#nutty 🍭
happy-tori-friends · 1 month
Prompt: burying their face into the other's chest/shoulder when they get embarrassed or shy. Free choice! Do whatever you want :>
when r u gonna follow me on this blog (/J - you do not have 2 follow the sideblog if u do not want!!!!)
HAHAHA I FINALLY GET TO DO NUTTY X LIFTY! i posted a confession a lil while ago about a silly probably ooc thing w nutty and giving his s/o candy to taste the sugar on their lips and mentioned maybe i'd do something with it for prompts. guess what time it is.
3 lifty povs in a row? what has the world come to? gasp!!! ...i just like lifty ok. also. hes trans here. still haven't decided bc i have scenarios of them as kids and ive always imagined them as boys there. unless they transitioned really young bc jewel would want them to be happy and shady would be like 'fuck yeah sons!' what do we think chat.
Dating Nutty was… a bit different than Lifty originally expected. Nutty was very affectionate and very shameless, like he'd thought, but he was also a lot more inclined to share his sweets than Lifty originally anticipated. Maybe a bit too eager, because Lifty never went home hungry after spending time with him. Sometimes, he even had to tell him that it was too much.
It wasn't a bad thing - he was underweight to begin with, and his clothes were big on him too. It was just a little… odd, to him. Odd enough that he decided he would ask.
“Nutsy?” Lifty asked quietly - the other had come up with that nickname despite knowing the connotations. “I've got a question for you.” The two were sitting on the lime green haired man's couch, Nutty alternating between giving Lifty a chocolate and eating one himself.
“What's up?” Nutty asked, tilting his head, before kissing him unprompted. His tongue swirled around the shorter's mouth, and when pulled away, he laughed that goofy laugh of his.
Lifty buried his burning red face into the other's shoulder, shuddering slightly. He always kissed with tongue, always swirled it around every inch of his mouth, as if he were tasting it. It wasn't bad - not at all - but even though the other loved kissing, it always caught him off guard.
Taking in a breath, he removed his face from the other's shoulder. “It's just… I dunno… I didn't expect you to share your candy with me at all, but… you're really generous with me.” He let out a nervous chuckle. “Is it just because we're dating or…?”
Nutty paused, putting a chocolate on his own tongue, before kissing him once again, passing it into Lifty's mouth and deepening the kiss. Golden eyes fluttered shut and Lifty moaned slightly when Nutty withdrew his tongue and nibbled on his lip.
“Kinda-Maybe-Sorta? See, I like kissing you,” Nutty hummed, pulling the other onto his lap and squeezing him tight. He had a larger body type, more meat on his bones compared to Lifty, who had started the relationship as underweight and probably was still underweight. “And I like to taste the sugar on your lips and in your mouth. So, if I keep feeding you candy, you taste like sugar and I want to do it more and more! Ahahaha!” There was another bout of his laughter, and he jittered, jostling the smaller male on his lap. It didn't help that Lifty's face was burning again and he was turning to bury his face in his shoulder again.
“Plus, it gives you a little more to love, and you're healthier ‘cause of it,” Nutty wheezed out after his laughing fit. 
Lifty pulled his head up for just a second. “I'm not sure if eating all of this candy and dessert when I'm with you is healthy…” he mumbled, before rehiding his face as Nutty's hands slid under his shirt, groping at everything he could, even unzipping his binder to have access to his chest. Lifty let out a squeak, and then a whine. “What are you doin’?’
“Loving you!” Nutty chirped, kissing his neck as his hands roamed. 
Lifty failed to stifle a moan, breathing in. “Mmn… Too much for now, can you stop? Maybe later.”
“Aww,” Nutty whined, but ceased. He at least respected boundaries when explicitly informed or told to stop.  “Lemme help you with this.”
He sighed softly as the other clumsily zipped the binder back up. ”Thanks, Nutsy…” he murmured, nuzzling his shoulder rather than hiding his face in it. “I love you.”
“Love ya too, Liftsy!” Nutty grinned, shoving a chocolate into his mouth as soon as Lifty looked up, before stealing his lips in another kiss.
Being with Nutty made Lifty's heart race, and the other easily embarrassed him. But it was worth it for such a sugary sweet taste of romance, and one he hoped he'd never stop getting to sample.
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invaderbb · 11 months
💉🩸Blood warning for the final two images.💉🩸
In honor of it being spooky month, I have redrew an oldie but a goodie from 2020.
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As a treat, have my very poor attempt at tweening.
The candy reaper is alive, be afraid.
Bonus, have our lovely reaper after he just finished up with the last person who didn’t hand out candy. (And the 2020 version.)
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(Happy early Halloween peeps, stay safe out there.
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liftys-favorite · 5 months
Hey! Oh gosh, my romantic f/o is Nutty too. He's my fave since I met him, and it was in 2010! I've liked to draw him the most from htf characters haha!
that's so awesome!! i liked him a lot around 2011ish, which was when i got into htf the first time as a kid, but it wasn't until i got back into the show as an adult sometime last year that i started to see him as an f/o :3
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moth-in-a-kasket · 2 years
I'm just sitting at work, zoning out, thinking about him
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ovejarosa003 · 8 months
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🍬El mini Nutty 🍭
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Well, I returned to the fandom!
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puyostim · 17 days
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a remake of my first ever stimboard, a nutty stimboard :D for the fourth squishsquishy bonus day!
🎮 🍭 🎮
🎮 🍭 🎮
🎮 🍭 🎮
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molandynation · 14 days
Mole & Handy, how do you feel about 🍭Nutty?
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H: Hes LITTERALLY eaten walls while I was buillding!! As if it was nothin!!!
M: Too loud. He bumps into me often. he does not care about anyone in this town.
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queam · 1 year
requests sill? nutty pls :)
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Nutty 🍭
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treetownconfessions · 28 days
🍫 HC that in contrast to Sniffles, Nutty is actually really good friends with the Ant Family, because of their own shared interest (sugar) 🍭
Nutty has zero qualms about sharing candy with ants/eating candy they’ve eaten, and grows fond of them as they just kind of follow him around because he’s coated in the stuff.
Because Nutty is absolutely caked in sticky, filthy, sugar gunk and residue, the ants kind of stick to him like glue, being like extra, EXTRA accessories, onto his already sticky candy accessories.
It also means Sniffles has to have him hosed down in the front yard before he comes into the lab everytime. 🐜 🐜 🐜
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happy-tori-friends · 5 months
I've sur'd the names... haha...
Take any and all meanings with a grain of salt. I cannot guarentee how accurate behindthename.com is, especially with any names that were user submitted. This also isn't confirming ethnicities or religions headcanons for any of the characters - all surnames were picked due to their meanings rather than trying to designate things like that. They probably don't even flow together the best. Oh well. These are all subject to change, especially if I find out that any of them have bad connotations that I was unaware of.
I scheduled this post - so hopefully later on I type up the mascot information for Magical Warrior AU, and go and decide on + add character tags at the very least, maybe ship names and tags too... (Also maybe add more tags, like a headcanons one. Who knows what I'll decide on tomorrow, aka today when you are reading this.)
Flippy/Fliqpy Blair - Okay, this one does kind of have a secondary meaning - it sounds like bear. It is of Scottish origin and the listed meaning is 'from any one of several places of this name in Scotland, which derive from Gaelic blàr meaning "plain, field, battlefield".'
Lifty and Shifty Steele - Another double meaning. I wanted a name that meant something along the lines of metal or shadows. I couldn't find anything with gold, silver, or copper that I liked for them, and well... Steele sounds like steal. It is of English origin and the listed meaning is 'Occupational name for a steelworker, from Old English stele meaning "steel".'
Splendid and Splendont Astra - Do aliens have surnames? Regardless, I went with a space / celestial theme. And cheated a little. Astra is on the given name site, but I think it sounds cool and it's my silly little fic so I do what I want. It's listed as a rare name of English origin, with the meaning of 'Means "star", ultimately from Greek ἀστήρ (aster). This name has only been (rarely) used since the 20th century.'
Shiver and Spice Smith - For their civilian surname I went the easy way out and chose Very Common Surname. The most common, according to the website. It is of English origin and the listed meaning is 'Means "metalworker, blacksmith" from Old English smiþ, related to smitan "to smite, to hit". It is the most common surname in most of the English-speaking world. A famous bearer was the Scottish economist Adam Smith (1723-1790).'
Pop and Cub Orsini - I considered just goving them the surname Berenstain because I thought it'd be funny. Then I saw Orsini and remembered I used it as a surname for a bear faunus RWBY OC once. She might've had a brother too, it was a long time ago. It's of Italian origin, and the listed meaning is 'From a nickname meaning "little bear" in Italian, from Latin ursus "bear".'
Cuddles Lachance - I ran out of ideas for meanings at this point. Rabbit's feet are meant to be lucky, right? Not that he gets very lucky considering the universe he lives in. It's of French origin and the listed meaning is 'Means "chance, luck" in French, a nickname for a lucky person.'
Giggles Blythe - Happy surname for her (I also just like the name Blythe, and I need to use it as an OC name one day). It's of English origin and the listed meaning is 'From Old English meaning "happy, joyous, blithe".'
Toothy Tremblay - Toothy, Toothy, Toothy... He was so hard, and for what? I went to the T section and picked from there for alliteration. It's of French origin and the listed meaning is 'From French tremble meaning "aspen". It is especially widespread in Quebec, being the most common surname there.'
Petunia Meadows - This popped into my head immediately when I thought of her. It's of English origin and the listed meaning is 'Referred to one who lived in a meadow, from Old English mædwe.'
Handy Nagel - I learned there is such thing as a nailsmith. Hm. It's of German and Dutch origin and the listed meaning is 'Means "nail" in German and Dutch, an occupational name for a carpenter or nailsmith.'
Beartholomew 'Disco Bear' Ballerini - Beartholomew canon. It's so funny to me. But this is about his last name. It's of Italian origin, and the listed meaning is 'From Italian ballerino meaning "dancer", an occupational name or nickname for someone who liked to dance.'
Flaky Tenley - Technically this probably doesn't mean point in the way I wanted, but oh well. It's of English origin and the listed meaning is 'Possibly from the name of an English town derived from Old English tind "point" and leah "woodland, clearing".'
Nutty Dufour - Another hard one sonce I couldn't find many surnames that meant sugar or sweet. So an occupational name for a baker it was. It is of French origin and the listed meaning is 'Occupational name for a baker, from French four "oven".'
Sniffles Mendel - Surname that belonged to a scientist anyone? It's of German origin and the listed meaning is 'Derived from a diminutive of the given name Meino. A famous bearer was Gregor Mendel (1822-1884), a Czech monk and scientist who did experiments in genetics.'
Lumpy Lennox - Lumpy was another hard one. Alliteration method round 2. It's of Scottish origin and the listed meaning is 'From the name of a district in Scotland, called Leamhnachd in Gaelic, possibly meaning "place of elms".'
Lammy Pecora - Sorry Mr. Pickels. No surname for you. Maybe a little on the nose, but oh well. It's of Italian origin and the meaning is listed as 'Means "sheep" in Italian, an occupational name for a shepherd.'
Russell Seaver - Easy water surname, and another one I used for a RWBY OC, except I use Zale a lot more than the bear girl whose name I've forgotten. It's of English origin, and the listed meaning is 'From the unattested Old English given name Sæfaru, derived from the Old English elements sæ "sea, ocean" and faru "journey".'
Mime Lozano- I might toy with Mime just being a nickname, but for now I'm just too lazy to find a first name. He could have just become a mime to fulfill his destiny after being named that. My family and I once saw a kid named Artistic Talent on a baby names board. This was also a tough one... It's of Spanish origin and the listed meaning is 'Means "healthy, exuberant, lively" in Spanish, originally used as a nickname for an elegant or haughty person.'
Mole Durand - Similar to Mime, 'The Mole' might just be a nickname but I'm too lazy to find a first name. 'What should we name our son?' 'How about The Mole?' 'Honey, you're a genius.' Anyways, last name. It's of French and English origin, and the listed meaning is 'From Old French durant meaning "enduring", ultimately from Latin durans. This was a nickname for a stubborn person.'
Cro-Marmot - He doesn't get one. Sorry Cro-Marmot.
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liftys-favorite · 4 months
🍧🍩 for Nutty! - @lawyer-fatale
it's so fitting that both of those emojis are sugary treats omg
🍧 - which of you is the better chef? what's their favorite thing to make for the other?
this one is tricky because both of us are perfectly Capable of cooking if we were to put our mind to it, but i balk at any dish that involves more steps than boiling water, and he gets distracted too easily to do anything that involves actively attending the stovetop. he can bake, though, as long as he remembers to set the oven timer! we're also both terribly picky eaters, so as far as "favorite thing to cook for the other" goes, we don't have favorites so much as we've got safe foods that seem appealing at the moment
🍩 - what are some irl things that remind you of your f/o?
my bead collection that i use to make kandi bracelets! i'm touch and go with the hobby itself, but he'd wear anything if i made it <3
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He is such a weature. /pos -Mod Nutty
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circus-clownn · 21 days
Sniffles and Nutty child 🍭👓
she already exists and is well 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
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rr-sheep · 11 months
⬇⬇⬇This Candy Crack Head ⬇⬇⬇
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H.T.F (MC.Paint) 🍬🍫 Nutty 🍰🍭
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