#now…. now if only… o could…. get ingo and elesa and Emmet….
leviathiane · 2 years
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leggerefiore · 10 months
That pokévillan marriage hc was soooo sweet! 😩😩❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Then I laughed imagining them scrambling to find their s/o's ring size, especially if they don't wear jewelry at all. Can I request hcs of how the submas, larry and whoever you want finds out their s/o's ring size? I can only imagine the chaos and hilarity that insues as they try to be discreet 🤣
djajfjd that's me tbh. I can barely stand necklace and bracelets so they'd die trying to find my ring size
characters: Ingo, Emmet, Larry, Nanu
● Somehow, it had completely slipped his mind that he needed to find your ring size out for the piece of jewellery he planned to spend well into four digits on, until after Elesa questioned him. Her deadpan expression made he realised his grievous error. The new situation left him in shambles. How did he get your ring size without you realising it? He wanted his plans to be a surprise. Many thoughts crossed his mind on just how to get there.
● Could he try to guess? He was not too overly familiar with it. Directly asking you was not something that he would dare do. He thinks maybe of getting you a ring as a random gift to see how close it would be to your size, but ends up backing out as he worries about the confusion it might bring. Then, he remembers something from his younger days. His more rural childhood provided an ease strategy for this information.
● Suddenly, he takes you out to a route with wild flowers and ties a flower ring around your finger. He slides it on and off to confirm that it was a proper comparison, and then takes it away under the illusion of wanting to preserve it. (He does, actually, but only after ascertaining the information he needs.) Now, he can only hope you do not get suspicious of anything.
○ It crossed his mind much too late. He was already nearly in the process of buying the ring when he was asked about the ring size. Emmet felt verrry dumb forgetting such an important detail and had to awkwardly explain that he did not know before backing out of the store. He stood in a daze for a few moments. This was going to be a surprise, but he did not have a clue what your ring size was. He texted Elesa about his situation. Her reply made him feel even dumber. An obvious solution to his problem.
○ Well, that was if you had any rings for him to compare. If you did not, he would simply perish. Possible other solutions ran through his head. Would it be so out of character for him to measure your finger? Probably, but he was considered odd by many people, so it could work. Though, you were more aware of the extent of his personality than other people. He feels deeply lost about how to about it.
○ If you have rings, he goes for Elesa's suggestion to get your ring size and leaves you none the wiser. But, if you do not have any, he must unfortunately bear the circumstance of measuring the circumference of your finger. You will probably catch on to why he is doing it, but please don't make it obvious you have. He will get sad. Verrry sad. Let him have this.
🍙 It crosses his mind pretty early. He has been around his boss enough to know a bit about accessory sizing. Though, he will admit he is not sure how to get it. He ponders it quietly while stopped outside the office. His expression scares passers-by as he stands eerily still. Eventually, he does is around Rika, who lends an ear to his issue and sighs. She did not expect him to have a romantic side. Of course, if she does suggest just asking for your measurement, she feels certain he will.
🍙 Her advice to check for other rings remains in his head as he returns home. Obviously, just asking you had crossed his mind. There was no reason to make a show out of proposing, especially at his age, but he felt you would appreciate the surprise. Hassel had become involved at some point and proposed something with the use of flowers that he had heard about from a friend. Larry felt even more uncertain about how to approach it now.
🍙 At some point, he grabs your hand, catching you off-guard. His silent observation of your hand would be distressing if not for his odder ways of showing affection popping up. He considered a rough estimate in his head after he let your hand go. Hopefully, this would be accurate.
🌑 It felt a bit dumb for him to finally just be settling down, but you obviously had been subtly mentioning it to him. Deciding that he had nothing left to lose, he chose to visit Olivia. Of course, with her better knowledge about accessories, she stared at him for a moment when he did not know your ring size. It slipped his mind, despite it being completely obvious. Olivia began giving him some suggestions on how to get your ring size subtly. He nodded and stepped out of the store with a sigh.
🌑 He thought on it for a moment. Finding a ring that you had around his home might be hard, trying something cutesy like tying a flower around your finger was out of character for him. He certainly could not get away with just taking a measurement of your ring finger. Nanu shook his head as he watched a stray Meowth run through the streets of Konikoni. If he just asked you, he knew you would likely catch on, of course… But his mind went back to Olivia. Well, nothing wrong with twisting the truth a little to keep some mystique going on.
🌑 So, he called you. You answered. “Olivia wants your ring size,” Nanu half-lied, “She's making a piece of jewellery for you. I don't know it.” You gasped excitedly and quickly provided the required information. He thanked you and hung up. Walking back in the store, he told Olivia your ring size. You probably might be a little suspicious, but as long as you were not completely aware, the Kahuna supposed.
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ya-bug-boy · 2 years
Warden Ingo with a s/o who straight up tells him what he has forgotten and missed while he was in Hisui and it's not sad or anything like that. It's played out as a casual conversation with the reader.
'speaking of time and portal stuff, there was a rumor going around Paldea and Alola-"
'I guess we won't need that memorial in the subway. whos memorial? yours of course!"
'How am I supposed to explain to our children!- I'm kidding, we don't have children haha'
Ingo's reaction would be processing to huh??? to wtf????
Post- Hisui Warden Ingo x Male Reader
Okay Ingo had been missing for about three months but to him he spent roughly three years in Hisui. You were on the brink of mental collapse before he came back; having spent a lot of time with Emmet and their friends in a combined effort to try and find him.
But the day he actually comes home was shocking, all things considering. He woke up in his bed, realized this wasn't Hisui and went to investigate only to be woken up by your screams since you were laying besides him, mistaking him for an intruder.
What quickly became a frightful experience became sudden cathartic relief as you hugged Ingo tightly, not wanting to ever let go
Time has since passed but Ingo can't help but to note you've been acting a bit...off.
You were helping him catch up with what he's missed but you try do it playfully. Oh his funeral? Guess we can cancel that and instead send everyone a new notice that you're alive!
His job at the Subway Station? It's not his anymore, it's yours!
The children, think of the children, except you don't have any.
Ingo thinks you're at first messing with him, trying to make light of the situation, not fully understanding it.
He wishes he knew why you acted like this but there's little he can do when he's not allowed to leave the hospital, he suffered another injury when he came back and required a minor surgery. You've visited as often as you could.
one day you came back for a quick cup of coffee, a photo album, and his morning breakfast that you made yourself, before leaving to go to work. The photo album has many photos of you and Ingo since the two of you began your relationship and he can't help but to notice a stark difference in your complexion.
The first photos began to tell a tale of your romantic stories with Ingo, you and your bright and sunny smile, both of you with a younger complexion, but now?
He's taken note of your tired eyes, your strands of gray hair, how you act in the morning, you've grown some facial hair. You're unable to cope without caffeine in the morning and come home crashing into the bed at night. You functioned at a higher than average standard and would come back home late to try and investigate his disappearance. Now that he came back, you were most likely getting up earlier to make him his breakfast as well...
He realizes you're trying to make light of the situation so that he wouldn't see how difficult things had been for you the past three months. You've cared for the apartment, Emmet, Elesa, Skyla, his pokemon, and the subway while he's been gone. You did all of that not just for him, but for Emmet's sake too. Had you not been there, what would have happened to him? What would have become of Emmet?
The next morning you see him, it's the weekend. You have your day off work and Ingo is allowed to be released. He waits for you in the lobby and when he sees you, you give him a smile, the sound of your boots clacking against the clean tiled floors.
You weren't expecting your boyfriend to come running at you, with a fierce expression on his face. At first you thought you did something wrong, but Ingo quickly wraps his arms around you and gives you a tight hug that eases into a tender embrace.
"i'm truly sorry dear, for everything you've gone through. Please allow me to ease your burdens for today. Now is there anything you'd like to do?"
"Give me a kiss and I'll think of the rest," you say smiling, with your index finger and thumb holding his chin.
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proudpokemonmama · 1 year
Kelly's Galar Pokémon
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All of Kelly's pokémon in the Galar region.
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Dorothy, the banette (female♀)
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Moves set: Destiny Bond, Shadow Claw, Gunk Shot, Taunt, Psychic, Frustration, Dream Eater, Will-o-wisp, Night Shade, Hypnoses
Ability: Cursed Body, Prankster (Mega evolved)
As the pokédex entry says, Dorothy originated from a plushie, not just any plushie, but the one that was Kelly's favorite since she was a baby;
The plushie had been named “Dorothy” after an educational children's program that Kelly loved and the main character had a baby pokémon called Dorothy;
Kelly when very young was very shy did not have any human friends for a good part of her childhood before meeting the twins Ingo and Emmet and Elesa at the age of seven, so she interacted more with wild pokémon who understood her better than other humans (with the exception of relatives, her mom's pokémon and some neighbors);
She had some insecurities about her empath gifts and ability to understand pokémon as if they spoke human language and scared that other humans would fear her for it;
For always being the shyest and rarely interacting with other children, Kelly became the target of bullying;
Labelled as a weirdo and constant target of a group of bullies;
In one of the “pranks” of the bullies was to steal Kelly's plushie when she was playing alone in the corner when the class went for a walk and watch pokémon while the teacher was busy with the other children;
Kelly even tried to retrieve her toy, but being outnumbered she couldn't get her toy back as one of the bullies accidentally threw it into the river;
The plushie was being carried away by the flow of water and Kelly desperately tried to go after it, but at the time she was not a good swimmer and was unlucky to have gone in deep part;
This resulted in her almost drowning, luckily it was ALMOST as there was a group of wild water type pokémon that lived in the area and she befriended with them and saved her in time before the worst happened;
Being delivered to the teacher's care, she had noticed the commotion and witnessed the moment Kelly tried to retrieve her plushie;
Kelly was saved and safe while the bullies were duly punished, but unfortunately none of them could find her loved plushie;
None of the pokémon she befriended managed to track the plushie down, even though they knew the area and it meant is was already too far away to find it which left Kelly desolate without her stuffed friend who was her greatest comfort from an early age and no toys compared;
Their reunion took place in Galar, as Dorothy, already as Banette, wandered through various places and regions;
During all this time she always felt an emptiness, as if it were nothing and even when she interacted with other pokémon or humans;
She had vague memories of when she was still a plushie, the way her owner loved her until the moment they were forcibly separated;
The only physical memory she had was a hair ornament with a stone that she hid inside her mouth, both the now pokémon and its owner did not know that she was a ridiculously real Banettita;
Dorothy once belonged to a few trainers, but none of them could fill that void so it led to her being abandoned or simply running away;
It was when on a fateful night, someone had entered her territory in an abandoned wind power plant;
That someone in question was Kelly, who was running away from kidnappers who had managed to separate her from her pokémon on the day of her capture and somehow she escaped captivity;
She even had some injuries caused by the kidnappers, not to mention that she was weak from days without food and dehydrated while her anemia was kicking in;
At some point she was cornered and subdued by the kidnappers' pokémon after being hit by a Poison-type move;
They even made fun of Kelly's failed and desperate attempts to fight back;
She silently pleaded for help, whoever or whatever it was that could save her;
To say she was scared wasn't enough to describe the terror she'd felt the last few days and even more so now;
Dorothy could feel her despair, but also an urgent feeling to save that human without quite understanding why this feeling was bubbling up in her;
Even without understanding why she went ahead facing those scoundrels who had no chance against the wrath and will of that pokémon to protect that human;
The kidnappers fled leaving the pokémon that remained on guard before making sure it was safe and hurriedly went to help Kelly who had fainted due to the poison;
When touching Kelly in an attempt to wake her up, it was when somehow memories of the young girl invaded the pokémon that had the revelation that she was its owner at the time the banette was just a plushie;
Determined to save her precious and beloved owner, the banette used psychic-type moves to take Kelly back to town and call for help from anyone who showed up;
Oh, luckily Arceus seemed to take pity on the pokémon and the human as they luckily crossed paths with Raihan, or rather were spotted by the gym leader's flygon that alerted the trainer;
With Raihan's help they took Kelly to the nearest hospital and to receive proper treatment,
Although all the chaos and panic were able to prevent the worst, it would take a few days for her to wake up due to the fragile state she was in;
The pokémon kept watch all the time and refused to leave Kelly's side during the time she was unconscious;
No matter what the doctors, nurses or Kelly's relatives and friends tried, they never managed to make Dorothy leave Kelly's side (not even Leon managed to convince the pokémon);
It took almost two weeks for her to come out of the coma and the first thing, or rather the first living thing that she saw was the banette nestled beside her;
Kelly couldn't help but feel a familiar, warm feeling that she couldn't quite figure out why until she noticed the hair ornament she would never mistake since she was the one who made it for her lost plushie friend years ago;
Hours later, Kelly received a visit from her mother accompanied by Kabu, Marnie and Piers to find the scene of Kelly sleeping calmly with the banette nestled in her arms;
After a while they learned from Kelly about the story of the banette being the plushie that was taken from her in childhood and now as a pokémon it was the one who saved her;
Dorothy is one of Kelly's most powerful pokémon, being in its normal or mega evolved form and being one of the most active pokémon in competitions;
She has as a great friendship with Susana the Mimikyu and both are overprotective of Kelly and are the nightmare duo against anyone who tries to hurt their trainer.
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Nox, the Corviknight (female♀)
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Move set: Body Press, U-turn, Brave Bird, Defog, Roost, Air Slash, Hurricane, Sky Attack, Iron Defense, Revenge.
Ability: Pressure
Nox was a week-old rookidee who fell from the nest and was injured during the fall when she tried to practice flying;
Kelly had moved to the Galar region almost a month ago and she kind of got lost because she wasn't used to how big the region is;
Somehow Kelly ended up in a Wild Area and her rotom phone had run out of battery;
It was then that she came across the little Rookidee trying to fly back to the nest, but with its' injured wing it was impossible;
Without thinking twice she went to help the pokémon that scared tried to fly to escape, but its injuries prevented it of do it;
Calming the pokémon demonstrated that she had no bad intentions so the rookidee let her take care of its wounds;
That said she used some potions, but to be safe she bandaged the injured wing with a handkerchief that she always carries with her as she had no other first aid items;
Little did she know that she was being watched by little Rookidee's parents who had the feeling they had seen her before;
Or at least her presence was quite familiar to them and it was then that they approached, surprising and frightening Kelly;
It was then that she realized that she was still with the rookidee in her arms and thought that those were the parents of the little pokémon would come to think that she was trying to hurt their baby;
She was already starting to pray to Arceus thinking that her life was over just as her career as a pop idol had started to prosper;
But she was so absorbed in saying goodbye to life that she didn't notice how the two Corviknights sensing no malice in Kelly's actions and words, the Corviknight couple not even attacked the young woman;
In fact, the two watched trying to understand this familiar feeling of being in her presence;
Thanks to Arceus they noticed the brooch they would never get wrong where they saw bfore;
It was a brooch that Isabel always wore at the clinic when she still worked as a pokémon therapist and they remembered a toddler at the clinic when they were brought to recover from injuries caused by smugglers;
Soon they understood that human baby was Kelly and with that about the fact of being the child of their savior;
Immediately the two move forward bringing her to nestle between them and while Kelly was confused she noticed something on the neck of one of the Corviknights, it was a necklace with a medallion where there was the emblem of her mother's clinic engraved on it;
Her mother had the habit of creating necklaces with these medallions for wild pokémon to be identified by other health servers for pokémon in case they needed their medical history;
That said, the Corviknight couple helped Kelly back to town and then the idol said goodbye to them and the rookidee;
Almost two years later Kelly was participating in a exhibition Pokémon battle event sponsored by Chairman Rose;
In the middle of the exhibition battle, everyone was surprised when a huge black figure whistling at high speed from the sky hit Kelly squarely;
The impact was so hard that a curtain of dust was lift and as it slowly dissipated they saw a Corviknight cawing happily and under its large body covered in black metallic feathers was Kelly, knocked out by the impact;
And with that scene, panic and chaos set in, apart from that some other ones were hilarious;
As the fact that after failing to negotiate with that pokémon to get off the idol; Milo, Gordie, Leon, Raihan, Piers and Kabu trying to push the pokémon to get off Kelly and let's say it was more stubborn than a mudsdale in a bad mood;
Obviously none of them would use their pokémon, as the plan would backfire and they would run the risk of hitting Kelly;
It was when a staff member brought Kelly's mother to the fild, even though she was retired as therapist she could try to approach that stubborn pokémon and understand why it was behaving like that;
Isabel may not be able to understand Pokémon as if they're talking as human or have empathic powers as her daughter could do it, but her years of experience as a therapist are just as valuable;
She asked everyone to back off as it would only cause stress on the pokémon and didn't give anyone room to protest;
Isabel introduced herself and due to her serene presence, the pokémon did not show hostility, in fact it was curious to see her and see the resemblance to Kelly;
She started praising the Pokemon and its beauty while scratting under the pokémon's beak and earning a squawk;
Isabel then knowing her daughter's kind nature asked if it was a pokémon that Kelly helped at some point in the past;
Then the pokémon got up and off of Kelly giving Milo and Piers the chance to help the pop idol taking her away from the pokémon to bringing her to the infirmary;
The pokémon put one of its paw forward showing a handkerchief tied to its paw and Isabel laughed when she saw her daughter's initials embroidered on the worn fabric;
Idol's mother couldn't help but comment that that pokémon should have been so happy to see its savior that it simply lunged at her and as a result Corviknight flinched in embarrassment at her accurate guess;
Hours later Kelly woke up and was fine, just a few scratches and bruises from the impact when she got tackled to the ground;
When she heard the Corviknight's story Kelly, she couldn't help but laugh, in years as a pokémon trainer she's had amazing or bizarre encounters and situations whether comical or frightening and this was certainly something that would enter her collection of unimaginable situations;
At the end of it all Kelly didn't want to just send Corviknight away as she had been looking for the idol for a long time and decided to add her to the team naming her Nox.
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Angelica, the Yamper (female♀)
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Move set: Tackle, Spark, Headbutt, Leer, Thunderbolt, Roar, Discharge, Play Rough, Dig, Substitute
Ability: Rattled
This cute little bean was a birthday present from Milo after a while they had known each other through one of her visits to the ranch and the Gym Leader had heard very positively about her through Piers;
His first impressions were that she was shy like a Sobble, but eventually warmed up to being bubbly and energetic like a yamper;
Not to mention the times she was relentless and frightening like a dark or dragon type;
Kelly sometimes came to visit the ranch she bought for her grandparents in order to escape the hectic and exhausting life of the city and by incredible coincidence it was being rith next to Milo's farm;
Although she was raised in an urban environment Kelly still manages to keep up with some rural work due to her athletic build;
And once she was visiting her grandparents and helping in the apricorn orchard she spotted a yamper rubbing affectionately itself against Goliath the geodude who, being a ground type, didn't feel the effects of sparks;
That was one of the precious and cute images she had seen in her entire life, but the cuteness of that Pokemon was a plus;
When that Yamper spotted Kelly without hesitation it jumped on top of her licking her while she laughed because she was feeling ticklish from the affectionate attack;
That was until Milo showed up and took his pokémon off the young woman apologizing for the corgi pokémon's behavior;
Kelly said that she was okay with it, because some of her pokémon also do the same pratically all the time so she was used to it;
After a while of being friends Milo was having a hard time thinking of a birthday present for Kelly when he came to mind her interactions with his Yamper;
Obviously Milo didn't give his yamper, but managed to get in touch with a pokémon breeder getting one to give as a gift to Kelly on her birthday after some time after they became friends.
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Eva, the appletun (female♀)
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Move set: Draco Meteor, Apple Acid, Dragon Pulse, Recover, Leech Seed, Body Press, Light Screen, Earthquake, Solar Beam, Substitute
Ability: Thick Flat
Eva is a pokémon that Kelly captured at a party at the ranch with some friends and other relatives along with the pokémon;
That's when Nox the Corviknight brought Kelly an injured applin she found in the vicinity of the apricorn orchards;
With the help of her mother they treated the little pokémon that instantly became attached to the Gonçalves family and Kelly captured the little one;
It was rather comical the day Kelly called Raihan at an unholy hour of the night after Eva evolved after the dual grass and dragon type some apples in a midnight snack and the pop idol was freaking out since she didn't know the method of evolution of an applin;
(He still teases her a lot until these days about how she was freaking out);
She is named Eva and is a cuddle bug and loves cuddles, though sometimes she gets overexcited and exaggerates;
As the time Raihan was almost crushed with Body Press because the appletun was very happy to see him since he likes to spoil her while Kelly just glared at the dragon tamer with "I told you so" eyes after telling him million times to not spoil her dragon and grass type pokémon to much;
Eva is not very active in solo battles, but is an unstoppable tank in the main team on double battles supporting or annihilating anyone who tries to break into her trainer's home.
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Frederic, the indeedee (male♂)
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Move set: Psycho Terrain, Expanding Force, Mystical Fire, Shadow Ball, Hyper Voice, Trick, Dazzling Gleam, Swift, Trick Room, Helping Hand
Ability: Psycho Surge
Frederic was a gift from Kabu as he noticed that Kelly having some difficulties helping with the housework and taking care of her mother considering her demanding routine as a pop idol;
Being the figure of a doting father he got another service pokémon, a male indeedee to keep Isabel company;
Especially when the idol is busy touring and couldn't afford to hire just anyone as there were incidents and conflicts with the rising young idol's biological parents;
Even though Frederic is a pokémon supposed to help with some housework obviously Kelly doesn't stop helping whenever she can;
Both Kelly, Isabel, her grandparents and the Pokemon are grateful to have Frederic around and the same goes about Kabu;
As expected he is very protective of the family he found with the Gonçalves and can elegantly destroy anyone who tries to do any kind of harm.
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Ashley, the [Low key form] Toxtricity (female♀)
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Amber, the [Amped form] Toxtricity (female♀)
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Ashley's Move set: Poison jab, Wild Charge, Magnet Flux, Acid, Troat Chop, Uproar, Sludge Bomb, Drain Punch, Leer, Taunt.
Ability: Minus
Amber's Move set: Poison jab, Wild Charge, Magnet Flux, Snarl, Boomburt, Metal Sound, Sludge Bomb, Drain Punch, Volt Switch, Taunt.
Ability: Plus
Ashley and Amber were gifts from Piers and Marnie to Kelly to celebrate her first world tour, but at the last minute the pop idol was in need of a bassist and guitarist for the band;
The former guitarist and bassist were bribed to leave the band just days before the show as part of Kelly's sister's plan to sabotage the idol's success at her so-called momentous occasion;
But as Kelly is a person loved by many, even more so by Galar's elite trainers;
Truth be told, Piers and Marnie had already prepared and planned to give these two Pokemon to Kelly;
It was quite difficult to get rehearsals less than three days before the gig to support the world tour starting in Hammerlocke;
Funnily enough, Piers and Marnie became even more protective of their sister figure AKA Kelly after that;
Well, all the elite trainers and their Pokemon included.
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Hello! My name is Crystal and I would love to request an application for Emmet with a s/o who is a fashion designer. Emmet deserves more love than he has and I think that having a fashion designer girlfriend, she would take great care of him making sure he doesn't get dirty and clearly she would sew his subway boss coat.
I think they would have a nice dynamic <3
Crystal 💎
Emmet and his Fashion Designer!Reader
omg @crystalofmoon19 tysm for saying this literally just a week after i starting binging Project Runway again lol yes i love this. sorry it took so long lol, i just kinda ran with it :D
Emmet first meets you at a photo shoot. Why is he at a photoshoot in the first place? Well it was taking place on the steps of Gear Station and he was there to supervise.
He was told Gear Station was chosen because its entrance gets a lot of unobstructed sunlight. But it was almost twilight and the sun was setting rapidly, so he was a little confused on why that was so important.
Also Elesa is the model in question here, so that was another thing.
Ingo was wrapping things up inside while Emmet made his way to the shoot. There were many more crew members than he expected. There were multiple people on screens, some standing by for makeup fixes, others holding lights, a photographer, and then there was the most commanding voice on set: you.
“Elesa, twist your waist so the dress catches the light better. Good. Better. I need more of a knowing expression–you look like a Deerling in headlights right now.”
You moved beside the photographer, watching Elesa intently as she moved and posed around in a complicated and rigid looking dress.
The dress was designed to look and act like stained glass. It had hundreds of panels and geometric cutouts with glass that was reflecting all the warm colors of the sunset. It looked like art–something celebrities wear to the Shelmet Gala.
“Hello?! Light people? Why aren’t we moving already? We have just minutes before the sun sets to get these shots, let's go! C’mon!”
Emmet was ticked off. How could you be yelling at everyone like this? And nobody was saying anything? Just who were you? You weren’t even the photographer!
The Subway Boss stormed up to you, a large and intimidating smile stuck on his lips. He walks with such purpose and everybody knows he was, in fact, invited here, so nobody stands in his way as he approaches you and places a heavy hand on your shoulder.
“Hello there! I am Emmet. I am hearing you be incredibly rude to the tech crew and Elesa–”
“Oh! Subway Boss Emmet! It’s so nice to finally meet you. I’m glad you could make it to the shoot!”
Your face drops from being serious and your tone of voice sweetens to a much more conversational level. The skin next to your eyes creases with your smile.
Emmet is stunned into silence from the whiplash he just had. 
Suddenly, the sun dips behind the horizon and darkness inks the sky.
At the change, you turn from Emmet and face the crew.
“Alright, it’s showtime people! We’re switching to the night time half of the shoot, everyone to their positions! We’ve only got one shot at this, so if any of you screw up I swear to Arceus you’re going to wish I was only as angry as a Primape.”
There you go again, yelling out orders as loud and clear as Ingo could. Emmet is astounded by the control you have over your voice.
He’s also just as baffled watching you switch from kind to controlling in half a second.
With a flick of your hand, he watches you pull out a Pokéball and release an Aurorus who’s as elegant as they are tall.
In the dark of the Nimbasa night, Aurorus begins to sing. It’s a beautiful song, and it sounds like it’s from long ago, as old as Aurorus itself.
Emmet watches in awe as an aurora brightens into existence over Gear Station, dousing the world in pale greens, purples, and blues.
Soon, the dress Elesa wears harnesses those colors too, the glass-like panels fading from warm to cool. With the light refracting off of the garment, the model looks like she’s been blessed by Cresselia itself.
For a few minutes straight, Emmet doesn’t think the camera stops shuttering or you stop barking orders. But, once the aurora fades, a few seconds of silence wash over the crew.
Suddenly, cheers break out.
Everyone is clapping and smiling brightly, high-fiving each other and trying to catch a glimpse of the photos taken on the camera. 
Your entire crew is full of elation, and you seem to be giving hugs to each and every one of them, thanking them for their amazing work once again. He hears your Aurorus sing alongside their happiness.
But then you turn to Emmet and catch his eyes.
That unbridled glee embroidering your smile makes his heart stop.
You run and jump into his arms, laughing brightly. Emmet catches you easily, despite being startled at your affection. The smile on his face mirrors yours as you squeeze him tightly. 
“Thank you for letting us shoot here, Subway Boss Emmet! I had worked on that dress for over seven months and having it be showcased at Gear Station before being worn at Lumiose City fashion week next month means so much to me.”
As you pull away, Emmet notices you, very blatantly, looking him up and down. You do it so obviously that he’s almost taken aback by it.
“You know, with your height and that smile of yours, you’d be a great catalog model!”
He scoffs in fake disgust.
“Not a runway model?”
“Sorry, but I’ve seen you and your brother move like a well-oiled machine, and that’s a little too stiff for the Torracatwalk.”
As much as Emmet would still like to talk to you, you get pulled away by some others who praise you for your work.
A moment or two later, Elesa, who has been taken out of the dress and is now in more comfortable clothes, skips over to Emmet.
“How’d you like getting a glimpse at my life, Emmet? I hope you weren’t too bored!”
“It was much more stressful than I imagined. It reminded me of the station during rush hour.”
Elesa turns to look at you, who is currently feeding Aurorus some kind of treat and praising it. Emmet follows her gaze.
She tilts her head in your direction, purposely pointing you out after watching your interaction with Emmet from the sidelines.
“They’re a good designer-friend of mine, and they’re really well-known in the fashion world because of their high-risk high-reward looks! That means active shoots bring out a Drednawful side of them, but they always treat the whole crew to a night out afterwards to celebrate!”
Emmet ignores the water-typed pun Elesa made and continues to stare at you and your ornate fossil Pokémon.
You looked so kind in this moment, providing affection to one of your partners. But, Emmet had also just watched you be loud and commanding. You knew what you wanted and you strove for nothing less.
It seemed you liked to succeed in your endeavors more than anything.
“Are they single?”
Elesa gasps.
Both Emmet and Ingo are invited to the party you hosted after the photoshoot, even though Ingo was so busy he didn’t actually see the shoot in action.
While there, it was rumored that you and Emmet both had a little too much to drink, both got a little too tipsy, both flirted a little too much, and both left with plans to go see each other sometime soon.
Again, it was just rumors.
But, said rumors would explain all the dates you shared, all the impromptu battles you had, all the surprise visits you made to Gear Station, all the fashion shows Emmet was invited to, and all of the high-caliber ceremonies and award shows Emmet watched on TV (which he never bothered to watch before meeting you).
Okay, so maybe the rumors were true.
Emmet adored having you as his partner–and he equally loved all the quirks your job brought into your shared lives.
First of all, you were incredibly detail oriented. You had to be, every part of your occupation gets criticized, so you tend to double-check, sometimes even triple-check, everything.
The back of Emmet’s coat is covered in yellow Galvantula fur? Don’t worry, you have a lint-roller at the ready.
His tie looks sloppy? No problem, you know practically every knot in existence.
Durant has been acting sassy all week? Have no fear, you slipped some of its favorite snacks in his pant pockets.
Some idiot stained his favorite white coat with a blue slushie? It’s a non-issue because you replaced the tarnished fabric within an hour or so (and you added a special lining on the inside of it to keep Emmet insulated during the winter, y’know, just because you can).
Emmet tends to rush through things. Not because he’s lazy and wants to finish everything as fast as he can, it’s because he always has something he wants to do. He’s excited about everything.
I mean, the faster he gets ready, the faster he gets to the station and the faster he can battle challengers on the double-line, right?
He used to rely on Ingo to reel him in when necessary, but with you by his side, he feels more confident in his work every day.
Sometimes he still rushes himself, but it’s getting less drastic over time.
However, he never moves too fast to forget to kiss you goodbye.
How could he forget his favorite part of his routine?
Another perk about you: you’re famous.
Sure, both Ingo and Emmet have their fair share of fans. Everyone knows who they are in Nimbasa, and they’re also pretty well known around Unova, but their influence doesn’t reach other regions.
You, on the other hand, are like Elesa. You’re a full blown celebrity.
While you can walk down any street in the world and most people won’t turn their heads, everybody knows your name.
When Champion Diantha attends the Latioscars dressed to the Arcanines in an ornate blue and black gown that references a shiny Mega Gardevoir and says that you designed it, nobody bats an eye.
You’re just that good.
While Emmet doesn’t follow all of the fan accounts of you on Instaryugram (he finds them a little creepy), he does follow your main account that has over two-million followers.
The best part about it all? He knows you have millions of fans, he knows you have thousands of people begging for your time, your attention, and your designs…and guess what?
You picked him.
The Subway Boss beat all of them in the race for your heart.
He won you.
And Arceus knows Emmet loves winning more than anything.
(Well, he might love you just a little bit more…)
guys pls acknowledge how great my pokemon puns are i beg. The Shelmet Gala? Latioscars? Instaryugram? Drednawful? Dressed to the Arcanines? this is comedy gold right here. i am innovation that excites. anyway, hope you liked this, Crystal! thanks for being my first request!! and for anyone else, my request box is open :D
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Hmm, in an angsty mood-
How would the noodle boys react to accidentally wounding their s/o? Like gravely speaking?
Would they start trying to apply pressure via noodle hugs after they may have shoved them into a sharp rock structure in their cave? Try and make them drink a full heal before their venom shuts them down after biting them out of spite?
I’m curious :0 (Also make this as soft or angsty as you wish, whether we live or not is up to you)
:0!! I headcanon both to be Burmese python hyrbids, sooo
CW : major character death, blood, hints of suicidal ideations.
- All his life he has been aware he is much stronger and faster than humans. He is acutely aware of how fragile you are compared to him, he could seriously harm you if he’s not careful.
- You hadn’t meant to scare him. He knew that.
- He was half asleep, trying to nap away a headache. Your foot steps were quiet cause you didn’t want to disturb him, but you lost your balance for a moment and accidentally brushed against his tail.
- His instincts kicked in with lightning fast results.
- A gasp and a snap was heard echoing in the den.
- Ingo was awake now.
- “dear?”
- His breathing was coming out in short, quick bursts as he frantically tried to get you to respond to him.
- No amount of screaming, crying, or pleading was moving you.
- You are limp in his hold.
- “Please! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!”
- He pleads, patching up the bleeding hole on the back of your head.
- It wouldn’t work.
- His screams are reaching far beyond his den.
- The stench of blood lingering in the air. Your blood covering his hands.
- No matter what he did you wouldn’t wake up.
- Emmet tried to keep level head for his brother, but even he was horrified at the scene before him.
- Ingo wouldn’t stop apologizing, broken pleads fill the air.
- He killed his mate.
- He doesn’t deserve to live while you don’t.
- He knew you’re human frame is much weaker than him, but he trusts himself and you!
- You two play fight all the time, and this time wasn’t much different. You maybe his tiny human mate, but he knows you have a lot of fight in you!
- You were struggling in his coils.
- You were out of breath while he was chuckling at your pitiful attempts to escape and fight back.
- He failed to keep his instincts in check.
- After all, it’s habit to constantly tighten his hold against struggling prey.
- “E-em.”
- It was barely a whisper before there was sudden give.
- His silver eyes widened, tears quickly filling them as blood pours out of your nose and mouth.
- The give was your bones breaking under the pressure.
- “D-darling!? This isn’t funny, come on!”
- But you don’t move, all he hears is a pained wheezing.
- Frantic he goes to move but his movements all cause you more pain.
- For the first time in his life he screams loud enough to get Ingo’s attention. Who lives a little ways away.
- The two were panicked and tried to ease your pain, trying to find anything that could help you.
- Elesa, the only hybrid closest to a human, just shakes her head.
- Emmet refuses to let you go, he’s begging for you to not leave him, he needs you! He wants you in his life! You’re his mate, you two pledged a life long bond together!
- “Please..don’t leave me, I’m sorry! I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!”
- The other two couldn’t get him away from your corpse, Emmet struggles everytime, but eventually they pull him away.
- Leaving him to sob in his brother’s hug.
- He can’t do this, he killed his mate, he killed the light of his life.
- He can’t live knowing he’s the reason you’re gone.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Hmm how about submas twins with a s/o that wanted to be a gym leader but gave up on the dream? Maybe they left the region to study and train but came back to Unova with no plans for their future? What do the brothers do with this information? 👉👈 I've been working on an oc that wanted to be a fairy type gym leader for a long time. Like in high school she had a notebook with different strategies and designs for an outfit she would wear. She thought maybe pursuing her dream would make her happy. Unfortunately depression doesn't work that way and things never got better, she ended up returning home so she can live with her family (and get some therapy but she doesn't know that yet. I'm the writer and I say someone is going to drag her to therapy)
I just wanted to see how you think this sort of scenario would play out.
-Honey 🐝
you got it, honey! this one is for you and your cute oc <3 but fair warning, i don't have depression myself, so if anything looks not correct, please let me know and i'll fix it!
Ingo doesn't discover about your past until a little whiles into your relation. You're spending the night with him before one of his days off, and your late night pillow talk has taken a turn towards your past. You're obviously a little uncomfortable talking about it, but you slowly tell Ingo of your dreams from before you met him
You had wanted to be a fairy-type gym leader, it was your long term dream, but your depression was taking its tole, so you returned here to get better. Ingo is quiet throughout your explanation, but murmurs that he's proud of you for making such a hard decision. He can't imagine it was easy, giving up your dream to help with your mental health, but you did it. And you're very strong and brave in his eyes
If you show him the notebooks you made, he praises them endlessly. He keeps the pictures in mind, and wonders about having one of the designers Elesa works for make you a copy of the uniform you designed. Would you like that, as a gift?
Should you get therapy, and start understanding yourself and your needs better, Ingo might suggest trying again. It's never to late to follow your dreams, and if you think it won't undo the progress you've made, he's willing to support you towards your goals. He trusts your judgement on the matter, but he doesn't want you to feel like that chapter of your life is forever closed. He loves you too much to watch you entirely give up on something your so passionate about
Emmet discovers your notebooks as you're moving boxes into your new apartment. He sees the outfits you designed, admires the strategies you had planned out, and immediately bombards you with questions about the notebook when you return into the room with him. You're very embarrassed, but give him a brief explanation of what the notebook in, but that only spurs more questions
So you sit Emmet down on the couch and tell him about the journey you made fresh out of high school, in pursuit of your dream to be a fairy-type gym leader. Emmet is excited to hear about this dream, but then you continue and tell him about the tole the journey took on your mental health, so you returned to take care of yourself and get a handle on your depression instead of becoming a gym leader.
Emmet is sad to hear you gave up your dream, but he's glad to hear that you're taking care of yourself more now. He wants to support you through everything, and he wants to help you be happy, so he takes a very heavy interest in fairy types and the fairy type gym leaders. He thinks Unova could use a fairy type leader, if you're interested
Should you be willing to give it a shot, Emmet is helping you do any and everything you need to do to get this official. He's pulling strings, he's advocating before city officials, he's putting up flyers and posters about the wanting for a new fairy gym around the subway. There's quite a bit of interest and support for the idea, so you two actually get the idea off the ground. Emmet is beside you every step of the way, hanging onto your hand as he makes you promise to battle him with your best strategies once all is said and done
they'd be very supportive of you giving it another shot! after all, if at first you don't succeed, try try again! they believe that wholeheartedly, especially when it comes to you and your happiness <3
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On the Track to Victory
Part 5: Sinking
Another day. Another miserable day.
Emmet hasn't had a good day in a long time. At least a year, maybe even longer. It all passes by in a blur of horror and sympathy and pity and misery. 
Another day without his twin brother. Ingo has been missing for so long people are starting to move on. Not Emmet. Never him. He could never move on from this. It feels like some vital part of him, like an arm or a leg or an organ, is missing. 
If not for Elesa, he'd have spiraled into despair and probably be dead and gone by now. She took over paying his bills whenever he couldn't bring himself to climb out of bed and drag himself to the Subway, she came in one day and discovered the mess hi-their house has become, Emmet himself halfway down a bottle of vodka and smacked it out of his hand. She'd cleared up as much of the mess as she could while he slept it off, and when he woke up with a hangover worse than he's had since his and Ingo's teen years, she was there with water and painkillers and a shoulder to cry on. Then she scolded him for letting it get so bad without calling her, told him in no uncertain terms that he was not drinking anymore (How do you think Ingo would react if he saw you like I did, Emmet? Do you want to worry him?). She came over twice a week now and called to check on him every day.
It's still not enough.
He feels deeply guilty that it's not enough.
People are suggesting a funeral. Closure.
That's not closure.
It's giving up. He can't. Emmet can't give up because if he gives up, if he accepts that Ingo is gone, he'll break. He'll shatter. 
The only thing convincing him to stay in one piece is the feeble hope that Ingo will be found.
His Xtransceiver rings on his nightstand, and Emmet groans into his pillow. Ten in the morning already? He's not even out of bed. Elesa is going to be disappointed.
He fumbles for it, sliding it on his wrist and clicking the button.
Elesa's face appears on screen. She's been preparing for a new set of shoots and has a new hair color, again. Purple with yellow streaks. Personally, he thinks it's a bit gaudy… But he's no fashion expert. Never was. Elesa had been the one to build up their uniforms from the ground up and Ingo had loved them so much that Emmet had gone along with it. 
"Morning, Emmet. Still in bed?"
There's no judgment there, but it feels like there is. He can't help the guilt that weighs on his shoulders.
"I… don't have any excuse." 
"You don't need an excuse." Elesa sighs. "I… you probably missed the news."
"News?" He asks. Don't hope, don't hope, don't hope.
"In the forest near where you and your brother live--" She was the only one who still acknowledged that Ingo lived here too, "--there's been sightings of a weird Sneasel."
What? Why is this important enough to open the conversation with?
"The League's been trying to keep it hush hush, but there are already poachers looking to grab it."
"Okay, I'll bite. What's weird about the Sneasel?"
"It's purple, with weird markings and huge claws. And it's been described by people who've seen it rummaging around in garbage cans or near the edge of the forest as wearing a tattered black and brown longcoat way too big for it, and a black hat."
"I-Ingo's coat? And hat?"
"Sure sounds like it."
What the fuck?
"When did this start?" He demands, struggling to get out of bed. This isn't much but it's a lead and there hasn't been one of those in months.
"Just a few days ago. Less than a week. It's hard to pin down who saw it first and when."
A fresh lead.
"I got permission to tell you from Iris. You're closer to the missing person case and geographically. They want you to check it out if you can, preferably before poachers get ahold of it."
He manages a snort, already hunting through his clothes for something suitable to trek the forest in. 
Ingo is getting tired.
Well, that's not correct. He's been tired since they woke up initially. But he's forced himself to keep going, even though he's not in the best of repair. Because Victoria was counting on him. She was small now, so small. Easy to hide in the hollow of a tree or under a pile of leaves. But with that small size comes danger. Especially since the woods are teeming with normal humans that are not there to help. Poachers.
He's done his best to hide Victoria from them, but Ingo knows he's been seen, looking around the houses on the edge of the woods they're in. And according to the snatches of poacher conversation, the Hisuian type of Sneasel is not here and never has been. Which is not good. And makes him think that they're not in Hisui anymore. Which means they could be anywhere.
Getting caught by poachers means that Victoria would be in danger.
He can't allow that to happen. The safety of his passengers is paramount.
"Uncle Ingo?" Victoria asks. She's still a little unsteady on her feet, but is now walking beside him, which is good because he doesn't think he can carry her. "Do you smell smoke?"
He stops. Looks down at Victoria. Her large triangular ears are twitching.
He takes a deep breath.
Smoke, definitely.
He bends down and picks Victoria up. "We need to switch tracks, now." He says sharply. Victoria nods, ears lowering.
A twig snaps behind them. Ingo goes ramrod straight, then takes off into the trees.
"Crap. Jack! You scared it off!" He hears distantly.
"After it!"
Heavy footfalls, following them.
Victoria clings to the sleeve of his jacket.
Ingo is so tired. So tired and running nearly blind, his hat having displaced itself on his head, that he stumbles directly into the poachers' camp. Directly into half a dozen men and women sitting around a fire. They jump up. Ingo backs away, holding Victoria tightly.
The footfalls come up behind him. No.
He bolts to the left, intending to get out of there.
"Houndoom! Stop it!" One of the poachers shouts.
Something huge and heavy slams into his back, sending Ingo sprawling and ripping the back of his coat with sharp claws. Victoria tumbles out of his arms as he hits the dirt, and the Pokemon pinning him growls threateningly when he tries to squirm free. 
"Uncle Ingo!" Victoria shouts. She picks herself up just in time to get tackled by an Umbreon. 
No. No! 
But whatever Pokemon is pinning him is so much bigger. Victoria struggles against the Umbreon, biting and clawing and rolling around in what he can only describe as an all-out brawl. She's quickly subdued, however, when it starts firing Dark Pulses at her.
Right. She's a Ghost type.
This is bad. It's so bad.
"Hey! Stop what you're doing!" A voice calls.
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ingrid-and-emma · 3 years
Okokok so:
Vampire Emmet
He was turned by a harmless Zubat that had turned out to be a vampire under the guise of a pokemon.
Ingo thinks his little brother is dead by the next morning, when the younger twin had gone through the dying part of the transformation. In a panic, he calls Elesa who calls for an ambulance as she consoles Ingo outside of their home.
They all arrive and Ingo lets them in, only for Emmet to be alive and kicking. Ingo is visibly upset and apologetically dismisses everyone. Elesa stays because she's just as furious.
They both notice things about Emmet as he drabbles on about why he felt cold and he wasn't breathing. His eyes were beginning to become a greyish-crimson hue, he had visibly pointier canines and his neck displayed a jagged, four hole mark left by the beast he was describing.
Elesa is skeptical but Ingo slowly starts putting pieces together and comes to understand and accept it.
Emmet decides to prove to Elsa, which she was highly against, so Emmet out his hand through the curtain to the outside sun. His face displayed so many pained screams and when Ingo tried to pull his arm back in, he snarled, baring his fangs and letting out a gurgled hiss. Pulling his arm back in, Elesa nearly screamed at the sight of a good part of his arm now being complete bone.
It takes a week tops to get Emmet's arm back to tip top order, and Ingo forebodes him from doing so again. If need be, he'll help by showing them pictures Elesa took of him as the healing began.
Eventually, when push comes to shove, Emmet asks Ingo if he could take from him. The older twin says yes, but with a worried glint in his eyes. Emmet takes note of this and shamelessly plunges his fangs into his brothers wrist. It's painful, and Ingo tugs on his arm, which only hurts both him and Emmet. It all ends with a hospital trip that night.
After that, Emmet begins to feed off of wild woobat within the deeper parts of the subway factions.
If he actually manages to find love, his vampiric urges surge as he holds his s/o close. The soft, thumping of their heartbeat against his cold chest makes him feel alive and his eyes glimmer in absolute joy. Big on cuddling, will almost always be the big spoon, unwilling to let go of his position to cradle you into a living embrace.
Kisses from him always feel slightly more sinister, main areas of contact are somehow always pulse points. Neck, wrist, shoulder even. Sometimes, his s/o can even hear him gently sniff at their flesh, begging for them to invite his fangs into their gentle skin.
Anyways,, that's it! Im thinking maybe some drawings will be in order soon and hopefully some full art of Emmet and a potential s/o, who knows lol
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iconfusionwastaken · 2 years
I've come up w/ some AUs where they all boil down to:
"Character X ends up in our world w/o their past memories & character Y travels to this world to bring them back."
So here's 3 fake titles & sypnopsises under the cut.
If you want to make any content for/based on/inspired by anything here, feel free to do so.
Let me know if I need to add any tags or warnings & beware of Arceus Legends spoilers.
T-T-Trio of Truths and Ideals
Siblings Touya and Touko loved the Black and White Pokemon games and sequels since release, replaying their games over and over again. The Gen 5 games were undeniably their favorite.
When their new neighbor, Tomomi, moves in and is just as in love with Pokemon as them, it's no wonder he slots into becoming their friend so perfectly.
One day, during a camping trip, Tomomi takes out an incredibly good looking pokeball which the siblings wish they had been shown sooner.
Their praises for Tomomi's pokeball are cut short when he presses the button and HOLY SHIT IS THAT A GIANT DRAGON IN FRONT OF THEM—?
For whatever reason, the 1st BW protagonists wind up in our world w/o their memories. N who has been looking for them finally finds them after searching for so long, but it's gonna be a while before he can get the 2 to remember everything.
To make things harder, Pokemon aren't real here, so he has to be careful when letting the ones on him out.
I'm Not The Heir of a Fictional Cult!
Tomomi curled up as much as he could while he had the black fox in his arms, making as little sound as he could where he hid in the closet.
All he could do was pray he wasn't found and that those cosplayers in his house eventually left.
His hopes went unfounded when the closet doors arruptly opened and he looked up in horror at the person wearing a Plasma Grunt uniform from Pokemon Black and White.
Or: N—or Tomomi now—winds up in our world w/o any memory of his old life at some point in the timeline. 
Nevertheless, he is the king or heir (depending on when he get isekaied) of Team Plasma, so they have to search for him, even if they must cross realities to do so.
The black fox may or may not be a zorua is disguise that accidentally ended up here too.
Tomomi was raised w/ completely different values than when he was in Unova, so it's possible he'll push back against Plasma, especially if he's educated well on the nature of cults.
Gonna be a bit difficult when he has no memory of living in the pokemon world though, even if he has all the meta knowledge the games & internet could have offered him.
"I am Kudari. I am an only child."
Kudari was never expecting to be approached by two people cosplaying as Gym Leader Elesa and Warden Ingo from Pokemon, but there's a first time for everything.
Fortunately, they only had an off first impression and a friendship with the two became a close-knit friendship that borderlined on siblinghood.
So forgive him when he gets the scare of his life waking up to being cuddled by ginormous creatures he could almost swear resembled pokemon.
Emmet & Ingo disappear at the same time, but while Ingo when to Hisui, Emmet comes to our world. Ingo comes back to modern Unova 1st since he's still in the same world, just during a different time. Emmet however is in a whole other world where legendary Pokemon may or may not have no power to do anything.
Ingo & Elesa didn't expect Emmet to be used to a life where Pokemon are mere fiction, so for a good while, they're not just rebuilding his relationship w/ him, they have to figure out how to reintroduce Emmet to a life of real pokemon.
This time comes earlier than expected when Emmet's pokemon break out of their pokeballs to reunite w/ their trainer they missed so much.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Since it's popped up a couple of times is it alright to ask for a dribble, or something along those lines of s/o proposing to Emmet and Ingo? You have mentioned that both would probably say yes, but both would have different reactions (Emmet would be sort of relived that his s/o asked, and Ingo a bit disappointed that he hadn't been the one to pop the question). I guess I just think it would be neat to see how you think it would play out.
cw: fluff, marriage proposals to the twins
● It was odd for you to suddenly suggest a date to the man. While it was his day off, and he had no previous plans, he felt a bit confused why you were suddenly so insistent on visiting Anville together. You had claimed that you read a rare type of car was being repaired there, but he knew that was untrue as he checked there every day in case. Still, you wanted to go. He agreed, of course, getting out of the house with you always sounded lovely to him.
● The train ride over was quiet mostly, with only a light conversation with you about his hometown. He had lived there until his graduation of school, which saw him and his brother moving to Nimbasa to pursue a higher education and try to become professional trainers. “Though, I now view Nimbasa as my home,” Ingo told you easily, “The most important things in my life are there… You're there.” A chuckle came from you as your hand grasped his warmly. Both of you departed from the train to see the rail yard eagerly.
● Ingo would admit he babbled on and on about the train currently out on display and spoke at length about its preference in his overall tier list. He expected you to get bored quickly, as usually only his twin could stand these long tirades, but you softly smiled at him and looked fascinated in his words. His chest felt warm, and he softly wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Admittedly, this was a fine date. The rail yard here was one of his favourite places.
● Yet, as the time slipped away and the already late afternoon faded into the evening sunset, he felt himself ready to return home and enjoy a night in at your side. Before either of you could go, you pulled him into a secluded area with little people. Ingo shifted his eyes nervously as you knelt down before him. His eyes went wide when you produced a ring from the pocket of your coat. The bright golden band flashed into his brain as you uttered words he had failed to comprehend for a moment. “Will you become my husband, Ingo?” you asked him with eyes full of adoration and love.
● He gasped, hands clapping over his mouth as his hair was caught in the wind for a moment. Was this serious? An actual thing was happening to him? It felt unreal. No matter how many times he blinked, however, nothing changed. He took your hands with a shaky breath and felt a rare smile drift across his stoic countenance. It felt bad that his first thought was that he would have preferred to have been the one who proposed to you, but he was never going to turn down such a heartfelt gesture.
● He took the ring and spoke, “Of course, dearest…” His voice was gentle, and you easily slipped the ring from into his hands to onto his finger. The colour was an offset from his cooler, silvery colour scheme, but it suited him perfectly. He embraced you tightly and felt himself let out a few sobs as too many emotions wrecked him. It was hard for him to hide his emotions in the best of times, and even more difficult here. You pulled away to cup his cheeks and press a kiss to his lips.
“… Oh, and dearest? Would you mind if I got you your own engagement ring, right? I… I wanted to propose to you as well…”
○ Emmet was not suspicious at all when you invited him out to a date at the Nimbasa amusement park. It was a thing that people often visited in the city, and he found himself there quite often when he was visiting Elesa. He was actually just wondering if you two should go on a date somewhere himself, so it was perfectly in line with what he wanted on his day off. His offer to invite Elesa being turned down, however, caught his interest. Did you want alone time with him? It made him giggle.
○ The walk to the amusement park was always one that was a bit arduous. Emmet always wished to pop into the Gear Station to check up on how everything was doing, whether any powerful trainers had miraculously popped up. You kept a firm hold on his hand and chided him for turning into a mini-Ingo. His laughter was a bit much, but he pecked a kiss to your cheek. “Am I too much like my twin?” he joked, “Are you worried your verrrrry sweet Emmy is turning into a loud old man?” You had to check your own laughter at him calling his own brother an old man.
○ The date was exhilarating, like the many that had come before it. The roller coaster was still always his favourite ride, loving everything about its functioning. Emmet would admit he bluntly explained to you how it worked as you gave an eye roll. Your reply that anything vaguely train-like intrigued him was something that warmed his heart. Even dragging you along to see a runway show was met with little pushback. Emmet felt a bit entranced by the atmosphere of Elesa's gym every time he visited, and the battles left him even more contented.
○ Yet, as he planned for the day to wind down into you both heading back home, you took his hand and brought him to the line for the Ferris wheel. He tilted his head for a moment before smiling. Of course. The main attraction of the Nimbasa amusement park. As you two rode the spinning wheel, he felt a bit at ease. The motion was calming. When it stopped at the top, he felt entranced by the city's shining lights, but even more so when you pulled out a small box from your pocket. Pulling it back to reveal a silver band inside, you spoke, “Em… You make every day so fun.” His heart was pounding in his chest. “Will you marry me?”
○ He, then, off set the balance of the gondola as he embraced you tightly and pecked kisses all your face. “Yes! Of course!” he cooed and eagerly put on the ring. It sparkled oddly in the low light but impressed him nonetheless. Emmet would never admit it aloud, but he was relieved you asked the question over him. It had been on his mind, with both Elesa and Ingo encouraging him endlessly to do it, but it left him nervous and distressed. With how many people viewed him so immaturely, he wondered if he was even ready for such a jump in his life.
○ As you both descended from the Ferris wheel, you jumped when Emmet dragged you to the Gear Station and hunted down Ingo to tell him the news. The unamused look from the older twin as he scribbled out his paperwork to something of pure and utter joy for his brother was something that would be remembered for years to come. “Thank you, darling,” he cooed as you both walked home, “I promise I'll be the best husband ever.” His bright grin and bright eyes betrayed his actual but left him striking under the city's lights.
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betasuppe · 2 years
I really wonder what type of person emmet's significant other is. I mean it's good that it's not volo or something but like. They can't miss all the shit emmet is pulling as champion lmao. Could it be that they think this is a better coping mechanism for him than idk, the typical "moping around being sad/not eating/all the shit you usually see in a typical "ingone while emmet falls to pieces" fic? Bc it makes me uncomfortable to think that despite all the good they've supposedly done for him, they're helpless to stop him from picking on random challengers and generally smarming around... Anyway it really doesn't feel to me like ingo will get along w them once he gets back bc from his pov, he disappeared and then emmet turned into a huge asshole and is suddenly engaged... Hard to not connect the new person he doesn't know to emmet's negative character development lol
Ok so I've talked quite a bit about Emmet's mystery S/O today, but I'm happy to touch base on them again because YEAH, EMMET'S NOT DOING OK & THAT'S NOT GOOD!!!!
So his partner is a good person, right? They stepped up to help Emmet when the rest of the world was shoving microphones in his face & asking him question after question about his missing brother. They, with Elesa, started getting Emmet on the path of recovery, but something kinda went wrong...
His partner is well aware that Emmet loves battling & that he quickly forgets himself & his troubles when he's involved in a really tough fight. He starts thinking about challenging the Elite Four & really pushing himself to try to become champion. To be honest? It doesn't sound like a bad plan when he's on the slow road to recovery, right?
No one really could've foreseen that he would become obsessive about winning this badly & shirk his actualy problems just to stay Champion. It's like train that went speeding off the rails really quickly - there was no changing its course the moment it started careening out of control - it was already too late then!!
& then there's the whole thing where Emmet dispises the media & newspapers & only really finds solace at home in the company of his beloved & his good friend Elesa, as well. He's bitter & angry at the world & he relishes in the fact that no one at all can seem to take him down. That's showing them who's boss, I guess???
When Ingo comes back & starts regaining his memories, the one major thing that changed in Emmet's life is his partner that he's actually married to [Emmet? Married?! What messed up world is this?!?!???]. Ingo definitely blames them for Emmet's major shift in personality, but the problem is that Emmet is now extremely EXTREMELY protective of the one & only person in his life who was there for him when he needed them most & boy, the reigning Champion isn't about to let even his brother bad mouth them!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Linear Alternator: Chapter 2 - Greetings
Tags: non-graphic injury, PLA protagonist is not DPPt protagonist, Gaslighting, its not done on purpose (except maybe volo) but it does happen, Tags to be updated as we go  
Summary: When Ingo disappeared, Emmet lost his spark. Elesa was doing her best, but it wasn't enough. Even as close as they were, she wasn't his brother, and Emmet needed his brother. So she was going to get him back, no matter what.
With the rift closed, Rei really thought things were starting to get better. He hadn't seen Ingo for three weeks now, which shouldn't have been abnormal, given the circumstances, but then, normal circumstances didn't include everyone seemingly having forgotten his existence, did they? And if Ingo had never existed in Hisui, then who is the real warden of Sneasler, and how come Rei is the only one who cant remember her?
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“Dusknoir, shadow claw!"
“Chandelure, protect. Eelektross, thunderwave. Shut down Dusknoir.”
"Don't let him Gardevoir! Psyshock that eel!”
The Dusknoir burst out of the shadows stretching from the seats of the car, stopping inches short of Chandelure's glass to glance harmlessly off her conjured shield of energy. Eelektross was not so fortunate. Waves of psychic energy rippled off of the opposing Gardevoir and slipped underneath Chandelure to strike the electric type, a physical impact despite their metaphysical origins. It was a smart move choice, taking advantage of the species' lower defences, but Eelecktross was still relatively fresh. He powered through the hit, spots already sparking with an electric charge that flashed across the battlefield, sparks finding purchase to dance across the ghost’s hulking form.
"Now Chandelure. Shadow Ball."
"Shit!" The trainer across the car, still dressed in her waitress uniform, swore, flinging a hand out "Lime! Switch with Mousse!"
Gardevoir shifted, part speed, part teleportation, and the arrangement of pokémon on the opposing side of the field flipped. Gardevoir took the Shadow Ball meant for her partner and went down, a red flash accompanying her disappearance back into a pokéball. 
Emmet grinned at the slip in the names. "You are getting serious." His voice could not nearly match the loudness of his brother's, but Emmet knew how to project, and his even tones cut across the field of play anyways.
"Always Mr. Emmet." Roe's fingers slipped Gardevoir's ball back onto her belt and grabbed the one next to it. Her last pokemon. Emmet had the advantage, but it wouldn't take much to even the field.
Muk joined Dusknoir on the field, and the next few moments happened in a flurry of movement and quick instructions. 
"Dodge it! Acid armor!"
"Trick Room!"
Something imperceptible to the human eye shifted in the battlefield, Roe's slow Dusknoir, weighed down even more by its iron ball, now the fastest thing on the field. 
"Shadow sneak!"
"Protect. Full coverage!"
"Flamethrower! Get around that shield!"
"Don't let them through Chandelure. Eelektross, discharge."
Electricity crackled across the field, rippling over Chandelure's shield harmlessly, but flashing through the opposing team. They both held on, Dusknoir looking worse for wear, much like Chandelure. 
Roe, in response, splayed her fingers and called out only a single order. "Shadow Sneak!"
Dusknoir seized, still crackling with electricity, Muk did not. Emmet called once again for Chandelure to throw up a shield, but the effort of protecting both herself and Eelecktross caused her to falter, the attack striking true. Chandelure fell, replaced by Haxorus. 
The rhythmic sway, and persistent clacking of wheels, undercut the fierce battle unfolding inside the car. For new challengers, the movement was often distracting, a novelty for which there was no place to acclimatize to except for on the subway itself. The battle subway, to Emmet's knowledge, was unique to Unova (that fact was a little sad, but also something Emmet was proud of; emotions were rarely simple after all). 
By the time most trainers made the qualification to challenge one of the super lines, the constant movement - the back-and-forth sway, acceleration, deceleration, the centrifugal pull that accompanied turns - became just another facet of the field of play; no different from a pokémon kicking up a sandstorm, or calling for rain. The best trainers, the ones that often provided the most serious battles, learned to incorporate the peculiarities of a moving battlefield into their tactics.
Roe's eyes flicked to the windows of the train, watching the way the lights of the tunnels flashed by, something by the way of anticipation in them. Emmet had only a moment to realize what she was doing before it happened. Knowing the movement of the subway over the various lines almost by instinct, he shifted his stance to accommodate the pull just before the turn properly started. Roe reached with one hand to grab the ring above her head for balance, pointing with the other across the field, following the momentum to where Haxorus had just stepped up to the plate.
"Now, Mousse, Fling!"
Emmet felt a surge of pride, even as the iron ball that weighed the ghost down rocketed across the field, momentum pulled further by centrifugal force. Haxorus didn't have a chance to react, the strike nearly knocking her flat with the force of it. She caught herself, sliding back nearly to where Emmet was standing.
The projectile dropped to the floor of the car with a clang and Emmet felt like his grin would split his face. Across the car, Roe let out a delighted shriek as the subway pulled out of the turn and back onto a straight track.
The moment of elation between the two trainers passed in less than a moment, the ongoing match calling to their attention. With that heavy hit, the sides were almost even. Eelektross had already taken a few hits, still looking better than Dusknoir. Muk, the second most recent addition to the field, was worn down by the burn of Chandelure's last offensive action.
Roe didn't need much to secure victory, but neither did Emmet, and he had the ability to target the entire field at once.
"Eelecktross, Gastro Acid on Haxorus."
"Oh no you don't, Mr. Emmet! Pudding, poison jab; take Haxorus down!"
Emmet called for Haxorus to dodge, but to no avail. The dragon type staggered against two heavy hits. For a moment, Emmet was sure she would fall, but with a sideways glance, she caught herself, pushing steady, ready for his next instruction. 
"Good job Haxorus." She looked more than pleased at his clipped praise, "Now, Earthquake."
Both trainers hooked fingers around the rings above them for stability as the car (and only the car) shook, the energy contained by the safety system.
Two flashes of red signalled the end of the match. Roe's exuberant smile matched Emmet's as he thanked his team for the effort and launched into his script.
"You're still too strong for me." Roe shook her head as soon as he was finished, settling into a seat across from him. "I really thought I had it this time."
"It was a close match. I was not expecting that move with the turn. It was verrry smart. I got lucky."
"You noticed! It wasn't enough. I bet I could out-cook you any day of the week though."
"I am Emmet. You work in a Café. There is no contest."
"I'm in culinary school now too!" Roe laughed, accepting Emmet's nod for the friendly response it represented, "Eventually, I'll have that Café I want, and then you'll have to bring your pokémon by!" Emmet nodded again. Roe, making no further attempt at small talk, settled down for the ride to Gear Station. 
The opening of train doors heralded the flood of trainers off the last super double of the evening. Pokémon trainers, victorious and defeated alike streamed onto the platform and out into Gear Station proper, to swipe trainer cards against the automatic terminals, or speak to the depot agents directly about streaks and battle points. Battling was done for the day, but the business of the subway carried on.
Emmet walked the length of the train, his call of "Last stop, Gear Station. Please gather your belongings and depart. Last stop Gear Station." echoing down the cars even as Cameron's voice crackled over the PA system with the same message. Emmet checked his Xtransciever before every car, ensuring the flag for an active battle was not set. The announcement notifying their approach to Gear Station had gone out well in advance of their arrival, and while it occurred far less often on the Supers, there would still occasionally be a battle or two still in progress upon arrival. The space past the line designated for trainers to stand at was safe, of course, but protocol still dictated not entering an active battle car without the proper notification to the occupants within.
Sure enough, two of the cars still held active flags. With a swipe of his fingers, Emmet routed the car numbers to Cameron and diverted around them via the station platform to clear the other cars. He finished his initial pass, depositing a few discarded items to the bin behind the employee door for transfer to lost-and-found later, and doubled back. One of the battle flags had cleared already, and as he swept through that car (empty of items, trainers and pokemon), he watched as the second one also toggled off. His already considerably long stride lengthened, and within moments, the doors of the last occupied car were before him.
Emmet shepherded the remaining two patrons off the train with a wave and smile. He stepped out of the doors of the last car, and with a click of his radio, a spoken “all clear,” and a projected “stand clear of the yellow line,” the train was pulling from the station, on its way to the depot.
A mixed wave of relief and melancholy flooded his system as the lights of the train disappeared around the bend. The departure signified the end of a long work day, mostly battles, interspersed with paperwork and emails (or was it the other way around?), and he was relieved to not have to be stepping onto yet another departing circuit in a few minutes time.
"Attention passengers. The Super Doubles are now closed."
Emmet loved his job, he really did. Not everybody got to confidently say they were working their dream job after all, and even fewer got to develop said job nearly from the ground up. Pokemon battles and trains! Was there anything better? Not even his brother's gym had that (the city had denied that particular proposed redesign; something about the city's image and preferred theming). But it was still a relief when it was said and done for the day; everyone had their limits after all.
"Please see an agent to update your BP and streak. Automated terminals are also available before you leave the platform."
At the same time, there was always a part of Emmet that wanted to call up another train and announce extended hours. Could he ever truly be tired of pokémon battles? Emmet didn't think so.
"Thank you for riding the Battle Subway."
Clasping his hands behind his back, Emmet rocked forward, heels lifting off the tiles, as he made the requisite announcements. The complicated end-of-day emotions bled out through the balls of his feet into the ground, chased away by familiar words and routines.
His Xtransciever, muted except for the inter-office lines during the workday, buzzed. Emmet looked down, finding the notification to be one of several messages from his counterpart.
Cilan: (18:00) Singles line arrived at station. Performing final checks now.
Cilan: (18:05) Line is clear. Clocking out until inspections.
Cilan: (18:05) How is your end?
Cilan: (18:07) Cameron says you have some overflows?
Cilan: (18:08) Should I tell them you're running late?
Cilan: (18:08) I'm telling them you're running late.
The most recent one read:
Cilan: (18:10) Emmet I think your brother is about to squeeze himself into a black hole unless you answer your messages.
Emmet sucked in a breath through his teeth. While they tried to be punctual, delays still happened (likely more than Emmet cared to admit when it came to pokemon battles). Usually, his brother had the utmost understanding for the unpredictability that could come with public service; Arceus knew that the gym service schedule could be wildly flexible at times. Emmet had certainly been late on a line due to delays by far more than 10 minutes before. The anxiety Cilan's message spoke to his brother exhibiting was out of the ordinary.
He pulled up the Xtransciever settings, clearing airplane mode from his personal line. Although he refused to let his smile slip where he stood in view of the remaining trainers waiting for terminal access, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the screen. Public network coverage could be spotty sometimes in the tunnels, even with the network extenders Emmet had installed a year or so back (and hadn't that been an expensive project), but it was usually good on the platforms. Sure enough, after a beat as the watch's second receiver flicked on and found the network, Emmet's notifications lit up with messages.
He ignored almost all of them. They could be addressed later. Instead, he pulled up his messages from his brother. Like with Cilan over the work line, he had missed a few.
🚃🚃 Up-train 🚃🚃
(16:15) We will be departing Mistralton for a 17:55 arrival at Gear Station via the Brown line. We will meet you in the main hall at our regular locale.
(17:59) We have arrived. Let me know when you are officially off shift and have received these.
(18:00) See you soon Emmet :}
The one at 18:00 was the most recent message. Nothing about them, nor the ones from their brief conversation at lunch (the one where Ingo had admitted to only waking up less than an hour before, and Emmet had teased him about being an old man, sleeping in the middle of the day), seemed anything out of the ordinary.
Bowing his head away from the crowd, Emmet focused on typing out replies to both Cilan and Ingo. From the corner of his attention, he caught the approaching green of a depot agent.
"We got this boss if you want to head out. You're supposed to be on break now anyways, right?"
Emmet flashed the agent a quick smile and nod. "Yup! It is inspection Wednesday."
The agent quirked a return grin. "Then get out of here boss. Get something to eat. We'll see you in two hours."
With a nod of thanks, Emmet alighted from his position and turned for the stairs. The crowd on the platform had all but cleared, leaving no need for his long stride to cut through it, but that truth fell away the moment he stepped off the top of the stairs and into the main concourse. Even with the battle circuits closed for the day, the dinner hour crowds mingled with rush hour commuters to fill the station with people. Emmet navigated all of it with expertise, intermittently cutting straight through crowds with his determined stride, and weaving around people like a basculin navigating the current. Soon, the crowd thinned out and gave way to a semi-secluded side hall.
Stepping around the corner of the hall and out of the crowd, Emmet was immediately greeted with the distinct clicking of dress shoes against linoleum that was the sound of his brother very much not running in the station.  He spun to meet him, his brother's purposeful walk closing the gap even as Emmet planted his feet firmly.
Ingo crashed into him at speed, a Grapploct emerging onto a Galarian beach; his arms wrapping tightly around his chest and squeezing the air out of him. "Emmet," the voice at his shoulder had a tight waver to it, "I missed you."
"I am Emmet," he quipped, tapping Ingo's shoulder blades in a plea for him to loosen up, "I missed you too, Ingo. You are hugging me verrrry tight."
His brother froze, and then, as though suddenly aware of exactly how tense his muscles were, he eased back, pulling away to meet Emmet's eyes. "Ah, my apologies."
"It is alright." Emmet patted his brother on the shoulder, grinning. "It is nice to be missed. I just like to be able to breathe while being so."
Beyond Ingo, further into the corridor, Skyla and Cilan appeared to be deeply engaged in a conversation. Cilan had already shed his coat, it hung over one arm, revealing the vest and dress shirt beneath. Skyla glanced over briefly, and upon meeting Emmet's gaze, flashed him a bright smile, before flicking her eyes to Ingo's back with a veneer of worry.
The moment was over as quick as it had arrived, and Emmet redirected his attention to his brother. "Is everything alright?"
His brother gave a small shrug, frown made even deeper by thought. "Seeing you in person hit me quite harder than I expected. I apologize if I hurt you in any way."
"Of course not. You could never. I was just surprised. It has only been a month, and it is not as though we did not call."
For a moment, Ingo looked… sad? Sad and confused. "A month? I- yes, sorry Emmet. I am not entirely certain what came over me. For a moment, it felt far more like years since our cars had been connected to each other." He paused, letting out a breath before smiling in that way only Ingo did, the one that was more in his eyes than on the rest of his face. "I had a very odd dream this morning, and it appears it has been derailing me more than I first thought."
Emmet nodded along, his worry melting away at Ingo's explanation. "Jetlag," he accused, reaching to the pokeballs on his belt. "You do not need to apologize to me, Ingo. Speaking of being missed," he pulled out Chandelure and Haxorus in one hand, Exadrill in the other. "They will be verrry excited to see you." He tapped Chandelure's ball, which shook slightly as Ingo took it, "Lunar, in particular, missed you. She was jealous that Rack got to go with you."
"I did not cross tracks with as many trainers as she would have liked," his brother chuckled, "I am sure she had a far more enjoyable time working with you on the subway." He depressed the button on the center of the red and white ball, and Chandelure burst free with a ringing cry. She spun to face her trainer, and the moment they locked eyes, he seemed to lose himself again. "Chandelure…" he breathed, voice quiet and reverent; a man dying of thirst catching their first sip of water. Lunar gave another, louder cry in response and the moment was gone.
Emmet turned away while his brother greeted his pokémon, first to gauge how much attention they were drawing from the crowd in the concourse (not as much as he had expected), then to see if Cilan and Skyla had finished their conversation. They had. Emmet only had to signal them with a nod for them to join the twins, Skyla stooping to grab Ingo's carry-on bag, which had sat abandoned on the ground where Ingo must have been waiting up until then. Swinging it lightly as she walked, she bumped it casually into Ingo's side before joining him in greeting the ghost type. He slipped a hand back to take it from her without looking, sliding the strap up over his head and onto the opposite shoulder.
Emmet looked on in dismay. "Ingo. What happened to the carry-on from the luggage set I got you on our birthday last year? The one with the wheels?"
Ingo looked over at him and adjusted the lay of the strap. "It is at my apartment. The rest of the luggage set is in use, but I only have two hands with which to pull them. Besides, this particular bag was a gift from the Kalosian designer who does all of Fantina's dresses. They're very popular in Sinnoh."
Emmet eyed the sleek, black and violet bag. He was by no means an expert, but he knew more about fashion, and interregional fashion icons, than one might expect. "It is not sparkly enough to be from Fantina's designer." He had also met Sinnoh’s Kalosian-born, ghost type gym leader at a conference once. Her choice of ensemble had nearly blinded him.
The look that Skyla and Ingo exchanged could only be described as impish.
“That’s because you’re not looking in the right spot, Emmet!”  Skyla unclipped the front flap of the bag, flipping it up to reveal the underside of glittery, light purple, fabric, “Behold!”
Emmet was not prepared to win against his brother and his brother's best friend when it came to fashion. He accepted his defeat and wisely decided to move on to the reason he had focused on the topic of Ingo’s bag in the first place. “Crossbody bags are bad for your posture. Against safety protocol. You will injure your back using one too much.”
“Ok, but counterpoint! He looks really good with it. Paparazzi would have a field day if they caught him with a roller-”
Cilan, who had not said a word since the two pairs had merged into a singular group, chose that moment to speak up.
"Um, crowd's clearing a bit. Emmet and I need to be back here in," he paused, illuminating the screen on his Xtransciever, "Just shy of two hours. Were we going to grab dinner? Skyla and I were thinking that artisanal pizza place on 7th."
"Yup! Ingo is going to drop his bag at our apartment first though. So he is not carrying  it all evening." Emmet pivoted to the new topic, fixing his brother with a look that said he was not done with worrying about his health (someone had to, after all).
Ingo did not protest, pointing instead across the concourse. "Very well. Let us direct our tracks in that direction."
"Let's cut across to the offices first, if that's OK. Emmet and I should, um, leave our coats and hats here."
"Oh, yeah! Good idea Cilan." Skyla strode forward, one arm looped around each of her fellow (even if one was a former) gym leaders, "Two gym leaders, and the subway bosses? We're probably going to draw attention even without you two being in uniform."
"Indeed. Those coats are also far too heavy for the weather. It would not do for either of you to overheat."
Emmet, at the point of their v-shaped line, gave a sharp nod of agreement, already redirecting in the direction of the offices, resolutely refusing to shed his coat until behind the 'employees only' door, and out of view of the public. "You are not one to talk though, Ingo, you are wearing all black."
"Ah, one might assume, but I think you'll find, if you look closely, that the shirt is actually purple."
Two detours, and a short walk later, the group of four was settled down at a table mostly obscured by a half-wall covered in fake foliage.
Chandelure had refused to leave Ingo's side, since being released at the station. As much as she did nearly all of her battling with Emmet these days, he could not deny that she was still Ingo's pokémon. The restaurant, thankfully, was friendly to un-balled pokémon, so she was left to gleefully hover around his head as the group discussed the menu.
"I can't believe we're not getting real Nimbasa pizza." Emmet grumbled cheerfully, staring down at the familiar menu as though he had never seen it before. "I don't think this place knows how to spell 'Alolan'."
"I didn't know you needed a slice of grease for it to be real pizza."
"I don't think this one even has cheese on it, Skyla."
Beside him, Cilan frowned and reached down to scratch between the ears of Mash, his Stoutland. "Sorry Emmet, I, um, thought you'd like this place. I know it's not the street place we usually go to, but with the group of us, I…" he trailed off.
"Nonsense Cilan. There is no need to apologize. This is a common station for us. If Emmet is truly looking to be obtuse, he can direct his ire towards me. I decided I could not handle much grease today."
"I am Emmet, I am not being obtuse."
Skyla leaned across the table to swat Emmet's arm. "Yeah, he's just being a brat instead. Honestly Emmet, thirty is too old to be bullying your co-worker!"
"Cilan is a friend, not just a coworker. I am not bullying anyone. I just think a place that spells Alolan like that can't claim to serve Nimbasa-style Pizza."
"Would it kill you to order your Alolan monstrosity in peace?"
Emmet flashed Skyla a teasing grin. "It would, actually, yup!"
"Dragons, you're insufferable!" Skyla stuck her tongue out at him from across the table. "Ingo, tell your brother he's being insufferable!"
Ingo, who had crossed around the table to stand next to Cilan, and had drawn him into a loud conversation about singles battle tactics, looked over at the mention of his name. He was saved, however, from having to respond by a waitress coming by to take their drink order.
Emmet, determined to have the last word instead, fixes his brother with eyes dancing with mirth. "You are asking the lightning to put out a fire it started, Skyla. If I am insufferable, it is because I learned it from the best."
Ingo, back in his seat, shared a look across the table with Cilan. They both wisely decided to let the statement stand, and pulled their menus closer.
Two minutes later, the waitress had departed, and the group (minus Emmet, who would, in fact, be ordering his "Alolan monstrosity" as Skyla accused), were considering the options in earnest, determined to be ready upon their server's return. Skyla pointed out the calzones to Ingo, even as he and Cilan discussed the merits of splitting a pizza that is one letter off from sharing its name with a cocktail.
Sipping at his juice, Emmet smiled and reached back to ruffle the feathers of Rut, his Archeops. They should do this more often, he decided, sipping at his berry juice, maybe it should be tradition for them to go out for pizza anytime one of them comes back from a trip! Considering then, the number of trips Skyla and Ingo make between them for their non-league jobs alone, Emmet added the proviso of ‘personal trips only.’ Not that they take many of those, between the four of them. It’s not like they can’t have pizza at other times.
“Are we ready to order?” Cilan cast a glance over the group, Emmet giving him a nod that is mirrored by Skyla.
Ingo hesitated, before also nodding, tapping at the menu before him as he placed it solidly on the table. “If you are agreeable to splitting Cilan, I believe I will have their summer salad.”
Emmet blinked, flipping open his own menu to check it. Didn’t Ingo have a problem with the summer salad here? He could have sworn…. He found the entry in the menu, and glanced up, sharing a look across the table with Skyla even as Cilan asked, “Really?”
Ingo gave a firm nod.
“Uh, Ingo?”
“That salad has pickled radish in it.”
Ingo looked between the three others at the table, confused. “Yes? Is there an issue with the pickled radish here? I do not recall as such.”
“Because you never eat it. Ingo, you do not like pickled radish.”
Ingo looked up at the three of them slowly, his mouth opening and closing a few times before he settled, drawing back and crossing his arms. “Right,” he uncrossed his arms to scrub at his face before once again folding them defensively, “I’m sorry, Emmet, you are correct.” He didn’t sound like he believed it.
For just a moment, a feeling settled in the pit of Emmet’s stomach, something that manifested as nausea, but felt more like untethered dread. But then the uncertainty coiled around his brother eased, and the feeling with it. Ingo straightened up. “The Garden then,” he said, his volume once again normal, as though the moment preceding had not been in the least bit out of the ordinary.
The remainder of their dinner was pleasant, and uneventful. Soon enough, Cilan and Emmet needed to depart en route back to the station. Skyla joined them for her own trip back home, and as Ingo split off from them with a wave to return to the apartment, Emmet was once again sure that everything was as it should be.
The August sky over Jubilife was clear and cloudless, the previous day’s humidity cut by the storm that had blown through overnight. A light breeze swept in off the waters of prelude beach, cut only slightly by the hills and walls surrounding Jubilife before roaming through the streets. The breeze, and the brief respite from summer's humidity, was welcome. Even though the temperature hadn’t hit the peak of the summer heat, it was still quite warm, especially for someone who had spent the better part of three and a half weeks in the northern most stretches of the region, where ice formations persisted year-round.
Gripping the edges of her jacket, Elesa flapped it a couple times, trying to catch the breeze as it crested the hill where the training grounds sat. The movement directed cool air across her face, sending her braids tumbling, but pulling a smile to her face at the sensation.
"You're making me hot just looking at you, Warden." The voice of Jubilife's security captain came from just to her left. "I can't imagine how bad it'll be in a week or so when the temperature really ramps up. Would it really kill ya to take that jacket off?"
Elesa smiled brightly at the red-haired trainer. "Something like that." She didn't elaborate. It wasn't that she didn't like Zisu - she did - but she hadn't actually known the woman long. Despite meeting a couple of times in passing, they had only begun talking in earnest after Lord Electrode's quelling. The forced closeness of working together could only do so much, especially after recent events. Zisu hadn't said anything about it yet, but Elesa wasn't about to press the issue by over-sharing, especially not on her first day back in the village.
"I'll manage," She said instead, "Besides, Calaba says the signs call for a mild summer."
Zisu laughed. "Is mild how we're going to put it?"
"I thought we were talking about the weather."
Zisu gave her a long look. "Of course! I was just thinking that the storms have been pretty fierce lately." The subtle nod she gave towards the roof-top balcony of Galaxy Hall gave truth that their conversation was, at this point, only on the surface about the weather. "As long as we don't have a repeat of that sudden, ah, pirrie, we should be fine."
Elesa's ability to follow the conversation stuttered at the use of a world that was unfamiliar to her as it seemed to be for Zisu. "Pirrie?"
Zisu shrugged, giving Elesa a strange look. "A squall?" She corrected, pausing for Elesa to nod her understanding. "One of the Professor's words. I thought you spoke Galarian, Warden."
"Not like that, apparently!" Elesa laughed.
Zisu laughed as well. "Well at least that's one clue for ya! 'Not from the same place the Professor picked up that word from!"
"A negative is better than nothing, I guess." Elesa paused, giving her own subtle nod to the balcony. "About the weather though, do you think we're in for another squall like the last one?"
The look on the other woman's face was more of a soldier assessing a security threat than anything to do with the consideration of weather.
"I think that storm front has blown over, or is at least lying low." She finally responded, "It shouldn't be blowing anytime soon, if he's smart. The last time ruffled a lot of feathers."
Elesa nodded her understanding. "Afraid the flock will leave for safer skies?"
Zisu mumbled something like "Fear is what caused the problem in the first place." She turned to face Elesa directly, a heavy frown on her face. "Why are we talking circles around each other… Elesa? I can still call you Elesa, yes?"
Elesa met the other woman's eyes. She paused, just a little too long. The recent actions of the Galaxy team had hurt the trust the two had formed, but…
Getting hurt didn't mean you stopped trying. Elesa couldn't claim to truly know much about herself, but something about that rang true.
"Of course you can, as long as I can still call you Zisu, Captain."
Zisu barked a laugh. "Alright, point taken! It's good to have you around again. I was worried you only showed up to the festival to be polite."
"I showed up to the festival for the fashion."
"Should I start worrying you're going to leave us to work for Anthe?"
Elesa laughed, "And here I was worried I'd have to beg her for a job… That you wouldn't want me here anymore."
"Now why on earth would you think-" Zisu cut herself off with a grimace, "Sorry, of course you would think something like that, what with all that mess with Rei."
Elesa's smile dropped at the mention of the skyfaller. "Is he alright?" She asked, "Irida said your medical team wouldn't even let her see him before the festival… It seemed like every time I turned around to try and find him there, he had disappeared."
Zisu shrugged. "Pesselle wouldn’t let anyone outside the medical team see him, other than the survey team of course. From what I heard, the poor boy pretty much collapsed and slept for a week after getting back.”
Elesa pursed her lips, trying her best to shake the rising guilt that she should have been there to help. "Was he that injured?"
"Not that I heard. Some bruising, wrenched his ankle bad enough that he's still limping a bit."
"I thought I saw him walking strangely at the festival…"
"Pesselle cleared him for that at least, but he's supposed to be taking it easy. I'm no medical expert, but I suspect the exhaustion just caught up with him. Ya see it sometimes, with soldiers - not that I'm saying Rei is one - sometimes they push themselves so hard that the moment they're in someplace comfortable, and mildly safe, they just… crash." Zisu let out a shaking sigh, and ran a hand down her face. "I hope he felt safe at least. We… I did wrong by him, with all that happened. Could have done more. Should have done more, really. I know you two have become close, I should apologize, for not doing-"
"I'm not the one you should apologize to." Elesa cut her off, staring out of the empty training ground gates, and down Main Street. "I don't know that I even have room to judge; it's not like I was any help to him at all, when it came to it."
"I know, I know. Cyllene was pretty strict about not overwhelming him at the festival, and trying to find the right time after that…"
The two women were silent for several moments, the only sound in the training ground that of the wind playing with the branches of nearby trees. Elesa broke it first. "Where is he, anyways?"
Zisu looked surprised. "The survey team went out to the fieldlands this morning. I would have thought you'd have run into 'em on your way in!"
"Oh! I took the long way around. I was-" avoiding as many Galaxy camps as possible, she couldn't finish the sentence. "We must have just missed each other."
Zisu didn't call her out on it. "The long way, huh? No wonder it took you so long to get here then."
"Are you calling me late?"
Zisu shot her a tentative smile. "You said it, not me."
The tension broken, their conversation shifted into far less serious topics. As the afternoon stretched on, several members of the security corps showed up to train with their pokemon, and Elesa fell back into a rhythm that felt natural in a way she could not explain. Not for the first time, she wondered who she had been, before Hisui’s vast expanse had found her, but those thoughts fell away as one of the guardswomen approached to ask her about type matchups. Nobody mentioned the red sky, except in passing to each other, and nobody asked her about her own connection to the now absent rift. She wondered if, like Cyllene with Rei, Zisu had ordered them to avoid the subject.
As the afternoon wore down, Zisu called for a pause in the activity at the training grounds to grab something to eat, or for people to head out to their own duties. As the Security Corps members filed out, Zisu pulled Elesa under the shadow of the dojo’s eaves. “Wait here, I’ll grab us some grub, and we can eat away from the crowd.”
Elesa nodded in agreement, and Zisu departed with a wave.
Before long, she had returned, and the two of them settled against the wall of the dojo to eat. The initial flurry of replenishment soon died down, however, and Zisu struck up a conversation. “I heard from Wenton that the survey team came back not too long ago. If you want to go see Rei, I can handle things here."
Elesa looked up at the taller woman, and then continued her gaze upwards, towards where the sun still sat in the sky. "There's still daylight to work with," she started.
Zisu was having none of it. "Don't you worry about that Warden. I can more than handle things here for the hour or so until sunset. With all likelihood, the place will be empty anyways, with the shift change and all."
Elesa frowned. "If you're sure… I don't want to-"
"If people want to complain, they can complain to me! I'll order you to take a break if I have to, Warden."
Swallowing one last bite of her meal, Elesa nodded. She stood, brushing the dust off the back of her shorts, and adjusting the fall of her coat. "I'll see you later then!"
Zisu waved her off, and she left the otherwise empty training grounds, making her way down the main street towards Galaxy Hall. In front of the turn off to its main doors, she paused. It was hard to determine where Rei might be at this hour. He didn't spend a lot of time in his lodgings, to her knowledge, preferring to hang out in Professor Laventon’s office, at the pastures, or out at Prelude beach, when he wasn't at the training grounds.
He certainly hadn't been to the training grounds today, and prelude beach seemed a little far to walk if he was still healing from an ankle injury. His lodgings, situated almost right next to the imposing building that loomed over the town, seemed quiet from where she stood. She was about to head for the pastures when a voice from her left caught her attention.
"Warden! Looking for someone?"
Turning, she spotted a man in the Security Corps uniform, a Dustox at his side, waving to her.
“Oh! Yes…” She kept a firm smile on her face as she fought to remember the man’s name. She was almost certain they had met before but… She was forced to give up, lest she let the silence stretch far too long. “Sorry, I can’t quite recall your name.”
The man laughed, but whether it was to ease the tension, or because he’d taken her statement as a joke, she wasn’t sure. “It’s Beauregard, Warden-” a Kalosian name, her mind provided, without any sort of context for why she would know that. “-and you’re… Elesa, right?” She nodded. “Who are you looking for, Warden Elesa?”
She took another quick glance in the direction of the pastures before fixing her entire attention on Beauregard. “Rei. I’m looking for Rei. He’s… I heard he was back in the village.”
Beauregard nodded and thumbed a hand over his shoulder. “Oh, sure. He headed into the Hall with Akari earlier. Haven’t seen him come out yet, so he should still be there.”
The smile Elesa returned was far more genuine. "Thank you Beauregard!"
The guard returned a salute. “You’re very welcome Warden, feel free to head right in. Miki won’t give you any trouble.” He nodded towards the guard who had just taken over his duties for the next shift. Elesa gave a nod as well. She was familiar with the woman, and her Staravia. The training grounds saw a lot of them both.
Giving the man and his Dustox a wave, Elesa did just that. The first thing that caught her eye was that Captain Cyllene’s desk was empty. It was, of course, turning into evening at this point, and Elesa’s personal interactions with the Captain of the Survey corps had been minimal, but the understanding she had gained from Zisu was that the swordswoman was prone to working late into the night. The doors to the office, too, were still open, where Elesa would have expected them to be shut tight if no-one was inside.
Stepping just inside the office, she rapped her knuckles against the door-frame. Two things happened simultaneously: Cyllene’s call of “Just a moment.” sounded from the doorway of the left-side door, and hurried foot-steps from the right-side door resolved into the form of Akari, who let out a startled “eep!” upon seeing her, and firmly shut the door to the medical ward.
Elesa was left still staring in confusion at the closed door when Cyllene’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “Ah. Warden. You’ve come at a poor time, I’m afraid.”
Elesa gave the closed door one last look - as though it alone could answer all her questions - and turned to face the survey captain. “Is everything all right?”
Captain Cyllene stepped fully into her office from Laventon’s next door. The professor himself hovered in the doorway behind her, watching Elesa with wide eyes. In a less concerning situation, the dichotomy between Cyllene’s unflappable poker-face and the professor’s complete and total lack of one would have made her laugh. As it was, it simply made her nervous, especially when Cyllene’s response to her question was. “A situation has arisen that we are dealing with. Nothing that we can share at this time.”
Elesa debated the merits of pressing the issue, particularly with the way the professor was watching her. If it had just been the professor, she may have done it, but with Cyllene heading the conversation…
“Well… You’ll let me know if I can help?”
Cyllene gave a stiff nod.
“I’ll just get out of your hair then. I came looking for-” she was cut off but the muffled sound of raised voices coming from the right-hand door. The interruption lasted only a few sentences before the voices became quiet and non-disruptive again.
“Looking for Rei?” Cyllene’s voice once again interrupted Elesa’s thoughts about what might be going on in the medical ward.
Elesa nodded.
“He is, at the moment, unavailable, but I will let him know you were looking for him.”
Elesa, while focused mostly on Cyllene, watched the professor out of the corner of her eye. The man, not nearly as schooled in concealing his emotions, cringed at the Captain’s words.
Elesa got the distinct impression that Cyllene would not, in actuality, be telling Rei she had stopped by.
“I see…”
Irida had been concerned, when neither she, nor Adaman, had been allowed to see Rei during the week prior to the festival, that the Galaxy Team had been isolating him; that Kamado, despite having offered an apology to Rei at the top of Mount Coronet, was still planning something. Eventually those concerns must have eased, even if they were not fully gone, given that the region was once again in a state of peace. The idea that Cyllene was acting to keep Elesa away from Rei tugged at those same concerns. For a brief moment, Elesa wondered if Irida hadn’t been correct, but…
Her conversation with Zisu earlier had suggested that Rei’s seclusion had a reasonable explanation - that it had been with his health in mind, and to the best intentions. During that time, the Survey Corps had been an exception to an otherwise blanket exclusion. Rei was also still recovering from whatever had happened at the Temple of Sinnoh - a series of events that Elesa was still unclear on, despite the overwhelming personal significance they seemed to hold whenever she thought about it. It was far more likely that Cyllene was trying to protect her corps member, in his recovery (even if she couldn’t understand how keeping her away could do that).
These thoughts passing by her in the brief moments her gaze locked with Cyllene’s own, Elesa gave the captain a slow nod. “I’ll get out of your hair then. Good to see you. Captain, Professor.”
There was one other possibility, if Pesselle’s management of her medical bay was anything like that of the Pearl Clan’s healers in their tent. In her own experience with them, visitation was kept to the discretion of the patient where possible, unless it was important, or could not be avoided.
It was very possible that Rei did not want to see her.
“I’ll be in town for the next while. He knows where to find me.”
Elesa retreated out into the hallway. Two steps away from the front doors to the hall, the sound of a door opening came from behind her, down the hall to her left. A female voice hissed, “Rei!”
Elesa turned. Standing, braced against the door frame to the medical ward, right ankle elevated and wrapped in bandages, was Rei.
The skyfaller stared at her with wide, searching eyes. There was something uncertain and heavy in the way he clutched at the door frame, before he drew inwards, and became hard, entirely unreadable and closed off in a way that was entirely unfamiliar to Elesa.
To her memory, Rei had always been open with her. Despite their relatively short period of association, there was something about Rei that spoke more to the parts of her that were missing than anything else in Hisui. He had told her once, over a plate of potato mochi, that he felt the same about her. Something about that connection had given her insight, made him readable to her, even when it seemed no one else could.
Now? He was closed off, withdrawn. Unreadable in all but the very fact he didn’t want to be read.
“You’re her?” his voice was rough, the words almost spat in her direction.
“Rei?” Elesa’s concern echoed with that of Akari’s as she drew up beside him, hand hovering just above settling on her teammate’s shoulder.
“You’re-” he cut himself off, flicking his eyes up to meet hers. He held her confused gaze for only the briefest of moments before one hand pulled off of the wood it was clutching and pointed directly at her.
“Fight me.”
“I- What?”
He let out a long, shuddering exhale, but kept his focus fixed in her direction. “Our eyes met. That means we have to battle.”
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moefongo · 3 years
I have no idea what to title this, but it is very much angsty. Might give it a title later though and a part 2 is certainly coming
Also tw mentions of murder and verbal abuse
After Ingo's disappearance, everything went from bad to worse. First it was the dramatic decrease in visitors to Gear Station due to the rumors surrounding his disappearance. Emmet could handle Gear Station just fine with little to no visitors, but those rumors where the ones that truly hurt him. Some of them were outlandish, while the most popular one was that Emmet was the one responsible for his disappearance, as if it was something out of a true crime show. The reasons why were many, but those close to him knew those were a lie. Emmet tried to bury himself in paperwork to drown out his sorrow but there was no more paperwork to fill out, he had already done it all. Certainly the battles were scarce now a days barely even battling a trainer once every four weeks or so.
The second thing was that he had completely isolated himself from his loved ones, especially his S/O. He hadn't broken up with them yet, but he was distant and apathetic with them, which was highly unusual of him. His S/O had come to learn not to press him to share his feelings, because this only ended up in him lashing out at them. Their usual weekend dates had come to a halt, as well as them spending the night with Emmet. This whole ordeal had turned Emmet into a completely different man.
Things got so bad, that unfortunately, Gear Station would be closing down for an indefinite period. This caused the rumors to spike up, further cementing the belief that Emmet had murdered Ingo. But it was too late for poor Emmet, something inside of him snapped. He ignored the rumors, cut ties with Elesa and broke up with his S/O. But Emmet made sure to say it in a way that they would never try to go back with him. He let them know how tired he had grown from being with them and how much he despised them and regretted the time he spent with them. Then it devolved into Emmet using their insecurities as a finishing point to devastate them for good.
He reassured himself these things were necessary, he did not want any distractions on his quest to find his brother. After that, he became a recluse on his apartment, studying everything he could get his hands on, he really had no idea on what subjects to begin his research so all of them was the best option. Living off of his savings, he remained there for many months until his research bore fruit and found a hint that would bring him closer to Ingo. To which he didn't think twice and followed the lead to Sinnoh. When he left Unova, he had made sure to burn many bridges between good friends along the way just as a precaution so that nobody would chase after him.
The trip to Sinnoh was smooth, once there nobody knew who he was or what had happened to his twin. Now he would settle down under a new identity and continue his research. Emmet moved to Celestic town under the guise of starting to love his life "the old fashioned way", and claiming he was a novelist from Kanto looking to find a quiet place to work. Surprisingly, everyone bought it and welcomed Emmet into the community without question. In fact, he made sure to be an active member of the community to ward off suspicions and he became well liked in town.
After falling into a routine, he would make trips to Mt. Coronet under the pretext to get inspired to write. But in reality he was aiming on learning about Arceus and if it was possible that god themself were responsible for it all. And as a sick trick of fate, he was correct. Now all he needed to do was find a way to get closer to Arceus. Which for now meant to keep his routine and investigate further.
This went on for a long time until Emmet discovered the existence of Team Galactic. The organization piqued his interest and left Celestic town to join them. Once in, he felt one step closer to reaching his goal. But there was one problem and it was the organization's leader, Cyrus. Though they had a similar goal, their paths deviated in the end result. And for that Emmet had to do something before Cyrus would strip him of his only chance to reunite with Ingo.
At first, he quietly worked as a grunt, slowly working his way until he became an admin, and he became one of the most liked admin amongst the grunts. This proved beneficial to Emmet and his goal. Everything seemed to line up for Emmet and now it was the most crucial point in his quest, he had to strategize his next move and ensure that Cyrus was stripped of his leadership and turned over to him. His course of action was to wait until Cyrus had the red chain in his possession to then incite the grunts to rebel against Cyrus and his admins, with the statement that Cyrus will abandon them all once he creates his new world, they will all be left behind to suffer while their leader enjoys a new life. It began gradually, first by minor mission sabotages, then major sabotage on scientific equipment and until the entirety of the grunts turned against Cyrus. They all battled the admins, Charon, and Cyrus himself with the aid of Emmet. Soon after, they were defeated and exiled from Team Galactic and the grunts appointed Emmet as their new leader.
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royalty-subway · 3 years
Well honey I finally finished my exam period yesterday and now I have more free time to rest, but in the meantime I would like some nice headcannons from Ingo and Emmet <3
Seeing that the s / o fashionista diva was only seen angry, it is time to see her as she is regularly, she is a fashion designer and for that reason she loves the Emmet / Ingo uniform from subway boss. Although it may not seem like it, she is a very generous woman always looking for the right clothes for all kinds of people (so really Emmet / Ingo didn't have a bad time after all)
As curious facts: This s / o when getting angry, his cheeks swell up (like a hamster does and I think that Emmet would love that) and the only thing that Ingo / Emmet would have to suffer are the visits to the mall where they have to charge there her purchases but everything is worth it when in the end she appreciates the great help of her boyfriend with a kiss or perhaps several if they are alone.
(So ​​yeah, this s / o is basically like Rarity ~ ◇)
- Crystal 💎
Oof. Funny enough, I actually watched MLP when I was 12, so I know exactly what Rarity is like. I’ll admit this with no shame.
Hey. If I can admit that I like Sordward and Shielbert, then I see no shame in admitting that I watch talking horses.
And I don’t know why, but I can kinda headcanon that both Shielbert and Elesa make clothes for a living. Or for the fun of it. Of course, Elesa focuses more on just showing off these clothes since she’s a model. While Shielbert just does whatever the hell he does.
Well, you’re not wrong with the “when s/o is mad, they’re cheek swell up, and he’d like that” part. It’s just funny, but of course he wouldn’t attempt to make you upset on purpose. This isn’t a speedrun here.
But honestly, he’ll try whatever clothes you just made for him. If you ever bother, of course. Since for one, he loves it. And two, you made it specifically for him.
He would wear the clothes that you made for him at work, but Ingo might slap him if he did that. Maybe he can change his clothes while no one else is around or looking.
He really doesn’t mind going to the mall with you. Granted, Ingo might be pissed about him skipping work, but who cares. He likes spending time with you.
It could be either for getting him or someone else clothes or you’re just trying to find materials for your designs. He’s cool with anything. Couldn’t care much if he has to pay because you always end up kissing his face about 90 different times.
Well, he’ll always appreciate it whenever you make clothes for him. Even though he’s not much for fashion, he really loves all the hard work you do since he knows that it takes a lot of time to do this.
He honestly wouldn’t mind trying to help you with your designs and such, like getting materials or something like that. He’s always happy to help.
I feel like every waking moment he just prays that you don’t come barging in and demand him to go shopping with you. Which you do that all the time.
It’s not because he doesn’t want to spend time with you, not at all. He just doesn’t want to stay in a mall for 19 hours when he has a job to do. And you always use his money for this shit. But he still loves you so-
Of course, whenever you are upset about something. Then he’ll be there for you. He couldn’t care much if your cheeks swell up. Though he wonders if you’re doing that on purpose or not.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
How would Ingo, Emmet and Piers (seperately ; v ;) fare with an absolute gremlin s/o? Always the Feral one in friend groups, "i'll fight them" personality and the most god awfull puns and cursed thoughts one can only muster to think of at 4 am of 48 hours of no sleep but they are like that? All the time??
Oh, yeah, I love bad puns and cursed thoughts. And I love gremlins too!
He's, sadly, used to gremlin energy. Emmet, we love him, but he's a little gremlin himself somethings, especially when the twins were kids. Ingo finds your behavior endearing, though. Your energy compliments his, though he wishes you wouldn't try to goad people into fights. Even if you're doing it jokingly, he fears one day you'll be taken seriously and hurt.
Your puns delight him. He likes them, and thinks they're funny. You get many cute laughs from Ingo with your silly word plays, and Elesa takes a liking to you as well. You've both teamed up and sent Ingo to tears before (Emmet too, but he was crying from a different emotion). Ingo thinks you're funny, and you brighten the worse of days with your silliness and dumb jokes. He truly appreciates you.
Cursed thoughts, however, he could live without. They are thought provoking, he will admit it, but he doesn't care for how he can't focus on paperwork now because you've called a tomato soup a fruit smoothie and he can't stop thinking about it. Yes, tomatoes are a fruit, but fruit smoothies are made with other fruits, right? Okay, technically he supposes a smoothie can be one fruit, but that doesn't make tomato soup- Okay, you know different types of tomatoes don't count as different fruit.
He does love you sorely, but you try him.
He's happy to fight you. Emmet has gremlin energy of his own, and if you want to fight, he's ready. He'll do Pokémon battles, but if you two are at home or somewhere he thinks he can get away with it, he'll absolutely wrestle you. It's fun, but he likes winning more than anything, so you'll need to be at least a little serious if you want to pin him. Emmet is long, though. Good luck.
Emmet doesn't care for your puns. You're as bad as Elesa with them, but he has to live with you. Whenever you crack a joke like that, you get a thin smile and narrowed eyes. It's a silent warning. Should you decide to continue down this track, he will take it upon himself to derail you. He will tickle you until you're bawling if you're not careful. Be aware, and get his ass.
Emmet is just as bad with cursed thoughts. He will sit and half-seriously debate with you about them. What if we put a werewolf on the moon? With gear, of course, he'll survive for a while. But what would happen to him? If a full moon changes him, will living on the dark side of the moon stop that? Or is the moon technically always full in space, but we can't see it sometimes on earth, but on the moon there is always a full moon side, so will the werewolf always be changed?
Elesa hates eating with y'all sometimes
Piers will tell you straight, Marnie was a gremlin growing up. He's also the boss of Team Yell, and they're all gremlins. He's immune. You playfully try to goad someone into a fight, even just your friend? Nope, he's leading you away, arm around your shoulders so you can't escape. Here, channel it into music with him. Bang on the drums, play the guitar, sing it out. Don't give him a heart attack with fights, please?
Your puns, depending on how good they are, will evoke one of two reactions. Either Piers chuckles and ruffles your hair, calling you a dork, or he gives you a side eye and refuses to comment unless you goad him. Good jokes are good and bad jokes get no comment. It's very funny, especially when you manage to make him snort with a particularly good zinger. You're under oath not to tell anyone, though.
The cursed thoughts garner a similar reaction to the puns. Depending on his mood, he'll entertain your questions or ideas. Is a hotdog a taco or is a taco a hotdog? Would you consider a poptart a type of ravioli (ugh it made me shudder to think)? Is a pig-in-a-blanket a burrito? He'll debate with you sometimes, try to come to a conclusion. Other times, though, he's like "babe, go to sleep." The man is tired, but you're a bright spot in his life, even if you are insufferable sometimes. But that's love, ain't it? Loving people even when they're insufferable <3
I'm more of a pun person than a cursed thoughts person. For example: do you know how much pirates sell corn for? a buccaneer
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