wa jalaa-a huznii, wa dzahaaba hammii.
Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku adalah hambaMu, anak hambaMu (Adam), dan anak hamba perempuanMu (Hawa), ubun-ubunku berada di tanganMu, hukumMu berlaku terhadap diriku, dan ketetapanMu adil pada diriku. Aku memohon kepadaMu dengan segala Nama yang menjadi milikMu, yang Engkau namai diriMu dengannya, atau yang Engkau turunkan di dalam kitabMu, atau yang Engkau ajarkan kepada seseorang dari makhlukMu, atau yang Engkau rahasiakan dalam ilmu ghaib yang ada di sisiMu, maka aku mohon dengan itu agar Engkau jadikan Al-Qur’an sebagai penyejuk hatiku, cahaya bagi dadaku, pelipur kesedihanku, dan penghilang bagi kesusahanku. (HR. Ahmad 1/391. Menurut pendapat Al-Albani, hadits tersebut adalah sahih).
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pewartanusantara · 1 year ago
Makna Hadits Ibadah adalah Do'a
Makna Hadits Ibadah adalah Do'a
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Setiap perbuatan manusia sejatinya dalam kekuasaan Allah. Makan minum berjalan tidur dan lain sebagainya tidak lepas dari pengetahuan Allah. Maka manusia sudah seharusnya senantiasa mengingatNya. Selain dengan melaksanakan kewajiban-kewajiban yang diperintahkan maupun berupa larangan-larangan semisal salat, maka sudah semestinya manusia tidak lalai untuk senantiasa mengingat dan menyebut Allah (dzikir) dengan berdo’a dan sebisa mungkin tidak lalai atasnya.
Islam adalah ajaran yang lengkap hingga detail. Setiap perbuatan dijelaskan dan diberikan tuntunannya. Maka tidak heran setiap perbuatan manusia sejatinya terdapat do’a, baik ketika memulai atau dalam prosesnya. Sebagai ilmu, pemahaman ini akan memudahkan manusia dalam proses menjalani kehidupannya serta menjadikannya menang dengan meraih keberkahan amal atau perbuatannya melalui do’a-do’a.
Ajaran lengkap, mendasar dan menyeluruh terdapat dalam al-Qur’an serta dilengkapi tuntunan berupa percontohan dari Nabi, yang didapat dari hadits-hadits beliau. Termasuk dalam perbuatan, Rasulullah sebagai penyandang akhlak mulia di muka bumi ini sebagai suri teladan yang baik, mencontohkan bagaimana perbuatan dijalankan adalah mengharap ridlo Allah. Bahkan, usaha mencari rezeki (perniagaan dan perdagangan) adalah termasuk ibadah.
Makan dimulai dengan do’a, “Allahumma baariklanaa fii maa rozaqtanaa, wa qinaa ‘adzaabannaar”, artinya “ya Allah berkahilah milik kami atas apa yang telah Engkau berikan (rezeki), dan jauhkanlah kami dari adzab neraka.” Dalam contoh makan, al-Ghazali menjelaskan bahwa pada suapan pertama makan adalah dengan mengucap “bismillah” (“dengan Nama Allah”), suapan kedua, “bismillahirrohmaan” (“dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih”), serta suapan ketiga adalah, “bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim” (“dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Maha Penyayang”).
Contoh lain dalam berjalan, dalam hal ini berjalan ke masjid, sebagaimana dijelaskan artikel Langkah Penghapus Dosa Mendatangkan Pahala, “Bismillahi tawakkaltu ‘alallah” (“Dengan Nama Allah, aku bertawakkal kepada Allah”) langkah awal selepas keluar rumah mengucap do’a tersebut. Langkah berikutnya merupakan langkah menuju masjid. Nabi Muhammad mengajarkan sebuah doa berangkat ke masjid, setiap langkah diiringi doa berikut:
اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْ فِى قَلْبِى نُورًا وَفِى لِسَانِى نُورًا وَاجْعَلْ فِى سَمْعِى نُورًا وَاجْعَلْ فِى بَصَرِى نُورًا وَاجْعَلْ مِنْ خَلْفِى نُورًا وَمِنْ أَمَامِى نُورًا وَاجْعَلْ مِنْ فَوْقِى نُورًا وَمِنْ تَحْتِى نُورًا. اللَّهُمَّ أَعْطِنِى نُورًا
(“Allahummaj’al fii qalbii nuura wa fii lisaanii nuuraa waj’al fii sam’ii nuuraa waj’al fii basharii nuuraa waj’al min khalfii nuuraa wamin amaamii nuuraa waj’al min fauqii nuuraa wa min tahtii nuuraa. Allahumma a’thinii nuuraa”) Artinya: “Ya allah jadikanlah hatiku bercahaya, lisanku bercahaya, pendengaranku bercahaya, penglihatanku bercahaya. Jadikanlah Ya Allah belakangku bercahaya, depanku bercahaya, atasku bercahaya dan bawahku bercahaya. Ya Allah, berikanlah cahaya untukku.” (HR Bukhari Muslim).
Intinya setiap perbuatan kiranya senantiasa diringi dengan do’a. Mengingat Allah dengan secara spesifik berdo’a sesuai dengan kondisi di mana, kapan dan sedang melakukan apa pun senantiasa dalam kesadaran akan Allah dengan berdo’a kepadaNya. Maka untuk senantiasa menggali ilmu dan mengamalkannya akan membentengi diri secara syar��i, dengan bimbingan Nabi, termasuk dalam menghadapi musuh atau penguasa sekali pun.
New Post has been published on https://www.pewartanusantara.com/makna-hadits-ibadah-adalah-doa/
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formabrutta · 5 years ago
Liila Lamp Design for the Ceiling or the Wall by Sofie Refer for Danish Design Brand Nuura
Liila Lamp Design for the Ceiling or the Wall by Sofie Refer for Danish Design Brand Nuura
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Liila 1 lamp by the Danish design brand Nuura is a versatile luminaire that can be mounted either on the ceiling or wall. Designed by the awarded Danish lighting designer Sofie Refer, Liila lamp paints the wall with atmospheric patterns of light.
The lamp is made of round, mouth-blown glass combined with warm shine of gold-coloured metal. Liila combines minimalist Scandinavian design with a…
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cakesunflower · 6 years ago
I feel like we don’t talk about Luke’s hair when he was growing it out but it wasn’t long enough to tie yet and it just kinda swooped over his forehead uhuhuhuhu sad bitch hours hey summer how you doing girl
omg he looked so hOT with that hair style it really got me going phew i love luke so much
come talk to me about Luke
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hoth-and-cold · 6 years ago
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Took Cyril to the barbers and cleaned him up real good
He strikes me as a bot builder or someone that works with machines/prosthetics
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jacobwren · 6 years ago
Hibo Nuura - Haddii Hoobalkii Gabay (If The Artist Lets You Down)
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lisychai · 1 year ago
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Some studies of Nuura.
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nedgis · 2 years ago
Jeu-concours de l'Avent : découvrez notre deuxième jeu-concours du calendrier de l’Avent, avec Nuura ! 
Jeu-concours de l’Avent : découvrez notre deuxième jeu-concours du calendrier de l’Avent, avec Nuura ! 
Comme nous vous le disions la semaine dernière, nous sommes au coeur de l’Avent 2022….  Et pour fêter cela, nous avons décid�� de vous couvrir de cadeaux cette année !! Nous avons choisi certaines de nos marques et nous avons collaboré avec elles pour vous proposer 3 jeux-concours sur des collections idéales pour Noël. A vous de jouer ! Qui est Nuura ? Nuura est une entreprise danoise de…
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graveyardgardenparty · 7 years ago
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in your darkest hour, in the blackest night, think of me
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nanina · 3 years ago
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Thanks to all CC Creators✨
-Severinka Nova diningroom embroidery in hoop
-Wondymoon Quercus plant @wondymoondesign
-Nordica sims Smart tv standing 01 @nordica-sims
-Simcredible Dual channel table tv stand @simcredibledesigns
-Artvitalex Fordham floor lamp @artvitalex
-Meinkatz Miira 4 Opal chandelier by Nuura @meinkatz
-FelixandrexHarrie Livin' rum bellini loveseat @felixandresims @harrie-cc
-Sunair Lotus
-JB Magnolia
-Meinkatz Hammershoi vase small by Kahler design @meinkatz
-Mxims Industrial coffee table
-Blackmojitos Rug @blackmojitos
-Crea sella chair by [heurrs] @heurrs
-Blueteas Sheer short 2 tiles @blueteas
-Munch wallpaper by Charly Pancakes @charlypancakes
-PS Veix wood floor 11 by Pralinesims @pralinesims
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kakashisdarling · 4 years ago
Breaking point - Kakashi Hatake
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Kakashi x reader (slightly angsty)
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She leaned towards him and gently kissed him. Kakashi pressed his eyelids harshly, he couldnt’t help it but to long for someone else’s lips.
He messed up. Big time. He never felt so lonely and even though he had lost a lot of people, this time it felt different. His eyebrows pinned together as the memories flushed his senses.
“Kakashi, I want something steadier” the kunoichi mumbled softly.
Long had he feared that moment, silence covered the room. It was a rainy morning but his feelings were cloudier than the sky.
“We’ve been together for a while and I-I… I just want to hold your hand inside and outside these four walls, what I mean is-” Kakashi raised his hand, gesturing her to stop.
“I can’t. I never lied to you Y/n, I told you I wasn’t ready” he spitted bitterly as her kind eyes turned sorrowful.
“I’m sorry if I crossed the line, Kakashi” she paused for a moment, carefully choosing her words. “For the sake of my feelings, I think we should stop seeing each other” she spoke softly with a forced smile as she gathered her clothes from the mess on the floor.
He thought it was going to be fine. He thought there was no difference between spending his nights alone or with her. Kakashi wasn’t ready to reach a compromise, the shadows of his past still chased him. He could manage alone, he thought, he always had.
That was the last time he saw her in an intimate manner.
At the beginning it wasn’t so bad, Kakashi had his head all over the place with team 7 and Y/n was avoiding him at all costs. But as weeks and months went by, he couldn’t help it but to feel remorseful. He even started dreaming about her, not only did he long for her body but for the late night chats and the way she danced while cooking breakfast. He missed dearly finding comfort in her arms after a long mission. He missed every second spent by her side. Maybe she was the one who could mend his scars, maybe she was the right one.
Kakashi was beyond wrecked when he heard the rumors. It looked like she had started dating a civilian. And even though he wasn’t the jealous type, he opened his ears every time someone mentioned that man. His name was Yako, he was new in town and he had a young daughter. Kakashi knew Y/n liked children, she once confessed that she considered becoming a teacher at the academy. He felt insecure like never before, which felt so unlike him.
And now there he was, kissing another woman. She asked him out and he said yes thinking it could help him get over his comrade. But it didn’t. He spent the whole evening comparing her to the kunoichi and he felt so annoyed.
“See you around?” the woman asked with a fruity voice.
“Sure,” he waved and tried to smile as his date made her way home.
He figured it was best to take a walk rather than going back to his apartment and his choking emotions. Kakashi really enjoyed taking late walks, it helped him clear his head, it made his feelings and his thoughts feel lighter.
“Daddy, can we get some ramen?” he heard a little voice shouting.
He turned his head to see a tiny girl running to a tall man from the training grounds.
“Your training with Y/n really tires you, doesn’t it?” the brunette man chuckled as he ducked himself to hug the child.
Kakashi felt his blood boiling. That must be Yako, Y/n new boyfriend. They had reached the point of their relationship where she even took care of his daughter’s training.
“She gave her all today, I think she deserves that ramen.” Kakashi froze when he heard a familiar sweet voice.
“All right, Ichiraku it is then. Would you like to come with us, Y/n?”
A nip of jealousy formed in Kakashi’s stomach, guiding him to act in an impulsive way. Part of him wanted to resist the impulse to barge in their conversation but the other part was itching to do something about it.  Either he tried reaching for her again or started forgetting her already, that moment was the breaking point. And before the young kunoichi could reply, Kakashi headed straight to the group.
“Kakashi-senpai,” her voice sounded surprised, her posture stiffened instantly.
“Oh! You must be Kakashi of the Sharingan, it’s such an honor to meet you!” the man cheered while stretching his hand in Kakashi’s direction.
“This is Yako and his daughter Nuura, they own the new bookstore.”
Kakashi gritted his teeth under his mask and nodded politely as he shook the man’s hand. So indeed, he was her boyfriend.
“It’s pretty late, what are you doing here?”
“Nuura is taking the Academy exam next month and Y/n very kindly offered to give her a hand.”
“She is always very kind,” he said more to himself than to the man. Y/n opened her mouth, her confused eyes searching his.
“Well, we were planning to get some ramen, would you like to join us Kakashi-san?”
“In fact,” Y/n interrupted as she composed herself. “I’m meeting my genin team early in the morning, so I should head home.”
“I’ll walk you home, I have some -uh- ninja stuff to discuss,” Kakashi blurted faster than he would’ve liked to. Y/n raised her eyebrow and nodded slowly.
Kakashi expected Yako to say something, he was her boyfriend at the end of the day. Was he simply going to let her walk home with another man?
“Good night, then. See you tomorrow, Y/n.” Yako smiled widely as he took his daughter’s hand and started walking away.
“What was that Kakashi? Why are you even here?” she inquired, a slight hue of annoyance in her voice.
Kakashi didn’t know what to say, why was he there?
“Are you dating him?” he tried to keep an emotionless voice.
“Who? Yako?” Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose, frustrated. “What if I am? It’s none of your business!”
Before he could process his own actions, Kakashi leaned forward and smashed his lips with hers. Y/n wanted to fight the kiss but after a couple seconds she gave in, the kiss felt so consuming. It melted her walls. She had longed for him all those months they spent apart, there was no way of keeping those feelings hidden.
“I’m sorry,” Kakashi mumbled as he pressed his forehead against hers. “I don’t mean to interfere in your relationship but I thought- ”
“Yako and I aren’t together, I’m just helping Nuura. There’s nothing more,” she clarified unsure as to why she did, there was no future between them and she didn’t owe him any explanations.
“That’s… good.” Y/n pinned her eyebrows together, he was a big riddle she couldn’t solve. “I was wrong to think I could simply push you away.” Kakashi sighed heavily, “My past is full of regrets and I always thought I was meant to suffer on my own, but somehow you helped me withstand the uncertainty. You were there for me, you comforted me without judgements. I hope it’s not too late to say this, but I want to be with you. I want to walk by your side and to kiss you goodbye when you leave for a mission. I want to be there for you like you were for me. I w-” his words got lost in his throat as Y/n placed her hands on the corners of his face and pressed a gentle kiss on his warm lips.
“Took you long enough,” she teased, smiling against his lips.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, you just needed time to grasp your feelings.”
Kakashi felt his chest lighter. All his life he had been carrying some heavy baggage and now he found someone who would share the weight with him. He realized he never felt so happy, nor his head had ever been this clear. He knew his life was about to get a little brighter at her side.
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Hey guys! So this was my first time writing angst, bear with me. I also wanted to try a different perspective since I usually use first person. So I hope it’s good enough and more importantly that you liked it.
Also this is the last fic of the 100 celebration, I hope you enjoyed the daily fics. Without further ado, thanks for all your support and thanks for reading! <3
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graveyardsoup · 7 years ago
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