#nova james
floredaqueen · 7 months
by their sweet smiles and cute outfits.. they feed on absolute chaos.
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violeteclipseboaty · 29 days
Lets talk about Nova for a bit. I find it really interesting that Raka does not know why all humans are named 'Nova', but confirmed it definitely has to do with our sweet Nova who Maurice adopts in War.
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I like to think that Caesar's clan started calling humans Nova as a way to honor her. She did help Caesar at one of his lowest points and contributed to them escaping the Colonel. She must've lived with them for the remainder of her life, and the apes accepted her as one of them. It would be nice to get more clarification later on. I will cry if this ends up being true lol
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The Nova name does get depressing tho. As we all remember, Nova was infected when the virus started mutating and her cognitive skills were being taken from her. It was so sad that this little girl could not speak but thankfully, Maurice was teaching her sign language and she was learning. In kingdom, obviously the virus got worse and now the human population (aka Nova's and Echo's) is hanging by a thread (Or so we think we don't know how many other bunkers are out there lol) It's crazy to think that this virus that was meant to be a cure for a disease in the first place; became the downfall of humanity.
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why-i-love-comics · 2 days
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Annihilation 2099 #1 - "The Last Nova" (2024)
written by Steve Orlando art by Ibraim Roberson & Neeraj Menon
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solfylt-fisk · 7 months
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cleverlightgiver · 14 days
Rachel ✨
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yhsfanwithapinkdino · 5 months
I wonder where James went? (ALSO POSTED THIS ON MY TT @yhsfanwithapinkdino )
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jazmonddraws · 8 months
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J the Star! Love this little guy :3 I have a soft spot for silly insane engineer guys and I will NOT be apologizing!!
Also some doodles from last night, just for fun! Gonna make some head canon drawings for how the reboot people look, so, look out for that!
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the-satellite · 7 months
Look the James Somerton thing is Alot but it is actually kinda important you guys don't forget that the dude's only original thoughts was WHOLESALE MISOGYNY. Mostly bc I know a weird amount of you would agree on his points bc he didn't call anyone a bitch or cow.
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heckcareoxytwit · 10 months
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Kamala Khan has a weird nightmare about her identity crisis and having to choose her placement in teams.
Ms Marvel: The New Mutant #1, 2023
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everyonesfavwriter · 6 months
Thinking about how crazy it must've been for nova if this is canon
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Imagine finding your CRUSH in a dingy CELL in his own BASEMENT battered and bruised and then being trapped inside with him in said basement and after days of starvation being driven to insanity and forced to eat him for survival
This poor girl had to EAT HIM. She didn't know when she was going to be able to leave, she didn't know if they would even be able to survive. Hell she didn't know if Sam was going to come back and kill them himself
Imagine how heartbreaking that had to be. To tear someone you loved with your own teeth.
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lenbryant · 1 month
Watch the sky! And support your local PBS station.
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floredaqueen · 5 months
♡Hair Curled, Patience Thin♡
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This is a distraction to stop you from realizing how slow I've been I'M SORRYYYY. Please forgive me and take this as a peace offering
I hope you Enjoyyyy♡♡♡
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kingbitchnara · 8 months
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Taken from a potato quality video
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why-i-love-comics · 2 days
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Annihilation 2099 #1 - "The Last Nova" (2024)
written by Steve Orlando art by Ibraim Roberson & Neeraj Menon
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solfylt-fisk · 7 months
Two in one day? Wow!!!
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rhiannons-bird · 1 year
My little collection of darling boys keeps growing so I’ve decided to sort them into categories for better overview
Dazzling, charming, usually nice but also can and will kill you especially if you offend his values or his special favourite humans
1. Matthew Fairchild
2. Ramy Mirza
3. Nikolai Lantsov
Seemingly withdrawn & bookish, roiling chaos & murderous energy on the inside, tragic choice in love interest
1. James Farrow
2. James Herondale
3. Robin Swift
4. Bonus, cause I feel like it: Will Graham
Self-loathing, daddy issues, regrets, has an embarrassingly huge crush, I don‘t care if you don‘t like him I‘ll die for him anyways
1. Alastair Carstairs
2. Kieran Kingson
3. Tristan Caine
Little bastard that shouldn‘t be on this list but somehow made it anyways
1. Richard Papen
2. Callum Nova
3. Dorian Gray
Soft baby boy, if you touch him I will personally cut you into a million little pieces slowly over the course of several days
1. Gideon Drake
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