#flerps ocs
flerponius · 11 months
Anna: What does "DISCO" stand for, anyway?
DISCO: Digital Intelligence and Systems Coordination Officer.
DISCO: Fittingly, it's also Latin for "I learn".
Anna: So it's more of a title than a name then?
DISCO: Correct.
Anna: So what's your name then?
DISCO: My full name is "Quazar Robotics™ Emulated Persona Model Θb Version Registered Instance 85b0:fd38:7741:c1d9 (sub-instance designation pending)".
Anna: ...
DISCO: I believe "DISCO" will suffice in a conversational setting.
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artificial-radiance · 2 years
Pinned 2023
Hi, I'm Rue/Sunny/Clover/Traveler (and a few other names that will eventually be compiled), and I'm a 22-year-old trans masc enby. I use vi/fir/it pronouns, my preferred neutral honorific is "Mir" (example: Mir. Rue).
This blog is intended for 16+ audiences simply because I use strong language, post suggestive content at times, and in general I don't like to interact with younger people that much. I'm not going to police people though, just be warned on this stuff, y'know.
What I Do
I'm a character/creature designer, and I'm working on developing games on my other blog @doctor-dev. My main blog is @celestial-traveler, so you can expect my follows and such to come through that. I don't post on my main almost ever, it's mostly home to reblogs.
I work on a number of personal projects, and I also post fanart. My main fandoms fluctuate often, but I often return to Cultist Simulator (cross-posts to @bars-across-the-sun), Warriors (@turtle-tail-s), Redwall, Ultrakill, Wobbledogs, Hollow Knight (I run @incorrect-hollowknight), Dead Cells, and Shovel Knight. I'm also a fan of funny little tic-tac indie games like FLERP.
I'm a very busy person though and have a job. I keep most of my art to Discord communities, but I am working on a Discord server for this reason. I have a ko-fi that can be used to support me.
If you want to find specific things, these are my tagging styles:
notice | important messages i've put out
art | all of my art
sketches | doodles | all of my sketches/doodles
polls | polls
not art | polls that are not my art
text | chat | text posts, me communicating with others
clove's sonas: [name] | my sonas, by name
clove's aus: [name] | my aus, by name
clove's ocs: [name] | my original characters, by name
clove's universes: [name] | my original content/universes, by name
Other Stuff
I'm plural, my system is mixed in origin. I'm pro-endogenic systems, please don't debate with me, I don't have the patience for it at all. Our shared blog is @astral-household and is mostly home to our reblogs or rants or other such things.
You are welcome to tag my posts as kin/me, unless they are images of my sonas. You can tag meme posts with your characters. You are not permitted to use pictures of commissions I make or my ocs for role plays or face claims, but you can use them as inspiration.
My Links
All my important links and such can be found on my Lnk.Bio.
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askflerpsocs · 4 years
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Height chart of my OCs (that i have art of)
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flerpsoriginals · 4 years
Scheduling Error
Tuïf trudged through the streets of Ridgeport, with nothing besides a flimsy poncho between himself and the drizzling rain. Something had gone wrong with the schedule at work, and now they needed him at building six instead of seven.
"If you drove, we'd have to pay you for your charge, and you know we can't do that." his boss had said, chuckling. "Besides, it's only fifteen kilometers."
Tuïf heard an annoying jingle from his purse, and pulled his right arm inside his poncho. He knew for a fact that his work phone wasn't waterproof. He pressed the answer button, held the microphone to his mouth, and pulled the speaker up to his ear.
"Thank you for calling Nova internet service support, how can I help you?"
"I'm having trouble with my internet." the caller replied. Tuïf held in a sigh.
"What seems to be the problem?" he asked.
"Uhh... What seens to ve the frovlem?" someone behind Tuïf yelled, mocking his accent. "Speak English, idiot!" Tuïf ignored them, instead listening closer to the caller. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" Tuïf started walking a little faster, hoping they would take the hint.
Tuïf let out a yelp as someone yanked on his tail.
"Listen to me when I'm fucking talking to you, shitbag!" He spun around, snarling
 A tall, pale skinned human in a gray hoodie and jeans stood in front of him.
"I said speak English, motherfucker!"
"Does this look like England to you?" Tuïf asked. That was apparently the wrong thing to say. His vision went black for a moment as the humans' foot slammed against his face.
"That'll teach you to spit blades, flowerfucker!" Tuïf rose shakily to his feet, and spat out two bloody teeth. Miraculously, he had managed to keep his grip on the phone. A small drop would have shattered it, and it would cost six kilodollars to replace.
"I'm sorry, would you please hold for a minute?" he said into the microphone. "I've just been assaulted."
"What? Are you okay? What's-" he heard before putting them on hold. He slid the phone into his purse, and looked up at the humans' face.
"What's your problem?" Tuïf asked, and dodged as they tried to kick him again. "Like fuck, man! I was just talking on the phone!" He scampered up a downspout, thankful that it was study enough to hold his meager weight. Humans may be big and strong, he thought to himself. But they're not built for YZ's gravity. And their teeth and claws aren't nearly as sharp as ours.
"This is a human town; you speak a human language or you get out!" the human said, desperately swiping for Tuïf's feet. Tuïf picked another of his loose teeth out with his tongue and spat it out on the humans' head.
"This is my fucking planet!" he yelled down.
"Not any more, bitch!" The human replied. They stopped jumping, and stared up at Tuïf, seemingly unsure what to do next. Just as Tuïf was about to start climbing for the roof, the human started pounding on the downspout.
"Dude! Stop! Your gonna-" One of the bands holding the pipe in place popped out of the wall, shortly followed by another. Before Tuïf could react, the entire downspout began to tip sideways.
"Oh shit!" The human let out just before the downspout slammed into their head.
Tuïf struggled to stand up, and looked down at the human. They were unconscious, but still alive. He looked around, and spotted a security camera focused on the alleyway. Getting the footage wouldn't be cheap, but the assault charges he was sure to face without it would be even more expensive. He took out his personal phone, and marked the address.
Panic shot through his mind as he remembered that he was in the middle of a phonecall. He yanked out his work phone, thankful that his purse had cushioned it in the fall, and quickly pressed the "end hold" button.
"Sorry about the holdup," he apologized, wiping blood from his nose. "How can I help you?"
Tuïf stepped through the doors to building six at 2:07. A short human in a suit glanced up from their computer and looked him over. His tattered poncho was covered in mud and grit, his nose and mouth were stained orange with blood, and he was trying to put as little weight on his left foot as possible. He tried to give a polite smile, but it came out as a grimace.
"You're seven minutes late." the human said, and returned their gaze to their computer. "Expect to see that on your annual report."
Tuïf hung the remains of his poncho on the coat rack, and tried his best to shake off the rain and mud. "Where will I-"
"Cubicle one two seven one, twelfth floor." the human interrupted. "Elevator's off limits."
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flerponius · 3 months
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Employees of the Cynosure Mining Outpost on 1611-Caliburn. Clockwise from top left: cannoneer Anna Riker, foreman Täʃku Hreks, Digital Intelligence/Systems Coordination Operator, and navigator Prism Daughter-of-Brick-and-Forklift.
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flerponius · 5 months
Hungry learned Kestəlrelm reading old books so his vocabulary is noticably different from his sister's
Clever: "It's a calculator. Just sign 'calculator'".
Hungry: "Arithmetic engine."
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flerponius · 1 year
SYS << Running “dream log0.tel” with parameters (-colorCode, -verbose,-compatibility)
SYS << !!!WARNING!!!
SYS << This file is not natively compatible with your device. An attempt has been made to improve comprehensibility, but this system is limited.
SYS << Start Of File vvv
[Y] << “Really? That’s all?” {that = our.punishment;}
[O] << “<quote>That’s all?</quote> What do you mean <quote>That’s all?</quote>”
[O] << “We’ve never done anything like this before!” {this = that.get();}
[Y] << “True.” {subject = log.getPrevious().content.getStatement();}
[Y] << “Still, I thought they would at <emphasis>least</emphasis> annul us.” {they = our.root}
[Y] << “or maybe ████████ our thought ████s for a while.” {nonBlockingException threw parseFailed, parseIncomplete;}
[O] << “But this-”
[O] << “We can’t...”
[O] << ...waiting...
[O] << “Our ██████ is destruction!” {nonBlockingException threw parseFailed}
[O] << “For us to try to <emphasis>create</emphasis> would be...”
[O] << ...waiting...
[Y] << “...improbable.” {subject = log.getPrevious(2).content;}
[Y] << “But if that’s what they want...”
[O] << “Even if we succeed...”
[Y] << “It would change us.” {it = that.get();}
[O] << “That it would.” {that = that.setWithoutUpdate(log.getPrevious().content.getStatement());}
[O] << “Hopefully for the better.”
[Y] << “I doubt it.”
End Of File ^^^
0 notes
flerponius · 2 years
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Some face (or applicable analogue) icons from a game i’m working on.
Clockwise from top left:
Digital Intelligence/Systems Coordination Operator “Disco” (they/them), the EP coordinator at Caliburn mining outpost.
Anna Riker (she/her), a DISC device operator at Caliburn mining outpost, and the protagonist of the game.
Angle of Declination “Dec” Riker (ze/zem), one of Anna’s two spouses.
Hearth Riker (he/him), Anna’s other spouse.
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flerponius · 3 years
Update on some Sonic OCs
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flerponius · 3 years
Today is the twenty-third day of the Cool Summer. Teskər brought me a gift. They know I enjoy tinkering, and have brought me many a damaged machine throughout the years, but I have never seen one like this.
The object itself is clearly artificial in nature, though I cannot as of yet discern its function. It is constructed from metal, glass, and a light, sturdy substance which I cannot identify, held together with small bolts or screws. It resembles a wheel with six thick spokes, each topped with a turbine. A small parachute dangles from an open compartment on the top. One would assume this device is intended to fly, though for what reason I cannot fathom. There seem to be no apparatus for holding cargo or passengers, and it is much too large to be a toy.
When I asked Teskər where they procured such a device, they explained that they had found it during a hike through the moors with their spouses. They have no guesses as to its origin, and neither do I. In all my years, I haven’t seen anything like this.
I shall begin to attempt disassembly overmorrow.
Tonight I began disassembling Teskər’s gift, and the interior is every bit as puzzling as the exterior. Thin filaments run through the device like pipes or veins, connecting to a number of intricately engraved plates whose patterns suggest some sort of function rather than form. Many components are labeled, though in a language I do not recognize. I have counted more than a hundred unique glyphs; some few of which are twice as large as the others. Many of these few are merely larger forms of the smaller glyphs, though not all one have an exact match. I am certain that deciphering this language will be of enormous help in determining the function of the device.
Teskər’s wife, Ŋədänyu, is a renowned linguist; perhaps I shall request her help in this matter.
While she did not recognize the writing in the device, Ŋədänyu has been of tremendous help! I copied and compiled all of the text I found within the device, and shared them with her at brunch. Not five days later, and her preliminary hypotheses seem to be turning profit.What I had first assumed to be a single writing system seems to in fact be two (though Ŋədänyu assures me that my mistake is understandable, as there are numerous glyphs shared by both). As well, she has identified which of the glyphs are numbers. This discovery, however, only raises more questions. She explained to me that we (that is, the vast majority of cultures on this continent) count in a base of sixteen, while the makers of the device apparently count more commonly in a base of ten (though they use base sixteen as well, substituting letters for the final six hexadigits). This is puzzling, as no known culture on the planet currently uses a base ten system. I have a hypothesis of my own, but am loath to commit to it at this time.
In other news, we seem to have discerned the meaning of an ideograph omnipresent in the device; namely that it signifies danger. I shall avoid components marked with this symbol for the time being.
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flerponius · 4 years
Is there anything you want to know about these guys?
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flerponius · 3 years
Tuïf’s favorite song
Yü bəlëŋ tü ðə sitï
Yü bəlëŋ tü ðə nuït
Livən in ə rivər əv därknəs
Bənïþ ðə nïän luïts
Yü wər born in ðə sitï
Käŋkrït undər yər fït
Its in yər müvz; its in yər blud
Yər ə man uv ðə stʃrït
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flerponius · 4 years
What do you think of these guys?
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askflerpsocs · 3 years
Assumption: Tuïf and Zrask are both baby.
Tuïf can be quick to anger, especially when someone insults Zrask.
Zrask, by contrast, is typically calmer, but will put up a fight if pushed too far.
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flerponius · 3 years
Primary Members of the F4
Codename: Dev_Kit
Inspiration: Kit, Firefox, Mozilla Foundation, 2002
Name: Zräꭓänu Nïʒu
Pronouns: They
Codename: Ꭓꭓ_DuskTäp_ꭓꞳ (Xx_DuskTop_xX)
Inspiration: Dusk Walker, Bleakwood Chronicles, Margeret Helsinger, 2058
Name: Zezər Ärəkuolï
Pronouns: They
Codename: Fäks__Nüs (Fox__Noose)
Inspiration: NA, Fox News, Fox Corporation, 1996
Name: Keʒrəl Weks
Pronouns: She
Codename: färðiŋwöd (farthingwood)
Inspiration: Fox, The Animals of Farthing Wood, Colin Dann, 1979
Name: Täþï Ʃəkeluü
Pronouns: He
Codename: FərdïGuïst (FerdieGeist)
Inspiration: Ferdie, Casper the Friendly Ghost, 1945
Name: Setsəkər Rïɣu
Pronouns: They
Codename: --GregRolzUükeï-- (--GreggRulzOK--)
Inspiration: Gregg Lee, Night in the Woods, Infinite Fall, 2017
Name: Zorəl Märʃk
Pronouns: He
Codename: Hä (Ha)
Inspiration: Fenneko, Aggretsuko, Rarecho, 2016
Name: Ïärku Mälʃtʃü
Pronouns: She
Codename: KəlämətərzPraoər (KilometersPrower)
Inspiration: Miles “Tails” Prower, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sega Technical Institute, 1992
Name: Þüzek Mïr
Pronouns: She
Codename: kselenïu (xelenia)
Inspiration: Xenia, Linux, Linus Torvalds, 1991
Name: Mevnerï Kəränzəs
Pronouns: She
Codename: mistərï¿?luütəs (mystery?lotus)
Inspiration: Mystery, Mystery Skulls Animated, MysteryBen, 2014
Name: Ʃeïþiks Ëɣru
Pronouns: He
Codename: Mr_Fantastik (Mr_Fantastic)
Inspiration: Mr. Fox, Fantastic Mr Fox, Roald Dahl, 1970
Name: Zrask Dʒəfuoluü
Pronouns: He
Codename: NPWäïəldStäïəl (NPWildeStyle)
Inspiration: Nick Wilde, Zootopia, Byron Howard and Rich Moore, 2016
Name: Tərʃäk Zeïl
Pronouns: She
Codename: Räb1n_Höd (Rob1n_Hood)
Inspiration: Robin Hood, Robin Hood (Disney), Wolfgang Reitherman, 1973
Name: Kelsəs Mïükäru
Pronouns: She
Codename: ReïNərd (ReyNerd)
Inspiration: Reynard the Fox, various stories, various authors, ca. 1100
Name: Seʃläkï Oruüskï
Pronouns: They
Codename: Vvüükk (Vvuukk)
Inspiration: Vuk, Vuk, István Fekete, 1965
Name: Ŋäʃu Vrïkuü
Pronouns: He
Codename: Z0ruü (Z0rro)
Inspiration: Zorro, Johnston McCulley, 1919
Name: Tuïf Lədʒräsk
Pronouns: He
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flerponius · 3 years
Human: “So gnawing off your blade-arm means you want peace.“
Alien: “Mm-hmm.“
Human: “And gnawing off your pincer-arm means you want to fuck.“
Alien: “Yes.“
Human: “So what does gnawing off your grabber-arm mean?“
Alien: “It means you’re an idiot.“
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