maidenfall · 5 years
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wiggles their eyebrow @ them.
@nupnk u know who this is for
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aspxctu · 5 years
nupnk replied to your post: ARE YOU BABEY? tagged by: I stole it from everyone...
makoto is The babey . definitive babey . this is blasphemy .
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this is like the definitive babey™ haircut .
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yo-yagami · 5 years
Closed starter for @nupnk​ 
Yagami considered Genda Law Office to be one of his homes. It was one of the places he actually felt accepted and safe in when he came to Kamurocho. It was a place that he could go to just to talk with Genda-sensei about whatever was troubling him, or Shintani whenever he wanted to mess with someone other than Kaito-san. Now Hoshino was part of the group, and Yagami couldn’t help but feel slightly awkward when he was around him, just because it seemed like Hoshino looked up to him like some sort of role model.
But the one person that always remained a mystery, was Saori-san. He knew from Mafuyu that she and Saori were good friends back when they were younger, and still were to this day. He remembered them talking and most likely gossiping about who knows what when he was still just starting out at the law office. Yagami always wondered if he was ever brought up in their conversations.
Stepping in the elevator, he looked down at the bag of “exclusive” sweets that he managed to snag for Saori. I hope Tsukomo was right about these things, they were a pain to get. Yagami sighed, gripping the bag’s handle tighter. Maybe this was finally the gift that would get Saori to open up more to him. He always felt like they had some sort of sibling bond, even if they weren’t blood related. He had always wanted a sibling when he was younger. Probably would have made everything that happened at least a little bit easier, Yagami thought with a scowl.
The elevator made its usual ping when opening, alerting Yagami he was there. He took in a breath and stepped out, opening the door to the office and immediately spotting Saori in her usual spot at her desk. She had her usual stoic expression as she typed away on her laptop, most likely writing emails or another case file for Genda-sensei. He looked around the office and was surprised to see neither Hoshino or Genda-sensei around. On break maybe? Either way, it was the perfect opportunity for Yagami to slide the sweets to Saori.
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❝ Yo, Saori-san. I got you something, ❞ he placed the bag down next to her on top of her desk. ❝ Limited edition sweets, best in town. ❞
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judiicium · 5 years
@nupnk || for mia !!
It was a boring day at the Wright and Co. Law Offices. There hadn’t been any cases recently, so every day consisted of just office upkeep. While that was all well and good, it certainly wasn’t enough to keep someone like Maya entertained.
But luckily, when boredom struck, she had one plan that never failed. Taking out her phone and punching in a number she knew all too well, the young spirit medium waited for the person on the other end to pick up.
And once they did, she didn’t even offer them time to say hello before she launched into her speech.
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“Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis...” Came an (admittedly somewhat whiny) voice into Mia Fey’s phone.
“I’m stuck at the office, and I’m bored! Nick left to go do something with Pearly, and now I’m all alone in here! If I have to count the number of leaves Charley has one more time, I think I’m gonna lose it.” Yes, she was that desperate for entertainment.
“Can you swing by the office when you’re not busy? I don’t care what we do, I just wanna go do something with you. Because otherwise, I’ll probably end up snipping Charley’s leaves off.”
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bllybutcher · 5 years
STARTER CALL !   ***   @nupnk​​
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                                               ❛      WELL        ‘ello      GORGEOUS     ;      don’t you look  . . . like fuckin’ SHIT.  If you’re gonna die , DIE with meanin’ . What d’say we get some      CUNTS     that fucked the wrong end of th’stick   , YEAH    ?   I got SUPES tha’ need t’be     TRACKED . Since you’re here WALLOWING in y’own PISS     ;      how about helpin’ out an old mate  ?   ❜    
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veiliisms · 5 years
*RENJI & YUKI / @nupnk -
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“i hope you don’t find me to be too awkward. my job tends to involve talking to others, but. not in such a friendly manner,” he jokes, taking a small drink with a gloved hand. “how long have you worked here? i bet you have stories every week to tell here.”
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yourevcryman · 5 years
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               ❝ well... i knew the day would come when you beat me to the office was bound to happen eventually. ❞ with a half-cocked grin, he heads to his desk, setting down the coffee he’d picked up on the way over. ❝ what has you so eager to get to work today ? something i don’t know about ? ❞
// @nupnk​ ( mia ) 
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kansaidragon-blog · 5 years
“… Listen, just pick that up and shut up.” / from sayama ! >:3c
RYUJI held in a sigh. This little... brat sometimes. He looked at the snacks on the top shelf of his pantry. He felt an angry tick form at his brow. She barges into my place like she owns it and then expects me to get her my stuff?! This little...!
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❝ Hah? You come in here like you own the place, and now you want me to give you my food?! ❞ he exclaimed, gesturing at the sweets he’d been saving for later. ❝ This is my shit, go get yer own. ❞
He knew he was being a bit of a child, but he was technically the older sibling and it was his home, so he had the final say.
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ratboydefalt-blog · 5 years
[wrench vc] oh SHIT . a RAT .
❝ Oh SHIT– ❞ he paused for dramatic effect,  ❝ a fucking nuisance. ❞
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maidenfall · 5 years
gay tag drop !
eristice. ❄️ your love’s so cold i see my breath.
nowdefy. 🌨 there is a halo in your mouth‚ and i like how it burns.
rebellas. 🌙 don't stop if i fall‚ and don't look back.
ryoshan. ☂️ the sheets clean me off — i'm so dirty‚ babe.
ryoshan. ‎️‍🌈 am i good enough for you to love me too?
washuntress. 🌿 if you’re gonna make it hurt‚ show me no mercy.
necrogal. 💀 darling‚ don’t be so shy‚ i’ll see you at midnight.
nupnk. 🕷 you got me hanging from the ceiling.
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yo-yagami · 5 years
Tag Dump
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meretricious-knave · 5 years
repost , do not reblog !  bold what consistently applies .   italicize situational , not always .  bold , a priority while fighting . tagging: @yo-yagami @yz1drful @snackingart @dojiryu @garrotejima @hananoken @kirinuku @criminaldelights @biohnic @nupnk (Only if you guys want to/haven't done it!) tagged by: @egocentricjester​ (Thank you so much! This was really fun!)
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DOES YOUR MUSE , WHILE FIGHTING ( not sparring ) …
fight honourably  / fight dirty  /  prefer close-quarters / prefer range  / chat during / go silent /  low pain tolerance  / high pain tolerance  /  attack in bursts /  attack steadily  / go for the kill /  aim to disarm  / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike  / strike first / provoked easily  / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking  / use strategy / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle  / rush in recklessly  / try to read their opponent before fighting /  fight wildly / fight calmly apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement /  fight because they have to  /  fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded /  hide wounds  /  take a blow to protect another  /  prefer a blade /  prefer a gun  /  prefer a bow  /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a spear naginata  / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells / prefer brawling  /  their greatest weakness is physical  / their greatest weakness is mental /   their greatest weakness is emotional  /  transform for battle  / fight as they appear /  rely on strength  /  rely on speed  / use everything they have  / hide their full potential  /  exhaust quickly  /  high stamina  /  doubt their strength  / proceed with caution  / behave arrogantly /  brag after landing a hit  /  belittle their abilities  / use psychological tactics /  use brute strength  /  avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians  / damage surroundings  /  avoid damaging surroundings  / signature fighting style  /  making it up as they go /  mastered skillset /  learning their skillset  / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork  /  messy fighter  / elegant fighter /  accept defeat  / refuse defeat /  beg for mercy /  compliment their opponent  / insult their opponent /  use unnecessary movements  /  move efficiently / barely move  /  prefer to dodge /  prefer to block  /  defend their blindside  /  has no blindside / use all available advantages /  strictly use one main method  /  play around /  hold back  / fight ruthlessly /  show mercy  /  wait for opponent to be ready  / strike when opponent isn’t ready /  fear death  /  fear pain  /  fear killing  /  has PTSD /  avoid fighting  / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed /  refuses to kill  /  want to die standing  /  would succumb slowly .
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keptsake · 5 years
* FACE CLAIM :   none . * NAME :  katara . * AGE :   14 . * HEIGHT :   160 cm  /  5′4″ . * SPECIES :   human  waterbender . * GENDER :   female . * NATIONALITY :   southern  water tribe . * BIRTHDAY :   july  9th . * SUN SIGN :   cancer . * RESIDENCE :   southern  water  tribe  /  traveling . * MARITAL STATUS :   single . * ALIGNMENT :   rebel  good  /  between  neutral  and  chaotic  good . * DRINK :   water  /  hot  milk . * FOOD :   two-headed  fish  soup . * DAY OR NIGHT :   night . * SNACKS :   kale  cookies . * PET :   n/a . * COLOUR :   blue  /  white  /  grey . * FLOWER :   hellebore . * SEXUALITY :   bisexual . * BODY TYPE :   lean  /  athletic . * EYE COLOR :   dark  brown . * HAIR COLOR :   dark brown .
TAGGED BY:  @bendsair tysm angel ......... TAGGING:  @ignte , @chaerubs  /  ty  lee  ! , @overoaks  /  sanji  ! ,  @nupnk  /  adrian  &  @nufnk  /  reinhardt  !
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jigento · 5 years
13-15 !
another rp auestions for the mun || accepting ( at least i think these are the ones you were asking for... i don’t know and i’m losing my mind ) 
13. what drew you to the muse your rping as right now ?
for kuwabara, a friend showed him to me while they were really into y.yh and i fell in love instantly so i started writing him for them and i never stopped. for hatsuharu, i roleplayed him with a friend when i was in 7th grade and she first introduced me to the series. that was.... almost 10 years ago. i’ve since written him on facebook and on tumblr through two different blogs. for kaito, i went into playing judgement hoping that there would be a character that would finally let me interact with yakuza muses and kaito pretty much checks off all the boxes for what makes a character i can build on, that’s lovable, and that can mash well with yakuza muses. 
14. are there other characters you drew inspo. from for your muse ?
for kuwabara, kotaki kakeru from b.lazing transfer students ( because that’s his fc ) for hatsuharu, i really don’t think there are any... i’ve had years to figure him outfor kaito, truthfully, kuwabara in a sense, but an older and more mature ( if you can even say that ) person
15. what type of music do you listen to ? 
sea shanties/sailor songs, 80′s japanese city pop, pirate/fantasy metal, and those lo-fi japanese beats with traditional instruments ? yeeeeah, that’s the good stuff. 
answered for: @nupnk
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kansaidragon-blog · 5 years
tag for an annoying amazing lil sibling.
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ratboydefalt-blog · 5 years
what if i were to ... rearrange all the keys on your keyboard ... so they were out of order .... hehe just kidding ................... unless .................................?
Just the thought of something like that happening was enough for his eyes to start rolling to the back of his head in annoyance.
❝ Just the fact that you have the idea planted in your brain, is enough for me to get pissed. ❞
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