#novice poet
cuminaskirt · 1 year
I Have Never Had Sex Before
I am Very Horny
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commehter · 29 days
Dabbling in new medium I struggle with the tedium My focus drifts The meter shifts And rhyme... A poet's heart, I fear, not mine But as a distraction, this is fine
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missstar489 · 3 months
Tomorrow will come
Regardless if i am there to see it or not
and as such
I intend to be kind
To as many people as i can
As often as i am capable
I know i will fail sometimes
And that will be okay
As long as i keep trying
Because none of us know
Who will have their last tomorrow next
And i want little more than to make sure that
When my last tomorrow comes
I've helped even just one person
See another endless tomorrow
Or that ive help to make made their last
A little bit less dim
Just like the many kind others
Both in the present
And in the past
Who helped me without knowing they did
And let me see another endless tomorrow
Tomorrow will come
Regardless of if we are there to see it
So be kind to the people around you
And be kind to the people you may never meet
Because your tomorrow
Will someday
Be their Today
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ludovicawrites · 8 months
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Good night, Wakers. I'm not dead (LOL), only working for your surprise. I worked too much and I have done something I never did...too much but It will worth it ❤️
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serephinastardust · 11 months
The Love Story
Ink-stained pages, a lover’s embrace,
Whispers of worlds in a quiet space.
Leather-bound secrets, a fragrant delight,
Each chapter unfolds like a kiss in the night.
With every word, a heartbeat shared,
Between the covers, dreams are dared.
Fingers caress the paper, so smooth,
Lost in the story, hearts start to move.
Imagination takes flight, like a dove,
Within the verses, we find endless love.
Stories entwine like a passionate dance,
In the arms of books, we find romance.
Eyes trace the lines, a gentle trace,
In the library’s hush, we find our place.
A symphony of words, a whispered song,
In the arms of a book, we truly belong.
Each tale a journey, a magical flight,
Reading books, we find endless night.
A lover's refuge, a boundless sea,
In books, we discover what it means to be free.
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aedin-5724 · 5 months
quantity quality that quarrelsome duality
on which one ought one base their creative activity?
I choose the first, but that may change with proclivity
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moonfallchild · 9 months
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"When Hope Dies" by Aster E. Prince
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aesopsoul · 6 months
an introduction
hi there! i'm ryan, a digital media production major and a creative writing minor at elizabethtown college. i write mainly poetry, short stories, and streams of consciousnesses.
some of these projects are either complete or in progress, so constrictive criticism is always welcomed! most of these works have been submissions for classes or the campus literary magazine fine print. or sometimes just things i write to get something out there!
thanks for sticking around, and welcome to my blog!
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justsomemuffledcries · 7 months
it's raining in my city ,
I hope this wind travels to yours
hope it brings the petrichor
which has the story of you and I
bittersweet feelings of amor
hope it punches you right in the gut
the mistakes , the rebounds , the earthquakes
and my poor soul in this rut
hope the regret makes you feeble
and makes you revisit the episodes of our crime
and I know it hurts , I know it reeaally hurts
but at least you didn't have to find it from people
it's not me, the scriptures say
there's no feeling greater than remorse
hope it wins over my love
and gets to you a little coarse
I hope each raindrop hits your floor ,
scatters in the spectrum of our lore ,
it's vivid , it's pleasant , it's real and it's pungent
and by now, salt streams must have poured
now in this area , I am a connoisseur
but did you hear the giggles , the pitch of fights
and how it ends in a lovely gesture
do you feel the warmth of my arms by now
with my stupid smiles and silent gazes
cause I never forgot it , as if it was our vow
I hope the blurred pitter patter tells you that I think you will bald in your twenties
but when I pray before my sleep
it's for you to shine in the starriest skies
and have everything that I couldn't give
so I'd only think about you
when it's raining in my city
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cuminaskirt · 3 months
~*5 crossbow bolts and i'm still alive*~
5 crossbow bolts and baby i'm still alive 7 crossbow bolts and baby i'm still alive 2 sword strikes and baby i'm dead 14 crossbow bolts and baby i;m still alive
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teneebris · 1 year
there is so much life even in the hardest to reach places, the most difficult concepts to understand contain the most value in understanding. the world contains so much life and complexities that require attention and time to grasp. and it is so worth it, to understand.
- c.l.l.
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sketchy-sketches · 11 months
For when i walk the stars, know still that my footprints lay in the cold snow, guiding you through treachery
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ludovicawrites · 8 months
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Good night, Wakers. I didn't upload anything because I was doing the handwriting; however, I'm going to post it tomorrow. Have a good night and let's shine~ ✒️☕🎥🔦
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my-ladys-soul · 10 days
Addicted to
Prodding a red bruise
Wheel spoke head over heels
A child scrapes his knee
On rough asphalt
Ground only gets softer
When beaten
Tides love to rise again
Given the moon
Smooth a river stone,
Crystalline interior,
Found in a delta
Like splayed fingers
Enveloping the sea
Restraining my limbs
With iron bar embraces
So I drag like a body
Tethered to a truck
Hitting every rock.
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serephinastardust · 11 months
Demon Sickness
Woke up today, a day to heal,
But darkness and demons, found a crack in my wheel.
For soon my healing had turned to sickness,
Miserable, and weary, had willingness to die.
The mess I became was a sudden onset.
Caught me by surprise, the demons were sly.
Family could only watch, as I struggled to heal,
Though sometimes the demons used them as torture.
The day soon disappeared before the demon got tired,
But still I'm not well yet, as I feel partially destroyed.
So I'll lament for the moment, a wasted day did go by,
And pray for a blessing, as I roll my die.
Will I land on a 1 or land on a 20.
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applepiepxems · 28 days
I hate hearing about art
Because I'll never be an artist
I'm too goddamn jealous for that
I'm too goddamn impatient for that
I'm too goddamn angry for that
I hate hearing about family
Because I'll never have one of my own
I'm too goddamn cursed for that
I'm too goddamn like my dad for that
I'm too goddamn angry for that
I'm too goddamn angry for anything at all.
* An addendum
It's always me and my anger at the end of the day trying to break down these cages trying to make something out of the sand that slowly slips out of my fingers
My life is a moseluem to everything I have ever loved eventually it gives up on me or maybe I give up on it
I can never seem to remember which one comes first
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