#now uncursed lol
lovevalley45 · 1 year
#fictober23 day seven
"Do you recognize this?"
original fiction (dungeons & dragons)
word count: 693
The journey from Mytros back to the Old Woods was one Darius was dreading. Not because of the long haul, or the fact that he was practically going it alone. 
It wasn’t that at all as he raised the hood of his dark brown cloak, hoping to conceal his face. He knew his anonymity was mostly gone, but he could still try. The sleeping silver wyrmling on his shoulders sure didn’t help either.
So far, he’d been successful, trekking through the forests off the beaten path. It was nice to have his feet on solid ground, amongst the trees again. But he was tired of rations and Goodberries, and Olea wanted to sleep in an actual bed. 
Darius approached the small tavern, the Leaky Oak. The tavern looked like it had seen better days, sign slightly askew. He figured if there was any place to go untraced, it would be here.
He slipped in after a pair of hunters, though his tall stature didn’t camouflage him. Inside, the tavern’s patrons were raucous, drinking and talking loudly. He was hyperaware that multiple people was a mixed bag. On one hand, it made it easier to slip to the sidelines. On the other, that just meant more people could recognize him. 
As he approached the bar, he kept his head down, hood still on. It didn’t help make him less conspicuous, but he hoped people would just want to avoid him.
Darius felt the shifting of scales against his neck, then Olea hissing, “We getting a drink?”
“I’m getting a drink,” he told the dragon.
Olea let out a chilly exhale. “Bummer.”
The tavernkeeper looked up when he approached the bar. “What can I get you?”
“Just a cup of wine. And a room for the night,” he answered in a low tone. 
“I can get you the wine. But the tavern’s full tonight.”
He felt Olea blow out another puff of cold air. “Nothing?”
“Nope. Sorry, we’re packed.”
Darius slumped his shoulders. As the tavernkeeper turned to pour him his cup of wine, he scratched Olea’s chin. “Sorry, guess we’re not staying here tonight.”
“Damn. You’d think they’d have more respect for an oathbearer.”
He regretted not teaching her Syvlan as he pressed a finger to her mouth. “Sh.”
“Oathbearer?” the patron next to him asked.
“Man, you haven’t heard about the Oathbearers? They just protected Mytros from Sydon and Kentimane,” his friend said. 
“I know that, dummy,” he said. He turned to Darius, and he knew he’d been made as the patron’s eyes widened. “Captain Darius.”
“No ‘Captain’,” he hissed. “It’s just Darius.”
“How do you know it’s really him? Could just be a random dryad,” his friend commented. 
“Nah, that pin’s the real thing.” The patron turned to the tavernkeeper and whistled. “Yo, Andreas! Come here!”
Darius tried to shrink further into his hood before Andreas turned around, looking at the patron with annoyance. “What is it, Theo?”
Theo grabbed his cloak, right where it was pinned in place. “Do you recognize this?”
It was hard not to - the silver heart-shaped pin was adorned with a large diamond, a heart-tipped arrow like the ones in his quiver serving as its fascinator. Many had replicas, but it was hard to mimic a revivify diamond. 
“Holy shit,” he said. “Captain, I’m so sorry. Let me get you that wine, and a room. No charge.”
Darius knew by now arguing had no use, but he still tried. “Nonsense, let me at least pay you something-”
“For the hero who slaid the Titan Lutheria? No need,” Andreas said. “Just wait here.”
He tugged his hood more around his face before Theo asked, “So, what was it like?”
“What was what like?” Darius asked. 
Theo had a massive grin on his face. “Killing a Titan.”
“Underwhelming,” he admitted. 
“Man, that’s disappointing,” he said. 
“You know what they say,” his friend said. “Never meet your idols.”
“Yeah. Well, you seem pretty cool.”
“Thanks,” Darius muttered. 
Olea’s tail beat against his shoulder, getting his attention. “Least we got a free room and drink.”
 “Sure.” But he was pretty sure he would have preferred another night on the forest floor.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
i saw a twst piss shade thread on twitter and was sharing to acquaintances how Idia is so often hc to piss in a bottle, energy too strong, and so! i wanna ask who do you think would piss in their bottom's mouth or ass :D your ask box has been quietly uncursed those days by what's answered and i thought of that so i'm not sorry uwu
Anon, this is such a long overdue reply, but I never forgot about your ask. In fact, I was saving it for a rainy day (golden rainy god I hate myself), because the mere fact of having such an ask in our ask box was making me happy. I really appreciate the cursedness of it, and I especially appreciate you considering us an authority on such an important, topical and very complicated question.
(by the way, of course Idia would pee in a bottle – the guy is all about convenience!)
Let’s get into it lol
Ace – would. This absolutely isn’t his go-to, but I can picture him both having an accident and doing it on purpose just because of how much of an asshole he is sometimes. He probably wouldn’t expect it to be this hot, he was just being a dick, but…
Trey – wouldn’t, but he would think about it… but this is just one of a million cursed kinky things that Trey thinks about hypothetically. He is also the type to apologise a lot afterwards and clean his bottom’s mouth thoroughly lol
Cater – would also think about it, but probably wouldn’t dare to do it. He also might do a fake “oops, sorry” afterwards.
Ruggie – he absolutely would for money, but no one is really offering ;( “Weird stuff you’re into, but sure” type of thing.
Jack – he wouldn’t… intentionally. He is super against it, the idea would sound revolting to him. But he is also a young pup and can’t always control himself, so he might have a little “marking territory” moment.
Azul – wouldn’t, he probably would think it’s gross. If something like this happened accidentally, he would be more embarrassed than smug about it…
Floyd – would. Sometimes because he just wants to piss inside his lover’s mouth (especially if Riddle (or Idia…)’s been annoying him), sometimes he just feels so aroused that he can’t help himself, and sometimes he just feels like peeing but doesn’t feel like moving. He likes doing it a lot.
Jade – absolutely would. But only if the situation is perfect for it because this isn’t something that he can overuse, so to speak. He knows that his potential partners wouldn’t expect him to do something like this, so he has to catch the most perfect moment of bliss and pleasure to shock his bottom with his special hot liquid lol
Kalim – he would, I’m sorry Jamil. He would do it on accident the first time, and it would be in the butt, but after that he would kind of get into it… he doesn’t do it all the time of course, and he is a little embarrassed to bring it up, but all this shyness goes away whenever he’s having sex.
Rook – would, but isn’t allowed :( Doesn’t mean that he absolutely never does it, mind you. But there is a very strict policy in Vil’s bedroom that he does break from time to time, to be completely fair. And with the other boys too, but not always – he is weirdly strategic about how he uses his urine. 🤔
Ortho – he would adjust his special gear just to try it out, and if he gets a fun reaction out of it, he’ll do it again! But he also was partially interested if niisan would be able to tell that the liquid he squirted inside of his butt is different by consistency and temperature… it’s not real pee, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?
Lilia – would, he did it with a lot of boys back in the day, and he still does it now; he also kind of taught Silver that this is something that could happen in case of an emergency if you can’t leave your pee smell in the woods for some reason.
Sebek – would, and this is 90% because of what Lilia has taught Silver. Sebek knows that this is complete bs, but he got so flustered and shocked when Silver got down and opened his mouth, that he couldn’t process it or say anything in protest. 
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chopshajen · 14 days
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~ The Trickster Cat ~ Compelling, Enigmatic, Condescending ~
I said a bit ago that I had a Kooza/Cats crossover in mind and even if it was cursed I would draw it anyways, and here it is now, surprisingly uncursed, or at least, surprisingly satisfactory! I'll have to do some dance poses sooner or later but I'm happy with this as a start :3
I tried to keep the design true to both sources of inspiration. Some thoughts on the design under the cut:
There are some elements of the Trickster's design that translate pretty well to stage!Cats costumes, namely the smooth-limb effect of the Trickster's extra-long sleeves and flared pant legs compared with the Cats arm/legwarmers. It's something I really like about the traditional Cats costumes (and a big part of why Cats 2019's designs don't work)* and something I REALLY like about the Trickster's outfits, so it's great for me.
*For further expansion on the subject, @missing-sock-misto has a great breakdown of the Cats costumes here. The relevant part is this:
They help shape the limbs and invoke the feeling of fluff. Human limbs taper, especially at the joints: wrists, elbows, knees, ankles. The arm and leg warmers help cover this, because they’re thick, making them more like cat limbs, which are functionally tubes.
It's one of the first elements I noticed when I first watched the Cats stage show, and when started interrogating myself as to why I liked the designs so much, I realized its importance in "evoking felinity", as azerairis and missing-sock put it. There are a lot of Cats adaptations that, for some godsforsaken reason, get rid of the arm and leg warmers, and it's almost always a mistake. We're trying to make them look like cute cats, not like painted humans.
For the Trickster, why they have long sleeves and flared pant legs may not be as obvious, but they do still serve a visual purpose. They make the Trickster appear that much more ethereal and otherworldly. Everything about them is smooth and continuous - legs flowing into feet, stripes swirling uninterrupted across their body, movement lithe and serpentine - and that makes them seem inhuman, especially when put in contrast with the stick-like, stumbling, uncertain Innocent.
Other more minor elements also translate pretty well. For instance, the Trickster's makeup is already very exaggerated, as is their "hairline" (hat...line?), in a way that doesn't look out of place in Cats. They have stripes on their face, monochrome eyes, and the :3 kitty mouth. The stripes on their body were easy to translate as well. Honestly I didn't have to think over it as much as I expected LOL Except for the wig. Don't ask me how that works. I do think this design is maybe...too simplistic? Like I maybe could've incorporated some of the suit elements of their costume, cuz the Trickster does look kind of odd without their tie. But I wasn't going to give them a collar because pfffftbl lmao could you imagine. Maybe they could have something Skimbleshanks-esque for a top with some formality to it, though I'm not sure putting human clothes on a cat version of an unknowable trickster god person makes sense either LOL
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laikaflash · 7 months
lets get right into it lol
Ship that pisses you off: 💣
A couple years back, I would've just said Sophitia/Siegfried and dredged up that "NOW KISS" meme I made, but then I went and wrote the only way I could see it happening... Literally in Siegfried's dreams because there was no way I could see Sophitia leaving Rothion for him (or anyone else, for that matter).
Those were products of me reading a bunch of fics where Sophitia up and left Rothion, usually for Siegfried. A few of them ran on one of my most beloathed of fanfic peeves: demonizing the character in the way of a given pairing. The rest didn't go that far, but still rubbed me the wrong way. Plus, I can only read about certain characters getting bumped off so many times before it gets old. At most, Sophitia just wants Siegfried uncursed. It doesn't have to end in them getting together. It's fine. Rothion's fine.
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
Later, Pop and E are hanging out at the tree. E is back in her work uniform as she had to pop into work for a bit now that Pop was uncursed, but she hadn't a moment to change back before seeing Pop on her way home again.
"Hey, question-"
She tended to start conversations like that when it was relatively important. But 'importance' could be a lot of things, like what someone wants for the holidays.
"I wanted to ask earlier, but uh, obviously you couldn't answer very well at the time- but uh, figured if we'd be dating long enough I should probably ask this, so here I go, uh, kids? Do you ever want to have kids like ever?"
She quickly interrupted herself. "Not now! Obviously. But. One day. Like ever. Doesn't matter 'how', to have, foster, adopt, whichever- I don't care either way, but one day I'd like-" a quick breath. "I'm just getting older, I mean, I know you're older, but like for my species I'm older- and-" she seemed stressed.
"I just want to know if that's even something you'd even want. To raise a kid at all. Because some people don't. And that's okay. -But I realized this might be a question I should have asked sooner than later."
Pop freezes at the question and tilts his head thinking about it
Pop: sure why not? If we ever get married I kinda assumed we’d have one?
Well that was easy
Pop: I’d want two though. Being an only child is lonely I heard. I heard on this podcast that-
He starts rambling about the psychology of single children vs small family units, vs a house full of children weighing the pros and cons of all of them lol. You learn from pop that if he ever did have kids, he’d prefer his own but isn’t opposed to adoption either.
Pop is one of those who is shy around other people’s kids, but would be fine having his own. He also wouldn’t care if it’s him or his partner carrying too. He’d have a harder time connecting to a child he isn’t related to at first though cause of his being shy around other people’s kids thing. He could adopt, it would just take more effort on his end
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kinetic-elaboration · 6 months
March 29: Jane Notes
I spent the whole day trying frantically to catch up with all the work that’s piling up around me out of nowhere all the while feeling like I had a second set of eyelids behind my real eyes that were constantly closing. But it was nice out after work so I got a coffee and a delicious raspberry Danish and sat outside and wrote some. I actually had a better time doing that than I’ve had in a while, possibly because my expectations were so low. Then I came home and went to sleep for a bit. Now I want to go to sleep again but I gotta work on the drawer fic first… kind of scared of it because I had a meltdown over it last night—well really over my computer. It shut down while I was in the shower so I had to restart it and I got so flustered about it that I hit a major writing block, like I could NOT think creatively because I was too busy freaking out about the time and being exhausted and wanting to gnaw off my own hand, so I just wrote some notes about what I want to happen next and gave up. I guess this technically does count as breaking my streak but I honestly, truly, tried my best. I could not have done more. So today I need to break through that one sentence that drove me over the edge and maybe try to uncurse myself a little here.
Anyway, I wrote some notes about my Daria/Jane College AU story while I was out and I’m just going to put them here. They’re not really about the fic per se but more about Jane’s character more generally as I try to work some stuff out. I want to go back to writing this fic… writing has been really hard recently, just finding time/energy, and I don’t have a ton of optimism about this weekend but… I do want to rally and do it.
The notes:
I was sort of thinking about their flaws and how they could breed conflict. Toying with the idea that [AU] Jane does not have any role models for stability and consistency, other than (sort of) Trent, and that this could lead to questionable decisions. My feelings are mixed. It feels almost plausible but also OOC. Because… Jane’s weak points canonically are not loyalty or stability-related. She and Daria are old married BFFs from the GET. She doesn’t run from Tom when they get serious. She has specific reasons—not boredom or fear of commitment—for ditching Evan and Nathan. Yet I also am intrigued by the vision of Future Jane, how she’s modeled her marriage on her parents’.
The Lanes as a family are flaky and unreliable but actually I feel like Jane has had to overcompensate for them, rather than follow suit. She is sometimes painted (lol) (drawn?) as lazy, loving to sleep—but she’s responsible for the gazebo in Art Burn and Lanebay shows entrepreneurial spirit ahead of its time. Her artistic output is staggering. She’s learned not to expect anything from most family and she’s become self-reliant as well as self-assured as a result.
We do know that she’s impulsive, and fond of creative schemes and theories (DDMD, Art Burn, The Lawndale Files, hooking up with Bobby Bighead, and her bold flirtations with Tom and Nathan). Her creative energy just sort of… runs free. She doesn’t seem to have reins on herself when she gets going. Self-doubt is her kryptonite—she lets any in, she goes off the rails (this jealousy crap—it isn’t me; Fire/DDM, IIFY).
But what does all this COME to? How does it apply HERE? I’m not sure yet.
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prettycdds · 10 months
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{{ Hi there! Oh my god, I could give so many options just with your disney section alone lmao-- }}
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Tiana !
{{ Give me!! Princess time with all the princesses, they absolutely have to hang out, any and all of them. I know she's set in the 1920s, so her time period is a little odd to get to naturally, but I'm open to the sort of Roger Rabbit, all toon crossover sort of setting or other verses! }}
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Maleficent !
{{ Guess who, Aurora !! Don't worry, she doesn't hold a grudge... she just hates you and your husband and all your people-- but she's not bitter... And she'll forgive you for not inviting her to yet another party-- after all, you probably assumed she was dead. }}
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Magnifico !
{{ A still uncursed Magnifico would gladly meet with any disney royalty, but Mother Gothel and a cursed Magnifico, now that's a bad combination of magic and vanity. She would definitely be the exact wrong person to find the now immortal king trapped in his mirror gem, a man who could promise to grant her immortality-- eternal beauty! Easy! He just needs two things: His book... and a way out of here! }}
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Bubbles !
{{ Let me give one non-disney one lol-- Roxanne Ritchi might fit running into the teenage ( or preschool! ) PowerPuff, Bubbles! Always looking for an excuse to cross her over into a general superhero-y world, but fair warning to Roxanne, she will talk forever if a mic is held up to her lol }}
Of course if there's a muse you like that i haven't listed here that never means you can't write with them too!
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
Charmaine compared being hypnotized to a cbd gummy and u know what? Feels right.
My recap:
Loved Nadjita and tween Colin beinh flower girls and buddies. This ep threw in almost every character but jenna
Holy fuck the literal LINE to object to bridezilla Nandor. Man id have done that at my sisters wedding but we didnt have that many ppl
The sire can talk now, the barron is handsome again and fucked both (tho separately) Laszlo and Nadja in the broom closet
Nandor seemed to feel regretful about wishing for mawra to like/want the same as him. Didnt stop him tho like most bridezillas. Its implied they married but we didnt see the ceremony
Guillermo is living on fumes, rage and redbull ie me through 2016-now. He falls asleep during the interview which is adorable. And nadjita and colin drew the dick on his head lololol.
As Laszlo and Nadja sing in great detail who will come first on the wedding night Nandor feels disgust (i took it as for forcing her to marry him) and finds guillermo getting dick marked. He puts the coat on him and says sleep well
Next week is the go flip yourself based on the commercial. Nandor ran out of wishes but the djinn gave him 3 more. We got to see some of his dumbass wishes and boy were they dumb. Nothing was shown or said to say he ever said uncurse my dick
After wishing mawra likes what he does she hugs guillermo quite tightly and kisses him so much hes just stunned cuz he was half asleep when she came up to him. Implication is this is what nandor also feels but isnt acting on
The sire and baron clothes shopping w nadja and the guide will spawn many fan arts
The guide is tired of nadja’s shit and wants to be her friend but only hinted at this. She also was attracted to nandor but it passed, and mawra but it didnt
Poor guillermo it took nadja taking over to get nandor in check. She did it cuz she didnt want him to have a rage stroke lol cuz hes her accountant lololol.
Laszlo was mostly concerned about Seanie coming to the wedding, and he was makimg snarky comments during the brief procession i couldnt hear over the screen ruckus and my laughing. Nadja was trying to shut him up but was 2nd to object (rightly nailing nandor wanted a party to be pretty at)
Derek is also lonely and works a job cuz hes a monster but not a thief lolololol. Seems Guillermo never got his blood for chocolate answer from the orgy. Derek was grinding w the guide so i say they should pair up
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musicallisto · 2 years
🍨 cym as iconic vine quotes? I thought it might be fun ^^
these are not necessarily vines, there's also some unidentified short videos (or tiktoks?) that give off vine energy to me
@noesapphic as death to the nazi wildebeest
@retvenkos as anything shane madej has ever said, (the man is peak ??? vine energy) in particular "yeah, that rings a bell or two, that shakes a tambourine", and "let me spin you a yarn, that you shan’t soon forget. I’m being eaten alive by crabs right now." though, for the record, I do Not think you would taunt demons the way that maniac does, lol. i think you would Not call any ghost whatsoever a "fucking wimp". you probably like your unhaunted uncursed life too much.
@tchatso as *outrageous french accent* "why is everybody afraid of love?"
@softeninglooks as "how did you take down captain America?"
@permanentreverie as jesus take the wheel
@anthonysharmaa as "STOP! i could've dropped my croissant" but like if there was a version with tea instead
@destourtereaux as "k c'est une constante putain!!!" (very Iconique french vine)
@murswrites as "talk valentina" its my absolute FAVORITE tiktok in the world
@starlit-epiphany as "happy birthday raven!! :D i can't swim :("
@the-radio-star as "does this sound like shakira?"
@ladyvesuvia as "why cant you just take the freaking complIMEEENT"
@amortensie as "I want to see my little boy (here he comes)"
@atlabeth as every variation there has ever existed of chrissy wake up
@heliads as "what the fuck, Richard"
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vampcoffeegyrl23 · 4 years
Fic questions meme
Tagged by @ageless-aislynn
took me a few days, but finally typed it out lol
Name: Shelby
Fandoms: The Flash is most active for me right now, though I have some started for Arrow, Once Upon a Time, Buffy, Angel, Charmed, Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill
Where You Post: Fanfiction.net, Wattpad, AO3, Tumblr - occasionally twitter, but I don’t really do fanfic there much
Most Popular One-Shot: 
Ff.net - “The Life of a Child” a One Tree Hill Nathan/Haley short AU story in season 4. Looking back now, this is actually really dark. 
A03: “In This Grief”  an Arrow Oliver/Felicity story also in their season 4. Actually, this one’s disturbingly similar to the Nathan/Haley one….I seriously have a dark and twisted mind geez 
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: 
FF.net - “Uncursed” a Buffy/Angel crossover prophecy kid fic, mostly about the doomsday stuff of Angel’s season 4
A03 - “Caught in the Riptide” an Arrow Oliver/Felicity AU canon fic 
Favorite Story You’ve Written: Yeah I don’t think I could ever narrow it down enough to choose.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: They’re all nerve-wracking, really. It’s the will-they-like-it fear/hope thing. But I guess the one I was especially nervous about was the Vampire Diaries Stefan/Elena story about domestic violence “Where’d You Go” which, I totally just realized I don’t have it on A03 yet, hmm. 
How You Choose Your Titles: most often it’s from lyrics of songs, or a play on common phrases, unless I come up with one specifically for something.
Complete: not enough, I really need to do something about that….
Incomplete: Too much, ugh. Like, literally 95% of what I have posted online.
Do You Outline: Most of the time I start out outlining or at least planning out but usually just write what the muse decides to cooperate with
Coming Soon / Not Yet Started: I’ve been working on a long Flash Snowbarry one for awhile that rewrites the show to have them together early in the show (and adds a new child character right from the start). Also starting to flesh out some ideas for Flash Killervibe week next month, though that’s been slow and kinda frustrating. Still working on finishing the Flash Snowells short stories I started. And I should really see about working more on the OUAT story me and my buddy haven’t done much with lately...
Do You Accept Prompts: I haven’t really done them in the past, but I wouldn’t turn them away either if it would spark something
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited To Write: Honestly, I’m excited to write whatever will flow at the moment at this point
Tagging: @galaxy-creationz @ragingceliac @president-zebra @oojei @finalfantasyx and anyone else who wants to do it 
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Lol the one time she needed to burn someone, she gotta do the layman's uncursed way. Well, that was unexpected... and now they're gonna arrive at the witch's with a list of requests. Hopefully there's no more Adam's stans on the road.
Yup. Our poor girls, eh?
Here’s hoping, mate 😁
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THEY LOOK SO HAPPY. It better be where she gets uncursed and then they can uncurse Ixie!!!111!! AAAAAH I’m excited lol. Now hopefully my I’ll do good in my tests XD.
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
i like really can't believe people are believing that harry is hosting a women's march on some island let's not get flashbacks to when that fake eroda merch came out
Anonymous said: why would a british man host a women’s anti-trump rally on a made up island in anguilla no cents luv
like it just makes no sense at all ksjdnbhfurjifkl
Anonymous said: Complained about missing Harry now I’m STRESSED W THIS INFLATION OF PICS
Anonymous said: Anguilla will always be a #cursed Harry location in our fandom’s canon but he does look very cute 😭
Anonymous said: there are so many celebs in Anguilla is this normal
theres always a ton of celebs in that area this time of year lol
Anonymous said: 😔
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gyeolsim · 6 years
misha and theo: first impressions edition or:
in which misha accuses theo of having every fetish imaginable, and theo asks way too many questions not to be Suspicious
gyeolsim https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ovaphilia google is free
kledoness I’m not clicking that
kledoness I understand the confusion but I actually did not/do not want to know, I was more confused about why you even thought it was a possibility
gyeolsim yknow what that's wise of ya i've seen shit
kledoness I’m sorry man ignorance is clearly bliss in this case
gyeolsim aren't you lucky
kledoness so now that we’ve established it isn’t a fetish are you willing to answer my question? it’s cool if it’s like none of my business too
gyeolsim why are you so interested in the size of my egg
kledoness do you have to phrase it like that
kledoness I’m just thinking of a baby the size of a chicken egg and want it confirmed or denied Honestly I don’t know you besides being a popsicle demon so maybe I’m imagining you way too human
gyeolsim yeah i was more like a lil ice cube when i hatched
kledoness oh cute
gyeolsim gross what do you do anyway or are
kledoness oh you mean why am I at this school? is everyone just cool with announcing what they are I’ve been avoiding asking in case it’s rude
gyeolsim personal preference
kledoness But I’m human as far as I know fair
gyeolsim it's probably better to wait for people to tell kinda like jail on tv anyway
kledoness have you been to jail for real
gyeolsim that's rude to ask
kledoness ok yeah I figured after I sent it sorry
gyeolsim overnight in amsterdam cause munro and i started a bar fight heh
kledoness you say it’s better to wait for people to tell, yet you asked me?
gyeolsim are you avoiding my question yeah well you asked about my egg
kledoness I did
gyeolsim question for a question
kledoness my parents were cursed
gyeolsim yikes
kledoness yeah
gyeolsim you wanna get uncursed
kledoness uh yeah I guess
kledoness why do you specialize in curse breaking
gyeolsim nope i was just asking your best bet is the wizarding dept ask for leblanc
gyeolsim i'm just an ice boy
kledoness oh well I thought I might as well ask who’s “leblanc”
gyeolsim @Sorcieresque
kledoness oh
kledoness hmm
kledoness well we’ll see, thanks for the advice ice boy
kledoness hey if it’s actually making you uncomfortable me asking about how you were born I can stop it’s literally none of my business I’m just curious
gyeolsim why
kledoness because I’ve never met a popsicle demon before
gyeolsim you versed in other supernatural creatures then
kledoness nope
gyeolsim you super into popsicle demons or something cause this is starting to get kinda phallic
kledoness no? seriously dude I don’t even know what you look like why are you so worried I’m getting some weird kick out of this
gyeolsim don't see you tryna make friends with anyone else other than the dead guy
kledoness I guess I just think it’s cool there are all these non-human beings that I can learn about
gyeolsim i'm human half like a mutt not too interesting
kledoness I think I’m getting along pretty well with Hollis and Kalli if I do say so myself gyeolsim good for you
kledoness so the popsicle demon thing Was a joke
gyeolsim they're nice people
kledoness they are as for Hymie well he just seems to be online a lot
gyeolsim hm cool have i asked what you do yet shit memory
kledoness yeah you have
gyeolsim oh right you dodged the question
kledoness obviously not well enough
gyeolsim nope you've asked enough questions how do you like it now
kledoness :/ to be fair to me I only asked about the circumstances of your birth not what you are, I just took your word that you’re a popsicle demon
gyeolsim ya so you gonna answer or
kledoness I told you I’m cursed well my parents were, but I was like the vehicle
gyeolsim ya but how
kledoness I’m not really sure it happened before I was born I’m kinda trying to figure that out
gyeolsim i mean what can you do
kledoness uh sort of change people’s perceptions
gyeolsim what d'you mean
kledoness I can make people see things that aren’t there I say “make” but I don’t do it on purpose
kledoness see/hear/sometimes other senses
gyeolsim they're not good things are they
kledoness no
gyeolsim haha i fell asleep well the academy's supposed to help you out sorta
kledoness yeah I hope so you can see why I want to “get uncursed”
Last Tuesday at 3:44 PM
kledoness do you didn’t look much like a bird OR a popsicle last night or can you turn into a bird like that other guy
gyeolsim that's a personal question
kledoness fine
gyeolsim [pretend there's a quoting option] you didn’t look much like a bird OR a popsicle last night that's your opinion
kledoness yeah it is
gyeolsim subjective
kledoness no it’s definitely a fact you don’t look like a bird
gyeolsim [picture of misha but the baby is inside his oversized sweatshirt, so it looks like the baby's head is his]
kledoness well not last night anyway
gyeolsim that's my human suit
kledoness right
gyeolsim at least it's not bubble shaped
kledoness why would it be
gyeolsim seems like a common trend round here
kledoness why would a human be bubble shaped
gyeolsim fat
kledoness that’s not very body positive of you
gyeolsim you're right that's not what i meant though
kledoness oh?
gyeolsim your bubble sometimes the academy does that when people are dangerous
kledoness I see I mean people can still come inside the bubble So I guess I’m not considered that dangerous
gyeolsim cool so what d'you do
kledoness I told you already with frankly very little information in return
gyeolsim you said you make people see things that aren't there
kledoness yeah
gyeolsim you know what i do
kledoness stuck birds down your shirt?
gyeolsim yes and shriek like em i meant what kind of stuff that needs a bubble
kledoness unpleasant stuff
gyeolsim like a boggart ?
kledoness if you mean from Harry Potter then yeah kind of except it’s not just one thing
gyeolsim no like real boggarts duh
kledoness well I don’t know what that is
gyeolsim they don't exist dumbass yes like harry potter
kledoness Misha how the hell should I know what exists and what doesn’t anyway yes kind of
gyeolsim i know
gyeolsim that's why i'm asking specifically about the hp anyway wanna show me
kledoness I don’t control it it just happens
gyeolsim oh bummer felt like doing somethin fun tonight see you tomorrow in class i guess
kledoness it isn’t fun look
kledoness whenever I’m around someone it just happens so if you really want to
gyeolsim if i really want to what sorry i thought you were gonna say something else lol
kledoness if you really want to see what i can do
gyeolsim you're still not finishing your sentences
kledoness then i can show you it would be safer to meet outside, but you’d get the full effect quicker if we’re in a room
gyeolsim yeah i've heard that one before wanna go to the soccer field
kledoness okay see you there
gyeolsim you race ?
kledoness not really? I’m just human so you’ll beat me
gyeolsim i can beat you at human speed
kledoness probably
gyeolsim god you really are no fun at all are you anyway see you in 5
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(Lol, I think there's a Song with the Lyrics "I pray for this curse to be unbroken"?🤔😂 But yes, uncursing would be nice🙈) (...I'm not sure I'm brave enough to blame her😂🙈 But Ohh, gotta use that against her since now she doesn't want to write Karamel's striptease😂 And hm, at this point I think I might only be able to ugly sob write angst🤦🏻‍♀️) NO IT DOESN'T, YES IT IS, YES YOU ARE, NO I'M NOT AND THE RECORDS PROVE ME INNOCENT!(What was the beginning about again?😅😂🙈) Aww, Thanks!☺
(That sounds familiar but I can't remember and I'm too lazy to look... Yes please, someone uncurse us...)
(Summon the courage to do what must be done! And good luck! Give it a shot and see? >.>)
YES IT DOES, NO IT ISN'T, NO I'M NOT, YES YOU ARE AND THEY PROVE YOUR *GUILT*! (I haven't the faintest idea... Another truce? XD)
You're welcome. XD
0 notes
thebigmick284 · 6 years
OUAT 7x20 thoughts- as I watch
*Those opening shots of Gothel’s spell or whatever causing a storm over Hyperion Heights was cool
*Can Gothel die already. I never noticed quite how creepy Emma Booth is in the role. Those eyes.
*So far the episode does have a sense of  shall we say scale? It really does feel have the sense of a finale approaching. 
*Oh right, young Henry flashbacks for this ep. He’s the youngest looking senior I’ve ever seen. :P
*Storybrooke College? I guess it would make sense for the town to have one.
*How does Hyperion Heights have magic in it anyway? I mean Rumple brought magic to Storybrooke so that made sense but I don’t think they explained it here?
*Forgive me Rumple but I don’t trust you. I never would.
*I mean we assumed Rogers had a prosthetic hand but nice to have it confirmed.
*The witches get rewarded by turning into trees? :P
*This does feel like an old school OUAT ep. Helps to have Granny in it, hehe.
*Grilled cheese sandwiches? I’m sorry Regina but that’s Emma and Henry’s thing... It feels like this was meant to be Emma here. This doesn’t feel like Regina. Even the scene with Regina trying to uncurse Henry.
*Oh, hey, Sabine. I feel for this actress they promoted her to main cast and have done barely anything with her. Oh wait, this is OUAT...
*Poor Rogers, he probably feels like Tilly did now. Someone uncurse the poor fellow.
*Oh, so what Gothel is doing is bringing magic back? But still doesn’t explain why Facilier was able to use magical techniques or Anastasia.
*This whole Rumple and Wish Hook thing would be so much more powerful if it was S2-S6 Hook...
*This episode is pretty solid so far, where was during the rest of the season?
*Heh, was magic involved with how Henry got into all those schools... :P
*Okay this at least feels like a Henry and Regina scene
*Why isn’t he believing?
*Hahaha! Henry saying where are all the real heroes like Snow, Charming or Emma. Regina’s face drop...
*Yay, time travel. So why this specific time? I wish we saw more of Henry’s adventures... we barely got any and it should have been what this season was about.
*Why has only one become a tree, you would think a few more witches would have turned?
*What the f#$k? She shrunk them?
*Finally the others turned into trees, feels pretty convenient, lol.
*I guess Facilier just magicked Naveen there?
*Wait I just released. These ‘flashbacks’ are actually happening now aren’t they?
*Okay so calling his past self just gave him his memories back? Okay...
*Loved the message of home is the people you love etc.
*Ugh see this shows why this season should have been more about Henry and his own story and while I do feel like we did get it, it was very underplayed.
*So wait is the curse broken now too?
*So Gothel has just been randomly doing nothing this whole time? Lol.
*Sorry Regina only Negan can use a baseball bat and look cool. :P
*See this concept of Home was central to Emma and I feel like this scene should have been with Emma and Henry.
*Really thought for a bit Alice and Robin would break the curse. 
*Seriously AGAIN that whole Henry/Regina scene feels like it should have been Emma and Henry. Complete with the forehead kiss.]
*I assume Gothel’s old friend became a tree too?
*Loved Tilly’s speech. Is Gothel finally dead? I really can’t get over the theory now that Alice was possibly originally meant to be S2-S6Hook and Emma’s child now..
*Love that Alice shows her strength and grows those beautiful flowers over her mothers... corpse.. tree
*Love Henry’s monologue why all the reunions are happening. Feel like they missed the opportunity to have Henry and Ella have a Snowing S1 finale kiss. 
*Heh, thank you recap because I would have forgotten about that book of Belle and Rumple’s.
*Well, that was a very disappointing end for Dr. Facilier. One of OUAT’s most interesting villians in a long while and of course this is what’s he’s reduced to.
*So how did Wish Rumple know about Hyperion Heights?
*I hope the whole finale isn’t just about defeating Wish Rumple. I was hoping it’d kinda be like the S3 finale which a character journey...
Overall a really solid episode wrapping up the curse storyline. Why couldn’t we have eps like this all season not now at the very end. However lots of the Regina scenes felt more appropriate for Emma and still can’t help about the theory about Alice originally meaning to be Emma and Hook’s child. 
Very curious about the finale two eps especially with all the returning characters!
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