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achanartist · 1 year ago
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Today will be held a Moep(pi) , (Na)cchan , and (Chu)nrun Stream🥜🥜
And also it's a cat day in Japan, Looking forward to the stream tonight👏🔖🍞
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 year ago
i walk so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sos os sosos os sos os so sos so much 2 the point its literally all i fucking do but bc i bingeeat so much all my efforts amount 2 nothing n i get fatter anyway n its like whats the fucking point of it all. ive ruined my life. ill never b ok again. ill never b pretty oagain or normal or b able 2 fucking hav a normal nice day all i kno is round and round n round n round n round n roudn nrun norhnd nroudn n round n round n round n round n round n roundn iround nround nround nro unfd n roudn n roudnsn roudn ntothng changes i just get worse ive failed ive failed ive fial
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notreallyuseless · 6 years ago
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Is this working?
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seasinkarnadine · 5 years ago
Hey, I don't know if u know or you gave this person permission but someone in AO3 published your fic as theirs but in Spanish. I have a screenshot of this person sharing the story as theirs in a she-ra Facebook group.
Oh phew finally someone else has taken over, tap them for me and ask how the story ends will you?
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this-sapphic-paradise · 7 years ago
An uncle of mine voted for Trump and he is Mexican .-. I was like...dude...da fuk. And now he is regretting about doing it.
really, the only people who won’t regret voting for trump are the ones in the top 1%.
All the minorities and all the white poor people (even middle-class people) who voted for him will regret doing so....one way or another ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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underfell-crystal · 4 years ago
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horacioefren · 4 years ago
#whale #hunting #oceanlife #oceanlovers #nature #wildlife #amazingnature #pictureoftheday #photooftheday #photography https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ4jTy-nRUn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dixiecotton · 5 years ago
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Wanted Wednesday #Robertpattinson #love #twilight #tenet #batman https://www.instagram.com/p/CBi9oU-nRUN/?igshid=o7nphlmllw7m
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zoktaikhor-blog · 6 years ago
👃- Boop my muse on the nose [with Sel - drive-by boop XD]
“Wha.....” Stares after the Mi’qote running off. “Who i nthe sevne hells was that?!” He touches his nose to checks it the nruns after her. “GET BACK HERE!”
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septnautical · 7 years ago
Fluff idea: When they were younger, they played a game in which they had to find a rock with the same color as their tail/feature and at one point (when they all meet to show off their shiny rocks) one of them brings back an egg instead.
((Not really sure this what you had in mind Nrun but I got inspired. Also guys I’m gonna let you choose the name! If anyone dares suggest Nemo I will be beyond disappointed in you!))
“Ready! Set! Go!” Jack yelled.
All the brothers darted off in different directions to sift through debri and the caves looking for one specific object. Chase found his in a cave, one that he had never seen before.
“Cool!” He yelled and took back off towards the clearing.
His brothers were waiting for him with their prizes. A pile of shiny and colorful stones. Everyone marveled at the pile before Chase remembered his.
“Here’s my rock.” Chase said presenting it. Everyone looked at the pretty red colors of the rock besides Schneep. He stared at in in horror.
“Chase, where did you find that?” Schneep asked.
Chase shrugged, “In a cave why?”
“That’s not a rock, that’s an egg.”
Everyone began freaking out wondering what to do.
“We’ll have to raise it!”
“The parent is gonna kill us!”
Jack watched his brothers panic before picking the egg back up and swimming away to put it back.
Chase wandered out of the memory from his younger days with a small smile. “Wow we were tiny,” He commented to himself.
Lately, with little to do, Chase found himself caught up in memories of the past. He didn’t see any of his brothers besides Jamie every few days although he liked to think that the Reaper roar he sometimes could hear was Jackie.
The days were starting to blur together for Chase as he eked out a living. With his brothers there was always someone to play with with or help. Now there was just loneliness.
Chase curled up into a tighter ball in his nest. Some days getting up when there was nothing to do besides the same monotonous chores just didn’t happen. Chase would just lay there for hours dozing until hunger forced him out of his nest. Today was one of those days.
A Stalker scream near Chase’s cave had him bolting up. They didn’t usually come this far into the shallows but things had been changing since Chase and his brothers split.
Chase could hear the unique sound his kind could make warning the stalker away from something before it abruptly cut out. He strained to hear anything else before cautiously leaving his cave. The body of a Rabbit Ray was mere yards from his cave floating down through the river.
Off in the distance Chase could see the Stalker swimming away with scrap that had been lying near Chase’s cave. “All that for this,” Chase quietly said.
He gathered up the body to dispose off when a glimpse of something in the sand below had Chase pausing.
It was an egg.
Chase let out a, “Oh!” of surprise. When Chase was just a tiny kid he had stumbled upon a Rabbit Ray egg only to be scared away when the parent had started loudly singing and circling him. Chase swam down to the egg, “You were just trying to protect your kid.”
A crack on one side of the egg captured Chase’s attention and he picked up the quickly to inspect it. The baby moved and Chase let out a breath of relief.
“At least you’re still alive little guy,” Chase said. He took care of the parent Rabbit Ray by burying its body in the sand near a cluster of rocks before bringing the egg back to his nest.
He inspected the damage the egg took with a serious gaze, “You probably got hurt when the Stalker grabbed the scrap huh? Maybe your parent put you in the scrap for protection?”
The crack wasn’t big but it did look deep. Chase set the egg down and curled around it. The egg rocked a little and Chase smiled.
“Seems like you’re ready for the world. Don’t worry little guy I’ll make sure you’re safe,” Chase promised, “I should probably start thinking of a name.”
With a yawn Chase curled tighter around the egg and settled in for a nap. Already he was feeling a bit less lonely than before.
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whiskeyeyeproject · 3 years ago
Whiskey Eye
Following on from the introduction, you walk through a door called “Whiskey Eye”. Which is where you inhabit the character and the first song starts. 
I liked the idea of having a theme tune, or an opening credit, which explains what is happening. So, a means to take away the players control and have an audio montage. 
I had recorded the song a couple of weeks earlier, but now was time to have some fun with the timers, and explore what they were capable of. 
I started by finding points in the song, where written text would come in time with the beat. I listen closely for different clicks and gongs. I inputted timers, for these bits of text, which felt really satisfying to watch. I thought another cool idea would be for the written to come out like a typewriter. 
And low and behold, Twine has a macro for it. Which is simply <<type>> and <</type>>
Here’s an example with the timers:
<<timed 2s>><<type 65ms>>\After spending years in the outback. Whiskey Eye comes to Sanctum for one last score.\<</type>><</timed>>
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Another idea, was for the page to clear and automatically go to the next slide. To do that, was basically just to use another timer. And specify for the slide to go to the next specified slide after a certain amount of seconds. 
In this case it was 52 seconds.  
The next slide was very tricky. There is an audio narration imbedded within the track. And the writing HAD to be in time with the narration, but not only that, the type writer speed had to match the recording. 
It wasn’t as simple as saying, the narration of the track comes at let’s say 80 seconds. So I will write a timer to activate the typewriter at 80 seconds. 
The song had already started on the original slide, and 52 seconds had already gone by. Which meant, 52 = 0. Or the point of the song 80 - 52, is the correct point. And with all the different dialogue queues, got very confusing very quickly. Especially with the typewriter speed added into the mix. 
<<timed 34s>><<goto [[next2]]>><</timed>> <<timed 2s>><<type 65ms>>\After spending years in the outback. Whiskey Eye comes to Sanctum for one last score.\<</type>><</timed>> <<timed 8s>><<type 70ms>>\ The bank of Sanctum\<</type>><</timed>><<timed 11s>><<type 65ms>>\ The town, quite small in size, but hides one large secret hidden deep within it's vault.\<</type>><</timed>><<timed 19s>><<type 50ms>>\ With his gang of thieves, Major John West has taken control of the town. But is ignorant of the secrets that lie beneath the vault. \<</type>> <</timed>><<timed 26s>><<type 60ms>>\ It is your job to uncover the mysteries and see what lies beneath. \<</type>><</timed>><<timed 31s>><<type 70ms>>\ Because you are...Whiskey Eye\<</type>><</timed>>
After having finished that, for the chorus of the song, I found a cool online Macro which added subliminal messaging to the text. 
I found the code here: 
Following the same principle as before, I did the same thing for the chorus slides. I added timers, for each musical line, but also subliminal messaging. I liked the idea of adding subliminal messaging, because I want to start reinforcing that Cort is bad. Every decision that Cort says you should do will result in death. Or something bad happening. This will remain hidden to the player until the end. 
Whiskey Eye = Cortis Bad
Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh = Runr Unru Nrun and also Kill Kill Kill 
None the less = Kill the Girl and Dont trust cort
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After the chorus, I let the volume fade down to 20%.
<<audio "titlet" fadeto 0.20>> <<timed 2s>> <<audio "whatonearth"  play>> <</timed>> <<timed 6s>>
[[I have no Idea]] [[I guess so?]] <</timed>>
Following is another conversation with Cort, establishing more of the plot, and an argument can ensue about whether to skip the track or not. 
The argument ends when the music is cut out with a gunshot. Which takes us to the first confrontation.
Here’s the track:
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notreallyuseless · 6 years ago
Who’s left to trust (Part 13) END
Previous [x]
The next days went by in a flash. At first glance, everything had gone back to how they were before the whole ordeal with Anti. The house had been cleaned up and fixed, badly if you asked Chase whose body was full of scratches from all the chair he broke. Jack was still locked up in his room, Henrik kept telling the others not to disturb him as he was still recovering from his coma. Jackie and Henrik went back to leaving the house at ungodly hours once again, one saving the city and the other saving the people. As for Jamie and Marvin, they both went back to their hobbies, destroying the house a little bit more with every magic stunt they could think of even through all the lingering injuries they had. But if you looked deeper, things weren’t as bright as they were.
Three days after Anti had disappeared in thin air and everyone had thought that everything was only a bad dream, that the harsh reality fell on them. They were each in their room, Chase mindlessly scrolling through Jack’s channel to jog his memory on who he was exactly when a blood-curling scream made him drop his phone on the floor. Was Andy back? He jumped on his feet and ran toward the source of the scream, now mixed with sobs. He threw open the door to find Marvin kneeling on the floor, looking intently at his hands. The magician turned slowly his head to look at the newcomer, tears rolling down his cheeks. He dragged himself further from Chase, squeezing his hands against his chest.
“Don’t...don’t get near me! I might hurt you again!”, cried Marvin, still trying to get as far away from Chase as possible.
“It’s OK Marvin, you won’t hurt me... Just take deep breath, whatever it was, it was only a bad dream.”
He could still see Marvin’s hand trembling and fear in his eyes when he took a step closer the magician. He crouched not far from him but also not too close that he could jump to his throat. Trust was a scarce thing recently.
“What did you see?”
“I...I saw Anti again. He... He alone in a room and there was... there was you you. I’m not too sure why you were together. It didn’t seem like you guys were fighting. I tried getting closer but... I was paralyzed.”
Marvin took a shaky breath.
“I couldn’t do anything, Chase. I swear, I tried! I just wanted to reach out and get you out of here but I... just... couldn’t...”
Knowing that there was more to this story than what Marvin had say so far, Chase decided to sit on the floor in front of Marvin and placed a cautious hand on Marvin’s knee.
“What happened Marvin?”
“I’m not sure... You took a step forward and the moment your foot touched the floor, you crumbled to the floor. It was like your soul had left your body, Chase.”
Chase scooted closer to Marvin and removed his hand from Marvin’s knee to his shoulder, side hugging him.
“Like I said, it was only a dream, Marvin. Anti’s control on you, and me, is gone and Henrik is alright now. You don’t have to worry anymore. Try thinking of something else.”
“I’m trying, I promise. I just... I think with all that happened and all the hallucinations I got of you being controlled by Anti is really messing with my head.”
“You see? Your brain took the recent events and mixed them all together to mess with you!”
Chase squeezed Marvin’s shoulder a little when Marvin placed his head on his shoulder. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, never talking, just listening to the other breathing. Everyone was on edge, so it was a blessing to have a moment to relax close to Chase, even if Marvin could feel how tense Chase was. He could only hope that things would get better.
But it was only the beginning.
After that night, half of Chase’s night were spent on the floor of Marvin’s room with a weight on his shoulder and the other half were only a fuzzy memory for him. He could hardly remember what he did each night he woke up in his room. The few times he saw Henrik, he’d ask him about his memory loss, but Henrik would always answer the same thing.
“It’s a side effect of all the time Anti wiped your memory”, he said.
But it only happened at night.
“Your drinking problem doesn’t help. You should stop.”
But he did stop. Since Anti had left, Chase never drank a single drop of alcohol. Moreover, the very mention of tea made him feel sick and whenever he saw a bottle of whiskey he’d start hyperventilating and screaming for help. But he couldn’t bring himself to tell that to Henrik. Maybe he was right, and he was so drunk that he couldn’t even remember drinking it. But it never helped the feeling that was growing inside of him.
He still felt like a stranger in the house, like someone else should be here instead of him. He didn’t belong here. Chase knew he had lost all memory of his past. Nothing the others could do or show him made him remember. It had happened once that Marvin had show him a picture of his ex-wife and kids. But he felt nothing. Not even sadness at seeing a part of his life he lost. He just wanted to break something. These kinds of things meant nothing to him anymore, he wasn’t that person anymore! It only took him a few days to find the box filled with photos of him and his “family”. It only took him 15 minutes to get rid of them all. Jackie had tried to stop the fire, but it had already burned most of them.
The others didn’t know but Chase would sometimes catch them glancing at him with a look in their eyes, like they were tired of trying to help him to no avail. Chase understood, if he was in their situation, he’d have stop caring long ago. They still tried to spend time with him though. There was a kind of sadness behind their eyes, but they still laughed and smiled while being with Chase, like in the past. But sometimes, the truth would appear behind the cracks in their masks.
Jamie seemed to be the one the least affected by the last weeks, but it was only on the surface. He stopped making sounds all together, stopped tapping on the walls wherever he went, stopped walking with shoes indoor. He’d appear in rooms without warning, which didn’t please anyone. He didn’t mean to scare the others, but if he stopped making sound, maybe they would forget about him, about his betrayal. Marvin and Jackie had told Jamie again and again that they weren’t mad at him, since both him and Jackie had made deal with Anti, but he still felt responsible for harming the others. Nonetheless, he was the one who spent the most time with Chase, never stopping to try a hundred different things to jog his memory. He was restless and Chase both loved it and hated it. He acted like nothing had happened which made Chase feel like things would go back to normal. But one time, Jamie came into his room. He had knocked on the door, which meant that something was bothering him. Chase looked up from his phone and gestured for him to get closer. They both sat next to each other on the bed for a while, none of them making the first move. Finally, Chase had enough of the silence. He needed some answers.
“How...How did you guys get rid of Anti’s corruption?”
Chase’s knowledge on sign language had disappeared with his memory so the only way the two of them could communicate was by writing. Jamie had started walking around with a small notepad in case he had something to say. By what the others had told him, Jamie’s handwriting was normally neater but the fact he had a broken arm for a long time without treatment made his arm more sensible. So, Chase tried to communicate with him not often so that his arm could heal better.
“Henrik used the entirety of an antidote he spent months working on. He’s still angry at himself for not making more, well, that’s what Jackie told me.”
Chase nodded at Jackie, a ghost of a smile on his face before he went back to look at his hands. It didn’t make sense. The whole bottle on him? But he remembered the bottle rolling next to him when he woke up. It couldn’t be this one...right? He swore he saw it full. He was lost in a spiral of thoughts and doubts until Jamie placed a folded piece of paper in his hand before leaving. It took Chase a few minutes after Jamie had left the room to unfold the paper and read the messy handwriting of Jamie.
“I think Jack has never been in the upstairs room.”
He tore apart the message before letting it slip between his fingers. He never felt compelled to tell the others about his discovery. He didn’t feel the need to, they would find out one way or another.
As for the others, Jackie still tried to be the hero, the one who would help everyone at any moment. But Chase had caught him one time doing circle in his room which had turned from a bedroom to a hideout. The walls were filled with newspaper cut-out, pictures of people and maps of the nearby cities. There was even yarn from various color connecting one thing to another from wall to wall. Even if it was dark in there, Chase was able to decipher a few of the newspaper title and photos. They were almost all about crimes or suspicious thing. And on most of them, written with a big red marker was Anti’s name. Over and over. So, it wasn’t hard for Chase to realize that the reason Jackie was nearly never home was because of his search for Anti.
The same went for Henrik. He became a ghost, almost never talking or looking at the others. They could only catch glances of Henrik since he spent half his time in Jack’s room and the other half out of the house. They understood, he was trying to help as much as he could, and he had to make a new cure for Anti’s corruption since he used all of it on Chase, they said.
But even with knowing about how they all felt right now, Chase didn’t feel anything. He just felt numb, like a piece of himself had disappear after Anti. Nothing his friends could do or say made him feel human. He felt like an empty shell, being dragged left and right to act a certain way. He started being good at pretending emotions. Joy when Jamie played board game with him. Somewhat anger when Marvin would break something. Sadness when Henrik would talk about all the sick kids at the hospital. Shock when Jackie would say all the crazy stuff going around in town. But the thing was that it wasn’t like Chase to feel nothing. He was known as the caring type! The father! The silly happy guy... He could feel nothing but frustration in those moments. He was a shadow of who he used to be. He stopped watching the videos about himself. It only made him feel worst looking at that man and knowing that he could never truly be the person the others wanted.
Finally, one night, Chase have had enough. He had stay indoor for way too long and he felt restless. He had to do something, go out, leave this place for a few hours to clear out his head. He needed some distance from the others. He needed to see faces different from his. It was his lucky night though. Jackie had left an hour ago, an emergency happening in a nearby city and Henrik was, like usual, missing from the house. As for Marvin and Jamie, they were both curled up on the couch, half-asleep, half watching the romcom playing on the TV. It didn’t take a good reason for leaving with the two men, way too dazed and sleepy to stop him. He shrugged on a jacket and left the house without a second glance. The moment he stepped foot outside, the cold breeze blew into his face and he sighed. There was nothing better than this to feel refreshed and relaxed. The streets were practically empty at this hour, Chase didn’t mind. He thought he needed to see other faces, but he realized he just needed some truly alone time.
He walked for a good hour, passing a few people here and there but the streets stayed silent. He had to stop at one point to tie up his shoelaces when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He turned to look at his reflection in the windows of the closed electronic shop. He saw nothing out of the ordinary, but he felt a weight settle in his stomach. He squeezed the left side of his head, a headache slowly making him see spots in his vision. He decided that maybe it was time for him to go back home and call it a night. His walk did help him a lot, clearing up his head and taking deep breaths to relax. He started his way back home, his headache losing intensity but still irritating. Those things weren’t new to him, but it still bothered him a lot. Henrik had given him some pills to take to help with that, but it always slipped his mind to take these.
About twenty minutes later, Chase still hadn’t got home. He didn’t know how, but he was pretty sure he got lost on his way out. He didn’t feel lost, but he had no clue where he was heading now. It was like his feet had a mind on their own. He wouldn’t have minded if it wasn’t for how much his head was hurting him right now. A few minutes later, he finally stopped in front of an apartment building. It looked normal but Chase felt like something big was hiding in there. The thing was, he didn’t know what. He felt torn inside. He wanted to go back home, curl up next to Marvin and Jamie and sleep the night away but at the same time, he wanted to go inside the building and maybe find the answers or even, dare he say, get some of his memories back? Curiosity got the better of him and before he even realized, he was already going up the stairs, his feet echoing around him. One second, he was putting his feet on a step and the second after he was standing in front of a door. He didn’t waste any second wondering how it happened before he placed his hand carefully on the door handle. When he twisted it, he heard familiar voices behind the door. It only pushed him to open the door faster.
When Chase stepped into the apartment, the voices stopped talking. He took some tentative steps forward, looking left and right in case someone would jump at his throat. He was trespassing. His search for the voices came short when he entered the living room. Anti was sitting on the table, his legs dangling off the side of it, facing toward Chase. He smiled at him which Chase didn’t even acknowledge. He was more interested on the man sitting in one of the chairs, facing the other way. But he didn’t need to see his face to know who he was. He took another step and the other man looked at him, raising his cup of coffee toward Chase. What were Henrik and Anti doing here, together? Why were they here? It didn’t make sense. It didn’t add up. Jackie’s clues all led to Anti being in another town. Henrik was supposed to take care of people at the hospital. Did Henrik lie to them to see Anti? Did Henrik always lie to them?  In a useless attempt at stopping his throbbing headache, Chase doubled over in pain, squeezing his ears between his hands. He just wanted this to stop.
But it didn’t. He heard a chair screeching near him, way too close to his ears for comfort. He could hear Henrik and Anti talking about a way for him to stop hurting. Soon enough, voices started saying stuff in his head, voices resembling a lot like Marvin’s or Jackie’s. He could feel the headache coming back in force, the voices growing louder and louder. Why wasn’t the pain going away? A few tears rolled down his cheeks, he couldn’t deal with this pain anymore. After Chase had come to term with the fact he was dying on the floor of Anti’s apartment, his headache disappeared, and those annoying voices were drowned out by static. The static he remembered hearing when he woke up, surrounded by the others. The static he so much missed. He didn’t feel pain when he was hearing the static. He could faintly hear Henrik and Anti talking in the distance again, but he didn’t mind their voices. They weren’t loud. They weren’t painful.
Maybe if he stayed here, he’d no longer feel pain.
He stood up slowly, looking at Henrik and Anti in front of him, both smiling at him.
He sighed in relief.
Maybe if he stayed here, he’d finally feel at home.
There it is guys, the end you (might have) waited for. I know i keep saying this but i’m truly sorry for the long wait between the last few parts.  I’m very happy to be done with this! I really liked writing this but I got stuck at one point in writing (i don’t know if you guys realized)  With this fic done, I can focus 100% on my next work! It’s going to be a big thing for me, so it might take a while before you guys hear about it. The last few parts made me feel sad when i posted them. Like yeah, they don’t have as much notes as the first one and I get it: people forgot the story or didn’t feel like reading all of it again (reminder, this thing is 28000 words long) But i came to term with it. Like yeah, notes are fun, but the thing I made and wrote for this fic changed me? Obviously, i’m not the best at writing in english, but i still think it’s understandable? It still made me more confident in my english! It also made me realize that with a little effort, I could finish a story I begin. So I don’t care about notes. I care about the small victories I won with this fic.
I hope you guys liked it and i’ll forever be grateful for everyone of you who took time to read my fic.
Thank you.
See you in another story
Tag List: @enakane, @rand0m-stufff, @chase-brody-protection-squad, @huffle-dork, @cryptvokeeper, @dragonfliesarecool, @thisrandomperson102, @1esor2, @egopocalypse, @narutofoxlover, @vity-dream, @spicydanhowell, @way-ward-soul, @brooklynthebooklover
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huffle-dork · 7 years ago
You don't have to apologize for ANYTHING! I'm ready to fight people if i have to. I'm a fearsome kitten. Take care of you now!
Thank you nrun 💚 i just feel like I need to apologize when I bombard with my feelings cuz they tend to explode all over the place |D
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travelmalta · 5 years ago
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Back in the days when we could travel. Impressive tower in Croydon, UK (at Croydon, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CACSRz-nrUn/?igshid=ihetodm3f1l2
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michellewolff11 · 5 years ago
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Oh how I love natural lens flares and backlit #trees #cohuttanationalforest #forestreiki #bringthetreesinside #energyhealing (at Cohutta Wildlife Management Area) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ZlPF-nRUn/?igshid=10e1pk8b12irc
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qivision · 6 years ago
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#大迫傑 nrunning#marathon https://www.instagram.com/p/B1oVgdxHLly/?igshid=weery1c4vsiz
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