#now i don't wanna think abt writing bc it's all i've been doing since i started that fic
meruz · 2 months
hi!! im sure ppl have asked this b4, but i scoured your asks tag for an hour or so looking to see if you answered anything abt it and couldnt find anything, so i was just wondering if youve made any posts on your process for making n selling merch b4? and how you know which franchises you can make merch for w/o getting into trouble w copyright n trademark stuff (hopefully that makes sense, im not sure,,,)
hi! got a bunch of asks abt merch stuff lately im gonna put it under a cut.
preface: i don't know if i'm the best person to ask about all this stuff because I'm doing merch on a strictly hobby basis LOL. I have a fulltime job which takes care of the bulk of my finances, I don't really make big quantities of anything and my main priority at cons is to just make enough money to see my friends in different cities at minimal expense. i pretty much always get a refund when i file my con taxes because my profit after all the deductions is like fucking..nothing.. lmao. So if you ultimately lose money following my advice don't blame me. OK NOW lets get into it
my process for making merch: when I have an event scheduled that I want to make merch for I start by brainstorming a bunch of stuff I wanna make. for mgscon this is what I wrote down in my sketchbook lol
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i made a legend to denote which ones are actually just reprints. it gets easier to plan out merch when you already have merch. out of the new merch ideas here i actually only made like 4 of them. and out of the reprints i only reprinted like three. i also came up with like 4-5 other merch ideas after writing out this list that i actually did do. LMAOO UM. my point here is that nothing rly goes as planned.
when i get a merch idea i start with thumbnails what i want it to look like (sometimes this is based off merch ive seen before so its very realized and sometimes its really vague bc im kind of pulling it out of my ass)
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then BEFORE i go into making the final art I research how I'm going to make the merch. whether its printing/constructing it myself or looking for a manufacturer. There's a lot of different places that you can get custom merch made, i used to go shopping around at local printing shops but nowadays it's really common to do it all online. For both these jet tags and the washi tape I did some of my own research into manufacturers and also asked friends for their contacts/referrals/recommendations etc. most manufacturers either have their specs/template publicly available or will give them to you when you ask. so once I've locked into a manu and gotten the specs I'll start designing the final art.
then it's sending it off and waiting! easier said than done.
i will say this process is a lot lengthier for some types of merch than others LOL. for prints... I've been doing prints for like a million years and I plan out almost none of it. I draw everything at print resolution so a week before I have a con scheduled I'll simply go through all the files I've accumulated since my last con, squeeze whatever drawings I want into standard print sizes lol (ie. 8.5x11, 11x17, 4x6 etc), and print them at a local shop. takes like a couple hours max.
how you know which franchises you can make merch for w/o getting into trouble w copyright n trademark stuff?
I mean. honestly I don't know. selling fanart is the kind of thing that IP holders kind of just let slide as long as they don't think they're losing a substantial amt of money on it. there ARE a couple franchises people avoid because they've been known to send IP lawyers after fanartists... disney is the big one and they're known for being pretty petty abt it... that's why you don't really see people selling fanart of the disney princesses at cons. ive heard pokemon will also crack down if your project seems to be making a lot of money lol, part of why i think a lot of pokemon fanzines operate on a charity basis. I do feel like the pokemon company has bigger fish to fry than someones artist alley table though so i wouldn't sweat it too much.
it's also generally considered impolite/bad taste to sell fanart of small franchises. webcomics and indie games especially if they only have like 1-2 devs who rely on the income that game makes.
I'm not a lawyer so you shouldn't consider this legal advice BUT I will say... I don't think you should let IP law stop you from selling fanart lol. especially if it's low quantities/not mass produced and you're not making crazy amts of money I think you kind of have a leg to stand on. Besides, most cases it seems like the worst you'll get is a cease and desist.
you Will notice that when people start turning their artist alley endeavors into a real business they'll generally ease up on selling fanart (the case most prominent in my mind is omocat lol). but i love fanart and thats why i will never make money and thats a promise [snake saluting gif]
SORRY IDK IF ANY OF THIS WAS HELPFUL. I've been doing merch and cons for a long time (10+ years lmao, you can find record of this on this very blog) and i think im kind of old fashioned about it. i recognize the artist alley/merch scene is a lot more demanding now than it used to be but start small at local low-risk events, online sales etc and work your way up and remember to have fun and itll be ok i believe this wholeheartedly.
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its literally just layers of acrylic like any other dinky charm. I'm sure pretty much any manu that does acrylic charms could do it but this specific charm/template i did order through a group order server. they're pretty well known! heres a link to their twitter
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@wheatormeat sorry for taking a full month to answer this... anyways. This is tricky because I've actually been changing up my sticker manu everytime LOL IDK if I've found one I actually love.
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these ones i ordered thru an alibaba manu because I was jumping on a friend's group order to save on shipping. it was ok. they arrived a liiiitle late and printed a lil dark but i think thats kind of my fault LOL I use dark colors i always need to lighten things before i get them printed and i think i just didnt lighten these enough. otherwise i rly love the quality!
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i realized i never posted these online and also this is not a good picture (the lighting in my living room sucks rn) but i printed these tmnt stickers thru stickerninja they feel really solid but they needed kind of a lot of space for the cutline. but their customer service was very nice and helpful!
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these ones i got printed at washimill and i was so impressed with how fine their cutline is... pricing and quality of the sticker itself is alright they feel a lil flimsy? idk. but i do like the printing. i kind of elected to go with them solely because i was already ordering washi tape. A LOT of my manufacturing decisions are made based on how much money i can save on shipping tbh.
and thats my sticker manu reviews dont forget to like comment subscribe idk if i have one im gonna stick with forever or anything im rly indecisive. ideally id like a manu based in the u.s...? because im based in the u.s. and international shipping is pricey. but idk if i keep ordering washi tape maybe ill keep using washimill. who knows...
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merakiui · 9 days
HELP ME YOURE CHILL you did accept my request actually . like right after I sent that !
I was sitting there for awhile after like 🧍‍♂️ oh wow I hope mera didn't take that the wrong way and thought I was just trying to get her to accept my request 😭 bc it was damn near immediate. tbh I thought you wouldn't answer that at all so that eases my brain a little. I am in your friends list tho! Lurking! I truly hope you enjoy my maxed jade 💜💜 he's my pride and joy :D! Even if you don't know which one he is lol
Speaking of actually!!! That twst Halloween thing... the leaks were deleted bc the poster got scared iirc (understandably so. as if work got back to aniplex/disney theyd probably make the game harder to datamine which is a Pain),, but they're still being kinda circulated around in private dms n stuff. So you'd have a hard time finding them if you Dod look for them really. I saw them and I do agree with the other anon though :-)!! I think you'll like it (also,, considering we're still slowly getting through the cast?? I don't think jade would be the ssr just bc he's already had one 💔 ohh but I do also hope for another event jade soon. my silly little creature I miss him!!!)
- :3 anon
Oh I did wanna add to my ask abt the leaks that we don't have the full cast yet?? So tbh it's still mostly up to guessing who's even getting ssrs, etc 💔
Aaa I'm hoping for a Floyd ssr this year personally since he doesn't have one yet . but there's no telling if he's even there this year :-( !!gosh I hope so. Especially looking at that little freak in the preview with the two heads and rolling pins?? Tho tbh?? Could just as much be like. Trey! He's missing an ssr too and he bakes!! Lots it could be aaaaa I'm so excited :D!!!
- :3 again
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OH what unintentional timing!!! Σ(°ロ°) I'm happy I friended you!!! It would've chewed my intestines if I didn't and you were still waiting for me to add you back. T^T but it's a relief that's not the case!! Thank you very much for the max Jade!!!! I will use his power to charge into battle (gathering guest room supplies LOL). May my tako be of use to you!!! <3
I had to physically withhold from searching out the leaks, as difficult to find as they may be. I genuinely opened my writing notebook and started scribbling just so I could prevent the temptation from creeping up on me. >_< feeling like Rollo when he sees ankle for the first time....... </3 AAAAAAA I AM TOO CURIOUS. OTL
👀 oooo now I'm even more excited if you also think I will enjoy it!!! Knowing me and how easy I am to please, I already love it and I don't know anything yet. ^^;;; my heart may not be able to handle how amazing the event is sure to be!!!! AAAAAAAAA >0<
💔 not another SSR Halloween eel..... one can dream. I'm continuing to cling to the hope for Coral Sea event with SSR Jade. Aaaaa but I'm also hoping Floyb gets the SSR for this event!!! Or any of Savanaclaw because they've yet to have a Halloween SSR. :D I've been turning all kinds of characters over in my head trying to determine who might get the SSR (or SSRs if it's more than one). So many thoughts.......
Although I do hope at least one of the eels is part of the cast for the event!!!! Or Azul....... on second thought, they should just put all of the fish in the event (shameless favoritism). (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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thunder-shadow · 3 months
ive got many!!! 1, 4, 5, 8, 17, 21, 27, 28, 37?!
Thank uuu <333333
Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
Oh boy, yeah I daydream a lot haha - usually I get an idea and write down the bare info for it (like the ship and maybe one or two scene ideas) and then I just let it marinate for a bit, usually listening to music or reading! Then ideas usually pop in from there XD I'm a daydreamer all the way
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
Usually it's just whichever one I feel needs attention at the moment? Or whatever my brain latches onto haha
Like yesterday I meant to edit the GHE chapter so it could be posted, but instead I wrote the Earthcury one-shot turned multi-chap (which I wanna finish b4 I post it)
It's very wishy-washy is what I'm saying LOL
5. How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
All of WIPs are for SolarBalls haha I can only write for one fandom at a time XD
Okay, so obviously I have the GHE fic, the Jupixturnus fic, the Vercury fic, and now the Earthcury fic (those are all multi-chaps); then I have my oneshots, of which I plan to write Vars, Vearth, another UraEarth, a fluffy Jupiturnus one, a Poly Rocky planets one, and I still have a Sol & Nemesis one with snippets, as well as the post-paranoia Luna fic that still needs its chapter two LOL (and then I have a titanearth smut + jupixturnus smut that i'm thinking abt but shhhhhh)
That doesn't even count the random ideas I've just jotted down in my notes app LOL
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
Oh gee, lemme find one I feel like posting!! I don't have any spoilers to be honest, bc i haven't written since i posted the ghe one or i would've used that 😭 so just have a snippet from my latest wip
I actually posted this the other day but deleted it like immediately LOL but here! from my earthcury college AU
‘Okay,’ Earth thought, narrowing his eyes. ‘First midterm is in 7 days. One week. You’ve got this,’ and he pumped his fist, ignoring the weird looks a couple of people threw at him. ‘Just need to study. Actually study for once.’ Then he looked down at the multitude of papers spread out in front of him, his laptop propped open to a chemistry video from a Youtuber he’d found on line, and groaned, letting his face fall onto the table. Across from him, Mars let out a laugh, flipping another page in his book. “Earth, I don’t know what your definition of studying is, but putting your head on the table and giving up is not studying as far I’m aware.” Earth looked up at him through his lashes, sending him as much of an annoyed look as he could muster before groaning again. “Organic Chemistry is going to kill me! Why did I decide to become a biology major?” “I don’t know. Why did I decide to become an Astronomy major?” “Because you’re weirdly obsessed with aliens?” “Wha-” Mars spluttered, putting his book down and looking at Earth. “No!” “Because you weirdly like math?” “No, Earth, because I enjoy astronomy! I like learning about it!” Mars rolled his eyes, taking a sip from his water bottle after a second. “And I know you’re the same way about biology because we’ve been roommates since freshman year!” “Ughh,” Earth whined in response. “Just let me melt into a puddle and evaporate away so I don’t have to take these midterms.” “You could just study for them, you know.” “That was my plan! But that involves studying…” “Oh, wow,” Mars said, throwing him a stare that just dripped with disdain. “Studying involves studying, I really didn’t know that, Earth.” “Fine!” Earth stood up, shoving his stuff haphazardly into his backpack. “I’ll go to the library! And this time, I’m going to actually study!”
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Nope! I literally just sit down and start writing oop
21. Do you prefer writing chaptered fics or one-shots?
I prefer writing one-shots just bc it feels simpler, like a one-and-done LOL but multi-chaps can be fun too!!
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Being able to write a lot 😓 and body language, I feel quite confident in body language LOL
Also my grammar and language use, despite my copious use of em-dashes, semicolons, and ellipses I otherwise really just innately understand most grammar bc of how much I read when I was younger ‼️
28. What area of writing do you want to improve in?
37. What fic has been the hardest for you to write?
The GHE fic hands down, it just feels so complicated 😭😭 I'm slowly chugging a lot, we're nearing the last few chapters :D
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Kaeya headcanons
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i'm speedrunning this before work while my breakfast is cooking so BEAR WITH ME, i have SO MANY thoughts on my bbgrl
current list of h/c's: - ice skater kaeya, i will die on this hill. will have a post abt that one day b/c there's so much to it that i want to scream abt and Thoughts (tm) to be had (like him getting flustered??? OUGH i need to restrain myself) - speaking of flustered, he's really good at keeping his cool (pun fully intended, fight me) and he typically is the one who CAUSES the flustering. smooth af and KNOWS it - he likes to cause chaos and mayhem. a bit of a gremlin. mischievous man. perhaps a tad prankster in his bones. playful teasing bastard and has a lot of fun w/ it. - cold hands. nothing more. - when push comes to shove, Kaeya's the guy w/ the plan. like genuinely he's incredibly strategic and has the main plan, and like two or three back up plans. it's not even like an anxiety thing he just wants to be prepared, and he makes them up pretty last minute. - he's kind of an assassin-style character, y'know? not as much of a main fighter as he is a sneaky backstabber. roguish and charming but can and will yeet u type deal right??? - LOYAL to a GODDAMN FAULT. i TRULY believe this man's loyalty is unshakeable. like he'd do anything to the people he cherishes the most. and if he perceives u as a threat??? a threat to the things he cares about?????? ur on the list now and there's no escape. - incredibly perceptive! like he's really good at getting information from people already, but i feel like that just makes it a lot easier for him to notice when Something Is Up. it's hard to catch him unawares. - kaeya's great and i love him but he doesn't love himself and i'm sorry this man definitely feels like he's got really bad self esteem. Like he KNOWS he can get shit done, but he has a hard time believing that anyone likes him and probably has trust issues b/c of it. - i also feel like he doesn't like the spotlight? like specifically Kaeya; if he needs to put on a persona for the spotlight, it doesn't phase him bc he's good at hiding behind a persona. but the moment Actual Kaeya gets spotlight he's like a bit of a mess and nervous and would just rathe people enjoy themselves. essentially just doesn't want the spotlight. - abandonment issues. i don't need to explain this one. - kaeya puts on the air of an anti-hero but he's a quiet paragon himself. literally helps people out of habit and while he jokes abt it he doesn't actually expect anything in return and literally forgets he helped ppl bc it's just so engrained in his brain. - epitome of "sorry i had feelings, i'll replace em w/ jokes right away" - not the best cook tbh? like he can make some GOOD snacks (chicken mushroom skewers, a fried egg, simple stuff like that) but ask him to cook actual meals and he's at a loss for food prep and has no idea how to time everything in the dish. - emotionally available but only for other ppl. cannot and will not express his own emotions bc of aforementioned anxieties; but u wanna talk to him abt shit? he's all ears and will comfort u like a bbgrl. - this is less of a h/c but actually canon, and that's just that Kaeya's lonely. i genuinely think he wants to be around ppl but he feels like they wouldn't like the real him :(( - on that note, i WILL say that, despite his playfulness, this man is a romantic at heart??? like he probably LOVES poetry and writing and music, and the only reason he makes light of it is b/c he thinks it's funny and also to make people underestimate him. he would probably die for the opera performances in Fontaine tbh. OKAY,,, i've gotta hurry up and wrap this post bc i have work soon but please here thank u this is my bbgrl kaeya i love him so much. he has been in my main party since day one and like i'm beyond attached to this lil shit, like PLEASE HIS VOICELINES ARE SO GOOD. i will talk more abt my kaelumi h/c's and explain how things go in my "canon", b/c i'm trying to go in order of how all the poly met each other. WHICH means that Zhongli's next!!! b/c ofc i'm going to scream abt him, my friend's playing his archon quest and letting me watch it again and i'm taking so many notes its not even FUNNY.
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rollercoasterwords · 3 months
Fanfic writer asks — 4, 5, and/or 20!
4. Share a headcanon about (character name) in (story title)!
left it open not sure if i'm mean 2 do this for one of my own stories or just any story...suppose i will take this opportunity 2 weigh in on the reg birthday debate & say that i see him as a capricorn. could perhaps be convinced of virgo as well...but that boy is not a cancer sorry
5. Is there a tiny detail in one of your fics that you feel goes tragically unnoticed?
not sure if it's something that's been noticed/brought up before but i don't think it has...i love a full circle/mirrored ending moment so in atydsp the very first line is him being awake + the very last line is him falling asleep <3
20. Is there anything about any one of your fics that you have been dying to discuss but haven’t had the chance to?
oooh idk...honestly zar has been getting quite a few voicenotes recently abt different parts of wfrau so there has been quite a bit i've wanted to discuss lol but some of it is just stuff abt the lily interlude + epilogue that i can't talk abt without spoiling...
i guess one thing i've wanted 2 discuss/one thing that's been interesting to see is (again) the way people have responded 2 the whole james/lily/regulus ambiguity...like i know that much of this fandom revolves around shipping etc but sometimes i've just wanted 2 be like it's not happening!!!!!!!! how can i make it more obvious!!!! but then again that's just part of putting ur writing out there in the world like someone can read something & interpret it completely differently than how u expected regardless of what u do...remember one person commented talking abt how they loved the polyamorous rep w james in wfrau & i was baffled bc in my mind i was writing him as aromantic...also was interesting seeing people expecting jegulily bc i thought i'd done a pretty good job writing reg + lily as platonic lol. also has just been interesting in a broader sense to see the different ways people think abt + interpret sex vs romance...like the idea that james enjoys sex but doesn't find it romantic isn't all that crazy to me bc sex & romance don't necessarily go hand in hand in my own life like. sometimes u just hook up for fun u don't have 2 be in love...but for some people those things r very tied together & it's difficult to conceptualize a guy who just wants to sleep w his friends! so that's been interesting 2 discuss...like the whole expectation that where there's sex romance must follow etc...
one other thing i've been wanting to discuss is like. r&s as they currently stand lol sent a whole long voicenote abt this the other day so have already gotten some of it out of my system but. it's interesting again seeing the amount of feedback from people who really wanted them 2 reconcile + have a happy ending at the point where things currently stand/the conclusion of the main story--or who are holding out for a happily ever after, etc. like to be fair their story has changed a lot as i've written it & i didn't know when i started the fic that the main story would end as it has. that being said ever since the obliviation became a key part of the story i've known that r&s simply would not be getting back together after voldemort's defeat...like sirius genuinely does not love remus anymore bc how could he! he doesn't remember him! they're practically strangers! & remus doesn't wanna give sirius another chance bc why would he! after all the hurt he already went through! knowing that the person in front of him now is essentially the guy who killed the person he loved & took his place! or perhaps more accurately is equivalent to the reanimated corpse of the person he loved...came back wrong narrative etc...u get the point (hopefully). anyway it just seemed clear to me that reconciliation would not be in the cards for them & it felt like brushing past that or trying to patch things up would detract from the emotional impact i was going for...perhaps even diminish the depth of the feelings they did, at one point, have for each other--like, it's only because they cared about each other so much that things are so unfix-able now. of course i do have my interlude + epilogue left 2 play around w but also bc i am mean + contrary + like making people sad every comment of someone being like "please make them happy :((" makes me want to not do that lol
& last thing is just a fun detail abt james that i'm not sure if anyone's noticed...putting it under a cut in case anyone wants 2 put the pieces together themself but a fun little detail abt his death:
james's recurring nightmare abt a bright light + his boggart being that bright light was him seeing his own death <3 bc he lost his ability to see color the 'avada kedavra' didn't look green to him; it was just bright light. & that was the last thing he ever saw! fun <3
fic writer ask game
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sipsteainanxiety · 1 year
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
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i was tagged by @coopigeoncoo @andypantsx3 @willowser and @namodawrites to do this lil self fic rec game and after finally sitting down to think about it for a very... long... time... i have done it! thank you all for the tag i kiss you each on the forehead and give you a bowl of sliced fruit<3
after looking at all the wips i have in docs right now, i can definitely say that this list would be completely different if i had finished a few of them, but for now this is my ranked list for things i've published already lol
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devil's glare — demon!bkg x reader
bakugou katsuki is a powerful demon that you have the pleasure of dating. but when he pisses you off one day, you decide to get back at him in a pretty petty way: drawing a salt circle around you to force him to apologize 
i had THEE most fun writing this one shot LMAO. it was based on a tiktok of all things that i'd found back when i was still on the app pfft. i just loved the idea of bkg being all surly and aggravated that his little human had purposely drawn a salt circle to prevent him from encroaching on their space. and like... him dealing with wanting to idk kiss you so bad but you're trying to teach him a lesson and he's sooooo mad and fuck, he's gonna do whatever he can to get you to comply to him lmao. if i could draw, there's this one scene where you're wearing this like. cute little set of pjs staring up at this big ass demon, wings unfurled threateningly, snarl on his face, arms crossed with a line of salt in between the two of you. like i have a vision. too bad i can't draw it LMFAOO. maybe one day
2. holding out (just for you) — dragon!bkg x reader
in which you find a horrendously injured dragon in a cave and make it your duty to heal him, not knowing that he’s the infamous dragonshifter, bakugo katsuki, who has been cursed to remain trapped in his dragon form forever—unless the spell is broken
this fic... oh boy. i've been working on this fic since mmm 2021 i think? i can't believe it's been a year since the big bang LMFAOO. i also can't blv this shit evolved from being a standalone to having 3 spinoffs and a sequel but well. here we are. complaints aside i really do have fun writing this fic!! i dunno!! i dont think i'd ever read a dragon bkg fic before and i was like fine i'll do it myself and this happened. i added way too much plot and you guys don't even know about half the worldbuilding and shit i have planned for the sequel HAHA. i can't even talk about it bc it would be major spoilers rn rhrsfjhrjfrjrhjg. it's also been giving me such a rough time lately pfft, especially with having to make sure everything lines up for the spinoffs n stuff. im so afraid of publishing ch4 and having to go back and tweak things bc i havent planned out far enough sdkjfsjkdf. i think it just means i'm gonna have to go on a hiatus or smthn and write out all the spinoffs + ch4 at once idk
3. and i give my all (to you) — merman!bkg x reader
you think you bit off more than you could chew when you decided to do your dissertation on ocean acidification, leaving you stranded out in the open ocean. alone. for months. well… maybe you weren’t so alone after all
this is another fic that i've been working on way longer than it's been posted for pfft. i can't blv the first chapter was released over a year ago LMAOOO i am so sorry. i do like this fic tho bc it's one of the easier ones to write and i go back to it sometimes between writing for dragon bkg lol. like i have the chapters all mapped out, all i have to do is sit down and write em. ch2's at abt 3k rn tho and i hit a spot where i'm like oof i dont wanna write these descriptions dfhdkfg it's just a silly goofy story with merbaku and dealing with some of the subtle intricacies of getting to know a mermaid. actually, fun fact, this originally started off as a fic for jotaro from jjba, back when i was in my jjba era. but then i went back to my bkg era and switched it over. i didn't even have to change much LMFAOO jotaro and bkg act the same sometimes. also!! this is the first fic where i'm like... drawing little doodles for each chapter!! and it's so nice but also i'm like damn wtf do i draw for the rest of these chapters.... i'll figure it out ig
4. loving all the parts of you — pro hero!bkg x reader
in which you learn to love all the prickly parts that make up bakugou katsuki
i.. don't think i've thought about this fic for a very, very long time. but i just scrolled thru the masterlist and stuff and i... really liked writing it (when i was focused on it anyways). it's one of my gentler fics tbh. it's more of a character study of bkg, exploring a different aspect of him in each chapter. tbh i need to go through and reread it and make edits so it can better match the writing style i have now, but i rly liked thinking abt what would make bkg tick as a pro and as a person. and tbh, with what i know now of the manga and anime i think i could go very deep with it pfft. also the banner i made for this fic is so cute LOL. it's not high on my priority list rn bc i have other things i wanna work on, but i do hope to return to it one day.
5. forget me not — pro hero!bkg x reader
When you first woke up, you found yourself in a white room, lights blinding you from all directions. A bit disoriented, you squinted and looked around, realizing you were chained to a chair, your arms locked behind you. In front of you was a poster of a man, muscles rippling throughout his body, a spiky mess of ash blond hair nestled on his head, and striking crimson eyes glaring right at you from behind a black mask. In the upper right corner was the name “DYNAMIGHT” in black and orange letters. As you observed the poster, the sound of a P.A. system suddenly rang into existence, the deep, hoarse voice of an unknown person echoing around you. “Your name is [Name] [Surname],” the voice said without emotion, “and you hate the man named Bakugou Katsuki.”
THIS FIC... THIS FCKIN FIC. i have so much i can say about this fic and i am so sorry for the oncoming ramble pfft. firstly, it's both my baby and my number one fucking enemy. like, holy shit i think it gave me the most paralyzing anxiety and bc of this it took me like 3-4 years to finish (apart from being generally busy of course). i started it literally while i was in high school n applying to college, so of course there are aspects of it that i look at now and i'm like mmm don't like that. not to mention there have been so many things that happened in the anime/manga that i wasn't able to add or delve deeper into!! like the war!! bkg's fcking trauma!! midoriya's quirks!! i was an anime only when i first started releasing chapters (and i still am), so i didnt know about the endeavor agency arc or anything so i defaulted to shit with best jeanist and idkidk.
if i could rewrite all of fmn, i think i would. or maybe not all, but a good chunk of it. like i'd condense the first few chapters probably. i also have a different grasp of bkg's characterization now compared to when i was younger lmao. putting bkg in that specific circumstance (iykyk, i wont spoil it) only happened bc of certain outside factors that forced him into that position. which was how i was able to justify it. but... idk. IDK!! this fic had so many things to it that i was not knowledgeable about so i winged a lot of things without doing proper research (i.e. hospitals, police investigations, general bureaucracy and whatnot) and i feel like this has caused certain plot holes that i am not able to detect, but like.... it's been so long already that i'm too lazy to fix it.
i just really wanted to write about having amnesia but... still having this muscle memory and ache of the person you were in love with. that you can fall in love with them all over again. but, jeez, i put the reader through so much that there's so much... trauma and brainwashing and just rhhrhjrkhrhgrkjg. she's a mess and a half!! and this makes it so difficult to read fmn bc she's so frustrating!! but! at the same time idk it was interesting exploring that kind of ptsd and recovery. i think at my core i love writing about truly heartwrenching topics and horror. i rmb i had the most fun writing about reader's nightmares or that one chapter where she was messing around with illusions. actually- one of the things i would change is the reader's fckin quirk and hero name LMAOOOOO what the fuck i made her so op i basically just smashed together dr strange's and wanda's powers for her pfft. i'd also tweak her personality a little, i think.
i digress. anyways. im in the process of editing all of fmn (just like. writing tweaks. changing the phrasing of certain sentences. adding more fluff to descriptions) and i can really see how much my style has evolved lol. like, i am the most happy and proud of the later chapters, where you can really feel certain emotions with bkg and reader. like... the beach scene, or the stakeout scene, or the party scene!! i think i would also add more substance to the investigation and how being a hero is like post-war. the antagonists as well!! there's just so much that could've been built on, but at the same time... i didn't want to go too deep into it bc i was writing an amnesia recovery story.
flaming aside, i am very glad i was able to pull those plot twists successfully LOL. i loved reading people's theories back when i was still updating it, seeing them question things and being like wait a minute... no way... it can't be... it was an era i will never forget pfft. but... because of that expectation i think i was very nervous to reveal specific things or even write the ending bc i didn't know if people would be satisfied lol. fmn was so complicated and for what sdfkjhs. fanfic shouldnt make you this anxious fr and yet there i was. i'm glad im done with it, but at the same time.. i do miss it.
tldr: fmn is the fic that i am the most proud of but also the most insecure LMFAOO. i do eventually want to get to the extra chapters from bkg's pov for it but... idk. i don't wanna even look at it right now sdhfskdfjsf
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thank u all for coming to my ted talk B) i'm sorry if u've been tagged alr in this but here we go anyways!! no pressure tags: @earthtooz @call-me-ko @thecatduet422 @boo-kugo @theloveinc <3
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3416 · 6 months
what 1634 fics do you want to see. im not gonna write them im just curious
hello anon......... there are far too many i want to see in this world (literally any at all tbh) but conceptually i have rambled in private about a couple that i really want so buckle up... here are some cliche concepts but idc:
okay my ultimate dream fic is like a 50k fic canon compliant to this point like a decade into the future where auston's been forced to retire a few years earlier bc of a career ending knee injury and never wins the cup and basically. retreats back to az and has to cope with that and gets a Lot of distance from the team/hockey media yada yada. mitch keeps playing hockey but the leafs never win the cup and mitch never feels as fulfilled as he thinks he should be. he never has kids (could go into things here....)... separates w steph.... is on the verge of retiring himself...... the catalyst for him showing up in arizona could be a lot of random things (abt to sign divorce papers... announcing his own retirement soon... also had a whole concept of one of their dads passing away but.) but cue the reunion with someone who you built your whole younger self and younger dreams around and having to relearn the person they've become now. mitch escaping the only place he's ever really called home to really try to feel fully comfortable with himself for the first time vs auston seeing the merging of his old life and his new reality................. i mean. that's the dream. idk. post hockey life crisis with people you can't help but love forever tbh. i have rambled about variations of this one for hours before.
i'm also dying for an auston pornstar fic with a clueless like. business bro mitch or smth. everyone has done the cam boy mitch stuff thanks to his streaming but what about auston... what about these pictures... it's giving casting couch....... i don't really care about the plot necessarily... could go w mitch and auston sleeping together n then befriending each other but NOT sleeping together again for a while. could just straight up do pwp, idk, but auston's whole sleaze ball vibe sometimes.. and the mustache..... we deserve pornstar auston.
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also desperate for some magical realism au where one of them makes a deal with the devil to get the team a stanley cup but it goes HORRIBLY awry bc things are never what they seem when you're making deals like that. don't have the details ironed out enough in my head to give a real plan here without sounding stupid but i want the angst and pain and realizing their priorities might not be The Ultimate Hockey Goal like they've always thought.
i've also thought about a lot about a more pwp fic where mitch and auston have this calculated shared ritual of like. getting the new guys on the team/new lineys off to ~help the chemistry~. the whole oh it's just bros thing, but mitch and auston tackling it as a team, one whispering in the ear.. one sinking to his knees... a biiit skeezy bc some of these guys would never in a million years wanna sleep with guys but they pose it like it's gonna help the team and it's just smth they do... don't you wanna feel powerful and see cocky number one goal scorer in the league am34 on his knees for you, random newcomer (haha) 4th liner???
also. thought about another magical realism fic where auston and mitch are at mitch's lakehouse high as fuck and accidentally have a wishbaby bc they're TRYING to manifest success for the team and wish on a star with the wrong wording.... also had a batshit au planned vaguely based on the hangover for mitch's bachelor party which COULD involve vgk crossover since i would set it in vegas for the vibes but.
also had an f1 fic idea where mitch was a driver and auston was one his mechanics. there was way more to this one, but realistically i'd take anything with that as a concept. mitch's life being in auston's hands to some degree and auston taking it Very seriously. also mitch treating his wins like its this shared thing and. auston is just one of tens of people who work on his car but thats his fucking GUY!! imagining mitch getting on the podium n trying to jump at the barriers to get to auston and his whole team.......... pls. also had bunts as one of the guys who changes the wheels and picturing the team letting bunts run the some of the socials. they would be fucking off in that garage BIG TIME filming themselves doing stupid silly shit in all the downtime. also. thinking abt the element of having a Secret relationship or situationship in a setting SO public like f1...... could prob turn that one into a multimedia au somehow, ANYWYA---
i've thought abt so many more too lol. this is what i let myself sit here and spew for the hour but. i'm always down to talk about more or if other ppl have ideas and need to flesh them out. i love to yap abt these men.
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tacomedli · 5 days
rant abt writing and stuff
i love my book. i love the story i've created, the characters, the vision of it in my head, everything.
but my worldbuilding and plot and such have all changed so MUCH since i started writing it. i'm ok with that, since i have a better idea now of what i want the story to look like, and one day i'll probably go back and change a lot of things to make the cringey, confusing beginning flow a lot better.
here's the problem though:
i'm sharing this story with some irl friends as i write it. so they have to deal with this really shitty first draft that has me figuring things out as i go and changing the setting and time period and whether there's magical elements or not. because it was a modern time period at first! and now it's some weird dystopian steampunk something or other with a fashion style that i see very clearly in my head but i don't even know what year it's from! i see this world so well in my head but i don't know how to describe it in a way that i feel they'll understand! especially since it's changed throughout the story!
i really made this hard for myself. in some ways i wish i could go back now and get rid of some of the things that are bothering me and causing story problems, but that's also really intimidating to think about.
i know if i go back now i'll get all bogged down in the details, and i don't know if i can fully fix everything properly yet when i still don't know what i want the ending to be.
and i'm excited for where i am in the story. i've been on the cusp of these REALLY exciting plot points for so long, and now i'm finally, FINALLY starting to reach them! this is where the good stuff really starts! this is where i can start adding the scenes i wrote ahead of time months and months and even a year ago!
and i know the ones that care will stick with it, and honestly they're following along pretty well. i'm just ashamed at how much it feels like a jumbled mess. i feel like my stress is causing my writing quality to go way down, because the only way i can get myself to actually write is to say "it's okay, let the writing be shitty now, you can always go back and edit it later"
which is technically good advice in general for me, but lately i haven't been going back and editing it before i show it to my friends, so i just feel really bad. normally i love editing but with how jumbled my chapters have been lately (writing scenes out of order and trying to piece them back together, lines of dialogue i like too much and refuse to delete despite them causing problems, not knowing wtf im doing with this plot, etc) it's a nightmare just to think about, so i just. don't.
maybe i should slow down my update schedule. but i'm worried i'll be letting them down, even if only 1-2 reliably read it and leave comments anymore. i'm afraid that if i write completely at my own pace, i won't write at all. and besides, i NEED those few comments to keep me going. to remind me that someone else is actually interested in this book.
so i keep writing this way. "it's a mess right now, they're reading it as a mess right now, but one day, when it's finished, you'll go back and rewrite what you need too."
which is, like, fine. it doens't bother me TOO much, i think venting abt it helps a lot, but i really want to print a couple copies when this is done, but i dont wanna print the shitty version, i wanna print the fixed version. and im worried that i won't actually fix it bc i have at LEAST two other unrelated books that i've promised myself for literal years that i would finish/rewrite, and i think about those almost as much as this one, ie daily
so idk what will happen. i guess i'll cross that bridge when i come to it. anyway i hope i have the energy to edit this current chapter before i update bc my self imposed deadline is coming up very soon and this one's another mess lmao
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doomzday-zone · 3 months
can u pinpoint inspo? whether heavy or not wt is so weird and vast i kinda just wanna know where this.... how did it get like this..... and or / where did it rlly start ? simple stuff like what character did u make first or really expand on if canon ? r there any characters you just specifically attach to and... may there be a running theme..... raises eyebrow...
also LMAO this is rlly fast but i have like nothin else 2 do :3>
YAYAYYAYAY<3333 oh boy!!! Wt takes insp form A LOT of my interests I couldnt rlly pinpoint one specific thing it's based off of... Sum of my biggest insp that comes 2 mind rn tho r:
Wristcutrers: a love story, every my chemical romance track, German industrial metal in particular but also I'm a HUGE metalhead<3, repo: the genetic opera, speculative biology(my wifee<33), blood. gore gay sex. lol., sonic......... LOL, AND LUK. ten million mot etchings I profess my love for openly<33 I'm v honest abt my interests if anything,,,,,
Where is started ermmmm!!!! Actually wt is a huge mix of. A lot of different aus I've had for manyyyyyy many years. Wt is itsoen thing but kinda doubles as my Canon if u get what I mean. A lot of stuff abt the aus it's made of sadly got deleted w my og blog but u can still find oalylists n shit on Spotify n whatever. Wt started formally I think like a year ago?? Couple years ago???? I was still in my mcrhead era ik this meansnothing to you but u know. Iwbskbdjdb basically I just wanted to make an au that actually had like, a storyline..... Most of my aus r centered around v specific concepts. So I took a lot of those from my other aus n put them into my Canon of sorts n I men..... Here we r lol<33 :3c
Wt was always a shadow and infinite centered thing. I rlly started working on wt the way we see it now in my infinadow era so it was always abt them form the start<33 I'm kess into the ship like I used to be but I still DEEPLY care abt the characters n their relationship to each other even if it's not as romantic as I use dto be abt it u know :) nowadays it's wayyyt more infinite focused(as I've stated bc of the above reasons but also like. I've been hyperfixated on him for going on five years now..... He's my one and only<333) he's the official main character now but shadow is still an integral part of it 2 me,,
Kind of the same answer for the specific character attachment one INFINITEEEEEE INFINITEEEEE he's beenthe center of all my aus since like. Going on what?? Five or so years now??????? It's wild.... Lol. Anyways!! Shadow. Infinite. Wave. Fang, n silver n my special guys.... I have such a specific attachment 2 them it's weird. I don't explain it. I luv them..... They're The characters I think abt when I have new weird shit on my mind... U get it. Lol.
ALSO LOL???? KNAO???????? perhaps there's. Arunning theme....<- guy obsessed w themes n narratives l. Blood guts n gay sex r integral to my creative works, and I mean that.... If it's not bloody at least a little sexual or homierotuc n have graphic violence I did not make it. Skbsjsbdh. I guess....... Idk......... It's kinda hard 2 explain but I put. A lot of myself into my works. It's personal to an extent I also rlly like highly fictionalized stuff caus edit silly to explore real shit in a heightened sense n whatnot but like. Like. Idk. Lol. There's a lot of identity stuff in wt, I have a specific fixation in clones n robots(if u can't tell) n a lot of that comes from me n my weird queer n mental ill ess shit dibdjdh n a plethora of other things u know. I write for myself in an extremely literally sense first n worry abt mass appeal later(or never.. kamo)
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mrpenguinpants · 17 days
YOU POSTED A THING! Ignore how long it took me to write this up, I've been,,, honestly? I've not been doing things, I've also not been doing this, but-
So the two plots stolen from Genshin is the Chenyu Vale story quest, and I've forgotten the second one, oops- I thiiiink it's kinda like the Mondstadt festival (the one where u have to pick that fuckin flower and it didn't matter abracafuckyou /lh)
So the concept of the campaign is every character is a fallen god who's forgotten their divine life, and they regain a shred of their memory and now must find a way to ascend due to the fact that only Whole Mortals can reincarnate/be reborn, but if you die as a mortal-body divine-soul That's It (yadda yadda, non-dnd approved type shit; there are actually multiple ways they could go about it but I have no idea what they'll do beyond revive the sun) - One player didn't do that, but it's fine, he is instead POSESSED by a goddess, it's chill, and I adore his backstory and he's the only one with a backstory tightly interwoven with the world's lore and local area the campaign takes place in he is THE ONLY MAN WHO MATTERS T O M E (/j)
The Genshin Quests that I have plots for bc I stole them are as follows; Natzissenkreuz Ordo, Chenyu Vale, and the Windblume Festival. I won't get into it rn so you don't have to tag this ask as spoilers (unless... thinking emoji) BUT oooOOOOooOoOOo you wanna hear abt my dnd So Bad sdfsdfsdfg (I just wanna talk abt it SO BAD bc we're on a month hiatus bc one player's in the middle of bumfuck nowhere for a while)
I ALSO HAVE A ONESHOT PLANNED FOLLOWING/INSPIRED BY THIS YEAR'S SUMMER EVENT IN GENSHIN! I'm planning on running it at two tables (different groups) and potentially even a third when I get to sorting it out, ASK ME ABOUT IT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE asdfgh
DND ASIDE- I recently found out one of my irls plays Genshin and I've been talking to him about it and honestly??? very nice, very fun (very demure /j) asdfgh I got into genshin to play w/ some other irls but now I am the last,,, genshin player standing,,,, and we're gonna help eachother farm when Natlan comes out bc I love running domains >:3 I'm a lil domain fiend
Ignore the fact that I'm responding backwards. But the pressure did work 👀 now I just need it to happen again because I blinked, and a month rolled around. I thought it was at most a week but no, my sense of time is fucked.
I'm so bad at names, and I barely do the story in any game I play unless I'm forced to (I missed an event in ZZZ because I wasn't on the third chapter yet ;-;). So I don't remember if I've done, seen, or even heard of the Chenyu Vale story, but I do know Mondstadt, at least.
I love it when my friends actually get invested enough with my imagination/ideas that they actually tie things into the ever-working narrative ;u; sometimes I feel like people don't do it because (they don't fucking care lol) they don't want to overstep on something that's made up by you. I understand, but man, it feels so uplifting when it happens. Keep that man alive. Are you planning on revealing parts of their divine life as the campaign goes on? I remember watching this youtube short about DND where they basically say that each player is given a blank sheet, and as they progress through the story they learn more things about their characters based on outside reactions.
I only know Windblume Festival but if it's a required quest/event quest, then I've most likely played the others. But yess, feel absolutely free to dump all your DND lore since I know you can't say it to your players unless you reveal too much. I'll tag spoilers in case you want to get more specific with the genshin quests because I do not remember any of them.
Here is your spotlight Lucky, lay it on me. What is this summer event-inspired oneshot?
I was talking to an old anon on another blog and it kinda makes me sad how the genshin community died out. Not in the sense that there's no fandom there, but that old players have either quit or lost interest. It makes me wonder if I even like genshin or if I write it because it's what I've been doing for so long.
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henriiiii-1001old · 9 months
coming back/moving blogs
hey, been a while, hasn't it? i hope you're all doing well! this is my official coming-back-to-tumblr post, but it's a little different than i had originally planned.
i've decided it would be in my best interests to move blogs after a bit of thinking. i feel like coming back here would just feel too awkward for both me and you guys, especially with my now deleted drama post. i just wanna move on from all this bullshit, especially since i've had do deal with a lot of other shit, including college.
it's still @/evrydaygets-darkr, just moved to a different account. i still like the name, so i'm keeping it for now. this account will still be up for archival purposes, but it will never be active again. i hope you understand. (EDIT: changed to @henriiiii-1001 bc of shit that happened w ak recently. see this for more info and this for my official statement on it)
as a general life update, i'm done with my first semester of college!! it's been kinda fun so far! i've made a couple friends here and there, and classes (except for math) were super cool!!! i loved most of my professors, and i am honestly excited for the upcoming semester! ive been artblocked to hell and back though, so i don't have much in terms of new art or writing, but i've been trying my best to get out of it. i also gained a new hyperfixation, which is project sekai: colorful stage (abbreviated as pjsk), so i'll probably be posting abt that quite a bit (btw my fav group is wxs and my fav character is tsukasa :3 ), specifically abt stats and achievements w like song completions, maybe some pulls too!
im also gonna put a few updates on aus and oc stories rq:
for my tmc aus: the big ones i'm working on are getting new masterposts and infodumps for the new blog. i would rb posts from this blog to the new one, but due to some personal stuff i don't feel very comfortable doing that. i havent been able to cook much lore-wise for any of them, but i'll probably get back into the swing of things once i start interacting w you guys again. - for specifically father's duty: i'll hopefully have chapter 3 done soon. it's actually been almost done for a while now, i just need to think of the ending. thank you to those who've stuck with me this far <3 (EDIT: all my tmc aus are discontinued. read above for more info)
for murder files: i'm gonna change up the pacing a bit because i feel like i was going a bit too fast with it. i wanna take my time with it and make it feel as real as possible. it might take me a bit to get fully set up bc im probably gonna have to plan a few steps ahead, which i've barely done. i just need time to plan everything out and draw some shit
i will try to post as often as i can to get back into using tumblr like a true tumblrina (even though i see theyve made some more disgusting changes so yay </3 ), though it'll probably take some getting used to.
i really missed you guys. i'll see you on the flipside.
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nervocat · 3 months
Alright announcement time, but it's about what my writing will be going forward and what I'll be doing with my older fics that I don't rlly like.
I've had so many ideas before that I've since lost bc I just didn't get to them bc I wanted to make a long fic, but couldn't. And idk if anyone has noticed, also bc I don't do this too often but often enough, I drag out fics and add unnecessary stuff to make the fic longer. I've also been struggling to start fics lately, and it's been bugging me bc I wanna write sososo badly but I don't want to be writing a long fic that takes long to proofread. I wanna try and welcome just short, ramble kind of posts so here is what I'll be doing going forward. I'm realizing I had too high of standards for myself and if I want to get better at writing to be an author, this is where I can start and I need to realize not everything has to be long like books, if that makes sense.
I will be separating my mlist into two — longer fics from 300 (maybe 400) and so on. Shorter fics that are kind of rambles from 200 and below, like my recent Leona post. That was abt 170 words and it was so nice to just write smth small and post it and not drag it out and make my mood just plummet with it not turning out like how I imagined.
I want to put my ideas out there and not force them into a fic ppl don't even rlly read. I always want to write fics for my favorite characters and even tho I have ideas for them, they never become a reality and the characters I like come and go in the sense I start to get into more things)new characters come along, and while those characters are still a favorite of mine, they're more on the lower side of that makes sense (like for example, how I was so into Boothill and his lore and now it's like that with Leona and I never got anything out for Boothill (which I'm still sad abt)). I'm getting more comfortable on this blog in the sense of being myself and posting whatever (thank devil for that honestly) even tho I've been writing here for almost a year now (started early/mid September).
And my earlier fics, I will be deleting most of them. I just don't feel proud of them anymore and I wanna get rid of them and it has been bugging me for months. And with my requests — I will still do the ones sent in and future ones, but maybe take 5 down to 3 after this round bc as much as I rlly do love writing for others, I want to give the requesters quality fics and while they may take longer to write, they will hopefully be worth the wait to said requesters.
I'll also add one other thing on. Since I'll be writing some smaller stuff now, pls, send in some ideas if you have any!! Mutuals and ppl who aren't mutuals can send me some stuff they want for me to just ramble abt/hear my opinion on and write smth small for. I always see my mutuals getting some and it has me wishing I did too but I was less open to that stuff I guess. This will probably be smth always open unless I go on a hiatus and won't write anything.
Ok I think that's all I wanted to say. If you have any questions, pls feel free to ask :33
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jsdgfsdf · 3 months
Could u tell me some lore about ur OCs like asher and theory :o
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Ok I just woke up so sorry if any of this is strung together badlky BUT! Yes! I'll explain both of those guys since you asked but if you wanna know about anyone else you can specify again (And also if you wanna know anything else abt these guys)
Asher......ok starting w the basics here he's supposed to be the main character of a game (Nothing Good Ever Happens it was a working title that stuck) i started working on Feb 2023 i think? And his main premise is he's kinda just a sad little angry dude who doesn't socialize w anyone cus ppl = shit (tfw have to act like you hate everyone to mask the fact that you think everyone hates your guts&every move including when you so much as breathe). You cvan listen to his playlist [here] to get a better grasp of that if you'd like but that is essentially him. He's based off of the 2012/2014 pastel gore omocat tumblr aesthetic too cus thats what i was really into at the time (still am now just less so ig) *Also his voice claim is jonathan coulton i should specify. all of my guys have voice claims i just haven't gotten around to writing his down yet So there you go
He lives in an abandoned apartment that nobody cares abt on the south side of Babylon which has a population of like ~3 ppl/denizens (compared to the at least maybe ~1000 on the north side which is separated by a gate) including asher. you can read about denizens [here] BTW But they basically just pboil down to aliens but they're advanced humans pretty much. Asher doesn't really leave his apartment much he's kinda the current definition of NEET w/ all the added "guy who never leaves his room" points.
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^Ashers room & the apartment floor hes on respectively and then south & north babylon (the pink and blue sqwuares are gonna be water it's also kinda derived from this Other game i ws making called Debt and cathat's in it..basically the same kinda location type at least appearance-wise if i had the files for that on this computer id put an example here) also i don't remember what who was phone was supposed to mean in that context
He DOES have 1 friend though named Connifer and they've been buddies since childhood (asher was not always like this but circumstances make the man and such) they just don't hang out as much as per asher being asher. But connifer cares enough to keep the connection and he visits asher every once in a while just to keep him in check that's actually how the game is supposed to start
Theory is..theory..i made him after watching an asmr video and going I need to make something out of this. so i did. I don't really know if theres much more to say abt him beyond what i put on his character page (kinda assuming youve seen it already but putting it there for good measure) i havent been focusing on these guys At all lately. UMMMM I can tell you his role in the game thou sorta the story i've mad efor him but it's kinda spoilers if i ever finish this damn thing
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EDIT:I forgot to explain wwhere the morgue is. It's just past the place where welt is (up top on north babylon you can see the sorta icy portion that's where welt lives) i think but its separated by a cliff and nobody ever goes to the morgue bc well To get to it you have to fall off a cliff there's no other way. it's all dark and dreary too at least like 500ft below where everyone else is. Essentially asher &connie have to take a detour to get to the botanical gardans (where connie wanted to bring asher IN the game0 bc the argument and yadda yadda they end up @ the morgue.. theres also one other guy who lives near it and he's a whole nother can of worms but you can see his playlist [here] it's pretty much all i have for that dude (Doesnt even have a name)....i don't know
Ok he's supposed to be sorta the final or one of the bosses in the game....?? Euuh something about him knowing asher or something he's kinda just ever present maybe i don't know if i wanna go w that though. He speaks weirdly btw i don;t think i specified that he probably calls asher "boy" mostly. Schmancy. At some point asher and connie have to go thru the morgue because they gell off a cliff cus of an argument i don't know. And then they meet theory at first they think the morgue is just some rundown abandoned place but then BOOM There's a guy here. Theory's like asher dont you want to be free from your social responsibilities...! Join me we can work together and such and ashers like No dude you're weird as shit and then the whole boss fight starts cus theory gets real mad/agitated about it. Oh i have a wip theme sorta for it i'll leave it as a treat sorry the mixing sounds like compelte ass
Al;so fun fact his voice claim is will wood bc i listened to 2012 and the "FUCK" at the beginning is like peak theory when he accidentally drops liek a scalpel or something i heard it and went yuuup. Theory. Also it just fits cus hes Crazay! I'm really sad i dont have much else to say about him i moved onto edward too fast for him to have any real development..one of my most beloved ocs that i've made (i was really excited when i realized i finally had a mad scientist type character i actually gave a shit about) and he might as well just be a damn shortcake shell dude has got almost nothing
BUT. THANK YOU FOR ASKING......................! Hearts and stars emojis always a joy to talk about my guys
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teddybeartoji · 3 months
you made me wanna rewatch (can't play) both of tlou games,,
i really loved the vibes of both games mainly, since you can only follow as the story unfolds - i have to admit that while your favorite is the second, mine was the first. i am weak to selfish people, i love selfishness, not necessarily as a default but more as a proof of pure individuality and i am obsessed with the ideas associated with individualism
so when joel made that choice against everything? against the entire world? against himself?? hell, even against ellie herself???? went a bit insane with that
i read the whole thing u just wrote, have to admit it has been a long while since i watched, so there's stuff i didn't get at first because i needed time to remember the names... anyways if i do go through and watch it i'll have to read your commentary again
side note but i love people that really like something and can talk about it in extended detail, i find it fascinating and there's always a new element i can learn
i also have to admit i didn't like abby because well.. an antagonist to the previous protagonists... and since i am the type to side with the protagonist no matter what.. (i actually some bojack analysis videos this afternoon and ig that's the only media for now that challenged that)
well anyways i do remember still siding with her, admiring how strong she was - and when she got close with lev?? say less good lord (i get attached to characters who are trans/have trans implications in media VERY quickly, esp when i watched tlou2 at a time where i was heavily struggling w gender (still am but repressing so it's not as bad))
overall the writing is truly impeccable, i love me some good characterization
i remember watching videos criticizing tlou2, especially its pacing - i think i agreed back then even though to me it wasn't a problem at all while i was watching. as a last info, i'll just say i havent gotten around to watch the series adaptation... i am very scared it'll disappoint and i just loved the games too much it doesn't feel necessary (even though i am the type to want to go through ALL of a media's content usually otherwise it stresses me out)
saw you were having some trouble sleeping, know that you are not alone 🥲 i feel like i'm going insane
~ ☀️
HIII SUNNYYY HIIIIII:333 I OFTEN WATCH GAMES TOO BTWW!!!!! i actually tend to always watch a playthrough as i play a game lmao,, like i'll watch it as far as i've played bc i love to see how somebody else solves the puzzles and the encounters and stuff!!!!!!!!!!
i do still really love the first one too don't get my wrong!!! i think it's fucking revolutionary like it's an incredible fucking game!!!!!!! the choice that joel makes... insane really. i absolutely love it. it does kill me just a little just knowing how much the choice he makes will bear down on ellie........
AHHH I KNOWW I KINDA JUST SPITBALLED i thought abt giving more context to some of the thoughts but i figured then it really would get a little bit too confusing with all the information lmao BUTTT I'M SO HAPPY YOU STILL DECIDED TO READ IT!!!!!! I MEANS SO MUCH ACTUALLY WAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! ILYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i definitely understand why people would be upset with abby, i think that's very very normal and i mean.. i was very upset too lmao but i've just seen so many ppl blatantly hating on her and for what she's done and i think that's the stupidest thing ever honestly. like even if you're mad and sad about joel... you should still be able to look at the whole thing from her perspective right??
like imagine if we never saw ellie's and joel's side; ofc the vaccine is one thing - joel took away even the mere POSSIBILITY of a vaccine and no matter how much ppl wanna bash on the idea of developing one, i think that hope really is something that dies last okay. i don't think the fireflies are wrong about believing in that. idk how much i personally would've been willing to do for the cause but yeah i really don't blame them. so when a mf comes in with the immune kid, only to then kill the ONE person who'd be able to make the vaccine and like a million other fireflies alongside with him..... yeah i mean that just makes him sound like a psycho doesn't it lmao
i think it is enough of a reason to go after him AND AGAIN I DO LOVE JOEL I'M BASHING HIM (lol) BUT I'M JUST TRYING TO LOOK AT THE WHOLE THING FROM BOTH SIDES YK? so i really do hate when ppl don't even TRY to see it from her angle...
TLOU2 IS SOOOOOO WELL-WRITTEENNNN!!!!!!!! like so fucking well!!!!!! it hurts so much and it just keeps punching you in the face but that doesn't make it bad yk? i feel like it's all very very realistic. it's fucked up, but that's just how the world is.
AND LEVV!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOOOOVEEE HIMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! genuinely love the fact that they have a lesbian and a trans character as the main characters (and abby with her physique bc that's just not smth you see all the time either)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i absolutely fucking adored how they handled his storyline. with how abby handled it when the other seraphites called him by his deadname and all that. and when yara told the entire story and then the whole thing with the mom... ahh that really broke my heart he really is my son i love him sm:((((((
i would definitely disagree with the pacing thing actually!!!!! to me it really fit the way the story was progressing yk?? like obviously the start is slow bc ellie and dina are only getting into the city and they have nothing to worry abt other than the few infected as they're looting and tooting around. and then right after they do meet them it all starts getting faster and that too just felt very fitting. bc it was all chaotic!!!!!!!!!!!!! i felt like that kept me on my toes even more!!!!
mmm the show.... it had some cool moments. i did really like how they did the bloater scene buuuut overall it was a bit meh actually. i think for me it was too just bc i'm such a big fan of the games. like my hopes might've been too high. and i just hated that they changed so much; like the fact that they don't have spores in that??? that's such a cool detail so idk why they decided to leave it out. i do think that the actors were good though!!!!
but uh i won't be watching the second season. 1. they casted a bunch of zionists as the main ppl so yeah fuck that shit 2. they casted a little like 5'3 skinny actress as abby😐😐like be so fucking serious rn. i think her being jacked as shit is a very important part,, i think it's good to have that kind of a rep but ohh no they just casted the little twig. it's a hard no from me.
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diagonal-queen · 2 years
How abt platonic Hcs of being an older sibling (gn!reader) to Kyouka and Kenji?? I had to include Kenji too bcs I wanna give him a big hug and give kyouka so many headpats 🥹🥹
Feel free to take ur time! Ur health (both physically mentally and emotionally) comes first :DD
YAY HIIIIIIII <333333 thank you for the req my love 🌸 i appreciate your concern. stuff's been a little crazy in my house lately so i've been doing a lot more writing to try and distract myself lol, i got this one done lickety split <3 please also try your best to take care of yourself too!
Being their Older Sibling
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♡ characters: Kyouka Izumi, Kenji Miyazawa, older sibling!gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: What would it be like to be the older sibling of Kyouka and Kenji?
♡ cw: We're assuming for my sake that reader works at the ADA alongside their younger sibling.
note: I love both Kyouka and Kenji sm they're my babies my children my sunshines. Also they'd make a cute couple when they get older ❤️ Apologies for errors and please enjoy!
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Being Kyouka's older sibling is both easy and difficult.
It's very easy to amuse her and buy her presents/gifts/food she likes, and talk to her about work
But it's hard to tell what she's feeling and to explain her sometimes odd behaviour to other people. She can be pretty difficult to communicate with when she's going through her teenage angst
You and Atsushi are naturally close because she also sees him as an older sibling. You two are her bodyguards (in theory. really, she's the one guarding the both of you (possible romance arc? 😳))
Kyouka despite being the younger sibling is fiercely overprotective of you. It's possible she'd even be willing to kill again to keep you safe, and she prefers to accompany you on missions instead of leave you alone
If you're feeling down this absolute angel will do whatever it takes to help you feel better. Pat your back, let you hug her plushies, cook you food, give you space etc.
Fukuzawa is as fond of you as he is of Kyouka lol
You two go out for lunch somewhere in the city every so often to discuss life and your coworkers (you get lots of tofu for her)
When you two have free time you like to do little activities together like origami or playing notepad games like hangman
You sometimes tell Atsushi stories about Kyouka from when she was very young (I...don't think she's a fan of this behaviour)
She leaves you little supportive notes at your desk sometimes <3
You could not have asked for a better younger brother than Kenji Miyazawa. He's just such a good kid!
Since you and he were both raised the same way in Ihatovo, you probably solve crimes in a similar way to him and then leave it to him to use his ability on enemies (Kunikida is tired)
Quite a lot of your salary goes towards food for Kenji. He eats a lot of food because his ability burns a lot of energy.
If you ever feel sad this kid is always there to put a smile on your face. He's just a bundle of sunshine and he's so empathetic, he always knows exactly what to say to fix your mood
You two go out around Yokohama a lot just because you can. You like to explore city things and observe city people together because a lot of things are still pretty new to the both of you
Kenji is rather blunt so he probably tells people random details about you that embarrass you on accident
He helps you carry all your stuff, obvi
You probably both have a lot of inside jokes, references or knowledge that's exclusive to your old village and whenever you bring them up to one another everybody around you is just like 'literally what are they talking about'
If you get a partner Kenji would really be like 'I'm glad you like my sibling! But if you did anything to hurt them I'd throttle you! :D' and you'd be like 'KENJI STOP' (he's actually pretty chill and trusts you, but he's definitely willing to throw hands if someone hurts you)
When you introduce people to him you have to give them a (discreet) warning not to make him mad because whoo boy
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since i don't have any friends here, i tend to hang out in town with my brother. the amount of times we've been mistaken for a couple, oh my god. EVERYONE who sees us assumes we're dating and it's so uncomfortable lol. also fun fact i've basically written sibling characters for like, MOST of the characters. i even gave some of them names and backstories based on the characters' irl counterparts' literature lmao. i got way too into it especially with Fyodor's sister T-T
and of course thank you to @kxmikomrade for this adorable req!
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cloverwood · 4 months
☾ ゚。⋆。゚☁︎。 ⋆。゚Name Hoard ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。☁︎。。゚
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just a little living post for me to keep all the names I've started collecting. It's actually something I started doing long before my awakening just by chance (having usernames/nicknames for different friends or groups and realising that felt rly good) so now that I'm doing it more consciously I just want somewhere I can keep track of them. Kinda wanted somewhere a bit more private and I might end up moving to my diary discord but I also think its nice and wanna be able to share it so. For now I'll make it a post :3
I've realised that the "main" name I've been going by, since I was like 13 always felt kinda? odd? like it was my NAME but not in a 'this is me way' and more of a 'this is the mouthsounds one makes to get my attention' kinda way. like how one would name a dog. if that makes sense? as a wakened fae entitity, i've realised i may (or may not) have some sort of "true" name, but if i do I don't know of it yet. But every other name I go by or collected so far are what I call "utility names" and I think that's useful to know too <3
Each name sometimes has rules or fun little bits of info hence why I wanted to write it out like this. But if someone knows of a site similar to that pronouns tracker one but for names that would be kewl :3
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Nix - meatspace name, ie; "real" chosen name. real in brackets bc it's what I say to ppl when I dont have the energy to discuss my name thing. What my friends and family call me, how I'm credited in my TV/film work, etc. What I'll probably change my legal name to eventually. Anyone can call me this.
[deadname] - a name that has since achieved it's purpose and is no longer of use to me. No one can call me this.
Helio - my artist/online username. shortened version of my full usernames (heliocanix. heliosynchronisity and others). Realised I also like being called this in online spaces but even irl i suppose. Kind of a secondary name. Anyone can call me this.
Neifion - my "utility" fairy name. Mostly just for fun and as a way to talk abt my fairy experiences separately from my human ones. Mostly just found it in order to easily describe "who" im drawing in my fairy self portraits when I'm too shy to say its just me. Only other fae can call me this.
Clover - just a name I recently realised i connect to quite well, surprisingly unaware that it was literally half of this blogs name at the time :'D but it makes a lot of sense. One of my earliest OCs was named clover and she had plant powers hehe. Feels connected both to my rabbit identity and fairy identity. Currently only my romantic partner can call me this. Thought it could make a nice thing to share between us, as well as the only person I would be comfy using it.
Angel - my kink pseudonym/persona/nickname, used when I'm at events or during scenes with play partners. Only people in my local scene can call me this.
[any sort of pet name] - certain partners use petnames or nicknames for me, changes depending on human or circumstance. Obvs, only partner's can use these.
N - shortened form of Nix, what I use when my name isnt important, surveys, emails etc. Considered making this my legal name but figured it would cause more problems than it solves. Interestingly this does feel the closest to what could be my "true" name but i have a feelings it's because said name might not be translatable or comprehendable to human speech. anyone can call me this, if they want?
NIX - all capitalised, my fine art name/persona. May change may not, I sign off and credit all my work to my name stylized like this. No surname. Only really applicable in these settings.
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