#nuh violence new update
ainews18 · 1 year
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starrysilvalley · 5 days
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🌟Spectrum Book 1: Onward🌟
✨Chapter 1 | Familiar (Full Text Below Line)✨
Word Count: 2,553
As said previously, I’ll try and post the chapters on both Tumblr and Ao3. On Ao3 the story is restricted to members only as of right now, but I may open it to all as time goes on. I try to update on Ao3 on Wednesdays, and I will post on Tumblr sometime afterwards (I currently have no specified date for Tumblr releases, so times may vary).
Series Note: This series was planned and written in the summer of 2024 based on the context of the Pokémon In-Game Universe at the time. This series includes spoilers for Pokémon games including Black & White, Black & White II, Legends Arceus, and Scarlet & Violet. Any changes to the overarching storyline or characters that occur within any following Pokémon game releases (i.e. Pokémon Legends ZA and beyond) are considered non-canon within the context of this series.
This series was written out of my love for Generation V and as if it is its game plot, but with a few small twists. I wanted to simply try and write my own alternative storyline for a hypothetical Unova Legends game. My attempt at a Legends plotline became a passion project I wanted to share with those who may be interested in such a story. While it is written to have a darker tone due to its inspirations, I try to keep the series at a PG13 rating for fantasy violence. There is no sexual or NSFW content. Pokémon was ultimately made for young viewers, and I wish to carry on a similar openness in my writing.
After around seven years of being dragged along by Fajra, Emmet learned two big don’ts— don’t let Fajra drive and don’t let Fajra handle negotiations solo as people. It wasn't like he did much better when it came to socializing. Most often a discussion would— unintentionally — end with a passive-aggressive remark. His blunt remarks weren’t good for business. Yet it was one thing for Emmet to provoke their clients, it was another for the clients to provoke Fajra. 
“You know the drill, just let me do the talkin’ here,” Fajra reminded her partner while her hand rested on the old battered door handle. “No weird greetings, don't point out whatever weird lil’ tattoo or mark you see on the guys’ face, or the ugly picture that's probably his mam or someon’— better yet, how about say nothin’ at all?”
She had shot him a look as if inviting him to protest, but instead he simply replied with a sly smile, “As you wish.”
“Nuh-uh, don’t smile like that. I’m serious, Em. We have an agreement, but you…”
Fajra held up her hand to Emmet’s face as if trying to grasp something with all her might before spitting out, “Keep your inside thoughts inside, that’s all I’m saying.”
That was all well and good— if only Fajra could do the same. Fajra excelled at misdirecting from her motives, but misdirecting her feelings was another. Now as the two stood before the grizzled manager of the dimly lit antique store, Emmet could already see Fajra’s facade slipping away as she tapped her fingers with great annoyance on the countertop. The manager glanced at her every so often as he inspected the items presented, but didn’t break under her pressure.    
“I’ll give ya… about a thousand for this one.”
The store manager tapped one of the TMs, only for Fajra to scoff and push Emmet aside from the counter. She slammed both hands on the table as she leered at the manager, “A thousand? Don’ get smart with me, I know you sold this for five thousand last week! At least pretend to play fair. Suppose you’ll say these ones are worth even less now?”
Fajra gestured to the other TMs they managed to collect. They weren’t exactly mint condition. Dusty and scratched, he suspected they hadn’t been touched in many decades. 
“We tested these ourselves,” Emmet offered, placing a firm hand on Fajra’s shoulder as if to pull her back. “They still work, if that’s your concern. They may not have the aesthetic appeal, but ultimately it's about their function.” 
The manager still had a frown on his face. His eyes seemed to linger around the old store filled with second-hand items. It was a dark and dreary store, as if all the memories that the items once left held haunted the place with a gloomy presence. Emmet noted that his gaze steadied on an only television set placed toward the door. 
“Look, I’ll shoot straight with ya,” the manager began at last with a heavy sigh, “One of my other suppliers brought me TMs and it turned out they were stolen from private League property. The authorities came knocking and I'm fortunate they didn't shut my whole business down. Haven’t seen the guy since then. I can give you a little money for the trouble, but unless you can prove these were legally acquired, I’m just going to treat them as damaged goods.” 
Before Fajra opened her mouth, Emmet quickly intervened, “Understandable— we’ll need a minute to discuss. Apologies for the delay.”
“It’s a load of Bouffalant crap!” Fajra spat immediately once Emmet pulled her away from the counter. “He’s trying to cheat us out of our items! I’ve seen it before, you can’t possibly think—“
“I can’t take that track with you, Fajra. What if he’s telling the truth? You and I both knowwhere those TMs came from. You know full well if we get caught, we will be in serious trouble. Una and I would be in serious trouble. Take the hush money.” 
He knew he screwed up when Fajra’s face became about as red as her flame colored hair. “I am not leaving with a measly thousand. Those blasted discs took too long to get to have such little reward! We need the money to fix that stupid handcar we busted just getting the loot here!”
“You busted the handcar. I’m a lot of things, but I’m at least a good driver.”
The front door jingled as someone entered the store, and both Emmet and Fajra immediately fell quiet. A young man and woman strided inside and their own eyes landed on the two other customers before heading to the counter. Their clothes were relatively ordinary of the scrawny Pokémon trainers in the area, although he noted that each wore a gold band around one of their ankles. Emmet tipped his head a little farther down over his face while Fajra shot a nasty glare back at the newcomers before whispering underneath her breath, “Great, just what we needed, an audience.” 
The store manager pushed aside the TMs and other trinkets Fajra provided while greeting the couple with a weary smile. “Ah, come to collect your purchase, I see? I’ve been holding it for some time—“
“Yes, yes,” the man began with a wave of his hand. “We appreciate you holding onto it. Mr. Stotle would’ve come to take it himself, but he couldn’t find the time.”
Something bumped against Emmet’s leg, and upon peering down he found Liepard brushing up beside him. Liepard often wandered around the establishment while Emmet and Fajra conducted business, watching for any signs of a threat. Her glowing eyes were now fixed on the woman, who immediately turned her stare away upon Liepard’s appearance. A light growl began to vibrate from the Pokémon’s throat.
“Fajra, I don't think you can win this,” Emmet whispered while placing a hand on Liepard’s head. “We’ll find another buyer, please—”
His voice was drowned as the store manager pulled out a small box and opened it for the couple while saying skeptically, “Here you are! Hopefully this will be sufficient for Mr. Sto—“
“It’s perfectly fine, sir,” the man interrupted as the manager hurriedly closed the box and pushed it under the counter. He was not fast enough, for Emmet caught a glimpse of a polished, spherical stone the color of obsidian. He managed to see the three indents pressed in the shape of a triangle before the box clamped shut. 
He couldn’t quite explain what happened next. His heart began to hammer against his chest at the sight of it. His surroundings became blurred, but his eyes could only focus on the stone. A numbing sensation of white noise engulfed his ears, leaving a ringing echoing to his very soul. Something stirred within him, dislodging images that had long since passed and buried. One stood out among the rest— a man adorning a black coat so similar to his own, his back facing Emmet. It wasn’t until the man turned that Emmet felt an ice pick stick through his heart. 
The man had his face. 
Before he could even begin to comprehend the sight, it was as if the world zoomed in beyond the man in black, revealing nothing but void— lonely and abyssal. Yet from the darkness shone two red lights, slowly dimming before a flash of electric blue light burst like a dying star.
A punch to the arm swiftly broke through his thoughts, causing him to recoil and jerk his hand to the spot Fajra hit. While Fajra still had her eyes narrowed in frustration, her lips formed a frown he had not seen in awhile. 
“You… you alrigh?” Fajra asked, the usual sharp edge in her voice dulled. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Are you sick or… somethin’?”
His heart beat rapidly against his chest before turning swiftly to Fajra and whispering, “What I’m about to ask you is a one time occurrence. No questions asked— not until afterwards.”
Fajra’s eyes widened, but her disapproving frown churned upward into a sly smile. “Consider my interest piqued.”
“I want to initiate Protocol Thirty-Eight.”
Any frustration Fajra had with her partner seemed to vanish, replaced with an unnatural grittiness. Her smile broadened as told Emmet with a slight flick of his shoulder, “Protocol thirty-eight? The Protocol Thirty-Eight? Does this, perhaps, mean that you’ve changed your mind about… unlawful acquisition?”
“No, but—“
“Never mind— you can spill the deets later. Let’s get the wheels moving.”
Fajra didn't miss a beat as she strolled back to the counter, a disapproving scowl reappearing on her face as she laid eyes on the manager. The pair with the stone had opened up a case to hold the box securely when Fajra spoke loudly, “You know what? Fine. We won't be doing business with you today. We’ll take our goods elsewhere. It's about time, really— you hike up your prices just so you can get rid of the crappy rip-offs for some sort of profit.”
She then turned to the woman and remarked snidely, “Might want to rethink shopping here. The guy will do anything to make a quick buck.”
The manager’s face grew red at Fajra’s words, giving the other customers a quick glance before remarking hurriedly, “Ma’am, I know you're frustrated and I hear ya, but—”
Fajra had already done her part. The seeds of doubt sank into their targets as the woman glanced down at the box within the case. Her partner didn’t seem as convinced by Fajra’s claims, but merely stopped to watch the spectacle. 
Emmet made a quick gesture to Liepard with his hands, signing to her in motions that only she would understand. Liepard gave a curt nod before brushing past her trainer and dipping behind the counter while the owner was distracted. 
Seizing his chance, Emmet moved to the side of the other customers and remarked in a cheery air, “She is right— best be careful what you get from the Thievul’s hole.”
He leaned in a little closer to the man and continued in a low voice, “Ever think where he gets these items? Just last week one of his sellers was arrested for selling League property. I would be verrrry cautious with your purchase.”
His eyes met with the man’s, and he seemed to falter under Emmet’s knowing smile. He could almost see the gears in his head turning while his gaze narrowed suspiciously. It didn't last as the manager slammed his hands on the counter and retorted with frustration. “That’s enough! Get out of my shop before I call security! And don't bother coming back here, you scavengers!”
Neither of them needed to be told a second time. Fajra exchanged a dirty look with the manager as she threw her arms around their items before storming to the door with an obnoxious whip of her fiery orange hair. Emmet waited for Liepard to slink back into view, brushing against his side with a low purr. 
The manager’s apologies were cut off as the door swung shut behind the two. Neither looked back as they were greeted by the streets of New Straiton City. There was no dark corner as the streets were ambushed with light from every screen, window, and billboard. It was late in the afternoon, and now the streets were swarming with men and women returning from work. 
“Sooo, don’ hold out on me,” Fajra began as Emmet withdrew the small withered box from his coat pocket. “What is it that made you throw away seven years worth of integrity?”
Emmet glanced around to make sure none of the passer-by or the kiosks’s Minccino mascot was within listening range, he opened it enough for Fajra to peer inside. The obsidian sphere that lay within proved true to Liepard’s skills at thievery. His heart began to pound faster at the sight of it and his hand shook as he took a hand and pressed his finger to one of the indents. He didn't have the same visions as before, but his body trembled now that he was so close.
“This better be some rock because if we just lost revenue for a cheap— Em?”
Fajra’s criticism faltered as she noticed his shaking hand. She snatched his hand away from the rock, and without warning, jerked his glove off. Her eyes widened at the touch.
“You really are sick, aren't you?” She questioned, but her voice turned soft and concerned. “How long have you felt off? My gosh, what if this is radioactive—”
“Get back!” Emmet snapped as Fajra reached out to take the box away. She immediately recoiled, but a new expression replaced her concern. He had never seen her look at him with such fear. Even Liepard backed up, pushing against Fajra as if trying to shield her from him. Even now, the trembling ceased as soon as she clamped the box shut. All his symptoms, even his rage, had snapped away like the stone from his sight.
Emmet stepped back, still gripping the box in his hand as if it were his lifeline. 
“I… am sorry,” he spoke earnestly. “I don't… I don't know why I did that. I don't know how to explain it…”
Fajra didn't speak. Her shoulders relaxed slightly as she took a step closer to Emmet. “Em, did you remember something?”
The question hadn’t been asked in years. Life had simply gone on, but now that his friend watched him with worry, he realized he had returned to the horrible darkness he had found himself in years before. Only this time, he had something to lose. 
“This may sound silly,” he admitted truthfully. “But… I know this stone. When I'm around it, I realize there has been something missing. A part of me that's gone… and with this stone, it’s in reach, but I can't…”
His words faltered as Fajra reached to take his hand again. She kept him in between hers and told him with a small, but truly genuine smile, “You, my friend, are silly… but just because you're silly doesn't mean your feelings are too. Your situation is odd, and I understand that.”
He looked back at Fajra. “Thank you… I just can’t let him be separated from me again.”
Him. Even Emmet couldn't quite understand why he chose to include that one simple word. Fajra’s eyebrow raised skeptically at the inclusion of the pronoun. It didn't seem to matter though as she pried her gaze from his to glance around at their surroundings. It was getting busier, and based on the overhead announcements flooding the street, a celebration was about to take place. 
“We can talk more later,” Fajra insisted, now pushing his hand back to his side. “Better to talk this out in a place that lacks a lotta ears. If you won't let me take the box, at least don’t open it again… for now. Whatever the rock is, your body is reacting to it, and I'm not ruling out radiation.”
She paused. “Do you need to go back to the handcar right away or—”
“No,” he replied promptly as he stuffed the box back in his pocket. “I’ll be fine. But I… I can acquire Una while you go on ahead. Where did you leave her again?”
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Top 10 News: 10 बड़ी खबरें Gyanvapi Survey Updates|Parliament Session |Supreme Court| Nuh Violence
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ruewrites · 3 years
I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Ship: Solomon/Asmodeus
Word Count: 2082
Warnings: Mild Violence
A/N: Day 4 of Solodeus Week! I decided to mix Royalty!Au with Curse. I will be updating TaBoL again after this week, but I hope you enjoy the lightness of this oneshot with the heaviness going on in the main story right now!
Asmo was more than delighted with their little predicament. Solomon, however, didn't exactly share his enthusiasm.
"Asmodeus, my palm is getting sweaty."
"But we get to hold hands!" Asmo squealed, "You love holding my hand!"
"True, but I also love to do things with my hands."
It was incredibly hard to read his spells right when the fifth born prince of Arcadia was on top of him and in his lap. It was incredibly hard to focus when he was also moving his hips against him and kissing along his neck. He was lucky that it hadn't been a more dangerous spell. But he also couldn't blame Asmo. After all, he was more than happy to be an active participant in his actions.
It wasn’t that he was unfamiliar with curses, no, in fact he was very familiar with them. Some minor ones could be useful for catching thieves, or wiggling the truth out of liars, but he never imagined that one like this would stick him to Asmodeus. Perhaps he should be wiser when choosing readings in Asmodeus’ company.
With a sigh he grabbed his book with his free hand and dragged Asmo with him to the edge of the bed. There had to be a way to undo this spell. Not that he didn’t like holding his hand, he loved holding his hand, but certain situations would call for him to use both of his hands. Not only that, but he and Asmo couldn’t always be together, and being stuck together when they needed to be in two places at once was rather inconvenient.
Asmo leaned against his shoulder, eyes glancing down to the book and back up to Solomon. Solomon’s lips moved ever so slightly as he looked over the words, trying to make sense of the text before him.
“This is nice,” Asmo chirped, interrupting his train of thought. “I like watching you read, you look very attractive when you’re focused.”
Solomon couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “Well thank you, but focus requires quiet, and I’m going to need that in order to figure out what we need to do to fix this.” If he was able to poke Asmo’s nose he would have. So instead he placed a small kiss on it.
“I don’t think we need to fix it so quickly. I don’t think it’s that big of a problem."
"You'll think differently when we have things we need to get done, I don't think it is incredibly possible for us to function like this."
"Shhhh. We'll be holding hands while I figure out what we need to do.”
Asmo seemed slightly satisfied with that answer and remained silent as Solomon continued to scan through the book.
“Solomon! Slow down!” Asmo squeaked, stumbling along behind the king. He’d called a carriage to take them to the outskirts of the kingdom. Just as their luck would have it, it appeared that Solomon was only missing one singular ingredient needed to fix their little screw up.
All the sudden he felt himself jerk back as his fiance dug his heels into the earth, “Asmo-”
“You almost took me through a mud puddle Solomon. A mud puddle! Do you realize how hard that would have been to get out of my clothes? You’re being such a reckless man!”
“Alright, alright, I apologize,” Solomon said, “But darling, you need to keep your voice down, we don’t know what could possibly be prowling around these parts.” As he spoke he noticed Asmo’s eyes go wide, fixed on something behind him.
Did he dare turn around or should he just curse his luck further?
Before he even had the chance to turn around, Asmo was yanking him out of the way. His eyes just managed to catch quills slicing the air where his head had been moments ago. The two of them stumbled off into a tree where Solomon finally got a glance at the creature. It had a humanoid face, surrounded by sharp quills, it’s body was that of a large cat, and it’s tail was spiked, thrashing widley. It’s fangs were bared towards them as Solomon tried to put himself in front of Asmo.
“I can’t get to my dagger,” Asmo whispered, “Not with my dominant hand anyways.”
Because Solomon was currently glued to it.
His eyes never left the beast. He couldn’t risk it pouncing and catching them off guard.
Being stuck together wasn’t too bad.
But being skewered together wasn’t something Solomon was looking to try.
“Just stay close,” Solomon whispered, bringing Asmo closer to him, “Listen and do exactly what I say when I say it."
Asmo's nod was so slight that Solomon barely registered it. They waited, letting their hunter circle them. Swaying back and forth, looking for an opening. This was the downside of being stuck like this. Yes Asmodeus was strong, and Solomon knew he could take care of himself, but he didn’t like the idea that he was the one putting him in danger. He should never intentionally be putting him in harm’s way.
He would put himself down first, but if something happened to one of them, they were both doomed. Asmodeus would have even less of a chance of surviving if he was stringing along his corpse. The stakes were higher than they normally would be.
His eyes drifted downwards to those sharp talons, the way they curled in the soil. He just needed the right moment, an opening.
Then the beast stopped.
"Left!" Solomon didn't give Asmo time to respond, yanking him along as the beast lunged for them. They stumbled onto the ground together, narrowly avoiding being slashed open.
But the beast was quick and agile. Solomon barely had the time to raise a shield above them before it pounced again. He could feel the strain on his body with each blow that came down onto the barrier. This creature really wasn’t going to give up until it had them both between its jaws.
He’d failed his kingdom.
He’d failed Asmo.
He’d failed.
At least he could die in his love’s arms.
“Asmo, I’m so sorry that things are going this way. I-”
“That’s great darling, but look underneath us,” Asmodeus sounded oddly calm. Solomon debated if he should take his eyes off of the furious creature before them.
“Darling,” he could hear the exasperation in Asmo’s voice, and soon a flower was in his line of vision, “While I love the dramatics you’re putting on, isn’t this the little flower that was in your book?” If they weren’t about to be eaten by a giant beastie, Solomon could have kissed him. His absolutely wonderful Asmodeus.
Solomon’s grin was wider than the maw of the creature, “Perfect! That is exactly what I was looking for, now put a petal in my mouth.”
“Excuse me?”
Solomon hissed as the creature threw itself against the shield once more and his magic flickered. “Asmodeus please just do it.”
Asmodeus quickly placed a petal on his tongue and Solomon started to chew. Then, once he thought it was good enough, he spat it onto their hands.
“Ew Solomon!” Asmo screeched, but Solomon would make it up to him later.
Their hands were now freed, but Solomon wasn’t sure how much he would be able to do after he drained more of his powers trying to keep the beast at bay. All he knew was that he’d do anything in his power to keep Asmodeus safe, even if that meant providing a distraction long enough for him to run. All he had to do now was prepare himself to take the wall down. All he had to do was breathe and think of Asmo’s wonderful smile.
But he didn’t even get to think too much about anything aside from that.
As the beast reared, Solomon lowered the shield, and then a figure darted past him. A terrible screech echoed all around them as Asmo plunged his dagger deep into its chest and twisted. He didn’t let up, didn’t let go. Even as it toppled backwards, Asmo pressed forwards staying on top of it until it’s thrashing movements came to a halt.
Asmo’s back rose and fell as he removed his dagger. Blood splatter sprayed his front and his arms, his dagger glistened a dark crimson. His hand raised to his head, and then he hesitated, a look of disgust crossing his face.
Solomon wasn’t sure what it was, but something about the image sent a wonderful red color straight to his cheeks. Something inside of him wanted to ravish the prince. But Asmo smacked his hand away as soon as he went to reach for him.
“Oh no. Nuh uh. Who told you it was okay to spit on my hand? My husband should know better! That was absolutely revolting,” he snapped. The tip of his dagger rested on his chest, but Solomon didn’t even flinch. Instead he brought his hands up and gently cupped Asmo’s face.
“I’m sorry my love, I did what I had to, but I promise that I can make it up to you.”
Asmo raised an eyebrow.
“How about a nice warm bath where I tend to you and spoil you?”
Asmo’s eyebrow raised a little higher.
Oh he was insatiable.
“Perhaps I could call the tailor in? I could get new clothes made and ordered for you, maybe even get your crown shined?”
Asmo let out a sigh and dropped his dagger from Solomon’s chest, “I suppose we can talk about it.”
He was forgiven.
Solomon took that moment to press a kiss to Asmo’s lips, “Good. Now, why don’t we head back and get you cleaned up before more trouble manages to find us.”
The walk back was a lot less eventful, and Solomon could feel his bones start to ache. His eyes glanced over to Asmodeus, his hand gently laying by his side. He couldn’t help himself. Testing the waters, Solomon moved closer to brush their fingers together. Asmo glanced at him and Solomon repeated the action before intertwining his fingers with Asmo’s.
“Now King Solomon,” oh Solomon loved the way he said that, “I thought you didn’t want to hold my hand anymore.”
“Of course I want to hold your hand. I do love how soft they are, and I love how your fingers look wrapped around your dagger.”
“Oh you would love something so brutish wouldn’t you?” Asmo teased, “Refined King Solomon, who is always so deep in his books, loves watching the delicate little Arcadian prince slaying a big ugly monster because of how his spit-covered hands look wrapped around a dagger.”
Solomon wrapped himself around him, not caring in the slightest if blood got on his cloak, “And if I do?”
“And what if you do?” Asmo challenged.
There was so much Solomon loved about him, and that fire in his eyes was one of the things he absolutely adored. Asmodeus was strong in more ways than one, and Solomon knew this to be true. All he could hope was that he helped Asmo flourish and grow.
“Isn’t that the question,” Solomon said leaning in, “But now all I wish is to hold your hand.”
“You’re avoiding the question.”
“But will you let me?”
Asmo met him halfway, letting his lips meet Solomon’s. His heart soared at the tiniest bit of contact with Asmo, and when they pulled apart, Solomon could feel his body begging for more. He could never get enough of Asmodeus, and he would never get enough of Asmodeus. How could he? He was beautiful and powerful all in his own right.
“So may I hold your hand?” Solomon asked again.
“You said you would attend to me in the bath as soon as we got back?” Asmo asked, leaning in close.
“That I did.”
“Then I suppose I could let you hold my hand. Perhaps I’ll even let you hold it the rest of the way back.”
“Oh my Asmodeus is too kind to me.”
And so they walked back to the palace, hand in hand. Solomon didn’t intend to let go any time soon. Asmodeus always had a grip on him. His hands held his heart so tenderly, and his very presence always had him in such a captivating grasp.
Asmodeus was wonderful, and Solomon considered himself lucky that he had the honor of holding the Arcadian prince’s hand. It was one he didn’t deserve, and yet Asmo blessed him every day.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 years
“Wet Sugar” [Part 1 of 30]
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Summary: Erik Stevens has fully embraced his new identity as Killmonger and infiltrated a mercenary group with ties to Ulysses Klaue. Invited to St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands to meet for the first time, Klaue is impressed with Erik, unaware that the man before him is the son of Prince N'Jobu Udaku, a man he betrayed on a failed mission in Wakanda years ago.
Erik ingratiates himself to Klaue and is found to be a useful member of the new mercenary team the black market arms dealer and smuggler is putting together.
As a reward for hard and profitable work for him, Ulysses allows Erik to stay a summer at his stash/safe house to keep a close eye on some stolen artifacts hidden there. Erik uses that time to hatch the long term plan of using Klaue to gain access to Wakanda, however, he becomes distracted by  Klaue's housekeeper who allows Erik glimpses into a possible different life he could have if he ever let go of his plans for revenge...
For mature audiences only. NSFW. 
C.W.: Some violence in the beginning.
Please let me know what you think, share/reblog/etc. Off to get the next update up and ready!
"Bad man, nuh talk, West London me walk No bad vibes in mi yard, or yuh hear di ting back (boom) Gyally dem ah call, see the money and the car Celly ah ring off, rum-rum, haffi start, ya hear me? Mi buss ah Champ' and then they watch we, ya hear me? Mi have di liquor and di big tree, ya hear me? No commotion in my circle Potent herb and a sweet, sweet girl Take you 'round the world No-no-no bad vibes in my yard, hmm Inna my yard, inna my yard, inna my yard…"
Goldlink – "Yard"
What's past is prologue…
Ulysses Klaue had heard rumors of a large hoard of ancient gold coins worth €4 million hidden inside Assyrian-era giant winged bulls. The entire cache of five-foot statues themselves could not be transported nor disguised because of their weight and size, but some of the heads were removed and sold on the black market. Dating back 3,000 years, they were a hot commodity after the destruction of the Mosul Museum in Iraq. Klaue knew this because he had buyers salivating for a chance to procure the heads. And some of those heads had coins hidden in them. It was why he found himself standing now in front of a tall young Black man, American, with gold slugs on his two bottom canines, and a mop of neatly braided locs.
Klaue stared at the intel he had on his field computer.
"You're saying the statues we're looking for are gone already?" Klaue asked.
"ISIL already transported all that shit."
Wide-legged stance, protective ballistic body armor draped over an impressive build, his hands holding an AR-15 pointed right at Klaue's head, this man was in control of the situation. He had five other men from his team standing behind him backing him up with their weapons drawn too. Serious beefy looking men who would shoot if their leader even blinked. The red dot on Klaue's chest was a polite way of letting him know there were snipers on his ass too.
"Stand down," Klaue ordered his men behind him. A rough motley crew of six international soldiers of fortune.
"Alhusul ealaa al'ashya' alkhasat bihim," the Black man said.
Men that Klaue and his team didn't even know were behind them materialized like ghosts, snatching up their weapons and frisking them for more.
"Is this necessary?" Klaue asked as a thick-set mercenary felt on his balls and behind his back squeezing his ass.
"Gotta be thorough in this bitch."
Klaue smirked.
"May I ask who I have the pleasure of getting my nuts tweaked by?" Klaue said.
The man rolled his tongue along his bottom teeth, the gold slugs shining in the sunset. He nodded his head to his team to round Klaue's men up. Once the men were secured and a non-threat, the man lowered his weapon. His dark brown eyes were razor sharp and they regarded Klaue with calculated verve.
The oldest profession in the world was prostitution.
The second…killers for hire.
Of course, there were kinder more veiled names for mercenaries nowadays:
Soldiers of Fortune.
Private Military Contractors.
Professional Hired Fighters.
Dogs of War.
But Erik "Killmonger" Stevens knew what it was. Murder Incorporated—monetized madness.
The business of war was to keep a perpetual cycle of conflict all over the world so fat cats could make their coins under the guise of professional conflict management. If his mother were still alive, she would say what she always said around her women friends and his very own father…men were trash.
And she was right.
Unfortunately, she gave birth to a son who had to maneuver among the garbage so that he could fulfill his destiny. A destiny of revenge. A making right of what had been wrong for so long.
On the days that he did have downtime and could sit and do nothing at all, Erik would catch a news report or some ticker tape lede on the bottom of C-SPAN, CNN, MSNBC, or the BBC—just about any global news outlet—and catch glimpses of his final endgame. T'Chaka Udaku.
A king.
An elder statesmen.
A blood relative.
A lifelong enemy.
Erik's body would coil tight and hot when he let his mind imagine the day he would be in the presence of his Uncle. He foresaw the moment he would pull back the thick flesh of his bottom lip, the glowing blue vibram tattoo his father gave him as a child embedded deep in the skin of his inner mouth.
He ached to show the ring his father had left for him dangling around his neck, ached to taste and feed on the moment he would reveal all to King T'Chaka, unveil his birthright, and then snap the old man's neck with his bare hands, appreciating the feel of vertebrae cracking and twisting beneath his powerful calloused fingers. Or maybe he would fashion panther claws for himself and rip the man's heart out through his chest. Erik relished the thought. He would bring down—no…eradicate—he would eradicate the old House of Udaku, destroy T'Chaka's bloodline branch and take the throne of Wakanda for himself. A new sun would set on the golden city of Birnin Zana, the place of his father's birth.
Erik was his father's son, but he was also his mother's child, and Califia Stevens didn't raise no simpering punk. He was taught to be a soldier the moment he fell out of his mother's womb. The war he was going to rage was groomed by all of the things that happened in his life and all the things he was learning while biding his time in the ranks of private armies. Sitting back in the cut, gathering new skills and Intel, moving closer to finding the man he needed to get him into Wakanda: Ulysses Klaue. A man who sat at the top of his kill list for right now.
Erik sat crossed-legged overlooking a sand berm keeping watch for a particular caravan of armored S.U.V.s to traverse their path. The sun was making its way to a sluggish sunset, and his military-issue sunglasses protected his tired eyes. He hadn't slept in forty-eight hours and the job he was meant to complete was only halfway finished.
Earlier in the day, his crack team of fifteen men pulled off a bold daytime robbery of highly-sought after Assyrian gold coins. Disguised as U.N. peace-keepers dedicated to preserving artifacts, Erik was the only American on the removal team. He was tasked with masquerading as an art historian since the Canadians with them couldn't sound like authentic Londoners. The non-prescription glasses he wore and the crisp British accent he perfected allowed him to dupe a few Iraqi guards, especially with his fluency with Arabic and his thoughtful acknowledgment of Jumu'ah, the Friday prayers.
While Erik pretended to sit aside respectfully on an offered prayer rug in the midst of an isolated bunker holding the goods they sought, his phony U.N. gear a bit too tight, the guards thanked him for respecting their time in contemplation of Allah. The beneficent. The merciful. Moments later they were tied up and blind-folded left shackled together in the interior of the ravaged bunker that hid the last of the priceless winged bull statues that were hidden for their protection. Erik did let them finish their prayers though.
Time wasn't wasted, what needed to be found was found and bagged up, the heavy weight of the gold bending the backs of five men carting it out onto phony U.N. Jeeps. On the wings of hummingbirds as his great-grandmother used to say when it came to speed and efficiency. An expert strategist and obsessive pre-planner, Erik facilitated the logistics and implementation of the entire operation. They had to be gone before dusk as the heavy hitters from various political factions began to roam. The dry heat was fucking exhausting, made breathing laborious, and the lack of sleep was messing with Erik's focus. His men were ready to dip, but he had to wait, had to take the chance that the man he was scouting for would show.
Tahir, the one man Erik considered as close of a so-called friend with the work that he did, stood next to him, his AK-47 resting on his hip, his tan and black shemagh covering his neck and head. Erik glanced up, his own shemagh twisting around his neck tight. He loosened it.
"We should probably leave while it is still quiet."
"Nah. We got time." Gruff and brusque. That's how Erik kept it with the men.
Tahir placed his left hand on his hip and glanced behind him. He was always the one sent to question Erik. The rest were afraid of him, afraid of his quick temper. Afraid of the self-inflicted keloid scars that covered most of his upper body.
Erik looked past Tahir, could see the only other two Iraqis, Amit, and Wassef eyeing him from their sniper positions. He could feel the eyes of the others on him, the Greek, the Egyptian, the two Jordanians, the Russian and the three Canadians. The rest were hidden with their two Mi-17's a quarter of a mile away among the bullet-ridden wreckage of left behind helicopters from failed wars inflicted by the U.S. military.
"We have the gold. Let's go get paid and have some drinks. We can be in Lebanon in a few hours, I know some pretty girls, some nice clubs…"
"We'll wait. I need to see if this dude shows," Erik said, softening his tone with Tahir.
"You should eat something."
"Later," Erik whispered as he saw the approach of the caravan he was looking for.
A smart mercenary always checked out their target before any engagement. Someone on Klaue's team didn't do their homework and Erik had the man in his crosshairs. Klaue was shorter and ruddier than he thought the man would be. His reputation seemed larger than life, but the reality was a bit of a disappointment. Little dick energy all the way around. He was also slipping because Erik knew for a fact that some of his men tipped Erik's team off to the coins in the abandoned bunker. Getting past I.E.D's, insurgents, and American PMC checkpoints, Klaue's people looked pretty sorry in front of their main man being plucked by Erik.
"Listen, Killmonger. We'll just be on our way. No harm, no foul," Klaue said as he sat on the ground looking up at Erik.
No harm no foul. Yeah, right. Klaue would take any opening to put a bullet in Erik's head, and in the dome of whoever allowed this clusterfuck on his side.
"We just came for statues," Klaue said.
"With what? Three S.U.V.s? You can't even fit the head of one statue in those. Come again."
Klaue's eyes grew suspicious. Just as Erik expected.
"We have the coins," Erik said.
Klaue let his head drop down and he chuckled, his gold-rimmed teeth glinting. The snake had to come up with a plan fast.
The rat-a-tat-tat-tat sound of machine gun fire in the distance caught Erik's attention. Time was up. It was time to set the trap for this man. Erik knelt down.
Takka takka!
The gunfire was ticking closer.
"Just take the fucking coins and let us go."
An AR-15 near him and Klaue wasn't even flinching. The sweat on his forehead was just from the heat. Erik flipped his weapon behind him.
"I don't give a fuck about those coins. My boss does. But I'm here for something more valuable and it's not here." Erik kept his voice low enough so that only Klaue could hear him.
Klaue's eyes observed him with keen curiosity.
Erik dipped closer to Klaue's ear lobe, making his own men nervous. Erik's sour breath warmed Klaue's ear.
"I'm looking for vibranium," Erik said. He sat back on his haunches and tapped the man's prosthetic left arm that was bound tight. Erik wasn't taking any chances. He was well aware that the arm was a dangerous weapon. Klaue could easily wipe them out, but he was a pursuer of information, and more than illicit goods, useful intel was golden. This bitch was squirming on the hook. None of these motherfuckers around them knew what vibranium was.
"Who are you?" Klaue said, his voice sounding like it was in awe.
"The stash that was supposed to be here isn't. I don't know who got to it first, but it wasn't you or me—"
The RPG came in fast and destroyed the first S.U.V. in Klaue's entourage.
Erik's men returned fire for cover as Tahir radioed for their choppers to extract them and the gold. Erik grabbed Klaue by his collar and hoisted him up to his feet. Tahir threw a yellow smoke grenade and stood in front of Erik and Klaue.
The hard whop-whop sounds of their Mi-17s surrounded them as Wassef and Amit slung their RPGs on their shoulders and returned rocket grenades to buy them time. The first chopper landed and their surly Canadian side gunner Wally G rolled the chopper door open and waved for them frantically.
"We got incoming from the north," Wally G yelled.
Erik's men quickly loaded their bounty of gold and split up to enter both choppers for the extraction.
"Move your asses!" Wally G screamed.
Erik yanked on the handcuffed and rope-bound Klaue and dragged him over to the first Mi-17 and threw him in.
"Let's go!" Erik yelled propping his AR-15 in position to help protect his side gunners on the chopper. His return fire bought Tahir more time to move.
Amit fired one last RPG to protect Klaue's men. Erik sent most over to the second chopper, and once Amit jumped aboard the first Mi-17, Erik waved his arm and their pilot Elias took off.
A sizeable enemy force swept into where they once stood. The chopper Erik was on was picking up fire from everywhere. Erik shot back from the open door and he could hear Elias bitching from the cockpit.
"Why the fuck did you have us wait?" Elias screeched.
"Just fly the fucking bird!" Erik shouted while still returning fire.
A stream of fuel ran down the inside of the chopper’s windscreen.
"Fuck!" Elias yelled, "One of my feed tanks is out!"
"Jesus Christ!" a man screamed.
Erik looked back into the rear of the chopper, two of Klaue's men had been hit, the screams of the wounded mixing in with the rapid-fire babble of Erik's men trying to figure out their next move. They were outnumbered by the men on the ground and the number of vehicles chasing after the limping Mi-17.
They were spilling volumes of fuel.
"Stop fucking shooting!" Erik cried out. All he needed was for one of their bullets to ricochet and spark the fuel vapors filling up the chopper. They could explode in mid-air.
"I gotta put her down, Killmonger!"
Erik moved to the cockpit and grabbed the radio.
"Banks! Banks! We gotta find a clear LZ. We've been hit!"
"Dammit, Killmonger!" Banks fired back with crackled intensity through the radio speaker.
Erik and the others felt the sudden drop and swoop of the chopper as Elias did his best to make a soft landing.
Night had fallen and Erik's men disembarked with Klaue's men. Through it all, Klaue was cool as a cucumber, watching Erik's every move. Tahir, eased over to Erik, his eyes watching the horizon as vehicle lights traced them in the distance.
"Too many of us, we all won't fit," Tahir grumbled.
"I'll make it work," Erik hissed, his eyes thwarted by the flash and hiss of an enemy RPG.
"Incoming!" Tahir screamed, and the grenade blew up a mere two hundred feet from them tossing dark sand into the air.
The second chopper pilot, Banks, landed and they loaded up. They were more than the number of bodies allowed based on the flight manual. Erik pulled Klaue up by his arms.
"Crunching numbers time. Who do you fuck with and who did you dirty?" Erik asked.
"Killmonger!" Banks yelled.
The enemy was getting closer.
Klaue glared at his men, his eyes going to the three that Erik already knew played him. Erik gave a cruel sneer and cut Klaue loose from the rope that bound his arms.
"See ya!" Erik said giving Tahir a head nod. The men were pushed out of the chopper.
"Klaue!" one of them screamed.
"Let's go!" Erik shouted to Banks.
The Mi-17 lifted up and Klaue's traitorous men flailed their arms begging to be taken.
Erik heard the sharp hiss and loud explosion of an RPG down below.
He already knew those men were in bloody pieces now. His eyes glanced over at Klaue who was stuffed between two of his henchmen. Erik's boys watched them like hawks, but Erik wasn't worried about them trying anything. Their lives had been saved. If Erik and his crew weren't there, they would've been killed by turncoats. Gold coins were probably the last things on their minds as the Mi-17 dipped and swooped amid rocket grenades.
The chopper headed toward a remote airstrip.
Erik stared at Tahir and grabbed at his stomach.
"Yo, I'm hungry as fuck."
The mid-morning American Airlines flight touched down at the Cyril E. King Airport with a soft bounce. Walking down the ramp and onto the tarmac, the wet heat engulfed Erik's face. He wore a light cream-collared linen long-sleeve shirt and loose jeans. He always kept his arms covered when he traveled, his keloid markings too much of a distraction in public. His two large bags were waiting for him at guest services. His flight from Miami had been delayed because of tropical storm weather, but for some strange reason, his luggage went out on an earlier flight.
He saw one of Klaue's men holding a handwritten sign with his name on it. Killmonger. Erik waved and carried his things to the tall Black man with the clean-shaven face and dark mocha skin.
"I'm Polk," the man said. Polk was dressed in comfortable basketball shorts, a plain white t-shirt and slip on sandals. Vacation gear.
They shared a handshake and Erik followed him out to a nice burgundy Mazda S.U.V. idling with another burly man in the driver's seat.
"That's Huntsman," Polk said helping Erik put his suitcases in the trunk.
Huntsman regarded Erik cooly, his pale white skin sunburned and overly pink in spots as Erik stepped into the back of the Mazda.
"Welcome to the team," Huntsman said and Erik picked up the Afrikaans accent in his voice.
"Thanks," Erik said.
"You hungry? We can grab something on the way to the house," Polk said as he stared back at Erik from the passenger seat.
"Nah, I'm good," Erik said.
Erik had to orient himself to the driving once he realized St. Thomas residents drove on the left side like the English.
"We have our own cook, so if you do get hungry later, she can whip something up for you," Polk said. Erik nodded, his eyes watching the crowd of cars jammed on the two-lane road leading away from the airport.
The scenery eventually swept past as they drove into Charlotte Amalie. Erik saw the port dock that housed the large cruise ships, floating cities on the way up into the hills.
"You ever been to the islands before?" Polk asked.
"Nah. Never found the time," Erik said still staring out of the window.
St. Thomas was not very big, only thirty-two square miles. In about twenty minutes the car was already crawling into an area of hills that elevated them. Erik noticed quite a few green and multi-colored iguanas lounging in the street and meandering on the sides of the road.
"Harmless," Polk said when he noticed Erik staring at them, "they are everywhere. Think of them as the squirrels of the island."
Erik nodded.
"We're here," Huntsman said.
The Mazda entered a guarded gate. Once it was opened and they drove through, Erik realized they were actually on a compound that had a grouping of houses. They parked in front of the main house. Polk helped Erik with his things.
"I'll walk him down to our area," Polk said.
Erik rolled his heaviest suitcase and trailed Polk as they made their way down a path blooming with colorful foliage and crawling with more iguanas. One large iguana blocked their path and Erik looked at the regal creature. It was blue and pink in the face with a mottled pink and brown body that had what looked like green plant-like growths on it. It hissed and Polk had them walk around it with a wide berth.
"Harmless, but a bit of an attitude sometimes," Polk said.
Erik chuckled and soon found himself entering a tastefully furnished house.
"You can have the room on the right. When we get full, we usually have to bunk with people, but this first week there are only eight of us here, so plenty of room and privacy.
Erik nodded.
"I'll let you get settled. Meet us at the front house around 1 p.m.? Klaue will want to see you for lunch."
Erik nodded and Polk left him alone.
The room assigned to Erik was nice and airy. He opened the window across from his bed to bring in the fresh island air. Unpacking slowly and methodically, he organized his space and was happy that he had his own bathroom.
He took a quick shower to wash away the flight and travel sweat from his body. He touched the two new keloid scars under the waterproof bandage that his cousin Marisol helped place on his lower back the month before. They were healing, slowly, the itch and scarring pain still present. Lately, he had been flying to Sao Paulo Brazil more often, and Marisol was not happy to perform the scarring ritual for him anymore, especially when his visits brought her pain because they were short-lived, often only for two or three days and then he was gone to the next assignment. She knew what the marks were for. She had one on her own side hip that he helped put there for her.
He allowed the water to run over his locs and then tilted his head back, letting the cool liquid drench his beard. He was tired and antsy at the same time. He had to be very careful in the lion's den.
"What are you doing down here?"
The melodious voice startled him, it was so close to the small frosted window he cracked open in the bathroom, and he turned to try and see who was speaking.
Erik was about to answer, but then he realized the person wasn't talking to him at all but to someone else outside.
"What I tell you 'bout coming down here? Don't look at me like that. You stay up above. Hear me now?"
The woman's island voice was sweet, lyrical almost, and had the fussy quality that reminded him of his great-grandmother when she was fussing with his mother. Whoever she was addressing didn't answer.
"Jerome! You hear me. Get yourself back up top. Now!"
Erik heard the stomping of feet.
"What are you doin' making all this noise?"
Another woman's voice joined the first.
"Jerome. His wife and alla his pickney up at the front house waiting on him. And he's down here being nosey. Get!"
"Gyal! Leave that thing alone. Him no listen to all that shrillness comin' from your mouth. Like he'll understand you—"
"They understand me. When I told him to move his ass from the driveway before that devil man ran him over, you seen how fast he move. Him know what I say. Right, Jerome?"
Erik dried off and tried to get dressed in fresh clothes fast when he heard a knock on the front door.
"Inside," the voice of the second woman greeted him kindly.
Erik pulled on a pair of black sweats and opened the front door.
An older woman with graying neat plaits stared at his chest. The scars startled her.
"Sorry," she said averting her eyes. Her hands carried clean beach towels and sunblock.
"It's cool," Erik said. His eyes swept past her looking for the person he heard moments before.
"I'm Miss Leona. I do the cooking and help take care of the property. I came down to ask if you had any food allergies."
"No, I can eat anything."
"Good," she said, her eyes focusing on his face. The graying hair didn't seem to match her youthful face and big bright white teeth.
"Just so you know, bathroom etiquette is simple. If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down. Use the bottled water for drinking, and all laundry can be done at the front house in the laundry room down below. There's a little apartment down there. Just drop the things you need to be cleaned in the laundry bag—"
"I can do my own laundry," Erik said.
Leona nodded and handed him the towels and sunblock.
"We have a pool at the middle house, and if you prefer sea water, there's a path by the pool that leads down to the private beach area. The water is very warm this season, and stays warm into the night."
Leona allowed her eyes to flit across his chest as she regarded his scars again.
"Is that…is that a condition? Do you need any creams or ointments? I can bring some—"
"I'm good. Thank you for asking."
"I don't mean to stare Mr. Killmonger. I have a nephew that has some tissue damage on his back, and it looks like that."
"No worries."
"I will leave you be then—"
"Who was the person you were talking to a minute ago? I heard someone else and she was talking to someone…Jerome?"
Leona laughed and pointed behind her.
"That was just Yani, my niece. She helps me out around here. She was just chatting with him."
Leona pointed and Erik saw the rainbow-colored iguana perched on a small tree in front of the house.
Erik smiled.
"I thought she was really talking to someone."
"Oh, she was. She and Jerome have a history together. She's known him since he was a baby. He doesn't listen to anyone but her."
"He's a big dude."
"Yes. But he won't bother you if you don't bother him. Get Yani if he does give you trouble."
"Will do. Thanks. How many houses are on the property?"
"Three. Mr. Klaue stays in the house down below. The two other houses are for his…men."
"Okay. Thanks Miss Leona."
"You're welcome. I will see you at lunch then? Mr. Klaue likes a late lunch, so I usually have things prepared by 1:30. Today will be a light sesame salad with salmon."
"Any local fish?"
"Sometimes. Mr. Klaue has me ship in things when he wants them. See you at lunch!"
Leona left him, and he was left standing in front of Jerome who watched him with wary eyes from his place in the tree.
"Don't make me call Yani on your ass," he said glaring at the iguana.
Erik finished dressing in a short-sleeved soccer shirt. He laced up a pair of New Balance sneakers and took a walk around the property.
He walked around the small pool that was only six feet deep and found the trail that led down to the beach. If Leona hadn't told him there was a path near the pool, he would never have found it. As it was, he felt secretive slipping down the hill and working his way to the sounds of open water.
"Whoa," he sighed when he finally found the entrance to a breathtaking sight. Clear water with soft sugary white sand and a beautiful view of an isolated smaller island further out in the sea. The sun beat down on him and he looked around to see if there was anyone else around. No one. It was quiet and hidden by part of a cove that had rock structures that curved away from where Erik stood. There were no other footprints or signs of any other human presence.
The water called to him.
Erik looked around again, then slipped off his shoes, pants, underwear and shirt. What a way to start his first day in paradise. He splashed into the water and it felt like he was crawling into the womb of life, the warmth cradling his tired limbs.
The place where he would plot against Klaue. Right in his own home.
Yani Galiber was always fussing with Jerome.
Ever since she rescued him from his first car accident as a baby when one of Klaue's drivers ran over his tail seven years previous. She had been fourteen and devastated, thinking her little friend would die. But then his tail grew back and she had been fussing with him ever since.
She was sent by her Aunt Leona to check the water cistern on Klaue's main house where he stayed. Sometimes an iguana would fall in and clog the waterway, and the man had been asking about water pressure. She made a point to check the roof gutters that helped collect water in case there was plant refuse or some other detritus stuck up there. When she ran into Jerome on the way back up, she noticed cuts on his skin. He must've been fighting the other male iguana that had moved into his territory. Unlike most of the iguanas around the property, Jerome was a drama queen and started trouble with other iguanas that weren't his children or mates, and sometimes he went after humans he didn't like.
After leaving her Aunt with Jerome, she headed back to the front house to grab a soda before her Aunt had her helping with lunch. She thought she may have time use her breast pump in private to fix her baby daughter Sydette's bottles for the evening when she had to go to work at her night job as a hostess at Havana Blue, a beach-front restaurant in the main part of Charlotte Amalie. Her cousin Monice would pick her up by 2:30 and drop her off at her Aunt Leona's apartment where she would spend time with Sydette before handing her over to her other cousin Twyla who would watch Sydette until Yani made it home to sleep. And depending on how busy Klaue kept her Aunt, Yani would travel back and forth to help work at the compound.
Yani cobbled together a life and set her sights on saving enough money to attend nursing school since her university plans of becoming a doctor had been derailed with the birth of her daughter. It was still a touchy subject with her parents who had allowed her to take a year off after she graduated high school to follow the crazy dream she had with her then-boyfriend Chez who was going to be the biggest rapper from St. Thomas after he was signed to a small record company in Miami.
Yani had sung background vocals for him around island clubs there and when they island hopped to Puerto Rico or Jamaica and as far as Trinidad. Chez was supposed to make it big and pay for Yani's education, but a year after graduating, Yani fell pregnant, she broke up with Chez, he lost the record contract due to a failed single not charting anywhere, and she was stuck living with her cousin and Aunt because she couldn't afford anywhere on her own and her parents didn't want the stigma in their home among her younger sisters. She was the tainted oldest child who had thrown her life away by having a baby with a SoundCloud level struggle rapper. For shame.
Her baby girl Sydette was a joy, but Yani found it difficult to nurse a baby and still try and nurse a medical career of some kind. A nurse was about as high as she could go now, and she set her sights on getting into the nursing college of her choice the following year. She just needed to get her money right to help take care of Sydette and tuition.
Klaue's compound was a way to make good money, especially when he had a lot of people there. Her Aunt Leona always made sure to pull her in to work for the under the table cash. Klaue paid well. The more men there, the more they made.
Yani and her Aunt were fully aware that Klaue was into some nefarious dealings. Even though he owned two jewelry stores, one in Charlotte Amalie, and one on St. John island, they were just legal fronts for some bad guy stuff. Leona didn't think they were drug dealers, but they did sell something illegal. Did something that required a private compound and sometimes armed guards when Klaue was gone. But as long as the money was good and they stayed out of the way when not needed, Yani had no problem working there. Her Aunt had been doing it for twelve years.
Yani took some time to slip into a bedroom in the front house with her breast pump. She filled three bottles and put them in a plastic bag inside the kitchen freezer to take home later for Sydette. Bottles made, she helped prepare lunch with her Aunt. All the houses were clean and prepped for Klaue's people, so Yani enjoyed the respite.
"What time are they eating, Auntie?"
"Mr. Klaue said around 1:30."
Yani washed her hands in the kitchen sink. She sneaked a nectarine from a bowl on the dining table.
"That's for the guests."
"They won't miss one piece of fruit."
"Where you goin'?"
"The beach—"
"Don't stay down there all day, Yani—"
"Just a quick dip. I promise."
"I'll need your help putting things out—"
"I'll be back. Quick, quick…" she said flouncing out of sight.
The path was a tiny sanctuary.
It felt like she was traveling into a secret garden.
Even though she grew up around water all her life, was nicknamed The Mermaid because of her love for it and knew practically every bay and cove on the island, there was something special about this small patch of land that led to this particular little private beach. Private only because the topography made it difficult for small boats to get to and tourists to walk without having to climb some terrain.
Klaue wasn't a swimmer, not all that much anyway, and his men never came down this way, so it was hers. Yaniland.
She ate the nectarine and began pulling her top off when she halted, fruit dangling between her teeth.
Someone was in her private paradise.
A man was swimming in her water.
She felt vexed until she walked closer.
He was floating naked on his back oblivious to her gawking at him full of irritation. He was spoiling her space. She pulled the fruit from her mouth.
"Hey! You out there! What are you doin' here?"
The man dunked under the crystal waters and when he came back up, he shook loose locs around the crown of his head.
Yani shielded her eyes.
"You talking to me?" he asked.
"You see anyone else here?"
"Why you so salty? You don't even know me, Ma!"
"Ma? You call me your mother? Do I look like your mother to you?"
"Relax Steve Irwin—"
"What you call me?"
"You the one talking to the iguana?"
"What iguana?"
"Earlier, up at the middle house…Jerome."
Yani scrunched up her face.
"How you know I talked to Jerome?"
"I was in the house. I'm the new guy."
"Who told you to come down here?"
"Your Aunt."
Yani sucked her teeth. It was loud enough for him to hear and he laughed at her.
"Is this your private beach?"
"No," she said folding her arms across her chest.
"Then I can swim here."
He moved in closer until the water was at his waist.
There were bumps all over his chest and waist, but none below…
His privates were distorted a bit from the sun's angle hitting the water, but she could see it closer. She felt her eyes fuse in her skull. She was staring at a naked man she didn't know.
"Were you planning on getting in? I can leave if you want some privacy."
"I was, but you can stay in…"
He looked down at himself then back at her.
"I'll leave—"
Yani stepped back and her nectarine fell out of her hand.
"I don't want to make this weird for you. I'll leave first so you can swim or put your clothes on."
"Close your eyes. You walked all the way down here to enjoy yourself. I'll put on my stuff and let you have at it."
Yani closed her eyes and she heard the splash of water as the man left the sea.
"All good now," he said.
When she opened her eyes, he had his sweatpants on and held his shirt and shoes in his hands.
"Yani?" he asked.
She felt her voice die in her throat when she saw his bottom canines between his lips. She wasn't shy about staring at his scars. He was much taller than her.
This was the man Klaue was bragging on the last two days. The man that Polk and Huntsman grumbled about at the dinner the previous night. It seemed Killmonger had favor with Klaue and those two brutes didn't like it so much. Yani had heard Huntsman call the man an ursurper. She expected to see some piggish white man with swine-like features and dragon fire spewing from his mouth. The only unsettling thing about him was the keloid scars. And only because they didn't look random at all nor accidental.
"You not hot wearing that on your head?" he asked.
Yani touched the top of her head. She still had her beanie on from earlier in the day. It had been cold that morning when she arrived. She wore a dark Naruto t-shirt and baggy orange sweats and just because he mentioned her head cover, she suddenly felt overheated wearing so much clothing on the beach. The heat was beating her down. She needed to be in the water. But she needed him to leave because she too liked to swim nude. But now that he knew about this place, she would probably have to change the times she came down. And she most definitely couldn't swim naked again while he was here. He was ruining everything.
She pulled her beanie off. Her scalp was grateful, her short buzz cut allowing the heat to toast the dyed blonde hair on her head.
"I'll go check on Jerome," he said.
Up close his voice had a playful raspy quality to it. His gold slugs peeked at her again when he smiled. He had dimples like her Sydette.
"Oh!" she said.
She wanted to grab her breasts when she felt her nipples leaking suddenly.
"What?" he asked, his face looking curious.
"I forgot something!"
She took off running back up to the front house clutching at her chest.
Leona was clearing space on the dining table for the lunch meal when Yani ran in.
"What's going on?"
"My titties are leaking."
"You're not wearing that special padded bra I bought for you? I got you four of those to help with that.
"I forgot," Yani called from the bathroom. She wiped down her nipples and stuffed tissue inside her bra to soak up anything else that decided to express itself from her tits. She couldn't wait for Sydette to be done with breastfeeding so her titty milk could dry up.
She walked out of the bathroom to find her Aunt talking to Killmonger and she felt her nipples acting up again. The tissue would have to work miracles.
Watching Killmonger converse she noticed how giddy her Aunt was acting with him. He was sweet with her, asking questions about the island, about her, what she did when she didn't work at the house. Before she knew it, lunch was ready and Killmonger was helping Leona bring the food to the table. Now he was taking over her job.
The other men arrived and Yani joined her Aunt in the kitchen to stay out of their way. Klaue sat at the head of the table with Killmonger by his side, and when she heard the new man speak again, she realized that her tits were reacting to his voice, her milk was leaking again. Only her baby could do that to her sometimes when she cried or needed something.
What the hell was this man doing to her?
She pressed her fingers against her nipples to push the tissue paper closer to her tips.
Who was he?
Smooth sun-kissed brown skin. Lips plump. Eyes big and bright. Eyebrows dark and thick.
Yani favored her Aunt and Erik found himself staring at her while he ate lunch with the men and Klaue.
One minute she was making him feel like he didn't belong in her space and the next he was watching her run away from him, her thick ass cheeks bouncing and making him think thoughts he had put aside. He hadn't been with a woman for about three months and quite frankly, hadn't missed the company because of all the work he had been doing. Once he hooked Klaue into his orbit, all Erik could think about was Wakanda and waiting for the perfect time to move on the East African nation.
She was young. This girl, Yani. Probably in her twenties. Mouthy. He liked that. Saw him naked and didn't give a fuck. Until he came closer to her. Then she became modest, probably for his sake and hers. A young woman like her around some treacherous men, she had to be careful.
He wasn't the only one peeping her in the kitchen at lunch. Huntsman was clocking her also. This bothered Erik. So openly wanton.
She was covered up looking like some skater punk he could see on any street corner back home, but she had some curves that strained against the sweatpants. Waist tight probably from swimming a lot. Full breasts. It was the blonde hair that made her dark eyebrows pop. Right now, those eyebrows were furrowed and she was looking right at him. Like she was still mad he had trespassed on her world. The girl who spoke affectionately to iguanas like they were human and yelled at him like he was a big lizard. Erik gave her a grin and she cut her eyes to look at her Aunt who was washing dishes.
By the time lunch was over, Yani was reaching into a refrigerator and grabbing a plastic bag and leaving the house for the day.
The rest of the day was a period of rest and acclimation.
Klaue didn't want to talk shop until the next day, and Erik was happy he could just wander the secure compound. He spotted security cameras everywhere. He learned that each house could be locked down from the inside and secured easily. Klaue called the estate "Our Lady's Manor", naming it after Leona who Klaue affectionately referred to as "My Lady" every chance he got. Leona didn't seem to mind, and she got on well with Klaue in that practiced way that Black people had when in the employ of white people. Klaue may have thought they were close, like family even by the way he fawned over her, but Leona was about her job and getting her work done as expeditiously as possible without getting in anyone's way. Friendly but distant. Smart woman. Klaue was not to be trusted. The presence of guns and ammo didn't faze her or Yani. Money was money.
Erik looked for Yani at dinner and she wasn't around for it. Gone for the rest of the night he assumed. He didn't want to ask Leona about her, afraid of making the older woman suspicious of him for asking about her young niece. He just wanted to let her know that he would be going to the beach early in the morning so that she could have her own personal beach time.
Erik slept well in his new room after smoking some decent herb that Polk gave him to tune out. When his alarm went off at five in the morning, he slipped into some light blue swim trunks and walked barefoot at dawn to the beach.
Body rested, mind clear and sharp, he felt like the wind had been punched out of him when he saw Yani in the water already.
Water pearled down her cinnamon brown skin as if she wore diamonds in the early morning waves. Her hips flared out showcasing the beauty of her round posterior that flexed as she poured water over her head.
Once, when he was a child, Erik's mother had taken him to carnival in Sao Paulo and while standing next to his play cousin Marisol and holding his father's hand, Erik saw Yemanjá dancing on a float, the drums of Candomblé pounding in his ears, his little hips moving in time to the rhythm. He thought the woman on the float dressed in gauzy blue scarves was a real Goddess and his mother gently corrected him and explained that she was a representation. That first sensation, the tangible feeling of his heart bursting wide open to make room for the orixá of the sea had stayed with him for a long time. That woman long ago may have been a false divinity, and he could be forgiven for making the mistake with the eyes of a child. But he was a man now, and the being before him splashing in the warm sea was real and divine. Black deities were real. She was in front of him. Yemanjá. He had to be near her.
He shucked his trunks and took his time approaching her.
She dived under the water and he felt that his heart would break if she didn't come back up, wouldn't be surprised at all if she didn't return to the surface, but he needed to see her eyes, needed to make sure she was real.
He stopped short when a small wave crashed into his chest and he allowed himself to be swept with it.
Yani popped back to the surface wiping her hand over her face. She didn't jump or cry out when she saw him wading in the water, didn't try to shield her breasts or the neatly clipped bikini area of her sex, her vulva pouty and rounded, the split between her legs making his dick jump. She was a true ethereal vision and the reverence in his eyes must've stalled any thoughts she may have had of him being a weirdo coming for her.
"Killmonger," she said with no trepidation in her voice, "I see this is going to be a problem, no?"
"Erik," he whispered, trying to find his own voice, "my name is Erik."
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[Part 1]
[Part 2]  [Part 3]  [Part 4]  [Part 5]  [Part 6]
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warmbeebosoftbeebo · 5 years
Uhm.. soooo.. I’ve read your entire ao3 in 2 nights, m done now. Butttttt I was wondering if you’re gonna update “where the wild things are” because I have to admit, I read that one last because it sounding a bit odd to me (not being that into fairytales and that stuffs) and it shocked me how hot it was. Like- wow. So thank you for putting your incredible content out. ♥️😋
holy crap girl, did you get any sleep? XD that’s around150 000 words i think *checks* nope i lied. i haven’t published that much (polished stuff), only nearly 133 000 ;)
aww thanks, both for the finding it sexy n thinking highly of it :D i bask in the compliments :P
i’ve only written a lil bit more of it (like less than 400 words) but *spoilers/ideas for it so do not click if spoilers are a nuh uh*
i wanted to at least show that tania wasn’t still in trouble from b’s mom n other female relatives/that they didn’t think she was sexually abusing him. i was thinking two or three other parts. frankly: more sex heehee, n i wanted to deconstruct the reversed sexual abuse/rape myths some more, n how i had made this universe a relatively mild (mild in comparison to male sexual violence/porn/prostitution/sadism not objectively mild) reversal of patriarchy but i wasn’t sure how to do that aside from b n tania talking more eg her taking more responsibility/saying females were responsible for their actions, even when in heat, that if both didn’t want it n feel good doing it emotionally n physically the whole time it wasn’t right, etc but wanted it to come out authentically at the same time n not be hamfisted about it. n i was thinking there was already debate/tension/conflicting views about it among both sexes already. like b’s mom seems to be a fencesitter on it eg she doesn’t really blame anyone, but certainly doesn’t blame the male either and she thinks b should be protected, but i don’t think that’s just because he’s her son/he’s a mama’s boy but that all of them deserve better. also, frankly, if a fic i was doing was gonna have (hetero) pia, it’d be this one because he’s thumb sized :P but i go back n forth on that one. also, there’s a skip between the last published part and when i picked it up so they’ve already learned about pregnancy/how it happens (semen getting in the vagina, via outercourse, piv, fingers slick with semen, etc) n that he can’t get her pregnant yet (not for a couple months to over a year, depending on his puberty bc i wrote them as becoming fertile at 16-17. he doesn’t ejaculate yet, hence also him being multiply/sequentially orgasmic). also the names of parts of the vulva/labia/clitoris/vagina, n penis/testicles/scrotum. i’m debating how much “new stuff” they should do. but... i’m thinking male merpeople have prostate glands just sayin ;) oh, 69! facesitting. more of him being very oral. more varieties of tribadism n frottage. more exploring/hands/kissing all over/rubbing all over/seeing how different things feel/how things change/feeling each other inside too/etc. b sucking on her fingers when they’re slick with her. teasing. 
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ainews18 · 1 year
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राजस्थान में 19 नए जिले और तीन संभागों का आज उद्घाटन हो रहा है। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqgobwEXElE युग चरण के साथ देखिये देश-विदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें | पाकिस्तान के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री इमरान खान को अटक जेल में ले जाया गया। Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan was taken to Attock Jail. मेटा के CEO मार्क ज़ुकरबर्ग 26 अगस्त को टेस्ला के CEO एलन मस्क के साथ फाइट करना चाहते हैं। Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants to fight with Tesla CEO Elon Musk on August 26. राजस्थान में 19 नए जिले और तीन संभागों का आज उद्घाटन हो रहा है। Today 19 new districts and three divisions are being inaugurated in Rajasthan. हरियाणा के नूंह में हिंसा के बाद राज्य सरकार के बुलडोजर एक्शन पर हाईकोर्ट ने रोक लगाई। After the violence in Nuh, Haryana, the High Court stayed the bulldozer action of the state government. हरियाणा के फरीदाबाद स्थित सूरजकुंड में बीजेपी के दो दिवसीय क्षेत्रीय पंचायती राज परिषद सम्मेलन को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने वर्चुअल संबोधित किया। Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually addressed the BJP's two-day regional Panchayati Raj Parishad conference at Surajkund in Faridabad, Haryana. Watch the latest Hindi news Live on the World's Most Loved News Channel on YouTube. Latest News about Politics , Sports , Entertainment, Crime at Yugcharan Channel. Un Biased News Reporting ! Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group to get Latest News Updates : https://chat.whatsapp.com/ESor6YJXGEIL9y7DZRCtim Subscribe our channel for the latest news: https://www.youtube.com/@yugcharan Like us: https://www.facebook.com/theyugcharan Follow us: https://twitter.com/theyugcharan Telegram : https://t.me/TheYugCharanpaper Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theyugcharan/ Website : https://yugcharan.com #today_breaking_news #Breaking_news #Latest_news #Hindi_News #News #NewsHindiLive #LiveTVNews #HindiNews #pmnarendramodi #modinews #bjpnews #rajasthannews #rajasthanelection #markzuckerberg #elonmusk #haryananews #politicalnews #politcs via Yugcharan News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT6O9BlRulH48ph5QmCYEg August 07, 2023 at 04:17PM
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ivisonguitars · 1 year
उदयपुर में आज आगामी 9 अगस्त को राहुल की सभा को लेकर कांग्रेस की मीटिंग रखी गई। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K2aK6iUGB8 युग चरण के साथ देखिये देश-विदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें | उदयपुर में आज आगामी 9 अगस्त को राहुल की सभा को लेकर कांग्रेस की मीटिंग रखी गई A Congress Meeting Was Held In Udaipur Today On August 9 Regarding Rahul's Meeting. तमिलनाडु के बिजनेसमैन के साथ 18 लाख रुपए का ऑनलाइन स्कैम हुआ। An Online Scam Of Rs 18 Lakh Happened With A Businessman From Tamil Nadu. जयपुर में नर्सिंग कर्मचारियों ने आज 2 घंटे का कार्य बहिष्कार किया। Nursing Staff In Jaipur Boycotted Work For 2 Hours Today. बीजेपी आज राज्य सरकार के खिलाफ जयपुर में बड़ा प्रदर्शन किया। BJP Today Organized A Big Protest In Jaipur Against The State Government. मेवात के नूंह में भड़की हिंसा की गुरुग्राम तक पहुंची। The Violence That Broke Out In Mewat's Nuh Reached Gurugram. Watch the latest Hindi news Live on the World's Most Loved News Channel on YouTube. Latest News about Politics , Sports , Entertainment, Crime at Yugcharan Channel. Un Biased News Reporting ! Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group to get Latest News Updates : https://chat.whatsapp.com/ESor6YJXGEIL9y7DZRCtim Subscribe our channel for the latest news: https://www.youtube.com/@yugcharan Like us: https://www.facebook.com/theyugcharan Follow us: https://twitter.com/theyugcharan Telegram : https://t.me/TheYugCharanpaper Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theyugcharan/ Website : https://yugcharan.com #today_breaking_news #Breaking_news #Latest_news #Hindi_News #News #NewsHindiLive #LiveTVNews #HindiNews #congressnews #bjpnews #protest #jaipurnews #rajasthannews #rajasthanelection #onlinescam #onlinescamalert #pmnarendramodi #narendramodi #pmmodi via Yugcharan News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT6O9BlRulH48ph5QmCYEg August 02, 2023 at 11:57AM
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Top 10 News: 10 बड़ी खबरें Gyanvapi Survey Updates|Parliament Session |Supreme Court| Nuh Violence
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margiehasson · 5 years
An Ashura for All Muslims
Ashura, which falls on the 10th day of Muharram (the first month in our Muslim lunar calendar) is nearly upon us. By way of a quick history, Ashura is a significant day for all Muslims but is marked as a major religious occasion for Shi’a Muslims. It is the day (in 680 A.D.) when Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) was martyred in Karbala, which is located in modern-day Iraq.
A mosque in Karbala, Iraq.
Muslims are encouraged (but not required) to fast on the 9th of Muharram and on Ashura, as we are taught that fasting on the ninth and tenth of Muharram will bring us great rewards and is an appropriate way to mark this occasion. Fasting on the 11th of Muharram is also from the sunnah of the Prophet (saw) and encouraged. However, it is important to note that Shi'a Muslims tend to not to fast on Ashura as they observe the day as a time of mourning, as this was pointed out to me by several readers of this blog and through some research.
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) often fasted on Ashura, and the day is tied to several significant religious moments: The Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) left the ark after the flood on this day, and the Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) was saved from Firaun and the Egyptians by God on the 10th of Muharram.
In Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him), it is said that he was asked about fasting the Day of Ashura. He said, “I did not see the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) fast a day while more avid to seek its virtue than this day [meaning the Day of Ashura]. [Bukhari (2006), and Muslim (1132)].”
For a Shi’a perspective, I found the words of Omid Safi, a professor of Islamic Studies at Duke University and author of Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters, very interesting in his description of the Shi’a mourning ceremonies of Ashura, and the ways Shi’as should mark the day. A few years ago he gave an interview for an Iranian news agency, where he said:
The mourning ceremonies of Ashura are of course an important way in which we demonstrate our love affection for Imam Hossein, and through him, the Prophet. I am committed to the notion that identification with the redemptive suffering of the imam is a key aspect of Shi’I piety. ...
Furthermore, I would add that the foremost way of honoring Imam Hossein is not by sinking into the abyss of melancholy, but rather “carving a tunnel of hope through the great mountain of despair.” What would best serve the cause of Imam Hossein and Islam is not to sit in mourning but rather to rise in protest, rise majestically like Imam Hossein against all the Yazids of the world today. The Yazids of the world are sometimes individuals every bit as devious as Shemr and Yazid of yesteryears, but more often entities and concepts like oppression, greed, occupation, militarism, brutality, violence, and every oppressive ideology that stands in the way of affirming the dignity and integrity of each and every member of humanity ... .
And in a Facebook status update he wrote several years ago, Br. Omid wrote that beyond being something just for Shi’as to mark, Ashura has significance for all:
The martyrdom of Imam Hossein ... is a reminder that there is real injustice in this world, and one has the cosmic responsibility to rise up against it. What happened “there” and then is also projected against all time and space. The question is not what Imam Hossein did in the month of Muharram of the year 680 on the plains of Karbala in Iraq, but rather what are we doing today. Every day is Ashura, Every place is Karbala.
I find his observations very interesting and spiritual, in that he takes a significant moment in Islamic history, something that led to the split of Muslims into two main sects – Sunnis and Shi’as – and reminds all Muslims that the martyrdom of Imam Hussein was a “cosmic” event, and that instead of spending our time in mourning, we should all rise in protest against the injustices that still plague this world.
Often when it comes to days and occasions that are from our Islamic history and show up yearly in our Muslim calendars, many of us wonder how we should mark the occasion. Zainab Bint Younis (aka "The Salafi Feminist," once wrote a piece in which she said: 
It is Allah alone who created the months of the year and it is He alone who chooses which of those months are sacred, and which of those days are meant to be days of celebration and commemoration. In the Sunnah of RasulAllah (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), we have ample evidence of specific examples: the month of Ramadan, the last ten nights of Ramadan, the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah (including the day of Arafah and the day of Nahr), and so on.
Muharram is one of those months, but never did RasulAllah (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) or his Companions take the first day of the ‘Islamic new year’ as something to commemorate or make special note of. Rather, it is the day of Ashuraa’ – the 10th of Muharram – that is marked as being of significant importance in Islam.
Indeed, fasting for Ashura is something that the Prophet held to great importance, as evidenced by a few hadith:
Fast the Day of Ashura, for indeed I anticipate that Allah will forgive (the sins of) the year before it.” (Tirmidhi)
There are four things which the Prophet never gave up: Fasting ‘Ashura’, (fasting during) the ten days, (fasting) three days of each month, and praying two Rak’ahs before Al-Ghadah (Fajr).” (Nasa’i)
If you are fasting for Ashura (and the days before and after it), I pray that Allah (swt) accepts your fast. If you are unable to, I pray that any worship you do will be accepted and rewarded. As for us – my family will be sitting together with my father-in-law to talk about Ashura and it's historical and religious significance. In years past, when the kids were young, we would facetime with my father, who would prepare a special lesson/story on Ashura for the kids.
It was the next best thing to the nights we spent in front of our fireplace growing up in North Dakota, where we learned about Islam and all the significant days and practices at the knees of my father, before there was Sunday School, Islamic School, a plethora of readily-available Islamic books, or the Internet to supplant our knowledge.
May your ibadah (worship) be blessed and accepted by Allah (S), and may we all take time to reflect on the significance of Ashura. As Br. Omid says, "It is a reminder that there is real injustice in this world, and one has the cosmic responsibility to rise up against it."
This post is adapted from a post I wrote about Ashura for my own blog, The Muslimah Next Door – Faith, Family and Autism.
An Ashura for All Muslims published first on https://lenacharms.tumblr.com/
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ainews18 · 1 year
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राजस्थान में ग्रेड थर्ड टीचर्स के ट्रांसफर सरकार के लिए परेशानी का कारण बनते जा रहे हैं। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd2XmftGiAs युग चरण के साथ देखिये देश-विदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें | बायोफार्मा कंपनी कॉनकॉर्ड बायोटेक लिमिटेड का IPO सब्सक्रिप्शन के लिए आज ओपन हुआ। The IPO of biopharma company Concord Biotech Limited opened for subscription today. राजस्थान के भीलवाड़ा में हुए गैंगरेप और हत्या मामले में राष्ट्रीय लोकतांत्रिक पार्टी ने सरकार के खिलाफ मोर्चा खोला। The National Democratic Party opened a front against the government in the gangrape and murder case in Bhilwara, Rajasthan. राजस्थान में ग्रेड थर्ड टीचर ट्रांसफर सरकार के लिए परेशानी का कारण बनते जा रहे हैं। Grade third teacher transfers in Rajasthan are becoming a cause of trouble for the government. राजस्थान सरकार ने चुनावी साल में पुलिस कांस्टेबल के 3 हज़ार से ज़्यादा पदों पर भर्तियां निकली। In the election year, the Rajasthan government announced recruitment for more than 3000 posts of police constables. हरियाणा सरकार ने गुरुवार देर रात हिंसा प्रभावित नूंह जिले के (SP) वरुण सिंघला का ट्रांसफर किया गया। The Haryana government transferred Varun Singhla, SP of the violence-hit Nuh district late on Thursday night. Watch the latest Hindi news Live on the World's Most Loved News Channel on YouTube. Latest News about Politics , Sports , Entertainment, Crime at Yugcharan Channel. Un Biased News Reporting ! Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group to get Latest News Updates : https://chat.whatsapp.com/ESor6YJXGEIL9y7DZRCtim Subscribe our channel for the latest news: https://www.youtube.com/@yugcharan Like us: https://www.facebook.com/theyugcharan Follow us: https://twitter.com/theyugcharan Telegram : https://t.me/TheYugCharanpaper Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theyugcharan/ Website : https://yugcharan.com #today_breaking_news #Breaking_news #Latest_news #Hindi_News #News #NewsHindiLive #LiveTVNews #HindiNews #haryananews #rajasthannews #jobvacancy #crime #crimenews #rajasthanelection #ipo via Yugcharan News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT6O9BlRulH48ph5QmCYEg August 04, 2023 at 03:42PM
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हरियाणा के नूंह में हुई हिंसा को देखते हुए राजस्थान में अलर्ट जारी किया गया है। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TuwWoIrIUo युग चरण के साथ देखिये देश-विदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें | MP के कूनो नेशनल पार्क में मादा चीता धात्री (टिबलिसी) मौत हो गई। Female cheetah Dhatri (Tbilisi) died in MP's Kuno National Park. पोलैंड ने अपने बॉर्डर पर सेना तैनात करनी शुरू की। Poland started deploying an army on its border. बॉलीवुड के जाने माने आर्ट डायरेक्टर नितिन देसाई ने मंगलवार देर रात खुदकुशी कर ली। Bollywood's well-known art director Nitin Desai committed suicide late on Tuesday night. महाराष्ट्र के डिप्टी CM अजित पवार ने पूर्व पीएम राजीव गाँधी की तुलना मौजूदा प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी से की। Maharashtra Deputy CM Ajit Pawar compared former PM Rajiv Gandhi with current Prime Minister Narendra Modi. हरयाणा`हरियाणा के नूंह में हुई हिंसा को देखते हुए राजस्थान में अलर्ट जारी किया गया। In view of the violence in Haryana's Nuh, an alert was issued in Rajasthan. Watch the latest Hindi news Live on the World's Most Loved News Channel on YouTube. Latest News about Politics , Sports , Entertainment, Crime at Yugcharan Channel. Un Biased News Reporting ! Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group to get Latest News Updates : https://chat.whatsapp.com/ESor6YJXGEIL9y7DZRCtim Subscribe our channel for the latest news: https://www.youtube.com/@yugcharan Like us: https://www.facebook.com/theyugcharan Follow us: https://twitter.com/theyugcharan Telegram : https://t.me/TheYugCharanpaper Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theyugcharan/ Website : https://yugcharan.com #today_breaking_news #Breaking_news #Latest_news #Hindi_News #News #NewsHindiLive #LiveTVNews #HindiNews #pmnarendramodi #bjpnews #maharashtranews #politicalnews #pmmodi #congressnews #cheetah #haryananews #politics #ukrainewar #russiaukrainewar via Yugcharan News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT6O9BlRulH48ph5QmCYEg August 03, 2023 at 11:59AM
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बर्खास्त मंत्री राजेंद्र सिंह गुढ़ा सीएम और सरकार के मंत्रियों पर लगातार हमलावर हैं। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_Pb7luFD68 युग चरण के साथ देखिये देश-विदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें | 6 जनवरी 2021 को अमेरिकी संसद कैपिटल हिल में हुई हिंसा में पूर्व राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प पर क्रिमिनल केस दर्ज हुआ। On January 6, 2021, a criminal case was registered against former President Donald Trump in the violence in the US Parliament Capitol Hill. GST काउंसिल की बैठक आज यानि बुधवार को होगी जिसमें केंद्रीय वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण बैठक की अध्यक्षता करेंगी। GST Council meeting will be held today on Wednesday in which Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will preside over the meeting. निर्वाचन आयोग की गाइडलाइन के बाद 3 साल या उससे ज़्यादा समय तक जमे अधिकारीयों के तबादलों की सूचि लगातार आ रही हैं। Following the guidelines of the Election Commission, the list of transfers of officers frozen for 3 years or more is coming continuously. बर्खास्त मंत्री राजेंद्र सिंह गुढ़ा सीएम और सरकार के मंत्रियों पर लगातार हमलावर हैं। Sacked minister Rajendra Singh Gudha is a constant attacker on the CM and the ministers of the government. हरियाणा के नूंह में विश्व हिंदू परिषद की ब्रज मंडल यात्रा के दौरान हुई हिंसा और बवाल के बाद लगातार तीसरे दिन भी तनाव बना हुआ है। Tension prevailed for the third consecutive day after violence and ruckus during Vishwa Hindu Parishad's Braj Mandal Yatra in Nuh, Haryana. Watch the latest Hindi news Live on the World's Most Loved News Channel on YouTube. Latest News about Politics , Sports , Entertainment, Crime at Yugcharan Channel. Un Biased News Reporting ! Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group to get Latest News Updates : https://chat.whatsapp.com/ESor6YJXGEIL9y7DZRCtim Subscribe our channel for the latest news: https://www.youtube.com/@yugcharan Like us: https://www.facebook.com/theyugcharan Follow us: https://twitter.com/theyugcharan Telegram : https://t.me/TheYugCharanpaper Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theyugcharan/ Website : https://yugcharan.com #today_breaking_news #Breaking_news #Latest_news #Hindi_News #News #NewsHindiLive #LiveTVNews #HindiNews #rajasthannews #rajasthanelection #haryananews #americanews #donaldtrump #nirmalasitharaman #gst #tax #financeminister via Yugcharan News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT6O9BlRulH48ph5QmCYEg August 02, 2023 at 03:01PM
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