#now i can just. open my silly little apps and edit him in any way
risingsunresistance · 2 years
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attempting to make a sequel to my bestest little boy with my newfound Python Knowledge i got from my intro class fjkhdkg
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an-avocado-at-law · 3 months
(Matt Murdock RP blog ⁉️)
I'm Matt Murdock. A really good lawyer.
Foggy forced me onto this app, he said I could make more friends, not that I really need any, whatever makes him happy.
You need friends Matt! Not just me and Karen! - Foggy
Thank god for screen readers..
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(( )) or (( - ooc
((so for people who dont know who matt murdock is, he is a masked vigilante who protects hell's kitchen at night. he goes by daredevil or 'the man without fear'. in the day he is a attorney-at-law with his friend foggy. when he was a kid he was trying to save someone from a truck, but he got hit with radioactive chemicals, blinding him but enhancing his other senses by a lot. (this is why he can randomly just throw away his cane and basically do parkour up buildings in the show lol). with these enhanced sense he can 'see' just not with his eyes (its kinda like echolocation in a way) ))
((im still watching the show so im still figuring out how matt acts,, sry if you dont like it lmao. im fucking ass at roleplaying im kinda just putting myself into the character))
((hi!! uh this is a rp blog for matt murdock, matt cant see little details (blog text) very well with his radar sense thing, especially on screens, so he'll be using a screenreader and speech to text for replying (not actually but yk cuz hes blind lmao) ))
((im gonna be open abt being daredevil lmao))
((matt uses he/him and blog admin uses they/he))
((please no sexual asks, admin is a minor.))
((im okay with swearing but if like every two words is you saying fuck then I might not interact 🥶))
((no homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, zionism, etc. here please, its a roleplay blog we do not need to get serious))
((if im missing any info please tell me))
((canon and oc blogs can interact with me, and blogs thst just wanna send asks))
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((some headcanons for matt: ))
i think matt is bi,, like some scenes hes so clearly in love with foggy, "your not gonna kiss me" (he was talking to foggy) WHY WAS THAT YOU FIRST THOUGHT MATT?? /pos
he has foggy pick out clothes for him sometimes, they either look like complete shit or it makes him look really good
he secretly wants a dog to help him get around (even though he said he didnt want one to foggy), he probably loves dogs and their silly ways
he WILL not stop bugging foggy abt the time he said grande avocados (that was my favorite scene fr)
he almost said “fuck you, your honor” to a judge one time /hj
(for roleplay) he uses one of those braille keyboards to type sometimes
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((okay i might edit this later, so check back every now and then!!))
((run by @overtlyonyx btw))
((have a nice day!))
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thekisforkeats · 3 years
Ooh jm + shy kiss for the prompts?
Ohhh good one! I had to think about this a little and actually wrote up a bunch that didn't quite work at first. But! Here it is!
Set somewhere in the first few minutes of 160, in those weeks between arriving at the safehouse and Hazel Rutter. Featuring autistic Martin trying to navigate social situations because that is evidently what I write now.
(Incidentally the term "weak ties" was coined by a Stanford researcher in 1973. Link to the relevant paper. Credit where due, and all.)
(No beta no edits we die like archive assistants.)
It takes Martin a week to convince Jon to come down into the village with him.
If he's being honest with himself--and he's trying very hard to be honest with himself these days, so he can identify any Lonely-type thoughts--he really just wants to show off his boyfriend to the nice lady at the little shop in the village where he's been picking up essentials.
Martin is a naturally friendly person, or maybe a naturally personable person. This was not always the case; he had to practice a great deal to memorize all the scripts to smooth social interactions that other people seem to navigate without thinking about it at all. It can be horribly exhausting, just going to the shops. It's one of the reasons the Lonely appealed to him; how much easier to just move through life without having to recite all those canned lines?
Now that he's out of its grip, he's come to realize how much those interactions matter. He's been reading a lot on the internet about depression and social interaction, about social circles, and one thing that caught his eye is the idea of "weak ties," those people we're not exactly friends with, but who we see on a regular basis and who help us feel connected to a larger community. People who don't really know us and yet know something about us that helps us feel seen. The bus driver who gives you a familiar nod every morning. the barista who's prepping your order as soon as he notices you in line, the shop lady who tries to keep your favorite tea in stock.
So Martin is trying to cultivate those relationships, to feel part of a wider community, rather than just relying on Jon. He thinks that maybe if he'd had more of that, before, if he'd tried harder to go through the world being seen, he might have handled Jon's coma and his mother's death in some kind of healthier manner.
Maybe not, of course, but he's going to use any tool he can to keep the Lonely at bay.
At any rate, even beyond being very good at social scripts, Martin does genuinely like people, he's a good listener, for an autistic guy he's practically a social butterfly. And Elspeth is a nice lady, maybe mid-40's, the kind of person who runs a shop because she actually likes interacting with a stream of customers on a regular basis. So she's just the sort of person for Martin to practice his "weak tie" skills.
Because, naturally, one of the key benefits of "weak ties" is that they are the sort of people you get to be public about your relationship with when none of your closer friends are around.
Yeah, no, all of the above is just flimsy justification, if Martin's being really honest with himself. He's just madly in love and wants literally everyone within a 500-mile radius to know.
That morning, Martin makes a big show of how badly he wants to spend time with Jon, no really, but he really does have to go down into the village.
"We're out of tea!"
"I don't think we have anything for dinner!"
"But I really want to keep listening to you talk about Scottish history!"
And so on.
Jon gives him a tolerantly amused look, and Martin flushes. Is he that transparent, or is Jon just that good at reading him?
"I suppose I can go into the village with you, Martin," he says, eyes glittering. "Since you're so terribly interested in the House of Stuart. I'd hate to leave you wondering what happened to James II."
Martin would feel guilty, but he can tell Jon is pleased to be "indulging" him, and it's not like Martin hasn't been listening to Jon infodump about whatever random facts Beholding's been given him all week.
They hold hands all the way down into the village, and it's nice, to walk through the place and be seen, together. It's comfortable. They'd held hands on walks before, long ago in London, before the Unknowing, but back then they hadn't been sure what they were, hadn't managed to broach the delicate barrier between "friends" and "something else." Now, they're "boyfriends," and Martin keeps finding himself wanting to go up to each person he sees on the street and shout, "This is my boyfriend, Jonathan Sims!!"
By the time they reach Elspeth's shop, he's feeling a little giddy.
He pushes open the door and the little bell rings, and Elspeth looks up from behind the counter and smiles. "Martin!" she says, and Martin's whole body warms in a very pleasant manner, that this woman he's only known a week remembers him. "Oh, and this must be the elusive Jon." She gives them one of those teasing smiles people give to new couples, glittering eyes and amusement at the silly things people do when they're in limerence.
"Yes," Martin says, and suddenly the words stick in his throat. "Yes, this is... is... umm..." Oh, why has he suddenly frozen like a deer in headlights? Why can't he remember the right words?
"Jonathan Sims," Jon says smoothly, stepping forward to offer the woman his hand. "And yes, I'm Martin's boyfriend."
It occurs to Martin, all at once, that neither of them have said that out loud to anyone else. No wonder he's frozen up.
Elspeth glances at the burn scars on Jon's hand only briefly, then smiles--and it's a genuine smile, not one of those pitying ones people sometimes put on when they see scars like that--and shakes said hand. "Pleased to meet you," she replies. "Elspeth Douglas." She has the Highland accent, but softened; she spent her 20's and 30's in London, she's said, and came back to take over the family store when her father fell ill. The similarity might be part of why Martin likes her--that and the fact that it seems that helping her sickened parent improved her life.
"Ahh, yes. The not-so-elusive Elspeth." Jon actually flashes a grin, which Martin finds remarkable. Since when is Jon... friendly? Well, maybe he's trying for Martin's sake. If so, Martin very much appreciates the effort.
The woman behind the counter laughs, and says, "How can I help you?"
"Oh," Martin manages, his brain catching up and letting his mouth work again, "we're just here for tea and things."
"Of course," Elspeth says. "I'll be here when you're ready."
They turn away, to go deeper into the aisles.
"She seems nice," Jon says almost absently. "Shame about her fa--" He pauses, and frowns. Shakes his head, looking irritated. "You didn't tell me about that," he grumbles.
"No, I didn't. But thank you for trying to keep it in," Martin says.
Jon sighs, lowering his voice. "It's becoming harder and harder to separate what I've learned on my own from what Beholding gives me. How much of my thoughts are mine anymore? Did I actually memorize all those facts about the House of Stuart, or am I getting the... mental Wikipedia page, as it were?"
"Seems like a thing you'd know," Martin comments offhandedly. He's focused on figuring out what kind of rice to buy. He wants to try his hand at sticky rice, which really should have calrose, but Jon likes jasmine rice. Do they get both?
He doesn't want to think about Beholding, and how much of it is Jon anymore. He prefers just thinking about it as something like a smartphone app Jon can use without having to actually have a phone in front of him. He does not want to think about how much of his boyfriend has been potentially consumed by some kind of eldritch thing that feeds on fear.
He really doesn't want to think about the idea that maybe soon, Jon won't even need rice anymore, and will just live off statements, no matter how much he jokes about his partner's "eating habits."
Jon has been talking as Martin's been staring at the rice, but Martin hasn't heard any of it. He's brought back to himself by a squeeze of Jon's hand in his.
"Hey," Jon says softly. "You okay?"
In Jon's voice, Martin hears all the concern that Martin himself has been feeling. He forces himself to look at Jon, and sees bright green eyes staring out of a deep brown face. He realizes he's gotten used to the color of Jon's eyes; before the coma, Jon's eyes were brown, like a deep carnelian, and so large and dark sometimes Martin thought he could fall right into them and be happy drowning there. Now they're green, bright and disarming, and Martin's pretty sure this is why Jon still wears glasses he no longer needs, to hide those strange eyes behind plastic lenses.
Those eyes are looking up at him intensely now, and Jon's brow is furrowed, and his mouth is pulled into a frown in a way that highlights one of the worm scars near his lip, and all of it is adorable, but it's also disconcerting for the contrast between the softness of his voice and the intensity of his expression.
Is Jon as afraid of losing Martin to Forsaken as Martin is of losing Jon to Beholding?
Martin frowns at him for a moment, then sighs. "I just..." He has to look away, back to the bags of rice. "I just... don't like thinking about that. Beholding, and... all of it. I just... I just wish..."
"You wish we could be normal." Jon's tone is still soft, and filled only with love and no sort of guilt or self-recrimination.
"Yeah," Martin says, still staring at the rice.
There's a hesitation, and then Jon says, softly and slowly, "You know... normal people deal with these sort of difficult things, too. There's so much out there that can hurt people... the things we deal with, they're weirder than most of the rest of it, but..."
"Yeah, I know, Jon, I just..." Martin hunches his shoulders. "Don't want to lose you again," he finally mumbles.
Jon hesitates a moment, and then he leans in to give Martin a soft kiss on the cheek.
Martin flushes bright red--Elspeth's right there!--and turns to stare at Jon. "W-what... what was... that for?!"
Jon, too, is blushing. "I just... ah... I just... wanted you to know that... that I'm... here. You haven't... lost me. Or anything."
"Oh," Martin says. "Well. Thank you."
There's a moment where they just look at each other, and then Jon blurts, "...Can I kiss you again? It's just, I haven't all morning, and I really sort of wanted to spend the morning cuddling, but you wanted to come down to the shops..."
"Here?!" Martin stares at him.
"We can go behind the shelves if you like," Jon says, blushing furiously.
For some reason, this makes Martin giggle, and then he leans down to brush his lips to Jon's. Softly, shyly, as if they haven't been kissing each other all week, because he really is terribly aware of the fact that there are other people around.
"Tell you what," Martin says as he pulls back, surprisingly breathless despite how short the contact of their lips was, "let's finish up the shopping and then we can cuddle all afternoon."
Jon smiles up at him. "Promise?" The smile widens. "You're not going to drag me around to introduce me to every villager individually?"
"I was not--!" Martin glares at him, but now Jon's smile has become one of those shit-eating grins he gets sometimes, and Martin can't stay mad at him at all.
"You knew," he accuses, but there's no heat in it.
"I had a hunch," Jon says, humming. "I didn't want to spoil your fun, though."
Martin rolls his eyes, and then reaches out to take Jon's hand again. "Well, then, we'd better get to it. Jasmine or calrose? Rice, I mean."
"Both, I think," Jon says. "I find myself very much desiring normality of late, and rice is a terribly normal sort of thing."
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getitinbusan · 4 years
The Music Room -
Min Yoongi 18+ Smut
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Part of the Lost Boys Series
Warnings: 18+ smut, MF sex, MF oral, A playful bite, Swearing.
Words: 3075
Summary: A stand alone series about a misfit friend group of seven boys. These stories are a day in the life snip it of who they are, where they came from and how they love.
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The melody drifting up the barren hall floated through the air like it was made for your ears alone.
The poetic rhythm of the keys made you pause, listening enviously at the talent of whomever was playing.
But who was playing? It was 8 am on a Friday, the room should be vacant. Pulling up the music rooms schedule on your phone, you weren't wrong. The first spot of the day was yours for the entire semester. 
You knocked lightly. The sound stopped and the bench made it's familiar dragging noise across the concrete floor. 
Pulling the heavy windowless wood open by it's cold handle you peeked inside. He scrambled, seemingly embarrassed, shoving his sheet music into his backpack. 
"You should be more careful with your notes, don't want to ruin any masterpieces." 
"No fear in that," he mumbled.  "They're just a bunch of scribbled ideas."
 Pulling the zipper shut he slung it over his shoulder.  "Sorry, I didn't know this was your time slot." 
"It's fine." you tried to smile at him but he kept his eyes down.
"Don't you have the schools app? I can check to see when you're supposed to be here." You tapped the widget,  "What's your name?"
"It's fine, I'm actually not on the schedule." 
"Oh, why not? You sounded great. If you missed the cutoff you can still be added to a wait list. People drop out all the time." 
He looked up and grinned. By God if he wasn't the most beautiful boy you'd ever seen.
"I don't belong here." 
"Don't say that. I was listening and you're really talented, you deserve to be here just as much as any of us." 
"I don't though." His eyes met yours and you were done for. "I don't go here, I'm not a student." 
"Ahh, I guess that's a problem." 
"I already said I'm sorry," he got defensive. "I'll just get out of your way."
He started towards the door.
You tugged his backpack. "So is breaking into schools and playing piano a weird hobby of yours?"
You tried to lighten the mood, "you've got a little Phantom of the Opera University edition kink?" 
He laughed. "I'm not technically breaking in, I do have a key fob." He held up the school ID. "It's my roommates. And if you want to know about my kinks you're gonna have to get to know me a little better." 
You stepped closer and took it from his hand.
"Park Jimin, Performing Arts." Handing it back you eyed him up and down. "So what's your story….."
"My name's Yoongi."
Pulling a chair out from the corner you sat and rummaged through your backpack until you pulled out your breakfast. 
"Listen Yoongi, I was just going to sit here. I need logged practice time for course credit." 
You peeled your clementine, "So if you want to stay and play, be my guest."
He looked at you unsure, "Why would you do that for me?" 
You smiled and shrugged. "I like your face." 
Turning red he plopped his knapsack back onto the floor and reclaimed the bench. 
You waited until his fingers were just about to land on the keys. "I do have one condition though." 
He froze, "Yeah, what's that?" 
"You have to take me for coffee later and tell me your story. Agree?" 
"I Agree. But you didn't have to give up your time for that, I was going to ask you out anyway." 
You probably wouldn't have given up your time but you were intrigued. Park Jimin was an amazing dancer. The curious boy who was here on scholarship was often the subject of conversation in the dining hall. Not only was he good looking but he was a mystery. He hung out with the strangest group of friends, seven misfit boys who were proud to not fit in. In this small University town they stood out as odd, everyone referred to them as The Lost Boys. Yoongi, now being revealed to you as one of them, seemed harmless enough and the opportunity to get to know a piece of them was too good to pass. 
Walking and talking up the worn concrete path you made your way through the bustle of pajama clad students trying to get to class. 
"Don't you have to be somewhere?" 
"Yeah, but I don't care. I'd rather get to know you." 
"You should go, I'm not so important that you should lose a day of school over me." 
"It's all bullshit anyway Yoongi, it's not going to get me anywhere." 
He stopped abruptly, now just outside the small coffee shop. "You sound like a spoiled brat." 
You were shocked, who the hell was he to speak to you like that? 
"I'd kill to be in your position and you don't even give a shit about just squandering it away." 
He pulled the door open and looked at you crossly. "Still want that coffee?" 
You stepped in front of him and shot him a dirty look. "I do. You owe me AND because I'm a brat I'm going to order the fanciest thing on the menu. TO GO!" 
He silently walked behind you, following to the counter while you placed your ostentatious order. You stood studying him while he asked for an iced Americano. His blond shaggy hair skimmed his chocolate eyes and his sexy lips seemed to  always sit in permanent pout. They looked like they'd be nice to kiss. 
"You want to stop staring at me and take your expensive drink. You're holding up the line." 
You blushed, knocked from your daydream admiration by his deep voice.
You huffed while pulling the chair out, making a show of your annoyance, situating yourself at the corner table.
"I thought you were getting it to go?" he barbed. 
"Why would I do that when I can be a pain in your ass a little bit longer? You promised to tell me your story, let's hear it?" 
His inhale was deep. Anxiety? Apprehension? A mix of both? His eyes stared at his coffee while his fingers fiddled with the straw. "I want to be a musician." 
"Well I figured that much." 
"Listen, if you really want to know can you just shut up? This isn't an easy thing for me to talk about, I don't just tell everyone." 
"If you don't want to tell me don't" 
He cut you off. "But I do want to, for some stupid reason."
"What reason?" 
He exhaled with a smirk. "I like your face." 
You smiled, "Then please continue." 
"I want to be a musician. I write music and lyrics and it's all I've ever wanted my entire life."
He took a sip of coffee. "My parents didn't approve of my choices so I decided to move out on my own and live my life how I wanted." 
You nodded in understanding. 
"I didn't take into consideration how hard exactly that would be, but I'm a proud man, and there's no going back." 
"So what do you do? You're not a student, do you work?"
"Yeah, I deliver food and groceries part time. It doesn't pay much but the basics are covered." 
You looked down at your shitty expensive coffee in guilt, maybe you were just a spoiled brat.
"So whenever I'm not working I try to get as much practice and writing in as I can. I use Jimin's fob to get into the music room and that's where I am most nights...all night." he shrugged in omission. 
"So no time for a girlfriend?" you felt silly the moment it left your lips. 
"I didn't think so." He looked up for the first time since the conversation started. "But," he smiled, "I think given the right person priorities could definitely be changed." 
Talking into the afternoon time flew away. Several less expensive coffees later he looked at his phone and frowned. "I've got to go to work." 
He stood up and gathered his things. "But I'd love it if we could see each other again." 
You stood to go too. "Next Friday 8am? I can let you in with my fob?" 
"That sounds really nice." His hand reached out and his fingers brushed across yours as he took the tray from you. "But I was hoping I wouldn't have to wait that long. We're having a party tonight at our place...will you come?" 
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You sat on the edge of the sofa watching the group around you getting drunk and philosophical. Definitely nothing like a frat party, these guys were a different breed.
His roommates were all handsome in their own way and something about them just set you at ease. No pretensions, no apologies, they were just who they were having fun.
Finally seeing him walk through the door your heart raced when his eye caught yours.
"I'm sorry I'm late, they kept getting orders." 
"It's okay. Your roommate..." you pointed to Seokjin. "The one with the really broad shoulders, he kept me entertained with some pretty good jokes." 
He scrunched his nose, "really, really sorry." 
You pulled a bottle vodka out of your purse and raised your brows. "Are you ready for some fun." 
He grabbed your hand and pulled you up from the couch until you were close enough to hear without having to shout.
"I'd like to grab a shower. Do you want to wait in my room for me? I mean...if you're uncomfortable down here by yourself." 
It was a no brainer, the sexual tension and chemistry you'd had all day was like a current of electricity running between you.
"Lead the way." 
You looked around his room while he was showering. Sure the mattress was on the floor but the bed was made and his clothes were hung neatly in the closet. His dresser was stacked with notebooks that were overflowing with lyrics. Pieces of paper with doodles and random words loosely spilling from between the pages. 
Pictures, they must be family, small resemblances in their smiles and it looked like he had a brother. 
He had a shelf full of colognes. Picking up the Paco Rabanne he walked in as you were pulling the cap off to sniff it. 
"Sorry, I wasn't trying to be nosey, I just wanted to know what you smelled like." Idiot, of all the creepy things to say. 
He smiled, "It's alright, I'm not hiding anything." 
"No," your cheeks flushed when it finally registered that he was half naked in front of you. "I guess you really aren't." 
"Shit, sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just forgot to grab my clean clothes before I went in." He opened a drawer to pull out a shirt. 
"It doesn't," you blurted embarrassed. 
He pulled his hand away from the clothing and raised his brows quizzically, "So you don't want me to get dressed?" 
You walked towards him, he was gorgeous. Water droplets still clung to his muscular chest like he couldn't afford the time away from you to fully dry himself. 
"I think," you stammered, "That I'd actually prefer if you didn't."
You placed your hand on his bicep and waited for his response. 
It didn't come from words, it came from two soft warm lips attaching themselves to yours. 
"You're a good good kisser Min Yoongi. Is your mouth that good at everything?" 
"You mean like singing?" He teased your lips with his while he popped the button on your jeans. 
"No," you giggled. 
"Then you must mean biting?" His teeth lightly bit the flesh of your thigh as he kneeled to lower your pants and underwear. 
"Nope, that's not what I meant either." 
"Oh, I know, you must mean eating?" His warm tongue found your clit and gave it a little flick. "I think I'm pretty good at it." 
You ran your fingers through his hair while he looked up at you hungry. 
"Prove it," you moaned." 
Stepping out of your pants you leaned back against his dresser. Ass resting on the edge he opened your thighs, a low mumble of, "fuck" drifting out of his mouth before he dove in. 
His large hands held you open while his silky tongue explored every crevice of your sex sending your senses into a frenzy. Coming up for air every so often he'd moan at the loss of your taste before inhaling and going back in for more. He wasn't methodical, his mouth was unpredictable. One minute his tongue would be deep inside you and the next he'd have his lips around your clit sucking softly. 
"Come over here with me."
He led you to the bed, taking off your shirt before guiding you down. Your eyes ran over his body stopping at the bulge under the tightly wrapped terry cloth towel. The wetness in between your legs grew just thinking about getting to see it. 
He laid down beside you, holding your face and kissing you while you reached to undo his shroud.  
Smiling, he pulled your hand away, "I'm not done with you yet. Tell me what you want me to do to you." 
You had to rub your legs together for friction, he was driving you wild. "This morning, when I watched you playing?" 
He smiled like he knew.
"All I could think of was how sexy your..." He stopped your words by hooking two fingers  into your mouth and rubbing them against your tongue. 
"You were thinking about how good these would feel inside you?" He kissed your neck, "You really know what you want huh?" 
"Some people even say I'm spoiled."
"Do you always get your way?"
He plunged them inside of you changing your words of, "I hope so," into a long drawn out moan.  
Kissing his way down your neck and over your collar bones his mouth lingered on your breasts. Skimming his lips across your nipples he watched as they hardened into excited little buds. A small smile graced his face, he was clearly proud of how he was making your body react. 
His long piano fingers played skillfully inside of you while he latched onto your nipple and suckled. Your heart beat loudly like it was part of the parties soundtrack, the music  reverberating through the floor as he fingered you. The whole unfolding scene felt like a dream. Dizzy and intoxicated from lust and heavy breathing you didn't want to wake up to a reality other than this one.
A thud outside the door snapped you back, your thighs clamping shut on his hand as you pulled the covers up to hide yourself. 
"It's locked, nobody can get in, don't worry." He pulled the sheet back off of you to continue his work. 
"Are you sure they can't get in?"
A loud moan rang through the hall and the thuds against the wall gave away the truth. 
"I'm sure they have their own agenda." 
You flopped back trying to regain the moment while his fingers  stroked your walls. 
It was distracting at first, people fucking right outside his door. But a few minutes of listening to their pleasure, of hearing their moans and the pleas of harder, you were more turned on than ever. 
He watched you unravelling at the  pornographic sounds. "You wanna cum when they do?" 
"Please..please," you begged in time with the drag of his fingers. 
The sounds escalating on both sides of the wall seemed to add fuel to the fires of both immanent orgasms. Just as the stranger in the hall screamed her end, Yoongi pumped and sucked harder until you finished longer and louder than your unknown counterpart. He laughed as he pulled his fingers out of you, the strings of excitement cleaned off with a lurid suck of his own digits. 
Your head was still reeling when he pulled his towel off. His thick beautiful cock looked so hard and ripe as he reached in his drawer for a condom. 
"Can I put it on you?" You took it from his hand and ripped the package open. Holding it between your fingertips you got closer and ran your tongue around the head of his cock. The taste of pre cum on his freshly washed dick made you ready for more.
Giving him a few deep sucks and pumps you needed him now. He watched while you rolled the thin latex tightly over his twitching thickness and straddled him, wasting no time to begin bouncing on his cock. 
Your kisses were messy, hands entwined in his hair, your breasts grazing against his skin with every thrust while you rode him. "Fuck, you feel so good." 
His hands gripped your ass squeezing as he moaned underneath you. Orgasm building like a hurricane, the eye of the perfect storm became more imminent with every slide of your pleasure point against his soaked pubic trail.
"Make me cum Yoongi." 
He flipped you swiftly onto your back and his hips picked up the pace to the finish line. Thrusting in between your open thighs his cock drove you to convulsively cum, your cunt squeezing his own warm liquid into the condom between you. 
He lay with his arms around you in silence. Your head on his chest listening to his heart slowly make it's way back to a normal pace.
"I can't promise you anything more than who I am. I don't have anything to offer you but dreams that may or may not come true."
He stroked your hair as he spoke his truth. "I'm working hard, but I can't guarantee that I'll ever amount to anything more than a delivery boy." 
You sat up on your elbow and stared at the man you'd just fallen in love with. "I want to share all of my time with you Yoongi. In fact, I insist you take it. I've heard you play and I believe in you."
You waited until your lips were just about to land on his. "I do have one condition though." 
He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, "Yeah, what's that?" 
"You've got to promise you'll write me a song. Agree?" 
His fingers splayed caressing your back, he couldn't help the huge smile that took over his face when he kissed you. 
"I agree. But you didn't have to give up your time for that, I was going to do it anyway."
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
F Like a Pornstar
Pairing: Angel Reyes x black!reader
Summary: Angel finds out a little secret about you.
Warnings: Smut
A/N: My rewatch of Mayans helped me come up with this idea.
Lightly edited, so sorry for any mistakes
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Too caught up running after your sister, you didn’t pay attention to the motorcycles in front of the house. Kyle stormed into the house, yelled her husband’s name, and ran up the stairs.
“Y/N.” You heard a familiar voice call you, halting your journey. Turning around you saw your boyfriend crooking his finger telling you to come here.
“Baby!” Your whole demeanor changed when you saw Angel. As you made a beeline to him you greeted the other Mayans. Looked like the whole crew was here.
Right when you were in arm’s reach, Angel hugged you and kissed your shoulder, that earned him a bunch of joking ‘awwws’ from his brothers.
Angel flipped them all off. He didn’t care what they think as long as he has you. “What are you doing here?” He asked, confused at how you ended up at a whore house.
You explained to him how you and Kyle were out for drinks when she decided she wanted to see where her no-good husband was. The Find My app led you to Vicki’s and now you were pretty sure that Kyle’s husband was about be murdered.
“Damn, Vic, you gonna let her kill her husband?” Coco asked, turning his attention away from the girl in his lap.
Vicki assured everyone that Kyle wasn’t gonna kill him. Apparently, this happens all the time and its good entertainment for Vicki and the girls. Plus, she just charged your douchebag brother-in-law extra.
Someone else called your name, but this time it was a woman. In her black kimono and matching black lingerie came Mimi running towards you. “Y/N!!! OMG, girl you look good.” She juggled your boobs.
Angel took in your outfit in its totality and he agreed with Mimi. You looked good, a little too good for his taste. You wore a burnt orange top that crossed in the front, which showed off a generous amount of cleavage, light washed ripped blue jeans hugging your ass, brown heels showing off those pretty white toes Angel wanted to suck, and Fenty Gloss Bomb and Body Lava to top it off. He can’t believe you went out like that without him.
“She’s right, mi dulce. You look fucking sexy, wait til we get home.” Angel smacked your ass and nibbled on your ear.
An unimpressed grunt was heard across the room. “I doubt she can pleasure him.” A short blonde told another girl.
This wasn’t unusual. Angel being a Mayan and extremely attractive made other girls jealous of you and disrespectful. Early on you used to jack them up, but eventually you learned to ignore them especially since Angel proved he only had eyes for you.
“Don’t do my friend like that! Remember Vegas, Y/N?” Mimi came to your defense.
As you remembered that weekend, a smile crept on your face. That was one wild ass weekend.
“What happened in Vegas,” EZ asked, noticing your smile.
“Old same old same old,” Mimi answered. “Partying, drinking, gambling. But then we got invited to this sex club and Ms. Thang over there had sex with a pornstar.”
All the men in the room were interested now. It was no secret that you were wild child, but they didn’t expect that.
“Who was she?” Eagerness laced Angel’s voice.
You were about to lie. Angel didn’t need to know all the sordid details, but Mimi had to open her big mouth. “She?! No, she got to fuck the Manuel Ferrera.”
Desperately, you tried to get Mimi to shut up, but she wouldn’t. “Remember he said you were the best he ever had? Didn’t he get your number?” You confirmed her guess with a slight nod. “My girl got the shit that yanks!” Mimi bragged as if she was talking about herself.
At this point you could’ve burst into flames by how hot your face was. You could feel Angel staring holes in your head and the bemused faces on the other Mayans didn’t help.
“He was aight. Nothing to write home about.” You tried to calm the storm brewing in Angel, but once again Hurricane Mimi blew in.
“Just okay?! Girl, you couldn’t shut up about the dick the whole way home! Best dick of your life! Didn’t you cal-” Mimi was about to go on, but she finally caught the look on your face. “Um, I think I heard a customer,” Mimi pointed to the stairs. “Imma catch you later.”
“Best dick of your life, huh?” Coco took a drag of his cigarette and smirked. He loved giving you shit.
Angel looked at you expectantly, but you kept your mouth shut. This was a discussion better for home.
“Okay, then.” Angel spoke to himself then threw you over his shoulder. “Let’s see if he’s still the best.”
An inhuman screech came out your mouth as you called Angel’s name. “You can’t do this here! Vicki has money to make, she can’t be wasting it on us!”
Gilly pulled out his wallet and gave Vicki a couple of hundreds, for which Angel thanked him and promised to pay him back.
“Fuck you, Gilly!” You double flipped off said man as Angel went up the stairs.
Gilly toasted his beer to you. “Looks like Angel already about to beat me to the punch!”
An eruption of laughter broke out as Angel continued up the stairs. On the first try, he found an empty bedroom and threw you on the bed.
“Aw c’mon Angel, you can’t be that upset about a guy I messed around with before you. Anyway, I’m the one who should be upset. You’re the one at a brothel!”
“We’re checking on Creep.” Angel began undressing himself. He knew your brain always short-circuits when he takes off his clothes.
“Well, he uh he looks fine to me. Let’s finish this at home.” Angel pulled you off the bed and stood behind you. You could feel his hardened length against your back.
His fingers expertly unbuttoned your jeans and he went straight for your clit, rubbing small circles. “Angel,” you cried out in ecstasy.
Licking your hand, you reached behind you and started stroking Angel. “Fuck, querida.” Angel groaned, leaning his head back. “See, you don’t wanna stop, sweetheart. I think you wanna show that little puta down there that you can more than enough please your man.”
“5 minutes.”
“I knew your ego couldn’t handle being challenged.” Angel undressed you and pushed you back to the bed. “Would you have even agreed if she didn’t run her mouth?”
“I’ll never tell.” You pretended to zip up your mouth and throw away the key, but Angel knew exactly how to get you to open your mouth. Without warning he slid into you and the both of you moaned.
Angel leaned in closer to you. “Shit, Y/N, it may be less than five minutes by the way you’re gripping me.” His pace started off slow, but he couldn’t help to pick it up. When y’all got home, Angel planned to take his time, explore your body, tease you, and slowly make love to you, but right now wasn’t the time. He had a point to prove. You had a point to prove.
“Whose pretty pussy is this?” Angel slipped his hand between the two of you and rubbed on your clit.
“Yours,” you whimpered against Angel’s lips.
“Mmm, that wasn’t loud enough. Try again.” Angel pushed your legs back until your ankles were by your ears.
His dick went deeper than before, so deep that you could feel him in your stomach. “It’s yours,” you screamed at the top of your lungs, your nails marking up his back.
“Damn right, mi dulce! I better not hear about that man ever again; do you understand me?”
You brought your lips up to Angel. “Yes, now make me cum!” You ordered against his ears.
Angel smiled against your cheek and gave you a sweet kiss. “Yes ma’am.” But that kiss was completely different by the way he was pounding into you. Angel’s thrusts were becoming erratic, letting you know he would be coming right along with you.
Soon, the both of you were yelling out each other’s name in euphoria with a string of curse words followed by some heavy panting and a little laughter at the current situation you were in.
Finally dressed, you checked yourself in the mirror to make sure that nothing was out of place. “Angel, I swear if you sweated out my blowout, you’re paying for the next one.” You tried your best to slick down some of your fly-aways.
Angel buckled up his belt as he came to stand behind you. “I told you not to get it, but no you just had to. I should let your little spoiled ass look crazy.”
Facing him with a mega-watt smile you slid your arms around his waist. “So, that means you’ll get it?”
Rolling his eyes, Angel to agree to paying for the next blowout. “Spoiled ass,” he mumbled when y’all exited the room.
Another door opened as soon as y’alls did, revealing an old white guy with thinning hair and beer belly. “How much for her?” He asked, his eyes unashamedly raking over your body. In no time, Angel pulled out his gun and told the disgusting man that you weren’t for sell, making the dude scurry back into his room.
As the two you were laughing down the stairs, you heard Kyle tell Lance she wanted a divorce. “What? What do you mean you want a divorce? Just because you heard your sister get fucked like the biker whore she is, you want to leave me? Me? Pathetic.” Venom was dripping from Lance’s tongue and you were about to knock him out like you did the first time you found out he cheated on Kyle, but Angel stopped you.
All of the Mayans perked up and immediately were on the defense. “Watch your mouth before we have to do something about it.” Bishop ordered the prick. Lance may be oblivious and unappreciative, but he wasn’t a total idiot. In a hurry, he left Vicki’s before he got his ass beat.
It was quiet for a little bit after Lance left in a rush until you spoke up. “So, all I had to do was let you listen to me have sex and that’s what would’ve got you to leave his lame ass?! Bitch I would’ve done that a long time ago!”
Kyle waved off your silliness even if it was true. Albeit repulsive to hear her baby sister to get her back broke, it awakened something in her. Never in her entire ten years with Lance had she known pleasure like that. And then to see Angel doting on you just after it sounded like y’all have the nastiest sex made her want more.
“First order of business: get you some new dick! Gilly? EZ? Coco?” You were arranging the men like a buffet table. EZ was mortified, Gilly had the sense to pretend to, and Coco looked like he was up for game.
“Y/N,” she sighed at your fast attempt to get her a rebound. “Not now. Anyway, can I drive your car back home? I planned on riding back with Lance, but that’s obviously not happening.”
Angel dug in your back pocket and threw the keys to Kyle. “Here you go. I’ll get her home safely.” You gave Kyle a hug goodbye and you promised to bust Lance’s kneecaps if he tried to do any fuck shit.
For a couple of more minutes you and Angel stay behind to check on Creep and say your goodbyes. When you hugged Mimi, the snooty blonde was near her and she still seemed pissed off that you managed to bag Angel. “Next time,” you fluffed her hair ad if you were friends. “Try another bitch because I’m not the one, two, or three.” You patted her shoulders and gave her ‘I’ll kill you bitch’ smile.
Angel started to guide you towards the door before you can do any damage to the girl. Once you got to the front door threshold you stopped and turned to the girl. “Oh, if what you heard earlier wasn’t proof that my shit yanks, maybe I’ll invite you to watch and you may get some pointers.” You stuck out your tongue and twerked on Angel to the music in your head.
Mimi pointed a perfectly manicured finger at you and screamed, “HELL MOTHERFUCKIN’ YEAH! MY GIRL SHIT YANKS!” Everyone either shook their head at your antics or broke out in laughter, except stanky ass attitude girl.
Now Angel needed to get you home asap. He smacked your ass to push you out the door. “Yo, you into that exhibitionism shit?” By the way he asked and the look on his face, you knew he was hoping for a yes.
“Only if you also allow another man to watch.”
“Fuck no!” Angel strapped in your helmet a little too tight due to his little outburst of jealous.  You cackled as you hopped on the back of bike. Bet, he won’t ask another stupid question like that again.
Tagging: @marvelmaree​ @titty-teetee​ @thickemadame​ @cocooned-butterfly​ @ladydragonpurplefire​ @mrsamaroevans​ @sparklemichele​ @briannab1234​
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salandition · 4 years
maybe something about getting your mail at the same time?? like you're apartment/house neighbors with Leon and/or Raihan & at first it's just coincidence, but then they start waiting for you to get your mail so they can come talk to you?? & then eventually you both always wait until the same time to get the mail each day to talk to each other?? idk just something cutesy and slice of life-y, i love your writing!!
A/N: Decided to make this a mini-ficlet for both. The idea is a bit hard to diversify so hopefully I’ve done a good job making the scenario unique for both of them! I put it under the cut for 5 seconds before I had to edit it on my phone, and doing that erases the link cut (hooray for our shitty app! Hate it), so now there’s no longer a cut! Hope you all don’t mind the long post for now, I’ll try to edit it in the morning !!
Leon ☆
He rolls on the balls of his feet as he waits, hands in his pockets and digging deep into the cloth.
It’s a bit embarrassing to wait for you- even more embarrassing to admit it, even if it’s just in his head. It’s shameful to admit the times he’s fastly raised his head, raised his shoulders in anticipation only to drop them when he sees the person who entered the building wasn’t who he was waiting for- and to pull his hat down further on his head as the apartment tenant just trying to get their mail notices him lurking around the corner and gives him a strange look. Add that one to the pile of looks he’s gotten today from waiting around for you.
But surely- surely you will be coming soon. So all this awkward flustering and waiting around will end and be worth it for- what- a brief conversation? Something that might barely last five minutes if Leon insists on it?
He starts to chew on his lip and doubt this silly thing that he’s doing. It’s kind of creepy- definitely weird. If you come to get mail today on Tuesday, just like you do every week- just like Leon does- then surely you’ll just want to pick up your mail and leave. Maybe you don’t even have any this week! That’s also possible. So maybe waiting around is possibly very stupid and he should just head up to his apartment now-
Then the door opens again, and Leon looks up one last time. And of course it’s you- of course it is. His heart jumps.
...He’s not sure what to do now. Hm.
Right as he’s starting to doubt this idea once again, your eyes meet his. And you smile at him- happy to see him- making Leon bless Arceus as he smiles back. Maybe a little too eagerly, but oh well.
“Mail?” He asks lamely, and nearly curses himself out for such a dumb introduction, but you laugh anyway as you nod at him and head to your mailbox.
“How’d you know?” You tease lightly, opening your drawer and taking out the contents inside, tucking it under your arm. “It’s interesting how we check mail the same day. Why Tuesday for you?”
Leon hums, acting casual as he leans against the wall in a very cool way. “It’s the same day I do my laundry. You?”
You raise your eyebrows at his reply. “That’s a non-answer. First you’ll have to give me your reasoning for doing your laundry on Tuesday.”
“Ah, well that’s because it’s the same day I check my mail, of course.”
Your expression lights up as you bark out a laugh. “Alright, keep your secrets!” You snicker. “But I’m not telling you my reason, then.”
“Mm, you shouldn’t. It keeps you mysterious, and therefore alluring.”
“So I’m alluring to you?” Oops, perhaps he shouldn’t have said that. You look a bit smug now as Leon opens his mouth, fighting to find a different adjective, but none are coming to mind fast enough. You hum, “good to know that the great ex-Champion finds me alluring.”
He pouts. “Well now, you didn’t have to add the ex part.”
“I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. I’m a stickler for truths, as harsh as they may be,”
Leon straightens up his posture as he leans off the wall, taking in the new information about you and putting it in a little folder in his mind for later thought. “Good to know,” he says, and taps his own mail against his thigh. “I should be off now, but I appreciate the new information about my neighbor,” As he heads for the doors, you follow him out, and Leon tries not to skip at that.
“As do I. It’s always good to know I’ve got someone around that’s willing to give me a cup of sugar,” you smile, “or go for a late night skinny dip in the pool for pure adrenaline rush reasons, who knows,”
He spits, and you laugh at him.
“You shouldn’t tease like that!” Leon coughs, but he can’t help the laugh that escapes him either as he tries to rub the smile off his face, along with the blush that’s festering on his cheeks. “But you have my number. House number, that is. For sugar reasons only.”
“Well, that doesn’t exclude the skinny dipping then, because depending on your description of such events, it can be pretty sweet.”
“Stop!” Leon laughs and risks shoving you in a playful way, and thankfully you just giggle along and let him push you.
“Okay, I’m done, I promise,” you snort and slow your walk as a split comes in the sidewalk. Ah, yes, the dreadful split. Where Leon goes right and you go left, to your respective buildings. When you look up at him and smile again, Leon almost sighs- it’ll be a long week before he sees it again. “Unfortunately I have plenty of sugar at home, so I’ll most likely see you next Tuesday if fate allows it.”
“Yes, fate,” Leon agrees, and the two of you go your separate ways. Surely it was fate that had you both checking mail at the same time, Leon thinks... And he groans as he flusters at the thought, lowering his cap on his head again and letting the material rub harshly on his forehead. Of course it was fate, and not at all was it because Leon can’t stop thinking about you and how he waits for you every Tuesday on purpose. Definitely not.
Raihan ☆
The day you had moved into the house next to him was a day Raihan will remember- and usually he doesn’t remember such mundane, unimportant things- but you had left an impression that day. And you hate it, too, so that makes him remember it even more, grinning as he brings up the incident whenever he can.
It was a simple mistake, of course. And it was quite cute, as well, which Raihan also tells you, and it just makes you hit him on the arm, which is also very cute. You had moved in, several Corviknights out in your yard that carried your boxes. They hopped around in boredom, rolling around with each other and such as you unpacked, but otherwise not causing a disturbance of any sort. It was while you were packing that you had decided to introduce yourself to your neighbors- because you were definitely in need of a break from hauling everything around after a few hours. That’s what brought you to Raihan’s porch, which you had no idea was Raihan’s porch, and knocking three times on his door.
And that’s when Raihan had opened the door, surprising you not only with his mere presence but also because he was clad only in a towel that hung low around his lean hips. It was an image that had you at a loss for words-
“Holy hell-“
Well, at a loss for eloquent words, that is.
Raihan had raised his eyebrows at your statement, but otherwise said nothing- obviously waiting to see why you were on his property. And you, unfortunately, couldn’t even breathe, much less tell him that you were his new neighbor as you ogled at his wet and naked body.
“I’m. Next door. If you ever want me-“ no, that’s not right! “-need me.” That wasn’t better? “None of those things. You don’t- no- alright. I’ll be next door. I live there now. ...Farewell.”
And after that fucking mess, you quickly left, and you were quite positive in your decision to never speak or look at Raihan ever again. Even on the telly. But he had ruined it when sometime the next week, after you had finally gotten the post office to register your new address and stop sending all your mail to your poor old gran- you hopped over to your mailbox.
Only for Raihan to be there too. And boy, was he just staring at you, grinning and everything. You immediately froze when you saw him, and that just made him grin wider as he leaned on his mailbox.
“Pray tell, neighbor,” he said, “what’s your name? I want- no, I need to know, so I hope you’ll tell me.”
Never had your face gotten red so fast. Except maybe that one time- that you saw him half naked. Yeah. 
Since that awful, awful introduction- you were able to thankfully move past it and become good aquatintes of a sort with your neighbor Raihan. And he moved past it with you, but only to a certain extent. Because of course he brought it up every other time he saw you to tease you- but it’s becoming less frequent after you told him that the joke will lose it’s affect the more he uses it. So now he’s spread out the teasing quite a bit.
But whenever you go to get your mail, you see how he basically bursts out of his own home and skips down his steps to meet you there. He says he simply needs to get his own mail- which he does, and he’s always got loads of it (unsurprising), but you know it’s also because he’s just waiting for you to humiliate yourself again.
And eventually, you do just that.
You’re just trying to peacefully gather your mail again, and of course Raihan is there, chatting away before once again mentioning how you were so embarrassed by his body- and you finally snap. “What?” You ask him, abruptly. “Would you not be?”
“Not be what?” He asks, raising his eyebrows, and you gesture wildly with your arms.
“Embarrassed! Like, be honest- if I came down suddenly one day in a towel and I was wet and dripping and all that- I mean, that would be- kind of embarrassing... for you, probably?” You lose confidence the longer you talk, unfortunately, because you’re suddenly aware of what you’re saying.
Raihan’s eyebrows have successfully disappeared beneath his beanie as he stares wide eyed at you, and then he asks- “is that an offer?”
Because of course he asks that.
“Stop stalking me when I get mail!” You yell at him instead, face successfully red and hot- and Raihan explodes into a fit of laughter as he doubles over on his mailbox. “I mean it! You’re going to ruin me- I could testify to the police that it’s harassment!” Of course you don’t actually mean this, but you’ve had quite enough. You’re not sure how much more of a beating your poor heart and soul can take from this man.
Raihan just keeps laughing.
“For Arceus sake,” you curse under your breath and turn on your heel, heading back to your house in quick steps. You make it to the door when he finally calls out your name, and you consider ignoring him- but he pleads, even if it’s laced between giggles.
“Wait- wait! I mean it, you left this behind- come on!”
His voice gets closer, and when you look over your shoulder, he’s on the stairs of your porch with mirth in his eyes as he holds up a package. You purse your lips. “Come on now, take it and I’ll leave you alone.”
Quickly you swipe it out of his hands.
“For now.”
Of course. Shouldn’t have expected it’ll be so easy. “Goodbye, Raihan,” you tell him tiredly and he barely waves as he watches you disappear into your house. You’re already dreading the next time you get mail- maybe you’ll train your Pokemon to do it for you...
Pssh. Yeah, right.
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thepointoftheneedle · 4 years
I’m really enjoying the fragments (and I freaked myself out with that word count thing so I’m taking some time off from writing....note to self -NEVER look at the stats page.). Anyway I keep trying to write this little soulmate thing but, without me intending it, it always becomes an academic paper on the philosophy of colour perception.  And I can’t imagine anybody but me is interested in that!
Below the cut anyway....(I guess this should have been for Friday but what the heck...)
His eyes fluttered open as he awakened but, feeling the warmth of the sleeping girl by his side, he closed them tightly.  He wanted them to have this experience together.  Nothing would ever be the same for them again.  It was a special moment for a couple and he wanted it to be perfect.  He had installed the app on his phone so he fumbled for it, knocking some loose papers from the nightstand and cursing gently.  She mumbled and stirred so he put his hand over her eyes.  “What the hell J?  What’re you doing?”  
“I’m opening up ‘Soul Truth.’  We can look together.”
“Oh J, no, don’t do that,” she moaned softly, beseechingly.
“Ssh, don’t worry.  It’ll be great.”  He kissed her gently, voice-activated the app and removed his hand from her eyes.  She was looking at him, not the screen so he gently turned her head and looked down as she did.  The screen was a uniform blue.  His stomach lurched.  It must be a glitch.  “Wait, wait a second,” he muttered, clicking the app closed and reopening it.  Solid blue.  He looked at her and saw the sadness in her beautiful dark eyes.  Sadness but not surprise.  
She reached out a hand and stroked his cheek softly, “Hey, I’m sorry J.  I didn’t want to disappoint you but I already knew.  I just didn’t feel it last night.”
“Jeez Rox, I’m so sorry.  I can do better, you just have to tell me what I did wrong.  I know I can be what you want. I thought you’d…I thought I felt you...”
“I did, Jughead, of course I did.  Listen.  It was great.  You were great.  So tender and kind.  It was beautiful and I really had a good time but it wasn’t…I don’t know.  It wasn’t whatever soul mates have.  You’ve heard Fangs talk about it.  It’s next level.  Transcendent.  What we had was great sex, but it was just great sex.  No angelic chorus.  You had to feel that?” She was normally tough and streetwise but now her voice was gentle, trying not to hurt him.  There was a painful lump in his throat.
“I thought it was transcendent, you were anyway. I think I’m falling in love with you Roxie.”  His voice was quavering.  He was ashamed of his weakness.  “It has to be a mistake. It’s the app.  It has to be.”  Abruptly he was up and heading down the hallway before she could say another word.  “Fangs, “ he yelled.  “You in there?” He stood waiting, shivering, in his boxers, while disgruntled groaning emanated from the room, until eventually the door opened a crack and Fangs peered out at him.
“Jones, the building better be on fire.  We didn’t get in til four.  What time is it?”
“Just after eight.  Look, is this broken?”
Fangs looked at the proffered screen blearily then a small smile appeared on his face.  “Aww cute bunny.”  Jughead snatched the screen back and swiped up.  An image appeared in his visible spectrum of a cartoon bunny rabbit holding out a carrot.  The legend underneath read “I wuv you.” 
“Uggh, why don’t they have something with a bit of gravitas?  Shit.  Fuck it!”  Jug turned around just as Fangs understood the situation.  
“Oh my god Jughead!  Did you and Rosaline finally do the do? Oh shit…you can’t see that can you? Oh Christ man, I’m so sorry.” 
Jug swallowed down his disappointment, just like he had been swallowing down his anger and sorrow and guilt and sadness for most of his life and shrugged at Fangs.  “No biggie.  Apparently I’m destined to die alone.  Whatever.”  He stalked off back to his own room only to find Roxie already getting dressed. “Roz, shit, can’t we talk about this?  Don’t go. Maybe it’ll happen later, perhaps it’s not always instant?”
Her voice was low and mournful when she spoke. “J I really care about you, you’re my good friend, but we’re both searching for something that we’re never going to be able to give each other. Let’s just take some time apart.  Maybe in a few months we’ll be able to go back to being pals again.  I’m really sorry that you’re disappointed.”  With that she was gone in a whisk of magenta hair and Cabotine perfume.
He sat on his bed and stared into space.  He’d been so sure.  She was a dear friend, she understood him, laughing at the same things, enjoying the same movies.  There was never any stress or conflict with her.  It was easy. She indulged his bad moods and cajoled him out of sulks with food and silly jokes.  He knew enough to leave her well alone when she was getting into one of her rages.  Then gradually, as they worked together on the documentary project, he found himself wanting to touch her hair, wanting to hold her tiny body against his in a protective embrace, wanting to make her feel good with his touches.  She’d seemed uncertain but he’d persevered, wooed her really.  Then finally, excited and giddy after the showcase where their documentary project had taken first place she’d kissed him and whispered, “Do you want to go back to your place?”  He’d been so happy as they’d crunched back to his apartment through the first snow of the winter.  He’d wondered if it might happen when they finished the film.  While sex tended to be the main way that a soul bond was revealed, a lot of soul mates actually bonded on completion of some other kind of shared project.  It hadn’t happened then but he’d been so sure that, if they made love, it would click and the missing shade would be revealed to them.  And then it hadn’t happened.
The app was pretty new.  Before the advent of the smart phone, folks would have a painting or a poster in their homes.  To those who were not matched it would look like an ordinary scene but once a soul bond was formed, the missing colour in the spectrum was revealed, and the soul mates could read the message in the image.  It was a little like a magic eye poster.  You looked at it for a moment or two and then the missing colour reconciled itself into words or an image.  Originally they had some gnomic inspirational quotation.   The one in the trailer he grew up in had, his mom said, had the Rolling Stone’s lyric, “You can't always get what you want but if you try sometime you find you get what you need.” Ironically FP and Gladys had been neither what the other wanted nor what they needed.  Later it would turn out that FP had lied when he stood in front of that poster and told the innocent, love-struck young girl, wrapped in the sheet from his bed, that he saw it  for the first time too. Actually he’d already bonded with someone else, someone who had no intention of getting tied up with a guy in a gang from the wrong side of the tracks.  He must have thought it was his lucky day, a second chance for happiness, when the beautiful girl he’d been romancing excitedly admitted that she could see the colour for the first time.  He’d nodded enthusiastically, said, “Yeah, me too,” and whisked her away to a world of damp trailers, drunken arguments and angry guys repossessing their truck, or the tv, or the kids’ toys.  She’d stayed because she believed he was her soul mate.  She thought she had no other options until, in a drunken rage, he’d revealed that it had always been a lie. She snatched up her daughter and left him.  And left the boy too, unwilling to take a kid who looked so much like the man she had been fool enough to trust and who had ruined her life with his lies.
The fact that scumbags with no moral scruples lied about this shit had led to the development of checking apps like Soul Truth, “the truth, the soul truth and nothing but the truth” according to the tag line.  You both looked at the screen and noted down what you saw, then swiped up and the image was revealed in ordinary unbonded colours.  It made it harder for predators and perverts to take advantage of young innocents while their good sense was overwhelmed by romantic dreams.  It also revealed that about ten percent of bonds were unreciprocated like Jughead’s parents, one of the couple bonded and the other didn’t.  Those couples had to decide if they would make that work, aware that one was more invested than the other, or if it was better to simply part, the bonded still feeling that desperate pull to their mate even decades later. Jug guessed he should be relieved that he hadn’t seen the colour that morning since, clearly, Roz was just not that into him.
He’d been sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the rug like that for thirty minutes when Fangs tapped softly on the door.  “Not now,” he snapped but Fangs ignored him and pushed open the door.
“Ok Jug.  I know you’re upset but it just means you haven’t found her yet.  She’s still out there and if you go into one of your epic sulks you’ve got less chance of meeting her.  What classes have you got today?”
“Nothing I can’t cancel.  Everyone’s cramming for Finals.  I was supposed to meet the princess to go over the final layout for the literary magazine.  She can do it on her own.  She’ll like that better anyway.” 
Now Kevin joined his boyfriend in the room, both of them making him feel self indulgent and guilty with their solicitousness.  “You shouldn’t shut yourself away and mope, Jughead.  Go and edit like a champ and then come by the theatre for us and we’ll go for burgers. We’re striking the set but we can take a break.  Our treat.  What do you say?”
Jughead pondered for a moment.  Nothing was going to change if he sat here, the princess would  be unbearable if he blew her off, and burgers on someone else’s tab were his favourite kind of burgers, so he grudgingly allowed himself to be persuaded.  
An hour later he was in the midst of a heated argument with the princess about his perfectly legitimate decision to kill a terrible poem about the fall which she, inexplicably, had marked for an already overcrowded page four.  “You can’t just take things out without consultation Forsythe.  We’re an editorial committee, we make decisions together.  It’s supposed to be a collaboration.”
“What, you want to keep this pile of third grade horseshit do you? And you’re just calling me that to make me mad. Don’t think I don’t know.”
“I didn’t say that.  It’s terrible.  It obviously has to go.  But you can’t just do it unilaterally. And you can’t call me Princess and not expect me to retaliate.  You know my name.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake Princess... sorry, my humblest apologies, for fuck’s sake Betty.  What the hell are we arguing about if we both think it’s bad and needs to go? And why is it even in here in the first place?”
“It’s in there because we were waiting on your egregiously late piece of sub Lovecraftian geek porn.  I was filling space.  Since you finally got your ass in gear we don’t need it anymore. So spike it.”  She had this way of making him feel like he lost, even when he won an argument.  It was infuriating.
They worked on pagination for another couple of hours with surprisingly little conflict, and then he wrote kickers for a few of the longer submissions, hoping to tempt the reader to give a story a chance.  She made sure the submissions were correctly attributed and that the running heads and page numbers and folios were in place.  Finally it seemed that they were done.  He clicked back to the front page, checked the position of the artwork and the masthead and looked over at her with a questioning expression to see if she was satisfied. She nodded her approval and, at last, under the words “Joint Editors”, he typed "Betty Cooper & Jughead Jones.”    As he clicked ‘save’ something shifted in his field of vision.  He was alarmed, pushing back from the desk and looking around, meeting her startled eyes.  Her green eyes, which weren’t green anymore.  He couldn’t describe what colour they were, there were no words.
“What just happened?” she whispered, obviously badly frightened.  
“Does…does anything look different to you?” he replied, hesitantly, reaching for his phone.
“Yes, everything.  What’s going on?”
“I’m not sure. Look at this.” He pulled up the app.  On the screen he could see, without difficulty, a cartoon cat, Pusheen maybe, its paws deep in some dough.  The caption read “I knead you.” As he read the words in his head, she said them aloud. “Fuuuuck,” he murmured.  “I think we’re soulmates, Princess.”
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readyplayerhobi · 5 years
Flower | 12
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; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff
; Word Count: 3.4k
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: This one is from our lovely Hobi’s POV! He decided he wanted to take charge for a moment so...I hope you enjoy! :D please comment and send asks so we can taaalk :D
; Flower Masterpost
“FOR GODS SAKE GERALT CAN YOU JUST BLO- fuck, shit, cock sucker...ah fuck it all!” You hissed in anger, clenching the Playstation 4 controller in your hands tighter and shaking it wildly as your character, Geralt, died. It turned out that Hoseok had Witcher 3 and after binge-watching all of the Netflix Witcher show, you’d begged him to bring it over so you could play it.
Today he’d finally brought it, the small case catching his eye as he was grabbing his backpack and he’d quickly stuffed it inside. He’d promised to bring it two times already and two times he’d forgotten. Not today though, today he’d been good and remembered it.
That had been four hours ago, and you’d been gripped by the game since. In fact, you’d barely even stopped to take a drink, eyes focused intently on the screen as you fought, magicked and cursed your way free of fights in the virtual world. Needless to say, you were very enthralled by the game which in turn meant you had gotten progressively louder as you’d died from stupid things.
Not that you were dying because of anything you’d been doing of course. No, it was just your character was doing silly things like not blocking or swinging when you told him to. That was it. Hoseok had been assured by you many times at the start when he’d got a little concerned about how into the game you were getting.
That had been at the start though, and you were now so into the game, so unaware of your surroundings, that it was almost like Hoseok wasn’t actually here in the room with you. Your eyes remained glued to the screen the whole time. Which meant that you didn’t see the way he’d been pouting a little, starved of your attention as he played around on his phone aimlessly in an effort to entertain himself.
Hoseok loved watching people play games, he really did, but he was bored today. He wanted your attention; a novel concept to him as he’d never dated anyone who was more into video games than he was. Being on the other side of someone who avidly loved gaming was unusual and though he didn’t hate it...he just a bit like a child.
There was only so much playing with Kasumi he could do. And sure, he could read the book he’d found in your bookcase a few days ago or even play on your Switch while you entertain yourself, but he didn’t want that. He wanted to do something with you. He wanted to talk to you, listen to you talk and laugh with you.
He was being a brat basically, being a child about it. But despite that, he was also fully amused by your reaction to the game. This was the first time he’d ever seen you play a video game like this and the fact you became so fully immersed in it was exceptionally entertaining.
Why he was surprised about that, he didn’t really know. You most definitely had the personality of someone who would commit themselves to something 100% when they found a thing that was truly interesting to them. Just looking at the abundance of Pokémon around your apartment told him that.
But still...he wasn’t sure why he had such a strong desire for your attention. He was never normally like this with relationships, though admittedly he hadn’t had a relationship extend past three months in a while now. Not for lack of trying of course, but he’d just never quite found someone to click with.
And at the risk of sounding like an old man, at the age of 28, he wasn’t really interested in investing his time and effort into someone who he could already tell he didn’t particularly care for. Hoseok felt like there were three types of people by his age; those who had found love and were happy and content in it, those who weren’t interested in dating and were focusing on themselves and those who were in a relationship purely for the sake of it.
The first group had already started marrying and having babies, Namjoon and Jimin for example, while the second group showed no interest in any of that. Which was perfectly fine obviously. Taehyung and Yoongi were prime examples of people who had no interest and didn’t seem to show any indication of wanting to show interest.
But Hoseok didn’t want to be in the third group, dating just for the sake of dating. He’d done that for years now, had one-night-stands throughout his college years, and maybe even a few he definitely regretted in the end stages of high school. So he wanted what some of his friends had found. 
And he’d found that with you, which had been beyond surprising to him. You were most definitely not who he would have picked as his first choice to date, which sounded bad but he was just being honest. He hadn’t thought that he liked girls who liked cute things, nor had he thought he’d had the temperament and patience to put up with your anxieties and stresses.
He had though, finding within himself a deep need to make you happy and experiencing enjoyment at how slow things were progressing. His friends found it wild that everything was moving at a glacial pace and that Jung Hoseok of all people was going along with it and not complaining. But he liked it, he liked discovering your little quirks and traits slowly. 
It was like unwrapping a present, with each new thing he learnt about you being his present. And he loved it so much. Which meant that he enjoyed learning this new thing about you, or rather how intense you got in video games you liked.
But still...he wanted your attention.
He was like a child; a whiny and petulant toddler. He knew this, but he couldn’t stop. Almost didn’t want to.
Which is why he was slowly inching his way over to you on the couch, hoping that his slow movements would catch your attention. It was only when he was almost on top of you that he realised it wasn’t working, causing him to sigh deeply and flop back against the couch in what could politely be called a mantrum.
“Do you want me to order food? Or make food? I can make it...can’t guarantee it tastes great but I can make it.” Hoseok asked, his voice light as he questions you. And it’s like he never spoke with the quiet ‘hmm’ you give back to him. 
His bottom lip pushes out once more as he opens up his takeout app, inputting your address and ordering pizza for you both. There was no need to ask what you wanted, he knew what you liked by now. 
A sudden outburst of unintelligible noises from you causes him to look up with an amused quirk of his brow, watching as your face scrunched in annoyance as you shake your controller at the screen again, teeth gritted together. And suddenly, he’s not bothered that you’re not paying attention to him anymore. Not when you look that cute.
Slowly, he’s not entirely sure why he’s doing it quietly as well when you’re paying zero attention to him, he opens the camera on his phone and angles it towards you with a smile. He takes a few careful seconds to get the best angle before pressing the button, the shutter noise unnoticed by him as he checks on the photo.
Tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth slightly, he hums to himself as he opens up the photo editing app he has on his phone and begins to edit it. Shifting the exposure, contrast and more, he turns what could’ve been a boring photo into something befitting you.
“Did you just take a photo of me?” You ask suddenly, causing him to look up with wide eyes. For a moment, he’s too startled to speak before he gives a playful scowl, poking your side with a finger.
“Oh, so now you listen to me? Huh?” He teases, sticking his tongue out at you. Your eyes drop to it slightly before skittering away quickly, causing him to smile internally. Hoseok was not as immune to your glances and movements as you thought he was. He just chose not to do anything about them because he didn’t want to push you.
“I was listening...you just weren’t saying anything interesting…” The words trail off halfway through you saying them, as if you realise how offensive they could come off. Immediately your eyes widen, mouth opening in what he’s positive is an apology. He’d normally let you, knowing it would soothe your anxieties to know that you’d said sorry to him but he doesn’t care today. It didn’t bother him.
“I’m not gonna argue with you. But yeah, I took a picture. You looked cute, all focused. I never realised you become dead to the world basically when playing a game. I’ve been lonely.” Hoseok makes his eyes go big, an earnest look being matched with slightly pouting lips to give you a face of pure innocence.
It doesn’t work evidently, given the way you roll your eyes at him. But it gets a smile out of you so he considers that a win.
“Hoseok...I don’t really like my photo being taken…” You whine quietly, fingers playing with the controller nervously. Over the last four months, Hoseok had learnt to analyse your body's movements carefully. They spoke your inner thoughts more than your mouth did and he could tell that you were feeling anxious.
“Hey, hey...come here. Look at it...see I edited it! You’re gorgeous!” He turns his phone to let you see, smiling brightly at you as your eyes glance over it. Lower lip being chewed slowly, your shoulders deflate as you push it back.
“No I’m not, I look fat and ugly. I don’t have a good side.” Silence falls after that statement, Hoseok’s mind frozen in sheer disbelief at your words. He wants to sigh heavily, shout at you that you’re wrong. Every part of him wants to shake you and make you see that you’re beautiful, flaws and all. 
But he doesn't because he knows you wouldn’t like it. So instead he purses his lips, smacking them and making a noise as he tries to figure out a way to tell you that actually, you’re an idiot. He doesn’t want to hurt you though, so he knows that he has to tread a fine line.
Shuffling close, he presses himself to your side and holds up the phone to you, showing the photo once more. “I want to argue you with so bad right now, but all I’ll say is...you’re wrong. I think you’re pretty, cute even. Look at that scowl, it’s adorable. And look, you’ve seen the double chin I get when I’m laid down.”
“Oh please, as if that makes you look bad. You know you’re gorgeous, look at you.” You gesture at all of him, and he sighs, wrapping his arms around you tightly and kissing you all over your face until you’re no longer whining but giggling loudly. He doesn’t stop though, making the most over exaggerated noises as he does so.
“Oh no, oh no, the travesty of having to kiss this beautiful face. Oh please, I can’t handle it. It’s such a trial for me, to have to do this. Why couldn’t they give me someone less pretty? But it’s only fair that someone with my looks gets to kiss someone like you.” He gets the words out loudly between kisses, half laughing as he does it and fully enjoying the way that you practically shriek with laughter beneath him, body shaking.
Stopping, he just watches you for a moment with a soft smile, enjoying the brightness in your eyes that has replaced the fear and self-loathing. He really wishes that he could show you how he sees you compared to how you see yourself, but he supposes he’ll just settle for showering you with affection.
“Look...seriously...I like this.” He says quietly, resting his head on your shoulder as he shows you the photo once more. You don’t say anything this time, just look at the screen quietly with your head resting against his own. “Do you want me to delete it though? I will if you want.”
“No...if you like it...I just...I don’t have pictures taken often of me. I don’t really like it because I never really think I look good. It takes at least fifteen tries to get one I find acceptable for Instagram.” Chewing his lip, he sighs as he wavers on what to do. He doesn’t want to do something that will make you unhappy, but at the same time...he loves photography. And he wants to photograph you so badly. 
Proper photographs too, with his DSLR that he’ll edit with Photoshop on his laptop. He just knows that he can take photos that even you will love and he truly thinks they’ll be some of his best work yet. There’s no way he can go wrong when he has such a beautiful muse here.
“Seriously Hoseok, it’s okay. You can keep it. You have nice editing skills.” Smiling, he clicks through the menu options on his phone before he’s moving the photo slightly, setting it at the right size and centralizing it before saving it as his home screen. It’s only then that you realise what he’s done, eyes widening.
“Did you just make that your home screen?” You ask incredulously and he snorts, nodding with a grin as he shows you with pride. Carefully, he moves his app icons around until you’re no longer covered by them, letting him see you perfectly every time he unlocks his phone. He loves it.
“Yes I did, and it’s perfect. I’ve been wanting a photo of you for a while,” Glancing over at you, he smirks ever so slightly. “I know you’ve got a picture of me as your home screen. The one of me at Namjoon’s barbeque last year where I’m looking away. Jungkook took it and I had it for my Facebook profile for a while.”
The squirm you do let’s him know that you’re probably dying inside but he’s far too amused and pleased with himself over this. Honestly his chest had probably swollen three sizes in pride and ego when he’d glimpsed it the other day. There was something oddly satisfying at knowing you had him on your phone.
And now he had you.
Eyes widening suddenly, he shifts upwards to give you with a shocked look. “I just realised...we’ve never taken a selfie together! If you’re okay with that.”
“I don’t really take them often...you’ve seen my Instagram.” Snorting, he rolls his eyes and moves until he’s sitting up against you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and hugging you to him. You don’t push him away though, nor do you tell him not to take one.
“That’s a fucking travesty. You should bless the world with your face more. And you spend all that time doing that makeup!” Now it’s your turn to roll your own eyes, pushing at him lightly.
“I do that because I like it, not because I want to show off.” He opens up the camera app once more, shifting the camera to be front facing and watching as his screen fills up with your faces.
“Well you should show off. You’re really talented with it and I’m sure there’s loads of people that would like to see more of it. There’s like...a whole section of Instagram dedicated to it. I know, cos I looked after I saw your pictures. You could be like...the next NikkieTutorials or Tati Westbrook!” It’s only because of the camera facing you both that he sees your incredulous expression, brows furrowing in surprise before they morph into amusement.
“Have you been watching beauty YouTubers?” Glancing at you, he shrugs uncaringly.
“You like them, so I figured I’d see what they’re about. Not really my thing but at least I half understand what you’re talking about when you bang on about primers and toners and all that shit. Besides, I have discovered that they apparently live scandalous lives and I’m oddly entertained by all the drama even though I have no idea who they are.” Hoseok says absentmindedly, mind drifting back to all those drama videos he’d accidentally ended up watching when he fell down the YouTube rabbit hole one night.
You let out a peal of laughter, the sound bright and happy and it makes his stomach twist slightly to hear it. He likes your laughter.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe you actually watched that. So does this mean we can watch drama channels when you’re here?” Letting out a deep and bone weary sigh, he nods slowly before leaning over to kiss your cheek.
As he does so, he quickly angles the phone and snaps a photo of you both. You don’t realise what he’s done at first until he brings the screen for you to look at, grinning down at the image of you both that has been immortalised in high quality pixels.
You’re laughing still, mouth stretched into a wide smile of joy while your eyes are closed, the skin around them creased ever so slightly from happiness. His side profile is clearly evident, the gentle lighting of your room surprisingly good for this picture and his lips are pressed firmly to the soft skin of your cheek, lip ring shifted into view from the movement.
There’s no makeup on your face and you’re wearing an oversized white shirt with Kirby on it while he’s in his usual band shirt. The difference between you both is startling, but it makes his heart flutter a little oddly as he looks at it with a gentle smile.
Looking over at you, he realises that you haven’t said anything about it and he worries that you’re unhappy with the photo. Instantly, he stresses that maybe he’d done a bad thing and he’s about to apologise to you, chastened by his excitement.
But then you give him a shy smile, leaning into him and burrowing your head into the space between his neck and shoulder. “I...I actually like that. It looks...nice. Though you should probably edit it, edit my flaws and all that.”
Giving you a deadpan expression, he just pushes at your shoulder before rolling his eyes. “I’m going to forget I heard that. So...anyway.”
Despite what he said though, he does edit it and shows you what he uses and what he thinks the best edit would be. He lets you play around with the editing too, smiling as you make the photo look horrific by maxing out different sliders before letting him edit it exactly how he wants.
And then once he’s done, he goes onto Facebook and uploads it as his new profile picture. 
The stunned silence from you has him looking over cautiously, taking in your shocked face which soon quickly morphs into shyness. It makes his chest hurt a little to see how you react to something as simple as him changing his profile picture to a picture of you both.
He doesn’t say anything though, recognising this as a moment that you’d need to work through it yourself. So instead, he presses his lips to your cheek once more before using his fingers to tilt your face towards his, capturing your lips with his. The movement is bordering on natural now, four months into your relationship.
“So...I ordered pizza which should be arriving soon. Think you might want to take a break?” Hoseok asks, nodding towards the screen where Geralt has been stood quietly for the last ten minutes as he’d distracted you successfully. Pursing your lips, you consider for a moment before shaking your head with a grin, picking up your controller once more.
And that’s when he realises that you had been paying attention to him the whole time. You’d just been refusing to give in to his whining. He almost says something before shaking his head with an exasperated smile, getting up when your doorbell goes off.
Well played, he thought to himself as he took the pizza boxes before standing for a few moments and watching as you became involved once more, well played indeed.
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Kiibo takes care of sick reader
·       At the time you didn’t think much of it. Awaking that morning it just felt like any other bad, allergy season ridden day. Though you had not left your apartment for the last several days, cooped up trying to get your work done, it seemed the fresh autumn wind and pollen had gotten to you once again just as it had any other year. You simply took some pain medicine and kept a box of tissues by your side, making sure all windows were closed and fans turned off just as you had done every other year. You were simply thankful it was not spring, that, was a true nightmare… Or so you thought. The day carried on as usual really, some chores got done such as scrubbing down the bathroom, cooking your comfort food to cheer yourself up a bit, going through that final edit before submitting your work. By the time bedtime had rolled around you were actually feeling a little better and hoped by the next morning you’d be right as rain.
·       Through the night as you tried to sleep something inside you quickly morphed. From a dry, runny nose to this dull throbbing, stinging pain that seemed to course through you. At first you assumed your nose dried up so much it was in pain again so you simply took more pain medicine, but… it just wouldn’t go away. You heard and felt your every last breath grow heavier, quivering and quaking under some strange pressure. The quilts of your bed, unbearable, suffocating and drowning you in that oppressive heat, yet even when you kicked them off, that heat still just hung there. You just wanted to sleep. You hated this, you hated being awake so early in the morning, but. You. Just. Could. Not. Sleep. You tried sleeping. You really did. You laid there for hours with your eyes shut, but that dull throbbing pain just would not let you. You didn’t want to, but you caved into the temptation of doing… something! If you had to be awake, you could at least be productive, right? Yes, it stimulated your brain, certainly keeping you awake, but… You were exhausted and you hoped that pushing your body a little would be enough to get you to collapse so you could drift off and not be conscious of the pain for even a little while… But that hope was in vain. Try as you might, you couldn’t concentrate on anything, only making your frustrations increase just as rapidly as that stinging pain seemed to zap your muscles forcing them to endlessly tense up, causing them to become sore and tremble under the constant pressure of being so tight. This quickly evolved into the back of your neck killing you as well as forming a wretched headache.
·       You hated this.
·       You just wanted sleep. Was that truly so much to ask?
·       Laying back in bed you stared into that inky darkness as thoughts tried to form but were quickly cut off by that… everything.
·       You just couldn’t do anything, but were forced to stay awake through it all? Really? “That’s just cruel.” You mumbled that to yourself, rolling out of bed, and trudging into the living room. There you found your charging phone and mindlessly picked it up, fiddling with the messages, then some app you downloaded long ago but soon forgotten.
·       With that constant ringing in our head and ears muffled, hearing proved to be a challenge. Something you were normally rather fearful off, but in the moment, couldn’t care less about. At this point, you honestly couldn’t notice new symptoms in the ever-growing pile.
·       You mindlessly droned on, sliding fluffy puff balls to make them explode came to a stop when some text suddenly appeared at the top of your screen. ‘I’m at the door. If you’re not feeling up to unlocking it, would you tell me if anyone has a spare key so I could ask them to let me in?’
·       … huh?
·       Someone was at the door you guess.
·       On unsteady footing you stumbled to the door. Too bad you couldn’t hear the distinctive soft metal clicks you oh so enjoyed hearing when unlocking the door, it was one of the little things in life you loved so much, perhaps it would have put you at ease a little.
·       “Ah, Y/N! Here.” His voice was quiet, yet you could still make out the words, the concern seeping from his tone striking you the most. He held your shoulders in a firm grip, keeping you from wavering and toppling over right then and there. “Kiibo? What?... why are you here?” This momentarily caught him by surprise. “You texted me. Do you not remember? Is our condition worse than I thought?” He placed down the bags he had on hand and lead you back to bed. “Wait? I… I did look through my messages, but I texted you?” He sat beside you and placed his hand on your head. “Yes. I’ll show you.” Scrolling through the messages on his phone you saw you had indeed texted, Kiibo. It was semi-coherent with spaces missing or not where hey should be, capitalization seemingly popping up out of nowhere. You were listing off our many aches and pains. Last time Kiibo had sent you, other than saying he was at the door, was how he’d be over to your place right away. “oh, sorry. I don’t know what’s happening, I don’t want you to stay here and get this bug too if I’m sick and it’s not my allergies acting up again.” For a moment Kiibo simply stared at you quirking a brow up, smiling, amused by something. “… You must really be out of it. But it’s no wonder, you’re burning up. Lay down and leave the rest to me!” Before you could say another word, he had already left.
·       He soon returned with two small paper bags. “Have you taken any medicine?” “uh, just my prescribed pain meds.” “And when was that?” “Twenty-one, about an hour before I tried going to bed.” “It’s two now, can you take more?” “… Uh. I think so?” “Where is it?” “Ah, yeah, we can just check! Bathroom, lowest shelf on the right, behind the mirror, door, thing. That thing.” “Got it!” After placing the two small bags on the bedside table he sprinted away.
·       Being here, trying to care for you, it was a little funny to Kiibo. As he opened the mirror cabinet he recalled how when Shuichi was trying to help him find jobs and they tested out him being a nurse robot. A faulty endeavor since he only had the strength of an old man and could not carry Shuichi, but the main premise was not truly tested. Closing the cabinet with the pill bottle in hand something caught his gaze in the reflection. A small hand towel that hung on the shower door. Perfect! He turned on the faucet, setting it to as cold as it could go before placing the small hand towel under the water. Waiting for the towel to absorb the cold he thought more on the premise. Long ago Kiibo had accepted he was not human but a robot. But that did not mean he was not a person. It was also useful. As a robot he could do things humans cannot. Like care for a sick person and not get sick himself. He’d just need a thorough cleaning to make sure he didn’t spread anything which could easily be done. After wringing out the towel he swiftly made his way back to your room.
·       Entering the room, he found you with your hands on your face, breathing heavily, your voice lightly seeping out in quaking rasps. “You can take more pills. Time ran out.” “yay.” Taking a sip of water and the pills you hoped this would help, even if last time didn’t work, maybe it would this time. It was all you could do. “huh?” “Does this help?” He had placed the cold moist towel on your forehead, gently leaning you back onto the bed from sitting up. You sighed, placing your hands on his, pushing down on the towel a little more, adoring the cooling feeling. “Thank you.”
·       He gently retracted his hand much to your disappointment. You then noticed he was looking through one of the small paper bags. “… what’s in the bags you brought?” “Ah! Doctor Idabashi let me take some medical supplies from home. Pain medicine, some ingredients for a light meal, he even quickly wrote down the directions so I could make it for you.” “aw, he’s nice, just like you. Like father, like son I suppose.” For a moment, he froze, those words completely catching him off guard. He softly smiled, holding the folded-up paper, ‘best oatmeal recipe’ written on it in neat, albeit tiny writing. “… Yeah, he is. He said this should only take eight minutes. I’ll be right back.” “Wait, you don’t know where everything is in the kitchen. I’ll cook with you.” “No, you’re sick. You need to rest.” “W-we don’t know that.” “Fine. Clearly you are unwell.” Shakily you sat up. “at least let me rest on the living room couch so I can be nearby and tell you where I keep everything.” “Only if you don’t enter the kitchen and try to cook.” You grumbled as you used the bedside table for support. “Okay.” Holding onto Kiibo’s arm, he gently led you to the couch.
·       You flinched hearing a loud metal crash that was able to pierce through your muffled ears. “… Need help?” “N-no!” Though he found it to be rather silly, he was annoyed. “… Maybe.” You chuckled at the sheepish tone in his voice. “Where are the cups?” No matter where he looked, he could not find them. “And the tablespoons and teaspoons… And the knife block, and- HEY!!” He pointed at you taking on what you assumed to be a fighting stance. “No going into the kitchen!” “Just… getting the suff. I won’t cook.” Reluctantly he let you pass, standing in the middle of the kitchen with his arms crossed, watching as you shambled about. “Anything else?” “Uh… just a microwave safe bowl.” “okay.” “Then right after it’s straight back to the couch!” “uh-huh.”
·       Kiibo wondered what it felt like to be sick, for one’s body to be working to fight off something within yourself. Was it like when he didn’t maintain his vents and fans? It was odd and saddening how in trying to protect yourself, you were left so miserable. When letting you hold on to him he got a close look at you, seeing how your whole body trembled, pale skin slightly shiny and clammy from a thin layer of sweat, the bags under your eyes a deep dark purple, your cheeks and nose flushed a bright red. Once you were sat down, he went straight to work, a newfound determination coursing through him!
·       You were surprised at just how quick Kiibo was. You though he had just sat you down, but there he was sitting beside you, a hot, steaming bowl and spoon on the table before you as Kiibo held your shoulders looking absolutely worried. “Y/N, how are you feeling?” “Uh, dizzy, really dizzy.” “Wait right here.” He then dashed away. Suddenly there was pressure on your shoulders and head. It was cool. Your water bottle was held out to you. “Thanks.” As you were twisting off the cap you noticed what was placed atop you. “My towel? I see. Tha-thanks.” Your head felt so light suddenly, and you were terrified. That was till Kiibo leaned you against his shoulder. “What do you need? Can I get you anything? Should I take you to a hospital?” “… just pass me the oatmeal please.” “Uh… are you sure that’s all?” You simply nodded. It wasn’t hot, or was it? You weren’t sure you could tell, since almost everything felt hot right now. You huffed after taking a bite. “Is something wrong?” “… there’s apples, raisins, cranberries, but… I can’t tase any of it.” Solemnly you took another bite.
·       When finished you placed the bowl on the table before you. “I’ll cle- Y/N?” He was perplexed and a little flustered by how you wrapped your arms around him, nuzzling into his shoulder. “you’re cool.” Was all you muttered before falling silent. “… Okay.”
·       Through the night and day no words were exchanged. You simply slept as Kiibo held you close. On occasion he’d wriggle out of your grasp, taking the towel, placing it in ice water and wringing it out, finding you slowly awakening before draping the towel over you and holding you again. It was alright. He didn’t need to sleep or eat, and his batteries could last him for a week without rest, so he’d stay by you for as long as you needed. He simply wished he could do more, but… maybe this was enough. Though just to be sure of that Kiibo looked up your symptoms online, only to start internally panicking thinking you were dying, hurriedly texting Doctor Idabashi who despite having a difficult time, managed to calm Kiibo, convincing him the internet was not a good place to look up medical diagnoses much of the time before Kiibo had called an ambulance… Hopefully him being with you was enough, and eventually when you got better, he realized it was… and vowed to himself not to seek the internet’s advice when trying to diagnose something ever again.
40 notes · View notes
shianhygge-imagines · 4 years
Sundown 勿忘草 [Reno/Reader]{Final Fantasy VII} Episode 2
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AN: Here’s the next part of Sundown Wasurenagusa! I’m sorry that I’ve been slow on posting any new story material! I had a bit of a writers’ block, and I’m still trying to work through it!
I had intended for this to be much longer, but I felt like this part was a good length to post. The first part of this ‘episode’ is going to be formatted weird because I can’t get Tumblr to format a text conversation in the way that I want.
If you like the content I create, please consider donating to my Ko-fi! Please help me feed my tea addiction!
|Masterlist Link|
December 12
Reno {07:10}
[Good morning, sleeping beauty]
Me {08:30}
[Do you not need sleep?]
[You probably went to bed late last night]
[And while it truly does make my day to hear from you]
[Why? It’s so early ;.;]
Reno {08:40}
[Can you blame a guy for being eager to talk to you?]
[Lol, Sorry. I didn’t disturb you, did I?]
Me {08:59}
[No, you’re good. I gotta get up to get ready anyways.]
Reno {09:34}
[I mean, can you blame me? ;) ]
[So, I was thinking about taking you on a date outside of Midgar, but I realized that I should probably get your opinion on it first]
Me {10:01}
[I mean, that depends? How early do I have to get up on my day off? And how long will it take to get there?]
Reno {10:05}
[Um… well, it’s getting pretty chilly in Midgar, so I was thinking about taking you to Costa del Sol… beach date :P]
Me {10:30}
[Costa del Sol is pretty far, Reno…]
Reno {10:31}
[I’ve got a way]
[Don’t sweat the details]
Me {10:32}
[You’re taking a company helicopter, aren’t you  -.-]
Reno {10:33}
[Ack! You’ve figured out my master plan!]
Me {10:34}
[Are Turks even allowed to take company assets out for joy rides?]
Reno {10:35}
[ TT^TT I told you not to sweat the details!]
Me {10:40}
[I just don’t want you to get into any trouble.]
Reno {10:50}
[Awww, don’t worry about me.]
[You have a party to attend later, so do me a favor and have fun, okay?]
Me {11:03}
[That reminds me…]
Reno {11:05}
Me {11:11}
[bluedress.jpg sent]
(The image is of you in a sapphire blue dress, the sleeves long and neck high. The dress itself ends just below your knees)
[This dress?]
[reddress.jpg sent]
(The second image is of you in a backless ruby dress that ends just above the knee. There are no sleeves to this dress despite the fact that it has a high neck)
[Or this dress?]
Reno {11:13}
Me {11:15}
Me {12:01}
[If I don’t look good in either of them, just be honest ;.;]
Reno {13:05}
[Gah! Sorry, I got pulled away for something]
[The red one. For sure]
Me {13:06}
[Just because red’s your color… >.>]
[I hope you’re okay, Reno ;.;]
Reno {13:15}
[Hey, first of all, remember what I said about red being your color?]
[I don’t lie, k?]
[But also, yeah. Also because it’s my color, you should wear it ;)]
[Do you have a sixth sense or something?]
(Opening up the image file gifts you with a selfie of Reno, looking minorly roughed up and being supported by an infrantryman. He looks like he’s by the old church that Aerith likes to visit. Despite needing to be supported by the infantryman, the red headed Turk’s winking and holding up a peace sign)
[Just a few minor bruises ;P I’ll be fine]
[You want to kiss me better? ;)]
Me {13:30}
[… Well. I’m sorry for worrying (¬_¬) ]
Reno {13:45}
[Joking, joking! :D]
[All patched up]
Reno {14:07}
[I’m sorry.]
[Please talk to meeeeeee]
Me {14:00}
(It’s a picture of you in the red dress. Your hair is done up with an attractive amount of make up. You’re wearing a sensible set of black flats.)
[The party starts in an hour, so I might be answering my phone too often.]
[And Costa del Sol sounds perfect for tomorrow ;) I’ve got my outfit all picked out]
Reno {14:15}
[Uh, yeah, that’s gonna be your new contact photo]
[I’m picking you up earlier than we agreed so that we can have more time to relax in the sun]
[Duty calls. Have fun tonight, okay?]
Me {14:20}
[And what? My contact photo for you is going to be this?]
(It’s a screenshot of your mobile phone screen. There’s an edit with a red arrow pointing directly at the photo icon for Reno’s contact…it’s the photo that he sent earlier except you’ve photoshopped cartoon ‘uwu’ eyes and added pink anime blush to his cheeks)
[And don’t worry, I’ll probably have enough fun for the both of us.]
[We’ll have fun tomorrow, be safe, okay?]
Reno {14:30}
[I’ll try ;) But if not, I’ll have you to take care of me.]
[Also? That picture?]
Me {18:30}
[Hope you’re safe!]
[Message me after work to let me know you’re okay!]
(It’s a group photo of you and your friends in silly poses)
Me {19:21}
(It’s a close up shot of a delicious plate of food)
[I should have brought you with me ;.;]
|You called Reno| 20:58
[Unable to leave voicemail]
December 13 - 08:21
The morning after the confrontation with AVALANCHE at the Sector 7 Pillar, one would expect the medical bay in Shinra HQ to be jam packed full of patients. There should have been a horde of doctors and nurses, running around to treat the injured infantryman and civilian survivors. But there were only two individuals in the med bay, Reno and Rude. When the plate fell, only a handful of infantryman were able to escape the chaos. Many were left behind to fend for themselves.
Despite surviving a helicopter crash and the brawl with Tifa, Barret, and Cloud, Rude only sustained a few bruises and minor bone fractures. He had been assigned bedrest after being treated by the doctors, but the weight of what he and his partner had been tasked to do twelve hours ago felt like an overwhelming burden. Needing something to keep his mind occupied, the taller of the iconic Turk duo simply engrossed himself in a novel that Elena had brought over during her visit.
On the bed beside Rude’s, Reno groaned in pain as he sat up, eyes still not open and alert as he raised a hand to press against his pounding head. “Gah, what the hell.” Reno’s face stung at the cheeks when his face scrunched up at the pain that seemed to come from every part of him. Even the act of sitting up proved too painful due to his newly broken ribs.
Rude watched his partner sink back into the sheets from his own medical bed, sunglasses on as was usual of him. He wondered how long it would take Reno to realize that it had been nearly twelve hours since they had dropped the plate. He also wondered when his sassy partner in crime would realize that he had a date this morning. Of course, Rude didn’t think you’d get angry at Reno for missing a date when he was hospitalized, but the taller of the iconic Turk pair knew that Reno would never forgive himself for skipping out on you.
While Rude watched, Reno allowed his body to collapse back into bed, an exhausted and pained groan escaping his lips as he want, arms flopping onto the bed as he fought to remember what had happened to land him in such a pitiful state.
Oh yeah…Rude and I went to Sector 7’s plate… and we fought blondie’s group of self righteous freedom fighters… and then…I blacked out. Cracking both eyes open, Reno furrowed his brows and turned his head to examine his surroundings. Med bay back at HQ… The red head swiveled in place to stare at Rude, “The mission….” He trailed off with a questioning tone.
His partner merely grunted, “We finished it and escaped.” Lacking in detail, but still straight to the point.
Sighing in relief that his work track record wouldn’t have a stain on it, Reno flopped back down, “Whooo…” The red head cheered sarcastically, pumping a fist without any energy or cheer behind it. Gah, and I promised Y/N that I’d be safe… Reno’s eyes snapped open and he bolted to a seating position with an alarmed cry, “Crap! Y/N! What time is it?” Shit, I gotta message her to let her know that I’m going to be running late! The Turk second in command thought as he pat down his person for his cell phone.
When he couldn’t find it, Reno turned to his partner, who gestured towards the bedside table. “It was damaged during our fight with AVALANCHE, but it should still be working.”
Not paying any attention to the fact that he was now bleeding through the bandages wrapped around his abdomen, Reno grinned, “Whooo boy! Partner, you’re a life saver!”
The sheer amount of relief within Reno voice made Rude stop and stare at his partner. Hmm… maybe Reno’s serious about her after all.
Meanwhile, Reno quickly unlocked his phone screen, ignoring the fact that the glass display seemed shattered beyond repair. When he pulled up the chat room that he shared with Y/N, Reno cursed, “Five missed messages and one missed call.” Quickly reading through the text messages, and smiling at how much fun you were having at the party, Reno tapped out a quick message in reply to you before listening to the voicemail that you had left.
Y/N {19:21}
(Reno’s mouth watered at the sight of the food in the picture)
[I should have brought you with me ;.;]
|Missed call from Y/N| 20:58
[Click to listen to voicemail]
Today - December 13
Me {08:43}
[Gah, sorry Y/N, I may have bit off more than I could chew yesterday.]
[I just woke up in the med bay at HQ]
[I’m going to be a little late picking you up]
[And I’m a little roughed up]
[But nothing is stopping me from taking you on our date!]
[See you in an hour?]
When Reno lifted his damaged cell phone to listen to the voicemail that you had left him, the only sound that reached his ears was an error notification that the voice recording app had failed. “I’m sorry, but the voicemail recording that you wish to listen to failed to load properly. Please quite all applications before trying again. If the problem still persists, please contact Shinra Mobile’s technical support service to resolve this issue.” The phone recording informed Reno, pleasantly.
Knowing from experience that getting through to technical support at the current hour was next to impossible, Reno merely tapped out another message.
Me {08:47}
[Hey, the voicemail that you sent to me didn’t go through.]
[What was it about?]
Satisfied with the messages that he’d sent out, Reno shifted to get out of bed, an excited grin on his lips. “Welp! Time to get going! Got a wonderful day off with a gorgeous gal!”
Sighing, Rude lowered the novel to look in his partner’s direction. “Your date with Y/N?” When Reno only gave a sassy shrug in reply, Rude shook his head, “Just remember, you’re still injured.”
“Will do, partner!” Reno saluted the older man before dashing out of the med bay, dodging the nurses swiftly as he made his way to the elevators, itching to get back to the Turk dorms to change into something that would help him blend into the slum crowds of Sector 5. On his way to his room, the red headed Turk would raise his phone to check for any new messages, lowering it in disappointment every time there was no response.
“That’s weird, normally she responds by now.” Reno mused, sending out another quick text once he’d changed into dark jeans, a red hoodie, and a dark beige trucker jacket.
Me {09:12}
[I’m on my way to your place now.]
[Are you awake?]
Around twenty minutes later, on the helicopter ride down to the Sector 5 slums, Reno furrowed his brows and bit the inside of his lip when you didn’t respond again.
Me {09:32}
[Please answer.]
[I’m on a helicopter down now]
[Message back. I’m getting worried.]
When there is still no response, Reno taps on your contact and brings the phone up to his ear, trying to call you.
“Hey, this is Y/N. I’m probably away from the phone right now, so leave a message, and I’ll call you back as soon as possible.”
Straight to voicemail.
Something wasn’t right, and Reno could feel it in his bones.
When the helicopter started to land in the Shinra barracks, Reno didn’t even wait for the helicopter to fully land before jumping out of the aerial vehicle, landing solidly before taking off in a sprint towards your apartment.
She’s not answer any of the text messages… Did she lose her phone last night? Did she accidentally break it?… Did she find out what I did yesterday? Is she ignoring me?
The worries and thoughts that raced through Reno’s mind became more and more self-depricating as he neared entered the main town area and brushed past the crowds of people gathered in the streets. I know I said it was too late to grow a conscious, but damn it, please don’t let this be the reason she decides that she doesn’t want me around.
All but flying up the metal steps to your apartment, Reno starts to bang on your front door, calling your name in the meanwhile. “Y/N!” Bang bang bang “It’s Reno!” Bang bang bang “You weren’t answering your phone. Are you ready to go?” It took another few minutes of knocking before Reno head a door open below and slow footsteps ascend the metal stairwell.
Turning and expecting to see you standing there, Reno’s shoulders visibly slumped when he came face to face with a tiny old lady. “Oh, uh. Sorry for causing a disturbance.”
“Are you looking for Y/N, young man?” The old woman inquired, tilting her head to look up at Reno through friendly old eyes.
Feeling as if he was being judged by the elderly woman, Reno stood ramrod straight and nodded, clearing his throat, “Uh, yeah. We had plans for today.”
The old woman nodded sagely, “I see, I see. Ah, to be young again. I’m sorry to disappoint you, young man, but Y/N hasn’t been home since yesterday afternoon. I think she’s still at her friend’s home.”
The first traces of alarm flashed through Reno’s head, and suddenly his Turk persona was back, “Do you happen to know where her friend lives, ma’am?”
The old woman shook her head, “I only know that dear Selene doesn’t live in Sector 5. I’m sorry, young man.”
Suddenly jittery, Reno only nods and descends the metal staircase again, “Thanks for the help. I should get going.”
Reno doesn’t hear the old woman’s reply because he’s sprinting back towards the Shinra barracks, ears ringing and vision narrowed as he contacts a friend in Shinra’s tech department for help tracking down your cell phone’s location and retrieving the voicemail you’d left him. And while his friend works on it, Reno decided to change into a clean set of his uniform, mind suddenly kicked into overdrive as he tries to recall where you said your friend’s party was.
Gah, Reno… you pay attention to everything else she says, but you can’t figure out where her friend Selene lives? Some Turk you are! Reno scolds himself as he paces back and forth in Y/N’s office, somehow trying to find comfort in familiar surroundings. Damnit, think! What has she mentioned in the past about her friends. I only remember her talking about living in Sector 7 for a whi- Reno pauses in his steps as dread begins to pool in his stomach. “No.” He doesn’t want to entertain the possibility that you had gone to a party at your childhood sector the same night that he was tasked with dropping the plate on top of hundreds. But the more that Reno thinks about it, the more likely the possibility is, and he sinks to his knees in the middle of your office, eyes wide with horror and denial. “No… I refuse to believe it. Gotta wait for-”
His phone chimes with a notification.
Pulling out his phone as fast as possible without fumbling the already hazardously damaged device, Reno unlocks the screen, only to see that a voice file had been sent to him along with tracking coordinates.
Clicking on the voicemail and tracker, Reno’s frown deepens and his face pales as he stares at the map of Sector 7 Slums with a red dot in the center of it, the sounds of your final message to him playing in the background.
The voice recording loops until Reno regains his bearings, body shaking and eyes burning as his ears pick up the sounds of explosions in the background, of your sobs as you fought to leave a last message for the man who had thoughtlessly killed you, and of your fear and acceptance that you wouldn’t live past that moment. The phone slips from his hands and clatters to the floor as Reno’s fingers go slack. “No… I didn’t… Y/N…” A strangled sob escapes Reno’s lips as he raises a hand to grip onto his hair, trying to maintain his composure, “I didn’t mean to… If I’d known, I would have…” The Turk second in command paused and hunched in on himself, not caring if anyone could see him through the glass walls of your office.
M-maybe she left her phone behind when she ran? But… if she’s not there, then where would she have gone if not home?
There weren’t any excuses or any other reason he could come up with. Reno knew that. If he had known beforehand that you would be in Sector 7 Slums, he would have warned you, but you would have tried to evacuate as many people as possible from that sector, and AVALANCHE might have managed to leave, therefore ending in a failed mission. He would have done everything he could to make sure you stayed away from Sector 7, but in the end, he’d still go through with the mission.
“I killed her.” Reno sobbed in realization, biting his bottom lip so hard that he tasted copper, “Just like I killed all those people.” Shaking his head, inconsolable, Reno could only mourn quietly. “I’m just the worst. This is karma for all the shit things I did in life, isn’t it?”
Eyes dulled and slightly puffy, Reno hastily wiped at his face and sat down with his back against your desk, his phone ringing with notifications as Tseng and Rude sent him requests for ‘status’ updates. And the Turk second in command ignored his colleagues, eyes staring into nothingness as he wreaked his brain for what to do next.
I really was looking forward to the date. Reno’s thoughts trailed off, It’s sappy as hell, but I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend. Tseng said that relationships for Turks never ended well, citing Veld as an example, but… gah! This is the worst situation for Tseng to be right!
It was only the early afternoon… maybe he could start a search party for survivors… it was probably too late, but Reno knew that he had to do something to look for you. With renewed purpose, Reno got to his feet and marched out of your office, blue eyes burning with fiery determination as he hung onto the faint hope that you might have survived.
December 13 - 12:13
You groaned in pain and shifted your body, eyes cracking open to be met with blinding industrial lights. The pain from the glaring lights startled you into closing your eyes again, turning until your body was facing away from them. For a moment, you wondered why you were laying on some sort of weird metallic floor instead of your soft bed, and then the memories of a falling sky sent your eyes flying back open as you took in your surroundings.
The floor was indeed cold and metallic because it looked as if you’d woken up in a maintenance passage. Despite most maintenance passages usually being dimly lit, the one you found yourself lying in was lit from both of the walls. The ceiling above your face had a hole in it, though it was covered with metal and concrete chunks. You assumed, as you clambered to your feet, that you’d fallen through that hole and rolled a few feet away due to the pile of rubble directly beneath the hole. Wincing slightly, you poked and prodded your person for bruises, broken bones, or fractures. Slightly satisfied with just a few small skin lesions, bruises, and maybe a fractured rib, you patted yourself down for your mobile phone, hoping to call for help. Frowning, you found that you did not have your cell phone on you, nor was it anywhere on the floor near you.
Since you hadn’t expected to live through a plate falling on top of you, you could only look on the bright side of things, turning to walk down the metal tunnel with determination set on your face. I didn’t almost die from a plate falling just to give up in an empty tunnel. Plus, a fond smile appeared on your face, I have a date waiting for me when I get back topside.
It seemed pretty simple to you. You’d falling who knows how far down, but you knew for sure that the way out was up. So the only thing to do was to keep walking until you found a passage up. Easy peasy.
December 13 - 15:35
There’s a fierce snarl on Reno’s face as he stands by several parked helicopters. All around him, emergency responders and Shinra infantrymen scrambled to load up supplies and equipment. The dark look on the normally sassy, easy-going Turk’s face seemed like a literal beacon for anyone not bearing good news to stay the away. Though, if some of the troops were to be honest, Reno had very good reason to be irate. The Turk second in command had called in an emergency rescue operation for survivors trapped among the plate wreckage nearly three and a half hours ago, and they were only just beginning to start the rescue operation.
After Tseng, the Turk commander, had authorized the mission to rescue anyone buried under the rubble, the mission had quickly been side-tracked by Shinra executives Scarlet and Heideggar. Scarlet had protested against the operation simply because of the notion that dogs living in the slums were of no use to Shinra, and therefore, the mission was a waste of resources. Heideggar, meanwhile, had agreed that while in times of disaster, Shinra’s army bore the responsibility of launching operations to rescue civilians affected, the members of AVALANCHE were widely unknown and could easily disguise themselves as regular civilians.
It took nearly two hours of careful negotiations and subtle ego inflating by Tseng and Reeve, before both executives agreed to support the relief effort. Viewing it as a strategic move to improve public opinion of the Shinra Company, President Shinra gave little to no resistance when Tseng forwarded the mission brief to be sanctioned.
Now, an hour after the mission was sanctioned, Reno felt the beginnings of a headache forming as he directed the flow of supplies to each helicopter before making sure that there were rotations of supplies and emergency responders that would journey to and from the wreckage of Sector 7 once he landed with the first round of helicopters.
When he had deemed all in good order to head out, Reno sighed and hopped into the helicopter cockpit, buckling himself in to the pilot’s seat. Plopping the headset on while he waited for the rest of the crew to load up into the helicopter, Reno busied himself with flipping switches to make sure that pre-flight and the ride down to Sector 7 would be as smooth as possible. When his co-pilot buckled himself in and gave Reno the thumbs up, the red headed Turk spoke as clearly and seriously as he could into the mic. “Alright guys and gals in all active units, hope you’re all buckled up with headsets on because I sure as hell will not be repeating this briefing.” After a brief pause, Reno continued to speak while directing the helicopter off the platform. “You all probably heard about what happened yesterday. The official reports from HQ state that AVALANCHE launched an attack to compromise Sector 7’s plate pillar. Despite all efforts directed to stop the terrorist attack, the plate still fell. Our job is to go down to the disaster zone to provide relief to all affected civilians. We will also be launching search and rescue operations for survivors.” Reno paused once more as helicopter gained enough air to safely fly out of the landing zone. “I’m gonna be real with you all. Someone important to me was in Sector 7’s Slums when the plate fell and I’m going to try my damnest to look for her. So if any of you fuck this up… not gonna lie, I’m gonna be pissed.” Nobody replied to Reno’s admittance… not that he really expected much of a reply after he dropped that bomb on them. Having enough of the silence, Reno exhaled, “Alright… good talk.”
December 13 - 16:03
It wasn’t easy peasy. Definitely fucking not.
The chrome walkways and exposed piping-lined maintenance passage that you had fallen into hadn’t been a simple few meters under the surface as you thought. No. It’s was more like several meters down with a layer of minor blocked off passageways right above. And, as if that weren’t terrible already? The maze of pathways that made up the layer above seemed to take joy in bringing you up a level, just to drop you back down a level because some asshole decided to seal off the passages at various points.
Your eye twitched in annoyance when you walked down a metal walkway only to be face to face with another fenced off passage lined with reinforced plating. To your surprise, you could see a man stumble around the corner of the opposite side. When you saw one another, your eyes widened. “Holy shit!” The man gasped, stumbling forward with a noticeable limp and sliced up arm. “I didn’t think there’d be another person down here!”
“This place is like a maze, so I’m not surprised that any survivors had yet to meet up. A-are… are you okay?” The blood leaking from the deep scratches in his left arm seemed to ooze a poisonous purple color.
The stranger bit his bottom lip as he hastily hid his injury, “Yeah… I’ll be fine. Listen, girl, you should watch out while down here. I think the rumors about the underground lab were true after all. There are monsters running around everywhere.” Your expression must have been one of utter dismay and despair because the man coughed and reached into his pocket to roll two materia under the fence. “Uh. Shit. Well, it looks like you could use these then. It’s a Cura and a Fira. Hopefully you won’t need it, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Anyways, I hope you make it out of here, girl. I gotta keep looking for other AVALANCHE survivors.”
When the man made to jog away, you called out to him, “Wait! You said that you’re looking for AVALANCHE members? Are you one of them? Do you know what happened?” You pressed yourself against the fence in order to see the stranger from around the corner.
The stranger turned around to stare at you with a grim expression. “Whatever you’re thinking, AVALANCHE didn’t cause this, okay? We were framed by Shinra.” At your confused expression, the man scoffed, “C’mon, you really think that Shinra was going to let civilians protest and riot against them? They couldn’t figure out who was a member and who wasn’t, so they figured they’d drop the entire plate on top of us to get rid of us all.”
“But that’s such a drastic move!” You protested, wanting to believe that your employers wouldn’t have such blatant disregard for human life. “They wouldn’t just sacrifice thousands to eliminate AVALANCHE!”
“Believe what you want, girl. But the reality is that my friends and I all went to the pillar to stop Shinra from dropping the plate, and it dropped anyways because two Turks were sent to finish the job.” The stranger didn’t allow you to retort as he limped away. Not that you would have responded anyways with how the stranger had said that two Turks had arrived to help ensure that the Sector 7 plate dropped.
Pulling away from the fence, you knelt down to pick up the two orbs of materia, the color of your skin taking on a sickly pale pallor. Two Turks were sent to the pillar to drop the plate on top of all of us. Your mind instantly supplied the first Turk pair that you could think of and you felt like you were going to dry heave. I don’t know Rude too well, but from what I know, he and Reno wouldn’t do something so horrendous. Surely, there must have been another pair of Turks who were sent to do it. But you did work in a different department as them, how did you know that there were more members of the Turks? And with Reno’s position within the group… He could have known what was happening…
You told Reno that you would be hanging out with your best friend… that you guys were having a party. He’s smart enough to deduce that your friends still lived in Sector 7… Did he forget? Or… Your stomach churned violently as you sank to your knees on the cold metal walkway. Did Reno just decide he didn’t care if I survived or not?
The edge of your vision burned with tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. A simple blink sent them trailing down your cheeks as you stood upon shaky legs. “Can’t worry about that now.” You muttered, eyes filled with determination as you gathered the excess fabric of your dress to gird up your loins. “I need to find a way out of here. The tunnels might not be able to hold for long.”
Lifting your arm, you pressed one of the materia into your forearm, like you’d seen a few SOLDIERs do before, marveling at how the orb of power sank into the flesh of your arm. Smiling at how seamless it was to merge flesh with Materia, you pressed the other faintly glowing orb into your other forearm, concentrating for a bit before casting Cura upon yourself.
Newly rejuvenated, you back tracked through the metal corridor to find the ladder leading down. “Welp, there’s no time like the present,” you mumbled to yourself as you descended further into the tunnels below.
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blackberries45 · 4 years
This is silly and stupid and my first writing ever. I'm sure it's full of mistakes, so I'm sorry. As I tried editing, the tumblr app kept not saving or moving the page. I'll try to make something better next time, if I do try again.
Please note : After both seeing the movie and reading the book, I kind of combine the two in my mind. Younger Billy, apartment more like the movie, events more like the book.
*tiny bit of laungue, small love scene
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**not my gif**
Y/n looked in the mirror as she brushed her teeth, day dreaming about the day ahead. Wishing she coud just spend all day, wrapped up in the blankets, watching something silly with Dan. As she finished and came out the door, Dan knew it was now or never.
"Y/n, I think we need to stop doing this" Dan spoke softly but with a firm tone. Y/n hadn't really heard what he was saying as she gathered her purse. "Hmm?" She asked, starting to slowly look up, still wishing to just stay.
"We need to stop doing this whole...thing. This half way in, half way out. Although I like you very much, I think it's time to let it go" Dan looked y/n in the eyes briefly but kept his gaze mostly down. He tried to not shine and see her thoughts but he picked up a small image, almost like a dark rain cloud moving in. "Good" he thought. "Rain"
Y/n stood there. She dropped her purse back on the bed while still staring at him. "I don't understand" she said with a puzzled face. She was confused and started to get hot. Her stomach started to turn. "When did you all of the sudden decide that? Was it before you asked me to yet again spend the night, or after you woke up?" All she could do was stand there and blink.
"I know this sounds harsh and unfounded but you need to think about this. Two years we have been playing this game and I think we both know it's going no where. It would be for the best if that was the last time." Dan was alittle louder this time. He looked her in the eyes but it was hard to do. He was trying to keep a mental block up and put on a harsh face when really, he was lying. He didn't want her to go. He didn't want her to be sad or angry. He truthfully did want to stop the whole, "friends with benefits" thing and just be with her. Maybe her move in and together they just be happy. But what he was now facing, he truly didn't know if he would come back from. He thought this was the only way. The fair way. The right way. Make her hurt, make her angry, make her forget him and move on.
Y/n just stood there until she finally felt like she heard a snap in her brain. She reached for her purse and started to walk towards the door. She felt drunk and sick. She wanted to turn around and scream and cry but there was no use. When Dan made up his mind about something, that was usually it. She felt like she was in a fog. She told herself she had to get home and get ready for work, so she did. Every step she took, down the stairs, through the hall, down the streets back home, she was on auto pilot. If she hadn't done it a thousand times before, she may have smacked into a something but she knew this route well.
As Dan watched y/n walk through the door, he quickly grabbed a last image. "Looks like a storm is coming" he thought to him self. "Yeah, for you and me both" He sat down on his bed, arms resting on his knees and put his hands on his low hung face as time slipped away for awhile.
It had been a few days but y/n was still confused and hurt. She was angry at herself mostly. This is why she ended up in this silly little town to begin with. She didn't want the hurt of relationships anymore. She didn't want to trust anyone again. But now she realized, she had trusted Dan even more because of being that friend. She trusted him to see her in makeup or without. Hungover and playfully scolding her or pissed off. She trusted him but more than that, she loved him. She thought they were two misfits that would always be sperate yet together. How could she not have seen this coming?
When Billy texted y/n that he was taking Dan on a "guys trip", y/n thought "Good! Stay away! Let me walk around town and not be worried to see you or hear you on your stupid train" She wasn't suprised that Dan didn't tell her, but it was another chance for her to call him an asshole, so she was glad. As the days passed however, she shifted from being happy again and upbeat to sad and scared. She couldn't undertand why. She had odd moments of desperately wishing Billy would text to say they were back. All y/n wanted to do was curl up in a ball. She paced and tried staying distracted but it didn't work. She picked up her phone again and again, writing and then deleting texts asking where Billy and Dan were. At the very least, she didn't want Billy to tell Dan and him think she gave a crap about him right now. She contiuned to pace and worry the next few days.
They were exhausted. Beyond exhausted. They felt ran over. Thankfully, Dan no longer felt like a rat was gnwaing his insides and had been able to eat once the left he park and the police, but he and Billy both just wanted to be in their own beds and sleep. The little rental car they had gotten since the truck been so damaged was fine, but it felt like it topped out at 40. He knew they were going faster from taking turns driving, but home seemed so far away.
"Home" Dan thought. "My cramped little attic nest. How hot must it be now that no windows have been opened? How must it smell with no air flow? How long since I changed the sheets" He knew what he should really be thinking was how grateful he was to be alive, which he honestly had given a very slim chance of being. He didn't expect to return when he left. His next thoughts were of y/n. His plan had worked. She had been out of his mind, not for any reasons except he need the space and the emotions to focus. He didn't want to be worried about her or thinking how worried she would be for him. Now having explained everything he had to Billy, John, and the rest of them, explaining his shine and the rest to y/n seemed easier. But before, it seemed like madness.
They finally made it to their little town. Dan slowly climbed the stairs and entered his apartment. It was exactly the same except for a smiley face drawn on the blackboard wall from his niece. The air was stagnant and strong. The sheets wrinkled from him not making his bed before he left. Something had gone south in the fridge. The biggest thing that hit him though, he desperately wished someone was there to hug him. Someone he could hug in return. Someone he could say to, "I'll tell you the story later but for now, lets just curl up and sleep." It wasn't someone he wanted, it was y/n. He walked to the bed and sat down, flipping his phone multiple times in his hand. Should he, shouldn't he. Should he, shouldn't he. He had left her a mess of rage and heartache and he knew it. He did it to protect her and himself, but would she understand it this way? Would she be able to process any of this? If he left her alone, he could maybe be friends with her again some day and never have to tell her. But he missed her. He wanted her right here. He want to be able to see someone that made him feel happy he came back for. He decided on a text.
Home. Come if you can or want.
His texts were never warm and fuzzy. She chalked it up to his slightly out of touch use of cellphones. He hated the things . She was taking a bath when her phone made a tiny "ping" from the other room. She wasn't even sure she actually heard it. She contiuned shaving her legs and slowly finished her bath. Once out, she took her time to dry off and put on lotion before walking out to her phone. Two messages. Billy and Dan. She read Billy's first. "Home" is all it said. She quickly replied and hit send. She took a deep breath and looked at Dan's. By now sent 20 mintutes ago to her phone. She didn't know what to think once she had. "What the Hell is this? A booty call? He dumps me, well, we weren't dating, he, let's me go or whatever but now wants me over there??" She was alittle angry and confused all over again. Although she was relieved they were ok, and she badly wanted to see him. She went back to her pacing when finally, she was walking out the door. She was half way there before even noticing what she was doing. She hadn't even responded to his text. Up the stairs, to the door and knocking, it all happened in a flash.
He stood there, a smile, if you could call it that, trying to form on his tired and beat up looking face. If someone had been in a fight with the Devil, he would be the picture proof of what it looked like. She could have said alot of things, and so could he. She could screamed alot of things, and he would have understood. But she stepped in, put her purse down, reach up to his face and as quietly asked, "What do you need?"
That. That was what he "needed". He bent down and kissed her. Soft at first. But increasingly more needy. Nothing in the apartment was far out of reach and they took a few steps and were on the bed. She laid down and he placed his hands on either side of her, kissing her face and neck. He lifted her shirt and started kissing everywhere on her stomach. Y/n took her shirt off, and Dan kissed where the shirt had been. Y/n moved around to remove her pants, all the while he kept kissing. Sometimes on the lips, sometimes the shoulder. He was getting more feverish though. The kisses were turning into almost little bites. He felt himself getting more primal, more dominant.
When they were both naked and starting to sweat from the apartment heat and the little bit of movement between them, he looked up at her, almost looking into her soul, and she noded. He started. Slowly entering her but quickly taking her for all he could. He was working out everything that had happened. The pain, the sadness, the fear. He was getting it all out of his system. The other people the had been inside his brain, the lack of sleep. Everything all at once. This wasn't a domination session, but it also wasn't making love. He was using her to almost cleanse himself. She groaned and moved with him. He kept one hand up next to her head and the other on her hip and and made all of the noises with her. When she was close, she arched her back and it brought him out of his thoughts and back to her. Seeing her like that sent him over and he quickly came as well.
When they were done, he rolled over and brought her into him. They were nasty and sticky but he didn't care. He laid there wanting to tell her everything, but it only took a few moments before he was out. Y/n quietly left the bed when she heard his breathing change. She looked down at him and wondered "What in the Hell happened to those two? Did they fall off a mountian? " She went into the little bathroom and cleaned herself up. Then she walked over and opened the window above Dan's bed and another across the room. She wanted to clean the place up for him, take out whatever was growing the fridge, but she thought he needed sleep and decided to stay as quiet as possible for a bit. She grabbed another sheet to roll herself in laid back down next to him. "Later he can explain" she told herself and then drifted off to sleep.
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Power Rangers AU-Chapter 3
Pairings: romantic Logicality, Prinxiety, Demus, Remile
This Chapter Features: YouTuber!Patton, Patton centric story line
This Chapter Warnings: crying, angst, mentions of dead characters, reluctantcy, sympathetic Remus
Credit for this AU goes to @when-day-met-the-knight (specifically this post).
If you would like to be added to the taglist for this fic please let me know in reply! 
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Chapter 3-Pink
Patton kept a diary. When he was younger he would stay up late at night, using pens to write in composition notebooks. Assigning different colors to different days of the week, doodling in the margins, dating every page in the top right corner, and taking time to think of a title for each day. At the bottom of every page Patton would rate how well the day was on a scale of one to five and doodle a little face that showed how he felt. 
Keeping a diary was one of the few constants in Patton's life. After so much change and heartbreak, holding on to something, as silly as diary keeping, made Patton’s time a little more enjoyable.
When he received his first phone, Patton decided that a digital diary would be more convenient. He downloaded a simple note taking app, and began writing about his day there. 
The advantage to a digital diary was he could write wherever he wanted. Patton sat on the bus to school, typing fervently. It was their first day back since the last attack and he had not gotten enough homework done as he would have liked. Patton was letting out some feelings onto his phone and listening to the chatter of the kids around him. 
Patton is very aware of the fact that many of them were staring at him in awe. Especially the middle schoolers. Typically his audience on YouTube was middle schoolers. He knew having a few million subscribers got him attention and Patton had accepted that attention as part of his everyday life. It meant nothing to him now. A sort of bitter exchange. He didn’t feel the nervousness he used to when people approached him for pictures. The right feelings he got when young minds randomly appeared next to him and wanted to ask about being a YouTuber. However, that also meant he didn’t get the rush of happiness when some small kid praised or thanked him. He didn’t really feel that delighted feeling of pride anymore. 
Patton typed on his phone until the bus pulled up to the high school. Patton stepped off the bus after almost tripping over several small kids in the bus isle. He began rolling up to the school, warm humid air hitting him. It had rained horribly the day before and him, along with several other fluffy haired people, were feeling the affects. 
Patton opened the doors for a few high schoolers behind him and walked in. Heading for his locker immediately. After gathering his things Patton began taking his bag to his first hour.
“Hey Pat.” The familiar voice of Naomi, one of his close friends, greeted him.
“Hey Mi.” Patton smiled at her, moving a little in the hall so she could walk next to him.
“How was break?” 
“Ugh, did not get any homework for Leed’s class done.” Patton rolled his eyes. “But, ya know, got some editing finished.”
“Well, I don’t think the teachers honesty expect us to have gotten anything done.” Naomi tried to soothe him. 
“Yeah.” Patton sighed. They stepped into their shared first hour and continued to talk. A few more friends walked in and began talking with them, but Patton dropped away from them quickly. 
He never felt particularly attached to the people in his school. It was hit or miss with people you talked to. Patton was very aware of his social standing as ‘the most popular person in high school’, but he attributed that to his YouTube channel’s success. It wasn’t like he didn’t have friends. He certainly had people wanting to be his friend. However, it was never the type of connection that Patton would see on tv. No best friend sleepovers, skipping class together, eating cookies late at night while watching Netflix. Patton wasn’t proud of the fact that he didn’t have a close friend like that, but he figured he should take what he gets.
Besides, he still had friends.
Lunch was an easy time for Patton. He typically sat with Naomi in the library. Sure that’s not what one would expect from a popular socialite like Patton, but the cafeteria was simply too loud. Hectic and scary were adjectives Patton often described lunch as. He didn’t eat much at lunch either. He never really ate much. There wasn’t a lot of time to eat. 
Patton often spent his time listening to his friends’ problems, studying, doing something for the array of clubs he was in, or editing for YouTube. There wasn’t much time for anything else, but that was okay. Patton enjoyed doing all of those-besides studying-so it wasn’t like he missed anything. There was nothing to miss when he didn’t know of much else he could do.
Mondays were usually not the favorite day of the week for any student, never mind any person. However, they were Patton’s favorite. Why? Well, Mondays after school, Patton got to go down to the freshman biology teacher’s room and run the QSA at his school. He loved the QSA. He had been going since 8th grade, when he couldn’t technically go because he wasn’t in high school. 
However, he dedicated a lot of time to the QSA and had become the president of the club in junior year. He was elated to be in it and was able to get together a team to spread the word about it and set up fun activities. It was one of the only things about school that Patton documented in his YouTube videos.
Patton didn’t like to talk about school too much for fear of it interfering with him graduating, but he was able to take videos of everything that happened with QSA. Much to the delight of his viewers.
Patton sat anxiously in 6th hour, awaiting the final bell that meant he could head down to the club room. Sadly though, sixth hour was just getting under way, so he would have to wait.
“Welcome back to sixth hour!” Patton’s calc teacher, Mrs. Ryans began. “I know school only had been a few weeks in when the attacks hit, and it essentially feels like the next semester, but we’ll be doing a small project!”
The class cheered a little. Projects for her class were typically easier than usual class work. She would often pair up students to work on it together, making it all the easier on Patton. Usually Mrs. Ryans paired Patton with Logan, who was more than happy to help Patton on the project. Patton loved partnering with Logan, he was understanding of Patton’s schedule and never got frustrated with Patton’s inability to meet in order to work on the project. Though Patton had heard he was quite the opposite with other partners in different classes.
“So, I didn’t really have the time nor the care to make a list of partners, so, your table partners will do for this.” Mrs. Ryans sighed.
Patton met Logan’s eye with a disappointed look and shrugged. Logan returned the sentiment before looking toward Remus next to him. Logan smacked the snickering idiot.
Patton turned to his table partner Dee and gave him a warm smile that was met with a side smile, reserved for Patton alone. 
“Donnie can you pass out the papers?” Mrs. Ryans asked.
“Sure!” Donnie smiled and stood, grabbing the stack of papers that explained the assignment.
“Mrs. Ryans! Dee and I need to be partners.” Kayley Holt said a few rows behind Patton. 
“Uh, no.” Mrs. Ryans trailed off giving Kayley a questioning look.
“But we have to be. We have co-dependency anxiety and we’re both super anxious without each other! We have to be partners.” Kayley demanded.
Patton looked over to Dee who held a blank expression rivaling Lady Gaga’s ‘poker face’. Patton could tell he was not happy with the arrangement Kayley was trying to pull.
“You know what Kayley, I know you’re lying to me about this so don’t even try and pull this stunt again, but fine, you and Dee can be partners. Just don’t whine when you two both get Cs on the assignment cause you didn’t work.” Mrs. Ryans pointed at Kayley. Then pointed at her table partner. “Roman, you’ll pair with Patton.”
Patton smiled over at Roman who dramatically smiled back. 
“This will be due on Friday and I expect it typed, nothing handwritten! Heck knows you people write in hieroglyphics.” Mrs. Ryans dismissively waved her hand. “You will have Thursday in class to work on it if you need but if you don’t you can just have this as a free hour.”
Patton received the paper and began reading over the project. Dee and Roman switched places and the two dove into the work. Dividing it between themselves and scheduling times to meet to work on it.
“Are you free tonight after QSA?” Roman asked.
“Yeah, you?” 
“Mhm. I don’t think Logan or Remus have anything going on either. We can all kinda work on it together at my place.” Roman turned to where Logan and Remus sat across the room. “Logan! Remus! Come here.” 
Logan and Remus turned to Roman who was waving them over enthusiastically. The two look at each other before Logan shrugged and began walking their way. Logan and Remus sat down across from Patton and Roman, the four began talking about going to the twins’ home after QSA to work on the project.
“Well what am I supposed to do while you three are in your club?”  Remus asked
“You can come if you want. We’re doing some stuff for the underclassmen for homecoming.” Patton told Remus.
“I though they called off Homecoming.” Roman looked at Pat.
“Well, they did,” Patton trailed off. “but the freshmen on the QSA group chat were so upset, I mean I couldn’t let them be so disappointed.” 
“What did you do? Pay ‘em off?” Remus whispered.
“What?! No!” Patton whispered back. Not fully knowing why he was whispering, so he stopped. “I just argued to the superintendent that they deserved a Homecoming.” 
“How? He never changes his mind.” Roman smiled.
“Well, I mean, I’m good at convincing people, I guess.” Patton shrugged. “But yeah, homecoming is back on.” 
“None of us go to homecoming though.” Roman pointed out.
“Yeah, but the freshmen and sophomores like going and some juniors go and I know I don’t have time to go, but they deserve some fun. The town’s ten pm curfew doesn’t exactly give any kids the chance to hang out with their friends like normal teenagers.” Patton explained.
“Well, it’s nice for you to do something for them. Having experiences with their friends, like homecoming, will make it all the easier to deal the trauma of the attacks.” Logan finally said.
“Thank you Logan.” Patton nodded. “Now, is that all settled. We just head to your place after QSA?”
“Yep.” Roman nodded.
Patton smiled at him and began texting his foster mother the plan. Class ended a while after that and the four began their walk to the science wing of the school. Heading to Mr. Travis’s-the QSA faculty advisor-room. The room was already full of kids from every grade. Eager freshmen were talking nervously to their friends while the other two seniors looked around commenting on how they were used to it by now. 
“Hey guys!” Patton said as he entered.
“Patton!” Jana, a sophomore, squeaked when he entered. “I passed the project!”
“I knew you would! You’ve gotta stop doubting yourself.” Patton congratulated her.
“I know, I know.” She giggled. “Camera?” Jana put out her hands expectantly.
“Here!” Patton walked over to one of the cabinets and pulled out the camera he used for filiming. He handed it to Jana who giddily heded over to  tripod and began setting up eqquipment. "Okay everyone, before I begin with what we're doing today can we set up the tables into one long table?"
The group got up from their chairs, still chatting, and began arranging the tables the way Patton had asked. Once done helping, Patton walked to the 'head' of their make-shift table and sat down. Jana started up the cameras and sound and Patton began. 
"Homecoming is back on, which means another year of having to find a date, dress nice, and so on. So, what I’ve decided to do, is spend this week, next week, and however much longer making flower crowns.” Patton announced. “I know it’s a little childish, but pride flag flower crowns are so much fun to make and afterward you get really good at them”
“I love it.” Cami, one of the juniors said. 
“Thanks Cami.” Patton smiled. “Make some for yourself, make some for our friends, make pride flag ones, make any color ones, doesn’t matter, just use all the flowers. I printed out a bunch of instructions on different types of crowns and other jewelry you can make with the flowers. Just have fun with it!”
Mr. Travis entered the room with loads of flowers in his hand and his daughter trailing behind, also carrying many flowers. 
“Here we are.” He grunted, setting them down. 
“Thanks Mr. Travis.” Patton smiled. “Let’s get started!”
The club dispersed into groups and began making crowns, chatting with their friends, and goofing around. Patton was pulled over to a group of sophomores and freshmen who wanted to talk. 
He looked over to see Logan, Roman, and Remus talking quietly while making the crowns. Patton smiled, even Remus was making a pride flag flower crown. 
After some time he walked over to Logan, Roman, and Remus. The three stopped talking quickly and focused a little too intensely on the flower crowns. 
QSA ended far too quickly for Patton’s liking, but he and the three others left for Roman’s house soon. They talked the whole way, mainly Remus, and were very quickly entering the home. 
Patton and Roman went to the living room and lazily began talking about the project. Logan and Remus went to the dining room and Logan attempted to make progress while Remus threw Cheetos in the air and tried to catch them in his mouth. 
Patton looked around the house. It was huge. Large eggshell white walls and intimidating furnishings. It barely looked lived in. 
“Hey Roman,” Patton started, “can you point me to the bathroom?”
“Yeah sure, the closest one is just down that hallway.” Roman pointed to a dark hallway. “I’m pretty sure it’s on the right. You’ll find it.”
“Thanks.” Patton smiled. 
He got up and headed that way, not quite sure what he was doing. He didn’t need to go to the bathroom, but something about the house felt so familiar. He had to find out why. Why did being in the home feel off yet inviting. It didn’t make any sense. Patton has always been good at feelings. Knowing what they are in him and observing them in others. This though, this was different. 
Patton walked down the hallway toward a door, feeling the pull even more intensely. Every step was pulling him forward. Why was it so familiar?
Patton opened the door and stepped into an extremely dark room. Patton’s eyes could barely adjust. Without realizing it he had entered the room and was running his hand along the objects in the room. The feeling grew to an overwhelming point and Patton tried to pull away and go back to the living room, but to no avail. Then something grabbed him. It wrapped around his wrist and tightened into a perfect fit. Patton was finally able to pull his hand back and looked at the thing on his wrist. 
A bracelet. Glowing pink and swirling around his wrist. 
Patton screamed. 
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” Patton continued. He just stared at the bracelet in horror trying to get it off him as fast as possible. 
Patton distantly heard Logan call his name. Pounding footsteps headed his way and the lights around him were flipped on.
Patton barely noticed, he just focused on tearing the bracelet off of him. 
“Patton?!” Logan yelled for his attention. 
“Get it off, get it off, oh please just get this thing off of me.” Patton cried out. 
“What?” Roman started, but stopped when Patton turned and showed them the bracelet. “Oh.”
“Please just get it off, please, please,” Patton suddenly stopped, staring at Remus. “You-you’re-“
“Remus!“ Roman chided, noticing the mace he had in his hand.
“What? We didn’t know why Patton was screaming! It could have been a minion.”
“Jeez Remus.” Roman shook his head. 
“You’re the Green Ranger?” Patton asked shakily. “Which one are you Logan?”
“I-uh blue.” Logan hurried out an answer. 
“Logan! You can’t just tell every pretty boy you’re the Blue Ranger!” Roman smacked Logan on the shoulder.
“I’m not!” Logan’s face turned a bright red.
“Oh this is a disaster.” Roman sighed.
“I know.” Logan looked away.
“Look, I don’t care! I won’t tell anyone, I promise! You can trust me! Just please get this off of me! I don’t want to be a Ranger please!” Patton begged.
“Can you take this off or not?” Patton asked, tears welling in his eyes. 
“I-uh-no.” Logan stuttered. “We don’t know how.”
“Fine.” Patton stood and looked at Roman. His expression hard as tears began falling ever so slightly. “I need to borrow your car.”
“What?” Roman asked startled.
“I need to borrow your car, drive to Thomas, and get him to pull this horrible thing off my wrist.” Patton said, his voice steady.
“Patton we-“
“Please.” Patton broke down into a quiet sob. “Please just let me-“
“We’ll drive you. It’s unsafe to drive when you’re upset like this.” Logan said quickly. “Roman let’s go.”
“Ok-okay.” Roman turned and headed out of the room.
The four quickly ran out of the house and into a car. Roman started it up and began driving. Remus sat quietly in the passenger seat, looking at Patton nervously. Logan and Patton sat in the back, Patton silently crying into Logan’s chest. Logan wrapped an arm around Patton’s shoulders, holding him soothingly.
They pulled up to Thomas’s house and frantically ran to the front door.
“Thomas! Thomas! We need you open up!” Roman knocked on the door loudly.
The door swung open and a little kid stood there worried. “What’s going on?”
“Emile! Where’s your dad?” Roman asked frantically. 
“Coming coming! What is it?! Is someone hurt! What happened?” Thomas asked. He looked at the four. 
Remus and Roman stood awkwardly on the small porch. And a little ways behind them, Logan held a crying Patton.
“Wha-“ Thomas stopped himself. “Patton?”
“Thomas!!” Patton pulled away from Logan and raced to Thomas. He fell into Thomas’s arms and sobbed harder.
“Oh Pat. It’s okay I-I know.” Thomas tried soothing him. “Come on lets all go inside.”
Thomas led the four inside. Patton collapsed on the couch and looked around, drying his tears.
“Thomas, get it off of me.” Patton started shakily.
“Patton, you know that’s not how it works.”
“I don’t care. It needs to come off. I’m not breaking my last promise with Talyn. I won’t do it.” Patton shook his head. Once again grabbing at the bracelet and trying to pull it off.
Emile put a hand on Patton’s bracelet to stop him from tanking at it. 
“Patton, you know Talyn would be proud of you no matter what. They knew that it wasn’t a choice you got to make. You were chosen. They would be so proud to know you’re the next Pink Ranger.” Thomas smiled.
“No!” Patton’s tears started up yet again. “I promised! I said I would never! I told them I would never become a Ranger. It’s dangerous and heartbreaking and it tore Talyn away from me! It took Joan and Talyn from me! It took them both and it almost took you!”
“Patton, I know.” Thomas sighed, stepping closer to Patton who only pulled away. 
Roman, Remus, and Logan stood in the kitchen eyeing the scene and trying to understand whatever was going on. 
“I can’t do this. I won’t do this.” Patton stated firmly. 
“Patton, don’t you remember when you were younger and all you wanted to be was a Ranger? You were so excited to be everything Talyn was and more.”
“I was young. And stupid. And I still am. I’m not ready for this. Talyn didn’t want this.”
“Talyn knew that this would happen. They knew you would be Ranger. It was simply your destiny. You know that. We all knew that.” Thomas sighed. “Talyn just didn’t want you to feel pressured. Talyn knew the risks and didn’t want you to go through the pain.”
“If it weren’t for the morphers, Talyn, and Joan, and Valerie, and Terrence, and Dominic would all still be here! You wouldn’t have been the only Ranger for the past ten years! You wouldn’t be doing this on your own.” Patton cried. 
“Thomas, please just get it off of me.” Patton held out his wrist to Thomas. “Please. I can’t do this, please.”
"Patton. I-I-"
"Pat, please." Emile took Patton's jaw in his hand. "I know it hurts, but think about what you're doing. You know you can't take it off. Once it's on you, you can't just take the morpher off. It's there and there's nothing you can do. So, what you need to do, is live up to that amazing loving person the morpher chose. The morpher chose you because you bring heart and care and compassion to the team. You're made for this role and I know you can do it. Though you may not feel it now, it's still there."
“When we were so much younger do you remember pretending to be Rangers together. You were always the brave Pink Ranger, swooping in your save me from the Dragon Witch. You just wanted to help me. You’ve always wanted to be a Ranger and you’ve always wanted to help people. Please don’t give up on that. You know for a fact Talyn only said that to try and keep you safe. No matter what you’ve promised them, or Joan, or Megan, you want to do this.” Emile stopped him. “You don’t have to be afraid. You’ve got a team by your side.”
They sat in silence. Patton’s tears had dried on his face and he desperately tried to talk but found no sound coming out. His chest heaved and ached. Patton could only squeeze Emile’s hand in his and sniffle.
“I’m sorry.” Patton squeaked. “I’m so sorry.”
“No, don’t be sorry. Pat of course you’d feel this way. No one expects you to immediately want to be a Ranger. Especially after what happened with Talyn. No one blames you for feeling this way.” Thomas assured him.
“Thank you, I-I know. I know it’s okay. It just still doesn’t feel that way. It doesn’t feel-feel-feel-“
“I’m sure it doesn’t. But it’s okay.” Emile whispered. 
Patton collapsed into Emile, just crying into the smaller boy. “It hurts so bad.”
Emile nodded and ran a soothing hand through Patton’s hair. As Patton continued trying to control his sobbing he felt more arms wrap around him. He shifted to see Roman, Remus, and Logan holding him gently, too gently. It was like they though one squeeze would break Patton in half. 
“You’re going to be the best Pink Ranger to ever fight.” Roman told him.
“Thank you I-I’m okay.” Patton smiled sweetly at the boys hugging him.
They pulled away, but stayed close. 
“I’m going to be okay.” Patton said a little shakily but calm. 
I’m ready. Patton wrote late that night in his diary. I’m going to be okay. 
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petitrenard · 4 years
I can’t finish
Jessica stood outside the door and felt her heart beating in her chest. She was surprised she could feel anything. Chicago had been hit with another sub zero snowstorm and the short walk from her office to this front door was enough to make her reconsider her decision to move back home. Although, if she were being completely honest with herself, this was exactly where she wanted to be at this moment.
As she began taking off the layers of outerwear, she got a bit light headed and leaned her head against the wall of the entryway. Or was it a vestibule? Despite 3 years of design she always got those two confused. Proper terminology aside, she leaned her head on the wall of the area directly outside of the apartment door of the man she wanted to sleep with that wasn’t her husband. Jessica chuckled to herself, I’m not sure there’s an architectural term for this particular space.
As she was playing over the events of earlier in the day, the apartment door opened. Even though she wasn’t expecting it to open, she knew that it was going to open and although abrupt, she wasn’t startled. From the doorway Liam handed her a drink and grabbed her tote. “Jessica! You don’t have to stand in the entryway all night.”
She made a mental note, Entryway. Entryway. Check. This is an entryway. Check. Jessica took a moment to drink in the situation. Her hesitation must’ve telegraphed and Liam extended his hand out to her and said, “You can slam that whiskey in my entryway, I can hand you your Louis with my manuscript inside, you can walk out of here and you can never look back. But I’d be a real dick if I sent you out to the El platform without at least making sure you warmed up first.”
The thought of freezing while waiting for the El was not even remotely ideal. She considered for a moment, took her gloves off and walked inside.
As the door shut behind her, Jessica looked around at Liam’s place. It was a converted warehouse space, which wasn’t what she expected, and that definitely telegraphed. As Liam walked past her he remarked, “If you think the foyer is nice, you should see the rest of the place.”
She followed him into his living room. It was gorgeous. An original Pollock hung over the roaring fireplace, polished concrete floors, floor to ceiling windows with a large french door that led out to a lush indoor/outdoor terrace complete with a hot tub. Her bones ached to climb into the steaming hot tub. She also wondered how anything could be lush in the middle of a Chicago winter - making a mental note for small talk.
Jessica took a deep breath...this place, combined with this guy was trouble. She was at his place for a legitimate reason - his manuscript was about to be in production and they had to go over the copy editors queries. She knew better than to go to an authors home though - especially since her husband was out of the country and she didn’t plan on telling him about the visit when they talked tomorrow afternoon. The 100%, completely legitimate work visit between a new client and his editor was not going to be discussed.
In the 10 years she had been married, Jessica had never given another man a second look. She was happy, she was stable and it was a healthy relationship, but fuck was she bored. So this afternoon when Liam asked her to swing by after work to go over the edits, she leapt at the opportunity.
Liam Clark was a designer, writer, and noted post-disaster expert that had just finished a successful nationwide lecture tour. The big publishing houses had courted him, but he and Jessica hit it off instantly. Her independent publishing house was small, but well respected in the literary world and their arts focused content was second to none. Not to mention her robust multi platform approach to promotion and distribution. Liam signed during their first meeting.
She was thankful that he wanted to get right to business. His manuscript was splayed out across his coffee table and he sat right down. Instantly she felt silly for assuming that their rapport at her office earlier was anything more than a new client taking the opportunity to develop a relationship with his editor.
The two of them began pouring over the notes, drinking, eating and laughing. A few hours had easily passed and Liam got up to stir the fire. Jessica hadn’t looked at her phone or outside until the Weather Alert tone sounded. Significant Weather Advisory, Winter Storm with up to 8” of snow expected along with dangerously low wind chill. Fuck. For the first time all night, Jessica stood up and went to the front window.
The street was absolutely empty and the wind and snow was blowing with an almost comical ferocity. She shook her head. There would be no El tonight. Jessica opened the Uber app to try to get a car - No Cars Available. She would have to go back to her office and spend the night there. Perfect. A night on my couch. Love it. This is why you can’t have nice things Jessica.
Liam walked up to the window with another drink in his hand and handed it to Jessica. “Liam, I have to get going. I’ve got to get back to my office before it gets any worse out there and I can’t walk.”
“Jessica, you can’t go out there.”
“It’s fine. It’s only 2 blocks to the office. I’ve got a couch & a whole set up. I’ll be fine.” Jessica  was doing a really bad job at selling this scenario. She didn’t want to go spend the night in her stupid office. She wanted to stay here, with the charming, handsome, successful man and sink into his hot tub.
“No way. You’re wearing high heeled boots, those are all fashion no function. Let’s say I let you venture out into the blustery, freezing Chicago night. You become disoriented and never make it to your office. They find your chic but frozen body with my manuscript in your tote. Next thing I know the cops are looking at me for answers...and the literary world never forgives me for letting the beautiful and talented Jessica Simpson, no relation, walk out of my warm apartment.”
“You make a compelling point. It’s not a problem if I stay here?”
“If it was, I wouldn’t have offered.”
She glanced out at the street, back into the apartment and then back at Liam. “All right, I’ll stay. Thank you.”
Liam smiled, “Perfect! I’ll get dinner started.”
Jessica hated how much she loved this attention and felt a little bit guilty. Is a 100% completely legitimate business sleepover a thing? Yes. As long as I don’t sleep with him, it is absolutely a thing. She glanced over at Liam turning on the burner of his industrial stove and wondered what a 90% legitimate business sleepover looked like.
“How can I help?” she asked.
“Why don’t you turn on the hot tub and find a movie on Netflix! I know it’s pretty basic, but the hot tub is perfect for a bone chilling night like this.”
Fuck. The percentages on legitimacy were rapidly diminishing the longer she stayed. She looked back at the street one last time, saw a couple stagger through the snow down the street, fall into a snowbank and drew the shades. In for a penny in for a pound. Jessica admonished herself. In for a pound? A pound? Oh you dirty birdie. You ma’am are a bad person. She nearly sprinted to the hot tub and started the bubbles.
Dinner was lovely and lively. As Jessica cleaned up, her insistence, Liam went to grab another bottle of whiskey from his bar. The apartment was warm and had a lovely warm glow. The steam from the hot tub made the room feel almost tropical. She was glad that she hadn’t left.
Liam came back with a fresh bottle of whiskey and asked the million dollar question. “Want to jump in the tub?”
“I don’t have a swimsuit.”
“It’s ok. I have an oversized t-shirt if you want.”
Jessica was instantly glad that she had worn a matching bra and panty set. “Ok, if it’s not too weird. I’ve kind of been dying to get in.” And then she did something completely bold. Still unsure if it was the whiskey, the terminal fidelity or good old fashioned lust, Jessica began undressing in Liam’s kitchen...he didn’t stop her.
She stood in her bra and panties in his kitchen. Her clothes in a heap at her feet. She let her hair down. Liam had poured her another drink and placed it on the counter in front of him. Jessica grabbed it and as she walked past him she gently brushed his hand with her body. “Thanks Liam. I’m going to get into the tub now.”
Before she got past him, Liam grabbed her wrist. Jessica froze. She didn’t want to meet his eyes. She already knew exactly what he wanted. It was exactly what she wanted. Instead she looked at her wrist and his hand. He pulled her hand towards his cock and instinctively her body pressed against him.
She lifted his shirt up and pressed her belly to his. Liam groaned and pulled her body closer to him. Jessica pushed his shirt up further as she began kissing his belly on her way down to her knees. This was the moment that she knew in the war between all or nothing, she had chosen all. She ached for him. As she looked into his eyes, she knew he ached for her.
He undid his pants, she pulled them down and welcomed his hard cock into her mouth. She groaned and took him in her mouth with an eagerness to please him that neither she nor Liam had ever experienced. She wanted to know every single inch of his body, by mastering what was before her.
As the tip of Liam’s cock slid down the back of Jessica’s throat, he whimpered. His pleasure only made her want to please him more. She looked up at him, grasped his cock with her hand and said, “I want to please you Liam. I want to give you everything you want. Please let me please you.”
He looked down at her open mouth and pushed his cock back onto her warm, waiting tongue. “I want you to suck my cock until my balls are empty.” And with a single thrust he was deep in her mouth. Jessica took it all and Liam grabbed her hair in his hand, “That’s a very good girl. You’re making me very happy Jessica.” Liam’s encouragement made her work harder to please him. She brought him close to climax multiple times and as she edged him down she said, “Will you please put your cock inside of me?”
Liam took a moment as his cock rested on her tongue. “Jessica. My cock is already inside of you. It’s inside your mouth. Where else could possibly you want my cock?”
Jessica let go of him and slowly stood up. As she did she slid her panties down to her knees. As she pulled them down there was a long string of precum from her pussy to her panties. She grabbed Liam’s cock and pushed it against her wet pussy. “I want it here.”
Liam took a deep breath, put his fingers between her legs, spread her pussy and pushed his cock inside of her. 
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rmg91 · 5 years
The Woes and Antics of Living Together-10; Prank War
AN Edit, 8/14/19: I want to thank you all soooooooo, so much for all the wonderful comments you've left so far! I know I don't reply to all of them (at least on ff.net) but please know I love seeing them and appreciate all the love you've given this fic! I actually wrote this chapter back in like...April/May and while I maybe should've done a few things differently I still like how it came out and I hope you all do too!
So this chapter was really, really hard to start. Not because of the content but because at the time I was going to start it I was dealing with a lot of real life thinks, the biggest being we had to put one of my cats to sleep and it was really hard to find the motivation/inspiration to write. I almost thought this would become like all my other half-finished fics and never get done but with sheer determination and being boosted by all the wonderful comments I'd gotten so far, I kept trying until the muses responded and gave me something to work with. So without further ado, Chapter 10.
Prank War time!! Also this is the chapter where Branch and Poppy apparently unconsiously flirt with each other XD
Previous Chapter/Next Chapter; AO3/FF.net
@writerofberk-I think (and hope) you’ll like this chapter c:
@hair-in-the-air-I know you’ll like the ending of this chapter, heeheehee~
It was a few weeks after The Incident, as Poppy was dubbing it in her mind, and for the most part they had moved on from it. Poppy had been a little awkward around Branch for a few days and he had been a little more irritable than usual but they had managed fall back into their sort of routine. Being distracted by classes and work had helped of course and now they could concentrate on more important things. Like Poppy's current prank war with the Snack Pack.
What had started as a few silly jokes -jump scares, drawing on faces, fun with puns- had quickly turned into elaborate plans to get whoever was the current victim. Guy had tricked them all into wearing shiny disco outfits for a day by telling everyone there was going to be a Retro Day at the university. Of course when they made their epic entrance they were the only ones in costume and Guy was filming them. They all, of course, still had fun, even after Smidge chased Guy around campus.
Satin and Chenille somehow found the time to pull the classic of covering someone's car in sticky notes on Suki. The Dj had been quite surprised to come out of class one day to find her car completely covered in written on sticky notes. Most were teases from the twins but there were a few from Guy asking the tangerine haired woman out. What the twins hadn't expected was for Suki to get them back by wrapping their car in saran wrap the next day.
Smidge had tricked all of them in believing she no longer loved pranks by claiming she was tired of them. She kept them believing it for two whole days until she caught them in a massive water balloon bombing. And then Biggie had somehow managed to find the time to wrap all their things in wrapping paper, tame by comparison sure but their big hearted friend could never find it in him to play mean pranks on anyone.
The latest prank had been by Cooper, who had gotten Poppy by replacing all the middles of a carton of Oreo's with toothpaste.
The young pink haired woman was currently in the midst of setting up her revenge on her friend by filling up a large bucket with as much glitter as she could find. She planned on the classic of a bucket falling on the victims head but with her own twist. Giggling in a rather evil way, Poppy finished filling the bucket almost to the brim before carrying the pail to the front of the art building. Guy and Smidge were helping her set up, as they had also eaten some toothpaste filled cookies, and they were eager to see their tall friend covered in the colorful cocktail of glitter Poppy had mixed up.
Passing the bucket up to Smidge, Poppy watched her attach it to their rig that would spill it all over Cooper when he walked through the door. Once they were certain it wouldn't fall by itself and ruin the prank, the three cleared away the step stool and trash and hid behind the corner as Poppy opened the camera app on her phone. Guy made the call to Cooper telling him to come quickly and now all they had to do was wait for him to show up.
However as they were so focused on the door, they didn't noticed their dreadlocked friend come up behind them, “Hi guys! So what'd you need to see me for?”
“Oh my god!!”
“Cooper!” Poppy cried as she turned around, “You were suppose to come through the main door!”
“I was?” He asked before laughing, “Sorry!”
The trio sighed at their oblivious friend before a sudden cry and crash of a bucket falling came from around the corner. The cry had even sounded very familiar to Poppy as she peeked around the side to see a now thoroughly glitter covered Branch standing in the doorway. She couldn't help the snickers that escaped as she watched him growl and shake some of the tiny sparkles off, the bucket slowly turning on the floor.
The raven haired man glanced up with a glare as he heard her and yelled, “Poppy!! What's the meaning of this?!?!”
“Sorry, Branch!” She said, walking over to him, still trying to contain her laughter as her friends giggled behind her, “That wasn't meant for you.”
Branch scoffed and brushed more glitter out of his hair, “Oh yeah, the giggles really sell that.”
“Really!” She exclaimed, “Although...” More snickering escaped as she gestured to him, “You're really making that work. Heehee!”
Glowering at the pinkette, Branch stepped up to loom over her, “Careful, Poppy. You don't want to face the wrath of the Prank King, do you?”
“Ha!” She laughed, giving him a disbelieving look as she crossed her arms, “You? The Prank King? I think not.”
“Oh yeah?” He asked, raising an eyebrow, “Who won all of our prank wars as kids?”
Poppy scoffed, “Pffft, please. We were kids.” She smirked up at him, “You don't have what it takes to take me on, Bud.”
“Oh really?” He smirked back.
“Really, really~”
Branch gave her a rather predatory grin, “Then bring it on, Princess.”
Poppy was on her highest guard for the rest of the day and into the next, she even spent the night at Smidge's just to make sure Branch didn't get the opportunity to prank her at home. She made sure to keep an eye out for him as she made her way around campus, making note of anything that seemed suspicious. She avoided him whenever she could and went as far as sitting in the front row of their shared class, he wouldn't be getting her to sit on any whoopie cushions or brownies. Was she going just a little too far? Maybe but the so called 'Prank King' wasn't going to get the drop on her! She was the Queen of Parody and she wouldn't be de-throned.
Approaching the end of the day, Poppy was confident that she had managed to thwart any attempts Branch could have made during at school. Now she'd just have to avoid him at their apartment, or at least make it very difficult for him to prank her back, a little more complicated but not impossible. She was happily making her way down a hallway, stopping here and there to talk to other friends, heading toward the door that would lead her toward the parking lot. Maybe if she got home before Branch did she could whip up a batch of cupcakes and then preemptively prank him before he got her? Hmm...but how to get him to take the treat if she did?
Taking a chance look out a window, she couldn't help but notice her roommate outside walking down the path, phone in hand. The pinkette stopped and tilted her head to the side, wondering what he was up to as he never walked around texting or playing games on his phone like that. He always claimed it wasn't safe and people were bound to run into something! Watching him disappear around the corner, Poppy scrunched her face up in suspicion and hurried to catch up with him. The hypocrite wouldn't get away from her!
So focused on catching up with him, Poppy harshly pushed open the door and didn't notice the bucket falling on her head until it was too late.
Stopping in shock at being covered in some soft, sticky substance, the young woman lifted the bucket off her head and wiped at her eyes. She wondered briefly what it could be until the familiar sweetness filled her nose and she recognized it as vanilla frosting. How in the world did Branch managed to get this much frosting?! Blinking, she looked up to see her roommate standing a few yards away, smirking at her. He then bowed and saluted her before turning and walking away.
That little-!! How dare he?!?!
“Ooooh...” Poppy growled, hands fisting, “Just you wait, Hawthorn. I'll get my revenge,” She licked some frosting off her thumb, “And it'll be sweet.”
After a thorough shower to wash away all the frosting in her hair and starting a load of laundry, Poppy brainstormed for what she could possibly do to get Branch back before he got home. Humming as she looked through the cabinets for something to eat, she caught site of a lone can frosting. Hmm, Branch wouldn't suspect her to use frosting in her prank against him, would he? But what could she put it in...
Taking a look around, she'd have to choose something that wouldn't be obvious for a prank set up. Nothing in the kitchen, too obvious, and nothing in his room for now as he'd be too suspicious and check everywhere. Groaning, Poppy bounced on the balls of her feet as she tried to shake some idea out. Of course, rushing would make her sloppy but then again if she didn't figure something out soon, she may run out of time. Grabbing her phone, she decided to turn to the internet for inspiration and if that didn't help, she'd text the Pack. Her friends could always come through in a pinch.
Although it looked like that wouldn't be necessary as one of the first few suggestions would be perfect. Poppy grinned and cackled evilly, Branch was in for a surprise.
It was a few hours later, quite a few hours more than Poppy thought he'd be out, when Branch came home. He dropped his keys in the small bowl by the door, glad he didn't have to worry about tripping over any of Poppy's shoes since they added the shoes rack and wandered into the kitchen. He looked around, trying to find anything out of place before glancing at the pinkette on the couch. She was seemingly just innocently playing a game on her phone but he knew her better than that. She'd had plenty of time to set up a revenge prank.
“I'm home...” He said, tone betraying his suspicions.
“And rather late too,” She gasped dramatically as she looked up, “And it's a school night!! Such a delinquent! Whatever were you doing?!”
He glared at her, unamused with her antics, “I was playing video games with Gristle. He's a sore loser and wanted a rematch. Now what did you sabotage?”
She giggled, going back to her phone game, “Tsk, tsk, Branch. You know I wouldn't tell you that. If I did anything that is. As it stands I'm waiting till you fall into a false sense of security before getting my revenge. Nobody dumps frosting on me without paying.”
“Right...” He didn't believe her for a second but currently had no proof that she was lying.
As Poppy went back to her game, he subtly inspected the kitchen for any pranks laying in wait. Finding the cabinets free of fake spiders and the faucet free of plastic wrap and no fake gross food in the fridge, Branch concluded it was safe. Grabbing an apple, and inspecting it to make sure it was indeed real, he wandered into his room to thoroughly check for any tricks. Finding his bed and drawers empty of itching powder or sneezing powder, closet free of anyone waiting to jump out and his desk chair free of glue alongside anything else he could think of, he decided to trust that Poppy hadn't done anything to his personal effects either. Still, he didn't trust her to not have done anything in retaliation and he wasn't about to let her catch him off guard.
Unable to think of anything else to inspect at the moment, the raven haired man yawned and decided he'd have to place some tentative trust in Poppy for not having sabotaged anything yet. Also he was locking his door tonight, he didn't trust her that much to not sneak in and do something in the night. Quickly changing into some pj's, Branch made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. However as he opened the medicine cabinet for the toothpaste, he thought better of it and grabbed the new one from below the sink. He wouldn't put it past Poppy to have somehow messed with the opened one.
Squeezing some onto his toothbrush, Branch would have began brushing his teeth, if it had tasted right. Feeling the substance dissolve in his mouth and licking some off the toothbrush, he growled. That little witch! She went and somehow replaced it with frosting!! Mint flavored frosting! Slamming his toothbrush on the counter he stormed out of the bathroom.
“Poppy!!” She had the gall to start laughing as he came to stand in front of the couch, “Seriously?! The toothpaste?!”
“Hahaha! That'll teach you! I told you no one gets away with dumping frosting on me.” She smirked before sashaying her way over to him and poking him in the chest, “Face it, Branch. You're fighting a loosing battle here. Because while you may claim to be the 'king', you're nothing compared to the Queen~” She leaned in close with a smug look, “And this is just the beginning.”
It took all of Branch's willpower to not grab her and kiss that smug look off her face, for there was something insanely attractive about a smug Poppy, as he watched her go toward her room. And if she thought he was going to give up now, she was oh so wrong, this was only the beginning and Branch would be the victor. The Prank King would reign supreme.
The next few days were filled with various pranks pulled on one another, starting the very next morning. Poppy really should have expected a retaliation from Branch for the toothpaste. The prank? The sugar jar replaced with salt. So when a sleepy, not awake pinkette came shuffling out of her room and started pouring herself a cup, she didn't suspect that the white granules she spooned in wasn't the usual. Until she took a sip that is. Her nose had wrinkled and as she made a disgusted face, Branch couldn't help but laugh and snap a quick picture. Poppy had glared and shook her head at him, claiming 'not cool' before finding the sugar to make a proper cup.
Her revenge was simple but a classic. A pie in the face. Spending a quick hour in the Home Ec. kitchens, Poppy whipped up a plain crust before filling it with homemade whip-cream. She even made sure it was towering as high as she could make it, since Branch loved his whip-cream. Waiting until he was distracted with studying, thankfully somewhere outside, she approached as casually as she could with a pie held behind her back. Glancing quickly to where Smidge was recording this for a vlog, Poppy asked if Branch knew there was something on his face. As soon as he turned to ask her what she meant, she cried 'This!' and smashed the pie right in his face. She and Smidge laughed joyously as Branch sputtered and cursed, jumping up and wiping cream off his face. He glared at Poppy and bit out that she was in for it.
Branch had to wait to get back at her as it was extremely difficult to catch Poppy off guard when there were pranks around. The opportunity was finally granted when Branch came home a little earlier from work than usual. Poppy was asleep on the couch, in the aftermath of an afternoon of babysitting, and was dead to the world. Grinning, he had quickly and quietly grabbed the can of whip-cream from the fridge. Sneaking over to spray it in her hand, Branch couldn't help but take a moment to gaze at her. She hardly ever seemed to slow down so for him to catch her asleep and unaware was a rare treat. She was just so beautiful, inside and out, he had to take his chance to take it in. If he had a heart he wouldn't ruin her slumber but she started this war and he wouldn't give up until she caved.
As quietly as he could, Branch had maneuvered one of her hands to cup the whip-cream before spraying a pile. He then stood over the back of the couch and tickled her nose with a feather he found in her craft boxes. Nose twitching, the pinkette lifted the cream filled hand up to get the itch. Coming awake with a start, she stared at her hand before spying a smug Branch standing over her. Pouting, she stuck her tongue out at him before getting up and claiming he was immature. He promptly responded he was just putting himself on her level with a smirk.
After some brainstorming, Poppy opted to prank Branch back by painting his bar soap with clear nail polish. She would have done the classic of some hair dye in his shampoo but the jerk had been hiding his from her. She was however soon rewarded with Branch storming out of the bathroom, sadly dressed, waving the soap in the air. Thankfully she had managed to dodge it when he threw it at her as she was laughing. He then claimed he'd get her back with something she wouldn't expect.
That something was an unexpected find at the grocery store as Branch had been brainstorming the rest of the that week's dinner. Grinning from their small balcony as Poppy walked down below, Branch waited from the perfect opportunity to dump his bucket of balloons on her. Sure water balloons weren't too original, but water balloons filled with special watercolor dyes were. They would make his perky and confident roommate regret ever starting this prank war on him by, temporarily, making her into a walking rainbow for a few hours.
Watching as she stopped to talk to one of their neighbors for a moment, Branch quickly readied the bucket on the railing to dump it once she was done. Just as she waved the neighbor goodbye, the poet quickly shouted to her before pouring the bucket over. Multi-colored tiny balloons spilled out and rushed toward the ground where they broke all over Poppy and the sidewalk. Branch chuckled as Poppy stared up in shock at him before her face transformed into a look of rage and she stamped her foot. He saluted her and watched as she began marching herself inside.
“I can't believe you did that!!” She shrieked about five minutes later as she came inside, “Water balloons?! Really?!”
“Hey, what can I say,” He smirked as he shrugged a shoulder, leaning against the balcony door, “Can't really mess with a classic. Although I did put my own spin on it. Try not to drip too much on the furniture though.”
Poppy huffed, chest heaving and Branch was eternally grateful she wasn't wearing anything that became see-through when wet, “I'll get you for this! Just you wait!”
“I'd like to see you try.” He smirked as it took all his willpower to remain casual because he was quickly discovering an angry Poppy was just as attractive as a smug Poppy, “Maybe you'll even come up with something that isn't as lame as your last prank.”
“Oh-ho-ho! You think my last prank was lame now, huh?” She crossed her multi-colored arms, “Then prepare to feel the rain, mister, because I'm gonna pour the best prank on you. Ever!”
“Water-puns? Really? What? Gonna throw water balloons on me too?”
“Oooh...Shut up!” She punched his shoulder before storming off to the bathroom. He was gonna pay so much for this!
Ok, so Branch had sort of called it and she was gonna return the water balloon assault but the difference was going to be that she had the Snack Pack on her side. Giggling maniacally, Poppy couldn't wait until Branch came down the pathway. Everyone was already in position, Cooper and Biggie were hiding behind some bushes on the right, while Satin and Chenille hid on the left. Suki was kneeling behind a tree and Smidge was beside Guy behind a bench armed with super soakers. Poppy herself was hiding behind a trashcan as she waited for visual before she made herself known to the target.
Creek had briefly tried to talk her out of this, insisting that this prank war had gone on long enough but Poppy hadn't listened. She was determined to make Branch admit she was the prank master. After that the guru had sighed and wandered far away from the splash zone to watch the incoming carnage.
“Poppy, target is incoming,” Came Biggie's voice through the walkie-talkie, “Are you sure about all this?”
“Yes, I'm sure. Now everyone, hold position and wait for my signal. Heh-heh-heh, it's showtime.”
Peering around the trashcan, the pinkette watched Branch walk just past where Biggie, Cooper and the twins were hiding before popping out. She casually wandered up a few steps before stopping as Branch noticed her. He frowned at her and the water balloon she held in her hand.
“So you are copying me. Psh, and I thought you were original.” He said, crossing his arms.
“Oh, Branch, you simply can't mess with a classic.” She smirked, “But you're not the only one who can add their own spin to something. I'm not gonna just throw a water balloon at you. I told you, I'm bringing the rain.” She then grinned evilly before shouting, “ATTACK!!!”
Branch didn't know what hit him as all members of the Snack Pack popped out of hiding and began pelting him with balloons. He tried to get away but was stopped as Smidge jumped in front of him and sprayed him from her water gun. He tried to find another way to escape but it was difficult to form any sort of plan as the small projectiles hit him. Their laughter surrounded him as they continued their barrage with Poppy's being the clearest of them all. Eventually though they ran out of ammo and it was finally over and Branch was now completely and utterly soaked.
He stood there, water dripping off him, clothes sticking to his skin, spitting water from his mouth as Poppy cheerfully skipped up. He pushed his wet hair out of his eyes to glare at her, “Seriously?!”
“Uh-huh, yep~!” She chirped, “Ready to admit I'm the Prank Master?”
Branch growled and stood up from his hunch to tower over her, “Never.” He then marched off muttering, water logged clothing sloshing as he went.
Branch was still seething later that evening when Poppy came home, happily bounding in through the door. His response to her greeting was a heated glare before going back to his homework, not wanting to hear whatever she had to say. He heard her huff, and he could just imagine the pout she sent his way as she placed her hands on her hips, before she went into her bedroom. If he was smart he'd just go knock and tell her what she wanted to hear and end this stupid war but his pride wouldn't let him. He was going to win and she was going to be the one to admit he was the master of all pranks. He just needed a chance to get her back...
His chance came not forty-five minutes later when she flounced out dressed to go clubbing. Ponytail swinging, Poppy said she'd be back later and to not wait up. Branch watched her leave before grinning slowly, she was naive to think he wouldn't set up a return prank just because he was pissed off at her. Or she excepted it and thought whatever he'd do wouldn't compare to bombing with water balloons. Well, he'd just have to pull out something diabolical then, wouldn't he?
Poppy arrived home well after two am, giggling as she teetered on her high-heels coming through the door. Clumsily locking the door, she giggled again as she spun and weaved her way to her room. A few hours of dancing and singing at a club with her best friends was just what she needed. Plus the few drinks she had didn't hurt either. Prank wars were fun and amazing but it was exhausting waiting for Branch to admit she was the master. Oh well, she'd just have to meet his attempts for however long it took.
“And if you knock, knock me over, I will get back up again...” She sang under breath, opening her door before pausing.
She blinked a few times as it took her muddled brain a moment to process what she was seeing. Not only was her bed completely covered and made neatly in newspaper but it was surrounded by a sea of red plastic cups filled with water. Poppy stood there for a second, momentarily impressed how fast Branch had set this all up as she'd only been gone a few hours, before realizing she'd now have to clean some of it out of the way so she could go to bed.
She'd have to make sure to throw a pillow at her roommate in the morning for this.
Sighing, for all she wanted to do was flop down on her bed, the young woman began picking up cups. After a few passes back and forth to the bathroom, and briefly pounding on Branch's door to get him to come help, Poppy finally had a path to her bed. Finding the edge of the newsprint, she pealed it back, making sure to crumple it loudly in hopes Branch would hear. Tearing more off her pillows, Poppy could finally crawl into bed. However she noticed that apparently one other thing had been done as she tried to slip her legs under her blankets. She couldn't slide them more than a few inches.
Throwing her comforter to the side, she saw her flat sheet was folded in half. She couldn't believe it, not only had Branch made it entirely difficult to get into her bed, he had also short sheeted it! Crying out in frustrating, Poppy flopped dramatically down, uncaring that she was now laying the other way. She'd just sleep this way for the night. Grabbing a pillow, the pinkette made herself comfortable, thought's of how she'd make Branch pay for this swimming in her head.
Poppy spent the next few days trying to plan something worthy to get Branch back with while also, hopefully, drawing him into a false sense of security. She had been brainstorming with Cooper that morning but still hadn't settled on the right prank. She needed something epic, something so out there that not only would Branch be impressed by it but finally, finally admit she was the best prankster ever. If only she could figure out what that was...
Taking a quick glance at her phone's clock, Poppy noted that it was getting pretty late and she had yet to see her roommate since that morning. Wondering where he could be, it's not like he went out to party or anything of the sort, she hoped he was alright. That's when she heard the door click open and Branch come shuffling in.
She listened to him lock it before greeting, “Hey, Roomie. Where ya been?”
“Library,” He grunted, not even looking at her as he dragged himself though the kitchen, “I hope you haven't set up some ridiculous prank because I am not in the mood.”
“What's wrong?” Poppy asked, getting up from the couch suddenly worried. He'd seemed fine this morning.
Branch growled low in his throat, “Bad day.”
And it had started out relatively well too but he should have known things would go bad. They always did. Work had been fine, Reed had even praised him on his ideas to help make the store more organized and efficient but that was the only high point. Branch had missed the first bus back toward the university and had almost missed the second. Then the library had a small power outage which was just enough for him to lose the progress on his English essay, which he then of course had to rewrite. Then he'd had a run in with Creek. That damned guru had decided to not only insult his choice of major and his choice of electives but had of course rubbed it in that if he continued to be a negative person, he'd never find anyone to be with. And of course, of course, he brought up Poppy during that bit and how happy she was to be with Creek, even if they weren't 'officially' dating yet. And the last straw of the day had been when he'd gotten a email from one of his teachers saying he had to completely re-do an assignment for no apparent reason, other than to make him suffer.
Branch just wanted to go to bed and not deal with anything anymore. Even his well meaning and caring roommate, who was looking at him like she wanted to hug him. He held up a hand to stop her from speaking, “I don't care what you have to say right now, Poppy. Just tell me you haven't set up a prank. Or go get rid of it, if you have.”
Poppy bit her lip, wanting so badly to hug Branch right now but knew he'd just yell at her if she did, “I haven't done anything. Promise. I hadn't thought of what to do yet.”
“Good.” He grunted before shuffling off to his bedroom.
“Good night, Branch.” Poppy said after him.
He mumbled something that sounded vaguely like a 'good night' back as he opened his door. He paused however, “Poppy...” He said, voice sounding like his was trying to keep it even, “Where the hell is my bed?”
“What?” The pinkette walked closer and peeked over his shoulder to find his mattress completely missing and a small piece of paper sitting on the box spring, “Uuhhh...I did not do this.”
“Really?” He asked, giving her a incredulous look, “Then who did?!”
“Oh dear...” It just occurred to her that perhaps Cooper could have gotten the wrong idea when they were talking and took her nodding to his suggestions as confirmation to go ahead and execute it, “I-I think it was Cooper. We were brainstorming earlier and oooh...”
Poppy ran back to the living room and grabbed her phone, hitting Cooper's speed-dial as she walked back to stand next to Branch. She listened to it ring, bounding on her toes, and preyed he picked up. When that didn't happen and all she got was his voicemail, she groaned, “Cooper! Call me back as soon as you wake up! Please! You weren't suppose to go through with the prank on Branch yet. I love that you wanted to help but I hadn't decided if that's what we were gonna do.”
Branch watched her hang up, scowling, “You're too nice, you know that?”
“Shush, mistakes happen.”
He rolled his eyes, “Suure, mistakes.” He then huffed and glanced at where his missing mattress should be, “Floor it is. Or I guess the couch.”
“What? No.” Poppy protested, “You are not sleeping on the floor. Or the couch. You'll be even grumpier in the morning if you do that.”
Branch leaned against his doorjamb, crossing his arms, “Then what do you suggest? Hmm? Only two options I have.”
It was Poppy's turn to roll her eyes, “You can sleep in my bed. There's plenty of room.”
“I-What?!” Branch's eyes widen and his brain momentarily shut off as he blushed, she couldn't be serious?! Them? Share her bed?! Nu-uh! No way! Not happening! That was the worse idea in forever! There was absolutely no way he was going to sleep in Poppy's bed, “No! W-we can't do that!! I-it's not-! No!”
Poppy rolled her eyes again, “Psh! On please, Branch. We're both adults here. Nothing's gonna happen. Plus we use to share all the time as kids.”
“Yeah. When we were kids! I am not going to sleep in your bed!”
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I'm not.”
“Yes, you are~”
“No, I'm not!”
He couldn't believe he was doing this. It was ridiculous, him sleeping in her bed when he could just use the couch. But as always, Poppy had managed to get her way. He groaned as he watched her pull back her comforter and sit on the left side, patting the right side before turning to her picture frame of friends and starting her good night routine. Rolling his eyes as her, Branch eyed her bed like it was going to attack him before stiffly sitting on the edge. Maybe he'd just wait till she was asleep before sneaking out to the couch. Sure, he'd probably regret it come morning but it was better than being in the same bed as Poppy. There was no telling what could possibly happen if he let his guard down and he wasn't about to let his feelings get out because he got too comfortable.
“Hey, Branch?” Poppy said, calling his attention to her.
“I...I just wanted to say sorry. For letting this prank war get sort of out of hand. Heh...I forgot how competitive we could be. Truce?”
He sighed wearily before glancing at her, “Truce.”
She smiled, and dammit if he didn't want to lean over and kiss her, before she yawned, “Well...guess it's bed time. And you don't have to sit on the edge like that Branch. Just relax.”
Yeah, right. Like he could relax while laying in her bed, surrounded by her scent and being just a few inches away from her. He didn't say that though and just threw a pillow in-between them. It was fruitless barrier but it was better than nothing.
“What? Afraid I'll bite you in the night, Branch?”
He shrugged, “Yes.” He then tossed his own pillow down and laid down, stiff and as far on the edge as he could go.”
Poppy shook her head, “And you say I'm ridiculous. You need to relax, Bud.”
“I am relaxed. Now go to sleep...and stay on your side of the bed!”
The pinkette heaved a fond sigh before flipping her light off and slipping under the covers, “Good night, Branch.”
Branch made a noise in the back of his throat, “Night...”
He didn't know how long he just laid there, trying not to focus on Poppy every time she shifted or sighed. Branch also tried not to find the combination of vanilla and strawberry shampoo relaxing as he waited for her to fall asleep but soon enough his eyes fluttered closed and his muscles lost tension as he fell into a deep sleep.
Morning came and with it Branch's internal alarm rang to wake him up. He came to slowly, feeling more well rested than he had in years. Sighing calmly, he shifted to sink farther into his pillows, deciding a few more minutes of sleep couldn't hurt. Poppy wasn't the only one who liked to sleep in. Then in dawned on Branch that his pillows were never this fluffy and the sun was coming in though the window at a different angle than usual.
And that's when Branch remembered just where he was sleeping. He was still in Poppy's bed and now that he was awake he became aware of a few things. One, he had turned in the night and rolled toward the center of then bed and two, Poppy had done the same. Now she was laying practically on top of him, head tucked into his neck, leg thrown over his and a hand lightly clutching his shirt. And of course his arms had once again found their way around Poppy's waist, holding her close to him.
Branch felt himself tense because this was not good! He couldn't let Poppy wake up and find them like this, it would be so awkward. Trying to keep his breathing calm so he wouldn't wake her up with his hyperventilating, Branch tried to shimmy out from under her. Poppy made a noise of discontent as he started moving though and mumbled out something that almost sounded like 'stay' as she clutched his shirt harder. Branch groaned quietly, heart beating rapidly in his chest because he couldn't stay here. Taking a deep breath, he tried to move again, carefully prying Poppy's fingers from his shirt and slipping out from under her.
Once free, he rolled out of her bed and backed up a few steps, breathing heavily. He watched her grab after him before finding a pillow and hugging it close, humming softly. Trying to calm his racing heart, Branch watched her for another moment, mentally kicking himself for allowing that entire situation to happen. He shouldn't have given in last night. But what was done was done and he managed to get up without waking Poppy. Now he was going to go take a cold shower and not think about just how adorable she was when sleeping, with her hair a mess and the way she clung to the pillow like it was someone special to her. A very, very cold shower.
Branch and Poppy are way too competitive for their own good and honestly could have done way more savage pranks to each other but at the same time I was trying to keep light hearted like the Prank Day episode, which honestly boils down to the frosting buckets and water balloons XD
Also, fun fact, all the pranks were pure set up so I could write them sharing a bed XD
Also yes, I do ship Guy and Suki. I've been slowly falling for it and decided to slip it in, however I headcanon that they have a rather open relationship as Guy is a lover of all and Suki is a go with the flow kind of gal.
And woo!! This is the longest chapter yet! And it took extra long to write not only because of aformentioned RL stuff but also intermine writers block but it's done now and I'm actually pretty proud of it! And wow 10 chapters! I've never gotten this far in a multi-chapter fic! Hope you all enjoyed it!
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Autumn Fruit (Kazuki x Keita)
Here’s the translation I mentioned back on Kazuki’s birthday! A little late, but the story ended up being longer than we originally thought. And then, uh, I kept forgetting to edit it, haha... :3
This story was a bonus that came printed on inserts with the third Gakuen Heaven trading card set. Each main character has a story, and they all come in multiple parts, so collecting all of them was a difficult task. Fortunately, the full versions of each story could also be obtained as part of the mail-in bonus for the set, so as long as you collected enough points, you could get them all without buying a million packs. :D
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(this picture isn’t part of the story, but it’s nice so here it is)
Autumn Fruit
Sunday evening. Kazuki and I didn't have anything to do, and we had spent the day relaxing together.
I guess Kazuki had times when he wanted to be friends and when he didn't. There were times we chatted idly and laughed as we talked about silly things like normal friends. It was the same even when we were alone. At those times Kazuki wasn't the director of Bell Liberty School or the head of the Bell Research Lab, he appeared to simply be a normal student my age. In fact, he didn't even seem like my dearest lover, he really just seemed like were only friends.
But such times didn't last very long. Especially when we were alone together. Usually, it was like some switch got flipped... and his face became that of my lover. At those times, Kazuki wasn't my usual cheerful, friendly classmate. He had something like an adult aura, or like a sexiness that made me blush... Anyway, he oozed that, and seeing Kazuki like that made my heart pound. I was overwhelmed by his aura and felt like Kazuki could do anything he wanted to me while my mind went blank.
At the moment, the situation was definitely leading to a time like that.
I was sitting on the bed with my legs stretched out and my back leaning against the wall, and Kazuki was sprawled right next to me with his knees bent. We were both comfortably reading magazines.
I thought it was probably Kazuki who spoke first.
"This would look good on you, wouldn't it?"
Kazuki flopped over onto his stomach, pointing at a picture of a sweater. He repositioned himself and placed his head on my thigh.
The feeling of Kazuki's weight and warmth through my pants made my heart pound, but I pretended not to notice and took the magazine.
"Oh, that might be cool."
I gave a response, but I was paying attention to the feel of Kazuki on my thigh and wasn't really looking at the magazine. Right when I had managed to calm my breathing and keep myself from getting too excited, Kazuki suddenly wrapped his arms around my hips.
"It's so nice having my head in your lap."
I had the feeling Kazuki's voice was getting oddly seductive. With my hips being embraced like that, I was unable to move.
I gently petted his hair and Kazuki raised his head, turning to me with a gentle look. Slowly, Kazuki's hand reached toward my neck, and the moment we were in position for a kiss, two knocks came from the door.
Kazuki and I sprang up at the sound and stared at the door. The person who had knocked appeared at the opened door. It was Shinomiya-san.
"Ito, it seems there's a delivery for you. Come pick it up, it's in the lobby."
"R, right..." we both answered, and I thought there was no way we hadn't broken out in a strange sweat. Flusteredly, Kazuki sat on the floor right next to the bed and I could feel the extreme tension coming off him. But Shinomiya-san left without noticing any of that. Spirits utterly dampened, we headed to the lobby in silence.
There was a single cardboard box sitting in a corner of the lobby. It was about the size of a box of oranges. My mom was the sender, and the item description was written as 'fruit, etc.'
Anyway, I opened the box and it was packed with pears and apples. There was also a bag with five oranges and a new shirt tucked between layers of packing material.
"Hey, Kazuki. Do you want to eat these with me right now?"
"Right now?"
"It's almost time for dinner, but now that I see them, I want to eat these... Should we?"
And so we snuck into the cafeteria kitchen.
Since it was Sunday evening, of course the cafeteria was already closed. We quickly unlocked the door and went inside before any other students saw us. The normally bustling cafeteria was now deserted and was it kind of a little scary. But thinking that I had Kazuki with me drove away those feelings.
The kitchen used to make lunch for all the students at BL School was expansive, with rows of sparkling counters. Kazuki got out the knives while I took the fruit out of the box.
"Wow, so they even have stuff like this," Kazuki commented as he arranged the knives. "A paring knife, a melon baller. There's even a carving knife."
I didn't know the types of fruit knives at all, so I was honestly impressed by Kazuki's knowledge. I'd probably share with everyone later, but since it was fruit sent specially by my mother, I wanted Kazuki to eat it first. Eager for that, I picked up the paring knife, which looked the easiest to use.
But, it was pretty... tough. The knife was small and it took a long time to cut a pear in half, and when I tried to peel it, lots of the fruit came off too.
Kazuki couldn't just watch as I grappled with the fruit and reached out. "Give me that. You'll get hurt doing it like that."
I was frustrated I couldn't do it very well, but I handed the pear and the knife to Kazuki as I was told.
"This is how you use this knife," Kazuki said and deftly began to peel. I was surprised as I watched his hands.
Kazuki, being able to peel something that well is cheating...
He was done in a flash and the peels were thin and uniform, way more beautiful than what I had peeled. "Whaaa!? Kazuki, how'd you get so good at that!?"
Kazuki smiled a little proudly at my outburst. "I'm good with my hands, you should know that."
"I do know that, but... You're not just good at knitting, you're good at cooking too." I spoke, impressed, but he laughed and disagreed.
"That's not true. All I can do is peel fruit, I can't make elaborate meals."
Chatting happily, he peeled a nearby apple. He cut it into six equal slices and made rabbits, finishing them off by etching a leaf pattern along the edge of the red skin using the thin-edged knife he'd called a carving knife.
"Kazuki... Where did you learn to do something like that...?"
"I just learned by watching. Look, I can do this too."
This time I was even more surprised. That Kazuki... he even made a rose, using an entire red apple. "Uwah, I've never seen anything like that..."
"Really? I guess I've seen them as decorations a lot at parties and stuff."
While I was little shocked at how casually he said that, I popped a piece left over from carving the apple in my mouth.
"Hey now, Keita. Don't eat the waste. There's properly peeled pieces right here, eat them."
With a wry smile, he held out a piece of apple that was shaped like a leaf. It was right at my mouth. Did that mean... he wanted to feed it to me, I guessed?
"Keita, say ah."
Tempted by the apple right in front of my eyes, I decided to go for it and opened my mouth, biting into the offered apple. "Mmm, it's delicious!"
"I know, right?"
In return, I also offered Kazuki my badly peeled pear. "Then, here's from me. I suck, so I can't guarantee it tastes good."
"Mm. It's good," Kazuki said, beaming. But... after all, since I had been bad at peeling, a piece of peel was kind of stuck on the side of Kazuki's mouth.
"...Kazuki." I was going to tell him, but both of Kazuki's hands were occupied with the fruit and knife. So I gingerly reached out and plucked it off with my fingertips. Then...
"Oh, Keita. You're supposed to remove that sort of thing with your lips. And it was just feeling like a newlyweds' kitchen too."
"Kazuki! Idiot, what are you saying!!?" I automatically shouted to try and hide my embarrassment, but Kazuki smiled like nothing had happened and muttered.
"This is really nice."
For an instant, I didn't know how to respond to his sudden words. "Huh?"
"I mean, being like this, cooking with someone, eating together."
"That's normal, isn't it?" The words somehow popped out of my mouth, but I regretted it immediately and wished I hadn't said them. It must have shown on my face.
Kazuki smiled, looking a little upset, and turned back to the apples. In the quiet kitchen, the scraping sound of the apple being peeled sounded awfully loud. "I guess that's how it was at your house. But for me, how should I put it? There was always someone around, but it wasn't quite the same as the family all gathered in the kitchen making food..."
Kazuki didn't talk much about his home and parents. I talked about my family a lot, and he always just listened happily. I had become vaguely aware of why he did that. So until now, I had tried not to ask Kazuki about it.
Kazuki finished peeling a third apple and glanced at me as he put what had become the tenth rabbit on the plate. "When I was little, there were times I found that lonely, but of course I don't feel that way anymore."
"I... see..."
"And I have you with me now."
So saying, Kazuki smiled gently at me. Was... he trying to be nice to me? Kazuki was being considerate of me even while having a conversation like this and I felt that he really was an adult. I was still a kid compared to Kazuki.
"I can do this at least, anytime from now on."
Kazuki said, that's right, and smiled, holding out an apple rabbit in front of my eyes. "Say ah."
I reflexively bit into the tail of the apple rabbit and the sweet tart flavor spread in my mouth. Kazuki watched me as I chewed, making a crunching sound, and bit into the other end of the same piece of apple. With both of us biting the same slice of apple from both ends, when we both swallowed at the same time, Kazuki hugged me. He gently caught my chin with his fingers that still had apple juice on them, and pulling my face close, brought his lips to my ear and murmurmed sweetly.
"After the apples, I want to eat you..."
Murmuring something like that and in that voice, I... how should I respond!? Heat suddenly spread from my ears over my face and neck. As I stood, flustered and incoherent, Kazuki pressed his lips to mine. Kazuki's tongue wrapped around mine, which still had sweet pieces on it. He chased the fruit pressed between our tongues as if he wanted to sweep it away, delving gently inside my mouth.
The strength left my legs as the smacking sound of saliva rang out. Kazuki's hand supported my collapsing body. I also desperately supported my own body by grasping Kazuki's shirt with both hands, but I couldn't brace myself properly and nearly sank to the floor. His twining tongue exhaustively licked mine and finally Kazuki's lips moved away, taking with them the pieces sucked dry of fruit juice.
I finally sank to the floor, shoulders heaving with my breaths. Kazuki's hands enveloped my cheeks and he tilted my face up, pressing our lips together again. This time, it was a little rough as Kazuki licked around inside my mouth. There was still some sweetness from the apple left in his mouth and I savored that and the pleasure that almost made me shiver. It was too intense, I felt like Kazuki really might eat me up, but I didn't mind... uh-uh. I actually wanted him to do it.
When we reluctantly parted from the kiss, a thread of saliva stretching between us, I... was sure I had a really embarrassing expression. Kazuki peered at me close up, and this time kissed my cheeks and eyelids. For a while, he continued his kisses that were just touching and traced from my cheeks to my chin with his whole palms. The feel of his hands wet with fruit juice was nice and I kept meeting his kisses, entranced.
Kazuki... I love you. I really love you... I really love you, Kazuki, I repeated over and over in my heart...
When I came back to myself, my arms were wrapped around Kazuki's neck and I was lost in a deep kiss. The long, long kiss ended and Kazuki leaned my head against his chest and stroked my back while I stayed embracing Kazuki as I had the whole time. It was like that during our first kiss too, but this time, I was more out of breath and my heart more full of emotion. It was all I could do to calm my breathing while holding Kazuki.
Kazuki's lips touched my earlobe. He just touched and hot breath blew into my ear with a whisper.
"I love you, Keita..."
Wait... Uwah. That was no fair... I had wanted to say it, but Kazuki said it to me first.
"K, Kazuki..."
I... was really excited. I kissed him over and over and even if I hadn't, my pulse had sped up, enough that he could probably clearly hear the pounding of my heart. Kazuki looked down at me with a relaxed smile, as if he had expected my reaction, at a loss for words. It wasn't the face of a classmate, but an adult... a mature man's face.
Seeing that smile made me kind of irritated. But unable to think of any comeback at all, I wrapped both arms around Kazuki's back, burying my face in his chest as I muttered softly.
I love you, Keita, he whispered again, but I was already embarrassed and this time I lowered my eyes without saying anything.
~ The End ~
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o-holynight · 5 years
Charismatic As Hell And Cute To Boot | All You Have To Do Is Fall In Love AU
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Other Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 Author: Michaela - @o-holynight​ Pairing: Joe Mazzello / OFC Rating: T Word Count: 2.9k POV: Michaela Warnings: swearing Summary: After a full day of spending time with each other, neither Joe nor Michaela wants the date to end; So it doesn’t.
Masterlist found here! Series Summary: Best friends and college roommates Ben, Joe, and Gwil, find themselves tangled up with a group of girls who bring out the best (and worst) in them. Series Warnings: drinking, swearing Authors’ Note: Stories can stand alone, but it’s much better when read all together! Not everything is always in the same tense, or same point of view/perspective.
After hours of gushing to Sarah and working up the courage to ask her to ask Ben to ask Joe if he would even be interesting in having my number—I finally opened his contact. Having only a low quality Facebook tagged photo as the sole image to be his contact picture, it would have to do. Though he did look absolutely adorable in it; it was borderline attacking.
I stared at his name for a while longer, debating on whether or not I should even contact him. He was flirting, wasn’t he? Ben did say he liked me a whole lot...for being willing to shit his brains out later...but that’s besides the point. I thought of texting him and asking how he was doing, but maybe that was just adding salt to the wound? Ah, fuck it.
I triple checked my finger placement to make sure that I clicked “Message” and not, god forbid, call or FaceTime him, and started typing.
Hey Joe! How are you feeling? It’s Michaela, by the way.
Send. I really should have found something to preoccupy my mind while waiting for his response, But I didn’t think that far in advance. It seemed that Joe made me act without overthinking first. Oh boy this could be dangerous. After what seemed like an eternity but was probably in reality only 15 long agonizing minutes, I saw the three dots typing.
I clutched my phone to my chest, covering my mouth in fear of making an embarrassing middle schooler squeal. I made myself wait at least a full minute before looking back at my screen, not wanting to seem too eager.
I’m better, now that I’m talking to you. (: God, sorry, was that too cliche? I meant to say, still pretty terrible I feel like shit. And thanks for spelling your name out, I was wondering about that one. (:
He uses so many smiley faces, I can’t help but smile myself. I really think I must be in a dream sequence. And if my alarm goes off any second I will never forgive it.
Oh my god I’m SO SORRY!! Again, I really didn’t know and I would’ve totally made you something else. I really, really wish you didn’t have to suffer on my behalf. Haha yeah, it’s not too hard. Michael with an A.
I flipped around on my stomach, wedging my pillow under my chest, trying to find a comfortable position for a hopefully lengthy conversation.
Alrighty Michael A, that’s officially gonna be what you are in my contacts. And no, I’m not suffering...anymore.
We continued talking for hours on end. Lots of get-to-know-you questions ripped straight from questionnaires off the first three or so pages of Google. I’m not sure how we agreed upon this but the two of us were officially going on a date the very next day. Joe brought up this really good smoothie place in the middle of central campus, and I would have happily watched paint dry with the guy. So of course I agreed. We settled on lunchtime, which means there were only about 8 hours left until I could see him again. Which was one of the only reasons I was okay when he didn’t respond to my final text message, signaling that he had probably fallen asleep, like any self respecting human would have done at 4:00am.
The next morning I was flitting around the apartment like a madman at 10:00 am. “Guys what do I wear!! I want to be cute, but I can’t wear a dress we’ll be walking all around campus and my thighs will chafe and that’s not cute for anyone—“
Sarah grabs me by the shoulders. “Listen, just wear leggings and a t-shirt. It’s what you wore last time! It’s what he fell for you in.”
I blushed when she mentioned him falling for me. “Yeah but if I wear leggings and a t-shirt again, he will think all I wear is leggings and a t-shirt.”
“That is all you wear…” Ella piped up from the hallway, as she appeared in my room. “Besides your gay as hell Hawaiian shirt collection. But maybe save that for the second date, eh?”
“Okay FINE, but I’m going long sleeved this time. It’s a little breezy out there.” I said, checking my weather app for the third time this morning. I figured I’d be cold walking around, as well as drinking a smoothie.
At exactly one minute past twelve, I got a text saying that Joe was outside. My heart began its palpitations and I didn’t know if it would ever stop.
“Wish me luck!” I whispered as I passed my roommates, on my way to answer the door.
“Good luck! Get fucked!” they said in response, and I shot them a dagger-like glare before opening the door to greet Joe.
He was wearing jeans and also sporting a long sleeved t-shirt. It made him look so cozy that I could snuggle right up to him, but that would be a bit much. Or so I thought. He pulled me into a hug in the doorway, and I could have melted. His arms were so strong as they wrapped around my torso, and my face nestled tightly against his broad chest. “Hey! Long time no see, Michael A.” he said as he pulled away from the hug. I barely wanted to release my arms from around him, but I did.
“Back atcha...Joey.” I said, trying to come up with a similar nickname on the spot.
He cringed. “Oof, no one’s called me that in years.” he said with a fond smile.
We left the apartment after a couple of whoops and whistles of encouragement from Sarah. “Sorry about her. I think she’s just really excited.”
“Oh I don’t mind. Sarah’s great.” Joe chuckled. “Are you really excited?”
“I am.” I said, looking up at him, to find him staring up at me, smiling sweetly. It made me blush and return my gaze to the ground.
The two of us walked around in a comfortable silence for a while until we reached the smoothie shop. Joe opened the door for me, and followed behind. As we were standing in line, we poked fun at the silly words that they tried to pass off as smoothie names. I ordered a Kowabunga, some tropical coconut mango thing, and Joe snickered as he ordered the SOB, strawberry, orange, banana smoothie. “Man they just keep getting weirder huh.” He insisted on paying for both of our smoothies, though I tried to hand him a $5 bill, he snuck it back into my waistband where I kept my phone. “That...wasn’t supposed to be indicative of anything, that’s just...it’s where you had your money—“
“Hey, it’s fine Joey, don’t worry about it.” I said laughing at his flusteredness, grabbing his arm and walking out of the smoothie shop.
Once out through the doors, I dropped my hold on his arm, but he quickly slinked his hand down to grab ahold of mine, lacing our fingers together.
“This okay?” he asked, rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand. It sent tingles up my arm and directly to my heart. But all I could do was nod my head rapidly and smile.
We walked and talked for a while, sipping on our smoothies. “Joe,” I said draining the last of my smoothie before tossing it into a nearby trash can. “I have a confession.”
“Yeah?” he asked, sounding a bit nervous. “Confess away.”
“I’m allergic to fruit.” I said, looking up at him and pursing my lips.
“What!? And you let me bring you to a smoothie shop. You’re worse than me with the cheese! Why are you just telling me this now?” He asked, hitting me in the side with both of our hands clasped together.
“Because I wanted to finish my smoothie before you made me get rid of it. It’s nothing too bad. It’s just like when you eat too much pineapple and your mouth gets really sore, except it’s all fruit all the time.” I said, used to my spiel.
“I can’t say that’s ever happened to me, guess I gotta eat more pineapple and feel the burn.” he said, sipping on his last bit of smoothie, and reaching awkwardly towards a trash can, unwilling to let go of my hand.
We talked for a bit more, walking past buildings that we both had classes in, telling class horror stories, making sure to let each other know which professors to never sign up for a class with. I learned that Joe is a film major, and hopes to be a director one day.
“I think you’re quite suited to being in front of the camera too.”
“Really? You think so?”
“Yeah. You’re charismatic as hell, and cute to boot.” I said knocking my hip into his.
He smiled at the ground, rubbing at his neck nervously. “Aw shucks, you’re makin’ me blush now.”
“Good.” I said, trying to be a little more forward than I usually am. I really liked this guy, and I desperately needed not to blow it this time.
“I like film though. I really do. Learning how to make a scene come out just right. Seeing it go from a small viewfinder to the big screen. The editing process. It’s all great. But I’m really into all the old cameras and shit. My dad got me this camcorder with a whole bunch of tapes for by birthday last year and I’ve just been fuckin around with that lately. Something about the old method just really adds something special. Oh...sorry—I uh, swear a lot.” He said, going on and on about his passions, as I studied his face. When he talked about what made him happy, I could see a sparkle in his eye that made him ten times more attractive than he already was.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all. I love a good potty mouth.” I smirked. “So what do you do in your free time then?”
He shoved his free hand in his jeans pocket before speaking. “Well, like I said I’m into all that old film, so I really enjoy photography too. Digital and film. There’s a great dark room on campus that you can sign up for time in, it’s really cool. The process smells like rotting asshole but the results are worth it I like to think.”
“Oh I’m familiar. I took a photography class in high school. I have a film camera lying around my house somewhere back home. I should bring it back with me next time I go.” I said heart soaring that we had something in common. “Do you work?”
“Oh yeah. I work at Dick’s. Sporting Goods. Not a strip club or anything.” he joked.
“I know what Dick’s is.” I whispered, before giggling. “Yeah Sarah goes there all the time.”
“Really? Don’t think I’ve ever seen her in before.”
“Well, she says apparently they have the best sports bras in town? Maybe you need to spend a little more time in the lingerie section of your sporting goods store and you’ll find her.”
We walked aimlessly for a little while longer. Once we had lapped the entire campus twice without realizing, we decided maybe we should be heading back. But we both knew that neither of us wanted to leave.
As we were driving back to my place in his truck, he had his hand resting on my knee, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
We walked extremely slowly up to my residence, and lingered in the hallway outside my door. I was holding loosely onto his thumb as I leaned back against the doorframe, just wanting some form of contact, as we had barely let go of each other the whole day.
“Um, so they just released a new show on Netflix…” Joe started.
“Wanna come in and watch it?” I asked immediately, knowing nothing about the show, the genre, the storyline, the cast. But again, I’d watch paint dry just to spend more time with him.
“Well sheesh, buy me a drink first why don’t ya, I’m not that easy.” he snickered. “Yeah sure great let’s do it.” Joe said, smiling that I had gone for his bait.
I unlocked the door and he walked in, looking around for a second, taking in all the attempts at home decor that the three of us could muster. He nodded in approval.
“Well since you’re in already guess you won’t be needing that drink after all.”
“Hey, it’s 5:00 somewhere, and that somewhere is here!” he said, glancing down at his watch, noticing it was almost half past 5.
“Any drink in particular you fancy? Preferably something I could make with a limited stock of ingredients.”
“Rum and coke is fine.” Joe smiled, taking a tentative seat on the big comfy chair that faced the TV.
I whipped it up quickly, making one for myself as well. More coke than rum though, for me. “Sorry we don’t have any limes left. Ben used them all last week. It’s a simple drink, cause I’m a simple girl. It’s not the Four Seasons or anything.”
“Hey, Ben works there, you know. He should know a thing or two about the importance of proper garnishes. I’m only kidding. It’s great, thank you.”
I paused for a half a second wondering if there was room for two on the seat he was sitting on. He must’ve picked up on this, because he wiggled over slightly and patted the cushion beside him. I smiled and sat down eagerly. The cushion was very soft and worn, and it dipped down in the center, making both of us slide towards each other, thighs touching. It was nice.
I leaned forward to grab the remote off of the coffee table, and when I leaned back into the chair, Joe’s arm was situated around the back. He placed his hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently, and I leaned into his chest, practically laying on top of him.
At that moment, Sarah and Ella heard the familiar tone of Netflix being turned on, and emerged from their rooms.
“Michaela!! Why didn’t you tell us you were back, tell us all about your day with—Joe!!” Sarah started, pausing when she saw Joe’s head poke up from the back of the chair, my head peeking out shortly after.
“Nice place you got, McDonald. Where’d you get all this top notch decor, Target?” Joe teased, his hand moving down from my shoulder to resting right above my waist. I bit my lip to try and prevent any further reaction, though I wanted to scream giddily.
“As a matter of fact yes, what the fuck is wrong with that.” Sarah said crossing her arms in front of her.
“Seems a little cliche for a place full of white girls.”
“Okay, mister liquor bottle, you’ve got a lotta balls coming in here like that.” Sarah chuckled as she sat on the arm of the adjacent sofa. That’s when she noticed that his arm was wrapped tightly around my waist.
“I see you two are getting comfortable with each other, I’ll leave you to it… Ella let's go watch something in here.” Sarah said, pulling Ella away from the two of us so we could enjoy the rest of our date.
The night went on, and the conversation never dulled. Whatever series was rolling on Netflix was more of a background noise for the ramblings between the two of us sitting on the big comfy chair. Over the hours, Joe had gradually slid down in his seat, head resting on the back cushion. I had my legs draped over his, and his fingers were tracing mindlessly over the sliver of skin exposed at the ankle of my leggings. It all felt so natural, like we had known each other for years. Except everything was new. Every fact I learned about the man made me fall a little deeper for him. We had so much in common despite living such different childhoods.
We lost all track of time, and didn’t even notice when Netflix timed out on the ‘Are you still watching?’ screen. I don’t even know who fell asleep first, but I woke up in the middle of the night to a room barely illuminated by the dark light of the TV’s screensaver. The blanket that usually laid across the back of the chair was wrapped around Joe and I, and his arm was slung over my middle, gripping me tightly, holding me close. I rubbed my eyes and adjusted my position, pulling the blanket further up on my body. Joe stirred at my movements and gave a little stretch.
“Don’t worry about moving, ‘wanna stay like this.” I whispered softly, moving in even closer, laying my head onto his chest and wrapping my arms around his torso.
His hand came to rest in my hair, stroking it softly before falling back asleep. The sound of his breath evening out and the slowing of his heart beat lulled me back to sleep as well. I could definitely get used to this.
@a-night-at-the-0pera @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @lelifesaver @redspecialty @rrrogahtaylahhhh
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