sootyships · 11 months
🎂, 👕, and 🪀 for the F/O fanchild ask!
Ask meme
🎂 - When's their birthday, if they have one? If they don't have a canon one, what do you hc their birthday is?
Kast kids:
As far as Cuyan remembered when he became a foundling, he was born 7955.16.3 C.R.C. He was 7 at the time, so his memory is probably accurate.
Feral was born 7961.243.3 C.R.C, Nyn 7964.330.6 C.R.C and Nuhur 7965.253.11 C.R.C.
(Those dates correspond to Jan 16th, Sep 1st, Nov 27th and Sep 11th.)
Sidzla's birthday is Jan 5th.
👕 - What style of clothes do they wear? If they're not old enough to have a specific style, what style do you think they'll have?
Kast kids:
Cuyan, Nyn and Nuhur all kind of wear "whatever", they're more about practicality than style. Cuyan likes earthy colours, Nyn likes dark colours, and Nuhur likes orange and green.
Cuyan wears a heavy style of beskar'gam with a custom helmet to account for his montrals and lekku, painted copper and green.
Nyn's eventual beskar'gam isn't heavily armoured, because she's more about agility than protection. She does keep to her dark colour scheme.
Nuhur sticks to his guns and keeps wearing "whatever", which in this case means a standard pilot beskar'gam, with fewer armour plates. He did make the secondary colour orange, though.
Feral prefers to wear skirts and dresses. Her style remains rather down to earth and practical, but she definitely stands out in this regard compared to her siblings. She likes red and dark purple. Her beskar'gam is a heavier style with those colours, and she has a Nite Owl-style helmet, but she prefers civilian clothing.
Sidzla's fave shoes are something like these:
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She likes yellow and purple. She often asks for a piece of clothing or an accessory specifically because a peer or multiple peers of hers has/have something similar, which makes sense, considering.
🪀 - Do they have a favorite toy? What is it? If it was a gift, who got it for them?
Kast kids:
There's this toy starfighter that Feral and Cuyan used to fight over. Eventually, Cuyan decided Fer'ika could have it, and luckily Nyn and Nuhur didn't care for it...
Sidzla likes the toy replicas of Lady Sif's sword and shield that Thor gave her. Not to sound old, but when I was a kid, I made my toy weapons myself from sticks in the forest! *sniffs*
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hikuswing · 6 months
Romulan Dictionary
So I went looking for this site and it appears to be down now, probably a casualty to the whole geocities thing. I wish I could credit the original author (trraith according to the document I have), if anyone has a direct link/is this person please hit me up. Otherwise, please enjoy the English->Rihannsu (Romulan) dictionary. To keep this from spiraling and taking up someone's whole dash, I will be replying with cuts for each letter (Z and X had no entries at the time of my saving this. If there is a more updated version of this list I would love to hear about it.) Please reblog the final entry only, linked here. I will also pin it.
abandon, lose (v) - ehlu (D) ability (n) - alehu (D) able (adj) - aled above, area above (n) - aerrh (D) absent (adj) - nuhur (D) abundance, great supply (n) - aefau abuse (n) - aehyy* (D) abuse, hurt, injure (v) - dirhae (D) abuse, misuse, ill-treat (v) - aehyy (D) abused, injured, hurt (adj) - gustai (D)
Academy, military training center (n) - Phi'lasasam (D) accelerate (v) - reuvh (D) accept (v) - neiss (D) acceptance (n) - oann (D) access (n) - kheah (D) accidentally, by accident (adv) - oiidh (D) accommodate (v) - awhae (D) accompany (v) - haodt (D) accomplish (v) - arhoe (D) accomplish, perfom, do, carry out (v) - sthe
accomplished, skilled (adj) - hnnial (D) accomplished, finished (adj) - cufhae (D) accomplishment (n) - raon (D) accord (n) - hoaer (D) accumulate (v) - taith (D) accusation (n) - bhuut (D) accuse (v) - swuil (D) ache (n) - rheis (D) ache (v) - rheis* (D) achieve (v) - khuea (D) achieve, arrive, attain (v) - dhaie (D)
achievement (n) - rhaarh (D) acid (n) - nnoihr (D) acquire (v) - kaeth (D) act, behave (v) - kla act, deed (n) - grukhai act, take action, do (v) - irea (D) actually (EA 11) (adv) - rhaau add (arithmetic) (v) - llifv (D) add, give (v) - mnyiener address, lecture (n, v) - dochai* (D)
adjacent or neighboring area, area beside (n) - ieuhh (D) adjust (v) - aorre (D) administer (v) - haidh (D) administration (n) - daesn (D) administrator (n) - fvrihai admiral, senior commander (n) - enriov admire (v) - eirai (D) adroit, ready, skillful (adj) - hnaai (D) advance (v) - onnta (D) advanced, highly developed (adj) - duimn (D)
adversary, sworn enemy (n) - jihmn (D) adversary, opponent (n) - retaenir (D) advise (v) - aueth advise/answer a query, "advise me" (v) - auethn advisor (n) - auethnen advocate, one who speaks for another in court (n) - raihiw'sheh (D) affirm (to be true), assert (EA 0) (v) - yie aft (n) - aehf (D) after, afterwards (prep) - aihkh (D) after (RW 25) (adv) - rheh afternoon (n) - aihkhmiite (D)
again (EA 12) (adv) - hlun aged, old (adj) - ira agency (n) - dhaehhr (D) agent, instrument, cause (n) - iarr'voi (D) agent, representative, intermediary (n) - lehrei aggressive (adj) - khied (D) ago, hence (adj) - lhai (D) agonizer, Klingon agonizer (n) - fveolh (D) agony (n) - iolae (D) agree, assent (v) - rhai
agree, match (v) - aekhra (D) agreeable, amicable, friendly (adj) - khedak agriculture (n) - aellae (D) aid (v) - nveim (D) aid, help (n) - solaere (D) aid, help (v) - solaere* (D) aide (n) - kaidha aide-de-camp (n) - hmnial (D) air (not the Element) (n) - lhael air, breeze, wind (n) - mosaram (D)
Air, the Element (n) - Jaeih airlock (n) - fveill (D) alarm (n) - bhaie (D) ale ingredient, a Vulcan grain (RW 168) (n) - kheh alert (n) - nhyrh* (D) alert, warn (v) - nhyrh (D) alerted, prepared (adj) - alleik* (D) alert, prepare oneself, be vigilant (v) - alleik (D) alien (adj) - yikh alien (n) - ssouh (D)
alien or stranger, lit. neighbor (derog.) (n) - vaehkh (D) all, exclusively, solely (adj) - fortnepas (D) all (RW 58) (pron) - oiuu'n all gone (adj) - urrhaa (D) all's well (RW 58) (sup-inf phrase) - oiuu'n mnekha
Fig. "Alls'-well?", lit. "Advise me [whether] all is well" (formal, inf.-sup. phrase) (RW 58) - Aeuthn qiu oaii mnek'nra?
all, entirety, whole (EA 0) (n) - en all, everything (pron) - qiuu, qiuu'n, qiu (oaii) alliance (n) - kaehht (D) allow, permit (v) - hisl (D) allow, have, permit (v) - vhuin ally (n) - dhaekav alone (adj) - eial (D) alphabet, the Rihannsu writing system (n) - efveimne (D) also (conj) - oi (D) alter (v) - aimnaa (D)
alternate, substitute, proxy (n) - hlomaus (D) altitude (n) - mniue (D) always (adv) - diamn (D) ambassador (n) - llairhi ambassador, diplomat (n) - kiitha ambition, hubris, extreme pride (n) - mhr'vaat (D) amicable, friendly, agreeable (adj) - khedak ammunition (n) - saedi (D) analysis (n) - temnei (D) analyze (v) - hnnai (D)
ancestor (n) - orheika (D) ancestry, blood (fig.), temperament (n) - plaeh (D) ancient (adj) - ulhei (D) and (RW 25) (conj) - u' angel (n) - jhu (D) anger (n) - dhuil (D) angle (geometric) (n) - meraehh (D) angry, mad (adj) - mnaae (D) angst, pain (n) - uan animal (n) - ahlh (D)
bird (in general) (n) - dhael bird(s), flightless and edible, ostrich-like - hlai(in); hlai'hwy, domesticated bird, hlai'vna, wild bird bird native to ch'Rihan, Rihannsu-sized and carnivorous (n) - mogai (D) small venomous bird (n) - nei'rhh cockroach (n) - nhaidh (D) a hyena-like animal (n) - sseikea a pet (n) - fvai(in) a wolf- or wolverine-like animal (n) - thrai(in) a worm (n) - kllhe edible ostrich-like bird (n) - hlai(in) weasel-like vicious predator (n) - hnoiyika(r)
annihilate (v) - rhioy announce, reveal (v) - doprae (D) announce, proclaim (v) - lihr announce the presence/ arrival (sup.-inf.) (v) - oal'lhlih announcement (n) - veiht (D) annoy (v) - ebhae (D) annoy, hassle, bother (v) - daehhra (D) annoyance, hassle, problem (n) - daetra (D) another (pron) - koemae (D) another (EA 11) (adj prefix) - hra'
answer (n) - aednae answer (n) - dhroi* (D) answer (v) - dhroi (D) antecenturion, subcenturion (Starfleet ensign) (n) - erein antidote against artificial poisons (n) - ssifefva antidote against natural poisons, antivenin (n) - ssifegho antimatter (n) - nvihha (D) any (of a group), any one, whichever (pron) - ehrr (D) any way (corr) - khrisa any, some (adj) - siufve (D)
anybody, somebody (pron) - rilhta (D) anyone (corr) - isaeha for any reason (corr) - ievoi anything (corr) - khru anything (n) - eriuu anytime (corr) - khefv anywhere (corr) - khira apartment (n) - takas'rhe apartment building (n) - takas apology (n) - veherr
"Non-Apology" (RW 133) (n) - Vehe'rrIhlan
appear, build up, take form (v) - hhwai (D) appear, come (v) - mayri appear, seem, look (v) - hhaetn (D) ascribe, blame, attribute (v) - aerlhi (D) apprehensive, worried, nervous (adj) - aaemir (D) approach, propose, request (v) - ekhau (D) approach, close in, get closer, come nearer (v) - iurrhi (D) approach, near, come (unexpectedly) (EA 11) (v) - mrei archway (n) - gaih area beside, neighboring or adjacent area (n) - ieuhh (D)
area next to (n) - hhaehh (D) area, district (geographical) (n) - hiudh (D) area, district (political) (n) - kaisu (D) area, vicinity, premises (EA 11) (n) - lai area (large), region (n) - kalanam, calanam argue (v) - iyhwe (D) argument, fight, brouhaha (n) - fhaihuhhru arm (body part) (n) - haenhe (D) arm, offshoot, branch (n) - ahtma armed, as in "disruptor armed," or "ya-ie'yakk" (adj) - ya (D)
arms (small), weapons (n) - teidr (D) army (n) - draao (D) around (prep, adv) - hraefva around (prep, w/nom) - sevihf arrangement or contract, unfair or too restrictive (colloq), chain, currency unit (n) - takhse arrest (v) - iera (D) arrival (n) - oali arrive, achieve, attain (v) - dhaie (D) arrive, get somewhere (v) - hilai
art (n) - lvhiet artisan, craftsman (n) - aethhon as far as, to, until (prep) - ru (D) ascend (v) - vailiu (D) ashamed (adj) - urhae (D) ashen (adj) - rehillh ask, question (v) - nihroi (D) ask, request (v) - stheirhn assault (n) - arkhiann assemble (v) - paeti (D)
assembly (of people) (n) - aetheaa (D) assembly (of objects) (n) - bressas assembly (n) - paeti* (D) assembly, gathering (n) - bresasam (D) assent, agree (v) - rhai assert, affirm (to be true) (EA 0) (v) - yie assets, money, wealth (n) - iaehhs (D) assist (v) - irhis (D) assist, serve, help (v) - etrhei (D) assistant (n) - diserhn (D)
asteroid (n) - ihrh (D) at that time (corr) - astev at, on, in (prep, w/nom) - hrrau, h'rau atomic (as elementary particles) (adj) - fvinnash atop (post, w/nom) - mibh attache (n) - lleifven attack (v) - errhi (D) attain, arrive, achieve (v) - dhaie (D) attempt (v) - eidae (D) attend me, hear me (phrase) - vaed'rae
attend, care for, minister to (v) - aihei attend, heed (v) - vaedn attention, pay attention (v) - aemni (D) attitude-control thrusters (n) - itheil (D) attractive (adj) - l'lorel'ei* (D) attribute, blame, ascribe (v) - aerlhi (D) authority, power (legal/social) (n) - efveh (D) authority, commission (n) - eireth avenge (n) - kholhr avenger (n) - ra'kholh
awake (adj) - khumae (D) award (n) - sagomh* award (v) - saghomh away from (prep) - uaenn (D) away team (n) - ahyan (D)
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snorkin-sporks · 2 months
Soggy little fic part 2
Axe Woves is tired of being told what to do. [chapter 2]
The incessant noise of his alarm startled Axe awake. Shooting upright, he smashed the top of his head against the bunk above his, waking Ragnar in the process.
“Axe? What's going on?” his tiny voice slurred with the remnants of sleep, making Axe feel even more guilty for waking him.
“Just another mission buddy, you can go back to sleep. I'll comm Koska to keep an eye on you.”  Koska had generously volunteered for Ragnar-watching duty, desperate to beat Bo-Katan in the race to become ‘kaysh nuhur ba’vodu’. Well, according to her.
Ragnar let out a heavy sigh, clearly not pleased with this development. Axe knew that this was the time for bribes.
“Okay Ragnar. What if I told you Djarin and his weird green kid are coming-” Ragnar practically squealed at that.
“-And… Djarin’s aliit will be here too. Fett is helping Grogu and wants to see if any of the new foundlings need training too, and I bet he would let you shoot something. So behave for your ba’vodu I’ll see if you can go.” 
The kid nodded enthusiastically. It was settled. Ragnar would behave, and Axe would take him somewhere more interesting than the training grounds.
After satiating Ragnar, Axe made his way to the kitchen, a cold pot of caff waiting for him. He sat down on the uncomfortable chair, careful not to dump the re-heated goodness residing in his travel mug, and commed Koska.
“-Ori’Vod! Me’vaar ti gar?” oh boy. Koska had a kriff ton of energy this morning. 
“Could you keep an eye on Ragnar for me? I’ve got job duty, reconnaissance in the base ruins.” the Imperial base that Axe had crashed the Nite Owls lead ship into only weeks earlier. Bo-Katan was still pissed about that.
“-didn't Bo’ika ban you from further mission until you were cleared by the baar’ru?” Well kark. Axe was banned, and for good reason. Reasons Koska wasn't exactly privy to…
“No need to be mir’sheb, can you watch him or not?” Axe sighed internally. He loved Koska, he really did (she was his kih’vod after all), but ka’ra was she infuriating sometimes. 
“-if it means beating Bo’s shebs then kriff yeah. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Don’t let Bo catch you leaving Sundari though, she’ll have your hide.”
The audio cut out as Axe ended the call, Koska was right, if his Ori’Vod heard he was on a mission she’d put him on house arrest or something, Axe would never hear the end of it.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
Axe and the other Mando’ade were deep in the remnants of the base, they trudged on, Ruusaan (a Child of The Watch) was leading, but that didn't stop the other Nite Owls from looking to Axe for commands. 
Sweeping through the crumbling hallways, Axe stumbled, losing his balance almost completely. Catching himself on the wall, Axe took a moment to breathe, trying to ease the relentlessly pounding dizziness. 
“Duraani, burc’ya?” one mando’ad - a covert dweller - said sharply, Axe realised that he’d been staring. He looked away, shaking his head. He could barely see over the grey fogging his vision.
  “Nah, Sorry mate.” his voice shook. Axe took one more second to cling desperately to the wall before walking on, his vison was static around the edges and his ears still rung but he kept going. He had to push through, no good ever came from being weak. 
Axe struggled as the squad continued through the ruined base. He knew Bo-katan wanted him on light duty, and he’d tried to comply, but kark had he missed this. 
Axe knew it was a horrible idea to jump straight into scouting the rough areas of the base, he knew Bo had good reason to keep him away, he knew he’d pay for it later. But that was exactly that, later. Might as well have some fun while he wasn't wearing an ankle monitor and surrounded by a medic team for the rest of his life.
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i know this will mean nothing to you at least rn but here's your name in elvish script okay byeee 💚
Okay so here's my response. First I got the meaning of Isaac (one who laughs/rejoices) and translated it into mando'a as Nuhur (good times). I did this because my name is actually Kote (a mando'a word meaning glory) and Cody as an English variant of that. I would have tried to find a word that sounds like isaac but I don't think there is one.
And then I did this:
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Which is far from perfect but there we go. Isaac in Mando'a
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pankataratos · 2 years
ret ven’jorhaa’i o’r mando’a par ashi ca’nara, shi par nuhur
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keldabekush · 4 years
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I love my idiot child enough that i spent hours on this shitpost
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mostbearloved · 4 years
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They’re judging other Mandalorians’ gloomy and boring fashion choices.
Thank you to the amazing @keldabekush for letting me draw their stunning oc Nuhur with my Urso! :] I simply LOVE their design, and look! Matching colors! Best buddies! <3
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Panther Squad is a group of outsiders and misfits. You’ve got the lone presumed-KIA commando assassin, the gunner who escaped reconditioning and ran, the ARC who’s one of an aberration batch of 6, the crashed and rescued pilot-turned-slicer, the ru’dinad deserter who was the last of his squad, the disguised mandojetii clone smuggled out by a Padawan, and the pacifist medic who was sent out years too young.
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sootyships · 11 months
📄 - What's their name? If you and your f/o picked it, how did you pick it? Or if they picked their name, how did they pick it?
For the fanchild ask game!
Ask meme
For the Ultron/Mikitta kid:
Her name is Sidzla. It was my suggestion and one that Ultron liked. It's an old-fashioned nickname of Cecilia, which is also the name of my 2nd great grandmother. We agreed to give her a combination surname as well, for a couple different reasons, using Ultron as a surname. So she's Sidzla Ultron-Karamäki. I was a bit worried that the name wouldn't be approved, but apparently my justifications were sound.
For the Savage Opress/Gi Kast kids:
Cuyan picked his name himself after he was adopted. He never did tell us his original name; we called him "Blue" until he asserted a preference. (He wasn't a big talker at first.) He still uses Blu or Kebiin (blue in Mando'a) as cover names sometimes.
Feral is named in the memory of Savage's deceased brother, the one that the Nightsisters had Savage himself kill while he was brainwashed by them. It was Savage's idea, but it took some convincing to get him to suggest names at all at first.
Nyn's name is basically a Nightbrother name in Mando'a, one we picked together. It means "hit, strike".
Nuhur is more of a hopeful name. It means "laughter, good times". It kind of just happened. Ironically he turned out to be more of a stoic personality as he grew. 😂
If we were to have yet another kid, we've considered the name Kycina, after one of the very few Nightsisters Savage has positive memories of... But we'll see.
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syntymatitahna · 5 years
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Feral, Nyn, Nuhur, Nyn. Cuyan doesn't have a pic bc I feel like the faces on the togruta are somehow... off? the twi'lek faces, for example, def look better -- or at least better for Cuyan. I'll post him once i get his look in the right ballpark.
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atelier-dayz · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday
Here’s some of the next part of “how a beach vacation saves the galaxy”  ✧˖*✧◝(^▽^)◜✧˖*✧˖*
“A little over five years ago,” Jango says, looking at Obi-wan with a small smile. “Boba wasn’t five yet, but close.” Obi-wan nods, smiling back at Jango.
“Right…” Mij looks between the two of them before asking, “So what’s going on? No offense, Kenobi, but we’re not supposed to have visitors. So how are you here?”
“I left clues to lead him here,” Jango says. “Obi-wan is a Jedi.”
Mij’s face goes blank and as stiff as his posture, though his shock blares loudly in the Force. “Gar nuhur,” he says, but Jango shakes his head. “A Jedi?” he demands of Obi-wan, and Obi-wan nods. Mij rubs a gloved hand over his face. “Jango Fett. With a Jedi. Oh, do the Ka’ra like pulling our leg.”
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spoopyredacted · 3 years
unheavenly creatures
chapter five
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clan leader mand’alor!din x shayr’la(ofc) 2k
masterlist / pinterest
chapter one / chapter four / chapter six
description: some importing things are said here. a k*ss. face holding. tears. a decision must be made. cliffhanger 😬 manipulation/guilt trip(not by din)
a/n: as always i own @tiffdawg my life for putting up with me and for editing and for just being an absolutely amazing friend. @lomldindjarin laura is the best hype woman at 10pm at night a girl could ask for and i would lay my life down for her. also bless @themarcusmoreno for putting up with me sending random snippets unannounced. 😘 love yall hoes
But this… this is something more
It’s some sort of holy thing, a sacred thing
...this love
The Mand’alor finds her in the gardens, walking along the path that winds around the center fountain. Her hair’s twisted up in small braids that sit atop her head and she’s wearing a silky cream colored jumpsuit that whenever the sun hits the fabric, it gives her an ethereal glow and he doesn’t want to look away from her.
He watches her walk the circle, head bent in study of the data pad in her hand. Clearing his throat he calls out to her, “Ka’ra,” 
Shayr’la doesn’t look up, only vaguely answering him, “hmm?”
“May I talk with you?”
Despite her response she doesn’t pause in her stride, but continues her walk around the fountain one more time. Just as she passes in front of him again he speaks. 
The unexpected term of endearment finally makes her stop and turn to him, her eyes wide in startlement but she quickly laughs it off and walks to him, a smile gracing her face, “Hi,” she whispers through her laughter, “What can I do for you Mand’alor?”
“I wanted to talk to you about the riduurok. Specifically of when we can say our vows.”
He grasps her hands in his own, curling his gloved hand around her fingers and holding onto her delicately, half afraid she would pull away at his touch but he knows she wouldn’t.
“See there doesn’t have to be a witness. We can perform them whenever we want.”
He takes a deep inhale before he continues but the words still come tumbling out of his mouth, “I… I wanted to know if you wanted to exchange the vows now—” he’s almost stumbling over himself in an effort to get them out as quickly as possible. He’s nervous of what she would say, but hopeful that she would be just as excited as him and want to exchange them right away. “—Or if you wanted to wait for the day of the celebration.”
His head is tilted down, watching their hands and wishing he didn’t have his gloves on. He wants to feel her. Touch her skin, feel the smoothness of it, feel the warmth. He wants to run his calloused, rough hands along the expanse of her back or down the hollow of her throat and across her chest.
He wants her .
“Mand’alor, may I have a day to think about it?”
“Oh— oh yes. That’s fine ka’ra.”
“Thank you.”
Her smile never left her face. Their hands still clasped together she asks, “will you walk me back to the halls? I had a question I wanted to ask you about one of the stories.”
As Shayr’la walks into the throne room her footsteps echo off the walls and draw the attention of the Mand’alor atop his chair. He looks regal, and powerful, and beautiful . Just like he did when she first met him. 
The room only has a handful of Mandalorians about, but Shayr’la fixes him with a purposeful stare and a smile on her face and with a wave of his hand he dismisses them all.
With an empty room she lets her eyes roam over his stature, taking in the widespread of his legs and the tight grip he has on his spear as he sits up in his throne. He tips his helmet to her, inviting her to come to him.
Shayr’la walks the steps towards him. 
Towards her future. 
Towards her beginning.
Stopping just between his legs. If he wanted to reach out to her he could grip her waist and bring her into him. Bring her down onto his lap and wrap his arms around her. But he waits. He waits for her to make the first move. She has to want this. Him.
“Mand’alor Vizsla. I have an answer for you.” She takes a step closer and leans down, wrapping one hand around his spear and the other on the arm of the throne. Face close enough to leave a soft fog on his visor with her breath, she gives him the answer he is so desperate for with a husky whisper.
“Yes .”
Slowly, so very slow, he turns his helmet towards her. And with a silent movement he slides his hand up and over where hers rest on the spear. Intertwining their fingers, the Mand’alor stands to meet her.
They’re inches apart. Both taking each other in. Shayr’la holds her breath waiting .
He settles his hand on her waist, pulling her flush against him. Shayr’la knows there’s power in those hands. She wants to feel it for herself, she wants him to use them on her. To know what that kind of strength and attention feels like. And then she wants to flip it on him. Show him the power she has. She wants to see if this man would bend to her will. Would he want to? Would he like it? 
Suddenly, without realization, he has her in the meeting room and backed up against the wall. Taking a hold of his vest, she rests her hand just at his heart. Feeling the steady beat of it against her palm, the staccato of blood rushing through him. She can feel it speed up as he steps towards her, invading her space, and her senses, and she wants him closer.
 Needs him closer.
“Ka’ra, are you certain?” The Mand’alor gently drags his finger up her arm. Sending a shiver in anticipation through her body. “I don’t want you to say yes just to please me. Or to prove yourself to anyone else.” 
His hand runs over her shoulder and along the column of her throat and finds its home at her jaw. She doesn’t realize she’s closed her eyes until he tells her to open them, “Shayr’la… I need to hear you.”
The leather is soft against her skin. Soft as she nods against his hand. Soft when it rubs along her lips. Soft when her mouth parts and she whispers out a yes.
“Yes I want to marry you. ”
A happy hum crackles through his vocoder and an unseen smile flits across his face, “Mhi solus tome. Mhi solus dar’tome.”
“Mhi solus tome. Mhi solus dar’tome.” She parrots, the unfamiliar words struggle to roll off her tongue.
The Mand’alor’s gruff voice continues the vows, “Mhi me’dinui an. Mhi ba’juri verde.”
“Mhi me’dinui an. Mhi ba-ba’joree—” he shakes his head as she stumbles with the words, “no, no like this, bah-jur-eer vair-day.”
“—ba’juri verde.” The Mand’alor nods along with her pronunciation. Happiness filling him. From her words. From her willingness to marry him. From her growing fondness of him. 
He hopes that one day it could grow. Grow into something they both want, need, desire . 
Shayr’la smiles up at him. Her dark eyes piercing right through him, a light with mirth. After a moment he rests his helmet against her forehead.
Cold beskar meeting warm flesh. 
The hand that rests along her jaw slides up and caresses the apples of her cheeks, “Close your eyes cyar’ika.” He whispers. 
Her heart stutters in her chest. What is he doing? Despite her confusion she does as he asks though. 
She doesn’t breathe. She doesn’t move. 
It's as if time has slowed down. That it’s paused. Ended. Fractured off and is now falling into the dark dank abyss. 
But then she feels the soft press of his lips against her temple and suddenly it’s begun again. 
The Mand’alor’s words whisper across her forehead and she feels the light scratch of a mustache when he speaks, “We are one when together.”
He presses a kiss to her eyelid, “We are one when parted.” Then moves to the other one, laying a gentle kiss there as well. “We share all.” Her stomach drops in anticipation of something , like a flutter of butterflies released in her belly and she's left waiting. 
His lips are a hair breadth away from her own, “We will raise warriors.” The kiss starts off gentle, his mouth slotting against her own. Lips moving tenderly against one another, but then there's a bite, a nibble, a groan lost in each other’s mouths and suddenly it grows into something stronger. Brighter. Her fingers thread through his hair at the base of his neck. He rasps out a grunt as he pulls her closer. Surprised it’s even possible.
He pulls back. Trying to collect himself before becoming even more lost in the feeling of her. Of home . She can feel the soft stubble on his face as she cups his cheeks. Feels him smile against her lips. He laughs and she touches his mouth, traces the outline of his lips. 
“Thank you Ka’ra.”
“What do you mean she has a message from her planet?” 
Paz watches the Mand’alor pace back and forth along the long end of the meeting table. The end of his cape twisting in its wake every time he changes directions. Paz looks on with concern. He knew once he got word that the Elders were sending her a message that it wouldn’t be good. That whatever they had to say would just cause more trouble than it’s worth.
“Why are they…” the Mand’alor asks more to himself than to Paz. Why are they contacting her?
“Do you know what it was about?”
“No.” Paz answers, “well…”
That causes the man to finally stop pacing. Violently turning his head to the fellow Mandalorian he stalks up to him, stopping inches from his helmet and asking through gritted teeth, “Well what?” 
Paz lets out a heavy sigh before he answers. Preparing for the anger that he knows is about to hit the Mandalorian before him, “You’re not going to like it.”
 When have I ever when it comes to them.
In the hidden sanctity of her room Shayr’la presses play on the message. The blue glow of the holovid pops up with the image of an older man laid out in bed. She watches him struggle to sit up; as he scoots side to side he must jostle himself too much because he’s quickly overtaken by a violent coughing fit causing him to double over and lean out of frame.
He eventually stops, leaning back into the pillows that prop him up. Though his coughing fit has finished, she can clearly hear the heavy labored wheeze that escapes him at every exhale.
She feels sorry for him.
At the first crack of his voice she knows she’s in trouble, she knows that he is going to ask something of her and she is not going to like it. And she’s going to have to make a decision. 
 Her heart is going to be split in two.
“Shayr’la… I… I’m not doing well. The healers say I don’t have very much time left.”
 What does she do?
“And I—” another coughing fit tears through him. It’s worse than the last one. She can hear how painful it is for him to inhale, it sounds thick, and wet, and horrid.
 It sounds sickly.
He sounds desperate .
But finally he’s able to catch his breath. With a glassy glazed over look in his eyes he seems to look directly at her. “Shayr’la, I wish to see you one more time.” 
“Please… please grant me this last request.”
“Don’t let me become a regret.”
She cries at the message. Silent tears that make her feel conflicted with herself and her emotions. She shouldn’t want to go back there. She knows she shouldn’t, they were willing to trade her off to the Empire. 
They did trade her off to the Mandalorians.
And yet.
Something tugs at her.
It works its way into her chest and takes a warm hold on her heart. And the heat grows. Gets hotter and brighter. Like a dying coal that you poke enough until fire lights again. And suddenly she's filled with guilt . 
 She has to go back.
She knows she does.
She hates it, but it feels unavoidable. It is unavoidable.
The only question left is how is he going to take it.
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Atiniir Akay te Aruetii Ash'amur
(Endure until the traitor dies)
Written by: @canadian-girl2000 (my main)
Commander Fox Week - Day 4: Bonding | Laughter
Chapter 5 - Nuhur (Ao3)
Warnings: None
Characters: Commander Fox, Commander Thorn, Commander Stone & Commander Thire
Summary:  The Corrie Commanders get together at 79’s for drinks and to tell funny stories about their time in the guard.
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keldabekush · 4 years
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I haven’t loved an OC this much since i was 14, look at this disaster I’m naming them Nuhur for now!
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mnwlife · 3 years
Berkata Ibnul Jauzi rahimahullah :
"Sifatnya orang-orang yang baik adalah membuang segala kedengkian."
(Qolaaidun nuhur 125)
Sumber: https://twitter.com/Alfaisal12340/status/1492526100198608898?t=WjMX-IBp2myaWgyN6qou6A&s=19
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boys-of-the-gar · 3 years
This transmission is for Commander Fox. Sir, your tits are absolutely ruining my life. What the hell am I supposed to do with those beautiful cloobies right in my face? x
Your mouth is right there, ad'ika. I suggest you use it. I'd like to see you use those pouty lips of yours. They look so soft and mesh'la but I want to see how they look swollen red from kissing. Trying your hardest to suck bruises on my chest while I hold you in my arms and fuck that wet cunt of yours. Would you like that? Sitting in my lap, speared on my fat cock, while I grab your hips to help you move? I'd go as slow as you need, ad'ika. Ni taylir gar. Pirimmur ner jagyc par gar nuhur. I know you'd be such a good girl for me too.
- Fox
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