#nova tuïf
flerpsoriginals · 4 years
Scheduling Error
Tuïf trudged through the streets of Ridgeport, with nothing besides a flimsy poncho between himself and the drizzling rain. Something had gone wrong with the schedule at work, and now they needed him at building six instead of seven.
"If you drove, we'd have to pay you for your charge, and you know we can't do that." his boss had said, chuckling. "Besides, it's only fifteen kilometers."
Tuïf heard an annoying jingle from his purse, and pulled his right arm inside his poncho. He knew for a fact that his work phone wasn't waterproof. He pressed the answer button, held the microphone to his mouth, and pulled the speaker up to his ear.
"Thank you for calling Nova internet service support, how can I help you?"
"I'm having trouble with my internet." the caller replied. Tuïf held in a sigh.
"What seems to be the problem?" he asked.
"Uhh... What seens to ve the frovlem?" someone behind Tuïf yelled, mocking his accent. "Speak English, idiot!" Tuïf ignored them, instead listening closer to the caller. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" Tuïf started walking a little faster, hoping they would take the hint.
Tuïf let out a yelp as someone yanked on his tail.
"Listen to me when I'm fucking talking to you, shitbag!" He spun around, snarling
 A tall, pale skinned human in a gray hoodie and jeans stood in front of him.
"I said speak English, motherfucker!"
"Does this look like England to you?" Tuïf asked. That was apparently the wrong thing to say. His vision went black for a moment as the humans' foot slammed against his face.
"That'll teach you to spit blades, flowerfucker!" Tuïf rose shakily to his feet, and spat out two bloody teeth. Miraculously, he had managed to keep his grip on the phone. A small drop would have shattered it, and it would cost six kilodollars to replace.
"I'm sorry, would you please hold for a minute?" he said into the microphone. "I've just been assaulted."
"What? Are you okay? What's-" he heard before putting them on hold. He slid the phone into his purse, and looked up at the humans' face.
"What's your problem?" Tuïf asked, and dodged as they tried to kick him again. "Like fuck, man! I was just talking on the phone!" He scampered up a downspout, thankful that it was study enough to hold his meager weight. Humans may be big and strong, he thought to himself. But they're not built for YZ's gravity. And their teeth and claws aren't nearly as sharp as ours.
"This is a human town; you speak a human language or you get out!" the human said, desperately swiping for Tuïf's feet. Tuïf picked another of his loose teeth out with his tongue and spat it out on the humans' head.
"This is my fucking planet!" he yelled down.
"Not any more, bitch!" The human replied. They stopped jumping, and stared up at Tuïf, seemingly unsure what to do next. Just as Tuïf was about to start climbing for the roof, the human started pounding on the downspout.
"Dude! Stop! Your gonna-" One of the bands holding the pipe in place popped out of the wall, shortly followed by another. Before Tuïf could react, the entire downspout began to tip sideways.
"Oh shit!" The human let out just before the downspout slammed into their head.
Tuïf struggled to stand up, and looked down at the human. They were unconscious, but still alive. He looked around, and spotted a security camera focused on the alleyway. Getting the footage wouldn't be cheap, but the assault charges he was sure to face without it would be even more expensive. He took out his personal phone, and marked the address.
Panic shot through his mind as he remembered that he was in the middle of a phonecall. He yanked out his work phone, thankful that his purse had cushioned it in the fall, and quickly pressed the "end hold" button.
"Sorry about the holdup," he apologized, wiping blood from his nose. "How can I help you?"
Tuïf stepped through the doors to building six at 2:07. A short human in a suit glanced up from their computer and looked him over. His tattered poncho was covered in mud and grit, his nose and mouth were stained orange with blood, and he was trying to put as little weight on his left foot as possible. He tried to give a polite smile, but it came out as a grimace.
"You're seven minutes late." the human said, and returned their gaze to their computer. "Expect to see that on your annual report."
Tuïf hung the remains of his poncho on the coat rack, and tried his best to shake off the rain and mud. "Where will I-"
"Cubicle one two seven one, twelfth floor." the human interrupted. "Elevator's off limits."
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flerponius · 5 years
“Hello, thank you for calling I-net service provider twelve customer support. How can I help you today?” Tuïf bent the left half of his sleek white company issue headset, feebly hoping the wires inside would reconnect. He had put in a repair ticket almost two months ago, and nothing had come of it.
“Yeah, my I-net isn't working.” he heard in his right ear. “It was fine three days ago but n-” Tuïf was startled by a loud burst of static in his left ear, and the call was suddenly in stereo. “-ust not working anymore!” he heard the customer finish.
“Can I have your name and CIN, please?” Tuïf requested, opening a new event form.
“Derik Juünz, zero zero zero four, nine one seven A, F F two two, zero zero B D.”
“And just to confirm, that was Derik Juünz, zero zero zero four nine one seven A F F two two zero zero B D, correct?” Tuïf said as he entered the data into the form.
“What, you got a hearing problem?” Tuïf winced as another burst of static sent the call back to mono.
“I’m just following procedure.” He reached for his cup of Earl Gray as Derik began informing him once more that his I-net was down.
“Well, let's see what we can do. Could you please find your modem for me?” Tuïf asked.
“What’s that?” Derik asked in return. Tuïf let out a sigh.
“It should be a small box with buttons and lights on it, with a NSNI cable connecting it directly to your wall.”
“What’s an NSNI cable?” Incredible. Tuïf was starting to doubt this guy had ever seen a computer before a few days ago.
“It stands for Nova Standard Network Interface cable. The head is shaped like a rectangle with a small divot on one side.” Tuïf heard some shuffling on the other end, including the sound of something falling and Derik cursing, before he returned.
“Okay, I’ve found the modem.”
“Thank you.” Tuïf said, wondering why he was thanking him. Oh right, procedure.
“Now, there should be a few lights on it. One of them should be labeled ‘I-net’. Can you tell me if it’s on?”
“Yes.” Derik replied. “I mean no, it's not on.”
“Okay, can you unplug the NSNI cable, please?”
“Sure.” As Tuïf waited for Derik to unplug the cable, he looked up his house on the distribution monitor. The system said he was receiving I-net, so it was almost definitely a problem on Derik’s end.
“Okay, I unplugged it, and now all the lights are off.” Tuïf lifted his hands from his keyboard and tensed them in frustration.
“Derik, that was the power cord.”
“Oh.” There was silence as derik seemed to think for a moment. “What should I do?” he finally asked.
“Plug it back in, please.” Tuïf took a swig of his tea and looked at the call timer. Six minutes? Really? It felt like an eternity.
“Okay, it’s plugged back in, and I unplugged the other thing.” At least he had the common sense to do that.
“Okay, now, look at the connector. Does it seem to be damaged or discolored in any way?”
“Nope.” Well, it wasn't the cable. Most likely something went wrong in the modem itself.
“Okay, now, there should be a button on the back that says ‘test’. Can you press it for me?” Tuïf waited for a full minute. “Derik? Are you still there?”
“I can't find it!” he shouted angrily, just as the wires in the left half of Tuïf’s headset reconnected, giving an extremely loud static burst.
“It should be red and about the size of your thumb, assuming you're a human.” Tuïf removed his headset’s left bud from his ear, deciding that occasional stereo audio wasn’t worth the pain.
“I still can't find it. Are you sure you know what you're talking about?” Tuïf felt a growl rising in his throat, and he took a sip of tea to drown it.
“Derik, there should be a serial number on the bottom of the box. What does it say?”
“Uh, hold on...” Derik instructed. “It’s um... I R seven seven zero two M Esh L five zero nine nine eight.” Tuïf muted his microphone and let out a frustrated snarl. Having got most of his anger out, he unmuted his microphone.
“Derik, that’s your router.”
“Your router isnt your modem.” Tuïf chugged the rest of his tea. He diddnt care that he wouldnt be able to get more until the end of his shift.
“You told me it was the box with the buttons and the lights!” Derik yelled angrily.
“Yes, the one connected directly to the wall.”
“But this one is connected directly to the...” He trailed off as he seemed to remember that he had mistakenly identified the power cord as the network cable. “Uh, anyway, I found the modem.” Tuïf once more began to regurgitate his script.
“There should be a light on it labled ‘I-net’. Is it on?”
“Yes.” Derik replied.
“Then the problem is not with any of your equipment. There is something wrong with your router, which I cannot help you with, as it is not one of our devices.”
“This is unbelievable!” Derik yelled, prompting Tuïf to attempt to lower the call volume, only to remember it was already at minimum.
“You waste all my time just to tell me you can’t fix my I-net? Why can't you fix it?” Tuïf tried to think of a way to explain that this simply wasn't his job.
“I have an analogy for you.” he said eventually.
“What is it?” Derik asked, venom in his voice.
“Your window is cracked, and you have called a plumber to fix it. Do you understand?” He thought for a moment.
“But that can't be right! Modems and routers or whatever are both I-net things!”
“And windows and plumbing are both house things.” Tuïf retorted. “Do you understand now?” There was a click as Derik hung up.
“Well fuck you too.” Tuïf muttered as he ended the call. He only had a minute to himself before his headset rang again, likely with another mindless customer on the other end.
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askflerpsocs · 5 years
Inktober story 2
“Hello, thank you for calling I-net service provider twelve customer support. How can I help you today?” Tuïf bent the left half of his sleek white company issue headset, feebly hoping the wires inside would reconnect. He had put in a repair ticket almost two months ago, and nothing had come of it.
“Yeah, my I-net isn't working.” he heard in his right ear. “It was fine three days ago but n-” Tuïf was startled by a loud burst of static in his left ear, and the call was suddenly in stereo. “-ust not working anymore!” he heard the customer finish.
“Can I have your name and CIN, please?” Tuïf requested, opening a new event form.
“Derik Juünz, zero zero zero four, nine one seven A, F F two two, zero zero B D.”
“And just to confirm, that was Derik Juünz, zero zero zero four nine one seven A F F two two zero zero B D, correct?” Tuïf said as he entered the data into the form.
“What, you got a hearing problem?” Tuïf winced as another burst of static sent the call back to mono.
“I’m just following procedure.” He reached for his cup of Earl Gray as Derik began informing him once more that his I-net was down.
“Well, let's see what we can do. Could you please find your modem for me?” Tuïf asked.
“What’s that?” Derik asked in return. Tuïf let out a sigh.
“It should be a small box with buttons and lights on it, with a NSNI cable connecting it directly to your wall.”
“What’s an NSNI cable?” Incredible. Tuïf was starting to doubt this guy had ever seen a computer before a few days ago.
“It stands for Nova Standard Network Interface cable. The head is shaped like a rectangle with a small divot on one side.” Tuïf heard some shuffling on the other end, including the sound of something falling and Derik cursing, before he returned.
“Okay, I’ve found the modem.”
“Thank you.” Tuïf said, wondering why he was thanking him. Oh right, procedure.
“Now, there should be a few lights on it. One of them should be labeled ‘I-net’. Can you tell me if it’s on?”
“Yes.” Derik replied. “I mean no, it's not on.”
“Okay, can you unplug the NSNI cable, please?”
“Sure.” As Tuïf waited for Derik to unplug the cable, he looked up his house on the distribution monitor. The system said he was receiving I-net, so it was almost definitely a problem on Derik’s end.
“Okay, I unplugged it, and now all the lights are off.” Tuïf lifted his hands from his keyboard and tensed them in frustration.
“Derik, that was the power cord.”
“Oh.” There was silence as derik seemed to think for a moment. “What should I do?” he finally asked.
“Plug it back in, please.” Tuïf took a swig of his tea and looked at the call timer. Six minutes? Really? It felt like an eternity.
“Okay, it’s plugged back in, and I unplugged the other thing.” At least he had the common sense to do that.
“Okay, now, look at the connector. Does it seem to be damaged or discolored in any way?”
“Nope.” Well, it wasn't the cable. Most likely something went wrong in the modem itself.
“Okay, now, there should be a button on the back that says ‘test’. Can you press it for me?” Tuïf waited for a full minute. “Derik? Are you still there?”
“I can't find it!” he shouted angrily, just as the wires in the left half of Tuïf’s headset reconnected, giving an extremely loud static burst.
“It should be red and about the size of your thumb, assuming you're a human.” Tuïf removed his headset’s left bud from his ear, deciding that occasional stereo audio wasn’t worth the pain.
“I still can't find it. Are you sure you know what you're talking about?” Tuïf felt a growl rising in his throat, and he took a sip of tea to drown it.
“Derik, there should be a serial number on the bottom of the box. What does it say?”
“Uh, hold on...” Derik instructed. “It’s um... I R seven seven zero two M Esh L five zero nine nine eight.” Tuïf muted his microphone and let out a frustrated snarl. Having got most of his anger out, he unmuted his microphone.
“Derik, that’s your router.”
“Your router isn't your modem.” Tuïf chugged the rest of his tea. He didn't care that he wouldn't be able to get more until the end of his shift.
“You told me it was the box with the buttons and the lights!” Derik yelled angrily.
“Yes, the one connected directly to the wall.”
“But this one is connected directly to the...” He trailed off as he seemed to remember that he had mistakenly identified the power cord as the network cable. “Uh, anyway, I found the modem.” Tuïf once more began to regurgitate his script.
“There should be a light on it labled ‘I-net’. Is it on?”
“Yes.” Derik replied.
“Then the problem is not with any of your equipment. There is something wrong with your router, which I cannot help you with, as it is not one of our devices.”
“This is unbelievable!” Derik yelled, prompting Tuïf to attempt to lower the call volume, only to remember it was already at minimum.
“You waste all my time just to tell me you can’t fix my I-net? Why can't you fix it?” Tuïf tried to think of a way to explain that this simply wasn't his job.
“I have an analogy for you.” he said eventually.
“What is it?” Derik asked, venom in his voice.
“Your window is cracked, and you have called a plumber to fix it. Do you understand?” He thought for a moment.
“But that can't be right! Modems and routers or whatever are both I-net things!”
“And windows and plumbing are both house things.” Tuïf retorted. “Do you understand now?” There was a click as Derik hung up.
“Well fuck you too.” Tuïf muttered as he ended the call. He only had a minute to himself before his headset rang again, likely with another mindless customer on the other end.
0 notes
flerponius · 4 years
1. Birth
Certificate of Live Birth
Given name: Tuïf
Middle name:
Surname: Lədʒräsk
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 2305 September 4th
Time of birth: N15:24
Planet of birth: Yəläv Zətuolïuüs
Nation of birth: Yalküzu Lï
City of birth: Esərtən
Customer ID: 0002~ÐAD3~8E61
Priority customer: no
Selected servitude: no
Name of mother: Zesku Lədʒräsk
Age of mother: 25
Name of father: Täþï Ʃkəlätu
Age of father: 23
Date issued: 2305 September 4th
Date filed: 2305 September 7th
This document certifies the birth and registration of the above named citizen, and details their customer identification and selected benefits packages.
Certified by the Nova Incorporated™ Departments of Identification and Healthcare.
2. Report
Midterm Report Card
Student Name: Tuïf Lədʒräsk
Student ID: 0002~ÐAD3~8E61
Teacher Name: Räbərt Gerəsən
School: Esərtən Elementary School
Date: 2312/06/01
Grades are presented in the following format:
Subject: Academic, Effort
Academic grade is a percentage, while effort is a number from 0 to 4.
PhysEd: 68, 4
Handwriting: 73, 1
History: 83, 2
Math: 98, 2
Reading: 92, 3
Science: 85, 2
Teachers notes: Tuïf is a reclusive student who rarely raises his hand, but still maintains high grades in most subjects. His handwriting could definitely use improvement, though. He struggles in gym despite giving it his all, which is most likely due to circumstances beyond his control. Rest assured, this will have no negative effect on his evaluation.
Certified by the Nova Incorporated™ Department of Education.
3. Recipt
Thank you for choosing Quick N' Ready!
Store number: 127
Cashier: Tərï Məkel
Beef Patty: 12 $
Beef Patty: 12 $
Bun: 5 d$
Cola Medium: 8 $
Lettuce: 25 c$
Mayo: 25 c$
Pickles: 25 c$
Cheese: 1 $
Onions: 25 c$
Subtotal: 345 d$
Tax: 69 d$
Total: 414 d$
Payment method: CI card (CIN: 0002~B790~A111)
Payment status: approved
Have a nice day!
Purchase certified by the Nova Incorporated™ Departments of Business and Nutrition.
4. Conversation
Nova Incorporated™ Department of Communication telephone conversation transcript log 2312090418014600132
Call initiated 2312/09/04 at N18:01
Origin: 1DF9~880A
Destination: 1D11~AAB2
Duration: 3 minutes, 22 seconds
Zesku Lədʒräsk (origin)
Täþï Ʃkəlätu (destination)
Tuïf Lədʒräsk (destination)
Participant IDs confirmed with VoiceLock™ speech pattern recognition system, in cooperation with the Nova Incorporated™ Department of Identification.
Täþï: Hello?
Zesku: Täþï!
Täþï: Zesku! It's so good to hear your voice!
Zesku: Is Tuïf there?
Täþï: Yeah! Let me put you on speaker.
Täþï: Tuïf, it's your mom!
Tuïf: Mom?
Zesku: Hi Tuïf! Happy birthday!
Tuïf: Hi Mom!
Zesku: So what did you get for your birthday?
Tuïf: I got a scarf!
Tuïf: And Dad took us to Quick N' Ready for dinner!
Zesku: That's great!
Zesku: And guess what?
Tuïf: What?
Zesku: I've been saving up money and hours, and it looks like I might be able to visit next year!
Täþï: What?
Tuïf: Mental!
Zesku: I can't wait to finally see you again! How tall are you now?
Tuïf: I don't know.
Täþï: Seventy-eight centimetres.
Zesku: That's so tall!
Zesku: Now I'm sorry, but my break's almost over, I have to go.
Zesku: I love you two!
Tuïf: Love you Mom!
Täþï: I love you Zesku.
Call terminated by origin.
5. Incident
Nova Incorporated™ Department of Industry Incident Report
Date: 2313/02/17
Location: Intermediate Industrial Chemicals Production Facility 23
Type: Workplace casualty
At D13:30 one Zesku Lədʒräsk was scheduled to enter an empty fluoroantimonic acid storage tank for a routine integrity inspection.
At D13:42 an electrical surge caused a solenoid valve to open, allowing fluoroantimonic acid to enter the tank. Zesku died almost instantly.
At D13:44 the manual safety valve for the tank was closed, and the tank drain procedure was started.
At D13:49 the tank drain procedure was completed. The contents were routed to a different storage tank so that Zesku's remains could be extracted.
6. Condolences
To: Mr. Täþï Ʃkəlätu
From: Intermediate Industrial Chemicals Production Facility 23
Subject: Condolences
Dear Mr. Ʃkəlätu,
We regret to inform you that this past Monday your wife passed away in a workplace accident. She was a dedicated employee, and she will be missed. We give you our deepest condolences.
P.S. Attached to this email is an invoice for the extraction of Zesku Lədʒräsk's remains. They will be mailed to you within ten to twelve business days. Payment is due before 2313/02/22.
7. Autopsy
Nova Incorporated™ Department of Healthcare
Form 2203 ~ Autopsy Report
Subject name: Täþï Lədʒräsk
Subject CIN: 0002~B790~A111
Last seen alive:
Date: 2313/11/29
Time: [N14:30,N14:35]
Location: Apartment 510, 621 Cedar Drive, Esərtən, 166428; interior
By who: Tuïf Lədʒräsk (son)
Date: 2313/11/30
Time: [N18:30,N19:00]
Location: Apartment 510, 621 Cedar Drive, Esərtən, 166428; interior
Date: 2313/11/30
Time: [D6:35,D6:40]
Location: Apartment 51p, 621 Cedar Drive, Esərtən, 166428; interior
By who: Tuïf Lədʒräsk (son)
Death pronounced:
Date: 2313/11/30
Time: D9:06
Location: Apartment 51p, 621 Cedar Drive, Esərtən, 166428; interior
By who: Law Enforcement Done A562
Body examined:
Date: 2313/12/01
Time: N14:00
Location: Esərtən hospital, 907 Sandalwood Avenue, Esərtən, 166428
By who: Mərïu Köznyetsovitʃ
Cause of death: Respiratory pulmonary tuberculosis
Manner of death: Illness
8. Inventory
Nova Incorporated™ Department of Revenue
Form R~02
Inventory of repossessed items
Subject: Täþï Ʃkəlätu
Reason: Subject death
Repossessor: LED S24
Date: 2313/12/03
2 disposable ponchos, size K
1 furbrush
1 quilt (religious contraband)
1 pair waterproof dress shoes, size K6
1 pair running shoes, size K3
1 strand beads (religious contraband)
1 tube toothpaste
2 toothbrushes
Misc. foodstuffs
9. Apology
To: Mr. Tuïf Lədʒräsk
From: Esərtən Orphanage
Subject: Apology
Dear Mr. Lədʒräskk,
We apologize, but we are currently in a transitional period, and are not accepting ksel entrants at this time. We wish you well, and hope you find shelter soon.
Säïmin Biŋəm, head of Esərtən Orphanage
10. Burglary
Food Burglary on 25th Street
Brought to you by the Nova Incorporated™ Department of Press
2317 March 3rd
This past Tuesday there was a burglary at a nutrimeal dispensary kiosk on 25th Street. Witnesses say they heard a burglar alarm, and saw a Caucasian human and an orange ksel fleeing the kiosk, carrying at least ten blocks of nutrimeal. According to the police, they had also cut the network cable, disabling the silent alarm, and had stolen the integrated operator. The police have stated that while they have very little to go on in finding these criminals, they will nonetheless continue to work diligently to bring them to justice.
11. Confirmation
To: Jänəþin Ruü
From: Jeïmz Lï
Subject: Confirmation
I've got what you asked for. One ripe orange, ready to slice. I've kept it well watered, so it should be in perfect condition.
12. Reply
To: Jeïmz Lï
From: Jänəþin Ruü
Subject: Re: Confirmation
Thank you for your assistance. You know how hard it is for me to get fresh fruit. Meet me when and where we agreed, but make sure you don't water it for at least twelve hours beforehand. As agreed, you will receive your payment after I have finished slicing it.
13. Idiot
To: Jeïmz Lï
From: Jänəþin Ruü
Subject: Idiot!
Jimï you dicklobe I told you not to water it for twelve hours cause it messes with the dosage! The little fucker woke up and bit me! It escaped before I could get anything more than a tissue sample. As should be obvious, you won't be getting paid. You stupid fucking shitskull.
14. Residence
Nova Incorporated™ Department of Shelter
Form Ʃ~17
Recognition of Residence
Type: House
Class: B
Address: 4107 Echo Run, Ridgeport, 200909
Previous owner: Käïəl A. Ʃifər, 0002~B178~F1F2
Current Owner: Tuïf Lədʒräsk, 0002~ÐAD3~8E61
Current residents:
* Tuïf Lədʒräsk, 0002~ÐAD3~8E61
15. Census
2035 quintennial census
Presented jointly by the Nova Incorporated™ Departments of Identification, Revenue, and Shelter
This census must count every person living on  Yəläv Zətuolïuüs on 2035 January 1.
Please use the following guidelines to complete step 1.
* Count all people who live and sleep in this dwelling the majority of the time.
* Do not count anyone living away at a secondary education facility or live-in occupation.
* Do not count anyone in a nursing home, prison, or other corporate-run facility.
1. Enter the number of people that were living in this dwelling on 2035 January 1.
2. Select the current residence status of this dwelling.
~ Owned by you or someone in this dwelling by means of a mortgage or loan
✓ Owned outright by you or someone in this dwelling
~ Rented
~ Occupied illegally
~ Other (please specify)
3. Enter your contact information (this will be used to contact you in the event of confusion).
Telephone number(s):
Home: 1D22~89AA
Work: 1D22~7FÐD
Email address(es):
Home: TLədʒräsk12@nmeïl.dək
Work: Tuï0Lə[email protected]ək
For the remaining steps, enter information for each person living in this dwelling. For person 1, enter your own information.
4a. Enter the name of person 1.
Given name: Tuïf
Middle name(s):
Surname: Lədʒräsk
4b. Select the sex of person 1.
✓ Male
~ Female
~ Intersex
~ Sexless
4d. Enter the birthdate of person 1 (YYYY/MM/DD).
4ð. Enter the age of person 1 on 2325 January 1.
4e. Select the species of person 1.
~ Eþj
~ Human
✓ Ksel
~ NA
4f. Select the race of person 1.
~ Burgundy
~ Brown
✓ Orange
~ Silver
~ White
~ Other (please specify)
4g. Select the customer status of person 1.
✓ Standard
~ Preferred
4ə. Select the selected servitude status of person 1.
~ Enrolled
✓ Unenrolled
5a. Enter the name of person 2.
Given name: Zrask
Middle name(s):
Surname: Dʒəfoluü
5b. Select the sex of person 2.
✓ Male
~ Female
~ Intersex
~ Sexless
5d. Enter the birthdate of person 2 (YYYY/MM/DD).
5ð. Enter the age of person 1 on 2325 January 1.
5e. Select the species of person 2.
~ Eþj
~ Human
✓ Ksel
~ NA
5f. Select the race of person 2.
✓ Burgundy
~ Brown
~ Orange
~ Silver
~ White
~ Other (please specify)
5g. Select the customer status of person 1.
✓ Standard
~ Preferred
5ə. Select the selected servitude status of person 1.
~ Enrolled
✓ Unenrolled
5h. Select the title that best describes this person in relation to person 1.
~ Child
~ Grandchild
~ Sibling
~ Parent
~ Grandparent
~ Parsib
~ Nibling
~ Spouse
~ Romantic partner (unmarried)
✓ Friend
~ Housemate
~ Other family member (please specify)
~ Other (please specify)
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