6-ft-demon · 1 month
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Art of my prehistoric animals from Path of Titans/Beasts of Bermuda I've done lately. I mainly play on Nat Hist now for Path, and Officials 5 for BoB if anyone's interested.
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ashanbones · 1 year
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Started playing Path of Titans, and found a lovely peaceful server to play on.
This is my beast, Veer. Isn’t he pretty? I may try to draw him at one point.
Path of Titans is also a fun game to play to get some nice beastie feels.
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stranger011105 · 6 months
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This is Phora the Noviana, from a Path of Titans server I used to play on. She had a whole pack dynamic, friends and foes, everything. We had TEA!!
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We had an AU going on, where this pack of Noviana were marauders, trading in blood and people, out on "the ranch." They also chased other people out of the area, and would kill people who returned.
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Phora was more introverted than most of her pack, and also wanted to be the strongest. She didn't like peoples' boisterous shows of strength, and was full of herself, leaving her near death in some spars that were meant to be friendly. When her pack wasn't around and there was an intruder, she would usually stick to the sides, staring at them, weighing her options. If it were an alone noviana, she would approach and warn them. However, she could usually be bought out, and even made friends with a more mousy and thin noviana named Mariana.
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Chilling in the sunset.
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shetan89 · 1 year
Wanna play as a dinosaur with us? Come join our discord!
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Mera by Kim Noviana
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Bidan Novi Akui Punya Hubungan Spesial dengan Kades Curuggoong Padarincang
SERANG – Kasus pembunuhan Kepala Desa (Kades) Curuggoong di Kecamatan Padarincang, Kabupaten Serang Salamunasir mengungkap fakta baru. Istri terdakwa mantri Suhendi yang merupakan perawat bedah di RSUD Provinsi Banten mengaku punya hubungan spesial dengan korban. Bidan Noviana Nufus menjadi saksi kasus pembunuhan Kades Curuggoong, Salamunasir. (Foto: Audinra/Bantennews.co.id) Noviana Nufus yang…
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jppres · 1 year
Anti-leukemic activity of Cyperus rotundus L.on human acute myeloid leukemia HL-60 cells in vitro
Image: Flickr Article published in J. Pharm. Pharmacogn. Res., vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 191-197, January-February 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56499/jppres22.1502_11.1.191 Sulistyo Mulyo Agustini1, Edi Widjajanto2, Muhaimin Rifa’i3, Sofia Mubarika Haryana4, Nurdiana5, Diana Lyrawati5, Usi Sukorini6, Noviana Dwi Lestari7* 1Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Muhammadiyah Malang…
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shammah8 · 5 months
"And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."
Mark 11:25
Our founder, Brother Andrew, says, “Forgiveness is the very core of the Gospel message. I am a Christian only because God forgave me everything. There is no other ground on which to stand…not my repentance, not my praying the sinner’s prayer. Nothing made me a child of God except God forgave. And He did it two thousand years ago through Jesus on the cross. Jesus took all that sin and nailed it to the cross and He says, ‘Now, go, and put it into practice.’”
Poso, Indonesia is a beautiful place on a central island of the country. There we meet an elderly, physically weak, Christian mother who shares through her tears the tragedy that befell her seventeen-year-old daughter Alfita in 2005.
“My daughter Alfita was so beautiful. She loved Jesus, and she loved to sing. She loved spending time with her friends. One day, Alfita and three of her friends were walking to school. They always took a path that went deep into the jungle, far away from our village. Along the path grew beautiful flowers and my daughter loved flowers. That day, she and her friends, Theresia, Yarni, and Noviana stopped to pick flowers for their hair…”
The girls were all from Christian families. Three young Muslim men were waiting on the jungle path and savagely beheaded three of the girls including Alfita. The fourth girl, Noviana, survived her machete wounds.
The three men were tried for murder in the capital, Jakarta. Noviana and the families in question had to make witness statements. However, they first shook the hands of the murderers as a sign of forgiveness. Two years later, the suspects were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment.
The request for forgiveness came from one of the murderers. “It was very difficult to comply with this request,” said the older brother of Noviana. “But we wanted to keep to Jesus’ teaching and because of this, we are able to forgive. We hope that our step will also restore the peace in our town of Poso in Central Sulawesi.”
The family members prefer not to talk about the day itself. During the hearing, Noviana again had to see pictures of her beheaded friends and answer questions by the prosecutors and lawyers.
Alfita’s mother was severely traumatised by the murder of her daughter. She concludes, “All I could do was ask God for His peace, the peace that cannot be explained, that comes from trusting in Him. At the funeral He gave me that peace. Even though Alfita was brutally killed, I knew that she was safe in God’s arms in heaven…After that, when I knew God’s comfort in my heart, I was finally able to do as God commanded…so I let go of my right for revenge. I’m not bitter. I’ve forgiven the murderers and asked God to forgive them. I’ve prayed that they will realise what they’ve done.”
Today I will confront my own trials and forgive those against whom I am holding anything.
Pray for complete healing of the trauma in the lives of these four families in Indonesia.
© 2013 Open Doors International. Used by permission.
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AKSI NEKAT Noviana Kurniati Caleg PDI P Nekat Naik Pembatas dan Pegang K...
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piecesofm · 8 months
"Hanya orang-orang yang lemah yang menangis, emosi yang diumbar itu hanya milik orang-orang tak bermartabat. Air mata adalah kebodohan."
Noviana Kusumawardhani, Rongga dalam Kumpulan Cerita Pendek "Lelaki yang Membelah Bulan"
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6-ft-demon · 6 months
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@vulture-bone's battle-scarred Noviana, screenshots by me.
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ashanbones · 1 year
while playing path of titans last night, i ended up in a pack of novianas. it was honestly quite lovely.
also satisfied the beast part of my brain that craves pack and friendship. overall, very lovely experience. pleased beast rumbles.
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kbanews · 1 year
Labrak Rocky Gerung, Relawan Jokowi Fritz Alor Boy: Noviana Kurnia Harusnya Ngaca Dulu
JAKARTA | KBA-Ketua Umum Beta Manies sekaligus Pendiri dan Sekretaris Jenderal Relawan Anies Presiden Indonesia (R-API) Fridrik Makanlehi (Fritz Alor Boy) mengkritik Noviana Kurnia yang harusnya introspeksi diri dulu sebelum melabrak orang lain. Menurutnya, sesama pendosa dan orang yang melakukan kesalahan di muka bumi jangan saling menghakimi satu sama lain. Perlu diketahui, Fritz Alor Boy…
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random-racehorses · 1 year
Random Real Thoroughbred: IDLE MIDGET
IDLE MIDGET is a bay gelding born in The United States in 1934. By INFINITE out of NOVIANA. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/idle+midget
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beritapekalongan · 2 years
Investasi Bodong, Korban Tuntut Hukuman Seberat-beratnya bagi Terdakwa Yosepha Juwitaretno
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Batang - Puluhan korban arisan bodong dan arisan online yang melibatkan terdakwa Yosepha Juwitaretno menghadiri sidang perdana di Pengadilan Negeri Batang, Jawa Tengah, Senin (20/3/2023).  Mereka hadir untuk mendesak majelis hakim memberikan hukuman berat kepada pelaku penipuan tersebut.
Juru bicara korban, Diani Ayu Noviana, menyatakan bahwa semua korban penipuan meminta agar Majelis Hakim PN Batang memberikan hukuman yang berat kepada terdakwa Yosepha Juwitaretno.  Menurut Diani, pelaku telah membuat kerugian baik materi, waktu, dan tenaga bagi puluhan korban yang ada di Jawa Tengah dan provinsi lainnya.
Diani menjelaskan bahwa awal terkuaknya penipuan ini adalah ketika terdakwa mengaku sebagai seorang ASN di Dinas Sosial Yogyakarta dan memiliki beberapa usaha seperti agen LPG dan unit usaha lainnya. Saat itu, terdakwa menawarkan bisnis investasi yang menggiurkan dengan penghasilan 5 sampai 10 persen dalam jangka waktu 3 hari hingga satu minggu.
"Meskipun awalnya menolak, para korban rata-rata terjerumus bujuk rayuan sang terdakwa. Diani sendiri mengaku sudah tertipu sekitar Rp80 juta dan total korban yang sudah ketahuan mencapai 25 orang," ujarnya.
Saat ini, setidaknya ada 4 perwakilan korban yang sudah melaporkan kasus penipuan ini ke kepolisian.   Para korban meminta agar terdakwa dapat mengembalikan dana yang telah diinvestasikan, jika tidak maka mereka meminta PN Batang menghukum pelaku dengan hukuman seberat-beratnya.
Awalnya para korban berupaya menagih dengan cara baik - baik kepada pelaku, tapi hanya mendapatkan janji palsu saja. 
"Akhirnya saya putuskan membuat laporan ke Polres Batang dan alhamdulillah sudah ke tahap sidang di PN Batang. Kemudian ada tiga pelapor lagi masing - masing di Polda Jateng, Polrestabes Semarang dan Polda DIY," tukasanya. 
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