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rats-and-robots · 4 months ago
Children of the Void
Hi I am making a Host for Uralon the Cruel because I'm. Normal. And I want to get this down on paper.
Some disclaimers;
I headcanon that the events of RT occur almost immediately following or concurrently with the fall of Cadia. Which is to say Uralon's Host has been outside of the Eye of Terror since before the Fall.
Uralon here is a Grand Apostle, not just a Dark Apostle, as it's implied here in the game that he's on the Dark Council;
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The Children of the Void are the 27th Host.
It is important to note that very few members are original members of the Host, as they have gone through multiple battles with great losses and at least one attempted coup. Many members are converted from loyalist legions, such as Nova who was converted as a Scout from a Black Templar chapter, or were stolen from planets and made into Word Bearers, and as such have never seen Sicarus or met Lorgar.
Obviously Uralon the Cruel is the head of the 27th Host as the Grand Apostle. He is a Colchisian native and fought during the heresy. Pre-Heresy, his chapter were always known for having a more wandering spirit and when their captain died and Uralon took over as one of the first Dark Apostles, this didn't change, thus their name labeling them as the Children of the Void, children of the stars and the voidships they travel in, rarely comfortable staying in one place. They were sent on a mission to find a way out of the Eye of Terror around the barricades and succeeded, but haven't been able to re-establish communications nor return until the Fall of Cadia.
His First Acolyte is his closest blood brother and former fellow Chaplain, Eclipse. Eclipse is a sorcerer and a psyker, a very, very powerful one at that. Eclipse and Uralon used to be nearly identical in appearance, before corruption gave Uralon horns and took Eclipse's sight. He and Uralon bounce off of one another easily, and Eclipse is often the one reeling in Uralon's ambition and reminding them of their limited resources outside of the Eye. Eclipse's name obviously was not always Eclipse, but he took the name following a great conquering triumph wherein he called upon the Dark Gods and they stole both the planet's sun, and his sight. This began a bit of a trend wherein members of the Host would rename themselves after cosmic events, furthering their own attachment to their traveling and the stars. (Eclipse has also pseudo-adopted Nymet, @nightshade-victorian's Night Lord, who follows him around like a puppy.)
Aphelion is known for being rather vocal about disliking Uralon's decisions, however despite this, Uralon chose him as his Coryphaus following Aphelion's attempt at a coup within the Host, preferring to hear out and stop any further insurrections given their total disconnect from Sicarus and their perilous situation. He would give himself the name Aphelion after this, once he learned it's meaning; the point where a planet is furthest from its sun. All of this said, he ultimately respects Uralon (now) and is loyal almost to a fault. Almost.
Epoch is the Host's 'Head Apothecary' and is more augment and corruption than flesh. Epoch was a member of the Vor Nergeth, or Order of the Procurators, who was assigned to the Children of the Void's mission. While he was not originally the Head Apothecary, he was forced to take the role following Aphelion's failed coup when the former one was killed. He stays on the ship, his... 'clinic' seated close to the center. Few actually see him for treatment and for the most part he acts as a last resort or as the Host's source of toxins and conversion from human into Astartes. Epoch has two Astartes who serve as guards to his chambers, Keon and Carnephitz.
There are four units of twelve beneath them, including the Captains of each; Nova, Zheon(preceded by Aurora), Rosk, and Azimuth(preceded by the Kiava Gamma CSM).
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kennrosier · 10 months ago
"Yeah, I know how sorry you are." Respondeu em um sorriso. "Sincera com o que?" Franziu o cenho, inclinando a cabeça para o lado. Levou a mão direita até a gola da camisa preta que ele usava e abriu o primeiro botão, ajeitando o tecido escuro sobre o seu corpo. Se ele estava destemido a provoca-la com seu toque em suas costas, Kennedy estaria muito mais
"Vou falar pra Lily ficar de olho nele, assim a gente evita que ele invada o palco algum momento." Disse após gargalhar com a informação recebida. Sirius era rodeado de pessoas boas e vivia em um ambiente alegre e acolhedor. A cadia dia que passava percebia como a nova vida do outro era o completo oposto do que viviam quando eram jovens. "Sure." Deixou ser guiada até a fileira onde haviam tantas máquinas que Kennedy não saberia diferenciar nenhuma delas. "Sei qual é. Aquele você tomou lá em casa aquele outro dia, certo? Dormiu tão pesado que nem me viu levantar de madrugada." Perguntou em um tom tano inocente quanto sua feição. "Uma pena que por aqui não tem, né? Não sei se tem no menu do hotel." Deu os ombros como se sentisse muito por ele. "Sim?" Sorriu ao ouvir seu nome, se sentindo vitoriosa pela forma como ele reagiu. "And I'll for sure." Era engraçado falar isso quando no fundo não tinha realmente nenhuma intenção e sentia seu reclamar pela ausência de contato no momento que ele se afastou brevemente para que ela se sentasse em frente a máquina. "Além de puxar a alavanca, o que eu tenho que fazer?" Pigarreou tentando afastar o sentimento de vazio. "Esperar três figuras iguais?"
‘til we’re stripped down to our skeletons again | rosius
Sirius era um ótimo amigo e era por esse motivo que seus olhos não saiam da porta do cassino desde que tinha descido até lá. A namorada de James não tinha chegado ainda e seu principal objetivo naquela noite era que o amigo se divertisse, estava apenas se encarregando disso. Ou pelo menos era o que ele diria para qualquer um que perguntasse. As três pessoas que estavam lá também e o conheciam de verdade sabiam que não era só isso. Kennedy ainda não tinha chegado também e a única outra coisa que Sirius queria fazer naquela noite era estar ao lado dela.
Quando ela finalmente passou por aquela porta então, foi natural que um sorriso se formasse em seu rosto. Seus olhos se demoraram sobre ela, o ar sendo levemente roubado de seus pulmões. Já sabia que Ken era a mulher mais bonita do mundo e ali descobriu o quanto isso poderia ser maior do que pensava. O fato de ela vestir sua cor preferida não só ajudava como confirmava que Sirius não gostava de nada mais do que gostava dela, nem mesmo de verde. “Finalmente…” Se aproximou de Kennedy, sua mão esquerda encontrando a cintura dela com facilidade. “O James tá ali,” disse pra Lily que estava do lado da morena, apontando o lugar. Se ele estava expulsando a ruiva ninguém poderia julgar. “Você tá linda.” Se aproximou mais de Ken para que ela escutasse bem o que dizia.
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a-40k-dad · 7 years ago
I should wait for my DKOK to make my heavy weapons teams. So I can have some DKOK sharing the duty with the my (neo)Cadian or Azorians.
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midnight-blue766 · 3 years ago
Warhammer 40000 Fanlore: The Imperial Feudal System
DISCLAIMER: This is fanfiction of Warhammer: 40000 owned by Games Workshop. Nevertheless, this is more of an attempt to rebuild Imperial lore bottom up rather than attempt to slot something into existing canon. You have been warned.
The Imperial feudal system (or feudalism) was a system of intra-Imperial relations which developed due to the failure of central administration in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. It was adopted as its de-facto (if not de jure) internal organisation after the Age of Apostasy and officially abolished by Roboute Guilliman in early M42; though the practice continued widely in areas beyond his nominal reach such as the Imperium Nihilus. The basic structure of the feudal system was that of one planet (the overlord), pledging to protect a second planet (the vassal) in exchange for tribute (the tithe) and the recognising of the overlord as being the formal ruler and master of the vassal, typically in highly ceremonialised rituals of homage. This relationship was known as fealty, with the vassal’s territory formally being known as a fief given to them by their overlord in exchange for goods and services. In addition to payments in kind (during the early phases of feudalism’s development) or in cash (in later stages of its development) the vassal was also obligated to provide military support in the form of Astra Militarum regiments and Imperial Navy fleets to any military ventures the overlord may be involved in.
In addition to the concepts of fealty and tithing, a tertiary element key to understanding the workings of the feudal system was its fractal structure. On one end of the scale, it was how Terra exerted nominal control of the rest of the Imperium of Man. The Lord Commanders of Segmenta Pacificus, Tempestus, Obscurus and Ultima formally owed fealty to Terra; in turn, the Lord Commanders were the overlords of de facto subdivisions known as “Hegemonies” centred on major worlds such as Cadia. (Space Marine worlds such as Fenris and multiworld confederacies such as Ultramar were considered exempt from any other overlords apart from the Emperor) Hegemony Lords were the overlords of Sector Lords, who are in turn the overlords of Subsector Lords; with individual planets being the lowest unit of the galactic feudal system. From the point of view of an overlord, the fractal structure of feudalism liberated the Administratum from ruling too large of an empire. One may only be concerned with an immediate demesme (which may be an individual planet on one end of the scale or the size of a sector on the other), knowing that they may easily draw upon the resources and support of numerous other worlds in the event of war without having to interfere in their affairs.
Feudalism also served as a form of “peer pressure”. Governors who seceded from the Imperium would not only be at the mercy of their rivals, who would take the treason as carte blanche to settle scores with impunity. They would also be forced to deal with their own ambitious underlings, who may have resented the feudal dues they owed and used the secession as an excuse to overthrow them and install themselves as the heads of the local space. In the long-term, secession of major overlords from the Imperium served to destabilise the entire area that they formerly ruled. Upon the defeat of a rebellious overlord, the power vacuum created by their destruction would inevitably result in the disbanding of the alliance to defeat them and multiple wars of dominance as each local power strived for regional dominance, serving as another deterrent to secession.¹
On a galactic scale, feudalsim enabled rapid response to local threats and the abolition of central administration which impeded the same. Upon the ascension of the Emperor to the Golden Throne and the deaths or incapacitation of the surviving Primarchs, administering the Imperium of Man became increasingly difficult. Bureaucracy played an increasing role in government, which effectively ossified galaxy-wide administration and rendered the requisitioning of resources to protect the Imperium as a galactic entity impossible. The last nail in the coffin was the secession of Segmentum Pacifica in M34 under the Ur-Council of Nova Terra, a direct response to Terra [Vetus]’s increasing inability to handle threats to the security of the region. 
Although the Ur-Council was formally defeated, the Adeptus Administratum was effectively discredited as rulers of the Imperium. The Ecclesiarchy, which attempted to assert its dominance in the aftermath of the Administratum’s fall from grace, proved little better at administering a galaxy-wide empire, and Goge Vandire’s violent but ultimately unsuccessful purges of anti-Ecclesiarchal dissidents and the ensuing civil war, known as the Age of Apostasy. In the years after the Age of Apostasy, feudalism seemed like a highly attractive alternative to both rule by the Administratum and rule by the Ecclesiarchy for the reasons outlined above. As no real contender for a centralised governor of the Imperium arose, much of the galaxy began to be partitioned into feudal fiefdoms dominated by local lords and military commanders.
Nevertheless, Feudalism also had many disadvantages. While it enabled the Imperials to respond to local threats effectively, it led to the increasing fragmentation of the Imperium of Man as a whole, with the High Lords of Terra only being able to directly command a small demesme around Terra itself, though they retained the right to call Imperium-wide crusades and extracting psychers to sacrifice to the Emperor. (Lord Commanders of Segmenta were also limited to their own demesmes in practice and effectively irrelevant on the galactic stage.) This was exacerbated by two principles of feudalism which developed over the millennium.  First, feudal entities in the Imperium acted on a principle of primus inter pares. An overlord, while being the formal ruler of a wide region of Imperial space, was in practice forced to interact with its vassals as equals outside of feudal obligations. An overlord was prohibited from interfering in the internal affairs of a vassal; in addition, feudal terms be revised except after heavy periods of negotiation which neither party would always be willing to engage in. This often led to theoretical vassals accumulating far more power and wealth than its nominal overlord, which resulted in violence as such ambitious vassals attempted to assert independence and power from their nominal rulers. The second principle was summarised by the maxim “The vassal of my vassal is not my vassal.” An overlord’s feudal rights only extended as far as its own immediate vassals, and not to any vassals they may in turn possess. They could not exact tribute or levies from such sub-vassals except through their own vassals, and in all respects were required to interact with each other as equals. An overlord who wished to acquire resources directly from a sub-vassal was required to do so via trade agreements, while military aid between two such worlds were formally alliances between two otherwise sovereign, independent planets. The practical effect of the feudal system was the complete disintegration of Imperium as a galaxy-wide entity by the end of M41, with hegemonies, sectors, sub-sectors and even individual planets operating as de facto independent nations, who waged war and conducted agreements as such. Finally, the feudal system required the conversion of military worlds into administrative centres. While a governor of a world such as Armageddon could conduct business as a politician on one hand and a general on the other, a Chapter Master was now forced to act as a bureaucrat and administrator in addition to being a warrior. As their minds were far superior to their “baseline” human counterparts through biological and cybernetic augmentation, such Chapter Masters to employ his subordinate Space Marines as bureaucrats to run his mini-empire and rely on levies and hired mercenaries to defend their fiefdoms. By the end of M41, the Emperor’s worst fears were realised as the majority of Space Marines outside of fleet-based chapters had essentially become a class of nobles who ruled over their baseline counterparts as petty lords. The extreme fragmentation of the Imperium of Man as a result of the feudal system may have led to its complete destruction after the success of the 13th Black Crusade and the creation of the Cicatrix Maledictum were it not for the sudden return of Roboute Guilliman. Guilliman’s return and his (re-)ascension to Regent of the Imperium signalled the end of feudalism as a legal institution and the return to centralised rule under himself. Fealty was officially abolished, and the tithe became a formal system of government tribute centred on Terra once again. However, these reforms greatly angered many across the rump Imperium, who resented their loss of power and wealth. Arguing that Guilliman’s orders were somehow contravened by treacherous middlemen (or that the entire return of Guilliman was a hoax or delusion perpetrated by “fanatics” and/or “cultists”), many feudal lords violently resisted the restructuring of the Imperium. They refused to cooperate with new orders, arguing that it was a tyrannical and oppressive system, and pledged their allegiance to none other but the Emperor himself. Although the First and Second Founding Space Marine chapters were happy to join Guilliman, many newer Space Marine chapters rose up in revolt, forcing Guilliman to deploy hundreds of new “Primaris” units against their Firstborn kin. The ongoing Indomitus Crusade, originally intended to reunify the Imperium after its feudal disintegration and the horrors of the Blackening, has become the largest Imperial civil war since the Age of Apostasy, and the largest inter-Space Marine conflict since the Horus Heresy in practice.
¹ Even if the former overlord were to rejoin the Imperium and assert dominance over its former vassals, the consequences could be disastrous. After several centuries of civil wars, the planet Krieg was forced to utilise “Vitae Womb” technology to generate enough troops to fend off its former vassals, who were still fighting for dominance over its former hegemony. In turn, Krieg proceeded to bomb its formal vassals from orbit, converting them into replicas of itself that existed solely to generate troops and equipment. The Second Krieger Hegemony used these resources to wage war on its neighbours, who were alarmed by the newfound fanaticism of the Kriegers and jointly declared war on them. After decades of warfare, the High Lords of Terra were ultimately forced to intervene, successfully negotiating the destruction of all Vitae Wombs except for those on Krieg itself in return for the redeployment of billions of its clone troopers in the Macharian Crusade.
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Where is Azoria located within the galaxy? Are you very far from home?
Azoria is located in the Segmentum Tempestus, between Bakka, Vrun and Solstice. My home is Nova Cadia, located in the same sector, near Bakka and populated largely by descendants of Cadian refugees.
I’m relatively not too far from home then, since it is the same sector but as far as astral travel is concerned, anywhere else than home is far.
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luci-yabs · 7 years ago
Chaos versus Imperium (8th Edition Case Study)
So this is not a bad idea for establishing the tonal difference between how the two factions are presented.
At the outset I want to make clear that there will obviously be some exceptions, but that the existence of, say, Abaddon’s victory at Cadia does not in anyway mean that general trends don’t exist. Its a common enough argument I’ve run into, where one particular victory is consistently brought up as if its lone existence automatically negates the existence of any trend.
Anyway so, for this, I’m just doing a simple examination of the today’s releases; Chaos Space Marines and Grey Knights, what I’ll be looking at is the following:
The ratio of victories to defeats
The frequency with which major characters are defeated
Victories and Defeats: For the record, I’ll only be focusing when actual specifics to a campaign or battle is mentioned, not just ‘During the Great Crusade many planets were conquered’ for example.
Furthermore I am not dealing with the Black Crusades, particularly in light of what a can of worms they now are. My personal opinion is that, with the new Fluff, they’d almost all have to be considered victories for Abaddon, but I don’t want to get into an argument about them so I’m just going to leave them out, as both victories or defeats, for now.
Chaos Space Marines: For the record, I’ll be going from the ‘Vengeance Writ Large’ section onwards to the ‘Pinnacles and Nadirs’ section. Furthermore, since this is about comparing Chaos v Imperium, I’m ignoring internal strife where I can and also if a battle has no clear conclusion I’ll try to leave that out too.
The Horus Heresy: Defeat (versus Imperium+++++++)
Fall of a Primarch: Victory (versus Ultramarines)
Perturabo’s Curse: Victory (versus Forgeworld)
The Shattering: Defeat (versus Lugganath/Harlequins)
The Red Dawn of Iriad IV: Victory/Defeat This one is difficult since the World Eaters lose...but only because the Loyalist Captain turns to Khorne, meaning it can be seen as a loss for the World Eaters, but a victory for Chaos as a Meta-Faction. (versus Space Marines)
The Abyssal Crusade: Victory/Defeat Again a difficult one. On the one hand we do have multiple Chapters destroyed and corrupted by Chaos, but then on the other hand we also have Fluff saying thousands of worlds within the Eye of Terror itself, the stronghold of Chaos, are scoured and destroyed (versus Space Marines)
Double-edged Swords: Victory (versus Space Marines)
The 1st Armageddon War: Defeat (versus Imperium++)
The Fall of Nova Terra: Defeat (versus Imperium)
The Badab War: Defeat (versus Imperium)
The Vaxhallian Genocides: Victory (versus Imperial civilians it seems)
The Wolf at Bay: Victory (versus Inquisition/Space Wolves/Astra Militarum)
The Fall of Vilamus: Victory (versus Space Marines)
The Nightmare Veil: Victory (versus Imperial civilians again it seems)
The Ragged King: Defeat (versus Astra Militarum)
The Hungering Prince: Victory (versus more Imperial civilians)
The Iron Labyrinth: Defeat (versus Imperial Fists/Astra Militarum)
The Skull of Ker'ngar: Defeat (versus Alaitoc)
The Damnation Cache: Defeat (versus Grey Knights/Catachan/Dark Angels)
The Promethean War: Defeat (versus Salamanders/Sisters of Battle)
The Cage is Cracked: Victory (versus Blood Angels/Astra Militarum/Mechanicus)
The Wrath of Magnus: Defeat (versus Space Wolves)
Crippling Terror: Victory (versus Mechanicus)
Blacker Pastures: Defeat (versus Imperial Fists)
Gods from the Warp: Victory (versus Astra Militarum)
I am Alpharius: Victory (versus Officio Assassinorium)
War of Hidden Lairs: Victory (versus Genestealer Cults)
The Hunt for Voldorious: Defeat (versus Raven Guard/White Scars)
Dreams of the Serpent: Victory (versus Astra Militarum)
The Planetary Heist of Avernia: Victory (versus Imperium)
The Humbling: Victory (versus Space Marines/Astra Militarum)
The Machine Eyrie: Victory (versus Imperial Knights)
False Saviours: Victory (versus Orks)
The Sons of Grendl: Victory (versus Imperial citizens)
The Claws Descend: Victory (versus Imperial criminals)
An Ill-Fated Crossing: Victory (versus Imperial Navy)
The War of Statues: Victory (versus Titan Legio)
The Saint's Beacon: Victory (versus Sisters of Battle)
The Cursed Moon of Thranix: Victory (versus Imperium)
Daemon Tide: Victory (versus Alaitoc)
The Blackstone Pylons of Irradium Alpha: Victory (versus Necron Dynasties)
The Feast of a Hundred Duels: Defeat (versus Imperial Fists/Space Marines)
The Skull Hunt of Octarius: Victory (versus Orks/Tyranids)
The Fall of Ebon Vale: Victory (versus Deathwatch)
Hounds at the Gate: Defeat (versus Imperium+++++)
Flesh Meets Steel: Victory (versus Mechanicus)
The Cacophonicum of Knaus Lambda: Victory (versus Schola Progenium)
Victories: 32
Defeats: 17
So as we can see here we’ve got a split of about 65% victories to 35% defeats. Overall not bad actually, in that it seems to strike a bit of a balance between the two, helping to not be too harsh on its own faction, but at the same time also presenting them as having significant losses. So what happens when we move on over to the Imperium Codex?
Grey Knights: Same rules as for the Chaos Space Marines apply here.
The Final Sanction: Victory (versus Chaos)
The Hollow Cult: Victory (versus Chaos)
Eye of the Storm: Victory (versus Daemons)
A Brotherhood Out of Time: Defeat/Victory So this is the battle I alluded to before, in which the Grey Knights achieve their goal and win the battle, but it costs the lives of all the Squads involved (versus Daemons)
A Thousand Deaths: Victory (versus Chaos)
A Daemon Assassin: Victory (versus Daemons)
The Quiet Heresy: Victory (versus Chaos)
The Tarnished Blade: Victory (versus Chaos Space Marines)
Daemon Maze: Victory (versus Daemons)
The Damned Voyage: Victory (versus Daemons)
Convocation of Souls: Victory (versus Chaos)
The First Battle for Armageddon: Victory (versus Chaos Space Marines/Daemons)
The Cleansing of Acralem: Victory (versus Chaos)
The Battle of the Ghost Halls: Victory (versus Daemons)
The Raxos Civil War: Victory (versus Chaos)
The Fall of the Red Talon: Victory (versus Chaos)
The Black Planet: Victory (versus Daemons)
The Battle of Kornovin: Victory (versus Deathguard)
The Pandemonium of Sondheim V: Victory (versus Daemons/Tyranid)
Plagues of Ultramar: Victory (versus Deathguard)
The Putrid Springs: Victory (versus Daemons)
The Brimstone Stampede: Victory (versus Daemons)
Victories: 22
Defeats: 1
So, um, yeah. This isn’t even funny. It is sorta obscene. The Grey Knights just practically win everything. Constantly. I mean looking at this I’d say the Inquisition and Harlequins should just retire early, they clearly aren’t needed to fight Chaos. The Grey Knights can, seemingly, defeat any Daemon ever. I mean you know you’re outmatched when your super-duper assassin is defeated by a potential Grey Knight, who hasn’t even earned a place in the organization yet. Not to mention we’ve got this organization of just 1000 people who, apparently, suffer devastating losses regularly...except this never seems to have any appreciable impact at all, since not once are these losses mentioned to result in any failures, defeats or setbacks of any sort. They’re just pointless emotional tension strapped on to make it seem as if anything other than the obvious occured. I get tired of how much GW uses this strategy, its really infantile.
Honestly this is just...sorta sad.
Yeah not much to say, facts speak for themselves. Grey Knights are portrayed as practically constantly winning against all odds and defeating everyone they encounter, Chaos Space Marines are not portrayed so.
Another, less important, fact is that increasingly these lore bits are just Chaos/Imperium focused, with the amount of times Xenos get mentioned surprisingly scarce. But that’s not important to this discussion, just something to note.
Major Characters:
So now we’re looking at who’s ever beaten or slain Major Characters on the other side. For this we’ll be looking at Characters who meet one of the following requirements:
1) Has a Miniature
2) Is a Primarch
Note we’re still only looking at what is directly mentioned in the Codex. So I’m only using examples, for both sides, explicitly mentioned in the Codexes.
Chaos Space Marines:
Roboute Guilliman
Grey Knights:
Nothing surprising here. You have to give this to Roboute, at least he’s lost in a one-on-one fight, admittedly to another Primarch so we have Primarch Effect in its glorious full effect, but still.
Again though, compounded with Magnus’ two defeats, Traitor Primarchs really got bad reps. I mean they have very poor win records post-Daemonhood. Almost seems like becoming a Daemon Primarch weakens you, what with the number of times they’ve been taken out by non-Primarchs.
Overall Conclusion:
Though I anticipated things would be unbalanced in favour of the Imperium, I have to admit I expected something slightly more balanced than this. Honestly...the Grey Knights Codex seems...when it comes to the Lore...yeah.
Now what I’m wondering is if the latest Space Marine Codex is more like the Chaos Space Marine one, or the Grey Knights one. Guess I’ll check it out next, maybe make a running series of keeping tally of how different factions are presented compared to each other in these 8th Edition Codexes.
I should also note I didn’t do anything fancy or such, its a very crude analysis.
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skullssales · 6 years ago
KTM Duke 390 Supermoto mode | RokON VLOG #37
What’s up rate freezing cold anyway it’s a brand new week and it can be time for a brand new vlog within the final one we tuned the cooling approach on the RC 390 but today gonna be all about that 390 duke and it’s supermoto mode now it is time to learn how to Bamm properly slide into the corner in a supermoto mode and for that we found a vicinity it is surely a training facility for studying easy methods to adequately write a car bike roller skates bicycle I don’t know something however we’re gonna gain knowledge of methods to correctly slide into the corner and for that I known as some reinforcements and this man is aware of the right way to experience a really perfect mannequin bike what’s up Marco let’s mark ccuta he is Italian supermoto Trophy champion and he knows how to drift the bike proper yeah hello i admire drifting but I do not know why I have got to slide into the corner why is that good it’s truly just right in view that which you could spoil later get on the throttle quicker and your lap times get better ok that sounds just right nice you appear cool k i’m still a bit of worried i need first you show me some sliding after which i am warm-up and likewise provide me some rock and roll first please okay let’s get it sideways evasion is on I believe now it is my turn what do you say Marco yeah he’s gonna fail first or nail it I suppose it can be gonna be difficult he’ll get it on the finish of the day the 2 most customary errors are locking up the rear tire and not making use of the seize ample on down moving which outcome in rear-finish chattering I was going like a Italian champion proper one foot down nice within the curve however I simply failed to do the curve no longer even shut hearken to me I instructed you this is not a stunt bike ok you must hold it spinning and get it sideways if you block you are gonna crash okay appreciate what I simply understand that this bike has a slipper clutch so i don’t have got to use my snatch so simply do not shift and manipulate with a rear brake however now not locking there’s a KTM has made your life convenient k thank you KDM let’s put this 390 duke sideways supermoto type manipulate the slide you must effectively use 4 factors on the bike while you enter the corner you have to downshift as many gears as you need second you have to in finding the sweet spot with the clutch for those who pull it in too much you is not going to get sideways for those who pull it in too little you are going to get chattering in your rear wheel third the rear brake you need to use it alongside the engine braking watch out not to use it too much or that you could lock up the rear wheel use it regularly so you fill the again and become independent from and you don’t overdo it and last the front brake you ought to enter the corner at ample velocity so you should use the front brake adequate to dump the rear wheel which will make sliding the bike much less complicated what do you say Marco i’m getting closer yes sure you need some practice however you’ll get there yeah it can be like all of the methods don’t work in at some point correct exactly so I consider it’s your flip you should are attempting the 390 what you say you need to check out yeah i can are trying k and let’s use this nook we continuously switching corners right here we try exclusive patterns exceptional corners to discover more difficult one for more do you suppose they use slipper grab i don’t think so you are doing wrong sliding the take hold of and somewhat bit brake and this is the way you float the vehicle but they don’t scare supermoto mode so that they do not need a supermoto mode switching the motive force it’s tough to give your bike away to one more either whilst you comprehend that it’s a just right rider then it’s now not hindrance but I did the opposite factor is he gonna go over the restrict might be and lecture i am now not definite also it’s now not his bike so that is proper so it was satisfactory to have some crash protectors now we must add some crash gauge here when markers using now I was once going a bit of bit careful considering that I promised Cadia i will not spoil the bike i do know Marco can do it so Marco give us slightly bit turn up quite shiny boots for the sweet bike however do you wish to have to check out though proper adequate let’s give him time he wishes to get used to the bike rattling Rain Man no simply after we had enjoyable we need to quit this climate did you see that dude that was Marco sideways accurately so I was a rookie I showed you some rookie skills marker confirmed you some pro advantage anyway I had tons of fun they made the primary youngster steps into sliding and you had fun yeah plenty of enjoyable like what do you say concerning the 319 you i will be able to affirm the supermoto mode works very good so we’ve got a green light from the respectable supermoto rider so just right job KTM supermoto mode is working perfectly it was once additionally easy for me to learn the first steps and yeah follow mark on Instagram he has additionally various supermoto cool images movies what’s your Instagram for good love racing get low racing so comply with mark on Instagram drop some comments beneath if you happen to also are trying the super mode to mode on the on the Duke 390 and if you have some information what we probably disregard to claim drop the comments under that is it for this time see you next week except then rock on Nova Scotia today Ghana tasty was tiny Tiwari SKULLSSSALES
Source: https://skullssales.com/
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luizassisbh · 7 years ago
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a cadia vou viver rompendo em fé.....em tempo, A GRAÇA PURA SOB A NOVA ALIANÇA EM CRISTO JESUS TRIUNFA SOBRE TODO JUÍZO LEGALISTA E RELIGIOSO.....SHALOM ADONAY... (em Pam Sagrada Família)
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fulvius · 8 years ago
A rede de moda feminina e lingerie Marisa anunciou Rodrigo Baldini como novo diretor de TI. O executivo chega à companhia após um período na Drogaria Onofre, na qual foi responsável pelas áreas de TI, e-commerce e call center, além de conduzir a implementação da nova governança de TI. Graduado em sistemas de informação pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Baldini possui experiência com atuação em empresas como Semikron Semicondutores, Cadia Consulting, grupo GrandVision. Na Marisa, o exec
via: http://eexponews.com/rede-de-lojas-marisa-anuncia-novo-diretor-de-ti_5319226991050752
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fulvius · 8 years ago
A rede de moda feminina e lingerie Marisa anunciou Rodrigo Baldini como novo diretor de TI. O executivo chega à companhia após um período na Drogaria Onofre, na qual foi responsável pelas áreas de TI, e-commerce e call center, além de conduzir a implementação da nova governança de TI. Graduado em sistemas de informação pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Baldini possui experiência com atuação em empresas como Semikron Semicondutores, Cadia Consulting, grupo GrandVision. Na Marisa, o exec
via: http://eexponews.com/marisa-anuncia-novo-diretor-de-ti_6042502302269440
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fulvius · 8 years ago
A rede varejista de moda Marisa contratou Rodrigo Baldini como novo diretor de TI. Nos últimos três anos, ele atuou como diretor de e-commerce e TI da Drogaria Onofre. Rodrigo Baldini, diretor de TI da Marisa. Foto: Divulgação. Na Onofre, o executivo foi responsável pelas áreas de TI, e-commerce e call center, além de conduzir a implementação da nova governança de TI. Baldini também atuou em companhias como GrandVision, Cadia Consulting e Semikron. O executivo é graduado em sistemas de informaç
via: http://eexponews.com/exonofre-e-diretor-de-ti-da-marisa_5763007305482240
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