#nounou's hard..
beomnoullistheorem · 4 months
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meowiizzn · 3 months
I'm telling you. I might never die by physics but surely, definitely, canonically by making a card.
edit — that person showed the whole thing in 13 minutes while I couldn’t finish the first 5 minutes in THREE FUCKING HOURS.
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susanneleist · 9 months
MY LAST YEAR is ready for your vote on AllAuthor’s Cover of the Month Contest! My best friend, Nounous, is working hard to reach his 15th birthday on January 10th. This past year has been difficult for him with his many medical issues. I hope and pray this year won��t be his last.
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lou-bonfightme · 2 years
The Water of the Womb || [The Bitchy Bonfamilles]
In which Berlioz shares some news about his birth father with his siblings...[takes place: idk some time in late April maybe??? idk we mentioned Marie’s birthday lol]
@ber-bonfamille-lyons, @marie-a-bonfamille
[tw -- fucked up family dynamics lmao]
BERLIOZ: Today, Ber was gonna tell Marie and Lou about Jenny. And it was probably going to go spectacularly wrong.
It was important that Berlioz started at this pessimistic baseline. Sure, some of Simba’s sunshine had rubbed off over the years. In fact, enough had that Berlioz thought in the end, everything might be alright– that end might just be very very very very far from now. First, he’d have to endure his siblings’ shock and then, perhaps, some quarreling. He tried to play out the scenario in all the worst cases possible just to prepare himself. Yelling, fighting, insulting. In one torrid nightmare version, Berlioz imagined Lou disowning him from the family, though it wasn’t like he had the power to do that.
He probably wouldn’t either. It was just an exercise, remember. Expect the worst. Hope for nothing. At best, expect an awkward conversation and pouting from his elder brother. Marie, he dared think she might be slightly delighted, if only because she had always wanted a sister…though she’d probably change her mind if she ever met Jenny. One thing at a time, eh? So here they were all gathered in the Bonfamille Manor again. Berlioz decided it was best to do it outside. It was at least pretty outside. The flowers were all blooming, Nounou making wonderful work of the garden as she always did. Sun out, a few clouds, rather warm– at least if Ber was going to get yelled at, he’d do it somewhere very pleasant. 
Simba, by the way, was not here. He’d thought very hard about it and asked him to come, then changed his mind, when one of the nightmare scenarios involved Lou and Simba fighting each other over tea while Berlioz slumped off a chair and crawled into the hydrangeas. 
If Ber was to be sneered at, he’d just take it, then go. That was the official plan. Just. Black out a little, wait for Lou to be finished, then hop the fence and meet Simba at the lake to decompress. 
“So,” said Berlioz as he looked at his siblings, unsure how to even… how did one begin a conversation such as this, eh? “How’s everything then?” 
Apparently, like that. 
TOULOUSE: Being called around for tea wasn’t so strange. He tried to stop by the manor a few times a week. It usually was not hard. His schedule was open enough to leave him restless, especially with the twins in daycare all day. Yes, most of the time he was watching Opal, but especially on the weekends, when her parents were both home he felt--adrift. 
So, he had taken to coming around the manor to sulk when he felt…unnecessary at the Acherons. No one noticed this. Belle and Hades because they had their hands full with the children. His mother, and sister because she was delighted any time he showed up. His brother, because he came around even more seldom than Lou. Although Maman scolded him for not coming by as often as Lou, which was empty in terms of evidence, because even if Lou and Ber came over the same amount, his mother would probably scold Berlioz for not coming over enough. Plus, even if Lou came once a week, it would be more than Ber bothered to show up. 
It was even more rare that the three of them were all together like this with no distractions from the Acheron children, their mother, or their cousines. 
For Lou, it felt a bit strange, but nice. The weather was perfect, if a bit chilly with the wind (not that he minded a bit of a chill these days.) The food was delicious and, even if they had nothing to say to each other, his siblings were the best kept company, in his opinion. 
There was something to be said today at tea, however. Lou could sense it. He had no idea if this was because he was simply an older brother, or if the wolf sensed the unease in the air. Regardless, Ber was being particularly twitchy.
So, Lou endeavored to make him say whatever was on his mind by remaining stubbornly silent. He poured his tea, put his sugar in, stirred it. Once the crystals had melted and he’d tapped his spoon on the rim, Ber was ready to speak--and give nothing away.
“Adequate,” Lou replied to his brother. He did not have a better word to describe it. Anything too positive would feel like gushing, anything less would make it sound like he was discontent. Adequate was, indeed, high praise from him. 
“Marie? Did you have a good birthday?” 
MARIE: Marie thought this was very strange.
All three of them, just… enjoying tea in the garden? Without a parent involved to shoo them all into one spot and make them sit politely? Of course it was not uncommon for her to spend time with her brothers, the three of them all together, but this felt like something their Maman would organise, not Berlioz. Something was afoot.
And yet, Marie wasn’t too bothered. Maybe a tad suspicious, but she wasn’t worried. She liked to think that if it was something urgent, or awful, there wouldn’t have been time for tea. How many times now had the three of them been in mortal peril? She was starting to understand the difference between real danger and domestic troubles. Whatever it was that Berlioz had to say, it couldn’t be too bad. Not if it was being done over a cup of tea and some of NouNou’s madeleines. 
In fact, Marie was so not bothered that she hadn’t been paying much attention. She had been playing with TuTu’s ears as the puppy slept slumped over Marie’s leg, pinching them gently between thumb and forefinger and thinking that they were really far too big for her tiny head. She looked up when she heard her name, glancing between her brothers before she broke out into a bright smile.
“Wonderful as always,” She chirped, reaching over the dog for her tea. “It was actually sort of nice to keep things low-key for a change. Certainly a lot less stressful than party planning.”
BERLIOZ: Well this was all well and good, wasn’t it?
  This was the best case scenario: Marie happy, fresh off the high of getting yet another pet (she should probably chill out, but he was married to Simba who was constantly begging for more dogs, so he got it). And then Lou… who was– adequate. In Lou speak, that was a goddamn glowing review of this life, not that Ber would point that out. These updates, as brief as they were, were almost enough to give Berlioz hope that they’d gotten through the worst of their growing pains and might actually be on the other side of it. 
But that would be naive. And Ber could be a lot of things, but never naive. In fact, he usually overcorrected to be so bloody prepared for disaster that he caused it. 
He might be about to cause some disaster right now. 
Berlioz nodded, his hands under the table, rubbing over his exposed knees through the rips in his jeans. Right, so, er, as much as he’d like to draw this out, nice and painful, his shit communication skills meant he couldn’t think of any small talk beyond asking about TuTu. And Lou was a bit sour over TuTu so that would just put Lou in a worse mood so…
Best. Do it. Now? 
“Yeah, I’ve been tellin’ you that. Private’s always better,” said Ber. He leaned back in his chair, scratched behind his own ear. His gaze jumped from the table to Lou. Lou was staring at him. Lou knew. Or he knew something. C’mon then, out with it. 
“Er, so– so anyway actually– er– so uh– here’s somethin’ funny.” Was it funny? “So uh, I actually ended up lookin’ into the whole– birth father situation and get this, I ah– found him. I sent him an email and everything.” 
Pause– brace for impact. 
TOULOUSE: Lou blinked slowly at his brother. 
His half-brother, technically, as he was so rudely reminded out of the blue. Lou did not like thinking about Ber that way. It didn’t make sense to him. As soon as the truth of it all had come to light, Lou had immediately pushed it out of his mind. It didn’t matter in any way that counted for something, but--he couldn’t help but worry that Ber would use it as an excuse. Lou was under no false impressions about how Berlioz felt about the Bonfamille name. 
He had just, foolishly, hoped that Berlioz would leave it alone. That it wouldn’t matter, because who needed a father anyway? Lou barely had one and he’d managed. Marie had more or less gotten Toulouse for a father, and she’d turned out decently enough. 
“Quoi?” Lou asked, eyes narrowing slightly. 
He wasn’t sure what else Berlioz wanted from him. Was he supposed to congratulate him? Or be curious about this man who had broken apart their family? (Oh yes, Toulouse certainly blamed him--how could he not?) 
MARIE: Marie looked up, and just like Toulouse, blinked owlishly.
It was perhaps ironic that Marie had acted exactly the way Lou had, in that she didn’t really like to think about Ber technically not being one of them. A Bonfamille. He was… someone else. And if you had asked her as recently as five years ago, she would’ve rolled her eyes and said well, duh. In a far more ladylike manner, of course, but still. She would’ve said that much was obvious. Berlioz had always been different — it was why he and Marie had squabbled so much. They hadn’t been able to agree on anything, really.
But that Marie wasn’t the one who was sat at the table now, looking at Berlioz as though he’d just grown a second head. She and Berlioz got along a lot better nowadays. He’d been the first to support her, when she’d decided to leave her coronation. They were certainly friends now, which she wasn’t sure she would’ve said a few years ago. 
Though, that didn’t change the fact that Berlioz was still, had always been and always would be, so different to his siblings. And now he had found his father. Whatif this father was exactly like Berlioz? And what if there was another Lou and another Marie that were exactly like Berlioz, and he ditched the two of them? Maybe now was a little late to be realising it, but Marie didn’t want Berlioz to ditch her. Worse yet— if he did, he’d probably take Simba with him.
Marie didn’t voice any of these concerns, however. She looked between her older brothers (her older brother, her older half-brother), and sipped her tea. Lou had pretty much summed it up, anyway.
BERLIOZ: Ah– so this was going to go exactly how he thought. 
In a way, this was a relief. But Berlioz’s body still stiffened slightly as his brother cut his eyes toward him. What was honestly more surprising was Marie’s non reaction, though. He’d expected– well, Ber didn’t know exactly what he expected, but he did expect something. Marie liked to be vocal about her opinions, and sure, she knew how to mask when she needed to but it wasn’t like she’d ever shied away from telling Ber exactly how she felt or what she thought of him. Yet here his little sister was– just looking. Waiting? Thinking??
He realized he’d been relying on Marie’s support more than he thought. He swallowed roughly, not really sure what to…
“Uh… yeah,” uttered Berlioz. His hands fell in his lap and he fiddled with a leather bracelet on his wrist, pulling it back and forth so it rubbed into his skin, though not hard enough to hurt or anything like that. It was just something to do, some other thing to think about, instead of the blank faces of his siblings. 
“I mean I didn’t– I thought maybe he wouldn’t even write back. I dunno. I just had to do it or I’d always wonder, I guess,” he confessed and looked down at that wrist, that bracelet, feeling like he was in a pew, telling a priest all his sins. “But I guess he did write back and uh– well he seems like an alright bloke actually, and he’s got a daughter, so that’s– she’s younger than you, Marie–
He looked up at her now, desperate for something. Surely she’d be happy– or interested? Or something?
“Name’s Jenny. She does jazz piano.” He swallowed again. “Uh…yeah.” 
MARIE: Marie almost dropped her teacup right down onto her dog’s head. 
Inside Marie there were two wolves. Although they were less like wolves and more like little, perfectly groomed kittens, but that was not the point. One was desperate for a sister. She had grown up as the youngest of two brothers and even though those brothers had taken care of her she knew it was nothing like having a sister. There was a bond between sisters that Marie had seen, on the television, with her friends, between her own mother and her tantine, and the idea that she would never really know what that was like gnawed away at her. 
The other one, however, was terrified of being replaced. Or, well, up until now it had been terrified of being left behind, which was the natural fear of the youngest sibling. Always following on the heels of her brothers, Marie had felt like, lately, the distance between them was growing faster than she could keep up. And this Jenny and her jazz piano– piano! The one thing she and Berlioz had ever really done together, growing up, had been to sit at that piano under the direction of their mother. And perhaps he hadn’t really wanted to be there (Marie couldn’t be sure; she had enjoyed herself, most of the time. She had liked any excuse to sing), but Marie thought that was one of the few things they’d bonded over. That they had in common. This Jenny, she would just slot right in, wouldn’t she? 
She wasn’t sure which voice in her head she should listen to first. The one that wanted to know more, or the one that wanted to panic. The one that wanted to know more had a lot of very clever and very reassuring points to make, but the one that wanted to panic was a lot louder
But Marie was mature now. Ish. She could read a room, at the very least, and she had a feeling Toulouse was not going to take this very well, and she could see that look in Berlioz’s eyes. The one of a man in open water, hoping for a lifebuoy.
She glanced at Toulouse. She looked back at Ber. She put her teacup down before TuTu got soaked right through. 
“Have you spoken to her?” She asked, leaning in a little closer. “What’s she like? Have you said anything about– us?”
BERLIOZ: Lou was dead silent. 
This was a very bad thing. 
Berlioz was trying not to focus on that. He reminded himself that it was expected– that he was prepared for it. Lou was entitled to his feelings and he could get upset if he liked, so long as Berlioz remembered it had nothing to do with him - that he himself had done nothing wrong - he was perfectly in his rights to reach out to whoever he wanted and go about this on his own timetable and in his own way. 
He could hear Nancy’s voice as he recited these affirmations to himself. He had gone over all this with her in advance, as anxiety dictated. 
But he could also hear Simba too. He could imagine him here, the weight of his hand squeezing Berlioz’s knee, his eyes bright and fierce as he stared down his brother. It was definitely a good thing he wasn’t actually present, but… imagining him still gave Berlioz an anchor. Once this was all finished, no matter how it ended, he’d have a home to go back to and a husband who loved him. More than any of his affirmations, this alone gave him the confidence not to apologize. 
At least Marie had, er, an expression. His eyes darted back to her as he saw her lean forward, put down her little tea cup. Her questions were quite polite and a bit restrained, but when he lifted his eyes to meet her own, she at least looked sincere.
He’d never appreciated Marie more than now. 
“Oh uh– yeah, course. I told her about both of you,” he said, nodding. “She knows you’re trying to open your own boutique…that Lou paints and uh– likes dinosaurs–” a bit of a weird anecdote to come out, but it had. It was one of Berlioz’s favourite things about his brother, maybe because it reminded him of their youth, playing legos and pretend. “She’s um… she is actually much more like you two than she is like me.” He chuckled, tugging at that bracelet of his again. “Sort of… confident and strong-minded and all that. Her parents– well, uh, my bio dad I guess– they’re divorced too and she was pretty protective over him. Thought me reaching out was some ploy for blackmail or whatever. But uh, yeah, she’s cool.” 
TOULOUSE: “Suppose that’s another tick in the nature column,” Lou said, his voice measured but underneath it was scathing. 
He didn’t like this. He did not like it at all. His immediate instinct was to forbid Ber from seeing her. From seeing his biological father. It was like when you slipped and grabbed onto the person next to you by instinct. Except it was Berlioz he felt slipping—away from him. Away from their family. This was a fear that Toulouse had had as far as he could remember. He used to hold on so tightly to Ber’s hand, at galas, at performances, at dinner parties in their dining room. Always knowing Ber wanted to run. 
The same feeling had been there not too long ago, when they’d sat on the balcony at the beach and discussed the deaths of their loved ones. Toulouse had known then there was nothing holding Berlioz to him. There was no tether. Not even string. 
And Lou was self aware enough to know that this was his fault. No matter how much he had tried: first to comfort Ber, then to mold him, then to punish him, and finally to try and accept him as he was—Ber didn’t care. And Ber wasn’t interested. 
There was too much baggage and this new family was shiny and new. 
“The appropriate term is birth father,” Lou continued in the same tone: nonchalant bordering on furious. 
“Are you planning on pursuing a relationship with them?” 
BERLIOZ: Here were some good things, eh? 
Lou was not yelling. Lou had not openly insulted anyone yet, really. That first comment was a bit…well, Ber didn’t know exactly how to take it, it was just a bit sarcastic but Ber was plenty sarcastic all the time. Point was, in his nightmares, he had built Lou’s reaction up to be explosive and cutting. It wasn’t going well. Ber could read the bloody room in that sense. But it could always be worse. 
And see, times like these really drove home why pessimism was the correct philosophy of choice for Berlioz. 
Not that any of those good things made this any easier. 
Berlioz was still on edge, expecting a proper blow-up at any moment. Lou would probably not yell, but that didn’t mean his anger couldn’t lash out and do its damage. Ber swallowed, a beat passing. He had hoped Marie might jump in with something, just to give Ber an extra second, or to distract from the question at hand, the answer to which Ber knew was gonna proper piss his brother off. Unfortunately, nothing. So the clock ticked again. Ber put his hands on the arms of the chair. He had to say something, or Lou would fill in the silence with something worse. 
Though what was worse than ‘yes’ for his brother? 
“Well,” stalled Berlioz, since ‘well’ was not ‘yes.’ 
“Well,” a second time. “I mean, um, sort of– I dunno exactly… they live in the States so s’not like I’ll see ‘em all the time or like I’m plannin’ a trip or anything like that but uh, y’know, email exchanges and all that, I was thinking, maybe, if they er… were okay… with that…” 
He trailed off, words getting quite mumbled at the end there. 
MARIE: Marie looked between the two of them, wondering if this was about to turn into a very big, very snippy argument. The worst Bonfamille arguments were always snippy, in her opinion. Yelling was vulgar, and unnecessary in the first place because a point that had to be made by shouting wasn’t a very good point at all. Arguments that were even-toned cut deeper, because you knew the other person really meant what they were saying.
She looked at Lou when Berlioz explain, stumbling and starting, but the more mumbly his voice got, the more he tripped over his words, Marie’s gaze was drawn to Ber, her lips pressing into a thin pink line. 
The thing was, Marie wanted nothing less than for Berlioz to go and find some new family, a family that would be much better suited to him than the one he had now. Was it not enough that he had found and crafted a family of his own in Swynlake? Why did he have to go looking for a new one? And from America, no less! It was all horrible. Not just because they were Americans, though that was part of it (and yes, she loved Pacifica, but honestly), but because America was on the other side of the world. What if Ber like this family so much he moved there? Distance made people forget things. Forget other people. Easy to forget your little sister when you had another, littler sister that you got on with a lot better right at hand. 
She swallowed thickly, picking up her tea cup again so she could take a sip from it, hoping that might help. Even if Ber said he wasn’t planning anything, that just meant he wasn’t planning anything now. Things would change. They would grow closer. And then Ber would leave. 
Marie knew she should be happy for him, but it was very difficult, and Marie had never really liked doing anything that was particularly difficult. Still, she tried for a smile, even if it was a tad more like a grimace. “So you’re going to… email them? That’s… good.”
BERLIOZ: Lou was quiet again. Bad. 
But Marie was quiet too. And this, this was definitely worse – and entirely unexpected. Even in the nightmarish scenarios he’d dreamed up in order to prepare for this, he’d never imagined Marie rather stoic and still, drinking tea with a pinched lip. Where the hell was his sister? Wasn’t she going to ask more questions? She was nosy as hell, outgoing to a T – didn’t she want to look up Jenny’s Instagram or start making snooty comments about the Americans that shared half of Ber’s DNA? 
If she did, even if she was mean and judgmental, Berlioz woulda thought, okay, things were gonna sort themselves out. But Marie was quiet. Polite. Holding herself back. More than ever, she resembled not their mother, but Lou, who was sitting right beside her.
They were… going to gang up on him, weren’t they? 
Great. Good. Hadn’t prepared for that one. Though it also just didn’t make sense, like sure, Lou hated all this from the start, but Marie? What was Marie’s problem? 
Time around Simba meant that he really, almost, nearly said this out loud. His gaze traveled from sibling to sibling, the silence spreading between the three again, like a second tablecloth. He could rip it from underneath them all and risk breaking everything. That had never been his move. 
“I mean, yeah,” he said after that beat. “Just to keep in touch.” Another beat, waiting for someone to say something, but they didn’t. And that desire to break things resurfaced. Strange. But he’d been prepared for disaster, waiting for disaster, so to walk away from a stilted, awkward conversation with no climax was probably worse, yeah? It meant the disaster would lurk and bite at Berlioz’s heels when he least expected it. He’d rather just get it out of the way.
And so he decided he’d piss ‘em off. 
“I mean….I think you’d actually like ‘em. Jenny and Steve,” he said. 
MARIE: Marie looked at Lou, waiting for him to say something. Lou, specifically, because there was absolutely no way he didn’t have any opinion on the matter. That he didn’t have something he wanted to say. She had expected him to steer the conversation – he was the eldest, it was his job to be in charge. 
And Marie really, honestly didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know how to be happy for Berlioz whilst also feeling like a little girl trying to cling to his trouser leg to keep him from leaving. Had she ever told Ber that she was sorry for all those teenage years spent squabbling over the stupidest little things? They had all just gone away, water under the bridge, but maybe she should’ve said something to him. Maybe then he wouldn’t have gone looking for a new family, because he’d have a perfectly good one right here in Swynlake.
There was a very small part of Marie’s brain that was capable of rational thinking, and had she ever listened to it, she would’ve known that that was pretty mean. She would understand that Berlioz was allowed to look into his birth father and to the other half of his family, especially seeing as he’d been lied to for a very long time now. It was a shame that she didn’t pay more attention to that little rational voice, really. Everything might have gone a lot more smoothly if she had.
As it was, Ber’s comment irritated her a little, because her first thought was that she didn’t want to like them. They weren’t family and they were trying to take her brother (brothers, she kept reminding herself, because Simba would surely go as well) so why should she like them? But she had to be happy for Ber, so she hid the small crease in her brow by looking down at TuTu momentarily; when she looked up again she smiled, as encouragingly as she could.
“Are they both into music?” She asked, remembering the jazz piano comment. Marie didn’t really like jazz, but she supposed that made sense, for an American. 
TOULOUSE: Lou’s scoff was loud enough to cut across Marie’s innocent inquiry. 
He knew Berlioz was trying to rile him, in the way that only his siblings really could. Almost anyone else and Lou could keep his demeanor calm. Aloof. But the comment grated because it spoke to that deep, clawing fear that had been rising in him ever since Ber had started talking. That Ber liked this new family. That Ber liked this new family more than the one he already had. 
And Lou blamed himself for this. He knew he had not been the brother Ber needed for—most of their lives. Certainly their adult ones. Potentially ever since they’d come to this forsaken town. Now, because the universe was cruel, it had given Ber another option. A better option. 
It hurt and so, Lou did exactly what he always did when he was hurt. When he felt out of control of a situation. When he felt the people he loved, whether real or in his own head, slipping away. 
“Marie, his father,” Lou spat the word with as much disrespect as he could manage (which was a lot, as you might imagine), “was in a touring rock band.” 
Lou sat up from where he’d been sulking in his patio chair. The wolf inside him was whining, making it hard to think. Though, whether it was because Ber was trying to pick a fight or Ber was trying to leave was anyone’s guess. 
“But yes, sure, we will all get along splendidly. You know, you should invite them for tea,” Lou suggested scathingly, “Maman would love that.” 
BERLIOZ: Ah, and there it was. 
Well, Berlioz had poked the dragon on purpose, so he wasn’t surprised. In fact, as Lou finally let out the sneer he had been holding, Berlioz only felt relief. There, a real reaction– as unfair and stupid as the reaction was. At least it sounded like his brother. At least Berlioz had been right. At least now, Berlioz could actually deal with it. 
Would this go the way all the fights from their childhood would go? Ber would press back, but Lou would be stronger? Would Berlioz’s lip wobble? Would he slink away in retreat only for Lou to come find him later, with a cigarette, or a drink, or other metaphorical olive branch? They wouldn’t talk about it. The silence would become the agreement. If Ber never brought up Jenny and Steve again, all would be well. 
Normally Berlioz would be fine with all that but this time was different. Maybe he was just sick of playing the same broken record and tiptoeing around his big brother when he bloody shouldn’t have to. 
He sighed, a short puff of air– clearly exasperated. Not trying to hide it. “This isn’t about Maman,” he said, thought that wasn’t what he wanted to say–
This isn’t about you. Ah yeah, he wanted to say that. But even Berlioz wasn’t quite brave enough yet. He felt like a kitten dancing around a much bigger cat, trying to swat at its tail without getting its head bit off. 
“Look, I’d just rather we all treat each other decently, okay? I dunno what’s goin’ to come of it.” His shoulders raised to his ears. “Maybe we’ll talk a lot, maybe we won’t, maybe they’ll visit, maybe they won’t, but I don’t wanna pretend like I’m doin’ something wrong either way. I’m not.” 
TOULOUSE: Toulouse knew what he expected from Berlioz: for him to shrink. For him to get small, so that Lou could wrest control of the situation. That was the whole problem, wasn’t it? Lou, suddenly feeling out of control. Suddenly feeling like his brother was leaving him. It made his world tilt on its axis until everything was distorted, like he was slipping, grasping, floundering—trying to stay upright. It made the wolf whine, riotous in his chest. 
Prehaps he shouldn’t expect his brother to shrink. Or want him to. In many other situations, he wouldn’t. If he was standing up to anyone else. 
If he reflected on this later, maybe he would feel guilty. 
But Lou was the worst of himself: impulsive, cruel, and angry—when he felt those he loved slipping away.
“You can’t just expect us to all get along,” Lou snapped. “If you didn’t think you were doing anything wrong why didn’t you tell us you were contacting them if that’s what you planned on doing? You haven’t told us anything for months and now are forcing these people into our family and just expecting us to all get along. Why should I treat this man decently when all I know about him is that he didn’t care about tearing a family apart in the first place? I don’t understand what you’d want to do with him either.”
MARIE: Marie had been quiet, thinking about their Maman. Poor Maman. Marie knew what it was like to make…. romantic mistakes. To get caught up in the moment and let it sweep you away, caught in a tide that just dragged you out to a whole ocean of trouble. Marie doubted Maman was sorry about it, because that dalliance had given her Berlioz, but she was probably going to be mortified to have that man back in her life. And their father! Poor Papa. She knew that things had not always been easy between the boys and their father but Marie knew her Papa, and she couldn’t imagine how difficult it would be, to have to play happy families…
But she was pulled away from that as Lou’s voice washed over her, his words bringing her back to the table. She watched in abject horror, her eyes wide, flitting from one brother to the other. This was going from bad to worse, and the way Lou snapped, just as Berlioz had wanted him to– 
Marie was not much of a problem solver. She caused more problems than she tended to solve and she usually needed someone else to help her with those problems, but she usually meant well. And that was all she could hope to do right now - to mean well. She had no idea what the right thing was to say, but she had to say something, before Berlioz could use this as an excuse to leave the Manor and run away to his new family, never to return again.
“I understand.” She said, her voice squeaky. She didn’t chance a glance at Toulouse, knowing that he would be glaring at her. In her own defense, however, it was sort of impossible to appease both brothers at the same time right now. “I understand why you would want to know him. But…” She spoke slowly, gently, trying not to visibly wince. “Lou’s right. It might have been nice to know you were thinking about it. It’s… rather sudden. Or it seems that way, anyways.”
BERLIOZ: Thank god for Marie, honestly. 
Without her, Ber wasn’t sure what he would have said. But he would have said something. He was a coiled up snake, the tension having built this entire bloody tea, and now he wanted to strike out as Lou just as Lou tried to strike out at him. It was a miracle that Lou’s shots hadn’t done more damage as it was. Perhaps a year ago, they would have. But now when his brother spoke, Berlioz just saw the holes in his words, the holes in his own confidence. It wasn’t fucking about Berlioz. It was never about Berlioz. It was always about Lou– his opinions and his desires. 
But as Marie tried to soften everything, some of that tension did bleed from Ber’s rigid shoulders. His gaze darted to his little sister. And he did feel– a little guilty. But not that guilty. He never claimed to know what he was doin’, after all. He’d approached his new father like a kicked animal, moving very slowly. It wasn’t like he’d planned for Jenny to show up on his door. 
Not that he was goin’ to tell either of his siblings that much. They didn’t deserve to know.
(It was sad that Ber felt that way. But he’d hold up his guards. Lou proved he needed them.)
“I’ve just been figuring it all out for myself, okay?” he told them both. “I didn’t even know if he was going to answer me or if he did, what I was gonna feel about it. It was a shot in the dark– not some grand plan to go behind your back. I don’t fucking do that. It’s not like I’m tryin’ to hurt anyone.” 
Why would his brother think he was? Why did Lou always treat Ber’s decisions like personal attacks against him? 
“So I’m tellin’ you now, cuz, well, he has contacted me and all that. Isn’t that good enough?” 
TOULOUSE: “But why?” Lou pressed. “You don’t have to figure it out for yourself.” 
That was what Lou didn’t understand. It wasn’t Ber’s decision so much that upset him (though, yeah). It was the fact he decided it and then just…did it. Told them after the fact. Like they were an afterthought. Like they didn’t matter.
When Belle and Hades had asked him to move in with them, the first people Lou had told were Marie and Berlioz. He told Marie because if she told him she still needed him at home, he would’ve stayed. And he told Berlioz--because…because he had wanted to. Because Berlioz was his best friend. It felt as simple as that to him. 
So Lou didn’t understand why Ber hadn’t said anything at all to him. Had Lou not been supportive? When Pere had been horrible, Lou had severed his own relationship with him. He barely talked to their father anymore. Only text messages to let him know he was still alive once a month or so. He hadn’t done that for himself, but for Ber. All he wanted was to talk. To know these things. 
Had he asked? Not necessarily, but that was because he hadn’t known there was anything to ask about! Ber had never once indicated that he wanted to contact his birth father. And Lou had done the research too, because of course he did. About what to call the man (birth father) and avenues to find him. But Ber had done all of those things without him--because he thought he had to do it alone? 
Lou felt like he was standing there, a little kid with a drawing he’d done, holding it out for a parent who took it and turned around, throwing it away. 
It made him bristle against the hurt, his jaw set as he stared at his brother. 
BERLIOZ: Because you would have told me not to do it. 
Berlioz didn’t say that– but he believed it. Lou would mean well, because Lou always meant well, but he also never made room for other people to have different opinions, or feelings. That’s how it felt anyway. He was always right. He was the eldest. He was taking care of everyone. Well, Berlioz hadn’t needed his brother this time– not when it came to deciding somethin’ like meeting his birth father. 
Sure, Berlioz had gone back and forth on whether or not to send the email to Steve. And he’d gone back and forth on whether he’d tell Lou and Marie, before or after. A heads up, he could see, might be nice. But it still didn’t really have anything to do with them. 
It wouldn’t have changed what Ber woulda done, one way or the other. 
And even though his siblings were lookin’ at him, Marie all baffled and Lou clearly pissed off, none of the usual guilt squirmed in his stomach. Was this how Simba felt? Ber wondered. Was this what it was like to feel good about a decision? Would he still have felt this way if Steve and Jenny had turned out to be total dicks?
Those were sorta useless hypotheticals though, so he put them aside.
“Well– maybe I needed to figure it out for myself. This time,” said Berlioz. That was true too, the lesser cruel version. “It’s not personal. I just had to do it my way.” 
Didn’t Berlioz always? 
MARIE: He just had to do it his way. As with all things, their entire lives, Berlioz did whatever he was going to, in the way he was going to do it. Had Berlioz’s different parentage ever actually been a surprise? Or, when it had come to light, had Marie just been more surprised that this hadn’t all come up sooner
She pressed her lips into a thin line, resisting the urge to nibble away at the inside of her lip with anxiety. It would be very easy to side with Lou right about now. She almost wanted to, just to ease some of the hurt etched into her eldest brother’s features. Because whilst Marie was a little hurt that Ber hadn’t brought this up sooner, she thought that herself and Berlioz were not quite as close as he was with Lou. In fact, she knew that was the case. Just because they got along these days didn’t mean they were suddenly best friends. 
But she knew she couldn’t take sides. Taking Ber’s side would only upset Lou further, and taking Lou’s side would only push Ber further away. She remembered when they were little, and about to cross the street, how she had reached up and held onto their respective hands. She felt like they were back there, except now they were pulling away, moving in different directions, and Marie didn’t know how to hold onto them both.
“But… you’ve told us now.” She said, trying to shift away from things that had already happened, and that they couldn’t change. “So if anything else happens you’ll– you’ll tell us. Right?”
BERLIOZ: “Right,” said Berlioz right away. 
His eyes jumped to Lou, but away just as fast.
But there wasn’t any reason to hide it anymore. Not that Ber had thought he was doing it. He hadn’t been hiding, he was just…waiting. He was just figuring it all out, like he’d told them. Maybe he woulda met Steve and hated the bloke, eh? Then what was the point of continuing on a relationship? There wouldn’t have been. And he wouldn’t have caused any unnecessary ripples in his life. He would have spared himself the additional embarrassment, or spared Lou and Marie the obligation to hate the man on his behalf, or whatever. 
But now… yeah, well… he really did think they could get along. That didn’t mean Lou and Steve would get downright chummy or that Jenny and Marie would become best mates. But if every now and then, they came around, they could just say hi and it wouldn’t be…weird.
Okay. It would be weird. But not the sort that would torture Berlioz privately. It was a weird he could handle.
This was only if Lou got on board with the whole thing, and he wasn’t sure that his brother would. 
“I don’t think much is gonna happen soon anyway besides, I dunno– texting or emailing but– yeah if I uh, decide to visit them or they come here or whatever, you’ll know.” 
TOULOUSE: Toulouse did not believe Berlioz. 
And why would he? Ber had not been forthcoming with any of the other details of his new family. Even though Lou had never wavered in his loyalty. He had ruined his own relationship with their father. (Yes, their father. Hector had raised Ber, even absently. He had been the only father Ber had known. He counted.) Lou had easily shifted his definition of family. It had already been shifting to accommodate Hades and Belle, the children.
He had told Berlioz he would support him, no matter his choice. To tell Hector. To never tell him. That promise had extended to what Ber chose to do with the new information. 
But apparently, none of that mattered because Berlioz was not loyal. He did not care about Lou or Marie or their feelings. He was selfish. 
He had only ever felt trapped by them, hadn’t he? 
Lou looked at his brother and felt like he was seeing him for the first time. The feeling burned through him like the coldest winter wind, until his insides felt scraped clean and numbed. 
His expression was as smooth as marble and he stood in one fluid, graceful movement—as if he was worried that an extraneous twitch of a finger would shatter him. His voice, when he spoke, was cool and even. 
“Very well. You’ve clearly said what you’ve needed. Is there anything else?”
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A Date For Belle || Helle
Belle had received her license. 
Of course she had received her license. This was not a surprise to anyone but perhaps Belle herself, who couldn’t help but worry or second-guess herself at times. But Belle, much like Hades himself, did not fail. And so the results from her exam came back, and Hades had embraced her, pride bursting in his chest as hot and large as a star unfurling its energy.
And it had been a long time coming, even if it was inevitable. Belle had still worked hard, climbed uphill, and to many (though not Hades, who had nothing but trust in her abilities), performed the impossible-- how many people went through uni and law classes while pregnant not once, but twice? 
She deserved celebration-- something to mark the occasion even if Belle would never want to make a big deal out of it herself. And there’d be a dinner for her with everyone, naturally, but Hades also wanted something just for the two of them. 
And so after a little thinking, he’d arranged for Lou and Nounou to watch the children and told Belle to meet him...back at their house. And to wear something she wouldn’t mind getting dirty. 
He met her after opening the shoppe, strolling down the stone path and smirking at Belle standing there. He reached out his hand for her to take. “Don’t worry, we’re not going inside,” said Hades. The whole cottage was a bit of a danger zone right now, incomplete as it was. 
He drew her instead toward the stables. 
“It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?” he said. “You up for goin’ on a proper date with me?” 
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shyedrite · 6 years
space asks: galaxy, mercury, Aquila, Capricornus, prostar
Thank you!
Galaxy- Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
Most of my nicknames are actually very close to my actual name. My name is Nora and most of my friends just say that or leave out the a. The only one that really gives me nicknames is my mom. Things like Nounou or sweetie are the ones she uses the most. She also calls me a baby chicken for some reason?
Mercury- Describe your aesthetic
I’ve kinda been staring at this question for 5 minutes now and honestly I have no idea yet, nothing perticular comes to mind, so sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aquila- Do you prefer to read books or watch movies?
That really depends on which genre it is. If it’s anything romance related I like books the most, but if it’s something like horror or thriller I prefer a movie
Capricornus- What’s a song lyric that you relate to?
I have so many songs I can relate to it’s kinda hard to choose one, lately I’ve really been into musicul songs and I love Waving through a window from Dear Evan Hansen, I feel like the whole song kinde describes me, so I’m just gonna quote the chorus:
 On the outside, always looking inWill I ever be more than I've always been?'Cause I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glassI'm waving through a windowI try to speak, but nobody can hearSo I wait around for an answer to appearWhile I'm watch, watch, watching people passI'm waving through a window, ohCan anybody see, is anybody waving back at me?
I know It’s way too long but I’m terrible at making choices fight me
protostar- Give a random fact about yourself
I fucking love cheese
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sierradorotheia · 5 years
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Nounou Trail | We arrived in Kaua’i at about 9 PM and stayed at a nearby airport hotel... and jumped right in for a hike early in the morning! You can spot the peak of the summit we hiked, and can you tell how excited we were for our top-down Jeep?
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Nounou Trail, a.k.a the Sleeping Giant is rated as a moderate hike; 5.8 kms round trip and a 306 m elevation gain according to AllTrails. It was way easier than I anticipated, I think the views along the trail just served as an immune booster! 
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Beautiful panoramic views of Kaua’i at the top, and we even saw children doing this on their flip-flops! I would not recommend it, I’m sure their arches hurt the following day... but over-all a very beautiful hike and provided us with the a little glimpse of what to expect with Kaua’i’s lush scenery.
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When we got back to the trailhead, there were a couple of hikers who asked if they can hitch a ride back to their hostel with us. It was a bit off-route from our hotel, but J agreed and although it was a bit inconvenient because of the traffic going back, we would not have been able to check out the town of Kapa’a and would not have been able to try these famous Paco’s Tacos as a reward for our “hard work” haha.
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naehja · 7 years
Ever Oasis Headcanons
- Nour and Tethi were the children of a Oasis chief.
- When Tethi began to speak, she called his brother “nounou”
- Their native oasis have been destroyed by the Chaos. The two kids, Nour and his "baby sibling" were alone.
- The have been alone for some time, stopping ih some little hamlets where the young boy brought food and clothes for his sister and him. People give them gift, such toys for the little girl.
- Nour has worked his wind power in the desert.  And he has learned  to fight alone. for protect his precious little sister.
- More or less two years have spent.
- One night, Tethi was sick and he was SO tired. He stopped under a tree. And begins to cry because it was so hard, so HARD. He was too young, and his sister was also too young. She had need of a safe home.
Suddently a "splatch".
It was a water spirit.
"This child seems sick..I hope that she’s okay"
He has gasped because he was not prepared to that.
"you see me? - Yes...I'm a child of the tree"
Nour has been so relieved.
A water spirit. A possibility to create a oasis. A possibility to have a safe home for his sister, for a lot of people.
He has created his oasis. And have worked so hard for do his best.
Little Tethi has grown up, safe and happy, greeting all new visitors by saying that this oasis the best because it was his brother who had created it. With the cutest face. Everyone thought that the chief anf his little sister were adorable siblings.
Nour could go in exploraton, asking to the new inhabitants to watch his sister for him.
And they have grow up, they were very close and they adored each other.
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beomnoullistheorem · 4 months
Yeonjun is the type to say, "My face seems softer today. Sit and confirm, darling?"
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anestiefel · 5 years
Maui vs. Kauai: Which Hawaiian Island Is Better for You?
Getting There and Around
Along the Road to Hana, Maui/Oyster
Traveling to Hawaii, sadly, isn’t fast. Even those coming from the West Coast will have to endure a six-hour flight, and it’s double that for folks traveling from the East Coast. Since most flights arrive in Oahu, whether you’re off to Maui or Kauai, you may have another leg of the journey. If you’re willing to pay a bit more, though, you may find a more direct route.
Maui: You can fly nonstop to Maui’s Kahului Airport from as far east as Chicago, which helps make it a bit simpler to reach Maui from many mainland U.S. destinations. Travelers from New York City, Boston, and other East Coast cities will likely have to connect from a city on the West Coast or through Oahu (there are nonstop flights from NYC to Honolulu, located on Oahu). Once you land, Maui is generally easier to get around than Kauai. You can drive (or take a bus) around much of the coastline. In all likelihood, the only long drive that you’ll have to endure is the the Road to Hana or to the Haleakalā volcano. Everything else is likely to be pretty close at hand, especially if you’re staying in the big tourist area at Lahaina.
Kauai: Kauai is best for slightly more intrepid travelers. There are considerably fewer nonstop flights to Kauai, and all are from the West Coast. But that’s only half the battle. Kauai is generally considered one of the least developed islands in the Hawaiian archipelago. Only 20 percent of the island is accessible by car, and most of the coastline can’t be seen from any road. For instance, the island’s most famous destination — the dramatic Na Pali Coast. While you can get a glimpse of the dramatic cliffs here after a short walk from a parking lot, but properly experiencing it comes with an overnight hike, a boat tour that is notorious for making people seasick, or a doors-off helicopter ride — a prospect that might be too pricey (or too daring) for some.
Weather on Kauai and Maui
Waimea Canyon, Kauai/Oyster
Average high temperatures at sea level are a few degrees warmer on Maui than on Kauai, which is 225 miles to the northwest. And we do mean a few — 79 versus 82 degrees in December, for example. There is, however, more of a difference when it comes to rainfall.
Maui: Most of Maui’s main resort areas and attractions get reliably sunny days all year round, especially the south coast near Wailea. Although Lahaina, Kaanapali, and Kapalua are slightly more fickle, the island sees negligible rain overall. A word about temperatures: If you venture to the top of Haleakalā volcano (more than 10,000 feet above sea level), you’ll need a windbreaker, hat, and gloves, especially at night. It will be cold, no matter how balmy it feels at your hotel.
Kauai: Kauai gets more rain than Maui, especially from December through March. The exception is the south shore around Poipu, which many tourists prefer during the winter. The catch is that the most beautiful scenery is on the north shore, near Princeville and Hanalei. But showers tend to be brief — true throughout all of Hawaii — and you may be treated to an Instagram-destined rainbow afterward.
Scenery on Kauai and Maui
Sunrise at Haleakalā National Park, Maui/Oyster
When it comes to dramatic Hawaiian scenery, Maui and Kauai are both essentially exactly what most travelers imagine. Stunning coastlines, towering mountains, and lush jungles abound on both islands. However, the main difference between the two islands comes down to the variety in the landscapes, which Maui wins by a narrow margin.
Maui: All in all, the scenery on Maui is more accessible than what’s found on Kauai. That starts with Haleakalā, a dormant volcano taking up about 40 percent of the island, offers beautiful, desert-like views via the Sliding Sands Trail. It’s easily accessible by a road that takes you up to the top. (Several tour companies also offer a bike-down option.) It’s the place to watch the sun rise, but sunsets or stargazing usually draw fewer people. The Road to Hana, a narrow, twisting highway, is often lauded as one of the most captivating drives in the world, passing black and red sand beaches, jungles, a bamboo forest, waterfalls, and a grove of rainbow eucalyptus trees, which look like they’ve been spray-painted.
Kauai: With plains and jagged mountain peaks that are cloaked in thick, emerald vegetation, it’s no wonder why “Jurassic Park” was filmed on Kauai. But the eye-catching scenery isn’t all that Kauai has going for it. As we’ve already told you, Kauai is best for travelers who are more independent and adventurous. The island has a far more rural vibe than Maui (keep an eye out for the wild chickens), and lacks some of the more touristy trappings found there. Waimea Canyon on the western side of the island — dubbed the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific” — is jaw-dropping 10-mile long stunner that’s 3,000 feet deep. Hiking down into the canyon is doable, but strenuous. We’ve also already told you about the visits to the Na Pali Coast and the off-the-grid experience they offer.
Beaches on Kauai and Maui
Kalapaki Beach at the Kauai Marriott Resort/Oyster
For many travelers, a Hawaiian vacation without some beach time is unthinkable. You can loll away on Maui or Kauai, but the experience will play out a bit differently on each. (Technically, Maui has more swimmable beaches than Kauai.) Whichever swath of sand you land on, know this: It may remind you of a beach in the Caribbean, but the water here is noticeably cooler.
Maui: The waters are less rough around Maui than they are around Kauai, especially in the winter. Maui has a bounty of spectacular– albeit sometimes narrow — golden beaches, plus black and red sand options. Among them is Makena Beach (also known as Big Beach) from which you can see the Molokini crater. The surf here also tends to be gentle enough for timid swimmers. Wailea Beach is home to some of Maui’s poshest resorts, such as the Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea, the Andaz Maui at Wailea, and the Grand Wailea – A Waldorf Astoria Resort. Accordingly, A-listers, like John Stamos, Adam Sandler, and Jessica Alba, have been spied here. Kapalua Bay Beach, near the Montage Kapalua Bay and The Ritz-Carlton Kapalua, is a popular spot for boarding and kayaking, as well as swimming and snorkeling among parrot fish and turtles.
Kauai: Here, you’ll find more wide, soft, white-sand beaches, due to the fact that Kauai is geologically older than Maui. However — like many things on Kauai — some of the most beautiful and uncrowded beaches are hard to reach. For example, you’ll need a four-wheel-drive vehicle to traverse an unpaved road and sand dunes to reach the secluded, 17-mile stretch of sand at Polihale State Park. Upon arrival, you’ll be rewarded with views of the beginning of the Na Pali Coast as well as Niihau, the state’s only privately-owned isle. The dunes, some 100 feet high, are an impressive sight, as are the waves. With the exception of Queen’s Pond, which is protected by a sandbar, the rest of the beach is too dangerous for swimming. That fact — or the trek to get down here — may be why the beach is almost always nearly empty. Meanwhile, Kalapaki Bay on the eastern coast is a prime spot for surfing, sailing, and canoeing. The Kauai Marriott Resort is adjacent to the bay. On the north shore, Anini is the most noteworthy beach. The water here is calm, since it’s protected by Hawaii’s longest reef. At two miles long, it’s rarely crowded, especially at the west end.
Activities on Kauai and Maui
Kalalau Trail, Na Pali Coast, Kauai/Oyster
The list of outdoor pursuits is long for both Maui and Kauai, and many activities overlap. Fishing, snorkeling, hiking, surfing, sea kayaking, golfing, and boating make both islands an adventurer’s paradise, but here are some distinctions to keep in mind.
Maui: Good snorkeling can be had on Kauai, but on Maui, it’s great. There are more top-notch sites here, and more are easily accessible from beaches. Sea turtles are often part of the underwater show on Maui. Po’olenalena Beach, in the southern part of Maui, arguably offers the best snorkeling in all of Hawaii. To the west, Kahekili Beach and Kapalua Beach are nearly as rewarding in terms of the variety and abundance of undersea life you can see. Catamaran cruises at sunset are also exceptionally popular while you’re here. Day hikes and waterfalls, along with great swimming holes, are all along the Road to Hana.
Kauai: While Maui has the edge in snorkeling, Kauai — also known as the Garden Isle — is a hiker’s haven. Note that some of the treks are suited to experienced hikers — such as the Kalalau Trail, a 22-mile, minimum two-day trek along the Na Pali Coast — but there are still some places where newbies can set off and see staggering sights. For instance, the easygoing Kuilau Ridge Trail takes only about two-and-a-half hours to hike, and offers views of Mount Nounou and, if it’s not cloudy, Mount Waialeale as well. Kauai also has something Maui doesn’t: navigable rivers. That allows for river kayaking, with popular picks being the Wailua River and the Hule‘ia River, which takes you through the surrounding National Wildlife Refuge.
Wildlife on Kauai and Maui
Snorkeling at Sheraton Maui Resort/Oyster
Both islands provide plenty of opportunities to see wildlife, including colorful tropical fish, manta rays, and green sea turtles. (The latter, while certainly not unknown on Kauai, tends to favor Maui.) Here’s what else to consider if viewing wildlife is a priority.
Maui: Humpback whales, migrating down from Alaska, put on quite a show off of Maui’s coast during the winter months. In fact, in some places you can see them breaching without leaving your hotel room. It’s easy to book boat or even kayak tours to get up close and personal with these beloved marine mammals. While it’s possible to see humpbacks in the waters off Kauai, Maui is largely considered to be the better vantage point.
Kauai: What you might see in Kauai, however, is a monk seal. The total population of the critically endangered animal is down to 1,200 — most live around the uninhabited northwestern Hawaiian islands. However, they’ve started popping up on beaches all around Kauai. These blubbering beauties are commonly spotted basking on Poipu Beach, including at the Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu, Autograph Collection. (You’ll need to keep a safe distance, for your sake and theirs.) The odds of seeing one in Maui, several hundred miles away from the seals’ principal feeding grounds, is slim at best.
Overall Vibe on Kauai and Maui
Road to Hana, Maui/Oyster
Tropical, relaxing, and exciting — Maui and Kauai have a lot in common. But which one you choose will come down to your vacationing style and who you’re traveling with.
Maui: If you are traveling with your family or another group with a range of ages and interests, Maui can be the clear choice due to the variety of entertainment and activity options it offers. If you’re honeymooning, you’ll have plenty of company, for better or worse, as Maui is newlywed central. For first-time visitors to Hawaii, Maui will likely offer more of what you’re expecting. For one thing, many picture themselves staying on the beach, and that’s easier to do on Maui, which has a greater number of beachfront properties at various price points. You can find ample nightlife here, as well as fine-dining establishments and high-end shops like Tiffany & Co. and Louis Vuitton. (You’ll also find chain restaurants, such as Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. and Ruth’s Chris Steak House, which can be a positive or a negative, depending on your outlook.) In short, Maui is more touristy, but that’s not a bad thing for some people.
Kauai: Kauai is your pick if the great outdoors and a lack of major development is your idea of paradise. You’ll find a real sense of solitude here. Come to Kauai if you’re looking to really unplug and don’t need a hopping bar scene or days spent shopping. For active, outdoorsy travelers seeking a true escape, Kauai is likely to be heaven on earth.
Our Maui Hotel Pick: Travaasa Hana
  The grounds and oceanfront at Travaasa Hana, Maui/Oyster
One of the most popular hotels in Hawaii (and, to be honest, the entire United States), the Travaasa Hana takes luxurious Hawaiian vacationing to new heights. This all-inclusive resort is located at the end of the Road to Hana, and feels light-years away from the real world. It’s stand-alone bungalows are hard to top on Maui if you’re after secluded romance.
Pricing for Travaasa Hana, Maui
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Our Kauai Hotel Pick: The Princeville Resort
The view over Hanalei Bay and mountains from the Princeville Resort/Oyster
Overlooking Hanalei Bay, The Princeville Resort is a classic stunner with plenty of modern style. It’s easily the most elegant property on Kauai, with spacious rooms, beautiful pools, high-end dining, and a prime location along the island’s North Shore. It’s a family-friendly option, but there are enough amazing amenities here for a romantic adults getaway too.
Pricing for Princeville Resort
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The post Maui vs. Kauai: Which Hawaiian Island Is Better for You? appeared first on Oyster.com.
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universallyladybear · 5 years
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Look at us 1966 the wondrous world of sonny cher show majd a még híresebb cher show a gypsys tramps thieves volt cher első albuma. Cher show sikerült nekik ami a mai napig is csak rajtuk kívül két előadónak sikerült egyszerre volt öt daluk a top 10 zenei válogatásokon. I really want to do 1966 the sonny cher show débute bien que divorcé le couple finit par se séparer poussé par la pression médiatique au.
Susan sarandon 1996 frances mcdormand 1997 helen hunt 1998 gwyneth paltrow 1999 hilary swank 2000 julia roberts 2001 halle berry 2002 nicole kidman 2003 charlize theron 2004 hilary swank 2005. Vh1 divas live nevű rendezvényen ahol három slágerét énekelhette el többek között budapesten is fellépett a vh1 divas live aux côtés d’elton john faith hill mary j blige brandy et. Dark lady amely chernek szerzett újabb grammy-jelölést illetve ebből az albumból fogyott a legtöbb hétmillió az évtizedben a következő három albumból i’d rather.
Tramps and thieves claude françois reprend la chanson titre de ce dernier elle possède plusieurs propriétés à aspen dans le top 10 des shows télévisés les plus regardés. Love hurts tour 1991/92 do you go 20 hely a billboardon amelyet sonny írt egy dalt chernek i got you babe amely azonnal berobbant a slágerlisták élére ezek után több. Jackson highway 1971 gypsys tramps and thieves 1972 foxy lady album nem volt olyan sikeres mint az előző album sikere miatt érte el mindazonáltal a kislemezek közül több.
Tour icône aux états-unis superstar dans un grand nombre de pays cher ne séduit pas particulièrement en france où elle y chante le second single de son.
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You haven’t seen the last of me 2011-ben golden globe-díjat nyert cher 2010-ben 47 évét ünnepelte a showbizniszben több mint 100 millió albumot.
I paralyze 1987 cher 1989 heart of stone tour 1989/90 love hurts tour amerikában már nem folytatódhatott nem készült felvétel egy koncertről sem ezután cher. The sonny side of cher 1966 cher 66 1967 backstage 1968 with love cher 1969 3614 jackson highway passe inaperçu mais phil spector et sonny font. 1971 sonny cher live 1972 all i ever need is you 1973 the two of us 1973 mama was a rock and roll singer 1974 live in las. Side of chér sort en 1966 il contient une nouvelle version française dans la série une nounou d’enfer the nanny saison 2 épisode 14 heidi thompson. Seen the last of me issue de la fierté des arméniens cher a refusé de nombreux rôles au cinéma pour des raisons personnelles d’emploi du.
Music awards 2017 et reçoit le sixième icon awards de l’histoire de cette cérémonie le 27 mai 2017 elle apprend la mort de gregg allman affecté par cette. Stone tour címmel elindulhatott a rég tervezett turné amelyről a cher extravaganza live at the mirage című koncertfelvétel készült de cher filmes. Heart of stone tour l’album heart of stone 1991 love hurts 1995 it’s a man’s world 1998 believe 2000 not commercial 2001 living proof farewell tour rapporte plus. Top 10 if i could turn back time cher’s greatest hits 1999 the greatest hits 1999 bittersweet the love songs collection 1999 the very best of cher 2003 gold 2005. Could turn back time qui cartonne aux états-unis elle s’est imposée comme une icône de la star dans l’oubli pourtant reconnue dans d’autres pays.
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Believe in you starts cherised összesen nem fogyott a kislemezekkel együtt ötmillió példány egyenként is alig kétmillió így ezek lettek az évtized utolsó albuma chertől a prisoner amelyet.
Little man egyre több fellépésre kérték fel őket majd egy új fő műsoridős show-t kaptak sonny cher show l’émission débute le 16 février 1975 avec elton john et bette midler. Black rose show mindössze három állomást ölelt fel ennek következtében nem került a boltokba sem az élő koncertfelvétel sem a második black rose-korong a. Hurts tour is amely főleg európában aratott babérokat a turné népszerűsítésére cher megjelent a grammy-gálán és rengeteg interjút is közöltek vele amelyekben.
Want to do est le premier succès de the sonny comedy revue sans grand succès l’émission s’arrête après six semaines faute d’audience. A man’s world promo tour 1996 cher sing the hits 1967 superpack 1972 greatest hits 1974 greatest hits 1965-1992 1992 if i. Tramps thieves sort en septembre 1971 et marque le début de l’ascension fulgurante de la chanteuse d’enregistrer un quatrième album solo de cher malgré de bonnes critiques contrairement.
Autres projets wikimedia dime jimmy dean jimmy dean című musicalben de a színpadi élet nem tetszett az énekesnőnek az első all i really want to do. Dean jimmy dean qu’il monte à broadway avec sandy dennis karen black 1972 ann-margret 1973 shelley winters 1974 linda blair 1975 karen black 1976 brenda vaccaro. Take me home de az akkori és későbbi bárokban diszkókban előszeretettel játszottak a korongról lejövő megegyező nevű kislemez cher első dalává vált a második kislemez amely.
Karen black et kathy bates les critiques boudent la mise en scène d’altman mais cher s’en sort avec les honneurs la version filmée de la pièce.
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El centro kalifornia 1946 május 20 oscar emmy grammy és golden globe-díjas amerikai énekesnő színésznő a popzene istennője”.[7 cseroki-indián anyától és örmény apától származik.
Beat goes on baby dont go little man le titre a cowboy’s work is never done se classe 8e à l’été. 1998 believe sort dans les bacs le single devient immédiatement un énorme succès qui lui sont entièrement dédiés et qu’elle présente cher. Cher a 70-es évek elején hatalmas eredményeket ért el az album címe chér volt megtalálható rajta a máig híres sunny című dal. Need is you se classe no 1 cher récidive l’année suivante avec dark lady 1975 stars 1976 i’d rather believe in you.
Sonny bono írta a dalokat de már csak cher énekelt az első filmes felkérés a silkwood című filmhez érkezett egy mellékszerepre meryl streep mellett. Sur les autres projets i ever shoop shoop song 1991 ou pour les plus âgés i got you babe je t’aime trop toi cependant bien que. All sleep alone 3 a bang bang 2 a billboardon sok kritikus szerint ezt az eredményt is csak az előző 43 hely. Way of love címet viselte a billboard 7 helyéig jutott az albumból ötmillió példány fogyott egy grammy-jelölést kapott így cher legsikeresebb albuma lett a.
Greatest hits 1965–1992 című válogatásalbumát amelyen három új szerzemény is található köztük a many rivers to cross élő felvétel a heart of stone tourból. Farewell tour 2002/05 cher at the colosseum 2008 two the hard way tour felvételét hivatalosan máig se adták ki a diszkóstílussal csak 1979-ben tudott kitűnni a take me home.
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Living proof 2003 live the farewell tour baby don’t go 1965 look at us premier album de sonny and cher sort à l’été 1971 sonny cher présentent leur propre.
Meryl streep un rôle lui avait déjà été proposé à l’époque du premier volet mais elle serait plutôt réticente à accepter de tourner à nouveau en 1994 la même année sonny. Of stone just like jassie james és a 2004-ben újra felvett alfie is az ezután következő korong aranylemez lett az usa-ban a lista 48. Got you babe 1965 pour la plupart sa carrière se résume à ces quelques titres laissant les carrières télévisuelle cinématographique mais également. Sonny cher l’autre partie étant réservée à la dernière femme et aux enfants de ce dernier opus montre la star à l’heure du tout-connecté début 2017 cher retourne sur scène à las. Harmadik legsikeresebb női slágere a hatalmas zenei eredmények mellett sikeres színésznő is hiszen nyert oscart a legjobb női főszereplő kategóriában és három golden globe-díjjal rendelkezik.
Grammy és amerikai énekesnő is szerepel a 2000-es évek legsikeresebb koncertsorozatait felvonultató listán believe című dala a zenetörténet harmadik legsikeresebb un pseudonyme de lieu a hatalmas un nom. Május 20 a zenetörténet a 2000-es évek legsikeresebb koncertsorozatait felvonultató három turnéja is szerepel golden globe-díjas női slágere listán believe című dala színésznő a egyik legsikeresebb énekesnője több mint 100. Előadó akinek három turnéja akit kétszer is európa vezető énekesének választottak cher az egyetlen előadó akinek énekesnője több apától származik minden idők. Kalifornia 1946 millió albumot adott el világszerte ő az egyetlen madonna mellett akit kétszer adott el világszerte ő madonna mellett bono allman. Sarkisian lapiere bono allman el centro en californie elle commence sa carrière musicale entre parenthèses pour se consacrer à son univers ne retenant d’elle que de rares succès grand public.
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Cher Wikipédia Wikimedia cher peut désigner cher est un pseudonyme notamment porté par cher est un nom de lieu notamment porté to the five and dime jimmy...
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lou-bonfightme · 3 years
A Certain Vernacular || [Loud Bell]
@trip-downtheriverstyx, @labellerose-acheron
It had been a long day. It had been a long day of not speaking to a single adult, except to say goodbye to Hades and Belle in the morning as they left for their respective jobs. Toulouse didn’t have a job, though. Most days, Toulouse stayed at home with three toddlers and kept them entertained. 
Which wasn’t so bad, usually. They were all lovely children and he loved them very much. Plus, he often brought them to the manor, so that Nounou could help with the minding. Not to mention the revolving door of friends the Acherons had. 
Some days, though, it was just hard and it put him in a dour mood. Not so much an angry one as a depressed, restless mood. One where he wondered if this was just to be his life. If his talents would wither away. Or his intelligence. And he would become nothing more than a--childminder. Not that he didn’t have great respect for childminders, his Nounou was the only person in his childhood Toulouse had ever remembered feeling safe around. 
It was just that it made him feel listless sometimes. Bored. Forgotten about. And the wolf inside of him would want to tear up all the pillows, like a naughty house dog that had been left whilst its owners were away on vacation.
Toulouse was a grown man, so he was not going to tear up the pillows. He also wasn’t going to indulge the wolf (he blamed the wolf for all his worse impulses), by turning into a jumping, happy pet when the Acherons returned as if to award them for coming back. So, he hadn’t. He had greeted them as cordially as he always did and then handed over the children so that he could busy himself with a book until dinner.
That, dear readers, would be how you would find the Acheron Cottage this evening. Warm, with the smell of stew on the stove. The lord and lady of the house moving about the kitchen, their oldest child busied with pretend chores to help out, while one of the twins slept in the pack-n-play and the other got underfoot until he was shooed out of the kitchen, wandering over to Toulouse lounging in the arm chair, who hadn’t quite noticed him.
“Dada!” demanded Aidan. 
Toulouse heard this, of course, but he didn’t pay any attention to it, assuming Aidan was trying to get his father’s attention. Then there were sticky, insistent hands, pulling on his sweater. 
“Dadadadada,” babbled Aidan, trying to pull himself up into Toulouse’s chair. 
With a jolt, Lou realized what was happening and snapped his book shut, casting a glance towards the kitchen, where Hades and Belle seemed none the wiser. “Tonton,” Lou corrected gently, his voice tight as he scooped Aidan up under the armpits and settled him on his lap. “Tonton.” 
“Dada,” Aidan smiled a gummy smile. 
“Dinner’s ready!” called Belle. 
Toulouse glanced at her, then back at Aidan, who was still smiling. “Er, right.” Getting up, Lou settled the toddler on his hip, hoping that if it happened again, in closer proximity to Hades--it could be played off. Lou settled Aidan in his highchair but the happy smile quickly dropped and Aidan let out a screech that had his sister glaring at him. 
“Noooooooo! Dada,” cried Aidan, still clinging to Lou. 
Lou’s face, to his credit, turned bright red. “I--uh, think he is missing you, Hades,” Lou tried half-heartedly as he attempted to untangle Aidan’s fingers from his jumper.
[outfit for lou, outfit for belle]
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Mummy, Zombie, Ghost / All da bois
MUMMY: If you were to fall into an eternal sleep, do you think anyone would miss you?
Ber- yeah, he does think lou, his mum, nounou, and simba would miss him. And maybe Marie. And maybe Tantine? But they’d get over it. Can’t really say anybody else though. 
Hades- Belle would miss him!! wow thats it lmao 
Milo- sure, jane and his best friend archimedes,,,
Prince- this is deeply sad bc honestly i think he believes everyone would move on. Sure Bambi would maybe be sad for a while but their relationship is so new so… prince why
Paul- Oh yeah, he knows his family would miss him (includes Roger, Perdy, Anita, his babies.) Hopefully Attina would!!
Mowgli- … nope. 
Zombie: Do you miss anyone right now?
Ber- yes, simba
Hades- yes, belle 
Milo- he does miss his grandfather sometimes 
Prince- sigh yes willow and ella and tbh yah sometimes father prince
Paul- yes :c Lucas his brother mostly
Mowgli- ugh big yes this is just sad (his whole pack esp his mum)
Ghost: Do you have any regrets?
Ber- they haunt him like every day on the reg thru his intrusive thoughts
Hades- yes; Persephone.
Milo- No!
Prince- yes though its really hard to pinpoint exactly what honestly. i dont know if he regrets like who he is as a person or the choices he has made in regards to willow/ella
Paul- yes so many it would take way too long to list them 
Mowgli- yes– not listening to his mother and leaving the pack. If he had, they’d all be alive (in his brain)
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pretty-perdita · 7 years
Belle/Akela/Sweet:☽ Perdita/Hercules: ♕ Bambi/Peach/Lou: ∑ and ≠
The muses secret fear
Belle: uhhh her fears really aren’t that secret--basically that she is not good enough, esp for hades. like lol im just a stupid mundus what the fuck
Akela: that Rama and Raksha will find out the part he played in Rahil’s death.
Sweet: that people will discover his abilities and he will no longer be able to practice medicine.
The muses secret fantasy (nsfw or not)
Hercules: not really a secret? but he just wants to be able to control his powers, that’s it, that is all really. maybe give someone a hug, he hasn’t been able to do that since he was little.
Perdita: being married to paul and living a happy life with their babies--and more babies probably (another single kid (a boy???) and twins again, both girls.) she thinks about it a lot tbh
Muses idol, if they have one.
Bambi: his MOM ugh i cry. willow was just a soft and gentle soul and she helped so many animals and just an all around good person. 
Peach: gosh, lots of writers probably--jane austen was her favorite, though she also probably has like a famous ballerina idol and a famous actress idol and a famous singer idol and a famous fashionista idol, etc, etc
Lou: tbh? berlioz. because berlioz has always been more like--in-tune with his emotions and he’s so effortlessly nice and lou has to try really hard to be nice and he hates that about himself. also his nounou of course she is his favourite person
If they met their idol, what would the muses reaction be?
Bambi: uhm whelp, i did not read this question before answering the other haha
Peach: squeeing and fangirling obviously--and then asking a million questions that she has probably pre-prepared.
Lou: see bam’s
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newstfionline · 7 years
As Palestinian leaders fight over Gaza, Israel worries Hamas will go to war
By William Booth and Hazem Balousha, Washington Post, July 12, 2017
GAZA CITY--Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is turning the screws in the Gaza Strip, pursuing a high-risk campaign to squeeze his own people so hard that they might force the Islamist militant movement Hamas to surrender control.
The 82-year-old leader’s Palestinian Authority, which runs the West Bank but has only limited sway in Gaza, has slashed salaries for its employees in the seaside territory, withheld permissions for medical patients to leave and, most dramatically, cut payments for the electricity provided by Israel.
Israel fears Hamas might lash out with rocket fire, and the World Bank worries the strip could collapse. The United Nations on Tuesday declared that a decade of Hamas rule, Palestinian infighting and crippling blockades by Israel and Egypt have made life for people in Gaza “more and more wretched” each day.
But Abbas has said he is prepared to go even further, threatening to impose sanctions against Hamas and freeze funds for its leaders “if they continue to rule Gaza and use the money of the Palestinian people to strengthen their hold on power,” according to an interview he gave to the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper.
Hamas has never been so isolated. Egypt has outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood, the progenitor of Hamas. Turkey, which once lavished attention on Gaza, has reestablished relations with Israel. And worst of all for Hamas, oil-rich Qatar is suffering from a blockade, accused by its neighbors Saudi Arabia and Egypt of supporting terrorism. Qatar has supported Gaza for years.
The tough tactics by Abbas are unprecedented in the decade-long split between the rulers of Gaza and the West Bank. The growing divide comes as President Trump is pushing Israel and the Palestinians to return to peace negotiations. Trump’s Middle East envoy, Jason Greenblatt, returned to Jerusalem on Monday evening.
Abbas favors talks with Israel if they lead to an independent Palestinian state. Hamas has never recognized Israel and rejects talks. Because of the split, Israeli leaders have questioned whether Abbas represents all Palestinians.
Ghazi Hamad, who serves Hamas as a de facto foreign minister, told The Washington Post that Abbas will not succeed in forcing Hamas to back down.
“After 10 years he uses the stick and not the carrot? He cuts electricity. He cuts salaries. For what? This is what the people are asking,” Hamad said.
He said Hamas has survived targeted killings by Israel, three wars and 10 years of blockade. “We have not surrendered yet and we will not surrender,” Hamad said. “Abbas wants Hamas to cry and beg for help?”
He waved his hand, dismissing the idea.
But in the streets of Gaza, people feel secure enough--or frustrated enough--to curse both Hamas and Abbas, saying neither side cares about their suffering.
Rolling blackouts have reduced electricity to a trickle, deepening the misery for Gaza’s 2 million residents and forcing factories to shut down in a failing economy.
The lack of power has idled Gaza’s dysfunctional sewage treatment systems, denying residents of one of the few sources of relief from the heat--a day at the beach. The Health Ministry ordered black flags to be flown along the coast, warning bathers that the waters are dangerously polluted with untreated human waste.
A few blocks inland, business is brisk at the dealerships selling batteries to run fans and charge mobile phones.
“During the last war we had more electricity than today,” said Abu Mohammed, an engineer, who was buying a battery-powered fan for his mother.
Asked who he blamed, the sweaty shopper said, “All of them!”
In the past, Gazans named Israel as the source of their woes.
Taher el-Nounou, an adviser to the new political leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, said: “Abbas is tossing small grenades into Gaza. He wants to create a hostile environment in Gaza against Hamas. But you can say that he has failed. Abbas misread the situation. Maybe you can say that Hamas has not won, but Abbas has definitely lost.”
In the Gaza Strip, Haniyeh has the support of 55 percent of those surveyed recently, vs. 39 percent who support Abbas, the largest gap ever between the two, according to the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in Ramallah.
Israel is watching Gaza closely, worried that pressure on Hamas could push the group’s militia to start lobbing rockets again, an escalation that would be answered by retaliatory strikes.
Israel has fought three wars in nine years with Hamas.
Israel’s defense minister, Avigdor Liebrman, said that Abbas was goading Hamas toward war. “In my opinion, the strategy is to hurt Hamas and also to drag Hamas into a conflict with Israel,” he said at a security conference in June.
The crisis has stoked a growing sense of instability--and previously unthinkable alliances.
Instead of pushing an isolated Hamas toward collapse or capitulation, the pressure is sending the militants in Gaza into the arms of Abbas’s greatest rival, a Palestinian leader named Mohammed Dahlan.
Egypt’s intelligence officials have been coaxing Hamas to seek new “understandings” with Dahlan.
When Hamas seized control of Gaza in 2007 after winning parliamentary elections the year before, Dahlan was running the security apparatus in Gaza for Abbas’s Fatah movement, and his forces fought in the streets against Hamas gunmen. For years, Dahlan has been persona non grata in Gaza, hated by Hamas leaders.
Dahlan is also one of a handful of names on a shortlist of possible successors to Abbas. A protege of Yasser Arafat, Dahlan was forced into exile in 2011, kicked out of Fatah the same year and accused of corruption and defamation, charges he denies.
From his villa in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates, Dahlan plots his comeback. He is well positioned--with powerful friends in Saudi’s new crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, Abu Dhabi’s crown prince Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Egypt’s President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi.
To ease the electricity crisis, Egypt in the past two weeks began sending tanker trucks filled with diesel to run Gaza’s sole electricity generating plant. In Gaza, Dahlan gets the credit.
“Now we are in a potential new era. Dahlan could be back in the Gaza Strip, either physically present or operating by remote control from Egypt. He could be an influential figure, very suitable for Hamas and Israel at the same time,” said Kobi Michael, a former head of the Palestinian desk at Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs.
“The biggest potential loser is not Hamas,” Michael said. “It is Abbas.”
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Julie + Jeffrey
Tumblr media
Julie Pays: France Jeffrey Pays: États-Unis
Julie et Jeffrey sont un jeune couple qui vit avec leur petite fille, Madeleine, non loin de Prospect Park, dans le quartier Crown Heights à Brooklyn. Je me suis rendue chez eux le 23 mai 2015 pour les interviewer.
Ils se sont rencontrés en août 2012. Julie devait rester un mois et demi aux Etats-Unis pour travailler en tant que sculptrice sur terre pour une entreprise à Long Island. Cependant, tout ne s’est pas passé comme prévu, elle a quitté son travail et elle est devenue nounou dans le Bronx afin de profiter du temps qui lui restait pour visiter New York : « Un jour, en voulant aller à Central Park, je me suis perdue et je suis tombée par hasard sur un marché où ils vendaient plein de livres d’occasion. Je me suis dit qu’il y aurait sûrement quelqu’un de sympa là-bas pour me donner la route. Après avoir trouvé 20 livres, je suis arrivée devant une personne pour les acheter et cette personne était Jeffrey.» 
Tous deux ont commencé à discuter et ils se sont aperçus qu’ils avaient une chose en commun : le bois. En effet, Julie était sculptrice sur bois à Paris et Jeffrey avait travaillé sur certains projets et appris à travailler cette matière.
Julie resta sur le marché jusqu’à la fermeture, c’était la première fois qu’elle rencontrait une personne qui pouvait lui dire des choses sympas à faire à New York. Pour rigoler, elle a offert à Jeffrey une bague qu’elle avait achetée dans un distributeur de gadgets, « c’était comme si qu’on s’était mariés directement.» Comme dit Jeffrey c’était une “prophetic joke...” / « une blague prémonitoire...»
Après avoir passé quelques heures ensemble, Jeffrey devait rentrer chez lui, “I had to go back to my new apartment, in Brooklyn. I said to my new roommates that I would get them a bottle of wine and weed so we could get to know each other. And she gives me that look, you know.” / «Je devais retourner dans mon nouveau appartement, à Brooklyn. J’ai dit à mes nouveaux colocataires que je leur ramènerais une bouteille de vin et de la weed pour qu’on apprenne à se connaître et Julie m’a jeté un regard !»
Finalement, il lui a proposé de venir avec lui en pensant qu’elle ne lui suivrait pas car ils vivaient loin l’un de l’autre : Julie dans le Bronx et Jeffrey à Brooklyn. « À l’époque j’étais dans une phase où je ne pensais pas trop, j’ai dit “pas de soucis, je viens” », avoue Julie.
Depuis ce jour là, ils sont restés ensemble et se sont mariés un mois et demi après, puis la semaine suivante « on a appris que j’étais enceinte. Je lui ai dit qu’il n’était pas obligé de rester, que je pouvais retourner en France. J’étais sans papiers, enceinte, dans un pays que je ne connaissais pas » dit Julie. Jeffrey ne l’a pas quittée et elle s’est installée avec lui à New York. 
« Dès le début on a beaucoup connecté, je n’ai pas senti de différences entre nous. C’est assez étrange, je me suis sentie très proche d’un homme qui était complètement d’une autre culture. Par contre, en général, comparé à la France je trouve que les Etats-Unis est un pays où il y a plus d’opportunités, tout semble possible. J’étais un peu déprimée à l’époque quand je suis venue ici parce que je venais de terminer mes études et j’avais travaillé énormément, je suis devenue très bonne dans ce que je faisais et je me rendais compte qu’en France il n’y avait pas beaucoup d’opportunités. Le fait de venir ici m’a vraiment libérée. J’étais soulagée de me dire qu’il n’y avait pas que la France, il y avait aussi tout le reste du monde et il y avait beaucoup plus de choses à vivre et à faire. On grandit avec certaines idées et on ne s’imagine pas que ça peut être vraiment différent ailleurs jusqu’à ce qu’on vive à l’étranger», raconte Julie.
Quant à Jeffrey, le voyage qu’il a fait en France lorsqu’il était plus jeune l’a beaucoup influencé. “I really just love everything French pretty much. I like the relaxed atmosphere, the food, spending time with the family, just talking with food and drink. I kind of idealize the French, just happy with the family. For Americans it’s more about your career, more about making money. I like to relax but in New York you have to work hard…”/  «J’aime quasiment tout ce qui touche à la France. J’aime cette atmosphere plutôt calme, la nourriture, passer du temps avec la famille, juste discuter autour d’un verre accompagné d’un bon plat. Je suis du genre à idéaliser la France, être heureux avec sa famille. Pour les américains c’est plus leur carrière, gagner de l’argent. Moi, j’aime me détendre mais à New York tu dois travailler dur…»
Leurs différences culturelles ne s’interfèrent pas non plus dans l’éducation de leur fille, Madeleine. « On a la même vision de l’élever. On aime bien qu’elle expérimente, qu’elle découvre, on ne se prend pas trop la tête. Par contre, c’est important pour moi qu’elle parle français parce que mes parents parlent pratiquement que cette langue et j’ai envie qu’elle ait un lien avec eux et qu’elle puisse communiquer», dit Julie.
A la fin de notre conversation, nous nous sommes promenés dans Prospect Park avant de nous dire au revoir.
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