#now ill make some 2001 a//so art and comic and i have other ideas for this au
lilpuffyart · 1 month
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Finally! It's done!! AU where, after a surprise attack from one of the other two AMs, the Yankee AM, using a body he built himself, manages to run away in the short period his computer is turned off for repairs. The supercomputer, now in a smaller body, finds himself hiding in an apartment, so he can experience life.
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majesty-madness · 1 year
So I know that this is way out of the blue, but this is something that I've been wanting to try for a long time. I figured it might be time to take some big steps for the future, and this is what came to mind. This would also help me out financially since I recently moved into a new place. 
Anyway, I’ll try to be as thorough as I can without boring you. And of course, if you have any questions please message me. 
To start with, I’ll still be writing my own personal stories but it may be in between commissions or after a determined commission period depending on how many commissions I get.
Then there’s the kind of services I provide. How I’ve broken it down is I write fanfics and original stories, this includes: blurbs, drabbles, and one-shots. That applies to original stories as well, however if you are wanting a series that will have to be something that you and I discuss to see if it’s plausible for me. 
Also, I not only write stories but I can offer some editing services as well. Take a look at the services down below, it’s explained more in depth there. 
Next, how I will take commissions and how they’ll be paid for. When it comes to asking for a story, It's pretty simple; private message me and we can talk about what it is you are looking for. On the pay side, I’ll be doing this through paypal. Now I’ll be honest, I had a bit of a hard time using paypal but I think it’s all set up. I’ll provide a link to it to my paypal and it’ll take you to a page where you can enter the amount of a commission, write what kind of commission you want, and it’ll send it along (again I’m not use to paypal, so let me know if there are any problems).
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💮Commission Rates for Writing:
100 - 900+ words: $5
1000 - 1500 words: $10
1501 - 2000 words: $15
2001 - 2500 words: $20
2501 - 3000 words: $25
3001 - 3500 words: $30
And etc.
Here's my paypal
What fandoms I write for:  My Hero Academia Demon Slayer Naruto Haikyu! Spy x Family Jujutsu Kaisen Attack on Titan The Yakuza Guide to Babysitting Noragami 91 Days One Punch Man Detroit Become Human Red Dead Redemption II Marvel (mostly Bucky Barnes) PS4 Spider-Man COD: Modern Warfare II (I'm jumping on board with this now) Hogwarts Legacy Trigun
Original Ideas
Test read - $5
Basically what it sounds like, I’ll read your writing and give some feedback on how I felt when reading it, what I liked, what didn’t make sense, and stuff of that nature as well as some spelling and possible grammatical errors.
Light editing - $10
This is where I’d give some basic ideas of what could be improved or anything that feels out of pace with the rest of the piece, etc. +grammatical / spelling
In depth editing - $15
This is where I’d convert your story into a pdf (if I can), and write my notes on the margins then send it back to you  after a thorough re-read.
Artist critiques
I have taken art classes at a private college, and I think I could use what I learned here. I’m still a practicing artist, so I’ll offer the best that I can with my current abilities. So for critiques, I will give feedback on your art ranging from composition to color theory. You can submit illustrations, comic books or pages, videos (tutorials, how to’s, etc.), and anything that you feel like could use critiquing. And if you’re not sure, just ask!
Illustration - $5
More than one page (ex. 2/3)  - $10
Comic book or pages - $15
Videos (depending on the time) - $20+
Other medium - message me
Coming Soon!
Some ships
Nsfw (not for anonymous accounts)
Gore (varies)
If you want to know more, again: ask
“Don’ts” (I think these should be obvious)
Incest / step-cest
Rape / non-con
Yandere relationships
Nothing making fun of mental illnesses
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*note: For nsfw stories; if you are paying for it, I will assume you are of age! You are responsible for your own decisions!
If you are not sure or are confused by the information above, do not hesitate to ask. I will try to explain it more thoroughly. Overall, I want this to be a pleasant experience for you if you are interested in any of the services I’ve provided.
So I don’t forget, if you don’t want to commission me consider reblogging this post. It would be much appreciated! 
Lastly, please understand that you do not have to commission me. I’m taking commissions to learn to make a living as an artist / writer. Since I was young, I’ve always wanted to make a living off of the things I loved to do and this is a step towards that. Any amount you are willing to give helps! And I figured if I could help some people out with the skills I’ve accumulated over the years then it’ll be worth it.
I want to thank you for taking the time to read through this all, and any of you who have supported me. I am truly grateful! 
Stay safe and take care of yourselves, I’ll see ya around!
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fmdsohee · 6 years
older, wiser, prettier
date: various, december 4th 1998,  2001, 2006, 2011, 2018 word count: 2170 triggers: emotionally abusive parenting, neglectful parenting, general shitty parenting, underage drinking,  forced drinking, abandonment, general terrible family  notes: me?? being literally like twenty fucking days late on her birthday solo ( it was meant for dec 4th but whatever i dont give a shit ) ?? yes, of course because indeed, i, am terrible, in fact, this is terrible and none of y’all should read it, i’m only posting it bc i won’t let myself not do it.
1998, age one. she spends her first birthday crying.
she was never a quiet baby. when she was first set into her mother’s arms by the nurses, she was crying; she cried through the nights from when she got home into the empty estate. her room is white, adorned with lace and silk, toys and it looks like a showroom – the perfect “socialite’s first baby room” for her mother to giggle about to her friends, show off as she barely takes a glance over the infant dozing in the bed. adjacent to her parents’ room, close enough to be heard, far enough for her not be seen, like most of the problems in the son family.
“come on,” it’s two in the morning, her mother, usually polished and a gushing smile on her face, was tired, “i don’t know what’s wrong with you.”
“she’s hungry, i don’t know, why don’t you feed her?” her father was skulking in the corner, head in his hands as she slumped over in the pristine rocking chair in the corner of the room.
“i already tried, she’s not hungry – she always does this, i don’t know what to do.”
“then work it out,” he lights a cigarette in the corner of the room, drawing in and out without a thought, “i don’t know what you want me to do – move her into one of the other rooms, i would like to sleep – do you think creativity stems from this? do you think i can write another best seller if i never get any sleep? what do you expect from me – you can’t keep walking around pretending you’re even something without money rolling in; even your body’s gone after her.”
her mother didn’t even react to his words – it was normal. “as if you’re the peak of creativity – you’ve been writing the same thing for years.”
“as if you know anything, you’ve made a living of being on your back.”
“i’ve made a living out of working hard, unlike you, how about you actually release something if you’re such a bestseller and stop pretending you’re some starving artist locked away in your study.”
“i’ll stop locking myself in the study when the baby’s gone and you’ve decided to stand there and look good again, quietly.”
“oh, but you’re fine to get yourself out of the room when the cleaner comes over, or the cook, or any of the other young women that seem to come and go a little richer than their contract.”
“shut up,” her father grumbled, “not exactly like you’ve held up well.”
“how about w-“
the two were cut off by the loud cry of their daughter.
“i’m leaving.” with a few slams of doors, her father left.
and her mother was alone, eyes shifting around the sickly room to her daughter.
“you better be worth it.”
and she left the room with her daughter crying out, far enough that she didn’t have to think about her for a second.
2001, age four. she spends her fourth birthday on stage.
she’s been dressed up like a doll: the dress is bright pink, puffy and encompasses all of her; her face felt tacky, sticky, and was covered in heavy makeup; and her eyes can barely stay open. she’s spent the hours of the morning walking around in circles, her feet ached, and she’d made a picture perfect routine.
before she could walk, she had been in beauty pageants, her mother was trying to shill her to industry connections to get her into ads and modelling jobs; sohee hated it. she screamed at her mother, she cried all the time, but it didn’t stop it, so eventually little sohee learned to deal with it.
her friends had teased her relentlessly the days before, playing in the park with wide smiles ( sohee hadn’t even noticed her father had sulked off instead of watching her ) before they started poking fun at her for not having a birthday party; they didn’t mean it, they were young, barely enough to know anything but they’d all been able to have parties, so why not her? sohee had ran home, tugging at her mother’s dress, and she just shook her head. she woke up on her birthday early to practice, nothing else was new.
she smiled, she twirled, she sang, and she got some stupid crown at a no name beauty pageant.
she went home a winner, and her mother yelled at her for her foot placement.
2006, age nine. she spends her ninth birthday lost in the woods.
her father’s writing process was something he called an art, it was something that her mother called stupid and a waste of time, sohee never even noticed any sort of backwards routine before her ninth birthday. one of his writing rituals included packing his bags, getting on a plane and flying out to a woodland cabin across the pond to “cleanse his thoughts” and that time, much to his dismay, chipper, young sohee was along for the ride.
she’s gleeful the entire way there, and it gives her father a headache, but she doesn’t notice. the car’s silent apart from her remarks as it always was. he didn’t have much to say to her, but with what ran through his mind it was better that way. she doesn’t know how to communicate with the people there, she knows how to ask basic questions and greetings, but when her father has short conversations with those they meet at pit stops, sohee stands there by his side wide eyed and confused.
the house isn’t the rustic, cold and damp place that bleeds information as he pretends it is – it’s a vacation home, without a doubt. and when they walk in, it looks like the type of extravagant place that families in movies sohee’s seen come to get together for christmas celebrations before slapstick chaos. but when her dad went into his office and slammed the door, she felt so cold.
she spends three days sitting around the house, flicking through magazines and watching dvds that she’d packed with her. and then her birthday rolls around, and it’s more of the same – her father’s locked away in his office smoking up a house fire and barely touching pen to paper and she’s pacing around the house pouting and crying that she hasn’t heard happy birthday once.
the hands on the clock hit five and little sohee decides that she’s had enough with all of this. shoelaces hastily tied, a backpack stuffed with her favourite stuffed animals for company and snacks for the trip – she decides that she’s going to have an adventure by herself if no one else wants to have fun with her.
it’s a few hours before she realises that she has no idea where she is, and the cold air starts to brush harshly over her skin. she’d not thought to bring any sort of torch, or even a warm jacket, with her mind clouded for a want to simply do something cool – and now she’d been trekking through the woods into the breaking hour of the night. and she was scared.
she’s out there for around three more hours, sitting herself atop of a log crying before by luck a group of hikers come by her, patient with her lack of understanding, and comfort her before leading her back to her father’s house without a hitch. she’s so thankful, she tries her best to talk to them, she exclaims that it’s her birthday in the best way that they can understand, and she makes it back inside. she tries to get them to stay, but they just smile at her, and wish her a good night – they try to speak with her father, but he doesn’t even answer the door.
cold and exhausted, sohee decides to end her birthday as quick as she can when she gets inside.
her father checks on her to say one thing,
“why did you track mud through the house? can’t you do something right?”
2011, age fourteen. on her fourteenth birthday, she decides that she’s grown up.
her parents decide to make some ill fated attempt to go to dinner on her birthday, but she doesn’t care, the most acknowledgement she gets of the day is that her mother makes some offhanded comment about how many years she’s been suffering because of her. in all truth, sohee’s happeir that they’re out of the house – she skips going to her training that night, she calls it a gift to herself.
so she does what she thinks the grown ups do, she reaches up to her father’s liquor cabinet and she pours herself a comically full glass of whiskey – it’s her first drink, she just wants to feel cool, grown up, independent. she takes one sip and she decides she’s done, and then she sets the glass down coughing up the fire in her throat.
“what are you doing?” her mother’s voice cut through the air, and sohee’s heart skipped a beat.
“nothing,” sohee dismissed, curtly, her chest pounding with anxiety, “i thought you’d be gone for the night, i believe you said that you couldn’t stand the reminder of me being born, or whatever.”
“doesn’t seem like nothing,” her mother hummed, glass now in hand and examining it like something priceless, her gaze practically cutting through it back through to her daughter, “your father was getting along with the waitress, i left them to it.”
that didn’t even dignify a response from sohee, who instead huffed, shrugged, and returned to a point of apathy.
“drink it.” her mother sits the glass in front of sohee. she’s confused.
“i just said drink it, you poured it, and you’ll finish it.”
“i don’t want to – it tastes shitty, and you can’t tell me what to do.”
“i can,” her mother is completely unbothered by sohee’s argument, “want your tuition paid? want to continue to live somewhere? you’ll finish it.”
“i can’t,” she knows she can’t, she already feels sick to the stomach.
“i didn’t raise a quitter,” her mother’s tone is harsh, firm.
and so sohee drinks it, raises the liquor that burns like fire to her lips and takes a drink. but it’s not enough.
“the entire thing.” her mother states again.  
so she does, it’s every drink makes her feel sick to her stomach – it’s an overwhelming type of sickness that she’s never felt before, her stomach a ship at storm, and then she runs off to the bathroom. she barely catches her mother’s content smile, before a sigh.
she spends the rest of the night curled over the toilet.
2018, age twenty one. it’s her first birthday as an idol.
she doesn’t really celebrate birthdays anymore, ever since she spent the fifteenth birthday holed up in her school library – which she considered the best day that she’d had up until that birthday – acknowledging it just felt better to her than acknowledging she was an entire year older.
but she turns around in the morning, eyes barely open and her hands reach out for her phone.
━━ [ 💌 pretty flower sooyeon 🌺 ] : my sohee!!!! ━━ [ 💌 pretty flower sooyeon 🌺 ] : happy birthday~ ━━ [ 💌 pretty flower sooyeon 🌺 ] : i hope your wishes will come true and u will have the greatest birthday ever!!!!!!!!!!! ━━ [ 💌 pretty flower sooyeon 🌺 ] : lmk if gold star ever gets too much 4 u and u need 2 hide in the wish dorms i'll call u my emotional support human
she smiles, she doesn’t quite know how to respond to the message – and she notices that there’s more notifications behind it – she rarely ever told people the day she was born in high school to avoid any hype around it for bad memories sake but now, her chest feels gentle, and she’s smiling from ear to ear. she makes a note to respond to it later, when it’s processed for her.
so she walks out into her kitchen and she sees seunghee standing there, a huge, motherly grin on her face that she’s grown to adore seeing on her close friend. “what’s got you smiling like that?” she questions, pacing around the room.
“i have something for you,” the leader shifted to the side, a dainty, well decorated cake sitting behind her on the counter. “it’s for you, a you’re getting old signal,” she laughed, bringing over the cake to be in front of sohee, “i’m only kidding, happy birthday.”
the leader rushed to shove a candle into it, “i know we’re going to have to go soon, so i’m going to do this now,” she lit it up, “now make a wish.”
it’s the first birthday cake she’s ever had, and she doesn’t quite know how to approach it. so she doesn’t make a wish, but instead she just smiles and blows out the flame.
it’s her first happy birthday
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syrupwit · 4 years
Letter for Multifandom Horror Exchange
Hello there, and welcome to my letter for Multifandom Horror Exchange 2020! I appreciate that you’ve taken the time to read this letter. I hope that it will provide you with clarification, inspiration, or at the very least a bit of entertainment. Although I’ve written more for some sections and less for others, rest assured that I would be super excited to receive a gift for any of my requested fandoms, characters, pairings, or horror types.
Please see the table of contents below:
Fandom: House (1977)
Fandom: Invader Zim
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Fandom: Too Many Cooks (2014 Short)
A long list of my general likes can be found here.
When it comes to horror, I tend to prefer psychological explorations, suspense, and disturbing implications to explicit gore and violence, although I’m definitely not opposed to more graphic content. I love ominous atmospheres; building, lingering senses of dread; and landscapes and environments that interact with and express the characters’ fears, anxieties, and griefs. I especially love horror with supernatural elements -- ghosts and hauntings, monsters and cryptids, eldritch deities and their cultists, magic and magic users. I’m also a big fan of cosmic horror, and the sense that characters are pitted against amoral, indifferent forces that might not even recognize them as significant enough to be hostile towards but that are nonetheless damaging to human life. Additionally, I really like dark comedy, gallows humor, and horror with a more comedic / parodic / satirical slant.
While I typically prefer hopeful or bittersweet endings for my requested characters and pairings, please go for it if you have a great idea with a darker ending.
Some horror media I have really enjoyed but am not requesting for this exchange include the short stories of M. R. James and JS Le Fanu; William Hope Hodgson’s Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder stories; Clark Ashton Smith’s Averoigne stories; “The Night Ocean” by R. H. Barlow and H. P. Lovecraft; the connected-ish novels The Red Tree and The Drowning Girl by Caitlin R. Kiernan; the parody / pastiche novels of A. Lee Martinez; My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix; and the movies Suspiria (1977 version -- haven’t seen the new one yet), The Others (2001), and Kwaidan (1965). Also I really love Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace. I don’t know if listing all that helps, but there it is.
Do Not Want (DNW)
Underage sex
Character or ship bashing
Hate speech or in-depth onscreen depictions / discussions of bigotry
Harm to pet animals, or any graphic animal harm (fighting a giant evil wolf or something is fine)
Characters having consensual sex when they are not attracted to each other
Noncon that goes against a character’s in-fic orientation
Sexual activity involving worms / spiders / insects
Requested Fanwork Types: Fic -- Not Emphasizing Sexual Content
Requested Horror Types: Dark Fantasy, Folk Horror, Gothic Horror, Psychological Horror
Requested Characters/Pairings: Auntie & Gorgeous, Auntie/Fantasy, Kung Fu/Sweet
If you are not yet familiar with House or are looking for a refresher, this fanvid by AbsoluteDestiny hits most of the high points: Rock Lobster [YouTube link]. The basic plot is that seven girls visit their classmate’s aunt in the countryside for summer vacation. While initially charmed by the aunt’s quaint manners and old-fashioned home, they soon discover that something is very wrong. Things get weirder and weirder as more of the girls disappear and the aunt’s past is revealed. Innovative art design, a bangin soundtrack, and a kaleidoscopic array of surreal, absurd events and images make this film a memorable, exuberantly strange experience. Also, the aunt is hot, and you can quote me on that.
Relationship: Auntie & Gorgeous
I’d love to learn more about the dynamic between Gorgeous and her aunt. How long had Auntie planned to prey on / possess her? Did they truly have any interactions while Auntie was alive? After the film’s ending, is there anything next for them? I’m a big fan of Subtle Menace and Vague Yet Troubling Implications, so scenes of Gorgeous going about her daily life while receiving odd letters from her aunt absolutely would not go amiss. And what’s up with the cat?
Relationship: Auntie/Fantasy
The postwar generation gap and feelings of alienation between younger/older people are major themes in House. I think this finds a lot of expression in the relationship between Auntie and Fantasy, Gorgeous’s best friend who is prone to daydreaming and ill-equipped to grasp the full tragedy of Auntie’s life. One of the concluding scenes of the film involves a possessed-by-Auntie Gorgeous holding Fantasy’s head to her breast and petting her hair while she cries; I guess that’s just very interesting to me. I love UST and ominousness and weirdness, so please go for it if you have an idea that involves any of those things for this pairing. 
Relationship: Kung Fu/Sweet
These two are just cute, and a little sad. Kung Fu is the action girl of the friend group, and Sweet is a gentle, polite girl who Kung Fu feels she has to protect. Unfortunately Sweet gets attacked by futons and trapped in a clock, and then Kung Fu is eaten by a lamp. What might happen in an AU where they survive, or where the house consumes the courses of its meal in a different order? Is there a “wandering through dreamland” element to the nightmare dimension where they’re trapped at the end? Perhaps the body horror from the movie is played straight, and Kung Fu’s head and legs continue to move independently of each other though they share the same mind (agh). Who knows?
Requested Fanwork Types: Fic -- Not Emphasizing Sexual Content, Fic -- Emphasizing Sexual Content
Requested Horror Types: Institutional Horror, Paranormal Horror, Science-Fiction Horror, Survival Horror
Requested Characters/Pairings: Dib/Zim
Like a good chunk of people in the fandom right now, I had my teenage love for this show revived by last summer’s movie. There’s something irresistible to me about the blend of snappy comedy, unapologetic pessimism, and hints of a more complicated universe that we just barely get to see. For this exchange, I’d be thrilled with a story that retains the lighter elements of canon, as well as something that explores a darker take on things. I haven’t read any of the comics yet, but feel free to include stuff from them if you like.
Relationship: Dib/Zim
Apparently this is my OTP. Yeah, I don’t know either. The enemies to frenemies or lovers dynamic is one of my favorites. I particularly enjoy these two as outcasts who fruitlessly seek validation from indifferent or hostile societies via their rivalry when they’re the ones who really understand each other best. I prefer their relationship to end up a positive thing for both of them, if with some rough territory along the way. Like a good chunk of ZADR fandom, I prefer this ship aged up to late teens or young adults, but feel free to write them canon age as well -- just no underage sex, please.
For each type of horror I’ve requested, here are some ideas I have:
Institutional Horror: The world of Invader Zim is full of unpleasant and draconian institutions -- for example, the Crazy House for Boys, or Dib’s school with its underground classrooms. Irken society itself is one big dystopian horror-fest on pretty much all levels.
Paranormal Horror: The supernatural is another canonical feature of this universe. <3 Does Dib get in over his head investigating strange phenomena? Does he raise the walking dead again, get grounded for it, and have no choice but to stand by helplessly while his zombies overtake the city? Does Zim acquire an unwanted tenant in the form of a ghost, or a mysterious artifact that promises to grant all his wishes? There are so many options.
Science-Fiction Horror: Haunted ships and abandoned research stations, the yawning emptiness of deep space, eldritch monsters beyond the stars... Dib and Zim can encounter all of these and pretend not to be scared out of their wits by them. Also! Killer robots, sentient computer viruses, experiments gone wrong? Anything you like.  
Survival Horror: These two would make great survival horror protagonists on their own, but I also really like the idea of them being thrown in a situation where they have to work together to make it out. I really like the idea of Zim and Dib being pitted against a more serious antagonist or challenge than those they encounter in canon, and of them realizing that, despite the many canonical instances of mutual attempted murder, neither actually wants the other to die. (And then getting out with a new understanding of their importance to each other! Or ending miserably. Either way.)
Requested Fanwork Types: Fic -- Not Emphasizing Sexual Content, Fic -- Emphasizing Sexual Content
Requested Horror Types: Cosmic/Lovecraftian Horror, Folk Horror, Institutional Horror, Paranormal Horror, Religious Horror
Requested Characters/Pairings: Gerard Keay, Mary Keay & Gertrude Robinson, Mary Keay/Gertrude Robinson, Trevor Herbert & Julia Montauk, Sasha James/Michael, Martin Blackwood/Peter Lukas
As a rule, I’m not into podcasts. I sat down with the first episode of this series about a month ago and became obsessed within two days. (I am now caught up through Season 5.) I love the unique worldbuilding, and the way the horror feels really genuinely horrifying and modern and immediate even when it’s one of those rad historical episodes, and all the characters, and the plot, and aaaahhhhhhh I love it. I’d just really like to hear more about this universe (and characters), and all the terrible things that can happen in it (and to them).
Character: Gerard Keay
Poor, doomed Gerry Keay. I want to know more about his adventures! Canon divergence, pre-canon, something set nebulously present or post-canon -- I’m here for all of it. I ship him romantically with pretty much every character except his parents, and platonically with every character including his parents; in particular, I like him with Gertrude and Jon. If you’d like some slightly more specific prompts, here are a few:
Trevor and Julia using Gerard as a monster manual, pre-Season 3. Did they ever run into something he couldn’t identify?
AU where Jon keeps his page instead of destroying it.
Working or traveling with Gertrude, trying to relax after a taxing case but getting pulled into another one.
Teenage Gerard chasing Leitners and getting in over his head.
Relationship: Mary Keay & Gertrude Robinson | Mary Keay/Gertrude Robinson
Grouping the platonic and romantic ships together because I like both and am mostly just interested in seeing these two interact more. “Dubiously (a)moral older women on orthogonal sides of a conflict, also one of them semi-kills the other” is, like, a dynamic that could have been tailor-made for me.
Mary Keay is so deeply creepy -- her statement in “First Edition” gave me legitimate shivers. Her quest for power and attempts to control the Entities are really interesting to me, and I enjoy how they contrast with Gertrude’s more utilitarian, less openly self-serving approach. Gertrude, on the other hand… I just fuckin love Gertrude. The frail old lady exterior hiding a ruthless will and a spine of magically reinforced steel -- I swoon. (I should note that I really like stuff that explores the more vulnerable and messy sides of badass / competent characters, especially female characters. If Gertrude locks up her heart and throws away the key, etc., what could make it strain its chains...? Or, uh, something like that.)
Relationship: Trevor Herbert & Julia Montauk
Yes! Obnoxious monster hunters!! I’m intrigued by their intuitive understanding of each other and strong bond despite the age gap and different life experiences. Do the demands of the Hunt ever interfere with their partnership? What sorts of gnarly, gross, twisted, chilling, or darkly funny situations have they gotten into over the course of their travels? I love them as happy monsters in comic, if gruesome, circumstances, but I’d also be down for something exploring the darker or softer sides of their work and relationship.
Relationship: Sasha James/Michael 
I was mad interested by Michael’s introduction in “A Distortion,” and Sasha was so brave with him. I’m a huge sucker for the trope where a supernatural creature protects or helps a weak ordinary human, even if it’s for a price, and for any monster romance along those lines. Perhaps these two have other encounters between their first meeting and Sasha’s murder, or an alternate first meeting? Perhaps Michael rescues her from the Not!Them? Or perhaps, in an AU, Archivist!Sasha has a very different sort of relationship with the Distortion? Or something else...?!
Relationship: Martin Blackwood/Peter Lukas
A later addition, but I couldn’t help myself. I love how amiable and sensible Peter acts even as he’s carrying out dread errands, and I felt for poor Martin dealing with Peter’s weird corporate speak and technology issues. There’s so much potential for comedy, angst, and multi-layered horror with this pairing -- the Lonely is such a strangely seductive concept even as it’s terrifying, and Peter’s relationship to it is very interesting. Peter, himself, is very interesting. Martin, I’m just very fond of, all his courage and scheming and petulance (and codependent tendencies). I’m down for pretty much anything about this pairing.
Requested Fanwork Types: Fic -- Not Emphasizing Sexual Content
Requested Horror Types: Cosmic/Lovecraftian Horror, Killer Horror, Psychological Horror, Survival Horror
Requested Characters/Pairings: Character of Author’s Choice
The “Too Many Cooks” short can be watched for free on YouTube.
I remember watching this when it came out. I watched it again when I saw it in the nominations for this exchange, and yep, STILL CREEPY AS FUCK. ❤︎❤︎❤︎ I love the genre parodies in this short almost as much as the gradually eroding realities / intensifying horror and strangeness. I would love to hear more about this nightmare world and how an individual character might experience it. Really, I’m up for almost anything here. :D
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anarchonerdism · 8 years
Class of 2001
I have a lot of nostalgia for the year 2001, for good or ill.  There were a lot of songs and albums that I still love released that year.  I joined an art site for the first time, which made me start really thinking of myself as an artist.  I went through a number of other personally significant events that year as well.  It's also when most of the characters I'm about to talk about were first created, even if only barely.I've never been very good at putting a character's personality into words.  Judging by some of the bio attempts on my old websites, I probably shouldn't try anyway.  Or, if I do, I should at least take a "less is more" approach to it.  As such, this is more a reflection on their origins and development than who they are as characters.WWF No Mercy was also pretty much my game of choice for most of that year so don’t be surprised if you see a few wrestling references/terms pop up here and there.
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ADRIAN ("LOKO"): Basically, he was created to be my avatar character.  He's third in a line of kinda similar characters dating back to at least 1998, and the first drawings of him may date to late 2000, so putting him in a “2001″ class is a bit debatable.  That said, he was also one of the few characters I had when I first joined VCL, which is the main crux of this idea.  In early 2002, when I started claiming straight-edge, he gained X's on his hands as a permanent design feature, which have persisted in my webcomics despite never being discussed.  Also, he started out as looking clearly male but became more androgynous over time.  This made a few "straight" guys question themselves, and also led to him being mistaken for a girl on a few occasions.
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ALANNA: I created her mainly as a female counterpart to Adrian.  She was a possible love interest at one point but, after I started questioning my own sexuality, I wanted Adrian to have a boyfriend instead.  When I was getting ready to do my first webcomic in 2003, I still wanted them to have some sort of connection in the new continuity.  How I arrived at "adopted sister," I still don't know.  It also made my earliest drawings of them VERY awkward in retrospect, even if my various projects are usually considered alternate universes of each other.
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ROD: His presence is also a bit dubious since he dates back to the late 90s, but we'll go with it since he was also prominent in those first uploads.  He was basically my main antagonist character and so was designed to represent things I despised.  Being an "outsider" high school kid this basically meant he was a prep/jock asshole.  As I got older, though, he eventually evolved into a corporate asshole instead.  Being named Rod Thorne is also apt since he's supposed to be a total prick, even if the name was a gradual evolution.
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BASTIAN: Based on my best friend Jason, with some input from him.  The first few sketches had him as a lion (mostly inspired by a fairly badass picture I'd found) but he said he'd rather be a rabbit.  I don't remember if there was a reason for that, nor for the name, but here we are now.  He kinda faded into the background for a while after high school, though, since we weren't seeing as much of each other and I also had all these other new characters to draw anyway.  As such, he's the only member of this group (not counting certain "honorable mentions") that wasn't included in that first webcomic.
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JEREMY: Late one night, inspiration struck for a poem.  I wanted to share it on VCL but, being mainly an art site, I had to make up a character to go with it.  He was only supposed to be in that one drawing since the subject of the poem dies at the end, but for some reason he stuck around.  I think it was mostly due to having so few characters otherwise.  I'm really glad he stayed, though, since I've developed an odd connection with him over time.  It's even at the point where he's replaced Adrian as my avatar character on some sites.  Not bad for a one-off.
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BAILEY: He barely squeaks into this class, being created some time around that Christmas.  Put simply, I felt like making a character named after the password from Metroid.  He has a mullet because I'd decided mullets were funny.  Also, he kind of turned into a butt monkey for a period.  Probably as an extension of that whole "mullet" thing.  Most of the drawings of his anthro form had him as a lion but the first few drawings had him as a tiger.  Having to draw all those stripes in addition to all that hair does make for a messy design, though, so the change was made pretty quickly.
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TRENT: In early 2001, I'd written a wrestling "supercard" event using No Mercy.  In it, there's a one-line reference to a character named "Yiff Daddy."  At some point later on, I felt like drawing him.  Further down the line, I was doing an RP chat with someone one night and worked him into it.  Since it was a "backstage" scenario, I gave him a real name: Trent (from Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails).  For some reason I also decided he was Asian, though I don't remember why.  He's been through countless name changes since, and has also been the character I've had the hardest time getting a handle on (especially after the shift away from furries) as far as characterization goes.
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RISC: This guy is VERY loosely inspired by an internet friend I had at the time.  He's been one of my favorite CAWs since I created him and yet I’ve never really drawn him that much.  Oh well.
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RAZOR: As much as I’d like to include her, she barely misses the 2001 cutoff.  She's loosely based on Razor from Maniac Mansion, which I had finally gotten to play in 1999 or 2000.  Since I was also getting into punk rock then, she quickly became my favorite character.  As such, I feel like I must have at least based a CAW on her at some point in 2001.  The first actual drawing of her didn't get uploaded until January of 2002, though, which is still during my senior year like the rest but isn't exactly "in" 2001.  Plus, all this being said, she didn't really come into her own as a character until I redesigned her in 2005 anyway.
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RICK: I debated whether to put him here or the main group.  I mean, in 2001, I had a shameless Right To Censor knockoff called Richard Stevens running around, and that character did morph into Rick Knoll.  That was in late 2002, though, and it's such a total reinvention that you wouldn't know the one sprang from the other.  Plus, while he was supposed to have kind of an important role in that first webcomic, he never got to play it out because the comic was plagued and eventually killed by technical problems.  If Razor, who actually did become an important character later, only made it in as an honorable mention, Rick should probably be here as well.  He's a "what could have been" character in some ways, but that's also probably giving him more importance than he merited.
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