#nozomi onda
zackadadeonda · 1 year
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I liked Sayounara Watashi No Cramer a lot ♥
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keiichirooshima · 1 year
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yukippe · 1 year
if sayonara watashi no cramer had had a good anime adaptation u genuinely think it would've been over for all the lesbians on this site. like apparently insane gay girls who play soccer is a big draw so um they r 14 and they don't need the wilderness to carry chains on them
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Sayonara Football
Story by Naoshi Arakawa
Manga Volume 1
Sports, Middle School Setting, Coming of Age
Story   ★★★☆☆   ||   ★★★☆☆   Art
14-year-old Nozomi Onda has only one thing on her mind: playing beautiful football. There's just one problem: no matter how much she longs to participate in official matches, she'd have physically superior boys as opponents. But when a boy from her past confronts her on the street, she decides she can't wait any longer.
Nozomi is a great footballer who has always been the best player on the field, no one plays harder, or practices longer. Now that everyone is growing up, she finds that the boys she used to dominate are getting better, stronger, and taller... Nozomi is finding it a hard truth to swallow, and after an old friend challenges her she is determined to prove that she is still the best before time runs out and she is no longer able to compete against the boys physically. 
Nozomi is bold, stubborn, and passionate. It is a hard reality that she is facing and she is fighting it every step of the way. Her coach, her teammates, her bestfriend are all there trying to help her, but she really doesn’t want to listen, her pride is on the line and she hates to lose or admit defeat. 
I really love sports manga, but all the best ones feature boys or boy teams, so when I saw this one I was really hoping for a good series featuring girls, then I found out this was only 2 issues, lol.  It is a quick read and mostly about a girl who can’t compete with the boys anymore as they are all growing up and the physical differences make it harder for the girl (who remains a shorty) to keep up. I guess It was realistic (I remember when all of a sudden my little brother was taller and bigger than me, it was disconcerting and a little sad), and while I appreciate it, I did want more... 
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Then I found out that the story continues in a new series called Farewell, My Dear Cramer that follows Nozomi and her best friend Sawa join a girl’s football team where the girls are just like her - good, competitive, and hate to lose! I am enjoying the series so far (about 6 volumes in) and all the new characters, more on that later. 
Not sure If you need to read this short 2-parter as a lead in to the regular series though. Other than learning more about Nozomi and her friends you don’t really need it to enjoy the new story. This story also gave some focus on her brother and guy friends too, which so far are barely seen in the new series, and since I know they exist, I kinda miss having some off-field moments with them, and keep expecting them to hang out a little. Everything in the new series (so far) is centered around the girls team, the girls and their rivals.  I don’t mind, but it does feel weird to have them around but no longer a part of the story in any meaningful way, as they were in this story. Read if you want more, but okay to skip if you just want to read about a group of sporty footballer girls.
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Kerja Keras Setahun Terbayarkan, Siswa Sakura Raih Beasiswa Kuliah di Jepang
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BADUNG - Ni Ketut Esta Putri Maharani (18) mengukir prestasi gemilang. Siswa kelas XII IPS 6 SMA Negeri 1 Kuta Utara yang saat ini menunggu Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar (STTB) itu meraih beasiswa kuliah di Negeri Sakura Jepang. Beasiswa bernama Nozomi Scholarships dari Fukujuen Group dan Tahara Global College of Welfare, Prefektur Aichi, Jepang diraih Esta berkat nilai sempurna saat mengikuti Japanese Language NAT-TEST pada April 2023. Dari 180 soal, Esta salah 5 sehingga membukukan nilai 168/180 alias A. Meski sudah mengantongi tiket kuliah keperawatan di Jepang, pelajar kelahiran 2 Maret 2005 ini mengaku masih harus mengikuti dua rangkaian tes, yakni N4 pada Juni 2023 dan N3 pada Desember 2023. “Karena seluruh mata kuliah akan disampaikan dalam bahasa Jepang, maka sebelum berangkat ke Negeri Matahari Terbit sekitar bulan Maret 2024 saya dibekali kemampuan berbahasa di Bali Japan International College (Bali Japanic) hingga mengantongi sertifikat N3,” ucap bungsu 4 bersaudara itu. Bali Japanic yang berlokasi di Jalan Prof. IB Mantra No. 888X, Kesiman, Kertalangu, Denpasar Timur merupakan business partner dari Fukujuen Group dan Tahara Global College of Welfare yang membukakan jalan bagi Esta untuk meraih mimpi mengenyam pendidikan tinggi di Jepang. Perjuangan Esta tidaklah mudah. Ia mengaku mengasah kemampuan bahasa Jepang di Bali Japanic sejak 20 Juni 2022. Senin sampai Jumat sepulang sekolah pukul 16.00 Esta harus mengikuti pelatihan bahasa Jepang mulai pukul 18.30-21.20. Ketekunan dan kerja kerasnya berbuah manis. Selamat Esta! Founder sekaligus Direktur Bali Japan International College, Made Sukadana Antara menjelaskan Fukujuen Group dan Tahara Global Welfare of College di Aichi bersedia mensponsori dan memberikan beasiswa karena Jepang sedang membutuhkan banyak Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) terampil, khususnya di bidang keperawatan (caregiver). “Mereka menginginkan SDM Bali yang terkenal ramah dan memahami hospitality. Saya pikir ini kesempatan luar biasa. Di masa depan belum tentu kesempatan ini datang lagi. Kapan lagi bisa kuliah di negara maju dengan program beasiswa? Istimewanya lagi, langsung dapat kontrak kerja di sana setelah kuliah. Bahkan biaya tiket, apartemen semua juga difasilitasi,” ungkap lulusan terbaik Program Studi Sastra Jepang, Fakultas Sastra Universitas Udayana (kini Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud, red) itu. Mengenyam pendidikan di Tahara Global College of Welfare, Prefektur Aichi, Jepang, Sukadana Antara merinci Esta, dkk. dipersiapkan menjadi tenaga kerja terampil, khususnya di bidang keperawatan (caregiver). Setelah menempuh pendidikan di Tahara Global College of Welfare, Prefektur Aichi, Jepang, mereka akan langsung diikat kontrak kerja sebagai tenaga terampil dengan durasi 5 tahun. Bebernya untuk bekerja ke Jepang dengan program normal diperlukan biaya puluhan juta rupiah. Sedangkan untuk program kuliah ke Jepang perlu biaya hingga ratusan juta rupiah. “Jelas hal ini sangat berat bagi masyarakat kebanyakan. Saya sendiri sebagai masyarakat Bali sangat berterima kasih kepada Fukujuen Group dan Tahara Global Welfare of College di Aichi Jepang yang bersedia mensponsori dan memberikan beasiswa ini. “Biaya tiket, apartemen semua juga difasilitasi,” ungkap sosok yang pada 2016 menjadi penerjemah dan pendamping Profesor Onda dari Keio University Jepang saat meneliti organisasi subak dan kehidupan nelayan di Bali. Sementara itu, Mariko Usami, perwakilan Fukujuen Group menegaskan, Fukujuen Group memiliki reputasi yang luar biasa. Nozomi Scholarships bukan hanya sebuah program bergengsi, namun juga merupakan sebuah program yang bisa menjadi pengubah jalan cerita sukses para peraihnya. “Kesempatan ini harus dimanfaatkan oleh adik-adik, putri-putra terbaik Bali,” terangnya sembari mengulas Fukujuen Group adalah company yang bergerak di bidang keperawatan lansia alias caregiver yang memiliki puluhan cabang roujin home. “Untuk mempersiapkan SDM yang kompeten, Fukujuen Group bekerja sama dengan Tahara Global College of Welfare dan Bali Japan International College atau Bali Japanic,” tutupnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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seishue · 3 years
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hinatashoyos · 3 years
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Nozomi Onda in Farewell, My Dear Cramer Episode 1 — “Everyone”
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danisaur-arts · 3 years
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The Warabis 💖
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lesbiannoe · 3 years
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i'm so in love with her...
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gallade-x-treme · 3 years
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change da world
my final message. Goodb ye
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swnc-icons · 3 years
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Nozomi Onda
like if u save
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yukippe · 1 year
hi I just realized um. That the nozomi onda thing was 2 yrs ago. Here's a reference I feel the same I did then
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Sayonara Football
Story by Naoshi Arakawa
Manga Volume 2 [END]
> > Continued in Farewell, My Dear Cramer Series
Sports, Middle School Setting, Coming of Age
Story   ★★★☆☆   ||   ★★★☆☆   Art
14-year-old Nozomi Onda has only one thing on her mind: playing beautiful football. There's just one problem: no matter how much she longs to participate in official matches, she'd have physically superior boys as opponents. But when a boy from her past confronts her on the street, she decides she can't wait any longer.  
Onda cuts her hair, takes her brother’s uniform, and replaces him in the game.  She is determined to play and prove she can still play with the boys, even if it is the last time. This was a pretty good game, you can see how much harder it is for Onda physically, but she doesn’t give up and finds a way to break though using her superior footwork, but ultimately the physicality does defeat her stamina and she is injured (not badly, just enough to have to leave the game).  She proved herself, and how much impact she can have on the game, even if continuing to play with the boys isn’t possible moving forward. I love how the crowd really cheered for her when she had to bow out, because her playing was just that dynamic. 
I also liked the back story friendship with Namek, who used to be a small crybaby of a boy who looked up to Onda and wanted to get better at football to keep up with her, and eventually he continued on because he loved the game too and wanted to show her his progress someday. With a lot of hard work he became the captain and leader of his soccer team. He always wanted Onda’s approval, and so he also goes all out.  I like how they impressed each other and that Onda could acknowledge his growth, as a player, too. Onda, at the end of the day is a footballer, and a good player is a good player.
This was a nice little two parter, and I’m glad the story continues in: Sayonara, Football My Dear Cramer, where Onda takes her coaches challenge to rejuvenate girls football in Japan, and joins a girls soccer team where we meet a lot more girls like Onda - stubborn, competitive, and ready to play hard.
Note: This 2-volume series was adapted into an anime movie, I tracked down a copy and it was such a surprisingly beautifully done movie. It is nicely animated, well adapted script, and wonderful cast - personally it was better animated than the series anime of the regular series which I could feel the lack of budget, especially in comparison to other shonen sports anime. Recommend, worth watching.
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magicalgirlenjoyer · 3 years
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Farewell, my dear cramer, episode 2
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cubistemoji · 3 years
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please watch or read farewell my dear cramer
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ughcarmy · 3 years
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⚝  Sayonara Watashi no carmer layouts
 pls like or reblog if you save or use <3
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