#now we really get into the meat of canon
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Season Two Halloween AU Part Five
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Synopsis: What if Eddie had been at Tina's Halloween Party in Season Two? Featuring Steve!Whump, Stancy Breakup, and Eddie just trying to keep up with all these new revelations about who King-Steve actually is...
Huge huge HUGE shout-out to Jess @strangersteddierthings for being my sounding board and letting me send such long messages full of spoilers!! I can't thank you enough!
“Dustin, what the hell are you doing here?” Steve says as he hurries towards the kid, he looks around as though expecting another person to follow behind him.
“I can’t find Nancy or Jonathan, you’re the only other one who knows about--”
The kid, Dustin, tilts himself to look past Steve at Eddie with suspicious eyes, “you know”.
Steve freezes, his shoulders a rigid line of tension as Dustin steps around him to head for the screen door.
Eddie had to give it to the kid, he certainly had guts just waltzing in here like this.
“You still have your bat?”
Steve looks from Dustin to Eddie and lowers his voice to mutter something that has Dustin shaking his head rapidly.
"The one with nails, Steve".
"Your what?" Eddie blurts out, forcing the other two to turn towards him. Dustin full on glares. His eyes narrow in irritation while Steve's face pales before smoothing out in that same guarded expression from earlier.
Dustin steps closer to Eddie and crosses his arms over his chest, "who are you?"
"That was a rule," Dustin cuts across Steve, smacking the back of one hand into the palm of the other, "no one else gets to know, and I can't tell Max, so you can't just tell him--"
Steve jerks his head as if slapped, a flush building on his cheeks and ears, "I haven't--Eddie's not, I don't--"
Dustin waves his hand dismissively and turns towards Eddie once again.
"Look, it's cool that Steve is expanding his social circle but you should leave".
The attitude on this kid.
Eddie holds out a hand at Dustin and laughs but it tumbles out with a tinge of hysteria, "I'm sorry, I'm still stuck on the whole Nail Bat thing?"
Steve groans, his head swings back and forth from Eddie to Dustin as though he's not sure who to answer first.
He sighs and runs one hand over his face, roughly from the slight wince he makes as he brushes the black eye, "look," Steve barks out, "he's a friend".
Something in Eddie's chest warms at the words despite the incredulous scoff that threatens to tumble out. Steve Harrington, friends with Eddie Munson?
Dustin snorts, "you don't have friends? I only ever see you with Nancy and Jonathan".
Steve flinches slightly at the words, but Dustin carries on talking, brushing past Steve to the house.
"We don't have time for this, I've been looking for you guys all day and now it's dark and there are lives at stake--"
"Je-sus, okay, okay," Steve takes three long strides to catch up to Dustin and steps in front of him, he reaches out for the kids shoulder but seems to think better of it and instead runs the hand through his hair.
"You said lives are at stake?"
It's like a switch is flipped in the kid, he whirls around on Steve, a stream of near gibberish falling out of his mouth at a mile a minute, Eddie can hardly follow it.
"And now he's this big," Dustin hisses, throwing his hands nearly two feet apart from one another.
Steve holds up his hands, "okay, Christ, how do you know it's not just a lizard, Dustin?"
"Because its face opened up and ate my cat, Steve".
Steve looks up at Eddie, meeting his gaze with a nervous laugh, "listen, Dustin, uh, he watches too many B-Monster movies, I'm just gonna take him back to his house".
Now Eddie wouldn't say he's necessarily a, 'go-with-the-flow' kind of guy, but he can roll with the punches --any Dungeon Master worth their salt needed to be able to think on their feet when the time came.
Which is probably why he opens his big fucking mouth.
"I mean, life and death situations with cat-eating Kobolds sounds exactly like my kind of night fellas".
Steve frowns and tilts his head, staring at Eddie while Dustin perks up, his eyes widen in surprise.
"Kobolds? You play D&D?" Dustin says skeptically, pushing past Steve to make his way up to Eddie now.
Eddie laughs at the question, "kid, I run the D&D club at Hawkins High".
Suddenly it's like there's a different kid standing in front of him, his face lights up in wonder and he opens his mouth to continue when Steve makes a sputtering noise behind him.
"Henderson," Steve bites out, hands on his hips, "I swear to God, if you interrupted us for some Halloween prank, you're dead".
He stands there for a moment scowling at the pair of them before turning on his heel and walking towards the house.
"It's not a prank," Dustin huffs defensively, his arms cross over his chest and his face scrunches into a frown.
He looks up at Eddie briefly, all good will from the D&D revelation earlier now forgotten as Dustin follows Steve's path towards the door.
Eddie sighs, he could just leave at this point. Either this is the most elaborate way someone has ended a smoke session with him, or the weirdest role playing game Eddie has ever found himself in the middle of.
But something about the fear in Dustin's voice has Eddie lingering beside the abandoned loungers. He bends down to pick up the forgotten joints and puts them back in his lunchbox before putting the lunchbox back in the backpack. No sense in letting some perfectly good jays go to waste.
The screen door slides open again revealing Steve, who blinks in surprise, "you stayed?"
Eddie shrugs, "I said I would, didn't I?"
Steve nods, and ducks his face, but he can't quite hide the smile that blooms, his eyes crinkle at the corners for the briefest moment before it falls.
"Listen, I know that it sounds like a load of shit--"
"Understatement," Eddie cuts in with a shake of his head.
"Yeah, but you need to know, if you come with us, you're in it. I'm not joking, this is your chance to just walk away".
It's almost as if Steve is pleading with him, and it's then that Eddie notices what Steve has gripped between his hands.
A fucking baseball ball bat, studded with nails that have been haphazardly hammered into the end of it.
Eddie looks from the bat, to Steve's face as Dustin steps out of the house now with two walkie talkies in his hand. He reaches for Steve's backpack and unzips it to place them inside before zipping it up again. There's a grim determination on both of their faces that Eddie has never seen on another person in real life and suddenly he's speaking without thinking again.
"Well, what are we waiting for?"
Eddie swipes a shaking hand through his sweat matted hair as he watches Steve and the rest of the party move about the Byers living room.
As though mere hours ago they didn’t just fend off a group of flower faced creatures hellbent on entering their fortified school bus to tear them apart.
It was crazy.
It was absolutely batshit that all this time there were creatures from another dimension running around their sleepy little backwoods town.
Eddie shudders at the memory of the sounds they made, the horrible grating wails like metal on metal, echoes in his mind.
And now…a person was dead. Mr. Newby.
Eddie had met him once while buying a used amp at the Radio Shack just a few months ago. He was nice, asked about the band and what instrument Eddie played. He had even offered to help Eddie get the amp out to his van.
And now, he was dead.
Mr. Newby would never take Joyce out for another date, he would never walk into his job and help take inventory, he would never offer a helping hand or piece of advice ever again.
Eddie can't help but think about how close they had all come to ending up like Bob, how one of these things had almost crawled into the bus.
What if they hadn't been called away? Bob had a gun and that hadn't been enough to stop the pack of creatures from…
Eddie looks to Steve.
Steve who hasn't stopped pacing the Byers living room since Hopper herded all of them into the house.
He takes five steps to the window at the front of the room, and five steps back to the door of the kitchen, again and again.
And suddenly, things make so much more sense.
The strange haunted expression on Steve's face Eddie would see between classes whenever he thought no one was looking.
The way the three of them, Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve never let the kids go anywhere without a ride.
The way Steve had looked at his empty pool yesterday.
Things happen in the dark, in the woods.
On the fifth pass, Eddie reaches out to Steve and catches the hand closest to him.
Whatever trance Steve was in dissipates, leaving him to blink once and look down at Eddie's hand before slowly curling his fingers more firmly around Eddie's and squeezing gently.
"How're you holding up?" Steve asks quietly as he drops Eddie's hand to pull a dining chair up to where Eddie is seated on a beaten up recliner.
Eddie scoffs at the question and shrugs, "when I figure that out, you'll be the first to know".
Steve nods, a small half smile climbs up his face.
It drops as he looks across the room at Will.
Jonathan kneels beside the couch, talking quietly to his brother, who stares blankly at the ceiling while Nancy watches on beside them.
Eddie's eyes follow Nancy's hands, the way she hesitates to touch Jonathan before eventually giving in and draping her hands over his shoulders.
He looks back at Steve who also seems to be watching Nancy. He breathes out a long sigh and shakes his head, before turning back to Eddie.
"If it makes you feel better, you're taking it better than I did the first time".
Eddie raises one skeptical eyebrow and smirks, "I highly doubt that--"
"I ran away," Steve cuts across him with wide eyes, "I almost left Nance and Jon with a monster, one of those things that took Will," he holds Eddie's gaze for another beat before dropping it to the floor.
"So, don't sell yourself short".
Eddie opens his mouth to tell Steve he should take his own advice but Hopper suddenly makes his presence known once more as he closes the door to Joyce's room behind him and walks back into the living room.
"Okay, we may not have backup on route for a few more hours--"
"If they're even coming," Mike scoffs from the corner, "who says they believed you anyway?"
"Listen, until we are told otherwise, we need to sit tight," Hopper barks, sending a glare Mike's way.
Hopper deflates slightly, as though realizing who he's talking to, and takes a deep steddying breath which he releases slowly through his nose, “we can't just charge in without backup--"
"If we sit here on our asses those things will eventually make it to town, you saw the tunnels Hop," Dustin bites out this time, shooting his own fierce glare at the chief as he stands beside Mike.
"They'll tear everything apart," Max says softly from the floor. She's settled against the back wall of the living room against the collage of drawings that Will had completed in his frenzied state, Lucas sits closer and takes her hand in his own.
"Oh no," Steve mutters under his breath, he spares Eddie a glance before standing up from the chair, "no, no, we can't fight these things by ourselves, we're outmatched here Henderson".
"Not if we know how they work," Mike insists. He walks towards where Max and Lucas are sitting, nearly stepping on the pair of them in his haste.
"Jesus Mike," Lucas hisses under his breath while Max settles for stomping her foot against Mike's own. He jumps at the sudden pain and the three of them dissolve into vicious bickering and name calling until Steve and Nancy pull the kids away from each other.
"Okay, just, keep going Mike," Nancy tells him, once everyone has settled down once more. She gestures to the drawings taped up around the room.
"As I was trying to say," Mike sneers at Max who scoffs and crosses her arms, "what if it's all connected, the tunnels, the dogs, Will?"
No one speaks, the words seem to hang in the air as all eyes move to the couch where Will lays wrapped in blankets and staring unseeing at the ceiling.
Mike continues, "this all started after that day in the field--"
"And if he was infected," Dustin interrupts with a gasp as Mike nods rapidly, pointing at him and then the drawings again.
"It's like a virus, connecting him to this, this--"
"Hivemind," Lucas supplies, his voice hollow as he stands up to join the rest of the kids, "like what Mr. Clarke told us".
"Okay, okay, slow down God Dammit," Hopper huffs as he lifts his hand to pinch his fingers into his eyes.
"Hivemind?" Steve says slowly, as though rolling the word around on his tongue, "like bees?"
Dustin blinks once, his face morphing in surprise, "kind of, it's like a superorganism made up of several others all working together, one collective consciousness".
"A Mindflayer," Eddie whispers, just loud enough for the kids to turn their heads towards him.
He's been quiet for so long, sitting on the sidelines of this group that had clearly worked together in a crisis before. It was almost like listening to Jeff, Gareth, and Grant in a Hellfire session, watching them work out a trap in real time before executing their plan.
It would be endearing if there weren't actual monsters running about.
"Holy shit," Mike breathes out while Dustin darts off towards the bookshelf in the corner.
He flips up some of the drawings until he finds what he's looking for and loudly crows, "yes!"
Dustin marches back to the kitchen table and slams the book down on the surface before flipping several pages. He slaps the back of his hand on the page in triumph as he sends Eddie a confident grin.
"This isn't a game kid," Hopper sighs but steps closer to look at the book nonetheless.
"But it's the closest metaphor we have," Dustin argues back.
"Analogy," Lucas says as he steps towards the table, a shit eating grin pulls at his mouth as he catches Dustin's eye.
"Fine, analogy, whatever!" Dustin mutters, a red flush climbs up his neck until it settles on his ears, he slaps his hand on the books again, "can I get on with it or do you have more vocab for me?"
"Dustin," Nancy sighs, reaching out for his shoulder with one hand, she gives it a slight shake, "what would this even tell us?"
"Well," Dustin turns to Nancy now and points at a section below a horrifying drawing of a humanoid man with a squid for a head. Four tentacles point in all directions while its hands wield a terrifying glowing orb.
It's not something that Eddie has thrown at his players in years now that he's managed to figure out how to balance his encounters properly.
Because Mindflayers…were horrific.
"They're basically from another dimension, and they travel to different worlds to conquer other species that they see as inferior to themselves".
"Conquer," Steve breathes out beside Eddie who can't help but shuffle closer to brush his shoulder against Steve's own.
Steve gives Eddie a brief smile before looking back to where Dustin and Hopper are arguing once again.
Eddie lets his gaze drift only to find Nancy staring at him curiously, her sharp blue eyes flit from Steve and back to himself, the weight of her gaze makes Eddie want to pull away from Steve but he holds his ground and stares right back.
Nancy offers him a tentative smile, which does nothing to ease the sudden tension in Eddie's chest, feeling as though he's been caught.
He could easily explain this away, despite the rumors running rampant at school about Eddie, there is no way anyone would believe the same would be true of Steve Harrington.
Eddie ignores the unhappy weight that settles in his stomach at the thought, he let himself get way too close, way too quickly.
Besides, there wasn’t a chance in hell that Steve was, that he could be…
Eddie shakes himself and moves away, lamenting the loss of Steve’s warm shoulder as he lets Hopper's voice pull him back to the matter at hand.
"Okay then," Hopper nods, looking around the room.
"How do we kill it?"
They have a plan.
Or at least, half of them do.
Going based off a thirteen year olds hypothesis that their friend is basically a spy for a creature from another dimension -which in hindsight is definitely not the craziest thing they’ve experienced today.
Is it something that Eddie would have never come up with in his wildest dreams? Undoubtedly.
But that was before a girl with literal mind-powers showed up and tossed a dead demodog through the Byers window.
Jesus Christ.
So, with El and Hopper on their way to the lab, the rest of the party busies themselves by packing the Byers Station Wagon for the drive to Hopper's cabin.
They have to flush this thing possessing Will out of him before it's too late and the cabin is far enough out of town that whatever happens hopefully won’t affect anyone else.
Eddie tries not to think too deeply about what that might mean.
He manages to find another portable heater in the Byers basement and hauls it into his arms before turning around to walk back up the stairs.
When Eddie reaches the landing his heart stops for just a moment when he realizes he can't see the kids. He takes another step into the kitchen and breathes out a sigh of relief when he sees the four of them huddled around the kitchen table with the still open Monster Manual.
Eddie pauses for just a moment when he spots a Hawkins County map beside the book.
It's covered in red marker.
An intricate design of lines ending with two circles…both around areas outside of the city center.
Eddie shakes his head and keeps moving, much to the visible relief of the kids as he makes his way to the back door.
One problem at a time.
He knows that Steve is around here somewhere, he was helping Jonathan carry Will to the car while Joyce and Nancy gathered as much rope from the shed as they could carry.
God, it's so dark now.
Eddie understands what Steve meant before, the way the trees rustle in the wind and the moonlight catches on animal eyes that shine in the dark. It's enough to put him on edge as he makes his way around the Byers property.
Every snap of a branch was a demodog prowling in the brush, every distant howl was a monster coming to drag him into the Underdark.
He shivers and keeps moving, fighting the urge to look over his shoulder every few steps.
Eddie finally makes his way to the shed, peering inside only to startle as Nancy's voice floats through the cool November air.
"Thank you, for staying with the kids," she says quietly.
Eddie freezes where he stands with the heater in hand. He knows he shouldn't be here for whatever this is, listening in on yet another private conversation between Nancy and Steve but his feet remain planted in the earth.
"Yeah well, I might be a shitty boyfriend, but it turns out I'm a pretty damn good babysitter," Steve hums so casually that Eddie wonders if it's really him speaking. They’re on the other side of the Byers shed, Eddie can almost make out their shapes between the uneven slates of the wood.
"It's okay, really," Steve takes a deep breath, "you should go with Jonathan".
"Steve," Nancy's voice is wet this time as she speaks but Steve hushes her with a sigh.
"It's okay Nance,” he pauses for a beat, “all I want is for you to be happy, and I don’t think you’ve been happy for a long time”.
“What about you,” Nancy whispers, so softly that Eddie almost misses it this time.
Eddie hears the sounds of footsteps and the rustle of fabric, a muffled sniffle and several whispered words that he can't make out from this distance.
The whispering goes on for another minute or two before they fall silent, only the sound of cicadas and frogs echo in the midnight air around them.
Eddie takes this as his cue to begin to loudly walk over, purposefully grinding his steps into the gravel and walking more heavily than he normally would.
He comes around the corner of the shed to find Steve holding Nancy, his head on top of her own as she presses her face into his chest.
Eddie clears his throat and watches as Nancy steps away from Steve. He lets her go, both of their movements lighter than they have been in days.
"If you guys checked the shed, Joyce said it's now or never".
Nancy nods and walks over to take the heater from Eddie, giving him a warm smile as her gentle hands brush his own, and huh --he kinda gets it now. How Steve could have fallen head over heels for this secret badass girl, Nancy Wheeler.
"Thank you," Nancy smiles and Eddie sputters, running his now free hands through his hair.
"For what, I didn't--"
She raises a single eyebrow, and looks from Steve, before bringing her gaze back to Eddie.
"For being there, for all of them".
With that, Nancy walks back towards the house leaving Eddie to feel as though he missed a lot more of that conversation than he should have.
They finish refortifying the Byers house, boarding up the broken window that El had tossed the dead demodog through. Eddie adds one last nail and hammers it in before stepping back to admire their handiwork.
Steve lowers his hand from where he held the board in place and shoots Eddie a grin before he collects the box of nails from the floor and turns to put it on the coffee table.
"Steve?" Eddie says quietly. He doesn’t need to really, the kids aren't paying attention to the pair of them, but this is just for Steve. Eddie doesn't need four pairs of eyes staring at him as he tries to say this.
"I just, I'm sorry about Nancy".
Steve tilts his head in confusion, but Eddie keeps going.
"If we do make it out of this, I don't want you to think you were a 'shitty' anything".
Eddie winces as Steve's eyes narrow slightly.
"I'm guessing you were standing by the shed a lot longer than we thought," Steve says slowly as he looks back at the kids and takes another step even closer.
Eddie winces at being caught and nods, “I was looking for you originally to see if you guys needed any more help, and then I heard voices and just,” he shrugs, “I wasn’t sure if you’d be okay or not, after that”.
“And for what is worth, you definitely have changed,” Eddie offers with a sly grin, “I don’t think anyone would have expected Steve-the Hair-Harrington to use Faberge, let alone let us plebs in on his secret”.
Steve’s mouth opens and closes before breaking into a wide grin, a startled laugh falling from his mouth, growing in volume until Eddie can’t help but join him.
Steve raises his hands to run over his face and into his hair as he looks at Eddie, the grin on his face softens slightly the longer he looks.
Suddenly, his eyes harden and the look of determination from yesterday takes over. Steve squares his shoulders and breathes out a strangely broken sigh before he reaches out for Eddie's hands. He takes the hammer from him and sets it down on the coffee table beside them.
"My Nonna told me once," Steve whispers, using his hand to point into the middle distance, "Steven, people will come in and out of your life all the time, and the ones that are meant to be there will stay, and if they go, then it wasn't meant to be".
Steve breathes out a sudden nervous laugh, "she was so straightforward and I loved that about her".
Eddie doesn’t dare to breathe as Steve shakes his head.
"And you, you stayed," Steve continues softly, "and I just…"
Eddie's own breathing picks up as Steve leans closer, enough that Eddie can count the freckles on the bridge of his nose.
"Fuck what Dustin said, I think I need more people in my life like that".
Eddie's eyes widen slightly as the words begin to register. No, no way, this can’t be happening.
He lets out a strangled laugh and leans away from Steve’s space, “more friends in your life right?”
It all happens so quickly after that.
Steve freezes where he stands. His face moves through several expressions, some so brief that Eddie can’t quite tell what is going on before it smoothes out once again into something blank; Steve lifts his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose before dropping it to his side and nodding.
“Yes, right, friends, duh,” Steve laughs but it's not at all like the bright wild one he let out just a few seconds ago.
This one was dull, hollow.
Eddie opens his mouth to say something, anything to wipe away the horrible emptiness in Steve's eyes but Dustin suddenly pushes past Eddie to grab the sleeve of Steve’s jacket.
"Steve!" Dustin says frantically, "Steve, we have a problem!"
The sound of a car door slamming outside catches their attention and a sinking feeling begins to form in the pit of Eddie's stomach. There's no way Hopper and El would be back from the lab yet, and Jonathan said they would radio if there were any changes.
So who the hell was outside?
Part Six
Tag List:
@eriquin @luvinthefreaks @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @goodolefashionedloverboi @ellietheasexylibrarian @bambibiest @sadboislovebeans @howincrediblysapphicofyou @coleys-a-nerd @whycantiuseunderscore @airconditioning123 @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @corrodedbisexual @starman-jpg @ilovecupcakesandtea @yoriposts @clumsiluni @pelinelin @phantomcat94 @lololol-1234 @anaibis @airconditioning123 @steveshairspray @hellfireone @sunswathe @eddielives1986 @tentativeghost @robin-not-batman @estrellami-1 @manda-panda-monium @tinyplanet95 @perseus-notjackson @queenie-ofthe-void @rainbowsaw @sp0o0kylights @littlebluejane @hi-im-eff @phantypurple @just-ladyme @thoroughlycollected @justrandomfandomstm @swimmingbirdrunningrock @finntheehumaneater @dynamic-powerm@nightmareglitter
and for some peeps that I think may be interested! @steddierthings @steddie-there @steves-strapcollection @henderdads @stevesbipanic @spooky-brakers
#season two halloween au#stranger things#stranger things season 2 au#steve harrington#eddie munson#the party#now we really get into the meat of canon#steve and nancy breakup#eddie is having all sorts of complicated feelings about steve here#i will never get tired of halloween party aus#you can pry them from my cold dead fingers#cw offscreen character death#bon newby does still die in this but its off screen#dustin meets eddie early#mike wheeler#lucas sinclair#max mayfield#nancy and steve kind of talk it out in this#nancy wheeler is much more observant than people give her credit for#afewproblems writes#throw in some pining as a treat#is it mutual#who could say#man where is my robin to knock some sense into these chuckleheads
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OK. . . seems i missed the whole 'chickens are controversial in splatoon' thing. . . why?
To put it short there's evidence both for and against them existing, and this is without me actually looking anything up so i might be missing something.
cases for chickens being extant: there's been chickens present in SOME form in several splatfests, they're not mammals so they're not NECESSARILY extinct, despite being domesticated animals and thus being unlikely to survive it doesn't mean it'd be IMPOSSIBLE because pigeons and other relatively human-dependent birds still survive in Splatoon, and of course there are many instances of Eggs being a staple in inkling culinary culture. egg is everywhere
cases for chickens being extinct: we only actually See chickens (or chicken, as in food) in splatfest art and splatfest dialogue which isn't (or at least definitely wasn't until Splatoon 3) canon-compliant at all. We havent actually seen chickens in-universe to my knowledge, nor had them mentioned outside splatfest. probably the biggest nail in the coffin is that there IS a chicken statue in Splatsville, and typically when there are big animal statues in the cities those are statues depicting extinct animals. this is something from an interview that touched on the crane and tortoise statues in Inkopolis Square; which also confirms that it wasn't JUST MAMMALS that suffered and went extinct, it was also other miscellaneous land animals and even random birds which I think me and initially a lot of other people thought were just. Fine and safe. But if a random bird like a crane can be extinct now then chickens are absolutely not safe just because they're not mammals. although eggs are in like every food it's not really been confirmed in any way that those are CHICKEN eggs (although that is the most likely), they could as well be farming domesticated pigeons or something
So really it's a big case of no real confirmation they DO exist, but also no real confirmation they DON'T exist, but also the only context we see them in-universe is in a context where every other animal depicted there IS extinct and it's like a lore thing. So the existence of eggs is a big hint TOWARDS them existing but could easily mean nothing whereas the other one is more in line with proving they do not exist. it is a very uncertain situation for the chicken
HOWEVER!!!!!! there is hope for the chicken. splatfests in Splatoon 3 have had more in-universe accurate themes and dialogue so far (meaning they dont randomly make up shit like "marina's landlord is a narwhal" and "inklings eat red meat" or whatever the fuck in that sea food vs mountain food one we didnt even have that one it was regional). SO THIS MEANS! in the next splatfest we Could get a somewhat stable answer to if chickens exist or not. of course the other 2 options are extinct animals whereas the chicken is 50/50. i'm HOPING the dialogue touches upon this fact and doesn't just talk about all of those like they just Exist. basically we are very close to some kind of progress on this issue that would be Somewhat credible because while splatfest dialogue has never been a credible source in the past, it has been WAY better in S3
TL;DR we just don't know. Chickens are a mystery
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Skincare with the LADS Men
inspired by THIS recent text with Xavier where he said we left our pack of face masks in his fridge 🥺
🐦⬛ He maintains good skincare and overall hygiene. He's the type who's like “if i’m going out to commit some illegal deeds or kill an enemy, might as well look good doing it. His healing ability helps maintain a better skin as well.
🐦⬛ When you find out, you're kind of surprised that he's so well-maintained. And he takes offense that you'd have such low opinion of him just because of his profession. He scoffs. “Your assumptions wound me, kitten. Even the leader of Onichynus cares a little for his appearances.”
🐦⬛ Luke and Keiran later on giggle and reveal to you how their boss makes an extra effort to look better whenever you are coming to see him.
❄️ There's a difference between hygiene and skincare. So just because he's a doctor, doesn't necessarily mean he's good at taking care of himself. Yeah he might take a bath and always put on clean suits but he doesn't really bother much with skincare itself.
❄️ It's not that he cannot do it but he simply doesn't have the time for it due to his packed schedule at the hospital. Almost twice or thrice when you surprise-visit him during his late night shifts, you've found him shaving his stubble at his office’s washroom lol. There are some faint cuts on his jaw and you fuss over them much to his delight.
❄️ His skin and body suffer mostly due to his eating habits. More often than not you've caught him sneaking way more macarons than good for his teeth. Not to mention, he doesn't eat proper meals due to his work.
❄️ “It’s not what it looks like. I'm a doctor. Obviously I know how to manage my health.” He laughs sheepishly because it's not often that he's on the receiving end of scolding, especially from you. You end up having to pay regular visits and watch over him for a while, bringing in full meals as is needed for him.
🌊 Thanks to him working at odd hours, eating at odd times, passing out on the couch every now and then that it's expected he'd be careless but he does in fact take proper care of his skin. And it's better than yours. (well ofc his Lemurian genes are partly to thank but he's a fish out of water so he does need to take care).
🌊 He knows his skin is amazing and he'll make a show of it in front of you. Not to make you jealous but because he wants you to praise him for it, call him pretty and handsome. “Come onnn!!” He drawls out. “Admit that I’m way prettier than those idols you're a fan of.”
🌊 Definitely enjoys doing skincare routines with you. Will indulge in manicures and pedicures if you ask, chatting with you all the while. Even recommends certain products that would benefit your skin. And offers to do your facial and massage.
⭐ Canonically isn't concerned with skincare. Even MC is shocked at the fact that his skin is doing so good despite any proper care. Probably the type who uses those “5 in 1” products 😭. Or grabs just any product without much care for the actual ingredients involved. How his skin and hair are doing alright? You have no idea..
⭐ You offer to do his skincare and he agrees because that just means he gets to spend more time with you. Enjoys the sensation of your hands on his face. Melts into a puddle if you wash his hair. You also try fixing some of his eating habits because alternating between cup noodles and meat ain't it. And though it takes a while, you figure out his skin type and help him get his own products.
⭐ You both develop a habit of putting on sheet masks while watching late night movies or playing video games. Sometimes you two just end up lazying around and talking about mundane stuff.
⭐ But even if you set up a whole routine for him, if he stays over at your place, then he's definitely using your shampoo. And if you ask him why, then he smiles innocently and answers, “Oh..it’s not that I am particularly biased to the product. It’s just that I like it when I smell like you.”
#love and deepspace#xavier x reader#zayne x reader#rafayel x reader#sylus x reader#love and deepspace xavier#love and deepspace zayne#love and deepspace rafayel#love and deepspace sylus#xavier love and deepspace#sylus love and deepspace#zayne love and deepspace#rafayel love and deepspace#lads sylus#lads zayne#lads rafayel#lads xavier#xavier x you#rafayel x you#sylus x you#zayne x you#lnds sylus#lnds rafayel#lnds xavier#lnds zayne#l&ds sylus#l&ds rafayel#l&ds xavier#l&ds zayne#love & deepspace
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Thoughts on axolotls in the Splatoon world
On page 253 of the BancalaWalker artbook, we have confirmation of ancient Inklings and Octolings having used axolotls as livestock.
now, I'm thrilled about this because this is the very first mention in Splatoon canon of some water living creature evolving to be livestock animals! We really don't get a whole lot of mention of water dwelling creatures that have evolved to be like land animals in the Splatoon world. But then the wording implies that they don't use axolotls as livestock anymore...? the relationship. changed. huh. My first thought is that the relationship changed because axolotls became sentient...? but that would imply slavery... I think even for Splatoon, that is needlessly dark and probably not what they're going for at all. the best theory I heard (from @tangle-bottom in my discord server) is that maybe axolotls are akin to guinea pigs. Now a days, guinea pigs are primarily known as pets, but for thousands of years were originally cultivated in the Andes (and still are in that region) for their meat as livestock. So axolotls, like guinea pigs, may be now known more as pets to the Inklings rather than a food source...and maybe there's still some groups of people out in the world that still farm axolotls for meat on a small scale.
In this depiction, the inklings seems to be kneeling, and the axolotl seems to be the height of a medium dog. In real life, axolotls rarely exceed more than 30cm in length. I think this also opens the door for other amphibians to have evolved to be larger and to be a potential food source in the Splatoon world. i know frogs are edible, and frogs exist in splatoon (can be heard at brinewater springs)...I wonder if there's really big frogs they eat?
incidentally, sheldon has a merit badge with an axolotl on his apron in splatoon 2. this is the only other mention of axolotls in canon.
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Kenma Headcanons!!

૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Kenma is an only child, and when you get close to him it really shows. He has trouble sharing things with other people, hogs controllers, and is prone to argue.
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Kenma is a sweet boy at heart. Although, when he gets overstimulated he gets…grumpy. He’s angry when he’s tired. That’s less of a headcanon and more canon but!
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Kenma says things very bluntly. If you ask him for his opinion on something that boy does not sugarcoat anything.
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ He posts rage bait on twitter (X). When the Drake and Kendrick thing was at its peak he saw his chance and posted “Team Drake” or something just to spend a solid 30 minutes laughing at the replies until he got bored.
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Kenma is a very picky eater. We already know how small his appetite is but he’s picky with it too. Growing up he definitely would get away with only eating his favorite foods. Now that he’s grown he’s still afraid to try pickles. He asks Kuroo to order for him at restaurants too. “Yeah and he’ll get the cheeseburger. Could you do that with just the meat and cheese? Thank you.”
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ He absolutely hates PDA. If he had a partner he would definitely stay close to them, have his hand by theirs and sit next to them. His partner would be his safety net basically. He doesn’t like to be hugged in public, but he could tolerate it. If his partner tried to KISS HIM you best believe he is steering away from that kiss QUICKLY. that’s a boundary he set early on in the relationship though. Something about showing his intimate side to people he doesn’t know makes him feel weak.
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Kenma has very odd sleeping habits. He goes to bed early and wakes up very early. When I say early I mean passed out by 10 and awake before the sun rises. When he goes to bed late he wakes up late, and waking up late makes him feel just gross. He usually games as soon as he gets up, before he does anything else. Wrapped up in his blanket with his legs crossed on the bed he is absolutely enthralled with his 7th play through of Breath of the Wild.
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Kenma has a fear of smelling bad. He hates cologne though, and whenever he wears some it makes his skin feel uncomfortable. He just does not want to be perceived as dirty.
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ If he was dating someone, he would be extremely clingy. This clinginess would all be 100% behind closed doors. He sends texts like “can i come over” “busy?” “hi” very cute I know. He is a horrible texter which is why he loves to lay on calls and go over to his s/o’s house. He likes to call the person he’s dating and just chat while he’s playing whatever game he’s playing. He likes to ramble on about game lore and the cool mechanics of the game. Let him talk, he’s a talker once he feels safe.
i’ll be so fr i could probably cook up so many more of these, my brainrot is fatal.
reply if you would like to see more or send in a request for a specific set of scenario based hcs!!
#haikyuu#kenma kozume x reader#kenma x reader#kozume kenma#kenma kuzome#comfort#kenma#headcanon#haikyuu headcanons#kenma headcanons#hq kenma#haikyuu x reader#kenma te amo
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Ok but why DO the teens of Gravity Falls start worshipping Bill after everything he did to them? Isn't there a better counterculture figure they can use that didn't traumatize them for life?
You'd think. Pre-TBOB I sure wouldn't have made them worship him—but if canon says they worship him to be edgy, who am I to argue.
So since it IS canon, I justify it two ways:
One: who says they were traumatized? I'm not saying "Weirdmageddon wasn't traumatic"; I'm saying "maybe they didn't feel traumatized by it." Not everyone comes away from should-be-traumatic situations with trauma, ESPECIALLY if they have a large support group that understands what they went through... like, say, literally everyone else in town.
And a WHOLE LOT of Gravity Falls—maybe even most of the town—had VERY little exposure to Bill or Weirdmageddon. Based on Wendy's account, she and her friends didn't know anything was wrong until the eye-bats swooped in to petrify them. Anyone captured "probably" wasn't conscious (based on how Lazy Susan seems disoriented and unaware of her surroundings, I assume they were mostly unconscious, partially dreaming). All the teens (along with the other townspeople) were freed from the throne while Bill and his minions were outside, escaped (except for Wendy & Robbie) before Bill got back, and then everything went back to normal and nothing was broken and nobody was hurt.
For Wendy, it was the most stressful, dangerous, terrifying week of her life.
For all of Wendy's friends (and probably most other teens in town), it was just a pretty bizarre 15 minutes.
Since the eye-bats were picking off stray townspeople days into Weirdmageddon, I'm sure not all of the teenagers in town were captured so quickly and painlessly... but like, the teens that got the highest doses of trauma from the incident probably aren't the specific teens worshiping Bill to be edgy.
Two: it's a way of reclaiming power over the situation. Do you know one way to stop fearing the monster you imagine under your bed? By imagining really hard that the monster you can feel so, so close in the dark is actually friendly and there to protect you.
The triangle guy's dead and not coming back right? Then there's no consequences if we clown around in his name. You want to be a big fancy god? Okay, now you're the God of Making My Teacher Give Me An A+ On The Final. You're the God of Please Don't Let Me Get Fired From My Part Time Job For Showing Up Late. You're the God of Putting Me In The Same Classes As My Friends This School Year. I'll sacrifice a chicken nugget to you and you'll do me a favor.
If you're a chaos god then I'm calling on you when we spray graffiti, secretly throw a house party, sneak into the movie theater, sell weed in the restroom. If you're a chaos god then keep away the cops and parents when we're breaking the rules. (It's lucky coincidence that Bill would probably love to be the god of illegal parties and drug dealing.)
If you wanna be a god, then you're hired, buddy—and on this planet, that means if we bow to your image and chant your name and sacrificially burn a one dollar Bill over a candle for you, then you have to do what we ask, and you can't scare us anymore. And if worshiping you DOES scare the authority figures we're yearning to buck against, that's just a bonus.
Pantheons all over the world worship gods of volcanoes, sea storms, war, and death. When humans see a force too terrible to defeat or escape, we give it a face, a name, and a temple, and start feeding it with offerings and prayers in hopes we can domesticate it the same way we domesticated wolves with meat and back scratches.
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Only you understand
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • There’s only one person on Daryl’s good side and it’s not even his brother. So when certain decisions led to leaving Merle chained to a roof, you were the one to talk to the youngest Dixon • ANGST/SFW/NSFW - Unprotected Sex / Groping / Grinding • TW: Canon Violence
Requested by: Anon
She’s heard it all
Y/N I could use a favor?
Got a second Y/N?
Mind talking to them, Y/N?
Sweetheart, can I pick your ear about something?
It all falls around the same thing. Asking the Dixon Brothers for anything…mainly for help acquiring food within the woods that the sickos haven’t taken for themselves. But they did everything she asked. Some thought it was because Merle would do anything and everything for her attention even if she doesn’t give him an ounce of anything.
But it’s really Daryl. Y/N is the only one that the youngest Dixon brother tolerates and some, more like Glenn alone, believes the Dixon likes her personally.
“Y/N…we need yea for something” Dale didn’t mean to disturb the girl when she was in the middle of another batch of squirrels she was skinning to prepare for the stew.
“Dale. This must be serious” Y/N half jokes as she wipes her knife off with her rag. “You’re usually not the one to ask me for help”
“Right well, you know the drill” Dale frowns removing his bucket hat and squeezing it out of nervous habit. “This isn’t gonna go well”
“If it’s anything like Daryl and Shane fighting over a little dispute about hunting grounds, I think I can handle—-“
“Lori’s husband came back with the Atlanta group, but they left Merle behind hand cuffed to roof” Dale stated without hesitating or letting Y/N process as she drops everything to go check on Lori for another personal matter that almost everybody knows about before thinking of the words to tell Daryl when he returns from his hunting trip.
When Y/N made herself known to the man that left the eldest Dixon behind as she felt a sense of warmth with the family reunion. But she knew that was going to be cut extremely short if Daryl gets his hands on him.
“You’re the Rick guy?”
“You must be Y/N, the resident Dixon whi—-“
“If you call me that stupid fucking shit that Shane came up with, I will hit you in front of your son” Y/N frowns watching Rick zip his lips to let her get to it. “What’s your plan here?”
“I don’t think I get what you mean” Rick laughs slightly only to immediately stop when it wasn’t getting anywhere with Y/N. “Are you talking about getting Merle back? I think we can do a bit of justice without the racist son of a bitch”
“Oh believe me, I agree wholeheartedly with that. But he’s not your family. I think you can agree that if it were you that got left behind, that you would want someone to come and find you” Y/N watches his expression fall making her cross her arms and stand her ground. “Right. You understand that completely and no one came to bring you back”
“Now that’s uncalled for, Y/N” Shane interrupts only for Y/N to take her leave on that note, picking up her axe from beside the put out fire pit.
“Sit with it, Shane. Call me when you have a plan, I have to try and keep his ass from being killed by the man who’s brother you left on that roof” as Y/N leaves the group to follow a familiar hunting ground to find the archer, Rick was left thinking about what she said.
No one came back for him.
The next day came around and the woods were quiet until they weren’t…
“Stupid fucking shit” Daryl curses under his breath over another deer being eaten by another walker.
As he knelt down to get a look at the damage to see if he could take any of the meat back, he heard a shift in the woods. The archer quickly rose to his feet aiming his crossbow and when the figure didn’t make themselves known, he fired.
Daryl instantly tensed when Y/N made herself known with an annoyed expression at him and the arrow in the tree beside her head.
“The fuck is wrong with you?!”
“I should be askin’ yea the same thing!” Daryl scoffs taking the arrow from her hand once she pulled it out. “I could’ve killed yea”
“Yeah well you’d do me a favor” The one thing he hated about her was her joking about death. “You gotta head back”
“Yeah?” Daryl scoffs putting his arrow away. “Ran out of food?”
“No, I’ve given them my squirrels to make a stew out of. But this is more of a matter regarding your idiotic brother”
Why did you give them the food I caught for—-“Wait. Merle? Is he back?”
“Daryl no he—-“ Daryl brushes past Y/N causing her to quickly deflate and follow him back to the campsite.
“Swear, yea think I don’t know they get yeah to talk to me about my idiot brother”
“I mean would you rather have Shane talk to you about Merle? Now Daryl come on. I gotta tell yea—-“ Y/N stops herself when he rose his hand indicating he heard something.
Daryl gave her a quick sign that it was another deer and then Y/N decided to take a second to put the Merle conversation on the back burner.
“They never make it this far up the mountain” Dale frowns staring at the walker that Jim had finished off once the group addressed the children’s screaming.
“They are running out of food in the city” Jim states stepping away from the carcass and the undead beside it.
Before any of them thought of walking back, that’s when the bushes started to rustle some more. Shane instantly readied his shotgun aiming toward the sound until he lowered it along with the others doing the same with their weapons of choice when their resident hunter popped out with the “Dixon whisperer” following behind him.
“Son of a bitch” Daryl scoffs bringing himself over to the deer. “That’s my deer…look at it. All gnawed on by this—“ he quickly kicked the walker out of anger. “Filthy, disease-bearing, motherless proxy bastard!”
“Daryl, come on” Y/N elbowed him when she brought herself close, giving Rick a certain look to watch his words.
“Think we can—-“
“Don’t even finish that sentence, Dar. It’s not safe” She pushes him carefully away from the tainted meat as Shane couldn’t agree more but when his voice spoke up, both gave him an annoyed look.
Then it was time.
“Merle!” Daryl calls out brushing passed everyone as both Shane and Rick gave Y/N a confused look.
“What?! You think I can instantly get through to the guy? It’s a conversation not a “oh by the way” type shit like you pigs are used to” Y/N scoffs shoving Shane to catch up to Daryl.
“MERLE! GET YOUR UGLY ASS OUT HERE” Daryl shouts once more, surprised slightly that his idiot brother didn’t instantly come. “I got us some squirrel! Gotta help Y/N skin’em for the stew!”
“Daryl, hold up. I need to talk to you” Shane caught up pushing Y/N aside as that lead her to give Lori a glare on the matter given she knows her hatred for the man. Not that she fully expresses it given what she’s walked on in the woods.
Daryl slowed his movement turning around to the pig watching him hesitate before getting to it.
“There’s been an incident in Atlanta…about Merle”
The tension grew in the space making the archer give his only close friend there a blank expression that she wasn’t giving him any answer from hers.
“He dead?”
“We’re not sure” And that caused the emotions to rise.
“He either is or he ain’t!” Daryl rose his voice watching the unfamiliar man bring himself over.
“No easy way to say this so I’ll just say it—-“
“Who are you?”
“Rick Grimes—-“
“Rick Grimes” Daryl mocks watching Y/N get closer to the situation. “You’ve got something you want to tell me?”
“Your brother was a danger to us all” Okay… “So I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal. He’s still there” Rick states watching Daryl’s rage grow on his face as he takes a step back scoffing slightly with a hint of a chuckle.
“Hold on, let me process this—-“ Daryl laughs with the venom in his tone of voice. “You saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and YOU LEFT HIM THERE?!”
The silent “yeah” that came out of Rick made Y/N wince ahead of time for what was about to happen next. Even if Daryl didn’t land a punch on either ex-cops. It wasn’t until Shane started to get Daryl into a chokehold that she brought herself over clawing at him to let go.
“Nah he’s gotta calm down before I—-“ And without another thought, Y/N punched Shane square in the jaw to let go of Daryl. She quickly caught his knife under her foot to swipe it away from him trying to get a shot on the new comer. “You crazy son of a bitch!” He barked at her as Y/N quickly stood in front of Daryl blocking him from either of the two.
“Chokeholds illegal asshole” Y/N barked back getting up in his face to have him stand back and away from Dixon. “Seriously. You fucking morons”
“You clearly didn’t prepare—-“
“Oh and you fucking did?” Y/N scoffs at Rick bringing herself to Daryl. “You need to let me fucking tell you next time so this wouldn’t happen. Can’t have them being fucking entitled dicks to the only motherfucker that understands me! Jesus.”
The tension only grew within the group as Daryl couldn’t calm the pounding in his chest when she said such.
“He listens. Rick’s gonna go and get him” Lori was quick to add crossing her arms as she wasn’t exactly happy about the situation. “He’ll listen to about anybody but his wife.”
Daryl waited for the group to disperse before bringing himself over to Y/N, taking her by the arm and dragging her slightly to his tent.
“You’re hurting me—-“ Y/N frowns as Daryl lets go quickly giving her a stern look before taking her hand into his to check the bruising from punching Shane. “It’s nothing.”
“Okay—-Sure” Daryl scoffs. “Yea ain’t coming”
“Seriously? How the fuck—-“
“YOU JUST AINT” He snaps a bit too close to her face resulting in a flinch coming from her as Y/N puffed up. “I don’t trust that Grimes guy and I ain’t letting yea near him after the fucking stunt he pulled with Merle”
“I can handle myself, Daryl.”
“Yeah. No shit. But you don’t have’ta” Daryl frowns feeling her presence grow closer to his person as he towered her slightly. “You didn’t have to stand up for me”
“Little too late for that. I just…wanted yea to know what happened from someone who gives a damn.” Y/N took a step back keeping her attention on him as the look in his expression seemed to want more and that drew the pounding in her chest to get louder. “Well find Merle, and whether you like it or not. I’m coming with”
I can’t lose you. Daryl frowns followed by a nod deciding not to argue further with the woman.
But nothing went their way since returning back to Atlanta, even when returning back to the quarry empty handed…
After taking out the herd that swept through the quarry camp, Daryl didn’t hesitate to shove T-Dog out of the way of getting to Y/N. She strayed from the group when returning to take out a few walkers by Carol and her daughter, he didn’t see her until the dust settled and wasn’t about to lose his mind all over again.
“You bit?!”
“No! Are you?” Y/N went to check his person as Daryl tugged her aside from everyone else back to their secluded corner. “Daryl please just answer—-“ she was instantly cut off by his lips smashing into hers, making her drop her axe to bring her hands onto either side of his face. In her mind the timing could’ve been better but neither of them was going to interrupt the moment. “Dar—-“ she breathed when their lips parted a moment.
“Ain’t bit.” He quickly responds with while returning his lips to hers as he drops his crossbow to his side bringing his hands to her hips gripping them.
Y/N tugged back a bit receiving a concerned look from Daryl until she brought her hands to his belt and he got the idea. He helped her get the belt off that led her to work at the buttons while he slipped her shirt off quickly bringing his hands back to her hips tugging her jeans down steadying her to finish removing them. Daryl brought his lips to hers once more before moving to her cheek down to her neck and then her collarbone working his way down while helping her descend along with him.
“Can’t—-“ He exhaled suddenly making Y/N stop her actions until he pressed his forehead against hers. “Can’t lose yea” he sighs feeling her arms snake around his neck while he positioned himself in between her legs towering her on the dirt.
“I’m right here, Dixon” She returned her lips quickly to his as he feverishly kissed her while bringing his hands below the belt to remove her panties along with pushing his pants and boxers further for his cock to spring out.
While Y/N found purchase on the back of his shirt, Daryl started to push his length in inch by inch listening to her gasps as she dug her nails into the fabric bringing her legs around his lower back. He didn’t move right away and waited for her to adjust once he was fully sheathed.
“Please” Her voice shook with anticipation wanting him to move but there was more to it as she brushes her face against his feeling his lips graze her features. “Please tell me it ain’t just me”
“It ain’t just you, sunshine” He exhales, starting to move thrusting inside of her warmth listening to her quiet sounds wishing he could drive them out but didn’t want anyone to interrupt them.
As he picked up the pace, Daryl felt her tighten around him drawing a low growl to escape his lips feeling her bring themselves to his shoulder and bite down when she felt the cord begin to snap.
“Let go for me, sunshine” Daryl begged bringing his lips back onto hers listening to her hum while bucking her hips against his as he moans into her mouth at the feeling of her unraveling. “Fuck—“ he pulls out quickly before he could climax inside of her.
The archer carefully lays on top of her feeling her death grip on his shirt weaken and flatten her hands against his torso. Slowly bringing one of her hands to run through his hair as they both panted softly remaining in the other’s embrace.
“I can’t lose yea” Daryl frowns feeling her tighten around him for reassurance.
“You’re stuck with me, Daryl” She laughs softly feeling him shift to rise above her to look at her as she couldn’t help the littlest head tilt wondering more of what’s going on in that mind of his. “What is it?”
“Guess this uh…explains a lot of what I’ve been feelin’ lately” He laughs slightly with her joining.
“Truly, and uhm. I hope this…isn’t the only time and—“
“You’re mine, sunshine. We’re something”
“We’re something” Y/N smiles catching a glimpse of his smile before he started to clean themselves up.
It took them long enough.
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Chapter 3 - You've Torn Your Dress
Series Masterlist
Author's Note: This one's the first of many doozies. I recommend you clock out now if you think the following will distress you: mentions of rape, but no scenes or explicit description. If not, read on! Chapter Title is from Rebel Rebel by David Bowie.
Word Count: 7.7k
Chapter Summary/Warnings: Your first mission is delivered, and it goes about as expected. Contains usual tags, emphasis on mention of rape/non-con.
Tags: Soldier Boy/Supe!Female Reader, canon divergence, enemies to friends to lovers, canon divergence, slow burn, angst
Read on A03!
Chapter 2 - Chapter 4
Want to be tagged? Just ask!
When your team stepped into the safe house, you could see the moment the smell hit their noses.
“Merde,” Frenchie was the first to speak, a poor omen within itself. “What the fuck am I smelling?”
“Uh, probably the milk and meat. They’re the strongest.”
Annie said your name carefully, watching your reaction as she spoke. “What happened.”
“He wouldn’t put away the groceries.” You said with a shrug. You were over it. It was like, ten bad things ago.
“So you just. Left them out?” Hughie said, seemingly baffled.
“Mallory said she delivered them on the first night.” Annie glanced between you and Hughie.
“She did.”
Hughie’s eyes widened further. “That was almost two weeks ago.” When you just nodded in agreement, he pushed further. “They’ve been out the whole time?”
You frowned. “He doesn’t get to win.”
“What are you, five?”
You just sighed, giving Hughie a pleading look. “Don’t tell MM.”
“What?” Butcher taunted from the back of the group. “That he was right, and you can’t handle Soldier Boy?”
“I thought you were on my side about this.”
“I’m on the side of the truth, Love.”
Both you, Annie, and Frenchie let out huffs of amusement at that claim, with Hughie looking sheepishly amused.
“You can’t possibly believe that.” Annie gave Butcher a pointed look. He only winked in response, leaving her to turn back to you with an eye roll.
“Has it been like this,” Hughie gestured vaguely around him. “The whole time?”
“Nah. Worse.”
Really, hell would be a better word for it. After the knife incident, there had been the toilet paper incident, which you had won, the coffee incident, also your victory, the laundry incident, point Soldier Boy, the TV incident, point you, and the Lord of the Rings incident, another point Soldier Boy. The Elton John, Jimmy Carter, and Rockefeller Center incidents had ended in stalemates akin to the Cold War, but should those fuses reignite, you were sure you could take them home. Overall, you’d burned him seven times, he’d thrown two chairs at you, you tossed shit in his face once and threatened castration on fifteen separate occasions, and he had offered to sleep with you thirty-one times.
“He hasn’t, he hasn’t hurt you. Right?” Hughie wasn’t fully looking at you when he asked, his voice soft and nervous.
“No. I mean, he’s tried. Not in… that way, but I’ve had a few things thrown at me. All the physical violence died out around the laundry incident, though. Now we’re using psychological warfare.”
“Laundry incident?” Hughie said at the same time that Frenchie said, “Psychological warfare?”
“Don’t ask.” Was your response to both. You’d avoid revisiting the laundry incident in your mind for the rest of your life if you could help it, and the actual practice of your warfare was more childish than you’d like to admit.
“Well, as lovely as a reunion this has been, we need to talk to you both. Where’s the cunt, anyway?" Butcher craned his neck to look down the hall.
“Probably moping around in his room.” You shrugged. “Let’s talk in the living room, standing at the door is weird.”
While the living room hadn’t taken even close to as much damage as the kitchen, it had not escaped you and Soldier Boy’s sparring unscathed. Books provided by the CIA, which were mostly stereotypical classics, had been upended from their shelves and strewn across the floor. The TV was still intact, as was the sofa, but the former was stuck on PBS, and the latter was, at this point, compromised of 70% trash.
“Holy shit,” Hughie muttered as he stepped over a copy of Catcher in the Rye. “You can’t plan on living like this the whole time?”
“Well, if America’s number one man-baby would stop moaning and bitching about his glory days, then maybe, yeah.”
Annie gave you a concerned look. “And if he doesn’t?”
“Then I’ll castrate him.” Though the threat had now been made sixteen times, it never satisfied you less to say it.
“I’ve told you, Sunshine, if you did that, you would only be hurting yourself.”
Everyone in the room fell silent, their eyes trained over you with tense gazes. You turned to find Soldier Boy almost directly behind you. “I’ve told you, by definition, I’d only be hurting you.”
He gave a mocking pout. “Wouldn’t that plague your perfect little conscious?”
“I’d live.”
“Whiny Brat.”
“Waste of space.”
“Waste of good pussy.”
“Waste of government money.”
“Waste of Compound V.”
“Pathetic, assfaced Dickwad.”
“Stuck up, pretentious Ice Queen.”
“Geriatric, entitled, blue-balled G.I. Joe Fuckdoll”
The room had practically vanished around you as you and Soldier Boy fell into your now well-tread path of insults. Your blood was burning with that feeling, aching to burst across the room as both of you glared hard enough to, fingers crossed, kill the other.
“Jesus Christ,” Hughie said, breaking you out of your own spell.
“What are they doing here?” Soilder Boy asked, somehow having only just clocked their presence. “Do I finally get to do my job and leave?”
“No,” Annie answered. “We have no way of knowing how long you’ll be here at this point.”
“That’s what I said,” you muttered under your breath, turning back to your team.
“Yeah,” Soldier Boy said at full volume. “And I don’t fucking trust you.”
“Will you get off my ass about it now?”
“I think you like me on your ass, Sunshine. My offer never leaves the table.”
“Helpless man-child.”
“Prissy tease.”
“Glorified propaganda poster-“
“No,” Annie cut it. “We’re not doing that again.”
“Party pooper,” Butcher grumbled. “I was hoping they’d kill each other this time. Then we could just go home.”
“Well, did you at least bring me drugs?” Soldier Boy seemed to search the room, as if a pile of weed and coke would miraculously appear on the floor amongst the mess of wrappers and fluid-filled paper towels.
“We’re not buying you drugs with government money.” Annie said, giving you a look of apology. “As I’m sure you’ve been told.”
“Many times,” you affirm under your breath. You’d had to hide the glue on day five, which had let to the toilet paper incident on day six. A day had not passed since where you didn’t catch him trying to turn a new household object into something to snort.
“I thought weed was fucking legal now.” Soldier Boy glared at you, as if you were personally responsible for the CIA not buying him blunts. “It’s a free fucking country. I should be able to smoke whenever I damn please.”
“Porn is legal,” you reply. “Doesn’t mean the federal government is going to bring you some.”
“If they brought me porn and weed, I’d be far more open to whatever shit you want from me.” He winked at you.
“We gave you that last time,” Hughie pointed out, shifting nervously. “It barely helped.”
“Will you be a good little supe if we come back with porn and weed? Because we can go and-“
“No, we need to do this now.” Annie spoke over Butcher, and you noticed a line of worry on her forehead, along with Hughie’s nervous fidgeting. Though Butcher didn’t seem plagued by an anxious tell, he relented to Annie faster than you’d ever seen, and alarm bells went off in your head.
“Annie,” you bit the bullet, asking softly. “What is the ‘this’ you need us for?”
She gave you an apologetic look. “Trial run.”
“Trial run?”
“We’re giving you a test, Love.” Butcher said with a smirk. “See if your little experiment is even viable. Maybe take out a player in the process. All depends on if you and him,” he jerked his head to Soldier Boy. “Do your jobs right.”
“I don’t need your little ‘test’ to know if I can do my job.” Soldier Boy snapped.
“Last time you failed,” Hughie muttered.
Frenchie nodded in agreement. “In a spectacular manner, yes.”
“Because that bitch and that pussy stopped me.” An angry scowl was thrown at Annie and Butcher, who returned it and grinned widely back respectively.
“You were going to kill a kid,” Annie said coldly.
“He shouldn’t have been in the line of fire.”
“The line of fire? Do you hear yourself? Do you really care about others so little that-“
“I’d do it again,” he snapped back, unbothered by Annie’s disgust. “You don’t get to ask me for help and get mad when I do.”
You gave Butcher a pointed look. “Aren’t you glad you listened to me?”
Though all you got in response was a grunt from Butcher, Soldier Boy’s eyes shot to you. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
You returned his glare, steeling your own eyes to match his interrogating gaze. “We’re removing the ‘kill a kid’ option from your choices. You want to know why we’re stuck here? Because you fucked it last time, and we won’t let you fuck up again.”
“You won’t let me?” He sneered, leering at you coldly. “You don’t let me do anything, Sunshine.”
If the “Sunshine” thing continued to stick, you might have to throw yourself off a roof. But you didn’t flinch, just tilting your head mockingly. “You wouldn’t need a shock collar if you hadn’t bit the hand.”
“I wouldn’t bite the hand if it hadn’t tried to kill me.”
“Nobody tried to kill you, Mate.” Butcher interjected. Soldier Boy’s anger switched back to him with fists curling at his side, but Butcher kept talking with a bored drawl. “You shouldn’t have bloody fucked up.”
“And, like I said,” you shrugged. “It won’t happen again.”
“If I see the shot, I’ll take it. Whether you like it or not.”
Looking into his eyes, you believed him. No doubt fogged your brain that, given the opportunity, Soldier Boy wouldn’t hesitate to take out Ryan Butcher with Homelander. Part of you, the angry and bitter part still trapped underground, understood that. But you’d see Ryan once, from afar, and he had looked so young. You didn’t have to imagine his fear or touch him to understand what it was like. For your life to change abruptly and without reason, to have to sprint to keep up with your new one. Soldier Boy had volunteered for this life. Ryan hadn’t. You hadn’t.
So, holding Soldier Boy’s gaze, you made your voice clear and steady. “You don’t get to take the shot until it’s clear. Ryan will be out of the picture before you even see Homelander.” You turned to Annie. “What’s the test?”
“Head-popper.” Butcher answered for Annie with an odd look at you. His voice carried the usual light and oddly joyful tone he used when discussing murdering supes, but his eyes on yours were quieter, with less manic vengeance than you’d seen before. If you didn’t know better, you’d call them thankful.
Hughie jumped in at your confused frown. “Neuman.”
“Oh,” you paused, looking over Hughie’s worried face. “We’re going after Neuman?”
“Who the fuck is Neuman?” Soldier Boy asked with a reluctant grumble. You had picked up on his consistent annoyance with new things after you’d found him screaming at the microwave three days ago, and not knowing new people didn’t seem to be any different.
“She’s a supe who can pop people’s heads like balloons.” Frenchie gestured in imitation for effect. “It’s disgusting.”
“And she’s the VP elect, which would put an ally of Homelander in the White House, one step from the Oval Office.” Annie said pointedly, giving Frenchie a look. You offered him a small smile over her head. Though the demonstration hadn’t been helpful, watching his hands fly around mimicking Neuman’s powers was undeniably entertaining.
“She's dangerous,” Hughie added. “But she’s not a bad person. We don’t want to kill her, just remove her powers.”
“What do we need her for then?” You didn’t have to look to know Soldier Boy’s accusation was directed at you. You bit your tongue, trying to ignore the way the words seeped into your skin.
Because he’s right. A cruel whisper said into your ear, and the itch on your skin began to feel like a rash. You were saved from the plague of your thoughts—the urgent feeling to fall prompted by almost nothing—by Butcher.
“If you think you’re going anywhere without her, Governor, you’d better get used to being wrong. She’s there for the same reason she’s here. So you don’t go postal.”
Soldier Boy gave you an unreadable look as the rush of your heart in your chest slowed from Butcher’s words. You turned away from him, but you could almost feel his eyes through your skull as you looked at Butcher with a blank face.
“What’s the plan?” You asked, praying it would be simple, with as few people as possible around and, ideally, in the middle of a desert filled exclusively with fire extinguishers.
“MM and Kimiko are doing recon on one of Bob Singer’s rallies. Frenchie will create a distraction for the secret service, and Neuman’s personal detail is going to suddenly disappear-“
“Disappear?” You interrupted Butcher with raised eyebrows.
“Keep your panties on, they’ve been bribed. Once she’s isolated, Soldier Boy’ll blast her, and we can all go home confident in your little gambit.”
You hesitated, trying to imagine the last political rally you’d seen. Group of people in tight groups, electrical wiring for microphones, speakers, and lights. Gates and closed doors, hallways leading out onto streets. “How are we going to isolate her?”
“Me and Butcher will work on that,” Annie said, almost reaching for you with a reassuring pat, but thinking better and jerking her arm back. She opened her mouth, an apology certainly on her, but you raised your hand to cut her off.
“How long until we leave?” You asked. Maybe they’d say ‘three hours’ and you’d get to talk to someone who didn’t think swing music was sonically viable for a bit.
Hughie checked his watch. “Ten minutes ago.”
“Ago?” Your eyes widened.
He gave you a sheepish look. “We thought it would take less time to get you.” He turned to Soldier Boy. “Your suit’s in the van. I can bring it out-“
“I can change on the way.” Soldier Boy grumbled, ignoring Hughie’s start of sputtering protests. “Let’s get this over with.”
Much to his annoyance, they had forgotten Ben’s shield, and nobody would let him change in the van. He tried several times, only to be met by a chorus of groans, shouting, and swearing. He had listened to their complaints only because she had started giving him a look he recognized as a flag for a storm of uncontrolled fire. No hot disgust or sparks of rage, only a cold and quiet, almost glassy-eyed stare. Her heart steady but her breathing too fucking controlled to be natural, measured so equally that it sounded mechanical. So, because he figured she would only become more bitchy to live with if she incinerated her alleged “friends”, Ben stopped trying to pull his shirt over his head.
Once he did, the van fell insufferably silent. The edged pleasantries and conversation he’d overheard during Butcher and his band of Assholes arrival had ceased save for tense questions and hushed conversations. Ben didn’t fail to notice all the spineless avoidance and careful words directed at them both. She, even after the foggy look faded, remained curled into a corner, trading small and toothless smiles with her team. More timid than he’d seen her before, almost like a scolded child as she looked around the van nervously. Her eyes watched the shadows as though Homelander himself might jump from them, the chew of her lip giving Ben a headache. The only words she spoke were a jab at Ben when he’d said something about political rallies post-election being fucking pathetic—giving him a lecture about American politics now heavily depending on something called “going viral”—only to fall silent once more after. Her team looked at her like a glass bomb, as if she was a delicate statue looming over their heads and not the vulgar, violent woman who slept down the hall from him. That woman infuriated him, testing his patience every time she opened her mouth, but this paranoid, skittish pussy of a girl was so much worse. So when the van halted and Butcher’s team began to filter out, he called her name. When she ignored him, he reached out and grabbed her arm.
“What the fuck!” She pulled herself out of his grip in a second, staring at him with anger. She glanced down at her arms, a look he didn’t understand crossing her face, before returning her attention to him. “Do not touch me.”
“I barely touched you,” he glowered, annoyance quickly flooding him. He had only brushed skin, with a light grip she had thrown off, there was no need to be so dramatic. “When I touch you for real, you’ll fucking know, Sunshine. And you’ll fucking beg for it. I needed to make you listen, you were fucking ignoring me.”
Her brows knit, and he heard the chew of her teeth on her tongue. “I’m not going to beg for anything, and I wasn’t ignoring you.”
“I said your name, and you kept fucking walking.”
“I didn’t hear you.” She snapped, but didn’t relent. “Speak up next time.”
She knew just as well as Ben did that they were both far from quiet, pussy-voiced fuckers. And while he definitely hadn’t yelled for her attention, it shouldn’t have fucking mattered. He’d seen her pick up his grumbled insults and mocking comments just fine over the past two weeks. “Bitch.”
“What do you want?” She asked with a sigh, ignoring his jab and looking at him as if he exhausted her just by breathing. “We have to go, and you still need to change.”
“You shouldn’t let them treat you like that.” He said, not hiding the contempt from his voice. He wasn’t going to skirt around his thoughts, lining them gently to help her fucking feelings.
Her body tensed, her limbs looking as if they’d locked into place. “Like what?” Ben heard her swallow as she answered, her voice not lost enough to make her sound clueless to his words.
“Like you’re a child they have to coddle. A problem they have to deal with.”
She stared at him, her glassy-eyes returning. “Shut up. You don’t know what you’re fucking talking about, cunt-face.”
Ben snorted. “They don’t treat you like the bitch you are. They always use that sweet, pussy voice, like they’re talking to a fucking puppy, when they say something to you. They’re always all fucking pouty when they look at you, pussyfooting around so they don’t make you sad.” He gave her a mocking grin, hoping the next words landed like a bullet. “They treat you like me.”
It had clearly worked, as the van had grown hot, and her eyes were clearing as her heart began to pick up. Ben felt an odd feeling cover him as he heard it, almost familiar and sparking pride in his chest. She wasn’t a jittery shell anymore, she was going to try and kill him. It made his grin grow genuine, and the van grew only more heated, the air waving around them.
Her mouth opened, and Ben hoped whatever came out of it would be vile and crude.
“Hey!” She turned her head and clenched her jaw as someone called her name from outside, the van rattling as a fist banged against it. “We need to go!”
The door opened to reveal the Cocksucker, whose face grew quickly red, a bead of sweat falling from his hairline, as he was blasted with a quickly dying wave of heat.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, turning from Ben as the heat dropped further. “Coming.”
Cocksucker gave her a worried look, his gaze flying quickly to Ben, but just nodded and stood aside for her to move past.
As the door closed and Ben began to change, he listened for their soft, tense words.
“Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?” Cocksucker’s voice was nervous and gentle, like being suffocated by one of those fucking fluffy blankets Ben had seen in the empty bedroom of the safe house.
“No, he just grabbed me to talk. And you don’t have to keep asking me that. I’m fine, and it’s not as helpful as you think it is.” Ben frowned at her voice, the malice from it drained entirely in only a few seconds, replaced with only a tired hollowness.
“Grabbed you?! Like, he touched you?”
Having anticipated Cocksucker being more interested in the “talk” part of her sentence, or the shit that sounded like it was about feelings, Ben's brain rattled over Cocksucker’s word, his tone of panic looping in Ben’s head. He spoke of Ben’s touch as though it were a plague, and not something many people would kill to feel. Ben almost burst out of the van to say just that, but froze when he heard her answer.
“It was fast, I didn’t feel much. Even if I did, it doesn’t matter. I can’t go the rest of my life without touching people.” Her voice had a finality to it, and Ben could almost picture her downturned lips and wrinkled brow.
“You touch us when you heal us.” Even Cocksucker’s voice didn’t sound sure of his response.
“It’s not the same, and you know that.”
There was a momentary stall in their words, and Ben took the opportunity to emerge, securing his belt as he walked to the door. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected to see, but Cocksucker looking pathetically around, anywhere but the woman as she curved into herself, wasn’t it. She held a white-knuckle grip on the sleeves of her jacket, her thumb running up and down in small movements. They both turned to him as the door banged open, and Ben caught the empty look behind her eyes before her indifference slipped back into place.
“Did you hurry me just to sit around like pussies, or are we going to start fucking moving?” He asked, the air feeling too uncomfortable to sit in.
Cocksucker blinked, glancing at his watch. “We have a few minutes until they arrive, but I guess it can’t hurt to be vigilant-“
“Arrive?” The woman’s eyes widened, and Ben saw smoke curl from her hold on her jacket. “They’re coming here?”
Cocksucker nodded. “It’s a high-security escape exit-“
“It’s a fucking street, Hughie.”
“That��s used as a high-security escape exit.” After a moment of searching the area, Cocksucker pointed a few yards down, at a large door set against brick. “Neuman will come right out of there, and her guards will close her out here, where Soldier Boy will blast her.” He paused, glancing at Ben, before looking back at the door and taking small, cowardly steps away from his spot between them.
“It’s a public area, anyone could walk past! What the fuck were you thinking?!” Her voice was hushed and agitated, and Ben had never seen her face lose color at that speed before, had never heard her heart stutter and jump as if trying to escape her body.
“It’ll be fine,” Cocksucker’s voice wavered, giving them both a nervous look. “It should be fine. MM said it would be fine.”
“You heard him, Sunshine,” Ben gave her a wink, adding a half-cocked smile when she didn’t even return him with a dirty look. “MM said it would be fine. And have some fucking faith in me, I’m not a fucking monster. I won’t blast any running pussies except for this head-popper broad.”
“You don’t even know what she looks like.” Her tone wasn’t quite the vicious mockery he was used to, but it was better than the apathetic, empty voice she’d been using. She was rolling on the balls of her feet, speaking without looking at him, her eyes moving restlessly from the door to the end of the street. “And I don’t believe you.”
Ben just shrugged, allowing the silence to hang. The wind was picking up, whistling through the chill of winter air, making the heat around them, emitting from both Ben and the woman, all the more obvious. Despite the biting cold, Cocksucker had taken off his stupid puffy jacket, even stepping back further from where they stood, with Ben in the center of the street and the woman off to the left. Despite her slowly stepping further and further back, her back now almost against the wall, Ben could feel her watching him, hear her heart continue its new and erratic beat.
“How long now, Hughie?” Her voice was raised to carry over the wind, though it hadn’t lost that stupid fucking weakness. Cocksucker, thank fuck, didn’t get a chance to respond with pathetically comforting words, as only one skipping heartbeat after she spoke a shrill fire alarm sounded.
“I’m assuming that’s your stupid French fuck's plan?” Ben asked dryly. “Start a fucking fire? I thought you pussies were all about minimal damage.”
“He probably just pulled the alarm.” The Cocksucker’s answer lacked any confident assurance. “And I think we’re just against needless murder.”
Ben almost started to rant about their so-called needless murder being a mighty high horse for a group of people who had manipulated him just as much as Vought, who’d been willing to help him kill all those backstabbing pussies from Payback so he’d help them. About how their stupid fucking moral purity complex seemed to adjust perfectly to aid them, and maybe he wasn’t a fucking angel, but he was strong and powerful—something they fucking needed—man, and he wasn’t a pussyfaced liar about what he was, what he did. The words died on his tongue, though, as hundreds of frenzied footsteps reached his ears.
“Fuck!” he growled, turning around and pointing at Cocksucker. “You fucking pussy.”
Cocksucker gave him an idiotically confused stare. “Dude, uncalled for.”
“She,” Ben pointed to the woman, whose heart was beating impossibly fast and looking on with a bloodless face. “Was fucking right. This is a stupid plan, because unless your head-popper walks like a human centipede, it’s not going to be just her that I fucking hit when that door opens.”
Cocksucker only gaped at him like a fish as the footsteps grew louder, annoyingly unsure stutters escaping him, and just as Ben decided it might be good to slap the idiot out of his daze, the woman stepped forward.
“We need to move, Hughie. Now.” Her voice wasn’t steady, her whole body was tensed and hyper, but it held a determination Ben almost admired. “We can’t be here.”
“He- he could be fucking lying, or wrong-“
“That’s not a risk we can afford to take.” She cut off Cocksucker’s doubts, and Ben found himself surprised at her defense of him, even if it could barely be called that. Her hands were smoking once more, but she had firmly planted herself in the middle of the road, eyes turning sharply to Ben. “If people see you, any element of surprise over Homelander would be lost. We need to fucking move, you need to get in the fucking van now-“
The door banged open, and the streets flooded as hoards of people in star and stripe-themed outfits flooded the road. Everything became so loud, and that rapt, snapping sound in Ben’s head started to spread through him, spurring the drum in his chest. They were finding rhythm so fast, everything fading as Ben tried to slow it. But there were screams and shouts, and everything was getting further and further away from him while carving into him all the same, so though Ben could hear the sounds of metal clanging and shouts of his supe name, he couldn’t think anything past the beat beat beat, until he lost it all at once.
As his vision grew clear with his head, Ben expected to see shattered bodies and bloody walls. Instead, all he saw was the woman and fire. Her face was flushed red, her eyes crazed, and her clothes had become charred with holes as the fire surged from her into a barrier, cutting them off from the crowd. Cocksucker was yelling her name, urging them both to return to the van and leave, but as Ben moved, he glanced back to see the woman frozen and heard her heart as if it were his own. The wall was growing wider and shooting high, Cocksucker wouldn’t shut the fuck up about moving, but her eyes had squeezed shut, unresponsive to anything but the growing flames.
“We need to fucking go, now!” Ben turned to see a large man he vaguely recognized barreling down their side of the street, his face twisted in anger. Butcher, Starlight, a small woman he remembered fighting, and that French prick followed him, all loading into the van as the large man stopped beside Cocksucker.
“I told you he’d fucking blow it,” the man said, giving Ben a disgusted look, so flawlessly revolted Ben wouldn’t be surprised if he’d fucking practiced in the mirror.
“Hey, I didn’t fucking blow it, you pussy-“
“You said that Neuman would come out of here, that it would just be her!” Cocksucker, much to Ben’s shock, cut him with a high voice and a wave at the wall of fire. “That’s way more than just her! Is she even there?!”
“No,” the man said gruffly. “Neuman saw Butcher and figured out something was up. She’s long gone.”
“Fuck!” Cocksucker yelled, running a hand through his hair.
“Oi, we can go over how MM fucked up later,” Butcher leaned out from the van. “We need to go before she sends Homelander.”
“How I fucked up? You’re the one who disobeyed me and blew our cover-“
“What’s wrong with Madame Anomaly?” The French Prick appeared at Butcher's side.
Cocksucker glanced at the woman, calling her name before turning to the large man Butcher had called MM. “She absorbed Soldier Boy’s blast. I think it got her stuck.”
“We don’t have time for this. Get Soldier Boy in the van, I’ll take care of the Anomaly.” MM repeated the French Prick’s words, and Ben realized they were, for the first time, using the woman’s supe name.
“You heard him, Gov. Get in the bloody van.” Butcher’s words were clearly directed at Ben, but as he climbed into the van Ben saw Butcher’s attention locked on the woman.
MM had moved closer to the woman, a move Ben deemed more fucking stupid than brave. If she had ���absorbed his blast,” as Cocksucker said, he wouldn’t recommend any non-supe be anywhere near her. MM seemed to realize this himself at the last possible second, taking a pathetic, stumbling step back with a pause. He and Cocksucker exchanged a look, something passing between them that Ben didn’t understand, before Cocksucker leaned down to grab a pebble from the road. Ben watched as he shakily shook out his arms, wound up, and tossed the pebble at the woman.
It was a terrible fucking idea, Ben didn’t have to be Einstein to know that, but the chain reaction that played out still managed to go worse than he might have guessed.
The woman whirled around, her eyes blazing, with a roar sounding from her chest. Fire shot from the wall directly at Cocksucker. In almost slow motion, Ben watched her face become painted with horror as she recognized her target, a different, fearful sound leaving her. She reached an arm out, her heart seeming to falter, and barely redirected the flames before they hit Cocksucker in the chest. The blaze just grazed Cocksucker’s arm, passed the van clear of anyone else, and hit the building with a boom.
The moment the bricks caught fire and the ground began to shake as the building crumbled, the woman's wall of fire fell. The woman herself remained upright, but only barely as MM shouted her name and she started to stumble to the van. Cocksucker was hauled in by Starlight and the French Prick, the former fussing over his burnt arm—Ben had seen worse at Herogasm and nobody whined about it—and Cocksucker waved her off. The woman pulled herself in, ignoring Butcher’s outstretched hand, and the door closed behind her. MM appeared in the driver’s seat, and as the engine started everyone fell into a heavy-breathed silence.
Through the ride, Ben watched the woman open and close her mouth a million times, returned to her fetal position in the corner but watching Cocksucker with a strained face. Her hands tapped against her still-smoking jacket, reaching out hesitantly before she pulled them back into herself. No words were spoken, not even the anxious whispers of the ride there. Ben felt relief as the van stopped, MM climbing out and opening the doors to reveal the exterior of the safe house, grateful for any excuse to leave these stupid, sniffing pussies to wallow in their failure.
MM led Ben and the woman to the doors, opened them by leaning oddly at the doorbell, and gestured for them to walk through. The man followed them in, shutting the doors behind him with a rough push.
“If we failed the test, I am not doing that fucking shit again.” Ben grumbled as MM turned around from the now-shut entrance.
“Butcher told me about the fucking mess you and him made in here.” MM ignored Ben entirely, speaking to the woman as if he wasn’t even there. “A team cleaned it up while you were gone, and Mallory will send more groceries tomorrow night. I saw a picture, it was fucking gross. I’m only doing it once, because I don’t want a new disease to develop in here. You’re an adult, you should take care of this place by your goddamn self.”
The woman looked at her feet, humming a small acknowledgment. She didn’t look up as she spoke. “Is Hughie going to be okay?”
MM sighed. “The kid will live. I’ll look at him when we get back.”
“I could help-“
MM cut her off with her name. “He’ll be fine. We’ll make sure of it.”
She gave another nervous hum, and Ben jumped in.
“Can you answer my fucking question-“
“We’ll let you know what our next steps are after we talk to Mallory and Singer. This wasn’t good, but it’s not the end of the damn world.” Once again, MM ignored Ben. It was starting to feel personal. Before Ben could push further, MM reached a hand out to rest on the woman’s shoulder, right over a hole in her sleeve. Her head shot up with her heart, but the panic in her seemed to evaporate just as soon as it appeared. Her name was gentle as MM spoke it, eyes locked with hers. “You didn’t fuck up. You did your job.” She nodded slowly. “It’ll be fine.” With those last words, he exited the building, leaving Ben and the woman in the hall.
“What’s his fucking problem?” Ben grunted, half directed at the woman, half to just say it.
She gave him a flat look. “You killed his family.” Before he could come up with a clever response, honest or dodging the annoying feeling of guilt forming in his throat, the woman turned from him and walked away.
You were so tired. Your bones ached, oddly cold in a way you hadn’t felt in a while, your skin crawled with feverish chills, and when you closed your eyes, you could see the flames graze Hughie and the building turn to dust. As MM’s lingering calm he’d offered you faded, all you felt was tired. Worthless. A liability. You had fucked up, just as much as Soldier Boy. Maybe more so, because he had PTSD, even if he would deny being a “hung-up pussy”. He had lost control because he’d been tortured by Russians, you’d almost killed your friend and definitely destroyed a rec center because you’d been startled. You just wanted to sleep, to deal with the inevitable fight about groceries in the morning, running on more than quickly expiring adrenaline and caffeine pills stuck in your throat.
You made it to your room, changing into one of the pajama sets folded in your drawers, hoping someone mentioned that the allegedly fire-proof wardrobe you’d been given apparently wasn’t strong enough for the full force of your fire combined with Soldier Boy’s nuclear explosions. A shame, you’d liked the pants you’d chosen for the mission. You’d live without the jacket, though. You’d hardly pulled the shirt over your head when the door ripped open, a still suit-clad Soldier Boy standing at your door.
“What fucking happened to you?” His question was blunt and confusing as he entered your room, remaining near the door but over the threshold.
Your body was too heavy to fight with him right now. There was no tense prickling on the bridge of your nose, only the throbbing stab of a headache. “Go away, Soldier Boy.”
“All of you have a fucking thing. A weird, sad reason to whine around and pretend you’re better than me.” He didn’t budge, but rather leaned forward. “What’s yours.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“You said I killed MM’s family. Butcher’s always pussying around about Homelander stealing his girl. Cocksucker mentioned something about that fast asshole doing something as well. I’m not sure what the French Prick bitches about, but I’m sure it’s something.”
“First of all, you did kill MM’s family.” You really don’t want to do this right now, but maybe he’ll give up and fuck off. A fruitless wish, a small part of you knows, but you have nothing left to push back with. “And Homelander didn’t ‘steal Butcher’s wife’, he raped her.”
“Right.” Soldier Boy watched you, his expression unreadable in the shadowy room. “Those are all fucking things. So tell me what yours is.”
“I don’t have one,” even as you speak the insistence, it sounded fake and hollow.
He takes another step forward. “Yes, you do. I saw how you froze, nobody without a thing locks up like that. I heard Cocksucker ask you if I ‘hurt you’. Just for the record, Sunshine, I may not be a Boy Scout, but I’m no fucking rapist.”
“You’ve tried to sleep with me thirty-three times.”
“And I’ll blow your mind when you realize how much you’d love it, no sooner. What’s your fucking thing.”
You stare at him, the intensity in his voice throwing you off. He’s insistent, comfortable in your room but standing at his full height, attention fixed entirely on you. That impression of dissection has returned—the feeling as if he’s trying to pick you apart for him to play with. “Why do you even care?”
“Because maybe if you tell me, I can kill what supe fucked up your pretty little head and you’ll be less of a bitch.”
You can’t stop the snort that escapes you. “What a selfish fucking cunt reason.”
He shrugged in something that could’ve been an agreement. “Maybe.” He falls silent, but doesn't leave.
You collapse to sit on the edge of your bed, staring ahead as you rub your temple. “Please just go.”
You look at him, not caring if he sees the desperation in your eyes. “Can this not wait six hours for the morning?”
“Do you know any words but no?” You mutter under your breath.
You didn’t miss his annoyed humph. “Oh, just fucking tell me.”
“No.” It was your turn to snap. Your exhaustion was becoming lined with bitter childishness, and you didn’t care enough to try and suppress your urge to sneer at him.
“Why not?”
“Because you’re an idiotic, self-absorbed, sadist asshat who wouldn’t know empathy if it started sucking his dick.” You mocked.
He grinned. “Ok, now name my bad qualities.”
“I’m not telling you.”
“I’ll start guessing,” he took another step forward, now almost directly before you. “Did that red-headed lesbian steal your puppy?
You frowned up at him. “Maeve was bisexual.”
“Did Noir take credit for a college project?” He ignored your comment, leaning down with a mocking smirk.
“Trust me, I got all my dues in college.”
“Did that gay-for-Jesus blond steal your boyfriend? Did the fast asshole that stole Cocksucker’s girl break up with you? Did water-boy eat your goldfish?”
“I’ve never met Ezekiel, A-Train actually murdered Hughie’s girlfriend, and The Deep famously doesn’t eat seafood, he fucks it. But by all means, keep going.”
Soldier Boy blinked. “He fucks it?”
“Yep. It’s gross.” You shrug. “Are you done?”
“Are you going to answer my question?”
You give a toothless smile. “Not until you get all your guesses out.”
“Oh?” There was unquestionable surprise in his voice at your relent, only making your fake cheer grow and your immature anger fully overtake you.
“I want you to feel like a real fucking asshole when I tell you.”
His face split open with a grin. “Well then, did the Twins kick you out of Herogasm? Did that bitch, Crimson Countess, overshadow your big debut? Did a Z-lister get more attention than you from the Vought pussies?”
You just raised your eyebrows, crossing your arms as Soldier Boy continued until the list of supes ran dry. As the last jeer left his mouth, he mirrored your face of cold amusement.
You leaned back, watching him closely as you spoke. “Homelander kidnapped me, kept me in a dungeon, raped me in an attempt to make more mini-Homelanders, and, after you returned, started experimenting on me to try and recreate the V used on you.”
A small shock rushed through you after you spoke. You hadn’t said any of that out loud, not fully, since you’d escaped. You danced around it with Butcher and his team, with Mallory and the CIA leaders, always picking and choosing parts to omit so nobody would look at you with pity and fear. It hadn’t worked, they did anyway, but there had still been control over it. Up until this moment, nobody had known why Homelander had done all those things to you. Everyone had seemed happy to chalk it up to him being a fucking psychopath, not anything deeper. Certainly not attempting to create a small army of additional Ryan Butchers. Small things were still yours, flashes of hunger and warped sounds remaining in your head, but everything else you had just told him.
Why did you do that? A voice hissed as the high from your petulance faded. Why did you let him win? Why did you give him a weapon to use that could hurt you?
But looking at him, he didn’t appear to be a portait of self-satisfaction and heartless triumph. He was staring at you, scanning you as though the scars Homelander left would be visible on your bare legs and arms. When he spoke, his voice wasn’t weak or coddling, but angry.
“He kept you locked up?”
You nod, part of you getting ready to fight him over something.
“He hurt you? To try and recreate me?” Your repeated nodding only seemed to inflate whatever was happening. “Did it hurt?”
Your arms and face started at that, an uncertain feeling spreading through you. There had been no reverent tone as Soldier Boy had asked the last question, no sadistic for affirmation. But you didn’t know what he wanted to hear. Why he even wanted to know. But an involuntarily honest answer escaped you. “Yes.”
He stared at you for another second before he opened his mouth, only to close it without making any sound. Abruptly, he whipped around and began to leave, giving you only one more indecipherable look as he closed the door behind him, leaving you on the edge of your bed, alone in your room.
You lay down slowly, half expecting him to storm back in at any moment, but minutes passed, quickly turning into a half hour, and your body sat at the edge of collapse once more. Soon it was unbearable, and you lay down, your racing mind being forced to a halt as sleep pulled you under.
Your sleep, as had been the case for a while now, was haunted by nightmares of blue eyes and yellow, fluorescent lights. You woke up in a cold sweat, and took a long, needlessly warm shower before forcing yourself to leave your room around 9:30. Despite your lingering fatigue, no part of you wasn’t restless as you walked down the stairs. Your body tense and ready to run, your head spinning with hypotheticals and lining up words you may need—that feeling under your skin creeping up your spine and fluttering in your gut. But Soldier Boy wasn’t in the living room or the hall. You poked your head in the dining room, hoping to avoid the minefield of the kitchen, but it was empty, the plastic chandelier lights off, the table occupied only by a vase of wilted flowers. You moved to the kitchen, ringing growing in your ears, but he wasn’t there. You turned to walk away, continue your search, but double-back as it hit you.
Nothing was in the kitchen. It was empty. Of Soldier Boy, and of the groceries MM said would be delivered.
You wandered in slowly, watching the counters as if they might start to glitch and flicker, revealing hidden produce and dirty dishes. But, leaning over the sink, there was a single plate, soaking in water that was dotted with crumbs. Slowly, you moved to the refrigerator, slowly opening it as you glanced around the room. Your eyes widened at the sight inside. Milk, drinks, and produce had been placed inside, disorganized and haphazardly. There was a jar of mayonnaise in the fresh drawer, along with a box of pasta on a side shelf, but the fridge was full. You moved quickly to the pantry, which had been sorted in a similar fashion, but filled. And when you opened the last cabinet, you saw a piece of paper stuck under a jar of peanut butter.
I know I did a shit job. Clean up if it bothers you, but don't bitch to me about it. And tell Mallory to get smooth peanut butter next time, or I’m not doing anything for her but killing Homelander - Ben
#soldier boy x reader#the boys#soldier boy#Enemies to Friends to Lovers#slow burn#eventual smut#angst#x reader#reader insert#eventual romance#romance#canon typical violence#canon divergent au#the boys amazon#billy butcher#annie january#frenchie#grace mallory#hughie campbell#mother's milk#kimiko the boys#victoria neuman#masterlist#smut#soldier boy x you#soldier boy fanfiction#the boys fanfic#soldier boy smut#soldier boy x female reader#jensen ackles
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shower me
Author disclaimer: All writings are opinions and just what i think of the people mentioned. possible head canons or daydreams i have had. nothing written is fact or is to be taken too seriously. these are fun little scenarios to help get through the day sometimes, mostly just a simple idea expanded. most writings may contain sexual themes so no minors, although i cannot control what you read, but please know not all sexual writings, experiences or things you see are not always correct or standard. you are responsible for what you consume!
minwon bestfriends/roommates to lovers x chubby!fem!reader
genre: fluff, smut
word count: ~5-6k
warnings: smut; piv, unprotected sex(NONO), oral (fem!rec), pet names (sweetheart, pretty, honey, kitten, puppy, baby, etc.), mentions of weight and insecurities around weight. any more let me know.
the three of you grew up together and have been best friends since elementary school. when the rambunctious and outgoing mingyu approached both you and wonwoo, who had been sitting on the edge of the playground, quietly beside each other. the younger boy asked why you two were not playing, you both shrugged, and he laughed and just dragged you both out to play with the group. the three of you have been inseparable since.
Gyu was a year younger then wonwoo and you, so you waited until he graduated high school to move to the 'big city' to move in together and pursue your respective dreams. now some years later, you were all well into your dream careers and still living together. now in a bigger apartment, but you couldn't bear to live apart. you've been through almost everything together, from college to multiple jobs to several failed relationships, how could you live apart. so the three of you lived a comfortable cohabitation.
till one day when the boys were out you decided to get a shower while they were gone. one thing about being friends for so long, you got comfortable around each other, some might say too comfortable, but screw them. you rarely showered alone anymore, when one showered, at least one of the other two had to join. especially gyu, he was very clingy and his love language was physical touch. yours was too but sometimes a girl wanted to shower alone. so you had jumped in thinking you had some time before the boys got home, if gyu found out and whined about it you'd promise to buy the top tier meat next grocery trip. but not five minutes into the warm water washing over you, the door to the apartment opened. you sighed as you heard them bustling in and putting away their things.
'noona, nnooooooo', you heard mingyu scream just before he burst in the bathroom door 'your showering without us!'
'gyu please', you exasperated, opening the fogged glass door of the shower and poking your head out, 'we talked about this; every now and then its nice to shower alone. i promise i'll buy that meat you like next time we go out. okay?'
through a pout and crossed arms he nodded and said 'okay, i don't need one anyway'
'why complain then?!' you yelled as you turned back to your shower, and you tried to close the glass door but stopped when you heard the older male.
'i need one' you heard wonwoo pipe up, as he breezed past mingyu, shedding his clothes as he did so, 'i had a workout before gyu got me.'
'really won!' you huffed, as he entered the shower behind you, closing the glass door, mingyu leaving the bathroom with a pout still on his face.
'sorry' wonwoo said, giving you a charming smile that you couldn't resist, with no sense of remorse behind the word.
'its okay' you sighed, as you grabbed your shampoo. wonwoo stepped under the flowing water, soaking his hair and body. as you began to lather the shampoo in your hair. wonwoo took his bottle off the shelf and gave you a look you knew too well.
'you want me to do your hair too?' you said with an annoyed look on your face.
'please, i worked my arms and back today.' he said, flashing you his pretty brown eyes and another sweet smile, you really were whipped for these boys.
you sighed as you took the bottle from his hand. he immediately got into position, getting as close to you without touching fronts, spread his legs to lower his height and placed his hands on your hips to keep himself steady, and leaned his head back. you then began to rub you fingers with the shampoo you had poured onto your hand over his scalp.
with his eyes closed, a relaxed sigh escaped his mouth at your ministrations, you couldn't help the soft smile that graced you lips. as annoying as they could be at times, you loved your boys. maybe more then you would care to admit. even though you grew up together, you had seen the worst and best of each other, the bad and ugly and the growth and shining moments. you also couldn't deny how hot the two of them had become. mingyu had started going to the gym as a stress reliever, and eventually convinced wonwoo to join him. now they were both incredibly buff and combined with their height, they dwarfed you. you could disappear in one of gyus bear hugs, and you'd be happy to.
as they continued to get hotter by the day it seemed, you stayed your chubby self. you had lost a bit of weight since high school, but you were still curvier then you would like, or at least thought you should be. the boys never let you feel bad about your weight, always telling you you're beautiful as you are, your weight doesn't define you, and if someone you dated said anything they'd say those people were stupid and blind for not seeing your beauty or not giving you a chance. you always brushed it off as them being like family, they had to say that. it did help, but you couldn't help the bad thoughts taking over sometimes.
you began to feel conscious of wonwoos hands on you as you thought about this. 'okay rinse' you said, stopping your motions and tapping his shoulder. he stepped back into the pouring water enough to let it wash away the suds but left his hands on your hips. you removed them as you maneuvered the two of you to switch places so you could rinse your hair. he gave you a look you couldn't fully decipher, confusion maybe. but it was gone as fast as it appeared.
you closed your eyes as you leaned your head back into the water. your eyebrows pull together as you run your hands through your hair, wiping away all the shampoo. a slight pout began to rest on your face as you were washing your hair, then suddenly you felt a pair of lips meet yours. you froze, slowly opening your eyes to see wonwoo pull away slightly with a blush creeping up his neck.
'sorry, you looked too cute washing your hair.' he spoke softly, his gentle breaths hitting your face
once you got your bearings again you said 'its okay wonnie, I've actually wanted this.' and you leaned up to return the kiss.
you pulled away for a moment before he chased your lips to close the gap again, pressing a deeper kiss into your mouth along with his body as his arms wrapped around you to hold you close. your hands ran up his arms to meet at the back of his neck, holding his head as you both continued to deepen the kiss further.
you soon began to pull away to just give him pecks as you both tried to speak. 'you also wanted this?' he whispered against your lips to then peck again.
'yes' you said breathless, between kisses, 'but what about gyu?'
'what about him?' he continued to speak through the pecks against your lips, 'he wants you too.'
'wait really?!' you stop your movements trying to look wonwoo in the eye, but he continued kissing around your mouth and jaw.
'yes' he mumbled against your neck, 'we've both wanted you for a while now but didn't want to ruin anything. i guess i couldn't hold back anymore.' he said has he kissed back up your neck and up your face to place some strong and loving kisses to your temple.
'jeon wonwoo you better not be joking with me, i swear i'll kill you both?!' you said with a worried look on your face.
wonwoo laughed as he pulled you into him, burying his face in your neck, 'i'm as serious as a heart attack, sweetheart.' he hugged you tighter and lifted you slightly to get you impossibly closer.
'ohh wonnie i want you both too so much' you said as you hugged him back just as tightly. 'I've even dreamed of it!' you don't know why you blurted out the last part, but you felt wonwoo laugh against you. 'oh really?' he kissed up your neck again 'you'll have to tell us about those dreams.'
you felt your face flush red as he continued to gently laugh and kiss your pink face.
'or you could show us' he whispered in your ear, only causing more blood to rush to your cheeks.
wonwoo came back to your lips, pressing soft kisses to them that quickly got deeper and more heated. his tongue gently prodded your lips, asking for entrance, which you allowed. you continued to make out for a few more moments before you pulled away hurriedly, speaking breathlessly, 'wait, we have to tell gyu!'
'damn i guess we do.' wonwoo said as he left a few more kisses across your face. 'we could also take this to the bedroom and you can show us those dreams.'
you gently slapped his chest and pushed him away as he laughed once again. 'i'm never telling you about my dreams ever again.' he placed one more kiss to the crown of your head before he went into the motions of continuing the shower.
you managed to finish the shower in a half decent amount of time, wonwoo kept trying, and succeeding most times, to give you kisses and heated touches. once you stepped out you both began to towel down, wonwoo did so half hazardly and quickly wrapped the towel around his waist, nearly running out of the bathroom, leaving you still trying to dry your hair. you assumed he went to tell mingyu about you wanting a relationship with the both of them. and you were proven right when you heard gyu yell from the living room.
'really?!' as you heard him scramble from the couch to the bathroom, bursting through the door in record time, and sweeping you up in a hug before you had time to think. the towel you had around you nearly falling off you in the commotion.
'really, noona, really?!!' he rushed out, still holding you tightly, your feet not touching the floor, 'you'll be our girlfriend? really?' his face could almost split in two with the smile he had.
'yes really gyu' you smiled back at him, 'i'll be your girlfriend, yours and wonwoos.'
you didn't have a chance to breath after the last word left your mouth as mingyu crashed his lips against yours. it was rough for a second before he softened and kissed you properly, your laughs muffled by it. you kissed him back, letting the younger take some lead and do what he wanted.
soon enough he was kissing all around your face like an excited puppy, 'really, really noona!?' he spoke between kisses.
'yes really, i said that, pup' you spoke the affectionate nickname as he buried his face into your neck, proving the point of the nickname.
'ohh thank you.' he spoke, muffled by your neck.
'and she's dreamed of this and would like to show us what those dreams were like in the bedroom.' wonwoo said as he came up behind you, sandwiching you between the two tall men. you gave him a half hearted angry look.
as you realized your situation you said half jokingly, 'well some of them were kinda like this.' you gestured to the way the two hugged you between them.
'oh really?' mingyus voice deepened, an eyebrow raised, and the look on his face darkened.
you gulped as you looked back and forth to the two expectant faces looking at you. you realized you had a long night ahead of you.
through heated kisses and touches shared amongst the three of you, you ended up in mingyus room. he had the biggest room and biggest bed. gyu was behind you and peppering kisses all over your neck and shoulders. a groan left his lips as he stepped away from you. he was going to prepare the bed and strip himself. you wanted to ask where he was going but wonwoo demanded your attention. your mouths were tangled in a sloppy mess, making out like you would never be able to kiss him again if you separated.
you were separated from him though, by mingyu, who captured your lips and wrapped his arms around you, trapping you against his naked and hot body. wonwoo quickly got undressed and crawled into the bed, propping himself against the headboard and spread himself for the two of you when you were ready. he began lazily stroking his semi-hard cock, watching you and mingyu heavily make out and touching each other.
he soon got tired of just watching and spoke up 'hey c'mon gyu share her and come over here.'
gyu abruptly stopped all movement and turned you around, your back against his hard chest. he wrapped an arm across your chest to hold you to him.
'your so impatient wonwoo.' he said in a sultry tone, pressed to your face, 'i wanna play with her, and tease her a bit. she left us hanging for so long, we should take our time with her.'
mingyu began slowly running the hand not holding you down your plump chest, over your squishy tummy, and through the slit of the towel. his fingers tantalizingly lightly brushed over the skin he exposed. goose bumps rose on your skin as you let out a whine. mingyu just chuckled in your ear as his fingers dipped even lower, brushing over your mound. he moved oh so achingly slow as you felt your pussy throb and nearly start dripping from how turned on and wet you were getting.
he just barely reached where you wanted him, fingers just barely brushing over your folds. the whimpers you let out at just that were absolutely shameful.
'please, mingyu, please.' you nearly sobbed
you heard both boys let out a humourless laugh, enjoying how pathetic you were becoming so quickly.
mingyu then suddenly let go of you, you whimpered at the loss of his heat and your knees nearly let go beneath you. his hands were on you again just as quickly, ripping the towel off of you leaving you completely bare and exposed for the two to ogle. you enjoyed the way they drank you in but you were desperate for their touch. you shivered, causing your breasts, and tummy, to jiggle a little.
wonwoo took in a sharp breath watching them gently bounce, he couldn't wait to get his hands and mouth on them. he moved to the edge of the bed, to pull you into between his knees. his hands gently slid up your waist and up to your breasts. he held them from underneath as his thumbs began to swipe over your pert nipples. you both let out satisfied sighs as he did so.
as wonwoo continued to play with your boobs, gyu gently began caressing down your sides to your hips. he then knelt behind you and began running his fingers up your legs. he was kissing along your waistline, his hands quickly reaching the front of your thighs and ghosting over your mound. a finger found the wet patch and you could feel the smile on his lips that were pressed to your hip.
'your so soaked for us honey, do we affect you this much?' he spoke into the dip of your back.
wonwoos eyes, that had been intently focused on your boobs and his hands playing with them, looked down to where mingyu was delicately running a finger over your slit. your wetness made you pussy shine and you were nearly dripping. when you looked down to see as well, you noticed wonwoos member standing tall, leaking, and twitching, a sign of just how much you also affected him.
'ohh wonnie' you breathed out as you reached for his painful looking cock. he let out a gentle gasp as your hand wrapped around the glistening head. he leaned back on his elbows to watch you work. you slowly run your fingers down the underside of his shaft and admired the way his stomach and thighs twitched and tightened. you continued to work your fingers up and down his length, increasing you grip and speed consistently.
meanwhile gyu watches from behind your hip, still ghosting along your slit. but mesmerized by your tiny hands on wonwoos delicious cock. an idea emerged in his head. he then quickly stood while scooping you up by your thighs, you let out a yelp as you left the ground.
'move up hyung' he demanded to wonwoo. won complied and scooched further in the bed. mingyu then placed you on top of wonwoo, your knees encasing his hips.
'ride him, pretty.' he whispered into your ear.
you moved quickly to follow his instructions. you placed one hand on wonwoos chest and the other lined his cock up to your awaiting hole. you slowly teased the tip at your entrance, slowly sinking down. you began to moan as you feel him deliciously stretch you open. although you've had sex before, it was increasingly obvious that these two would be the biggest you've had. as you were slowly sinking and adjusting to wonwoo, mingyu had climbed onto the bed behind you, you could feel mingyus hard length rub against your back, the size you could guess from the feeling, would need lots of prep, so you were glad you got to take wonwoo first.
once wonwoo was fully sheathed inside you, you sat there taking a few deep breaths. you were feeling overwhelmed both by his size and just the sheer idea that this was happening. you had dreamed of having the two of them many times, used images of them you've seen of them naked to masturbate to many times, afraid they would hear you but also wishing they would and come take you like you wanted. you were living the dream. this was crazy. you let out a breathy laugh.
'whats funny, noona?' mingyu whispered in your ear.
'i just cant believe this is happening.' you spoke softly, almost as if to not break the moment.
'you can have us anytime you want now, kitten.' the playful nickname gained new meaning in this situation.
'i cant believe you haven't moved yet,' wonwoo whined beneath you, his hands gripping your hips so tightly there were definitely going to be bruises tomorrow, he was beginning to sweat and was clearly doing his best to control himself, 'please move or do something sweetheart.'
with that you began to gently roll your hips, both of you let out a sigh of relief, that quickly turned into moans of pleasure. you planted your hands on his chest to help yourself to start moving up and down his shaft. he also helped by lifting you along with the pace you set. he obviously wanted more but was letting you adjust and take your time. your pleasure was quickly building. you hadn't been with someone this big before, and he reached places you didn't know were possible. every stroke felt like heaven, he rubbed your gummy walls so well. you noticed him helping to lift you, and you became self conscious.
you began to slow down as you asked 'am i too heavy won? i shouldn't be on top.' you began to move off him when his grip tightened and he pulled you down on him, making him hit deeper then before, however that was possible you don't know, and you let out a squeal, butterflies going crazy in your stomach, you almost came right then and there.
'don't you fuckin dare go anywhere, pretty. your perfect,' he growled out, 'i need to see you bounce on me and i need to cum in that perfect lil pussy. let me take over, yeah?'
you sat there in shock, mouth hung open, as you'd never heard something so vulgar come out of your sweet wonwoos mouth. you gave a small nod in answer to his question. he quickly got to work and mingyu moved to the side to watch and give him room. he planted his feet on the bed and adjusted his grip on your ass. he lifted you up just enough and began to pound into you. you fell forward with the force but caught yourself on his shoulders. your boobs bouncing beautifully in wonwoos face, he couldn't be happier. he grunted with the effort but he quickly began to moan and whine, his climax quickly approaching.
'are you close, baby? wanna cum with you.' he spoke between moans, his breathing getting heavier.
'yes, yes just a bit more.' you whined out. you got to your elbows, engulfing wonwoo in your neck and breasts, you could feel his smile widen. you began to roll your hips to stimulate your clit against his pubic bone. your whines became higher in pitch, indicating just how close you were.
'yes, i'm cumming, yes, yes.' you cried out as a blinding orgasam washed over you. you continued to moan and whine as wonwoos hips became sloppy and he painted your walls white. your orgasam lasted longer then expected and your hips continued to move along wonwoos. he continued to move with you to help you ride it out. his arms wrapped around your middle to hold you close.
you slowly stopped and collapsed on top on him. your whole body going limp, you felt like you had run a marathon, almost everything ached. you panted into the side of wonwoos face as he rubbed up and down your back and sides. he rubbed his cheek against yours as he laughed. he then peppered kisses over your face, where he could reach.
'you seem exhausted, sweetheart, what about mingyu?' he softly spoke, brushing hair off your forehead that stuck there from the sweat.
you groaned, making your body tense and your pussy tighten, which still had a semi hard wonwoo seated in it. he took in a sharp breath. he moved to remove himself from you, he was far too sensitive.
'sorry won,' you apologized to him, 'and i'm sorry gyu, i dunno if i have the energy. i've never really been on top, others always said i was too heavy, its more work then i thought.' you huffed out, still catching your breath.
'they're stupid.' both boys spoke together. you laughed and tried to move off wonwoo, but your limbs were jelly.
'well i was hoping to have you sit on my face but if you don't have the energy to sit i can eat you out laying down.' mingyu said as he easily lifted you off wonwoo and laid you down amongst the pillows.
'what? no you need to get off too, what'll you do?' you said panicked, somehow his pleasure being your only concern.
'ohh i'll be fine noona.' he whispered as he caged you to the bed, elbows by your shoulders his hands caressing your head, the front of his thighs pressing against the back of yours where he had placed himself between your spread legs, his large leaking cock just resting on your tummy, his large frame looming over you. you were both slightly frightened by his size but also immensely turned on. he was a gentle giant, he couldn't hurt a fly, but he was certainly big enough to scare off anyone. your heartbeat began to quicken once again, your breathing becoming shallower. his eyes roamed over you like you were a prize, they were filled with love and a hungry lust. his smile widened as he leaned down to kiss along your face, leading to your lips. you kissed back feverishly as your hands came up to his sides to run along his ribcage and up to his shoulders. he twitched away from your touch and giggled as your fingers tickled him. you pressed your fingers more firmly into his skin so as to not tickle him again.
you continued your heated kisses as your arms came to wrap around his shoulders. your legs also came up to wrap around his waist and pull him closer. he lowered himself to press against you but still didn't fully put all his weight on you. the position he was in allowed you to feel just how deep his cock could get. just above your belly button, only a little bit deeper then wonwoo. your hips started to move on their own, trying to gain some friction and maybe get him to move as well, maybe move into you. you felt so empty since wonwoo slipped out and gyu would fill you up even more, despite your exhaustion you desperately needed him.
'no, no, sorry noona, i think you need a bit more practice till you can take me, you could barely handle wonwoo hyung.' he spoke softly as he kissed down your face and neck, moving lower and lower, 'i'm gonna make you cum on my tongue and you can have me next time maybe.'
he left open mouthed kisses along your chest, lapping at your breast until he reached a nipple, sucking it into his mouth harshly and laving his tongue over the pert bud. you let out a deep moan and grabbed his hair. his fingers pinched and played with the other nipple, as his other hand roamed your tummy and hip. he groped and squeezed the ample flesh, letting out a groan muffled by the breast that occupied his mouth.
he detached from your boob to speak breathlessly between them, 'your so fuckin perfect noona, please keep your body as it is, i love it so much, we both love every inch of you so much.' he groaned again as he messily made his way to the other nipple, suckling just as harshly. his hips twitched forward trying to find some friction but his lower half was too far from yours, so he just humped the air pathetically. it was cute.
'come on pup, take what you want.' you panted out, more whines falling from your lips as he began to kiss, lick, and bite down your stomach.
once he reached where you both wanted him, he laid flat on his stomach and brought your thighs to rest on his shoulders. his hands fell to your hips, his thumbs rubbing reassuring circles into them. he gave a devilish smile before diving down to kiss down your lower lips. his nose nudged you open as his tongue began to lick and prod at your hole. one hand found his hair again, the other reached for his hand. he quickly locked your fingers together. his gentle prodding quickly got rougher as he became lost in your pussy.
you moaned out from the pleasure, your hips moving at their own accord, rolling into his face to gain more friction. his arm moved to hold your hips down, as he wanted to do all the work. and work he did, his tongue expertly fucking your used hole, gladly lapping up the mixture of yours and wonwoos earlier releases. his nose bumping your clit, giving you just the slightest stimulation but you wanted more. you began to writhe in his strong grasp, your moans turning to whines.
'please my pretty puppy, i need more.' you let out through gasps.
he looked up at you from where he was, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. he smiled against your dripping cunt before moving up and harshly sucking your clit between his lips. he suckled and lapped so expertly and quickly, you jolted from the pleasure and began moaning louder then before. another blinding orgasam was rushing right for you. as much as you tried to move, mingyus grip was stronger. as your cries began to crescendo as they had before he let go of your hand, bringing those fingers to fuck into your hole, his other hand moving to press on the front of your mound, moving both sets of fingers to add more pleasure.
before you could think about what he was doing, your orgasam crashed into you. you saw stars as you squealed out, more high pitch moans followed. through the electricity in your nerves your felt more fluid rushing out of you then there should be. he had made you squirt, something you'd only done twice before and only by your own self pleasuring. you realized now why he had done what he did. you'd seen it a few times in porn but didn't really believe it. mingyu had made you squirt, your first time with him. and he seemed to love it. he continued to feverishly lap at your folds, trying to drink up all your release, wanting to not waste a drop. he was also groaning into you, his hips stuttering into the mattress. he got off on it, fuck that was hot.
'gyu, baby, that's enough. please.' you said as you tried to push his head away, but again his grip was too strong.
'i can do it again, let me do it again.' he slurred out, he was so clearly pussy drunk and wanted so much more.
'please i cant handle another, your too good, i'm too sensitive and exhausted.' you whined as you really tried to get out of his grasp. 'next time you can have more.'
'mingyu, stop.' wonwoo commanded from beside you. he had gently tucked himself against your side, an arm under your head.
mingyu stopped reluctantly, his entire face turning into a pout, a sad puppy. he held eye contact with wonwoo as he tested his limits by giving your lower lips another lick, you cried out bringing his attention to you. tears spilled from the corners of your eyes, you were far to sensitive. when mingyu saw the tears his whole demeanor changed. worry took over his features as he came up to be face to face with you.
'i'm sorry noona, i'm sorry.' he rushed out as he caressed your face and wiped away your tears. 'are you okay?'
'i'm okay, baby, just very sensitive.' you reassured him, bringing your arms around his shoulders and patting his hair. 'you did so good, you both did so good,' you looked between both men, 'almost too good, i've never experienced anything like that before.'
'no one else has made you feel that good?' mingyu asked, a face splitting smile gracing his face, if he had a tail your sure it'd be wagging. the smile was made more ridiculous by your release still shining on his chin, all the way up to his nose. you brought your hand to it to wipe it away. he didn't fully let you, taking your fingers into his mouth to clean them off. then licking around his lips to gather anymore that was left.
he then laid down on top of you, pausing before putting all his weight on you, looking at you for permission. you nodded as you wrapped your tired limbs around him and pulled him onto you. he smiled as he settled into you, molding himself to you. he reached his face to yours to kiss your lips. you gladly kissed back, still tasting yourself on his lips, but that didn't matter.
wonwoo moved to his side, wrapping his other arm around mingyu. he nudged his face into your faces, trying to get in on the kiss. you all giggled as you turned to allow him in, sharing a three way kiss. then you gave each of them a quick kiss, and they gave each other a kiss.
you then lay there, both boys nuzzled into either side of your neck. so warm and happy, you couldn't imagine a better place to be.
A/N: please feel free to give feedback. this is my first full fic/smut, i'm posting at least, i have several others in the works. literally any feedback is appreciated. thank you for reading and i hope to continue to make fics.
#my writing#writing#seventeen#wonwoo#mingyu#svt#jeon wonwoo#kim mingyu#seventeen fluff#seventeen smut#wonwoo smut#wonwoo fluff#mingyu fluff#mingyu smut#minwon#poly!svt#poly!minwon#seventeen fanfic#seventeen imagines#seventeen scenarios#seventeen drabbles
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some small headcanons I got for the forest god au by @llamagoddessofficial
Please note that all the things stated down there are NOT canon, but headcanons I made up as I aggressively scourged down every bit of information I found about this au, thank you very much :)
also I’ll be heavily focusing on my favorite boy Skull (I’ll just call him Horror for now because I can handle it better) here, because why not, I love him
Sans is not opposed of letting humans do their thing. If they wander his territory, they wander his territory. He’s even turned humans fae if they showed devotion to him. Some have started a cult about him, and he finds it amusing enough to let it continue. And hey, they even protect his forest FOR HIM, so all he really has to do is care for the fae and animals, not if trees get cut down or rivers get dammed. He can just sit back and relax, and have the enjoyment of humans running around for him. He doesn’t consider it to be selfish- heck, he never showed himself to them, he didn’t start the cult. That’s on them.
He viewed the cult as… family, to some degree. After all, he turned some into his kind. After the forest of a fellow deity was lost t the humans and then the deities wrath, he watched the cult fall apart. They left his forest, leaving him to feel abandoned by them. He TRUSTED them. He never showed himself to the most of them, but he still LIKED them. They were like the most of family he ever had. And now they were gone.
Red likes humans. We all know that. But over the centuries, as they evolved, he watched them closely. So closely, that when you are fortunate enough to enter his core domain, you are faced with ancient human machines. Old pictures of random people in surprisingly good health for being tucked away in a tree in the middle of a forest. If you want to get an item of yours back after loosing it in the forest, you must trade it with him (dipping into the fae aspect here, hehe). He allows humans to stay in his domain, at least at its edges. But those that live there whisper about how many things go missing regularly. That bird that grasped your hunting knife as you left it unsupervised? Sent by the local deity. The fox pulling a bag of different tools? Reds personal thief. The deer eyeing the self made pouch of multiple layers- you get the idea.
Horror wasn’t always a hulking multilegged creature that resembles beasts. Before his rage took over, he was a humanoid deity, like the others. He allowed humans to wander through his territory and hunt and forage to a certain extent, and those that exhausted their stay just wouldn’t find any more. No more berries on the sides of the path, no more deer trails to follow. Similar to Red, he finds humans intriguing, but in a slightly different way. While Red wants to know all about the human race, Horror is content with letting them into his forest without having them fear for their safety. He allows them to hunt and forage, but no one dares to set up a permanent home there. A camp for the night, sure, but anything that indicates a longer stay than a full moon cycle will be left without food or other resources soon enough, alongside great rain and extreme temperatures that only worsen the longer the human stay.
Anyone who dares exhaust their stay even AFTER he told his animals to evade the human, made the plants temporarily close their flowers when the human was around… they learn to never upset a god the hard way. Every step they take makes water seep into their boots that never dry again. Every plant they decide to pick, it either wilts before they can consume it, or it makes them sick. The animals they slaughter put up a vicious fight. Arrows don’t harm the animals anymore. The meat turns bad in a heartbeat, or it infects the hunter with diseases or parasites. Horror allows humans to redeem themselves if they move out when he tells them, but if you decide to exhaust his hospitality even after his warning signs? You have been cast out for your life.
Horror liked his fae-underlings. He allowed them to toy with humans, but only to a certain degree. He refrained from turning humans to fae, because they could get the wrong idea. But there are stories about a certain human who was granted a special connection to his forest, and his forest alone.
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have u read the homestuck epilogues? what do u think of them if u have? and do u have thoughts on june egbert
when the epilogues originally dropped, i read candy but i did not go on to read meat because the experience of being a homestuck fan at the release of the epilogues was a pretty miserable and i saw no reason to prolong it.
i did not categorically hate everything the epilogues were attempting to do but i think they are fundamentally and irredeemably flawed for one extremely big reason: you can not release something as the official continuation of a work while also insisting it is not a piece of the canon. it felt like they wanted to have their cake and eat it too in a way that completely undermined the entire work. they released it with faux-ao3 tagging/styling, but weren't brave enough to actually release is on ao3. it had to be elevated Above fanwork, but if you got too upset about it they could always just point out 'well we said it wasn't canon' to deflect legitimate criticism. plain and simple, it all felt like cowardice. release something intentionally designed to provoke and antagonize a dedicated fanbase and then retreat to twitter to complain about how nobody can understand and appreciate REAL, SERIOUS, QUEER ADULT CHARACTER WRITING. but like. real, serious queer adult character writing still needs to be good and I'm not sure the homestuck epilogues Were that. having characters you know to be 100% fictional and are now being written by a brand new set of people pretty much look at the camera and say "if you think my character writing is OOC it's only because you don't respect my interiority as a human being" rang extremely fucking hollow to me.
i think it should be obvious to anyone who has been following me for any amount of time that i don't want or need sanitized and saccharine character writing to be pleased and my issue was not that the epilogues were dark, it was that they felt confused and contrived.
being a homestuck fan took up all of the formative years of my life, without exaggeration. it was the main thing i was into from ages 14-21 and has been incomparably important to me. so it's next to impossible for me to separate my feelings about my epilogues from what it felt like to be a homestuck fan during the absolute clusterfuck of these things dropping, especially since i haven't revisited them since. one event in particular that really soured me was an official homestuck team member who i was decently good friends with asking me to delete tweets i made criticizing some aspects of the epilogues. i found to be an extremely unprofessional to do as someone who is on the payroll of an IP speaking to a fan of that work, regardless of whatever terms we may have been on. additionally, i found the way she + the epilogues writers responded to criticism of the epilogues from the pretty significant demographic of teen fans on twitter to be at best condescending and at worst actively cruel.
it felt like a bunch of people who wrote shock fiction about a beloved cast of characters - something they were fully within their right to do, to be clear - but then could not handle the extremely predictable reception to it. my eventual homestuck reread is penciled in for 2029 and if i can bring myself to [re]read the epilogues at that time, im going to. we will see how my feelings change then
as for june egbert: love her, but this is once again soured by the way post-mspa era homestuck treats the concept of canonicity. john egbert is my number one favorite fictional character of all time. if you tell me "great news, she's a girl now" i am in fact overjoyed by that. i think its something that adds a lot of texture to the character. but i don't like people treating it like it's canon when it just simply isn't. i don't think you get points for portraying a transfem character until you have actually... portrayed a transfem character. i do not keep up with hs2 for reasons that are probably pretty obvious so i'm not sure if anything has changed, but to the best of my knowledge june egbert is not yet canonical there either. it's very frustrating.
but you see what i mean about canonicity: ignore the fact that we haven't discussed june egbert's gender in a single actual piece of fiction. the toblerone says she's real so she is! ignore the fact that the homestuck epilogues are official works that were on the shelves at barnes and fucking noble, they're "beyond canon" because weve put AO3 headers on. it feels like lategame homestuck treats canonicity like a switch it can flip completely independent of the works they are making, in whatever way is convenient for them. if the HS2 team (shoutout to floral, one of the best to ever do it and nobody deserves to be writing homestuck more than them) ever does get around to making june egbert canon, i will be standing by to pop bottles.
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As a fellow galemancer i had to share that when your doing the spell scene with gale, when the narrator says the weave is making your one, i couldnt help but notice that he slowly blinks at you like a cat, since tara is technically part cat im sure they blink slow for affection so im not sure but Gale as a cat person slow blinking at you feels so cute, just some food for thought adore you blog as well have a great day
OP, you are absolutely brilliant. However, it seems somehow tumblr autocorrected ‘tressym’ to ‘cat’ in your ask, because as Gale and Tara would both insist, she is definitely NOT a cat, absolutely not, not even a smidge, she’s proudly 100% tressym and we would never want to insult her or get on her bad side by insinuating otherwise! Obviously that was a mistake on tumblrs end! nothing more!!
(…okay OP I think we are in the clear, that should smooth things over with Tara, just wanted to cover all our bases there 😂)
You raise a really interesting point—Gale, having been partially raised by a tressym, could absolutely have picked up a few tressym qualities and mannerisms! So let’s talk about that:
slightly 18+ / suggestive under the cut!
First off, to your point, Gale does the tressym slow blink to show affection. As if Gale’s soft cow eyes weren’t appealing enough, those slow, soft, affectionate blinks?? How could you resist:
Gale loves to touch you, hold your hand, have his hands on you, and of course massage you…except that his massages, while lovely, seem to be less ‘ease your muscle stress by applying firm pressure’ and more ‘making biscuits on your back.’ When you ask where he learned his technique, he says he’s self-taught and proudly adds ‘Tara approves of my form.’ (Doesn’t matter, you love it regardless.)
Gale longingly mentions his tower’s ‘crackling hearth’ several times throughout the game, and just like Tara, it’s one of his favorite places to be—ESPECIALLY if he’s curled up next to it with you. Now, whether you’re on his lap or he’s on yours? That’s entirely up to you. Though Tara might object if her favorite spot—Gale’s lap—is too frequently occupied >:(
Gale occasionally adds in a soft, loving head bump during a makeout session—gently, of course! (This one is canon IMHO as he does this during his ‘Grateful’ kiss variant seen here)
Speaking of making out, when Gale’s engine really gets revved he’ll move from those yearning moans to a low, steady rumble of desire from deep in his chest. A purr of arousal if you will—but one that can turn into a growl as he hungrily claws at your clothes, if your laces/buttons are not cooperating with his need for immediate removal.
It’s canon that Gale hates vegetables, full stop. After all, what self-respecting tressym craves broccoli? He’d much prefer to share a meal of quipperfish, pigeon, or beholder meat with Tara. A proper carnivorous meal, and preferably one that comes with some sort of cream-based delicacy for dessert. Also…are those peas on his plate? Carrots?! Instantly incinerated.
And finally, Tressyms are fastidious about their cleanliness—Tara herself can be seen diligently cleaning her paws during the epilogue—so of course Gale follows suit. He’s very vocal about being disgusted by the bloodbath you can get while in the mindflayer colony in Act 2, and he loathes being in the sewers of Baldur’s Gate. Gale prefers to be clean and preened at all times, not only for his own sense of pride, but also so he can be as presentable as possible for you. (As he himself put it, ‘A gentleman is only as handsome as his least-groomed locus.’). Now when it comes to your cleanliness, though, Gale would never criticize you for your, ah…sweaty, glistening muscles after a fight, OR your particular musk arising from said sweatiness and dirt. In fact he rather likes it, because the only thing better than being clean is the process of getting clean, which he will happily help you with! Perhaps a long, hot, luxurious bath, your naked bodies intertwined as he runs his hands and mouth a bar of soap over every inch of you. Or, perhaps, if bathwater is not available, he could go full tressym and simply lick you clean himself clean you up in a different manner! Who knows?? The possibilities are endless, and he does have a practiced tongue. 😉
— — —
Thank you again for this lovely ask OP! I hope I painted an accurate picture of just how similar our beloved Gale is to a cat TRESSYM !!
As always if anyone has any additional points, please feel free to add them! 🐈🪽💜
#gale of waterdeep#gale dekarios#baldur's gate 3#gale x tav#baldur’s gate 3#bg3#galemancer#gale x reader#answered ask#tara the tressym
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I thought playing Obscura would help me get rid of my brain worms. no, it just gave me new ones. For Obscura, specifically.
I'll be adjusting the format from my TOUCHSTARVED expanded thoughts post. Brain dump after the cut!
[Demo/CH 1 spoilers are included]
(Header Image from Itch.io page! All images in this post are either from there or the Rotten Raccoons tumblr page)
Design/gameplay thoughts:
In full honesty without fluff: this game fucks immensely.
The setting for Obscura might be my new all-time favorite, like, ever. Mystery underground scandalous marketplace??? Under a mountain???? it's a diverse and vast city that's still elegantly contained and claustrophobic, but in a spicy way. The worldbuilding and flavor is excellent. I really want to run a TTRPG in a similar setting now, since its an area with so many possibilities.
CH. 1/the "demo" has a LOT of meat on it. It's got different endings, variations, a whole soundtrack. Speaking of sountrack-
Obscura is also one of the few games I've put on the soundtrack to just to vibe to. The soundtrack is SO good, and sets such a strong mood/tone. I think it complements the game perfectly.
Allot of people have mentioned it, but I am also a fan of the Safeword pause menu. It's a nice and comforting touch, especially when the game can get so intense. It lets players take a breather if they need it, but also doesn't interrupt the intensity/mood of the game for someone who doesn't want a break from the narrative.
Now, onto character specific thoughts!
Shout outs for having your asexual option in the dating sim be. The kinkiest guy there
Cirrus is a bit too intense for me, however, that is NOT a bad thing in the slightest. I think his route is well done for those who are up for his brand of intensity.
I might still play his route because. damn this boy's issues got me curious about his backstory. ($10 on mommy issues)
I had the hardest time getting to Cirrus's good end during my playthrough because having pretty much any self-preservation instinct around Cirrus gives you a bad/neutral ending. He's the only one I had to pull the guide out to get the best ending. (I think I'm just too sassy)
I get medusa vibes from Cirrus. The snake imagery is more likely tied to the lunar church, but his staunch reluctance to take his own mask off makes me wonder (this is mainly referenced in asks answered by the Rotten Raccoon studios). Refusal to let people see his eyes + snakes + power + slightly unnatural abilities to influence is, something.
I am shaking this man like a snowglobe WHAT IS YOUR DEAL I MUST KNOW MORE
(I am. metaphorically shaking him like a snowglobe. I would never shake this man im terrified)
CONCLUSION: Most likely to shame you for your anime choices. Least likely to be normal about it when you ask for help peeling an orange.
yeah he's tied for favorite right now. the slow burn in his plot is just too good? big man....freckles...secret soft side...im weak
he's so nice I keep forgetting. He kind of kidnaps you? not even kind of he just drags you off the street and goes "you live in my house now". Even Griff calls MC a stray early on. My man really said "Here's a convenient lost human I'm dragging them home now"
oh my GOD they were ROOMATES
I definitely was too nice to him in my first playthrough until I realized he does need (and want) to be sassed to death.
this man is like 6'6 and the canon-ish Vesper height from the CG is 5'4. THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE. This kills the man (me)
The sprite of Keir's ears blushing SENDS ME INTO A FRENZY
I quite liked the gameplay style of Keir's route. I was so focused and invested as soon as I realized I needed to remember specific directions to save the heist group during timed decisions
Something I haven't seen discussed yet: I'm mega curious about the dagger Keir has on his outfit. It's specifically pointed out in text that it's high-quality, and I vaguely remember an ask that Rotten Raccoons answered that said it's a status symbol. (The dagger also just looks SO cool. and....it looks like Francesco's...?)
(My bet is that he either 1. stole it. or 2. got it from Oleander during their tryst (WHICH WE ALSO NEED TO TALK ABOUT-))
CONCLUSION: Most likely to be gifted a "WORLD'S BEST DAD" mug from his similarly-aged peers. Least likely to live down that one time he ate soap because he thought it was edible.
someone keep the "silver dust" away from this lad im scared
Originally, I was least looking forward to playing Francesco's route since I just wasn't interested in his initial concept. After playing his route though? It was excellently done, and I genuinely had fun. It was refreshing to have a character more naive than Vesper, so more cultural aspects were explained and we got a good alternate perspective on the marketplace. Also, it got REAL spicy in new and exciting ways the other chapters didn't. I'm really looking forward to the next chapters with his route!
I totally love the contrasts in his design and his character. He's got both bright red and blue highlights in his design, his outfit is very pointy and angular while his hair/smile is soft and flow-y.
And in his personality, he's both sweet and open, but extremely cagey about some information, and quite pragmatic when he wants to be. I think he's way smarter than he lets on.
that doesn't mean I don't want to bridal carry him and tuck him into bed at night after a all-nighter party
I do think Fran's slightly looser demeanor could lead to him being even more brutal than the other LI's. Remember that one anime clip (Found it, it's this one from Danshi Koukousei) where a group of friends wants to fight for fun, but one of the friends asks why they need rules in a fight? And said friend is shown like secretly holding a rock and was ready to use it? that's Fran. He would not have chill and does not heed the rules.
"Protect the boy", but mostly to prevent him from tasting blood. Because if that happens we're all fucked
CONCLUSION: Most likely to eat that M&M off the ground because you dared him. Least likely to beat the puppy allegations.
Oleander is tied for favorite with Keir. Oleander is just *chefs kiss* LOOK AT HIM. inscrutable......
Somewhere in an ask answered by Rotten Raccoons studio, they mentioned that for Oleander's route, they were going for a "Sexy boss situation that doesn't feel like a work safety violation". They hit that right on the nose; there's intrigue and a power imbalance, but in a non-restrictive or terrifying way.
I love being involved in the business part of his route. I keep making decisions like "Hmm yes my primary goal is to romance Oleander. But what would be the smartest business move here? How do we advance our agenda?"
Also, I do love playing a sexy evil secretary in a vn. love having a job and being evil at it AND being paid money. 10/10
That dance scene is everything I could have ever wanted no notes
I am fascinated to find out more about what he's been up to since his last trek into the marketplace. Seems like people are trying to kill him all the time anyway, so what would be enough to cause him to leave?
he's like an angler fish, but the lure is his booba
I relate to Oleander in that. I have too many online usernames because I can't stick with one. People get my 800 online names mixed up often. He has the same problem, we're basically twinsies
This man is pretending to be a himbo like his life depends on it (It probably does). He's too smart though, I know for a fact he has at least three different schemes going at any given time.
CONCLUSION: Most likely to be able to help you properly lace a corset (this man knows the boot-to-the-back necessity of the process). Least likely to be allowed to be banker during monopoly night.
black mask enjoyer 4 life
(all three are good I just wanted to say which one I picked. And to add my conclusion section)
CONCLUSION: Most likely to get their shit rocked by a falling piano. Least likely to survive an argument about pineapple on pizza.
With how separate the four routes are, the game could potentially feel like four separate visual novels all in one universe. Maybe I haven't played enough VN's, but there is a feeling of separation between the routes.
In the very beginning of the game, when you're picking your route, I wish there was a bit more heads up/information between who you're picking. For example, I had a rough idea that going into the church is where you'd find Cirrus, but only from information outside the game. I didn't know sticking around for the brawl would push you into Kier's route. It's overall pretty vague to which route you're going based on only in-game information.
Misc thoughts:
Vesper: "How are you going to keep me?? ;)" Keir and Oleander: "crimes" Vesper: "Wh-" Keir and Oleander: "you're an accomplice now congrats we're in this together. wanna get drinks"
catch my socially anxious ass wanting to be under the mountain and wear masks so I don't have to make eye contact with strangers all the time. at least its a fun thought to have when I mask for covid
For real, I got the brain worms for this game, I'm on the edge of making a big ol playlist. the headcannons? They go on my friend. they go on. I'm laying awake at night thinking about what each character would order at a coffee shop
by the time I publish this post. I did start working on the playlist
yes, I've also designed my own vesper, its such a prime opportunity for character design.
Obscura also may or may not have inspired me to get involved with an otome jam game team, more on that in the future possibly.....
OVERALL: I got the first chapter/demo of Obscura for free from Itchio/steam. High marks for writing, sound, art, game design, all of it! I am on the edge of my seat waiting for CH2.
TL;DR: If you haven't played it, and love spicy and dark stories, go play it! Part one is free! and fantastic.
#obscura vn#rotten raccoons#obscura cirrus#obscura keir#obscura francesco#obscura oleander#i've been writing this post for weeks and i just keep editing it. going to hit send now
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hc powers of the seven: blessing edition
not all of the seven are included here because I don't think all of the seven have gotten blessings
firstly, i think blessings are lasting.
is this entirely canon? not really. but frank's blessing physically altered him, so it's pretty possible. now to the actual hcs:
jason: blessing of lupa. he's got very sharp teeth and a strong bite. enhanced senses, other than sight, so he's pretty sensitive to noise. i also doubt that the wolves provided him with cooked food, so he's pretty much got an iron stomach and can eat raw meat. thats what he did with the wolves. however!! this power has drawbacks. he's more likely to be hurt by loud sounds, and his sensitivity means that, while he's a great fighter, you can stun him if you're too loud, though he gets back up after. blessings are also curses. he looks at it fairly, noting both the good and bad effects of it. the noise sensitivity also gives opportunities for him fearing his own lighting and thunder.
frank: blessing of mars. we know this one. what could i possibly change—give him fear manipulation. his very aura can cause anxiety and maybe even paranoia in new people. he hates it. so much. it makes him physically taller and stronger, but it scares the new campers and makes them nervous. he considers it more of a curse than a blessing.
piper: blessing of aphrodite. yes, this happened in canon at her claiming. all I'm editing is saying she got enhanced charmspeak powers from it *cough* and the ability to breathe underwater *cough* i mean what sea goddess aphrodite who? doesn't notice it until shrimpzilla. considers it a blessing. although she hates her mom and probably wishes someone else gave it to her. it's fine she can still be one with the fish.
leo: blessing of juno. yes, the roman variant. yes, juno. she is his patron as much as jason and piper's. minor premonition with sudden sickness, nausea, or visions before a bad event. does this suck ass for him? yes. does this also help the others because it's a bright, neon red warning flag? also yes. he thinks it's shitty but wouldn't get rid of it. this is because juno was believed to protect the roman city and warn the citizens before an attack or destructive event. he also gets slight power boosts during june.
nico: blessing of apollo but specifically after the trials of apollo when he sarcastically asks if he has the blessing of will's father to date him. and apollo takes it literally and gives it to him. "that's not what i meant, dipshit—" and it's far too late for that so now he has enhanced hearing and he's pitch perfect and he'll never use this again. ever. but hey it also gives him sunburn immunity so??? no, he's not a member of the seven, but not all of them have blessings so shh it's fine i can put him in this list.
sorry if i left out a character you thought would gain a blessing! you can correct me if you want <33
#jason grace#hoo#pjo#leo valdez#piper mclean#heroes of olympus#frank zhang#nico di angelo#solangelo#i guess it's solangelo#kinda implied#actually said outright mb#but it's like barely mentioned
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You recently said ur an encyclopedia of lightcannon. So I want to know what light cannon media is there, also just what lux media is there. New to the fandom and I just want all the canon lux stuff to get a solid grasp on what exists. also maybe a reading order/watch order.
Oh gosh. So this is the tricky thing with Lux, she's one of the oldest champions in League of Legends so she has a LOT of lore, but it's all scattered around.
She also has a TON of skins, she's one of the most popular champions for new skins to the point that it's almost a meme, so there are a LOT of Alternate Universe Luxes out there, and one of them (Star Guardian) is what popularized (but didn't actually start) the Lightcannon ship.
You can find a good chunk of her core Runeterra lore on her Universe page. I recommend all of the material written by Graham McNeill, including her bio and the "For Demacia" story. "Last Light" and "Flesh and Stone" are also excellent.
The "LUX" comic produced with Marvel, however, was where her story (and all of Demacia's) kicked up a notch, with the introduction of Sylas of Dregbourne, an imprisoned mage who teaches Lux how to control her power and introduces her to the truth about Demacia's brutal persecution of mages like both of them.
That said, even though Very Important Story Things happen in the Lux comic, there's a general consensus among Lux/lightcannon fans that the comic isn't very well written and mischaracterizes both Lux and Sylas pretty badly.
The Katarina comic retells some of the same events from the POV of infamous Noxian assassin, Katarina DuCoteau, and Lux does briefly appear in it, and her interaction with Katarina is pretty freaking great. So I recommend looking at this one, it's much better than the Lux one overall.
After that, the Riot Forge game studio (which has now been shuttered) produced a spinoff game starring Sylas called The Mageseeker.

This is actually a really rad little game that I recommend to anyone, especially anyone interested in Demacia lore or in any of the characters involved.
Lux is a prominent character, though she only appears pretty late into the story, and it follows up on the fallout from Lux and Sylas's friendship, the mage rebellion, and Sylas's betrayal of Lux in a way that is just really well done and IMO does justice to both characters.
(as well as making even more explicit than the Kat comic did that their relationship was only ever a platonic friendship/mentor relationship, but I digress)
It also leaves Lux in a really, REALLY interesting position in terms of her story and her role in Demacia, that I think has a lot of story meat, and that has factored into a lot of Lightcannon fics especially post Season Two.
It hasn't been officially explored from there, though. The next (and chronologically final) time we see Lux is in the "Warriors" promo video from Season 2020:
...where her truce with Sylas from the Mageseeker game doesn't seem to have lasted too long 😮
It's also probably the most baddass Lux we've seen depicted yet.
Legends of Runeterra, the spinoff card game, also does a couple of good Lux stories, including the recent "Lux Illuminated" where we see Lux dreaming (literally, she's in her dreams) of her idealized Demacia, where she's confident and powerful and adored for her magic instead of shunned.
...only for a creeping shadow to infiltrate her perfect world.
This is also where we get the only 'canon' interactions with Ezreal in the main timeline, maybe, and she's still shooting that poor boy down in flames 💔❤️🔥🔥even in her dreams. Ouch.
I'll talk about Lux AUs / skinlines in a different post if you wanna, because that's a whole other kettle of fish, but for Canon Lux, that's your main go to outside of her League/LoR voice lines.
Hope it helps give a picture!
#lux#luxanna crownguard#lux league of legends#jinx x lux#lux lol#lux league#lol lux#arcane#arcane netflix#league of legends#lightcannon#lux x jinx
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every insane thing in arcane season 2 act 3
ep 7 was a masterpiece truly took me out
lowk really funny the way they cut from the happy, (almost) perfect world au to jayce hallucinating and eating raw meat
TIMEBOMB CANON????? lowk didn't see the appeal of it UNTIL NOW WTF WAS THATTTTT
au powder MY GIRLLLLL
dude they yassified silco in the au too. i'm hearing y'all out this time.
HEIMER???? he was such a real one bro
jayce hallucinating mel and viktor and the two of them being interchangeable/intertwined in his mind. which could mean nothing.
also on that note i KNEW everyone was too quick to judge my boy jayce GOD what an interesting character
the "pretend like it's the first time" thing kind of killed me a bit i might've cried a little
it really just proves WE COULD'VE HAD IT ALLLLLL
killing IS a cycle
jinx w her hair out was something i didn't know i needed
caitlyn and jinx's dynamic is SO YUM i need more of their tense interactions
caitvi argument like five mins into the episode lowk gave me life I LOVE ANGST
jinx and vi continue to kill me slowly
everyone who ever said vi gave up on jinx or was a bad older sister i hope u guys CHOKE on ur fucking words
caitvi sex scene...in a jail cell...bro they were wildin
"i saw someone" "i don't fucking care" SUCH A VI THING TO SAY GODDDD I LOVE THEM
they have sm chemistry god
somehow they made mel's character design even more gorgeous than before tf
viktor was lowk wildin but i don't really care i love that man
ngl i was kinda like "viktor baby what ru doing" somewhere in there but i knew they'd work it out
"i'll miss our talks" "no you won't" HAHAHAHHA SKY'S A REAL ONE
i knew maddie was sus.
jayvik canon jayvik canon jayvik canon jayvik canon
honestly it would've been less gay if they kissed
everyone is DOOMED oh my god
jinx swooping in to save the day WHO ELSE CHEERED
lowkey i miss her twin tails but i get why she cut them
i actually don't think jinx is dead that scene w cait and the air vents isn't there for no reason
not mad about the open ending tho
SO impressed how they managed to tie so many loose ends together arcane creators you will always be famous
again love the fast pace it does it for me
also cait was looking SO FINE in that last scene i actually gasped when i saw her on screen i love women oh my god
shoutout to caitvi for being the ONLY couple that gets a happy ending in this fucking show
#anyway i'll need a solid ten business days to recover don't speak to me#losing it#boutta crash out#arcane#vi arcane#arcane s2#arcane season 2 spoilers#arcane season 2#arcane s2 spoilers#arcane season two#caitvi#caitlyn kiramman#caitlyn arcane#jinx arcane#ekko arcane#timebomb#jayce talis#viktor arcane#jayvik#mel medarda#zoe yaps
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