#nsr horizon
goldentrashpanda101 · 3 months
SMOOCH >://3
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erigold13261 · 2 years
Hi I want to hear about The Parent Squad ship (aka Neon J, mama and DJ sub as a ship) how did they get together? What is their relationship like? Thanks! Love love Sayu Pyunnnnn❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕
I had to go looking for the ship name because I forgot it, but it is called the Horizon ship or something along those lines! But yeah! I can talk about them! :D
Again, putting this under a read more because it is a LOT longer than I intended it to be.
This ship can have many different interpretations, I actually have a few depending on which pair gets together first (or if all three get together at the same time). For the most part though, in my own version of this ship, usually it is Neon as the center point between the other two, like the anchor or whatever.
I would say that my main interpretation of the ship has Neon and DJ being a sort of enemies to lovers, and Neon and Mama as close friends to awkward tension to lovers.
I don't usually have DJ and Mama as lovers as I see DJ as liking more masculine people, but if they are together they would be more like very lovingly platonic, if that makes sense. Like there will be days DJ or Mama just need a hug and Neon won't be there, so those two just cuddle together and talk, nothing really super romantic between the two, but very nice and comforting.
Anyway, in most of my iterations I usually have... actually, I think it's pretty even on whether Mama and Neon vs Neon and DJ getting together first.
DJ and Neon first: In situations where Neon and DJ get together first, it would be a bit faster, more physical, and Neon making a lot of the first moves but backing down almost immediately if DJ looked uncomfortable (which was often since DJ has not dated much). For me it usually takes a push from 1010 or the Sayu Crew (or both) to finally get these two idiots to break the ice fully and start dating.
After those two get together, I can see Neon getting closer to Mama without realizing it. He had let his guard down enough to relax more around Mama. And without her realizing that Neon and DJ were dating, she would kiss Neon one night after she put Yinu to bed after Neon had babysat for her.
This would terrify the shit out of Neon, thinking he is now a cheater and that he broke DJ's trust. He would feel like his ex-wife who cheated on him and how awful it was to find that out. And even though he was anxious and paranoid about losing this relationship, he would tell DJ immediately, after explaining to Mama why he freaked out.
She would apologize and go with Neon to explain what happened so she could support Neon and make sure DJ is mad at her, not him. But DJ is not that upset, he is a bit, but not as much as Neon thought they would be (which honestly, Neon thought he was about to be dumped and ghosted for the rest of his life).
The three have a chat, and DJ explains he is okay with the two being together if that is what Neon would prefer. Which is not at all what Neon wants. He loves them both, and hates himself for being like this, so indecisive and unhappy with just one person. It is like his marriage all over again where he had thoughts of being with other people, though he never acted on it.
After some time and more talking, calming Neon down from a panicked state, the three ended up coming to an agreement. I don't think them all dating was agreed to that very same night, but they did agree to take things slow and just see where things went. Over time they formed a really good bond and became a polyamorous throuple (or whatever it would be called).
Neon and Mama first: Similar to the other, Neon and Mama became very close while DJ and Neon were rivals. However, instead of Neon spending more time with DJ, he spend more time with Mama and Yinu. Either taking care of Yinu or helping Mama take care of herself.
He is still very careful about boundaries and tries not to push himself into either of their lives, but the fact that Yinu loved spending time at the mansion and playing with 1010 kinda forced Neon into her and Mama's lives.
As he took more and more care of Yinu with Mama, Mama started asking him to come to more events, like a school recital or even one of Yinu's doctors appointment so she wasn't alone. In turn Neon would offer her and Yinu to spend the night at Barracca Mansion or help him and Haym garden. It just turned into a cycle of giving more to each other.
I would say that one night, either after Yinu has gone to bed, or when Yinu is with 1010, so that Mama and Neon were alone, Mama ended up getting closer to Neon. She leaned against him and the two just talked. Neon was very nervous, thinking that something might be wrong with Mama, only for her to kiss him.
Neon was absolutely shocked by this. He was stunned silent and then started asking if she was okay and started making excuses because of to him this was not something that was supposed to happen. The two of them were not supposed to be together. He was not good enough for his ex-wife, why would he be good enough for Mama, who was a widow.
Not to mention he was terrified of possibly replacing Papa in Yinu's life. He loved Yinu like his own daughter, but his own daughter was raised by another man so he knew the pain of a daughter and father being separated, and he did not want to make Yinu upset about possibly losing the memories of her Papa because Neon took her position of father. It is a weird mentality that Neon has, but it is one that has stopped him from getting too close with Mama before now.
After he pushes her away gently, he explains this to Mama, who believes this kind of thinking is weird, but does not push it too much. At least, she wouldn't have if Yinu wasn't listening in on them and came out to hug Neon's leg and told him he didn't have to worry about replacing Papa, she could still keep his memory alive even if Neon and Mama started dating. She wanted both of them to be happy, and she would love to have Neon in her life even more, so if him dating Mama would do that then she wanted Neon to date her mama. Both were shocked and surprised but eventually started dating.
After being together for a few months, maybe a year (enough for Neon and DJ to start being friends and no longer idiots to each other) Neon and Mama ended up talking more about their past marriages, which let slip how Neon was always interested in other people when he was dating his ex-wife but how he never acted on any of those feelings. Which caused Mama to jokingly ask if he was interested in anyone else right now while they were dating.
He was silent. Mama, realizing Neon actually was serious interested in someone else, poked and prodded until he said he was started to develop feelings for DJ. Guilt and pain washed over Neon as he said this, only for Mama to hug him from behind and tell him it's okay. She doesn't care if he likes other people, heck he can go and have fun with DJ if he wanted, but just to let her know and to communicate with her. This was NOT the reaction Neon thought he would get, but honestly he was very happy with it and the trust that Mama had with him.
He didn't take her up on her offer for a while, not until DJ and him started getting closer over the course of a few collaborations and mini projects. One night Neon just hugged DJ's arm and the two started to dance to some music, getting lost in each other's company only for DJ to stop and ask about Mama as Neon and Mama's relationship was at least public knowledge to the megastars.
Neon explains the situation and even gets Mama on the phone to reassure DJ that it was okay, and then the two just went back to dancing. After a bit it could go either two ways: Neon brings DJ back to the mansion where the two hang out with Mama (who has either moved in or is staying there) or Neon drops DJ back at his apartment and Neon goes home to happily talk about the night with Mama while the two lay together. These situations continue to happen until DJ is just officially in the relationship now.
Mama and DJ together first: (I have never thought of this situation before, but I wanted to add it for some people who see these two getting together first)
Mama and DJ do not get along right off the bat once Yinu is added to NSR. They aren't RUDE to each other, but pretty cold. At least for the first few meetings since that is where they would have most of their interactions at first.
The first time they meet outside of NSR business was at a mall where DJ was being dragged around by the Sayu Crew to a store that Yinu wanted to go to. The Sayu Crew ended up taking Yinu all around the store while Mama and DJ sat down to rest.
The two ended up talking and Mama figured out that DJ is a parental figure to the Crew, which was not something she expected out of them. But the two's conversation was cut short as Yinu brought an item she wanted along with one she thought DJ would like and handed it to him before dragging Mama off to pay for the thing she wanted. The Crew kinda teased DJ because they all thought the item was perfect for them and it was funny that Yinu thought so too even though she hardly knew him.
Welp, over the next few meetings, Mama was a bit nicer to DJ though DJ was basically the same tone wise, he did put a bit more effort in conversating with her and Yinu though. Which all three ended up appreciating a lot.
After one of the meetings, the Sayu Crew invited Mama and Yinu out to an event that DJ was bringing them to since Eloni or Eve (either one works) couldn't make it with them and Yinu would really like it. They both agreed.
Mama and DJ were left alone for most of the event, leading to the two talking a lot. It was a very even talk, even though both are used to dominating the conversation, they were somehow able to work out a way that neither over shadowed the other during the conversation.
They talked about their childhood homes, their schooling, about plants and space. Both of them didn't even realize how late it had gotten as they talked until Yinu and the Crew came up saying the event was over. Yinu had a wonderful time and all the kids just started chatting up with Mama and DJ about all the cool stuff that happened.
I would say at this point, the two of them started growing closer. Maybe in a romantic way, but definitely at least in a platonic way at the moment. They would start searching for ways to get alone so they could talk more.
One time the two ended up somewhere cold and DJ gave Mama his jacket since the cold doesn't bother them. Another time on a walk Mama was able to pick fresh and safe plant life for the two to snack on. Other times it would be them with Yinu and the Crew, possibly a 1010, all just hanging out and enjoying ones company.
It gets to the point that Mama starts holding DJ's hand or DJ is wrapping his arm around Mama. Neither even realize they are doing this until it is pointed out to them, flustering both of them. But it only really made them want to be closer because now they realized they were unconsciously trying to be closer so why not just start dating.
Over the course of these two realizing they liked each other, Neon was there helping with the kids/teens. He would come up and talk with DJ when dropping off Zimelu for science lessons, or picking up Eloni from hanging out with the Sayu Crew under DJ's supervision. With Mama he would babysit Yinu at times, or hang out with the two and Haym when gardening, or even show Yinu how to dance and play other instruments like the violin.
Overall, Neon was in the background getting close to both DJ and Mama, but not nearly as close as the other two were getting with each other. Once the two started dating, he congratulated them and offered to be available more for Yinu or the Crew so they could have more alone time or to just help in any way he could. Which Mama and DJ did take him up on quite a bit. Though a bit too much.
Neon was running himself ragged trying to help everyone. He was helping Mama write music, developing Sayu's AI with the crew, keeping DJ on top of safety protocols in his planetarium, taking care of Yinu almost every other night, dealing with 1010 and both their shenanigans and mechanical upkeep, even helping Eve with art related woodworking stuff or Tatiana with excess paperwork. All of this on top of his managerial duties that not only covered 1010, but also robot and toy factories.
It got to a point that Neon collapsed in front of both Mama and DJ. Both were obviously worried for him, only to find out how much he was doing for everyone. The two ended up forcing him on a vacation, getting Tatiana's permission (heck, she was even in on forcing Neon to relax) and helping take care of him for at least the first few days as he recovered.
1010 helped too, but mainly they were keeping Yinu busy so Mama could help Neon. Well DJ and Mama ended up getting a lot closer to Neon because of this, appreciating him and the effort he put into their relationships even though these two never really noticed until now. They started paying more attention to their friend and all his good deeds that he has done.
After the forced vacation, Mama and DJ actually start inviting Neon with them to relax. They never called them dates because Neon would hate to be a third wheel, but it was basically like dates. Nice fancy dinners, walks along the beach, midnight drives in the countryside during full moons.
It brought them all together so much that Mama and DJ had a talk about asking Neon to join them in their relationship. At first Neon refused because he felt he would be an intrusion, but after a long late night talk on the beach, the three actually realized they all loved each other a whole lot and started their relationship all together.
[Okay wow, I REALLY did not mean to make this so long. But uh, hope this was a fun read! It was fun to write! :D]
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weafurry · 2 years
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kiwisleepy · 1 month
HELLO good morning or night where ever you are but!! I love nsr and all the crazy designs people come up with, so I wanted to throw my hat in the ring with a few questions!
-Since Apollinare conducts with the "stars" and such, does that mean he's got a good relationship with DJSS or a bad one? I can't imagine that they're REALLY the stars but also....if DJSS can grow to the size of a skyscraper and also create an event horizon by cracking his head then maybe they really ARE the stars!!
-Also also, if they don't get along, is it just entirely on DJSS's part or is it mutual? You wrote that Apollinare was a polite fellow, and Nova is a..pretty egotistical guy, so I can easily see him getting territorial over his "brand" but I could be entirely wrong!!
-Last thing but, Ratio also, seems to be space themed! Do those 2 ocs have any relation to each other, or is it just a favorite theme of yours? No judgement here, space is a wonderful thing! But also, in her art, she's got a little Sayu on her head, so does that mean the two artists are really close or was that just a cute detail you wanted to add?
I hope this wasn't too overwhelming, but nsr ocs are such a treat for me to see, because you can really make anything you want in a way, and it's always great seeing more love for the game!
Apollinare is a star, but its head does not consist of gas, but of a crystalline base (more precisely, only the head, the body is organic). By the way, he can not only control the stars, but also feel them. There are disadvantages to this, because he can feel the explosion of a star, and if it does not affect him, it will definitely distract him.
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Poor bby let him sleep
He WOULD HAVE A GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH THE DJ, IF NOT FOR ONE SMALL ISSUE THAT SPOILS EVERYTHING (in fact, there are many reasons and the "hostility" comes only from the DJ). This is not even a battle for the brand, since Apollinare never express desire to join NSR, not because he dislike them, no, the reason why, he already has so much to do: To maintain the opera house, his parents' mansion, while they are away, all the maids and butlers, their salary, train ballet dancers, his orchestra - he doesn't need additional duty in the form of District.
THE REASON WHY THEY(Only DJ actually, it's not mutual) DONT GET ALONG IS...... that he can conduct the stars. Imagine: You are a DJ, come home after you gave a concert and interacted with these P*lutonians, you decided to look through your telescope, admire the sky, make your scientific notes there and then
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All the stars in the sky are twitching in a cartoon disgusting way, or vice versa, smoothly, but still too fast, with the risk of colliding and exploding.
And you know who's to blame
Decided to practice his Vivaldi or whoever in the starry sky again, disturbing the order!
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And then......
.....Bro got so mad that he sent a live message through 3 DISTRICTS HELP(Apollinare lives in Natura)
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Temptation to show middle finger to this conductor is high.
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The reason for disliking number 2
Apollinare is a person of a different upbringing, so he doesn't see the problem in giving a magnificent bouquet as a sign of appreciation(He often gaining them after his performances)
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......But some people see (But if he sponsored the launch of a satellite, it would be a different matter)
You think nothing else can get worse for DJ? ha! You're wrong! Once Apollinare asked one of his ballet pupils what kind of bouquet he could gift, listing the flowers and their meaning..... And they jokingly offered to gift food bouqet.
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(Y'all, admit you envy Subatomic right now)
Subatomic could refused, but..... Do you really think that he would refuse such a bouquet? Even if an enemy gave him this one, he wouldn't have the heart to throw it away.
Remember, I said that the main reason for dislike is that Apollinare wreaked havoc in the night sky? Forget AND BEHOLD: TRUE REASON TO DISLIKE APOLLO
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Even if Apollinare takes off his shoes and the DJ stays in his and does not take off his hood, the conductor will remain taller.(But I'm a lazy ass and forgot to redraw Pollo, he's head so tiny there😭😭😭)
(I swear, he is higher)
As a result, Apollinare unknowingly stole everything from him: His space(thankfully not personal), his height, his bitches.
NEVERTHELESS, Apollinare never cease to admire the DJ's music and theme, and although he still cannot get to any of his live concerts (Work does not spare poor Pollo ;-;), he enjoys watching streams recorded by other people.
Ratio isn't related to Apollinare, however, he also admires her, although her theme includes not only space(but mainly). She has a cute, cartoonish, soulful vibes, like in "Bee and Puppycat." (She even speaks like PC when she is wearing a helmet)
In the mentioned art, Sayu was drawn as a cute detail, Ratio herself is not close to any EDM megastars(she afraid of them all), nevertheless, these two like to chatting online sometimes (this is the one and only method of communication that does not make Ratio panic)
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Ratio also chatting a bit with Eloni, Eve(suprisingly huh???) and Tatiana (Ratio chatting with Tati more about business things or asking for help//advice)
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Ref Sheets Masterpost (or something like that idk)
This post compiles all of the ref sheets i've done, categorized between Rhymix, Epidemic Stellaria, and Reality Haxxors, plus a misc section for ref sheets that don't fit in either category, for the sake of easier accessibility, in case anyone needs them.
The ref sheets have their own tag too, yes, but I'd rather link them all in this post to make things easier. This post might be incomplete because I didn't include the old ref sheets of characters I'm going to redesign. So yeah. More ref sheets will be added over time~
All will be under the cut! :)
1. Rhymix:
- Glory Road, Lumine, and Ray redesigns + Lorn
- Stasis
- Aremia
- Lucas
- Lady
- Tempestissimo's second design
- Compiled ref sheets 1-10
- Compiled ref sheets 11-20
- Compiled ref sheets 21-30
- Compiled ref sheets 31-40
- Compiled ref sheets 41-50
- Compiled ref sheets 51-60
- Compiled ref sheets 61-67
- Destonio redesigns
- Upshift
- Alxaid
- Ionostream
- Aleph redesign
- Mantis redesign
- Astra Walkthrough
- World Fragments III
- Chronicle
- Ars Cantate redesign
- Pandora Paradox
- Aegleseeker's second design
- Trojan redesign
- Hikaru redesign
- ultradiaxon-N3 redesign
- Felys revision
- Hivemind and Hivemind Interlinked
- Chronomia
- Perfect
- Fate "redesigns" (not really redesigns but you get it right)
- Destr0yer
- Credits
- Colorless
- Lea
- Pamolia second design redesign
- Crave Wave
- Tsunagite redesign
- Terabyte redesign
- Mope Mope
- Mayoeru ref sheet revision (I only changed the name written on the drawing)
- Trap Crow
- Aria (Aremia redesign + rename)
- Pandora Paradox redesign
- Particle Arts
- Inverted World
- Suito
- Ling Hao Cheliang (or just Ling)
- Ether Strike (redesign) and Ether Second
- Primeval Texture (In the past...)
- Nhelv
- Random
- D3D3D3 redesign
- Colorless (redesign? second design? i also dfk)
- Cybernetic Vampire (redesign)
- Testify (redesign)
- World Vanquisher
- Amazing Mighty (redesign? second design? i don't care right now, i'm gonna commit arson /nsrs)
- Miaya (second design)
- Upshift (redesign)
- Momento (redesign)
- Eternity (redesign)
- Aleph-0 (second design)
- Destonio (second design revision + third design) (first design where? into oblivion for now)
- Convergence
- Defection
- Primeval Texture (fourth design redesign)
- Infinite Strife
- Frey
- Horizon Blue and Bloody Marquis
- The 90's Decision
- Pure
- solips (my keyboard STILL won't let me put in the right o. smh)
- Vulcanus
2. Epidemic Stellaria:
- Particle Arts (redesign)
- Satomi Miura
3. Reality Haxxors:
- Compiled Arthesia Vignetta and Tyler Morrison ref sheets
- Arthesia Vignetta (redesign? second design? i'm gonna snap you out of reality)
- Alex Vignetta
- Arisa
- Arthesia Vignetta (third design)
- The Minase twins
3. Miscellaneous:
- Arthesia Vignetta (Persona ver.)
- A bunch of LobCorp people
- Aster (LobCorp)
- Raspberry (old oc redesign)
- A.rcaea and R.otaeno gijinka designs or whatever idk i fucking hate myself for this
- Arthesia (LobCorp ver.)
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bellmo15-blog · 2 years
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If at this point you think dress up and cosplay is exclusive to just the human version of Mikaela, well your wrong! Here's Naga Mikaela dressed up as the cute digital mermaid girl from No Straight Roads! A Naga cosplaying as a mermaid. Fitting ain't it?
Original description: Let me tell you a little something about a certain game that not only came out last year but I actually played when it came out. Yeah, I know. Me actually playing a game the same year it’s released! I’m just ask shocked as you all are. It was, of course, No Straight Roads and it instantly became one of my favourite games I played in 2020. And keep in mind, I’m basing that list of games I first played in 2020, not games that exclusively came out during 2020. I still played a lot of games that came out in 2020 but only really four of them managed to make it on my list of top 10 favourite games I played that year, one of them should be really obvious to anyone who knows anything about me. Shantae and the Seven Sirens, Spider-Man Miles Morales, Animal Crossing New Horizons which was my favourite and this game.
There’s a lot of things about No Straight Roads that made it a favourite of mine from the gameplay to the style of everything, the amazing music and of course the characters. One of my favourites being the second boss you face in this game, Sayu. She is a virtual mermaid idol who in universe was created by accident among a group of high school students but eventually became her own thing, the kids who created her getting a partnership with NSR Records and just like that Sayu became a pop culture icon and is quite popular with a younger audience. She’s pretty much Hatsune Miku if she was a mermaid and even her boss fight is set in a computer-generated world and how her movements and voice is actually being done by the group of kids who created her. And well, there is actually a reason I wanted to commission something involving her recently. Because it’s #Mermay! You know, that time of year where most artists do something relating to the second best monster girl species? (First best is still Naga’s and Lamias.) In this case it’s a pic I commissioned gameboyred f Naga Mikaela doing her own little cosplay of the cute little virtual mermaid. There were actually two ways I could of had this done for me. The first was just having human Mikaela dress up in Sayu’s top with custom designed jeans modelled after Sayu’s mermaid tail. However I decided to go Naga Mikaela because well, I just thought it would be more interesting to see a Naga try to cosplay a Mermaid. Plus, she already has a lower half being her tail. Now some of you may question how Naga Mikaela even knows anything about Sayu or No Straight Roads enough to dress up as her when she lives in a secluded village away from humans who might be scared of the mere sight of a creature with the lower half of a snake. Well, despite the circumstances I can’t really say Mikaela’s people would be cut of from technology entirely. In fact, let’s use this chance to create some lore for this AU of Mikaela! To compromise for the fact that humans would be scared of Naga’s Mikaela would send a human from her harem into a human town with some money to buy some games for her and that’s how she ended up with No Straight Roads and this cosplay. Hey, I never said Naga Mikaela was SO drastically different from Human Mikaela. I mean she was that would just defeat the purpose of it being an AU. Don’t worry about if she starts singing like Sayu either. It’s only her eyes that are hypnotic, not her voice. Either way, hope you all like this pic. Artist is gameboyred: https://www.deviantart.com/gameboyred
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nsrthenaturafamily · 3 years
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Some parent squad doodles and a little Galileo! (Last three were drawn by my bestie Angelzillah on Twitter
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Me explaining how The Parent Squad/ HorizonShipping is canon.
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rhythmickorbit · 3 years
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i just really like them ok.
ill draw smth cleaner for them one day but for the time being have this cute sketch I did on a whim 💙💚❤️
damn neon who let u have TWO giant partners
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8sharkie-bites8 · 4 years
Here's some outfits I made in New Horizons
For all you people who love NSR like I do
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More to come~
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Do people have their own headcanons for what NSR music sounds like outside of the game's music since I'm pretty sure their music would be pretty different (but same vibe) since we hear more game music instead of industry standard music.
Like Sayu's, and maybe Yinu's, feel like the only music that represents what we would hear in the NSR Universe. Like I can see DJSS and 1010 and the rest having other music.
Especially 1010 since I feel like they would sing during their music. Something like Simon Curtis is what I associate them with. Also with Ex-Jay I see them as a combination of Pierce the Veil, Bring Me the Horizon, Black Veil Brides, and Bullet for My Valentine.
Even the Gooling's I think their later songs would sound like Eve Under Fire, though I don't know what their earlier songs would sound like. I just know by the end of the Gooling's lifespan that Kul Fyra took over more as lead singer since she was more confident with her voice, but that soured her relationship with Elivy who was the main singer beforehand.
Anyway, just thinking. I love finding music and thinking about who would possibly play that music or vibe of music. Even something like Citizen Soldier I can see Purl making or DK West making music similar to NF (or Neffex if he is making music with Purl).
If Purl, West, and Cyril make music together it would sound like From Ashes to New. Neon J's personal music is all over the place ranging from things similar to Ethan Jewell to Zero_One (TheLivingTombstone album thingy).
Okay yeah, that's all I have to really say on this. I am still trying to find some good music that sounds like something Eve, Sayu, and DJSS would end up making.
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Yinu: Hey DJ, can I have some candy?
DJ Supernova: What did your mother say?
Yinu: She said no.
DJ Supernova: Then why are you asking me?
Yinu: Because she’s not the boss of you.
DJ Supernova, internally: It’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap.
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nsr-simp · 4 years
So, a whole thing went down in a NSR server and now there's a ot3 called Horizon (DJSS/Neon J/Mother). Needless to say, it is the most cutest and sitcom-energy ship I have ever witnessed in my life
THATS SO ADORABLE!! :00000!!!!
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ask-the-snatcher · 4 years
I'm sharing my happiness with these!
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I can't wait to get it once it's Christmas! For now it's on my grandpa's hands!
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gamebunny-advance · 4 years
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Grab Bag Sketches
1) Sewer Gang. I just don’t like how it’s coming out, so I’m abandoning it.
2) Alternate sketch for “Child” because I like this expression a lot more than what I ended up with. I dunno how I even got to the final one because the face doesn’t match the dialogue at all XP.
3) Some Kerinting doodles. Trying to decide how to style his hair.
4-5) Champions of the Moon and Sea. 
6) Moonside villagers. Island rep Syrup and local scavanging-droid Jelly. Just not a good sketch
7-8) Scrapped GAB icons. I’m posting them with the fanart because I don’t want to post ‘em by themselves. I like them, but I’m very particular about my icons. If I can’t tell it’s a bunny when it’s resized to 100x100px, then it just doesn’t work for me.
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some acnh cosplay shenanigans
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nsrthenaturafamily · 3 years
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Happy Pride from The Parent Squad!!! They love you all and think you’re all valid!
Yinu’s Mom is Bi as Hell!
Neon J is Pan!
DJSS is Demi and non binary uses He\They pronouns!
They’re in a polyamorous relationship!
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