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Why aren’t the Gaza and Palestine tags trending anymore?
Are some people just done talking because of the ICJ’s hearing and subsequent ruling? (That’s when I noticed the tag start to dip.)
It’s still happening.
Innocent people are still being murdered
Innocent people are still starving
Innocent people are still losing their parents, siblings, children, friends, and neighbors
Innocent people are still fearing for their lives
Israel is currently committing war crimes with the full support of: President Biden (USA), Chancellor Scholz (Germany), Prime Minister Sunak (UK), President Macron (France), Prime Minister Meloni (Italy).
I just don’t understand what’s happening, why is this losing steam? Please, someone, explain it to me. I genuinely want to know.
My pinned post is still, and for the foreseeable future will always be, sulfurcosmos post, which shows you ways you can help Palestine - but always do your own research!
Find ways to spread the word.
Tell your family, tell your friends, tell your coworkers.
Repost others posts that help spread the word.
Lift up Palestinians voices.
Please don’t let this just go away.
Please don’t let those voices be silenced.
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rehamoworld · 27 days ago
Dear friends - In these fateful moments that we live together, we need you to stand by us so that we can rebuild our lives again and return home. Your support will be a real support in the journey of recovery and reviving what the days have destroyed, in addition to completing our digital journey here. Every contribution, no matter how simple, makes a big difference and gives us hope to continue on the path. We trust you and thank you for all the support and giving you provide.
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@hello-from-the-night-archives @honeytonedhottie @heritageposts @joshpeck @kianamaiart @klugpuuo @loumandforyou @love-personal @zoella @cockworkangels @cheloneuniverse @cheaperimint @v-arbellanaris @vanessahudgens @behemothman @blackfashion @nabulsi @maester-cressen @mar64ds @northshore-hawaii @garfieldminusgarfield @gazanarchive @notrecommendedforlife-blog @hatreds-og-imagedescriptions @greetings-fiends @geekydragon @ghostofanonpast @garden-of-vegan @fan-art-ic @finalgirlabigailhobbs @dvanaestmrva @stalinistqueens @solarpaintdragon @sar-soor @sissa-arrows @anyonghalimaw @antinmonyie @a-scary-lack-of-common-sense @amatteurrwave
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Pinned on my page is a post by @sulfurcosmos that shows all the ways you can help Palestine.
Even if you just reblog their post - that's fine! You're reblog matters and will help the post reach more people.
Please, take the time to look at the ways you can help Palestine and the countless lives affected.
Stay safe everyone,
((Art has always helped me process things - this isn't meant to make light of any of the tragedies that have happened.
I'm hoping, by posting this, I can share the information to this fandom that has helped me through a lot.))
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*Gently patting BroZone*
Oh, yeah, these bad boys can fit so much angst in them.
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notrecommendedforlife-blog · 11 months ago
More Bramble Rose (Transfem Branch)
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(click for better quality)
Bramble's updo and headband look are inspired by @trollsblogig 's Trans Branch ♡
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Me, thinking of new fics to write, gently cradling Branch in my hands: How can I fuck you up today?
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Floyd: Branch, you are gonna do the most important thing of all; you’re gonna take care of Grandma.
Branch: Floyd, I’m an infant.
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Transfem Branch!!!!!!
Meet Bramble Rose 💙
I am very proud with how she turned out <3 I’m glad I was able to finish this before I finished my Trans!Branch fic!!
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Bruce & Brandi’s Kids
(I have named Bruce & Brandi’s kids, as well as figured out their color pallets!!)
(Oldest to youngest - Name - Body color - Stripe color - Hair color)
Luca - Marigold orange - Apricot orange - Candy red
Dante - Periwinkle purple - Magenta purple - Violet purple
Antonio - Marigold orange - Apricot orange - Violet purple
Enzo - Mint green - Seafoam green - Violet purple
Rowan - Lavender purple - Iris purple - Magenta pink
Stix - Teal blue - Cyan blue - Indigo blue
(Rowan & Stix are twins, and named after Bruce’s parents)
Jett - Bumblebee yellow - Gold yellow - Spruce blue
(Named after Clay- Jett is a rock related name)
Flynn - Lime green - Forest green - Magenta pink
(Named after Floyd)
Fischer - Sapphire blue - Ocean blue - Plum purple
(Named after JD - John Dory is a type of fish, so I though Fischer would be cute)
Kai - Canary yellow - Fire orange - Cobalt blue
Noé - Ocean blue - Admiral blue - Candy red
Birch - Periwinkle purple - Magenta purple - Aegean blue
(Named after Branch <3)
Rosa - Cyan blue - Navy blue - Candy red
(Only girl and named after Grandma Rosiepuff)
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Buttercups and Bluebells
buttercups - childhood, family, innocence, joy
bluebells - forgiveness, constancy, gratitude, everlasting love
Clay reminiscences after seeing his baby brother for the first time in over two decades.
“…It takes me and you��
Branch has a content smile on his face as he observes Poppy and Viva, the two leaning against each other as they look up at the stars.
The joy in Poppy’s eyes when she learned she had a sister- it makes his smile widen.
He’s always known about her wish to have a sibling, and while he didn’t share the same enthusiasm after his own experiences with brothers, he’s happy that she’s happy.
Branch is pulled from his thoughts by a familiar weight climbing up his arm and into his hair, “Yo, Uncle B!” Small paws push on his forehead as the trolling leans down. He looks up and is greeted by wide blue eyes, yellow glasses pushed up into white hair, a green nose, and silver glitter skin.
“What’s up, Tiny?”
“Do I got any long-lost siblings?”
Branch huffs out a quiet chuckle causing Tiny to slightly slip before righting himself.
“Last I checked, you’re the only kid Guy’s ever had. But,” He shakes his head, Tiny falling out of his hair and into his arms with a small giggle, “That might be something you talk to your Dad about.” He says before tossing Tiny up only to catch him with his hair, earning a louder laugh.
Clay watches as Branch tosses the trolling into the air with his hair, catches him, and repeats.
The last time Clay saw Branch was something he’s always regretted.
His baby brother had just been standing there, watching as the brothers fought with tears in his blue eyes. Clay hadn’t looked back when he walked out of the pod after Bruce, even when he heard Bitty B let out a small whimper.
When Floyd and Branch were born, Clay promised he’d always make them smile and be there for them when they cried.
And now-
Floyd’s trapped in a diamond, having his talent slowly stolen from him.
(A Troll is their music; what happens to Floyd when he has no more talent to give?)
Branch is standing in front of him, basically a stranger. His cyan skin is noticeably duller, his vivid indigo blue hair now a dark purple, and his eyes a stormy gray-blue.
(He’s seen what Gray Trolls look like when they regain their Colors; did Branch turn Gray because they left, or did something happen to him after they left?)
There were days when Clay would be shrouded with guilt at leaving his baby brother behind. Plans upon plans, hidden away in his room, of ways he could sneak back into the Troll Tree and bring Branch and Grandma back to Putt Putt Village.
Taking a steadying breath, Clay walks toward Branch and the trolling.
The trolling spots him before Branch can, calling out, “Green rando, incoming!”
Branch catches the trolling in his arms this time, sparing a quick glance at Clay before sending the trolling on his way to Bruce and the caterbus.
The brothers walk off to the side, away from the party the Putt Putt Trolls have started in celebration of new Trolls, sitting on a ledge and observing the Trolls run around.
Clay is the one to break the silence, “I’ve missed you, B.”
He sees Branch clench his paws, bunching up his shorts. Branch takes in a deep breath, shakily letting it out (in for four, out for three). “I missed you too.” He whispers out, the words nearly lost under the soft beat. “I missed all of you, for so long.”
Clay feels the little part of him that never healed (the part that still longs to be on stage with his brothers, the part that ached at leaving his baby brother), bend and break just a little bit more at the broken words that dance through the air.
His baby brother is sitting beside him all grown up, but Clay can’t help but think of the tiny trolling he left behind.
Clay hesitates, just for a split second, then rests his paw atop Branch’s. His brother tenses before relaxing and unclenching his fists. A second later, he feels Branch turn his paw around, tightly gripping Clay’s.
Clay’s lip tick up but he doesn’t say anything, doesn’t want to scare Branch away. The two just silently sit together.
Clay gently squeezes Branch's paw three times.
He knows they’re gonna have to talk about everything after they rescue Floyd. He knows they’re gonna scream and fight and cry. He knows it’s gonna take a lot more than a song and a hug for Branch to truly trust him, or any of them, again.
But, Clay’s willing to do it.
He’s willing to take all the screaming, anger, and sadness that Branch throws at him. He’s willing to do everything he can to earn Branch’s trust and forgiveness.
When Branch squeezes back three times, Clay’s smile widens and he feels the faintest spark of hope in that broken little part of him.
Clay is leaning against the wall underneath the table, Grandma’s sky-blue tablecloth brushing against the ground and hiding him.
Today’s been a Bad Day.
JD has been on all of them about being “perfect”, which is becoming a daily occurrence. All the lights have been too bright. His wristbands are dirty so Grandma took them to clean, leaving his wrists feeling bare and itchy. His vest felt too stiff and scratchy against his back. None of his dance moves have been landing quite right, but no matter what he does Trolls will still laugh at him.
Trolls will always laugh at him.
Tears fill Clay’s eyes as he presses his face into his knees, his paws harshly gripping his yellow hair.
The others don’t get it.
John is the “Leader”, Trolls respect him.
Spruce is the “Heartthrob”, Trolls love him.
Floyd is the “Sensitive One”, Trolls just want to care for him.
But, Clay?
Clay’s just the “Fun One”.
No matter what he does, even if it’s not funny, Trolls are there to laugh at him.
And therein lies the problem - they’ll laugh at him, not with him.
The others don’t understand what it’s like to have everyone constantly laughing at you.
It’s so dumb! He has more emotions than just being happy and having fun! Why can his brothers have bad days, but he can’t?
Clay clenches his jaw to stifle the sob that tries to break free, though he can’t stop the few tears that roll down his face.
He gasps and flinches back when a small paw touches his cheek, clumsily wiping away his tears.
Looking up he sees that his 2-month-old brother, Branch, has crawled underneath the table to join him.
Clay chuckles, though it sounds more like a sob, and frees his hair from the tight grip he has on it. He gently scoops up Branch, the quiet trolling making a questioning hum before getting comfortable in his arms. Branch soon brings both his paws to Clay’s face, now determinedly wiping away the tears that are still steadily falling.
Eventually, his tears slow to a stop and he curls around his baby brother.
“Sorry ‘bout that, Bitty B.” He mumbles into Branch’s indigo hair, “Big bro Clay just got a lil’ overwhelmed.” Branch hums and wraps his arms around Clay’s neck.
They sit there for a few minutes, just soaking up each other's presence.
“Cryin’ is okay,” Branch’s quiet voice murmurs into Clay’s neck, “Sometimes I feel li’e cryin’, an’ I don’ know why.”
Clay sighs, of course, Branch immediately knows what to say. He leans back to press his forehead against Branch’s.
“I know, bud. But it’s a bit different for me.”
Branch leans away with a huff, a pout firmly on his face, “Tha’’s no’ fair.”
When the blue trolling crosses his arms, looking so much like their Baba, Clay breathes out a quiet laugh.
He observes his baby brother as Branch leans back against his legs.
He has the same cyan skin, bright blue eyes, and indigo hair that Baba had. The same pout and furrowed brows that Baba got when Ma wouldn’t let them cook, he even crosses his arms and scrunches up his nose when he’s thinking really hard about something just like Baba did.
Now there’s something he shouldn’t be thinking about on a Bad Day, his parents.
His parents always made sure Clay could express his not-so-happy emotions, not that Grandma didn’t try! But having to deal with 5 boys on top of losing her child and daughter-in-law and the constant threat of Bergens? Even Clay knows that’s a lot to take on and she’s run ragged more often than not.
But Clay still misses the days when his Ma would teach him different things, and his Baba would sit with him while he screamed and cried out all his Bad Feelings.
He misses when performing with his brothers was fun.
“We coul’ make a se’ret signal!” Branch quietly exclaims to him, breaking Clay from the downward spiral his thoughts were dragging him on.
Clay quirks an eyebrow, “Secret signal?”
Branch nods, a wide toothless smile stretched across his face that causes his eyes to scrunch up. Clay feels a soft smile form on his face at the look, getting a genuine smile or laugh from his family is a thousand times better than their fans.
“Whatcha got in mind, Blueberry?”
Branch cups Clay’s face with his paws, “Squeezes!”
Clay chuckles as Branch squeezes his face between his small paws, “Squeezes?”
Branch’s smile somehow widens at his brother’s quiet laugh, “Yeah!” He starts to gently tap his hind paws against his brother's stomach, his excitement trying to escape him, “When we’re out, we can hol’ paws and talk through squeezes! I can squeeze two times to ask if ‘ou’re okay and if ‘ou squeeze back two times ‘ou are, and if ‘ou squeeze back one time I can ask ‘ou to take me home so ‘ou can be ‘lone!”
All the weight that was pressing on Clay’s chest starts to lighten as his baby brother’s eyes sparkle with happiness at being able to help him.
Clay ignores the warm tears filling up his eyes, instead pulling Branch into a tight hug. He takes a deep breath in (four seconds in; JD, Spruce, Floyd, Branch), shakily letting it out (three seconds out; Baba, Ma, Grandma). Clay repeats this a few times, reluctantly amused when he feels Branch copying him.
“Bad idea?” Branch asks, his smile fading at the new tears that drip into his hair.
Clay leans back, taking Branch’s face in his paws and squeezing twice, “Great idea.”
The blue trolling’s smile returns, even brighter than before. His small paws return to Clay’s face, squeezing back twice.
“Can I add somethin’?”
Branch excitedly nods his head up and down, his cheeks still smooshed between Clay’s paws, and his paws holding onto Clay’s bare wrists. He gently squeezes Branch’s face three times, Branch making a questioning hum.
“Three squeezes for ‘I love you’.”
Branch looks shocked for a second before giggling and squeezing Clay’s wrists three times, “I love ‘ou too, Clay.”
Clay wraps his arms around Branch once again, curling tightly around his baby brother. All the Bad Feelings seem to disappear at those words and the familiar weight in his arms.
“I love you more, Branch.”
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Trolls HC:
So seahorses greet their partners with a dance as a way to confirm their partners alive and reinforce their bond
Now, in my mind, Techno Trolls do too!!
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the stars where we’re livin’
It took a week for Clay to finally calm down enough to return to their pod
(Clay takes care of Branch AU)
Chapter 1: Returning Home
First chapter of this story! I’m going to be posting it on ao3 under the same name <3
(also @elijah-doodle :P)
After spending the week at a friend's pod, Clay was calm enough to return home.
Upon entering the pod, he was shocked to see his Grandma sitting on the couch looking haggard and tired; her mint hair in disarray, deep bags under her eyes, and a frown pulling at the corners of her mouth.
“Grandma?” Clay hesitantly whispers, flinching back when she springs up at his voice. He’s even more shocked when tears fill her eyes as she rushes forward to pull him into a hug.
“Clay, baby- my baby,” Grandma Ro murmurs into his hair, squeezing him as close as she can. Feeling the way she shakes, Clay wraps his arms around her. 
Soon, she leans back, keeping one paw on his shoulder while the other cups his face. Mint eyes check him over, tears steadily falling down her face. She lets out a relieved sob, causing him to panic and throw his arms back around her, which prompts Grandma Ro to let out all of the tears she’s been trying to hold back.
Eventually, the sobs come to a gradual stop and, even though Clay feels uncomfortable with all the moisture accumulating in his hair, Clay guides her back to the couch. Grandma Ro keeps her paws wrapped tightly around one of Clay’s own like she’s afraid to let go.
“I’m sorry I was gone for so long,” Clay says, unsure where to go after that.
Usually, when he and his brothers have huge fights that lead to them walking out of the pod, Clay will spend a day or two at a friend's. But this time, with the first show of the tour, the “Perfect Family Harmony”, quitting the band, and a bunch of tiny stuff that piled up over time, Clay felt like he was too wound up to return home - worried he’d lash out even more.
Clay takes a deep breath, keeping his focus on the small stain on his wristband, then tries to explain all that to Grandma Ro, “I swear, I meant to come back sooner, but I- it just-“ He cuts himself off when one of Grandma Ro’s paws cups his cheek, tilting his head up to look at her tear-filled eyes.
“Oh, sunshine, I’m just glad you’re here.”
His brows scrunch together in confusion, there’s definitely something more to those words.
His Grandma sighs, removing her paw from his face to run through her hair, “I thought it was just another one of your fights and everyone would be back in a few days,” She starts, Clay’s shoulders slowly coming up to his ears as dread builds in his chest, “Meadow told me that you were staying with her and Karma, so I knew you were somewhere safe, but no one could find your brothers.”
The building dread falls into his stomach before trying to claw out of him through his throat.
She takes a deep breath, just like Clay had to earlier, “Astrantia asked around, and some Trolls say they saw John, Spruce, and Floyd escaping after the show.”
Clay pulls his paw away, curling into himself, his breath coming and leaving him too fast.
His brothers are gone? They actually left?
Okay, Clay doesn’t want to continue being in the band, but that doesn’t mean he wants his brothers gone.
And sure, he’s thought about escaping the Tree before- but not without them!
The fact that John, Spruce, and Floyd actually left-
Clay jumps up from the couch, his breath coming even faster, “B- Branch- Where’s Branch?”
Grandma Ro said no one could find his brothers - it was only until the Head Guard asked around that some Trolls say they saw three of them escape - but she never mentioned Branch.
Is Branch just wandering around after the fight? Looking for them?
What if he lost his glasses? What if he’s hurt? What if a Bergen finds him? What if-
The voice, and two small arms wrapping around his leg, bring him back to himself.
Clay’s paws are clenched at the roots of his hair, a dull pain thrumming through his head and fists, his tail is curled tightly around his leg, tears are streaming down his face, and his chest aches with each rapid breath he takes in.
Clay looks down at the voice, releasing his hair, he scoops up the Trolling and collapses onto his knees. He sobs into Branch’s hair, just like his Grandma did to him minutes ago. 
Grandma Ro kneels beside him, making sure to give him space until he says otherwise.
Clay’s back! 
Grandma said Clay was still in the Tree, but Branch was worried his big brother was still upset he ruined the show- but he’s back!
That means there’s a chance Johnny and Spruce might come back too! And Floyd already promised he’d come back!
Branch wraps his arms around Clay’s neck, nuzzling against his jaw and trying to mimic the comforting coos and trills Grandma had been making to Branch all week. 
Even as he tries to comfort his big brother, Branch can’t help but wag his tail in joy.
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Genderfluid/Transfemme Miles :D
So we all know that the stripes on Miles suit are to honor Aaron- so I decided to add the eye designs the Prowler had as well, but made them softer and rounder to fit better with Miles.
The purple is again, obviously, for Aaron- while the blue is to honor 1610-Peter <3
(( inspired by @dotjpeg , they’re amazing ))
(( the art i used for a body reference was made by mellon_soup on patreon ))
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The fact that they just didn’t care to call Eduardo Franco (Argyle), even though his character was alive and in Hawkins at the end of Season 4 is so fuckin rude!
Luckily for me, I don’t think I’ll be watching S5 - especially since Gelman and Schnapp will be returning, but Eduardo Franco was cut.
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the stars where we’re livin’
It took a week for Clay to finally calm down enough to return to their pod
(Clay takes care of Branch AU)
Chapter 2: Baby Branch
When Clay wakes up, he’s curled on his side, with a throbbing ache in his head and something pressing against his chest. Blinking his eyes open, grimacing at the grainy feeling of crying himself to sleep produced, he looks around. 
Instead of the den, Clay is in Grandma Ro’s room, lying on her soft bed with a multitude of blankets and pillows surrounding him like a nest.
He goes to push himself up but stops when he hears a small whine.
Against his chest is Branch, the blue Trolling looking up at him with barely opened eyes.
His baby brother yawns, nuzzling closer, “Don’ go ag’in.”
Clay freezes, his eyes burning at the words.
Laying back down, Clay curls around his baby brother, his tail coming up and covering his face with its yellow tuft of fur. As Branch starts to tiredly purr, Clay curls up tighter, willing his tears not to fall while he hesitantly echoes the happy and comforting sound.
“Don’t worry, Baby Blue, I won’t leave you again,” Clay presses a small kiss to Branch’s forehead, “I promise.”
Clay doesn’t know how long he stays there, still purring long after Branch falls back to sleep, breathing through his need to cry. 
As he lays there, he begins to think.
That last fight hadn’t been the first one Branch witnessed, not by a long shot, but it was definitely the first fight he saw that ended with everyone walking out.
Clay was so wrapped up in his own shit, he never thought what he’d end up putting Branch through by walking out like that.
Branch should’ve never had to worry about Clay, or any of their brothers, leaving him.
But now they’re here.
John, Spruce, and Floyd left the Tree- left Grandma and him and Branch.
Did his brothers even think?
Clay squeezes his eyes shut at that thought. 
That’s not fair, he knows it’s not fair.
But his emotions are too much to think rationally about their reasons, he’s just pissed.
Clay’s thoughts are interrupted by the soft sound of the room door opening and closing, near silent steps head towards the bed.
Opening his eyes and peeking over the nest of blankets, Clay sees his Grandma sitting down on an armchair next to the bed (one that was originally in the den), giving him a small smile when she catches his eyes.
Carefully bundling Branch into his arms, Clay maneuvers around until he’s leaning against the wall of the nest with Branch still sleeping away on his chest. Branch unconsciously nuzzles closer, his small tail wrapping around Clay’s forearm.
“Here, honeybee,” He looks up to Grandma Ro holding a cup of water out to him, “You need to drink somethin’, pro’ly dehydrated yourself this mornin’.”
Clay lets the cup be guided to his mouth and takes small sips. When he’s done, he leans back and stares at the ceiling.
His Grandma lets him sit in silence, clearly waiting for him to be comfortable enough to start the conversation.
“They’re really gone?” He whispers into the silence.
Grandma Ro’s ears tilt downward, “Yes. The Guard is keeping an eye out for them, though.”
“But?” Clay asks.
She sighs, her paws clenching around the glass, “It’s nothin’ you have to worry ‘bout, baby.”
Clay clenches his jaw so hard his teeth hurt.
Nothing for him to worry about?
He’s here! He’s here and they’re not!
They escaped.
They escaped the Tree, they escaped the Bergens, they escaped Trollstice.
They escaped but left half their family here to suffer.
It’s not even the fact that they didn’t think of him or Grandma when leaving, it’s that they left Branch.
Branch who’s barely over a year old, who’s completely innocent in all their fights, who’s looked up to each of them since the day he hatched, who they all promised to protect.
But now they’re gone, so that means it’s up to Clay to keep him safe.
“Roro,” Clay’s voice cuts through the tenseness that blanketed them, his tone serious but his eyes still full of tears, “If whatever the Guard said affected you, it’ll affect me, which will affect Branch. We can’t do that anymore, we gotta be a team now.”
His Grandma searches his face, eyes eventually falling on the sleeping Trolling in his arms, then she deflates, looking so much older and world-weary than normal.
“They tried not to say anything else in front of me but, when they thought I was far enough away, they theorized that even if they made it out of Bergen Town and survived the dangers outside, they probably won’t take the risk to come back,” Her lip pulls over her teeth in a snarl, her next words a near growl, “Especially not to a broken family.”
You know what, fuck the Guard.
Fuck them and their stupid ass opinions.
They’ve never cared about any Troll except the Royal Family, despite the propaganda they love to push about protecting everyone.
They make sure the Royal Family is hidden during Chef’s sporadic visits to the Cage for a snack but never attempt to alert “lesser” Trolls, even purposely destroying the alert system that was made for that very reason!
Clay wants to tense, to let his tail lash against the bed, to growl, and let all his anger out at those words - but he doesn’t. He makes himself breathe through all his thoughts and anger, then hugs Branch closer.
Grandma Ro sighs and sets down the glass on the bedside dresser, “I’m gonna make you and Branch somethin’ to eat.”  She stands up and presses a kiss to Clay’s temple, giving him a smile when he affectionately bumps his head against her cheek, “Call me if you need anythin’, ‘kay?”
“‘Kay,” Clay mumbles back.
“What’s up, Blueberry?” Clay asks the Trolling sitting in his lap, setting the empty bowls of soup on the dresser.
Branch doesn’t look up as he plays with his tail, even when Clay wraps his arms around the Trolling, hooking his chin over Branch’s head to see what he’s doing.
“Are we a broken family?” Branch asks in a tearful voice, clenching and unclenching his paws around his tail in a self-soothing action.
Clay tightens his arms around Branch before quickly relaxing them, “No, we’re not. Where did you hear that?”
His baby brother leans back against his chest, letting go of his tail to wrap his arms around one of Clay’s arms and his tail around the other, “You and Gramma…”
Clay grimaces, “You were awake?”
How didn’t Clay notice that?
Actually- how was Branch able to fake being asleep so well?
“Mmhmm,” Branch nods against his arm.
Sighing, Clay turns Branch around to face him, Branch staring resolutely at Clay’s neck, “Can you look at me?” Tear-filled eyes look at him, and Clay gives him a soft smile, “Thank you, sweet boy.” 
Branch sniffles, a few tears falling. A comforting trill leaves Clay’s throat as he wipes away the tears.
“We are, aren’t we? Because of me?”
That question feels like a knife straight to the gut and a Bergen squishing his heart between its fingers, all in one.
“No, no, no, no,” Clay coos, “Baby boy, we aren’t broken- and even if we were, it wouldn’t be because of you.”
Branch’s wide blue eyes look doubtful and heartbroken, which is an expression no Trolling - especially his baby - should ever wear.
“We’re… messy. Our family is chaotic and messy and bendy,” Clay cups Branch’s face, pressing a kiss to his nose, “But not broken.” He rubs his thumb back and forth over Branch’s cheek, “Why do you think it’s your fault?”
Branch looks away from him again, grabbing Clay’s arm so he can fiddle with his wristband. Clay lets him, patiently waiting until Branch is ready to talk.
Soon, more tears well up and start falling down, “I fell and messed up the song,” He sobs out, “It’s my fault Johnny and Spruce and Floyd left! It’s my fault!”
Clay can’t keep the horror off his face as he hugs Branch closer and presses the Trolling’s face into the curve of his neck, shedding his own tears at the soul-crushing sobs his baby brother lets out.
Branch doesn’t know how long he hides away in Clay’s neck.
Last night, he was so happy that Clay came back! And even when his big brother started crying, Branch was happy he was able to help comfort him!
And while he’s still happy Clay’s here, more feelings are pressing down on him and making him feel bad.
Branch didn’t mean to break their family - he was trying so hard to keep up with his brothers on stage (but he didn’t remember ever practicing that move!) and he ended up ruining everything!
When Clay tries to remove Branch from his neck, Branch presses closer, soaking up as much affection as he can before Clay decides to leave too.
Too soon, Clay pulls him back, having him lean back on his curled-up legs.
Clay’s voice is soft but stern, like Gramma’s, when he asks, “I need you to listen to me, okay?”
Branch nods, but doesn’t look up. He doesn’t want to see how upset Clay is with him.
Clay doesn’t let him, instead gently cupping his face between his paws and guiding his head up. When his eyes meet Clay’s, he feels his heart hurt at the tears that fall down his big brother’s face because of him.
“You didn’t mess up anything, Branch,” When Branch goes to shake his head, Clay holds him in place, “No, you didn’t.”
Branch whines, trying to pull away but stops when Clay gently squeezes his face three times.
Clay smiles at him, rubbing his thumb back and forth over his cheek, “None of us knew JD was gonna go off script, and, in all honesty, we weren’t in the best headspaces going on stage.”
“Why?” Branch slowly brings his paws up to grab Clay’s covered wrists, squeezing back three times.
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You guuuuuuys!!!!!!!
Expect, like, so many oneshots bout this shit
The amount of happy stims that have stimed :)))))
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