#number 2754
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Sorry for that last post but its really been steaming me how misogyny has just turned into a fucking punchline lately
#im never forgiving the internet for letting white boys make misogynistic jokes and letting them go viral#because they said white women instead of just women#when you know damn well they only specified white because they really just wanted to make jokes about women but realized there was a#way to say it that was 'socially acceptable'#like. you really think teenage white boy number 2754 understands#intersectionality wrt feminism enough to actually be dunking on white women specifically#eureka moment
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Grief trapped in blue sunglass lens [Gojo's funeral fanfiction]
Summary: Now that the students and Jujutsu associates healed their physical wounds, they have no choice but to face the elephant in the room. Satoru Gojo is gone and everyone deals with the void in their own way before the funeral begins.
Word count: 6.4k
Series: Lost chapters I wish Gege wrote about
A/N: Made this because me and many other people didn't get to see a Gojo funeral nor the character's feelings on him being gone. This is one of my biggest gripes with the ending of JJK. I had no problems with Gojo dying but I feel that how he was handled physically post Yujo fight left much to be desired.
So I decided to write about (mostly) everyone's coping with Gojo's death and a funeral service for him. Forgive me if the funeral may seem culturally inaccurate. Hopefully, no characters come across as too OOC, but some of these characters are hard to get right when they don't have much room to shine their personality in canon.
Glossy nails trail the white engraved letters and numbers above the matte black. She forgot to give back his credit card. The last time she used it was Hallo--
October 31st.
October 31st.
That fucking month with that fucking day. Like an alarm that keeps ringing and a clock that won’t move forward fused together.
The month of horror, trick or treating, and bloody exploding eyeballs. The month were kids face real horror, not those stupid dumb skeletons, werewolves, and vampires. The kind of horror that will make someone either sample death or have it as their final meal.
31st should have ended with her rocking the clothes she picked up eight hours before that fight. Gojo should have been eating endless candy and telling them “Job well done!” in that stupid annoying comforting voice of his. Not boxed away and expecting his students to come out on top in the chilly wild.
She didn’t even see him die. She didn’t get to say her final words to him that just would have amounted to...
“If you die your card is mine forever. So die, okay?”
She couldn’t even say her fucked up, dark, cruel joke that was a mask of “Please don’t fucking die”.
Why couldn’t I move?
Why wasn’t I awake?
Why wasn’t I present?
Who wants to hear recollections of what happened between October 31st and December 24th? She wanted to help out with the Culling Games. She wanted to see the great battle of Sukuna vs. Gojo. She wanted to finally meet this Yuta kid and see everyone’s reaction to him coming back. She wanted to save Megumi when Yuji couldn’t. Picking up the pieces of Yuji’s mistakes. Being that deciding factor that could have prevented so much bullshit.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Why wasn’t I here?
Her only eye stings, blinking two tears to fall on the muted black card. The heartache trails down to the 2754 of the four-part row of digits. Nobara quivers her lips as she tries to swallow down pills of regrets, exclusion, and despondency.
Residing dust forces a couple of coughs out of Inumaki. He waves off the floating particles and goes for the next book off Gojo sensei’s shelve. He grabs the spine of the book and slowly pulls it out.
He gave up being curious on the subject matter of these books once he cleared the first row. Just of bunch of thick, mind-numbing pieces on Jujutsu, Cursed Energy, or Autobiographies on retired sorcerers.
Turning from the back cover, in red bold letters his purple eyes reads: Learning Sign Language for your students. Written by... sounds like a random Japanese woman with some fancy doctor degree.
Narrow eyes widen as confusing experiences lingering in his memory begin to click and warp into sense.
On the third day of his first year, he remembers cringing at Gojo’s attempt to speak random rice ball ingredients to him. That was his “way” of trying to connect with him. Offended, Inumaki wrote him off and ignored any potential conversation to have with him at that point.
Around early June, he walked up to see Gojo silently greeting him with fluid movements of his hands and fingers. As fluent as someone who been signing JSL for several years. Was that the reason he stopped trying to conversate with him three weeks prior?
Taken back, Inumaki slowly signed back, leading to having their first full conversation ever. It ended with Gojo patting him on the shoulder and Inumaki turning to watch his goofy sensei walk off in a cheerful mood.
Inumaki caresses the book and notices the personal sticky notes poking out of many pages. He looks behind him to see Panda pre-occupied. Inumaki sets the book in his bag, setting it aside to read through later. He shakes his head and stares at the half empty shelve for a long moment before continuing his duty.
Panda was busy distracting himself with Satoru’s doodads instead of effectively cleaning out his office. Throw in the fact that it was a journey to simply carry things that would have taken him a few seconds to put away had he been in his original big body. But the funeral starts in a few hours so he has to stop monkeying around soon.
Panda frowned. There was barely any time to “monkey around” ever since Satoru died. It seems like when he died, he took the fun and security with him. Did most of his friends grow to be so powerful from the battle on Shinjuku? Sure, they’re practically monsters at this point.
But for a long time, Satoru’s level of strength gave them breathing room to take off the sorcerer mask sometimes. Now that he’s gone, there was no room to be a kid anymore. His friends are teenagers cursed with adult responsibilities; the rest of their adolescence stripped away like a bloody band aid.
He’s a panda so he doesn’t really understand that feeling. However, he sees it with the forced smiles he’s greeted one second with frowns pulling them down moments after. Desensitized responses they all show in public contrasted with the quiet weeping he hears going on late night campus walks. It will always give him emotional whiplash.
Life after Satoru was a canvas board of still grey with overwhelming dark blue surrounding it.
Panda opens a brown box to see a bunch of stuffing peeking out. Dropping down, he turns the box around to see in black marker: Spare stuffing for Panda.
Panda releases a deep sigh. He feels his stitches ache all over.
Loose blue strains spills over the wholesome photo of her and Gojo that day. A day where her biggest concern was not looking stupid in front of the cute, strong, funny teacher at the Tokyo campus of Jujutsu High. A day where her classmates bickered with coal still in their eyes. A day when Mai was cranky and alive. When Mechamaru...
Miwa shuts her eyes as her tears soaks her eyelashes. Blurry eyes open to take in the photo that seem like centuries ago, when it was only since September. Gojo’s peace sign and shared chipper smiles fill the holes in Miwa’s heart for a moment. Her thumbs zoom in on Gojo and lingers over his tall figure dominating most of the selfie.
A small smile forms behind the isolated blues. “Gojo...”
Kusakabe groans, rubbing the back of his head whenever his mind wanders to that blue eyed trouble maker. There were days he enjoyed the consistent stillness without that loudmouth breaking it. Then there were others where the silence was drowning; his cheery, obnoxious voice completely void to lift up everyone’s spirits when needed. Today was one of those days.
Twirling his toothpick, he remembers the countless times Gojo annoyed the hell out of him with his comments and pranks. There wasn't a day where he wouldn’t drag one of the Jujutsu faculty and staff in his shenanigans. So bad that one-time Gojo went too far and it ended with Kusakabe wishing he was dead.
Be careful what you wish for, I guess.
Kusakabe looks up at the passing clouds trailing through the blue. For such a day for Jujutsu High, the sky didn’t reflect the collective feeling. The man bats his eyes as the ambient nature lures him into a still mind.
“Kusakabe!? Are we serious right now!?” One of the higher ups barked.
Gojo shakes his head, “Is there ever a day you guys don’t bitch about--”
“I agree that sending me would be a horrible idea.” Kusakabe interrupted. Gojo turns to see Kusakabe wearing a “Yes sir. No sir.” attitude. He knew he was lying.
Kusakabe has been looking forward to a sorcerer mission like this ever since he met him. A mission where all you do is investigate and gather information, no risking your life, no fighting at all really. More like a trip out on Japan’s quiet grassy countryside with a side quest of being an undercover sorcerer representing Jujutsu High.
Gojo steps forward. “Kusakabe is our best grade 1 sorcerer. He’s no fighter and a nice guy for the most part. He would be better to talk to lame country folk than I am...”
The elders remain silent. Kusakabe can feel the tension rising. “Gojo, you don’t have to--”
“I got too much other shit going on to do some boring mission in the countryside. If you send me instead of him then you guys are more senile than I thought.”
“Gojo!” Kusakabe quickly turned to the many shoji screens hiding the higher up’s bodies. The fact that he had no idea how they were reacting put his worry in overdrive.
One of the elders sighs, “We don’t feel like arguing with you on this. If you truly think Kusakabe of all people would fit this mission then so be it. But if he fails this, he will suffer the consequences. His mistakes are not on us.”
“When is it ever on you?” Gojo bounced back.
“Dismissed.” The other elder said.
Once they left the room, Gojo wraps his arms around Kusakabe shoulders and bellowed out his carefree laugh. “Don’t forget to bring me back some gifts. You owe me afterall.”
Kusakabe lowers his head away from the blue and moving white to face the cracked, washed solid grey.
His heart didn’t ache for Gojo. Tears didn’t trail down for him either. But the crumbs of memories made him appreciate the little explosive highlights he gave his boring, uneventful life. Like those popping candies that felt like fireworks in your mouth.
Yeah, Gojo was those popping rock candies.
Hakari holds the stack of yen as the various fights go on the multiple T.V. screens. Licking his thumb, he counts through the overwhelming amounts of money from his lucky bets. Although he’s been hanging around Jujutsu High more as of recent, lately everything has been about Gojo, his death and preparing for his funeral. All of the mope and serious mumbo jumbo was getting to Hakari, so he retreated to his fight club.
“When does it start?” Kirara asked, her pink french tips gently caressing his ashy blonde thick hair.
Hakari shrugs, “Donno. Seems like everyone is too depressed to talk n’ shit.”
Banding up the yen, Hakari montages the times Gojo left him feeling the fever he often seeks out of many.
Training him so hard he puked the rest of that day. Pushing him to go after Kirara and teasing him about his crush. Giving him shitty relationship advice. That one time they did that silly pose where they flashed their teeth then flexed their muscles for the camera. Cheating Gojo out of thousands of yen over a wrong move during Blackjack.
Hakari traces the numbers of the yen, smirking over the fun times that crazy man with the blindfold gave him.
Two streaks of damp wet are noticed when the wind sway past Ijichi’s jawline. Another dam of woe threatens to burst until he quickly wipes his sore undereye. He doesn’t even know why he’s getting so emotional over someone who and still--
Not sill. Damnit brain, get with the program.
Someone who used to bully him relentlessly ever since they were kids up until just a few weeks ago. To him, Gojo was nothing but...
Why are you still here? Need me to punch you to get the message?
You failed you’re driving test again? You can’t even do that? Go join a local circus at this point.
Shoko is out of your league, man. You don’t even have the balls to talk to her. How can you expect her to like you.
Ijichi, don’t piss me off.
A guy like that doesn’t deserve his tears. Nope, not at all...
The only person I trust to catch me if I fall is me and, um, Ijichi I think.
Wanna go out for some hot cocoa? It’s freezing today.
Well, well, well. You finally took Shoko out for dinner, huh? I guess the world is ending soon. So, how did it go?
Look, Ijichi may be a wet doormat but he’ll get things done for us and the students. C’mon guys, give him more credit than that.
Ijichi huffs a stuttered breath. Nope. Nope. No. No. No--
You’re the man I trust the most. That’s the only reason I need.
Ijichi breaks down. A new coat of tears staining his dry skin. His wrung heart soaked again with a grief too complex to explain.
Cigarette smoke brush past Shoko’s dry, dull brown hair. No tears had nor will shed for her childhood friend. She wasn’t a crier, even when she was little. When her father died a long time ago, not one tear dropped.
Instead, there was heavy rocks that magically weighed in her chest. A weight too heavy for her slim body to carry. A weight she dismisses publicly but can’t ignore in private. So, in true Shoko fashion, she grabs a pack of ciggies and breaks her 11th vow to never smoke again. Looking out on the campus field, her eyes strain with stress and lack of sleep. Her heavy heart was to blame this time.
“Can’t believe I’m being peer pressured right now.” Gojo says in a jokingly nervous tone.
Shoko lifts up the cigarette, unlit and waiting. “I’m tired of being “The Smoker Chick” of our school. It’s always so lonely smoking by myself.”
“Regardless if I smoke this or not, you’ll always be “The Smoker Chick”.”
“Gojo please.”
Gojo sighs and contemplates the nicotine stick itching to ruin someone’s lungs. He was far from being a goody too shoes but smoking wasn’t his thing.
“You’ll look so cool doing it. It’ll just be between us.” Shoko persisted.
Gojo rolled his eyes and snatched the cig from her. He placed it between his perfect, straight whites and waited a moment before turning to Shoko. Shoko stood in disbelief until Gojo snapped his fingers in front of her.
“Well hurry up and light it!” Shoko quickly digs in her pocket and lights the white end. It takes a few seconds for the cigarette to burn before smoke waves out of the tip. Gojo inhales then blows out a line of smoke effortlessly. Shoko gasps, “How did you not cough?”
“Duh! Look who you’re talking to.”
“Oh...yeah. Right.”
The juxtaposition of Gojo’s divine-like aura and angelic appearance partaking in the trashy, commoner act of smoking was a sight to behold. Almost like he gave a middle finger to his reputation as the strongest sorcerer and decided to be a normal dude for once. Shoko remembers judging Gojo’s bougie attitude during freshman year. She saw his snobbish nature a mile away before he even introduced himself to the class. One thing about Gojo though, he never failed to surprise her with his willingness to bring himself down from heaven.
Shoko is dazed by Gojo puffing out a few quick smokes before she is presented a hit.
“This shit tastes awful. How do you smoke these every thirty minutes?” Gojo barfed his tongue out.
Shoko giggles and breathes in the loud smoke that always hugs her brain. “Helps me stay numb to the bad stuff in the world.”
Although that was Gojo’s first and last time ever smoking, their budding friendship springs tenfold.
Shoko was back at that same spot they wasted their youth a decade and so ago. Only there was no arrogant, annoying but funny classmate to secretly cast her judgement on anymore. What only remains is a cigarette and a woman who had an uneventful life outside of being a sidekick to Gojo’s adventures.
She takes another hit, her tongue recoils at the cigarette taste. Now she gets what he meant back then.
The drizzling rain show no signs of giving nature a break from the drab, cold atmosphere. Megumi lays against his cushioned but firm mattress, his brain refusing to move his body. Tears quietly drip down to damp the grey sheets, adding to the collection of wet dots on his bed. The air condition overpowered the pitter-patter behind the window. The dull sound clearing his head to reflect his whirlwind called life these past couple months.
Countless memories punched his mind. There was so many foggy, forgettable memories of Gojo growing up. His attempt to give them meaning and higher resolution gave him a slight headache.
First his sister then--
He saw it while being a few feet away; Gojo’s blood forming small puddles, leaving his body with his life tagging along. The tired whisper of “My bad, Megumi.” a few moments before his eyes went still. He couldn’t even respond due to that curse going on about some dumb speech after almost getting both of them killed.
Heat overwhelmed his body as soon as the name rung. He hates him. He hates him. He hates him. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Red and blue hatred evolves into purple flames the longer it sits, burns, and melds. Never has he felt so much rage off a name alone.
Blood on his hands without the purpose and maliciousness to back it up. Sukuna was gone but the damage will never fade away. It’s here to overstay it’s welcome and haunt him forever.
“Good riddance.” Maki lets the intrusive thoughts travel to whispers.
Alone in the tidy bathroom, she struggles to create grief over someone that just annoyed her most of the time. The only one she believes deserved her grief was her sister, Mai.
Don’t get her wrong, she respected the hell out of Gojo’s strength. But the only solid memories she has of him is sending her favorite junky snacks whenever it was her time of the month and excused her from class that week.
Other than that, he was like a gnat that wouldn’t get out of your face. Loud for no reason. Failed to read the room. Teased her about Yuta, even during the time he went to Africa. Pestering her about dumb school shit. Yeah, that’s the Gojo she knows. Not this revisionist history almost everyone on campus is crafting for him now that the bastard is gone gone.
Yuta and Gojo had a closer relationship than others students, which unfortunately, makes him stricken with the depressing “Gojo is gone” epidemic too. But compared to him and the Jujutsu High students and staff, he actually has good reason to grieve.
It’s just too overwhelming to deal with for more than an hour. She had to get a breather from seeing someone she cares about so defeated emotionally. She seen Yuta cry before but not to this extent, not this long either.
Another round of sobs scolds her indifference to Gojo as they breakthrough the thick bathroom door. Maki looks down and moves her toes against the maroon bathroom rug to build back her patience and tolerance. Letting out a short breath, she pushes herself off the sink and keeps her stoic disposition.
A blank, emotionally collected expression that means well beneath the surface.
Yuta cries drag out as he lays on the floor. Maki shifts when she places a palm against his back, not sure how to handle his anguish and piercing sobs.
Thankfully, Yuta’s dorm was positioned to be isolated at the end of the hall. The other male student's dorms are spaced out from each other so he didn’t have any direct neighbors. But still, his mourning was loud enough to hear muffles across his front door.
“Yuta.” Maki said.
She didn’t know what to say exactly. She, like many other Zenins, weren’t the best when it came to nurturing. Even though she feels nothing about Gojo dying, she feels everything seeing her best friend so ...devastated.
Yuta looks up at her for a long moment, tears trailing by the second, lips quivering, throat tight with words he can no longer say to his sensei. He hugs her waist and cries into her chest.
“I used him, Maki. He’s gone and the first thing I did was use him. It should have been--”
“Stop. Don’t finish that. It shouldn’t have been anyone else instead. He did what he had to do for us to win.” Maki comforted. Yuta shakes his head, unable to accept logical reasoning.
“I-I-I...” He sucks in his breath after every attempt to speak. "I didn’t even get to say--”
Yuta hurls, his mouth seconds away from bursting open. Maki quickly goes for the bucket and puts it under his head. He pukes for the third time today, projecting out yesterday's lunch and dinner that he ate too little of. Maki sighs and pats his back to get him to vomit it all out. Ever since he returned back to his original body, Yuta has been puking whenever he thinks about the most fucked-up stunt he ever pulled.
Once Yuta was done, he sobs tamed down to a string of lingering cries. He didn’t bother to change his shirt or wipe the corners of his mouth. Maki grabbed a tissue and cleaned up the small bits of vomit around his mouth. She heads back into the bathroom to clean out the half-filled blue bucket yet again.
Looking up, he sees a framed picture of him and Gojo during his time in Africa. Gojo had him in a headlock whilst making him laugh about something he hates that he can’t remember. Yuta heart swells, the picture clearly being taken off guard by Miguel. Another wave of sorrow drowns him the longer he stares at Gojo in his white dress shirt, sunglasses, alive and well...
Yuta face scrunches, a fresh sting of tears falling down. He lays down on the cold floor, allowing the grief to lure him to sleep.
Yuji rubs over his face, a stubborn migraine pinching his thoughts. Snot leaking to tease the tip of his tongue. Eyes in desperate need of a bottle of eyedrops to make up for the tiny streams it released the past few hours. His mind was active but his body was lazy, lying on his bed through the whole morning. But he had to get this eulogy done, if nothing else.
“He was unserious when things were tense. He trolled...whether you were a man, woman, or child. He’d... He’d... He-- dammit!”
He turns on his stomach and picks up the paper again. He reads over the line again, then two more times to write it on his memory.
“Hell, he’d even walk in your dorm to check on you only to leave with your house slippers moments later.”
“Hell, he’d even walk in your dorm to check on you only to leave with your house slippers moments later.” Yuji groans.
“Don’t say hell, that might not fly well.” He scolded himself.
Yuji sets the paper on his nightstand so his brain can have a break. He read over his eulogy so many times that his mind is starting to slip with the constructed presentation he went over since last night. It doesn’t help that throughout this practicing, he’s been crying whenever he gets lost in thought about Gojo-sensei. Maybe he needs to cool down a bit.
On the edge of his window sits one of Gojo’s many blindfolds. Yuji reaches over with minimal effort and caress the fabric. Black cotton comforts his fingertips while Yuji gives this simple thing a soft gaze. The very first thing he noticed about that strange looking man on that life changing night.
Scenes of warm and fun premiere from his memory bank, each starring Gojo sensei. Smiles to laughter with jokes, ease, and good food in between.
Sensei steals a fry from Nobara’s--
Sliced open. Blood dripping down white baggy pants and black combat slippers. Torso on the ground. Harsh ice blue still yet soft. Live and unskippable. Live with no rewinds. Sukuna’s joy celebrated in the wrong body. No more rough ruffles on the head. No more boring lessons elevated by high-energy humor and multiple tangents of his glory days.
Yuji winces and attempts to rub out the migraine and horrible memories intruding the good. There is a knock on the door. “You’re not naked are you?” Nobara voice is heard from behind the door.
Yuji shakes his head as if Nobara could see. “No.”
Nobara walks in, remnants of rain dripping from her raincoat. She had a blank face, her usual energy turned down a few notches. “Hey.”
Yuji barely lifts up a wave, still smoothing out his nerves. “Hi.”
“So everyone is either busy or depressed so you’re my last hope around here.” Nobara confessed. Yuji lifted up the eulogy, “Can’t. Too busy.”
Nobara sucks her teeth then observes Yuji’s face. “You look like you’re more in the too depressed camp than the too busy one.”
“Yeah, that too.”
Nobara walks over and grabs the eulogy. Yuji lays back down, “Since you’re here, I need to clarify one last thing for my speech. Did sensei buy you those tampon things or those purple diapers?”
Nobara stops reading and shoots him a look. “Why are you broadcasting my period for the whole Jujutsu High to hear?”
“It’s supposed to be one of the many things Gojo did for us as students. I couldn’t think of anything else, cut me some slack.”
Nobara sighs, “He used to get me pain meds and a bunch of tampons whenever my cramps would go into overdrive. And it’s called pads, not purple diapers.”
Yuji nodded and formed a curve of a smile. “Thanks, Kugisaki.”
“I could go and hang out with some girls I know from other schools but it looks like the rain is getting worse. What time is the funeral anyway?”
“It’s in four hours, around two I think.”
Nobara nodded, “Guess I’ll just go back to my dorm and sulk like everyone else. See you later.” She gets off to leave. “Oh, save me a seat too.”
Yuji nodded with a frown, not having enough optimism left to give fake smiles. “Sure, see you.”
Alone again, Yuji picks up the worn white sheet with creases and wrinkles. Headache tamed, he decides to recite again. You can never be too polished.
“Gojo-sensei was a...”
Todo sheds single strings of tears while many games of ping pong against Gojo replays in his mind. Besides Mei Mei, Gojo was his common partner in his favorite sport. Now that he’s gone, he had no one to slam “cheating” allegations to in an intense game during the humid, long summer afternoons.
Ui Ui sniffles as he looks down, avoiding the blunt reality of the casket up ahead. He wasn’t the biggest acquaintance of Gojo but a few moments of the past built a friendly nature between them. His briberies of fried bananas to get direct access to Mei Mei. Being a one-man audience (he slept through his blindfold) for spoken word poetry he wrote about his sister when no one else bothered to hear. Gojo never failed to match his childish energy when other adults or big kids were “too busy” to entertain him. The boy’s quiet sniffles prompted a head rub from his older sibling.
The pointy ends of Mei Mei’s red nails pierce through her left palm. Her right palm comforts the juvenile emotions of her baby brother. Her face remains calm but blue fire bursts in her heart.
1.5 Million yen. All that rich fuck had to do is pay me 1.5 million yen back and what does he do? Fuck around and die. Hmph! He probably died to cheap his way out of his debt. Damn you Satoru Gojo. Damn him.
Ino stood with his ski-mask firm against his chest, looking forward with respect. Gojo was more like an older brother than a co-worker. Despite the pain he feels, he refuses to look away from the body.
Momo stands next to Miwa, people watching the many guests standing in line to pay their personal respects to the body. As soon as she came, she made sure to grab the nearest seat and keep her head down. Dead bodies always freaked her out. People always assumed she be fine with that kind of stuff since she gives “witchy” vibes but no way. It was the way the body just sat there, all sense of spark or fire vanished. Also, that silly fear that a dead body will raise and walk towards her. God, she hopes they close the casket soon.
Kirara hugs on to Hakari’s arm as she quietly weeps to herself. Hakari wasn’t the “comforting” type but all she needs from him was his arm and shoulder for support. During the time it was her vs. the conservative Jujutsu World when she decided to transition, Gojo was one of the few who had her back. She has his support from the moment she began dressing feminine all the way to the moment she began going by Kirara. It wasn’t a problem for Gojo to call her by her true name right away since he thought her dead name was forgettable as hell.
Sure, Gojo wasn’t perfect and had his moments where his views were a bit dated, but he was willing to own up to his mistakes and learn for the better. She’ll never forget the stereotypical girly shit he would buy her because he didn’t know her personal taste that well, not that she even knew at the time either. Corny gifts and unconditional support are why her mascara and eyeliner were messy all around her under eye.
Most attendees dressed in purple while others sulked in black. Ages from teen to end of the road mingled together within a pot of grief, visible respect, and reservation. Some felt internal relief that the bastard was gone. Some cried harder than they would if their actual father died.
Gojo lied still in a polished classic black casket, wearing a blank emotion that he would hate everyone to see. His cut, pieced back by Shoko, was barely noticeable. If you weren’t given the details of his death, you’d probably would question how he died. The line to view his body was beginning to reach its end, preparing everyone to mentally checkout for an hour and a half.
A collected Megumi stared at Gojo in a distracted haze. It was stupid, but he felt like Gojo was playing some sick prank and he’s going to pop out and yell some stupid shit any second now. The longer he stares at the body’s lack of movement, the confirmation rings hollow in his mind. Thankfully Nobara and Yuji kept to themselves, because he’s not in the mood to make idle small talk to take their mind off the obvious.
Yuta’s sorrow could be heard faintly throughout the large quiet space but not loud enough to distract from the ceremony. His tears took all of the moisture from his face, leaving him paler than usual. Messy black hair clashed with his neat tux that took forever to fit him in. It was a miracle for Maki to get him in that, let alone bring him here.
It was a tough sight to see as Yuta was now regarded as the strongest sorcerer of the upcoming generation. Yuta usually had a friendly, shy demeanor around his peers while being focused and stoic during battle. It was rare to see such a rock morph into glass, his pieces laid for the whole institution to see.
Yuta could care less, the repercussions of his public image being in an awkward, pitiful state wasn’t even a thought in the thick of his pain. He could repair that with time and his rapid growing reputation. This is the last time he’ll ever see Gojo-sensei and his heart can’t take it.
Throughout most of the service, Yuji idly stares at Gojo-sensei’s memorial card. A portrait of him wearing a bright, goofy smile placed above the December 7th, 1989 - December 25th, 2018 felt like visual whiplash. Yet, he kept staring at it until a microphoned call of his name lifts his head up.
“Itadori-kun, are you still going to read your eulogy for us today?” Ijichi directs, slightly confused of Yuji’s zoned out state.
“Oh, yeah, for sure. Just...” Yuji grabs the piece of paper from Nobara’s lap and scoots through the aisle. He walks up to the podium, feeling stares and invisible opinions hover over his back. He gently grabs the mic from Ijichi and sets his eulogy across his face.
Looking up, the stares feel more intense as the rows and rows of straight-faces set social anxiety in his stomach. It was weird, he usually had no problem speaking publicly to an audience, he was a social butterfly after all. Funerals love throwing everyone’s vibe off, even a generally confident one like his, he assumes.
“Um, hi guys—hi everyone.”
He quickly goes over the first line to trigger his trained memory to make the speech sound fluent and genuine. He prays to whoever is listening to not let his mind go blank at a time like this.
“Gojo sensei was a goofball.”
The silence screams for a moment as the opening line registers in everyone’s minds. A few chuckle, most keep their solemn unimpressed looks, while others are not even on this planet. Yuji clears his throat.
“He was unserious when things were tense. He trolled you whether you were a man, woman, or child. Hell, he’d even walk in your dorm to check on you, only to leave with your house slippers moments later.” Many students laughed at the last comment. Yuji looks up and chuckles along, a confidence block stacked.
“He wasn’t a teacher who sugar-coated things, his words were more salt-coated. It stings from being so blunt, but it was needed in order for you to have more flavor.” Yuji takes a quick scan and sees that more people are in tuned with his words. Second block stacked.
“Growing up, I only had my grandfather for family. So while I kinda knew what it was like to have a dad, I spent a good portion of my life taking care of him during his last years so I forgot what it felt like. Gojo reminded me of that feeling.”
“He gave life advice outside of teaching. He would take us out for ice cream after missions. One time, he bought those weird tampon things and sea salt caramel ice cream for Nobara during her...y’know.” Nobara gives him a look after he shoots a nervous chuckle her way.
“He would walk Megumi’s dogs on Saturday mornings. He’d crack a joke in sign that only Inumaki-senpai would understand. He was tough on me, Hakari-senpai, and Okkotsu-senpai during training because he wanted us to take advantage of the potential we couldn’t see. He was...”
Yuji looks up to see Yuta staring at him with teary but curious eyes, desperate to know what he’s about to lay on the crowd next. Yuji directs a small, sympathetic smile at him then looks down.
“He was our constant entertainment during the long, boring hours of our jobs. He unlocked the laughter and ease that we often hid to condition ourselves so we could endure the next mission. He made hell feel like home. He was our Gojo-sensei when the world just saw him as Gojo Satoru.”
Tears don’t hold back on some folks faces. What they expected to be a generic but appropriate eulogy turned out to be an off-beat, heartfelt, kinda corny eulogy written by a dude who loved his teacher. A rare case of a dude who isn’t clever with words evoking more emotions out of a crowd more than any writer ever could.
“I’m sure some of you struggle to move forward with this loss. Some of you may simply be here to pay respects and move on with their lives preferably without sensei. Or you may be like me, someone just going through the motions and may not know what to do, say, think, or feel. But Gojo-sensei is gone and all we can do is reflect on the echos of his existence.”
Yuji lets out a deep breath, satisfied to have gotten through his eulogy, the weight off his shoulders. His eyes flickers to see many nodding at his last statement. He scans through his last sentence and nods to himself to bring it home.
“Thank you, Gojo-sensei, for being the goofball with the blindfold and thank you all for listening.” Everyone except the elders clapped for Yuji, moved by his honest words and pure approach. Yuji didn’t register the applause nor Ijichi’s transition to the next segment since his heart was pounding against his left chest.
There was another wrinkle added to the eulogy when he goes to sits back down. He stares at his knees to contemplate his social triumph. Nobara looks at him and pats his upper back while Megumi simply gives him a blank look, jailing his “Good job.”. Yuji breathes deep through his nose and gives himself little nods, back in his own world to process those past few minutes.
The rest of the service goes smoothly, time moving quicker due to Yuji black flashing through the seemingly unbreakable ice. After the main service, many students and staff agreed to meet at the school yard where the funeral bonfire repast will be held.
While Gojo was being cremated, the bonfire turned out to be a lively celebration of life after so much grief wrung at the service. Snow trinkled down amongst the light conversations, coping dark humor, taste bud-rising food and drinks, and tear stains. Taking a break entertaining his peers, Yuji looked up to admire the floating ice. His irises went up and down, low right and high left, no different from when he saw snow as a kid. Laughter and smiles were behind Yuji, but all he can feel was the snow nurturing the child he locked away.
Ashes leave out of the hands of many, gliding above the flowers revived by spring. Cherry blossom petals dance with Gojo in the gentle wind. The early days of April was always Gojo’s favorite time of the year, it was only fitting that his departure was during its peak.
The new year of Jujutsu High begins without the blindfolded goofball to kick it off with overwhelming enthusiasm and junior high-level jokes. Second years, third years, and even the students that graduated are moving forward after months of mental detours. Now, there was a fresh set of first years oblivious to the horrors and traumas that awaits them. It’s a pity they won’t have that funny man in the sunglasses to help them endure their next twelve months of hell.
#gojo satoru#gojo centric#angst#like major angst#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#jjk fanfic#satoru gojo#fanfiction#yuta okkotsu#yuji itadori#hakari kinji#maki zenin#inumaki toge#kusakabe atsuya#ijichi kiyotaka#shoko ieiri#jjk content I wanted gege to write about#fix it fic#kasumi miwa#todo jjk#mei mei#gojo#jjk gojo#memorial#buckle up with some tissues y'all#nobara kugisaki#megumi fushiguro#kirara jjk
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Jacob Geller said that if he were in a 24 hour time loop, he'd challenge himself. how, with what specific actions and what specific set of words said to the correct people, can he get himself into the oval office for a meeting with the president, before the day ends? with infinite trial and error, eventually he'd figure out the method.
i've thought about my own version of this challenge.
i was born in the year of rome 2754, in the early summer. say i were timelooping my life from my birth. i’d have a very small number of months at my disposal. the game begins.
how could a baby, whose eyes cannot yet see the world, whose muscles cannot yet support themself, and whose mouth lacks the dexterity to speak, communicate what they need to? could i slam my tiny fists in morse code? could i smear my baby food into makeshift writing? how can i convince everyone that i'm somehow conscious and able to communicate, so they'll aid me?
and with that figured out, how do i achieve my end goal? with the slim weeks counting down, what do i, talking baby, need to say to be taken seriously? i will never remember all the information i need, but i will be able to remember some. names, dates, codes, locations. and when i've laid it all out, how do i get it sent up the chain of command, corroborated, actioned, and done? my prophecies will always be right, but how do i get people to believe the talking baby before they come to pass?
do i go on the news and expose it to the world? do i keep it under wraps with the intelligence folk? or do i throw a complete red herring to get the goal reached by proxy?
but with a timeloop in play, i'll figure it out by pure trial and error. eventually, the people who need to believe me will believe me, and do my bidding.
it doesn't matter how it happens. the baddies could be scared off. or a few arrests could be made. the skies could close all month for all i care. but talking baby will be eating their rusks in the early afternoon local time, old CRT telly on, waiting for the news of their success. if it stays on daytime telly tripe, the game will be won and i will be victorious. but if the towers fall, gods fucking damn it, looks like we're going for another loop.
#196#time loop#timeloop#jacob geller#tomska#talking baby#magical talking baby#magical talking baby from san diego#i don’t know what i am but i taste really good#9/11
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NV49C13C, NV49xx, NV50A, NV51B, NV53, NV53A, NV53A11u, NV55C, NV59C, NV73A, NV79, NV79C Packard Bell EASYNOTE LM86 NM98 TK11 TK11 TK36 TK81 TK83 TK85 TK87 TM01 TM80 TM81 TM82 TM86 TM87 TM89 TM94 TM97 TM98 TM99 TS11 TS13 TS44
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love's a disease (and I'm under the weather)
https://ift.tt/O6xkje4 by Anonymous It’s the day of Ted and Rebecca’s first date. Ted is pretty sure it’s going to be the best day of his life— well, maybe second best, behind Henry’s birth. Taking Rebecca on an official date is definitely going to top seeing the Beastie Boys at HORDE Fest 1995, though, and that has been in his number two spot for a couple decades now. Ted's first date plans are thwarted by the common cold. Words: 2754, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Ted Lasso, Rebecca Welton Relationships: Ted Lasso/Rebecca Welton Additional Tags: Sickfic, Sick Character, Getting Together, First Dates, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort source https://archiveofourown.org/works/61490497 December 21, 2024 at 12:01AM
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Sioux Rapids Firefighter Shares Flood-Related Information
Sioux Rapids is dealing with the impact of flooding from this past weekend. Bottled water is available for Sioux Rapids residents, as volunteer firefighter Keith Stoeber explains… Again, Angie Christensen’s number is 712-390-4003. Stoeber says Sioux Rapids water system users are asked to conserve as much water as possible… For further assistance, call Stoeber at 712-299-2754. A residential town…

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Bannockburn's Trusted Optometrist for Clear Vision
Discover Top-Tier Eye Care at BIG CITY OPTICAL BANNOCKBURN in Chicago, IL - Call Now: (773) 857-2754
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Plot: AU You come home for a holiday weekend from college, only to walk in on the exchange student staying with your parents. Some kids would be miffed that their parents sort of replaced their brother with a foreign exchange student and failing to tell the others about it. Oddly enough, he’s actually...great. Not that he’d ever replace your real brother, but bonding with him has been...
Rating: PG-13 (Language, Reader walks in on someone changing, teasing, light flirting)
Characters: Foreign Exchange Student!Felix x University Student Older Female Reader, featuring other members of Stray Kids
Notes: A long time ago, the Keeper hosted exchange students from Australia. (They were both girls and while we didn’t end up best friends, we got along well.) This little one shot was partly inspired by that, combined with the fact that Felix is from Australia and has a strong accent that is prevalent when he speaks English. Please note that the reader in this story is about 1-2 years older than Felix, who is in his final year of high school in this story.
I kind of consider this my gift to my readers on my birthday – thank you for checking out my work!
Finally, you thought as you pulled off the freeway on your exit. A quick glance at your phone, currently mounted to the windshield, said that you had been sitting in traffic for close to an hour. Despite leaving a little earlier to beat the traffic, you managed to get caught in it toward the end of your trip.
You tapped your fingers against the steering wheel as you waited for the light to change. In a few minutes, you’d be home and could get out of this confined space known as your car.
The light changed and you accelerated, slowing as you neared the entrance to your neighborhood. You checked the cars in the opposite direction and turned once it was clear, eyes scanning the neighboring houses. You slowed down as you approached your driveway and turned into it.
It had been a while since you came home to visit your parents. This time would be different, as your younger brother was accepted for a high school exchange program in Australia and would be attending a school there for half of the year. Part of you had to wonder if this is what an only child got to look forward to when it was the holidays. Not that your brother was a bad person, but like any other siblings, you had your moments growing up.
“In the kitchen – washing dishes!” she called back.
You walked in with a smile, quickly planting a kiss on her cheek. She smiled and encouraged you to go ahead and get settled.
“How was the drive?” she asked.
You shrugged as you hoisted your duffle bag higher and made a beeline for your bedroom. Your hand rested on the doorknob and you glanced over your shoulder.
“Not bad, but it’s the weekend so of course it was slow,” you called over your shoulder. You twisted the knob and began to step inside your bedroom that you once shared with your younger brother.
“WHOA!” a deep voice blurted out.
You snapped your head in the direction of the voice and saw a boy – not your brother – fumbling to put a shirt on. Your eyes met his wide ones for a moment before you closed the door abruptly out of reflex.
You sucked in a sharp breath and turned away from the door, shifting your weight to one foot.
“Mom, did you forget to tell me something?” you demanded.
You heard your mom pause, followed by a plate being put away in the cupboard. “I thought I told you that your brother is doing study abroad for half of the year,” she called out.
“No, I remember that,” you said. “I meant, did you go out an adopt another kid while we were both gone?”
“Oh you mean Felix? Oh no honey, he’s an exchange student from Australia! Turns out the school your brother went to had a group of students come here and they needed more host families. Felix is only doing a semester too, so it works out perfectly!”
You took a deep breath and moved your duffle bag to the other shoulder. “I mean, that’s great, but where am I sleeping?”
There was a pause and your mom sighed from the kitchen, realizing the situation you were in. “Oh…well, you can take the couch right?”
You opened your mouth then closed it, taking a deep breath. Mom had a habit of being a bit forgetful – she would have something important to say but tended to wait until the person speaking was done, which resulted in her forgetting what she had to say. How she could forget she had another living being here the same time you were home was beyond you.
In your mind, this Felix guy wasn’t the problem – Mom’s memory was. It seemed unreasonable for her to force her own daughter to the couch for the holidays, but you didn’t want to be a dick for making Felix move. Also he probably wasn’t used to sharing a bedroom with a girl, so the couch was probably the best move.
The door to your bedroom opened and the person in question peered out. “Ah sorry ‘bout that,” he spoke up. He stepped into the hallway and slowly raised a hand. “Hi, I’m Felix Lee, AKA the Aussie student your mum’s hosting. Are you her daughter she talks about?”
You turned to face him and nodded dumbly, extending a hand for him to shake. He took it and you managed a convincing smile as you shook hands. It was almost comical – the guy standing before you looked every bit of a young boy with his small hands, slim figure, and youthful face, but the voice that came out was very deep and manly. Remembering your manners, you introduced yourself before letting go of his hand.
“Mom we didn’t have to go out,” you insisted from your seat in the car.
She shook her head and said something about it being special. “Well I mean, you’re home, Felix is here,” she explained. “Oh and honey? Your dad’s stuck in another state for work. He might not be home until later in the weekend.”
“Weather or work?”
“I think weather,” she sighed. “Nasty storms in his part of the country and flights were grounded.”
You nodded to show you understood and kept your eyes to the front, avoiding Felix’s in the rear view mirror. While you had been friendly toward him, it still felt a little weird having some strange guy who was the same age as your brother pal around with you and your mom.
Eventually Felix learned you were oblivious to his presence before coming home from college, and he expressed guilt for kicking you out of your bedroom. He tried to be polite and offered to take the couch since it was your room first. But you didn’t want to be the rude person he’d remember from this country, so you insisted that it was fine and that you’d only be here for the weekend. You sensed that Mom taking both of you out to eat was her way of apologizing for the confusion.
She turned into the parking lot and found a spot. Once everyone exited the car, she made her way to the hostess stand and asked for a table for three.
“You go ahead and order drinks – I need to run to the restroom,” Mom announced before leaving you alone at the table.
Felix watched as your mom speed walked around the waiters and slowly turned his attention back to you. You awkwardly stared back at him and flashed a faint smile. He rubbed the back of his neck, his fingers resting against his pulse point for a moment.
“I uh...take it I’m her or um your first exchange student?” he asked.
You nodded and opened your mouth to reply, only to spot the waitress coming to take drink orders.
“Aww are you two on a date?” she asked.
Both of you blinked and gestured to each other, trying to explain that he was an exchange student you were hosting.
“Actually Miss I’m just a guest–”
“He’s from Australia – exchange program thing,” you added. “My mom’s in the bathroom but she would like a water please.”
The waitress nodded as she fished out the order pad and scribbled down the order. She looked to Felix who order water as well. You echoed that you too, would like water. Once the waitress left, you addressed Felix again.
“Yeah she loves kids and with both of us gone, I guess she’s suffering from empty nest syndrome,” you explained. “When my brother leaves for college, not sure how she’s gonna deal.” You looked around for your mom and shot him a sheepish smile.
“Did she take you to any other restaurants? I’m hoping not Outback.”
Felix winced and murmured that the Australian-gimmick restaurant chain had been mentioned, but he declined. “The voiceover’s horrible,” he commented. “I don’t think anyone sounds that exaggerated.”
You laughed, adding that it was probably some bad American actor who tried working with a bad dialect coach. “I’m sure he regrets it,” you added.
The young man snickered, dropping the hand on his neck. “So your mum said you’re in college. What do you study?”
“I study Music Production,” you shared. “I don’t want to perform but I like the idea of helping to do stuff behind the scenes for musicians.”
Felix leaned closer and tilted his head when he heard your response. “Oh really? Yeah I like music too. I’d like to do something with it, but my folks aren’t so sure and I don’t know what I’d like to do exactly.” He flattened his palm on the table and crossed a leg on top of the other.
“Is it...weird if I ask what it’s like? I mean your curriculum?” he asked.
You shook your head and settled into the booth, prepared to talk about your major.
“Honey, how about both of you do something together?”
You looked up from your mug and Felix paused, mid-bite with a piece of toast in his hand.
“Like?” you asked.
Your mom shrugged and prompted that you could take Felix to the mall or maybe catch a movie. “Something, I mean I don’t want you two all cooped up inside on your phones all day!”
You swallowed the sip of coffee you were drinking and glanced over at Felix. “Mall okay? There’s actually a pretty good theater there and actually a decent music store.”
Felix nodded as he chewed on his toast, flashing a thumbs up.
“I’m sorry you’re stuck dragging me around,” Felix commented once you got to the mall.
You shook your head and unclipped your seat belt. “It’s not a drag.”
“You were fine on the couch?” he asked with a skeptical look.
You nodded and he gave you a hard stare. You sighed and confessed it was a bit firmer than you liked.
“I noticed there is another bed in there – I’m guessing it’s yours?” he added. “Look, I think we can be mature and sleep in the same room. I’ve got sisters so it’s not that weird.”
“Wait really?”
He nodded and pulled out his phone. He looked at pictures and shared one of him with two girls. “Older sis and a younger one,” he shared. “Believe me, I know how to live with a girl, all the ups and downs.”
“It’s not like I’ve not seen a guy’s body with the way my brother acts,” you added with a shrug. “I mean, he’s walked around stark naked like it’s no big deal and I grew up dealing with that all the time.”
Felix snorted at the thought and you nodded, laughing. “Wow, he sounds...”
“Weird,” you finished, “but I love the little idiot.”
“Whoa is this heaven?” he asked with wide eyes.
You chuckled as you crossed your arms over your chest. “Music heaven. Instruments, equipment, CDs, records – all under one roof. I spent a lot of time and money here before I left for college. That’s actually what made me want to do Music Production as a major.”
Felix stared at his surroundings, eyes wide in amazement as he took in the music store you were standing in. He wandered over to a Just In section and picked up a Sam Smith record, turning it over in his hands.
“Really like singing his stuff,” Felix admitted.
“I like his style,” you admitted as you joined him. “You sing?”
He ducked his head and brought his hand to his pulse point. “Um...sort of. I’m not professional or anything, but I do it for fun.”
You could tell he seemed a bit self conscious and you allowed a gentle smile to form. “Hey, I’d love to hear it some day. Only when you’re ready of course.”
“C’mon, c’mon how is it there?” his cousin demanded. “You sick of cheeseburgers yet?”
“I actually haven’t had a burger in a while,” Felix confessed as he shifted the phone to his other hand. “Yeah, the family’s real nice and they actually offered me a healthy brekkie. Like fruit, toast, and yoghurt – not dessert for breakfast.”
“You said they have a daughter? I wanna meet her!” another boy blurted out from the other side of the screen.
“Why? So you can scare her?” Felix teased with a raised brow. “Not a chance Han.”
“Come on!” Han protested.
“Ah my cousin’s probably having dreams about her,” Chan teased with a smirk. “Wants her all to himself.”
“Stop it, she’s older – it’s not like that!” Felix insisted with a pout.
That only made the pair hoot and they teased him more. “Felix’s got a noona kink!”
“Who’s Newna?” you asked as you entered the room, looking for a pair of pajamas.
Felix sat up straighter and brought the phone closer to him. “It’s not a person – my stupid cousin’s calling and he’s being an idiot.”
Chan pretended to be wounded and he clutched his chest. “I’m so hurt by that!”
Han snickered at the elder’s misfortune and Felix rolled his eyes at the two through his phone.
“Tell them you’re alive and the people aren’t as mad here as they think,” you called back before leaving.
Chan and Han stopped joking around when they heard your voice and they looked in the direction it came from. “Wow, that’s the daughter?”
“She sounds hot,” Chan declared. “When you say older, like how much older? Older than me?”
“G’night!” Felix said as he ended the call quickly.
“It’s never long enough,” your mom sighed, looking wistful. She squeezed you in another hug before letting go.
“You know I’m not much more than a hour or two away,” you reminded her. “I can always call.”
“I know, but seeing you in person is the best,” she insisted.
Felix watched as you two said your goodbyes and he shyly walked up to you. He seemed unsure of what to do though. Should he hug you? Shake your hand? Offer a high five?
You held your arms out and he realized that it was a hug. He smiled as he stepped closer and allowed his arms to wrap around you.
“I know things were awkward when we first met, but it’s been great meeting you,” he said. “I really enjoyed the music store and um...maybe we can hang again before I go?”
You nodded with a smile as you pulled away. “Course,” you confirmed. “Hey if your cousin and his friend give you grief again, let me know and I’ll straighten them out. Sounds like they were making fun of you.”
“Ah they’re just jealous that I got picked to go and they’re stuck at home with our boring teachers and the same old stuff,” he shrugged. He raised a hand as you got into your car and slowly backed it out of the driveway.
You waved back before straightening out and switching it to Drive, before leaving the neighborhood, headed back to campus.
Your mom stared at the place where your car had been and sighed. She glanced over at Felix and smiled fondly at him.
“I’m really glad you two got along,” she said. “By the way, you two only slept in –”
“Whoa! I slept in one bed and she was in the other!” Felix flushed, eyes blown wide. “Nothing, nothing like that other thing happened!”
Your mom winked and added that she was only teasing him. He relaxed and shook his head.
Maybe he did like you but whether it was like a sister or possibly a love interest, he wasn’t sure. For now, he was content he met someone else that treated him like a normal human being, instead of highlighting his age or something else.
“I’m really glad you’re here,” your mom added. “It’s hard being a mom when everyone’s so far away.”
Felix nodded and offered her a hug. “I get it. Thanks for being my host mum. I don’t think I could have asked for a better family than the one I got.”
She beamed at the compliment and sighed as she pulled away. “I’m glad you’re also nothing like my son. I love him, but sometimes...”
Felix laughed as he followed her back inside. “You know, I kinda want to meet him. Sounds like a character.”
#Lee Felix#Lee Felix imagine#Lee Felix AU#Stray Kids imagine#Skdz imagine#Stray Kids AU#Skdz AU#Lee Yongbok#yourkeeperoftherunners original#number 2754
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Wizards Hearts Recs: Bed Sharing
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
📜 The Sheep Whisperer by RurouniHime Rated: Mature Words: 13674 Tags: Sheep & Goats, Alternate Universe - Canon, Sharing a Bed, Sharing a Room, Love Confessions, Angst and Humor, Jealousy, Moving In Together, Don't copy to another site Summary: No good deed goes unpunished, especially if the deed is Draco Malfoy’s. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Trouble With Good Sense by RurouniHime Rated: Mature Words: 7863 Tags: Humor, Sharing a Bed, Sharing a Room, Partnership, Alternate Universe - Canon, Post - Deathly Hallows, HP: EWE, Hotels, Bar Room Brawl, Jealousy, Hurt/Comfort, Auror Conference, Friends to Lovers, Misunderstanding, First Kiss, Don't copy to another site Summary: When you fill a hotel with flying quills, hands-on demonstrations, and too many Aurors, someone is bound to get cranky. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 the in-betweens by derekmaliknurse Rated: Teen and Up Words: 42759 Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Roommates, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Minor Parvati Patil/Daphne Greengrass, Minor Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, Minor Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Found Families Summary: A tale of inter-house unity, Dirty Dancing, the various charms of certain Gryffindors and the Slytherins who fall for them, and Celestina Warbeck, in which Harry James Potter shares a room with one Draco Malfoy and despite seven years of past seething hatred, has the time of his life. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 And There Was Only One Bed by defective-talos Rated: Not Rated Words: Unknown Tags: aurorpartners, dracomalfoy, drarry, enemiestolovers, fluff, forcedproximity, harrypotter, magicaltheory, mutualpining, onlyonebed Summary: Draco and Harry have to spend the night together during a routine Auror mission, but there's a small problem: there is Only One Bed. ----- A narrative version of OTPshipper98's memefic by the same title! ❤️ Read on Wattpad
📜 Cabin Fever by cloudings Rated: Explicit Words: 15012 Tags: Post-Second War with Voldemort, Anal Sex, Sharing a Bed, Wet Dream, Masturbation in Shower, Trapped, Forced Proximity, Sex Toys, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Summary: "We're trapped! We're fucking trapped!" Malfoy exclaimed, throwing his hands above his head and turning away in disbelief. "I'm trapped in a fucking love-cabin with Harry Potter!" Harry and Draco end up trapped in a twisted, perverted, and royally fucked up house in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, also known as a Love-Cabin. Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Muttering Retreats of Restless Nights by lumberjackbeards Rated: Teen and Up Words: 1195 Tags: Pre-Relationship, Panic Attacks, Claustrophobia, Sharing a Bed Summary: So there they were, stranded in the middle of nowhere in fucking Wales, and the supposed “inn” they were forced into only had one room. With one bed. And Draco smelt of sheep. He didn’t know what he had done to deserve this. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Once Upon an Eighth Year by ladyroxanne21 Rated: Explicit Words: 35416 Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Sharing a Room, Sharing a Bed, Oblivious Harry, Oblivious Draco Malfoy, Confused Harry, Humor, Probably a little crack, UST, Slow Build Summary: When Harry goes back to Hogwarts for a so-called Eighth Year, he's told by McGonagall that he has to share a room with Draco and that they had better both behave or else they'd *both* be expelled. Rather than grumble, both try to make the best of the situation with Draco providing (non-sexual) comfort each night when Harry has nightmares. Slowly, Harry grows ever more confused about the gorgeous Slytherin. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Such Promises by JosephineStone Rated: Mature Words: 4060 Tags: Sharing a Bed, Rain Summary: The prompt describes it rather well. Prompt: S31 : An unexpected storm floods the dungeons so the Slytherins are forced to share dorm space for the night with the Gryffindors. Harry is the only one who'll share a bed with Draco. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Sleeping Beauty Curse by who_la_hoop Rated: Explicit Words: 152548 Tags: UST, Pining, Forced Bonding, Fake Relationship, Forced Proximity, Humour, Jealousy, Misunderstandings, Falling In Love, Magical Sex Toys, Post-War, Semi-Public Sex, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Community: hd_erised, Background Femslash, Fluff and Angst, slow-burn, wanking, so much wanking, bed sharing, getting drunk, sucking cock, Frottage, Nightmares, Families of Choice, Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort Summary: When Draco Malfoy falls into a cursed sleep and can only be woken – at least, according to the Daily Prophet, that impeccable source of truth – by ‘true love’s kiss’, Harry Potter knows there’s no way on earth he’s the answer to this particular riddle. Is he . . .? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A Weekend in Heaven('s Inn) by gnarf Rated: Teen and Up Words: 2754 Tags: Humor, Getting Together, Established Relationship, HP Joggers Fest, Hotels, Roommates, Sharing a Bed Summary: One weekend, two Professors, a couple of students, and a lot of different stories of finding love while wearing joggers, leggings, or nothing at all. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Catch and Release by shealwaysreads (onereader) Rated: Explicit Words: 11293 Tags: Forced Bonding, Wizarding Traditions (Harry Potter), Bonding Spell, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Well - Freeform, Enemies to Forced Bonding to Lovers, Touch Averse Draco Malfoy, also, Touch-Starved Draco Malfoy, THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED, Forced Proximity, Forced Cohabitation, personal boundaries, Bodyguard Harry Potter, Feels, minor harry/omc, Happy Ending, Happy Birthday Tacky!!, Touch-Starved Harry Potter Summary: Wizarding Britain is changing; a slow integration with the Muggle world has begun, and Draco Malfoy has been summoned from his quiet life crafting wards in France to help. But that’s not what this story is about. This story is about Potter, and magic, and the courage it takes to reach out. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Take My Hand by daisymondays Rated: Explicit Words: 12814 Tags: Summer, Summer Romance, Pining, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, First Kiss, Drinking Games, Harry Potter Has Dimples, Draco Malfoy Can't Cope, Fluff, Sharing a Bed, Auror Partners, Draco Has Feels To Spare, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Flirting, Friends to Lovers, Meddling Friends, Touching, Soooo Much Touching, HP: EWE Summary: Draco has long resigned himself to pining after Harry... that is until an invite on the annual Ministry holiday gives him a chance to change everything. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Better To Burn Than To Fade Away by Ren Rated: Explicit Words: 23227 Tags: HP: EWE, Broomstick Racing, Love/Hate, Making Out, Minor Injuries, Rimming, Barebacking, Feelings, Denial of Feelings, acceptance of feelings, Drunk Sex mentions, Broom Racer Harry Potter, Organiser Draco Malfoy, H/D Career Fair 2017, Pining Draco Malfoy, Pining Harry Potter, Harry Potter Has a Saving People Thing, Romance Summary: Harry Potter is a legend in the world of broomstick racing. He's won almost every cup, trophy, and bowl – except for the historical London-Nome which has been on hiatus for the past several years. Now the London-Nome is starting again, and Harry will do anything to pull off one last big win. Draco Malfoy is one of the organisers of the London-Nome. The race is infamous for its accidents, but Draco is adamant that this year nothing will go wrong. However, between bad weather and international problems en route, the biggest trouble is he can't stop running into Potter. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Whatever May Come by charlotteschaos Rated: Explicit Words: 65513 Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Underage, Crossdressing Kink, Object Insertion, First Time, Bottom Draco, Top Harry Summary: Post HBP (Horcrux hunt) Harry/Draco The trio discovers that Draco Malfoy is hidden away at Spinner's End and Harry recruits him to be a member of the team. *Complete* Winner of Forbidden Desires "Just As It Should Be" 2006 award. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Safe Haven by gnarf Rated: Explicit Words: 30166 Tags: Final Battle, Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, Angst, Fluff, Curses, Canonical Character Death, Healing, Nightmares, Sharing a Bed, Sharing Clothes, Party Games, Firewhiskey (Harry Potter), Praise Kink, St Mungo's Hospital, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Summary: After switching sides during the final battle, and finding himself with nowhere to go in the aftermath, Luna invites Draco to live with her at Safe Haven. Not knowing what to expect, but having no other options, Draco takes the opportunity and follows her. When they arrived, Draco couldn’t help but realize that whatever he had expected, this surely wasn’t it. He didn’t expect a mouldy old house that belonged to Potter, of all people, and he certainly didn’t expect that Potter would be living there as well. But even with these minor (major) complications, he'd be damned if he wasn’t going to try and make this work. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 9 ½ Days by magpie_fngrl Rated: Explicit Words: 47904 Tags: Canon Divergence, Canon detour more like, Sharing a Bed, Wandlore (Harry Potter), Explicit Sexual Content, Angst with a Happy Ending, Holocaust, Animal Death(not on page), Mildly Dubious Consent, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Romani & Travelers, First Time Summary: After the events at the Manor, Harry and Draco find themselves stranded in the countryside with a broken wand and Death Eaters on their tail. This is the story of an uneasy truce, featuring faerie forests, seaside caves, Romani camps, kind old ladies, and a shared bed in an attic. Or how two boys fell in love in the midst of a bloody coup. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 No Rules in Breakable Heaven by parkkate Rated: Teen and Up Words: 10106 Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Secrets, Magical Accidents, mpreg (but not really and it's neither Harry or Draco), Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Mildly Dubious Consent, (due to alcohol), Sharing a Bed, Oblivious Harry Potter, Oblivious Draco Malfoy, Auror Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic Employee Draco Malfoy, Community: hp_drizzle, HP Drizzle Fest 2020 Summary: When a magical rainstorm reveals everyone's deepest desires, Harry learns far more about his friends and colleagues than he ever wanted to know. Worst of all, he suddenly has to face his own deepest desire. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 True Children Still by gracerene Rated: Explicit Words: 34240 Tags: Post-Hogwarts, Developing Relationship, Aurors, Auror Harry Potter, Auror Draco Malfoy, Kink Discovery, Kink Negotiation, Kink Exploration, Dom/sub Undertones, Dom Draco Malfoy, Daddy Dom Draco Malfoy, Sub Harry Potter, Subspace, littlespace, Age Play, Daddy Kink, Internalized Kink Shaming, Praise Kink, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Dirty Talk, Switching, Endearments, Dating, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Minor Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Drinking, Italy, Age Play Little Harry Potter, H/D Sex Fair 2020 Summary: After years of dancing around each other, Draco and Harry have finally begun to date, though they're taking things slow. They've got enough to figure out as it is, and the last thing Harry needs is an unexpected introduction to desires he's not quite ready to face. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Eye of the Storm by Mx_Maneater Rated: Explicit Words: 25420 Tags: POV Draco Malfoy, Trapped, Sharing a Bed, Non-Linear Narrative, Enemies to Lovers, Draco Malfoy is Clueless About Muggle Things, Sassy Harry Potter, Missions Gone Wrong, Forced Proximity, OH MY GOD they were roommates (but by accident), Trust Issues, Explicit Sexual Content, HP Drizzle Fest 2020, Community: hp_drizzle Summary: A storm rages blindly around a cabin with no doors. Without magic, Draco and Harry are trapped inside. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Romantic Prawn Who Loved Christmas by bixgirl1 Rated: Explicit Words: 39404 Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, room sharing, bed sharing, Pureblood Holiday Customs, Magical Holiday Theory, Falling In Love, Pining, Flirting, Mildly Dubious Consent, Sleep wanking, Facials, Blowjobs, Rimming, Loss of Virginity, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Gift Giving, Christmas, background Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy Summary: When Draco, forced into sharing a room with Potter for the year, finds out that Potter has a sleepwalking problem, he expects the odd conversations and the weird games of chess. What comes as a complete shock are Potter's other activities...And why he seems so intent on having Draco join him. (Relax. It's just like a holiday Hallmark movie! ...With, uhm, sleepwanking.) ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 On Your Shore by xanthippe74 Rated: Mature Words: 35113 Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Mystery, Scotland, Dark Magic, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Pining, Sharing a Bed, First Time, Non-Explicit Sex, Demisexual Harry Potter, Bisexual Harry Potter, Gay Draco Malfoy, Closeted Draco Malfoy, Curse Breaker Harry Potter, Antiques Appraiser Draco Malfoy, Redeemed Draco Malfoy, Good Parent Draco Malfoy, Past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Married Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, H/D Sex Fair 2020 Summary: Clearing out a remote house full of cursed collectibles in the Outer Hebrides? Not a problem for an experienced curse breaker like Harry Potter. Spending a week with the straight, happily-married man that he’s starting to have feelings for? And sharing a bed with him at night? Surely Harry can handle that, too. But both the house and Draco Malfoy have secrets to uncover, and Harry might be in deeper water than he thought. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Protective Bonds by Sadie Dragonfire (justbolts) Rated: Explicit Words: 38967 Tags: Magical Bond, Sharing a Bed, Forced Cohabitation, Written Pre-Order of the Phoenix, Enemies to Lovers, Companionable Snark, Frottage, Humor, Slow Romance, Unknown feelings Summary: Hermione discovers a book with an interesting protection spell. Testing it out has unforeseen consequences for Harry and Draco. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Salt on the Western Wind by Saras_Girl Rated: Mature Words: 60549 Tags: N/A Summary: When the war isn’t quite as over as it first appears, a guilt-ridden Harry is sent to a mysterious safe-house. Among sandwiches, insomnia, and Mills & Boon, he discovers something quite unexpected. [Smoochfest 2012] ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 What Separates Us by swtalmnd Rated: Explicit Words: 79989 Tags: Rape/Non-con, Underage, Drama & Romance, Challenge Response, First Time, Hurt/Comfort, Rape/Non-con Elements, BDSM, Incest, Violence, Non-con Lucius/Draco, no Harry/Draco bad touching Summary: Harry does something phenomenally stupid in Potions class, and the consequences are farther-reaching than anyone suspects. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A Convenient Impracticality by firethesound Rated: Explicit Words: 38540 Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Pining, Friends With Benefits, Obliviousness, Bad dates, blind dates, Semi-Public Sex, Breakfast, Bickering and Banter, Sharing a Bed, Bars and Pubs, Drunken Shenanigans, Cake Summary: Somehow Harry ends up agreeing to a fake relationship with his ex-nemesis-turned-friendly-acquaintance-with-benefits, except for some reason it involves an awful lot of actual dating and, sadly, not much sex. Confused? Harry is too, but when has anything with Draco Malfoy ever been as straightforward as it seems? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A Ghost in the Garden by thistle_verse Rated: Explicit Words: 27176 Tags: Aurors, Auror Partners, casefic, Pining, Awkward Bed Sharing, Sexual Tension, Snark, society shenanigans, Dragons, Alcohol Abuse, Mentions of Violence, Community: hd_erised, Ghosts Summary: That night Draco dreams, and he is the ghost in his garden. He is both silvered figment and his own solid and flesh face pressing against the window, watching. Spinning and spun, haunting and haunted. Turned and turning, an open mouth with no sound. Harry and Draco are thrown together on an investigation into a sinister political movement. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 when we're done sleeping (we'll stay busy dreaming) (Lucky13 #7) by megyal Rated: Teen and Up Words: 1729 Tags: Sharing a Bed Summary: An Auror protects an important member of the Wizengamot. ❤️ Read on AO3
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read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3mVDSbL
by m4r4ud3r
Sirius Black is a famous singer/song writer, signed by his parents. Remus Lupin is a University student working part-time at a record store. Remus texts the wrong number trying to reach his peer, and well you know the rest.
Words: 2754, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Peter Pettigrew, Mary Macdonald, Regulus Black, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, Euphemia Potter, Fleamont Potter, Andromeda Black Tonks, hope howell, Ted Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks
Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Mary Macdonald/Emmeline Vance
Additional Tags: Texting, Texting Fanfic, Drunk Texting, Famous Sirius Black, University, Alternate Universe, Hogwarts, Hogwarts is a College | University, Queer Character, Nonbinary Character, Lesbian Marlene McKinnon, Lesbian Dorcas Meadowes, Bisexual Mary Macdonald, Bisexual Lily Evans Potter, Pansexual James Potter, Young Peter Pettigrew, Panromantic Peter Pettigrew, Good Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape Bashing, Regulus Black Deserves Better, Gay Sirius Black, unlabeled remus lupin, evil Walburga, Evil Orion, Bellatrix sucks, Some scenes inspired by Young Royals, wrong number texting, Wrong number, Friends to Lovers, Dorcas owns a cat cafe, Famous Mary Macdonald, Famous Hope Lupin, Remus works at a record store, wolfstar, dorlene, Memmeline, Potter parents are angels, found family trope, Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Taylor Swift References, Adele references, delicate, James is not a himbo, slight angst, Happy Ending, happy throughout, kind of funny, I hope you giggle, Lily evans is so hot, Mary Macdonald is an actress, Sirius black concert
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3mVDSbL
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White Day
White Day by cappugccino
It's not the first time Touya has received a heartfelt confession. In fact, the number two hero's son has been given countless Valentine's chocolates over the years. He's watched girls fidget, the tips of their ears flushing a warm pink, as they stumble through admitting their feelings. But no one had dragged him out to the sports building, seemingly annoyed and inconvenienced by their own infatuation— until yesterday.
Words: 2754, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Todoroki Touya
Relationships: Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Todoroki Touya
Additional Tags: Gift Exchange, U.A. High School, Valentine's Day Fluff, White Day, First Kiss, Hero Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Hero Todoroki Touya
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29422335
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Chest of drawers, c. 1825, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Decorative Arts, Textiles and Sculpture
a-chest; b-e-drawers; top and front bow shape with carved columns on either side and a squared platform with carefully restored inverted beehive feet (later casters placed); front drawers retain rosewood turned knobs, also rosewood cock beading on drawer edges; tinted shellac finish Chests of drawers with bowed fronts flanked by caryatid figures or columns, such as this one, are often attributed to the Philadelphia area, where a significant number are known to have been owned and made. The form reflects a strong influence from the French Empire, or Neoclassical style. This example differs from most in that it is made of maple with rosewood details, more commonly found on Biedermeier style furniture made at this time in and around Germany. Another unusal element of this chest is the survival of the painted decoration on its columns, sides, and drawer fronts, as well as its original rosewood drawer knobs. Size: 43 1/2 x 47 x 23 1/4 in. (110.49 x 119.38 x 59.06 cm) Medium: Bird's eye and tiger maple, pine, tulip
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CN Logistics 嘉泓物流
CN Logistics is the best Logistics Company in Hong Kong which offers global airfreight services, exports and imports and other courier services. 嘉泓物流是國際知名的物流解決方案供應商。透過全球14個辦事處及其國際貨運代理/合作夥伴網絡,為世界各地提供服務。
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Address : 13/F., Park Sun Building, 97-107 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong
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Battered Woman Syndrome and the Law on Self-Defense
by: Ma. Luz P. Delfin and Flordeliza C. Vargas
Vol 25, No 1-2 (2015): Review of Women's Studies Volume XXV, Numbers 1-2 (January-December 2015)
Main Idea:
In order to obtain a greater understanding of battered women and the legal system, this paper provides a brief situationer on women’s rights, violence in the home, and legal remedies available under civil and criminal statutes.
Evidence that supports the main idea:
The paper the presents the concept of battered woman syndrome, its nature and elements, and how it has been used in law.
The main objective of this paper is to be able to contribute to the greater understanding of abused women, the situations they face and how the legal system can help in their plight.
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Family Matters (Bruce Wayne)
I got the inspiration for this piece from one of the episodes from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. I also related it to personal experiences as well sooo.... Yeah, it’s gonna be a sad one, but not enough to cry over lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!
Word Count: 2754
“My god, they’re really going at it up there, aren’t they?” Jason acknowledged your anguish screams coming from the top of the grand staircase; although you were on a whole different level of the manor, the pitch of your screams was still sharp on the ears for the boys and Alfred on the first floor in the kitchen. His facial features scrunched up with his shoulders every time he heard your violent scream and the sound of something breaking, whether it be glass or a heavy object hitting the ground or wall. “They started acting like that shortly after they got home,” Dick informed everyone in the room; his blue eyes observed the concerned faces of his brothers and Alfred, “they’ve been doing that for the last hour and a half, with no break.” “What set them off anyways?” Tim questioned with a hint of pure curiosity. His blue eyes narrowed while he looked over everyone in the room to see if anyone had a clue. “I heard that they were fired from their job?” Dick answered with uncertainty, making him question his own knowledge. “They got a secret partner anyone know about? Maybe a messy breakup?” Jason suggested as he stood by the entrance of the kitchen connecting to the back staircase leading up to the bedrooms; he listened to you rage on some more with the accompanies of shattering glass. “No, they haven’t met anyone in months,” Damian mentioned while he got down from the bar stool at the counter while he took his drink from Alfred. “Maybe they just got tired of being lonely?” The boys were at a loss at trying to figure out what had set you off on an emotional rampage in your bedroom. They were concerned for your safety with the number of numerous things they heard being thrown around, but none of them were brave enough to see what exactly was hiding behind that door of yours. They all chose to sit in silence, letting themselves be consumed by their numerous thoughts. Damian stood next to Dick by the table and when he heard Alfred briefly cough, a thought had snapped into his head. “Alfred, you seem to know every single thing about us and what we’re always doing, do you know the cause of all of that?” Damian pointed upwards at the ceiling as your screams got louder and something heavy hit the floor. Alfred gave the boys subtle glances before returning to preparing a tray filled with refreshments, food, and a first aid kit sitting next to it. A drawn-out sigh was the only answer the boys got; with that type of answer, they all figured that he knew the source of your distraught and was holding out on them, letting them wander in the dark with their wildest predictions. “Oh come on Alfred. It’s not like we’ll go running our mouths to everyone we know,” Jason scoffed as he was getting irritated with your behavior and the lack of progress to correct it, “Can you at least tell us if it is a serious matter to us as a family or them? We’re genuinely worried for their safety.” “It’s a serious family matter for them, I’m afraid, but it is none of your concern,” Alfred shot Jason a look that told him to just forget about the source of your pain, “You shouldn't worry too much, I’m afraid that we must let them work through this on their own for the time being, master Bruce will take care of it shortly.”
“Wait, Bruce knows about it too?” Dick asked, prompting Alfred to stop what he was doing to answer their questions in a discreet manner, “How come he didn’t tell us if it concerns our family?” “I must’ve not been clear earlier, I said that it is a family matter on their behalf, no ours,” Alfred placed his hands on top of the cool marble counter and gave all the boys a warning look, “I suggest that you all find some other activities to do around or outside the house for today. I have a feeling that when they are all done with their...excited behavior, they will be ashamed of themselves and wouldn’t want to face you all for a while.” Alfred left it with that and finished packing the tray with numerous items before setting it aside and walking into the laundry room for other matters. The boys were left dumbfounded as their wise butler left them with more questions rather than answers. They continued to listen to your screams that were starting to subside while they talked quietly amongst themselves. “So it’s a family matter. It’s got to be her blood relatives, right?” Tim questioned as he let his detective skills do all the work, “But I thought that she was orphaned with her parents' death?” “They were, but maybe it’s distant relatives, like cousins or aunts and uncles?” Dick stated, adding more questions to the mix. “Shh, you guys heard that?” Jason hushed the boys by holding up his hands in their direction while his head was poked out into the hall to the back staircase. The boys all listened in on what Jason was referring to and it all made their senses sharpen. “It’s...quiet. Maybe a little too quiet,” Jason walked out into the hallway to listen closer and he heard the slight muffle of two voices, one belonging to their adopted siblings and the other to their father, “Bruce is up there. They’re talking.” While the boys all listened at the base of the staircase the best they could without alarming the two of you in the room, you were standing in the center of your room looking like a complete mess. From your shins down to your bare feet, they were littered with cuts from the shattered photo frames of your real family and other glass objects that used to sit on your bookshelf. Your clothes were ripped and overstretched and your (H/C) hair was filled with knots in your loose bun; the flyaways constantly waved in and out of your vision, but you chose to not the littlest things take your attention away from your own goals. Bruce stood by the door, just inspecting the mess before him. The moment he stepped into the room he knew that that air would be tense, but he underestimated it as it felt like with the numerous family photos laying on the ground and your distressed demeanor that it was choking him as he was being forced to deal with a concept he is still fighting to understand himself. Your chest was heaving as you dug your fingers into your hair before pulling them out aggressively and moving to grab the snowglobe you received as a gift recently from your parents and gave it a good look over before smashing it on the wall a couple feet from Bruce. You rage lost steam the moment your eyes made contact with Bruce’s; reality and guilt took over you as you realized that you had lost yourself in his home and destroying all of his own property. “I guess I don’t have to ask you how your meeting went with your parents, now do I?” Bruce addressed the problem directly, trying to get you to cool down so he could at least get you to relax so the both of you could talk about it more discreetly. You scoffed as you threw your hands up in the air and gave him a look mixed with anger and confusion, “Oh yeah, it went just terrific. It was the best two hours of my life, honestly,” The words came out with a sarcastic tint and each word dripped with venom as you looked down at the ground to see a picture that was the source of your pain, “My life is definitely taking a big turn in a whole other direction I originally planned it to go in when I met them.” Bruce could still sense the anger in your voice and watched your lip quiver when you brought up your family. A shaky sigh came from him while he cautiously tried to take a step in your direction, but there was just glass everywhere. He knew that you were suffering and it pained him to see you that way, but he was getting used to being a parent and how could he be a parent to you when you already looked up to somebody else? “I know you’re mad and you have every right to be,” Brue started, raising his hands to fold across his chest, “but anger won’t get you anywhere good.” “Damn right, I have every right to be mad—I’m furious, pissed off!” You raised your voice, feeling the veins in your neck flex as you let all of your anger come out at once. “How could I be such a damn fool to believe their words? To believe that they actually wanted me back in their lives? They gave me up, for fuck’s sake!” Bruce felt your pain as he watched your body fight with your mind about becoming worked up once again. Your eyes wandered around the room at an alarming rate while your fists clenched and you fidgeted with your feet. Throughout your battle with yourself, he kept a neutral face and you didn’t know if that was factoring into your pain. “(Y/N)...You’re not a fool…” “No, I must be because who else would respond to the people who gave them up for adoption to meet up and spend time with them over a series of months and believe that they really enjoyed their company and thought of them as their child? Who else would get attached after all those months and have them turn around and tell them that they were a mistake and a chapter in their lives that they would rather forget?” Your fists came to hit your chest to refer to you as you began to pace back and forth in the room; the glass under your feet didn’t even bother you cause in your mind, you tried to imagine a worse pain than what you were currently going through. You wanted to through something, anything, but there was nothing left for you to grab, just like your family. “I’m a damn fool to think that because they were still together after they had me and they now have a family, five children, five… six, if they would think to count me… do they still even count me as one?” You wondered, letting your lip quiver as you let yourself start to feel bad for yourself. “It doesn’t even matter anymore really, they’re the type of people to do that, I could sense it, but I couldn’t prevent it; all they do is build you up and tear you down in the end.” Bruce couldn’t believe the words coming out of your mouth. He knew you like the back of his hand but the person he was seeing now wasn’t the same person that he adopted all those years back. He watched you come a long way from being a shy little orphan to a very successful member of his clan and now to see your past bring you to your knees was a blow to his heart for you. “(Y/N), I’m sorry that it turned out this way if there’s anything I could—” “No, it’s fine Bruce really, because up until I met them, I was doing just fine, I don’t even know why I agreed to see them in the first place. I learned how to brush my teeth without them, how to drive, how to play the violin, other people along with you were kind enough to teach me all of that and now look where it’s got me, I’m gonna graduate high school with honors and numerous scholarships; I got a bright future ahead of me and I give no credit to them. I’m gonna find me a man that will love me and we’ll have a big family and you’ll be damn sure that I won’t ever put those children down once!” The determination in your eyes was definitely there as Bruce finally saw you slowly come back to your true self. He ignored the glass under his shoes as he made his way over to you to see you more closely. He could tell that something was bothering you as well, but he didn’t as it came after your rant. Your teary (E/C) eyes came to look at Bruce’s and at that moment you felt ridiculous for your earlier actions and what you had done to his home. You could finally see that it was with Bruce’s help that you got to where you were today and that those people you devoted all your time over the previous months were wasted when you could’ve been spending it with the true family that has been with you ever since you were twelve. Your true family will always be connected to you, but your bond with Bruce and his boys were stronger, but the pain you were experiencing now was evident and it was still a big issue. “How come they don’t want me?” Bruce gave you a crushed look before pulling you into his arms and holding you against your chest as he felt your angry grunts turn into silent sobs. Your arms came to wrap around his waist and you pulled him tight to your body as you were finally feeling that familial love that you’ve been lacking all those years. He let you sway the both of you as were relaxing in his embrace; your sniffles were the only sound in the destroyed room and after your screaming session, your voice was becoming hoarse. The moment that you were sharing with Bruce was one you would forget. “I’m sorry about the mess, I really didn’t mean to.” Your voice was muffled against his chest while he just shushed you and patted down your wild hair. “Don’t worry about it, I’m glad you did it here and not out in public,” Bruce stated while he surveyed the room once more. Pictures were strewn about and the bed was shifted and there was water on the flooring and glass shards on the walls and floor, “Also, I know that you can hold a lot of anger and we could put that to use in your training; you might have to go easy on the boys though.” Your laugh was music to his ears while he let go of you and helped you sit on the bed. He knew that you would need some medical attention with all those cuts on your feet, so he went to call up Alfred through the intercom. You fiddled with your fingers while he did that and while you both waited on Alfred, Bruce pushed the glass shards away with his shoes for his butler. Shuffling by the door stopped Bruce in his tracks as it got louder and it sounded like someone was mumbling. Bruce shot you a questioning look while you shrugged your shoulders at what it could be. Bruce swiftly made his way to the door and threw it open to see Tim standing there with a tray of food and medicine, wearing an innocent smile while his eyes said danger. “Tim, what are you doing right here? Were you listening?” Bruce asked him sternly, cracking the door to hide the mess that he knew you were definitely ashamed of. “The others, they put me up to it, I swear.” He insisted as he handed the tray off to Bruce while slowly backing away to make a break for it back to the kitchen. He was yelling at his brothers for ditching him at the scene while Bruce just shook his head with a small smile, already knowing it wasn’t just Tim at the door and the real reason why they were there in the first place. “My god, they were listening, weren’t they?” “With good intentions. In this family, one person’s burden is everyone else's. They just wanted to make sure you were alright.” With a small, sheepish smile you just nodded curtly before finally accepting that this is what normal families do, well knowing that Bruce and the boys were more than just ordinary people, this is what families close to normal do and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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5k Survey LIV
2751. What's the most interesting assignment you ever had in school? >> I’m not sure. I hope people realise that my last moment in any kind of school was in December of 2005 (and my last moment in high school was June of 2004). I can barely be arsed to remember anything from 15 years ago unless it’s trauma-related. 2752. What's the most interesting thing you ever had to do for work? >> I thought working as a merch seller for local bands was very interesting. I had a lot of fun. 2753. Do you feel: insignifigant? unable to evoke change? like one person can't change the world? like one life and one person's suffering doesn't mean very much? If you answered yes to any of those can you describe why in detail? >> I, personally, feel insignificant fairly often, but that doesn’t extend to thinking that other people are also equally insignificant. 2754. Do you feel like you could contribute as much to society as ____ has? Albert Einstein: Abe Lincoln: Franz Kafka: Jesus Christ: >> Just because I already have self-esteem problems doesn’t mean I’m going to sit here and consciously make “do you have as much worth as these people” comparisons. 2755. Are you aware that your brain is the same size as Albert Einstein's brain? Do you realize that you have the same number of hours in a day as Abraham Lincoln? Did you know that Franz Kafka wrote all of his amazing litterature during his lunchbreaks at work? Did you know that we are all made of matter and that you are made of the Same Thing that Jesus was made of? Do you still believe that you couldn't contribute as much to society as they did? If yes than WHY? >> This is an immensely irritating line of questioning, I hope it’s over now.
2756. Is your mind in the gutter? >> My mind is not in the gutter. 2757. What do you have to complain about? >> Whatever I want to complain about. 2758. Do you remember rock n' roll radio? >> ... Yes? Pretty sure it still exists, regardless. 2759. Is there such a thing as a food that you burn more calories from digesting than you actually absorb from it? >> I don’t know, try google. 2760. Hey, if you've gotten this far than you and me go way back. We've been hanging out for a while now and I gotta know..do you like me? >> --- 2761. What are you doing, Dave? >> --- 2762. As far as love goes do you feel it is better to become complete before looking for someone or find someone who completes you? >> People are already complete, despite however they may feel about themselves. I don’t understand what it means to look for someone who “completes you”, that sounds immensely absurd to me. So I guess I can’t really answer this question except to say “I don’t think people should be thinking about relationships in these terms...” 2763. What attracts you about the opposite sex (or same sex, or both sexes)? >> --- 2764. Do you need people or do you not need anyone? >> Of course I need other people. The fact that I have an attachment disorder is a direct result of my inherent need for other people’s love and support going repeatedly ignored. Even besides that, I need other people to physically survive, because that’s how ecosystems work, and believe it or not, we are still part of nature and beholden to its cycles and systems. 2765. Is selfishness always bad? Is selflessness always good? >> No. 2766. Do you feel like your life is being controlled by a power structure? >> Of course certain elements of my life as a social creature are controlled by power structures. 2767. Can you name three things in society that send the message that being completely yourself and that looking inside yourself and contemplating what's within is a good thing? >> Sigh. 2768. Can you name three things in society that send the message that materialism and the accumulation of stuff is a good thing? >> The entirety of capitalism. 2769. What is more important, a picture or it's frame? What is more important, spirituality or religion? >> These questions truly do get more baffling as time goes on. 2770. How many definitions can you come up with for the wword 'fuck'? >> I don’t have to come up with definitions, google is right there. 2771. Is it less offensive when a black person says Nigger than when a white person says it? Why or why not? >> The context in which a Black person says it is often a far different context from the one in which a white person says it. So, yes. It usually is less offensive by default, unless the Black person being addressed is uncomfortable with the word even when used in a friendly context. 2772. Do you rationalize often? >> Rationalise what? 2773. Do you believe that america is an imperialist nation? >> I mean, yeah. 2774. Would you agree that: hot topic is the new abercrombie? pink is the new black: you are the new you? >> *stares dully* 2775. Do you have more internet or real life friends? >> I only have Internet friends. 2776. What IS the feeding of 5000? >> The what?? 2777. What's an easy way to make money? >> I don’t know. 2778. What's your favorite slang word and what does it mean? >> I don’t think I have a favourite slang word. 2779. Are you uncomfortable? >> Slightly, because of noise issues. 2780. Is anything definate besides death and taxes? >> Taxes aren’t definite for everyone, but death certainly is. I don’t know what else is that predictable. 2781. Would you rather live fast and die young or live slow and die old? >> Living slow sounds nice to me. However it ends. 2782. Can you name 4 people who have committed crimes against humanity? How do you think they live with themselves? >> Probably, but I don’t feel like it. I don’t care how they live with themselves. 2783. If you could imagine, pure fantasy, any God you could concieve, how would you want God to be? >> I can imagine any god I want to imagine. It’s really not that hard, there are already so many to choose from, even if just to use as a template. 2784. do you think the smashing pumpkins have a strong christian theme? >> I don’t know, I’ve never paid a whole lot of attention to their lyrics. Their songs just sound pretty. 2785. Do you think this survey has a strong christian theme? >> I didn’t think that. I hope I won’t have cause to think it in the future. 2786. Fill in the blank for yourself" Give me ____ or give me death! >> --- 2787. Have you ever heard of the USA patriotism act? Apparently they have passed laws making torture legal. Also the FBI can sneak and peek into ANYONE'S home. They don't have to ask or even tell you they were there. This is already the law. So, whaddaya think? >> I mean, yes, I know that. I live here. 2788. The people in power step all over the average citizen, trying to secure all the power and money for themselves and leave us with no rights and under their control. They have the audacity to do this because they know that we will not lift a finger to stop them. Are they right? >> I don’t know if they’re right or not. I’m also not sure what the fuck powerful-ass finger you think we common folk all have. 2789. The Free State Project is a plan in which 20,000 or more liberty-oriented people will move to a single state of the U.S. to secure there a free society. They will accomplish this by first reforming state law, opting out of federal mandates, and finally negotiating directly with the federal government for appropriate political autonomy. They want to be a community of freedom-loving individuals and families, and want to create a shining example of liberty for the rest of the nation and the world. What's your opinion? Could this work? Why or why not? >> Didn’t a bunch of libertarians want to do this at some point? Anyway, I don’t know if this could work or not. I don’t know nearly enough about any of the elements involved to have an informed opinion about the feasibility of this kind of project. It does sound plenty audacious, though (and way too vague). 2790. Have you ever seen the Neverending Story? Remember when Bastian has to prove his worth by looking in that mirror where you see yourself the way you really are with no pretenses, rationalizations or mental lying? Could you stand yourself if you looked into that mirror? >> I do remember that, vaguely. I wanted to rewatch this movie but then I didn’t get to it in time and HBO took it down :( Anyway, I don’t know if I could stand myself if I looked into a mirror like that. I can’t conceptualise what that experience would actually be like. 2791. What is soilent green? >> Oh, you know. (That’s another movie I’d like to rewatch, in fact.) 2792. What are you proud that you have never done? >> *shrug* 2793. What things are hopeless? >> *shrug* 2794. What Are People For? >> Making Soylent Green out of. 2795. What book do you feel could change someone's life? >> Any book could change someone’s life. 2796. Didja ever want to just walk up to the Bush administration and ask them, 'What the fuck?' >> No, I wasn’t really paying much attention to the administration during that time because I had a lot of personal issues taking up my immediate focus. But from what little I remember about it, it’d be a valid question to ask. 2797. How do you take your coffeee? >> Decaffeinated. 2798. Have you ever played: paintball? lazer tag? which is better? >> I’ve never played these. 2799. In what ways are you lucky? >> A lot of ways, I guess. A lot of fucked up shit has happened, but a fair amount of strangely fortuitous stuff has happened, too. Guess something has to even the other shit out. 2800. If Jesse Jackson wants reparations to be given to black people because he thinks that black people don't have equal opportunities in this country than why does he drive a Jaguar? >> “Black people don’t have equal opportunities in this country” is still a fact of life no matter what the fuck kind of car Jesse Jackson drives. Focusing on his personal “success” or whatever like that is just a diversion from the heart of the matter.
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