#number 1 pet peeve i’m so serious
humanveil · 2 years
if i wake up to my phone ringing my entire week is ruined and my mood is foul for like 14 hours at least
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moraymiso · 2 months
one bsd opinion you will absolutely defend with your LIFE?
mmm i have SO many but i feel like talking abt this one atm. it kinda turned into more of a pet peeve rant as i went along, dw, i will share plenty of die-hard takes for whoever u are anon…
strap in, this is a longer one 😭
i’ve seen this especially on reddit— skk antis getting their panties in a twist every time dazai is jokingly called gay, or when anything about the skk ship is mentioned. it happens EVERYWHERE for sure, but it’s… crazy over on reddit.
and you’re totally allowed to be annoyed when that’s all people boil him down to, you’re totally allowed to dislike mischaracterization, you’re totally allowed to hate a ship! but GODDD it specifically grinds my gears when people aren’t even giving worthwhile critiques and instead just try to insist “dazai is straight!”. there’s actually a very highly upvoted post on reddit compiling “evidence” of dazai being straight. it’s definitely not a well-meaning post, it’s absurd, and i wish i was kidding ;; i’ve seen SO many people go “he likes women, cuz this this and this! he’s straight!”
like…. y’all. addressing the elephant in the room: BISEXUAL PEOPLE EXIST?? i’m not even bi and it pisses me off that people seem to just ignore that there’s more on the table than just gay and straight. OBVIOUSLY dazai likes women. nobody is denying this?? why are you losing your marbles over there buddy?
BUT ON TOP OF THAT, it is heavily implied in his own works that the irl osamu dazai was bisexual, primarily describing his experience having a crush on a boy his age when he was teenager. obviously these characters in BSD are not 1 to 1 copies, but it feels massively disrespectful to the real author (who lived at a time where being open about his orientation was downright DANGEROUS) to immediately and vehemently insist that dazai is straight because he likes women.
personally, i believe dazai is meant to be coded or insinuated as bisexual in the series due to a number of reasons i’ll probably get into on a later date (not rlly related to ships btw!)— not everyone agrees, and that’s fine! you’re totally allowed to think he’s straight, dislike his ships, dislike when people oversimplify him etc, but it just drives me crazy when people get MEAN about it and go to insane lengths to try and have some weird gotcha moment every time someone mentions a ship or makes a joke.
tldr: chill out with ships and headcanons guys, please, it is never that deep. when we call dazai gay, or call bsd a gay series, we are not being serious. and i love bi dazai!!
remember: neither of these things are confirmed. you’re headcanoning that he’s straight as much as we’re headcanoning that he’s bisexual.
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anntoldst0ries · 4 years
Everything else is just the weather
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr Noelle Valentine) Word Count: ~5.3k (I sinned!) Summary: Ethan takes Elle out on their “first” date. Category: Fluff Warnings: None
A/N: It has literally taken me ages to finish this fic. To the point that I couldn’t look at it anymore, but here it is. I had it in mind for a really long time and now that OH is back, I feel like I’m ready to show it to the world. As always thank you for your support and I hope you like it!
This fic is part 2 of birthday present for my friend, part 1 is the fan art which you can see here. Once you read the fic, the fan art makes more sense :)
This is my submission for CFWC Silly Love Stories, Day 12: Date night.
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Loud knocks resonated throughout the room. 
"Come in!"
"Good morning, Mrs. Peterson.”
“Good morning, Dr Valentine. I think you are the only doctor in this hospital with some sort of manners, everyone else just waltzes in here as if it was a damn barn!”
“Hospital or no hospital, everyone has their right to privacy.”
“Thank you, child. Once again, please call me Faye."
"Alright Faye, but only if you call me Elle.” She smiled sweetly, and the whole room seemed to be suddenly lit by a thousand suns.
“How are you feeling? Are the meds making a difference?"
"They are. I am ready to be discharged today.”
"Not so fast. I am not ready to say goodbye to you yet."
“Why would you possibly like to be lumbered with an old nuisance like me for even a second longer than necessary?”
Elle just laughed and shook her head. The ‘nuisance’, as the elderly lady so lovingly put it, was exactly what she loved about her job. She loved spending time with her patients, she loved their stories and their worldly wisdom. It made her sad to see how many of them thought they didn’t matter or considered themselves and their lives boring. To her, they were anything but. 
Many of Edenbrook’s staff members kept asking themselves: what is it about her? She was a great doctor, no two ways about it, and she was a genuinely nice person. But what was the source of power she had over people? If she woke up one day and decided to start a rebellion, patients would have most certainly followed her, even if it meant they’d be leaving the premises of the hospital with naked butts or trailing their IVs behind them. Doctors, nurses, administration, cleaners and security would follow shortly. She only had to say a word.
And how on Earth was she capable of turning Dr Ramsey, the grizzly bear of Edenbrook, into a benign teddy bear with as little as one look? It was beyond everyone’s apprehension.
Had they spent more time actually observing her, rather than gossiping in the corners, the answer would have unveiled in front of them within minutes.
It was very simple.
Noelle was truly curious about people. She genuinely liked them and was determined to get to know their story, for it helped her diagnose them faster and also satiated the young doctor’s hunger for knowledge.
Patients never felt like “curious cases” or “numbers” in her presence. They were… themselves - people with hopes, dreams, fears, pet peeves and odd habits. They were human. 
So little and yet so much.
Those never touched by serious illnesses often failed to understand that sickness strips you of your dignity and becomes your identity. Your true self becomes covered by this weird, annoying sticker that wouldn’t come off no matter how hard you tried to remove it. 
But this young woman, despite the nature of her profession, somehow managed to notice what was hiding beneath this misleading layer.
Had all these gossipers spoken to her patients, that’s exactly what they would have heard.
"What's happening today?" The older lady asked with a flick of curiosity in her wrinkle-haloed eyes.
"What do you mean, Faye?" The young doctor sounded genuinely baffled by the out-of-the-blue question.
"Well, I am no diagnostician, but I believe I am rather observant and you radiate with happiness. Something special is happening today, am I right?"
"Yeah, you are right." Elle blushed like a teenager caught in a lie. "My boyfriend is taking me on a surprise date today, but he won’t say a word about it, so I'm super excited to find out what he planned for us. He usually isn't one for romantic gestures, so the secrecy is killing me."
"Do you think he's gonna pop the big question?" Faye’s eyes lit up with excitement.
"No, we're not there...yet." Elle faked a smile, but a tone of doubt and sadness coloured her voice. They probably never will be, those things weren’t in the cards for Ethan, as he already stressed once.
But once was enough and she didn’t dare mention the subject again.
"Well, I'm pretty sure he's got some big guns in store, I would if I had a lady like you." - a male patient lying in the bed adjacent to Elle’s patient added smiling flirtatiously. 
"Jerry, you were supposed to focus on getting better, not stealing my girlfriend." They all jumped when a deep baritone echoed throughout the room, hitting present company like a wrecking ball. She must have left the door ajar or Ethan could penetrate the walls soundlessly, because no one heard him coming.
Exactly how long has he been standing there for and how much did he hear?
"Dr. Ramsey, flirting makes your blood flow faster. Isn't it the very definition of life itself?” Jerry’s tone was brisk and lively.
"Well, it definitely isn't the definition of recovery after a heart attack." Ethan used his authoritative doctor’s voice but knew this wasn't a battle he was going to win. Jerry had something he didn't: a couple more decades of life experience under his belt and even the best medical school in the country couldn’t compete with this.  
"Besides, Dr. Ramsey, I don't think that the beautiful Dr. Valentine here fancies old farts like me." 
"That's where you are wrong, Jerry, looks like this is exactly the type I fancy." The two women laughed, however Ethan was far from amused. "Dr. Ramsey is 10 years older than me."
"10 years? What is 10 years in these times? Nothing. When I was getting married 40 years ago, it was something. But today? Look at all them playboys with girls younger than my granddaughter. 10 years is actually a very healthy difference. Men are immature and slower with growing up emotionally. So I'd say you've caught up, Dr. Ramsey, and the two of you are emotional peers now.”
“Thank you for the fascinating lesson in human psychology, Jerry. To think I’ve wasted all this time and money on medical school and no one taught me this.”
“Dr. Ramsey, it’s because schools and useful knowledge are mutually exclusive.”
Elle and Faye were on the verge of bursting out in laughter, but managed to keep their composure and used the non-verbal communication of exchanging glances instead.
Once they made sure their patients had everything they need, Ethan and Elle wished them a good day and promised to stop by in 2 days, as the following day was their day off.
The moment the door closed behind them, Ethan crossed his arms on his chest.
"I lose you from my sight for one second and this happens. 5 more minutes with Jerry and I'd be single again."
"At least no one wants to poke your eyes out for being with me."
"And someone wants to poke yours?"
"Where do I start... nurses, who had a crush on you long before I even set foot in Edenbrook? Female interns? Anyone, who has a pair of functioning eyes and ever looked at you?"
She was adorable when she was doing this, her whole body overtaken by excitement and her hands waving. When she was talking about something really important to her she wasn't just conversing with her mouth, she was doing it with her whole body.
Suddenly, his pager painfully reminded Ethan that this was neither the place nor the time to lose himself in adoration.
"I need to go, I'm completely swamped today and I have my favourite cherry-on-top board meeting. In case I don't see you for the rest of your shift - I’ll pick you up at 7."
He was gone before she was able to form a response. Was it just her or was Dr Ramsey weirdly… nervous?
* * * * * * * *
At 7pm sharp, Ethan Ramsey curled his palm in a fist and gently knocked. The door opened in an instant, as if someone knew he'd been standing there for the past few minutes.
"Ethan! I mean Dr. Ramsey...please come in!" Sienna squeaked with nervous excitement as she let him in.
"Outside of Edenbrook Ethan is just fine, Sienna. If you don't mind me calling you by your first name, of course."
"Mm..mme? No, yes, I mean... Elle is on the balcony." She tried to hide her embarrassment and motioned towards the tall windows surrounding the living room. Some time ago, he would have been oddly proud to have such an intimidating effect on people - nowadays, more than anything, he was amused. Has he really changed so much?
The answer to his question was leaning against the railing, glass of wine in her hand. Gauzy, flowery dress enveloped her frame and tanned skin. 
For Ethan, it was as clear as crystal: summer had the face and scent of Noelle Valentine.
Long before she started leaving her toothbrush in his apartment and sleeping in his old JH t-shirts, Ethan noticed that whenever he laid eyes on her, his whole body started acting in a very irrational way. His doctor’s instincts prompted him to think of all types of biological causes and chemical reactions in the brain. Then, when he sort of admitted to himself it’s not just pure science, Ethan leaned towards the forbidden fruit theory - the more he couldn’t have his drug, the more he was craving it.
But the feeling never disappeared. Whenever he wouldn’t see her for a while - be that an hour, a day, or just when she went to take a shower or make a coffee - the very moment her face came into his view again, he felt his stomach somersaulting.
Every. Single. Time.
It wasn’t any different now.
"Drinking without me?"
She almost dropped the glass when his voice stopped the train of thought in her head. But then she saw his face, the way too seldom relaxed muscles and a barely-there smile.
A perfectly tailored shirt clung to his torso marvellously. If not in medicine, he surely would have made a name for himself in the fashion industry. Fortunately for her, the idea never crossed his mind. 
The warm wind blew in her face, carrying the scent of expensive cologne which overwhelmed her nostrils. She didn’t know this one, so it must have been new. But she did know that smelling it for the whole evening while staring at his handsome face will be a pure torture.
Simply put, she was a goner.
"I don't know why, but I was quite nervous. Had to summon the courage somehow.”
“As you should be. After all, it's not every day that one goes on their first date."
She looked at him as if she’d just been told that a UFO landed on the roof.
“On a what?”
"Well, I was thinking a lot lately about how we never had a first date. Nothing was ever...typical with us. I promised myself I will do my best to fix things that caused you pain or deprived you of the things you deserved. Maybe I cannot fix some immediately, but this one I can, so I will."
Her eyes, overbrimming with affection struck him like thousand lightnings. Thank god a comfortable silence fell between them - had she asked him a question, it would have been clear that right now he is nothing but a simpering moron.
With this in mind, he took his hands from behind his back, holding a small bouquet of pink gerberas.
"These are my favourites." Her face instantly illuminated at the well known sight and smell. "How did you know?”
"I had some amazing helpers."
Elle instantly turned her head left and looked inside, where grinning, Sienna was showing her the thumbs up.
"Wow, now I actually wish I'd downed the whole bottle."
"I'm glad you didn't. I want to go on a date with a woman, not her lifeless body, even though the body itself is very appealing. Shall we?”
“King of compliments…”
* * * * * * * *
"You actually look like you are having a good time, Dr Ramsey.”
"Why wouldn't I? There is alcohol, sitting under the sky definitely has its charm and the company is acceptable." She playfully swatted his arm, the gesture a quick reminder of how comfortable they felt with each other, something he constantly remembered to never take for granted.
“Although I love this, I still don’t understand why you dragged me all the way outside Boston, I’m pretty sure the rooftop bars are pretty acceptable there, too. A bit more crowded though, that’s for sure.”
“Are you complaining about the fact that we have this entire place to ourselves? I know the owner and he was indebted to me.”
“Of course he was.” Looks like the whole town is indebted to Ethan freakin’ Ramsey.
“With regards to why I brought you here… you’ll just have to wait and see.”
Gosh. She couldn’t decide whether the mysterious side of Ethan Ramsey was hot as hell or annoying as hell. But she didn’t really have time to contemplate, because her companion asked her a question.
“Why did you become a doctor?” The ocean eyes pierced her to the core and she had a feeling that even if she was the best actress in the world, there was no way she’d be able to hide something from this man.
“That’s a terrible change of subject. Also, I must have told you like a million times already.”
“No, you never told me.”
When she looked at him and really, really thought about it… she suddenly realised Ethan was right. Elle told the story so many times she sort of… assumed she told Ethan, too. 
“Are you sure you want to hear it today? It’s a pretty sad story, a mood killer I’d say.”
“It’s what makes you you, so yes, I want to hear all about it - the good, the bad and the indifferent.”
“I’ll tell you, but I need to ask something first. Why now? We’ve known each other for a while and you just… I just sort of assumed this isn’t the type of conversation you’d like to hold.”
“You’ve hit the nail on the head.” Ethan’s expression was gentle, not a hint of irony in his voice. “I’ve known you for a while now, but there are still so many things about you that I don’t know. At first, I didn’t want to ask, because asking these questions meant admitting that there is something more between us. What a fail would that be, after I’ve mastered the art of denial.” He laughed, but it wasn’t a bitter or a nervous laugh, it was a genuine banter between them, as the British half of her soul liked to call it. “But you made me want to dig deeper.”
Was it the heat that made her catch her breath, or did it have nothing to do with the temperature?
“Plus, this is sort of what first dates are for, right? I’m sorry for skipping right to the more complex questions. It’s not that I don’t want to know what you were afraid of as a child, I want to know all the details… but it feels like the atmosphere calls for something…bigger.”
So she told him all about her friend, how she fell ill, how she couldn’t be saved and how the experience wreaked havoc on her whole life, tears glistening in her eyes at the mere memory of the events that shaped who she was today.
Ethan listened, his whole body tense and eyes transfixed. She was giving him one of the most fragile parts of her and he had to make sure his hands were there to catch, carry and care for this treasure.
“And that’s when I realised that if I focused on becoming the best doctor I could be, then maybe one day, I’d be that person who has an answer, who can solve a mystery and save a relationship that means the world to someone. Sometimes, people don’t realise that when a person dies, it’s not only them that’s gone. The part of someone who stays, who has to deal with the whole ‘me after you’ - that part is gone, too. So for me, in a way, this meant saving more than one life.”
For a couple of seconds he didn’t move. Then, without saying a single word and with an unreadable expression he got up and offered her a hand, which she silently accepted. He led her to the railing, where the sun was slowly sinking into the boundless waters of Quincy Bay.
His lips found the all too well known way to her forehead, placing a loving kiss on her delicate skin.
“I am so proud of you.” There was something so mesmerising in his whisper, sending a shiver down her spine.
“As a mentor or as a boyfriend?”
“Both. I want you to know that your dedication to people who rely on you is astounding and hardly present in doctors your age. Or any age, for that matter.”
“Wow, Dr Ramsey, smooth. Trying to hit on me with a recycled pick-up line used on a national TV? No wonder you didn’t have too many girlfriends.”
“No, I didn’t. But I believe everyone has a limit of luck they can get per life. And looking at you, I got a couple of lifetimes worth of luck.”
This was enough to render her speechless. She smiled and at this very moment he knew he would do anything to make her smile like this. She wrapped him around her pinky finger and suddenly his whole existence revolved around finding ways of seeing her curve these breathtaking lips as often as possible and making sure he is the reason she smiles… not crying her eyes out.
Although the other didn’t know, because none of them said it out loud, they both thought the same thing.
This feels so right. 
There isn’t a hint of awkwardness in the fact that they can go from being serious or emotionally vulnerable to funny and teasing in seconds.
In one effortless movement, Ethan spun her and pressed her back against his chest.  Then, he started placing a series of tender kisses along her jawline and the crook of her neck, slowly moving towards her shoulder. 
Come on, just say it Ramsey. It doesn’t get any better than this.
He wrapped her palm in his and pointed them towards the sky. 
“There they are - the Little Dipper and the Big Dipper.” Their intertwined fingers were jumping from one tiny flashing point to the other, as if they were playing connect the dots. “And that’s Orion’s Belt.”
“I really don’t get why at this point I’m still surprised that you’re good at everything.”
Elle was drunk on his every word, as this annoying trait of Ethan Ramsey being the know-it-all was actually one of her favourite things about him. 
As for Ethan, he couldn’t help but think that life wasn’t perfect and was never going to be. But this - this moment - it was in fact perfect. Why take chances of ruining it, when so many things can go wrong?
What if she doesn't say it back?
What if she's just gonna laugh at him or tell him he had it all wrong.
What if he misinterpreted everything and she never thought about him this way?
He was terrified of being this exposed. The last person he loved so much left him without batting an eyelid and disappeared for 25 fucking years.
Maybe it was better to live in a perfect illusion than a reality in which there was even a 0.01% chance she doesn't love him back.
So they both drowned in the moment, drifted in the sea of rapture, lost in the illusion that it can all last forever.
It was her who broke the silence.
“I’m getting a bit cold, is it ok if we call it a night?”
“Right, of course.”
“Thank you for the first date, I loved it.”
Handing her his jacket (her favourite, the dark green leather one) Ethan was furious at himself. 
Maybe he was broken. Maybe he will remain broken forever. Maybe that’s the way it must be.
“Do you want to spend the night at mine?” The question slipped his tongue before he was able to fully reflect on it.
“At yours? Unless you have some secret place I don’t know about, just a quick reminder - I live there too.”
“Since this was our first date, I thought it was a gentlemanly thing to ask.”
“In that case… I am afraid I have the ‘after the 3rd date’ sleepover rule, Dr Ramsey.”
* * * * * * * *
The morning came all too soon and the hot, ruthless rays of the rising sun announced that Ethan is now way past his regular wake up and get up time. He barely slept, tossing and turning, replaying every second of the evening in his head.
His hand mindlessly reached for what he hoped to be the familiar curves and softness of the body he adored so much. 
But his palm hit the mattress with a loud thud. The bed was empty. 
The all-too-well known feeling of hopelessness slipped into the doctor's mind with ease. What did he expect? He was acting weird the previous day. First date, what a stupid idea. She must have realised something is wrong with him and finally left.
But before he was able to fully wallow in the mud of pity, the feeling was soon replaced by an old friend Ethan haven’t heard from for a long time.
Where was she? Is she ok? What if something happened to her and he was just sleeping like a log instead of being there to protect her. He couldn’t stand the thought of losing her… again. Something grabbed his chest in a tight grip and wouldn’t let go. 
Scenes flashed before his eyes, vivid and bright. Their hands touching through the glass wall. Her hand cupping his cheek through the layer of hazmat suit.
He got out of bed at the speed of sound and started running around the apartment, but she was nowhere to be seen. 
Suddenly, he noticed.
The balcony door was opened wide. 
Heart in his mouth, Ethan crossed the distance between his kitchen island and the balcony door in the blink of an eye. 
Elle was just serving pancakes outside. The goddamn pancakes. The only thing he couldn’t cook. The one thing she kept teasing him about and he rolled his eyes every time she did.
God, he promised himself he will never learn how to make them, if it meant she would just tease him forever.
She was smiling as widely as ever, putting the sun and everything else in the world to shame. Ethan was still a bit shaken and his uneven breathing gave him away. Elle finally noticed his presence.
“Good morning, I was just about to—“
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They both froze. 
The tension in the silence that had just set in was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
But the silence didn’t last long. As one man, with eyes full of disbelief, they both murmured simultaneously:
“What did you just say?”
This time, he felt obliged to break the silence.
"I...I...I mean, I…" 
Damn it, get it together, idiot.
"I didn't mean to…”
Great, Ramsey, keep digging an even deeper hole for yourself, then crawl in and stay there forever.
"You didn't mean to say it?”
"Yes. No. I mean, damn it, I am making things worse, aren't I?”
She didn’t set him straight.
"The thing is, I wanted to say it yesterday. I had it all planned, I took you for a first date and I wanted to say it for the first time yesterday.”
"Why did it have to be yesterday?”
“Give me a minute.”
She just rolled her eyes, but Ethan didn’t have a chance to notice before disappearing inside. A few moments later he re-emerged, his face and torso covered by a neatly wrapped, rectangle-shaped object.
"What's this?"
"Something you should have unpacked yesterday, but then... life happened."
Elle sat down on cold tiles, her hands trembling with a mix of fear and excitement. And just like he did months ago, he took her hand in his, only this time he cupped his own cheek with her palm and placed the most tender kiss on the inside of her hand.
It was her favourite medicine, a remedy for all things wrong. 
He sat beside her and nodded at the mysterious package. With impatience growing inside of her, Elle has torn the paper up.
Inside was a dark blue, framed print - the colour of it an instant reminder of her favourite set of irises.
She studied everything with intent. A circle must have been representing the earth and the irregular dots and lines must have been the stars and constellations. 
"A map of the sky? That's beautiful, Ethan."
He knew immediately that although her delight was sincere, she had absolutely no clue what she was looking at and why she was looking at it.
“It's not just any map of the sky.” Ethan explained gently, hints of pride colouring his voice. “It's a map of the Boston sky from exactly a year ago. Well, a year and a day.” He smiled faintly, now a shade of sorrow in his enchanting voice.
Silence. Was she supposed to know what that meant?
“Aren’t you full of mysteries today? Ok, you need to throw me a lifebelt here. What's so special about the sky from a year and a day ago?”
“For the world? Probably not too much. For me? Everything.”
At this stage of their relationship, she knew a lot about Ethan’s behaviours, triggers, his body language. And not just a relationship as a couple, but also everything that came before Ethan became someone she was running through life with (the life of two doctors in one of the busiest and most prestigious hospitals was certainly not a walk in the park).
But it still fascinated her how his demeanour changed whenever the subject was serious, whenever he was talking about something that truly mattered to him. It was as if he’d stripped down of all the layers and let her look into his bare soul. These rare moments of vulnerable intimacy meant more to her than any night of passion they ever shared.
Her eyes turned to him in pledge, because as much as she wanted to, Dr Valentine still couldn’t fully comprehend the scene unraveling in front of her.
“Read the description below the map.”
Dear God, did she actually hear shyness in his voice?
She skimmed through the image again, and there it was, right at the bottom. Elle was so focused on trying to decipher the meaning of the image that she didn’t notice the words below. 
The words which explained everything.
Her emerald eyes brimmed with hot tears as the meaning dawned upon her. Words were very unnecessary, but now that he summoned the courage to speak, there was still a lot he wanted to put into words. He gently took the frame from her hands and leaned it securely against the wall.
Taking her palms into his, he placed delicate kisses on her knuckles, his lips tracing the shape of these two tiny hands, which held all of him. Everything he had, everything he was and was going to be, he placed in those two fragile palms, with an unspoken hope that they will hold him and catch him if he falls. 
“Look at me.” The words were pulsing with care and affection, even though his voice coloured them in serious and desperate shades.
“One year ago… and a day from today…” He smiled and she felt the warmth spilling inside of her. The power he had over her was beyond the limits of understanding. 
Little did she know that the object of her affection was lost in the same thought.
“I was standing exactly where we stand right now. It was dark and the view wasn’t that spectacular.” He freed one of his hands, but only to make contact with her cheek to caress it slowly. In this moment, he had to touch her any way that he could. With his hands. With his eyes. With his soul.
“But I always found comfort in staring at the sky. When I was at med school, I had countless moments of doubt, I wanted to quit more times than I can count. So I used to go to a secluded place at night and stare at the sky. It made me realise how, in one respect, I am just a grain of sand in the universe and how little my problems are. Funnily enough, this thought actually brought me a sense of comfort. If I am as little as I think I am, then what is the harm in being brave and taking chances? A wise man once said… There are some things that are worth any risk.” 
She giggled through the tears, the sweet sound soothing his shattered nerves.
“I was standing right here and I never felt more miserable in my life. And I couldn’t understand why, for God’s sake. I was thriving at work. I had everything figured out and planned. I was pushing you to be the best you could be and I watched you turn into someone who would one day be far greater than me. But you looked so sad, so… broken. You already know I can’t just gloss over you feeling down. The sadder you were, the more miserable I felt. One evening, I was having a glass of scotch and I remembered some tiny exchange we’ve had earlier in the day, literally a chit chat. No idea what it was about. But I remembered your smile and your laugh. Every tiniest move of your muscles, your eyes, how your hair set around your face. It made me happy. Even if it was just for 5 minutes, knowing that you are happy in that very moment filled my chest with lightness. That’s when I realised I want to be the person who makes you feel this way.”   
She blinked the first time in a while, as if she was afraid to make the tiniest movement, afraid it will all disappear and turn out to be a dream. Giant teardrops rolled down her angelic face, trailing the path of joy.
“Noelle Sky Valentine, I love you. I have loved you for a long time but I was too stubborn to let myself give in. And that, as you already know, will always be one of my biggest regrets.” 
“Ethan, I don’t… I’m so sorry, I just don’t know what to say.” Her voice was saturated with emotions.
“I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for.“ 
“I love you too, Ethan Jonah Ramsey. You are by far the most complicated and stubborn person I have ever met. You are… everything I never knew I looked for in another human being.”
Once he heard her say it back, he couldn't get enough of it and a lifetime didn't feel like enough to tell her he loves her, as many times as he wished to.
“But I do have to mention this, Dr Ramsey… from the first date to a love confession in less than 24 hours? I’m sorry, I think this is moving too fast.”
“I’ll show you too fast…but I’m afraid we need to get inside, I don’t want the whole world and its wife to see how I teach you a thing or two.”
Ethan scooped her in his arms and carried her inside, despite her mock protests. He smiled and corrected himself. 
He wanted for the whole world to see.
Because the whole world was right there. 
In his arms.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
If you’ve gotten this far, I need you to know you are absolutely amazing 💗
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panharmonium · 4 years
beyond the white mountains
Since I’m on an Ealdor kick right now (not that I’m ever not, I mean, but working on that edit the other day and thinking about Merlin running away with Freya just started me feeling things with renewed intensity), here is some talk about my favorite location, for my own satisfaction.
(My deep and abiding interest in Merlin’s home is a pretty niche passion and probably not something that is particularly interesting to others, which means I haven’t ever really typed up any serious musings about it before, but at this point, I think anybody who hangs around my blog knows that my brain is at least 50% unfettered love for Merlin’s pre-Camelot life, so I’m just gonna go ahead and indulge myself here.)
Something that has always been a pet peeve of mine is the fact the map we’re all familiar with as supplemental material is wrong.
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I know it comes from the BBC.  It is STILL WRONG.
I’m sure most everyone is already aware of this fact, just by virtue of looking at some of the other locations and thinking, “uhhh that really doesn’t make sense” (for instance, in the show, the Isle of the Blessed is canonically stated to be in Odin’s kingdom, whereas on this map it’s in Camelot) - but my particular area of interest, due to past writing escapades, is Ealdor and Cenred’s kingdom, so just to set the record straight on those locations specifically - this is what our supplemental map tries to tell us:
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And this just isn’t right.  Canonically, Ealdor is NOT to the east of Camelot.  Cenred’s kingdom is NOT on Camelot’s eastern border.  And the White Mountains are NOT all the way over there!!!
Here are the Real Facts™, courtesy of the show:
1. Ealdor is NORTH of Camelot.
“So where are you headed?” (Tristan, asking where Merlin and Arthur are going, as they’re on their way to Ealdor.) “North, over the border.”
“We're heading north to a safe haven.  To Ealdor.”
2. The White Mountains lie BETWEEN Ealdor and Camelot, not way out in West Nowheresville.
“I know a place.  Ealdor.  It's beyond the White Mountains.”
“Ealdor lies at the far side of that valley....Agravaine couldn’t have tracked us through the mountains.” 
You can even see the mountain range in the show.  Ealdor is visibly situated in the valleys created by the foothills of The White Mountains.  Merlin has to hike THROUGH the White Mountains to get from Ealdor to Camelot:
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And then this is the view on the way from Camelot to Ealdor:
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And this is literally what Merlin sees every time he looks out his back door.  (This shot is from Hunith’s POV, when she’s standing on the village green watching the fab four head back to Camelot.)  
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The map can say what it wants, but the White Mountains are NOT all the way over in the western reaches of Camelot, and Ealdor is not out to the east.  The mountains are NORTH of Camelot, forming a border between Uther and Cenred’s kingdoms, and Merlin’s home is nestled in their foothills.  When Merlin is out haymaking every June in the meadow pictured above, he’s doing it in the shadow of those very mountains. 
[This fits, too, with Hunith’s comment to Uther that “winters are harsh in Ealdor.”  The climate in various mountainous regions can differ tremendously, obviously, but if Ealdor is on the windward side of the range, it would receive a lot more precipitation (more snow!) than Camelot on the leeward side.  And then there’s mountain/gap winds to consider, altitude, etc - all things that could contribute to Ealdor experiencing slightly different winters than Camelot.]
It matters, too, when we think about the scene Merlin has with Freya in 2.09, when they’re talking about their respective homes - when Freya tells him her home was "surrounded by the tallest mountains” - when she talks about the winter storms, and the wind, and the summer wildflowers; when she says it was like heaven - that resonates with Merlin.  Freya doesn’t necessarily realize it, because Merlin has been more reticent than her about describing his home, but a lot of what she’s describing is familiar to him.  It speaks to him.  It paints a picture of something he misses, in a complicated way; it’s something he sees as beautiful.  “It sounds perfect,” he says to her.  And he means it.
There are a number of reasons why Merlin decides to run off with Freya in 2.09, and this is hardly the most important one.  But it does matter, and I personally think taking Merlin’s tangled, frequently-suppressed homesickness into account when we try to understand who he is and why he does the things that he does is relevant, always, even if that particular side of him usually goes undiscussed.
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We know some other things about the geography surrounding Ealdor, too, though those features aren’t so egregiously mislabeled on the map.  
We know that there is a forest somewhere along the border that extends into Cenred’s kingdom (it’s labeled on the map, it’s just not big enough):
“We're going to Cenred's Kingdom, aren't we?” “What makes you say that?” “Er, because we're in the Forest of Ascetir and we're not stopping?”
(honestly, lol @ Arthur asking Merlin “what makes you say that”.....Merlin’s like “uhhhh i was born here???  i know where tf we are”)
We also know that there’s a “Ridge of Ascetir,” per Uther (I assume it’s associated with the White Mountains, but we can’t know that for sure):
“Ealdor lies beyond the Ridge of Ascetir.  For an army of Camelot to enter it would be an act of war.” 
^ The above two elements bring up a point that I haven’t actually ever seen discussed anywhere else, and I assume it’s just because I wasn’t involved in fandom back when the show was actually airing - but, for clarity’s sake: there is NO canon indication of what Cenred’s kingdom is actually called.  I’ve seen the term “Essetir” used in some places on AO3, but that’s not something that actually comes from the canon, and I assume it’s just a fanon misspelling that emerged out of people mishearing the word “Ascetir” (or “Aesctir,” as 1.10′s subtitles put it) when characters were talking about the forest or the ridge.  The only places that canonically bear that name are the Forest of Ascetir and the Ridge of Ascetir, both of which are partially located in Camelot - there is no indication that Merlin’s home country is actually called Ascetir, and in fact the kingdom is only ever referred to as “Cenred’s kingdom” (or Lot’s kingdom, after Cenred is dead).
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In terms of the rest of the area’s geographical features: we already know about the mountains (discussed above), and some sort of cave system (”I thought you said you grew up in these tunnels”) which exits (in one place, at least) out onto the side of a mountain, beyond which are plains (in Arthur’s words, when he suggests moving further into Lot’s kingdom) and then in the other direction there’s the Forest of Ascetir.  We know that there is a river associated with Ealdor (Morgana says “they’ve crossed the river” re: the bandits in 1.10), and we also know that Ealdor itself is bounded on one side by a steep stone ridge (the same one that Agravaine’s men line up on to surround the place):
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And this ridge actually fits very well with what we see of the village itself.  Ealdor has to be located in an area where stone is easily accessible, otherwise its buildings would not look the way they do.  (BBC Merlin is, of course, a fantasy show, not taking place in a particular historical period, but just drawing from real history, most peasant homes in medieval England were not of stone construction, unless the village itself was located in an area where stone was plentiful and easy to access.  Moving stone for construction purposes was incredibly labor-intensive and, generally, prohibitively expensive.  But Ealdor is obviously located in an area where stone is readily available, and you can see indications of that in the image above.
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Ultimately, is any of the above information relevant to anyone who isn’t me?  
No, not really.  And are there a lot of ways in which this show is often super inconsistent when it comes to geography?  Yes, absolutely.  (The Lake of Avalon, for instance, is ALL OVER THE PLACE.)  But, surprisingly, geographical info on Ealdor/Cenred’s kingdom is actually pretty consistent throughout the canon, and the map is the odd man out - so since canon tops supplementary material for me, and since the map is so clearly wrong about other things, this is how I conceive of Ealdor whenever I think/write about it.
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indigowallbreaker · 3 years
Your stories are good at helping readers connect to the characters. Your writing is emotion and action oriented. It is easy to understand what the characters are doing, why they are doing it, and how they feel about it. Imagining your characters is easy. Imagining your setting is a hit or miss. But, I think it's just your style. You're putting readers inside the characters' heads and characters tend to forget their environment sometimes. You use limited first perspective well. (1/2)
However, your tenses are inconsistent sometimes. It is not too serious. It is still easy to understand the order of events in your story. It just feels a bit confusing especially when it happens back-to-back. You have a lot of run-on sentences which can throw off the "rhythm" of the narrative. Commas and dashes can only do so much. Try breaking them down. Especially in battle scenes to create a more frantic mood. Short sentences = Urgency. Long Sentences = Calm. (2/2)
First of all, thank you for such a well thought out and easy to read critique!
Settings have long been a problem for me, particularly indoors. Unless I’m going off a place I’m familiar with and can picture in my head, I tend to just have people In Rooms. Like, this is The Study. The is The Bedroom. Bland and without much character. I’ve bookmarked resources to help me visualize spaces better but haven’t gone through a lot of them yet. Clearly I should get on that.
Tense issues I’m surprised to hear about honestly! It’s usually my number one pet peeve when reading other author’s fanfics. But if I’ve also made that mistake then obviously I need to withhold judgement! Thank you for pointing that out. I can try and catch those in editing now. 
“Short sentences = Urgency. Long Sentences = Calm“ Thank you for that. I get so caught up in varying my sentence structure that I forget it can tell its own story. Definitely going to keep this in mind from now on!
This is great feedback!! Thank you so so much, anon!
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tullius-rubi · 3 years
The Serpent Who Cried French
Today's pet peeve: Introductory material to some sciences that would cite some ancient (or not-so-ancient) scholar's bonkers-sounding theory as an example as if to say "Ha look at how stupid people were before the Enlightenment created Empiricism" and more often than not the examples they cherry-picked were either 1) an isolated case of one scholar's musings that was not widely regarded at the time, 2) a very bad misunderstanding of someone's joke or quip, or 3) straight up mythology or fiction In Linguistics, I just found this trope in the form of one Swedish philologist cited as “Andreas Kemke,” who ‘claimed’ that in Paradise, God spoke Swedish, Adam spoke Danish, and that the Serpent spoke French. You can probably find this factoid in any random Linguistics textbook, mine is not even in English. First off, apparently this person’s name was not even “Andreas Kemke,” it was Andreas Kempe. He lived from 1622-89, and was a religious dissenter to the Lutheran establishment in Sweden, to the point of him being forced into exile in 1664. Now, it should be pointed out that due to a number of quirks in biblical canon and extensive theorizing that existed prior to Kempe, it was a not-so-uncommon idea at the time that Swedish was the original language spoken by God. Long story short, in the Christianized Swedish mythology, Swedes claimed descent from Magog, the grandson of Noah, who was alleged to have migrated to Scandinavia before the events at the Tower of Babel splintered the languages of humanity. This lore is reflected even today in Swedish regnal names, which used a fictitious numbering that stretched back to Biblical times, with a lot of conspicuously-invented Karls or whatever. However!  As Claes-Christian Elert (who is basically my only source for all of this besides the original anecdote) pointed out, there are several elements in Kempe’s proposal that pointed to him being at least not as serious as the textbooks made him out to be. The most obvious being the multi-lingual nature of the proposal. How could there be different languages if you’re working with a biblical framework, and the Bible clearly says that there was only one language before Babel? Kempe even spiced in some prototypical conception of linguistic shift with Adam speaking Danish, reasoning that the laryngal sound in Danish sounded ‘effeminate’ to him (Swedes and Danes pls confirm), which fits the frightened Adam fresh from Original Sin. The French-speaking Serpent is simply natural because France was an enemy of the Protestant reformation and are therefore evil. Moreover, the whole thing was framed as a discussion between members of the clergy in a bar, in which the author avatar, after expounding his groundbreaking philological hypothesis, proceeded to *checks notes* wow the clerical audience by “enumerating twenty-six varieties of sausage made in his home province, Vastergötland.”  Now, doesn’t it sound kinda suspicious that this guy, an expatriate who was explicitly driven out of his country by the Lutherans, proceeded to write a book about himself mansplaining biblical theory (spiced with Swedish exceptionalist ideas) and regional sausages to a bunch of Lutheran clergy, who just nodded along for the whole ride? I’m not saying that a bunch of writers of linguistics textbooks in the following centuries fell victim to what basically amounts to high-effort shitposting, but it certainly does sound like it. Read more on this thing in ‘Andreas Kempe (1622–89) and the Languages Spoken in Paradise’ : https://benjamins.com/catalog/hl.5.3.02ele has the DOI and you know what to do with it.
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peachfaeryy · 3 years
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Hi 🌙
It's my birthday right now. I'm 26 now.
1. What is my fondest childhood memory?
My fondest childhood memories definitely consist of the lovely people who I grew up with and derived my sense of humor/silliness from: my cousins Anna & Emily, Savannah -- my childhood best friend, and Kaleb, my eternal crush. These memories consist of them in elementary school, camp, and my grandma's house in San Antonio.
2. What is my favorite comfort food?
Probably nachos/chips/chips & queso.
3. What’s my favorite way to exercise?
4. Am I a morning person or a night owl?
I lean more towards night owl but I try to avoid both.
5. If I could have any superpower, what would it be?
The currency of youth.
6. Do I prefer cooking, baking, or neither?
I love both cooking and baking :) I find both extremely rewarding and cathartic.
7. Am I an introvert or an extrovert?
Ambivert strongly introvert-leaning.
8. What superhero do I find most relatable?
None, I detest all superheroes.
9. What is my favorite season of the year — and what do I love most about it?
Winter because it provides me with the most amount of physical comfort. I love sleeping in a very cold room, opening my windows with no AC on. Sitting in my car listening to music/eating with engine off. Less humidity. Food is tastier. Style is better.
10. Do I believe in the existence of angels?
Not particularly? Well, yes but I believe they have absolutely no role or effect on our world.
11. What are my favorite TV series?
American Crime Story (OJ & Versace), Fleabag, Atlanta...90 Day Fiance, Game of Thrones
12. What was the last movie I watched (or the last movie I enjoyed)?
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (let's gooOoo)
13. Am I a tidy person or a messy one?
I used to be very messy but not I'd consider myself pretty tidy. My nature is messy though.
14. Am I afraid of the dark?
15. Am I more of a coffee person or a tea person?
Mostly coffee.
16. What talents do I possess that I’m proud of?
I don't have any natural-born talents but I suppose my ability to teach myself a new skill over time.
17. Do (or did) I like school?
I loved school and literally work at a school.
18. Did I go to the prom?
Unfortunately, yes.
19. What is my idea of a perfect date?
Definitely grabbing pizza at a nice restaurant.
20. Do I enjoy DIY or crafts?
Not at all, sounds awful, lol.
21. Do I forgive others easily?
Yes. But not so much anymore now that I'm older and more experienced. My instinct/nature is very forgiving.
22. Do I have a nickname — or did I ever have one?
23. Do I have any phobias?
I'm scared of most anything anything everything...I'd say my daily fear is mistaking my razor for my toothbrush in the shower.
24. Have I ever met one of my heroes? If yes, who was it, and how did it go?
25. Do I speak any other languages?
No, but I told myself I would learn Spanish before I die.
26. Have I ever traveled outside my native country?
Yes! I have been the Mexico and Ireland.
27. If money were no object, what would I want for my next birthday?
Maybe a trip to South Korea/Germany/Rhode Island
28. Have I ever been addicted to something?
Yes. But as far as substances? I'm addicted to Nsaid.
29. When I was a kid, what did I want to be when I grew up?
I wanted to be a wildlife photographer when I was a kid-kid.
30. Have I ever won something?
$75 with scratch offs
31. Have I ever narrowly escaped death (or serious injury)?
I'd say so, yes.
32. Do I prefer baths or showers?
33. How am I feeling right now?
34. Have I ever played any sports?
Soccer, Basketball, and cross-country
35. Do I prefer the beach or the mountains?
Beach, but I feel connected to both.
36. Do I prefer a Mac or a PC?
37. Do I prefer dogs or cats (or some other pet)?
Cats...I honestly do not like dogs at all.
38. Do I have any piercings or tattoos? Would I like to get any?
I have three tattoos: three rune, a sword, and a butterfly. All of which are on my arms.
39. Do I have kids?
Not right now.
40. Do I have siblings?
41. What do I do on a typical Friday night?
Same thing I usually do: practice dance/choreo for a couple of hours. Read, cook, watch Youtube. If I’m going out, I’ll maybe grab dinner/hang with my friends. I MAY go to ~the club~ in a blue moon.
42. If I could go anywhere in the world with unlimited funds, where would I go?
43. What do I do to relax?
Shower, listen to music. Do my makeup for fun.
44. What do I do to wake up or boost my energy levels?
Blast Stray Kids
45. Would I rather have unlimited energy or unlimited money?
Unlimited money
46. Am I a collector of anything? If yes, how big is my collection?
I collect Kpop bullshit...(albums, photo cards, posters, etc.) essentially merch from my favorite artists.
47. What sort of gift would I want from my significant other on Valentine’s Day or on my birthday?
JUST flowers. All I care about it getting flowers on both of those days.
48. Which would I rather avoid — excess heat or extreme cold?
Excess heat.
49. Would movie genre would I rather watch: action, romance, fantasy, or horror?
Of those choices: horror. I also like a solid journey story.
50. Have I ever been on a diet? If yes, how did it go?
More like a mini eating disorder, lol? I went through phases where I only consumed 1500 calories.
51. If I could live anywhere for a month with whomever I choose, where would that be?
Greece with I suppose...someone I get along with.
52. Have I ever gone camping? Or do you look at a tent and think, “I feel like that’s the wonton wrapper, and I’m the filling.”
Yes, several times. I actually thoroughly enjoy camping.
53. What’s the last song I listened to?
Ribs -- Lorde
54. What’s my current obsession, and how much have I spent on it?
Anything kpop...hours. I’m talking hours and hours.
55. What’s a favorite book of mine?
We Need to Talk About Kevin
56. What should I be doing right now?
57. What’s my best feature?
Physically? Boobs.
Personality? I would say kindness but that’s basic. Witty? Self-discipline.  
58. What’s the most expensive article of clothing (or shoes) that I own?
Damn...shoes...? $100?
59. What is one thing I could not live without?
Music. My one coping mechanism and literally the reason I’m alive and functional.
60. What’s one thing I can’t leave the house without (other than keys and my wallet)?
Phone... BC packet?
61. What’s one of my pet peeves?
Slow walkers
62. What wild animal would I love to have for a pet (as long as it didn’t eat anyone)?
Maybe like...a toucan?
63. What’s my favorite drink?
An ICE COLD fizzy SODA boiii
64. What’s my spirit animal, and do I own anything featuring that animal?
I guess I’m very cat-like. I used to have a lot of cat stuff, but not anymore...
65. What’s my favorite restaurant, and what’s my favorite splurge order?
I like basically any fast food joint. I’m also a sucker for Chili’s. I’m really basic. A splurge order for me would be ordering a margarita with my meal.
66. What’s my favorite movie — or the best one I’ve seen in the last three years?
I’ve been obsessed with We Need to Talk About Kevin, Pirates of the Caribbean...I’ve been wanting to rewatch Little Miss Sunshine
67. What’s a favorite hobby of mine?
Dancing :)
68. What’s my favorite go-to snack?
Health-wise: apples and peanut butter. But if I don’t care: chips
69. What are my must-haves for watching a movie in a theater?
True interest in the film
70. What’s my favorite kind of competition to watch (sports, cooking, etc.)?
Not really into competition shows.
71. Would I rather get an electric shock or get an intramuscular shot (tetanus, etc.)?
Electric shock?
72. What’s my dream car?
Bella’s shitty red truck let’s gooooo
73. What are the must-haves in the home of my dreams?
LOTS of open space, sunlight, heated bathroom floor
74. What’s my favorite sandwich?
Chicken salad, BLT, plain peanut butter
75. What’s my favorite kind of dinner? (comfort food, four-course, take-out Chinese…)
Comfort food
76. If I could change my eye and hair color, what color/s would I choose?
I would DEF change my eye color to a warm brown and my hair to very dark brown. I’m growing my natural hair out. I’m going dye-free right now.
77. Who is my favorite fictional character (or one of them)?
Jack Sparrow
78. What’s my longest relationship so far (other than family)?
4 years...
79. What is my star sign — or do I usually avoid that question?
I DO NOT care about this but I’m a Leo
80. What is my lucky number, or what is a favorite number of mine?
Uh? N/A
81. What city do I live in now, and what’s my favorite thing about it?
I still live in Denton and I detest it.
82. What state do I live in now, and what do I love about it?
Texas, its diversity.
83. If I had to move to a different state, where would I rather go?
New Mexico
84. Have I ever colored my hair? If yes, what’s my favorite hair color experiment so far?
Yes, most of my teen and adult life. But my “crazy” hair experiment right now is going dye-free and wearing my natural color.
85. Whom do I miss right now?
My 14-year-old self
86. Have I ever made a mistake that someone else refused to forgive me for?
87. Do I have a celebrity crush? If yes, who is it?
JOHNNY DEPP and all of Stray Kids lol. Jungkook?
88. If I could meet any celebrity for coffee/tea and a chat, who would it be?
Marina Diamandis
89. As desserts go, would I rather have ice cream or cheesecake?
Ice Cream
90. Would I rather live in a house or an apartment, and why?
A small house.
91. Would I rather live in a treehouse, a cave, or a submarine?
92. What is one big goal that I want to accomplish this year?
Move out of D*nton.
93. What do I want to do for a living?
I’m happy being a teacher, but ultimately I’d like to counsel kids.
94. When I feel sick, where do I usually feel it first or most noticeably?
My head.
95. What sort of smartphone do I use, and what made me choose it?
Uh? Android?
96. What’s one movie that I’ve watched repeatedly? What do I love about it?
I watch signs pretty frequently. Midsommar? I connect with its characters because they seem like real actual people? I’ve been wanting to rewatch the Lovely Bones.
100. If I could afford one, would I rather hire a chef, a personal assistant, or a housekeeper?
97. What is one food that I refuse to eat?
98. What exotic food would I be willing to try?
I’d be open to trying most any food.
99. What is one item on my bucket list, and what made me choose it?
I’m kind of working on it now. I want to put a few years in while I’m young and able to become a very good dancer. I know that to obtain that it IS going to take years. It’s something that’s really important to me because I’ve always wanted that for myself but never made actual steps to obtain/execute it. And ultimately, I want it because it allows me to feel like my true self.
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sistersblack · 4 years
tomjr replied to your post
“i’m in a ‘i am going to cause problems on purpose’ mood and it is...”
Do you have a post on why you like Lucius? As someone who, admittedly, isn't a massive fan, I'd love to read why! :)
okay.. i have to admit my reasons for loving lucius aren’t really as serious as my reasons for loving snape. his character hasn’t had any profound impact on me, i mostly just think he’s fun & has a lot of unexplored potential.
as a preface, i’m team ‘fictional preferences aren’t a reliable indicator of real-world morals.’ also this is probably going to be a bit of a mess. it got much longer than intended and turned into a more meta than anything else but anyway--
i’ve always been partial to villains (my fave hp character has been snape since i picked up the first book, and back then it was because he was such a bastard) so lucius being a bad guy doesn’t bother me. a lot of the criticisms of his character are variations of “but he’s a death eater!!!” which just makes me go …and? it’s like saying you can’t like bellatrix because she’s a voldy-fanatic or that you can’t like voldemort because he’s.. voldemort. i know people actually do say those things but to me it doesn’t make sense. a character being a de or in the order has no bearing on whether i like them or not.
i’m not going to argue against lucius being a bad guy, but i do think he’s kind of terrible at it, at least compared to his cohort. i don’t think he’s sadistic like other death eaters or as fanatic, either (which i think comes to light in his dh arc). to me, he’s the ‘order people around, then stand back and watch as they do your bidding’ kind of villain. i’d even argue that this line
“Lucius, my slippery friend,’ he whispered, halting before him. ‘I am told that you have not renounced the old ways, though to the world you present a respectable face. You are still ready to take the lead in a spot of Muggle-torture, I believe?” (GOF, ch. 33)
is a reference to it. he doesn’t delight or participate, he leads. i do think he’s killed and tortured (he probably got some kicks out of it, too) but i’ve always interpreted him as a character whose usefulness comes from his connections (and if we want to talk headcanons, i think he’s got a good strategic eye). we know the second war differs greatly from the first; from what little information we get about the first war, it seems that death eaters were making a much more controlled and effective effort that resulted in actual changes to wizarding society. (to digress a little, i think that’s what a lot of death eaters actually signed up for, not the killing/torture and harry potter business, otherwise voldemort’s numbers in the first war don’t really make sense.) but in that context, lucius is a valuable player to have because he’s got the connections, diplomacy, and resources to infiltrate places like the ministry and encourage the right parties to support voldemort’s plans. it might not exactly make him likable, but it’s something i like to think about.
the above quote touches on some other things that make me interested in him. while definitely a blood-supremacist, i’d argue that lucius’ loyalty to his family/to himself far outweighs his loyalty to voldemort. i’ll talk about the malfoys in a bit, but on the topic of choosing to become a death eater, i think he was swayed by what voldemort was selling—a society of only purebloods, where he’s promised glory. joining voldemort is perfectly aligned with his own goals, but when that’s no longer the case, he’s got no issue dropping voldy and claiming he was coerced; he doesn’t scream his loyalty like bella and willingly ruin his life (and his family’s life) to serve his lordship. as to why that makes me like him, i kind of just always like the self-preserving prick character. it’s a big part of why i love narcissa, too. (and why i think they’re perfectly matched, but more on that here).
also, what i mean when i say he’s fun is like… okay so lucius is the kind of person where if i met him irl, i’d spend every second in his presence thinking about how much i want to punch him in the face. he’s that rich, snooty asshole who knows he’s above the consequences us mere mortals have to worry about, but it makes him fun to write. he can do whatever he wants because he knows he can get away with it and i always have a good time when i write him in fic (even when I’m torturing him).  
the other thing is that i think lucius’ character is a bit like snape’s in the sense that it’s been warped by fanon (jason’s portrayal is part of it too, though i do love it). my biggest pet peeve about the discussion around lucius is how most of it revolves around draco, and how the people who want to defend/woobify/redeem draco immediately jump to ‘lucius was an abusive father.’ i always sort of want to ask why they think that, but i know it’s not really worth the effort.
(there’s the argument that raising a child with extremist views, even with good intentions, constitutes abuse on its own. but imo that’s a different conversation & not really relevant bc people don’t tend to use that as an example of lucius being a bad father, they jump right to him being verbally/physically/emotionally abusive.) 
anyway, my point is
“My father’s next door buying my books and mother’s up the street looking at wands. […] I think I’ll bully father into getting me one and I’ll smuggle it in somehow. […] Father says it’s a crime if I’m not picked to play for my house, and I must say, I agree.” PS, ch. 5.
that book!lucius  
“My Lord,” said a voice, desperate and cracked. He turned: there was Lucius Malfoy sitting in the darkest corner, ragged and still bearing the marks of the punishment he had received after the boy’s last escape. One of his eyes remained closed and puffy. “My Lord … please … my son …” DH, ch. 32.
doesn’t really
“Wouldn’t it be … forgive me … more prudent to call off this battle, enter the castle and seek him y – yourself?”
“Do not pretend, Lucius. You wish the battle to cease so that you can discover what has happened to your son.” DH, ch. 32.
support the fanon
“[…] Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy running through the crowd, not even attempting to fight, screaming for their son.” DH, ch. 36.
there’s a bunch of other little moments that give us an insight into the malfoy family dynamic (like the fact that lucius actually listens to draco’s rambling; eg. “… everyone thinks he’s so smart, wonderful potter with his scar and his broomstick —” / “you have told me this at least a dozen times already.” – or his reaction to buckbeak; “father’s not very happy about my injury- […] he’s complained to the school governors. and to the ministry of magic.” - or the fact that draco constantly defends him).  i don’t think it’s enough to suggest that the malfoys were a happy-go-lucky family, but everything put together paints a picture, and it’s not one of a cold, abusive household. i won’t bother pulling apart the ~lucius abused narcissa~ fanon, because i do that a bit on my narcissa post and it essentially boils down the same thing. 
basically i think lucius is unfairly lumped into the category of death eaters who are incapable of anything ‘good.’ like, yes, he’s terrible, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t or can’t love his family. to say so directly contradicts a lot of his canon material (looking @ you, cursed child).  but anyway, my interpretation of the malfoy family dynamic is a large part of why i love lucius as a whole (bad guy who loves one (1) thing is a good trope and that is a hill i will die on) and i think the way his loyalty to the cause™ battles with his loyalty to narcissa and draco creates some interesting scenarios to consider. overall i think there’s a lot of unexplored potential with him.
i’m ending it here bc i can feel my attention span starting to slip, but tl;dr 
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also one last obligatory reason: he’s sexy (and i’m saying this as a lesbian)
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Wherever They May Roam: Dave Mustaine
Dave Mustaine was born on September 13, 1961 in La Mesa, California. His heritage is that of German, Jewish, Irish, Finnish, and Scottish. His family also were practicing Jehovah’s Witnesses. His childhood growing up emerged as a very difficult one as his father embodied a violent alcoholic. His father and mother would divorce when he was only four years old. Mustaine had two sisters that were so much older than him that he thought of his siblings more as aunts. In high school, Mustaine began to use hard drugs very early, eventually working as a drug dealer. Through his customers, he began to learn about British metal bands like Judas Priest. He even had one client that would pay for his drugs with record albums. His first band emerged with Panic in the very early 1980’s. This was a very short lived group as the drummer and one of their sound techs died on the night of their second show. The band slowly started to disintegrate with the final straw being that the rhythm guitarist also died within a year. They never made any official recordings, nor a demo.
In 1981, Mustaine responded to an ad posted in a local newspaper The Recycler from Lars Ulrich seeking a lead guitarist for a new band. The guitarist recalls his first meeting with Ulrich and James Hetfield. "I was in the room warming up and I walked out and asked, 'Well, am I gonna audition or what?', and they said, 'No, you've got the job.' I couldn't believe how easy it had been and suggested that we get some beer to celebrate." They began to record their first album Kill ‘Em All in 1983, but problems had immediately come to the surface related to Mustaine’s membership in the band. Brian Slagel of Metal Blade Records recalls the recording of that album. “Dave was an incredibly talented guy but he also had an incredibly large problem with alcohol and drugs. He'd get wasted and become a real crazy person, a raging megalomaniac, and the other guys just couldn't deal with that after a while. I mean, they all drank of course, but Dave drank more… much more. I could see they were beginning to get fed up of seeing Dave drunk out of his mind all the time." The first time he was fired from the band came after he brought a dog to a recording. The dog jumped on the car of bassist Ron McGovney causing the paint job to be damaged. James Hetfield upon seeing this kicked the dog in a fit of anger, which led to a huge altercation with Mustaine. After the initial termination, he begged the other members to let him back into the group. They did grant him this request, so his firing was canceled. Another incident occurred when Mustaine poured beer into McGovney’s bass guitar, who was unaware when he began to plug it in. He then received a tremendous electric shock leading to him kicking both Mustaine and James Hetfield out of his house. The bass player would leave Metallica shortly after that. In April 1983, the group traveled to New York to record their debut album, but upon arrival they decided to officially fire Dave Mustaine from the group. They cited the reasons of alcohol and drug abuse, aggressive behavior, too many altercations. The band drove him to the Port Authority bus terminal and put the former Metalica guitarist on one back to California. The amount of collaboration Mustaine had with the band in those early days has always been a debate between the current Metalica and him. He would co-write four songs on Kill ‘Em All, as well as two more songs from Ride the Lightning. The songwriter has unsuccessfully contended that he also helped with “Leper Messiah” from Master of Puppets. Upon returning to San Francisco, he worked very briefly as a telemarketer, would leave this job upon earning enough money to get an apartment in Los Angeles. Mustaine would start a very short lived group called Fallen Angels with two of his coworkers from that telemarketing job. The group never played a live show or recorded anything as Mustaine later commented on the group. “We lacked the chemistry, the energy, the spark—or whatever you want to call it—that gives a band life in its infancy."
The guitarist would soon befriend a neighbor living a floor below his apartment that first began as a confrontation. His name was Dave Ellefson, who would soon join Mustaine‘s new lineup for what would become Megadeth. Originally, he was still utilizing the name from his previous effort, Fallen Angels. He had wanted any group that he played with now to present more thought provoking lyrics and a more precise, intense brand of metal music. A drummer Lee Rausch and guitarist Kerry King would join this initial lineup only to be replaced by Gar Samuelson and Chris Polish respectively. In the case of King, he went back to his original group, Slayer. Megadeth's debut album would be released in 1985 on Combat Records entitled Killing Is My Business. The group received a great amount of buzz that by the time they recorded the second album the band had signed to a major label, Capitol Records. The second album, Peace Sells, But Who’s Buying would go on to become a thrash metal classic earning gold record status. Throughout the 1980’s and early 1990’s, the only two members to be a constant with the band were Mustaine and Dave Ellefson. Other members of the group consistently changed from album to album as Mustaine’s addictions to drugs and alcohol only got worse. He would finally quit drugs and alcohol in the late 1990’s permanently. The amazing thing was despite these addictions, the band led by Mustaine in writing all the songs made mostly quality albums like 1992's Countdown to Extinction, 1994's Youthanasia, and 1997's Cryptic Writings. The only one that was really perceived as a mediocre effort came in 1988 with So Far So Good So What. This would be followed by Rust in Peace, which represented a record that made people think that Mustaine was finally clean and sober. Unfortunately, he would use the rest of the decade to struggle with those demons.
In 2002, the guitarist briefly disbanded Megadeth after a serious arm injury caused him to rethink how he would even be able to play in the future. He was able to successfully rehab from this injury, so the band went on, but with an entirely new lineup. This meant that long time collaborator Dave Ellefson was asked to leave the group. He would not return to Megadeth until 2010. Dave’s reasoning at the time was that he asked too much for his own songs to be played. “I hated being around these guys so when the arm injury happened, it was a welcome relief and an indication that I had to stop." In 2003, Mustaine also turned to Christianity. He began to look at other areas besides the beliefs held by Jehovah’s Witnesses. His description of this transformation was described in a way only Mustaine could possibly describe. “Looking up at the cross, I said six simple words, 'What have I got to lose?' Afterwards my whole life has changed. It's been hard, but I wouldn't change it for anything. Rather go my whole life believing that there is a God and find out there isn't than live my whole life thinking there isn't a God and then find out, when I die, that there is." As had always been the case with the band, Megadeth would release a new album every 2 to 3 years almost like clockwork. In 2010, Mustaine would release his autobiography entitled A Life in Metal. By this time, the war with former bandmates in Metallica began to thaw a bit. He would play five songs with the band at their 30th anniversary concert. A year later they would all tour together as part of the Big Four tour including Anthrax and Slayer as well. Surprisingly, the guitarist has been happily married since 1991 with a son and a daughter. More recently, health issues have come to the forefront including spinal stenosis which he claims was from years of headbanging. In 2019, Mustaine was diagnosed with throat cancer, but he says now that he is cancer free. One thing overall that has always concerned Mustaine is his legacy and place in the history of heavy metal guitarists. He has always been supremely confident in his ability as he noted in this interview. “To be the No. 1 rated guitar player in the world is a gift from God and I'm stoked about it…” In 2009, he gave an interview to Classic Rock Magazine that revealed this telling insight into the man. Mustaine was talking about learning he had been named the number one heavy metal guitarist ever in a book by Joel McIver. “It was especially sweet when I found out that Joel has written books on Metallica. Every page I turned, I became more excited. I get to Number 5 and it's Kirk Hammett, and I thought, 'Thank you, God'. At that point it didn't matter [which position I was]. To be better than both of them [James Hetfield and Hammett] meant so much – it's been one of the pet peeves of my career and I've never known how to deal with it. All I thought was – I win!" Upon reading this statement, one could partially see why Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield did not want him in the group.
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drangues · 4 years
ansbwjjcnw I still gotta read it but my motivation to Do New Shit is. So very low right now. All I want are naps. BUT I’m sure an art of Tangled!Dazatsu from you would look really nice, if you decide to draw it! ALSO GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TEST IM ROOTING FOR YOU, make sure you get enough sleep and eat something filling!!! Anyways, let’s be honest- Dazai and Chuuya only get worse when their attention flustered their boyfriends. (Nyanon, 1/7)
This is because (A) they think Flustered BFs are fucking adorable, and also (B) they know this means that their boyfriends haven’t been appreciated much and that means War (on their low self image). Also I love the implication that rich kid!Dazai and Chuuya’s natural reaction to being Pissed at each other is to spoil Atsushi or Akutagawa. It’s great. And! That is: EXACTLY. What I’m saying. (Nyanon, 2/7)
I can imagine them as that one post of the writer and the artist throwing chapters and pictures at each other, ahaha. Dazai practically being the embodiment of a chaotic author is Very Fitting, he writes when he writes and in whatever genre strikes him. No, there’s no need to worry about him, he’s definitely not living on coffee and spite alone. And Atsushi is definitely the type to mostly stick to fluffy drawing, I think! (Nyanon, 3/7)
He can definitely do other things, but he probably finds drawing cute stuff comforting. Also Kyouka likes the super cute ones and he’s pretty much willing to draw whatever to keep the baby sis happy. I also imagine that he’d do commissions? Because it never hurts to have an additional source of income. Except he’s a pushover when people tell him his prices are “too high” or something, so Kyouka has to put her foot down and tell him to Not give in, haha. (Nyanon, 4/7)
(It’s okay Dazai, I’m an attention whore to. I want to be complimented too much.) And! Poor Atsushi, haha, he probably wasn’t expecting his favorite author to say he liked his art? He probably keysmashes and then draws a cute little doodle for another one of Dazai’s fics and then Dazai is just. Gone. Also ten bucks says that their first DM interaction is Dazai saying something memey. It just feels like something he’d do. (Nyanon, 5/7)
And a bonus: Kyouka does really deep analyses of different shows and books and games, and occasionally on fanfiction as well. Kunikida makes a comprehensive, huuuge post on the lore Igor different series because I feel like he’d enjoy doing something like that? Just like, organizing the background and making it more understandable, if that makes sense? I’m not sure what Chuuya would but I get the distinct sense of someone who makes edits and aesthetics from Akutagawa. (Nyanon, 6/7)
Yosano and Ranpo both probably have that weird “list of questionable shit the authors need answers to” blog or something... I’m in too deep. Help. But! Have another Concept: Faking dating jealousy cliche, with Dazatsu and Chuuaku. Basically, Chuuya decides that he and Atsushi should pretend to be a couple to see if it’ll get their crushes attention. Cue confusion and jealousy from Dazai and Akutagawa, who may or may not have realized their own feelings. (Nyanon, 7/7)
dude dont worry i was joking there no pressure!! and felt. right now im so sleep deprived and studying for a test and i have oTHER ASSIGNMENTS TO DO- its all draining, and i mainly feel bad because i havent posted any art, but i do know that fandom is not a job but a hobby and its okay that i take my time
also kyouka being his number one supporter is just!! so!! cute!!! in my opinion kyouka would be that very young but hella good with technology in the fandom like, she would make gifs and edits in an INSTANT and when everyone learns shes fourteen theyre like W H A T?? either way, shes the one who probably shows atsushi the ropes of digital art and has the vibes of that young tech person in a show that definitely can hack into any government files. (as a joke she would most definitelly do an edit of “dazai” except its just screenshots of his fics and some lines here and there with some dramatic effects and sexy music. atsushi wont admit that he has it downloaded)
dazais way to start a conversation is definitely sending a random meme to get it going, since atsushi would be too shy to initiate conversations
also kyouka doing deep analysises is so her!! she would probably even start a youtube channel where she explains everything in that robot voice and funny editing but no one can lie that all her videos are very in depth.
OH GOD KUNIKIDA IS THE TYPE TO GATHER ALL THE FACTS OF A SHOW, POST ABOUT IT. EXPLAIN THE MAGIC SYSTEM FOR ANYONE THATS CONFUSED. IF THERES AN ANIME WITH A CONFUSING PLOT THAT YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN?? KUNIKIDA IS YOUR MAN. HE CAN EXPLAIN ALL OF JOJO SEAMLESSLY AND DOES MANY REVIEWS ON ANIMES AND GATHERS ALL SORTS OF LORES MEANWHILE YOSANO AND RANPO ARE THE MORE CRACKHEADED ANALYSTS (when the three collab its just kunikida trying to be serious while yosano and ranpo do the fuckboy lip bite behind him and then throw in jokes and “author if you do not explain why these two characters are a little too fruity ill personally use my chainsaw on you” “why are these two siblings even together, wHY ARE THEY IN THE SAME BED-”)
dude. i feel like chuuya and atsushi would fake date and it would be for akutagawa. atsushi definitely wants to tell dazai about this but chuuya is afraid dazai will run his dumb mouth, plus when they “announce” it chuuya just Sees how dazais demeanor changes and is like “you know what,,lets keep this up” (either way akutagawa would end up crying like a loser in front of chuuya and chuuya would feel so bad for even fake dating to make him jealous meanwhile dazai is just mad that he couldnt have internalised his feelings and bottle them up “you just H A D to date the slug, my biggest pet peeve!!! if it was anyone else i wouldve MAYBE let it sLIDE-”)
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Ashido Mina
a/n: so, here’s to the start of my event! sfw is above the cut, nsfw is below it! I’m having a lot of fun with these and I hope you all enjoy :D
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
Super affectionate with you. You need a hug, a kiss??? Mina will provide everything needed
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
Come out of nowhere and hug her from behind, or plan something super romantic and spontaneous, she’s such a romantic that the more cliche the better
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Mina loves being the big spoon because she loves to bury her nose into your hair. She will cuddle with you whenever you please honesty
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
She wants nothing more than to win a dancing competition with you, or at the very least join one with you
E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
A lot of effort, she’s the type to date intending on marrying who she’s marrying so, you better treat her right
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
She will get a big blanket and roll you up and just hold you, you’re a burrito baby now
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
she is the type to give you over the top things. think of jim’s present to pam during christmas before they got together… yeah, pretty intimate and intense but something you’ll love.
mina loves a gift in return and she especially loves gifts where she gets to do thinking’s with you!
H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
hugging all the time!!! she loves touching you!!!
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
a total romantic, everything she does for you is done with hearts in her eyes, and she has no issues with prodcasting such love
J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
while not one too typical to get jealous because she trusts in you, when she gets jealous know she gets touchy. like stand behind you with her mouth to your neck touchy.
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
minas kisses are super gentle and sweet, she’s not the best kisser but she’s so passionate about it that you forget. if you go a day without getting at least ten kisses from mina, something’s wrong
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
mina doesn’t know what to do when she figures out she loves you. it’s something she’s always imagined feeling but now that it’s real she can only gape like a fish. she’ll accidentally blurt it out before her 10 step plan to confess happens. she prefers to show it then say it.
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
she wants a full out reception party. she wants the biggest dance floor and the two of you to perform 194930 dances together.
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
mina actually treasures dates where the two of you stay in! the both of you lead busy outside lives that intimate ones indoors resonate deeper within her heart
O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
there’s not much she wouldn’t do for you, but on the rarest of occasions she’ll let you touch her horns.
P =Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
super playful relationship! playing nerd gun fights in pjs at two in the morning! laughter is always echoing in the hallways with you two
Q = Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
she’ll always ask for opinions on things she’s unsure of and will ALWAYS give her own thoughts about it
R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
she is a very big on the spot person! not that she doesn’t plan things out, just successwise she has better on the spot events
S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
the two of you nap together more, especially during high school because you both are too nervous at getting caught in the others room overnight!
T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
trusts you completely. if she didn’t trust you, she wouldn’t have ever asked you out
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?)
how deeply she loves. your hobbies will become her hobbies. it doesn’t matter because mina loves dancing and you do it with her, so you best believe she will do whatever hobby you love the most!
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
being vulnerable with you is super hard for mina because she’s always just so hyper and cheery, that the first time she’s vulnerable it makes you worry because it’s super super scary to see her sad and horns wilting as if in response. it takes about three months for her to show you this side.
W = Wild Card (Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice)
mina loves comparing her hand size with you. whether they’re bigger or smaller than hers, she’s just fascinated by your hands she can’t help but stare and compare.
X = X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
suddenly number 18 in the class is outperforming number 1 in the class. she becomes instant health genius as she does anything to make you feel better
“mina is just a paper cut!”
“if we make it a slightly deeper cut you won’t feel the stinging pain anymore!”
Y = Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
constant negativity. like the yucky kind that drains the fun from everything. she hates that in a s/o so much. like there’s a difference between that and being a pessimist and she sees and understands that.
Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
she wants and LIKES THE PASSION OKAY?! give mina her ideal love 2k19
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Mina lays there breathing for a full 5 minutes
She is always overwhelmed post sex, just give her a minute
While not the best at cleaning up, she lowkey loves just laying in your guys mess, she will always cuddle and hold you.
Lots of pillow talk
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On herself, mina prides herself on her arms and legs, she’s extremely proud of her natural strength
Mina is a useless boobs gal. 
dangle them in her fucking face p U H L E A S E
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Mina fucking loves it when she can get herself to squirt
Like one you guys figure out how to make her squirt it’s going to happen every time y’all fuck cuz it sorta reminds her of her quirk
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Has definitely masturbated to an innocuous picture of you when the two of you went months without seeing each other
never masturbated until the two of you got together tbh
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Is not experienced at all prior to you! Mina is a romantic with a terrible streak prior to you, but she is a fluid person so she nails everything in the bed fast
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Favorite position is kneeling. She gets to hold you tight and full access to your boobs.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Definitely, the lover who goes from super romantic and intimate sex to can barely take this seriously love making
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Always groomed. The second she knew she was gonna fuck you she got that shit waxed. She has a heart strip though, and yes, her pubes are curly and pink
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Sex with mina is very very intimate, even if its in a joking matter. She truly cherishes everything about you and will always try making your sex life as amazing as possible
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Loves masturbating together. Like loves it so much. She loves watching you please yourself while she… ahem… assists you with some toys
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Hair-pulling: she loves having her hair pulled and the feeling of fingers knotting into her curls, degradation: she loves calling you impolite names because of the way you react, roleplaying: LOVES DRESSING UP AND CREATING A NEW PERSONALITY OKAY
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
By far her most favorite place to have sex is in the backseat of a car. It’s risky and hot. She’s addicted.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Physical reactions. Moan for her, move your body and praise what shes doing for you. Also when you wear that one big t-shirt with your hottest lingerie underneath and give her a lap dance
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Loves giving more. Only on special occasions does she like having the attention on her, but for the most part, she will spoil you
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
All depends on her mood! She genuinely loves going fast and rough, but on anniversary nights, she enjoys slow and sensual paces
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Is definitely down to have a quickie, she thinks it’s hot, but only once every 2 years. She just enjoys being able to hear you scream as loudly as she can make you scream.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Very experimental! The two of you have designated days for trying out new things just because you’re never too sure
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Mina actually comes really fast, it’s a big reason as to why she prefers focusing on you! But she has good stamina and can last to three full and kinky rounds.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Toys are a must.
Vibrators, dildos, strap on, anal beads.
You think of one, you two own it.
They are very used and will go interchangeably, but are more often used on you
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not that big of a tease actually. Like she may abuse vibrator rights, but it’s not in a teasing way! More like a “i’m trying to make you squirt” way
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
She’s very loud in bed!
Moaning, whining, mewling, and sometimes even begging
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
The first time the two of you had sex, mina came twice in under two minutes. Once because of how your breasts felt rubbing against hers and when you pressed your soaked cunt against her own
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those shirts and pants, picture or words)
Mina is a blessed girl with round perky breasts, probably a dd-cup. her right one is actually bigger surprisingly! And she has inverted nipples. She has larger than average labia
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Went from sorta there to we fuck at minimum five times a week.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Takes her forever to fall asleep, will be awake long after you pass out
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silvergirl555 · 4 years
Let’s start my first official post with some pet peeves.
•Trigger warning, mental and physical illness, if you are struggling with either one please talk to a trusted adult!•
•Royal high Roleplaying pet peeves•
-1. People who godmod.
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For those who don’t know the term godmoding means to essentially try to completely control the roleplay.
So for example. Let’s make up some names here uhhhh... Emily and Sasha are roleplaying a fight scene. And Emily decides to type *hits Sasha and she falls back and runs away* this is godmodding, trying to control the outcome of the roleplay....tell me, what is the point of roleplay if your basically the only one doing it, and your just controlling the other person? Like you know how it’s gonna end anyway if you try to godmod, so why even bother.
Going back to the Emily and Saha example a proper way to avoid godmoding would be if Emily instead said *hits Sasha* and Sasha would follow up saying *dodges* or *falls back* then neither are controlling the other. Godmodders have to be some of the post annoying people in any kind of roleplay game and for some reason no one calls them out.
-2. The ODer
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OD stands for “Online dating” and frik is it gross. Look idc if your roleplay a very innocent romantic relationship like G-PG rating. (Kids play this game, respect that) But if your legitimately trying to do the horizontal tango in game or legitimately trying find a romantic relationship through a video game, thats number one, really lowkey dangerous, you don’t know who is behind the screen. And number 2, only shows how actually desperate you are irl. Just to give you a heads up, the people who mainly try to do “it” in the game are 50 year old men trying to prey on little kids. So just putting that out there, be safe.
-3. The “iM dePreSsED!!!!!!😰😰😭😭😢😖😣😩😩😫😫🥺😖😣😣” roleplayer.
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First off let’s make one thing clear, if you do have depression and you have been actually diagnosed with depression by a licensed professional, then my heart goes out to you! But DONT FAKE ANY MENTAL OR PHYSICAL ILLNESS IF YOU DONT HAVE IT. It shows so much disrespect to the people who actually have depression or any kind of mental or physical illness. Even if you do have some kind of DIAGNOSED illness, Royal high, or any online game is not the place to flaunt it. Again, let’s go back to the age gap in Royal high, while yes a lot of us are mature and know how to handle topics like depression or death, not all kids do, especially the young ones. They are triggers and you shouldn’t go flaunting them and almost normalizing any kind of illness. This also goes for roleplayers who roleplay abusive stuff and toxic stuff. You would not believe the amount of people I have seen who have said something like “my cousin has cancer! Pls vote for me at the ball!” Or “guys I’m depressed, pls vote for me!” Just don’t.... roblox is not the place to put your illness on desplay, it is simply a place to have fun and interact with others. (You also shouldn’t use something that serious as clout)
-4. The “I want attention!” Roleplayer
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Much like number 4 but not as serious, just more annoying. And half of their vocabulary seems to be *cries 😭😭😭* and they spam the chat with it like people actually care....(often times their a noob too lowkey)
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by --rainboweyes--
When you think of this country, what first comes to your mind?
Argentina: We have a local brand of canned corned beef called Argentina, so instead of the country I immediately thought of that food. But if I really have to connect this to the country, I also remembered a wrestler called Giant Gonzales; he hailed from Argentina.
Brazil:  Those “Come to Brazil” hashtags that used to trend all the time on Twitter. Brazil had some reallllly loud fanbases; I’m just not sure if they’re still as vocal now.
Canada: Bret Hart. Also @inchoate-surveys, heh.
Denmark: I don’t really know anything about Denmark. OH WAIT NO there’s Legos, so we’ll go with that.
England: I honestly thought of their dishes first since I find them rather unique and super different from the Asian dishes I’m used to. We don’t really use beans or make a lot of puddings and pies, but I think they’re all interesting. 
France: Escargot and baguette lol. I’m constantly thinking of food, guys; what a shocker. Also the movie Funny Face since most of it was set in France.
Germany: Sauerkraut and long words.
Hungary: I always confuse Hungary with Germany, but the difference is I don’t know a single thing about Hungary. So I don’t actually know how to answer this haha oops, sorry.
Ireland: Niall Horan HEHE. Also the wrestlers Becky Lynch and Sheamus. Ireland’s got a lot of talented folks.
Italy: @justsurveys (:D), Lizzie McGuire, the movie Roman Holiday.
Jamaica: I also first thought of a wrestler. His name is Kofi Kingston and I remembered him because at one point in his career he was packaged to have a Jamaican gimmick even though he’s actually Ghanian, just because of his race and the fact that he had dreadlocks. Like seriously? Classic example of WWE being racist and stereotypical...ugh. It’s truly hard to vouch for them sometimes.
Japan: The brutally honest first thing I thought of wasssss how they took over my country for a few years and subjected thousands of women and children to various forms of torture before killing them.
Korea: Korean food :( Man I miss having jjajangmyeon.
Libya: Their old flag, which was just entirely green. No designs, no stripes, no other colors. Just a good ol’ green flag.
Morocco: I think of Marrakesh and how colorful the place is. I’d love to go someday.
Norway: Northern lights.
Poland: The current Pope. < OMG editing this answer. The Pope I was thinking of was John Paul II, the actual Pole. Pope Francis is from Argentina lmaooooo so sorry
Romania: I honestly can’t tell you a single thing. Slowly starting to realize that I’m not as good in geography as I thought I was, ha.
Russia: Onion domes, I think that’s what they’re called.
Spain: When I think of Spain I always immediately think of the unfinished church, Sagrada Familia is what I think it’s called, if I remember correctly. It’s in my bucket list of places to see, for sure. Then there’s also the 333 years of colonization, but I’m not feeling bitter enough tonight to rant about that.
Tunisia: Not a clue. I’m bringing my ass to read more about other countries after this.
Turkey: Gabie, because she has Turkish blood.
Uganda: That Joseph Kony documentary that blew up nearly a decade ago. I’m pretty sure that was based in Uganda.
United States of America: Trump, Target, cheeseburgers, elderly people on scooters, those machines at the store that count your coins for you, more cheeseburgers.
United Kingdom: The royal family, Black Mirror, accents that sound fancy.
Australia: Barbecue, kangaroos, deserts, Vegemite.
New Zealand: I thought of my relatives who live there. Also Lord of the Rings.
List 3 movies you like in each genre.
Action: Eugh, I hate this genre. Wonder Woman is probably the only action movie I ever really enjoyed.
Comedy: Can romcoms count? I like The Proposal, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, andddddd This Is Spinal Tap. 
Drama: Room, Revolutionary Road, Requiem for a Dream.
Fantasy: Huge pass.
Horror: Midsommar, The Shining, (the original) Carrie.
Kids/Animated: Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Tangled.
Romance: Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Carol, Two for the Road.
Sci-Fi: 2001: A Space Odyssey(!!!), The Martian, Interstellar.
Thriller: Misery, Black Swan, Gone Girl.
Western: Not my cup of tea. The only thing I could think of is Breaking Bad, and that’s not even a movie.
Answer just in numbers.
Number of brothers you have: 1.
Number of sisters you have: Also 1.
Number of the house you live at: Eh.
Number of close friends you have: Off the top of my head, 3.
Number of pets you have: 2.
Number of times you shower a week: 6 or 7.
Number of concerts you've been to in your life: Too many to count if I include local gigs at schools. But if we’re only referring to bigger acts held in arenas or stadiums, 4.
Number of cars your household has: 3.
Number of serious relationships you've been in: 1, but we dated twice.
Number of movies you've seen at the cinema this year: Hahahaha
Number of people who live in your house: 5, including myself.
Number of plug sockets in the room you're in now: 4.
Some more randomer questions.
What food do you have cravings for the most? My cravings are always changing, though. Right now, it would be sushi and takoyaki. We actually just had both last night for dinner, but we devoured them SO fast and now I’m seeking them out again.
What TV shows do you hate to miss on TV? I’m not that attached to any show. I used to religiously follow WWE Raw and The Walking Dead and always wanted to watch both live as often as possible, but those days are long gone.
What do you tend to lose the most? My appetite. As for actual items...probably pens.
The last time someone shouted at you - why were they shouting? It’s been a while since that happened, so I don’t remember.
Would you rather have a cactus or a bonsai? Cactus. I heard taking care of bonsai trees is quite complicated, and I just know I’d kill it within a day or two, if not a lot shorter.
What scary story freaks you out the most? Not really in the mood to think of an answer to this considering it’s 1:07 AM and dark as fuck in my room D:
Are you better with gadgets or cooking? Probably gadgets, but just barely.
How would you rate your own looks? Personality? I hate deciding on things about me. I don’t want to hype myself up too much but I don’t want to drag myself down either lol
What accent is the most attractive? Some English accents are very pleasant to the ear.
Do you get annoyed when people spell your name wrong? Not for the most part since I have the more uncommon spelling anyway. But if someone is talking to me on like Messenger or Viber where my name is blatantly stated and spelled out and they still misspell it, then I get peeved.
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najatheangel · 4 years
hi! could I get a written ship for nct 127, nct dream, and seventeen? i am 5’5” with brown hair and brown eyes. i’m an isfj and gemini. i am generally calm and soft spoken, and my friends describe me as a happy, gentle, and studious person. i’m also told that I can be too nice for my own good, and i’m definitely a mom friend ahah. my hobbies include drawing, listening to music, reading manga, watching tv, traveling, and baking. i also love spending time with my friends and family and studying in cafes :) my favorite foods are sushi, poke, and korean bbq. i’m family-oriented and love animals, especially cats! i daydream a lot and would describe myself as an idealist. i tend to be drawn to people who have a cool or almost cold appearance but are actually sweet on the inside. arrogance, dishonesty, selfishness, and rudeness are huge pet-peeves of mine. my ideal date would be a comfy home date (cooking dinner together and watching a movie). thank you so much! hope you have a good day💗💗
Heyy gorgeous, thanks so much for requesting. So sorry for the hold up, but your ships are finally here...
From Nct Dream, I ship you with...Renjun
Positive Side: When I read your description from start to finish, I just knew I was going to ship you with him. Your personalities definitely make a good balance in a sense, because just like you, he’s very soft spoken, gentle, very friendly and can be in tone with his emotions in a positive light. He also can be fiesty, dramatic and very funny which adds more excitement to both of your relationship. When people try to take advantage of your kindnesses or even tease you too much, Renjun would stand up for you in a heart beat grasping your shoulder clinging you close to him. Dates would be sooo entertaining because you both have similar interests and hobbies. You guys will do weekly art projects together as dates and exchange them as gifts for other to hang up in your rooms. Since he's learning more about cooking as he go, he would get guidance from hyung Doyoung to prepare your favorite dish along with any movie of your choice. Lastly, he’s a sucker for baby kittens and the both of you would adopt 3 from the shelter to name them Clover, Sparkle and Coco. Being with him can help you both learn to love and blossom into a more stronger, loveable and powerful couple.
Negative Side: Renjun can be a tab bit sensitive when it comes to being with you. Every once in awhile, we see Renjun reveal his emotional side to czennies which can make me ooo so soft most of the time, but that’s only because he knows how to pour his heart out into his dream job and your relationship. I have a feeling sometimes he can’t control his jealousy by making assumptions when a guy is flirting with you or even touching you. The guy wouldn’t even be able to make eye contact more than 10 seconds, that enough would start to irritate him. Not saying he would act crazy, but he can only go so far with his patience, because this man can get real hot headed easily. I meann he has to deal with pranksters Haechan and Chenle so I understand his pain lol.
But...: After him pouting and ranting about the guy that was giving all over you, you gave him reassurance by taking him out for sushi and letting him stay the night at your place cuddling in your bed sharing hoodie as a blanket while watching anime. Renjun just loves giving his all to you and wanted to make sure that all the guys that would ever dare try to hit you up or hook up with you had to deal with facing your boyfriend and his fist. He can acting intense sometimes, but at the end of the day Renjun has the vocals and the personality of an angel and would never let anything bad happen to your relationship.
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From Nct 127, I ship you with...Doyoung
Positive Side: Personally, I feel like matching you with Doyoung made the most sense to me. He would love how hard you study and how you have those traits of a mom very gentle, kind, calm and very wise. I have this feeling that in order to be with Doyoung, you have to keep up with his level of intelligence in order to understand him and his humor. I feel like in that aspect, that’s where you both click so well as friends and lovers. When around the members, you love to help Doyoung cook dinner almost every night with him learning new recipes and having intimate time together. Doyoung has been really bold lately especially with czennies so I can imagine him trying to flirt with you by wrapping his arms around you helping you mix or drop the amount of ingredients needed in the bowl. Cafe dates with him every weekend too to help you study for your exams, he would know exactly what study tools worked best for you and reward you with a kiss if you got all the answers right. Only straight A’s or no kisses was his number 1 rule. Lastly, he would be so professional yet protective of you when dealing with rude people. For example, if a saesang tried to spam you with texts asking for Doyoung’s Instagram account info, this man would grab your phone and troll them by giving them fake info. He would professionally go off on haters if it meant he could protect you.
Negative Side: Sometimes Doyoung can say harsh petty things, but a lot of times he means it as a joke. This side of him was hard to understand at first because most of the time you couldn’t tell if he was joking or being serious. Those times would lead to you feeling hurt inside and made it hard for you to face him. Even the other members that saw this happening, would thump Doyoung in the forehead very hard to make him realize what he’s done.
But...: Doyoung cares about you too much to let you feel sad, because of him. He apologizes with tears almost in his eyes and he even insists on allowing you to hit him. Instead, you both just hold each other’s hands and agreed to learn how to understand each other even more. After awhile his jokes doesn’t phase you and you even snap back at him. The love starts to become stronger at that point.
Awhhh our beautiful bunny boy 🥺🐰✨
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From Seventeen, I ship you with... Jun
Positive Side: As much as I know seventeen, Jun is still kind of hard to describe personality wise. He does fit your ideal type as far as someone who would look cool and cold, but is actually sweet and laidback. He has very unique charms, hes a hard worker and he’s very talented. I can tell you this though, your both very idealistic and daydreamers which works out perfectly, because you both can work together help achieving your goals. You can help him stay motivated to continue to perform with seventeen and he can encourage you to focus on school and finish strong. Being the food lovers you both are, he’ll travel with you to the best tasting restaurants from Korean bbq to rolled ice cream. Expect lots of drunken moments with Jun especially when he’s out with the members. He’s only a giggler when he’s drunk, but he’s also a cuddler. When schedules become too busy and he’s super tired, he’s a very homey person so he would love to watch movies, reading manga together and playing games with you eating chocolate chip cookies you both just baked the other night. Lastly expect FaceTime shenanigans when he’s away on tour, he’ll be blowing up your phone trying to update you on everything that’s going on when he’s traveling with his members. “What is it this time Jun? You just called me 5 min ago.” “Check this out baby, they have these cute charm bracelets at this store. You want one?” “Awhh of course” Also. Never hang up without saying I love you or he’ll keep calling you back until you do.
Negative Side: Although both Gemini’s would seem like a disaster combination, it’s not as bad as you think. I think the only issue between you two would be the level of trust. In the beginning when you first moved in together, it was kind of hard to adjust living together, because he didn’t want you snooping into his things and you didn’t want him popping in your room whenever you were studying or changing. Those would lead to awkward conversations if you both ever broke those boundaries. The both of you at that point wouldn’t know how to recover from them awkward moments.
But...: After awhile, you both don’t seemed to be too bothered by it because you start to understand each other’s patterns and mood changes which is why you both can work easily together. It’ll tend to frustrate sometimes, but the both of you get over it and move on to the next thing. One minute your jokingly making fun of each other, the next minute you release that frustration out on each other through your make out sessions.
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Out of everyone, I ship you with...Renjun the most.
@beahutiful thanks so much for requesting and I hope you enjoyed your ship. I also hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend.❤️❤️❤️
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szivtalan · 4 years
8, 9, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65, 70 (aside from Kagami 😂), 71, 72, 79, 82, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 for the "Asks, why not" thing please? (Omg that's soo much, I'm sorry I got carried away ^^')
8) Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)
Average height, bordering on short. Broad shoulders, thick arms and thighs, square face, slightly projecting ears (one pierced, one with a stretched lobe), bushy arched brows, thick square glasses, faded dark red hair, dark brown eyes, butt chin. I look pale and perpetually sleep deprived.
9) What do you/did you study?
I was in a teacher’s training program for English and Hungarian language and literature, and I’m planning to go back to school to study sociology!
16) What do you look for in a SO?
Consciously: understanding, fun, sweet, kind and accepting. Unconsciously: somewhat broken and in dire need of emotional help which I’m desperate to provide lmao.
19) Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?
Eh, u know, it depends? I don’t think I’m fit for a serious relationship right now, so I’d prefer casual stuff atm, but on the long run I do want a partner to share my life with.
20) What are your deal breakers?
Really obnoxious people, ignorance and bigotry I guess. And I’m not keen on someone pushing or disrespecting my boundaries, either.
21) How was your day?
It was good!! My bro, his girlfriend and my friend tagged along to get our (me and my soon-to-be sis-in-law’s) ears pierced, and then my friend and I got a loot of food. I didn’t exactly feel good enough abt myself to be comfortable outside, but I got a lot of random kindness and that was Nice.
22) Favourite food & drink
Food: teriyaki chicken and seafood pasta, drink: ginger ale and iced coffee
23) What position do you sleep in?
I sleep half-curled up on my side, but I need to toss and turn a little until I find The Best Position.
25) Your fears
The dark, needles, rabbits (I don’t even know, dude), the fact that I’ll die without having made an impact on the world, being spoken about behind my back, being a bad influence on my friends.
28) Any pets?
Not right now! I used to have two rottweilers around the house growing up, but they both passed away sadly.
29) What are your hobbies?
Writing, sketching, basketball, getting on people’s nerves, researching typology, watchin movies idk?
31) What was your last awkward situation?
Asjhdh the ticket control guy told me to “Have a safe trip” and I said “You too!”. This rarely happens to me tho
32) What is your last regret?
Not holding my friend’s hand on public transport. It was…right…there….and she already told me she’s more than comfortable with physical touch! I’m a fool! Everyone thinks I hate touching but I don’t! I’m just shy!
34) Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.)
Ehh. Kind of? As for believing, I believe more in ghosts, but I do see some patterns in different signs. I just try not to let it affect the way I see/interact with a person, because no one deserves to be prejudiced for whatever reason, especially not their date of birth. Tarot is just fun, and the cards r cool
35) Have any quirks?
I bite the skin on my fingers, scratch my acne, make my knees jump… most of it is just regular anxiety stuff tho so idk?? I do think I’m quirky, but there’s just too much weird stuff to list ‘em.
36) Your pet peeves
Cig/booze stink on a person, customers being rude, bigotry, interrupting other people… There’s quite some things that annoy me asjdgd
40) Last 5 things from your search history
Boku No Hero Academia, Hawks, duck emoji, Grumman fma, How To Train Your Dragon
41) What’s your device backgrounds?
My phone lockscreen rn is a beautiful KagaKuro fanart of them standing in the rain in yukatas, Kagami looming over Kuroko and shielding him from the rain and Kuroko reaching up to stroke his face; my phone background is an art of they/them pronouns tattooed on someone’s knuckles, their posture unsure; my laptop background is a screenshot from the movie Déva, of blue skies and a street lamp.
42) What do you daydream about?
44) What's your religion/Your thought about religion
Short version: barf
Long version: I was raised catholic (even tho I was never baptized), and attended catholic school for 8 years which gave me a really warped idea of Christianity, Which made me a cynic & an agnostic or atheist by proxy. I harshly criticize the catholic church and faith but sometimes… when I do feel hopeless I get down on my knees and pray, so I guess if I let myself find my own faith I’d be a believer. But right now, I’m good just existing in my nihilistic bubble
45) Your personality type
Needy imeanwhat. In a typological sense, I’m an INFP in Myers-Briggs, 4 core 5 wing in Enneagram, melancholic or sanguine in the temperaments, et cetera. Basically I’m a sad daydreamer with unresolved issues and a need to do Art
47) Are you happy with your current life?
Nah bro. I like my friends and my workplace but I’d like to move out of home ASAP. I’d also… like to get therapy before I go and put myself out there.
48) Some things you've tried in your life
Playing the guitar, hostess work, weed, cigarettes, being blackout drunk, smoking from a hookah, cooking, football, handball, basketball, volleyball, cycling, sailing, driving, hitchhiking long distances, folk dancing, one-night stands, long-distance relationships, helping people in need…
50) Favourite colour to wear?
Olive green, midnight/navy blue, white, grey and black.
53) If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?
I’d… like to know how it would feel if I had a flat chest and a penis? I also want bigger Guns, and Abs, some more tattoos and maybe an eyebrow piercing.
55) Do you get complimented often?
I think so? I usually brush off compliments uhhh but yeah maybe! Maybe idk
58) Songs you're currently obsessed with?
My friend’s playlist reminded me that ‘Phenomenon’ by Thousand Foot Krutch exists. I’m also really into ‘San Francisco’ by The Mowgli’s atm and ‘Golden Time Lover’ by Sukima Switch!
59) Song you normally wouldn't admit you like.
I mean, it’s not like it’s cringe or anything, I hate cringe culture BUT. I do have Ariana Grande’s ‘Side to Side’ stuck in my head rn
64) Can you sing or play any instruments?
I can sing pretty badly, play a bad tune on my guitar, drum on the edge of my table, so- Nah not really asdh
65) Do you like karaoke?
YES VERY MUCH I live and die for karaoke, last time I did it in front of an audience we sung the Shaman King opening at an anime con with friends, it was Rad
70) Your fictional crush/es
AH NO FUN Kagami’s my number one,,, let’s see then: Aomine, Roy Mustang, Kise, Mikoto Suoh, Hotch & Reid from Criminal Minds, Yagami Light, Jaime Lannister and Brienne from GoT, Rustin Cohle from True Detective, Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!!!, why is this list full of men I didn’t think I liked men this much
71) Which fictional character is you?
Eddie Brock from Venom I mean? He’s a whole ass mess.
79) How much time do you spend on the internet?
Yike. More than I’d be proud of.
86) Would you use death note, if you had one?
No way dude. I don’t fuck with that shit, karma would fuck me right back.
87) What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?
I’d eliminate money and power and just make it a huge peaceful hippie community or something idk
90) What would you want to happen to you after your death?
Donate me to a medical school I don’t care. Make use of me! I’m gonna be dead, I won’t have any more feelings left to be hurt or anything asdghdsg
91) If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?
I’ve had a name in mind that I tried out once, but it didn’t really work out for me after all. I’m fine with Vee and Vic rn. Anything that isn’t my given name. I do want to change my surname to my mother’s, but if I do that I also want to give myself a different first name, and since That isn’t figured out yet, I’m just?? Call me whatever dude
94) Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true
Ugh, I’m bad at these. 1) I have plenty of moles. 2) My eyesight is pretty good. 3) I’ve broken some bones before.
95) Cold or hot?
Cold in beverage, hot in weather.
96) Be a hero or be a villain?
Being a villain is way too much fun, but I have too strong of a conscience to pull that off, so… hero, I guess.
97) Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?
Asjhdf singing is funnier and more annoying, since I Cannot Sing
98) Shapeshifting or controlling time?
Dude I’m non-binary. Shapeshifting for Sure
99) Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?
Aight I’ll give in – I agree to immortality Just This Once.
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frangipanidownunder · 5 years
Are you up for every even number on unusual asks?
Here are all the even number answers, now listed 1 to 50. Thanks for the asks, lovely.
is your room messy or clean? All rooms in our house are messy but clean. I put things away and then everyone else leaves stuff all over the place, but it’s clean.
do you like your name? why? Not really. My full name is Victoria, which is nice now, but was considered ‘posh’ back when I went to school I’ve always gone by Vicky, which seems old-fashioned these days.
describe your personality in 3 words or less Complicated, witty, serious.
what kind of car do you drive? color? A blue Hyundai i30.
how would you describe your style? Comfortably plain.
what size bed do you have? Queen with a floofy pillowtop mattress that I love.
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Either Lyme Regis in England or Narooma in NSW. They are my spiritual homes.
favorite makeup brand(s) I don’t wear makeup but if I have to buy it, I’d probably go for Body Shop.
favorite tv show? The X Files!
how tall are you? 160cm or 5ft2in
do you go to the gym? I drop my eldest boy off outside the gym, does that count?
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? A few coins. My two youngest kids nicked all my notes over the weekend.
how many pillows do you sleep with? One and even then it often gets chucked out during the night.
how many friends do you have? Not many. I left my besties behind when I moved to Oz. I have some special colleagues who make me go out and do girlie things which I grump about but secretly love.
whats your favorite candle scent? I have a sensitivity to smell so I’m always cautious, but I love plain candlewax and the smell of burning matches. Otherwise, vanilla is usually ok.
3 favorite girl names Outside of my daughter’s name, probably Isobel, Imogen and Alexia
favorite actress? Doris Day (still cry when I think about her now).
favorite movie? Calamity Jane. My comfort flick and mood lifter.
money or brains? Brains enough to make a decent living.
how many times have you been to the hospital? For myself, a few operations for a fingernail accident when I was young, tonsillectomy at 27 and four babies. With the kids, febrile convulsions (terrifying) asthma attacks (terrifying), cuts to knees, heads, feet and hands (bloody but not so bad).
do you take any medications daily? No, I use an eczema lotion and eye lubricant every day though
what is your biggest fear? Losing any of my kids and what will happen to our eldest boys (on the spectrum/anxiety)
whats your go to hair style? I wash it every day, floof it with a bit of mousse and leave it to dry in the style, then brush it and that’s it. I haven’t used a hairdryer in years.
who is your role model? People who live their lives honestly, with integrity and are kind.
what was the last text you sent? To Mr F: ‘parked opposite the sausage thing between a red and silver ute’
what is your dream car? 1969 Mercedes Sports convertible in red with chrome details.
do you go to college? I did, and then I did a Cert IV back in 2011 and hated having to work/parent/study at the same time. 
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? We live in the country and love it, despite the snakes, fire risk and lack of good shopping.
do you have freckles? A few, but not Gillian Anderson level
how many pictures do you have on your phone? Not sure how you count, but probably more than a thousand.
do you still watch cartoons? I love kids movies, does that count? Ice Age and Shrek are in  my top ten movies of all time.
Favorite dipping sauce? Mayonnaise, plain and simple.
have you ever won a spelling bee? They weren’t a thing in the UK when I grew up, but I was always a good speller.
can you draw? Nope. Terrible. I wish I could.
what was the last concert you saw? Amy Shark, back in May.
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Neither? I don’t drink coffee or eat doughnuts (unless I can get to the UK and enjoy a jam one from  Sainsbury’s). None of the coffee or doughnut shops make decent tea, so they’re out.
what is your crush’s first and last initial? JD (that’s Mr F).
what color looks best on you? I can wear bright colours well - jewel tones, and I love wearing dark red.
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed. Our kids stay up later than we do, lol.
what is your biggest pet peeve? SLOW WALKERS OMG, GET A FUCKING MOVE ON YOU MORONS.
favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla. I have plain tastes.
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Chocolate.
what is your phone background? David Duchovny at his Melbourne concert last year. Forearm porn.
do you like it when people play with your hair? Yes! But nobody does it now.
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Both.
have you ever been drunk? Yep. But not often. I hate being out of control and hangovers.
favorite lyrics right now We’re going to see Middle Kids on Sunday and I love their track Salt Eyes. This is the opening verse which is sung with such aloofness:  Friday night, drank a Cab Sav/ At your stupid party, no one danced/ T-shirts, obsolete DVDs/ All these novels I bet you'll never read/ Seemed fine
day or night? Day. I’m an early bird and fall asleep before 9pm, generally.
favorite month? Probably January because although it’s hot and dry, the days are long, Christmas is over, it’s mine and my daughter’s birthday month and we go on holiday.
who was the last person you cried in front of? Everybody on the whale watching cruise when we saw the blue whale mama and bub last month.
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