#nula conwelll
forensicated · 2 months
04x32 - Evacuation
It's a busy day in the front office. Yorkie is dealing with a couple who are reporting that their car was unlocked when they returned. Nothing was stolen or damaged and the petrol hasn't been siphoned so Yorkie is at a loss for what they want him to do. They're adamant they didn't leave it unlocked and storm off , claiming he isn't listening.
There's a large amount of people still waiting to be seen who aren't impressed they've got to wait to be buzzed in. Mike and Tosh come in the front way and are growled at by a very angry woman who insists she's first. Tosh and Mike are amused when they're buzzed through - Mike has to remain at the door for a little while to stop said stroppy woman pushing through.
A young blonde woman is dragged in by Viv and Bob who goes on to assault Viv. She keeps screaming that she wants to see her kids. It turns out that the woman is 18, has three kids and she laid into her mother with a saucepan when she called her the Canley Bike. A woman in the next cell yells at the screaming woman to shut up. A man who owes his ex-wife £500 in maintenance is preparing for 3 months in prison rather than pay the ex. He's singing happily in the men's cells.
Reg talks about the police and prisoner officers' union with PC Extra whilst Pete and Malcolm laugh about a Day In The Life Of A Policeman article for the local paper they've found in the toilets. They've just got to find out who wrote it now.
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Yorkie's next caller is a man who claims his cat isn't eating her usual Whisker's food because she's been 'tempted away' by next door who is feeding her but he claims it's poison. Yorkie tells them to go and talk to his neighbours and if it is poison it could be for something else.
Stroppy!woman slips through when Taffy and June come in and starts complaining to Yorkie that she's been waiting ages and that she deserves to be seen and dealt with immediately She's been kicking off and repeatedly ringing the bell whilst Yorkie tried to deal with the others.
June and Taffy are buzzed through, much to the distaste of Stroppy!Woman. June reminds him the man that Yorkie has been talking about to take his bag with him but he is confused and claims he hasn't got one. Taffy shouts at June when she asks how Mary is and tells her to leave him alone. June explains to Bob she only asked how his wife was and he bit her head off. "Yeah well he's a Celt, he's got built in misery." Taffy throws his helmet into his car and searches for something but has no luck finding it.
Pete continues reading from the would-be author's article. "What's going on in the policeman's mind...?" "Not much in your case, Ramsey!" Alec adds from the next table. He tells him to go and help Yorkie but Pete reads the next bit about Alec "Reporting to the section Sgt can be tricky. Section Sgt's are generally long on experience but short on what they need for further promotion. They are men who usually have a sixth sense when a PC is trying to pull a fast one because after all, they've pulled enough of their own." "RAMSAY!" "Going, Sarge...!"
Yorkie has clicked on to the bag being left in the front office and the cat-reporting-man insists it's not his. It's not the woman who keeps demanding that Yorkie deal with her either and no one else is in the front office. Yorkie tells the woman to shut up. He loses his temper and shoves them both outside before inviting Pete to have a look at the abandoned bag. They've no idea who left it or how long it's been there so Pete evacuates the waiting public out of the station completely and Yorkie goes to speak to Christine and tell her they have an abandoned suspect package. Derek has a look from a distance and says it looks like laundry but he's not taking chances. He asks Tom to contact Bomb Disposal and Area and Christine tells Yorkie to sound the fire alarm to evacuate the building.
Alec asks Bob if they should have a word with Christine about the proposed article Pete found and Bob suggests having a quiet word around and otherwise letting it go. The fire alarm sounds and the building is evacuated with prisoners taken outsidey. The singing man is still singing to Pete as he's cuffed to him. Christine checks the building over with Derek. It's amazing how many staff are ignoring the alarm or who are taking forever to leave - including Frank who is reading statements and Taffy who is searching the bins in the men's toilets for some reason...*cough*
Dashers upsets Yorkie by blaming him for not keeping an eye on what people brought into the station. Tosh tells him to shut up, especially when they saw how busy it was firsthand when they returned to the station. Yorkie tells him to back off and threatens Mike when he continues and he points out the bag would have been present when Mike and Tosh arrived so they could have seen it and mentioned it earlier. Frank wants Dashers to interview a suspect and take a statement so tells him to do it in the car to save time which means Yorkie has to get out and Mike to take his place. Yorkie challenges Dashers to a fight after their shift finishes.
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Malcolm looks absolutely enthralled to have Mike join their little sit in...
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Mike asks the suspect why he broke his employee's legs with an iron bar. "You're not dumb..." "You sure?" Malcolm quips dryly after the man has already repeatedly racially abused him. Mike says he's going to visit the victim in the hospital and get his statement so if it were him he'd want to make sure he got his in first. The suspect refuses to speak - other than to further insult Malcolm.
The singing suspect continues to sing inside the prison van, only to stop and start chattering away to everyone straight after. He's now Pete's new best mate! 🤣🤣
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Tosh gets dispatched to visit a church to investigate what might be happening late at night in their churchyard. Given they mention that vodka and condoms are involved I think we can all guess! However, I did enjoy "Things that go bonk in the night!" from Tosh.
Dashers tries to speak to his suspect again but all he will say is that the landlord of the pub who found the victim likely left a crate out that the victim fell over. He then racially insults Malcolm yet again and Dashers still hasn't told him to STFU for it. He's only snapped at him for 'messing him around'.
Bomb disposal (SO13) arrives to chaos as the blonde 18-year-old who attacked her mother makes a run for it from Viv. Luckily Ted's arrival means he can open his car door just in time to trap her between it, Viv and Yorkie. He has a point though when he asks why she isn't handcuffed if she's a prisoner!
Mike starts to wind up his suspect by asking if the victim was knocking his missus off. They're stuck in the back of the car in a confined place. Mike snarks that he's smarter than his suspect will ever be. I doubt that somehow. (I am really starting to dislike Mike this last series which is a shame as I didn't before)
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Mike learns why it's not clever to wind up criminals when you're boxed in in close proximity to them. And poor Malcolm earns himself yet ANOTHER racial insult when he saves Mike. And Mike still doesn't say a word about it!
Alec loses his temper over Frank getting Dashers to interview a suspect in the back of the car and tells him to go off to court "In short jerky movements." Frank goes back for him and tells him to watch himself and Bob cuts in and tells him to watch himself and that he's pushed it by letting Mike in with the suspect. Frank snaps that it's his (Bob's) lot that has caused the problems as in the evacuation and also cuffing his suspect to Malcolm as he says the suspect will never talk handcuffed to a black officer.
Derek confirms that it is a bomb and that SO13 is diffusing it. Christine spots Taffy has snuck back into the station to search Reg's room and orders him to get to her office at 2pm.
Unfortunately in diffusing the bomb, it explodes right in front of Bob and Derek. The SO13 man is rushed to the hospital after Bob has put the fire out (his suit is engulfed in it)
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Pete tells Yorkie it wasn't down to him and not to blame himself. Yorkie claims it is his fault and Malcolm points out that they'll be looking to blame it on someone. June points out that it can go to the federation with Reg if they press it. Bob joins them in the pub and tells the gathered officers that the SO13 officer is likely going to be blinded. Yorkie hangs his head with guilt.
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