#now where is hibiki playable
butlers-guards · 1 year
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King Johnson (who is staying cool)
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stainedglassthreads · 2 years
I think one of the big reasons Genshin NPCs are perceived as so much more interesting than Genshin playable characters is... they’re ALLOWED to grow and change in radical ways. 
Ruu has an arc about realizing he’s dead, about finding peace and bringing it to Kapatcir, and then finally moving on. Zhiqiong struggles with her mundanity, her mortality, recklessly pushing its body far beyond its limits in a bid to be remembered. Jeht is lively and curious and friendly and gets quickly attached to Benben, but also struggles with her father’s past and the place she belongs. Neko sits idylly on her island, waiting for the day Hibiki, who died hundreds of years ago, will return to her. Gendou Ringo has a great hidden quest about being a Fatui Spy but wanting to live a normal life as a shrine maiden, being helped by a begrudging Momoyo, and there’s also Katarina and the Company of Fatui, hell, Enjou. 
They’re allowed to have full, lengthy arcs and to radically change their life situations. Gendou Ringo defects from the Fatui and becomes a Shrine Maiden. Katarina and Zhiqiong vanish and may be dead. The Company’s fate is uncertain, but not optimistic. Rana goes off adventuring with a Vision and Arana. Enjou reveals himself as part of the Abyss Order, Ruu leaves the world... 
I think the reason why the NPCs tend to be more interesting is because they’re allowed to have complete arcs. They’re allowed to be ‘retired’, to go off somewhere where the Traveller cannot follow. While the playables are all stuck in just... a limbo. Sometimes their development is tied to Archon Quests or Character quests, but only two out of the 64 playable characters (not counting the Traveller) get sequels to their character quests. And of those two, only Ei gets to make significant character development in her sequel. 
Amber, Kaeya, Diluc, Razor, Xinqiu, Lisa, Mona, Jean. They were some of the first characters to get Character Quests. Do they get sequels? Do they change radically and make life-altering decisions? No. Have we learned what Childe is doing, if he no longer remembers Scara to track him down? No. They’re all generally in the same places we left  them. With the same significant relationships. They appear in Events, and those Events can pair them up with characters we don’t usually meet for fun dynamics, or reveal previously unknown past info like Razor’s parents or Kaeya and Diluc’s letters. But the Rifthounds in Wolvendom don’t get followed up on, Kaeya and Diluc retain generally the same relationship. These things are interesting, but ultimately treated as skippable and will be summarized in the main quests. 
It’s not just that all the playable characters have to be considered ‘marketable’. They have to believably be in a place where the Traveller can ‘reach’ them, so they can still be rolled or show up in events. 
Take Dain and Scara, for example. Scara spent a long stint as an unplayable character. Dain still isn’t playable. Scara quickly won a lot of fans’ hearts, not just because he was allowed to act like something of a bastard, but before he became playable he showed up in four different regions for varying reasons. Then what’s the final thing Scara does before he officially becomes ‘playable’? Establish that he’s staying with Nahida now, allowing the Traveller a place to conveniently find him in future Archon Quests, and possibly a reason to show up in Sumeru-based temporary events. Likewise, Dain exclusively shows up for Archon Interludes, appearing and disappearing across the continent, being the one to seek out the Traveller, rather than allowing us to find him. Before becoming playable, both Scara and Dain are allowed to have their own quests, goals, and adventures separate from the Traveller, but upon being made playable Scara’s development is made to scale with the Traveller’s journey and progress. 
This is a little rambly and disorganized I expect, and I’m sure it’s not the only reason, but I think it’s a possible theory about why it’s like that. If the writers felt they were allowed to, say, have Thoma pack up and return to Mondstadt, that would be breaking the status quo, because he may not make it back for the next Irodori festival. If Razor decides it’s time to leave his Lupical and journey to track down the Abyss Order, that would be breaking the status quo, because now he can’t be there for Windblume. 
And boy do gacha games struggle with character development and the status quo. 
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What Characters Were Planned For BBDW?
I finally got my hands on the BBDW game files. Like other people have mentioned, there are a lot of blank placeholder images, specifically as part of the character asset groups. While looking at the files, I thought I found a pattern, so I decided I'd see if I could figure out which characters were definitively planned to be added to BBDW.
We already know that all characters had a chance to be added, but these characters had actual evidence in the game's files- places prepared for where they would have been put.
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Here's what I mean. Ciel is the first character listed- both of her images start with 0001. Then there's a placeholder for a character 0002. Next we have all of Jin's assets starting with 0003.
Considering the order that the following character assets go in, and the fact that Mori did end up releasing his character art, I'd bet money on that 0002 asset being reserved for Ragna. Let's look at a larger section.
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Here, it looks like the characters are grouped up based on the games they came out in- we see the Calamity Trigger cast all next to each other. And we know they aren't numbered in order of when they were released- if that were the case, Hakumen would much farther down the list.
Considering that the order the characters are shown is almost the same order as they appear in Calamity Trigger's story select menu, I'm pretty sure that 0011 was meant to be Carl, and 0013 was going to be Nu-13 if I'm right, I love the detail that they managed to have her the 13th character in the files.
To keep track of which characters I've already found a place for, I'll be using the handy dandy icons from the wiki over here. So, here!
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Obviously, none of these are confirmed.These are just my best guesses for who all of these placeholder characters would have been. If you have any ideas, I'd love to here them! For now, let's move on the next games. This is gonna be a long post.
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The majority of the Continuum Shift cast is accounted for. Like with the CT cast, it's pretty easy to figure out who those two blank spaces were for. There are only two playable characters from CS that don't show up in BBDW- Relius as 0019 and Mu as 0020.
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The Chronophantasma characters are next. I'm pretty confident that Terumi is 0027, starting the list of Extend character assests. I'm not sure who's 0022 or 0024 between Amane and Azrael, but I'm certain that those places are for them, in whichever order.
The interesting one here is Kagura. Kagura was in BBDW, and we have other assets for him, but we're missing one card art, and that's what that placeholder (where I put his icon) is for. You can tell by the fact that all four of those files- the placeholder, the NOL Kagura, the normal Kagura, and his max art- start their numbering with 0026.
And we actually do have a hint as to what would have been on this empty Kagura card. Somewhere else in the game files, hidden in another collection of character assets, we come across 002600 again- this time, it isn't a placeholder.
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Unfortunately, this is all we can see of the art- there's almost undoubtedly a full body version of this somewhere (likely in the possession of ArcSys) but it definitely isn't anywhere in these files. I wonder if the, uh, Kagura Incident, and how that all went down, has anything to do with why they didn't finish putting in all his assets... There are other characters with a placeholder for some of their art but proper images for others (you can see Jubei, 0037, at the bottom there) but I haven't found any other characters who have a placeholder for an image in one group of assets and but no placeholder for the same costume in a different group of assets.
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it seems like it could be a costume for Kagura based on his Academy look/his appearance in Amane's Astral Finish.
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Continuing into the Central Fiction characters with Hibiki, 0030, at the end of the previous line. For the unknown characters/placeholder slots, I believe 0032 was for Nine as we know her in CF. Nine would have had multiple playable versions, much like Valkenhayn; who had a playable C-series and Bloodedge Experience version released for BBDW and a Phase Shift version in the files that we never got to play.
0033 would be for Izanami. Susano'o would be 0036, right alongside his fellow DLC character, Jubei, at 0037. Similarly to Kagura, Jubei was playable in game, but for some reason one of his assets was never added. Unlike Kagura, I haven't been able to find any sign of what that asset- presumably a costume- would have looked like.
Then we have two spots at the end of the CF list. We're out of playable characters from the mainline games, but thanks to Homura in the 0039 spot, we know that 0038 must have been a C-series Blazblue character, not part of the Phase Shift cast that comes next.
I was stumped on who 0038 could've been for a little while- Linhua was one thought, since she made it into the game, but she doesn't have any placeholder slots- she appears later in the files as 0092. Roy is also a popular enough C-series character but I didn't feel confident in that pick.
If I had to guess anyone, I'd say 0038 had been meant for Torakaka. She'd be right next to Jubei who she replaced in Tao's Astral when he was added to CF, and we know from Chachakaka's early implementation that the game seemed pretty eager to add the Kaka Clan cast- they even had some gameplay trends specifically associated with them. So, let's slide her right in there.
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So there are all my best guesses for which characters were on the horizon for BBDW before its untimely end. I'll be stopping here, and will continue starting with the Phase Shift cast in a future post. I've taken a look over those sections, and I actually expect them to be much harder to figure out... We don't have any easy playable character rosters to compare to the empty slots anymore.
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Time to live up to my username.
Here's an Unpopular Modern Gaming Opinion:
Bridget shouldn't have been made Trans for Strive.
Let's get one thing clear - I have no issues with the idea of creating new characters with a trans identity, what I take issue with is when you take characters with longstanding, pre-established lore, and hamfist things into their lore, like trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole.
Throughout Bridget's history in the Guilty Gear storyline, Bridget's whole story circled around a superstitious village belief surrounding identical twins. Bridget was raised to dress like, behave like, and speak like a girl in order to avoid being banished/killed.
Once he was of age to journey on his own, Bridget opted to become a Bounty Hunter in order to bring great wealth back to his village, hoping that, by doing so, it would help prove the village's superstitions wrong.
His ORIGINAL storyline would end with him returning to the village, fortune in tow, disproving the village's beliefs...only to discover that, in his absence, his twin brother had been absconded with, leading him to strike out in search of his whereabouts.
The constant gag running throughout Bridget's storyline in games where he was present, were people mistaking him for a girl - something which he would constantly, adamantly refute (much to the trauma of one particular pirate leader).
So, it makes no sense to many longterm GG fans (y'know, the people who actually PLAY the games and learn the convoluted lore) why, seemingly out of nowhere, Bridget suddenly decides "Actually, maybe they were right, maybe I was wrong, and maybe I AM a girl".
Bridget was a trailblazer when they were first created, giving us a GNC character who wasn't played off as a joke (See: Dan Hibiki), and was balanced as being just as strong as 90% of the other fighters (Fuck you, Potemkin).
Daisuke wanted to create an unconventional male character, and that's what Bridget gave us (also, Venom, who was revealed as gay through official audio dramas).
If they had taken the slow, long-term approach of having Bridget go through some sort of trans awakening (even if it was just in the backstory of games they weren't involved with as playable fighters), it would've made the whole reveal in Strive a lot less of a confusing shock to the longtime fanbase who'd been waiting for this character to return after 9 years of absence.
Like, at the end of the day, most of the fanbase just decided to drop it, accept it as Daisuke saying "This is how it is now", and moved on.
Like, at day's end, I'm just glad that Bridget was brought back to the fore, I just wish they weren't handled so sloppily. Like, if they confirmed that Xrd, Revelator, and Strive were all an alternate timeline from the Original games, that probably wouldn't have resulted in such a backlash, but we can't change what's been set in stone. Word of God and all that.
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ygreczed · 2 years
Inazuma Eleven manga fun facts!
Part 1/?
I don’t know about you but I think most of us here are absolute fans of the IE anime (and/or games), but have you ever read the manga ? It’s quite different.So here I am, giving you some fun facts about the manga version of our favorite magical soccer boy saga !
Tamano Gorou : one of the Raimon players who never appeared in the anime, some of you may know him from the games, where he is a playable character. He’s a small first year, shown to be a very close friend to Endou. He’s victim of Kageyama’s shenanigans and gets severely injured during practice, preventing him from playing the FF qualifs until the finals of the district. He’s sweet but... he’s got the same personality as Endou so I understand why he didn’t make it to the anime.
Gouenji doesn’t save Endou from bullies at the riverbank in the manga. They actually meet when Endou tries to run after a thug who just stole some woman’s purse. Gouenji stops the thief with his powerful shoot, and Endou, impressed, starts harassing him to make him join the soccer club. Fun fact, LEVEL-5 actually made a reference to this in the latest two reboot seasons: this is exactly how Kozoumaru meets Gouenji in Ares.
Kazemaru is a member of the Raimon Eleven from the beginning, and is not from the athletics club.
Kidou’s a savage. But I’ll elaborate on this on another post because I can’t shut up about him. He is much more of a bad boy than his anime-self and I need more space to talk about how cool he is.
During the match against O・T・A・K・U, Manga Moe decides to follow Kageyama’s plan to put drugs in Raimon’s water to alter their abilities in the second half. Raimon won thanks to Endou’s determination, and Megane (sadly) never saved the day. All he did was to fill in for Gorou after his accident, and run again when Raimon meets Teikoku in the finals.
 Someoka isn’t as hot-headed in the manga as he is in the anime. He’s not shown to be jealous of Gouenji, he actually admires his talent even when the team seems to only trust the fire striker to score. He is pretty hard on Endou at the beginning, calling his recklessness during practice “irresponsable”, and saying he’s not “qualified to be a captain” when Endou’s body was tattered from his intense training.
Endou’s dream in the manga is for him and his team to become “the legendary Inazuma Eleven”. In the anime, Endou doesn't really have a dream except that he wants to play and enjoy soccer with powerful players.
Aki is the only manager, at least during the qualifs. Natsumi is just a mean rich girl in the first half of the manga, then she just appears out of the blue to tell Endou his grand-father is alive. Haruna literally DOESN’T EXIST (best girl boohoo).
Hibiki becomes Raimon’s coach willingly on Natsumi’s demand. He’s a lot less moody than his alter ego in the anime. Raimon still goes through half the FF without a coach though.
Yuuka never wakes up in the manga.
The whole Aliea Gakuen arc doesn't happen in the manga ! The plot actually jumps from the end of the FF right to the FFI.
Fubuki seems to have a double personality in the manga but this is never adressed, so we don't know if it is because of a traumatic accident in the past or if it's just a gimmick.
That’s all for now ! Hope you learned a few things !
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gear-project · 6 years
Do you think Asuka if he is playable in the game will be similar or taken inspiration from his battle in Overture?
I wish this question was easy to answer but it’s hard to predict exactly how Asuka will be designed for the game.
No doubt he WILL be playable, given that he challenged Sol directly… but the question is how will that play out in-game?
We’re pretty well adjusted to Sol matchups by now, having seen him fight against the likes of Ky, Testament, Slayer, Dizzy, I-No, Justice, Sin, the Valentines, etc.
But the toughest fights so far for him have been his battle with Bedman which was dead-even, and Ariels (Ky and Sin helped in that fight) along with his “for serious” duel with Ky, which he lost.
Having Asuka fight Sol would definitely have to be one for the books, since they are long-time rivals.
That’s where a battle director/coreographer would come in to play, like Pachi (Sekine Kazutoshi).
Up to now, Asuka hasn’t once fought Sol in earnest, and most likely would have obliterated him if he was even remotely serious given the level of firepower he used to “test” Sol’s capabilities.
Even if we used the BlazBlue series to gauge the kind of fight they were capable of… we’d be limiting ourselves to a 2D perspective in combat.
Take Ragna=the=BloodEdge versus Nine=the=Phantom… that’s a textbook battle right there: a physical fighter like Ragna would definitely have a hard time against the likes of Nine… and he did struggle up to a point in Central Fiction.
Sol fought I-No in a similar fashion, but I-No isn’t nearly as versatile as Nine is, all things considered.
If you were to take Nine’s powers, add Es’s abilities, add Mu-12’s powers, and even the likes of Nu-13’s moves… that all combined would probably be the level at which Asuka R. Kreutz can fight theoretically…
And that’s all from a 2D perspective… say Asuka had the ability to dodge attacks like Relius Clover, or create after images of himself like Hibiki can…
What if he had powers that far exceeded Bedman?
You’d have a handful of a fight for Sol to deal with… and Sol is… what?  B-Tier on average?  He’s not even the strongest character to play as in the roster.
Regardless, I think people should mentally prepare themselves for Asuka to be powerful beyond our expectations and pose a threat not just to Sol, but to the rest of the cast as well… even high level threats like Johnny and Chipp in competitive circles.
Anyway, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.  And Asuka isn’t even the only new character to consider: Izuna, Dr. Paradigm, Happy Chaos, returning characters like Robo Ky and Anji Mito, Bridget even… we still have lots to look forward to!
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pretty-idol-hell · 7 years
PriPara Arcade Time 5 News
So they posted some arcade game news, and I’m kinda like.... what?
So there is going to be a new “Christmas Live mode” from 12/7 to 12/27 where you can play Hibiki’s Christmas medley from last year and a new Christmas medley by Yui. You can only get Christmas coords.
Also the Tops Grandprix (ie the competition) is.... not.... happening....... ..... .....
Apparently all you have to do is play 8 times before January 31st and it opens the stage where you can play once, get the top, and that’s it. Song will be “Believe my Dream” (the new song for you-know-who) and the recommended color will be whatever the machine is doing.
Also there is going to be an encore stage where you can get all the old parts/stamps.... 
(Okay. On the one hand I would have preferred this from the start. But on the other hand suddenly stopping the Grandprix like this is kind of... wow... why... PriPara is... really ending isn’t it?)
Also Falala is coming permanently, Janice is coming back, and Hatsune Miku will be playable as well!
People were assuming about how WITH was going to be playable since this update is called “Falala and WITH” but, it seems it’s not true? all it says is Asahi will be an escort so now all three of them are on the arcade game... as escorts. 
New songs: Believe my Dream, Falala’s Sunshine Bell, and Hibiki’s Shooting Star (so that’s not a 3DS exclusive anymore... good job Takara Tomy taking away the main reason I felt I had to buy the game lol). Also another MyChara song in Zuttomo from 12/28 called “Thank You, Sorry, See You Tomorrow”.
So remember that gorgeous Yume Rare coord that Yui got in the anime? Yeah it’s not here. Instead the Yume Rares are Yui’s team coords! I do kinda like them though, especially the rainbowy accents. Except they inherited the Non-Sugar polkadots... Also I am kinda annoyed that the bonus ticket Yume Rare is ANOTHER Yui recolor. This means there have technically been FIVE Yume rare coords designed fur Yui...... ........ .....
Also Koyoi and Asahi’s birthdays are coming up so, they get birthday coords! ...To be worn by Michiru and Nino.... sorry for serious guys no playable WITH it seems.... 
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englishvisualnovels · 7 years
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Fruitbat Factory Releases SeaBed Demo on Steam
The playable demo for SeaBed is now available on Steam. It contains the first hour of gameplay and features the two main characters, Sachiko and Takako.
SeaBed will launch worldwide on December 19th. The full version will include English and Japanese language options, graphics in 1440 x 1080 resolution, and support for multiple resolutions.
Relevant Links:
Where to Buy (Digital): Fruitbat Factory (Steam key only), MangaGamer (Direct download only)
Steam Page (Demo available)
Official Site
Opening Video
SeaBed is a critically acclaimed yuri-themed mystery visual novel told through the perspectives of three separate characters: Mizuno Sachiko, a designer plagued by hallucinations of her past lover; Narasaki Hibiki, Sachiko's friend and a psychiatrist researching the workings of human memories; and Takako, Sachiko's former lover who has been rapidly forgetting her past, including how or why the two women drifted apart despite being together since childhood. All three live in different worlds, but seek the same goal. To separate truth from illusion. To make sense of their own lives.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Muv-Luv Expo: The Summer of (Muv) Luv: All The Announcements
July 3, 2020 6:47 PM EST
Muv-Luv photonmelodies, Unlimited The Day After Episode 04, Project Mikhail, Project Immortal, Alternative anime, and more.
Avex and aNCHOR held the Muv-Luv Expo: The Summer of (Muv) Luv event on July 1, revealing multiple new details on Muv-Luv games and projects. It was the biggest Muv-Luv event since the âge 20th anniversary event in October 2019, where Muv-Luv Integrate was announced. Interestingly, one of the biggest shockers about the event wasn’t the new info in itself but the fact aNCHOR took the effort to fully translate the stream, including all the information and slides, in English. Usually, Japanese companies or events at most only do an English version of their stream, with commentators translating bits of info live. Here, Every Little Thing was translated. As such, my role to play is pretty limited compared to my usual summaries of Japanese streams, which are timelier and detailed.
If you’re really into Muv-Luv, watch the whole stream yourself. It’ll definitely be worthwhile. And if you can understand some Japanese, I’d also redirect you to Yoshimune Kouki’s weekly streams. Which I’m not paid enough to cover each week. Anyway, here’s a roundup of everything revealed at Muv-Luv Expo.
Muv-Luv photonmelodies Launches July 30 in English On Steam
Muv-Luv photonmelodies was one of the games promised by the huge Muv-Luv Kickstarter in 2015 (over 1 million dollars) that aimed to bring the original trilogy and its related games to the west, in an official manner. Now, it finally got a release date, launching July 30 for 29.99$. photonmelodies is a fandisc, as in side-stories or sequels of a visual-novel specifically made for the fans.
There are three stories in photonmelodies: A Shimmering Shard of Spacetime, which is the official Muv-Luv Alternative epilogue depicting the end of protagonist Takeru’s journey. Adoration, which depicts Europe trying to resist the BETA, and Resurrection, a story about a certain character spy infiltrating a Japanese base.
Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After Announced in English For 2020 Release, New Artwork for TDA Episode 4
Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After will be published officially in English in 2020.
In Japan, the Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After is a series of multiple games, included inside the Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles releases since 2010. The latest game, Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After Episode 03, is included in Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles Vol.4, released in 2013 in Japan. The next game, Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After Episode 04, is currently in development, and will launch in English at around the same time as in Japan.
Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After takes place in the Unlimited timeline, after Muv-Luv Unlimited.
New artwork for Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After Episode 04 were revealed on stream. Yoshimune Kouki commented each one of them starting the 1:16:00 mark. Though he also said he can’t comment too much, to avoid spoilers.
Muv-Luv Expo: New Details on Project Mikhail (Tentative Title)
Muv-Luv Project Mikhail was first announced at the âge20th Anniversary broadcast [still breathing] event in October 2019. (âge is aNCHOR’s original name). It’s an online multiplayer action game coming 2021 worldwide on PC via Steam, iOS, and Android. The game was previously described as “Muv-Luv Armored Core“. It most notably won’t be free-to-play and won’t feature a gacha system but have something similar to a subscription. At Muv-Luv Expo, we learned new details on the game’s story and gameplay.
The game’s first trailer, revealed in May 2020, stated how “your decisions guide the world”. We learned at Muv-Luv Expo it literally meant that. Players in Project Mikhail all share the same world, and each person’s actions will affect everyone else’ experience. This will allow the game’s story to depict new possibilities not seen in any Muv-Luv timeline so far. Such as changing the events of the coup d’état arc. This is pretty interesting, as Project Mikhail might be the perfect simulator for veteran Muv-Luv fans arguing for over 15 years on what plans and what choices would be better.
Players will also be able to fully customize their TSFs.
Lastly, pre-alpha gameplay footage of Project Mikhail was shown on stream at the 29:10 mark. Note that while the gameplay runs on mobile, the game is primarily developed for PC.
Muv-Luv Expo: New Details on Project Immortal (Tentative Title)
Muv-Luv Project Immortal is a free-to-play Action RPG with Strategy elements, coming to IOS, Android, PC, in 2021. Project Immortal also got a trailer in May 2020, which most notably jokes about how the game will stay playable offline even if it shuts down, a typical Cookie self-jab referencing Muv-Luv Alternative Strike Frontier which shut down in 2018. The mobile market in Japan is ruthless and saturated, many games end up closing down each year, sometimes only a few months after launch. It’s a nightmare for the artists and developers who put in ton of hard work, and the fans loose the game’s content forever.
We learned on the stream Project Immortal might be coming to consoles as well, and the development team hopes it’ll be possible. The game will have TSFs customization, a Story Mode, PvP, Coop, Random stages, and more.
Muv-Luv Alternative Anime Adaptation Project is Going Smoothly
A rough design for the Takemikazuchi in the upcoming Muv-Luv Alternative anime adaptation was revealed for the first time at Muv-Luv Expo. The project is going well. The trailer above was published in May 2020.
Muv-Luv Alternative Manga Will Be Officially Available in English This July
This is self-explanatory.
New Digital Artbook: âge Graphicers Artbook Now Available on Booth
Muv-Luv Expo Summer of (Muv) Luv: Q&A Corner
The second half of the stream was a lengthy discussion and Q&A corner. Starting the 1:20:00 mark. The staff answered questions from fans. The staff who answered were Muv-Luv original author Yoshimune Kouki, Muv-Luv General Producer tororo (Kazutoshi Matsumura), Project Mikhail Director Hitoshi Kumano, and Project Immortal developer Kitakuou.
tororo said besides Project Mikhail, Project Immortal, The Day After Episode 4, and Muv-Luv Integrate, aNCHOR is currently working on 2-3 unannounced projects.
Yoshimune Kouki would like to do The Day After Episode 04 short side stories on Marimo and Ikaruga, Takeru and Meiya. He already thought up stories for these, but The Day After focuses on the two brand new characters it introduces, Hibiki and Yuzuka. So he’s not sure he’ll be able to do it. TDA can’t focus on what every single character does.
Hitoshi Kumano: Players will be able to color-customize dropped TSF parts in Project Mikhail. They’re also considering a function to display your own squad emblem on parts.
Hitoshi Kumano: Project Mikhail will not be fully-voiced, that may seem like a downside but at least this way new scenario updates won’t have to wait for the availability of the seiyuu, and they’ll add more and more scenario.
Hitoshi Kumano: Project Mikhail won’t have romance related game systems, but it’ll be similar to that if you for example keep picking the choices that’ll please a certain girl, raising her trust levels.
The Project Immortal team didn’t think yet of whether to add romance elements or not.
Hitoshi Kumano: In Project Mikhail, which NPC you decide to help and the choices you make can be picked before each mission and won’t affect the parts and rewards you get. That way there won’t be certain choices or NPCs that are more advantageous than others gameplay wise.
Yoshimune Kouki was asked “which is the strongest TSF besides Susanoo”. He answered if you take into account every Muv-Luv material released so far, it’ll be the Hinokagutsuchi in Ayu-Mayu Alternative and coming second would be the F-47 Ishkur. The event MC added how at the end of the day each TSF is made for a different situation, so it’ll ultimately depend of the mission.
That’s everything. Thanks for reading. We’ve got tons of Muv-Luv things to look forward to in 2020 and 2021. I personally never thought the series would be localized regularly like this when I first heard of it over ten years ago. As a side note, âge is also working on a Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien reboot, which I’m personally looking forward to as well.
July 3, 2020 6:47 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/07/muv-luv-expo-the-summer-of-muv-luv-all-the-announcements/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=muv-luv-expo-the-summer-of-muv-luv-all-the-announcements
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