#nova therapy services
novatherapy · 11 days
Millennial Therapists for Modern Life Challenges
Navigating life as a millennial comes with its own set of challenges. From the pressures of career advancement and maintaining social connections to managing student loans and personal growth, it can all feel overwhelming. That’s why Nova Mental Health Counseling offers specialized millennial therapists who truly understand these unique struggles.
Our millennial therapists are well-versed in the issues that our generation faces. They bring a fresh, relatable perspective to therapy, making it easier to connect and open up. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, burnout, relationship challenges, or just the existential questions of modern life, our therapists are here to support you.
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What makes therapy with a millennial therapist different? It’s the shared understanding and empathy. They get the importance of work-life balance, the stress of living in a digital world, and the nuances of modern relationships. This common ground can make therapy sessions more effective and comfortable.
We offer both in-person sessions in Houston, TX, and virtual therapy options for those who prefer or need remote support. This flexibility ensures that you can get the help you need, wherever you are. Our goal is to make mental health care accessible and tailored to your lifestyle.
If you’re ready to take control of your mental health and work with a therapist who truly gets you, contact Nova Mental Health Counseling today. Our millennial therapists are here to guide you through life’s challenges and help you thrive.
Let’s tackle this together, one step at a time.
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sundove88 · 4 months
Can ya headcanon info dump the all of the Choco Cookies?
Dark Choco:
Considering that he was nearly starved to death by Dark Enchantress (He and the other Cookies of Darkness were only given small amounts of food a day), he earned the right to be chonky and full of food.
When he was a small cookie, he always dreamed of having his own horse to ride on. Fast forward to the present and now he has his own therapy horse named Heaven!
He was banished to The Cookie Kingdom as punishment for his actions, but grew to actually like his banishment and decided to serve the rest of it doing community service.
Pink Choco:
She’s good friends with Astronaut, Milky Way, Space Doughnut, Stardust, and even Xylitol Nova! She often spends a lot of time in space.
She is part of an astral organization dedicated to protecting Earthbread from beyond the planet.
Some of her favorite hobbies are making chocolates for her friends and going on adventures across the Galaxy.
Mint Choco:
He often teaches others how to play instruments alongside Creme Brûlée. He taught Cocoa to play the piano one time!
Speaking of which, he also makes for an excellent dance partner whenever he’s not playing music- he knows how to waltz and to boogie down.
He often stops by Herb’s greenhouse to look for new inspiration for his songs, as well as to decorate his new venues with.
White Choco:
She’s one of a handful of cookies who are of mixed heritage- She is of Hollyberrian and Dark Cacaoan origin!
She is good friends with Raspberry, Raspberry Mousse, Rose, Blueberry, Bumbleberry, and Cranberry- she even owns a Chantilly Shiba Inu!
Her favorite treat has to be Bingsu with a mixed berry syrup- which is a culinary fusion of her heritages!
Chess Choco:
They often finish their sentences- just like every twin does, considering that they are!
They often make macarons together and share them with the Cookies of Darkness, because they really do have hearts of gold.
They have an entire closet dedicated to dress up costumes, and this often ensures that they don’t get bored on rainy days.
Buttercream Choco:
He is the father of Cheesecake, which makes her of Golden Cheesian and Dark Cacaoan origin, just like Butter Pretzel Cookie.
He is super supportive of his daughter’s endeavors, especially when it comes to planning parties for the masses.
He’s incredibly wealthy and always uses his money for the greater good; such as donating to The Creme Republic’s sea cookies.
Chocolate BonBon:
One of her most treasured works is a beautiful ballgown (It was a Hanbok but purple and with Dark Cacaoan elements) she designed for Queen ChocoPearl so she could attend a prestigious event.
Her favorite part of making dresses has to be the last stitch, when everything leading up to that moment all comes together.
She carries around an emergency sewing kit in case anyone’s clothes get ripped or torn.
Choco Ball:
He always carries around a pack of gummies to share with his teammates whenever things get heated.
He’s starred in a LOT of energy drink commercials, some of which date back to when he was new to the team!
He always gets invited to his sister’s movie premieres. And that’s saying something!
Choco Bar:
She’s the big sis of Choco Ball, and loves to go to his soccer games whenever she has free time.
She always gives constructive criticism and ensures that the cast she works alongside can have a great time filming.
One of her premiere dresses was made by Chocolate BonBon! And she keeps it in a very special area of her wardrobe.
Dark Cacao:
After Episodes 13-14, he often goes around to each village disguised as an old man so he can learn about their cultures more.
Some of his favorite telenovelas and K-Dramas happen to be ones based on olden day legends and famous folktales.
Considering that he has nightmares (This is due to The Dream Express event), one of the more common ones is losing his entire family to the darkness. Again.
During Episode 13, she had a gut feeling that she HAD to return to her people and be there for them- She ended up being right, as The Cookies of Darkness were trying to take over The Black Citadel.
She slapped Pomegranate without remorse for “Corrupting The Love of my Life” and “Corrupting My Son”, aka her husband and Dark Choco. Think of that scene from Coco.
She knows which herbs are suitable for medical treatment, and the ones which are not safe to consume. And she keeps a small satchel of them under her skirt at all times.
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cha-melodius · 9 months
Self-Promo Saturday
Tagged by @orchidscript to list 5 works I'm proud of, doing this before Saturday gives up the ghost. The first four of these were pretty much a given; the fifth could have been many fics, but in the end I went with the figure skating AU that I feel like hits so many good notes between heart and humor and romance.
Please Don't Let Me Be So Understood (firstprince, E, 20k)
After one too many fights at work, Henry and Alex are assigned mandatory reconciliation therapy by their boss. Except the therapist thinks they're there for couples therapy... and surely, a bet on who will break first makes more sense than actually correcting her, right?
Nova, Baby (firstprince, E, 66k)
CIA agent Alex Claremont-Diaz and MI6 agent Henry Fox-Mountchristen don’t exactly get along, but that doesn’t keep their respective agencies from insisting they work together as partners. Then a mission in Colombia changes everything, and their relationship begins to shift and grow into something that neither of them ever expected… and something that could have deadly consequences.
Love is a Losing Game (napollya, E, 102k)
An AU set in the world of competitve chess tournaments during the late 1960s. When secret, late-night training matches between sworn rivals turn into something more, both men are forced to confront what is truly important to them.
A Good Man Is Hard To Find (lokius, M, 81k)
Getting caught eventually was probably inevitable. Mobius showing up at the prison with a job offer courtesy of the CIA? Well, that was pretty much the last thing that Loki expected. Soon he finds himself in a situation he never could have imagined: using skills honed over a life of crime in service of a government agency, all the while trying to balance his new job with his extremely inconvenient feelings for the only person who trusts him. When, after months of successful missions, he unwillingly becomes a pawn in a plot that has deadly consequences, that trust is put to the test—but he’ll be damned if he’s going to let Mobius down.
White Knuckles (napollya, M, 45k)
An Olympic Figure Skating AU. Featuring secret training sessions, falling in love with the last person you should, and learning how to lose control.
Please feel free to make this self-promo sunday, or monday, or whenever @three-drink-amy @14carrotghoul @historicallysam @myheartalivewrites @sherryvalli @kiwiana-writes @rmd-writes @iboatedhere @leaves-of-laurelin @tintagel-or-cockleshells @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @mirilyawrites @cricketnationrise @nontoxic-writes
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squirrelpatties · 4 months
here’s some headcanons for the snack pack I got so far
Her and Branch have matching friendship bracelets
can drive and has a liscense
Lives in a modified shack that he renovates himself
owns a bunch of totally legal firearms, some of which he totally legally sawed shorter
Poppy once put stickers on his phone case. He says he hates it but he never removes them
grandma got hit by a car 😔
can drive but does not have a license
once snuck the gang into a club through the bathroom windows
Architect. This is never mentioned until Branch offhandedly wonders what he even does to make money and is reasonably shocked that out of all things he’s an architect
Is never not seen looking his best unless something is wrong. After he had Tiny he started to dress more comfortably however
Had a lot of trouble initially adjusting to having a kid, he loves Tiny don’t get it twisted but its hard going from a party animal to a single parent
Guy spoils the ever loving daylights out of him.
remarkably intelligent for a baby, not as much as he is as a troll but definitely enough to be noticeable. He started walking at nine months and talking in full sentences at 2 years. He still has the Kenan Thompson voice
Is a adorable and KNOWS it
The story of his seperation was a super complicated series of nonsensical ruth goldberg-esque events starting with his basin in the nursery rolling out the hospital window and ending in him washing up in shore two states away and out into foster care
his family found him after he posted a video that went viral and ended it by revealing his full address
Proportionate dwarfism
lives with milton
super buff
personal trainer and physical therapy coach. Synth is her coworker, minuet is one of their clients.
likes happy tree friends cause I say so
heavy smoker
Satin and Chenille:
Conjoined by the arm
nova swifts interns still
Dinkles is a fluffy cat
Loves doing community service and charity work. He’s just a nice guy.
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dalishious · 2 years
How did you get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria while being nonbinary? You're in a different country than me so the process will likely be slightly different for me but I'd be interested to know nonetheless. Did you have to pay for it or did Canadian healthcare cover it?
So there's two ways to go about it in Nova Scotia:
You can go through the public Mental Health and Addictions Service by calling and saying you're looking for a WPATH assessment. They do a basic screening and then put you on a waitlist to be seen by someone who is WPATH trained. This is 100% covered by the health care system; you do not have to pay anything, but you do have to wait up to a year to be seen, I've been told.
You can find a private therapist who is WPATH trained and seek them out yourself, independent of the provincial MHA Service. I just googled "WPATH *insert area here*" until I found someone relatively close to where I live. This you will have to pay for yourself, unless you have insurance through your job that covers it. Fortunately I work for NS Health and X amount of therapy sessions in a year are 100% covered, so I didn't have to pay anything, but that's not the case for everyone, I know. Without the insurance I would've had to pay about $300 total. The reason I went this route is because I had the ability to do so, and didn't want to be on a year long waitlist.
The actual assessment itself took about an hour and a half in total with the lady I saw, broken up over two sessions. She was very friendly and easy to talk to. The way she conducted it is she asked me questions as prompts to discuss how my body got in the way of me enjoying life. Because I was specifically seeking top surgery, the questions were geared towards my chest, which was sometimes uncomfortable to talk about, but like I said, she was very understanding and supportive, which made it easier. After the assessment was complete, she wrote up a report addressed to MSI (that's Nova Scotia's public health care) detailing all the things I felt and concluding these are symptoms of gender dysphoria, with optimal treatment being a double-incision mastectomy. Had I been seeking hormone therapy, she would have included that as well, but I chose to abstain from that. About a month after I mailed that report and a form filled out by my Nurse Practitioner to MSI, I received a letter back from them confirming that they would cover my surgery in Montréal (where gender affirming surgeries are performed in Eastern Canada).
If you want to hear more, I don't mind sharing, so feel free to hit me up on my main blog @kispesan
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witchyfemking · 2 years
My name is Salem(20, they/them)
My girlfriend Nova (20, she/her) and I have been really struggling for the past few months.
I recently developed a chronic skin condition called Hidradenitis Suppurativa which has slowly become debilitating for me( over the course of several months). This skin condition causes things like boils/abscesses, skin tunneling, inflammation and open wounds. Oh and a lot of pain.
We lost both lost our jobs recently and Nova just now got a job yesterday.
But we both need help getting on disability because we both have a series of other issues.
I have a hard time working because my HS causes me a lot of pain, discomfort and generally a lot of stress.
One day I could be completely fine and mobile. However the next i could be painful to move or get out of bed and need the assistance of a mobility aid.
And you know how hard it is to have employers give you the accommodations you need without being officially on disability
I’ve tried running an Etsy business for divination services to help us out, however Etsy isn’t always kind to it’s workers.
Most other selling platforms require a scheduled subscription fee and we do not have the money for that.
Nova shouldn’t really be working either because she has EDS which causes her so much pain and her symptoms eerily match Vascular EDS. ( Her heart rate will spike and then drop). But she’s been working very hard despite struggling to keep herself and me afloat.
Nova is also trans (mtf) and we need financial assistance keeping up and obtaining the gender affirming care that she needs.
I myself need gender affirming care. I am agender/genderqueer and get dysphoric about my body. Specifically my breasts. I also get HS flare ups on my chest very often
which really makes dysphoria worse. And the size of my breasts makes dealing with and treating the HS (and binding my chest) so much more difficult.
My plan is to get a breast reduction to make HS care easier and to alleviate my gender dysphoria.
My immediate family are also going through some hard times as well right now so they havent been able to help us out very much either.
So raising enough money for needs while we get back on out feet would be really helpful.
We need money for like
Medical bills ( Dermatology, GAC, therapy, psychologists, medical testing for the issues we need to be assessed for)
Supplies for home remedies for my HS
Other non food essentials
Gas for transportation
Nova’s bills like car insurance, and etc
and assistance for just giving us comfortability of life.
We will be so grateful for any help we can get. We’ve been trying so hard to get by and we’re exhausted.
We simply need help getting on our feet.
And please if you donate and you are comfortable, please leave your name and some form of contact(preferably an email) so we show our appreciation in some way.
Have a blessed day / Blessed Be / Namaste etc.
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Business Name: Fairview Chiropractic and Massage
Street Address: 25 Titus Street
City: Halifax
State: Nova Scotia
Zip Code: B3M 2N5
Country: Canada
Business Phone: (902) 405-5433
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.fairviewchiropractic.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fairviewchiro
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fairviewchiroandmassage/
Business Description: Whether you are new to chiropractic, massage therapy or just looking for a clinic that is the right fit for your individual needs, please browse our website to get an idea of what we have to offer here at Fairview Chiropractic and Massage Centre. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=7597160387779783635
Keywords: chiropractor halifax,halifax chiropractic clinic,halifax chiropractor,clayton park chiropractic,tmj jaw services near me,tmj joint treatment near me,tmj pain services near me,massage halifax,halifax massage,massage therapy halifax,chiropractic and massage,fairview chiropractic,halifax massage therapy,massage in halifax,massage halifax nova scotia
Number of Employees: 1-5
Owner Name: Dr. Erin J Mackay
Service Areas:
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laiverse · 2 years
kian nattakhan.
24 anos. tradutor freelancer e atendente (em algum estabelecimento) meio-período. bissexual. bible wichapas faceclaim. tws; morte, luto, depressão. cara de bad boy, mas é só a cara mesmo, porque é uma das pessoas mais gentis que você vai conhecer. ainda encontrando seu lugar no mundo e se curando de partes de seu passado. introvertido alérgico a multidões. apaixonado por literatura e linguística, costuma visitar crianças num orfanato e ler para elas. tem um gato que salvou sua vida e é completamente apaixonado por ele. service top extraordinaire. faixa preta em taekwondo. perdeu a irmã mais nova quando era criança e viu a família se desintegrar quando a mãe não conseguiu superar o ocorrido, e o pai viu por bem criar kian longe dela, mas tentando cuidar da mulher à distância. kian continua sem saber ao certo como reparar vínculos com ela, mesmo que as coisas estejam enfim melhorando. kian, rewatching “everything everywhere all at once” for nth time is not therapy, get help!!
status: fechado para m/m, m/nb // m/f seletivamente (a depender de player)
plots sugeridos
a. exes que ainda moram juntes para dividir gastos (!!!)
b. ok cuz i can’t get this plot based off a socmed au i’m reading off my mind. someone please give me a plot in which muse a proposes to their s/o on valentine’s day on this cute little café and... is rejected. and muse b is the barista who sees everything (including how muse a’s s/o has been treating them throughout the night and, damn, why would you wanna marry someone who barely seems interested in your company bestie) and spends the rest of their shift trying to offer muse a comfort and cheer them up however they can. and they hit it off from there like rly hit it off and the rest is history.
c. d/s dynamics plot (sem ser pro dom/me porque kian não tem dinheiro pra tanto não)
d. plots com single parent, ou alguém que esteja tentando adotar a menina do orfanato a que o kian é bem apegado?
e. roommates/friends to lovers.
o kian é relativamente flexível porque eu só quero jogar ele mesmo tbh. angst é bem-vindo, mas também quero healing e hurt/comfort e fluff no plot dele e no arco dele em geral.
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idrivenova1 · 22 days
5 Tips for Completing a Driving Improvement Clinic in Portsmouth, Virginia
Driving Improvement Clinic Course Virginia is something that can be beneficial for those who want to improve their skills of driving and meet legal requirements. The following clinics are in Portsmouth, Virginia and they can assist you in becoming a better driver and if you are lucky enough may help remove points from your driving record. 
The following is a guide for a driving improvement clinic in Portsmouth Virginia. Following these tips can help you to achieve the best results when it comes to your experience.
1. Selecting the Right Clinic.
It is therefore important to select the right Driving Improvement Clinic Portsmouth to ensure that they are able to offer the best services. Find a clinic that is legally authorized by the Virginia DMV and has positive feedbacks of previous attendees. A proper clinic would have trained teachers as well as a well-developed program.
One may also request for referrals from friends or relatives who have gone for the clinic. Moreover, try to search the Internet and various forums for comments. If you are well informed, you can choose wisely from the starting line.
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2. Be Prepared
You must prepare well for a Driving Improvement Clinic Course in Virginia. Remember to bring all the necessary papers which could include your driver’s license as well as any court record or DMV documents. Be punctual and bring food for sharing.
Read any information packet given by the clinic prior to the class. This can help you gain an advantage over the discussion on the topics that will be discussed. This will make you more confident and focused as you take your course.
3. Participate Actively
The clinic is designed to be an active goal for attaining maximum objective of the clinic. Be attentive to the instructor and note down the things learnt during lessons. Feel free to ask for further explanation in case you have some issues related to a specific topic.
Participate in group discussions and exercises. Sharing one's experiences and learning from those who are experienced to understand how to drive safely can also be helpful. It is important that you do not passively view the material and expect to get something from the course.
4. Apply What You Learn.
It is therefore crucial that you can relate the knowledge that you get from the clinic to the real life driving you do every day. It is also important to follow the defensive driving practices and safe driving tips learned during the training. This can include:
Adopting appropriate speed and following distance.
Agreeing that we should be conscious of our environment.
Avoid distractions while driving.
5. Stay Positive and Open-Minded
Most importantly, a positive attitude and open-mindedness throughout the learning process and its subjects. It is, therefore, important to understand that the clinic is a place created to assist you in becoming a better driver. Feedback should be seen as a positive aspect that can be used as a platform to learn and improve.
It is important to give yourself time when you adapt new driving skills. This is something that requires patience as it can be a gradual process in the process of becoming a safer driver. The students must keep positive attitude that will make learning more interesting and productive.
Rundown of Driving Improvement Clinic PortsmouthOne can easily access the Driving Improvement Clinic Portsmouth and come out a better driver and also increase road safety. If you prepare well both physically and mentally, participate in the therapy and start practicing the techniques you learn, be positive and select the right clinic you have the best chance to get the most from this experience. Nova Online Driving School is a company that is worth considering if you need a high-quality clinic in Virginia. They are offering high quality courses in driving and they are tailored to fit your needs. Visit https://idrivenova.com/ to find out more and to register for a driving improvement clinic today.
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markeduke · 25 days
Maxanim Enhancing Laboratory Solutions for Research and Diagnosis
In a groundbreaking move within the fields of laboratory supply and biotech research, Maxanim proudly announces its integration into the esteemed Gentaur Group. This partnership marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of providing cutting-edge testing tools, reagents, and specialized solutions for laboratories across the USA and Europe. With a focus on delivering high-quality products tailored for research and diagnostic purposes, Maxanim’s inclusion within the Gentaur Group fortifies its commitment to excellence and innovation in the field.
Maxanim’s expertise lies in the provision of laboratory reagents and tools essential for a wide array of scientific endeavors, ranging from fundamental research to advanced diagnostic applications. As part of the Gentaur Group, Maxanim extends its reach and capabilities, ensuring a broader access to its comprehensive portfolio of products and services.
One of the flagship offerings by Maxanim is its extensive range of ELISA kits meticulously designed for research purposes. These kits, renowned for their reliability and accuracy, empower researchers with the tools necessary to explore various biological pathways, identify biomarkers, and unravel the mysteries of diseases. Whether unraveling the complexities of cancer biology or deciphering the mechanisms of infectious diseases, Maxanim’s ELISA kits, Panbio serve as invaluable assets in the scientific community’s quest for knowledge and breakthroughs.
The expanded portfolio of Maxanim now includes a comprehensive range of products such as Abbott, ABM Labs’ innovative tools for gene expression studies, Adeno and AAV vectors for gene therapy applications, iPSC reagents for stem cell research, Lentivectors and Retroviral vector for gene delivery systems, as well as Adenovirus vectors for vaccine development and gene transfer experiments. Additionally, Maxanim offers products from renowned suppliers such as Cusabio, Nova Lifetech plasmids, Gentarget, SBI, ABMGood, and Genprice, ensuring access to a diverse array of high-quality reagents and tools.
Furthermore, Maxanim takes pride in its prowess in manufacturing custom recombinant proteins and plasmids, catering to the specific needs and requirements of researchers and laboratories. With a keen emphasis on quality assurance and precision, Maxanim ensures that each custom product meets the highest standards of excellence, empowering scientists with the flexibility to embark on ambitious projects and push the boundaries of scientific discovery.
In addition to recombinant proteins and plasmids, Maxanim specializes in the design and production of primers, rabbit plyclonal antibodies, and mouse monoclonal antibodies. These essential tools play a pivotal role in various experimental techniques, including PCR, Western blotting, and immunohistochemistry, facilitating the detection and analysis of specific molecules with unparalleled specificity and sensitivity.
The integration of Maxanim into the Gentaur Group not only amplifies its product offerings but also reinforces its commitment to customer satisfaction and service excellence. With a dedicated team of experts and scientists, Maxanim remains steadfast in its mission to empower researchers and laboratories with the tools and resources necessary to drive groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in the realms of biotechnology and medical research.
Moreover, Maxanim’s collaboration with Gentaur Group enhances its distribution network, ensuring prompt and efficient delivery of products to laboratories across the USA and Europe. Through strategic partnerships and alliances, Maxanim endeavors to streamline the procurement process for researchers, enabling them to focus their efforts and resources on their scientific pursuits.
With Maxanim’s integration into the Gentaur Group, researchers can now benefit from a seamless procurement experience, accessing a wide range of products including ELISA kits, PCR reagents, Antybody, and quality controls like NatTtrol. Whether it’s basic research, drug discovery, or clinical diagnostics, Maxanim remains committed to providing the necessary tools and support to accelerate scientific progress and improve human health worldwide.
[Related site1] [Related site2]
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marketreports-blog · 1 month
According to recent study by nova one advisor, the U.S. physical therapy services market size was exhibited at USD 45.81 billion in 2023 and is projected to hit around USD 65.06 billion by 2033, growing at a CAGR of 3.57% during the forecast period 2024 to 2033.
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novatherapy · 11 days
Discover the Best Mental Health Therapist in Houston, TX
Life in Houston can be a whirlwind, right? Between the hustle of city life, work, and personal obligations, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s where finding a great mental health therapist in Houston, TX, comes into play.
At Nova Mental Health Counseling, we believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality mental health care. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to providing personalized support tailored to your unique needs. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or just the everyday stressors of life, we’re here to help.
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What sets us apart? For one, our holistic approach. We understand that mental health is not one-size-fits-all. Our therapists are trained in various modalities, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based techniques, and more. We work with you to create a treatment plan that fits your specific situation.
If you’re new to therapy, don’t worry! We strive to make the process as comfortable and welcoming as possible. Our offices in Houston are designed to be a safe space where you can express yourself freely. Plus, for those who can’t make it to our physical location, we offer virtual therapy sessions.
Take the first step towards better mental health today. Reach out to Nova Mental Health Counseling and connect with a licensed mental health therapist in Houston, TX. Remember, prioritizing your mental well-being is a sign of strength, not weakness.
Let’s start this journey together.
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medlineacademics · 1 month
Meet your infertility expert – A Fellow in Reproductive Medicine!
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Infertility problems affect an estimated 25–30 million couples presently in India and businesses are making significant plans to take advantage of this enormous opportunity. In India, there is still limited coverage of infertility treatments despite a strong demand in both urban and rural areas.
Though the causes are varied the need for IVF centres is absolutely there and in huge numbers over the next decade - lifestyle, delayed parenthood and environmental factors in cities, and access to fertility centres in rural areas.
What are the chances?
Fertility luck seems to be in the air as India's IVF industry expands and the corporations rejoice. Leaders in the field, including Apollo Infertility, Cloud Nine Hospitals, Indira IVF, Nova IVF, and Birla Fertility & IVF, are strengthening their expansion plans in response to the growing demand for infertility treatments. Over the next five years, the IVF business is forecast to develop at a compound annual growth rate of 17%, driven by a rise in medical tourism and an increase in disorders connected to infertility. There is fierce competition in the IVF market from both disorganized and big corporate enterprises.
Government Intervention
The government tightened restrictions on assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in 2023.
The primary goal was to stop illicit activities and exploitation, but it has also introduced requirements for the establishment of IVF facilities. It has set minimum infrastructural and staff standards for ART centres.
The Gynaecologist is the foremost and a critical staff requirement of the IVF centre. The Dr must be qualified in this super-specialty of treating infertility and adept at carrying out IVF procedures.
Below are the particulars about the eligibility criteria:
MD/MS/DNB/PG Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, with a minimum of 50 oocyte retrievals and 3 years of infertility experience.
Medical postgraduate in OBGYN with a specialized Doctorate of Medicine or Fellowship in reproductive medicine, plus 3 years of infertility experience.
Each Gynaecologist must decide which IVF training program in India would best advance her professional objectives and meet industry standards.
Where can we do Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine?
When it comes to experience, knowledge, manner of instruction, and affiliation with IVF courses, Medline Academics is among the rarest institutions offering a Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine in India. Institutions that offer training courses now act as a springboard for IVF specialty services. Hospitals and academies that are in operation provide courses that comply with ART criteria. A handful of them have only recently begun their training in Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine in Bangalore.
The Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine course is offered in three consecutive sections, consisting of about eight theory modules on an intelligent e-learning platform with weekly live lectures by professionals in the field. This breaks up the monotony of self-learning and improves the learning process. The assignments and tests are scheduled by the e-learning platform in a way that facilitates and guarantees the progressive acquisition of the principles that are the cornerstone of infertility therapies. Before moving on to actual patients, simulation using cutting-edge models properly bridges the knowledge and skill applications divide. The IVF specialist must complete at least 50 OPU’s to be certified, which is one of the requirements before they can begin treating patients on their own.
The required experience of the patient's treatment journey in an IVF center will be provided by the clinical attachment. Under the guidance of an IVF specialist, participants must spend a minimum of 180 hours at the Level 2 ART center. These hours will be documented in a logbook.
After this, there will be a two-day exit exam that includes theory, viva, and practical testing under university supervision. The esteemed Fellowship in IVF will be awarded to the successful candidates – university for Indian candidates and institutional for International candidates. The FRM Doctors can now work as infertility experts in IVF facilities, and after two more years of experience, they can even consider opening their own standalone IVF facility. Infertility experts are urgently needed; the nation and business demand it.
We at Medline Academics do receive inquiries from various parts of India, Asia, and Africa. Almost 150+ FRM candidates have been recruited to date and there has been positive & encouraging feedback from successful pass-out students about the course deliverables! We constantly strive to meet your expectations in preparing you well for the Infertility treatment landscape.
Having you join the course is something we are excited about!
For more details please visit www.medlineacademics.com
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cha-melodius · 6 months
4, 8, and 34 (i saw you already answered this one, but was curious about any other fun deep dives) for the writer asks!
4. What piece of writing are you most proud of?
I technically answered this one, not as part of this game but in an ask earlier this week. That answer is quite long, but the short version is: Please Don't Let Me Be So Understood, the couples therapy AU.
8. What mood has been most prevalent in your works this year? Ex. angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, etc.
I really think the only thing consistent about the mood of my fics is that there isn't a consistent mood. There are tense ones, and fluffy ones, and angsty ones, and bleak ones, and joyful ones, and I think they're at about equal proportions lol. I like variety.
34. What's the weirdest thing you researched for a fic?
How about most unusual locations? I spent too much time on google maps looking at the fjords around Magerøya (the farthest north reaches of Norway) for Cold Light, pondering all the structures in the gardens at Versailles in Lessons in Foreign Diplomacy, searching through remote forested areas outside Santo Domingo and Cordoba for This Hell of a Season, and oh yeah, what about the moon for Black Moon.
While I was gathering these I was also reminded of when I was writing Nova, Baby and I spent faaaaar too much time googling the area around, approaches to, and entrances of Vauxhall Cross, which happens to be the home of the Secret Intelligence Service, aka MI6. I'm sure that wasn't suspicious at all.
Thanks a bunch for sending these in!
Send me fanfic writer end of the year asks!
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compassionhavens · 3 months
How Engaging in Expert Depression, Counselling Unlocks Paths to Emotional Liberation?
Sometimes, we all go through tough times when we feel unfortunate or like we've lost something important, and these feelings can turn into depression. Depression makes everything feel less colourful and makes it hard to enjoy life like we used to. When this happens, it's essential to find help to show us the way back to happier times. That's where special counselling for depression comes in. Talking to a professional about your feelings isn't just about chatting. It's a powerful way to start feeling better. These experts help you understand why you think the way you do and teach you ways to deal with it. So, why is finding the proper help is so important? Let's examine how talking to the right counsellor can light up the path to feeling happy and free again.
The Role of Expert Counselling in Addressing Depression
Expert depression counselling in Newfoundland or nearby areas stands out because it combines understanding, experience, and strategies tailored to each individual's needs. Professional counsellors possess a deep knowledge of psychological theories and practical techniques that can help unravel the complex web of depression. They create a safe, non-judgmental space where individuals can share their deepest fears and challenges.
Personalized Approaches for Diverse Needs
Depression affects everyone differently, which means there's no one-size-fits-all solution. For instance, Depression Counselling in Nova Scotia is skilled at creating personalised therapy plans. These plans might include cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness practices, or other approaches, depending on what best suits the individual's situation. This bespoke approach ensures that every person's journey towards emotional freedom is as unique as their experience with depression.
Building Tools for Emotional Resilience
One of the critical outcomes of engaging in depression counselling is the development of tools and strategies for managing emotions. Counsellors guide individuals through identifying triggers, understanding their thought patterns, and learning coping mechanisms. This empowerment is crucial for overcoming challenges and building resilience against future emotional downturns.
Creating a Supportive Alliance
The journey through depression can often feel lonely, but through counselling, individuals realise they're not alone. The therapeutic relationship between a counsellor and an individual is a powerful alliance. It's based on trust, understanding, and mutual respect, providing a cornerstone for recovery. This supportive partnership encourages openness and honesty, essential components for healing.
The Path to Emotional Liberation
The main goal of depression counselling is to help people overcome their sadness. It takes time, courage, and hard work. With the help of therapists, people learn to understand their feelings, deal with their problems, and gradually start to feel happier. Counselling provides personalized strategies and caring guidance to help individuals manage their emotions and build strength. This support helps them face life with more hope and energy.
To Summarize
Finding an exemplary counseling service is significant when working on feeling better emotionally. Counsellors listen, care deeply, and are very good at what they do, offering a safe place for those fighting depression. They ensure their help fits each person's needs precisely, leading to true happiness and peace. Depression can make everything feel dark and hopeless, but it's good to remember that there are ways to feel better and find joy again with the great depression counselling in Nova Scotia or anywhere else. Also, the people must start to feel hopeful and free again.
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Unveiling Trends Shaping Chronic Kidney Disease Market
Market Overview –
The Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Market is experiencing significant growth globally due to the rising prevalence of CKD and related risk factors such as diabetes and hypertension. CKD, characterized by a gradual loss of kidney function over time, poses a substantial health burden worldwide. Factors such as aging populations, unhealthy lifestyles, and genetic predisposition contribute to the increasing incidence of CKD.
The Chronic Kidney Disease market is undergoing notable developments, particularly in patients with renal kidney disease. Hemianopsia, characterized by partial blindness in one half of the visual field, can occur as a complication of renal kidney disease. Research into effective management and treatment options is driving advancements in this niche market to improve quality of life for affected individuals.
The market encompasses various treatment options, including medications, dialysis, and kidney transplantation, aimed at managing symptoms and slowing disease progression. Additionally, advancements in diagnostic techniques and therapies drive market growth by improving early detection and management strategies.
However, challenges such as high treatment costs, limited access to healthcare services, and the complexity of managing CKD patients' care hinder market expansion. Despite these challenges, the CKD market presents opportunities for innovation and collaboration among healthcare stakeholders to improve diagnosis, treatment, and management approaches, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and quality of life.
In 2022, the market for chronic kidney disease was estimated to be worth USD 65.88 billion. The market for chronic kidney disease is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5% between 2023 and 2030, from USD 69.44 billion in 2023 to USD 101.2 billion.
Segmentation –
By diagnosis, the chronic kidney disease market is segmented into blood test, urine test, imaging test, and kidney biopsy.
By treatment, the global chronic kidney disease market has been segmented into drugs, dialysis, and kidney transplant. The drugs segment is further sub-segmented into ace inhibitors, angiotensin-ii receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, and erythropoiesis-stimulating agents.
By indication, the chronic kidney disease market is segmented into Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, polycystic kidney disease, and others.
By end-user, the global chronic kidney disease market has been segmented into hospitals and clinics, diagnostic centers, and others.
Regional Analysis –
The chronic kidney disease (CKD) market's regional analysis reflects disparities in healthcare access, risk factors, and treatment options. In developed regions like North America and Europe, high prevalence rates of diabetes and hypertension contribute to a significant CKD burden. Advanced healthcare infrastructure allows for early detection and management, driving market growth for CKD treatments. In contrast, developing regions such as Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Africa face challenges in CKD management due to limited access to healthcare and diagnostic services. However, increasing awareness of CKD risk factors and government initiatives to improve healthcare infrastructure are fueling market growth in these regions. Market players must address regional disparities by offering affordable treatment options, raising awareness, and collaborating with local healthcare stakeholders to improve CKD management globally.
Key Players –
Chronic Kidney Disease companies include Abbott, Siemens, Beckman Coulter, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, ACON Laboratories, Inc, Nova Biomedical, ARKRAY, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, and Bayer AG.
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For more information visit at MarketResearchFuture
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