#feat. Answered
andresylupin · 3 months
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Mushishi week 2024 - Day two : favourite side character -> Adashino
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canisalbus · 1 year
Hi. I love Machete. He's so pathetic wet cat but he's a dog. The gayest dog on this site I've yet seen. I love him. I want to give him ear scratches and kiss his little nose. Please tell him he is a treasure.
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rocketbirdie · 10 months
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waiting for someone...
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namchyoon · 1 year
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jjajangmyeonluvr123 is back 😭
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wishing-stones · 1 year
Ok, so after thinking long and hard about it… this is how I think uno would go in your fic.
Killer got stacked on so hard that he has at least 15 cards and in return threatened axe and ren with a knife.
Axe and ren teamed up to make sure that happened.
Dust is the first one to pull out a weapon.
Cross keeps getting perilously close to winning only for baggs to hit him with a +4. He has almost won at least 3 times.
Baggs attempts to win and also gets close but xchara has it out for him after baggs gave two +4s to him at once.
Xchara is only here to get even with baggs after that stunt.
Nightmare and dream are trying to get eachother to have at least 10 cards at any given time until dream launches himself at nightmare and they start wrestling.
Ink is sowing seeds of doubt in any alliance and teasing anyone who seems particularly upset at that moment to get them to make a mistake he can capitalize on.
Blue is not paid enough to be here
This scans, honestly. All of it.
Uno is summarily banned from the castle. Everyone gets to air their grievances outside on the pitch.
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pocketgalaxies · 7 months
I feel like the breakneck pacing and more of a plot focus is a very intentional choice to separate this campaign from others (which I respect), especially because I feel like matt has been doing that slithers in the latest eps thing of interrupting conversations with a new problem more frequently in c3 (or maybe I'm just noticing it more?); and the thing is, I do think these things are interesting ways to drive tension and push characters to extremes, and can definitely work (in fact I think it has worked for stretches of this campaign in the past). However. I feel like we're missing some balance. It's been what, 20? 30? 4 hour episodes since the party had a meaningful conversation, which is such a long time. And I'm not trying to shit on matt or anything, I get what he's doing, but I feel like even the cast are maybe feeling like they're not being given the opportunity to stop and talk? idk it seems that lately every time they do 4sd or a panel or something there's a moment of being like "we haven't talked about this!!! we need to talk about this!!! but when??" you know. Of course I could be wildly off-base since I'm not them, but yeah.
yeah i get you!! i like that idea of pushing character to extremes but i agree i feel it's getting stretched a little too far at this point. we've passed go 5 times over for some of these characters with nothing to (externally) show for it
i think it's a perfect storm of matt imposing a certain amount of pressure on them + the cast responding to that pressure by wanting to move things forward quickly. because i do think when they take rests or travel distances, there is opportunity there to talk and matt provides uneventful stretches of time in most episodes. but i would imagine that the cast feels a need to bypass those opportunities because it will make things feel like they're moving quicker, even though in-game it's still the same 8-hour long rest or 1-hour short rest or whatever it is. i think i would def feel the same way so i most certainly am not blaming anyone, i'm just sad! i feel like things are getting lost!! even in this most recent ep, zhesh given time to work on all these random little upgrades for the party but not a single person asked to talk with another lmao. imogen asking how everyone is feeling in the ep before that and everyone ultimately just focusing on how to get that box open. it's just get the power-ups or the next lore drop and go go go. i'm fuckin exhausted
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spacewarriorsam · 2 months
Going back on The Rise of Red, you know something? Perfect Revenge also somehow (and I DO mean somehow because some of the lyrics aren’t great either) sounds like a better villain song than this is the thanks I get?
How does descendants do a better job of understanding what a villain song is than the movie that was supposed to cap off 100 years of Disney? Like how
(I’m not defending descendants: the rise of red, and it’s a pretty low bar if I’m being real here, but somehow they manage to make a bland generic villain song from Uliana sound better than Disney’s wish. Just wanted to clarify)
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god-i-hope-so · 4 months
Have you seen the hate currently in the comments of the TV Insider article about the best 9-1-1 couples? It’s makes me so fucking sad
Hey, anon!
I actually rarely read about the show outside of what is shared/posted on Tumblr, except for highly interesting articles, so I haven't read them! But I can easily imagine the toxicity. It's now something we have to deal with as a "thing" in this fandom, which is sad. We always fight for more and better representation and when it's there, that's how simple minded people react.
But at the end of the day, they're losing and we're winning so 💁🏽
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theladyragnell · 2 months
May we have blossoming romance writing prompt #26 with our Leverage OT3 (or Killjoys Johnny and Dutch but that’d be like… blossoming platonic deep affection for me I guess? I can’t recall if you Go There, but if you do that’s also cool.) ?
Thank you!
(Because I've got a bunch of other Leverage prompts, I went with Dutch & Johnny, defaulting to platonic since they're a Schrodinger ship for me! Set sometime in the time between "Warrior Princess Bride" and the premiere, because the little thread about Dutch's very bad pottery skills always charmed me.)
They’re both the kind of people who got sick of anyone and everyone, no matter how much they like each other, if they don’t get a break once in a while, or at least that’s what Johnny tells himself.
Fact of the matter is, Johnny met Lucy, met Dutch, and figured early on they were the most interesting people he’d ever be likely to meet, and he hasn’t wanted to let them out of his sight since, because then he might miss something fun. But he gets that he is the kind of person people get sick of, so when they finish a nice satisfying level three job for a decent amount of joy and Dutch says she wants to cut loose on Leith for a few days, he waves her off and hitches a ride out to Utopia.
Dutch says Utopia is for nerds, and it kind of is, but it’s for the kind of nerds who always have something fun going on, so Johnny gets to snoop for a few days and pick up some software upgrades for Lucy to try and also picks a few people up for a night of fun, which is good for his ego. Most people don’t focus on him much with Dutch around, but he’s a pretty hot commodity. Especially among nerds, who think he’s edgy and dangerous and badass because he’s a killjoy.
When he gets back, Dutch unsubtly checks him for holes because she has no faith in him at all and lets him regale her with the stories. Except the part with the sleeping with people, they tend to stay out of each other’s bedroom lives because they both get judgy about it with each other. Still, she lets him go on for a while, and see, he was right, he’s a lot easier to handle with the occasional break.
“How about you?” he invites when he runs out of steam and Dutch has led him out to the kitchen to start figuring out which meal pack they are going to warm up for dinner. “Any feats of derring-do without me? I figured it was even odds that Joe might track you down, he likes you so much more than me.”
“No, apparently Turin asked him to keep an eye on some new hotshot who just got to level four. Something Lee. I was having a quiet actual vacation.” She coughs and makes herself busy making some kind of non-alcoholic drink, which is pretty rare in their kitchen when they’ve been awake for more than an hour, but maybe her vacation made her feel all cozy or something. “Got my hands dirty and everything.”
“Gross,” says Johnny, mostly to make her roll her eyes at him, which she obligingly does. “Come on, you’ve got to have more stories than just getting your hands dirty, which could mean everything from farming to homicide with you, you’re disgustingly good at everything.”
“Well, not everything,” she replies, and puts the worst cup he’s ever held into his hands.
Johnny lifts it to stare at it and it nearly slops liquid all over his hand three times because the rim is uneven. The bottom is uneven too, and the whole thing is lopsided and strange, and the handle was apparently designed by someone who is branching out from weird illegal torture devices. The cheerful blue glaze makes the whole thing even weirder. “Wait, you made this? How? Why? Were you perhaps four years old at the time?”
Dutch scowls and turns back to the sink. There’s a second mug. It is somehow even worse. It’s like if a communications glitch was made into a piece of pottery. “I took a pottery course on Leith, okay? It sounded like fun. It was fun! The teacher said I’ll get better next time.”
“Next time?” John asks, and quails when she glowers at him again. “No, sure, absolutely! And aww, Duchess, that’s adorable, you gave me one of your first two pieces of pottery? I’ll treasure it forever.” And have to learn a whole new way of drinking, probably. For something that is technically watertight, it is so badly made in every possible way.
“I wanted you to have something. We don’t really do a lot of home comforts here. I thought some handmade pottery might be the ticket. And I know you like blue.”
Home and comfort have never really gone together, for the Jaqobis family. Life as a killjoy is as luxurious as things have ever been for him, which means that once they’ve made enough to fuel up Lucy and feed themselves and buy hokk, there’s money left over for fun or for making their equipment better. But Duchess isn’t just a nickname, and Queenie wasn’t either. Dutch spent a long time with things like silk clothes and handmade pottery and comfortable blankets. Doesn’t mean her childhood was any happier than his, he’s figured that much out in the time they’ve been together, but it does mean she could worry about things like being really good at playing instruments and killing people instead of where her next meal was coming from or if her brother was getting himself killed. If she wants some of that back, he’s not going to stop her, and it means a lot that she included him in that to the point of remembering his favorite color. “Well, I appreciate the thought, and I’ll use it every day,” he promises.
She ducks her head. “You don’t have to.”
“Come on, obviously I do. Do you know how often people have made me anything by hand? Pretty much never.” And the “pretty much” is only because D’avin carved him a toy for his birthday one year, but D’avin is one of those things he really really does not talk about with Dutch. It sucks that Dutch’s cup is so bad, but also he’s pretty much never going to drink out of another cup again, he’s pretty sure. At least not when she’s around. “Thanks, Dutch. I’m honored you thought of me on your vacation.”
“I wanted to give you something,” she says, and lifting her own drink, immediately pours half of it down her shirt. “Fuck!”
Johnny laughs and gets a towel out of the drawer, tossing it to her so she can mop up. “Well, you sure did that. Maybe next time you’ll perfect the rim technology.”
“I can still take it back,” she threatens, something she’ll absolutely never do, and Johnny gives her his most shit-eating grin and makes a show out of taking a sip.
It only spills a little.
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expectiations · 8 months
Do you have any Doctor x River fanfic recommendations?
cracks knuckles hang on this will definitely take a while. i crow every single moment i get over how i have such a soft spot for young!River fics so here and have your fill :D
even in your darkest hour, i'll never desert you by melodypond_thewomanwhomarriedme (sexymonk)
Study Date on Luna by Deriveress
‘Yes!’ He hadn’t even finished speaking when River jumped to her feet, pulled out a bag from beneath her bed and started haphazardly throwing things inside. ‘Oh, this will be great! That exam will be a piece of cake! And I always wanted to start a revolution.’ She stopped packing, smirking at him. River smiled, a brilliant thing that caused a strange, warm feeling in his chest.
I have no fear, I have only love by mnemosyne_musings
young days, made for mistakes by iknowyouthinkitsmebutitsnot
Seven Kisses by LittlePageAndBird
He’s no-one’s boyfriend. No. Absolutely not. But there's a (tiny, miniscule, microscopic) chance he might just be River Song’s husband. The same very young River Song who he picked up from a club last night (but only after she’d finished dancing with strange men who were not him), who serenaded the Tardis with a Queen song dressed in his old scarf, and who is now not only nursing the hangover from hell but demanding that he make her breakfast. Who's he trying to kid? Amy’s right. He’s so married.
And everything under the stars is in your arms by mygalfriday (BrinneyFriday)
one of the earliest fics i've ever read and i love going back to from time to time. also one of my favoritest Doctor/River authors ever!!
Doctor River Song by tisziny
a short one but it's Pond fluff!! we love Pond fluff
i can't even recognize you now by orphan_account
The Curse of Curves by HellNHighHeels
She’s a menace. No, she’s a minx. She’s a menacing minxy distraction and he can’t be expected to handle her when she’s this young.
but if I fall for you, I'll never recover by Del (goddessdel)
"I've gone into a tiny box with a strange man - they know exactly what I'm doing."
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ratatatastic · 5 days
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romance in waiting for your partner before you find your seats on the bench after witnessing the wackiest flail your goalie just made
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and sandwiching a baby swede in between yall and your uncontested unbreakable marriage bond despite the fact paul tried to test said unbreakable marriage bond by pairing up said baby swede with forsy for comfort reasons
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and also whatever conversation boqy and forsy are having while ekky has glove problems is deeply entertaining to me
"❓️" "🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️" "🤨❓️" all i know is that it left boqy deeply confused
tampa bay lightning @ florida panthers | 9.30.24
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galvanizedfriend · 7 months
hii, Yokan! how are you? <3
i was wondering if you have any rom-com!klaroline fanfiction rec, perchance? I've been craving for those lately 😭😭
have a good day! xoxo
Hug me, friend! 🫂 I love a good rom-com style fic. If you haven't yet, I highly recommend that you read everything by @misssophiachase! She has so many delicious drabbles and fics with that rom-com vibe! Keeping Up Appearances is such a fandom classic, Spellbound is fantastic and has a little magical twist, which I love, and Collision Course is another incredible one! But seriously, just go through everything. Cristy is a *master* of the rom-com fics, there are dozens and dozens, some longer, some shorter, but all equally delicious. I'm sure you'll find material enough there to keep you entertained for a long, long time.
A fic I really love is Colored You In by @lalainajanes. Not sure it qualifies as rom-com but it certainly has the vibes! Delivered by @honestgrins is another fandom classic and it's a You've Got Mail AU, so it fits the description perfectly!
Also, another true classic that is not exactly rom-com but ticks a lot of boxes and has some magical twists and that if you haven't read yet, you definitely should is F*ck You Flowers by @lynyrdwrites. It's such a delightful read, I can't even 🤌🤌
I guess some of these are more the Human AU with romance type rather than classic rom-com, but you get what I mean. 😂
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anonymouspuzzler · 6 days
Sorry if this has been already asked before, but how do superpowers work in the context of the setting of villain coded? Are they all one consistent thing or is it more a scattered box of origins?
it's very much a scattered box slash kitchen sink type situation! for example, just in Minnie's family line: grandpa AKA the original Captain Armstrong was an exceptional human/chance mutation type superpower, grandma AKA Lady Armstrong was a Thor or Wonder Woman-type Actual Goddess, Buck and Leo (Minnie's dad) inherited powers from their parents, Betty (Minnie's mom) had a Spider-Man style Industrial Accident power awakening, and then Minnie herself hasn't exhibited any powers at all thus far. and of course that's just the Armstrong family - Golden Boy's a Superman-style alien, Nemo's got magic/psychic power type superpowers (inherited in turn from her dad), Practis developed their own power-up serums (and in general has done a ton of experimenting on essentially inducing specific superpowers, either permanently or temporarily), and of course you got folks like Davey who are purely average joes but utilizing various combinations of athleticism, quick thinking and technological supplements
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yuckydraws · 3 months
I saw you're taking writing requests so here I am to request one!
I'm very curious about your Underfell brothers, Red and Boss. Can I request something with them related to MC having to deal with a migraine? It can be general headcanons or a drabble or whatever you feel like writing. Also, I'd prefer if MC was in a relationship with them (either of them or both if you feel up for it?) but you can also make it platonic.
I'm writing this in the context of all of you being in a poly relationship, where you've moved into your own place - hence the use of Sans and Papyrus instead of Red and Boss.
With the lights off, blackout curtains drawn, and the covers over your head, you're in complete darkness. And yet, that's not enough to stop the painful pounding in your head. Your eyes ache and nausea sparks whenever you adjust your head too much.
At least your 'mates aren't home just yet.
You love them, of course, but they can be very...
... loud.
"SANS, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SOMETIMES." Although he's downstairs, Papyrus' voice carries up and through your bedroom door. It's slightly muffled, yet still clear as day, and very annoying in this moment.
You can't make out what Sans says in response, you just hear a slight murmur of his baritone voice. Still too loud for your liking. It doesn't help anything, but your hands grip your pillow and you let out a frustrated, pained groan.
"i could spell it out for ya instead, shitass." Oh he's much closer now. Right outside your door. Tears prick your eyes. "fuck. you."
Too fucking late.
Sans growls something under his breath as he enters the room, turning on the lights and slamming the door. You flinch at the sound and the light bleeding through the covers, groaning again.
"oh shit." The lights turn back off and you hear him step towards the bed. "didn't realize ye were home, doll. did i wake ya?"
"No." You practically growl, the pain and overstimulation manifesting itself into anger. He pauses in his tracks.
"ya okay? why ya home so early?"
"Migraine." You manage to grumble, hoping he'll take the hint and leave you be for a bit. You don't have the energy to say much right now. Plus the stench of motor oil wafting off of him is making your stomach churn and your head protest painfully.
"ah, fuck. okay." His voice is lowered to a whisper now. "can ya manage yes or no wit' a thumbs up and down righ' now?"
Instead of answering him, you let go of the pillow your face is buried in and stick out a thumbs up.
"have ya taken anything?" Thumbs up.
"drank any water?" Thumbs down, ignoring the grumble that comes out of him with that answer. The banging of pots downstairs as Papyrus cooks dinner is a little harder to ignore.
"... want me ta get boss ta fucking be quiet for once?" Your thumb pops back up as fast as you can manage, getting a chuckle out of him.
"wanna be alone?" Another thumbs up. "ya got it, doll."
You feel that telltale fizzling in the air that signals to his "shortcuts", and relax, feeling slightly guilty for your attitude but you'll make it up to him later. Soon enough, the banging from downstairs quiets. You can still hear a bit, but it's considerably quieter and you're filled with appreciation for Sans. If you had tried to go down there and communicate this yourself, you'd have likely snapped at them.
That fizzling in the air returns.
"gotcha some water, sweetheart." You hear a quiet tink as the glass is set down on your nightstand. Then, true to his word, he actually leaves you alone. Within thirty minutes, you manage to sit up and slowly drink the water he left you, and in thirty more minutes, you're asleep.
You wake from your impromptu nap sweaty and confused, pawing around the blankets for your phone to check the time, blinking owlishly when you see that its 11:21pm. It takes you longer than it should to remember what's going on and when you even fell asleep, but when you do, you take a moment to do a self-assessment. Your head still aches, but it's majorly toned down. You can actually stomach looking at your phone and when you experimentally sit up, there's no woozy feeling. The ache is still settled behind your eyes, tolerable, yet also warning you not to overdo it, lest it come back full-force later.
After a good "stare at the wall and contemplate life" session, a grumble in your tummy causes you to slip out of bed and to your feet. You're still in your work uniform and can't be bothered to change before venturing out of your room.
The upstairs lights are turned off, but the dim lighting flooding up from downstairs leads you to your 'mates. Entering the living room, you find Sans passed out on the couch, arm thrown over his sockets, one leg on the couch, one hanging off. At some point he must have snuck back into your room to grab some comfy clothes, because he's out of his dirty work uniform and instead wearing basketball shorts and a tee shirt that's riding up slightly, exposing the top of his pelvis. He snores loudly, mouth open, and gold tooth glinting in the light. You know skeletons don't really get cold, but that doesn't stop you from rifling through the nearby basket that Papyrus neatly keeps blankets in for Sans' favorite throw. Gently, you lay it over Sans, bending over to give him a little kiss on the forehead. He doesn't get good sleep a lot, so when he's out like this, he's relatively impossible to wake up.
So, you know when you hear Papyrus quietly call your name from the entryway to the kitchen, that he's being quiet in courtesy of you - not Sans.
You turn to him, finding him leaning against the awning. You look him up and down to find that he's also changed into his pajamas - black, low-ride joggers and a pink "Bad to the Bone" crop top. Seeing it always gets a smile out of you. Meeting his sharp gaze, you find him watching you carefully.
"Hi Papy, what are you still doing up?"
"I Wanted To Check On You." He whispers, stepping closer to cup your cheek. "How Are You Feeling?"
"Still hurts, but it's a lot better now. Thank you for being quiet." You turn your head to press an appreciative kiss to his bony palm. His cheekbones turn red at the affection, and he averts his gaze for a moment to compose himself.
"Anything For You." He murmurs, once that blush is gone, bending to place a skele-kiss to your forehead. "Are You Hungry? I Saved You A Plate Of Dinner."
Your rumbling stomach answers for you, pulling some soft "Nyah hah's" from Papyrus. His hand moves from your face as he pivots back into the kitchen. "Come, I'll Heat It Up For You." You smile, and happily follow. Despite your annoyance earlier, you're glad these goobers are here.
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sandara-and-coco · 1 year
hey i just wanted to say the way u draw logan is literally so amazing and tasty???? if i could eat ur art i would like its so soft and delightful and sweet and
logan looks so BABY but also not baby at the same time!! i feel like u really captured his features and i definitely prefer ur depiction of him over most ive seen in the fandom!! like u got his face shape and hair so perfectly well Q_Q!!! i always struggle w/ drawing logan so im just like. wow!!!!
and dont get me started on ur builder shes so damn cute
Hi! Oh.my.god. you can’t imagine how hard I was wheezing reading your message that is the sweetest thing to say about my art thank you so much 🥹💘
Oh boi you can’t imagine how much I battleded to get him less soft and baby but it seems it’s just my style so your kind words really help me to just embrace it! I get the struggle sm why is this yakboy so complicated physically XD
That actually kept me from drawing him more but with big day release ahead I might find the courage to publish all the cheesy illustrations I have plan lol
Thank you for your kind compliments about my art hope you’ll like what’s coming next,
Here’s a little wip with big softie Logan in bonus 😉🤍
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wishing-stones · 8 months
Baggs: We call that a traumatic experience.
Baggs, turning to Cross: Not a "bruh moment".
Baggs, to Dust: Not "sadge".
Baggs, to Killer: And DEFINITELY not an "OOF LMAO".
Group therapy... has its hangups.
Axe, with a shit-eating grin: "what about a spicy memory?"
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