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yasinaraphat · 1 year ago
Kachava vs Shakeology – Which is Better For You?
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hunger4fitness · 3 years ago
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✋🏾Why I stopped going to Bolay….⁣ ⁣ At first, I simply loved this place❤️. ⁣ ⁣ Then, I started to wonder🤔. ⁣ ⁣ Is it really “healthy” or is it high calorie and fat “healthy”. ⁣ ⁣ I see so many people get caught in the trap of going to these new fast casual dinging spots…thinking they’re on the fast track to losing weight, lol. ⁣ ⁣ WRONG🚫⁣ ⁣ The word “fresh” doesn’t mean weight loss⁣ The word “organic “ doesn’t mean weight loss⁣ The word “plant based” doesn’t mean weight loss⁣ The word “grass-fed” doesn’t mean weight loss⁣ ⁣ You need to look at the nutrition facts. ⁣ ⁣ And at first, Bolay didn’t provide them. ⁣ ⁣ So, I stopped going😬⁣ ⁣ However, they do now. ⁣ ⁣ And to my surprise..the Brussel Sprouts contained 11 grams of fat alone, which was favorite😬. ⁣ ⁣ Geez, that’s before the 10 grams of fat in the Lemon Chicken. ⁣ ⁣ Add the Jasmine Rice, Power Beans with the Cilantro Pesto…and your bowl has MORE fat than a Big Mac🍔.⁣ ⁣ Still wondering why…I can eat Big Macs and still lose weight? ⁣ ⁣ It’s because I know the numbers better than a Licenses CPA🤪. ⁣ ⁣ However, now that I know the Bolay numbers…I’m back to Bolay❤️.⁣ ⁣ PS> Today’s meal was a tasty 17grams of fat, but whose counting…⁣ ⁣ Wait..I am💪🏾⁣ ⁣ #howtoloseweight⁣ #nutritionreview (at Coral Springs, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZr3SW_LU14/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kramlabs · 4 years ago
A review of 63 papers finds Ketogenic diet effective in the treatment of Parkinson and Alzheimer
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rednube-blog · 7 years ago
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#RevSist #NutritionReviews ILSI para #CienciaEnElParlamento Efecto de las políticas de bienestar escolar y de niños sanos y sin hambre sobre las conductas de consumo de alimentos: evaluación de 10 años - 2006-2016: http://ow.ly/77gv30iof3H
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microwave-fanatic · 2 years ago
i think ive come to like big breakfasts, maybe ill remove lunch and keep dinner?
however, frequent meals are more protein sparing, so maybe ill just replace mittagessen with a protein drink
wait, maybe it wasnt protein sparing, but anabolic? ill have to check
well it doesnt make it worse i guess
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drdairy50 · 4 years ago
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bettyresch38-blog · 5 years ago
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من المنتجات اللي نستخدمها في البيت لتحضير صلصة التوت ... صلصة خفيفة ولذيذة ومكوناتها نظيفة ... لأن التوت غير متوفر دائما في الاسواق ولما يتوفر يكون سعره مبالغ فيه بالنسبة لكميته... اختياري من العضوي لان التوتيات جدا رقيقة لذلك يتم رشها بالمبيدات لحمايتها خلال عملية الزراعه والنقل. مكونات الصلصة 🔻التوت المجمد 🔸عصير الليمون الطازج 🔹سكر غير مكرر كمية كل مكون تحدد حسب الاحتياج وحسب المذاق المفضل نحو الحلو أو الحامض. شاركونا مكونات وطريقة اعداد الصلصة اللي تفضلونها 💜 One of the frozen products that we use at most to prepare raspberry sauce ... Light and delicious sauce with clean ingredients ... Because berries are not always available in the market, and they are usually over priced for their selling quantity ... I choose the organic product because berries are very delicate, farmers use to spray the plants with pesticides to protect them during the fruit cultivation and transportation process. The sauce ingredients 🔻Frozen berries 🔸Fresh lemon juice 🔹Unrefined sugar ( brown sugar) The quantity of each ingredient depends on how much sauce is needed and the preferred taste towards sweet or sour. Share with us the ingredients and preparation of your own sauce 💜 ‎تقييم_ومراجعة_تغذوية# #fatmas_nutrition_evaluation #nutritionreviews #reviwedbyfabbnutrition #reviewwritter #nutritionreviewbyfabbnutrition #approvedbyfabb #تغذية_صحية #صحة_عامة #nutritionfacts #publichealth #publichealthnutrition #البحرين #معلومات_غذائية #البطاقة_الغذائية #تقييم_منتج #تقييم_منتجات #nutritionreviewbyfabb #اختار_صح #publichealthawareness #foodawareness #nutritionfacts #صحتي_في_غذائي #دول_الخليج_العربي #غذاء_صحي #البحرين #الكويت #السعودية #دبي #٢٠٢٠
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yasinaraphat · 1 year ago
Kachava vs Shakeology – Which is Better For You?
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drdunev · 7 years ago
What You May Not Know About That Cough And How to Fix It
Between the smoke from the fires in California, the flu virus that is making the rounds, and the general increase in allergies and asthma, you are probably seeing a lot of coughing. If someone around you is coughing, or you are coughing, it can be annoying. Is it allergies or something contagious? Your doctor may be confused as to the source, but prescribe antibiotics "just to be sure".  Coughing is a natural response to clear the lungs. But it is also painful, irritating and disrupting. It is also a sign that your body and immune system needs help, regardless if the cough is due to smoke, pathogens, or allergies. We think of lungs as a means of getting oxygen, but the lungs do more than that. Oxygen molecules pass from the tiniest branches of the lungs into the blood to get carried to the trillions of cells in the body. The cells give off carbon dioxide as waste, and the blood carries the carbon dioxide back to the lungs so it can be exhaled. Lung tissue and airways become swollen and blocked when we breathe smoke or other tiny particles. That impairs oxygen transfer and causes build-up of carbon dioxide waste. Lung tissue can then become permanently damaged if the particles you breathed are not removed. So, breathing in dirty air is one of the reasons we cough. And the whole body suffers at a cellular level when breathing ability is impaired. Did you know that the lungs would cover the surface of a tennis court if laid out flat? And the average person breathes of 13 pints of air every minute? https://lunginstitute.com/blog/never-knew-breathing-facts/ Using antibiotics for coughs has many liabilities. Viruses don’t respond to antibiotics. Respiratory infections, or sinus infections, may be fungus or candida based. Antibiotics will make these infections worse, and cause a deterioration in health generally. Many pathogenic bugs are now resistant to antibiotics, requiring more and stronger antibiotics. Every time you take a round of antibiotics you are harming your immune system in the long run. Yes, the damage can be undone. But it takes time, dietary changes, and a precise supplement program to really undo the damage. Check your tongue in the mirror. Your tongue can tell us much about your health status. PDFhttps://www.google.com/search?q=what+does+a+healthy+tongue+look+like+in+chinese+medicine&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS779US780&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=_yoabvb5rwi9tM%253A%252CZEFFP11ZMrdPkM%252C_&usg=__jTL3oacMrFvB6FJvjRuJ7bm4ROA%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwinxpDlzeLYAhVH4IMKHd6pDREQ9QEIdDAR#imgrc=DZy-K8UraUse1M:   A coated tongue indicates candida overgrowth, a pale tongue is blood deficiency, and a red-tipped tongue may indicate that your intestinal immune system is weak and your gut flora are not producing B vitamins. We have known since the 1940’s that the antibiotic drugs appeared to destroy the helpful gut bacteria that produce B vitamins. https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article-abstract/1/6/175/1872985?redirectedFrom=   This is not to say that there is never a place for antibiotic use. Antibiotics can save lives and must be used for certain deadly conditions. But even then, there is always the liability that there is collateral damage to the symbiotic gut bugs that populate the human intestinal wall.   The good news is that you don’t have to reach for antibiotics, unless the situation is dire, because there are highly effective solutions that will handle coughs and respiratory problems, and boost your immune system for the long term, making you healthier and more resistant.   Adding strong herbal remedies to your personal pharmacy can knock infections out, whether they are bacteria, viral, or fungus based. And we now know that many critters like to mix with other types of critters. So, an infection may have more than one component. And there is some evidence that bugs can morph to a different type inside the body. This is a principle of natural medicine that dates back to early 20th century. It is largely ignored by the Western Medical Establishment, the same people who brought us antibiotic-resistant Super Bugs, and still prescribe antibiotics without firm evidence of bacterial infection.   Standard Process and MediHerb are becoming leaders in the field of immune building, both for acute and immediate help, and long-term rebuilding of a compromised system. I was recently fighting off a flu, using my old stand-by Congaplex, augmented by Thymex and Calcium Lactate. I was not quite rising above it, so I added in Andographis from MediHerb, and in one day was beating it. MediHerb has recently released some other herbal preparations that can be used to wake a sluggish immune system and make it snap/pop to address virus, bacteria, parasitic and or fungal or mold organisms. The secret is to stay on the remedies long enough to reset the whole system. Add healthy nutrition, and you may find yourself stronger than you have been in years.   And since we now know that gut flora has some communication and feedback to the neuro-endocrine system (where the nervous system and hormonal system connect in the brain) more energy, mental clarity, and general feeling of well-being may result. Some of your daily struggles may be a result of your body being burdened with hidden infection.   This is cutting-edge science. Check out what the International Life Sciences Institute is discussing at their upcoming seminar on Nutrition and the Ageing Brain in Madrid, Spain, “Microbiome (gut flora/bacteria) and Immune Status: Impact on Brain Function.” http://ilsi.eu/event/3rd-workshop-on-nutrition-for-the-ageing-brain/ It takes about ten years for research to be recognized and implemented in doctors’ offices. So, you are ahead of your doctor on this subject.   If you are suffering from any non-optimum body conditions, consider that your immune system may need a reboot. Even weight and metabolism can be affected by infections and impaired gut flora. Bloating and constipation are common signs, but there are many others that you may not recognize, such as chronic sinus congestion, skin problems, irritability, fatigue, and coughing. Contact me and I can help get you on the right program. With the increase in types of immune challenges we face today, a strong immune system can save you from years of suffering and inferior health. The right supplements that are real medicine for the immune system can turn your health around.  
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bobnorthway · 7 years ago
Critical review of the emerging research evidence on agricultural biodiversity, diet diversity, and nutritional status in low- and middle-income countries | Nutrition Reviews | Oxford Academic
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drdairy50 · 5 years ago
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drdairy50 · 6 years ago
Association between dairy intake and the risk of contracting type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis with subgroup analysis of men versus women https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article-abstract/77/6/417/5480549#.XMyRVNcIMa4.twitter
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