never-surrender · 2 years
@nuiruk || Blue
It had been nearly a week now since their first kiss and their combined admissions ... and yet it hadn't happened again. Admittedly it left Blue with a bit of whiplash each time he watched her avoid him, wondering if he had done something wrong... but what he did know, was he couldn't just ignore what had awakened in him. He wasn't going to let her keep running, he wasn't going to let that be their first and last kiss. So when he saw her again? He called out her name loudly, so there was no excuse that he wasn't heard.
Despite the relative anxiety felt as he approached, Blues expression was hopeful as he lifted a hand in greeting, and as he got closer? The same hand reached and cupped the side of her face, soon his other joining on the other side. And with the same smile in place... allowed his glamor to drop. It was a blatant and obvious show of trust, the adoration he held for her evident in his gaze.
"...hey you.." murmuring the words, he slowly drew closer, moving as such to give her time to move away... and if she didn't? Their lips would meet in a surprisingly soft manner.
She had effectively tamed the dragon... for now
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quirkhearted-m · 2 years
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( for the tidbits meme! ) 1 - tenko , 3 - shinsou , 9 - tamaki
Tidbits Headcanons Prompts ✦ @nuiruk ✦ Accepting
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1. How does your muse relax?
{Video games always provide a great distraction for Tenko, whether it be through a handheld console, a console connected to a TV, or a PC game. Oddly enough, it's horror games he tends to go for if he's stressed/upset. Tends to help distract him far better since he knows the ins & outs of almost every horror game he owns, giving him familiarity to focus on & scares he already knows will happen. Bonus if he has the lights dimmed/completely turned off in his apartment to fully get immersed.}
3. Describe your muse’s ideal holiday.
{Ooh, a calm one, for sure, in somewhere relaxing & not too crowded/fast-paced. A "go at your own pace" kinda holiday would be good for him, also, just... a place where no one really knows him & what his Quirk is, so no one has any bad preconceived notions about him. Where he can fully unwind & not worry about if anyone's gonna see him in a bad light.}
9. What plans does your muse have for the future?
{Of course, to graduate UA alongside Mirio & Nejire. That being his most certain plan. Beyond that, it's mostly just finding a home in a chill neighborhood (preferably close to Fat Gum's Agency or near wherever Mirio's living if they don't move in together). He likes the idea of having room to grow a small garden, too, so he'll have plenty of herbs for any cooking. Plenty of houseplants around the house as well.}
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seaprofound · 1 year
muse aesthetics !!
instructions: bold what applies to your muse.  repost, do not reblog!
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[SOFT] baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | minimalist tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old Barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | cute stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
[DARK ACADEMIA] neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a conversation | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
[EDGY] closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low-quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
[70′s] colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid-heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
[PREPPY CASUAL] collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old Hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
Tagged by: no one—I stole it from @nectaric like the dirty thief that I am :P Tagging: @nuiruk, @velvetineblue, @seeasunset, @witch3rie, @fatesdesign, @stcries, @earthssprout, @mielmoto, @pagetorn, @saccharic, @singofus, @emcads, @multiicolor, @manaborn, @badboysupr, @mageiia, @storybounded, @manneatcr,  @brokentoys, @thcsevoices, @stellarisen, @never-surrender, @chatcambrioleur, @heedingcalls, @dethqveen, @cauterisen, @riidcr, @asoulunbound & youuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!! just say that I tagged you, ok.
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empirelead-a · 1 year
what  brand  of  stupid  are  you  ?  
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Smart until infected with stupid
You think you're safe don't you? You are probably the responsible one in the group, perhaps even the mom friend. You are relatively smart but all it takes is one little thing to suck all your braincells out. It could be hanging around your fellow stupid friends, it could be being left alone, it could be having a bit too much fun. The stupid lives inside you and it just takes the right environment for it to show.
tagged by: no one~ tagging: @castshed, @yunhuntress, @merveiilles, @divine-identite, @nuiruk, @celestieu​, @timesfive​, @guthalo​, annnnd anyone who wanna do this~
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webheadedhero · 2 years
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@nuiruk​ made my spider-sense tingle: “When is the last time you ate?”
Noticing Trauma sentence starters
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  “ what?” he muttered, his attention never leaving the samples he was running tests on. katara’s question seemed to simply drift right in front of him, blinking a few times until his ears had finally relayed what they’d heard. looking up, wincing a little as his eyes adjusted to a new source of light, other than his laptop screen. “ I ate...yesterday. I think.” though he seemed to be asking more than answering, turning his eyes to the calendar on his wall. which day of the week it was seemed to escape him now.
cycling through which day he could last recall, then silently doing the math to try and figure out how long it had actually been. “ oh--” he finally said, swallowing the lump in his throat. and pushing away the thought of food, even if his stomach didn’t seem to agree. “ doesn’t matter.” quickly shaking his head, “ I have to finish synthesizing this antidote. I...I can eat after.”
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lihngchi · 2 years
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mai all but crawls onto the lounge next to katara, her usual decorum collapsing with her.  it’s a pain to measure her every movement, her every word, especially when in pain.  ❝   my head is killing me.   ❞
ordinarily, she wouldn’t ask - it’s no bloody war wound, and she’s travelled halfway around the world to be here - but it cuts like a jagged knife to the temple, a byproduct of the unusual swell of heat.  it’s not even midday and already the air tastes stale, and sits in the lungs like a heavy, crushing blanket.  ❝   if one of the servants brings water, can you make some ice ?   ❞  a beat.  ❝   ---or put me out of my misery ?   ❞
(  right now, all things considered, drowning doesn’t sound like a bad way to go.  )
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hidiingplace · 3 years
• @nuiruk​​ • LIKED for a starter from TODD.
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“Ah common, really, it ain’t nothin’.” Trying that line on his friends seemed to work every time. Trying that out on the med student tasked with helping stitch his eyebrow up (which already had two scars in it) was clearly not working, considering she was already a few stitches deep and still working on him. “Just a few cuts an’ bruises.” He looks worse for wear, sitting on the medical table, bored out of his mind like he didn’t have a busted lip, a black eye, a bloodied nose, AND a slice through one of his eyebrows. Honestly, he’s just glad his nose ring was still in!
“Just sneak me out tha back, ain’t no one gonna notice,” he attempts with a playful tone, peering at her from under her hands. The eye closest to the brow she’s working on is squinted close, the other one peering up at her with mischief to match the devilish curve in his smile.
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freedmfighter · 3 years
⋆  * ╰   ⋆  *        @nuiruk​  :  KATARA   /    saw   this   coming.
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THIS WAS A MISTAKE GRAVER THAN ORIGINAL CONCERN,     because  here  they  are   surrounded  by  the  enemy  in  make-shift  disguise,  but  it  wasn’t  until  he  was  introduced  to  himself  in  the  play  he  felt  the  dread  filter  in.    SURE,   SURE,    they   heard   about   the  dam  :   that’s   a  given,   it  was  a  military  outpost,   they  had  to  have  caught  word          it   was  disturbing  playing  it  before  him  like  a  JOKE,   a   failure,  and   worse   . . .  something  katara  was  proudly  a  part  of,  not  just  blissfully   unaware  of  her  role   in  his  scheme.    (     he   wasn’t   really   embarrassed,   just   more   ticked  off  than  anything  ),    retraining  from  catching  any  of  the  gang’s  eye  as  it  continued  on.    HE  SHOULD  HAVE  SEEN  IT  COMING,  THOUGH  ;  HE  SHOULD  HAVE  ANTICIPATED  SOMETHING  FAR  WORSE.    he  clung  onto  the  fact  they  seemed  to  forget  about  him  ;    how  there  was  no  introduction  to   him  on  the  ferry  . . .   even  the  confrontation  Zuko  caught  him  up  on . . .   but   at  the  mention  of   the  Dai  Li,  he  tensed.    THIS  WASN’T  REAL,    he   had  to   remind  himself  when   Long  Feng’s  actor  stepped  into  the  spotlight.    HE  WASN’T  HIM  /   HE  ISN’T  THERE.    still,   he   couldn’t   breathe.    The   scenery  was  green  --   uncanny   --   and  they’re  not  showing  it,   but   he   sees   that   circling  flame,   those  words  that  slithered  into  his  ear,   the  chanting  . . .   there  is  no  war           THERE  IS  NO  WAR  IN  BA  SING  SE.    then  another  voice:   the   cruel  whisper,   the  blade  against  stone.   (    JET  I  HAVE  A  SPECIAL  JOB  FOR  YOU . . .  )   and  the  scene  goes  on,   the  audience   gasps   and  laughs.    THE  ENEMY,   THE  ONE  TAUNTING  HIM ,  ALWAYS  TAUNTING  HIS  TRAUMA          but  this   . . .    this  was  the  fault  of  HIS  PEOPLE.    and  he  hears  those  words,
                                       JET,    THE  EARTH  KING  HAS  INVITED  YOU      
he  stands  abruptly,  hand  flinging  out  to  the  nearest  shoulder.   he  doesn’t  know  who.   his  eyes  are  wide,   transfixed.
                               TO  LAKE    
he  pants,   fear  consuming  every  fiber  of  his  being.   heart  in  his  throat,  pulse  a  WARDRUM   against  his  throat.   (    GET  OUT . . .  GET  OUT . . .  GET  OUT  !   )             normally   agile,   he’s  stumbling  through   the  aisle,  grabbing  chairs,   grabbing  his  friend’s  shoulders,  attempting  to  fling  himself   through  the  exit.   (   WHY  DID  YOU  DO  THIS  TO  ME ?  )
                                L A O G A I .
he  takes  a  sharp  breath,  painfully  aware  of  the  way  his  pupils  were  dilating    he  registers  carpet  burn  after.   stars   dance  in  his  eyes.   he’s  gripping  the  ground  but  he  feels  the  pressure  of  being  a  hundred  feet  under  water.   teeth  grit.    (   HOLD ON . . .  YOU’VE  BEAT  THIS  BEFORE  ).    his  chest  heaves,   he   rises,   continuing  to  get  distance.   his  bloodsteam  feels  ablaze.   .(   JET,   DO  YOUR  DUTY.   FIGHT  FOR  ME,   FIGHT  FOR  THE  DAI  LI,  STOP  THE  AVATAR.  THERE   IS   NO  WAR  HERE.   IF  YOU  DON’T  FIGHT,  THERE  WILL  BE.  )  
in  the  distance,   he  hears  bellowing  laughter.   here  in  the  hallway,  he’s  fighting  for  his  life  again,   sweat  building  in  his  hairline  as  his  face  presses  in  the  crook  of  his  arm  and  curled  up   against  the  nearest  wall.   (  you’re  not  supposed  to  be  weak.  )   
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ciniis · 4 years
@nuiruk + plotted
Ash had taken to the woods for two reasons. One, good coverage to hide. Two, if things got difficult, he could just set the whole forest ablaze –– taking the guards along with it. 
Hidden behind a large tree, Ash’s large form was barely concealed as he scouted the forest ahead. He could hear the voice of the guards behind him getting closer, though there was very little panic in his chest. He’d done this a thousand times before. Escaping guards was easy when they had to play by their own rules and Ash didn’t have any rules to abide by. 
But it takes only a moment to witness what might be his downfall. A breathless curse falls from his mask-covered mouth as he sees a girl walking through the forest path not even a few feet from him. The voices of the men grow closer and he decides to just fucking go for it. 
She doesn’t see him as he creeps around tree to tree and finally manages to get behind her. In swift actions his large hand covers her mouth, while the other grabs one of her hands and bends it behind her back –– holding her hostage as he slams his back against another large tree and holds her close to him. 
“Keep your mouth shut or I’ll split you in two.” He threatens without hesitation, his crimson eyes turned in the direction of the armed guards pooling into the area a few feet away from his hiding spot.
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seismicsight · 4 years
Hear me out ... Katara & Toph making a tradition of spending Valentines Days together to take advantage of all the couples deals food & stuff in the city
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Toph and Katara being absolute mad lads trawling for food deals and hitting up spas asking for sweet sweet discounts.
Is it just me or do you agree that Katara would have a list that they run through for must-hit places?
Toph absolutely cackling as Katara lays into anyone who tries to refuse them service because they’re coming in together.
They’d bring back leftovers and extra goodies to their SOs who got ditched bc tradition. 
It has been pitched before that they turn it into a double-date thing but THAT’S AGAINST TRADITION, SORRY.
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liishang · 3 years
@nuiruk​ + because i can, duh.
Captain Li Shang had been resting with his troops in one of the outskirts of the Fire Nation. Since Firelord Ozai’s defeat, life in the Military had become a little less filled with fire and rage. This messy changing of hands had caused many Soldiers to find themselves angry, upset, and even defiant. It made his job as Captain much more difficult. A firmer hand was often needed with certain soldiers, and with others they seemed to relax calmly into the change. 
Lost in his thoughts during his nightly rounds, he hears the chattering of a few people in the forest. He wakes a soldier who’s judgement he trusts and commands them to go investigate for him. 
Somehow it ended in a fight and now Li Shang was holding his soldier by the back of his armour and staring at a young waterbender who had (rightfully) given his soldier a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget. 
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“My apologies. Kai here has decided he’d much rather spend his evening scrubbing the cooking pots than doing his job.” Captain Li drops the soldier, who quickly stands, bowing in apology as they scuttle back towards the camp –– knowing full well what he was going to be doing until the crack of dawn.
Shang watches the other leave before sighing and shaking his head. Firm expression fades to a softer, apologetic one. 
“I’m sorry for the trouble. It was my decision to send him rather than to investigate myself. For that, I am also at fault.” He bows. “Captain Li Shang.”
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never-surrender · 2 years
does tengen need a hug? bc she's always ready to give hugs ( & they're pretty great tbh ). but if that's not the vibe she can also make a pretty dang good cup of tea & make sure he gets lots of space & quiet. / <3
love on Tengen hours || accepting
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The hug was unexpected, and while the woman was such a short little thing ... somehow the embrace seemed so big. Arms lifted on either side of him, the ex hashira's gaze had widened some before slowly closing entirely, arms lowering until one hand rested at her mid back and his other arm crossed horizontally by her shoulder blades. Holding Katara close was surprisingly easy, feeling something in his chest release even just a little bit...
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recordsstraight · 3 years
bruh, your portrayals ( & i mean across the board of characters ) is the kind you fall in love with instantly - no joke. you've got such a talent with voices & a noticeable charisma to the way you structure your writing , it's consistently fun to read. no jokes here today i'm just here to say i ♡ your portrayals ( & you, i /guess/ )
beep beep || accepting
well I guess I’m not actively about to fucking cry, god damn it askldfhlasdf. you and brei were a solid part of why I was able to find the courage to branch out like i have and the fact that you think this highly of my writing makes me really fucking emotional and I won’t lie about it. 
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seaprofound · 1 year
instructions: list some of your muse's favorite things.  repost, do not reblog!
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favorite activities : arts and crafts (drawing, painting, sewing, etc.), creating culinary dishes, daydreaming, swimming (she is a fish, after all), hunting down the wicked and making them repent for the wrongs that they have committed 💜 (+ more)
favorite animal(s) : cats, dolphins, foxes, horses, seals, serpents
favorite colors(s) : black, purple, red/pink (tied, yup), blue, green
favorite flower(s) : lilies, lycoctonum (better known as aconitum or monkshood/wolf’s bane), moonflowers, roses 
favorite fruit(s) : apples, lychees, peaches, strawberries
favorite gem(s) : amethyst, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, pearl, opal 
favorite holiday : halloween 👻
favorite insect(s) : butterflies, cockroaches, fireflies, moths 
favorite season : winter
favorite time of day : midnight, the witching hour
Tagged by: the lovely @eriny3s—thank you !! Tagging: @nuiruk, @velvetineblue, @seeasunset, @witch3rie, @fatesdesign, @stcries, @earthssprout, @mielmoto, @pagetorn, @saccharic, @singofus, @emcads, @multiicolor, @xpomegranatex, @badboysupr, @mageiia, @storybounded, @manneatcr,  @brokentoys, @nectaric, @crystalcracked, @never-surrender, @chatcambrioleur, @heedingcalls, @dethqveen, @cauterisen, @riidcr, @asoulunbound & youuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!! just say that I tagged you, ok.
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empirelead-a · 2 years
how do you need to be touched?
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you crave a hug that cracks your ribs... the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. you need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. and that you are not alone.  
tagged by: @torncast (thanks~) tagging: @huntsins​, @ichigokurosaki​, @aklramenai​, @nuiruk​, and anyone who reads this~
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webheadedhero · 2 years
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@nuiruk​ made my spider-sense tingle: me for the url thing right back actha ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Do I Follow Them?: Y E S. She’s stuck with me, hate to break it to u.
Why Did I Follow Them?: Because Katara is actually one of my all time favorite characters, and seeing K write them to a fucking tee is not reason enough??
Do We Role Play?: not as often as we would like to cause life happens fjkasldjf
Do I Want To Role Play With Them:YES of course!
An AU Idea For Our Muses: We’ve had a few but idk a villain katara could be kinda cool fjskjf
A Song For Our Muses: uHHHH i’m bad at these jfkalsdjfaklsdjf. I think good vibrations by the beach boys is a good sum up of peter’s feelings to her.
Do I Ship Our Muses?: yeah but that’s no secret fjlkasjd
What I Think About The Mun: K is a-oK in my book. hehehehe. okay but no. K is fantastic. I don’t even know how long we’ve been interacting now??? like seven years I think?? she’s such a kind and thoughtful person and is always so willing to either just listen to me ramble about stuff or characters. or ideas. and then getting excited talking about plot ideas. or just, listening to me talk about stuff going on in my life.
Overall Opinion:katara is a national treasure and k’s katara is treasured on this blog, it’s written in stone and that isn’t changing.
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10++++
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