#nuclear throne yc
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maravinc · 6 months ago
Actually, this is a little story about what I do in boring lectures...
When I was drawing Shrek, I had to cover my mouth with napkins so as not to laugh.)
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ciphercalamitiez · 2 years ago
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tabascopepper-blog · 7 years ago
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Nuclear bois. New rule no mouths only eyes allowed.
I also did the yv with a background but idk how it came out
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palossssssand · 4 years ago
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hmm...............yung cuz.............................
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bluecrowned2 · 4 years ago
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yukid · 5 years ago
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globalmediamonster · 6 years ago
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a lil doodle i did. id die for yung cuz
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badlydrawnltl · 6 years ago
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is dead
also cough finally decided to make unoriginal name for my nt au coz I needed anything
gonna present you my poop
Nuclear Throne: Last Wish
gonna make ass tag for it, maybe #nt:lw would work smh
about art already cough pic of moment from Eyes’s backstory or some kind of idk
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verifyingvenuz · 8 years ago
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Call back to the time i threw Cuz off a roof
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flashynroll · 8 years ago
House Call, Part 2
The detective sauntered down the concrete alleyway, as his protégé tread with a light step behind him. Eyes felt something, a feeling he hadn’t known in years. Was that… Music? He could feel the abrasive beat against his chest, a bass level unrivaled by wasteland technology.
Fish rapped his knuckles against the steel door with a metallic echo, and almost instantly, the slat in the door opened and a deep voice emanated from behind the passage
“State your business” it said
“It’s Fish, V expects me.” Fish answered, Eyes  genuinely terrified of what could possibly lurk behind that door.
The voice spoke in a foreign tongue to its comrades, and turned back to the opening in the doorway
“He’s in the back.” It said, slamming the slat back shut. The unmistakable sound of latches and bolts unlocking could be heard from the other side of the door, and opened inwards for the two of them. The music was considerably louder inside, and shook Eyes to the core on every beat. It was some sort of gangster rap music, but in a language unknown to Eyes.
The voice was revealed to be a four-armed monstrous man with hands like wrecking balls. He wore a white tank top over his hulking muscle structure, and upon further examination, had rock-like shards spreading across his entire body. Marked on his shoulder was a tattoo of a triangle with a single eye in the center.
Fish and Eyes entered the building, which elicited the slight glance from a few menacing , but nothing serious. This alone was enough to startle Eyes, who sidestepped behind Fish who was busy lighting a cigarette. Fish stepped forward towards a large wooden bar, once a glorious altar to friends and drunks alike, the dark oaken bar was now a lively spot for anyone with the coin and a willingness to step above the law.
Fish, a regular drinker as Eyes had observed, mounted a worn leather and wood barstool, surely seeing its fair share of late nights.
“Fish!” A voice called from the left. Eyes, still contemplating whether to sit or not, looked up immediately to see a man, well dressed in white and black. His body was truly nothing more than a white circle with arms and legs and a single monstrous eye in the center of his torso.
Fish looked up to meet the circular stranger’s gaze, and his face perked up a bit
“Cuz, long time no see. It’s been a while lil’ guy, how’s the bar?” “Not too bad” Cuz responded, his eye slowly shifting to meet Fish’s thousand-eyed comrade. “What’s the deal with your tagalong? Witness Protection? Suspect of a crime? Someone kill his family?” “Business. None of yours actually.” Fish responded sternly. “Well jeez, pal. Didn’t mean to get you all rough in the gills. Let me make it up to you.”
Cuz pulled a roughly marked glass bottle with a dark liquid inside of it and poured some into two glasses.
“We square?” Cuz asked, sliding one of the glasses across the bar to Fish.
“Sure.” Fish replied  
“Listen Cuz, you’re my favorite barkeep, but I’m not here for the rotgut. Not today, at least. We’ve got business with your brother.”
Eyes stood beside Fish contently and nodded as if to back up his point.
“Alright, I get it. You come by for the first time in weeks and you don’t want to have a drink with ol’ cuz. No worries mi amigo, I love you too.”
“Let’s not get all offended here, I’ll be back for that drink, don’t worry.” Fish reached into his coat pocket and dumped a small pile of coins which Cuz quickly slid across the bar and funneled into a glass container. He got off the stool and looked at eyes, waving a finger to motion for him to follow. Fish and Eyes walked across the bar, ducking past patrons far larger than the two of them combined.
In the back of the bar, a tall ornate maroon door stood in a golden frame, guarded by two of the larger well dressed patrons. One looked down at the duo, and stepped aside allowing them entry. Fish promptly opened the door as Eyes examined what lie behind it. Realizing that some no one larger than him was in the room beyond, Eyes sped through the ten foot door frame eagerly.
The room beyond was the cleanest, most luxurious display Eyes had ever seen, the carpets were stainless, monogrammed with a “YV” patterned across the area of it, shining pillars rose from ceiling to floor, standing spotless and shined, and a gigantic golden chair stood behind a desk that appeared to have been polished every day for a thousand years.
The chair began to swivel slowly, and the occupant was revealed. On the cushion sat a triangle, he was simply that. Nothing more than a triangular body with a single eye and limbs. He wore a white pin-striped suit and a shining gold revolver at his side. He sat up in his chair and placed his hands on the desk.
“Fish. Thank you for coming. Your associate as well.” The figure said, his eye studying the two of them.
Fish took a cigarette from his breast pocket and lit it promptly. “What do you have for me, V” He said, busy taking his first drag.
“First things first, it seems you owe me an introduction to this one.” V said, gesturing towards Eyes
“Right, right. This is the kid I’ve been keeping around. I just call him Eyes, shouldn’t be too hard to see why” Fish said, chuckling at his own joke.
V forced a laugh, then met one of Eyes’ many stares. “You know who I am, boy?” Eyes shook his head nervously, wondering if he should
Fish turned to Eyes “This is Yung Venuz. Head of the Venuz gang, a legitimate businessman who has often been wrongly accused of revolutionary crimes.” Venuz laughed, this time legitimately.
Eyes’ stare widened, now realizing the caliber of criminal he was dealing with. Venuz, not nearly as physically threatening as any of the mutants in the bar was the mastermind.
“Look at the kid, you scared him I think” Venuz said, forcing words between laughs. “Come here, kid, I’ve got something to show you” Venuz dismounted his chair, and Eyes waited for the sound of his feet to hit the ground, but it never came. As Eyes walked across the room, he soon realized that not only was this the criminal mastermind of the city and beyond, he could levitate.
Venuz pulled open a drawer of his desk, inside it were more revolvers than Eyes had ever seen in his entire life. The boss picked one up, inspected it, and held it towards eye, handle out.
“Take it kid, you’re going to need it if you’re working with this guy” Venuz said, gesturing backwards to Fish.
Eyes slowly and reluctantly grabbed the handle of the revolver. He felt its weight, which was a surprising realization, as he had never held a weapon in his life.
“Well, seems like you owe me for that gun then, right?” Venuz asked
Eyes looked up from the firearm immediately, staring nervously at Venuz.
“Looks like you’re tagging along on the job then.” Fish said “So what is it, V? Someone get shot again?” “I wish, my friend. But this one is a bit uglier.” Venuz walked over to a maroon and gold wardrobe along the wall. He sorted through various sizes of an identical uniform consisting of a black dress shirt and pants, white vest and white armband with a logo of Venuz on it. He pulled two sets from the closet and closed it back up. “Someone’s been stealing from our supply posts in the desert. My boys don’t usually get put on the outposts without a clearance to shoot anyone who isn’t one of us, so you two are going to need these.” He tossed each of them a uniform.
“I don’t have the slightest damned clue what’s happening over there, but I need two out there who aren’t one of mine.” Fish inspected the uniform “White isn’t really my color, V. But hell, it’s a job.” He stretched his hand to Venuz who accepted his shake.
“I want you two out there as soon as you can, I’ll have a map drawn for you. You have my clearance to shoot the bastard when you find him.” Venuz said
Fish took a drag from his cigarette, and met Venuz’ eye. “We’ll find him, V.”
The two shook hands, and Fish turned, uniform in hand. Eyes, still distracted by his revolver, looked to see Fish leaving and ran after him.
“Let’s go, kid. And don’t shoot anybody til’ we get there.”
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doodledrawsthings · 8 years ago
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if he sees a gun, he legally owns it. he eats guns for fuel. not his kid-guns though.
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mx-alchemist · 8 years ago
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The blank version of covers I did for a fanfic I wrote
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emet-selch · 8 years ago
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i love these shapes so mcuhghgiosg
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mochaangel · 8 years ago
Bein’ Yung
Stretching out my Story-Telling Skills for the Nuclear Throne Noir Comic. This sorta sets out the lore for myself so i know where i’m going with the story. There arent big spoilers here because this is in YC’s perspective and im concentrating on Fish and Eyes for the comic.
Nuclear Throne noir au by @doodledrawsthings
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Yung Cuz thought he had a pretty swell family if he had to say so himself, even if his older cousin did always tease him about how he had a bad judge of character. But even then, Cuz knew his cousin Venuz was the nicest guy this side of the Wasteland.
Full. That was the first word that came to Yung Cuz’s mind when he thought about his house, it was constantly full.
It was full of toys, books, and candies, things he was allowed to fiddle with when he could only toddle on his short, stick-like feet. It was a time of constant fun especially when his cousin would strut into the room to play with him.
“Haha! You growin’ big aren’tcha, Cuz.” his cousin often commented whenever he would hang around with Yung Cuz.
“Vee! Vee!” Yung Cuz would exclaim as those were the only words that he could say. He stretched out his little arms as well as a signal for his cousin to pick him up.
“Don’t worry your lil’ circular head, Cuz,” Vee would assure as he reached to pick up the tiny form of Yung Cuz, “I gotchu, your cousin Venuz always gotchu.” Cuz would feel so comfortable cradled in his cousin’s arms that he would immediately fall asleep, lulled by the whispery beatboxing of his cousin and a smell that always reminded him of the shiny coins and keys he was allowed to play with.
Full. Full of noises.
Sometimes late at night, Cuz would be woken up by noises. They would muffle through the heavily compacted walls that Cuz questioned his cousin Venuz for having.
“Thick minds can’t go through thick walls.” Venuz would answer before going off to do something else or just changing the subject in general.
One time -- when Cuz was still only as tall as his cousin’s legs -- a noise that felt like speaking, then banging, then screeching, and then a silent ringing, finally perturbed Cuz enough to confront his older cousin about it.  
“What was that noise last night, Vee?” Cuz asked his cousin as nonchalantly as he could, trying to emanate his cousin Venuz’s cool facade.
“What noise?” Venuz asked in a more impressive nonchalant manner than Cuz could ever hope to achieve.
“You know that uhm, screeching, then loud banging, and then a super weird silent ringing afterward?” Cuz tried to explain what he had heard last night, but trying to remember the quick array of sounds plus asking his older cousin about it was a little bit nerve-wrecking.
However, Yung Cuz felt he did something right because immediately after his explanation he saw his cousin’s eye widen and glance past his head to what Cuz believed was the kitchen or it might have been the hallway beside it. Unfortunately, before Cuz could press further about the noises his cousin Venuz blinked away his short-lived show of emotion and turned to Cuz with a serious and then relaxed look.
“I’ll tell ya when you’re older.” Venuz said and slid to the kitchen opening up the breakfast pantry.
“Hey, but Vee-” Cuz tried to argue.
“Want some Non-Objective-O’s?” Venuz peeked out of the kitchen with a box of Cuz’s favourite cereal, “they’re artificially strawberry and chocolate flavoured,” Venuz tempted while he shook the box.
Still holding the questions in his throat but unwilling to refuse the sound of his most favourite breakfast food in the world, Cuz gave in.
“With 20% more sugar in the ingredients?” Cuz asked.
Skimming his eye over the ingredients, Venuz reached his arm toward a container of sugar on the counter.
“Nothin stoppin’ us from making it that way!”
Cuz hopped excitedly to the kitchen to join his cousin on this cavity quest. He watched carefully as Venuz poured the cereal and sugar together. Then Venuz ceased his waterfall of sugar and cereal to get some milk from the fridge. He paused for a moment.
“Cuz,” Yung Cuz quickly pointed his attention to his cousin at the sound of his name. “I’m gonna tell you when you’re older, I promise.”
The change of mood from recklessness to sincerity put Cuz off guard for a moment before he slowly nodded in agreement.
Venuz never let Cuz down before and nothing told him that Venuz was ever going to do that anyway, besides, Cuz was way more invested in his sugary breakfast than any random noise he had heard last night. And oddly enough Cuz hasn’t heard any of those kinds of noises for a long time now.  
Full. Full of people!
It wasn’t all just Venuz in Cuz’s life, while Cuz connected with Venuz more than other people, his house was full of people he was happy to call family. A lot of them didn’t always take the general 2-dimensional shape that Venuz and Cuz wore, they all looked and acted differently.
Cuz’s uncle Veto could throw darts better than anyone in the house, always hitting the bullseye from the farthest possible place. Once, Cuz witnessed Veto shoot a dart from a building over into the room he was in.
Auntie Koda gave Cuz his first BB gun to his and even cousin Vee’s excitement. She was always there when Venuz was teaching Cuz how to aim and she’d always bake bullet shaped cookies whenever Cuz was feeling down.
Cousin Holley who would always glow a little green around the eyes and was an exciting and jumpy person, was always happy to see Cuz. Venuz sometimes kept Cuz away from them when they got a little too rambunctious though.
Cuz would see all of his family piled up into the house for a bunch of days in a row, sometimes there would be a few people in his home, and then rarely there would be no one. Sometimes, people would stop showing up altogether to the house and whenever Cuz asked Venuz about it he would always answer:
“They quit, didn’t wanna be a part of the family anymore.”
“I don’t think that’s how families work, Vee.”
“I know.”
And the conversation was ended with a devious look from his cousin Venuz and a vague confirmation for Yung Cuz.
Of course he knew, Cuz lived his whole life like this, he’d be dumber than the people who screwed with his cousin’s gang are if he didn’t know.
The guns, the screaming. Cuz has been outside, he wasn’t locked up like a fairytale princess. Cuz grew up with television and radio, he knew what the outside world deemed normal and he knew he didn’t fit that mold at all.
Ever since the IDPD started to take over the Wasteland it became more evident of the kind of life Cuz had, filled with violence, war, and death. He was related to the Wasteland’s most notorious gang wrangler and mobster boss, his hallways were filled to the brim with victims and traitors that misused the trust Yung Venuz gave them. His cousin was not afraid to cut anyone down, not Veto when he tipped off the cops about where Venuz was hiding, not Koda when she tried to organize a coup to overthrow Venuz from the gang, and not even good ol’ fast footed Holley when they tried to run off with a package meant for the gang’s own bizznizz. Cuz’s cousin was ruthless, conniving, and absolutely cruel.  
But even then, what Cuz knew more than anything in the world. More than what kind of propaganda the IDPD like to spread in every street corner of the city, was that he had a pretty swell family even if he had to say so himself.     
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essor0706 · 9 years ago
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more nt doodles
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doodledrawsthings · 8 years ago
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i just really like drawing eyes in nice clothes for some reason
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