The press conference was called together as quickly as possible - Hades not wanting one moment more than necessary to pass in which the Swynlake public was not informed of the decision, as well as Tom's own explanation for his past. The quicker, the better, in Hades opinion. Then the pathway forward for Keaton to take up the office of sheriff would be clear and Swynlake could put this PR disaster behind them.
And yeah, Hades thought about it as a PR disaster first. The fucking MAFIA. That was who he was thinking about. The MAFIA were back, for the third time in a year. They had their eye on Swynlake. They might even have members living here.
He needed to put a meeting on the books with Sheriff Keaton to discuss the threat at once.
So when it came to Clarion - well, quite frankly, she was lower on his list of things to worry about. From his point of view, he'd handled the Thomas scandal as efficiently as one could and Thomas was also of no real threat to Swynlake. Hades knew that because of his own secrets, of course. That Thomas had taken a blood oath -- that he physically could never take the life of another creature.
And he knew the man's character. That was not the man that soft-hearted Thomas Harrington was.
He raised his eyebrows at Clarion's demanding tone. Rude, it was. He bristled, wanted to roll his eyes, even wanted to suggest that Clarion book an appointment like anyone else. Get in line. Wait your turn.
But that wasn't going to do anything to improve relations with the forest, eh?
So he kept his cheek to himself. Hades just nodded solemnly, nothing in his countenance suggesting his rising annoyance with Clarion's presumptive behavior. "Alright," he agreed and then headed to his office with the fairy queen in tow.
The door was shut and locked.
Hades sat down at his desk. He gestured for Clarion to sit but he doubted she would. "Let's talk. I know the matter with Harrington is shocking. I was shocked too." Not a lie. He was shocked that the fucking MAFIA exposed this of all bloody people.
The Shield of the Law ✨ Vasileía
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The gates opened much to Hades's surprise. His mouth fell into a gentle O, eyes widening to match. They were here. Not just in the Emerald City but here at the grand palace of the Wizard. Here was the place where miracles happened. And Hades Underland and Belphaba Thropp were invited.
They walked in slowly, in part because of Belphaba's absurdly short legs and in part because Hades needed to soak everything in. He hardly noticed that Chauncey the Monkey did not speak. He assumed he was just taking his post seriously. What a grand post to hold too -- providing security for the Wizard!
The further down the hall they got though, the more the eerie silence raised goosebumps on Hades's arms.
He murmured to Belphaba, "I don't know why but I thought it'd be -" he paused, searching for a word. "More lively?"
They came to two massive brass doors. Chauncey tapped it twice and grunted. They creaked open, slowly, slowly, slowly, revealing bit by bit a chamber with the highest ceilings Hades had ever seen. His mouth once again fell in awe.
Then smoke pooled from a contraption in the centre of the room.
"WHO ASKS FOR ME!" boomed a voice.
Hades flinched, squeezing Belphaba's hand in his own.
"Goodness gracious," uttered Hades. He shot a pale look at Belphaba. "What shall we say?!"
We Deserve Each Other 💚🩷 [Loud Bell || Valentine's Day AU]
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The Gatekeeper looked unimpressed.
Hades drew himself up at the look, tilting his head to show off his good side, his famous Underland jawline, in hopes that the gatekeeper would recognize him as the son of Chronos and Opal Underland. He probably did but this is exactly what Hades was warning Belpaba about. He had no reason to open the gates.
After several beats of blank staring, Hades huffed, took a step forward, and added.
"Madame Morrible sent us."
Well, that was an embellishment but Hades figured that Madame Morrible would have, if they consulted her first, and their most intelligentious teacher would recognize that time was at the matter and forgive them.
The gatekeeper reacted. "Did she?" He let out a breath that fluttered his long mustache hairs. "We received no letter."
"It's probably lagging behind. We took the express train," said Hades. "We had to get here at once, you see, it's a life or death matter."
The gatekeeper's mustache wiggled once more. "Belphaba Thropp, you said."
"And Hades. Hades Underland of the Underlands."
"One moment."
The gatekeeper vanished. Hades huffed a second time, glancing back at Belphaba. "See, I told you. We ought to have called my father."
We Deserve Each Other 💚🩷 [Loud Bell || Valentine's Day AU]
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A Fire in the Dark ~~ [Hot Todes]
Immediately after the news drops, Tom is summoned to the Mayor's office and a decision is made...[takes place: February 28th, mid-day]
[cw -- none really]
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TOM: Tom never looked forward to meetings with Hades Acheron, but this felt like a particularly fraught convergence.
He wasn’t even sure what he was going to say or what he was doing here. Well, he knew what he was doing here. He had been summoned. But, they all knew how this ended. There was a formality in it that Tom appreciated, he supposed. Tom was a man of pomp and circumstance. Raised in the Order, spending years in the military. It made all of this easier to bear if there was an organization to it.
Once he had been given the go ahead by Ms. Madrigal, he entered the office, now familiar to him. The backs of the portraits that lined the desk, the smell of old books on the shelves, and the cold, hard gaze of the mayor.
For some reason, it was easier to meet his gaze than Ms. Madrigal’s had been or anyone else’s as he’d crossed the street, for that matter. Maybe because Hades had known the truth the whole time. Or, maybe, because Tom could never quite shake his deference to authority.
“Mr. Acheron,” Tom greeted. He cleared his throat. “I, uh, apologize for any…inconvenience the recent news has caused.”
~~ ~~ ~~ [link here] ~~ ~~ ~~
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The Emerald City was dazzling.
But of course! How else could it be? This was the centre of Oz, where all roads led, where people of all manner and backgrounds conversed and did business and shared their pleasure. As wealthy as the Underlands were for their resources, it was still a small, humble place in comparison to all this. Hades had hungered for this: for skyscrapers that touched the clouds, for the hottest fashions debuting in the shop windows, for the energy!
He had wanted to be in the centre of the world. Here he was, at last. For that first moment, all he could do was take it all in. And then look at Belphaba, and murmur fondly, "We used to talk about this place."
It was true - they did, their first year. Granted, usually those conversations took the form of argument - who would get here first and why.
But still. It was a dream he and Belphaba shared.
Yet this trip wasn't for pleasure. There was no time to actually go into those shops and try on the latest fashion or get a haircut or even enjoy a song or dance routine - Animal lives were at stake! And so Hades took a deep breath and pushed his own fancifying away. For now.
Once the Animal matter was settled, the Wizard would be so impressed with himself and Belphaba he'd throw them a parade anyhow!
"Right then." Hades sucked his teeth. "We should head straight to the Wizard then! Come along, you should hold my hand so I don't lose you. You're so short and green, you'll blend in with the shrubbery!"
Then he took Belphaba's hand and marched toward the city centre, following the signs accordingly.
We Deserve Each Other 💚🩷 [Loud Bell || Valentine's Day AU]
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This was one of Belphaba's many problems. She was too proud.
So was Hades. The Underlands were a proud people. They didn't like to be embarrassed nor did they want to ask for help; however, they saw the strategy in friendships and in the art of giving and owing favors. These things took a genteel hand and a certain charm that transcended the magical. It took a smile. It took the right word.
Belphaba couldn't understand such methods. She barreled on like a great, green tornado, demanding all see and acknowledge her, both the good (Hades admitted, she had talent and intelligence) and the bad (oh, that was a long list).
He pursed his lips at her stubborness now. "And if the Gatekeeper does not open the gates? If it is not enough? What then?" Hades challenged. "We should have a back-up plan."
As he said this, the train's whistle screeched. Hades startled and once again glanced out the window.
They were pulling into the station.
We Deserve Each Other 💚🩷 [Loud Bell || Valentine's Day AU]
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"Oh, thank goodness you brought me along," uttered Hades, as if he had been invited, rather than forced upon Belphaba (by himself).
Because obviously one did not simply march up to the Wizard and demand help! Well, the Wizard was there to help, naturally, that was his paternalistic duty. But there still required finesse. He was a busy man. Many people wanted and needed his help. And so they ought to be prepared with a proper case. They ought to be deserving of that help.
Hades crossed his legs. "Well of course that's what we're going to do but it's the way we do it," Hades emphasized. "We can't just go barging in there! We need to win an audience with him first. We should make sure he understands that we're pupils of Madame Morrible's! Her very best pupils. That ought to be a good start."
He drummed his fingers against the bench. "Hm, perhaps I could make a call to my parents as well, they know one of the secretaries at the Wizard's palace, they could possibly help..."
We Deserve Each Other 💚🩷 [Loud Bell || Valentine's Day AU]
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Hades blinked - his first reaction was to snap and say that his relationship with Belle was none of his business. In fact, it was none of anyone's business and should have no bearings on Hades's term as a mayor, or his next term, if he was voted in.
Except naturally did.
Details like that were quite attractive to a certain type of voter (and not to make assumptions but those voters were usually - female, with children of their own). He didn't perform very well with such a demographic. So if this was Mads trying to help him, Hades shouldn't spit in his face.
"Oh, I mean - everything," said Hades. He even smiled, like the question was the easiest thing in the world. "She's extremely smart, I noticed that first off. And passionate about making the world a better place. We have that in common even though she has her own opinions or approaches to making things better, and I have mine. She'd never go into politics, but she went through law school all while pregnant, just because she was that determined. She inspires me."
None of that was false though Hades did feel like he was laying it on a bit thick. Still, that's what you had to do, eh?
On Air With Hades Acheron || Mades
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"What are you talking about? You wear that all the time," uttered Hades, which was not the correct thing to utter. At Belphaba's searing glare, he tossed up his hands in surrender.
"I mean, of course! We can't show up like this to the Wizard. Let's change, and I'll arrange the tickets for the train."
The train ride was painful and dull, Belphaba as cold and silent as stone. Or rather, topiary. Considering she was green.
It left Hades with time to think, which he hated. He gazed out the window as the Ozian countryside swept by as memories of his first year at Shiz, memories which he'd banished to the cobwebbed corners of his fabulous brain, now cropped up. His heart lurched, thinking of the lunches he once spent with Toulouse and Belphaba. How he had shown off his scarves and jewelry to Toulouse, who had a taste for luxury. And got into riveting debates with Belphaba after their sorcery classes, debates which evolved into arguments and into spats but...nothing that lasted past dinnertime.
And then he thought about how sweetly Belphaba would blush when Toulouse came into the room.
How quickly study sessions became just the two of them in the library.
These things didn't matter now. And yet, it was a long, long train ride.
"There it is," Hades finally murmured, and then he sat up straighter. "The Emerald City! We should be there in the next half-hour if that." He glanced at Belphaba. "...We might want to talk about what we'll say to the Wizard."
We Deserve Each Other 💚🩷 [Loud Bell || Valentine's Day AU]
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One Step At A Time || [Loud Bell]
Summary: Hades, Lou, Belle, and Raksha attend an important doctor's appointment...
[ cw - pregnancy]
@lou-bonfightme @labellerose-acheron
The hospital was, as always, a living organism with nurses, doctors, and interns rushing in their white coats through the winding hallways to get from place to place. All of that was shut away on the other side of the door though. Where Belle, Lou, Hades, and Raksha waited in the examination room was quiet and clean as a church.
[Read Here!]
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She had a point; Hades had no idea where she was going.
He had no idea where he was going either. His brain raced to find the answer. He needed to go to the place where he could fix this, where he could help, whether Belphaba wanted him there or not. He needed to find someone with the resources or with the knowledge or the power to explain what was going on with the Animal issue and why Toulouse had been snatched.
There was only one place and one person that fit such a description. It was not the Governor of Munchkinland (dreadful dolt that he was, no offense to Belphaba, but he knew she thought very little of her own father anyway). And it was not his own parents, who were high up in the rankings of the Underland. So far removed from the rest of the country, they would never offer any resources..
The answer was simply - the Wizard.
Hades needed to go see the Wizard!
"I already told you, I'm going, whether you like it or not!" Hades exclaimed. He spun around on her now and got in her way. "You can't stop me just as I can't stop you. But I'm just as clever as you are - you can admit that much. So either we combine our forces or we don't. Me, I'm going to appeal to the Wizard. What about you?"
We Deserve Each Other 💚🩷 [Loud Bell || Valentine's Day AU]
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Hades's perfectly sculpted eyebrows crumpled. Several times, he opened his mouth but Belphaba barked over him.
The worstiful part was she was right.
The Animal issue in Oz had gotten worse and worse. Protests sprung up from region to region, even as far-reaching as the Underlands, though such gatherings were quickly squashed. Hades did not understand the issues but that was because he looked the other way purposefully. He liked his pink, perfect bubble. It was safe. And it was easier to escape to when he felt his loneliest.
But -- wasn't now better than never? He could still hear Toulouse's howl ripping through the Ozdust. That terrible whimper when they'd clamped a muzzle on him and dragged him off.
The pursuit resumed.
Hades once again caught up to Belphaba. "My legs are much longer than yours, so I do not think so," he quipped. "In fact, we might go faster if you were to hop onto my back."
Belphaba didn't like that. Hades persisted.
"What I mean is I'm not going away! Fine if you don't want my help! But I'm still coming along because I do care and want to fix this and although it makes much more sense to work together, well, if not, I will just work two steps ahead of you - literally!"
With that, he took two long strides to overtake Belphaba.
We Deserve Each Other 💚🩷 [Loud Bell || Valentine's Day AU]
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Hades should have expected that.
He and Belphaba were... civil to each other. But what did 'civil' matter in the face of incivility? For flagrant Animal abuse and discrimination and torturement right before their very eyes? She looked at Hades and thought he was one of those frivolous and fabulous creatures who wanted nothing more than to dance their worries away.
And she was not entirely wrong. A large part of Hades yearned to do just that. Turn away, join his friends, find another drink, kiss someone almost as dashing as him.
But he could not get the tender look that passed between Toulouse and Belle out of his mind. It would haunt him; he just knew it. The only way to dispossess himself was to - to - dear Oz - do something!
Here he was. Doing something.
And he kept doing something, speeding after Belphaba. His much longer legs easily caught up with her once they were up the grand staircase and out in the wings of the Ozdust.
"Wait! Belphy, wait!" the name slipped from his lips so easily, as though it hadn't been over a year since he last referred to her so fondly.
His hand fell on her shoulder. "I'm coming with you! You can't help Toulouse all on your own!"
We Deserve Each Other 💚🩷 [Loud Bell || Valentine's Day AU]
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Hades was frozen in place.
He could not move. Even though he tried - even though he opened his mouth and closed it again like a helpless, dying goldfish - no sound came out and his muscles has become stiff as stone. The air broke into a thousand disparate pieces-- screeches, growls, barks, roars, and howls. Even Belphaba sounded more like an Animal than a girl as she shrieked and clawed.
Only when all the Animals were gone did her sobbing fill the space instead, wet, and alone, and impossibly human.
Hades's eyes darted around - to the door where the guards had gone and then to the floor where bits of fur and feathers had strewn in all sorts of colors. "B-Belphaba..." he stammered. He took another step toward his roommate, his once-friend, not sure what he could do.
"What are you doing?" hissed Rezalia from behind. She clamped a hand on Hades's shoulder.
Hades didn't know. He glanced back at her.
Someone at the stage cleared their throat. "Let's start the music! Come, come, everyone dance!"
The music struck up. But the instruments sounded discordant to Hades's ears, the smiles on everyone's faces forced as they tried to fill the floor again and dance like nothing had happened. But that was mad. This was all - mad!
Hades shook off Rezalia's hand. "We shouldn't dance. Belphaba is right, that -- we need to go after them!"
"Why? There's nothing we can do!" hissed Rezalia.
Hades shook his head again. Then finally, with more confidence than he'd had since seeing Belphaba arrive, he strode toward her and reached for her hand.
"Come on, we need to get out of here."
We Deserve Each Other 💚🩷 [Loud Bell || Valentine's Day AU]
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Hades had not been thinking.
He had not been thinking because as previously established, that was the Underland way. He had seen the brooch and donated it because, why, he wasn't getting any use of it. It was a joke, but a private little chuckle under his breath in their dorm room was quite different from the growing guffaws of the Ozdust.
What had he really been trying to accomplish? What was the point? Hades hadn't thought ahead - he didn't know. It didn't matter at all as Toulouse kissed Belphaba's cheek and she smiled. Hades even saw the brooch in a different light. It had been so stark and cold when he'd held it up next to his own clothes and accessories. But as the lights from the ballroom bathed Belphaba, the spindles tossed geometric patterns, the dimensions of its color deeper and more complicated than Hades had ever appreciated.
It was unique. Like Toulouse and like Belphaba.
She's happier than me. The thought struck Hades like a broom to the face. Here he was, an Underland - rich, fabulous, beautiful and popular. And yet - She's happy, and I'm not.
He felt a fool, his cheeks now the same colour as his silky, free-flowing gown and the rhinestones that decorated the corners of his eyes. Blinking, he decided - well, he was going to say something. He was going to apologize. No, he was going to compliment her!
"Hold this," said Hades, handing off his flute. He flourished his robes and began to glide over to the small gathering of Animal students.
But before he got there, the doors slammed open and the music screeched to a halt. So did Hades-- lurching in place as policemen flooded the ballroom, heading directly for the same group of Animal students.
We Deserve Each Other 💚🩷 [Loud Bell || Valentine's Day AU]
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Because I knew you I have been changed... For good.
Hades Underland && Belphaba && Toulouse :: Wicked AU
@trip-downtheriverstyx // @labellerose-acheron // @lou-bonfightme
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the three laws of tragedies (insp)
#tbh this is very loud bell coded too this whole tragedy thing#bc we do a lot with the Fates#wicked!loud bell#inspo
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