#nursery dreamcatcher
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annabijouterie · 1 year ago
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pacificartstore · 1 year ago
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kieuhandmade · 1 year ago
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Rainbow Heartshape Baby Mobile, Nursery Mobile, Cot Mobile, Wood Bead Mobile, Crib Mobile, Custom Made Mobile, Macrame Mobile, Baby Shower
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nebulablakemurphy · 10 months ago
Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Part 13)
Summary: Jacob Black, alpha of his pack, would never fall in love with a bloodsucker, much less imprint on one. The problem is that Y/N Swan was human…until she wasn’t anymore.
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Jacob is out the door of Billy’s without a word. Preparing to run, as fast and far as his legs will carry him.
“Jacob,” Y/N trails after him.
“Go back inside, honey.”
“Please,” Y/N tries again, “don’t go.”
Jacob sighs, his feet firmly planted by the imprint and her hold on him.
Y/N closes the distance between them. Content in the safety of his arms, his warmth. “I’m sorry. I need you.”
He rests his heated cheek atop her head. “I’m here.” The wolf inside of him begs to be released. It feels wrong to stand on two legs when he wants to run.
“I can talk to Carlisle, see what he can do if you don’t want to…” Y/N forces the words past her lips, “do this right now.”
Jacob shutters, fighting the intense urge to phase. “No.”
“Then what do you want?”
“We are going to talk to Carlisle and figure out how to make this safe for you and our baby.” Jacob murmurs, “we’re gonna read baby books and choose a name. Set up a nursery and hang your dreamcatcher over the crib. This is ours, Y/N. Our kid, our family. The rest of it doesn’t matter.”
Y/N nods against his shoulder.
Jacob slips a hand between them, resting on her lower belly, feeling the slight warmth of the life growing within.
“I like Jacob.”
“I would hope so, it’s a little late to change your mind.”
“I mean as a name.” Y/N smiles, “I like Jacob.”
He doesn’t feel like the type of person they should name their kid after. “I like Y/N.”
She huffs a laugh. “We should keep looking for baby names.”
“Whatever you want.” Jacob presses his lips to her hair.
Y/N and Jacob arrive at the Cullen’s door, to find them standing watch with worried faces. It’s late, Renesmee must be asleep, Edward and Bella must be in their cottage.
Jasper is there, he can feel the worry and despair and betrayal.
No one’s seen them in weeks, only catching up via call and text. It reminds Jacob of the night Y/N was bitten.
The door swings open and Carlisle doesn’t need to read minds to know what’s happening. Jacob is wearing the same expression as Edward returning from his honeymoon.
Esme makes her way to the entrance beside her husband, “what’s happened?”
“You said we were a family.” Y/N murmurs, unable to meet her eyes.
“We are.” Carlisle offers a gentle smile.
“We need our family.”
“Oh sweetheart,” Esme is beside Y/N in an instant, wrapping her up in a hug. “Come in.”
Y/N holds her, tightly. It feels good to hug someone besides Jacob, without the fear of hurting them.
Jasper inches closer as Y/N’s shoulders begin to shake, she doesn’t need tears to convey her devastation, it is palpable. He tries to soothe her, but there is so much pain. Centuries worth she couldn’t have acquired in only eighteen years.
She cries for Renee and the relationship they might have had. She cries for Jacob’s mother who lost her life too soon. She cries for Charlie and all the ways she has betrayed his trust. She cries for Billy and Sam and the pack. All the lives she’s lived and forgotten. It cuts deep like a knife and doesn’t stop twisting.
Emmett stands guard over her, watching as Alice and even Rosalie begin trying to comfort her.
“It’s going to be alright now, you have us.”
Carlisle stays back with Jacob, putting a hand to his shoulder. “Come on, son. She is well tended; we have much to discuss.”
Jacob scratches the back of his neck, “yeah, I guess we do.”
Carlisle closes the door of his office behind Jacob. “Have a seat.”
“Thanks.” Jacob sits in the pristine white chair.
“The ability to create life with the one you love is not something all vampires or even humans possess.”
“Yeah I’m…we didn’t know if it would be possible.”
“I assume you want children.”
Jacob shifts uncomfortably, “we do.”
“Yet you both seem upset by the prospect.” Carlisle wants to understand.
“It was a wolf thing,” Jacob clears his throat. “We weren’t planning to start a family just yet, but it happened and we’re grateful. My only concern is making sure Y/N and our baby are safe until delivery.”
“You must realize this is unprecedented, even in our family. We have no way of knowing how the child will grow or for how long. Y/N will not be able to labor, that’s not the way our bodies work.” Carlisle explains. “We can design a birth plan, but as you saw with Bella, it is subject to change.”
“So how do you think…the baby will be able to-” get out.
“I say we try a vaginal delivery, puncturing through the cervix to the uterus.”
That sounds terrible. “Is that our only option?”
“It will cause the least amount of damage to Y/N’s body. Going through the abdomen is several additional layers-”
“We can fix it, right?” Like when Victoria tore off her arm.
“Of course.” Carlisle assures him. “Then, unless you plan on blessing us with a gaggle of grandchildren, I would advise you to start implementing safe sex practices.”
Jacob blanches. He didn’t say grand puppies or a litter. Carlisle Cullen referred to their child and any future children as his grandchildren. “I mean, I’d like a gaggle but it depends on Y/N. I want her to be happy and safe more than I want kids.”
Carlisle’s expression softens, “you’re a good man, Jacob. Your love for her is unconditional and we are proud to have the both of you in our lives. Truly.”
“Thank you,” Jacob mutters. “Never thought I’d be here of my own free will, but for a bunch of blood suckers, you’re not all that bad. Although Blondie did feed me a hot dog out of a dog bowl last week.”
“Progress.” Carlisle pats the younger man’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s go join the others. It seems we have a guest.”
The guest in question is Paul Lahote. Standing a little too close to Y/N for Jacob’s liking.
“What are you doing here, Paul?” Jacob asks.
“I’m here to see my friend.”
“Here I am.” Jacob stocks up to him.
“Not you,” Paul scoffs, “Y/N.”
“Everything is fine, Paul.” Y/N tells him, crossing both arms over her chest.
“Now you’ve seen her,” Jacob steps in front of Y/N. He hates when he gets like this, lost in rage and possessive. He wants to rip Paul to shreds for even looking at Y/N. He hates it. He exhales harshly through his nose. Staving off the urge.
“Sam said you were upset,” Paul realizes that’s an understatement. “I wanted to check on you. You’re not alone in this. You have us.”
They have the Cullens and the pack…
Surprisingly enough, Charlie is overjoyed at the news. “Well, we have to leave Bella’s old room for Renesmee. I’ll clear out the office. I’m sure we can fit a crib in there.”
Y/N smiles. “I’m sure we can.”
“Do we know uh- boy or girl?” Charlie asks.
“It’s a surprise.” Jacob tells him.
“I’m thinking yellow for the walls then.”
“Sure,” Y/N agrees. Their child will have four rooms. One here, one at Billy’s, the Cullen’s and the Denali house that Carlisle has given them full rights to.
“You’re not gonna be picky about this, are ya?” Charlie narrows his eyes at Y/N.
She shakes her head. “I’m really glad you’re so into this.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know.”
The nursery at Charlie’s place becomes their new project, a way to spend time together like they used to.
“Alright,” Charlie says, pulling out his camera. He never questions why the months have passed and Y/N’s belly hasn’t grown. He learned to stop asking with Renesmee, there are some things he doesn’t need to know. “Let’s take a picture of mom and dad.”
Mom and Dad.
Jacob wipes his paint stained hands down the front of his shorts, wrapping his arms around Y/N, with her hair tossed up on a messy bun. Streaks of yellow paint smeared across her skin.
The picture makes it into the baby book Jacob is hand crafting for their bundle of joy. Along with the monthly snapshots of Y/N’s pregnancy where no progress can be seen. “We can add their foot prints too.”
Y/N runs her finger along the edges, resting a hand on her unchanged belly. Feeling the child stir. “I found a name I like…”
Jacob grins, resting his hand over hers. “Tell me.”
“Rowan.” Y/N searches his eyes.
“I like Rowan.” Jake nods, “there’s a name I like too, but it’s…different.”
“I wanna hear it,” Y/N insists.
“The pack’s been giving me a hard time about it.” Jacob sinks his teeth into his bottom lip.
“Can’t be that bad.”
“It’s Indigo.”
“Indigo.” Y/N tries it on for size. “They’re not big fans? I think it’s cool, we could call her Indy.”
“They think the name is fine.” Jacob lifts a shoulder, “it’s the why they’re making fun of me for.”
“Your eyes,” Jacob admits, he’s down bad.
“You know,” Y/N leans forward, “sometimes I feel ridiculous for being so obsessed with you. Then you say stuff like that.”
Jacob huffs a laugh.
“And I feel alot less stupid about it.”
Chapter 14
Series Taglist: @vxidnik @remembered-license @itscheybaby @cole22ann @the-tryhard-twihard @zheezs14 @adaydreamaway08 @xcastawayherosx @moneteguiza @stinkii-boii @theatrechic26 @sylum @irrelevant-86
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suckitsurveys · 5 months ago
Who do you know who makes the best French toast? My dad. What was the last thing you ate that had cheese on it? I had cheese fries the other day. What is your favorite pizza parlor? Lou Malnati’s.
Name three things you like about winter. The holidays. That’s it.
Is winter your favorite season? Nope. Do you know anyone who’s favorite season is winter, and if yes, who? The person who took this before me apparently. What is the most frustrating thing that’s happened to you recently? Sigh.
Are you happy today? No. Who is someone you’ve been enjoying watching on YouTube recently? I haven’t watched YouTube in a while. What’s your favorite song at the moment? Chinatown by Bleachers (ft Bruce Springsteen). Are your hands dry right now? Yeah. Do you own pajamas with llamas on them? No. Would you ever wear hot pink cat-eye glasses? I had light pink ones up until recently. What is something you’ve been undecided about recently, if anything? I don’t know. How often do you use the toaster? Almost every day at work to make a small breakfast; either english muffins with pb, bagels, or what I made today: avocado toast. Have you ever made a dreamcatcher? Yeah. If applicable, what color boombox did you have as a kid? A black one. Would you rather dress up as a zombie or a unicorn for Halloween? Zombie. Who was the last of your friends to have a baby? Someone on facebook. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve heard lately? That the fucking hawk tuah girl has a podcast now. Can you see snow out your window right now? I must of snagged a buncha surveys from winter because the last like 4 I did have mentioned snow. Anyway, no, it’s September. What are three of your favorite things to do when it snows? Snuggle up with a hot coco or sometimes I’ll play in it with my nieces. Have you ever contemplated shaving your head, and if so, why? Yeah I have a love hate relationship with my hair. It’s so long and scraggly right now. What types of cancer are in your family? Probably all of them I’m doomed. What color socks are you wearing? They’re tan.
Which cartoon character looks the most like you? Lumpy Space Princess from Adventuretime. Which family member did you get your height from? My mom. Do you believe in the supernatural? Eh. What color looks the worst on you? I don’t know. What year were you born? 1989. Do you own a pair of plaid pants? Yeah. Which TV channel did you watch the most as a kid? Nickelodeon. Who is your favorite cousin? I don’t have a favorite but I have ones I am closer to. Do you prefer black tea, herbal tea, or green tea? Green. What do you think of hypnosis? Do you believe in it? Eh. What’s your favorite fast food restaurant? Popeyes. What would a Lisa Frank version of you look like? I don’t know. Rainbowy and shit If you had to choose a country to live in besides your own, which country would you choose? Maybe Canada. What’s the most dangerous thing that’s happened to you recently? Nothing really. What color ink did the last pen you wrote with have? Black. Have you ever had a friend with the same name as you? Not a close friend. Do you think you look better with long hair or short hair? Either. What are three things you are thankful for? My husband, my kitties, my nieces. What did the last mask you wore look like? It was a plain blue medical mask. Did you wear a mask today? No. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? No. Do you ever find youtube’s video recommendations annoying? No. Which did you have first: Myspace or Facebook? Myspace. What color was your nursery when you were a baby? I slept in my parents room until I was about 2. Do you prefer canoeing or kayaking? I don’t do either one. When was the last time you went kayaking? Never. Do you have anyone you can trust? Yes. What color is/was the last carpet you sat on? Tan. Do you have a rug in your room? No, we have wall to wall carpet. What was the name of the first college dorm you lived in? I never lived in a dorm.
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kimludcom · 2 years ago
SPECIFICATIONSnordic decoration kids room: dream catcherkids room decoration nordic: nursery decorkids room decoration: girls roomgirls room decor: dreamcatcherdream catchers hanging: nordic decoration homedream catcher: nordic decorationdecoration nordic: room decorationdecoration kids room: dream catcher diychildren
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lunarmacramestore · 11 months ago
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ask-dante · 1 year ago
A soft sound comes from the other room, it’s was a sorrowful humming and sniffs, like the person was silently crying. When Dante steps out his room to look at the door next to his room. There was a old sign by one would guess was made by a much younger Eden by how colorful and childish it was. “Eden’s room, no Miciels!!” Was written, a badly spelled “Michael” along with a drawings of a rainbow, lighting and unicorns in a flower field all in color crayons.
The door to the bedroom was cracked.
Inside the large room was a blueish purple that farther up the wall it turned blueish black like a midnight sky with the ceiling painted with gold stars and a sun painted around the stain glass lamp in the ceiling. The room had a sense of a nursery that developed into a young woman’s room over time yet it was made for comfort and sense of safety. For someone important.
In the middle of the room was a large bed, a bed that a princess would have with the white curtains around it and hanging ornaments of stars, dreamcatcher and etc and sitting in the middle of the bed was Eden sitting on it. Her head on her kneels yet her ponytail had become undone and was covering her face. Crying silently.
Dante freezes for a moment. The sound of anyone crying is something he detests. Not because he doesn't have a heart, but precisely because he has too much of a heart. He feels people's emotions a little too much sometimes. It becomes so hard on his heart. He slowly approaches Eden, a little worried about startling the poor girl. With a goofy grin on his face, he kneels beside the bed.
"Cute room," he comments. "Very fitting for someone like you." He's worried he's not doing well in terms of trying to cheer her up, but he knows he has to tread lightly.
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hevansblog · 1 year ago
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This is a four-generational dreamcatcher. When I call it that, it is because it made out of objects throughout 4 generations in my family, made by my mother, for me to put in my daughters room. The doily was my great grandmothers, and the pins and some charms were my grandmothers. My moms ribbons and flowers, and some charms and feathers were mine. This was gifted to my daughter for her dreamcatcher themed nursery. It is believed that dream catchers catch the bad dreams that sneak in at night, and only let the good dreams through. I think this piece of artwork is beautiful, not only to the eye, but in the meaning of it as well. For me and my family, this is priceless.
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annabijouterie · 11 months ago
Ловец снов для девочки. Детский ловец снов. Сине-серый ловец снов. Цветы Ловцы снов. Цветы Ловец снов Галактика Настенная подвеска
Посмотрите мою находку на Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1514052386/dream-catcher-for-girl-nursery?ref=share_v4_lx
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carriagehousedreams-blog · 6 years ago
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One of my favorite spring Dreamcatchers! #Boho #Dreamcatcher #BohoChic #DreamcatcherGift #FreeShipping #homedecor #blue #nursery #green #birthday #largeboho #gypsydreamcatcher #BridesmaidGift #Summer #SpringDecor #HeartDreamcatcher #Feathers #etsy https://etsy.me/2LV4id8 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxruo8rhKmF/?igshid=1rwu2e2xp1udj
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bohodreamsboutiquemw · 2 years ago
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lagodossonhos1 · 7 years ago
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Dreamer Quote Wall Art Print #outfy @outfyinc #quote #quotesofinstagram #art #love #dream #dreamer #work #design #home #flowers #piece #artwork #digitalart #artgallery #artists #wallart #decor #prints #today #success #store gifts #brands #friends #shop #giftguide #gift #nature #summer #adventures #handmade #nursery #wall #nurserydecor #butterflies #dreamcatcher
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the-stray-storyteller · 3 years ago
Writeblr Intro
Okay! Hi....Call me Stray and this isn't working for me so...Give me a sec I will try this one more time.
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(yup just shout randomly...that works great..just great)
Stray Storyteller over here. Nice to meet you even if I don't know you (if you are an assassin, I need information about weapons and the best way to kill a person)
Was that start too cheesy? Maybe it was. IGNORE IT. (I am not good at this sort of intros)
*whispers* still learning
Discord Server For Teen Writers
Projects (with links ofc):
1. Defenders 2.Havenpoint 3. Stolen By Silence 4. Orphic Academy 5. Games of the Astute 6. Little bit of nonsense 7. Rebel (you wont be seeing more that small snippets of this WIP since I want to publish this) 8. The Playground (on the way) 9. And other random bits of writing Note: The tags are the name of the WIP.
Random Stuff About Me:
1. She/her 2. Bisexual mess 3. If you wanna talk to me, you will have to be the first one to reach out. I am too afraid of embarrassing myself most of the time but I have been trying to throw myself out lately. 4. Libra 5. Open to all tag games, asks, worldbuilding Wednesdays, blorbo blursday, storytelling Saturday, and tiny scene sunday. 6. Can't write a romance story even if my life depended on it 7. Exactly ten google docs with WIPs and one of them is for half formed WIPs. That singular one itself has 7 WIPs 8. Looking for dystopian, sci-fi, fantasy, ten year old assassins, school with creepy monsters, a cursed magical playground world? You have come to the right place my beautiful friend! 9. Too many ideas 10. Daydreamer 11. Trying to be adventurous in an adventureless world. 12. Um... cat gifs? 13. Poisons and weapons 14. Dreamcatchers? Gib them to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee (Gib the swords too) 15. bleh bleh blah (Dracula style) 16. Formulated exactly 7 different ways to assassinate my chemistry teacher and coming up with more 17. Obsession with nursery rhymes with a dark background or creepy meaning 18. Older sibling by six years. 19. I repeat myself a lot. 20. Overly honest...maybe a little too much. 21. Have you ever killed someone? 22. I draw...sometimes.
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vbdecor-blog · 5 years ago
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ivieandlettythings-blog · 7 years ago
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Woodlands dream catcher is full of gorgeous neutral tones. Perfect for nurseries, newborn gifts or bedroom decor. 🌲✨Don’t forget free shipping using the code XMASWISH🌲✨ . . Follow the link to purchase or pm for details. . . #nurserydecor #nurseryinspo #neutral #woodland #nursery #newborn #newborngifts #bedroom #gift #giftguide #giftideas #freeshipping #christmasday #christmas #presents #etsy #etsyshop #etsyseller #etsylove #etsyfeature #etsygifts #etsysale #dreamcatcher #dreamcatchers #dreamcatchersforsale (at Ivie & letty)
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